‘The Old Guard’ and the Evolution of Charlize Theron – Hollywood Reporter

Therons current position as an action star while already being a celebrated, Oscar-winning actress in her 40s is unconventional. But it is also fitting for an actress known, even in her dramatic roles, for taking on unconventional characters that push against Hollywoods attempts at typecasting and hang-ups about age and glamour. Even during her emergence as an action star, Theron diversified her resume with leading roles in Tully (2018), Long Shot (2019) and Bombshell (2019), each as important to showcasing the versatility and complexities of strong women as her action roles. While Therons distinguished filmography and Oscar win for Monster (2003) certainly helped her gain a foothold in the action genre, it was still an uphill struggle when compared to Hollywoods leading men.

There is no single route for an actor to take in order to become a successful action star in Hollywood, but it should come as no surprise that men have dominated that space with even their misfires becoming victories in the overall scope of their success stories. Actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Dolph Lundgren, were largely immune to negative reviews at the height of their action-star fame, with acting often serving as a secondary attribute to their musculature and personas. Stallone was adopted into the genre, his acclaim for the serious dramatic roles of Rocky Balboa and John Rambo, which drew comparisons to Marlon Brando, served as a launchpad for international acclaim and a physical transformation geared towards action stardom. Tom Cruise, Will Smith, and Keanu Reeves became synonymous with the genre due to their charisma as leading men, despite their notable work outside of the action genre. And more recent stars like Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Vin Diesel, and Jason Statham have turned their personas into an industry of their own, balancing the brawn of action movies past with the high-concepts and special effects of present-day blockbusters. Theres not a single one of those aforementioned stars, who form a sort of old guard of their own, who wasnt given the opportunity to fail numerous times and still retain their place, not only in the genre they made a home in, but in star vehicles outside of the action genre as well.

Although she had dabbled in action elements in Reindeer Games (2000) and The Italian Job (2003), Therons first action film, came on the heels of her Oscar-nominated role of Josey Aimes in Niki Caros North Country (2005). on Flux (2005), based on the cult MTV animated show, had all the makings of a strong sci-fi film, and could have been a notable success story for women filmmakers, about a decade before the strong, and still current, push for inclusion in Hollywood. Unfortunately, Paramount Pictures took the film out of director Karyn Kusamas hands, resulting in a critical and financial disappointment with interesting ideas never brought to fruition and a lead performance never given a true chance to shine. The aftermath nearly dashed Kusamas directing career, though shes since bounced back, and Therons chances at action stardom, a space shed long wanted to be a part of.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Theron spoke on the lack of forgiveness allowed women in the genre, Unfortunately, the very sad truth of any film in the genre with a female lead, where they dont succeed, there is this mindset of, Well, if it doesnt work, you just dont touch it again. A lot of women dont get a second chance, but when men make these movies and fail miserably, they get chance after chance after chance to go and explore that againIts kind of like you get one chance, and if it doesnt work If you look at me, for instance, Fury Road came a good decade after on Flux. In that decade, Theron became an even bigger presence in Hollywood, balancing smaller films like In the Valley of Elah (2007), Young Adult (2011), and Dark Places (2015) with blockbusters like Hancock (2008), Prometheus (2012), and Snow White and the Huntsman (2012). And at the end of this decade of exploration, Furiosa emerged.

It's no stretch to say that Therons Furiosa supplanted Tom Hardys Mad Max as Fury Roads iconic antihero, and among film aficionados she became the years breakout character. The immediate positive response to Furiosa was reminiscent of the fandom surrounding Sigourney Weavers Ellen Ripley and Linda Hamiltons Sarah Connor. Theron brought a sense of mileage to Furiosa, battle-damage and a history that told the tale of a human struggle. In one the films defining scenes, a moment improvised by Theron, Furiosa falls to her knees in the sands of the wasteland, letting out a shriek that symbolizes the characters death and rebirth. Women action heroines are often noteworthy for their near invulnerability, Underworlds Selene (Kate Beckinsale), Resident Evils Alice (Milla Jovovich), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Captain Marvel (Brie Larson). But Therons action-film performances borrow from traits developed in her dramatic portrayals, like Aileen Wuornos in Patty Jenkins Monster, in that the characters she helps create are vulnerable, sometimes painfully so. A career spent in fostering empathy, both onscreen and off, has enabled Theron to create action characters whose pain, anger, and exhaustion bleeds out of the screen and onto the audience.

With The Old Guard, director Prince-Bythewood works with an awareness of her lead actors strengths. She distinguishes Andy from Therons previous action characters by also showing an awareness of the kind of masculinity that has largely dictated action movies, and then subverting those expectations. At the beginning of the film, Theron is the only woman among her team of immortals consisting of Booker (Matthias Schoenaerts), Joe (Marwan Kenzari), and Nicky (Luca Marinelli). None of these men, despite being skilled warriors, fit into the clichs of the male action hero. As a unit, the Old Guard is the antithesis of the Expendables of the 2010 film. The Old Guard includes male characters, two of whom are gay, defined by connections, desires, and humanity rather than larger-than-life personas cobbled together from famous characters of yesteryear. And Andy, as the teams leader, is never made out to be the matron or babysitter. Even when a new immortal Nile (KiKi Layne) joins their ranks, Andys journey doesnt become about accepting her maternal nature, but in finding a reason to go on living. At the same time, Andy isnt simply a case of a character who could otherwise be male cast as a woman. No, Andys experiences across time, her trauma from the Salem witch trials, her failed bonds of sisterhood, and fight to maintain control over her own body give her a distinctly female experience.

Whats fascinating about Therons role in The Old Guard, and her role in action films in general, is that there is nothing easy about the characters she plays. Beyond the physically demanding aspects, none of the action-movie characters Theron has taken on have been simplistic or entirely reliant on ass-kicking skills. While Furiosa, Cipher, Lorraine, and Andy all share a common trait of being guarded, not an easy quality to portray, the way in which Theron explores that quality and reveals the intentions of those characters manifests itself differently in each role. From the triumph of redemption, the sadistic pleasure of being the smartest one in the room, the icy calm of being able to play every angle, and the desire to be better even after thousands of years, Theron has crafted a robust repertoire of action characters reliant on the need of an actors persona to substitute for craft. In the past five years, Charlize Theron has helped set a standard of excellence for the roles of women in action films and its a legacy that hopefully is only just beginning.

View original post here:

'The Old Guard' and the Evolution of Charlize Theron - Hollywood Reporter

The Triumphalism of Strickberger’s Evolution – Discovery Institute

Editors note:Dr. Shedingeris a Professor of Religion at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He is the author of a recent book critiquing Darwinian triumphalism,The Mystery of Evolutionary Mechanisms.

Recently I acquired a copy of the fourth edition of Strickbergers Evolution (2008) from a retiring biology colleague. Edited and updated by Brian K. Hall and Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Strickbergers Evolution bills itself as the most broadly based textbook on evolution and a staple in undergraduate education in evolutionary biology.

But what will biology students actually learn from this textbook? On my reading, this textbook functions more as staple in indoctrination in Darwinian triumphalism than it does a staple in undergraduate education. In a series of posts, I hope to provide a critical review of many of the ways this textbook misleads students and fails to provide a foundation for real education, which must always present an accurate and nuanced picture of our current state of knowledge.

Here, I will point out several basic errors of fact to be found in Strickbergers Evolution. Any textbook must be rigorously fact-checked, lest the existence of clear errors undermine the credibility of all the information presented. Such a process seems not to have happened here. As one small example, Francis Galton is called Darwins first cousin in a discussion about eugenics. Of course, Galton was only Darwins half-cousin, having been born to a daughter of Erasmus Darwin who was a half-sister to Robert Darwin, Charless father.

Unlike many textbooks on evolution, Strickbergers Evolution includes a section called Belief, Religion, and Evolution. In it we read:

Until Copernicus and Galileo in the sixteenth century, no one had seriously challenged the idea of a powerful deity controlling the physical universe. In the new worldview they and others ushered in, however, God appeared as an initial creator rather than as an incessant manipulator of the universe. The advent of Darwinism posed further threats to Western religion by suggesting that biological relationships, including the origin of humans and of all species, could be explained by natural selection without the intervention of a god.

Here we see the often-repeated error viewing the Darwinian revolution as the fulfillment of the Copernican revolution, in which humans were systematically removed from the center of concern. But left out of the discussion is the inconvenient fact that Copernicus primary motivation for placing the sun at the center of the cosmos was religious. Copernicus had no empirical evidence compelling this move. The Ptolemaic system still worked and accounted for observations, though it had become aesthetically messy due to the addition of many ad hoc features.

Copernicus reasoned that the God he worshiped as the great Artisan would never have created such an aesthetically displeasing monstrosity. Placing the sun at the center created a simpler cosmos more in keeping with Copernicus theologically motivated aesthetic sensibilities, and this was his primary argument for why a heliocentric model must be correct.

A few pages later, this error is repeated:

The first significant cracks in the theological armor of continued divine intervention in nature were made in the discoveries of natural laws regulating the motion of the solar system, by Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler.

But, of course, the idea of divine intervention did not end with Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler, for Isaac Newton would come along and become the closest thing in the 17th century to an advocate of intelligent design!

Hall and Hallgrimsson are biologists, not historians of science, so perhaps these errors can be excused. But what should we make of their statement, Natural selection acts because of the differential survival of individual organisms with particular features? Even a novice would know that natural selection is a term to describe differential reproduction, not survival. Survival means nothing if organisms with particular features fail to out-reproduce organisms lacking these features. But Hall and Hallgrimsson seem to double down on this error when they write, Biological evolution tracks opportunistic pathways, and is blind to destinations other than survival. But natural selection cannot track anything, and even if it could, it would track reproduction, not survival. Darwin may have focused on survival, but the focus on differential reproduction has been at the center of evolutionary theory at least since the advent of population genetics in the 1930s. As Thomas Kuhn once pointed out, scientists are often woefully ignorant of the historical development of their own subjects.

This is not the only instance of faulty understanding of basic aspects of evolutionary theory and its history. In a section titled Randomness of Mutation, Hall and Hallgrimsson write:

Until the 1950s, the accepted view among bacteriologists was that bacteria had a unique plastic heredity in which appropriate mutations arise as an immediate response to the needs of the environment.

Actually, the randomness of mutation had already become an article of faith by 1943 due to the famous fluctuation test of Salvador Luria and Max Delbrck, whose seminal Genetics paper (Mutations of Bacteria from Virus Sensitivity to Virus Resistance) doesnt make it into the textbooks bibliography. The randomness of mutation was very much an accepted fact within the biological establishment long before the 1950s.

Eventually, this idea was challenged in 1988 when John Cairns and his colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health reworked Luria and Delbrcks fluctuation test and claimed to find evidence for directed mutation. This was followed in the early 1990s by two papers by Barry Hall purporting to demonstrate anticipatory mutagenesis. But these complicating challenges to the randomness of mutation, published in such respected journals as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature, and Genetics, are entirely ignored in the textbook.

Finally, in one grand statement of Darwinian triumphalism, Hall and Hallgrimsson write:

Darwins theory made it clear that species fixity was not natural. These radical ideas, which revolutionized biology, also affected sociology, anthropology, economics, politics, womens rights, fiction, poetry, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology. Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Joseph Conrad, Thomas Hardy, Alfred Tennyson, George Eliot, George Bernard Shaw, Henri Bergson, and Sigmund Freud are just a few of those who incorporated evolution into their studies, writings, politics, and world views.

The oversimplification here is staggering (Darwin and womens rights?!) and would take an entire book to unpack. At the very least, the late 19th and early 20th century eclipse of Darwinism (to borrow Peter Bowlers term) is ignored here. Lamarckian and vitalistic theories continued to be popular until the development of the evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s. George Bernard Shaw was a harsh critic of Darwin, and in coining the term lan vital, Henri Bergson was certainly no friend of Darwinism. I suppose such historical inaccuracies are a small price to pay in service to Darwinian indoctrination. But this makes a mockery of the educational process. Students deserve better.

In upcoming posts, I intend to discuss Strickbergers Evolution on issues such as its portrayal of Darwin, its presentation of some of what Jonathan Wells calls the icons of evolution, its discussion of coevolution and the initial stages of variation, the meaning of convergent evolution, and a few additional items like eye evolution and selection in pre-biotic chemistry. If Thomas Kuhn was correct that science textbooks constitute initiations into currently reigning scientific paradigms that bleach the blemishes of complicated histories, then Strickbergers Evolution could stand as Kuhns paradigmatic example.

Image: Charles Darwin, by Francis Darwin (Ed.) / Public domain, 1891.

See the article here:

The Triumphalism of Strickberger's Evolution - Discovery Institute

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger – Discovery Institute

Theodore T. Munger, in 1913, by Benjamin Wisner Bacon / Public domain.

So-called theistic evolutionists, including Kenneth Miller, Karl Giberson, and the BioLogos crowd, seem to think they can take Darwinian evolution and insert all sorts of theistic propositions into it unamended. Thats interesting for a theory explicitly aimed at excluding theology. But such oxymoronic thinking is the hallmark of Darwinian theism. It has created all sorts of confusions, such as making Darwinism a synecdoche for science, and worse, falsely imputing ideas to people who never held them.

A case in point is the important 19th- and early 20th-century American theologian Theodore Munger (1830-1910). Munger, a leading voice for the New Theology that would increasingly make itself felt in America following the Civil War, had the qualities of piety and progressivism that allowed him to reconcile evolution with science and religion. Unfortunately, an opinion prevails that Mungers lasting legacy resides in his promotion of Darwinian evolution. According to the scope notes of his papers residing at Yale, Munger is remembered for his attempts to accommodate Christianity to Darwins theory of evolution. But, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

In the May 1886 issue of The Century Magazine, in an extensive article of more than 10,000 words, Munger tackled the problem of Evolution and the Faith. He puts the reader on early notice that his brand of evolution is very different from the evolution propounded twenty years ago. Furthermore, acceptance of evolution need not entail common assumptions and inferences frequently associated with it. Munger proceeds to make six significant propositions regarding evolution:

In the end, Mungers purpose in this essay it to show that evolution not only poses no threat to Christian faith but can confirm it by linking Gods creative powers and purposes to the organic operations of nature.

Positivism, and Mungers hostility to it, is extremely important when considering Darwinism. It was not necessary to insist upon Darwins principle of natura non facit saltum (nature does not make jumps) or even natural selection in order to be a Darwinist; what was crucial was some commitment to positivism. Mungers essay challenges all aspects of positivism and proposes a new and distinctly different version of evolution that is intrinsically theistic.

As might be expected, this view was quickly challenged. In the September 1886 issue of The Century, the Rev. Charles F. Deems, a Methodist minister from New York, accused Munger of conflating terms and providing a description of evolution contrary to most of its leading proponents. Where Munger used evolution, Deems insisted that he should have used development to avoid confusion. In fact, Deems points out that every time Munger holds fast to the faith, he is required to abandon evolution. But Munger tells his colleague, I do not consider it wise to yield the word to the school that first brought it into general use and put its own definition upon it. It is not a trade-mark; it is not private property; and I must so far disagree with my friend as to think that it has not been so exclusively used by one school, that it cannot properly be used by other schools.

But Deems had a point. If terms are used with such imprecision and multiple meanings, confusion is bound to arise. Nevertheless, Munger had every right to use the idea of organic change in nature as he saw fit. Darwin, Huxley, Haeckel and their allies did not own an exclusive trade-mark even if they acted as if they did.

Munger is exemplary of theistic evolution not Darwinian theism. In this sense he is closer to his contemporaries Alfred Russel Wallace and St. George Mivart, both of whom argued for intelligent evolution. So the next time you hear talk of theistic evolution, be sure to dig a little deeper. Darwinian theism e.g., as espoused by Miller, Giberson, BioLogos and theistic evolution are a confusion of terms. They are often not the same. Munger proves it.

In a post on Sunday Ill give an example of how this same erroneous attribution is committed against a well-known American scientist. Stay tuned.

See the rest here:

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger - Discovery Institute

EA Sports UFC 4 preview: The evolution of MMA – Shacknews

By the time EA Sports UFC 4 releases, it will have been two and a half years since EA Sports UFC 3. Connor McGregor sits proudly on the cover of that game, the runaway superstar of that era who cast such a large shadow nobody else could stand out.

Times have changed, though. McGregor is retired (again), and new superstars have emerged to lead MMA forward. In UFC 4, cover athletes Jorge Gamebred Masvidal and Israel The Last Stylebender Adesanya lead the way, and developer EA Vancouver looks to ride this wave with major presentation and gameplay overhauls in UFC 4.

The best and worst parts about previous UFC games was anyone could play, but the gap between the truly skilled and average player was huge. Those who mastered grappling and submissions dominated the rest. Perfecting the tiny details of those systems was more than the casual fan could be bothered with.

With UFC 4, EA Vancouver aims to make the systems more accessible to casual players, while still allowing those truly gifted video game face punchers to shine. This starts with dynamic striking controls with tap or hold button inputs, allowing players to throw quick strikes with a tap and more damaging strikes with a hold.

Both the clinch and takedown systems now utilize EAs RPM (Real Player Motion Technology) to determine how a situation plays out. Use locomotion to press or escape the clinch or drive your opponent towards the cage to complete a takedown. These new gameplay systems are backed up by a wide range of new transition animations for clinching, and new trips, throws, and powerful slams for takedowns. It paints a promising picture that some of the more clunky gameplay systems from past UFC games will be more fluid and accessible to the average player.

If you played enough UFC 3, there were probably times you found yourself in a submission attempt from your opponent and you just set the controller down. You were doomed. You knew you were facing someone who was skilled in submissions. The Damien Maia of video game MMA if you will. You had little chance to defend the submission, and even less chance to get up, assuming you remembered the controls to do so.

EA Vancouver looks to simplify both the grappling and submission systems with a grappling assist feature and two mini games for submissions, one for joints and one for chokes. With grappling assist, players can utilize the left stick to get up, attempt a submission, or engage in ground and pound. These new grapple control settings include a full grapple assist mode, a hybrid mode, and the legacy controls. Skilled players can keep doing what they did in previous iterations of the game, but casual players can utilize a simpler control scheme that makes the entire grappling experience less intimidating.

With submissions, there will be simpler mechanics that depend on keeping pace with your opponents movements instead of flicking the left stick in eight different directions within five seconds. The old way of performing or escaping submissions used to be frantic and twitchy, whereas the new system appears to flow naturally and allow for fluid movements to lock something in or defend. As someone who found the grappling and submission mini-games frustrating in past UFC titles, this is a change Im excited for.

Guess who the most popular fighter was in EA Sports UFC 3? Youre thinking McGregor, but it wasnt. The most popular fighter was the one you created, and EA Vancouver is using this information to give players more options for their fighter via their universal avatar system. This system makes your created fighter available in all weight classes, meaning if youre fighting at 135 pounds and want to take on Daniel Cormier at heavyweight, your created fighter can scale to that weight class. No need to make a new one.

Since this created fighter can follow you anywhere, theres a laundry list of new customization options, including new hairstyles, facial hair, tattoos, shorts, tops, gloves, and accessories. All these items, which have no impact on gameplay, will be unlockable through gameplay progression through your connected player profile that allows you to earn in-game rewards in any mode. Microtransactions are there if you choose to use them, but we were told that virtually everything was unlockable through gameplay. You can even step away from Reebok with your apparel, but only with your created fighter. Whos ready to wear some Pride gear?

The presentation overhaul continues with the new fighting environments players can enjoy. We all know that Kimbo Slice made backyard brawling famous, but UFC 4 co-cover athlete, Jorge Masvidal, has recently returned it to the spotlight. The BMF (Baddest Motherf*cker) champ started in back yards, and now you can brawl there too. This is in addition to the Kumite, an environment that pays homage to cinematic lore of MMA and combat sports, and the UFC Apex center where events have been held recently due to the ongoing pandemic. Unfortunately, we dont get a Fight Island at launch, but we do get an Action Avenue location meant to showcase the early stages of an MMA career.

When the action begins, wherever you choose to partake in it, expect to find a new camera angle thats lower than it was in UFC 3, as well as something EA Vancouver is called high impact movements. When you deliver a fight changing shot, expect to see and hear the devastation in slow motion, down to the ripples on a fighters face when they get cracked.

To round out what I would say are across-the-board presentation improvements, Daniel Cormier will step in for Joe Rogan and sit alongside Jon Anik in the broadcast booth. Rogans commentary has been widely criticized throughout the series, but it appears those challenges are a thing of the past. As someone who watches a metric butt load of MMA, if Cormier and Anik bring even a sliver of their chemistry to UFC 4, were all in for a treat.

As mentioned, the most popular fighter in UFC 3 was your created character. Well, the most popular mode was the career mode. Thankfully, it appears this mode has received a lot of love and should once again be a fan favorite.

Career mode will now feature a fighter evolution system that sees your moves improve in real time. If you throw a punch in an actual fight, youll earn progression that improves that punch, just like you would in training, which now includes a new sparring system that awards evolution points and upgrades attributes. These core changes will be complemented by the ability to watch tape, decline fighter offers and face the wrath of Dana White, and a social media system that will help you develop rivalries and build connections. There will even be a full WFA (World Fighting Alliance) league that players can start in.

Other game modes will make their return as well, including Fight Now for online and couch co-op play. Fight now itself has four modes, including MMA, Stand & Bang, KO Mode, and Custom Fight Now. There will also be an Online World Championship mode and, of course, UFC Ultimate Team. These are all good, but I suspect the most popular new mode will be Blitz Battles.

Blitz Battles will consist of a 64-player tournament that can be played with different rule sets, like MMA, Stand & Bang, KO Mode, and Dirty Boxing. These are short fights where only one person can remain. You win six fights in a row, and youre the Blitz Battles champion. Honestly, it reminds me of Ones from NHL 20, and thats not a bad thing in theory.

Ive enjoyed every UFC game from EA Sports over the last several years. Like most of you, I primarily used my created fighter in career mode, often avoiding the online play because I had no desire to invest in the convoluted grappling and submission systems. Watching UFC 4 gameplay, though, Im filled with hope and excitement that were about to get our hands on what could potentially be the best MMA game ever released. Time will tell, but everything I saw and outlined here today seemed like a step forward.

EA Sports UFC 4 will release on August 14, 2020 for the PS4 and Xbox One.

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He is known for his guide writing and, unsettlingly enough, enjoys grindingout in-depth collectible articles. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his guides.

See the original post:

EA Sports UFC 4 preview: The evolution of MMA - Shacknews

Legal Hold Software Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Zapproved, PageFreezer, Acuity Scheduling – Jewish Life News

Latest released the research study onGlobal Legal Hold Software Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.Legal Hold SoftwareMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of theLegal Hold Software Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Legal Hold Software Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global Legal Hold Software market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global Legal Hold Software Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global Legal Hold Software

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Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global Legal Hold Software market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

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Data Sources & Methodology

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See original here:

Legal Hold Software Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Zapproved, PageFreezer, Acuity Scheduling - Jewish Life News

The Emotional Evolution of Coronavirus Doctors and Patients – The New Yorker

Beth saw her first dead body of the day just as she was leaving the emergency department. Earlier, shed admitted a patient with the coronavirus; now she was on her way to an upstairs doctors lounge to finish writing her notes. Standing by the elevators, lost in thought, she nearly missed the orange body bag as it was rolled out of the car that had just opened in front of her. She decided to take the next one.

Seconds later, another elevator opened behind her. She turnedout came two more stretchers, two more bodies. While she watched, every elevator in the bay opened its doors, expelling stretcher after stretcher of bodies. I felt surrounded, she said. Id never seen anything like it. I thought I might throw up.

An endocrinologist by training, Bethwhose name has been changed for this storyusually sees patients in an office; when she first volunteered to help on the wards, she was nervous. As the pandemic deepened, shed grown comfortable in her new role, or so shed thought. She turned to a junior colleague with whom shed been waiting. I knew I had to be brave, she said. I kept it together for her. Thinking back now, she recalls not just the orange bags but the young womans petrified face.

For many health-care workers, initial concerns about the rationing of ventilators, masks, and gloves have been replaced with the weighty recognition that the fight against COVID-19 is not a momentary disruption but a new way of life. More than a hundred and thirty-two thousand Americans have died of the virus, and the pandemic is still making its way across the country, with case counts spiking as states reopen. There are no game-changing treatments for the disease, and no vaccine. The pandemic will be sticking around for a while.

Even in normal times, health-care workers are at high risk for mental-health problems. Doctors commit suicide at twice the rate of the general population; a quarter of I.C.U. nurses have symptoms of P.T.S.D.; a third of residents show signs of depression; more than ten per cent of graduating medical students report having suicidal thoughts. For several years, Srijan Sen, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan who studies the well-being of physicians, has been following medical residents in China, using an app that asks doctors there questions about their moods. Usually, as the Chinese New Year approaches, their collective mood improves; this year, when the pandemic cancelled celebrations, we saw a pretty concerning decline in mood and increase in depressive symptoms, he said.

Sens work is consistent with other recent research. A study of nurses and doctors caring for COVID-19 patients in China found that nearly three-quarters had experienced psychological distress; half reported symptoms of depression, and a third had difficulty sleeping. A preliminary study in Italy found that half of health-care workers there had symptoms of P.T.S.D. In April, these statistics became real for those in New Yorks medical community after two clinicians, an emergency physician and an emergency medical technician, died by suicide.

In his psychiatry practice, Sen cares for doctors struggling with mental health; these days, he works over Zoom. Theres an increase in concern for patients, a feeling of not being able to do as much as they normally would, Sen said. Then theres the added concern for themselves and their families. On one hand, they feel, This is why I became a doctor. On the other, its Im putting myself, my spouse, and my children at risk. In his prior work, Sen found that the prevalence and severity of mental-health issues varied from hospital to hospital. He believes that these disparities offer a lesson for this moment. My sense is that stress and anxiety will be worse in places where clinicians feel that leadership is more concerned with finances than with safety, or is not being upfront about masks and P.P.E., he told me. Ultimately, you want to know that your institution is behind you.

Since the pandemic started, Jonathan Kochav, a cardiology fellow in New York City, has cared for hundreds of critically-ill COVID-19 patients. He describes his emotional state as having progressed through three phases. They mirror what Ive heard from other doctors, and my own experience as a hospitalist working in coronavirus wards and I.C.U.s.

The first phase, which began as the virus started its explosive, relentless spread across the city, was imbued with excitement and fear. The excitement had to do with venturing into uncharted territory, unravelling the mysteries of a new virus and trying to subdue it. We were learning on the fly, but, just by being at the epicenter, we were soon among the worlds most experienced at treating this disease, Kochav said. The fearof losing his patients, his loved ones, his own lifewas equally unprecedented. When I was first treating COVID-19 patients, I knew I would get it, he continued. I knew my wife would get it. I had visions of her being intubated in an I.C.U. I was scared my parents would get sick and die. I thought about which hospital I would bring them to.

As it turned out, Kochav did get sick. So did his wife, who has also been treating people with COVID-19. The fear changed how he interacted with patients and their families. Dealing with family members was particularly emotional, he told me. I saw my fears coming true in what they were experiencing. I could so easily project myself into their position. A doctor can feel some distance from patients with chronic ailments, such as heart disease or diabetes. Not so with a virus that threatens to infect everyone.

As the weeks went on, Kochav experienced a gradual hardening: phase two. When youre exposed and exposed and exposed to something, it becomes less scary, he said. There was this desensitization and detachment. He noticed colleagues who had previously changed into street clothes before and after shifts departing the hospital in scrubs; some forgot to put on eye protection as they walked toward patient rooms, scurrying back to collect face shields. His own approach to patients began to shift. Everyone had the same disease; many fared poorly regardless of what he did; treatment became mechanical. I felt disconnected, he said. Im not sure if its because I overinvested earlier and was just emotionally spent, or because every day was an endless stream of the same thing. But I went from seeing every patient as my mom, my dad, my wife, to seeing every patient as a lab value and ventilator setting.

Others apparently felt the same way, because soon Kochavs I.C.U. developed a plan to restore humanity to its work. The unit began asking families to send in photos and double-sided sheets describing each patients life and interests. Some families wrote from the first-person perspective of the patienthe was introducing himself. Soon, I.V. poles were covered with paragraphs describing years past and laminated pictures of children, grandchildren, vacations, and graduations. Id go to check a patients ventilator settings and suddenly Id see their smiling face at a barbecue, Kochav said. Im caring for people again. He hopes this new, third phase will last.

Coronavirus patients go through phases, too. In early March, David and his partner, Emily, left the city with his sister and brother-in-law to stay on Long Island. (They asked me not to use their real names to protect their privacy.) David exercised six days a week and, at thirty-five, had never been seriously ill. When he woke up feeling unwell, he attributed his fatigue to a bad nights sleep. That evening, he entered the kitchen, where his sister was eating a sweet potato; overcome by nausea, he started up the stairs, then fainted, hitting his head on a railing and opening a gash above his left eyebrow.

See the original post:

The Emotional Evolution of Coronavirus Doctors and Patients - The New Yorker

The evolution of Buck Farmer: From raw thrower to dean of Tigers’ bullpen – The Detroit News


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Detroit There was a minute there in the early stages of the quarantine when things got a little too weird for Tigers reliever Buck Farmer.

I mean, there I was, a big-league pitcher and I am playing catch in my backyard, he said in a Zoom session Wednesday. My neighbors came out and it was like, What is this guy doing? Mentally, it was kind of strange.

Fortunately, Joey Bart, a fast-rising catching prospect in the Giants organization, lives just a couple of miles away from his Farmer's home in Buford, Georgia.

I could call him up and ask if he wanted to play catch and hed say hed be over in five minutes, Farmer said, laughing. It was like asking my dad to go outside and play catch, like I had to ask permission or something Can I go play in the backyard?

Man, what are we doing?

Eventually he and Bart were able to move to a nearby high school field and throw off a mound. But the backyard flat-grounds werent the only thing Farmer has brought back from his youth.

Oh, you mean the mullet? Farmer said, showing his retro hairstyle. Its a childhood thing. I was shuffling though some pictures and I found a Christmas picture. Everyone is asking where the inspiration for the hair comes from, it was that Christmas picture when I was like 5years old the same exact style.

Tigers reliever Buck Farmer posted a career-low 3.72 ERA over 73 appearances last season.(Photo: Robin Buckson, Detroit News)

His hair may be a party in the back, but Farmer is all business where it counts. After years of toggling between Triple-A and Detroit, between starter and reliever, Farmer has emerged as one of the most durable and vital pieces of the Tigers bullpen.

He worked in 73 games last season, 67innings, and the importance of his late-inning setup role will be magnified by the condensed 60-game run this season.

Absolutely, he said. Its a sprint, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Its going to be 110% from Day One. Its going to bring a lot of fun to the game. The huge pressure situations are going to mean a lot more this year.

Not that they didnt before, but in a 60-game season, every situation carries a lot more weight.

Its hard to fathom that Farmer, 29, is the second longest-tenured Tigers player after Miguel Cabrera. Hes the old-head in the bullpen. After years of soaking up knowledge from the likes of Justin Verlander, Max Scherzer, David Price and Anibal Sanchez, Farmer is the guy young relievers like John Schreiber, Nolan Blackwood and Bryan Garcia can lean on for advice.

Its a two-way street, really, Farmer said. I learn from them, too.

The message he most often imparts, though, is something he was told when he made his debut in 2014 respect hitters, but dont fear any of them.

The guy that steps into the box not taking any credit away from them but when you are on the mound, hes just another bat with a name, Farmer said. You cant give them too much credit. Its still a game of failure. If you get three hits in 10 at-bats youre going in the Hall of Fame. Ill take those odds.

When you are on the mound, you cant give those guys too much credit. You are here for a reason, dont lose sight of that.

If any of the young pitchers want to talk about analytics, though, they should probably seek out Matthew Boyd or Casey Mize.

Im super old-school when it comes to that, Farmer said. I do look at hitters charts, the hot zones and cold zones and stuff like that. Im not saying I dont use them at all. But Im not as heavy on it as a lot of other people.

Im one of those guys who, you can teach it all you want, but unless you can go out and execute that pitch, its pretty much useless information to you.

So what Farmer has done over the course of the last six years is lock in and refine the three pitches in his tool bag the heavy mid-90s fastball, an elite-level change-up and a sweeping slider-curve hybrid. He cut his walk percentage from 13.3 to 8.3 last season and was inducing a 53%swing-and-miss rate with his slider and a 31% whiff rate with his change-up.

Im trying some new things, he said after throwing an impressive live bullpen session on Monday. Trying to throw front-door breaking balls to right-handers and then throwing the other pitches off that same line.

When Farmer was still making spot starts and pitching in long relief, he attacked hitters with both a four-seam and a two-seam fastball. Hes taken the two-seamer out of the mix and last season used his four-seam just 49%of the time.

Nowadays, unless you are throwing 100 mph, especially in my situation coming in late in games, its one of those things where you have to mix, Farmer said. I mean, based on scouting reports, there are some guys you can be heavier in certain areas than others.

But in this day and age, with so many numbers available, if you are throwing 85% fastballs, guys are going to know that, and they are going to lock in on that.

Its been an impressive evolution from a raw, country hardball thrower to a heady, three-weapon pitcher. Off the mound, too. Farmer showed upin 2014, wide-eyed and quiet. Now hes married. He and wife Kayla have a daughter, Evelyn, and another child on the way.

So he had to weigh the risks to his family when he decided that he would come back and play despite the lingering threat of the coronavirus.

There is some concern, not only for my health but for my wife and little girl, Farmer said. But honestly, the way I see it and everyone is going to have their own opinion but theres not a whole lot of difference between putting my wife and child in a car and going to the store on a normal day. You are still taking that risk.

Thats just the way I see it. Everything you do in life poses a risk. Its how you go about it and try to minimize that risk. Thats what we try to do now.

When it came down to it, Farmer said there was no chance he wouldn't come back to play, especially after reviewing the safety protocols the league and the Tigers have put in place.

Yeah, I am in a clubhouse with 50-some other guys, he said. But I would much rather be here, in a controlled environment where I know if something happens to me or my wife, if we were to test positive, I know I have every resource available to contain it.

At home, Id be all on my own trying to find a hospital that could contain it. Coming back to play was a no-brainer for me.

And a big, full-bearded, mullet-headed perk for the Tigers' bullpen.


Twitter: @cmccosky

The rest is here:

The evolution of Buck Farmer: From raw thrower to dean of Tigers' bullpen - The Detroit News

Which species will win and lose in a warmer climate? It depends where they evolved – Australian Times

Luciano Beheregaray, Flinders University; Jonathan Sandoval Castillo, Flinders University, and Katie Gates, Flinders University

As the global climate shifts, its important to know which species have adaptations to survive. Our research published today in PNAS found it largely depends on where they evolved.

We looked at the capacity of life to respond to future climates in three different regions: temperate and subtropical regions, and in deserts. We did this by studying rainbowfishes from Australia.

The winners those best at adapting to projected summer temperatures evolved in the warm, subtropical regions. Those that evolved in cooler temperate ecosystems the losers risk becoming extinct.

This research is the first of its kind. It helps identify the types of biodiversity and ecosystems most vulnerable to climate change.

As local temperatures rise, some animals and plants might migrate from their native homes to colonise more favourable climatic regions elsewhere.

However, human activities, such as agriculture and urbanisation, are destroying and fragmenting habitats around the world. And this makes it impossible for many species to migrate away to safety.

This is where evolution comes in. Evolution creates adaptations over time that make organisms resilient to environmental changes. Species with higher adaptive resilience are more likely to keep up with changes in climate and survive.

The problem is, we dont know which types of organisms might have evolved resilience, and which might be more vulnerable to projected climate change.

We know even less about how patterns of resilience vary across different climatic regions. This is what our research explored.

We studied three similar species of rainbowfishes from different climatic regions of Australia: the subtropics, the desert and the temperate region.

Rainbowfish are diverse, small and beautiful freshwater fishes that can be kept in captivity. Rainbowfish do not migrate, so we can compare populations that evolved in different climatic regions.

We used wild rainbowfishes separated in two groups. One group was kept at a contemporary average summer temperature (21). In the other, the temperature was slowly increased until it reached a summer temperature projected for 2070 under a high emission scenario (33).

After 14 days in these conditions, we humanely killed the fishes and removed their livers. This organ plays a central role in the bodys metabolism, including during heat stress. We used the liver samples to test how gene expression (which genes are activated within a cell) changed because of our experiments.

The results were striking. Although the three species activated thousands of identical genes in a contemporary climate, they used very different sets of genes to respond to a future climate.

They also showed different levels of response in a future climate. Subtropical rainbowfish built a much larger response (with 109 genes activated) than the desert (84 genes) and the temperate rainbowfish (27 genes).

Alongside, we did another experiment to measure how much heat each species could tolerate (their upper thermal tolerance limit).

Here, rainbowfishes were exposed to increasing temperature until they showed loss of balance. As expected, the subtropical rainbowfish showed the highest tolerance, with their upper limit at 38. Desert rainbowfish could tolerate up to 37, while the temperate rainbowfish could tolerate up to 35.

With both experiments, we discovered a strong association between number of genes responding to projected temperatures and heat tolerance. In other words, winners can regulate the expression of a larger number of genes in future climates than losers can.

It is difficult to determine whether a gene is responding just because of the environment, or because of a genetic constraint that came about from evolution.

Another fascinating discovery of our study is that evolution left a strong signal on many heat stress genes. These genes are known to play a central role in dealing with heat stress and allowing survival in a variety of vertebrates. This attests to their importance in providing long-term resilience to future climates.

Our findings indicate that resilience or vulnerability to rising temperatures is expected to be influenced by geographic factors, such as the climatic region where species evolved.

Subtropical species showed greater capacity to adapt to future climates, with temperate species being the most vulnerable. Desert species, which are predicted to be exposed to more extreme heatwaves and longer droughts in the future, are also vulnerable.

This information will help identify the types of biodiversity and ecosystems at high risk of extinction and to develop ways to help them to adapt and survive. This includes restoring lost habitat and actively moving populations to more favourable climatic locations.

The implications of our study can be extended to many non-migratory animals and plants aquatic and terrestrial under pressure due to climate change.

Luciano Beheregaray, Professor in Biodiversity Genomics, Flinders University; Jonathan Sandoval Castillo, Postdoctoral Fellow Molecular Ecology, Flinders University, and Katie Gates, PhD candidate, Flinders University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Original post:

Which species will win and lose in a warmer climate? It depends where they evolved - Australian Times

3D Sensing Technology Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Infineon, Intel, Himax Technologies, Sony – Daily Research…

Latest released the research study onGlobal 3D Sensing Technology Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.3D Sensing TechnologyMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the3D Sensing Technology Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

Top players in Global 3D Sensing Technology Market are:

Infineon Technologies AG (Germany),Intel (United States),Himax Technologies (Taiwan),Sony Depth sensing Solutions (Belgium),AMS AG (Austria),Cognex Corporation (United States),LMI Technologies (Canada),Viavi solutions (United States),Panasonic Corporation (Japan),SICK AG (Germany)

Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/50445-global-3d-sensing-technology-market

Brief Overview on 3D Sensing Technology

3D Sensing can be achieved by using a different number of technologies. In this technology provides object movement based on temporal change of angles, it provides movements in the form of numerical data. 3D sensing is the optical technology behind mobile face recognition and it depends on innovative optical components. There are some techniques for 3D sensing can be used to implement face recognition, and advanced optical components support all.

Recent Development in Global 3D Sensing Technology Market:

In Jan 2019, Kneron Announced To Showcase A Latest 3D AI Solutions, Which Have Mainstream 3D Sensing Technology Support Aimed At More Accurate Image Recognition. Additionally, In Jun 2018, Vivo Introduced A New Innovative 3D Sensing Technology Named As TOF (Time Of Flight) In Shanghai, This Technology Works Through Camera And Allows Capturing Depth And 3D Information About People And Objects.

Market Drivers

Market Trend

Market Restraints:

Market Opportunities:

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/50445-global-3d-sensing-technology-market

Analyst at AMA have conducted special survey and have connected with opinion leaders and Industry experts from various region to minutely understand impact on growth as well as local reforms to fight the situation. A special chapter in the study presents Impact Analysis of COVID-19 onGlobal 3D Sensing Technology Marketalong with tables and graphs related to various country and segments showcasing impact on growth trends.

Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global 3D Sensing Technology Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global 3D Sensing Technology market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global 3D Sensing Technology Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global 3D Sensing Technology

Chapter 4: Presenting the Global 3D Sensing Technology Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global 3D Sensing Technology market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Global 3D Sensing Technology Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.

Data Sources & Methodology

The primary sources involve the industry experts from the Global 3D Sensing Technology Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industrys value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.

In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Companys Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weightage.

Get More Information: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/50445-global-3d-sensing-technology-market

What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide?

Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

About Author:

Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources; our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enables clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

Contact Us:

Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)AMA Research & Media LLPUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218[emailprotected]

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3D Sensing Technology Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Infineon, Intel, Himax Technologies, Sony - Daily Research...

Aviation Consulting Service Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | ACS, Aerologistix Aviation, Baines Simmons – 3rd…

Latest released the research study onGlobal Aviation Consulting Service Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.Aviation Consulting ServiceMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of theAviation Consulting Service Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

Top players in Global Aviation Consulting Service Market are:

ACS (England),Aerologistix Aviation Consulting WLL (Bahrain),ALTON AVIATION CONSULTANCY LLC (United States),ATPCO (United States),Baines Simmons Ltd. (United Kingdom),Emerald Aviation (United States),International Air Transport Association (Canada), ICF International Inc. (United States),Mott MacDonald (United Kingdom),Ramboll Group A/S (Denmark),Ricondo & Associates, Inc. (United States),Aviation Consulting Group LLC (United States),WSP (United States)

Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/124229-global-aviation-consulting-service-market

Brief Overview on Aviation Consulting Service

The global aviation consulting service market is expected to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period, according to the AMA study. The rapid growth in number of COVID-19 suspects across the world leading to shutting down of almost all the airlines and have caused economic problems in the industry is one of the major short term drivers of this market. In addition, the expanding aviation industry owing to the rising investments in research & development across the aerospace & defense industry is another major driver of this market.

Recent Development in Global Aviation Consulting Service Market:

In July 2019, ALTON AVIATION CONSULTANCY LLC announced that it has extended its global reach with the opening of a new office in Singapore, along with its existing offices in New York, Dublin, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Beijing.

The Global Aviation Consulting Service Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:

Study by Application (Investment Assessment & Auditing, Permitting & Compliance, Project & Information Management, Monitoring & Testing, Others), End Users (Authorities {Airport, Airlines, Government, Other Associations}, Aviation Industry Vendors {OEMs, Aftermarket}), Service (Managed, Professional)

Market Drivers

Market Trend

Market Restraints:

Market Opportunities:

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/124229-global-aviation-consulting-service-market

Analyst at AMA have conducted special survey and have connected with opinion leaders and Industry experts from various region to minutely understand impact on growth as well as local reforms to fight the situation. A special chapter in the study presents Impact Analysis of COVID-19 onGlobal Aviation Consulting Service Marketalong with tables and graphs related to various country and segments showcasing impact on growth trends.

Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Aviation Consulting Service Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global Aviation Consulting Service market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global Aviation Consulting Service Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global Aviation Consulting Service

Chapter 4: Presenting the Global Aviation Consulting Service Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global Aviation Consulting Service market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Global Aviation Consulting Service Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.

Data Sources & Methodology

The primary sources involve the industry experts from the Global Aviation Consulting Service Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industrys value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.

In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Companys Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weightage.

Get More Information: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/124229-global-aviation-consulting-service-market

What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide?

Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

About Author:

Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources; our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enables clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

Contact Us:

Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)AMA Research & Media LLPUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218[emailprotected]

Connect with us athttps://www.linkedin.com/company/advance-market-analyticshttps://www.facebook.com/AMA-Research-Media-LLP-344722399585916https://twitter.com/amareport

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Aviation Consulting Service Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | ACS, Aerologistix Aviation, Baines Simmons - 3rd...

Diamond Core Drill Rods Market Progresses, Global Trends, Size, Evolution Rate And Forecast 2020-2026| Sandvik, Tube Technologies, Matrix, DATC,…

Los Angeles, United State: The research study presented here with is a powerful tool that players can use to cement a strong position in the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market. It digs deep into critical aspects of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market, which include market dynamics, competition, cost and price, regional expansion, key business strategies, consumption, and marketing channels. Readers are provided with special analysis on consumers, distributors, the value chain, and production growth trends. The report offers in-depth and accurate insights on the regional growth, leading players, and level of competition in the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market. The researchers have also put high emphasis on market taxonomy by preparing a comprehensive segmental analysis.

Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) https://www.qyresearch.com/sample-form/form/1906778/global-diamond-core-drill-rods-market

The job of an analyst is not just to identify key players of the given Diamond Core Drill Rods market. Analysts make rigorous efforts, spend hours on research and analysis, gather unique information from market experts, and use their own experience and industry knowledge to come up with a detailed and accurate Diamond Core Drill Rods research study. Company profiling is one of the most important sections of a market research report as it provides useful intelligence to players for effectively working on their business downfalls or pushing their business forward. This report not only pin-points top players of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market but also shows their market progress throughout the forecast period, provides their market growth projections, and explores key aspects of their business.

Key Players Mentioned in the Global Diamond Core Drill Rods Market Research Report: Sandvik, Tube Technologies, Matrix, DATC, Technidrill, Boart Longyear, MBI Drilling Products, Taesung, NLC Company, Di-Corp, Barkom, Atlas Copco (Epiroc), Fordia, Xuanhua Jinke Drilling Machinery

Global Diamond Core Drill Rods Market by Type: Bonded, Sintered

Global Diamond Core Drill Rods Market by Application: Mining, Construction

The Diamond Core Drill Rods market report provides market forecasts and estimates for all segments included in the research study. Each type and application segment studied in the Diamond Core Drill Rods report is broadly examined for determining its growth prospects and projecting its market size for every year of the forecast period. The segmental study also provides regional market size forecasts for product and application segments of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market. Furthermore, it shows which players are more dominant in a particular segment, be it product or application.

For this research study, important information and data related to the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market were gathered with the help of secondary sources such as case studies, reference customers, independent investigations, demographic and economic data, government publications, and company publications and reports. Primary research was mainly performed to clearly understand current and future market expectations and validate and revalidate all the data and information in the Diamond Core Drill Rods report on the basis of acceptability and accuracy. The researchers interviewed key industry participants such as buyers, product distributors, raw material suppliers, and market leading companies to verify the forecasts and estimates presented in the Diamond Core Drill Rods report.

Questions Answered by the Report:

Which are the dominant players of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market?

What will be the size of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market in the coming years?

Which segment will lead the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market?

How will the market development trends change in the next five years?

What is the nature of the competitive landscape of the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market?

What are the go-to strategies adopted in the global Diamond Core Drill Rods market?

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Table of Contents

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Diamond Core Drill Rods Market Progresses, Global Trends, Size, Evolution Rate And Forecast 2020-2026| Sandvik, Tube Technologies, Matrix, DATC,...

3D Animation Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Autodesk, Corel, Zco Corporation, Adobe – Owned

Latest released the research study onGlobal 3D Animation Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.3D AnimationMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the3D Animation Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

Global 3D Animation market is expected to Reach CAGR of 12.1% till 2027. The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on 3D Animation Market

Top players in Global 3D Animation Market are:

Autodesk, Inc. (United States),Corel Corporation (Canada),Zco Corporation (United States),Adobe Systems Incorporated (United States),NVIDIA Corporation (United States),Pixologic, Inc. (United States),Side Effects Software Inc. (Canada),The Foundry VisionMongers Ltd. (United Kingdom),NewTek Inc. (United States) ,Maxon Computer (Germany)

Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/14138-global-market-3d-animation

Brief Overview on 3D Animation

3D Animation is a method of developing & creating three dimensional moving images in the digital environment. Currently, the trend towards 3D animation is constantly growing. It is highly used in the media and entertainment industry. 3D animation is used to provide view in diverse projections and angles which makes it look lively. It is widely used among game developers & designers. It offers benefits such as provides superior facility to portray movements,high visual effects, and effortlessly grab attention, time management, among others. Attributed to many benefits of 3D animation, the market is likely to grow over near future. Moreover, rising adoption of visual effects technology in movies & the growing demand for 3D mobile applications are impelling the 3D animation market growth.

The Global 3D Animation Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:

Study by Application (Media & Entertainment, Architecture & Construction, Education & Academics, Healthcare, Others), Technology (3D Modeling, Motion Graphics, 3D Rendering, Visual Effects (VFX), Others), Service (Consulting, Support and Maintenance, Integration and Deployment, Education and Training), Software (SDK, Plug-in Software, Platforms, Others)

Market Drivers

Market Challenges

Market Restraints:

Market Opportunities:

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/14138-global-market-3d-animation

Analyst at AMA have conducted special survey and have connected with opinion leaders and Industry experts from various region to minutely understand impact on growth as well as local reforms to fight the situation. A special chapter in the study presents Impact Analysis of COVID-19 onGlobal 3D Animation Marketalong with tables and graphs related to various country and segments showcasing impact on growth trends.

Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global 3D Animation Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global 3D Animation market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global 3D Animation Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global 3D Animation

Chapter 4: Presenting the Global 3D Animation Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global 3D Animation market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Global 3D Animation Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.

Data Sources & Methodology

The primary sources involve the industry experts from the Global 3D Animation Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industrys value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.

In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Companys Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weightage.

Get More Information: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/14138-global-market-3d-animation

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Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

About Author:

Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources; our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enables clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

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Excerpt from:

3D Animation Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come | Autodesk, Corel, Zco Corporation, Adobe - Owned


Nuclear Decommissioning Services Market to grow exponentially at a CAGR of XX % by 2028

A recent report published by QMI on Nuclear Decommissioning Services market is a detailed assessment of the most important market dynamics. After carrying out thorough research on the market of nuclear decommissioning services historical as well as current growth parameters, business expectations for growth are obtained with utmost precision.

The study identifies specific and important factors affecting the market for nuclear decommissioning services during the forecast period. It can enable manufacturers of nuclear decommissioning services to change their production and marketing strategies in order to envisage maximum growth.

Click here to get sample of the premium report :https://www.quincemarketinsights.com/request-sample-16610?utm_source=PF%SA

Understanding Nuclear Decommissioning Services market-

Nuclear decommissioning is the process of dismantling a nuclear facility so that it no longer requires radiation protection. The complexities of decommissioning nuclear energy include technological, economic and social factors. Radioactive material disposal procedures are occupationally hazardous time-consuming, costly, and also present environmental risks that need to be addressed to ensure that radioactive materials are safely stored on site or transported for storage elsewhere.

The decommissioning process aims at reducing residual radioactivity levels. It is dispensed by activity frameworks, transferring radioactive materials to acceptable disposal sites, storing spent nuclear fuel until it can be withdrawn for disposal or safe storage from the nuclear power plant site, and releasing the property for other purposes.

Nuclear Decommissioning Services Market growth is projected to gain high momentum over the forecast period due to growing energy demands in developing nations to result in commissioning. Nuclear decommissioning is a process in which a nuclear facility is removed insofar as there is no radiation protection need. The radioactive materials are harmful to the environment and are dangerous. There is a growing awareness of the adverse effects of nuclear power plants emitting radiation.

The global nuclear-decommissioning services market has been divided on the basis of reactor type into pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR), boiling water reactor (BWR), fast breeder reactor(FBR), gas-cooled reactor(GCR), and pressurized water reactor. In 2015, the BWR reactor group had the largest market share in the market for nuclear decommissioning services. Due to strict government regulations to phase out nuclear reactors by 2022, this can be due to an increase in the number of ventures undergoing decommissioning. Majority of European nuclear power plants operate on BWRs.

Based on capacity, the nuclear-decommissioning services market has been split into up to 800MW, 801-1,000MW, and above 1,000MW. The decommissioning strategy is immediate dismantling, deferred dismantling, and entombment.

Important Factors Impacting Market Growth:o The strong cost of decommissioningo Accidents and increasing political pressure for pre-closureo Rising energy demands in developing regions to result in commissioning

Inquiry Before Buying :https://www.quincemarketinsights.com/enquiry-before-buying/enquiry-before-buying-16610?utm_source=PF%SA

Europe accounted for the highest market share in the global nuclear decommissioning services market. A strict European government regulation to support nuclear decommissioning activities is a major factor boosting market growth in the region. In the next five years, Europe is expected to become the worlds largest market for decontamination and decontamination (D&D). Asia Pacific is projected one of the fastest growing regions for nuclear decommissioning services market over the forecast period. Some of the fastest developing economies and increasing demand for energy & power to cater high population & industries is projected to drive the demand in this region. China and India are expected to register major demand over the forecast period. Middle East that includes UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, and others promises strong market potential during the forecast period. Rest of the World including South America and Africa are trending nations in terms of market demand during the forecast period.

Companies Covered: On the competitive scenario, the prominent players on the Nuclear Decommissioning Services market were discussed in detail. With past developments, the leading players in this industry have been profiled, and other key players include Westinghouse Electric Company, Aecom, Babcock International Group PLC, Onet Technologies, Nuvia Group, EnerconServics, Inc., and SoginS.P.A

Market Segmentation:By Reactor Type:o Boiling Water Reactoro Pressurized Water Reactoro Gas Cooled Reactoro Pressurized Heavy Water Reactoro Fast Breeder Reactor

By Decommissioning Strategy:o Deferred Dismantlingo Immediate Dismantlingo Entombment

By Capacity:o Up to 800MWo 801-1,000MWo Above 1,000MW

By Region:o North Americao By Country (US, Canada, Mexico)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

o Western Europeo By Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

o Eastern Europeo By Country (Russia, Turkey, Rest of Eastern Europe)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

o Asia Pacifico By Country (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

o Middle Easto By Country (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Rest of Middle East)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

o Rest of the Worldo By Region (South America, Africa)o By Rector Typeo By Decommissioning Strategyo By Capacity

Contact:Quince Market InsightsAjay D. (Knowledge Partner)Office No- A109Pune, Maharashtra 411028Phone: +91 9850603687 / 7972869557Email:[emailprotected]Web:www.quincemarketinsights.com

ABOUT US:QMI has the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services available on the web. We deliver reports from virtually all major publications and refresh our list regularly to provide you with immediate online access to the worlds most extensive and up-to-date archive of professional insights into global markets, companies, goods, and patterns.

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The Office Post-COVID: Death or Evolution? – Lexology

The death of the office has been announced many times. Its funeral rites are being read again.

However, while COVID 19 has accelerated the death of physical retail at warp speed, my prediction is that, once again, the office will evolve out of this crisis into something new.

First, an observation that applies to many forms of real estate, pubs, clubs and football stadia as well as the office. The pandemic will not change human nature. We need real face to face contact. No amount of video conferencing is a substitute for learning from your boss, noting your counterparty's telling hesitation in a meeting, or the office Christmas party. Thus my sense is that we will gravitate to the strange universe of the office for a while yet.

Here are a few harmless predictions, to add to the millions.

Overall office space will reduce, but what remains will be better used, as we value what can only be done face to face, but also appreciate what can be done, and sometimes better, digitally. Some sectors of the market will grow, while others falter. Location and configuration will be key

1980s style low-rise suburban business parks with parking spaces may have their time in the sun again, briefly, as people initially drive to work and avoid public transport, but such places always were terrifically boring, and I suspect this perception won't change. The virus may prompt a linked trend towards low-rise suburban residential development, linked by roads and local rail. Good news perhaps for Milton Keynes and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, but will this reverse the pull of London and other major cities as a place to work, as well as live, in the longer term? I would place a bet not.

This is not at all the end for the Central London office market. Skyscrapers in the City and Docklands that are hard to empty and fill quickly, and have no outside space, may have passed their peak. However, low-rise period offices in City fringe locations, accessible by stairs or short lifts, and with attractive features such as roof gardens and large bike stores, may become much sought after, as large professional service firms downsize and "homeshore" their staff a couple of days a week, and focus on a Central London hub for senior management. A drop in demand for space in London by existing occupiers will also enable regional professional services firms to have a small London presence. It used to be a sign of antiquity if you had to cool your London office by opening an actual window, as opposed to having air conditioning. Suddenly, that quaintness seems quite attractive again.

Mayfair will remain Mayfair, of course.

While people will be suspicious post-virus of co-working in the truly flexible sense, professionals visiting London and other cities less frequently than before, will need a space to log on and to host meetings. Private members' clubs and business-related clubhouses, already of great interest pre-crisis for private equity, will become a growth sector as exclusivity offers by definition a limited range of interactions, and with the right people, and so the dividing line between personal and business networking will blur further.

Never underestimate the masterly power of inertia. Habits that dont change immediately after a shock, tend not to change at all. Unless firms have an upcoming break or other looming lease event, it is likely that they will have settled back into something like the "old normal", by the time they have to consider their next move. Most firms will want to use their existing assets, especially if they cannot be sublet or assigned easily. If it's not over until the Head of Corporate's karoake act at the office Christmas party, he's still warming up.

This article first appeared in Estates Gazette on 10th July 2020.

Originally posted here:

The Office Post-COVID: Death or Evolution? - Lexology

WWE NOT Planning Evolution II Event This Year – Ringside News

WWE has a big event planned for August 23rd. They wanted to hold SummerSlam in Boston, but that wasnt in the cards. They are holding the biggest party of the summer in a much smaller location now, and they are holding another event the next week.

The August 30th event was immediately accompanied with a lot of excitement. There was a thought that Evolution II could finally be coming. Unfortunately, fans are going to have to wait longer for that to happen.

Ringside News has learned that August 30th will not be Evolution II. The company is planning a special event for August 30th, but it wont be a female-exclusive event.

We were explicitly told that the August 30th event isnt planned to be Evolution II at the moment. Ringside News exclusively reported that WWE isnt even thinking about WrestleMania right now. Those plans went out the window.

The company is currently focused on booking SummerSlam and whatever they decide to hold on August 30th. A lot has changed in the past few weeks and nothing is 100% locked down.

Evolution took place on October 28th, 2018. Since then the womens roster and the rest of the WWE Universe have waited for another similar event. They held an all-female NXT event, but no such main roster show has been presented.

Read more here:

WWE NOT Planning Evolution II Event This Year - Ringside News

This Short Video Shows the Evolution of the Xbox Logo Over the Past 19 Years – Beebom

Today, when we talk about high-end gaming consoles, we take the latest one from Sonys PlayStation line-up and the latest one from Microsofts Xbox range. However, it has been a long time since Microsoft entered the gaming console market to compete with Sony and other gaming console manufacturers. Now, the company shared this short video showing the evolution of the Xbox logo over the past years.

The official Twitter handle of Microsoft Xbox recently shared a short 25-second video via a tweet (below). The video shows all the Xbox logos from the time when the first Xbox came to the market.

As you can see, the video starts with the first-ever Xbox logo. This is the one that came with the first Xbox, almost 19 years ago (time really flies). Following the first logo, the video goes over each and every iteration of the Xbox logo since 2001.

Not only it shows the Xbox logo changes with the official animations, but the video also showcases the original background score that came with each new logo. So, if it does not make you feel nostalgic visually, the sounds will make you feel like a child again.

According to the video, after 2001s original Xbox logo (below), Microsoft changed the logo of its gaming console in 2005, then 2013, and finally in 2020 with the unveiling of the upcoming Xbox Series X.

So, if you are an Xbox fan and have been using the gaming console for years, this video might bring some fond memories of your previous Xbox consoles. So, do check it out and let us know about your favorite Xbox of all time in the comments below.

See more here:

This Short Video Shows the Evolution of the Xbox Logo Over the Past 19 Years - Beebom

Behind Joe Bidens Evolution on L.G.B.T.Q. Rights – The New York Times

If we established purity tests for elected officials, nobody would pass, said Emily Hecht-McGowan, who served as director for L.G.B.T.Q. equality at the Biden Foundation, a nonprofit group, until it was disbanded in 2019 when he began his presidential run. If we keep holding up our elected officials to these purity tests, we will never grow us a nation.

Mr. Griffin, the political consultant, said he was not bothered by the Defense of Marriage Act vote that, he noted, was 25, 26 years ago, when I was 19 years old and still in the closet.

Joe Biden has had 25 years since then to establish his own record and legacy, he said. I do not think that anyone can define Joe Biden by a vote 25 years ago when he has literally spent more than a decade championing L.G.B.T.Q. rights.

From the first weeks after the riots at the Stonewall Inn and the start of the modern-day gay rights movement, L.G.B.T.Q. leaders called for gay men and lesbians to come out. The explicit strategy was that increased visibility as family members, co-workers, civic leaders, celebrities would lead to more acceptance by the general public. One of Mr. Bidens grandchildren identifies as L.G.B.T.Q., an aide said.

Ms. McBride said that Mr. Biden grieved with her after her husband died at the age of 28; Mr. Biden had just lost his own son. He has officiated at two gay weddings, including in 2017 when Henry R. Muoz III, who was then the Democratic National Committees finance chairman, married his husband at Mr. Bidens home at the time in Northern Virginia.

He let me work alongside of him to push people in the administration on marriage equality, and then he married me, Mr. Muoz said.

The moment that elevated Mr. Bidens standing among gay and lesbian activists was his appearance on NBCs Meet the Press as vice president in 2012 when, in response to a question, he said he supported same-sex marriage. His response, which aides said was not calculated or planned, blindsided the White House and Mr. Obama, who had not yet staked out that position.

Continued here:

Behind Joe Bidens Evolution on L.G.B.T.Q. Rights - The New York Times

Scientists at Nainital-based ARIES shed new light on evolution of stars – The Tribune India

Vijay Mohan

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 21

Astronomers at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nanital, have found that stars of varied ages can co-exist in open clusters.

This challenges earlier understanding that all stars in an open cluster have the same age.

Open star clusters are a system of stars bound by gravity in which stars are born from the same molecular clouds. All the stars in a cluster follow the evolutionary sequence as per their initial masses at the time of formation of these stars. Open clusters are also important in probing the formation and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy as they are distributed throughout the galactic disk.

Scientists at ARIES measured the light emitted from three poorly studied open clusters, NGC-381, NGC-2360 and Berkeley-68 using the 1.3-m telescope situated in the Himalayas for studying the evolution of stars in these clusters. They found two different stellar evolutionary sequences in the cluster NGC-2360, which has been observed in very few open clusters in the Milky Way until now.

The team at ARIES, an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, observed thousands of stars in the three aforementioned clusters. The clusters are found to be relatively older, having ages between 446 Million years to 1,778 million years.

Other than the stellar evolution, the researchers also studied the dynamical evolution of these clusters for the first time. The mass distribution of stars belonging to the clusters has shown the preferential distribution of massive stars in the inner part of the clusters while low mass stars are found towards outer region of the clusters.

Scientists believe that some of the very low mass stars have in fact, left their parent clusters and may be roaming as a free star like our own Sun.

The study, recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a leading journal in the field of astronomy and astrophysics published by Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, has lent important insight about the stellar and dynamical evolution of these clusters.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology today, the scientists are further aiming to do an in-depth analysis of many more open star clusters in the near future using observational facilities available at ARIES along with the supplementary data provided by other space missions.

Original post:

Scientists at Nainital-based ARIES shed new light on evolution of stars - The Tribune India

From Will Truman to Pray Tell: The evolution of TV’s queer leading men – NBC News

In 2001, Eric McCormack made history by winning the lead comedy actor Emmy for portraying a gay man on Will & Grace. Back then, the challenge was reflecting the gay experience as accurately as his co-star Debra Messings plotlines as a straight character in the NBC sitcom about two best friends.

We needed to show that the most accurate way to represent those two relationships was that they were always equal which, probably, they werent in the old days, McCormack says. It was easier to have handsome guys come on and date Deb Messing. Mine were handled with a lot more attention and a lot of being careful.

Today, as McCormack is eligible for a final nomination as the titular Will, his character is joined by a new class. The race includes Ben Platt, who portrays sexually fluid teenager-turned-early 20s politician Payton Hobart in Netflixs The Politician; Matt Bomers Jamie Burns, a man whose intimate connection with an old friend brings about carnage in Season 3 of USAs The Sinner; and Billy Porters Pray Tell in Pose, an HIV-positive ballroom emcee who got to explore a romance in the second season of the FX drama. The list of characters reflecting different facets of the queer experience and the fact that Platt, Bomer and Porter are all openly gay (McCormack is straight) shows how far TV has come since Will was standing more or less alone.

Porter, last years lead drama actor Emmy winner, has seen the shows storytelling grow even more complex in its second season. In addition to performing an intimate love scene, Porter was also a part of a story about the re-emergence of trauma from parental abuse. This allowed the actor to draw from personal experience.

Ive been waiting for this moment, Porter says. Ive been living for this moment to be able to tell my story. And as dark and as rich as the story is, I have a firsthand connection to it. I reached back to my memories and, every moment, just tried to share those with the world.

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That potential of creating art in part by drawing upon experience, and converting the tragic into catharsis is what queer actors taking on the spotlight allows.

We are at the forefront of telling our own narrative, says Porter, whose early career was marked by demands to play stereotypical roles when he was offered parts at all. Its not at the hands of other people who are outside the community anymore. Its so dreamy I just feel so blessed to have lived long enough to see this day.

Matt Bomers storyline on The Sinner provides less uplift than creepiness, but reflects the possibilities available beyond whats easily categorizable.

It was very important for Derek [Simonds, the shows creator] that it not be about a gay relationship, but about two men who had achieved this profound sense of intimacy where they had a shared sexual history, Bomer says. Its transcended that and become a romance with a philosophy and a sort of rage against society at large.

Just as his character exists beyond the nameable Bomer describes the season as Strangers on a Train mixed with Jekyll and Hyde mixed with Macbeth as interpreted by Patricia Highsmith so too does the actor see his own sexuality as existing somewhat apart from the character. (He played opposite Chris Messina, who is straight.)

What tends to be what I am hired for is to have chemistry, but I dont think its because of my comfort with my sexuality, he says. A lot of it just depends on the actors you get to work with and how open they are to come to set and drop the ego and play together and create something new.

All of which might have been too tangled for TV when Will & Grace was on the air in its first run in the 1990s and which made it a nostalgic throwback in its three victory-lap seasons. It knew its limitations: To do a really big, special episode of Will & Grace about the trans experience would have been taking on too much, McCormack says. But what we can do is show two very different gay men finding happiness, being in committed relationships, having a child.

While Will & Grace was built for a different TV moment one before characters on The Politician, Pose and The Sinner could probe queer life a bit more deeply and was a comedy besides, McCormack sees in its final seasons a depiction of Will that was as flawed and gratifyingly so as his three friends.

He wasnt on some sort of pedestal, McCormack says. Were all people, and were all growing.

So, too, is the medium, allowing for more complication in the lives of characters that existed in very different forms a generation before.

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See more here:

From Will Truman to Pray Tell: The evolution of TV's queer leading men - NBC News

Norway’s Salmon Evolution names new CEO of land-based project – Undercurrent News

Land-based farming operation Salmon Evolution has chosen to stick withHakon Berg as its CEO, it announced.

Berg was first appointed CFO of the company in November 2019, and since March 2020 has held the role of acting CEO, when Odd Tore Finnoy stepped down.

Berg has "industrial and financial experience and expertise after many years of working with various industrial companies, and background from leadership in strategy and business development", his firm said.

Before joining Salmon Evolution, he was chairman of the board at Pure Norwegian Seafood, according to his LinkedIn profile.

"It is the combination of being the first to travel a full-scale industrial adventure of this magnitude in Norway, and my passion and experience in the seafood sector, which are the biggest driving forces and generates enthusiasm in me," Berg said.

He said he was confident the eventual 36,000 metric ton salmon farm -- likely one of Europes largest land-based facilities, when completed -- was going to solve several aquaculture issues, including sea lice, disease control, and sludge management.

"Controlled onshore production also opens up new circular opportunities, which in turn will create technology development, jobs, and resource reuse," he added.

Salmon Evolution chairman, Tore Tonseth, said the company would be "expanding the organization further in line with our needs", now that it had its CEO in place and had begun the first stages of construction.

The board of Salmon Evolution. From left: Glen Bradley, Kristofer Reiten, chairman Tore Tonseth, Peder Stette, Frode Kjolas

Read more from the original source:

Norway's Salmon Evolution names new CEO of land-based project - Undercurrent News