Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Progresses, Global Trends, Size, Evolution Rate And Forecast 2020-2026 – 3rd Watch News

LOS ANGELES, United States: The report is an all-inclusive research study of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market taking into account the growth factors, recent trends, developments, opportunities, and competitive landscape. The market analysts and researchers have done extensive analysis of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market with the help of research methodologies such as PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis. They have provided accurate and reliable market data and useful recommendations with an aim to help the players gain an insight into the overall present and future market scenario. The Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid report comprises in-depth study of the potential segments including product type, application, and end user and their contribution to the overall market size.

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In addition, market revenues based on region and country are provided in the Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid report. The authors of the report have also shed light on the common business tactics adopted by players. The leading players of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market and their complete profiles are included in the report. Besides that, investment opportunities, recommendations, and trends that are trending at present in the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market are mapped by the report. With the help of this report, the key players of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market will be able to make sound decisions and plan their strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the curve.

Competitive landscape is a critical aspect every key player needs to be familiar with. The report throws light on the competitive scenario of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market to know the competition at both the domestic and global levels. Market experts have also offered the outline of every leading player of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market, considering the key aspects such as areas of operation, production, and product portfolio. Additionally, companies in the report are studied based on the key factors such as company size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profits.

Key Players Mentioned in the Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Research Report: Ace Geosynthetics, TenCate NV, Agru America Inc, Asahi-Kasei Geotech, Belton Industries Inc, GSE Environmental, Inc, Huesker Synthetic GmbH, Cetco, Hanes Geo Components, Tenax

Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Segmentation by Product: Vacuum evaporation boat, Crucibles, HBN crucibles

Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Segmentation by Application: Road & Pavement, Railroads, Drainage Systems, Soil Reinforcement & Erosion

The Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market report has been segregated based on distinct categories, such as product type, application, end user, and region. Each and every segment is evaluated on the basis of CAGR, share, and growth potential. In the regional analysis, the report highlights the prospective region, which is estimated to generate opportunities in the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market in the forthcoming years. This segmental analysis will surely turn out to be a useful tool for the readers, stakeholders, and market participants to get a complete picture of the global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid market and its potential to grow in the years to come.

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Table of Contents:

1 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid1.2 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Segment by Type1.2.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales Growth Rate Comparison by Type (2021-2026)1.2.2 HDPE1.2.3 LDPE1.2.4 Polyurethane1.3 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Segment by Application1.3.1 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales Comparison by Application: 2020 VS 20261.3.2 Road & Pavement1.3.3 Railroads1.3.4 Drainage Systems1.3.5 Soil Reinforcement & Erosion1.4 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Size Estimates and Forecasts1.4.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Revenue 2015-20261.4.2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales 2015-20261.4.3 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Size by Region: 2020 Versus 20261.5 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Industry1.6 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Trends

2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.3 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Average Price by Manufacturers (2015-2020)2.4 Manufacturers Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type2.5 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Players Market Share by Revenue2.5.3 Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)2.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans2.7 Primary Interviews with Key Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Players (Opinion Leaders)

3 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Retrospective Market Scenario by Region3.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20203.2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-20203.3 North America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Facts & Figures by Country3.3.1 North America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.3.2 North America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.3.3 U.S.3.3.4 Canada3.4 Europe Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Facts & Figures by Country3.4.1 Europe Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.4.2 Europe Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.4.3 Germany3.4.4 France3.4.5 U.K.3.4.6 Italy3.4.7 Russia3.5 Asia Pacific Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Facts & Figures by Region3.5.1 Asia Pacific Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Region3.5.2 Asia Pacific Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Region3.5.3 China3.5.4 Japan3.5.5 South Korea3.5.6 India3.5.7 Australia3.5.8 Taiwan3.5.9 Indonesia3.5.10 Thailand3.5.11 Malaysia3.5.12 Philippines3.5.13 Vietnam3.6 Latin America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Facts & Figures by Country3.6.1 Latin America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.6.2 Latin America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.6.3 Mexico3.6.3 Brazil3.6.3 Argentina3.7 Middle East and Africa Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Facts & Figures by Country3.7.1 Middle East and Africa Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.7.2 Middle East and Africa Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales by Country3.7.3 Turkey3.7.4 Saudi Arabia3.7.5 U.A.E4 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Historic Market Analysis by Type4.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.3 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Price Market Share by Type (2015-2020)4.4 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End

5 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Historic Market Analysis by Application5.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2020)5.3 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Price by Application (2015-2020)

6 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Business6.1 Ace Geosynthetics6.1.1 Corporation Information6.1.2 Ace Geosynthetics Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.1.3 Ace Geosynthetics Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.1.4 Ace Geosynthetics Products Offered6.1.5 Ace Geosynthetics Recent Development6.2 TenCate NV6.2.1 TenCate NV Corporation Information6.2.2 TenCate NV Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.2.3 TenCate NV Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.2.4 TenCate NV Products Offered6.2.5 TenCate NV Recent Development6.3 Agru America Inc6.3.1 Agru America Inc Corporation Information6.3.2 Agru America Inc Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.3.3 Agru America Inc Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.3.4 Agru America Inc Products Offered6.3.5 Agru America Inc Recent Development6.4 Asahi-Kasei Geotech6.4.1 Asahi-Kasei Geotech Corporation Information6.4.2 Asahi-Kasei Geotech Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.4.3 Asahi-Kasei Geotech Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.4.4 Asahi-Kasei Geotech Products Offered6.4.5 Asahi-Kasei Geotech Recent Development6.5 Belton Industries Inc6.5.1 Belton Industries Inc Corporation Information6.5.2 Belton Industries Inc Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.5.3 Belton Industries Inc Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.5.4 Belton Industries Inc Products Offered6.5.5 Belton Industries Inc Recent Development6.6 GSE Environmental, Inc6.6.1 GSE Environmental, Inc Corporation Information6.6.2 GSE Environmental, Inc Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.6.3 GSE Environmental, Inc Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.6.4 GSE Environmental, Inc Products Offered6.6.5 GSE Environmental, Inc Recent Development6.7 Huesker Synthetic GmbH6.6.1 Huesker Synthetic GmbH Corporation Information6.6.2 Huesker Synthetic GmbH Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.6.3 Huesker Synthetic GmbH Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.4.4 Huesker Synthetic GmbH Products Offered6.7.5 Huesker Synthetic GmbH Recent Development6.8 Cetco6.8.1 Cetco Corporation Information6.8.2 Cetco Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.8.3 Cetco Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.8.4 Cetco Products Offered6.8.5 Cetco Recent Development6.9 Hanes Geo Components6.9.1 Hanes Geo Components Corporation Information6.9.2 Hanes Geo Components Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.9.3 Hanes Geo Components Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.9.4 Hanes Geo Components Products Offered6.9.5 Hanes Geo Components Recent Development6.10 Tenax6.10.1 Tenax Corporation Information6.10.2 Tenax Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue6.10.3 Tenax Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)6.10.4 Tenax Products Offered6.10.5 Tenax Recent Development

7 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Manufacturing Cost Analysis7.1 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Key Raw Materials Analysis7.1.1 Key Raw Materials7.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure7.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid7.4 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Industrial Chain Analysis

8 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers8.1 Marketing Channel8.2 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Distributors List8.3 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Customers

9 Market Dynamics9.1 Market Trends9.2 Opportunities and Drivers9.3 Challenges9.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis

10 Global Market Forecast10.1 Global Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Estimates and Projections by Type10.1.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Type (2021-2026)10.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Type (2021-2026)10.2 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Estimates and Projections by Application10.2.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Application (2021-2026)10.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Application (2021-2026)10.3 Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Estimates and Projections by Region10.3.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Region (2021-2026)10.3.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid by Region (2021-2026)10.4 North America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.5 Europe Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.6 Asia Pacific Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.7 Latin America Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)10.8 Middle East and Africa Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)11 Research Finding and Conclusion

12 Methodology and Data Source12.1 Methodology/Research Approach12.1.1 Research Programs/Design12.1.2 Market Size Estimation12.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation12.2 Data Source12.2.1 Secondary Sources12.2.2 Primary Sources12.3 Author List12.4 Disclaimer

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Two-way Stretch Plastic Geogrid Market Progresses, Global Trends, Size, Evolution Rate And Forecast 2020-2026 - 3rd Watch News

Study of Prehistoric Dolphin Reveals Insight Into Modern Whale Evolution – Voice of America

A study published this week on the first detailed examination of a large ancient dolphin provides new insights into how dolphins evolved differently than their relatives, the modern great whales.

The study, published Thursday in the scientific journal Current Biology, is the first in-depth analysis of a full skeleton of Ankylorhiza tiedemani, a large dolphin ancestor that had protruding, tusk-like teeth and lived 23 million years ago near what is now the southeastern coast of the United States.

The skeleton was discovered during a construction project in the 1990s. Previous researchers had only a partial snout of the creature.

The lead author of the study, College of Charleston paleontologist Robert Boessenecker, said researchers have long believed these modern toothed whales or odontoceti, such as dolphins, orcas and belugas and the larger baleen whales or cetaceans, such as humpbacks and right whales look somewhat similar today because they had a common ancestor.

But Boessencker said this ancient dolphin already had many traits similar to those of modern toothed whales, indicating the odontoceti and cetaceans evolved more separately than earlier hypothesized.

The researchers speculate the Ankylorhiza, though smaller than a modern-day orca, was probably a top predator in its time, because it was roughly twice the size of other dolphins of its era. With its large teeth and strong jaw muscles, it likely fed on smaller dolphins, large fish, sea turtles and seabirds, and possibly larger cetaceans as well.

Read more from the original source:

Study of Prehistoric Dolphin Reveals Insight Into Modern Whale Evolution - Voice of America

Global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come – 3rd Watch News

The New Report Titled as Imports and Exports for Food Products Market published by Global Marketers, covers the market landscape and its evolution predictions during the forecast period. The report objectives to provide an overview of global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market with detailed market segmentation by solution, security type, application and geography. The Imports and Exports for Food Products Market is anticipated to eyewitness high growth during the forecast period. The report delivers key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and deals key trends and opportunities in the market.

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This research report also includes profiles of major companies operating in the global market. Some of the prominent players operating in the Global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market are:

CadburyPepsiCo, Inc.AjinomotoKraft Heinz CompanyNestlMarsFoshan Haitian Flavouring and FoodInner Mongolia YiliThe Coca-Cola CompanyDanoneEzaki GlicoPerfetti Van MelleLemon SquareYakult HonshaDali Foods GroupChina Mengniu Dairy Company

The Imports and Exports for Food Products Market for the regions covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Regional breakdown has been done based on the current and forthcoming trends in the global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market along with the discrete application segment across all the projecting region.

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The Type Coverage in the Market are:


Market Segment by Applications, covers:


Some Major TOC Points:

Chapter 1. Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Report Overview

Chapter 2. Global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Growth Trends

Chapter 3. Market Share by Key Players

Chapter 4. Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Breakdown Data by Type and Application

Chapter 5. Market by End Users/Application

Chapter 6. COVID-19 Outbreak: Imports and Exports for Food Products Industry Impact

Chapter 7. Opportunity Analysis in Covid-19 Crisis

Chapter 9. Market Driving Force

Continue for TOC

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Key questions Answered in this Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Report:

What will be the Imports and Exports for Food Products Market growth rate and value in 2020?

What are the key market predictions?

What is the major factors of driving this sector?

What are the situations to market growth?

Major factors covered in the report:

Global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market summary

Economic Impact on the Industry

Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Competition in terms of Manufacturers

Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Analysis by Application

Marketing Strategy comprehension, Distributors and Traders

Study on Market Research Factors

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Here is the original post:

Global Imports and Exports for Food Products Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come - 3rd Watch News

Is There An Opportunity With Evolution Petroleum Corporation’s (NYSEMKT:EPM) 43% Undervaluation? – Yahoo Finance

Want to participate in a short research study? Help shape the future of investing tools and earn a $40 gift card!

Today we'll do a simple run through of a valuation method used to estimate the attractiveness of Evolution Petroleum Corporation (NYSEMKT:EPM) as an investment opportunity by taking the expected future cash flows and discounting them to today's value. This will be done using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model. Models like these may appear beyond the comprehension of a lay person, but they're fairly easy to follow.

We would caution that there are many ways of valuing a company and, like the DCF, each technique has advantages and disadvantages in certain scenarios. For those who are keen learners of equity analysis, the Simply Wall St analysis model here may be something of interest to you.

View our latest analysis for Evolution Petroleum

We use what is known as a 2-stage model, which simply means we have two different periods of growth rates for the company's cash flows. Generally the first stage is higher growth, and the second stage is a lower growth phase. To start off with, we need to estimate the next ten years of cash flows. Seeing as no analyst estimates of free cash flow are available to us, we have extrapolate the previous free cash flow (FCF) from the company's last reported value. We assume companies with shrinking free cash flow will slow their rate of shrinkage, and that companies with growing free cash flow will see their growth rate slow, over this period. We do this to reflect that growth tends to slow more in the early years than it does in later years.

Generally we assume that a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar in the future, so we discount the value of these future cash flows to their estimated value in today's dollars:

("Est" = FCF growth rate estimated by Simply Wall St)Present Value of 10-year Cash Flow (PVCF) = US$73m

We now need to calculate the Terminal Value, which accounts for all the future cash flows after this ten year period. For a number of reasons a very conservative growth rate is used that cannot exceed that of a country's GDP growth. In this case we have used the 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield (2.2%) to estimate future growth. In the same way as with the 10-year 'growth' period, we discount future cash flows to today's value, using a cost of equity of 8.7%.

Terminal Value (TV)= FCF2030 (1 + g) (r g) = US$12m (1 + 2.2%) (8.7% 2.2%) = US$191m

Present Value of Terminal Value (PVTV)= TV / (1 + r)10= US$191m ( 1 + 8.7%)10= US$83m

The total value is the sum of cash flows for the next ten years plus the discounted terminal value, which results in the Total Equity Value, which in this case is US$156m. The last step is to then divide the equity value by the number of shares outstanding. Compared to the current share price of US$2.8, the company appears quite undervalued at a 43% discount to where the stock price trades currently. The assumptions in any calculation have a big impact on the valuation, so it is better to view this as a rough estimate, not precise down to the last cent.

We would point out that the most important inputs to a discounted cash flow are the discount rate and of course the actual cash flows. If you don't agree with these result, have a go at the calculation yourself and play with the assumptions. The DCF also does not consider the possible cyclicality of an industry, or a company's future capital requirements, so it does not give a full picture of a company's potential performance. Given that we are looking at Evolution Petroleum as potential shareholders, the cost of equity is used as the discount rate, rather than the cost of capital (or weighted average cost of capital, WACC) which accounts for debt. In this calculation we've used 8.7%, which is based on a levered beta of 1.072. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility, compared to the market as a whole. We get our beta from the industry average beta of globally comparable companies, with an imposed limit between 0.8 and 2.0, which is a reasonable range for a stable business.

Story continues

Whilst important, the DCF calculation is only one of many factors that you need to assess for a company. It's not possible to obtain a foolproof valuation with a DCF model. Instead the best use for a DCF model is to test certain assumptions and theories to see if they would lead to the company being undervalued or overvalued. For instance, if the terminal value growth rate is adjusted slightly, it can dramatically alter the overall result. What is the reason for the share price sitting below the intrinsic value? For Evolution Petroleum, we've put together three relevant items you should assess:

PS. The Simply Wall St app conducts a discounted cash flow valuation for every stock on the AMEX every day. If you want to find the calculation for other stocks just search here.

This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

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See the rest here:

Is There An Opportunity With Evolution Petroleum Corporation's (NYSEMKT:EPM) 43% Undervaluation? - Yahoo Finance

Konami decides against launching the full version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 – Firstpost

FP TrendingJul 17, 2020 17:18:02 IST

In order to focus on a next generation title, Konami has decided against launching a full version of Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2021.

The Japanese entertainment and gambling conglomerate has announced that it would introduce this year's PES as a streamlined offering in the form of a "season update". The update is currently available for pre-order.

The sheer scale of everything we are aiming to achieve for our next-gen debut has made it necessary to pare back our efforts in other areas of development, said the company.

A screenshot from the PES 2021 trailer.

It added that it is focusing on a next-generation football title that aims to truly incorporate core concept of "The Pitch is Ours".

The company has also released a short clip shows famous footballer Messi reproduced in Unreal. The start footballer is seen giving the camera a little smile.

The seasonal update may offer new uniforms and rosters, but only minor changes to the engine and underlying gameplay.

To keep the mood of fans upbeat, Konami will be selling the game at an "affordable" price and with several unannounced bonuses, reported the tech website. This year marks 25th anniversary of the PES franchise.

Separately, Konami is working on a version designed for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, reported Eurogamer. This version will move the game's engine over to Unreal.

The game is expected to have more realistic player models and animations, besides enhanced physics and photorealistic visuals.

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See the original post here:

Konami decides against launching the full version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 - Firstpost

It’s the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution’s birthday* – Top Gear

Happy 20th birthday, Mitsubishi Evo. Well, happy really specific 20th anniversary, Mitsubishi Evo. On 11 July 2000, the first rally-rep Lancer saloon to be officially imported into the UK landed on ourshores.

Until that point wed had plenty of grey imports of the first five generations of Lancer Evolution, but it wasnt until the Evo VI arrived at the start of the new millenium that Mitsubishi sold one of the all-time greats in its own showrooms. British cars got better rust protection, a speedometer in MPH, a UK-specific owners manual and proper dealer support over cheaper, unofficially procuredcars.

If that sounds like an extremely tenuous reason to run a load of pics of an Evo VI Tommi Makinen Edition, you might be right. But do you care? Ogle the pics and try and tell us youcare

The first officially imported car was indeed a rednwhite Tommi, too. The car stuck around for four more generations, its power source never changing from a 2.0-litre turbo, but its output swelling from the 276bhp of the Evo VI to beyond 400bhp in later EvoXs.

In 15 years, Mitsubishi UK sold 5,728 Lancer Evolutions. When you consider Ford sells that many Fiestas in Britain most months, itd be easy to conclude the Evos beyond niche. But would we have circa-400bhp AWD hot hatches like the Focus RS, Audi RS3 and Mercedes A45 without its existence on UK price lists, and its ensuing transformation of what form accessible performance was served up in? Wed debate not. So three cheers for the Evo, however many caveats this particular birthday celebration comeswith

Images: MarkRiccioni

Read the rest here:

It's the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution's birthday* - Top Gear

Aljancic: Looking at the evolution of girls sports – New Philadelphia Times Reporter

(Editors note: This is part one of a four part series looking at girls high school sports)

My mom was an athlete among a family of athletes (her dad and two of her brothers were division I college football players). Growing up, she spent endless hours at the park competing with the neighborhood kids in a variety of games. But going to high school in the early 1960s, her school sports options were limited to being a cheerleader (which she chose over being majorette) and gym class. When they played basketball in Phys Ed., she was chosen to play the position of rover, which meant she could play on both ends of the court. To avoid overexertion, her teammates were restricted to one end: offense or defense.

Girls sports have exploded since those dark ages of a half century ago, thanks to the Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

I interviewed area high school girls head coaches.

Part 1 looks at the evolution of girls sports.

QUESTION #1: What sport(s) did you play in high school?

SANDY VALLEY SOFTBALL COACH CORTNEY GEIGER (2009 Sandy Valley graduate): I played volleyball (setter), basketball, and softball (second base). My senior softball season was the first year Sandy Valley had ever made it to the state Final Four.

CARROLLTON BASKETBALL COACH CHANDRA MYERS (2005 Garaway graduate): Volleyball (middle hitter), basketball, and track (discus, and was a shot put state placer).

TUSCARAWAS CENTRAL CATHOLIC VOLLEYBALL COACH KRISTEN TRIVOLI (2000 Tusky Valley graduate): Volleyball (middle hitter) and basketball.

DOVER SOCCER COACH ANGIE PINION (2000 Reynoldsburg graduate): Once I got to high school, I only played soccer (right mid or right defender). I played for the school in the fall and played club in the spring.

NEW PHILADELPHIA VOLLEYBALL COACH CARLA PRY (1988 Canton McKinley graduate): I was a setter on the volleyball team and I swam in high school (freestyle, 100, 200, 500, relays), and went on to swim in college.

DOVER VOLLEYBALL COACH BETH MATHEWS (1987 Carrollton graduate): I played volleyball (my position changed each year depending on what the team needed), I was a forward on the basketball team, and pitcher on the softball team.

TUSKY VALLEY GIRLS AND BOYS CROSS COUNTRY AND TRACK COACH SANDY DEBOS (1984 Tusky Valley graduate): I had a wonderful childhood with wonderful parents (and two older brothers), and was in every sport and lesson imaginable from piano lessons, baton, dance, gymnastics, basketball, cross country, and track. I was outside all the time, and did not see most Disney movies until I had kids of my own. In high school, I ran cross country, played basketball for a few years, ran track from the 400 up and was on the gymnastics team all year (which was not a school sport).

DOVER BOYS & GIRLS SWIM COACH BRENDA WHERLEY (1983 Dover graduate): I swam on the Y swim team, Dover did not have a high school team yet.

QUESTION #2: What has been a good change/evolution for girls athletics in general since you were in high school?

COACH TRIVOLI (TCC Volleyball): I think girls have more opportunities to excel in athletics.

COACH WHERLEY (Dover swimming): A very positive change for girls' athletics since I was in high school is the variety of sports now available to girls. Such a great opportunity for girls to be involved in many different sports.

COACH MATHEWS (Dover volleyball): The evolution of girls' athletics has changed dramatically since the 80s. The equity of opportunities and facilities/equipment has been dramatic. I can remember wearing old warm-ups the boy's team no longer wanted for basketball and one softball season we did not play one home game because maintenance could not get the field ready on those days. Those inequalities would not fly in today's world. Today, girls are respected for choosing to get involved in athletics without stereotypical labels being attached. They are fierce competitors and passionate about their sports.

COACH PINION (Dover soccer): I think the support for girls athletics has increased since I was in school. I love seeing the large student section at our big games. Once people come to a game who are not as familiar with soccer, let alone girls soccer, are surprised at the fast pace, skill, and aggressiveness of our team.

COACH GEIGER (SV softball): A good change that I have seen in girls athletics is that female athletes are slowly becoming more recognized and supported for their talents. It would take a team making a good run during tournaments before the stands would be filled at an event. Although the stands aren't filled during all regular season games, teams and individuals are receiving more recognition.

COACH PRY (NP volleyball): A good change for girls sports is that their skills have improved such a great deal, that the public seems to be more willing to come and watch. The recognition by fans and the public that girls sports is competitive and exciting to be part of. Girls are now being recognized for their athleticism and accomplishments that they have earned.

COACH DEBOS (TV track and cross country): Tusky Valley has always been great as far as female athletics go. I think the biggest change in my sport is strength training. The kids are strength training more than they used to because they see the benefits that it provides even to distance runners. The stronger they are, the faster they will be and the fewer injuries they will have. Obviously Title IX has been great for female athletics, especially with the COVID-19 and many of the college sports being discontinued.


* Many of us that graduated in the 1980s can relate to Coach DeBos childhood of being outside all the time, and we somehow survived without cellphones to connect us to our parents. Like her, I was periodically stuck inside for tortuous piano lessons!

* Girls have vastly more opportunities nowadays. Many high schools like mine didnt have softball until the mid-1980s, and soccer until the mid-1990s or later, which are now two of the most popular girls youth sports.

* I am sure many female athletes of past generations can greatly relate to the second-class treatment that Coach Mathews described.

* Both the perception and recognition of girls sports has vastly improved over the decades. Coach Pry brought up an important result of this growth: "Young girls now have many athletic role models that they can look up to and emulate."

In Part 2 tomorrow, coaches will share about the growth in their specific sports.

Read the rest here:

Aljancic: Looking at the evolution of girls sports - New Philadelphia Times Reporter

Cleanroom Technology Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come – Jewish Life News

Latest released the research study onGlobal Cleanroom Technology Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.Cleanroom TechnologyMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of theCleanroom Technology Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

Top players in Global Cleanroom Technology Market are:

Azbil Corporation (Japan),Kimberly-Clark Corporation (United States),Ardmac (Ireland),Clean Air Products (United States),Labconco Corporation (United States),Dynarex Corporation (United States),DowDuPont Inc. (United States),Illinois Tool Works Inc. (United States),Taikisha Ltd. (Japan),Exyte AG (Germany)

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Keep yourself up-to-date with latest market trends and changing dynamics due to COVID Impact and Economic Slowdown globally. Maintain a competitive edge by sizing up with available business opportunity in Cleanroom Technology Market various segments and emerging territory.

Brief Overview on Cleanroom Technology

A cleanroom is a facility usually used for specialized industrial production or scientific research, including the manufacture of pharmaceutical items and microprocessors. It is designed to maintain extremely low levels of particulates such as airborne microorganisms, dust or vaporized particles. It is used in practically every industry where small particles can adversely affect the manufacturing process. Cleanroom technology includes all technical and operational measures avoiding the potential risk of contamination for products.

The Global Cleanroom Technology Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:

Study by Type (Standard/Drywall Cleanrooms, Hardwall Cleanrooms, Softwall Cleanrooms, Pass-Through Cabinets), Application (Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology Industry, Medical Device Manufacturers, Hospitals, Others), Equipment (Cleanroom Air showers, HVAC Systems, Laminar Air flow system, High Efficiency Filters, Desiccator Cabinets, Fan Filter Units)

Market Drivers

Market Trend

Market Challenges

Market Restraints:

Market Opportunities:

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

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What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide?

Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Cleanroom Technology Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global Cleanroom Technology market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global Cleanroom Technology Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global Cleanroom Technology

Chapter 4: Presenting the Global Cleanroom Technology Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global Cleanroom Technology market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Global Cleanroom Technology Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.

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Data Sources & Methodology

The primary sources involve the industry experts from the Global Cleanroom Technology Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industrys value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.

In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Companys Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weightage.

Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

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Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources; our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enables clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

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Cleanroom Technology Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come - Jewish Life News

COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis- Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024 | Evolution of Smart Cities to Boost Growth | Technavio – Yahoo Finance

Technavio has been monitoring the acoustic sensors market and it is poised to grow by USD 366 mn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of almost 10% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024 (Graphic: Business Wire)

Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Request for Technavio's latest reports on directly and indirectly impacted markets. Market estimates include pre- and post-COVID-19 impact on the Acoustic Sensors Market Download free sample report

The market is concentrated, and the degree of concentration will accelerate during the forecast period. Boston Piezo-Optics Inc., Campbell Scientific Inc., CeramTec GmbH, CTS Corp., Dytran Instruments Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Kyocera Corp., Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Panasonic Corp., and Siemens AG. are some of the major market participants. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.

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The evolution of smart cities has been instrumental in driving the growth of the market.

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Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024: Segmentation

Acoustic Sensors Market is segmented as below:

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Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024: Scope

Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Our acoustic sensors market report covers the following areas:

This study identifies advances in RF technology as one of the prime reasons driving the acoustic sensors market growth during the next few years.

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Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024: Key Highlights

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by Application

Market Segmentation by End-user

Customer Landscape

Geographic Landscape

Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

Vendor Landscape

Vendors covered


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Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focus on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis- Acoustic Sensors Market 2020-2024 | Evolution of Smart Cities to Boost Growth | Technavio - Yahoo Finance

HKUMed and Institut Pasteur collaborate to use an evolution in a test tube approach to develop new molecules for malaria diagnosis – India Education…

The LKS Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has collaborated with Institut Pasteur, Paris, to develop an approach to evolve molecules which are entirely alien to biology. The researchers have demonstrated the approach by evolving molecules which stick to a malaria biomarker. Critically, these special non-biological molecules are able to carry out tasks which normal biological molecules are intrinsically unable to do. These molecules can, for example, be used to determine the type of malaria with which a patient is infected. The research has just been published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), a top journal in the field of multidisciplinary science. [link to the publication]

One of the lead researchers of the study, Professor Julian Tanner, Professor and Associate Director (Teaching & Learning) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Assistant Dean (Biomedical Sciences Curriculum), HKUMed, remarked, Evolution is a powerful idea that is at the centre of all of biology. This study harnesses the evolutionary idea of natural selection, but then applies it outside of the biological context, thus creating an evolution in a test tube approach. One can then use evolution instead of design to develop molecules which can solve challenges in diagnostics and therapeutics. If we can extend evolution well beyond the usual confines of biological molecules such as DNA and protein, then we can open an entire new toolbox which can transform medicine.

BackgroundEvolution is understood in biology as the process by which characteristics of organisms are inherited over successive generations under particular selective pressures. Evolution is guided by chance some members of a population are able to outcompete others which over time define the physical characteristics and behaviour of a species.

It is also possible to apply evolutionary selections to populations of molecules. In a similar fashion, molecules can be made to compete with each other for a particular characteristic. For example, this characteristic might be sticking to specific molecular markers which only exist in the presence of a disease. Such evolved molecules could then be used in diagnosing or treating a disease. This has previously been demonstrated for common biological molecules including DNA and proteins. However, it has always been a challenge to extend the idea of molecular evolution much beyond common biological molecules.

Study ResultsThe major challenge the team faced was how to develop an approach to allow point-of-care diagnosis of malaria that could distinguish when a patient is infected withPlasmodium falciparumparasites orPlasmodium vivaxparasites. This is important as the two parasite species cause malaria with different outcomes and typically require different drug treatments. However, the point-of-care approaches which had previously been developed for malaria diagnosis typically were only able to determine whether a patient had malaria, but were unable to distinguish which parasite had caused the malaria.

To solve this challenge, the team developed and applied an entirely new approach where unusual cube chemistries, called cubanes, are included into DNA, and integrated into an evolution in a test tube approach. Cubanes are never observed in biology, and hence this is a rare example of applying evolutionary principles to an entirely non-biological system. The research team discovered new types of DNA incorporating these unusual cubane chemistries which perfectly fit the binding pocket of a malaria biomarker which specifically indicatePlasmodium vivaxmalaria infection.

This is amongst the first ever studies where non-biological molecules have been incorporated into a molecular evolution experiment. The study presents not only a way forward for better point-of-care diagnostics for malaria, but also opens up a new toolbox for the development of molecules for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Previous Study ResultsOver the last decade, the HKUMed team has been developing the use of aptamers for new approaches for diagnostics, particularly for the point-of-care diagnostics. The team had developed the idea of aptamers for malaria diagnostics with a previous study also published inPNASin 2013, originally just using normal DNA molecules. Subsequently, the team developed a wide variety of point-of-care tests for malaria as published inChemical Communicationsin 2015,American Chemical Society (ACS) Sensors in 2016 and Biosensors & Bioelectronicsin 2018. The team demonstrated approaches for diagnosis of reproductive disorders published inNature Communicationsin 2019. This is the first study where the team has extended the idea of aptamer selections out to chemistries which are alien to biology.

About the research teamThe current study was led by both HKUMed and Pasteur Institut, Paris. The two lead investigators are Professor Julian Tanner, Professor and Associate Director (Teaching & Learning) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Assistant Dean (Biomedical Sciences Curriculum), HKUMed, and Dr Marcel Hollenstein, a researcher at Pasteur Institut, Paris. Dr Cheung Yee-wai, then HKUMed researcher and Dr Pascal Rothlisberger, Pasteur Institut, Paris, are joint first authors. Other HKUMed researchers include Dr Andrew Kinghorn, Mr Young Lo, and Mr Alvin Wong.

AcknowledgmentThe Hong Kong aspects of this work were generously supported by the Shirley Boyde Trust, which was founded in memory of Shirley Anne Boyde.


HKUMed and Institut Pasteur collaborate to use an evolution in a test tube approach to develop new molecules for malaria diagnosis - India Education...

Slip Masterbatches Market Size, Segment, Evolution Rate by Type and Application And Forecast 2020-2026 – Cole of Duty

LOS ANGELES, United States: The report is an all-inclusive research study of the global Slip Masterbatches market taking into account the growth factors, recent trends, developments, opportunities, and competitive landscape. The market analysts and researchers have done extensive analysis of the global Slip Masterbatches market with the help of research methodologies such as PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis. They have provided accurate and reliable market data and useful recommendations with an aim to help the players gain an insight into the overall present and future market scenario. The Slip Masterbatches report comprises in-depth study of the potential segments including product type, application, and end user and their contribution to the overall market size.

Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart)

In addition, market revenues based on region and country are provided in the Slip Masterbatches report. The authors of the report have also shed light on the common business tactics adopted by players. The leading players of the global Slip Masterbatches market and their complete profiles are included in the report. Besides that, investment opportunities, recommendations, and trends that are trending at present in the global Slip Masterbatches market are mapped by the report. With the help of this report, the key players of the global Slip Masterbatches market will be able to make sound decisions and plan their strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the curve.

Competitive landscape is a critical aspect every key player needs to be familiar with. The report throws light on the competitive scenario of the global Slip Masterbatches market to know the competition at both the domestic and global levels. Market experts have also offered the outline of every leading player of the global Slip Masterbatches market, considering the key aspects such as areas of operation, production, and product portfolio. Additionally, companies in the report are studied based on the key factors such as company size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profits.

Key Players Mentioned in the Global Slip Masterbatches Market Research Report: Ampacet, Polytechs, Polyvel, Plastiblends, Jjplastalloy, Tosaf, Sumiran Masterbatch, Padenapolymer, M.G. Polyblends, EnerPlastics, Nakoda Sales Corporation, HTMasterbatch

Global Slip Masterbatches Market Segmentation by Product: Ordinary, Laser

Global Slip Masterbatches Market Segmentation by Application: Packaging Industry, Agriculture, Consumer Products, Other Fields

The Slip Masterbatches Market report has been segregated based on distinct categories, such as product type, application, end user, and region. Each and every segment is evaluated on the basis of CAGR, share, and growth potential. In the regional analysis, the report highlights the prospective region, which is estimated to generate opportunities in the global Slip Masterbatches market in the forthcoming years. This segmental analysis will surely turn out to be a useful tool for the readers, stakeholders, and market participants to get a complete picture of the global Slip Masterbatches market and its potential to grow in the years to come.

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Table of Contents:

1 Study Coverage1.1 Slip Masterbatches Product Introduction1.2 Market Segments1.3 Key Slip Masterbatches Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue1.4 Market by Type1.4.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size Growth Rate by Type1.4.2 High Slip1.4.3 Medium Slip1.4.4 Low Slip1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size Growth Rate by Application1.5.2 Packaging Industry1.5.3 Agriculture1.5.4 Consumer Products1.5.5 Other Fields1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts2.1.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue 2015-20262.1.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales 2015-20262.2 Global Slip Masterbatches, Market Size by Producing Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20202.2.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-2020

3 Global Slip Masterbatches Competitor Landscape by Players3.1 Slip Masterbatches Sales by Manufacturers3.1.1 Slip Masterbatches Sales by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.1.2 Slip Masterbatches Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2 Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Manufacturers3.2.1 Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.2 Slip Masterbatches Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.3 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2015-2020)3.2.4 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Slip Masterbatches Revenue in 20193.2.5 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Slip Masterbatches Price by Manufacturers3.4 Slip Masterbatches Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types3.4.1 Slip Masterbatches Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters3.4.2 Manufacturers Slip Masterbatches Product Type3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Slip Masterbatches Market3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

4 Market Size by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.1.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales by Type (2015-2020)4.1.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Type (2015-2020)4.1.3 Slip Masterbatches Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026)4.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.3 Slip Masterbatches Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.3 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End

5 Market Size by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.1.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales by Application (2015-2020)5.1.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Application (2015-2020)5.1.3 Slip Masterbatches Price by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.3 Global Slip Masterbatches Price Forecast by Application (2021-2026)

6 North America6.1 North America Slip Masterbatches by Country6.1.1 North America Slip Masterbatches Sales by Country6.1.2 North America Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Country6.1.3 U.S.6.1.4 Canada6.2 North America Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Type6.3 North America Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Application

7 Europe7.1 Europe Slip Masterbatches by Country7.1.1 Europe Slip Masterbatches Sales by Country7.1.2 Europe Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Country7.1.3 Germany7.1.4 France7.1.5 U.K.7.1.6 Italy7.1.7 Russia7.2 Europe Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Type7.3 Europe Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Application

8 Asia Pacific8.1 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches by Region8.1.1 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches Sales by Region8.1.2 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Region8.1.3 China8.1.4 Japan8.1.5 South Korea8.1.6 India8.1.7 Australia8.1.8 Taiwan8.1.9 Indonesia8.1.10 Thailand8.1.11 Malaysia8.1.12 Philippines8.1.13 Vietnam8.2 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Type8.3 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Application

9 Latin America9.1 Latin America Slip Masterbatches by Country9.1.1 Latin America Slip Masterbatches Sales by Country9.1.2 Latin America Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Country9.1.3 Mexico9.1.4 Brazil9.1.5 Argentina9.2 Central & South America Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Type9.3 Central & South America Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Application

10 Middle East and Africa10.1 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches by Country10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches Sales by Country10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches Revenue by Country10.1.3 Turkey10.1.4 Saudi Arabia10.1.5 U.A.E10.2 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Type10.3 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches Market Facts & Figures by Application

11 Company Profiles11.1 Ampacet11.1.1 Ampacet Corporation Information11.1.2 Ampacet Description and Business Overview11.1.3 Ampacet Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 Ampacet Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.1.5 Ampacet Related Developments11.2 Polytechs11.2.1 Polytechs Corporation Information11.2.2 Polytechs Description and Business Overview11.2.3 Polytechs Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.2.4 Polytechs Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.2.5 Polytechs Related Developments11.3 Polyvel11.3.1 Polyvel Corporation Information11.3.2 Polyvel Description and Business Overview11.3.3 Polyvel Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.3.4 Polyvel Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.3.5 Polyvel Related Developments11.4 Plastiblends11.4.1 Plastiblends Corporation Information11.4.2 Plastiblends Description and Business Overview11.4.3 Plastiblends Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.4.4 Plastiblends Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.4.5 Plastiblends Related Developments11.5 Jjplastalloy11.5.1 Jjplastalloy Corporation Information11.5.2 Jjplastalloy Description and Business Overview11.5.3 Jjplastalloy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.5.4 Jjplastalloy Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.5.5 Jjplastalloy Related Developments11.6 Tosaf11.6.1 Tosaf Corporation Information11.6.2 Tosaf Description and Business Overview11.6.3 Tosaf Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.6.4 Tosaf Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.6.5 Tosaf Related Developments11.7 Sumiran Masterbatch11.7.1 Sumiran Masterbatch Corporation Information11.7.2 Sumiran Masterbatch Description and Business Overview11.7.3 Sumiran Masterbatch Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.7.4 Sumiran Masterbatch Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.7.5 Sumiran Masterbatch Related Developments11.8 Padenapolymer11.8.1 Padenapolymer Corporation Information11.8.2 Padenapolymer Description and Business Overview11.8.3 Padenapolymer Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.8.4 Padenapolymer Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.8.5 Padenapolymer Related Developments11.9 M.G. Polyblends11.9.1 M.G. Polyblends Corporation Information11.9.2 M.G. Polyblends Description and Business Overview11.9.3 M.G. Polyblends Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.9.4 M.G. Polyblends Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.9.5 M.G. Polyblends Related Developments11.10 EnerPlastics11.10.1 EnerPlastics Corporation Information11.10.2 EnerPlastics Description and Business Overview11.10.3 EnerPlastics Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.10.4 EnerPlastics Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.10.5 EnerPlastics Related Developments11.1 Ampacet11.1.1 Ampacet Corporation Information11.1.2 Ampacet Description and Business Overview11.1.3 Ampacet Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 Ampacet Slip Masterbatches Products Offered11.1.5 Ampacet Related Developments11.12 HTMasterbatch11.12.1 HTMasterbatch Corporation Information11.12.2 HTMasterbatch Description and Business Overview11.12.3 HTMasterbatch Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.12.4 HTMasterbatch Products Offered11.12.5 HTMasterbatch Related Developments

12 Future Forecast by Regions (Countries) (2021-2026)12.1 Slip Masterbatches Market Estimates and Projections by Region12.1.1 Global Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.1.2 Global Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.2 North America Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.1 North America: Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.2 North America: Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.3 North America: Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.3 Europe Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.1 Europe: Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.2 Europe: Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.3 Europe: Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.4 Asia Pacific Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.1 Asia Pacific: Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.2 Asia Pacific: Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.3 Asia Pacific: Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)12.5 Latin America Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.1 Latin America: Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.2 Latin America: Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.3 Latin America: Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.6 Middle East and Africa Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.1 Middle East and Africa: Slip Masterbatches Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.2 Middle East and Africa: Slip Masterbatches Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.3 Middle East and Africa: Slip Masterbatches Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)

13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis13.1 Market Opportunities and Drivers13.2 Market Challenges13.3 Market Risks/Restraints13.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis13.5 Primary Interviews with Key Slip Masterbatches Players (Opinion Leaders)

14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis14.1 Value Chain Analysis14.2 Slip Masterbatches Customers14.3 Sales Channels Analysis14.3.1 Sales Channels14.3.2 Distributors

15 Research Findings and Conclusion

16 Appendix16.1 Research Methodology16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach16.1.2 Data Source16.2 Author Details16.3 Disclaimer

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Slip Masterbatches Market Size, Segment, Evolution Rate by Type and Application And Forecast 2020-2026 - Cole of Duty

Snapdeal’s Kunal Bahl on the evolution of e-commerce and building a business during COVID-19 – CNBCTV18

India's $200 billion e-commerce market is at the cusp of a revolution driven by internet and smartphone penetration. Before the coronavirus pandemic hit the country, bulk of the business on online platfroms came from the tech savvy 100 million customers in the top ten cities, but the COVID-19 crisis has altered the landscape.

The e-commerce market is now focused on owning a share of the wallet of the next 400 million customers who are driving growth in the tier 2 and tier 3 cities.

While the digital transformation is helping the customer feel safe at home, it has also brought down cost of customer acquisition for online retailers as they struggle to keep the cash burn low to manage the crisis.

Building a profitable business is tough and rebuilding one during a crisis is even tougher. Even the most seasoned entrepreneurs are known to have lost a beat when faced with a do-or-die event.

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Snapdeal's Kunal Bahl on the evolution of e-commerce and building a business during COVID-19 - CNBCTV18

Smart Agriculture/Farming Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come – Cole of Duty

Latest released the research study onGlobal Smart Agriculture/Farming Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope.Smart Agriculture/FarmingMarket research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of theSmart Agriculture/Farming Market. The study covers emerging players data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers.

Top players in Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market are:

AGCO (United States),Raven Industries (United States),Deere & Company (United States),(Trimble) (United States),AG Leader Technology (United States),GEA Group (Germany),Agribotix (United States),AgJunction (United States),DeLaval (Sweden),ec2ce (Spain),DICKEY-john Corporation (United States),CropMetrics (United States),Precision Planting (United States),SST Development Group (United States),Topcon Positioning Systems (United States),Teejet Technologies (United States),Granular (United States),The Climate Corporation (United States),Descartes Labs (United States),Gamaya (Switzerland)

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Keep yourself up-to-date with latest market trends and changing dynamics due to COVID Impact and Economic Slowdown globally. Maintain a competitive edge by sizing up with available business opportunity in Smart Agriculture/Farming Market various segments and emerging territory.

Brief Overview on Smart Agriculture/Farming

Smart farming is a farming management which uses modern technology to increase the quantity and quality of the agriculture product. This allows delivering more productivity and sustainable agriculture production based on more precise and resources efficient approach with the use of advanced technology. Smart farming allows farmers access to GPS, data management, soil scanning and internet of things technology. Farmers can then precisely measure variations within a field and adapt the strategy accordingly and also allows to increase the effectiveness of pesticides and fertilisers to use them more selectively.

Recent Development in Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market:

In January 2018, John Deere launched Intelligent Boom Control (IBC) for 1270G harvesters in North America. IBC provides operators with increased accuracy and productivitybringing harvester capabilities to a whole new level.

The Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:

Study by Application (Water & Fertilizer Management, HVAC Management, Yield Monitoring, Crop Scouting, Weather Tracking & Forecasting, Farm Labor Management, Milk Harvesting, Breeding Management, Feeding Management), Agriculture Type (Precision Farming, Smart Greenhouses, Fish Farming, Livestock Monitoring, Others), Offering (Hardware { Precision Farming Hardware, Livestock Monitoring Hardware, Fish Farming Hardware and Smart Greenhouse Hardware}, Software { Local/Web Based and Cloud Based}, Services { System Integration & Consulting, Managed Services, Connectivity Services, Assisted Professional Services and Maintenance and Support})

Market Drivers

Market Trend

Market Challenges

Market Restraints:

Market Opportunities:

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming

Chapter 4: Presenting the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2020

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.

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Data Sources & Methodology

The primary sources involve the industry experts from the Global Smart Agriculture/Farming Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industrys value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.

In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Companys Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weightage.

Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

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Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources; our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enables clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

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Smart Agriculture/Farming Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come - Cole of Duty

Explained: The origin and evolution of Indias military ties with Nepal – The Indian Express

Written by Manraj Grewal Sharma, Edited by Explained Desk | Chandigarh | Updated: July 16, 2020 7:44:52 am At the 13th edition of the bilateral biannual military exercise, between India and Nepal Army, Pithoragarh, May 30, 2018. (Source: Twitter/@SpokespersonMoD/Representational Image)

On July 10, Havildar Sambur Gurung (36), a soldier from Nepal serving in the Gurkha regiment, was killed in cross-border firing along the Line of Control in Nowshera sector of Jammu. Coming amidst the chill in the Indo-Nepal ties, Gurungs supreme sacrifice is a reminder about the strong ties between the Indian and Nepalese armed forces. Soldiers from Nepal form a significant part of the Indian Armys legendary Gurkha regiment. Here is a brief explainer on the origin and evolution of these ties:

Former Army Chief Gen VP Malik (retd), who has dedicated a chapter to Nepal in his book Indias Military Conflicts & Diplomacy, says Indias military connection with the Himalayan country goes back to the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh whose army in Lahore enlisted Nepalese soldiers called Lahure or soldiers of fortune.

British India raised the first battalion of the Gurkha Regiment as the Nasiri regiment on April 24, 1815. By the time the First World War started, there were 10 Gurkha regiments in the British Indian Army.

When India got freedom, these regiments were divided between the British and Indian armies as per the BritainIndiaNepal Tripartite Agreement signed in November 1947. Six Gurkha regiments with a lakh-odd soldier came to India, which went on to raise another regiment called 11 Gurkha Rifles to accommodate soldiers of 7th Gurkha Rifles and the 10th Gurkha Rifles, who chose not to transfer to the British Army.

Also in Explained | What changed in India-Nepal ties?

Yes, any Nepali can join the Indian Army, both as a jawan and as an officer. A citizen of Nepal can take the National Defence Academy or Combined Defence Services exams and join the Indian Army as an officer. Col Lalit Rai, who received a Vir Chakra for the bravery of his battalion, the 1/11 Gurkha Rifles, during the Kargil war, is one such officer of Nepalese descent.

The Nepalese army also sends its officers for training to Indias military academies and combat colleges.

The Gurkha regiments, which have 35 battalions, recruit a large number of troops from Nepal.

Lt Gen DS Hooda (retd), the Northern Army commander during the surgical strikes of 2016, who was commissioned into 4th Gurkhas, vouches for the strong inter-personal ties between the soldiers and officers of the two countries due to the Gurkha regiments. Every year, our battalions commission a tour of Nepal. Young officers from India trek to traditional recruiting areas in the rugged Himalayas, meet the locals, and often live in villages with ex-servicemen.

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Both the officers and the troops are fiercely proud of their war cry Jai Maha Kali, Ayo Gorkhali, the khukri, and their command over Gurkhali language. Lt Gen Depinder Singh (retd), former chief of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), and an officer of the Gurkha regiment, recalls how in the initial years after Independence, any officer who could not master Gurkhali in three months was shifted to another regiment.

Yes, they enjoy the same benefits as the India troops both during service and after retirement. They get the same medical facilities as the Indian soldiers, and often medical teams from the Indian Army tour Nepal. Unlike the British, who started giving the Nepalese soldiers pension only a few years ago, the Indian Army has never discriminated against the Nepalese soldiers, who can avail of healthcare facilities in India as well. The Indian Army also runs welfare projects in Nepal villages, including small water and power projects.

Yes, this convention dates back to 1972 when then Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, a Gurkha regiment officer, fondly called Sam Bahadur by his troops, was made the honorary chief of the Nepalese army. Ever since, the Army chief of India is the honorary chief of the Nepalese army and vice-versa.

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Explained: The origin and evolution of Indias military ties with Nepal - The Indian Express

IT Staffing Predictable to Witness Sustainable Evolution Over 2026 Aerotek , Apex Systems, Global Hunt India Pvt Ltd, Insight Global, Kelly Services….

The Global IT Staffing Market Analysis to 2027 is a specialized and in-depth study of the technology, media and telecommunications industry with a special focus on the global market trend analysis. The report aims to provide an overview of IT staffing market with detailed market segmentation by type, vertical, and geography. The global IT staffing market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading IT staffing market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.

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Global IT Staffing Market by Companies:

Aerotek , Apex Systems, Global Hunt India Pvt Ltd, Insight Global, Kelly Services, Kforce, Randstad N.V., Robert Half International, Collabera Inc.

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IT Staffing Market by Region Segmentation:

North America Country(United States, Canada)Asia Country(China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe Country(Germany, UK, France, Italy)Other Country(Middle East, Africa, GCC)

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Key Points Describing Various Features of Report:-

Manufacturing Analysis The IT Staffing market includes a section featuring manufacturing process investigation approved by means of essential data collated through Industry specialists and Key authorities of profiled organizations.

IT Staffing Market Competition Leading professionals have been investigated depending on their company profile, product database, capacity, product/service value, transactions, and cost/revenue.

Demand & Supply and Effectiveness Furthermore, The IT Staffing report provides information on distribution, Production, Consumption & EXIM (Export & Import).

Request a customized copy of IT Staffing reportIf you wish to find more details of the report or want customization, contact us. You can get a detailed of the entire research here. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will customize the report as you want.

Finally, the IT Staffing Market report is an authentic source for gaining the market research that is likely to exponentially accelerate your business. The report gives the principle locale, economic situations coupled with item value, benefit, limit, generation, supply, request, and market development rate and figure and so on. The IT Staffing report additionally presents a new task SWOT examination, speculation attainability investigation, and venture return investigation.

Major Topics Covered in this Report

Chapter 1 Study Coverage

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

Chapter 3 Market Size by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Production by Regions

Chapter 5 Consumption by Regions

Chapter 6 Market Size by Type

Chapter 7 Market Size by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter 9 Production Forecasts

Chapter 10 Consumption Forecast

Chapter 11 Upstream, Industry Chain and Downstream Customers Analysis

Chapter 12 Opportunities & Challenges, Threat and Affecting Factors

Chapter 13 Key Findings

Chapter 14 Appendix

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IT Staffing Predictable to Witness Sustainable Evolution Over 2026 Aerotek , Apex Systems, Global Hunt India Pvt Ltd, Insight Global, Kelly Services....

Evolution On Evolutionary Computation – Discovery Institute

Photo credit: Photo by John Karlo Mendoza on Unsplash.

Editors note: Dr. Yampolskiy is Associate Professor in the department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville. In this series, he asks: What Can and Cant Darwins Algorithm Compute? See also yesterdays post, the first in the series, What Can and Cant Darwins Algorithm Compute?

Inspired by Darwins theory1 of biological evolution, evolutionary computation attempts to automate the process of optimization and problem solving by simulating differential survival and reproduction of individual solutions. From the early 1950s, multiple well-documented attempts to make Darwins algorithm work on a computer have been published under such names as Evolutionary Programming12, Evolutionary Strategies13, Genetic Algorithms14, Genetic Programming15, Genetic Improvement16, Gene Expression Programming17, Differential Evolution18, Neuroevolution19, and Artificial Embryogeny20. While numerous variants different in their problem representation and metaheuristics exist21-24, all can be reduced to just two main approaches Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Genetic Programming (GP).

GAs are used to evolve optimized solutions to a particular instance of a problem such as Shortest Total Path25, Maximum Clique26, Battleship27, Sudoku28, Mastermind23, Light Up29, Graph Coloring30, integer factorization31, 32, or efficient halftone patterns for printers33, and so are not the primary focus of this paper. GPs purpose, from their inception, was to automate programming by evolving an algorithm or a program for solving a particular class of problems, for example an efficient34 search algorithm. Software design is the type of application most frequently associated with GPs35, but work in automated programming is also sometimes referred to as real programing, object-oriented GP, algorithmic programming, program synthesis, traditional programming, Turing Equivalent (TE) programming or Turing-complete GP36-38.

The sub-field of computation, inspired by evolution in general, and the Genetic Programing paradigm, established by John Koza in 1990s, in particular are thriving and growing exponentially. This is evidenced both by the number of practitioners and of scientific publications. Petke et al. observe enormous expansion of number of publications with the Genetic Programming Bibliography passing 10,000 entries By 2016 there were nineteen GP books including several intended for students 16. Such tremendous growth has been fueled, since the early days, by belief in the capabilities of evolutionary algorithms, and our ability to overcome obstacles of limited computational power or data as illustrated by the following comments:

Tomorrow, State-of-the-Art in Evolutionary Computation.

Here is the original post:

Evolution On Evolutionary Computation - Discovery Institute

Spread Offense Analysis: Oregon’s XYZ Receiver Evolution – FishDuck

If youve ever tuned in to football commentary youve probably heard talk about X, Y, and Z receivers. While these position names can change based on the system, theres a history behind this labeling method. And the Oregon offense has played a part in the evolution of these positions over the past decade.

The video above exemplifies the historical transition from traditional offensive sets to more modern spread sets. Georgia Tech was one of the last teams to run the Flexbone offense at the college level with the retirement of Paul Johnson in 2018. Georgia Tech made it evident they were going to join the modern era when they lined up in the Flexbone and then shifted into a spread formation on the first play of their 2019 spring football game.

Today, offenses have fewer running backs in the backfield and more players outside the tackles. With this change, wingbacks and fullbacks of yore have morphed into the X and Y receivers you see today.

X This wide receiver can be on or off the line of scrimmage. The first and third play above show how a passing play will be designed to open up space to get the X receiver the ball on intermediate and longer routes. The most recent example of a good X receiver is Dillon Mitchell in 2018.

Z The Z receiver has also been referred to as a slot or flanker. This player can also be on or off the line of scrimmage but is typically a smaller, quicker receiver. The second play above shows the Z being used in a shorter route when the defense focuses on stopping the X receiver. Oregon may not have had a prototype X receiver before the transfer of Juwan Johnson, but theyve had good Z receivers in Mycah Pittman, Jaylon Redd, and Johnny Johnson III.

Y The Y receiver is more of tight end type of player. However, modern offenses have hybridized the traditional tight end into player that can align with the lineman, split out wide, or line up in the backfield to block right or left. The final play above shows the versatility of theY position as Oregon utilizes Jacob Breeland as a run blocker and receiver.

Certain remnants of traditional offenses like the Wing-T and Flexbone are still utilized today, such as the jet sweep (video above) and pulling guards. With the spread offense, however, teams utilize one running back instead of three and now have two hybrid positions in the Z and Y receivers. That evolution has changed the game.

In the 2013 and 2014 seasons, Oregon brought the evolution of the hybrid athlete to an impressive level. Byron Marshall rushed for 1,038 yards in 2013, yet when Oregons all-time leading rusher Royce Freeman joined the team, the Ducks switched Marshall to the Z receiver position. Marshall proceeded to amass 1,003 yards and six touchdowns receiving.Oh, and he also rushed for 392 yards and a score.

Though it would be fun to imagine the Wing-T or the Flexbone offense with Marcus Mariota, Royce Freeman, Thomas Tyner, and Byron Marshall, the coaches at Oregon have evolved the receiver positions for the Ducks to take advantage of their unique spread offense and rush the nation by storm.

Coach Jeremy MosierGeneseo, Illinois Top Photo by Harry Caston

Phil Anderson, theFishDuck.comVolunteer editor for this article, is a trial lawyer in Bend Oregon.


Spread Offense Analysis: Oregon's XYZ Receiver Evolution - FishDuck

Fascinating Evolution of White Thistle-Down Velvet Ants Which Are Actually Wasps in Disguise – SciTechDaily

The Thistle-down velvet ant (Dasymutilla gloriosa), a type of wasp, is a rare example of a white-colored creature in a desert climate. USU researchers investigated varied explanations for the insects pale coloration. Credit: Joseph S. Wilson

Multiple approaches used to investigate adaptive coloration of Dasymutilla gloriosa.

Driving across the arid American Southwest, one views miles upon miles of scrubby creosote bushes. Well-adapted to the hot, thirsty landscape, the evergreen shrub, also known as greasewood, chaparral and gobernadora, produces tufts of fluffy, white fruit capsules. Living among the plants are similarly fluffy white insects, difficult to distinguish from the fruit, that are, in fact, a species of wasps known as Thistle-down velvet ants.

Their scientific name is Dasymutilla gloriosa and theyre one of my favorites, says Utah State University biologist Joseph Wilson.

Looking at the velvet ant and creosote fruit side-by-side, its easy to imagine the fuzzy wasps white coloration evolved as camouflage.

Not so fast, Wilson says.

In the animal kingdom, there are relatively few examples of white being an adaptive color outside of arctic environments, he says. White coloration can be aposematic, meaning coloring meant to warn or repel predators, but it can also play a role in thermoregulation.

Wilson and USU colleagues Jeni Sidwell and James Pitts, along with Matthew Forister of the University of Nevada and Kevin Williams of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, discuss new findings about Thistle-down evolution in the July 15, 2020 issue of Biology Letters.

In 2015, the USU biologists identified North American velvet ants as one of the worlds largest known Mllerian mimicry complexes. Mimicry, a form of defense in which one animals copies another of a different species in appearance, actions or sound, is an evolutionary phenomenon scientists identified in the late 19th century.

Its logical to assume Thistle-down velvet ants evolved their appearance to hide from predators among fallen creosote fruits, says Wilson, associate professor in the Department of Biology at USUs Tooele campus. But the wasps preceded the arrival of the creosote bush to the American Southwest by millions of years. So we investigated other explanations for their white coloration.

A Thistle-down velvet ant (Dasymutilla gloriosa), left, and a fallen fruit from a creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), right, are similar in appearance. Utah State University scientists investigated the idea the wasps appearance evolved as camouflage. Credit: Joseph S. Wilson

The team surmised the wasps pale coloring could provide thermoecological benefits in their sizzling hot environment. The researchers investigated genetic data. They used reflectance spectrometry to compare spectral reflectance of the wasps and the creosote fruit. With a thermal imaging camera and other probes, the scientists measured the organisms external and internal temperatures.

Sampling extensive data and following varied analyses, the team concluded the velvet ants white coloration is an adaptation to the hot desert environment, rather than predation pressure.

We learned not to judge a book by its cover, Wilson says. We each looked outside of our narrow specializations to apply varied disciplines to the questions we were asking. When considering coloration, never assume non-humans view colors as humans do. Thistle-down velvet ants are white to us and look like creosote fruit, but we dont know exactly how they appear to the wasps predators.

Reference: Thistledown velvet ants in the Desert Mimicry Ring and the evolution of white coloration: Mllerian mimicry, camouflage and thermal ecology by Joseph S. Wilson, Jeni Sage Sidwell, Matthew L. Forister, Kevin A. Williams and James P. Pitts, 15 July 2020, Biology Letters.DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0242

Originally posted here:

Fascinating Evolution of White Thistle-Down Velvet Ants Which Are Actually Wasps in Disguise - SciTechDaily

HKUMed and Institut Pasteur collaborate to use an evolution – Mirage News

The LKS Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has collaborated with Institut Pasteur, Paris, to develop an approach to evolve molecules which are entirely alien to biology. The researchers have demonstrated the approach by evolving molecules which stick to a malaria biomarker. Critically, these special non-biological molecules are able to carry out tasks which normal biological molecules are intrinsically unable to do. These molecules can, for example, be used to determine the type of malaria with which a patient is infected. The research has just been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), a top journal in the field of multidisciplinary science. [link to the publication]

One of the lead researchers of the study, Professor Julian Tanner, Professor and Associate Director (Teaching & Learning) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Assistant Dean (Biomedical Sciences Curriculum), HKUMed, remarked, Evolution is a powerful idea that is at the centre of all of biology. This study harnesses the evolutionary idea of natural selection, but then applies it outside of the biological context, thus creating an evolution in a test tube approach. One can then use evolution instead of design to develop molecules which can solve challenges in diagnostics and therapeutics. If we can extend evolution well beyond the usual confines of biological molecules such as DNA and protein, then we can open an entire new toolbox which can transform medicine.


Evolution is understood in biology as the process by which characteristics of organisms are inherited over successive generations under particular selective pressures. Evolution is guided by chance some members of a population are able to outcompete others which over time define the physical characteristics and behaviour of a species.

It is also possible to apply evolutionary selections to populations of molecules. In a similar fashion, molecules can be made to compete with each other for a particular characteristic. For example, this characteristic might be sticking to specific molecular markers which only exist in the presence of a disease. Such evolved molecules could then be used in diagnosing or treating a disease. This has previously been demonstrated for common biological molecules including DNA and proteins. However, it has always been a challenge to extend the idea of molecular evolution much beyond common biological molecules.

Study Results

The major challenge the team faced was how to develop an approach to allow point-of-care diagnosis of malaria that could distinguish when a patient is infected with Plasmodium falciparum parasites or Plasmodium vivax parasites. This is important as the two parasite species cause malaria with different outcomes and typically require different drug treatments. However, the point-of-care approaches which had previously been developed for malaria diagnosis typically were only able to determine whether a patient had malaria, but were unable to distinguish which parasite had caused the malaria.

To solve this challenge, the team developed and applied an entirely new approach where unusual cube chemistries, called cubanes, are included into DNA, and integrated into an evolution in a test tube approach. Cubanes are never observed in biology, and hence this is a rare example of applying evolutionary principles to an entirely non-biological system. The research team discovered new types of DNA incorporating these unusual cubane chemistries which perfectly fit the binding pocket of a malaria biomarker which specifically indicate Plasmodium vivax malaria infection.

This is amongst the first ever studies where non-biological molecules have been incorporated into a molecular evolution experiment. The study presents not only a way forward for better point-of-care diagnostics for malaria, but also opens up a new toolbox for the development of molecules for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Previous Study Results

Over the last decade, the HKUMed team has been developing the use of aptamers for new approaches for diagnostics, particularly for the point-of-care diagnostics. The team had developed the idea of aptamers for malaria diagnostics with a previous study also published in PNAS in 2013, originally just using normal DNA molecules. Subsequently, the team developed a wide variety of point-of-care tests for malaria as published in Chemical Communications in 2015, American Chemical Society (ACS) Sensors in 2016 and Biosensors & Bioelectronics in 2018. The team demonstrated approaches for diagnosis of reproductive disorders published in Nature Communications in 2019. This is the first study where the team has extended the idea of aptamer selections out to chemistries which are alien to biology.

About the research team

The current study was led by both HKUMed and Pasteur Institut, Paris. The two lead investigators are Professor Julian Tanner, Professor and Associate Director (Teaching & Learning) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Assistant Dean (Biomedical Sciences Curriculum), HKUMed, and Dr Marcel Hollenstein, a researcher at Pasteur Institut, Paris. Dr Cheung Yee-wai, then HKUMed researcher and Dr Pascal Rothlisberger, Pasteur Institut, Paris, are joint first authors. Other HKUMed researchers include Dr Andrew Kinghorn, Mr Young Lo, and Mr Alvin Wong.


The Hong Kong aspects of this work were generously supported by the Shirley Boyde Trust, which was founded in memory of Shirley Anne Boyde.

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HKUMed and Institut Pasteur collaborate to use an evolution - Mirage News

This Book Explores the Evolution of Electronic Music Through the Lens of 90’s "Beat Culture" –

The modern electronic scene has come a long way since its fascinating beginnings, which were heavily influenced by the colorful "beat culture" of the 90s. The evolution of hip-hop and electronic music throughout the era has now been etched into a book called Bedroom Beats & B-sides: Instrumental Hip Hop & Electronic Music at the Turn of the Century.

Scheduled to hit the shelves this winter,the book explores "beat culture" through the lens of its author,Laurent Fintoni, who dedicated over 20 years to the project.It includes over 100 interviews with artists, music producers, DJs, and record label owners, all of whom were deeply immersed into the culture.

"This book is a deeply personal project that has consumed me for over 20 years," said Fintoni in a press release. "I hope it can do justice to the vibrancy and importance of the culture it seeks to celebrate and its people. I am grateful to Velocity Press for taking a chance on me as a first-time author and giving me space and support to tell the first, but hopefully not the last, version of this story."

You can preorder Bedroom Beats & B-Sides: Instrumental Hip Hop & Electronic Music At The Turn Of The Century here via Velocity Press.

Credit: The Vinyl Factory

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This Book Explores the Evolution of Electronic Music Through the Lens of 90's "Beat Culture" -