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Global Industrial PC Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by : Advantech, Adlinktech, Siemens, EVOC, Norco, Contec,...

Tale of an intersection written in change: State and Union undergoes evolution – Traverse City Record Eagle

TRAVERSE CITY Traverse Citys new civic gathering space, Rotary Square, will bring big changes to the southeast corner of State and Union streets.

Big changes are nothing new to this intersection.

Over the last 150 years this area has been home to a lumberyard, a wagon works factory, gas stations, an early version of a farmers market, and numerous commercial enterprises.

Long before white settlement, local Anishinaabek regularly came to West Bay to pick berries and fish.

A trail marker on the southwest corner of Lake Avenue and Cass Streets commemorates one of the trails that crisscrossed this region. It is highly likely that tribal members moved along the banks of the Boardman River, very near the soon-to-be-built Rotary Square.

When white settlers first arrived in northern Michigan in the mid-1800s, agriculture dominated the American economy. But by the 1870s the American Industrial Revolution was well under way.

This mix of agriculture and industry was reflected in the earliest businesses arising around State and Union.With lumbering considered sometimes agricultural, and sometimes industrial, a Hannah & Lay Co. lumberyard on the northeast corner of the intersection was the perfect example of this mix.

In 1890 the corner section of the lumberyard was replaced by a saloon, although its safe to assume that a sizeable portion of the saloons customers still worked in the lumber industry.

The lumberyard was not this areas only hint of agriculture.

As late as 1919 the northwest corner housed a small clapboard building, almost a shack, where farmers would exchange crops. Perhaps it could be thought of as an early, low-key Sarah Hardy Farmers Market.

In the 1890s, just to the north of the exchanges location, stood a blacksmiths shop. And for the first couple of decades of the 20th century the southwest corner of the intersection was the location of A.J. Petertyls Traverse City Wagon Works.

By the 1920s both of these small industrial operations, as well as many of the larger industrial enterprises along West Bay and Boardman Lake, were closing down. Industry was waning. Broader commercial activities, and even tourism, began driving Traverse Citys economy.

For tourists and townspeople alike, the internal combustion engine was overtaking the horse as Americas main mode of transportation. All of this was reflected in the developments at State and Union.

By 1929 businesses on three of the intersections four corners catered to the automobile. Filling stations sat on the northwest and southeast corners. On the southwest corner the wagon works had been replaced by an auto repair shop, although the current U.S. Post Office opened at that location in 1939.

Those catty-cornered gas stations, operating under several different owners, remained in business to the turn of the 21st century.

The Rennie Oil Company occupied the northwest corner from 19401970, and was replaced by Kinneys Pioneer Service, which ran until 2007. The corner is now filled with a three-story mixed-use commercial and residential building.

Long-time resident Larry Hains recalls both the Rennie Oil Company and Kinneys Pioneer Service displaying a kind of three-dimensional public service announcement.

I remember for years the stations had the practice of placing vehicles from extremely bad wrecks right on the corner, easily seen by all. They were a warning to drive carefully, said Hains.

Across Union Street the saloon on the northeast corner at some point closed, and in the 1940s the building was occupied by The James Electric and Appliance Company. Esthers Beauty Shop served customers in that space from 1950 1979, and Strong, Drury and Elkins Architects occupied it from 19791993. Since 1993 the site has hosted Cousin Jennys Cornish Pasties.

Esther Sprague ran Esthers Beauty Shop. Memories paint a picture of a place where people felt welcomed and at ease.

Esther was a wonderful person to work for. She was so generous with all of us ladies that worked there, recalled Millie Acre Salensky.

Barbara Smith recounts a summer family tradition from the late 1950s and early 1960s: As soon as school was out, her mother would take her and her two sisters to Esthers for summer haircuts.

For years they would receive very short pixie cuts. Smith is pretty sure that was their only hair cut each year, after which they would let it grow out until the next summer.

I met my future wife there, but not while getting a pixie haircut! says Douglas Salensky.

What of the southeast corner itself? The first known building on that corner was the State Street School, which was moved there in 1877.

The school was originally built in 1869 facing Park Street, at a time when it still ran south of State Street all the way to the bank of the Boardman River. The school sat at approximately the location of todays Park Place Hotel annex.

It was an addition to the 1856 White School, named for its paint job, which was the first building built as a school within the city limits.

In the 1880s a string of four more buildings were constructed facing Union Street to the south of the State Street School. The various businesses housed in these buildings reflected Traverse Citys continuing development as a commercial hub.

Those businesses included several restaurants, grocers, a dress shop, a barber, a tailor, a crockery and furniture store, a bicycle shop, a sewing machine shop, a pawn broker, and, eventually, the gas stations that sat catty-corner from Rennies and Kinneys.

The gas station on that southeast corner belonged to Jess Letherby in the late 1930s, and by the 1960s was owned by Curley Crandall. By 1998 the building had been remodeled to house NPI Wireless and Noverr Publishing, then Northwestern Bank, and most recently, Chemical Bank.

Another big change soon will be coming to the intersection of State and Union. Over more than a century and half, Traverse City has successfully adapted to the times. Through agricultural, industrial, commercial, and tourist economies, this town continues to be the thriving little city that could.

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Tale of an intersection written in change: State and Union undergoes evolution - Traverse City Record Eagle

Evolution of colorectal cancer screening research in the past 25 years: text-mining analysis of publication trends and topics – DocWire News

This article was originally published here

Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2020 Jul 20;13:1756284820941153. doi: 10.1177/1756284820941153. eCollection 2020.


BACKGROUND: There is a growing research effort in the field of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, with varying topics and shifting research foci over the years. The aim of this study was to apply a text-mining technique to evaluate trends in publications for CRC screening in the last 25 years.

METHODS: We retrieved MEDLINE/PubMed datasets from 1992-2017. We selected keywords from Medical Subject Headings to include CRC screening related publications. For each article, we extracted the following data: title, journal, publication date, abstract, article type, citation frequency, and country of origin. Articles were categorized into topics using word combination and title match technique.

RESULTS: In 1992-2017, 14,119 CRC screening related papers were published. The US had the highest number of papers (n = 4824) and China had the highest growth rate in publications. Overall, the most researched topic was screening and surveillance programs (38%). The topics of quality assurance (r = 0.87) and racial disparities (r = 0.91) have gained increased research attention over the years. In total, 11 of the 20 most cited articles in the field were published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

CONCLUSION: The number of publications devoted to CRC screening has grown, with high-quality research reaching top-tier journals. A surge in the number of publications has been increasing in countries previously less involved in research in the field. Screening programs remain the most researched topic, and quality indicators is attracting a growing attention. Text-mining analysis of CRC screening research contributes to an understanding of publication trends and topics and can point to the need for potential future investigations.

PMID:32733602 | PMC:PMC7372615 | DOI:10.1177/1756284820941153

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Evolution of colorectal cancer screening research in the past 25 years: text-mining analysis of publication trends and topics - DocWire News

AKP and the Evolution of a New Brand of Populism in Turkish Politics – Modern Diplomacy

In 2011, in a phase of severe economic crisis for Italy, almost on the verge of default, the violent ousting of the Libyan leader, Muammar al Minyar El Gaddafi, was the obvious tombstone of Italian foreign policy and also of its intelligence Services forced to serve only the interests of those who wanted to destroy Italys interests.

The United States wanted to put an end to the sequence of Arab Springs started in Tunisia, a small country suitable for tests as the papers of the Foreign Office reported in 1901 with respect to Russia, a country suitable for Socialist tests.

The United States interpreted foreign policy according to its internal and self-referential criteria and it was useless to ask it to have a broader vision.

Certainly France wanted to take Libya, but above all it wanted to take ENI and also to put Italy in a severe minority condition throughout the Mediterranean region.

The way in which France operated in Gaddafis times and, indeed, France has never relinquished coup designs against Gaddafi showed only one thing, that also Great Britain knew, i.e. that Gaddafi had been an excellent invention of the Italian Intelligence Services, when they still existed. Italy rescued Gaddafi at least three times, twice from Great Britain and once from France, as well as twice from the United States.

Pursuing our national interest, we were branded as anti-liberal and, in any case, within NATO you pay for certain betrayals.

Great Britain also wanted to follow France in its anti-Gaddafi hysteria, especially after Sarkozy asked the Raisfor a significant loan. It had some oil interest with it to prepare for the Royal Dutch Shell, which first opened negotiations with the new Libyan regime in 2013, as well as the ENI security Services, which quickly agreed with Jallud and Italys traditional points of reference in opposing Gaddafi. Either Shell or Total that was the game, while Italy was sinking into the crisis and a friendly sale of ENI was not unlikely.

To put it frankly, however, the anti-Gaddafi rhetoric was ridiculous: the usual talk about his not being democratic as if an Arab Rais could behave like a Manhattan jazz musician, all sex, drugs and rock & roll while opening the doors to the Muslim Brotherhood and its networks which, coincidentally, immediately generated a widespreading of jihadist organisations, as it happened also outside Libya.

Did they really believe there were good and bad jihadists? But where did they live, in a commercial spot for detergents?

The French intelligence services operation triggering the revolt was above all the tension at the Abu Salim prison, organized by a strange and previously unknown Libyan section of the Association for Human Rights based in Paris.

The material start of the revolt was in Benghazi, in February 2011, but the economic and social situation in Gaddafis Tripoli was very different from the other Arab springs superficially organized by some strategic PRs,paid by the intelligence Agencies, between Manhattan and Sloane Street. Nothing to do with talk about freedom and Martini cocktails.

In fact, as maintained by some reports of the German Foundations published shortly before Gaddafis fall, Gaddafis Libya ensured an average income five times as much as Egypts. Said income was also well spread among the population, especially with Gaddafi who did the only possible job in a country with many tribes, i.e. ensuring their selective support.

Furthermore, the harsh but also nave system already put in place against Milosevic in Serbia or against Saddam Hussein in Iraq was used again in Libya. Distingue frequenter, as the medieval logicians used to say.

The network of bloggers, previously strangely silent, started immediately, as well as some demonstrations on problems that existed even before, and the obsessive use of the buzzword democracy, which, in the minds of the poor and underprivileged people meant getting better, while in the words of strategic information managers, hired at a high and useless price by Western governments, meant: now work for us.

There was also Nietzsches soothing oil of the democratic myth to calm peoples fears, with some other possible distraction. Sex, above all, or youth amusement and entertainment business.

In the first phase of the Libyan peoples revolt, the United States largely had a wait-and-see attitude, but certainly a West believing that reality reasons like snobbish young ladies, like those you can find in some jet setters and socialites salons, is always doomed to the most tragic failures.

The Libyans did not want to kill the tyrant, in a Macbeth-style Scottish ritual since it is a concept completely alien to their political culture but they simply wanted to improve the Libyan regime, like the Tunisian one, both certainly permeated with nepotism and corruption, especially in Tunisia. Nevertheless, everything would certainly have been better than what happened afterwards.

Just think about the fact that the long war seems to be the silly rule of current humanitarian operations and interventions: everything is done with great fanfare and democratic rhetoric as if the whole world should go on like Vermont, or Paris V Arrondissement -and later you discover that the world is different from the parochial and obscure wealth of certain leaders. Hence the dose is repeated endlessly, always with fewer troops, as if the others were idiots or unable to fight, finally believing that everything works according to the repetitaiuvant principle. However, foreign policy and strategy never work like that.

The United States will be out of Afghanistan, without having resolved anything. Indeed, the situation will be worse than before, after a treaty with the Taliban drafted in Doha, which should lead to the withdrawal and complete return of U.S. soldiers back home within the next 14 months.

In Iraq, U.S. troops have been the subject of a Parliamentary resolution calling for their removal, despite the fact that the Iranian Armed Forces are still reluctant.

No significant strategic results have been reached and will be reached on the ground. Hence in Afghanistan the Taliban will obviously rise to power, as would have also happened many years ago.

In Iraq, with the Shiite majority in the population and the Iranian oil, economic, political and military penetration, I do not believe that the U.S. presence will achieve other great results.

Certainly the U.S. bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the largest one in the Emirates, are another necklace around Tehran. As the old and new AFRICOM networks around Libya, i.e. as many as 29 military bases in Bizerte, Tunisia; Libreville, Gabon; Ouagadougu, Burkina Faso; Dakar, Senegal; Niamey and Agadez, Niger, to control the great route of African migration, often directed against our shores, as well as 5 other bases in Somalia, 4 in Mali, and finally 2 in Libya.

Hence a terrible game is being played on Libya, which is the command and control on the passages from the Mediterranean to Central Africa, and Italy seems only to repeat the usual formulas of the snobbish young ladies, like those portrayed by Italian comedian Franca Valeri, based on two gross and very dangerous mistakes: a) Libya is not a national interest, because the usual human rights must be restored, but this is huge nonsense because these famous rights should be restored all over Africa; b) Italys interest is only that of the West, which does not have only one interest and, anyway, all the interests already defined are against Italy.

Which is the virus currently inoculated in our childish and immature politicians, which does not let them believe that there is a national interest, in which Libya is an unavoidable axis, considering that, as Napoleon said, the basis of foreign policy lies in geography?

At the time, we followed the very childish idea of Silvio Berlusconi and of his centre-right coalition that sided with the Anglo-Saxons and France as if we were in a costumed re-edition of the Second World War.

Certainly, just in case, we were also told that we would be bombed by mistake. But fear is not part of some strategic calculations. If our allies that were stealing Libya and ENI from us had done so, we would have told the truth. And more train attacks and bombings would have taken place

The Reductio ad Hitlerum is a naivety that, in Italy, also applies to ruling classes. Ignorant of foreign policy as confirmands.

Now, we are in the fairy world of a government that believes it can mediate while being completely irrelevant. Even on the ground, in Tripoli and Benghazi. A fairy-tale world made of human rights, always slave to propaganda, as well as to the rejection of war laid down by the most idiotic article of our Constitution, Article 11 (and, indeed, it is not the only one), which in fact accepts only unconditional surrender. In fact, those who came to power after an unconditional surrender, remember only that.

Not to mention the usual irregular migrants to be accepted without saying a word something that our EU friendly countries do not and have never done, but that we should do immediately, considering the Dublin agreement and the always artfully created sense of guilt for old experiences.

It is also worth reiterating that Italy is out of Libya, of the Maghreb region, of Africa and it will shortly be out of the Mediterranean. Thanks to our politicians, who know about strategy and geopolitics like a pizza maker usually knows about the calculus of variations. No disrespect and offense to our pizza makers, of course.

Without Libya there will beno control of the Mediterranean. Without control of the Mediterranean, there will be no Italian strategic and economic autonomy. Finally, without Italian strategic and economic autonomy there will be no growth, the mantra about which current politicians talk grandly.

However, let us better analyse the situation: Russia denies any direct engagement in Libya, but there are at least 14 MiG29 missiles in the Jufra base, as well as some Sukhoi-24 bombers, and also Pantsir anti-missile systems.

Allegedly, in the bases still linked to General Haftar, there are also Serbian and Ukrainian mercenaries, connected to the Wagner networks of Russian contractors.

They are mainly in the base of Gardabyah, but although denying any direct military interest in Libya, Russia has reportedly deployed its 900 militants in Syria and Libya in the bases linked to Haftar, as done also by Turkey.

The intelligence Services are particularly active. Especially the French ones, namely the DGSE, as well as the American CIA, which has never left Libya, and the German BND. This is not surprising.

Italy still has an excellent advisor to al-Sarraj, who knows all too well how to deal with certain issues. But he is alone, isolated, and now he is rare breed in Tripolis government.

In our opinion, al-Sarraj was not the holder of some Italian geopolitical interests, which should be dealt with well, but has the virtue of having been awarded the holy spirit of international organisations, through complex and sometimes indescribable ploys and ruses.

Italy would recognize also the devil, if it were appointed by some international organisations and fora, possibly even irrelevant.

France does not care about the international choices, which so much entice ambassadors and ladies, although it is a major part of them, more than Italy. In fact, it has always operated with its intelligence Services on Haftars side. When will the geopolitical servile attitude typical of the Italian ruling classes end?

The passage channel between Libya and Europe but not in Italy is always the triangle between Benghazi, Zuwara and Malta, created with light aircraft.

They know more in certain palaces in Valletta, including the religious ones, than in many Italian palaces of power, if we still want to call them so.

For the French Intelligence Services, the easiest connection is between Algeria and Lyon and, still today, some French intelligence service operatives train the still budding executives of Haftars Internal Intelligence Service.

The Germans meet both Haftar and al-Sarraj with communication lines starting directly from Germany and arriving both in Tripoli and Benghazi.

Meanwhile, on July 19, Egyptian President Al Sisi, the former Chief of the Military Services of the Armed Forces in Cairo stated and he could not do otherwise that Libya is obviously a national interest for Egypt. Even Italy, however, should have done so, also with possible harshness.

The EU, another factory of nothing, has stated in these days that we need to go back to the 5+5 mechanism for negotiation. But all the Libyan parties are reflections of other foreign countries and it is useless kicking the dog and meaning the master. We only need to talk to the master. What would be the resolution of the Libyan crisis magically awaited by the United Nations? No one knows.

An open and clear segmentation of the territory, which at the time of the Ottoman Empire was not unified at all. Hence it is a matter of saying goodbye and part without resentment. Like the aforementioned snobbish young ladies, jet setters and salon socialites.

But are we sure that a split Libya would be in our best interest? Possibly with the Fezzan tribes, happily involved in the illegal migration business, and Italy there to wait and see, as well as pay additional 1.3 million Euros to the so-called Libyan coastguards, as recently happened?

In a context of oil and hence of public revenue crisis, such as the one expected in Libya in 2020/2021, the only country that will bear a heavy brunt will be Italy, which will probably die economically together with its old Libyan colony.

Al-Sarraj recently explained that 1.4 billion U.S. dollars of oil sales have been lost since the port blockade imposed by General Haftar last January.

It should also be noted that General Haftar already has excellent relations with the Greek Intelligence Services, he has often met in obvious opposition with Turkey. However, the choices made by the Benghazi leader have already caused an 80% fall in Libyan oil sales.

Considering that, in a situation of low prices per barrel and oil extraction restrictions, the least expensive oil in Africa, that is Libyas, has its own strong significance, if it is closed to markets, we can infer the rule of those who have an interest in still destabilising Libya and those who have not.

Where would the playing cards of Westerners be? A small market in a very severe crisis? A non-existent presence on the ground? The idiotic ideologies that see in rampant immigration or in the impossible sealing of borders the solution to our problems? Those who do not know how to use weapons should not do foreign policy, and there would also be many weapons.

Turkey has quickly taken the place of Italy, which is increasingly apallic.

In Italy they probably fear the reactions of some salon , jet setters and socialites, who would cry out for human rights and, sometimes, for the necessary actions of some lackeys.

Until January 2020, however, Turkey sent 100 of its officers and at least 2,500 militants from a jihadist group operating in Syria under the orders of MIT, the Turkish Intelligence Service, who quickly overturned the military result on the ground against General Haftar.

Turkey has two goals on Libyan soil: firstly, stopping the Egyptian, Emirates and Saudi operations against Turkeys economic and oil expansion in the Mediterranean. They know where the Mediterranean is. We do not.

We have surrendered to a beautiful region full of far more powerful States than Italy, namely Northern Europe, which no longer knows what to do with us. If it were not for the SMEs in the North.

Beautiful those times when Amintore Fanfani, a man with extraordinary strategic and predictive skills- after all Tuscan-Etruscans are a bit haruspices, or predictors, whom the Romans greatly feared, according to Titus Livy predicted a new Mediterranean policy for Italy, so as to take back that area that solum mio, just to quote Machiavelli in a well-known letter to Vettori.

The other Turkish policy line is that of perceiving a threat of the strategic whole between Israel, Greece and Cyprus to which at least it reacts with the probable EU support which, if any, would probably bring bad luck to the Turkish expansion in the Mediterranean.

The reaction of Haftars operatives, although defeated on the ground so far, has not been negligible and allows to foresee a long proxy war between Turkey, Egypt, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

With whom are the Westerners siding? They have left the ground to local players, with the exception of a few intelligence positions. Precisely with the hope of nothing, or rather with the idea that the matter will calm down and be settled by going back to the negotiation and mediation tables. To mediate what?

The success of Turkey, which will certainly not want to mediate its new presence in Tripolis oil market, as well as in the new Turkish Exclusive Economic Zone, stretching from the Libyan coast to Kastellorizo, in the Dodecanese?

What does Russia want? It wants to fight Westerners in the region and, anyway, also Turkey.

But again for Turkey and its intelligence, the services of the Russian contractor company Wagner were allegedly sold to the Emirates. This is not impossible.

Russia does not want a long war in Libya, which would wear out Mediterranean equilibria and probably exclude it from the new strategic context.

On the contrary, Russia officially wants an agreement between the parties, the end of hostilities and the creation of a Government of National Unity.

Furthermore, unlike others, Russia perceives the sense of Turkish penetration in Libya as the antecedent of the hegemonic Islamization of Turkey with respect to the jihadist groups of sub-Saharan Africa.

President Erdogan knows that Westerners who do not make calculations, but live on paranoia are now obsessed with China in Africa. He therefore thinks they will keep quiet while Turkey takes the big piece of Africa not yet fully colonized by China.

Russia, however, will never take great risks in Libya, because it does not want tension with Turkey, and especially with its new Turkish Stream.

In 2016 Russia already printed 9 billion U.S. dollars of Haftars new Libyan currency, with the effigy of the old Rais, transported to Benghazi via Malta, which imposed its remarkable tax.

Moreover, the Russian Federation is playing its future true cards on Saif-al Islam Gaddafi rather than on General Haftar. In short, everyone is playing and making plans on Libya, after the democratic disaster of France and Great Britain, while Italy is doing nothing at all.


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AKP and the Evolution of a New Brand of Populism in Turkish Politics - Modern Diplomacy

Cloudflare launches Workers Unbound, the next evolution of its serverless platform – TechCrunch

Cloudflare today announced the private beta launch of Workers Unbound, the latest step in its efforts to offer a serverless platform that can compete with the likes of AWS Lambda.

The company first launched its Workers edge computing platform in late 2017. Today it has hundreds of thousands of developers who use it, and in the last quarter alone, more than 20,000 developers built applications based on the service, according to the company. Cloudflare also uses Workers to power many of its own services, but the first iteration of the platform had quite a few limitations. The idea behind Workers Unbound is to do away with most of those and turn it into a platform that can compete with the likes of AWS, Microsoft and Google.

The original motivation for us building Cloudflare Workers was not to sell it as a product because we were using it as our own internal platform to build applications, Cloudflare co-founder and CEO Matthew Prince told me ahead of todays announcement. Today, Cloudflare Teams, which is our fastest-growing product line, is all running on top of Cloudflare Workers and its allowed us to innovate as fast as we have and stay nimble and stay agile and all those things that get harder as you become a larger and larger company.

Cloudflare co-founder and CEO Matthew Prince (Image Credits: TechCrunch)

Prince noted that Cloudflare aims to expose to third-party developers all of the services it builds for its internal consumption. The fact that weve been able to roll out a whole Zscaler competitor in almost no time is because of the fact that we had this platform and we could build on it ourselves, he said.

The original Workers service will continue to operate (but under the Workers Bundled moniker) and essentially become Cloudflares serverless platform for basic workloads that only run for a very short time. Workers Unbound as the name implies is meant for more complex and longer-running processes.

When it first launched Workers, the company said that its killer feature was speed. Today, Prince argues that speed obviously remains an important feature and Cloudflare Workers Unbound promises that it essentially does away with cold-start latencies. But developers also adopted the platform because of its ability to scale and its price.

Indeed, Workers Unbound, Cloudflare argues, is now significantly more affordable than similar offerings. For the same workload, Cloudflare Workers Unbound can be 75% percent less expensive than AWS Lambda, 24 percent less expensive than Microsoft Azure Functions, and 52 percent less expensive than Google Cloud Functions, the company says in todays press release.

As it turned out, the fact that Workers was also an edge computing platform was basically a bonus, but not necessarily why developers adopted it.

Another feature Prince highlighted is regulatory compliance. I think the thing were realizing as we talk to our largest enterprise customers is that for real companies not just the individual developer hacking away at home but for real businesses in financial services or anyone who has to deal with a regulated industry, the only thing that trumps ease of use is regulatory compliance, which is not sexy or interesting or anything else but like if your GC says you cant use XYZ platform, then you dont use XYZ platform and thats the end of the story, Prince noted.

Speed, though, is of course something developers will always care about. Prince stressed that the team was quite happy with the 5ms cold-start times of the original Workers platform. But we wanted to be better, he said. We wanted to be the clearly fastest serverless platform forever and the only number that we know no one else can beat is zero unless they invent a time machine.

The way the team engineered this is by queuing up the process while the two servers are still negotiating their TLS handshake. Were excited to be the first cloud computing platform that [offers], for no additional costs, out of the box, zero millisecond cold-start times, which then also means less variability in the performance.

Cloudflare also argues that developers can update their code and have it go live globally within 15 seconds.

Another area the team worked on was making it easier to use the service in general. Among the key new features here is support for languages like Python and a new SDK that will allow developers to add support for their favorite languages, too.

Prince credits Cloudflares ability to roll out this platform, which is obviously heavy on compute resources and keep it affordable to the fact that it always thought of itself as a security platform first (the team has often said that the CDN functionality was more or less incidental). Because it performed deep packet inspection, for example, the companys servers always featured relatively high-powered CPUs. Our network has been optimized for CPU usage from the beginning and as a result, its actually made it much more natural for us to extend our network that way, he explained. To this day, the same machines that are running our firewall products are the same machines that are running our edge computing platform.

Looking ahead, Prince noted that while Workers and Workers Unbound feature a distributed key-value store, the team is looking at adding a more robust database infrastructure and distributed storage.

The team is also looking at how to decompose applications to put them closest to where they will be running. You could imagine that in the future, it might be that you write an application and we say, listen, the parts of the application that are sensitive to the user of the database might run in Portland, where you are but if the database is in Ashburn, Virginia, then the parts that are sensitive to latency in the database might run there, he said.

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Cloudflare launches Workers Unbound, the next evolution of its serverless platform - TechCrunch

ProLock ransomware new report reveals the evolution of a threat – Naked Security

SophosLabs has just published a new report on a ransomware strain known as ProLock, which is interesting not so much for its implementation as for its evolution.

Lets start at the very top of the ransomware dilemma.

Should you ever pay blackmail money to ransomware crooks?

As you can imagine, law enforcement and government bodies around the world reguarly say, No! Please dont, because its the regular payments that make the whole ransomware ecosystem work in the first place.

Sure, in the 1990s, before anyone figured out how to make any real money out of malware, there were plenty of deeply destructive computer viruses that circulated widely and did huge amounts of damage.

It was often hard to figure out why anyone would write and deliberately disseminate malware back then, because those who were caught very often ended up serving prison sentences.

There were lots of possible reasons, of course: because virus writers had some sort of axe to grind with the world; because they wanted to make some sort of social or political statement; or simply because they could, and wanted to show off to their buddies in the cyberunderground.

Money didnt really come into it at all back then, not least because there wasnt a reliable way to extort money online and remain anonymous.

But malware in general, and ransomware in particular, doesnt much follow that anger at the world path any more.

Its almost all about money now and as you are no doubt aware in the case of ransomware, the money demanded can be several million dollars per network attack.

So, if no one ever paid up, contemporary theory says that crooks would be much less inclined to bother attacking networks with ransomware in the first place.

Thats because most attacks require quite a lot of time and effort on the part of the crooks this isnt an after-hours hobby where hackers compare notes with underground chums, but a competitive cybercrime arena.

Ransomware gangs may take days or weeks to get their attack ready, for example by:

Our own threat response team has even dealt with a ransomware victim where the criminals appear to have dug around in the IT departments own email to find out what cyberinsurance arrangements the company had in place, and to gauge how high to pitch their ransom demand.

These crooks also downloaded personal contact data for key members in the IT team, and then placed a voice call (using a voice changer) to the IT manager to threaten him directly, reading out some of his personally identifiable information (PII) as proof that they had already exfiltrated corporate data.

Weve also seen ransomware attacks where the criminals have emailed staff across the company to warn them that their own PII would be exposed to the world if the company didnt pay up, urging the staff to contact their IT team to demand that payment be made basically, turning the organisation against itself.

As you can see, the reaction of the crooks to the ever-louder advice, Dont pay! has been to adjust their approach to make their demands more compelling, even against companies that feel sure theyd never pay up.

As a result, weve always taken a conciliatory approach that says, We urge you to avoid paying up if there is any way you can. But if its legal to pay in your country, and you end up doing so, were not going to judge you for it, because its not the future of our business thats looking into the barrel of a ransomware criminals gun.

After all, if you genuinely have been caught out with inadequate backup, if every single computer in your company is essentially frozen and useless, if your business is almost certain to go down the tubes if you dont pay up, and if paying up is likely to save the company

then it would be rather self-indulgent for anyone to insist, You still shouldnt pay up, even if it means that everyone loses their job.

But what if paying up wont work, no matter how stuck you are, and might even make your position worse?

Thats a problem that faced the ProLock ransomware gang earlier this year.

Last year, as far as we can tell, these crooks were behind ransomware called PwndLocker that fortunately for the rest of us could sometimes be decrypted without paying.

The crooks had apparently made a cryptographic blunder that sometimes allowed victims to recover the decryption key even after the encryption was finished.

Next came the ProLock ransomware strain, which ended up provoking a more-urgent-than-ever warning from the FBI that said:

The decryption key or decryptor provided by the attackers upon paying the ransom has not routinely executed correctly. The decryptor can potentially corrupt files that are larger than 64MB and may result in file integrity loss of approximately 1 byte per 1KB over 100MB. Added coding may be necessary for the decryptor to function.

Interestingly, ProLock doesnt actually scramble every byte of every file it attacks.

In the ProLock sample analysed by SophosLabs, the first 8KB (8192 bytes, or 0x2000 in hex) of every file are left untouched.

As a result, files of 8KB or below are unmodified, while files bigger than 8192 bytes are encrypted but with the first 8KB intact.

ProLock isnt the first ransomware to use this trick leaving the start of files alone and there are three likely reasons why ransomware crooks do it:

We checked our own home directory and found that about two-thirds of our files were smaller than 8KB, which led us to think that a ProLock attack might not be that bad after all

except that the one-third of files that would get scrambled included almost everything of real importance, including all audio and podcast files and every video file, as well as most images, PDFs, documents, databases and presentations.

Only in the case of our Naked Security article archive would we have been lucky enough to retain just over half of our files, for the simple reason that we save the originals as plain text files, half of which are just under 8KB. (If saved as DOC or DOCX files, they would all come out well over 8192 bytes.)

ProLock also has some other interesting tricks to learn about, including obscuring the ransomware executable itself by hiding it inside a BMP (bitmap image) file that displays as an almost-uniform and apparently uninteresting black rectangle if you open it for inspection.

In a real-life ProLock attack, however, a PowerShell script that does not itself contain any ransomware code is used to unravel the EXE from the innocent-looking BMP file in order to launch it.

ProLock also contains a list of more than 150 different software products that it tries to spot in memory and kill off automatically, including enterprise applications (which typically keep files such as databases locked open, with the result that ransomware cant get write access to those files), security software and backup tools.

For the full and fascinating details of the ProLock ransomware, please visit the SophosLabs report.

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The evolution of the PlayStation controller: From DualShock to DualSense – Android Central

I've talked before about how the PS5 is a drastic design departure from previous PlayStation consoles, but I've never focused on the DualSense controller, itself a major shakeup to the DualShock line. PlayStation's controllers have all had similar form factors, so much so that the DualShock 2 and 3 are nearly identical. The DualSense is very clearly the odd one out in the family. Let's take a trip down memory lane and see how we got to this point.

Get your hands on it before it sells out

The PS5 isn't available for preorder just yet, but a few retailers are letting fans sign up for notifications so they don't miss out. The DualSense should hopefully make all of its upcoming games more immersive than ever before.

There have been plenty of unreleased PlayStation controllers over the years I'm sure no one can forget the PS3 boomerang but for our purposes will stick with the official controllers that released alongside PlayStation consoles. These are the ones we've all come to known as the DualShock lineup, now accompanied by the DualSense, set to launch with the PS5 this holiday.

The original PlayStation controller, pictured above on the left, isn't technically a DualShock controller. The name is derived from the two vibration motors found inside the shell, and these weren't introduced until 1997 when Sony released a controller with two analog sticks and rumble technology. This was the very first DualShock controller in all of its wired glory. It has your now iconic face buttons triangle, square, circle, and X, along with a symmetrical thumbstick layout, a D-pad, Start and Select buttons, triggers (L2, R2), and bumpers (L1, R1). The Analog button that can be seen in the center provides compatibility with the PlayStation Analog Joystick.

The DualShock 2 is nearly identical to its predecessor with some minor adjustments in the form of thumbstick textures and screws. This would also set the precedent for DualShock controllers to be entirely black when they would release. Under the hood, the technology was improved so that buttons were more pressure-sensitive and precise.

In terms of compatibility, the DualShock 2 can be used natively with both the original PlayStation and PS2 consoles, and the PS3 through the use of third-party peripherals.

What initially launched with the PS3 was actually called the Sixaxis controller due to its motion sensors, but it did not feature any vibration motors or haptic feedback for fear that these would affect its motion detection. The Sixaxis would eventually be phased out in favor of the DualShock 3, which included the previous rumble technology found in past DualShock's and also kept the motion sensors from the Sixaxis. All of its buttons remain the same, again with greater precision and tactile feedback, except it features a jewel PS button in the center instead of the Analog button.

Unlike previous DualShock controllers, the DualShock 3 is completely wireless through Bluetooth and can be charged via a mini-USB cable.

Up until the DualSense, the DualShock 4 was the biggest design departure from previous controllers. Not only is the casing more ergonomic, but a touchpad, light bar, and Share button were added, the latter of which would pave the way for instantly sharing content on social media. The touchpad is a versatile button that was severely underutilized, often acting as a glorified menu button for whatever game you're in.

Some games, like Ghost of Tsushima, take advantage of the touchpad's sensors and allow you to perform different actions by swiping in one of four directions across the pad. Its light bar, also underutilized, is primarily used with VR games and can act as a motion detector in games like Until Dawn, where players would need to hold the controller in a certain position to complete actions. The DualShock 4 also included a built-in speaker.

Now the DualSense marks a huge shakeup for PlayStation controllers. Right off the bat, you'll notice its two-tone color scheme and more ergonomic design. Sony put in a lot of work to ensure that the DualSense offers a level of immersion not found in DualShock controllers.

It features haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, allowing players to feel the tension and resistance of their actions in-game, like drawing a bowstring. The DualSense also has textured grips and thumbsticks that make it more comfortable to use over long periods of time. It keeps the touchpad and light bar found on the DualShock 4, but the light bar was moved to wrap around the touchpad on the DualSense. The DualSense is also charged through USB-C.

Get your hands on it before it sells out

The PS5 isn't available for preorder just yet, but a few retailers are letting fans sign up for notifications so they don't miss out. The DualSense should hopefully make all of its upcoming games more immersive than ever before.

Original post:

The evolution of the PlayStation controller: From DualShock to DualSense - Android Central

Was the quick evolution of Draisaitl from prospect to standout THE… –

EDMONTON It was almost 30 C as Edmonton Oilers fan Darnell Belcourt stood outside the protective bubble that surrounds Rogers Place and waited for the puck to drop in the teams opening qualifying round game against the Chicago Blackhawks.

The jumbo screen he was watching was inside the fence that surroundeda plaza thats intended for players, coaches and staff to relax outdoors, but a few fans like Belcourt still felt it was the best place to watch as the NHL resumed its COVID-19 truncated season on Saturday.

Im going to be here every game. Next time Im going to bring a chair, though, Belcourt laughed as he alternated between standing on concrete and sitting on the small window ledge of a nearby office building.

Comfy chairs and cold beer werent far away, however, as many fans filled bars near Rogers Place at least as much as new social-distancing rules would allow.

Its going on right there! exclaimed Hanna Warawa, who watched the game on a screen set up on the patio of Mercers Tavern, directly across the street from the arena.

David Clanahan, who watched at the Thrift Shop bar not far away, said August seemed like a weird time to watch hockey. But hot as it was, he still wore a jersey.

Its way too hot, but worth it, he said.

In Toronto, the streets around Scotiabank Arena and its nearby secure zone were relatively quiet when the first game between the New York Rangers and Carolina Hurricanesbegan earlier on Saturday.

Many nearby restaurants were closed and much of the perimeter around the arena was blocked off. Kellys Landing Bar Grill Hub Restaurant was showing the games on its screens near the arena but had many tables available a better indication of interest in Canadas biggest city might come Sunday night when the host Maple Leafs open against the Columbus Blue Jackets.

Jordan Alexander, manager of Sport Chek at Maple Leaf Square near the arena, said theyre selling about one-eighth the amount of Leafs merchandise compared to Toronto Raptors items in recent weeks. The Raptors also began their restart on Saturday near Orlando, Fla.

Alexander figured some streets might be shut down for some fanfare, but that didnt happen and so far its been pretty minimal impact.

I was expecting to see fans waiting to see the players, he said. I thought people might come down, but people have been respectful in terms of giving space and all of that.

Self-described massive Leafs fans Michael Papaeliou and Alyssa Derosario made a day trip to the city from Markham, Ont., to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame and possibly catch a game on TV at a restaurant Saturday.

So excited for it to return, Papaeliou said. The NHL is doing a really great job, better than any other league, to make this work.

They praised the leagues COVID-19 health and safety protocols, and the blockades set up around the Fairmont Royal York, one of two hotels the NHL is using in Toronto.

Especially in a city like Toronto thats so busy, its good to see that theyre practising the right rules and regulations safety-wise, said Derosario.

During the Oilers-Blackhawks game in Edmonton, about 40 adults and children stood on Jasper Avenuenot far from Rogers Placeprotesting an indoor mask bylaw that went into effect in the city Saturday.

Many fans watching in bars, however, seemed to appreciate the precautions the bars were taking, such as requiring people to sanitize their hands when they entered.

It seemed like the best way to still watch the game around some people but still taking some reasonable safety precautions,Clanahansaid.

Nicholas OConnell, who was also at Thrift Shop, said he had his mask, and was just thankful hockey was back.

We didnt think wed be sitting here a couple of months ago because of COVID, and now were able to hang out with our friends which is pretty good.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 1, 2020.

With files from Victoria Ahearn in Torontoand Donna Spencer in Edmonton.

Rob Drinkwater, The Canadian Press

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WWE Hall-of-Famer Lita Discusses The Women’s Evolution – Bleeding Cool News

WWE Hall-of-Famer Lita was a guest on a recent episode of Corey Graves's After the Bell podcast, and one of the topics they covered is the much-lauded Women's Evolution. Though Lita's full-time career lasted just under a decade, she remains one of the most beloved WWE stars of all time. Lita's full-time run with WWE ended in 2007, and she was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014. But she recently made a brief in-ring comeback in 2018 to compete at the Evolution PPV. Graves wanted to know how Lita felt as a wrestler from the Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression era, seeing the environment that today's female WWE Superstars operate in.

"What I love seeing now is the rise in women supporting women, like the whole locker room cheering each other on and seeing that a good match for two women is a good match for the entire locker room and for other opportunities," Lita said. "I feel like for me and for Trish at the time, it was like more fend for yourself. Cool, we've got this spot, but we're in this spot under the boys' rules, so we gotta fend for ourselves and hope that we continue to get these opportunities and forge this path for ourselves, hoping that other people could join in. But we gotta keep our heads down because we got this tiny little light coming through the door that we gotta try to just, we can't kick it in because we're gonna get smacked back, so we gotta kinda keep like creaking that door open to let people come in."

"It's so rad," Lita said of the current environment for female superstars. "I love now, as big as the moments were that were the firsts, it's cool that we're running out of firsts. That's where you've made real progress. Where it's not like the girl's match, it's just like, who are the matches on the card tonight, who am I stoked to see on the card tonight? It's not defined by gender."

"Yeah, for sure," Lita said when Graves asked her if she ever experienced envy at what today's female superstars are allowed to do. "When I saw that first Money in the Bank match, Elimination Chamber, these things that a woman could go nowhere near," Lita explained. "If somebody would have thrown that into the pitch meeting, it would have been like a record scratching. Going to seeing it happen, I don't know exactly what that word is if it's envy or what, but there is like a part of the first, I'm like, no way, this is so cool. I can't believe these girls are getting to do this, because it was so ingrained for me for so long to be like, shut up, you're so lucky that you're getting to do this, have this opportunity, so you better like it and play ball and do your bra and panty matches when we ask you to do those, so you keep getting to be thrown through a table occasionally."

Listen to the full podcast interview here. Lita is currently working on a new show called KAYfABE along with fellow wrestling vets Christy Hemme and Gail Kim, though the show had the misfortune of attempting to crowdfund just as the coronavirus pandemic was starting, and is on hold for now.

Chad McMahon is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and now journalist. Chads interests also include comic books, movies, netflix, and other sports including football, baseball and basketball, both college and professional.

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WWE Hall-of-Famer Lita Discusses The Women's Evolution - Bleeding Cool News

Huge Demand of Genetic Analyzer Market 2020 Predictable to Witness Sustainable Evolution Over 2026 Key Players Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US),…

The latest fundamental insights on Genetic Analyzer Market with COVID-19 Industry Impact, Forecast Development Scope, and Growth Prospects 2021-2026 is released by PBI. Every market driver, Genetic Analyzer marketing channel, growth-driving segments, risk analysis & mitigation is given in this report. The dynamic effects on worldwide Genetic Analyzer economies and crucial primary & secondary data sources offered in this study. The Genetic Analyzer Industry competitive landscape, regional analysis, future patterns, Top companies, current development rate, & gross margin status is provided.

The Genetic Analyzer Industry landscape view, demand, revenue, market share & pricing structure analysis is offered. The changing Industry dynamics, plans, CAGR, COVID-19 impact on consumer demand, availability of raw materials is analyzed completely. The market development rate during 2020-2025 with past & present industry performance is assessed in this report.

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The top companies & competitive landscape study is as follows:

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), BioRad Laboratories (U.S.), Abbott laboratories (U.S.), AutoGenomics Inc.( U.S.), Celera Group (U.S.), PerkinElmer Inc.( U.S.), Quest Diagnostics Inc.( U.S.)

Based on the end-user, global genetic analyzer market is segmented as:

Market Analysis By Regions

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)

North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia)

Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

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Below is the TOC of the report:

Executive Summary

Assumptions and Acronyms Used

Research Methodology

Genetic Analyzer Market Overview

Genetic Analyzer Supply Chain Analysis

Genetic Analyzer Pricing Analysis

Global Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast by Type

Global Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast by Application

Global Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast by Sales Channel

Global Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast by Region

North America Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast

Latin America Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast

Europe Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast

Asia Pacific Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast

Middle East & Africa Genetic Analyzer Market Analysis and Forecast

Competition Landscape

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Huge Demand of Genetic Analyzer Market 2020 Predictable to Witness Sustainable Evolution Over 2026 Key Players Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US),...

The phoenix rises: Here are some bird species that have risen from the dead – The Financial Express

By Reya Mehrotra

The world has seen many species of birds go extinct, but now we are seeing an interesting trend of de-extinctionalso called resurrection biology or species revivalismof a few birds. This process of evolution is known as iterative evolution. Here are some bird species that have risen from the dead.

Turquoise parrotNative to eastern Australia, the parrot species went extinct in 1915. The small parrot is yellow and green in colour with a bright turquoise blue face. Its wings are bluish red. The population had crashed in the early 20th century and is recovering only now. Habitat loss due to cattle farming was one major reason for it. After extinction in 1915, they were seen again in South Wales in the 1930s. After protection efforts were undertaken, it is now listed as Least Concern. It mainly feeds on fruits, flowers, grasses, seeds and insects, and nests in hollows in gum trees.

Canada geeseThese are very popular and found in Canada and parts of the US. They are adaptable to many habitats and thrive in grasses, near grains or berries. Their numbers began to dwindle at the beginning of the 20th century. Effective protection programmes, laws and their reintroduction in places where the numbers were low led to a rise in their numbers. The large wild goose species can be identified from its white cheeks and chin, brown body and black head and neck. They are herbivorous and skilled at living in human altered areas. It has now been introduced into the UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Argentina, Chile, etc. These birds can commonly be found in parking lots, golf courses and urban parks, and enjoy a close relationship with humans.

Northern bald ibisThis migratory bird is known for its unfeathered pinkish red face. It feeds on small insects, lizards and other small animals. It was once spread over Middle East and parts of Africa and Europe, but disappeared from Europe around 300 years ago. In recent years, reintroduction programmes have been set up for increasing its numbers. The programme first started in 1977 with two adults and nine young birds. It is usually found in barren, semi-desert or rocky habitats close to running water. It is long-legged with long curved bills.

Aldabra white-throated rail birdThe Aldabra white-throated rails have reappeared through iterative evolution. It is known to be the last flightless bird in the Indian Ocean. The chicken-sized birds, indigenous to Madagascar, have migrated to Aldabra and lost their ability to fly. They, according to studies, have reappeared twice after thousands of years and, in both occasions, become flightless. It was said to have disappeared in the sea as the water levels rose around 1,36,000 years ago and recolonised the Aldabra island around 1,00,000 years ago. They are identified by the white patch on their throats, a reddish hue on their chests, a long colourful tail and olive green backs. The Aldabra rails ancestors white-throated rails inhabiting Madagascar can still fly.

Bald eagleThis bird of prey is found in North America. The adult bald eagle is actually white-headed with a brown body. The female bald eagles are nearly 25% larger than the males. The bald eagle is the national bird of the US and appears on its seal. However, it nearly became extinct in the late 20th century. Efforts helped in increasing its numbers and, in 1995, it was removed from the list of endangered species. By 2007, it was also removed from the list of threatened species. It is a powerful flier and seldom dives vertically to hunt fish. A carnivore, fish comprise the majority of its diet. The birds mature sexually at four-five years of age and are known to mate for life.

Asian crested ibisAlso known as Japanese crested ibis, the bird that is native to eastern Russia, China and Japan, It had disappeared by 1963 with only one left. Conservation efforts led to the increase in numbers of. Today, there are 330 in the world and the numbers are growing. They inhabit areas with tall trees, wetlands and agricultural lands, feeding on crabs, frogs, insects and small fish.

Pink pigeonThe species, endemic to Mauritius, became nearly extinct in the 1990s. Even today, only 400 pink pigeons remain. But its an improvement from 1991 when only 10 remained. The numbers could increase because of conservation efforts. The birds, classified as vulnerable by the IUCN, are herbivorous and feed on exotic and native plants. They can be identified by the pale pinkish grey plumage on their head, shoulders and underside, along with pink feet. The beak is a dark pink colour and has a white tip. With dark brown wings and a broad, rust-coloured tail, their eyes are dark brown surrounded by an eye-ring of red skin.

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The phoenix rises: Here are some bird species that have risen from the dead - The Financial Express

OnePlus Nord and Hannes Becker: 3 camera filters and the evolution of landscape photographer – Domus

Are these filters anyhow related to the presets that you use at work?Most of the time Im working with only a few presets, that I use as base to develop Raw images. These presets need lots of adjustments, as mood and lighting is always changing. With the development of the Nord presets I tried to create presets that not only work as a base but also as the final layer on top. As each of them works best with one specific kind of light, all of them usually work with any scenery. Colorwise the presets are representing my very own cold, unsaturated and matt look that I have been sticking to the past years.

Do you use your smartphone as a camera?The best camera is the one youve got with you. I take my smartphone everywhere to capture images and videos. With modern day technology and the perfection of phone cameras, one can barely see any differences between a phone and camera shot, especially on Social media. Thats very exciting and I cant wait for whats to come.

More than 1.5mln follow you on Instagram. And sometimes we forget that it was Instagram that introduced the concept of a photography filter to millions of users worldwide. Do you have any memory using filters? Even bad memories count... When I first started with Instagram 7 years ago I always used these filters. I basically had no idea about photography or editing, the filters introduced me to create something special which wasnt ordinary or normal. And without Instagram I would have not become a photographer after all. So retrospectively its crazy how a small app or a filter might change somebodies hobbies or even career. Im looking forward to see my filter being used and hopefully I can inspire some people to look into photography.

Youre a landscape photographer, among the noblest genres of photography, with a long story going back to the 19th century. How much did technology change your job?Instagram introduced me to the idea of becoming a landscape photograher. I grew in a small village in the middle of Germany, wheres not much to shoot, but my passion and love for nature evolved here. Being able to use Instagram as a portfolio to find clients and work that allows you to travel to remote places and see the world, is such big privilege. With photography technology becoming even better, it seems like shooting landscapes becomes easier as well and it does. But to capture something unique and meaningful on the other hand becomes more challenging too. Simply because more people are trying out photography.

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OnePlus Nord and Hannes Becker: 3 camera filters and the evolution of landscape photographer - Domus

Global Skincare Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by LVMH, P&G, Amore Pacific Group, Revlon, Shiseido,…

Global Skincare Market Research Report presents a complete market scope and growth rate throughout the past present and forecast period 2020-2027. With concise study, Skincare market effectively describes the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities. All the commanding players of Skincare, their company profile, product portfolio, market share, and revenue from Skincare are bestowed in this study. The important peculiarities contributing to the growth of Skincare industry along with the barriers and risk factors are included in this study.

Global Skincare market is broken down on the basis of product type, application, regions to offer a comprehensive market summary. To start with, the report presents the key market overview, product definitions, classification, and study objective. Skincare market size evaluation is conducted to foretell the strength and development analysis. Global Skincare value and growth trend is presented from 2015-2019.

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Global Skincare market Key manufacturers (Sales Revenue, Price, gross margin, main products, etc.):

LVMHP&GAmore Pacific GroupRevlonShiseidoColgate-Palmolive CompanyUnileverJohnson & JohnsonKaoKanaboEstee LauderBeiersdorfNew AvonChanelLOrealBABORClarinsAmwayOriflame CosmeticsLG GroupCoty

Global Skincare market By Product Types(Market Size & Forecast):

Face Skincare ProductsBody Care ProductsOthers

Global Skincare market By Applications(Market Size & Forecast):

Retail StoresSpecialty StoresOnline Stores

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The geographic presence of Skincare industry is examined for the areas particularly Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. The global and regional level examination of Skincare will support the market players for judging the investment feasibility and development situation over several areas and countries. Skincare production value and growth rate from 2013-2018 is predicted for all-region. The countries studied in this report include United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Japan, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, Singapore, and others.

The analysis of Skincare market share, revenue, pricing analysis, SWOT analysis is covered for all the key market players. The most recent developments in Skincare industry, industry plans, and policies, upcoming trends are presented in this report. All the product segments and sub-segments are studied in detail in this report.

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Skincare market drivers, emerging industry verticals, limitations, risk analysis, and development opportunities are analyzed. The analysis of industry chain structure analysis, upstream raw materials, manufacturing capacity, labor cost, cost of raw materials, production process analysis, and the downstream consumer is explained. The import-export scenario, consumption and production capacity and sales channels of Skincare are elaborated in this report.

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of Skincare Industry:

The initial step is to know Skincare industry, based on the definition, applications, type, key players, and geographical appearance. This data is gathered based on the following sources like magazines, company websites, Bloomberg, and paid websites.

To determine the Skincare market size, revenue, production capacity, import-export statistics, and market share a combination of primary and secondary research is implied. Minimum 70 to 80 paid primary interviews are conducted with the Skincare manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and resellers. The paid primary interviews are conducted with the marketing and sales managers, VPs, procurement people, and senior engineers.

Skincare report can be divided into following 12 sections

Section 1, Declares the objectives of Skincare market, overview, introduction, product definition, growth features, and business behavior

Section 2, Presents the Skincare market based on leading players and their market share, sales volume, business profiles, Skincare competitive market outline and pricing structure from 2015 to 2019

Section 3, Examinethe Skincare market at a regional level based on sales ratio and market size from 2015 to 2019

Segment 4, 5, 6 and 7, explains the Skincare market at the country level based on product type, applications, revenue analysis

Section 8 and 9, describes the Skincare industry overview during past, present and forecast period from 2020 to 2027

Section 10 and 11, Explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2027

Section 12, Includes the marketing channels, wholesalers, producers, dealer, merchants, consumers of Skincare.

Finally, valuable conclusions, tables, and data sources are presented.

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Global Skincare Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by LVMH, P&G, Amore Pacific Group, Revlon, Shiseido,...

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Bow Plumbing Group, NIBCO, Tianjin Hongtai Pipe…

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting Market Research Report presents a complete market scope and growth rate throughout the past present and forecast period 2020-2027. With concise study, CPVC Pipe & Fitting market effectively describes the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities. All the commanding players of CPVC Pipe & Fitting, their company profile, product portfolio, market share, and revenue from CPVC Pipe & Fitting are bestowed in this study. The important peculiarities contributing to the growth of CPVC Pipe & Fitting industry along with the barriers and risk factors are included in this study.

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting market is broken down on the basis of product type, application, regions to offer a comprehensive market summary. To start with, the report presents the key market overview, product definitions, classification, and study objective. CPVC Pipe & Fitting market size evaluation is conducted to foretell the strength and development analysis. Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting value and growth trend is presented from 2015-2019.

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Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting market Key manufacturers (Sales Revenue, Price, gross margin, main products, etc.):

Bow Plumbing GroupNIBCOTianjin Hongtai Pipe IndustryHuaya Industrial PlasticsViking GroupYouli HoldingGeorg Fischer HarvelIPEXAshirvad Pipes(Aliaxis)AstralTycoFinOlex IndustriesParadiseFIPSupremeSilver-Line PlasticsFluidra GroupCharlotte PipeLASCO

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting market By Product Types(Market Size & Forecast):

CPVC PipeCPVC Fitting

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting market By Applications(Market Size & Forecast):

Chemical ProcessingIndustrial ManufacturingWastewater TreatmentOthers

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The geographic presence of CPVC Pipe & Fitting industry is examined for the areas particularly Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. The global and regional level examination of CPVC Pipe & Fitting will support the market players for judging the investment feasibility and development situation over several areas and countries. CPVC Pipe & Fitting production value and growth rate from 2013-2018 is predicted for all-region. The countries studied in this report include United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Japan, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, Singapore, and others.

The analysis of CPVC Pipe & Fitting market share, revenue, pricing analysis, SWOT analysis is covered for all the key market players. The most recent developments in CPVC Pipe & Fitting industry, industry plans, and policies, upcoming trends are presented in this report. All the product segments and sub-segments are studied in detail in this report.

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CPVC Pipe & Fitting market drivers, emerging industry verticals, limitations, risk analysis, and development opportunities are analyzed. The analysis of industry chain structure analysis, upstream raw materials, manufacturing capacity, labor cost, cost of raw materials, production process analysis, and the downstream consumer is explained. The import-export scenario, consumption and production capacity and sales channels of CPVC Pipe & Fitting are elaborated in this report.

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of CPVC Pipe & Fitting Industry:

The initial step is to know CPVC Pipe & Fitting industry, based on the definition, applications, type, key players, and geographical appearance. This data is gathered based on the following sources like magazines, company websites, Bloomberg, and paid websites.

To determine the CPVC Pipe & Fitting market size, revenue, production capacity, import-export statistics, and market share a combination of primary and secondary research is implied. Minimum 70 to 80 paid primary interviews are conducted with the CPVC Pipe & Fitting manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and resellers. The paid primary interviews are conducted with the marketing and sales managers, VPs, procurement people, and senior engineers.

CPVC Pipe & Fitting report can be divided into following 12 sections

Section 1, Declares the objectives of CPVC Pipe & Fitting market, overview, introduction, product definition, growth features, and business behavior

Section 2, Presents the CPVC Pipe & Fitting market based on leading players and their market share, sales volume, business profiles, CPVC Pipe & Fitting competitive market outline and pricing structure from 2015 to 2019

Section 3, Examinethe CPVC Pipe & Fitting market at a regional level based on sales ratio and market size from 2015 to 2019

Segment 4, 5, 6 and 7, explains the CPVC Pipe & Fitting market at the country level based on product type, applications, revenue analysis

Section 8 and 9, describes the CPVC Pipe & Fitting industry overview during past, present and forecast period from 2020 to 2027

Section 10 and 11, Explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2027

Section 12, Includes the marketing channels, wholesalers, producers, dealer, merchants, consumers of CPVC Pipe & Fitting.

Finally, valuable conclusions, tables, and data sources are presented.

Table of Content & Table Of Figures,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146977#table_of_contents

See the original post:

Global CPVC Pipe & Fitting Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Bow Plumbing Group, NIBCO, Tianjin Hongtai Pipe...

Global Car Security Systems Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Lear, Mitsubishi Electric, Clifford, Tokai Rika,…

Global Car Security Systems Market Research Report presents a complete market scope and growth rate throughout the past present and forecast period 2020-2027. With concise study, Car Security Systems market effectively describes the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities. All the commanding players of Car Security Systems, their company profile, product portfolio, market share, and revenue from Car Security Systems are bestowed in this study. The important peculiarities contributing to the growth of Car Security Systems industry along with the barriers and risk factors are included in this study.

Global Car Security Systems market is broken down on the basis of product type, application, regions to offer a comprehensive market summary. To start with, the report presents the key market overview, product definitions, classification, and study objective. Car Security Systems market size evaluation is conducted to foretell the strength and development analysis. Global Car Security Systems value and growth trend is presented from 2015-2019.

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Global Car Security Systems market Key manufacturers (Sales Revenue, Price, gross margin, main products, etc.):

LearMitsubishi ElectricCliffordTokai RikaAlps ElectricViperADTContinentalBoschPricolInfineon Technologies AGDelphi AutomotiveValeoHella

Global Car Security Systems market By Product Types(Market Size & Forecast):

Immobilizer systemRemote Central Locking SystemAlarm System

Global Car Security Systems market By Applications(Market Size & Forecast):

Economic CarsMid-Range CarsPremium Cars

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The geographic presence of Car Security Systems industry is examined for the areas particularly Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. The global and regional level examination of Car Security Systems will support the market players for judging the investment feasibility and development situation over several areas and countries. Car Security Systems production value and growth rate from 2013-2018 is predicted for all-region. The countries studied in this report include United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Japan, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, Singapore, and others.

The analysis of Car Security Systems market share, revenue, pricing analysis, SWOT analysis is covered for all the key market players. The most recent developments in Car Security Systems industry, industry plans, and policies, upcoming trends are presented in this report. All the product segments and sub-segments are studied in detail in this report.

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Car Security Systems market drivers, emerging industry verticals, limitations, risk analysis, and development opportunities are analyzed. The analysis of industry chain structure analysis, upstream raw materials, manufacturing capacity, labor cost, cost of raw materials, production process analysis, and the downstream consumer is explained. The import-export scenario, consumption and production capacity and sales channels of Car Security Systems are elaborated in this report.

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of Car Security Systems Industry:

The initial step is to know Car Security Systems industry, based on the definition, applications, type, key players, and geographical appearance. This data is gathered based on the following sources like magazines, company websites, Bloomberg, and paid websites.

To determine the Car Security Systems market size, revenue, production capacity, import-export statistics, and market share a combination of primary and secondary research is implied. Minimum 70 to 80 paid primary interviews are conducted with the Car Security Systems manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and resellers. The paid primary interviews are conducted with the marketing and sales managers, VPs, procurement people, and senior engineers.

Car Security Systems report can be divided into following 12 sections

Section 1, Declares the objectives of Car Security Systems market, overview, introduction, product definition, growth features, and business behavior

Section 2, Presents the Car Security Systems market based on leading players and their market share, sales volume, business profiles, Car Security Systems competitive market outline and pricing structure from 2015 to 2019

Section 3, Examinethe Car Security Systems market at a regional level based on sales ratio and market size from 2015 to 2019

Segment 4, 5, 6 and 7, explains the Car Security Systems market at the country level based on product type, applications, revenue analysis

Section 8 and 9, describes the Car Security Systems industry overview during past, present and forecast period from 2020 to 2027

Section 10 and 11, Explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2027

Section 12, Includes the marketing channels, wholesalers, producers, dealer, merchants, consumers of Car Security Systems.

Finally, valuable conclusions, tables, and data sources are presented.

Table of Content & Table Of Figures,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146947#table_of_contents

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Global Car Security Systems Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Lear, Mitsubishi Electric, Clifford, Tokai Rika,...

Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Cytec Solvay Group, Adama Agricultural…

Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation Market Research Report presents a complete market scope and growth rate throughout the past present and forecast period 2020-2027. With concise study, Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market effectively describes the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities. All the commanding players of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation, their company profile, product portfolio, market share, and revenue from Calcium Phosphide Fumigation are bestowed in this study. The important peculiarities contributing to the growth of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation industry along with the barriers and risk factors are included in this study.

Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market is broken down on the basis of product type, application, regions to offer a comprehensive market summary. To start with, the report presents the key market overview, product definitions, classification, and study objective. Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market size evaluation is conducted to foretell the strength and development analysis. Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation value and growth trend is presented from 2015-2019.

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Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market Key manufacturers (Sales Revenue, Price, gross margin, main products, etc.):

Cytec Solvay GroupAdama Agricultural Solutions Ltd.Rentokil Initial PlcUnited Phosphorus Ltd.BASF SE

Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market By Product Types(Market Size & Forecast):


Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market By Applications(Market Size & Forecast):


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The geographic presence of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation industry is examined for the areas particularly Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. The global and regional level examination of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation will support the market players for judging the investment feasibility and development situation over several areas and countries. Calcium Phosphide Fumigation production value and growth rate from 2013-2018 is predicted for all-region. The countries studied in this report include United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Japan, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, Singapore, and others.

The analysis of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market share, revenue, pricing analysis, SWOT analysis is covered for all the key market players. The most recent developments in Calcium Phosphide Fumigation industry, industry plans, and policies, upcoming trends are presented in this report. All the product segments and sub-segments are studied in detail in this report.

Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to our Research expert @,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/147107#inquiry_before_buying

Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market drivers, emerging industry verticals, limitations, risk analysis, and development opportunities are analyzed. The analysis of industry chain structure analysis, upstream raw materials, manufacturing capacity, labor cost, cost of raw materials, production process analysis, and the downstream consumer is explained. The import-export scenario, consumption and production capacity and sales channels of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation are elaborated in this report.

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation Industry:

The initial step is to know Calcium Phosphide Fumigation industry, based on the definition, applications, type, key players, and geographical appearance. This data is gathered based on the following sources like magazines, company websites, Bloomberg, and paid websites.

To determine the Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market size, revenue, production capacity, import-export statistics, and market share a combination of primary and secondary research is implied. Minimum 70 to 80 paid primary interviews are conducted with the Calcium Phosphide Fumigation manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and resellers. The paid primary interviews are conducted with the marketing and sales managers, VPs, procurement people, and senior engineers.

Calcium Phosphide Fumigation report can be divided into following 12 sections

Section 1, Declares the objectives of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market, overview, introduction, product definition, growth features, and business behavior

Section 2, Presents the Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market based on leading players and their market share, sales volume, business profiles, Calcium Phosphide Fumigation competitive market outline and pricing structure from 2015 to 2019

Section 3, Examinethe Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market at a regional level based on sales ratio and market size from 2015 to 2019

Segment 4, 5, 6 and 7, explains the Calcium Phosphide Fumigation market at the country level based on product type, applications, revenue analysis

Section 8 and 9, describes the Calcium Phosphide Fumigation industry overview during past, present and forecast period from 2020 to 2027

Section 10 and 11, Explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2027

Section 12, Includes the marketing channels, wholesalers, producers, dealer, merchants, consumers of Calcium Phosphide Fumigation.

Finally, valuable conclusions, tables, and data sources are presented.

Table of Content & Table Of Figures,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/147107#table_of_contents

Go here to see the original:

Global Calcium Phosphide Fumigation Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Cytec Solvay Group, Adama Agricultural...

Anglerfish Physically Fuse to Their Mates, And We Finally Know How That’s Possible – ScienceAlert

Dating is hard enough when you have ample choice, but imagine drifting through a dark nothingness, half-formed and hopeless, starved for nutrients and love.

So goes the life of a bachelor anglerfish, and when there aren't plenty of fish in the deep sea, you can't blame them for being a little clingy when they do find one.

Still, some anglerfish take that neediness to the extreme.When certain species sniff out a giant female in the dark, they will whip out their sharp teeth and bite their date by the belly.

Once they have a firm grasp, these tiny males, sometimes no bigger than a centimetre, willrelease an enzyme that dissolves the surrounding skin, melding his and her tissues, and establishing a common circulation of blood.

Comfortable at last in a relationship that serves him up regular meals, the male may even start to lose its eyes, fins and some internal organs.

Arrow shows a 23.5 mm large male fused onto a female anglerfish. (Edith A. Widder)

In this gruesome way, these fish become nothing more than loyal and loving appendages with testes. Or, more accurately, sexual parasites.

As one naturalist put it in 1938: "This is sheer fiction, beyond all belief unless we have seen the proof of it."

And we have - we've actually got footage. Outside of identical conjoined twins, scientists say this is the only other example of sexual parasitism that's naturally occurring.

For 100 years, we've wondered how anglerfish actually do it, and now we might have figured it out.

Even for the best doctors, fusing foreign tissue and establishing a common blood circulation is incredibly difficult. Human organ transplantation requires lifelong immunosuppressants, because vertebrate immune systems are evolved to attack foreign matter that may pose a threat.

But anglerfish don't seem to have those issues. Studying the genomes of 10 different anglerfish species, scientists have found these fish have differences in several crucial parts of the vertebrate immune system.

Some species were missing the genes that encoded for a type of antigen found on the surface of somatic cells, and which is known to signal the immune system when invaders arrive.

These are known as major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens, and while they are usually great for our health, they cause a lot of problems during organ and bone marrow transplantation when we want foreign matter to stay.

"Apart from this unusual constellation of MHC genes, we discovered that the function of killer T cells, which normally actively eliminate infected cells or attack foreign tissues during the organ rejection process, was also severely blunted if not lost entirely," says immunobiologist Jeremy Swann from the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

"These findings hinted at the possibility that the immune system of anglerfishes was very unusual among the tens of thousands of vertebrate species."

To make these fish even stranger, researchers found some species were missing antibodies - the second major immune defence system, which tag invaders for attack.

In humans, the authors say, the loss of all these immune facilities would most likely kill us.

"The study thus shows that despite several hundred million years of co-evolutionary partnership of innate and adaptive functions, vertebrates can survive without the adaptive immune facilities previously considered to be irreplaceable," says immunologist Thomas Boehm from the Max Planck Institute.

"We assume that as-yet unknown evolutionary forces first drive changes in the immune system, which are then exploited for the evolution of sexual parasitism."

The question has thus gone from: how did anglerfish evolve to survive fusing with another?; to: how did anglerfish evolve to survive without the most crucial parts of the vertebrate immune system?

Female anglerfish of the species Photocorynus spiniceps, 46 mm, with a 6.2 mm parasitic male fused to her back. (Theodore Pietsch)

Clearly, these fish aren't completely unprotected. The authors think they must be drawing on some innate immunity to fight off infection - one that doesn't remember and adapt to pathogens, simply kills them outright.

If that's true, it undermines a key assumption of vertebrate evolution.

"Our findings challenge the view that, once innate and adaptive immune systems have engaged in co-evolution, neither arm can be eliminated without detrimental consequences," the authors write.

Instead, it appears that anglerfish have lost key aspects of this adaptive immune system after it evolved among most vertebrates some 500 million years ago.

"We find it remarkable that the unusual mode of reproduction was invented several times independently in this group of fishes," says evolutionary biologist Theodore (Ted) Pietsch from the University of Washington.

Among the genomes studied, the authors actually identified several stages of this strange evolution in action. The less strong the physical attachment between mates, the more the anglerfish immune system resembled other vertebrates.

As of now, we can't say for sure why these anglerfish have adapted such odd immune systems, but it seems likely that it's somehow tied to their strange reproductive habits.And these are most likely driven, in some way, by their lonesome environment.

When there's no hope for life outside of love, it seems these fish will give up up just about anything for a life partner, their fins, their eyes, their immune systems, and even their organs.

"There's basically no integrity at this point," Pietsch told The New York Times.

The study was published in Science.

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Anglerfish Physically Fuse to Their Mates, And We Finally Know How That's Possible - ScienceAlert

Aluminum Foam Market Predicted To Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come – Owned

Aluminium foam, an isotropic highly porous metallic material with a cellular structure consisting of a solid metal as a large volume fraction of gas filled pores. It can be manufactured by a powder metallurgical method, and is very efficient in sound absorption, impact energy absorption, and vibration damping and electromagnetic shielding. In addition to this, aluminium foam is recyclable and thus environmentally friendly. Surging demand for aluminium foam from various applications such as automotive, military & defence, aerospace, construction and so on is pushing its market growth across the globe.

AMA Research published a new research publication on Global Aluminum Foam Market Insights, to 2025 with 150+ pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Aluminum Foam market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world, however latest COVID scenario and economic slowdown have changed complete market dynamics. Some of the key players profiled in the study are Reade International Corp. (United States), Cymat Technologies Ltd. (Canada), ECKA Granules Germany GmbH (Germany), Aluinvent (Hungary), Mayser GmbH Co. KG (Germany), ERG Materials and Aerospace Corp (United States), Havel metal foam (Germany), Hollomet GmbH (Germany), American Elements (United States), ALUMINUM KING COMPANY LIMITED (China).

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Market CompetitionThis report covers the recent COVID-19 incidence and its impact on Global Aluminum Foam Market. The pandemic has widely affected the economic scenario. This study assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the market. Each company profiled in the research document is studied considering various factors such as product and its application portfolios, market share, growth potential, future plans, and development activity like merger & Acquisitions, JVs, Product launch etc. Readers will be able to gain complete understanding and knowledge of the competitive landscape. Most importantly, the report sheds light on important strategies that key and emerging players are taking to maintain their ranking in the Global Aluminum Foam Market. The study highlights how competition will change dynamics in the coming years and why players are preparing themselves to stay ahead of the curve.

According to the Regional Segmentation the Aluminum Foam Market provides the Information covers following regions:*North America*South America*Asia & Pacific*Europe*MEA (Middle East and Africa)

The key countries in each region are taken into consideration as well, such as United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

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The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated belowby Type (Compressed Foam, Special Foam, Other), Application (Heat Exchangers, Damping Structures, Energy Absorbers, Biomedical Applications, Flame Arresters, Other), End User (Automotive, Aerospace, Military & Defence, Others)

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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Aluminum Foam Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aluminum Foam market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Aluminum Foam Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Aluminum Foam

Chapter 4: Presenting the Aluminum Foam Market Factor Analysis, Post COVID Impact Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2014-2019

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Aluminum Foam market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2020-2025)

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Finally, Aluminum Foam Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.Buy the Latest Detailed Report @

Customization Service of the Report:-AMA Research provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources, our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enable clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

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Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)AMA Research & Media LLPUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218[emailprotected]

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Aluminum Foam Market Predicted To Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come - Owned

Global Livestock Insurance Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Zurich, Prudential, Tokio Marine, Chubb, CUNA Mutual,…

Global Livestock Insurance Market Research Report presents a complete market scope and growth rate throughout the past present and forecast period 2020-2027. With concise study, Livestock Insurance market effectively describes the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities. All the commanding players of Livestock Insurance, their company profile, product portfolio, market share, and revenue from Livestock Insurance are bestowed in this study. The important peculiarities contributing to the growth of Livestock Insurance industry along with the barriers and risk factors are included in this study.

Global Livestock Insurance market is broken down on the basis of product type, application, regions to offer a comprehensive market summary. To start with, the report presents the key market overview, product definitions, classification, and study objective. Livestock Insurance market size evaluation is conducted to foretell the strength and development analysis. Global Livestock Insurance value and growth trend is presented from 2015-2019.

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Global Livestock Insurance market Key manufacturers (Sales Revenue, Price, gross margin, main products, etc.):

ZurichPrudentialTokio MarineChubbCUNA MutualPICCQBEEndurance SpecialtyFarmers Mutual HailAmerican Financial GroupCGB Diversified ServicesChina United Property InsuranceNew India AssuranceAgriculture Insurance Company of IndiaEverest Re GroupArcher Daniels MidlandXL CatlinICICI Lombard

Global Livestock Insurance market By Product Types(Market Size & Forecast):

Non-Commercial Mortality InsuranceCommercial Mortality Insurance

Global Livestock Insurance market By Applications(Market Size & Forecast):


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The geographic presence of Livestock Insurance industry is examined for the areas particularly Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. The global and regional level examination of Livestock Insurance will support the market players for judging the investment feasibility and development situation over several areas and countries. Livestock Insurance production value and growth rate from 2013-2018 is predicted for all-region. The countries studied in this report include United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Japan, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, Singapore, and others.

The analysis of Livestock Insurance market share, revenue, pricing analysis, SWOT analysis is covered for all the key market players. The most recent developments in Livestock Insurance industry, industry plans, and policies, upcoming trends are presented in this report. All the product segments and sub-segments are studied in detail in this report.

Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to our Research expert @,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146967#inquiry_before_buying

Livestock Insurance market drivers, emerging industry verticals, limitations, risk analysis, and development opportunities are analyzed. The analysis of industry chain structure analysis, upstream raw materials, manufacturing capacity, labor cost, cost of raw materials, production process analysis, and the downstream consumer is explained. The import-export scenario, consumption and production capacity and sales channels of Livestock Insurance are elaborated in this report.

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of Livestock Insurance Industry:

The initial step is to know Livestock Insurance industry, based on the definition, applications, type, key players, and geographical appearance. This data is gathered based on the following sources like magazines, company websites, Bloomberg, and paid websites.

To determine the Livestock Insurance market size, revenue, production capacity, import-export statistics, and market share a combination of primary and secondary research is implied. Minimum 70 to 80 paid primary interviews are conducted with the Livestock Insurance manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and resellers. The paid primary interviews are conducted with the marketing and sales managers, VPs, procurement people, and senior engineers.

Livestock Insurance report can be divided into following 12 sections

Section 1, Declares the objectives of Livestock Insurance market, overview, introduction, product definition, growth features, and business behavior

Section 2, Presents the Livestock Insurance market based on leading players and their market share, sales volume, business profiles, Livestock Insurance competitive market outline and pricing structure from 2015 to 2019

Section 3, Examinethe Livestock Insurance market at a regional level based on sales ratio and market size from 2015 to 2019

Segment 4, 5, 6 and 7, explains the Livestock Insurance market at the country level based on product type, applications, revenue analysis

Section 8 and 9, describes the Livestock Insurance industry overview during past, present and forecast period from 2020 to 2027

Section 10 and 11, Explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2027

Section 12, Includes the marketing channels, wholesalers, producers, dealer, merchants, consumers of Livestock Insurance.

Finally, valuable conclusions, tables, and data sources are presented.

Table of Content & Table Of Figures,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146967#table_of_contents

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Global Livestock Insurance Market Predicted to Witness Sustainable Evolution in Years to Come by Zurich, Prudential, Tokio Marine, Chubb, CUNA Mutual,...

A Lush World Defies Materialist Explanations, as Behe and Denton Confirm – Discovery Institute

Photo credit: Matt Lamers, via Unsplash.

It is well known, and accepted in scientific circles, that the conditions on our planet are extremely fine-tuned for life: the Earth is just the right size, it is just the right distance from its sun, our sun is the right type of star, our atmosphere has many rare and lucky features the list goes on and on.A few of these fine-tuned features are documented inEpisode 4ofScience Uprising. Of course materialists have an explanation for it all: there are many planets in the universe, only a very few are suitable for life, but we are here because our Earth is one of these rare planets.

It is also well known, and documented in the sameScience Uprisingepisode, that not only is our Earth an ideal planet for life to thrive, but our whole universe is finely tuned for life. The smallest changes in most of the basic constants (the gravitational constant, the charge and mass of the electron, etc.) or in the initial conditions at the Big Bang, would have led to a universe where life, and therefore humans, could not have arisen.Stephen Hawking wrote inA Brief History of Time(1988): The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life.

According to materialists, there must be many universes, with many different laws and constants and initial conditions, and we are here because our universe is one of those rare universes where the conditions are just right for us to be here. A.J. Leggett lists some of the fine-tuned properties of our universe inThe Problems of Physics(1987). He concludes:

The list could be multiplied endlessly, and it is easy to draw the conclusion that for any kind of conscious beings to exist at all, the basic constants of Nature have to be exactly what they are, or at least extremely close to it. The anthropic principle then turns this statement around and says, in effect, that the reason the fundamental constants have the values that they do is because otherwise we would not be here to wonder about them.

Paul Davies, inOther Worlds(1980),wrote

If we believe there are countless other universes, either in space or time, or insuperspace, there is no longer anything astounding about the enormous degree of cosmic organization that we observe.We have selected it by our very existence. The many universes theory does provide an explanation for why many things around us are the way they are.Just as we can explain why we are living on a planet near a stable star by pointing out that only in such locations can life form, so we can perhaps explain many of the more general features of the universe by this anthropic selection process.

Well, there no doubtaremany planets in our universe, so the materialists explanation, that our planet is just right because otherwise we would not be here to wonder about it, seems plausible enough. At least itwould beplausible, if their assumptions were true that once you have a planet where conditions are just right, and a universe where the laws are cleverly designed for life, then there is a reasonable chance that life would spontaneously arise, and intelligent beings would spontaneously evolve over time.

To see how flawed the first assumption is, you only have to realize that with all our advanced technology we are still not close to designing any type of self-replicating machine. That is still pure science fiction. So how could we believe that such a machine could arise by pure chance, even given ideal conditions and clever laws of physics? World-renowned Rice University chemist James Tour, inScience UprisingEpisode 5, explains why we are nowhere close to explaining how life arose.To see how flawed the second assumption is you only have to realize that what materialists believe is that the four fundamental, unintelligent, forces of physics alone could have rearranged the basic particles of physics into computers, encyclopedias, airplanes, and iPhones, as my new video,Why Evolution Is Different, brings out. (The video also points out how similar the fossil record is to the development of human technology, with large gaps where major new features appeared for the same reasons.)The laws of physics are very cleverly designed, and probablycanexplain everything that has happened on Jupiter, but I do not believe that they are clever enough to explain everything that has happened on Earth.

On the other hand, there is no evidence therecan beno evidence that there are other universes out there, with the same laws of physics but random values for the basic constants (or perhaps random laws of physics also?), so the explanation that our universe is just right because otherwise we would not be here to wonder about it is completely unscientific.That this argument is just a desperate, last-ditch effort to avoid the obvious conclusion of design is evident from the fact that materialists do not use it to explain the evolution of life also.If it is reasonable to explain astronomically improbable fine-tuning of the constants of physics by inventing enough other universes, why not invent a few more and claim that in one of these many universes intelligent beings arose by pure chance?

In a section ofThe Edge of Evolution(2007) critiquing the multiverse explanation for fine-tuning, MichaelBehewrote,

On the finite random multiverse view, we should very likely live in a bare-bones world, with little or nothing in life beyond whats absolutely required to produce intelligent observers.So if we find ourselves in a world lavished with extras with much more than the minimum we should bet heavily against our world being the result of a finite multiverse scenario. It is difficult to make a rigorous argument on such a question. Yet it seems that our world is quite lush and contains much more than whats absolutely needed for intelligence.

So Michael Dentons currentseriesatEvolution News is particularly interesting because he is confirming, in a more rigorous way, whatBeheand many others of us have suspected: that the conditions on Earth, and the laws of physics, are not only fine-tuned for the survival of intelligent beings, they are also fine-tuned for the development of technology. Denton is not the only scientist who has noticed this more general fine-tuning. Astronomer Guillermo Gonzales, for example, discusses inthisvideo some of the lucky coincidences that make Earth an ideal place fordiscoveryof the rest of the universe.

These fine-tunings for the development of technology, and for scientific discovery, are interesting because they cannot be explained by The conditions were just right because otherwise we would not be here to wonder about it arguments. We would still be here to wonder if the conditions on Earth, and the properties of fire, water, and metals, were not so fine-tuned to make the development of advanced technology possible. We would still be here to wonder, if our Earth were not so ideally situated for discovery of the universe. Technology and scientific discovery are just extras, which result in a more lush world.

But not to worry, materialists will never run out of ways to avoid the obvious conclusion of design.It is only a question of time until we hear, Of course conditions on our planet and universe are fine-tuned for the development of technology. Otherwise you would not be reading Internet posts like this on your computer!

The rest is here:

A Lush World Defies Materialist Explanations, as Behe and Denton Confirm - Discovery Institute