Ethereum 2.0 progress shows improved initial sync block processing times – AMBCrypto

Prysmatic Labs, a team of developers building code onEthereum, recently published a report on the latest Ethereum 2.0 development updates. The report detailed the changes that have been implemented, while also expanding on the steps taken to ease the further development of the upgraded blockchain.

According to Prysmatic Labs, Prysm nodes on the testnet observed a finalized checkpoint reversion on 21 November, causing incoming attestations to be rejected. On further investigation, the team found an edge case in the fork choice specification, a finding which led to a catastrophic difference in perspective on what the right finalized checkpoint was.

In response, the team wrote tools to extract the bad nodes database for playback and used a lot of Prometheus graphs to help narrow down the problem. Additionally, the team claimed to have significantly improved initial sync block processing times by reducing concurrency issues on the database, while enabling data compression to reduce storage requirements.

A modern consumer grade laptop can sync 50 to 60 blocks per second on the Prysm test network and the final database size ends up at less than 600Mb when combined with experimental feature flag prune-states. This means you can sync to the testnets head block in under 1 hour at 150k slots!

The report also provided details about other new features added over the last few weeks, such as allowing the filtering of active validators in the ListValidators API call and returning whether or not an epoch is finalized in its GetValidatorParticipation endpoint. Further, the team also enabled explicit filtering of genesis data for beacon blocks and attestations.

Listed under the Upcoming Work section of the report, Prysmatic Labs added that they would be actively working on integrating Slasher with the Beacon Node, while fixing P2P network peering by attempting to enhance the P2P connection manager from libp2p to have a hard limit on peers.


Ethereum 2.0 progress shows improved initial sync block processing times - AMBCrypto

Ethereum devs to delay Ice Age with Mountain Glacier – AMBCrypto

At an Ethereum Core Devs meeting earlier this month, James Hancock, the hard fork coordinator, was still yet to predict when Ice Age would exactly hit. With Ice Age being delayed further and further, Tim Beiko took to Twitter to give the community an insight into the latest [76] core devs meeting where Ice Age was widely discussed. Beiko tweeted,

We thought we had months until it kicked in, but those numbers were wrong. The Ice Age is already being felt! There is now a proposal for a single-EIP upgrade after Istanbul to push it back: EIP-2387 a.k.a. Mountain Glacier

During the meeting, EIP 2384 was proposed, an Ethereum improvement proposal which is focused on delaying Istanbul/Berlin difficulty bomb aka Ice Age. A delay of the difficulty bomb for another 4 million blocks was proposed in this EIP. The EIP would push the Ice Age back 4 million blocks for a total of 9 million. Beiko claimed that there was a rough consensus on pushing the difficulty bomb. This upgrade is scheduled to take place on block 9.2 million, which would most likely be on 6 January 2020. Beiko tweeted,

There are no objections on the call, so it seems we have rough consensus to upgrade on block 9.2M, push back the difficulty bomb 9M blocks, and use the Mountain Glacier name. There is now the question about what to do for testnets? Not all of them have a difficulty bomb.

However, towards the end of his tweet thread, Beiko suggested that they hadnt come to the final number as of yet.

Additionally, Beiko revealed that Hancock had included something in the Ice Age EIP that would shed light on how to deal with this in the future, while acknowledging that the current Ice Age model wasnt optimal.

Further, the Team Lead at Ethereum, Pter Szilgyi, reportedly asserted that it isnt advisable for the fork to take place on the PoA network as it would change the fork ID of the networks even though the fork would do nothing on those networks. However, the Ropsten testnet has a difficulty bomb and Beiko added,

.@shemnonadds that this could lead to clients having a negative difficulty if clients didnt implement the difficulty correctly (i.e. have a floor set at 0). There are some reference tests that should cover this, though!

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Ethereum devs to delay Ice Age with Mountain Glacier - AMBCrypto

Ethereum crippled by high fees and massive congestion – CoinGeek

Scalability might be the single most important factor in blockchain technology today, as projects that attempt to provide real utility cant realize their long term goals without it. Ethereum is now proving that scalability isnt its strong suit, as a new game created full blocks, killing the utility of the platform and spiking fees in the process.

Twitter user Nate Maddrey raised concern over the Ethereum network getting bogged down on November 23, causing high fees for all users:

At the time, Maddrey could only speculate on what was causing this spike of usage and fees. On November 26, Coin Metrics published their weekly State of the Network, and they were able to put two and two together to figure out what happened.

Gods Unchained, a trading card game, launched their marketplace on the Ethereum network and created trade volume of $220,000. Due to a wave of new players jumping into the game, especially in the wake of Blizzards Hearthstone banning a popular player over his criticism of Chinas handling of Hong Kong protests.

The sudden popularity and utility of the Gods Unchained, which has since died down, made Ethereum essentially useless for everyone else.

bloXroute, a start-up focused on solving the scalability problem of Ethereum, has emphasized that if Ethereum cant figure out a way to scale to the demand of its users, its doomed. Ethereum feels the burn of the scalability bottleneck more than any other blockchain out there, said Uri Klarman, bloXroute CEO. Its losing momentum, its losing market share. They feel the problem. Most others dont.

This is a problem Ethereums founder, Vitalik Buterin, has also admitted to. He noted in August that his baby was almost already fully congested, and its only gotten worse since then.

This all amounts to a lot of time and money wasted on a project that cant go anywhere fast. As the world turns to blockchain technology, it needs one that has proven scalability that can meet the immense demands of enterprise usage. The only blockchain that has proven it can do that, and continues to scale more massively, is Bitcoin SV.

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Ethereum crippled by high fees and massive congestion - CoinGeek

Will Ether Remain a Commodity After Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade? – The Tokenist

Last updated on November 18, 2019 by Tim Fries

Last week, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Heath Tarbert shared some insight on ethers legal classification once the Ethereum Networks 2.0 upgrade takes place. Ultimately, Tarbert says the commission is still evaluating ethers future legal status. Some speculate the asset will maintain its commodity status, while others make the case for a security which would make the asset subject to the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) regulations.

When it comes to digital assets powered by blockchain technology, very few have been cleared by regulators from the status of a security. In fact, there have been just two: Bitcoin and ether. The latter constitutes the only digital asset which was funded through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and is not a security. The SEC stated the Ethereum Network was sufficiently decentralized to escape the classification and regulatory requirements of a security.

That is, of course, so long as the Ethereum Network does not undergo significant changes. Over the course of the next year however, Ethereum will see perhaps the most significant change a blockchain can experience: a transition in its consensus mechanism.

Currently, Ethereum leverages a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. Here, high-powered servers, referred to as nodes, compete to solve extremely complex mathematical puzzles in order to validate transactions and approve new blocks. Due to the difficulty involved, the servers have a remarkably high rate of electricity consumption. Due to this, PoW has received a bad reputation for its negative effects on the environment.

Sometime over the next 12 months however, Ethereum will shift to the much more environmentally friendly Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism. The transition has been officially deemed the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. Under the PoS model, nodes stake blockchain-specific wealth in this case ether (ETH) to vote on and collectively approve new blocks.

Whenever looking at the regulatory status of a digital asset, a variety of factors come into play. These include case-specific facts, circumstances, and economic realities surrounding the asset.

Despite being funded by an ICO which of itself seems to typically constitute a securities offering it was made known that the Ethereum Network was so decentralized that ether did not constitute a security. This shows then that the level of decentralization tied to a blockchain firm can affect its digital assets legal status.

Thats why some say a PoS model will only strengthen ethers classification as a commodity. Under PoW, large mining pools band together to create greater hash power, which is commonly seen as mining centralization. With PoS however, this centralized aspect is eliminated. Ultimately, this could strengthen the argument that ether even after the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is not a security.

At the same time, the case isnt so clear. With PoS, profits are distributed on a routine basis. They are also distributed based on a validators participation in the network, not on behalf of others which is sometimes the case with PoW.

If PoS is considered a profit-based system, where investors receive a portion of the networks returns, a case for ether as a security could be a concern. If regulators took this path, ether could become a security token and would be subject to the corresponding regulations.

Others argue that the PoS model features similar distribution as seen in PoW, meaning ether will retain its status as a commodity. Importantly, if ether does remain a commodity, the United States may see regulated ether futures trading within the next six months.

As for exactly what will transpire, well have to wait and see. Chairman Tarbert said the CFTCs evaluations are ongoing.

What do you think will happen to ethers regulatory status after the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade? Will it remain a commodity? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Image courtesy of the CFTC.


Will Ether Remain a Commodity After Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade? - The Tokenist

Report: What the Ethereum transaction flippening means – Decrypt

A flippening of sorts has happened on the Ethereum blockchain. Data revealed in a Coin Metrics report this week notes that, for the first time, the number of ERC-20 transactions has surpassed the number of transactions done in ETH itself. And as popular as those tokens are, they could be on the verge of giving way to the newer class of non-fungible tokens.

So what does that mean? And why should anyone care?

The surge in transactions involving these types of smart-contract based tokens could be evidence that the Ethereum network itself is at last finding its footing with users, as evidenced by a variety of actual use cases.

The Coin Metrics report, written by analyst Nate Maddrey, borrowed the term flippeninginitially coined to describe the other cryptocurrencies overtaking Bitcoin in valueand applied it to what he termed a transaction flippening on the Ethereum network itself.

Maddrey looked back to the creation of the ERC-20 specification, which allowed Ethereum-compliant tokens to be created. While the ease with which these tokens could be minted contributed to the excesses of the ICO boom, the ERC-20 tokens have also created network valueand spawned an almost unimaginable amount of alt currencies.

In fact, by April of this year, more than 181,00 ERC-20 coins existed on the Ethereum blockchain, according to Investopedia.

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The Coin Metrics report divided those coins into three typesutility tokens, which allow the bearer to get services, such being able to bet in prediction markets via the Gnosis; exchange tokens, such as Binances BNB token (it later moved from Ethereum to the Binance exchanges own blockchain); and everyones favorite, stablecoins, such as Tether and DAI.

Its that last categorystablecoinsthat, since mid-2018, have contributed most to the number of transactions happening on Ethereum, the report said. You probably wont be surprised to learn that Tether is the culprit there. USDT started gaining ground in May and now has over 80% of the share of transaction counts of the top ten tokens, the report said.

Net net, all of these ERC-20-based token transactions have been slowly overtaking ETH-based transactions.

And last week, it finally happened: As of November 10th, ERC-20s had about 303,000 daily transactions vs about 290,000 for ETH, the report said.

But wait! Theres more! Here come the non-fungible tokens!

While ERC-20s have been the dominant type of token up to this point, we may be on the cusp of the rise of ERC-721s, the report predicted. You might know that lovable protocol as the NFT standard, which first captured the crypto worlds imagination with the fabulous Crypto Kitties.

The new, new thing is the collectible digital card-based game, Gods Unchained, which has been a smash hit. Users own their trading cards, which are unique and can be sold on a market, which is part of the games allure. Although still early, Gods Unchained could be an example of a real use case for crypto tokens in gaming, Coin Metrics concluded.

Indeed, after controversy over the game erupted in Hong Kong last month, it sold out its Genesis Card Packand generated around $6.2 million.

Coin Metrics noted that since the beginning of this year, the number of deployed ERC-721 contracts has grown by almost 350%, compared to about 39% and 36% for ERC-21 contracts and non-token contracts, respectively.

Still, Ethereum is not out of the woods. Ever since Crypto Kitties, the blockchain network has struggled to keep pace with demand, and is moving to Ethereum 2.0, which is designed to be faster and more scalable. The Coin Metrics report did not offer an opinion on the bigger question: Is the transactional popularity of stablecoins and NFTs simply a high-class problem to have? Or is it an existential one.

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Report: What the Ethereum transaction flippening means - Decrypt

Crypto Expert Says Bitcoin and Ethereum Are ‘Formidable’ Collateral Economies – U.Today

Earlier on Monday, U.Today reported that the Bank of America shut down the bank account of a former PayPal executive and a major venture capitalist in Silicon Valley - Roelof Botha. The latter shared this news on Twitter. The BoA did not provide any solid reasons for this move.

Curiously enough, the Tron founder Justin Sun responded to his tweet, saying that the BoA had taken the same measures against him.

Justin Sun writes on his Twitter page that he had been fired as a customer from the Bank of America after holding an account there for eight years.

When one of the most influential venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, Roelof Botha, shared the news about his bank account being shut down without any solid explanation, assumptions started arriving that this was done because the former PayPal exec may have bought Bitcoin.

Numerous banks these days prohibit their customers from purchasing cryptocurrencies. Indias RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is a good example. Last year, it laid a so-called crypto ban on all businesses dealing with crypto in the country mainly crypto exchanges and forbade banks to provide services to these companies.

The same goes for many large banks in Europe and the US.

Earlier, U.Today reported that despite the negative attitude towards Bitcoin and crypto in general, BOA still embraces blockchain technology. Currently, Bank of America is testing a technology offered by the crypto giant Ripple and has even hired a team lead to run a Ripple project.

Besides, recently Ripple has hired a former BoA executive, Ben Melnicki, as head of regulatory affairs in the US.

This goes in line with many financial institutions strategy of embracing blockchain, not Bitcoin. The same strategy has been adopted by China recently, although many in the crypto community hope that crypto will also be allowed in the end in this country.

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Crypto Expert Says Bitcoin and Ethereum Are 'Formidable' Collateral Economies - U.Today

Analyst Wants to Buy Every Ethereum Dip as Istanbul Hard Fork Nears – newsBTC

Ethereums price action has been closely tracking that of Bitcoins in recent times, which has led it to experience some bearishness overnight as the crypto now nears the lower-$180 region a consistent level of support for ETH.

This near-term bearishness may be short lived, however, as analysts are now noting that each price dip is worthy of being bought, which comes about as ETHs Istanbul hard fork quickly approaches.

At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading down roughly 2% at its current price of $183, which marks a notable retrace from its daily highs of $187 that were set yesterday morning.

ETHs slight sell-off has come about as Bitcoin faces an increasing amount of selling pressure around its current support level of $8,700, which was briefly lost overnight as BTC plunged to under $8,600 before bulls fought back and helped the crypto reclaim $8,700 as support.

Over the past several days and weeks, the lower-$180 region has proven to be a support region for Ethereum, although the crypto currently is close to breaching below this support, which could occur in the near-term if BTC faces any further selling pressure.

This price action also comes concurrently with Ethereums upcoming Istanbul hard fork set to take place on December 4th which is the next step on ETHs journey to being upgraded to Ethereum 2.0.

TraderXO, a popular crypto analyst on Twitter, explained in a recent tweet that he will be buying ETH price dips in the near-term, as long as the crypto continues holding above the key support region that he highlights in the chart seen below.

ETHUSD Any substantial dip is a buy for me. Nothing macro bearish here until price closes below the range lows, he said.

Galaxy, another popular analyst, pointed out in a tweet that this time of the year is typically a volatile one for Ethereum and other cryptos, and he seems to believe that this volatility will favor Ethereums bulls.

That time of the year when $ETH pumps so hard people thinking is going to take over BTC is coming again, he explained while pointing to the chart seen below.

The coming few hours and days may play a large role in determining the cryptocurrencys future trend, as any sustained bullishness in the near-term could help spark the next major uptrend.

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Analyst Wants to Buy Every Ethereum Dip as Istanbul Hard Fork Nears - newsBTC

Ethereum Is More Usable and Functional Than Ever, New Data Shows – BeInCrypto

As Ethereum barrels towards major upgrades in the coming months, people have been leveling all kinds of concerns and complaints towards the World Computer blockchain. However, despite the sentiment that no one is using Ethereum, data recorded from Coinmetrics says otherwise.

Ethereum will soon be moving to a Proof-of-Stake algorithm in order to ups its performance. Some high profile cryptocurrency commentators have called this arouse and a scam and insisted that the project is also falling out of favor.

However, a new post fromCoinmetrics, called The Evolution of Ethereum Tokens, describes how much has changed and grown on the network. It also illustrates how the network is being used as an asset insurance and programmable money network.

In dissecting how Ethereum has evolved in the last two years, Coimetrics begins by pointing out the difference between the network value as opposed to the token value. As a project, the second-highest cryptocurrency in terms of market cap is seeing its value chased down by the aggregate market caps of tokens launched on that platform.

This ratio, referred to as the Network Value to Token Value (NVTV) ratio, as proposed byChris Burniske, is shrinking, which is a good thing for Ethereum.

Another indicator that the network is starting to perform as intended is the recent transaction flippening that is happening more and more often. The report states that historically, aggregate token transaction count has been lower than Ethereums non-token transaction count.

However, in Q3 of this year, a flippening occurred where ERC-20 transaction counts surpassed ETH transaction counts. A lot of this is down to USDT, which started gaining ground in May and now has over 80 percent of the share of transaction counts of the top ten tokens.

The narrative has been for some time now that Ethereum was losing its grip on the World Computer stage. By being rattled at the peak of CryptoKitties to competitors of the magnitude of NEO, Cardano, EOS, and Stellar, Ethereum was supposed to be dying off.

However, the data in many areas points towards a different conclusion. Ethereum certainly has faced a brick wall when it comes to scaling, but this is soon to be addressed in the upcoming upgrade.

Ethereums need to scale could also be indicative of its performance for the network is still rather full despite the abandonment narrative. The final key metric in the Coinmetrics data, as pointed out by Ryan Sean Adams, shows that Ethereum contract calls have grown from a couple thousand to a couple million in less than 2 years. Ethereum is being used for its intended purpose: settlement for programmable money

Images are courtesy of Twitter, Shutterstock.

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Ethereum Is More Usable and Functional Than Ever, New Data Shows - BeInCrypto

Ethereum nears technical breakout level as analysts eye further upside – CryptoSlate

The recent volatility in the crypto markets has led the price action of major altcoins like Ethereum to form a close correlation to that of Bitcoin, which means that the aggregated market has fallen into a bout of sideways trading over the past couple of days.

One popular analyst is now noting that Ethereum is close to confirming a break above a key technical resistance level, which could mean that it will soon incur significant upside that allows it to outperform Bitcoin in the coming weeks and months.

At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading up just under 1 percent at its current price of $185, which marks a slight climb from its daily low of $182 that was set yesterday.

ETHs bulls did attempt to push the cryptocurrency up towards $190 earlier today, leading it as high as $188 before sellers stepped up and forced its price back down to its current levels.

In the near-term, it is probable that $190 will continue to be a level of resistance for the cryptocurrency, as this is the price at which it was rejected on multiple occasions in the time since late-October.

In spite of Ethereums correlation to Bitcoins price action in the short-term, one analyst is now pointing out that ETH unlike Bitcoin close to breaking above its Ichimoku Cloud resistance, which could help catalyze a price rally.

SmokeyXBT a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter spoke about this in a recent tweet while referencing a collection of charts that illuminate just how close Ethereum is to piercing above the Ichimoku Cloud that has been acting as resistance. He bullishly stated:

Prediction: $ETH will outperform Bitcoin for the next couple weeks, maybe months.

Ichimoku clouds are a charting indicator created by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese trader, that wanted to create a quick and easy way to look at a chart and be able to tell what is going on.

Assuming that Ethereums buyers are able to push it above this resistance level in the near-term, ETH may soon incur an anomalous price rally while the aggregated market continues to consolidate.

Ethereum, currently ranked #2 by market cap, is up 0.71% over the past 24 hours. ETH has a market cap of $20.06B with a 24 hour volume of $7.34B.

Chart by CryptoCompare

Ethereum is up 0.71% over the past 24 hours.

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Cole is a freelance writer based in southern California, where hes an undergraduate at the University of California, Irvine, studying philosophy. He focuses primarily on covering cryptocurrency and blockchain-related news. He owns a non-life-changing sum of Bitcoin and enjoys day trading.

Commitment to Transparency: The author of this article is invested and/or has an interest in one or more assets discussed in this post. CryptoSlate does not endorse any project or asset that may be mentioned or linked to in this article. Please take that into consideration when evaluating the content within this article.

Disclaimer: Our writers' opinions are solely their own and do not reflect the opinion of CryptoSlate. None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice, nor does CryptoSlate endorse any project that may be mentioned or linked to in this article. Buying and trading cryptocurrencies should be considered a high-risk activity. Please do your own due diligence before taking any action related to content within this article. Finally, CryptoSlate takes no responsibility should you lose money trading cryptocurrencies.

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Ethereum nears technical breakout level as analysts eye further upside - CryptoSlate

Blockchain Analytics: How To Use Bitcoin & Ethereum Transactional Data For Actionable Insights – Analytics India Magazine

On a blockchain, two parties can make an immutable and irreversible transaction that is for all time recorded on the ledger to be verified by anyone who likes. As one of the most influential tech investors, Marc Andreessen states the outcome of this technological breakthrough is difficult to exaggerate. The most popular utilisation of blockchain has been the digital currency.

Digital currencies like Bitcoin use decentralised blockchain to record an open and unalterable history of transactions. Vast amounts of transactional data are being generated on the blockchain for various and regularly undisclosed purposes. This makes them a rich and progressively developing wellspring of valuable data, which requires sophisticated analysis due to anonymity. Here, numerous data analytics tools have also are being built dependent on explicitly structured and impromptu design approaches.

Even though public blockchain analytics is a new trend, transactional data has been utilised for credit cards, checks and bank payments for decades. The distinction with crypto and conventional payment data is that the former is made on a specific degree of the obscurity of the parties, but nevertheless recorded on the public blockchain. One of the key contrasts between the two payment frameworks is that any transaction made in traditional payment systems need to go through a third party payment processor. Here, the transaction data includes the names and bank account information of the parties involved.

On the other hand, transactional data on public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum does not contain precise information on sender and receiver IDs. That information is cryptographically represented by the network in the form of blocks and announced for the network to verify. Unlike traditional digital banking, data related to new transactions including wallet addresses and funds can be tracked by anyone using a transactional hash function.

For instance, Bitcoin SHA256 hash function enables you to make a digital footprint for whatever information you put into it. The capacity to hash a long string of transactional data in a short, one-of-a-kind string enables to make a unique identifier for every transaction. This implies that it is conceivable to get data for each and every transaction ever made on Bitcoin, which is basically every data scientists dream.

With analytics, it is conceivable to follow who is purchasing what and paying for specific services utilising cryptocurrency. This is being used for tracking money laundering and illegal funding of criminal activity. Also, for businesses that are working in cryptocurrency services (such as newly created New York Stock Exchange subsidiary Bakkt), one of the critical advantages for analytics is ensuring that the individuals with whom the organisation is working with are genuine and trusted. At present, trust is troublesome as the degree of anonymity in blockchain implies that occasionally even the most fundamental degrees of oversight can be hard to implement for businesses.

There are some critical advantages for law enforcement agencies that rely on blockchain analytics services. Utilising top to bottom investigation of blockchains through the information they can create and pattern recognition over a large number of connections. This way, it is conceivable to recognise anomalies and criminal users. It is what might be compared to credit checks on a credit card, ensuring that the activities are legitimate and certifiable.

Other than transactional data that include monetary relations between addresses, the launch of Ethereum 2.0, which brought programming software to blockchains, has impelled smart contract analysis as a significant analytics development. Here, blockchain investors and analysts are monitoring smart contract transactions, event logs and account holdings. They can make informed decisions based on meaningful real-time metrics based on on-chain activity & analytics.

An issue of analytics with Blockchain is that data composed into records (like levelDB files in Ethereum and .dat files in Bitcoin) on disk which makes querying tedious. But, lately advancement of Blockchain query languages and analytics frameworks are being built. Analytics frameworks enables us to incorporate relevant blockchain data with data from different sources, and organise in a database, either SQL or NoSQL. Companies like Santiment and Chainalysis have also created in-house querying and analytics tools.

In this regard, there are certain companies tracking public blockchain payments using conventional data analytics strategies and attempting to track transactional data so as to make significant bits of actionable insights. CipherTrace, a San Francisco Bay Area-based startup creates analytics tools including anti-money laundering (AML) and digital forensics. The company which recently raised a $15 million round, expressed it is expanding globally and bring new solutions for customers. CipherTrace is known for its quarterly cryptographic money AML reports and profound forensic aptitude, having various worldwide partners as customers, including government organisations, law enforcement specialists/examiners, digital currency exchanges and monetary organisations. Its tools are utilised to enforce AML laws and battle fraud, among other security dangers.

Other examples of analytics companies are Neutrino and Chainalysis which develop tools for law enforcement and banking firms to explore and investigate transactional data on public blockchains. Neutrino offers tools to screen and track not just Bitcoin but also more privacy-focused blockchains that are used by cybercriminals like Monero. In 2017, Neutrino had found that the North Korean hackers behind the WannaCry ransomware cashed out Bitcoin by converting them into Monero coins, based on the analysis it had done on the transactional data.


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Blockchain Analytics: How To Use Bitcoin & Ethereum Transactional Data For Actionable Insights - Analytics India Magazine

Ethereum (ETH) Could Break Higher After Long Consolidation – newsBTC

Ethereum price is trading in a broad range versus the US Dollar and bitcoin. ETH price remains well bid above the $178 support and it could soon make an upward move.

In the past few days, Ethereum consolidated in a broad range above the $180 support against the US Dollar. ETH bears made a few attempts to push the price below the $180 and $178 support levels, but they failed.

Similarly, there was no upside break above the $188 and $190 resistance. Recently, the price revisited the $182 support area and started a fresh increase. It broke the $185 resistance and the 100 hourly simple moving average.

Moreover, there was a spike above the $188 resistance. However, Ethereum failed to surpass the $190 resistance area and it is currently correcting recent gains. It is now trading below the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $182 low to $190 swing high.

At the moment, the price is approaching the $186 level and the 100 hourly simple moving average. Besides, there is a short term ascending channel forming with support near $186 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

More importantly, the 50% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $182 low to $190 swing high is just below the channel support. Therefore, the price could find bids near $185 and continue higher.

On the upside, the $188 and $190 levels are important hurdles for the bulls. A successful close above the $190 level is needed for a bullish continuation. The next key resistances are near $200 and $205.

Conversely, the price could break the channel support and decline below $185. In the mentioned case, the price is likely to revisit the range support area near the $182 level.

Ethereum Price

Looking at the chart, Ethereum price is stuck in a broad range above the $182 and $180 supports. If the bears continue to struggle near $182, the price is likely to start a strong upward move above $190 in the near term.

Hourly MACD The MACD for ETH/USD is slowly losing momentum in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI The RSI for ETH/USD is currently declining and approaching the 50 level.

Major Support Level $182

Major Resistance Level $190

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Ethereum (ETH) Could Break Higher After Long Consolidation - newsBTC

Short Of The Century: $15 Ethereum Possible If Monthly Fails To Close Bullish – newsBTC

Ethereum is among the crypto assets still vastly below its former all-time price, with a long way to go before it recovers the lofty prices set back at the height of the crypto hype bubble.

According to one crypto trader, Ethereums downfall may not be complete, and if the current monthly candle cannot close above former support turned resistance, as low as $15 Ethereum may be possible.

Ethereum is a unique crypto asset thats not at all similar to Bitcoin or other payment cryptocurrencies. Instead, Ethereum is designed for smart contracts, allowing developers to code on the protocol and create their own decentralized apps, or even other cryptocurrencies as ERC-20 tokens.

Related Reading | 33 Cent Ethereum and $100 EOS, Whats Going On At One Crypto Exchange?

During Bitcoins meteoric rise and the crypto hype bubble, Ethereum went on its own powerful, parabolic rally, driven largely in part by the initial coin offering boom. As the hype surrounding the emerging crypto market spilled into the mainstream public, investors eager to get in on the ground floor of projects promising to be the next Bitcoin were lured into funding ICOs, and loading up on new, unproven crypto assets that lacked utility or use cases.

In the end, the bubble burst, and initial coin offerings began being targeted by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and the trend has all but disappeared completely.

The resulting deflating bubble, not only crushed the hopes and dreams of crypto investors who were sold promise that never materialized into anything, but it also sucked the value out of projects with real value, such as Ethereum itself.

The crypto assets price tumbled from an all-time high of over $1,400 per ETH, to under $100 as its recent bear market low.

However, Ethereums free-fall may not be over, points out one crypto trader, who says that if Ethereum cant close a monthly candle above former support turned resistance, the number two crypto asset by market cap could fall to as low as $15 per ETH.

Ethereum was rejected from monthly resistance at $365, causing the crypto asset to fall back below monthly support at $198.

The crypto asset has spent the last few months trying to get above the critical support level, but thus far has failed to hold. If a third consecutive monthly candle closes below the support turned resistance, the next major monthly supportlevel lies all the way down at $15.

Such a fall from current prices would represent a 99% decline and would be crushing for Ethereum investors who have already watched the price decline as much as 86% from its previous all-time high.

Related Reading | Altcoin Analyst Claims Ethereum Is Overpriced Despite 85% Decline From ATH

If Ethereum does drop to $15, the crypto market would be in dangerous shape. It would also require a 9,500% increase from $15 to return to its previous all-time high.

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Short Of The Century: $15 Ethereum Possible If Monthly Fails To Close Bullish - newsBTC

Altcoins retrace to 2017 levels: why its a critical moment for Ethereum, XRP, et al. – CryptoSlate

Most major altcoins in the likes of Ethereum and XRP have already retraced to 2017 levels. As Bitcoin gears towards a bearish short term trend, investors remain divided on whether altcoins will continue their recovery or begin to see weakened momentum.

In recent weeks, Ethereum, XRP, and other altcoins have demonstrated signs of an extended upside rally, with Ethereum, in particular, maintaining a strong support level at $180.

While technical analysts foresee a pullback for altcoins in the short term, one trader says that the risk to reward ratio for a move up for altcoins is improving, creating a more favorable environment for a rally for Ethereum and XRP. Professional trader Crypto Michael said in a tweet:

Altcoins have fully retraced back to their 2017 and/or 2016 levels. Does that mean that they can go down some more? Yes, however, the R/R with upside potential is getting extremely better from here. Reminder; sentiment switches after price movements, not before.

In the past seven days, across major exchanges, the price of Bitcoin fell from over $9,000 to $8,450, by more than six percent against the U.S. dollar.

In the same period, the price of Ethereum and XRP dropped by around three and five percent respectively.

Altcoins have been performing better than bitcoin as of late because major alternative cryptocurrencies have already fallen by nearly 90 percent since the 2018 peak.

The next several weeks are considered to be a critical period for altcoins as it would decide whether a larger pullback to lower support levels will be tested or the current levels will be solidified as the medium to long term bottom for an extended rally.

According to the Glassnode research team, sentiment around Bitcoin is mixed amongst traders and that BTC is also expected to see a decisive moment.

While traders generally remain optimistic around the performance of altcoins, the amount of deposits to exchanges has declined recently, indicating a lack of appetite for cryptocurrencies at the current price range. The research team said:

Sentiment is mixed as investors wait for the next big BTC price move. This is a deciding moment as the market moves sideways. NUPL helps investors identify when to take profit (blue) & when to reenter (red). BTC exchange deposits and inflows have continued to decline over the last week, indicating low trading appetite from investors.

Based on the token price bubble risk indicator of LongHash, a Singapore-based incubator, Bitcoin is hovering in the overvalued range at 1.2, with 1.5 and higher being a bubble risk.

Ethereum along with other altcoins are in the fair-valued range between -0.5 to 0.5, which may indicate that while altcoins are likely to see a deeper pullback as Bitcoin slips, it will see resistance as it moves below key support levels.

Read more from the original source:

Altcoins retrace to 2017 levels: why its a critical moment for Ethereum, XRP, et al. - CryptoSlate

Ethereum 2.0s Proof of Stake Could Be Classified as a Security, Says CFTC Chairman – BeInCrypto

In a recent interview with the Commodity and Futures Commission (CFTC), chairman Heath Tarbert cast doubt on Ethereum 2.0s future legal status in regards to U.S. law. The warning is directly related to the block validation planned for the platforms upcoming upgrade.

Tarbert told the audience during the interview that the previously held view that Ethereum is a commodity is now in jeopardy. While the CFTC has no jurisdiction over Ethereums status, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is carefully analyzing the platforms newest iteration.

While the Proof of Work (PoW) block validation method has been helpful in eliminating SEC scrutiny, the basis for the evaluation of a security, called the Howey Test, has maintained that decentralized mining (e.g. Bitcoin and Ethereum 1.0) prevents them from being considered a security.

However, Proof of Stake (PoS) authentication creates a profit-based system that effectively links owners with returns. Such a system certainly meets the SECs normal classifications of a security.

Just as stock owners receive dividends from profits, the PoS system links the returns from the platform with the line of most staked validators. In this way, it functions far more like a simple security than a decentralized work-for-return model.

Tarberts analysis lines up strongly with the previous analyses done by SEC officials during other probes. The recent cease and desist order filed against the Telegram token sale is just one example where the SEC will not allow token sales when they have the marks of securities.

Nevertheless, it appears that Ethereum is stuck between a rock and a hard place. The complexity of creating a scalable platform for its users has been met with cries for PoS validation.

However, a move to PoS away from PoW would likely result in increased scrutiny from governing bodies. The project appears to be left with the painful choice of loss of users or loss of functionality in the U.S. neither of which is a viable business model.

The damaging scenario could, however, leave room for other blockchain projects to steal market shares from Ethereum. For example, TRON has already been hailed by Udi Wertheimer as the competitor to watch, while EOS and others are waiting in the wings as well.

Regardless of risers or fallers, the current landscape for Ethereum 2.0 is not bright. While cryptocurrencies appear to be here to stay, Vitaliks dream may soon become a nightmare.

Images courtesy of Twitter, Shutterstock.

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See the original post:

Ethereum 2.0s Proof of Stake Could Be Classified as a Security, Says CFTC Chairman - BeInCrypto

Ethereum price analysis: ETH/USD attempts a recovery above $184.00 – FXStreet

Ethereum, now the second-largest digital asset with the current market value of $20 billion, has recovered from the recent low of $177.o5 and hit $184.33 during early Asian hours. At the time of writing, ETH/USD is changing hands at $183.77, mostly unchanged both on a day-to-day basis and since the beginning of Sunday.

On the intraday charts, ETH/USD has moved above SMA50 (Simple Moving Average) 1-hour (currently at $181.20) and attempted a breakthrough above SMA100 1-hour at $183.54; however, the bulls failed to keep up with the upside momentum. We will need to see a sustainable move above this handle for the recovery to gain traction. Once it happens, the next resistance of $185.00 will come into focus. This psychological barrier is strengthened by SMA200 1-hour located on approach.

On the downside, keep an eye on the middle line of 1-hour Bollinger Band at $182.30 and the above-mentioned SMA50 1-hour at $181.20. Once it is out of the way, the sell-off is likely to gain traction with the next focus onpsychological $180.00 and the recent low of $177.05.


Ethereum price analysis: ETH/USD attempts a recovery above $184.00 - FXStreet

Ethereums Bollinger Bands Signal That a Massive Movement is Imminent – newsBTC

Ethereum has been stuck below its near-term resistance level at $190 for the past several weeks, and both ETHs bulls and bears have been deadlocked as they hold the cryptocurrency steady within the mid-$180 region.

This bout of sideways trading may soon be coming to an end, however, as analysts are now noting that ETHs Bollinger Bands are currently squeezing, which means that a massive price movement could be imminent.

At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading down 1% at its current price of $185.70, which marks a slight retrace from its daily highs of $190 that were set yesterday in a brief upwards movement that ultimately resulted in another rejection at this resistance level.

Currently, ETH is trading its lowest price seen over the past 24-hours, but it is nearing a region where it has consistently found decent buying pressure, meaning that it may be able to hold steady above this level in the near-term assuming that there is no major Bitcoin movement that guides the aggregated markets.

Bitcoin has been contributing to ETHs bout of sideways trading, as it has been caught around $8,700 for the past several days after being rejected from the lower-$9,000 region earlier this week.

Ethereums Bollinger Bands are currently incredibly tight, which could signal that a massive price movement is imminent.

RJ, a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter, spoke about this in a recent tweet, explaining that November has also historically been a month of tremendous volatility for the cryptocurrency.

$ETH / USD: November squeeze, one of the biggest weve ever seen: BBW grinding the bottom for almost two months now. Nov 17 Start of the bullrun, $280 > $1400. Nov 18 Start of the capitulation, $230 > $80. Nov 19 ? he noted while pointing to the below chart.

As for where this volatility could send ETH, MoonOverlord, another poplar crypto analyst, explained in the chart found within the below tweet that he believes the crypto could target $300 in the near-term.

The coming hours and days could be pivotal for Ethereum, as its response to its tight Bollinger Bands could set the tone for how it trends throughout the rest of the year.

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Ethereums Bollinger Bands Signal That a Massive Movement is Imminent - newsBTC

Forkast.Focus | HKFinTechWeek: ConsenSys Founder Joseph Lubin on Ethereum, Regulation, and Competition – Forkast News

Governments around the world have started to catch up with regulation for new blockchain-related projects, but the underlying technology still attracts entrepreneurial activity. Forkast.News Senior Editor Sam Reynolds sits down with ConsenSys Founder Joseph Lubin on the sidelines of Hong Kong FinTech Week to find out more about how the Ethereum blockchain infrastructure is dealing with regulation.

Against the backdrop of Hong Kong Securities Futures Commission CEO Ashley Alder announcing new regulatory framework for virtual asset trading platforms, projects related to blockchain have seen an increasing amount of engagement in the industry from governments around the world in 2019. This includes Chinese President Xi Jinping recently promoting the development of blockchain technology in the country.

While blockchain and cryptocurrency companies adapt to the new regulations, Lubin says the technology shouldnt matter that much as long as youre doing all the right things according to securities law, you should be able to sell your securities to appropriate buyers.

Add to that Ethereum 2.0s looming launch, ConsenSys has been working on various projects including a space program in which any person can participate and contribute. The project aims to create a collaborative platform to organize efforts such as space sustainability in a decentralized and democratic way, according to the ConsenSys Space site.

See related article: Forkast.Focus | HKFinTechWeek: SFC Aims to Regulate Digital Asset Trading Platforms

Sam Reynolds: Hey, guys, we are back at Hong Kong FinTech Week and were talking with Joseph Lubin from ConsenSys. So Ethereum is a big topic these days, of course, in blockchain. But weve heard that Ethereums toolkit isnt yet where it should be, given the capital being spent on Ethereum. You say thats dumb. Why?

Joseph Lubin: What do you mean by toolkit? The developer toolchain? Youve heard that?

Sam Reynolds: Weve heard it. We have it on tape. But there is that argument that perhaps, you know, given the value of Ethereum and whats being spent on that, perhaps there could be a bit more.

Joseph Lubin: Sure, there could always be a bit more, but the Truffle Suite is an outstanding developer tool. I believe its been downloaded significantly north of 2 million times and might be a bigger number. I believe they have something like 80 thousand unique users that they verified. So its beloved. There are other developer tool suites. There are formal verification methods. There are different languages. There are security audit teams. Weve got a product called MythX, which is a set of tools for static, dynamic, ongoing analysis. So the rails, that blockchain, that Ethereum blockchain provides for directly accessing value, tokens, money or other kinds of digital assets are live. And thats never been true before in the history of computing. So its still not an incredibly mature technology, but its maturing rapidly. And the tooling is, I think, incredibly impressive considering that the theorems ecosystem is 5 years old and no other blockchain ecosystem is close in terms of the amount of tooling and developer activity.

Sam Reynolds: Thats definitely true, right? Ethereums only five years old, yet it still has the ecosystem that is massive. But we see now the emergence of new Blockchain technology coming down the road. Things like Neo or things like Tron. So how do you guys compete with these new blockchains?

Joseph Lubin: So there are good competitors and there are good marketing projects. So Tron is an excellent marketing project. There are other excellent marketing projects and some of those marketing projects arent necessarily intellectually honest and not technologically strong or rigorous, but theyre pretty high quality technology projects, projects like Polkadot and Dfinity and Tezos and NEAR, Algorand, Avalanche. All of those are quite impressive technologically. An analyst named, Matteo Leibowitz, describes something called the distribution quadrilemma, and he was basically talking about how difficult it will be to become a layer one based trust layer. There are two of them in existence right now. Two of them that are sufficiently decentralized to be a base trust layer for applications for the planet: Ethereum and Bitcoin. In order to become a base trust layer, you need to issue a token broadly and equitably. You need to garner enough revenue so that you can build your project and continue to build it out, maintain it. You need to have a vibrant, large and growing community.

And this is something that bitcoin in Ethereum didnt have to deal with; you need to be regulatory compliant. And so any project hoping to aspire to being a massively decentralized based trust layer, an actual layer one, everything else is can be a layer 2 system. They would have to accomplish those four pillars. The problem is the regulatory peace, in order to grow, keep growing a community, you generally have to promise that the token that youre selling them will appreciate. Usually by the action of the developers or promoters of the system, by definition thats a security. And so securities law is then implicated and now you cant sell a utility token as its not a utility token, its a tokenized security. You cant sell it broadly and equitably. And so its going to be very, very difficult. Not impossible, but very, very difficult for even a technically very strong project to challenge the early head start and the massive network effect that the Ethereum project has.

Sam Reynolds: For sure, and looking at regulations, you know, the blockchain once had this aura of a libertarian wild west. Now its moving towards enterprise, is moving towards being part of a, you know, enterprise workflow or government workflow. And I definitely think that with some of these tokens, there is a pathway to bring that into the fold with regulations. At the same time, with some, there are no pathways possible to bring that into what can be legally sold to anyone. So, you know, can you talk about, perhaps, that process of trying to make things compliant and trying to work with regulators and not against regulators to make sure you can fundraise legally for projects.

Joseph Lubin: So were big fans of the maximally decentralized, public, permission-less space. We think it will be very important to have a base trust layer for the planet and a global settlement layer for the planet that essentially all nation states can trust that cant be improperly manipulated. At the same time, minimally viable, decentralization brings a tremendous amount of value to a whole bunch of companies that want to cooperate with one another and, you know, some of their business processes. We should be able to sell tokens for networks like that, whether theyre utility tokens or tokenized securities even. And in many jurisdictions around the world, including the United States, things are not so fuzzy anymore.

We at ConsenSys have a very strong legal team, maybe the best in the world for our industry. And were very comfortable that we can sell utility tokens. We wouldnt sell them in massive quantities to speculators. We would sell them in situations where we might require proof of use before they could be traded between different counter-parties. And the securities law has been operating well in the United States for a long time and and in other regions of the world. And the technology shouldnt matter that much as long as youre doing all the right things according to securities law, you should be able to sell your securities to appropriate buyers.

Sam Reynolds: Okay, so were here at Hong Kong FinTech Week. Whats your favorite trend so far on the show floor?

Joseph Lubin: I got here recently and only did my panel and my talks, so I havent had time to walk around.

Sam Reynolds: Okay, fair enough. Well, great. Thanks for your time.

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Forkast.Focus | HKFinTechWeek: ConsenSys Founder Joseph Lubin on Ethereum, Regulation, and Competition - Forkast News

Ethereum developer activity is seeing parabolic growth says analyst; will price follow? – CryptoSlate

According to data from Santiment, developer activity on the Ethereum blockchain network has seen parabolic growth as of late, rising to May 2019 levels.

In May, the Ethereum price was hovering at around $260, nearly 40 percent higher than its current price of $186.

Previously, Ivey Business School professor JP Vergne found in a study that the best predictor of the short term price trend of a cryptocurrency is developer activity. He said:

We found that the best predictor of a cryptocurrencys exchange rate is the amount of developer activity around it.

The developer activity on the Ethereum network is likely on the rise in anticipation of the launch of Ethereum 2.0, and reports indicate that major corporations are paying attention to the said launch, as it would allow the blockchain to process information more efficiently.

In an interview with Decrypt, EYs global blockchain head Paul Brody said that the firm is processing more than 10,000 transactions on Ethereum for Microsoft, and larger capacity would allow firms to better utilize Ethereum to settle data.

An analyst, who operates with the alias Cactus, said:

ETH development activity has been going parabolic the past three weeks, early 2020 we are going to be seeing some major announcements from the ethereum team It will take other blockchains years to catch up in terms of development.

State of the DApps, an analytics firm that evaluates the usage of decentralized applications, reported that the release of new DApps per month has increased to nearly 1,500.

As the scalability of the Ethereum network improves, DApps and other blockchain networks operating on top of Ethereum will benefit from expanded capacity, creating a more practical environment for decentralized platforms to operate in.

With technical analysts generally gearing towards a deeper pullback for the cryptocurrency market following the drop of the bitcoin price below $9,000 earlier this week, the Ethereum price is expected to stall, possibly to the years end.

As reported by CryptoSlate, November has historically been a strong month for both Bitcoin and other major alternative cryptocurrencies, but as seen in 2018, significant sell-pressure could prevent rapid recovery.

Prominent trader Josh Rager said:

Alts are directly correlated to Bitcoin. If price goes south, diversifying into alts will only make things worse If you want hedge, learn how to use futures or options to your advantage Diversification in crypto is not strategy majority of portfolio should be BTC.

In recent months, bitcoin has become more volatile than Ethereum and other alternative cryptocurrencies, which may indicate that a large price move could occur in the short term.

Original post:

Ethereum developer activity is seeing parabolic growth says analyst; will price follow? - CryptoSlate

Ethereum-Based Loans on the Rise in Preparation for Staking – BeInCrypto

According to recent metrics, loans issued on Ethereum have been on the rise all year. Many are speculating that this is in anticipation of Ethereums transition to proof-of-stake in 2020.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is the new buzzword in the cryptocurrency world, and Ethereum is leading the pack. Although the leading smart contract platform still has much work ahead of itself before ETH 2.0, we have already seen an uptick in demand on the network.

Recently shared statistics by DeFi Pulse (@defipulse) shows that outstanding debts on ETH have exploded this year. Whereas they were previously non-existent in 2017, they have since risen drasticallyalmost $3M in ETH-based loans are currently represented on Ethereum as debts.

Many are speculating that this is just the beginning and that the number will increase substantially as we get close to phase 0 of Ethereum 2.0. In short, we are currently amidst a rush to accumulate 32 ETHthe minimum amount needed to stake ETH on the network for returns.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) has become one of the main discussion points in the industry this year, with many seeing it as a means of adoption.

As of now, Ethereum remains the leading smart contract platform for DeFi. However, other platforms have started to catch on with competitors like Harmony (ONE) including DeFi as a core business model. We will likely see more Ethereum competitors jump on the DeFi hype as the ecosystem further matures. Yet, for now, Ethereum remains king in the DeFi world.

DeFi, however, still has some regulatory hurdles to overcome before it is easily accessible to everyday investors. Although Ethereum has been cleared in the United States, its many tokens and dApps are still in legal limbo. For now, Ethereum is primarily focused on scaling itself in the hopes of providing the right structure for DeFihowever, the real uphill battle may be the regulatory concerns that will come after ETH 2.0 comes out.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Twitter.

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See the article here:

Ethereum-Based Loans on the Rise in Preparation for Staking - BeInCrypto

Microsoft and Ethereum Join Forces: How to Profit From ETH Price Surge – Ethereum World News

Last week, Microsoft released more information about its secret platform that will create Ethereum based tokens. The report, released by Forbes, stated the software giant is currently undergoing preview and testing of the Azure Blockchain tokens, leaving many to wonder how this will affect ETH price. As of today, ETH jumped a little but how far will it go? YouHodler will take a deeper look behind the rumors and explain how to take full advantage of any possible price growth.

Microsoft and ETH onramps; Ethereum price could benefit greatly

Forbes states that the Azure Blockchain is aimed at enterprises and several have already started minting their own Ethereum based tokens. Currently, users will have access to a permissioned version of the Ethereum blockchain that will use Azures cloud computing to reach a consensus on transactions. That being said, in the future develops will use the Azure Blockchain on the public Ethereum blockchain. Hence, this will provide a massive onramp for ETH users. At least, thats the theory.

Ethereum price; ETH market results following Microsoft news

Looking at the chart above, Ethereum price reacted slightly to the Microsoft news yet, we have yet to see a significant surge above the $200 mark.

We can assume there is no real short term impact on ETH at this point. However, the long term forecast could prove to be positive for Ethereum if Microsofts project lives up to the hype. To take advantage of this future price growth, YouHodler designed a unique tool for ETH multiplication. Heres how it works.

Ethereum price growing soon? How to multiply ETH portfolio

YouHodlers Turbocharge Crypto feature was specially designed for HODLers and traders to multiply their crypto portfolio using borrowed funds with the intent of profting later when the price of their chosen crypto increases. In this case, we will use the future Ethereum price growth as an example.

To multiply ETH, simply log into and click the Turbocharge Crypto button on the left hand side. Users are then brought to screen where they can choose how initial collateral they want to use and how many loans in the chain to pick (1-10). YouHodler then takes the initial funds from the first loan to buy more ETH and repeat the process as many times as the user chooses. Here is an example of what an ETH Turbocharged loan looks like with five loans:

At the end of the Turbocharge process, the user is left with ~ 40 ETH, four times the amount they started with. Then, when the price of ETH increases, the user keeps all the profits. To enhance this process, YouHodler also includes features like Set Close Price so the user has more control over when to close the loan.

With the potential Ethereum price increase coming, now is the good time to start increasing ones ETH portfolio. YouHodler has the right tools for this task so visit us today at to get started.


Read also: YouHodler Launches New Campaign to Make ETH Strong Again

More here:

Microsoft and Ethereum Join Forces: How to Profit From ETH Price Surge - Ethereum World News