Ethereum Price Spikes After Visa Stablecoin Announcement –

GettyThe photo shows a physical imitation of a Ethereum cryptocurrency in Dortmund, western Germany, on January 27, 2020.

The price of Ether (ETH) has soared following an announcement by Visa that it is focusing more on stablecoins. Ether is the name of the cryptocurrency that runs on the Ethereum blockchain, which is a popular choice for stablecoin movement. Ethers price jump also tracked a Bitcoin price increase, along with other developments within the Ethereum blockchain.

A look at Coindesks price chart for Ethereum for the past week reveals a spike in price just over the last couple of days. The coin was priced below $240 at the beginning of the week and now its up to $286.22 as of the time of publication. The difference is even greater when viewed for the last month, when the coin was at a low of about $220 on June 28. The coins price is now just slightly above its highest price for the past year, which occurred on February 14 at about $284. Of course, this is all much lower than its pinnacle in 2018, when the coin hit $1,405 in early January 2018. Many cryptocoins dropped in late 2017/early 2018.

Ethers jump coincided with a jump in the price of Bitcoin, Decrypt reported. Ethers price spike was also likely due to growth in DeFi trading protocols and the increasing popularity of stablecoins, Decrypt reported. On July 23, nearly $180 million of Bitcoin was locked on the Ethereum blockchain, Decrypt reported.

Ethereum is the popular blockchain for stablecoins, which has led to the Ethereum blockchain moving more value a day than Bitcoin, Decrypt noted. So positive stablecoin announcements will also have a positive effect on Ethers price.

On July 22, Visa announced that it was expanding to support new forms of commerce, including fiat-backed digital currencies known as stablecoins. Visa noted that these digital currency wallets would support all of Visas capabilities, including Visa Direct. One of Visas recent innovations involved a research team working on Zether, which is an Ethereum smart contract.

CoinTelegraph also reported that the gains in Ether were likely from increasing use of stablecoins and the increasing use of DeFi applications. CoinTelegraph noted that the final testnet for Ethereum 2.0 is happening on August 4. This is a network upgrade.

Bitcoins price has also increased recently, according to Coindesk. It hit a high of $9,638 on Friday and has shown an overall steady increase in price all week, after starting around $9,160. Bitcoins prices are volatile, seeing highs and lows over the past three months. The price doesnt currently match its price from nearly a year ago when it reached nearly $12,000 in early August 2019, but its grown a lot since it dropped to just below $5,000 in mid-March, 2020. Bitcoins highest price was in late 2017.

Heres a look at what Ether is, according to Coindesk:

Ether is the cryptocurrency built on top of the open source Ethereumblockchain, which runs smart contracts. The cryptocurrency acts as a fuel that allows smart contracts to run unlike bitcoin, which is meant to be a unit of currency on a peer-to-peer payment network. Ethers supply is not capped like that of bitcoin and its supply schedule, often described as minimum necessary to secure the network, is determined by members of Ethereums community. A majority of decentralized applications are based on Ethereum and the cryptocurrency accounts for the highest percentage of the total funds staked in the DeFi projects. Ethereum is scheduled to make a transition to proof-of-stake mechanism from the current proof-of-work mechanism in the later half of 2020.

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Ethereum Price Spikes After Visa Stablecoin Announcement -

Enthusiast Opines Nervos Network will make Ethereum Look Like Windows 3.1 – The Cryptocurrency Analytics

Looking for Altcoins and cryptocurrencies which are set to be here in 10 years from now. For some investors they cannot wait until it is way off in the future to be able to make real money. To estimate whether a crypto can give you some decent returns soon, it is important to understand the competitive aspects of their usability.

As Warren Buffet Says, it is not good to ignore an investment opportunity by sucking thumbs and not doing anything about it if it is within investment competence. It is important to take an investment opportunity if it is good. Creating an analogy, if it personally strikes that the use case is going to be well worth the user interest, it is good to be investing in it.

You need some kind of inner feeling of entitlement to know that you really want to risk in investing in a project that you are able to logically identify a purpose to be with the project the Altcoin is targeting to achieve. Interpreting, you must be able to make some sense out of the mission statement and the purpose outlined in the White Paper.

In this regard, when it comes to identifying the circle of competence, Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: Nervos have discussed layer 1, layer 2 and consensus scope, economic model, multi-asset store of value, crypto-economics, Nakamoto consensus, and the Eaglesong hash function. They have a Youtube video in this regard.

The You Tube Video has received some shout out from the community. The researchers who contribute to Nervos are introduced.

The Nervos Network is composed of layers of protocols instead of single blockchain. The difference between the layer 1 and layer 2 is the consensus scope. The numbers of nodes which participate in the consensus in this protocol. Layer 1 is absolutely secure and no security is compromised. In Layer 2 a bit of security can be compromised to provide for better user experience and for lower latency effect.

In order to ensure free flow of transactions, each of them should be detached using different processes. All of these are accomplished using UTXO. More to know in the video.

Nervous was chosen by Chinas bsnbase The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.

The other public chains to be integrated are Ethereum, EOSIO, Tezos, Nervos, NEO, and IRISnet. There is an exhaustive Medium article in this regard.

The community feels that very soon Nervos Network Will make Windows 3.1.

View original post here:

Enthusiast Opines Nervos Network will make Ethereum Look Like Windows 3.1 - The Cryptocurrency Analytics

How bots helped take $8 million from Ethereums biggest DeFi app – Decrypt

When the worlds financial markets collapsed on March 12, the Ethereum networks congestion allowed some of MakerDAO users to buy out over $8 million worth of crypto for free. Today, data firm Blocknative has published a report that suggests an army of bots might be responsible.

And the implications are quite big. The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has ballooned to over $3 billion locked up in itmoney thats at stake if something goes wrong. And if this strategy is effective, then it could put further applications and more money at risk.

This is strong evidence of a new class of attack that all DeFi users (in fact, all blockchain users) will need to be aware of, tweeted Dan Elitzer, a venture capitalist at IDEOVC.

MakerDAO is a novel blockchain project that is responsible for the stablecoin DAI. The DAI stablecoin is a cryptocurrency with its value pegged to the US dollar. But its not kept pegged by someone keeping a stash of banknotes in a vault, instead, users lock up other cryptocurrencies as collateral. And in case the value of the collateral drops, they make sure to keep enough locked up to accommodate that.

But obviously, this carries risk. If the value of the collateral dropped below the amount of the DAI (I.e. if there was less than $1 of collateral per 1 DAI), then there would be a big problem.

There is a mechanism to solve this if the value does drop significantly. The collateral is put up for auction, and anyone can buy itusually at a nice discount.

But what happened on March 12 is that a lot of collateral went up for auction. And someone managed to buy it for free! This shouldnt have happened. So, Blocknative went digging and they found out how this occurred.

According to the report, an army of so-called hammerbots was unleashed on Ethereum, spamming nodes with high numbers of transactions. This slowed down the network, creating a long queue of stuck transactions.

The congestion on the Ethereum network allowed some userspotentially who were behind the attack or otherwiseto bid $0 on auctions without competition. By offering higher transaction fees, they incentivized miners to process their transactions before everyone else. And anyone else trying to bid with low transaction fees, just added to the chaos.

And so, over $8.32 million worth of cryptocurrency was auctioned off for nothing. DeFi may be growing, but the risks are growing too.

Here is the original post:

How bots helped take $8 million from Ethereums biggest DeFi app - Decrypt

Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot Offer Alternative Solutions to Scaling Issue – Cointelegraph

After Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood left the Ethereum Foundation in 2016, he wrote a white paper for a new kind of blockchain one that would use an innovative form of sharding and cross-chain communication to achieve the kind of scalability and interoperability that Ethereum 1.0 would never be able to manage. Woods new blockchain, called Polkadot, launched its first iteration in May and has recently moved to the second stage of the mainnet.

In the time that Wood has been developing Polkadot, the Ethereum core development team has been working on the biggest upgrade to Ethereums infrastructure since it launched in 2015. Ethereum 2.0, also dubbed Serenity, is due to launch its own first iteration this year, with a phased rollout over the next two years. Ethereum 2.0 will also use a variant of sharding as a means of ending the scalability woes that have plagued it since the initial coin offering boom in 2017.

Bearing in mind the entwined history of these two platforms, are the two comparable? And if so, in what ways?

Both Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot use sharding to achieve scalability. Sharding involves partitioning the blockchain network, or its data, to enable parallel processing and thus increase throughput. However, sharding is a broad term, and these two projects utilize different methods.

Currently, Ethereum 1.0 operates on a single-chain structure where every node must validate every transaction. In contrast, Ethereum 2.0 has a main chain called the Beacon Chain that facilitates communication between the shards, which connect to the Beacon Chain. Shards can process in parallel, allowing a higher throughput than the single-chain structure.

Ethereum 2.0 will impose a particular condition on shards connecting to the Beacon Chain, in that each shard must have a uniform method for changing state with each block added to the blockchain. Essentially, a Beacon Chain is a series of ports or sockets like a USB connector where only those shards with the right shape of USB plug can connect to it.

Polkadot uses a different variant of sharding. The network also has a main chain called the Relay Chain. Shards on Polkadot are known as parachains and can also execute transactions in parallel. However, Polkadot uses a far more flexible meta-protocol to allow parachains to connect to the main chain, meaning that any parachain can determine its own rules regarding how it changes state. The only condition is that the Relay Chain validators can execute it using the meta-protocol, which uses standard WebAssembly. Coming back to the USB connector analogy, the Relay Chain serves as a kind of universal socket. Now anyone with any kind of plug can connect to Polkadot.

The flexibility described above means that Polkadot offers a high level of interoperability that wont be possible with Ethereum 2.0, as only Ethereum-specific shards can be part of the Ethereum ecosystem. Polkadot uses bridge parachains that can connect to external blockchains, offering two-way compatibility.

Effectively, Ethereum could connect to the Polkadot ecosystem via a bridge parachain so that DApp developers could interact with any other Polkadot parachain. However, the reverse isnt possible: Polkadot could not become a shard on Ethereums Beacon Chain. Moonbeam is one example of a bridge parachain that provides developers with an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform thats built on Polkadot.

So far in the evolution of blockchain, interoperability hasnt played a significant role. However, perhaps because so many blockchains have evolved to become walled gardens, interoperability is starting to take more of a starring role in 2020. At last years Blockstack Summit in San Francisco, blockchain entrepreneur Andreas Antonopoulos put forward a compelling case for interoperability, explaining that any single chain that attracts sufficient development will eventually eat itself, requiring an infrastructure upgrade.

Related: Interoperable Blockchains May Be the Future of Finance but Have a Ways Yet to Go

If Antonopoulos is right, then much of the current infrastructure such as blockchain bridges or interoperable platforms like Polkadot could be key enablers of Ethereums future development.

Its also worth pointing out that Wood recognizes the inherent symbiosis in this relationship between the two platforms, having stated in a blog post that, ever since the Polkadot white paper was issued: We knew that bridging with the Ethereum ecosystem to help extend capabilities on either side would be one of the key points of the network.

Polkadot launched on mainnet in May, with the projects roadmap involving phased upgrades to a fully decentralized infrastructure with all planned governance in place. The first phase is proof-of-authority, which involves assembling validators for the network. The project recently launched its second phase, which is known as nominated proof-of-stake. This refers to an initial go-live of the networks consensus model. Assuming all goes well, the next step will involve implementation of the networks governance model.

Ethereum 2.0 is taking a somewhat different approach to the phased implementation whereby the full launch will come after phased updates. The Beacon Chain is expected to launch this summer, along with staking under the new proof-of-stake consensus. The move to full sharding is slated to come in the next phases.

While the Ethereum 2.0 project boasts some leading names within the blockchain developer space, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin himself, there is no single team responsible for Ethereum 2.0 development and implementation. Several teams, or clients, are working on various iterations of Ethereum 2.0 as a means of maintaining network security.

Polkadot has been developed by a single firm called Parity Technologies a global team of engineers, cryptographers, solutions architects and researchers. Along with Polkadot, Parity has developed its Parity Ethereum client and Parity Zcash client.

Parity Technologies was founded by Wood and Jutta Steiner. Woods credentials are well established through his history with Ethereum and as the creator of the Solidity programming language, with Steiner also being one of the original Ethereum team members, having served as its first security chief. She is an applied mathematician and now the CEO of Parity.

One of the most significant challenges facing Ethereum 2.0 is the time its taking to bring the project to fruition. Theres been talk of a scalability upgrade since around 2017, and its likely to be 2022 by the time the full implementation is completed and thats assuming there are no further delays. However, Ethereum holds a critical advantage over Polkadot and all other blockchain platforms: It has a long-established developer base and community, and the most developer activity when compared to its competitors.

However, Ethereum 2.0 implementation delays have allowed other projects, of which Polkadot is obviously a top competitor, to develop their own platforms that offer additional attributes, such as interoperability. Polkadot does offer compatibility with Ethereum, meaning that developers could adopt the platform without necessarily moving away from their original base.

It will be intriguing to see how the two platforms play together once the full Ethereum 2.0 implementation is completed. If all goes well, each platform can complement the strengths of the other to create a connected blockchain network greater than the sum of its parts.

See original here:

Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot Offer Alternative Solutions to Scaling Issue - Cointelegraph

Ripple CEO: Fiat and Crypto Should Coexist in Harmony – Ethereum World News

In summary:

The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, has expressed optimism in the move by the OCC declaring that US banks can now offer crypto custody solutions to their customers. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) explained the time was nigh for US banks to keep up with technology advancements as well as the growing needs of their customers to safely store digital assets.

It is with this background that Mr. Garlinghouse enthusiastically commented via Twitter that the move would foster innovation and provide a level playing field for all. Additionally, he expla ined that it was high time fiat and crypto coexisted in harmony. His exact comments were as follows

BOOM! Todays ruling is a huge step forward. The @USOCC is absolutely leading the way to foster innovation, protect consumers and provide a level playing field for all. The future has never been fiat versus crypto these can and should coexist in harmony!

His comments were echoed by Ripples general counsel, Stuart Alderoty, via the following Tweet.

To note is that Brad Garlinghouse has been calling for regulatory clarity in the US with regards to the crypto and blockchain industries. This move by the OCC provides an avenue for Ripple to offer its various payment settlement solutions to the various US banks by possibly highlighting the speed, efficiency and interoperability of the XRP ledger.

Disclaimer:This article is not meant to give financial advice. Any additional opinion herein is purely the authors and does not represent the opinion of EWN or any of its other writers. Please carry out your own research before investing in any of the numerous cryptocurrencies available. Thank you.

More here:

Ripple CEO: Fiat and Crypto Should Coexist in Harmony - Ethereum World News

Ethereum (ETH) Down $2.79 Over Past 4 Hours, Outperforms All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Entered Today Up For the 3rd Day In A Row – CFDTrading

Ethereum 4 Hour Price Update

Updated July 24, 2020 11:19 AM GMT (07:19 AM EST)

275.23 (USD) was the opening price of the four-hour candle for Ethereum, resulting in the previous 4 hours being one in which price moved up 1.52% ($4.13) from the previous 4 hours. Ethereum outperformed all 5 assets in the Top Cryptos asset class since the previous 4 hours. Congrats to its holders!

Ethereum came into today up 4.29% ($11.33) from the open of the day prior, marking the 3rd day in a row an increase has occurred. The price move occurred on stronger volume; specifically, yesterdays volume was up 111.68% from the day prior, and up 174.82% from the same day the week before. On a relative basis, the day prior was pretty good: Ethereum bested all 5 of the assets in the Top Cryptos class Below is a daily price chart of Ethereum.

The clearest trend exists on the 90 day timeframe, which shows price moving up over that time. For another vantage point, consider that Ethereums price has gone up 6 of the previous 10 trading days.

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Ethereum:

Some BTC maximalists are making fun of ETH gas prices, but when you say the same thing about BTC blocks being full and fees going up, then they say thats Satoshis vision to have full blocks.Is Ethereum fulfilling Satoshis vision better than bitcoin?

@JaEsf @AFDudley0 @austingriffith @badcryptobitch @dannyryan @DZack23 @ercwl @gakonst @gluk64 @hasufl @haydenzadams @hudsonjameson @jadler0 @mhswende @musalbas @peter_szilagyi @_prestwich @samczsun @tayvano_ @VitalikButerin @wekabot tbh I mostly work on Ethereum now because it does everything I want. The eureka when I was designing an atomic swap protocol for gambling on a hard fork. It took me 3 months in Bitcoin to design (no impl) vs 1 day in Ethereum (with a working solidity contract).

its somewhat crazy to call the beacon chain eth2.0, considering how it does 0 Ethereum things hello, i have invented car2.0. it has no wheels, and does not go. you cannot sit in it. someday i will replace engine with hover, probably. car2.0, yo

In terms of news links for Ethereum heres one to try:

eth2 quick update no. 13 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

I want to give a quick update on the eth1+eth2 merger progress and to give a huge shout-out to Mikhail (TXRX) and Guillaume (geth) for their excellent work.The high level on the client relationship can be found here; a more detailed scope of the merger discussed by Mikhail is here; and a discussion of the architecture of a geth based eth1-engine (called Catalyst) by Guillaume is here.Guillaumes Catalyst a version of geth which defers its consensus to RPC calls (i.e. an eth2 client) is built and ready to go; and Mikhails Phase 1 implementation is running fully sharded eth2 simulations with select shards deferring block production and validity calls to a local, stubbed eth1-engine.

Read this article:

Ethereum (ETH) Down $2.79 Over Past 4 Hours, Outperforms All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Entered Today Up For the 3rd Day In A Row - CFDTrading

Ethereum (ETH) Down $0.45 in Last 4 Hours, Tops All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Moves Up For the 3rd Day In A Row – CFDTrading

Ethereum 4 Hour Price Update

Updated July 24, 2020 03:20 PM GMT (11:20 AM EST)

274.74 (USD) was the opening price of the four-hour candle for Ethereum, resulting in the last 4 hour candle being one in which price moved down 0.23% ($0.62) from the last 4 hour candle. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ethereum ended up ranking 4th for the four-hour candle in terms of price change relative to the last 4 hour candle.

Ethereum closed yesterday up 4.29% ($11.33); this denotes the 3rd day in a row an increase has occurred. The price move occurred on stronger volume; specifically, yesterdays volume was up 111.68% from the day prior, and up 174.82% from the same day the week before. Ethereum outperformed all 5 assets in the Top Cryptos asset class since yesterday. Congrats to its holders! Lets take a look at the daily price chart of Ethereum.

Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 90 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. For another vantage point, consider that Ethereums price has gone up 6 of the previous 10 trading days.

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Ethereum:

At the end of the day my name is Ethereum Jack because I have been buying its cyclic bottom to make myself more Bitcoin and so far it has been exactly doing thatIf youre a true #Bitcoin maximalist you dont pass up on such opportunities

Some BTC maximalists are making fun of ETH gas prices, but when you say the same thing about BTC blocks being full and fees going up, then they say thats Satoshis vision to have full blocks.Is Ethereum fulfilling Satoshis vision better than bitcoin?

@JaEsf @AFDudley0 @austingriffith @badcryptobitch @dannyryan @DZack23 @ercwl @gakonst @gluk64 @hasufl @haydenzadams @hudsonjameson @jadler0 @mhswende @musalbas @peter_szilagyi @_prestwich @samczsun @tayvano_ @VitalikButerin @wekabot tbh I mostly work on Ethereum now because it does everything I want. The eureka when I was designing an atomic swap protocol for gambling on a hard fork. It took me 3 months in Bitcoin to design (no impl) vs 1 day in Ethereum (with a working solidity contract).

As for a news story related to Ethereum getting some buzz:

eth2 quick update no. 13 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

I want to give a quick update on the eth1+eth2 merger progress and to give a huge shout-out to Mikhail (TXRX) and Guillaume (geth) for their excellent work.The high level on the client relationship can be found here; a more detailed scope of the merger discussed by Mikhail is here; and a discussion of the architecture of a geth based eth1-engine (called Catalyst) by Guillaume is here.Guillaumes Catalyst a version of geth which defers its consensus to RPC calls (i.e. an eth2 client) is built and ready to go; and Mikhails Phase 1 implementation is running fully sharded eth2 simulations with select shards deferring block production and validity calls to a local, stubbed eth1-engine.

Originally posted here:

Ethereum (ETH) Down $0.45 in Last 4 Hours, Tops All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Moves Up For the 3rd Day In A Row - CFDTrading

EOS, Ethereum and Ripple’s XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 19th, 2020 – FX Empire

For the day ahead

Ethereum would need to avoid a fall through the $235 pivot to support a run at the first major resistance level at $237.76.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Ethereum to break out from Saturdays high $236.97.

Barring an extended crypto rally, the first major resistance level should cap any upside.

Failure to avoid a fall through the $235 pivot would bring the first major support level at $233.03 into play.

Barring another extended sell-off, Ethereum should continue to steer clear of sub-$230 levels. The second major support level at $230.27 should limit any downside.

First Major Support Level: $233.03

Pivot Level: $235.00

First Major Resistance Level: $237.76

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $257

38.2% FIB Retracement Level: $367

62% FIB Retracement Level: $543

Ripples XRP rallied by 2.94% on Saturday. Following a 0.03% loss on Friday, Ripples XRP ended the day at $0.20019.

It was a relatively bearish start to the day. Ripples XRP fell to an early morning intraday low $0.19413 before making a move.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $0.1913, Ripples XRP struck a late afternoon intraday high $0.20232.

Ripples XRP broke through the first major resistance level at $0.1982 and the second major resistance level at $0.2018.

A late pullback saw Ripples XRP fall back to $0.19960 levels before wrapping up the day at $0.20 levels.

At the time of writing, Ripples XRP was up by 0.63% to $0.20145. A mixed start to the day saw Ripples XRP fall to an early morning low $0.19988 before striking a high $0.20150.

Ripples XRP left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.

Continue reading here:

EOS, Ethereum and Ripple's XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 19th, 2020 - FX Empire

Whales Are Buying Three Altcoins As Bitcoin and Ethereum Tread Water, According to Crypto Research Report – The Daily Hodl

New analysis from the Liechtenstein-based Crypto Research Report shows crypto whales are actively accumulating three altcoins as Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to consolidate.

Demelza Hays, a former cryptocurrency fund manager and Forbes 30 under 30 member, says the decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens Aave (LEND), Ren (REN), and Kyber Network (KNC) continue to see strong interest from crypto whales after posting significant gains over the past few months.

In the past 30 days, the balance of top 100 KNC whales has grown by a total of 30.6 million KNC (~$48.1 million at the time of writing). In the same time frame, the top 100 LEND whales accumulated an additional 39.6 million LEND (~$10.1 million at the time of writing) to their collective bags, while the top 100 REN whales added 5.3 million REN (~$850,000 at the time of writing) more to their holdings.

Hays says the increase in the balance of top 100 LEND, REN, and KNC whales points to accumulation while indicating high investor optimism.

Its not just whales who are driving the value of these three DeFi assets. Hays explains that LEND, REN, and KNC have also caught the attention of retail investors.

Since the start of the month, the number of addresses holding more than 1000 REN (~$150 at the time of writing) has increased by 550, the number of addresses holding more than 1000 LEND (~$250 at the time of writing) has increased by 817, while the number of addresses holding more than 100 KNC (~$157 at the time of writing) has grown by an additional 150.

Hays says whales and retail traders will likely alleviate sell pressure by holding onto their assets, pointing to the continuation of the uptrend of LEND, REN, and KNC.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/camilkuo

Read the original post:

Whales Are Buying Three Altcoins As Bitcoin and Ethereum Tread Water, According to Crypto Research Report - The Daily Hodl

The big pump: ETH and BTC soar – Decrypt

And then, whoosh! it all happened at once. In under an hour, late on Wednesday night, the price of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, rose from $245 to $269, an increase of 9.7%.

Bitcoin, as well as Bitcoin Cash, TRON, and XRP, followed, although their 24 hour increases werent nearly as sharp. Bitcoin, which followed the same upward trajectory, rose from $9,377 to $9,516, an increase of 1.48%.

The pumpso far without much of a dumpstarted at around 11 pm UK time. Then, the price started rising ever so slightly, from $245 to $247, a price unseen since July 13. The real pumpa crude, straight line pointing upward with barely any gradientoccurred at around 11.30 pm UK time. The price then plateaued.

This is Ethereums highest price since February. Then in March, the pandemic swept through the US; when global markets took a beating, so did the entire crypto market. Ethereum crashed to the lowest point its been this year: $95.

If the price keeps rising, this could be a big day for Bitcoin, too. Bitcoin has been struggling to push past the elusive $10,000 price pointits price before the pandemic hit. But for the past two months, Bitcoins been incredibly, frustratingly stable.

In a recent report, Coin Metrics found that Bitcoins price had budged just 1% in the past month and that it hadnt been this stable since 2018.

The CEO of crypto exchange Binance, Changpeng Zhao, even remarked in an interview with Bloomberg earlier this week that some had started to call Bitcoin a stablecoin, referring to those coins whose value is pegged to a fiat currency, like the US dollar.

Meanwhile, Ethereum has been having a moment, thanks to the growing frenzy around DeFi, and yield farming in particular. The platform is celebrating its anniversary next week and the much-anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, which will improve the speed and capacity of the network, is on track to roll out by November.

See the article here:

The big pump: ETH and BTC soar - Decrypt

EOS, Ethereum and Ripples XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 19th, 2020 – Yahoo Finance


EOS slipped by 0.04% on Saturday. Following on from a 0.19% loss from Friday, EOS ended the day at $2.5054.

It was a bearish start to the day. EOS fell to an early morning intraday low $2.4862 before finding support.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $2.4761, EOS struck a late morning intraday high $2.5213 before easing back.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $2.5227, EOS fell back to end the day at sub-$2.51 levels.

At the time of writing, EOS was up by 0.19% to $2.5101. A bullish start to the day saw EOS rise from an early morning low $2.5075 to a high $2.5101.

EOS left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.

EOS would need to avoid a fall through the $2.5043 pivot level to support a run at the first major resistance level at $2.5224.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for EOS to break out from Saturdays high $2.5213.

Barring an extended crypto rally, the first major resistance level and Saturdays high $2.5213 would likely cap any upside.

Failure to avoid a fall through the $2.5043 pivot would bring the first major support level at $2.4873 into play.

Barring an extended sell-off, EOS should steer clear of sub-$2.45 levels. The second major support level at $2.4692 should limit the downside.

First Major Support Level: $2.4873

Pivot Level: $2.5043

First Major Resistance Level: $2.5224

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $6.62

38% FIB Retracement Level: $9.76

62% FIB Retracement Level: $14.82

Ethereum rose by 1.33% on Saturday. Reversing a 0.33% decline from Friday, Ethereum ended the day at $235.79.

It was another mixed start to the day. Ethereum fell to an early morning intraday low $232.34 before making a move.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $230.86, Ethereum rallied to a late intraday high $236.97.

Ethereum broke through the first major resistance level at $234.54 and the second major resistance level at $236.39.

A pullback late in the day saw Ethereum fall back through the second major resistance level to sub-$236 levels.

At the time of writing, Ethereum was up by 0.17% to $236.18. A mixed start to the day saw Ethereum fall to an early morning low $235.66 before rising to a high $236.18.

Ethereum left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.

Story continues

Ethereum would need to avoid a fall through the $235 pivot to support a run at the first major resistance level at $237.76.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Ethereum to break out from Saturdays high $236.97.

Barring an extended crypto rally, the first major resistance level should cap any upside.

Failure to avoid a fall through the $235 pivot would bring the first major support level at $233.03 into play.

Barring another extended sell-off, Ethereum should continue to steer clear of sub-$230 levels. The second major support level at $230.27 should limit any downside.

First Major Support Level: $233.03

Pivot Level: $235.00

First Major Resistance Level: $237.76

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $257

38.2% FIB Retracement Level: $367

62% FIB Retracement Level: $543

Ripples XRP rallied by 2.94% on Saturday. Following a 0.03% loss on Friday, Ripples XRP ended the day at $0.20019.

It was a relatively bearish start to the day. Ripples XRP fell to an early morning intraday low $0.19413 before making a move.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $0.1913, Ripples XRP struck a late afternoon intraday high $0.20232.

Ripples XRP broke through the first major resistance level at $0.1982 and the second major resistance level at $0.2018.

A late pullback saw Ripples XRP fall back to $0.19960 levels before wrapping up the day at $0.20 levels.

At the time of writing, Ripples XRP was up by 0.63% to $0.20145. A mixed start to the day saw Ripples XRP fall to an early morning low $0.19988 before striking a high $0.20150.

Ripples XRP left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.

Ripples XRP will need to avoid a fall through the $0.1989 pivot to support a run at the first major resistance level at $0.2036.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Ripples XRP to break out from Saturdays high $0.20232.

Barring a broad-based crypto rally, the first major resistance level and Saturdays high should cap any upside.

In the event of a breakout, Ripples XRP should test the second major resistance level at $0.2070 before any pullback. Resistance at $0.21 would likely cap any upside, however.

Failure to avoid a fall through the $0.1989 pivot would bring the first major support level at $0.1954 into play.

Barring an extended crypto sell-off, Ripples XRP should avoid sub-$0.19 levels. The second major support level at $0.1907 should limit any downside.

First Major Support Level: $0.1954

Pivot Level: $0.1989

First Major Resistance Level: $0.2036

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $0.3638

38.2% FIB Retracement Level: $0.4800

62% FIB Retracement Level: $0.6678

Please let us know what you think in the comments below.

Thanks, Bob

This article was originally posted on FX Empire

Read more here:

EOS, Ethereum and Ripples XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 19th, 2020 - Yahoo Finance

Ethereum (ETH) Up $19.7 Over Past 4 Hours, Outperforms All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Came Into Today Up For the 2nd Day In A Row – CFDTrading

Ethereum 4 Hour Price Update

Updated July 23, 2020 03:20 PM GMT (11:20 AM EST)

Ethereum closed the previous 4 hours up 0.28% ($0.75); this denotes the 2nd candle in a row an increase has occurred. Relative to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ethereum ranked 2nd since the previous 4 hours in terms of percentage price change.

Ethereum closed the day prior up 7.5% ($18.45); this denotes the 2nd day in a row an increase has occurred. The price move occurred on stronger volume; specifically, yesterdays volume was up 11.95% from the day prior, and up 85.82% from the same day the week before. Ethereum outperformed all 5 assets in the Top Cryptos asset class since the day prior. Below is a daily price chart of Ethereum.

Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 90 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. For additional context, note that price has gone down 8 out of the past 14 days.

Over on Twitter, here were the top tweets about Ethereum:

Heads up, we are ripping out Whisper from the go-ethereum code base. Will move it into its own repo and archive it for posterity, add some links to current work done by @ethstatus. All in all SHH died a long time ago and theres no point to tiptoe around it. #Ethereum

The Ethereum 2.0 final testnet is set to go live on Aug 4th. If successful, we may see the launch of the Mainnet as early as Nov 4th.Already in June the testnets had over 20,000 validators which is a huge accomplishment.#Ethereum and #DeFi will spark the next bullrun! $ETH

Reminder #VeFam. Sunny Lu believes #VeChain market cap can overtake Ethereum. Ethereums all time high market cap was around $138b. If #VeChain can reach this, it will make each $vet worth around $2.50. All we need is one more bull run and I believe this is a possibility.

In terms of news links for Ethereum heres one to try:

Sunny Lu: VeChain will overtake Ethereum in market capitalisation

The CEO of VeChain (VET), Sunny Lu, spoke in an interview with Boxmining about the rivalry with Ethereum, the competition from big tech companies and the mass adaptation of VeChain.Lu replied that he always pays full respect to Ethereum and Vitalik, but this is also one of his goals: Well, I wont stop until we get there.However, according to the CEO, this is not a major threat as VeChain has been on the market for nearly four years and is leading the industry with its technology: No, not really.Ultimately, the market is big enough, and VeChain has its advantages even over large tech companies: Generally speaking, I am not really worried about that kind of situation because right now the market is like so big.

Originally posted here:

Ethereum (ETH) Up $19.7 Over Past 4 Hours, Outperforms All Top Cryptos to Start the Day; Came Into Today Up For the 2nd Day In A Row - CFDTrading

Thats why VeChains governance model is better than Bitcoins and Ethereums – Crypto News Flash

Source: RuskaDesign -Shutterstock

In a new episode of the BootCamp webinar series, VeChains chief scientist, Peter Zhou, discussed the highlights of the VeChainThor blockchain governance model. Compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum, VeChains governance model is especially aimed at business use and creating value for its users. According to Zhou, VeChains governance model follows the elected board design which he summarized as followed:

(VeChains governance model) has a robust detailed design, utilizing a mutually reinforcing mix of legal, cultural, market, and code elements to help steer the collective.

Zhou then explained that VeChains governance model consists of 3 bodies or components: the Steering Committee Board, the Economic Node and X Node operators. In that sense, Zhou explained that the first component is in charge of managing daily operations, proposing and voting on critical changes (for example, the price of Gas for validating transactions in VeChainThor). Additionally, board members can decide whether a proposal is submitted to a shareholder vote.

On the blockchain, however, the majority of the voting rights are held by the nodes. The new governance introduced in December 2019 gives the majority of votes and authority back to the community by giving Economic Node and X Node operators a voting right that can account for up to 60% of votes. The remaining 40% of the votes are held by the owners of the Authority Masternodes

The individual voting power varies in relation to the number of tokens a user has and the time he has kept them. The minimum vote for any user is 1 and the maximum number of votes is held by the Authority Masternodes, as shown in the following chart.


Finally, the chief scientist of VeChain explained that the Steering Committee Board makes decisions about all emergencies in the network. In this sense, the members have the possibility to take temporary measures, but decisions with greater weight still require the votes of the shareholders, even if they are only approved for a limited period of time.

In contrast, Bitcoins governance model makes its decisions through proposals that are approved by the core developers. Then, the proposals are put to a vote on-chain and the miners decide if the proposal is implemented. This occurs through a soft or hard fork. However, as stated in by VeChains Zhou, proposed changes are not implemented because of a lack of consensus with the core developer community.

On the other hand, Ethereums governance model has similarities with Bitcoin. The changes are proposed by the developers and have to be approved by the miners. However, Zhou also criticized the lack of transparency regarding the Ethereum governance model and the way decisions are made. Specifically, he criticized the plutocratic decision-making at Ethereum and the lack of a mechanism for community participation in decision-making.

One of the advantages of VeChains governance model is that the Steering Committee Board members who make the most important decisions can be elected. In that sense, there is greater transparency about who proposes changes, who can vote and how many votes a given stakeholder has.

Below you can see the full episode of VeChains webinar:

Read more from the original source:

Thats why VeChains governance model is better than Bitcoins and Ethereums - Crypto News Flash

Mempool Manipulation Enabled Theft of $8M in MakerDAO Collateral on Black Thursday: Report – CoinDesk – CoinDesk

A clever hustle in Ethereums mempools enabled attackers to steal $8.3 million from MakerDAO users on Black Thursday, according to research published Wednesday.

To recap: The price of ether (ETH) plummeted on March 12 and the Ethereum network was congested by a flood of attempted transactions. As investors fled to fiat, ETHs price sunk low enough to trigger liquidations of the collateral held on the MakerDAO lending platform. These programmatic liquidations enabled attackers to walk away with $8.3 million in ETH, for free, shorting borrowers and MakerDAO itself.

The congestion, though, was key and completely intentional, according to Blocknative, a company focused on studying action in blockchain mempools.

The new research suggests Marchs Black Swan event for Ethereum may have actually been a sophisticated plan to cash in on a global sell-off fueled by COVID-19 concerns.

The entire affair meant [the attackers] were able to achieve over 1,000 zero-bid auctions and collect that underlying value with almost no out-of-pocket expense, Blocknative CEO Matt Cutler told CoinDesk in an interview.

Mempool manipulation

At the heart of Blocknatives work is mempools: the temporary storage on every Ethereum node where transactions wait to get mined and finalized.

In mid-March, mempools got congested with useless transactions on purpose, Blocknative said, as part of a plan to win zero-bid auctions for ETH on MakerDAO under just these conditions.

Indeed, the Maker Foundation wrote as much in its post-mortem published in April:

"Network congestion and high gas prices caused transaction delays and, in many cases, failures. Those issues, combined with the unprecedented drop in the value of assets, caught Maker Vault owners, Keepers, and liquidity pools off-guard."

(The Maker Foundation referred CoinDesk to the above blog post and declined to comment further for this story.)

Obviously, many Ethereum users will wonder whether the drop in ETH price itself was somehow manufactured, but that question is outside the scope of Blocknatives investigation. The attackers could have been poised to opportunistically take advantage of a dramatic drop in ETHs price; whether the price drop itself was manufactured remains unknown.

That said, Blocknative did find what appears to be a March 8 test run of the attacks mechanics, a fact the research firm doesnt describe in its report.

It is an interesting coincidence that the test and the attack were within just four days of each other, Cutler told CoinDesk. [But] we dont have any evidence that this is anything other than opportunistic.

Either way, the attackers took advantage of some very subtle insights about both Ethereum and MakerDAO. They basically exploited some techniques that had never been seen before, Cutler said.

More on those techniques later. First, we need to cover a few basics about MakerDAO and Ethereum.

MakerDAO basics

MakerDAO is known as the creator of dai (DAI), the decentralized stablecoin currently beloved by yield farmers. DAI is created with debt. Users put ETH or other crypto-assets up as collateral on the Maker platform to then withdraw a portion of the value of those assets in the form of brand-new DAI.

To get back their collateral, users must repay the DAI they borrowed plus whatever interest the loan has accrued (in MakerDAO parlance this is the stability fee, but its just a variable interest rate). MakerDAO enforces the DAI price by liquidating collateral if its value falls below the minimum threshold to maintain proper collateralization. For ETH, thats 150%, but most users put in a lot more ETH than the minimum.

So, if ETH were at $200 and the user posted 1 ETH to borrow 100 DAI, they wont get liquidated unless ETH drops below $150.

But on Black Thursday, ETHs price fell almost $100, from $193, so that triggered a lot of liquidations.

Liquidations can be done by anyone, by the way, with bots called Keepers. MakerDAO itself runs a Keeper, but a few other unknown entities do as well.

Keepers win liquidations through an auction (described step-by-step in plain language by CoinList), so different Keepers bid to close the loan, and on Black Thursday, those auctions only lasted 10 minutes, or a few dozen Ethereum blocks.

The idea is that these auctions should (and normally have) resulted in users getting back their collateral minus however much they owed, plus the stability fee and the liquidation fee (its the last part that hurts). But thats not what happened this time.

Borrowers got nothing and, in fact, MakerDAO got paid back much too little DAI, and the whole system was undercollateralized.

Ethereum basics

Ethereum is a blockchain, which means its always gathering up transactions and miners are competing to compose blocks of those transactions, encrypt them, break the encryption and then prove their work to the rest of the miners to win a block reward.

Transactions arent real until they are in a mined block. And there are usually more transactions out there waiting to get into a block than there is room for more transactions. Those delayed transactions wait in whats called the mempool.

Mempools are one of those things that most people dont really need to think about most of the time, except they become really important when situations get urgent: like when the price of ETH is falling off a cliff.

When you most need to be sure that things are happening are happening in an orderly fashion, Cutler said, is when things are least reliable.

This is the whole point of Blocknative. The firm keeps a detailed account of mempools all over the world, studying what it calls value in motion. Blocknative helps its customers decide if they need to be more aggressive in things like gas payments when things are going crazy. Mempool data is value in motion; finalized blockchain data is value at rest.

Crucially, miners cannot process a new transaction if the prior transaction hasnt gone through. Every transaction on Ethereum from a wallet gets a number, and 515 wont go through if 514 hasnt (this is tracked by the transaction nonce, in Ethereum-speak). This sequential reality turns out to be the key to the attack.

What Blocknative found

Blocknative has been keeping mempool data for Ethereum going back to early 2018 (also its testnets and for the Bitcoin network as well). The firm decided to take a look at the mempool data to see what happened around March 12.

Blocknative found that an unusually high proportion of the mempool was clogged by transactions with very low gas prices on them.

Usually this proportion isnt very high because users actually want their transactions to go through, so they will monitor gas prices and set them at levels that are likely to get picked up by a miner. But thats not what was happening on March 12. There were loads of transactions in the pool that had low gas prices on them. Too many.

This allowed the attackers to submit zero bids in MakerDAOs collateral auctions with strong gas prices attached knowing full well they could likely win those auctions against well-intentioned Keeper bots who couldnt get their bids through.

Blocknative describes something called Hammerbots. These would be bots designed to craft transactions precisely for the purpose of clogging the mempool.

The bots hammered the mempool with transactions that were never intended to be finalized. These Hammerbots consumed mempool resources by issuing extremely high rates of replacement transactions without any corresponding increase in gas, Blocknative wrote on its blog.

These transactions were additionally designed with a lot of pointless operations that could be shifted and changed easily to vary the hash, but appeared to serve no real purpose.

These particular transactions, they would be particularly good at consuming mempool resources, Chris Meisl, a Blocknative co-founder, told CoinDesk.

Cascading problems

So thats the first problem: Congestion made it hard for borrowers on MakerDAO to add more collateral and it made it hard for Keepers to get bids through.

This resulted in anomalous mempool conditions, which would ultimately favor certain transactions, the Blocknative post reports.

But there was another crucial observation the attackers appear to have made about Keepers: they didnt seem to be checking to see if transactions were getting through.

When you do transactions on an account or address on Ethereum, they have to be ordered, Meisl said.

As we wrote above, if a nonce is missing in a blockchains record, miners cant take later transactions until one with the prior nonce comes through. So a later transaction will get stuck, even if it has a very high gas price attached, until the prior one goes through.

This had a bizarre upshot. From the Blocknative blog post:

"When viewed in aggregate, even though the volume of transactions entering the mempool increased dramatically, the gas price of a significant portion of the mempool collapsed to an artificially low value."

In short: The attackers knew Keepers would fail to get their first bids through and it would result in subsequent bids probabilistically (in Cutlers words) getting stuck. And it worked often enough.

The open-source code that MakerDAO published for Keeper bots didnt have measures to check for stuck transactions.

This created a potential gap that allowed the attacker to submit a bid with a strong gas price but a 0 DAI bid for the collateral, starting that short 10-minute auction clock ticking.

While automated trading systems are often designed to programmatically increase the gas price of transactions, many such trading systems do not handle nonce gaps well if at all, the Blocknative post warns.

In 1,462 cases, the Keepers failed to notice that their bids were getting stuck in the mempools, the attackers won the bid, stealing millions of dollars in ETH and nearly forcing an emergency shutdown on MakerDAO.

MakerDAO has since extended the auction time to six hours. Blocknative has opened its data set of mempool activity for members of the community to study further.

"The mempool is a critical yet ephemeral and often overlooked element of the blockchain ecosystem. As such, mempools present many 'unknown unknowns' to builders and users alike."

In this case, however, the attackers studied Makers Keeper code and realized it was possible to know what the real Keepers didnt.

The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.

Read the original post:

Mempool Manipulation Enabled Theft of $8M in MakerDAO Collateral on Black Thursday: Report - CoinDesk - CoinDesk

ETHUSD: Ethereum Price on Cusp of a Breakout Ahead of August ETH.20 Upgrade – InvestingCube

Ethereum Price (ETHUSD) pair is down by about 1.3% as traders continues to wait for the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. The pair is trading at $242.73, which is slightly below this weeks high of $247.

The biggest driver to Ethereum price these days is the upcoming ETH 2.0 upgrade. This is a process that will improve the original back end of Ethereum and will be the first major update to the system. It will help to make the protocol more secure and faster. In an announcement, Danny Ryan, a launch coordinator of the upgrade said that the preliminary launch date of this upgrade will be on August 4th. He said:

After discussions with client teams, the next multi-client testnet (mainnet config including min validator numbers) will have a min genesis time of August 4th.

Behind the scenes, tests of phase zero (Sapphire) of its test net has been going on since April this year. In the new protocol, ETH mining will shift from a proof-of-work system. Instead, it will be secured by users putting about 32 ETH stake to validate a node. The second test, known as Onyx has been going on since June this year and involves more than 20,000 validators. Another, phase, known as Altona moved from phase zero in June.

ETH 2.0 is the next major event in the cryptocurrency industry after the Bitcoin halving event that took place in May.

Like Bitcoin, Ethereum price has been boring in recent months. In the past two months, the price has traded within a range of between $215 and $254. As a result, the Average True Range (ATR), which is a good measure of volatility has dropped to the lowest level since January this month.

On the daily chart, the price is slightly above the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement level. It is also above the 50-day and 100-day exponential moving averages. Therefore, because of the low volatility, it means that the price is on a cusp of a break out with key support and resistance levels being at $215 and $255.

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Read more from the original source:

ETHUSD: Ethereum Price on Cusp of a Breakout Ahead of August ETH.20 Upgrade - InvestingCube

DeFi hacks on Ethereum 2.0 easier to scale than on Eth1: report – Decrypt

DeFi has proven to be something of a double-edged sword for crypto. On the one hand, its generating excitement and income. On the other, it poses security threats. Derivative attacks and other hacks made possible by the DeFi money piata could cause cracks in the forthcoming Ethereum 2.0 network.

So say ConsenSys Tanner Hoban and Thomas Borgers, who, with funding from MolochDao, used their free time to analyze the incentive structure and security for Ethereums long-awaited proof-of-stake network. (Disclosure: ConsenSys funds an editorially independent Decrypt.)

In their just-released paper, Ethereum 2.0 Economic Review: An Analysis of Ethereums Proof of Stake Incentive Model, the co-authors argue that with options volume increasing and unique financial instruments like flash loans being used in malicious exploits [] derivatives could become the favored avenue of attack for adversaries.

Not to fear, though. They have a solution: Just pay a bit more for security.

Attacks on Eth2 are easier to scale than on Eth1, write Hoban and Borgers. Thats counterintuitively because network participation should be easier on the network; users dont need as much hardware or to use as much electricity to get involved. To mount attacks, they dont need more machines, they need more ETH. And there are plenty of markets for them to get it: The flourishing of DeFi and eventual connectivity to Eth2 can vastly accelerate and magnify this trend.

Most blockchain watchers are already aware of the risks inherent to Ethereum-based derivatives. Just see Februarys bZx exploit, which cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Though DeFi is already risky on Ethereum 1.0, a proof-of-work blockchain, Borgers told Decrypt that he thinks such derivative attacks will only continue to proliferate with Eth2, and so far we haven't seen that Eth2 addresses that vector better than Eth1.

In their analysis, Hoban and Borgers found that risk to be most acute during the transition to Ethereum 2.0. Thats because at the beginning of the shift, validators must lock up their ETH stakesand all the rewards they receive for doing sountil the PoW chain fully merges with the PoS chain. That decreases liquidity, and the authors believe it could lead to centralization.

Given the choice between waiting or putting their ETH to work for them, people will likely turn to centralized exchanges and derivatives trading. A high concentration of validators leveraging these platforms creates centralization risk and unpredictability, wrote the authors. In other words, more derivatives, more problemsat least while the network is transitioning.

Borgers told Decrypt that while some types of attacks could become more difficult, other attack vectors, in addition to derivative attacks, could present themselves. Therefore, he supports a slow rollout of Eth2giving us ample time to test.

After Ethereum fully transitions, network security should come to rely on three key variables: ETH staked, the price of ETH, and volatility. (The current iteration of Ethereum relies on hashrate for security, explained Borgers, which is related to price.)

The authors laid out their reasoning in the papers conclusion:

Our primary concern with regards to the economic stability and security of Eth2 is the resilience of the network at low ETH prices. Profitability diminishes, which could force validators to exit, further diminishing security.

With fewer validators, the cost to attack the network also decreases. Hoban and Borgers calculate that the network needs 13.8% of ETH to be staked for adequate security.

To incentivize people to stake their ETH, and thereby losing some flexibility with their funds, they recommend doubling the base rewards factorwhich, along with the amount of ETH at stake, helps determine the amount of ETH stakers can earnfrom the currently planned 64 to 128.

Security is highly dependent [on] ETH price and ETH staked, and we should make sure there is enough ETH staked, as that is the only variable we can really influence directly, Borgers told Decrypt.

Moreover, adding financial incentives is affordable given that security for the PoS network should actually cost less than with Ethereum 1.0. We believe the network is underpaying for security, Hoban and Borgers wrote.

Borgers thinks the transition to Eth2 is worth it from a security standpoint. It just needs some fine-tuning.

I think if we can find good mechanisms to incentivize enough ETH stake (~15%), which is very possible, as hinted at in our recommendations, said Borgers, this is a much more secure, scalable, and decentralized system.

The views and opinions expressed by the author are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.

Excerpt from:

DeFi hacks on Ethereum 2.0 easier to scale than on Eth1: report - Decrypt

Ethereum (ETH) Down $0.77 Over Past 4 Hours, Makes Big Move Relative to Two Week Trend; Breaks Above 20 Day Average – CFDTrading

Ethereum 4 Hour Price Update

Updated July 22, 2020 11:21 AM GMT (07:21 AM EST)

The choppiness in the recent four-hour candle price action of Ethereum continues; to start the current 4 hour candle, it came in at a price of 243.83 US dollars, up 0.6% ($1.45) since the last 4 hour candle. Relative to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ethereum ranked 3rd since the last 4 hour candle in terms of percentage price change.

245.87 (USD) was the opening price of the day for Ethereum, resulting in the previous day being one in which price moved up 4.11% ($9.71) from the previous day. The price move occurred on stronger volume; specifically, yesterdays volume was up 91.7% from the day prior, and up 97.94% from the same day the week before. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ethereum ended up ranking 2nd for the day in terms of price change relative to the previous day. Lets take a look at the daily price chart of Ethereum.

Moving average crossovers are always interesting, so lets start there: Ethereum crossed above its 20 day moving average yesterday. The clearest trend exists on the 90 day timeframe, which shows price moving up over that time. Or to view things another way, note that out of the past 14 days Ethereums price has gone down 8 them.

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Ethereum:

Important,We have just created a test token on the ethereum mainnet for the final stage of our POL testing today -and it will be added to uniswap.I hope this goes without saying, please dont buy a token called TESTTOKEN$TESTTOKENThis token has NO FUTURE. Be warned

If you: are obsessive about crypto (Ethereum in particular) have strong analytical skills know SQL, Git, and maybe some Python want a fun job, 100% remoteplease DM me your resume and/or Github profile

Im going to save you some time : the oracle pb isnt fully solvable the team holds a big % of the supply no staking/penalty system yet its built on ethereum$LINK marines have spent 2 years on twitter discussing those facts.

For a longer news piece related to ETH thats been generating discussion, check out:

Introduction to Building on DeFi with Ethereum and USDC Part 1 | by Coinbase | Jul, 2020 | The Coinbase Blog

That is the function well be calling to get some USDC sent to our account.Read-only functions can be called without creating a transaction and therefore without a transaction fee, unless called as part of a read-write function.Look for gimmeSome again in the contract source code and you will find that the interface is the following: It is a really simple function that does not take in any arguments, and it is marked as external, which means that this function can only be called from outside, and not from other functions within this contract.Create a new file called getTestnetUSDC.js in the src folder and enter the following code: The code first instantiates a contract object (new ethers.Contract) with the interface of the function we are interested in, gimmeSome, and points it at the address of the testnet USDC contract: 0x68ec69c4.Run the code, and now you will see USDC balance as well: Now lets check out how we can spend ETH and USDC we have in our account.Create transferUSDC.js in the same folder and enter the following: Try it out, it should work just as well: In this tutorial, youve learned how to generate an account, query balance, transfer tokens, and call smart contract functions.

Here is the original post:

Ethereum (ETH) Down $0.77 Over Past 4 Hours, Makes Big Move Relative to Two Week Trend; Breaks Above 20 Day Average - CFDTrading

Top Developer Says Ethereum 2.0 Will Launch Sooner Than Expected | NewsBTC – newsBTC

Following delays to the rollout of ETH 2.0, its no secret that the Ethereum community grows restless over the wait.

A recent public discussion on the matter had Ethereum Foundation Researcher, Justin Drake give a tentative date of January 2021 for Phase 0 rollout, during a Reddit AMA.

The announcement garnered a mixed response. Some took the view that the slow progress to date has tarnished Ethereums credibility, leading the door open for competitors to gain ground.

It makes it look like Ethereum has lost the hunger. Which opens the door to all the scrappy Ethereum killer VC chains who have no problem putting the pedal to the metal.

Others took a more pragmatic approach by acknowledging the need to get things right the first time around.

Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, took heavy criticism for expressing his desire to launch well before January 2021, even if things arent ready.

In an unexpected twist to the saga, Ethereum developer, Afri Schoedon believes Phase 0 will be ready for launch in November 2020.

Reports have circulated that the development team is struggling to meet soft deadlines, as a result of building with legacy architecture in mind, but Schoedon paints a contrasting view.

Schoedon stated that the team is making good progress and on schedule for launch during late 2020. He also remarked that Drakes provisional date of January 2021 would be overkill, barring the discovery of severe issues.

The Ethereum 2.0 beacon chain will launch in November unless we find severe bugs in clients or protocol. Im in-between Vitalk and Justin with my estimation here, I dont think that we necessarily need to delay Ethereum 2.0 into 2021 unless we find critical issues. We are well on track for a late 2020 launch.

During the interview, Schoedon spoke briefly about his area of responsibility, developing the multi-client testnet. He confirmed that all is going as planned and that the multi-client testnet will launch in the near future.

Currently, at least five clients implement the latest version of the Ethereum 2.0 specification. The currently running Altona testnet appears to be stable which featured four clients in Genesis and just added a fifth with Lodestar. This allows us to prepare launching the official multi-client testnet Medalla very soon, which would mark the final step towards an Ethereum 2.0 mainnet launch.

Much anticipation surrounds the launch of Ethereum 2.0, in particular, the move to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

The race to complete Phase 0 refers to the launch of Beacon Chain. This will implement PoS and manage the registry of validators.

Ethereum developers have stated that Beacon Chain will initially run in parallel with the existing Ethereum chain. But it will not be able to process transactions, execute smart contracts, or host dApps.

Instead, at Phase 0, it will provide the live testing ground for PoS until Phase 1.5. At this point, the two blockchains will merge to form a single Ethereum network.

Implementing this while administrating a live chain means the Ethereum team have their work cut out for them. For that reason, delays are somewhat understandable.

However, it remains to be seen if Schoedons optimism is justified.

The rest is here:

Top Developer Says Ethereum 2.0 Will Launch Sooner Than Expected | NewsBTC - newsBTC

EOS, Ethereum and Ripple’s XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 16th, 2020 – FX Empire

For the day ahead

Ethereum would need to move through the $238.70 pivot to support a run at the first major resistance level at $241.06.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Ethereum to break back through to $240 levels.

Barring an extended crypto rally, the first major resistance level and Wednesdays high $241.44 should cap any upside.

Failure to move through the $238.70 pivot would bring the first major support level at $235.98 into play.

Barring another extended sell-off, Ethereum should continue to steer clear of sub-$230 levels. The second major support level at $233.63 should limit any downside.

Major Support Level: $235.98

Pivot Level: $238.71

Major Resistance Level: $241.06

23.6% FIB Retracement Level: $257

38.2% FIB Retracement Level: $367

62% FIB Retracement Level: $543

Ripples XRP fell by 0.92% on Wednesday. Reversing a 0.10% rise from Tuesday, Ripples XRP ended the day at $0.19740.

A mixed start to the day saw Ripples XRP rise to an early morning intraday high $0.19999 before hitting reverse.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $0.2012, Ripples XRP slid to a late morning intraday low $0.19644.

Steering clear of the first major support level at $0.1963, Ripples XRP recovered to $0.199 levels before easing back.

At the time of writing, Ripples XRP was down by 0.44% to $0.19653. A bearish start to the day saw Ripples XRP fall from an early morning high $0.19755 to a low $0.19609.

Ripples XRP left the major support and resistance levels untested early on.

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EOS, Ethereum and Ripple's XRP Daily Tech Analysis July 16th, 2020 - FX Empire

Ethereum Price Prediction: ETH/USD reclaims $240 drawing nearer to $250 – FXStreet

Ethereum is hanging at the edge of a cliff after stepping above the critical $240. The 50-day SMA is providing immediate support. However, buyers are finding it extremely difficult to hold above $240 due to the low trading volume witnessed across the board. The ongoing bullish action is taking place after confluence resistance discussed on Monday above $239 was overcome.

At the time of writing, Ether is doddering at $240.94. The immediate upside is limited by a descending trendline. If broken, Ethereum is likely to scale the levels above $245 (last weeks main hurdle). Glancing farther up, the ultimate medium milestone to be achieved is a break above $250.

Looking at the cryptos technical levels, the trend is mainly in the hand of the bulls. This calls for buyers to join the market in order to support the trend with volume. The RSI, for example, is rising above the midline with eyes on the overbought region. Such a move is likely to bring back the volatility to Ethereum markets. The bullish momentum witnessed during the European session is reinforced by the MACD as it crosses into the positive region.

Read more:

Ethereum Price Prediction: ETH/USD reclaims $240 drawing nearer to $250 - FXStreet