Florida Family Finds Monster 16ft, 300lb Python On Their Property RM – TooFab

A family in Florida had an unannounced visitor over the weekend: a 16'4" 300lb Burmese python.

Aaron Brown was driving through his property in Zolfo Springs on Sunday when he spotted the monster snake hiding in a pipe.

He told Fox8 he tried to summon family members to help capture it, and understandably, some were more enthusiastic than others.

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"I tried to coach my mom to get down there and grab a hold of it, and she wasn't going for that," he said, so recruited his cousin Bobby Wilkinson instead.

"That's the biggest snake Ive ever seen," Wilkinson said, who shot and killed it.

"We started pulling him out of the culvert, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger, and I was like, 'My God, look at this thing. This is one huge snake'."

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"I said I ain't never seen one this big and never thought in my life I would have the opportunity to mess with something this big. This was one of my bucket list things."

The ridiculously-sized reptile even caught the attention of Wilkinson's heroes, the "Guardians of the Glades"; as the snake bounty hunters of the Discovery series came down to retrieve it.

"Ever since the 'Guardian of the Glades' has been on, I always tell my wife I'd love to go down there and catch a snake. Just one time go catch a snake," he added. "Lo and behold, one that was astronomically huge fell in my lap because my cousin spotted it in a ditch."

If killing the creature seems cruel, it is actually encouraged by the state authorities.

Burmese pythons are not native but invasive species, and incredibly harmful to the Everglades eco-system; they'll eat everything from small mammals and other reptiles to prey as big as deer and even bobcats.

They managed to take a foothold as a result of escaped or intentionally released pets; with females able to lay up to 100 eggs, in the space of around two decades, there are now estimated to be between 100,000 and 300,000 of them hiding in the Everglades.

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Florida Family Finds Monster 16ft, 300lb Python On Their Property RM - TooFab

Dow and Lucro to Launch PCR Plastics Solution in India – waste360

Mumbai, India Dow (NYSE: DOW) and Lucro Plastecycle, a homegrownIndian recycling company, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop andlaunch polyethylene (PE) film solutions using post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics in India.This agreement introduces a close-the-loop packaging solution to help enable a circular economyin India and expands Dows plastics circularity portfolio in the Asia Pacific region.

This collaboration is aligned with Dows new sustainability target of stopping the waste bycollecting 1 MMT of plastics to be collected, reused or recycled by 2030. Under the MoU, Dowwill provide its material science and application development expertise to Lucro, a specialist inrecycling flexible plastic film waste, who will develop and manufacture the film structures. Thesefilm structures are made by processing plastic waste collected through various recycled streamsin combination with Dows virgin resins. This approach could also reduce carbon emissions whencompared to virgin PE resins and as a result could contribute to helping converters and brands tomeet their sustainability goals. The first application of the product is in collation shrink films, aform of secondary packaging commonly used for bottles, cans, and liquid cartons, and is expectedto be available in the India market later this year.

We are delighted to work with sustainability-focused partners like Lucro, who is at the forefrontof plastic recycling in India. Scrap packaging is one of the countrys highest contributors of plasticwaste and we look forward to this collaboration helping to promote the adoption of sustainablesolutions amongst brand owners and manufacturers, and contribute to a reduction in plasticsentering the environment as waste, said Bambang Candra, Asia Pacific commercial vicepresident, Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics. Finding value in flexible waste is key for thecircular economy to set new standards for the flexible packaging industry and create a viablecircular system for flexible plastics.

Lucros trademark Plast-E-Cycle process, which converts plastic waste into granules forrecyclable and compostable products, helps to solve a fundamental challenge in India thecomplexity of recycling flexible plastic waste. This specialty made the company the first in Indiato be backed by Circulate Capitals Ocean Fund (CCOF), a Singapore-based investment funddedicated to preventing plastic waste entering the ocean and advancing the circular economy inSouth and Southeast Asia. With Circulate Capitals support, Lucro will further grow and scale itsbusiness and step up post-consumer plastic sourcing with new collection centres.

Circulate Capital invests in and supports pioneering companies across the waste managementand recycling industry. Lucros work is integral to closing the loop on difficult to recycle plasticwaste in India, giving a second life to post-consumer flexible plastic waste. We believe the Dow-Lucro partnership is a great example of how, with catalytic financing, the plastic eco-system canconnect and collaborate on market solutions for the benefit of the environment, said Rob Kaplan,founder and CEO, Circulate Capital.

Lucro was founded on the belief that there is value to be found in mismanaged plastic wastethrough recycling. With intent, effort and collaboration across the entire value chain, we can defineand build a new plastic value chain that ensures the material is reused and does not end up inthe environment, said Ujwal Desai, co-founder and managing director of Lucro. Our partnershipwith Dow provides us additional expertise to develop high quality, innovative and recycled-contentflexible film for businesses.

Under the MoU, Dow will utilize its industry leading team of packaging experts, material scientists,recycling equipment, blown film manufacturing and testing capabilities at Pack Studios Shanghaiand Mumbai to help Lucro develop recycled film. Following the initial application in collation shrinkfilms, the partners will explore additional applications including shipping sacks, e-commerce bagsand non-food packaging.

About DowDow (NYSE: DOW) combines global breadth, asset integration and scale, focused innovation and leading businesspositions to achieve profitable growth. The Companys ambition is to become the most innovative, customer centric,inclusive and sustainable materials science company, with a purpose to deliver a sustainable future for the worldthrough our materials science expertise and collaboration with our partners. Dows portfolio of plastics, industrialintermediates, coatings and silicones businesses delivers a broad range of differentiated science-based products andsolutions for its customers in high-growth market segments, such as packaging, infrastructure, mobility and consumercare. Dow operates 106 manufacturing sites in 31 countries and employs approximately 35,700 people. Dowdelivered sales of approximately $39 billion in 2020. References to Dow or the Company mean Dow Inc. and itssubsidiaries. For more information, please visit http://www.dow.com or follow @DowNewsroom on Twitter.

About LucroLucro Plastecycle Private Limited (Lucro) is a homegrown Indian recycling company that harnesses the possibilities ofplastic to produce high quality and innovative recycled-content products. Established in 2012, the company is an expertin recycling locally-sourced flexible plastic waste to manufacture flexible packaging products, such as shrink wrap andfilms, and supplies recycled plastic granules to manufacturers for their own production. By developing a uniqueintegrated process that covers the collection, sorting and upcycling of used flexible plastic, Lucro is committed to closingthe loop in plastic usage by transforming it from a linear to a circular economy and stopping it from reaching landfill.Today, the company is the largest supplier of recycled packaging and protective covers to leading national andinternational manufacturers in India across a range of industries such as automotive, home and retail, to help themachieve their sustainability goals. For more information, please visit http://www.lucro.in.

About Circulate CapitalCirculate Capital is an investment management firm dedicated to incubating and financing companies that preventocean plastic. We focus on the prevention of mismanaged plastic waste in countries located in South Asia andSoutheast Asia, regions that contribute disproportionately to ocean plastic pollution primarily because they often lackinvestment in critical waste and recycling infrastructure to manage the problem. We were created in collaboration withOcean Conservancy, and our founding investors include PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Dow, Danone, Chanel, Unilever,The Coca-Cola Company and Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC.

Circulate Capital invests in and supports start-ups, organizations and SMEs across the entire plastic value chain, frominnovations in material to advanced recycling technologies. It seeks to mobilize catalytic capital into the wastemanagement and recycling industry to prove that investing in this sector is scalable in South and Southeast Asia andcan generate competitive returns, while moving to solve the ocean plastic crisis.

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Dow and Lucro to Launch PCR Plastics Solution in India - waste360

Document Security Systems, Inc., Coinstreet Partners and GSX Group Collaborate to Develop Digital Asset Exchange Business in the US – PRNewswire

The newly formed JV will first pursue a digital securities exchange license in the US. Moving forward, this JV will be the key operational company building and operating a digital securities exchange that utilizes the GSX STACS blockchain technology, serving corporate issuers and investors in the sector.

Frank D. Heuszel, CEO of DSS, commented on the news of the new JV, saying:

"We have been looking for the right opportunity to accelerate our digital asset business and believe this collaboration will provide a strong foundation for success. The transformative potential of digital securities is extremely exciting, and we look forward to pursuing the massive opportunity in the US for a secondary market in securities tokens."

A key facilitator in the new JV, Samson Lee, Founder & CEO of Coinstreet Partners commented:

"For the past 4 years, Coinstreet has been focusing on primary market activities for STO and digital assets in the international market. We are delighted to establish a strategic partnership with DSS and GSX to develop a digital asset exchange in the US. This is a major step forward for Coinstreet, and it will allow us to vertically integrate our primary market services with regulated secondary trading venues in the US, which is a very important market for us."

Nick Cowan, CEO of GSX Group, added on the deal's conclusion:

"Through this strategic joint venture, we are realizing our vision to establish a paradigm shift in the capital markets. With the help of our new partners, DSS and Coinstreet, and using our underlying bespoke blockchain for securities, the GSX STACS network, we believe this new exchange will provide some exciting opportunities for US and global issuers."

According to a survey from the World Economic Forum, 10% of the world's GDP will be tokenized by 2027-- with an estimated market capitalization of US$24 trillion. With increased clarity in the regulatory framework and many positive developments in the industry, such as wider adoption of digital assets from financial institutions and innovative digital security offerings from large enterprises, both asset tokenization and digitized securities are gaining much momentum for new growth in the financial industry.

Through their JV collaboration, DSS, Coinstreet Partners, and GSX Group could become the next digital asset exchange to secure FINRA registration as an alternative trading system (ATS).

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About Document Security Systems, Inc.

DSS is a multinational company, operating businesses focused on brand protection technology, blockchain security, direct marketing, healthcare, real estate, and securitized digital assets. Its business model is based on a distribution sharing system in which shareholders will receive shares in its subsidiaries as DSS strategically spins them out into IPOs. Its historic business revolves around counterfeit deterrent and authentication technologies, smart packaging, and consumer product engagement. DSS is led by its Chairman and largest shareholder, Mr. Fai Chan, a highly successful global business veteran of more than 40 years specializing in corporate transformation while managing risk. He has successfully restructured more than 35 corporations with a combined value of US$25 billion.

For more information on DSS visithttp://www.dsssecure.com.

About Coinstreet Partners (Coinstreet)

Founded in 2017, Coinstreet is an award-winning, AI-powered decentralized investment banking group, a premium financial services firm for private wealth, and a professional consultancy firm in the Digital Asset and FinTech sectors, providing a business eco-system for the new era of digital economy. Coinstreet focuses on five key business segments: (1) Digital Asset Investment Banking, (2) Digital Asset/Wealth Management & Private Banking, (3) Digital Asset Global Distribution Coordination, (4) Asset Tokenization & Security Digitization Management Solution, and (5) Decentralized Finance & DLT Solution.

Coinstreet is a co-organizer of Global Online Investor Roadshow (www.GOIR.info) - the next generation, institutional scale, online private placement platform for private equity, alternative investments, and digital asset opportunities; and a co-organizer of TADS Awards (www.TADSawards.org) - the world's first international award for Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities sector.

For more information on Coinstreet, visit https://coinstreet.partners/

About GSX Group

GSX Group, that owns and operates the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX) is a growing Fintech ecosystem of digital securities exchanges. GSX Group seeks to build a digital ecosystem to exploit the next evolutionary stage in capital markets development: the tokenization of economies facilitating the adoption by, and convergence between, issuers and investors.

For more information on GSX Group, visit https://www.gsxgroup.global/

Safe Harbor Disclosure

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the Company's intended use of proceeds and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, include: risks relating to our growth strategy; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; risks relating to the results of development activities; our ability to attract, integrate and retain key personnel; our need for substantial additional funds; patent and intellectual property matters; competition; as well as other risks described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the prospectus and in our other filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, our reports on Forms 8-K and 10-Q, all of which can be obtained on the SEC website atwww.sec.gov. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made and reflect management's current estimates, projections, expectations and beliefs. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

SOURCE Coinstreet Partners


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Document Security Systems, Inc., Coinstreet Partners and GSX Group Collaborate to Develop Digital Asset Exchange Business in the US - PRNewswire

5G and the digital cockpit Q&A with Harman – just-auto.com

Kevin Markell

Can you provide an overview of what Harman has seen evolve in the digital cockpit in the past year or two, and how you see that developing to introduce new capabilities over the next couple of years?

We're seeing the value of the vehicle shift from RPM to what we call "EPM", or Experiences Per Mile.

The most significant shifts in the digital cockpit reflects the key trends in mobility today. It is clearer than ever before that our cars are about much more than moving us from point A to point B. Safety is expected but brilliant experiences are demanded and we're seeing the value of the vehicle shift from RPM to what we call "EPM", or Experiences Per Mile. This means that functionality, safety and advanced entertainment needs to be perfectly integrated with the car, and connect the occupant with their digital life. We're supporting our OEM partners in this journey to leverage Harman's differentiated technologies, iconic brands, and eco-systems to bring these experiences to life.

Harman started off 2021 by showcasing three fully-integrated digital cockpit solutions at our virtual Harman ExPLORE event. These illustrated how the car can leverage Harman technology to create the perfect environment for gaming, creating content, and experiencing a drive-in concert. These are what we call 'ExPs', or experience concepts that are capable of solving modern mobility pain points. Each features Harman technology that is available today, and we foresee vehicles offering this level of experience in the near future.

Looking forward, one of the biggest developments over the next few years will be further integration of vehicle systems and an even greater blending of in-vehicle and mobile lifestyles. Digital cockpit architectures have already become more powerful and capable of integrating Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) functionality, advanced audio features, and rich connections with cloud-based services. At Harman, we're focused on digital cockpit solutions that are fully integrated so our OEM partners can deliver the experiences that customers want, continue to reinforce brand differentiation, and perhaps most importantly, future-proof their solutions as mobility continues to evolve dramatically.

In what ways are intelligent cockpit systems' capabilities different to those of current electronic cockpit systems? Why are they expected to be the future of infotainment?

I think the biggest difference is right there in the name; intelligent. Current electronic cockpit systems operate in separate silos: the head-up display, the instrument cluster and the infotainment system all display relevant information but often do not operate in harmony. The intelligent digital cockpit combines everything through a single platform driver safety features, cloud services, connectivity services, audio process, and integrated in-vehicle infotainment. By operating through a single platform, hardware resources can be shared to increase efficiency, improve security and driver experience, whilst simultaneously understanding how to reduce weight, cost and upgradability.

What role will 5G play in autonomous car technology?

The adoption of 5G is an imperative step in the move towards autonomous driving, and Harman will launch the industry's first 5G system in 2021. By leveraging the high speeds and lower latencies of 5G, our OEM partners and other eco-system members can create vehicle-to-everything (V2X) advanced safety features that mitigate road conflicts, and use peer-to-peer signals to warn drivers and pedestrians of potential hazards. It is not just inside the vehicle, but outside too, with local councils and governments being able to improve nearby road infrastructure to help improve roadway efficiency, using V2X-enabled Roadside Units (RSU) to control traffic lights, utility poles and traffic metering systems.

We are seeing semiconductor companies working toward network access devices that will essentially turn autonomous vehicles into mobile data centres. Is this another spin-off benefit that you recognise from 5G?

There can be as many as 50 individual compute blocks in the car that communicate with each other over in-vehicle networks and gateways that manage security and policy.

Computers have been part of the modern automobile for over 20 years. In today's modern cars, there can be as many as 50 individual compute blocks in the car that communicate with each other over in-vehicle networks and gateways that manage security and policy. As in-car computing capabilities continue to expand to support new features and 5G networks provide secure communication with network and cloud-based services the car will have similar capabilities to a data centre with cyber-secure gateways, general purpose compute blocks to host the applications and services, and storage for algorithms and applications.

We are hearing a lot about how the accessibility of connected technologies like 5G, IoT, Augmented Reality, OTA and AI is increasing rapidly. What is Harman doing to make these digital experiences seamless?

Harman has been investing in these technologies for many years, and has already launched IoT, Augmented Reality, and OTA solutions in the market with several OEMs and as mentioned before will launch our 5G solution this year. Going forward, we will expand our portfolio to leverage AI to build even smarter solutions, including software that anticipates connectivity disruption and bandwidth demands miles in advance. It will prepare downloads in areas with good connectivity, or even in free or lower-price connectivity areas, to optimise performance and reduce the cost of data consumption. For energy efficiency, Harman's software will shut off transmission and reception during periods of no connectivity to support battery life, which is particularly beneficial in electric vehicles. Most importantly, this will all be happening behind the scenes. So, neither driver nor passengers will be aware of connectivity issues.

In Harman's opinion, what is foreseen for the next five years/decade? What challenges will the industry face to bring these aims to fruition?

The shift towards focusing on 'experiences' will be driving disruption and innovation throughout the next decade. We've spoken about how important it is to be consumer-centric. Today's digital cockpit solutions and future ones will be designed with this in mind. Systems will be smarter and more adaptable, will blend the physical with the digital, and will work seamlessly with applications and services that consumers use throughout their day.

No other industry player has the broad suite of technologies and capabilities that Harman is able to offer. Bringing all the elements together seamlessly in the digital cockpit is a major challenge, and Harman's expertise means we're able to do this and create something truly unique for our partners.

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5G and the digital cockpit Q&A with Harman - just-auto.com

COVID Has Reached Antarctica, and Scientists Are Extremely Concerned for Its Wildlife – EcoWatch

By Michelle Power and Meagan Dewar

In December, Antarctica lost its status as the last continent free of COVID-19 when 36 people at the Chilean Bernardo O'Higgins research station tested positive. The station's isolation from other bases and fewer researchers in the continent means the outbreak is now likely contained.

However, we know all too well how unpredictable and pervasive the virus can be. And while there's currently less risk for humans in Antarctica, the potential for the COVID-19 virus to jump to Antarctica's unique and already vulnerable wildlife has scientists extremely concerned.

We're among a global team of 15 scientists who assessed the risks of the COVID-19 virus to Antarctic wildlife, and the pathways the virus could take into the fragile ecosystem. Antarctic wildlife haven't yet been tested for the COVID-19 virus, and if it does make its way into these charismatic animals, we don't know how it could affect them or the continent's ecosystem stability.

Bernardo O Higgins Station in Antarctica, where 36 people tested positive to COVID-19. Stone Monki/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA

The COVID-19 virus is one of seven coronaviruses found in people all have animal origins (dubbed "zoonoses"), and vary in their ability to infect different hosts. The COVID-19 virus is thought to have originated in an animal and spread to people through an unknown intermediate host, while the SARS outbreak of 2002-2004 likely came from raccoon dogs or civets.

Given the general ubiquity of coronaviruses and the rapid saturation of the global environment with the COVID-19 virus, it's paramount we explore the risk for it to spread from people to other animals, known as "reverse zoonoses."

The World Organization for Animal Health is monitoring cases of the COVID-19 virus in animals. To date, only a few species around the globe have been found to be susceptible, including mink, felines (such as lions, tigers and cats), dogs and a ferret.

Whether the animal gets sick and recovers depends on the species. For example, researchers found infected adolescent cats got sick but could fight off the virus, while dogs were much more resistant.

While mink, dogs or cats are not in Antarctica, more than 100 million flying seabirds, 45% of the world's penguin species, 50% of the world's seal populations and 17% of the world's whale and dolphin species inhabit the continent.

In a 2020 study, researchers ran computer simulations and found cetaceans whales, dolphins or porpoises have a high susceptibility of infection from the virus, based on the makeup of their genetic receptors to the virus. Seals and birds had a lower risk of infection.

We concluded that direct contact with people poses the greatest risk for spreading the virus to wildlife, with researchers more likely vectors than tourists. Researchers have closer contact with wildlife: many Antarctic species are found near research stations, and wildlife studies often require direct handling and close proximity to animals.

Tourists, however, are still a concerning vector, as they visit penguin roosts and seal haul-out sites (where seals rest or breed) in large numbers. For instance, a staggering 73,991 tourists traveled to the continent between October 2019 and April 2020, when COVID-19 was just emerging.

Each visitor to Antarctica carries millions of microbial passengers, such as bacteria, and many of these microbes are left behind when the visitors leave. Most are likely benign and probably die off. But if the pandemic has taught us anything, it takes only one powerful organism to jump hosts to cause a pandemic.

There are guidelines for visitors to reduce the risk of introducing infectious microbes. This includes cleaning clothes and equipment before heading to Antarctica and between animal colonies, and keeping at least five meters away from animals.

These rules are no longer enough in COVID times, and more measures must be taken.

The first and most crucial step to protect Antarctic wildlife is controlling human-to-human spread, particularly at research stations. Everyone heading to Antarctica should be tested and quarantined prior to traveling, with regular ongoing tests throughout the season. The fewer people with COVID-19 in Antarctica, the less opportunity the virus has to jump to animal hosts.

Second, close contact with wildlife should be restricted to essential scientific purposes only. All handling procedures should be re-evaluated, given how much we just don't know about the virus.

We recommend all scientific personnel wear appropriate protective equipment (including masks) at all times when handling, or in close proximity to, Antarctic wildlife. Similar recommendations are in place for those working with wildlife in Australia.

Migrating animals that may have picked up COVID-19 from other parts of the world could also spread it to other wildlife in Antarctica. Skuas, for example, migrate to Antarctica from the South American coast, where there are enormous cases of COVID-19.

And then there's the issue of sewage. Around 37% of bases release untreated sewage directly into the Antarctic ecosystem. Meanwhile, an estimated 57,000 to 114,000 liters of sewage per day is dumped from ships into the Southern Ocean.

Fragments of the COVID virus can be found in wastewater, but these fragments aren't infectious, so sewage isn't considered a transmission risk. However, there are other potentially dangerous microbes found in sewage that could be spread to animals, such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

We can curb the general risk of microbes from sewage if the Antarctic Treaty formally recognizes microbes as invasive species and a threat to the Antarctic ecosystem. This would support better biosecurity practices and environmental control of waste.

In these early stages of the pandemic, scientists are scrambling to understand complexity of COVID-19 and the virus's characteristics. Meanwhile, the virus continues to evolve.

Until the true risk of cross-species transmission is known, precautions must be taken to reduce the risk of spread to all wildlife. We don't want to see the human footprint becoming an epidemic among Antarctic wildlife, a scenario that can be mitigated by better processes and behaviors.

Michelle Power is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University.

Meagan Dewar is a Lecturer, Federation University Australia.

Disclosure statement: Michelle Power receives funding from The Australian Antarctic Division, Australian Research Council and Inspiring Australia. Meagan Dewar receives funding from Department of Environment and Energy (Australian Antarctic Science).

Reposted with permission from The Conversation.

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COVID Has Reached Antarctica, and Scientists Are Extremely Concerned for Its Wildlife - EcoWatch

Recent news in brief collected from around Mallorca – Euro Weekly News

Sea grass

DRIED Posidonia, the sea grass found in abundance around Mallorca which is an important part of the Mediterranean eco system is being used for the first time as insulation on the roof of a hosing association building in Palma.

Forest fire

SOME 75 people were evacuated from their homes after a forest fire broke out in Alcudia on Tuesday February 9. Strong winds had meant that a controlled burning got out of hand and two helicopters were used to put it out.

Up in smoke

MASKS had to be worn at the Son Reus incinerator this Tuesday, not just because of the pandemic but due to the fact that three tons of different drugs seized in Mallorca during 2020 were being destroyed in the flames.

Too mobile

A PHONE tower constructed on the roof of the Post Office in the centre of Palma was blown down due to strong winds that hit Mallorca on Wednesday. The area was cordoned off whilst it was decided how best to remove the damaged tower.

Joining forces

MEMBERS of the now defunct Balearic Resistance have announced that they will join forces with the Sumam political party with the long-term intention of trying to oust the existing ruling party in the Balearic Government.

Rubbish strike

UNIONS representing workers from the Melchor Mascar waste disposal company have advised that with negotiations having broken down they intend to call a strike in the Riaguer district municipalities effective from Thursday February 11.

Bargaining chip

AN unexpected result of Brexit is causing problems for Mallorcan potato growers as they are now required to supply a special certificate and additional information when exporting their product to the UK.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news article Recent news in brief collected from around Mallorca.

Married to Ophelia in Gibraltar in 1978, John has spent much of his life travelling on security print and minting business and visited every continent except Antarctica.

Having retired several years ago, the couple moved to their house in Estepona and John became a regular news writer for the EWN Media Group taking particular interest in Finance, Gibraltar and Costa del Sol Social Scene.

Share your story with us by emailing newsdesk@euroweeklynews.com, by calling +34 951 38 61 61 or by messaging our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/EuroWeeklyNews

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Recent news in brief collected from around Mallorca - Euro Weekly News

U.S. Subway Platforms Have Highly Polluted Air – EcoWatch

Researchers from Doon University, Dehra Dun, India, have reported the presence of 15 pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in the Ganges near two Hindu pilgrimage cities. These pollutants include caffeine, anti-inflammatory drugs, common antibiotics, beta blockers, antibacterials, and insect repellents.

Over three seasons, Doon scientists studied the river waters of two cities in the rapidly industrializing Himalayan state of Uttarakhand: Haridwar, where the Ganges enters India's northern plains from the Himalayas, and Rishikesh, 21 kilometers away. Haridwar and Rishikesh, with a combined population of 400,000, attract an estimated 20 million tourists and pilgrims annually.

In particular, the scientists analyzed the water at its point of entry into the two cities and at sites before its entry into a sewage treatment plant and after sewage treatment. The study could provide useful baseline data for forecasting and evaluating the efficiency of future antipollution measures of the river basin restoration program, the authors added.

"Compared to previous studies that analyzed samples along various locations along the Ganges, this is the first comprehensive, intensive study in a particular city along the river," said Surendra Suthar, an associate professor at Doon University and one of the study's authors.

PPCP concentrations near the cities varied, with the highest measured concentration being 1,104.84 nanograms per liter. Researchers found higher PPCP concentrations at the lower, more populated reaches of the river. The concentrations, especially of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, were also higher in winter, possibly because of decreased biodegradation associated with lower temperatures and inadequate sunlight, the report said. The study also showed that PPCPs in the region were associated with a higher risk of algal blooms and a moderate risk to the health of river fish.

"The high load of PPCPs during summer and winter could be attributed to the excessive tourist visits for recreational activities and spiritual congregations during these seasons," according to the report, to be published in Chemosphere in April.

Paucity of Studies

There are few studies on PPCPs in Indian rivers. "Such studies are expensive, as they require sophisticated instruments," Suthar explained.

"Sewage, treated or untreated, flowing into the rivers is the main polluter," said Keshava Balakrishna, a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology. Sewage and effluent have long been associated with chemical pollution, as people flush medicines, cosmetics, and hygiene products down the toilet or throw them in the trash. The waste ends up in water treatment plants and landfills and then makes its way into water supplies such as the Ganges.

"Aquaculture, agricultural farms, and pharma industries can be other important sources," Balakrishna added.

In 2020, Balakrishna's team reported the presence of PPCPs in two tropical rivers in southwestern India, the Swarna and Netravati, which empty into the Arabian Sea.

A 2017 review by a team of scientists including Balakrishna in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety found higher levels of pharmaceuticals in Indian water treatment plants compared with developed countries. The review also pointed out the paucity of studies in India on the fate of pharmaceutical products in water bodies and their impact on human health, "despite India being one of the world leaders in pharmaceutical production and consumption."

The 2017 review reported that studies from other countries indicated that PPCPs in rivers could accumulate in aquatic organisms and enter the food web. Antibiotic resistance among microbes is the main threat to human and ecological health, Balakrishna said. "Low doses of antibiotics in a river can be consumed by pathogens in the river, [which then] become superbugs, and multiply."

Suthar, too, cautions about both toxicity in the food web and the emergence of antibiotic resistance in pathogens contaminating river waters. "If we add up all the individual contaminant levels for 1 liter of water, the collective dose will be very toxic, especially if they bioaccumulate in organisms, including some rare species in the Ganges such as the Ganges dolphins," he said. "And microbes in the waters will become resistant to the drugs."

A 2019 global review of PPCPs in rivers reported that "no global legal maximum environmental concentrations exist for pharmaceutically active compounds," despite poor understanding of the combined acute and chronic effects of PPCPs on flora, fauna, and human health.

The global review went on to say that primary and secondary wastewater treatment plants "generally are unable to remove these pollutants, leading to their migration into drinking water supplies," and recommended advanced tertiary water treatment processes, such as oxidation and adsorption. It also suggested advanced methods for accurate and continuous monitoring of pharmaceuticals in the environment and strict regulations for effluent release.

In India, most antipollution efforts are directed at surface water treatment and focus on parameters such as chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, nitrates, and bacteria, said Suthar. "We need a policy that looks at PPCPs too."

Chemical Footprints

The source of the Ganges is the Gangotri Glacier, high in the Himalayas less than 200 kilometers from Haridwar. The recent findings on PPCPs in the Ganges add to research documenting chemical and microplastic pollution throughout the mountain range, including the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, said Kimberley Miner, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and a research assistant professor at the Climate Change Institute, University of Maine. "Our team found PFAS [polyfluoroalkyl substances], DDT [dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane], and toxic metals on the mountain, suggesting that the chemical footprint left by trekkers may be as large as the visible trash and pollution footprint."

The new Ganges research also echoes recent studies tracing PPCPs on European glaciers, where researchers traced chemical pollutants to the use of perfumes in personal care products like soap. Perfumed soaps and ointments are also associated with PPCPs in Haridwar and Rishikesh, where mass bathing events are part of tourism and pilgrimage activities.

This story originally appeared in Eos and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story.

Related Articles Around the Web

Continued here:

U.S. Subway Platforms Have Highly Polluted Air - EcoWatch

Urban Air Mobility Gets a Foot on the Ground with Coventry’s Urban Air Port – Inside Unmanned Systems

Coventry, in the Electric Heartland

Urban Air Port chose Coventry for the first site due to its location in the heart of the UKs industrial North and because it is a historic hub for the automobile and aerospace industry, with a pool of people and skills that can support the manufacturing industries of the future. The citys location provides easy access within four hours to most parts of the country. In December 2020, Coventry was named the best UK town for electric cars. Air-One will be unveiled during Coventrys UK city of culture celebrations in 2021 and continue to form part of the Commonwealth Games in 2022.

Cars need roads. Trains need rails. Planes need airports. eVTOLs will need Urban Air Ports, said Ricky Sandhu, founder and executive chairman of Urban Air Port. Urban Air Port will improve connectivity across our cities, boost productivity and help the UK to take the lead in a whole new clean global economy. Flying cars used to be a futuristic flight of fancy. Air-One will bring clean urban air transport to the masses and unleash a new airborne world of zero emission mobility.

Pamela Cohn, Chief Operating Officer for the Urban Air Mobility Division of Hyundai Motor Group, added, As we advance our eVTOL aircraft programme, development of supporting infrastructure is imperative. Air-One is a unique project that is set to help lead the way in developing a robust, accessible and intermodal infrastructure network for future mobility.

Gary Cutts, UK Research and Innovation Future Flight Challenge Director, continued, Urban Air Port has the potential to revolutionise cities across the world, making them more connected, cleaner and accelerating our green economic recovery. This project epitomises the purpose of the Future Flight Challenge fund and will help to position the UK at the vanguard of electric urban air mobility.

See the rest here:

Urban Air Mobility Gets a Foot on the Ground with Coventry's Urban Air Port - Inside Unmanned Systems

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Uses Its REN Ecosystem to Drive Digital Growth Strategy and Modernization of Payments Systems for Cosmos Bank in India -…

LEAWOOD, Kan., Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Euronet India Services Pvt. Ltd, a division of leading global financial technology solutions and payments provider Euronet Worldwide, Inc., (NASDAQ: EEFT), announced today it has migrated Cosmos Bank in India to the modern processing technologies of Euronets REN Ecosystem.

Cosmos Bank, the second largest co-operative community bank in India with more than 114 years of service, selected Euronet to drive the next level of its digital growth strategy. To achieve the project goals, Euronet implemented an on-demand pay as you grow services model for powering the banks card-based and real time account-based payment services. Euronet is using globally proven payments technologies and products from its next generation REN Ecosystem to replace the banks on premise switching system through cloud-based solutions that include:

The REN-based services and core processing platform are hosted and managed in a private cloud at Euronets data centers where they are API-accessible for building custom solutions and constantly monitored to meet the banks high reliability, accessibility, and security (RAS) parameters. In addition, the project was delivered on time in a matter of months despite challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cosmos Bank has been scouting for a trusted partner to modernize our payments infrastructure, said Arti Dhole, Chief Information Officer for Cosmos Bank Ltd. After running our due diligence, we are proud to partner with a global leader like Euronet. Since our inception, Cosmos Bank has used technology to offer an innovative banking experience to our customers. With this partnership, we reiterate our commitment to customers via implementation of a state-of-the-art core payments platform.

Cosmos Bank is one of the most digitally savvy banks in India, and Euronet is pleased to partner with them on their journey of modernizing their core payments infrastructure, said Pranay Jhaveri, Euronet Country Manager for India/South Asia. This is a landmark partnership for Euronet and provides more validation for the company as a partner of choice for leading banks and national networks in India and the Asia Pacific region.

About Cosmos Bank

Established in 1906, theCosmos Co-operative Bank Ltd. is the second oldest and second largest bank in India with 114 years of service and multi-state scheduled status in 1997. The bank has nurtured its traditional values in business practices and in serving the small customers. At the same time, the bank has adopted new technologies and advanced banking tools to add value to its services. Cosmos Bank has carved a niche in the banking sector due to its rich heritage, integrity, adherence to prudent banking practices, technology advancement, customized products and services and most of all due to its experienced, qualified and professional Board of Directors. The banks website is http://www.cosmosbank.com.

About Euronet Worldwide, Inc.

Euronet Worldwideis an industry leader in processing secure electronic financial transactions. The Company offers payment and transaction processing solutions to financial institutions, retailers, service providers and individual consumers. These services include comprehensive ATM, POS and card outsourcing services, card issuing and merchant acquiring services, software solutions, cash-based and online-initiated consumer-to-consumer and business-to-business money transfer services, and electronic distribution of digital media and prepaid mobile phone time.

Euronet'sglobal payment network is extensive - including 43,956 ATMs, approximately 324,000 EFT POS terminals and a growing portfolio of outsourced debit and credit card services which are under management in 61 countries; card software solutions; a prepaid processing network of approximately 717,000 POS terminals at approximately 328,000 retailer locations in 55 countries; and a global money transfer network of approximately 447,000 locations serving 159 countries. With corporate headquarters inLeawood, Kansas, USA, and 66 worldwide offices,Euronetserves clients in approximately 175 countries. For more information, please visit the Company's website atwww.euronetworldwide.com.

Go here to see the original:

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Uses Its REN Ecosystem to Drive Digital Growth Strategy and Modernization of Payments Systems for Cosmos Bank in India -...

Learning Ecosystem: Why You Need One, How to Build It – ATD

During times of crisis, such as the ones we have been experiencing during 2020, learning and development (L&D) leaders must provide continuous learning to help the workforce navigate difficult times. To provide continuous learning frameworks for their employees, organizations should build their learning ecosystems. Learning ecosystems help organizations withstand crises and generate long-term benefits for employees by fostering creativity and innovation, which in turn affect product and services delivered to customers.

Organizations that build learning ecosystems show better performance results. Creating a learning ecosystem requires a focus on the people, content, technology, data, and governance in the organization. Today, every learning and development professional needs to ask two critical questions: Why do we need a learning ecosystem? and How can we build one? Lets explore my answers to these two questions.

A learning ecosystem is a symbiotic environment where people interact with the content, technologies, and data that surround them to facilitate and deliver learning experiences based on the governance guardrails set by the organization. A learning ecosystem can be broad and organization-agnostic, open, and accessible to anyone. For example, think of LinkedIn and how much you learn, connect, and engage with other professionals daily.

A learning ecosystem can also be specific and organization-centric (existing within your organization). The resilience and survival of the ecosystem depends on the variety and diversity of the people and content in it as well as the frequency, ease, and depth of the interaction facilitated by the underlying technologies. As a learning leader, you can focus on building an organization-specific learning ecosystem, which is more within your control. An organization-specific ecosystem that embraces diversity of content, access, and types of learning fosters innovation and is more resilient to change than a closed and rigid ecosystem. Now, lets see how you can build a learning ecosystem.

People. The main beneficiaries of your organizations learning ecosystem are the employees. Additionally, the quality and depth of the ecosystem in turn benefits your customers. The better your employees learn through the ecosystem, the better the quality of the products and services theyll provide to your customers. The ecosystem may include other stakeholders such as university faculty, professional association members, policymakers, and other industry vendors that your employees engage with during their learning journeys.

Content. The content in the ecosystem includes the learning courses your organization offers, from formal learning including online classroom instruction-led, to informal learning including asynchronous courses, videos, articles, podcasts, on-the-job tools, guides, e-books, and webcasts, among others. Content curation is critical because it will enable you to address your learners educational needs and preferences.

Technology. The most viable technology to support and foster a learning ecosystem is a learning experience platform (LXP), which is increasingly replacing the traditional learning management system (LMS). Bersin by Deloitte defines an LXP as a single-point access, consumer-grade system that can curate and aggregate content; create learning and career pathways; enable networking; enhance skill development; and track multiple learning activities delivered by multiple channels and content partners. LXPs provide detailed data, which empowers the learner to track and own their learning journey and enables the employer to make talent management and retention decisions for the organization.

Data. Data is critical for your ecosystem because it will help you analyze the behaviors of your employees. Through the data, you can collect from your underlying ecosystem technology platform and glean more about how, when, and where your employees like to learn. You can track which type of content and modality your employees prefer. Based on the data on employee preferences, you can make decisions about which learning assets to keep, which to expand upon, and which to eliminate.

Governance. A key concern when it comes to governance is balancing the need for centralized coordination of the various ecosystem elements with the flexibility to allow the ecosystem to grow organically. You and your team will have to address several questions relating to the ecosystem members focusing on aligning the content, the technologies, and the processes with the context, mission, vision, and strategy of your organization.

In addition to these building blocks, you will need to consider the three phases of the learning ecosystem lifecycle so you and your team can be prepared to manage the challenges of each phase before progressing to the next. To learn more about how to build a learning ecosystem and how to track your organizations progress, read the chapter I wrote in the book Forward-Focused Learning: Inside Award-Winning Organizations, which was published by the Association for Talent Development.

Continued here:

Learning Ecosystem: Why You Need One, How to Build It - ATD

VHA Innovation Ecosystem Taps MDClone to Leverage Synthetic Data for Faster Healthcare to Veterans – – HIT Consultant

What You Should Know:

Data analytics and digital health company MDCloneannounced a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VHAInnovation Ecosystem to democratize data and provide better, smarter, fasterhealthcare to U.S Veterans.

By leveraging MDClones data platform, the VHA is able to tackle this massive problem by securely accessing, organizing, and analyzing the critical health data of Veterans with the use of synthetic data a breakthrough method pioneered by MDClone.

MDClone,a digital healthcompany, and the VHA Innovation Ecosystem, a division of the United StatesDepartment of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced a partnership todemocratize data at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The partnershipwill provide unprecedented, secure access to clinical data to better understandand improve the health of the more than nine million veterans it serves.

Partnership Details

The VHA Innovation Ecosystem aims to empower a wider network of VHA clinical and operational staff to explore data and discover insights that can be used to impact the lives of veterans nationwide. MDClone worked closely on this initiative with Dr. Amanda Purnell, Senior Innovation Fellow at the VHA Innovation Ecosystem, who is part of the Care & Transformational Initiatives (CTI) in the VHA Innovation Ecosystem. This program is specifically focused on testing and refining innovative care models and transformational initiatives that can be meaningfully scaled to impact Veteran care.

Improving Healthcare for Veterans with Synthetic Data

MDClone ADAMS from MDClone on Vimeo.

Its no secret that Veterans have historically had a difficult time adjusting to normal life following service, which leads to many mental health issues that go unnoticed and un-treated often leading to homelessness and the tragic loss of lives. By leveragingMDClones data platform, the VHA is able to tackle this massive problem by securely accessing, organizing, and analyzing the critical health data of Veterans with the use ofsynthetic data a breakthrough method pioneered byMDClone. Synthetic data sets are virtually identical to the original patient data, so theres no identifying information that can be traced back to individual patients. Synthetic data also has the potential to help the VHA collaborate with external agencies, healthcare providers, and the industry.

Non-technical users can quickly ask important questions, find answers, and take action dramatically shortening timelines for quality improvement, innovation, and grassroots clinical research. The initial collaboration withMDClonewill center aroundsuicide prevention, chronic disease management, precision medicine, health equity, and COVID-19. For example, practitioners can tackle issues like suicide by identifying leading indicators and proactively intervening with patients most at risk.

The VHA has long been at the forefront of healthcare informatics and the use of data to improve patient outcomes and drive operational improvements, said Ziv Ofek, Founder and CEO, MDClone. The selection of MDClones unique platform builds upon this tradition. With one of the largest medical databases in the world, the VHA requires enterprise-scale tools to explore data, innovate, and improve patient care. MDClones dynamic environment will help VA staff deliver on their mission to provide the best healthcare services to Veterans across the U.S.

See more here:

VHA Innovation Ecosystem Taps MDClone to Leverage Synthetic Data for Faster Healthcare to Veterans - - HIT Consultant

FreedomPay and Sightline Payments Partner to Create World’s First Cashless Ecosystem for Casinos, Resorts and Gaming Operators – GlobeNewswire

Partnership transforms end-to-end user experience and shifts multiple industries from cash and legacy tech to cutting-edge, fully integrated digital platform

LAS VEGAS, Dec. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FreedomPay and Sightline Payments; two powerhouse FinTech solution providers serving the gaming, lottery, sports betting, entertainment, retail, and hospitality ecosystems, today announced they have formed a strategic partnership to jointly develop, market and deliver a breakthrough new cashless digital payments and patron loyalty platform. The system will offer the broad industry reach and unprecedented features for which both companies are widely regarded and promises to transform the burgeoning gaming and entertainment industries.

Todays announcement is a first of its kind, taking the integrated resort customer experience to the next level by integrating state-of-the-art cashless digital payment solutions with robust customer loyalty programs for in-house gaming properties, digital and mobile gaming, food service, retail channels, and more. The platform merges proprietary business intelligence and behavioral data from both organizations to create a robust patron persona. Now, resort operators are empowered to deliver a personalized and immersive experience both on and off the gaming floor.

The events of 2020 have dramatically and permanently changed many attitudes, behaviors and even industries around the world, and chief among them is an incredible urgency to move our society away from cash to innovative new cashless payment technologies, said Joe Pappano, Chief Executive Officer of Sightline Payments. This strategic partnership between two leading FinTech payments providers not only promises to deliver a digital payment solution to the gaming industry, but it opens up entire new industries like retail, sports, and entertainment, creating incredible new opportunities for partnerships in a much bigger and broader gaming and hospitality ecosystem.

The partnership with Sightline Payments is a first for the sector and brings a new and elevated customer experience that transforms the world of gaming and hospitality, said Christopher Kronenthal, President & CTO at FreedomPay. A completely digital experience not only gives customers more flexibility but also allows integrated resorts to drive relevant discount and incentives to guests through secured data. This has never been achieved in the industry before and we believe this will be a true game changer for the sector.

FreedomPay and Sightline Payments serve many of the premier gaming and entertainment operators in the United States including the top 10 sports betting and gaming operators. Additionally, Play+, Sightlines flagship solution for seamless and secure pay-and-play with nearly 1.5 million enrolled accounts, is the leading cashless mechanism for users to safety and easily store money and fund their entertainment on gaming apps, on the gaming floor, and on sports platforms with instant access to their money, anytime, anywhere all from a smartphone.


About FreedomPay

FreedomPays Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. http://www.freedompay.com

About Sightline PaymentsSightline was founded in 2010 and awarded Deloitte's prestigious Technology Fast 500TM in 2019. The company is leading the way in gaming to build the first truly cashless ecosystem with its flagship solution, Play+. Named "Most Innovative Gaming Technology Product of the Year", Play+ allows consumers a cashless and seamless mobile commerce experience for hospitality and gaming, including online, mobile, on-premise slots, table games, and sports. The Play+ digital platform is embraced by integrated casino resorts, sports betting and lottery platforms, including the largest and most well-recognized casino resort and sports betting brands in the world. Sightline is based inLas Vegas, Nevada. Learn more athttps://sightlinepayments.com/.

Media ContactsSusan Donahue Skyya PR for Sightline PaymentsPh: (646) 454-9378E: susan.donahue@skyya.com

Gug KyriacouFWD Consulting (for FreedomPay)gug.kyriacou@fwdconsulting.co.uk

Go here to read the rest:

FreedomPay and Sightline Payments Partner to Create World's First Cashless Ecosystem for Casinos, Resorts and Gaming Operators - GlobeNewswire

If the startup ecosystem can survive a pandemic, it can survive anything – Ruchira Shukla and Alok Goyal – YourStory

This year has been tough for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs. And yet, many have not only survived but also thrived in this crisis.

On the sidelines of announcing the first cohort of the IFC and Stellaris Venture Partners programme, AI4Biz, focused on supporting early-stage AI-focused enterprise SaaS startups, Ruchira Shukla, Regional Lead, South Asia, Disruptive Technologies - Direct Equity and VC funds, IFC; and Alok Goyal Partner, Stellaris Venture Partners, speak about their lessons from 2020, and what they expect from startups in 2021.

Ruchira Shukla

Edited excerpts of the interview:

Ruchira Shukla (RS): For me, the big message that came out this year for the startup ecosystem is that it is a very resilient and robust ecosystem. If it can survive a pandemic, it can survive anything.

The startups have all come out stronger. They have kept going even in the worst situations. It hasnt mattered whether people have had to pitch to investors on a video call, or if they have had to relook at their business models, let go of important and talented people, and also keep the employees motivated.

There are companies that have taken on new businesses they never thought they would be in, and theyve been able to change the way solutions or services are offered. And investors still say they believe in India - both on a fund level and as limited partners (LP levels).

This tells you there is a strong promise in the Indian startup ecosystem, and we have proven that we can deliver results. In this backdrop, building a programme like AI4Biz has only been encouraging and positive.

Alok Goyal (AG): Resilience is a big takeaway for me. Apart from that, if you look at the macro-economic numbers, you realise that the economy has shrunk, but despite that, the startups have chugged ahead.

Alok Goyal, Partner, Stellaris Venture Partners

RS: I feel there is nothing worse than fear itself. In March, we were surrounded by fear, and we survived those few months and survived well. Many companies have reached their February numbers now, so in 2021, even with the unknowns, I dont think it will be worse than what weve seen.

Also, tech adoption has seen at least a three-to-four years jump across all sectors. We are at this onset of a mega trend, and best investor returns are generated when you spot a trend at the right time.

This is the time for AI for enterprise tech, there is a wide breadth of solutions across sectors. There is great scope for economic value creation and development. There will be improved access and affordability of services to segments of the population where the services are not available.

AG: We are still going through a period where the future is unpredictable, but there are some bits that leaves us optimistic. If these companies have navigated the way they have in the last nine months, we believe that 2021 should only be more positive. Despite the lockdowns, people have found ways to get going and working.

However, one thing that makes me cautious about 2021, and it is more from a lack of visibility perspective, is the macroeconomic impact of the last nine months. The form and shape next few years will take is an unknown.

But, early-stage tech will see secular growth, and I am optimistic about it.

AG: Apart from having to choose from over 108 applications, we were impressed by the use of AI and tech that these companies displayed. Almost all had expertise and experience in building AI that is beyond just a namesake value.

What is interesting is that India hasnt created that many infrastructure companies, these are softwares used by other developers. And yet, close to 20 percent companies were in that bucket. And in a new category like AI to have companies in the DevOps space is encouraging.

RS: I was pleasantly surprised by how smart the younger generation of founders and founding teams are. These founders bring a confluence of multiple skills that is hard to find in young people. They have a lot of technical depth and commercial prowess at the same time.

This means, apart from answering detailed questions on technology, the founders are able to cater to what the customers need, and they also know how to monetise, go-to-market etc. Everyone thinks practically about the customers problem, and have ambitions to sell their products within India and other markets.

Another important factor is the team chemistry, and we find that in young startups. Generally in young teams, this becomes a little choppy, but there is a comfort and ease of doing business.

AG: I would like to take a cricketing analogy. Prior to the Indian world cup win in 1983, if anyone would have said that India would win the world cup, they would have been termed as foolish. As until then we hadnt even made it to the semi-finals. But 1983 gave precedence, and players soon started joining the team to win the World Cup.

When you have precedence, the perspectives shift. So in the startup ecosystem context, today we have that precedence. Today, SaaS entrepreneurs are bold, and have a belief that didnt exist seven to eight years back.

RS: These are very positive events. Irrespective of where the exit is, if the fund is well known globally and has actively invested in India, and shows a positive outcome, it helps the ecosystem significantly.

It makes entrepreneurs believe that this can happen to us. Today, the world is flat, it doesnt matter if a large exit happened in India or elsewhere in the world, it happened in a model and business we understand. And we have parallels of the business in the country. It gives encouragement and makes people more determined in their own ways to deliver.

It also gives optimism to investors. A good exit is something most investors worry about and when these events happen, it sets a benchmark and belief that if we can grow our portfolios in the same way we can possibly achieve a similar result.

It is also a big positive for Softbank. These exits brings more capital into the country from them and others into the country. It is overall a positive thing.

AG: I think driving a startup is like driving into a tunnel. You dont know how long it is going to be, what are the twists and turns, and we drive into it because we believe in the light at the end of the tunnel.

These IPOs are super encouraging. It just isnt Softbank, even several late-stage investors from technology have seen exits. There is a belief that even the traditional investors are gravitating towards technology. This capital bodes well.

Also, I think that companies now want to remain private longer than they used to. When you look at Amazons IPO in 1997 versus companies that IPO today, the bar has shifted significantly. This means there is a need for more late-stage capital.

AG: For early-stage entrepreneurs, the time has never been better to be a tech entrepreneur from India. I am so encouraged by the resilience that the Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem has shown in 2020. I believe the worst is behind us, and there is a lot more fuel to help entrepreneurs realise their dreams. It is now important for entrepreneurs to follow their gut and follow their dreams.

RS: Go solve the tough problems. Entrepreneurs are ready and so is the market. There are team capabilities, market readiness, availability of capital, and cross country linkages. The perfect recipe is in place, you just need to put your force behind it and go solve the tougher problems.

Original post:

If the startup ecosystem can survive a pandemic, it can survive anything - Ruchira Shukla and Alok Goyal - YourStory

Leverage the Westcon-Comstor Services Bench partner ecosystem – ARNnet

For any enterprise, migrating some or all of its IT Infrastructure to AWS can be very rewarding, bringing levels of functionality, flexibility, cost reduction and innovation well beyond what they can achieve with on-premises IT.

However, migrating IT resources to AWS and managing them on AWS requires many new AWS-specific skills. So many organisations turn to specialist AWS partners for help.

AWS offers over 175 fully featured services and APN Navigate, the AWS partner enablement program, lists 20 different specialisation tracks.

Its a growing market, with plenty of opportunity, but also with challenges. Organisations looking to make use of public cloud with AWS undertake considerable research before having a conversation with a partner to help them on their journey.

They develop strong views on what they want from AWS, which offers a huge range of services: a potential partner may not have the full range of AWS competencies sought or have the capacity to take on more projects.

An AWS partner may be unable to provide service and support in all the locations required by a potential client.

This is where Weston-Comstor comes in. As an AWS distributor we provide a host of services to help individual AWS partners support their clients. In particular we offer the Westcon-Comstor Services Bench. Its a partner eco-system platform that helps AWS partners find and collaborate with others, enabling them to provide clients with all the services they need from AWS, wherever they need them.

Weston-Comstor a leading AWS distributor

Weston-Comstor has been the leading AWS distributor in Asia Pacific for the last five years.

These programs have been developed from more than five years of experience as an AWS distributor, working successfully with our partners to help them build, market, differentiate and grow their businesses.

Services Bench: our partner matching service

Westcon-Comstor Services Bench is our private cloud-based platform. As a Weston-Comstor AWS partner you can post details of any AWS partner specialisation you require for a customer opportunity through the platform. Based on the criteria you specify it will match instantly with partners that have the capability to delivery on those requirements.

Services Bench means no more searching social media or scrolling through lists of contacts or calling companies trying to find much needed skills.

We have more than 300 contractors and 40 organisations that possess AWS capability and certifications on Services Bench across Australia and New Zealand. This means you never have to turn down another AWS opportunity due to a lack of capacity or in-house capability for that project.

The Weston-Comstor Services Bench means you never have to pass up on an AWS opportunity. You can quickly scale your business with additional resources when required, and take on new projects to support your customers when they may not have the capacity or the capability in-house for a project.

You simply enter details of the AWS skills you need. The platform matches potential partners or resources instantly based on the criteria and requirements entered and contacts those that match.

You will receive offers from suitable suppliers within hours. Westcon-Comstor can facilitate the engagement, or you can contract with your potential partner directly. And you can manage the entire engagement with your chosen partners via the platform: it provides full visibility of communication, offers and reporting.

Find contract staff, with Staff Augmentation Bench

We also offer our Staff Augmentation Bench. If you need an AWS skill to fulfil a tactical short to mid-term engagement, either in-house or contracted to your end customer, we can identify a suitable contractor and facilitate the transaction based on yours or your end customers criteria.

Service Bench enables you to manage partners, contracts and projects effectively from start to finish, tracking bookings, revenue and expenditure.

Westcon-Comstor will assign dedicated resources that specialise in staff recruitment for ICT to support you and help you find the right resources for those contracted positions.

Our Staff Augmentation team will work closely with you to capture client requirements, pain points and the challenges faced by your project. Team members will look beyond the technical requirement of your project, taking note of the cultural fit and soft skills needed for your project to succeed.

The Westcon-Comstor Services Bench is a two way street: if you have staff with AWS skills that are not currently engaged, you can find work opportunities through Service Bench where those skills can be put to good use.

Our specialised services and capabilities include:

In summary

Being an AWS partner can be highly rewarding. Demand for AWS is growing rapidly. In the third quarter of 2020, global revenues were up 29 percent on the preceding quarter.

So theres plenty of opportunities, but also challenges. AWS is constantly adding new capabilities. Its Whats New with AWS List for 2020 has more than 1,000 entries.

With the breadth and depth of technology provided by AWS a partner could be forgiven for not having the in-house resources and technical knowledge to support everything on offer.

But not having a key competency required by a client could mean losing the business. Partnering is an ideal solution as spoken about by CIOs during the recent ARN EDGE 2020. You get access to the right specialist AWS skills when you need them, and only when you need them. You dont have to carry the overhead of maintaining currency in an AWS skill you rarely need.

But first you have to find the right partner and then manage the relationship. Weston-Comstor Services Bench can help you do both by leveraging the partner ecosystem we provide.

Check us out today, and take your AWS business to the next level.

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Tags channel partnerAWScloud platformAWS partner networkWestcon-Comstor

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Leverage the Westcon-Comstor Services Bench partner ecosystem - ARNnet

Cybersecurity Stocktaking in the Connected and Automated Mobility Ecosystem – Lexology

On 20 November 2020, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity ("ENISA") published a report on the connected and automated mobility ("CAM") cybersecurity ecosystem ("Report").

The Report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the CAM cybersecurity ecosystem, to map the key stakeholders in the European Union, and to provide an overview of the critical services, systems and infrastructures. The CAM ecosystem encompasses multiple stakeholders from the original equipment manufacturers and users (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) to suppliers, automotive aftermarket operators, industry associations, telecommunications companies, IT suppliers and other services providers, and national and international authorities.

The Report outlines the interactions among the main stakeholders which are required to create a secure CAM ecosystem. It also summarises whether the interaction among stakeholders with regards to cybersecurity is mandatory (i.e. based on a legal requirement in EU or national legislation) or voluntary under current rules.

The Report highlights that new cybersecurity challenges and threats have been brought about by the increasing connectivity and automation of vehicles and the associated mobility infrastructure. As a result, policymakers are developing cybersecurity standards and measures to facilitate safe infrastructure and service delivery. For example, the World Forum for the Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), which is a part of the UN Economic Commission for Europe ("UNECE"), has approved two regulations providing a framework for type approvals of vehicles with regard to cybersecurity earlier this year:

The European Commission is expected to transpose these UN Regulations into EU law and, amongst others, require car manufacturers to secure connected vehicles against cyberattacks from July 20223. According to the Report, transposition of these texts shall take into account the needs of all CAM stakeholders.

ENISA states that one of the aims of the Report is to help the European Commission and national authorities in EU Member States in transposing the UN cybersecurity regulations into EU policy. However, the Report might also be helpful to original equipment manufacturers and other stakeholders involved in the CAM ecosystem in understanding the key issues they need to consider from a cybersecurity standpoint.

Businesses involved in the CAM ecosystem might also be interested in an earlier ENISA report on good practices for security of smart cars published in November 2019. ENISA is also expected to soon publish Recommendations for the Security of Connected and Automated Mobility which will aim to "contribute to the improvement and harmonisation of cybersecurity in the CAM ecosystem in the European Union".

While the United Kingdom is unlikely to adopt the European Commission's proposals after the end of the Brexit transition period, UK businesses involved in the CAM ecosystem might expect UK specific regulation on cybersecurity of connected and automated vehicles which will implement the UN Regulations. The UK implementation is likely to build on the eight key principles published by the UK Government in 2017. Furthermore, any UK business in the CAM ecosystem wishing to operate on the EU market will likely be required to comply with the European Commission's proposals with regards to cybersecurity of connected and autonomous vehicles.

See original here:

Cybersecurity Stocktaking in the Connected and Automated Mobility Ecosystem - Lexology

MDClone Partners with VHA Innovation Ecosystem to Provide Better, Smarter, Faster Healthcare to U.S. Veterans – Business Wire

BEER-SHEVA, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MDClone, a digital health company, and the VHA Innovation Ecosystem, a division of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced a partnership to democratize data at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The partnership will provide unprecedented, secure access to clinical data to better understand and improve the health of the more than nine million veterans it serves.

The VHA has long been at the forefront of healthcare informatics and the use of data to improve patient outcomes and drive operational improvements, said Ziv Ofek, Founder and CEO, MDClone. The selection of MDClones unique platform builds upon this tradition. With one of the largest medical databases in the world, the VHA requires enterprise scale tools to explore data, innovate, and improve patient care. MDClones dynamic environment will help VA staff deliver on their mission to provide the best healthcare services to Veterans across the U.S.

The VHA Innovation Ecosystem aims to empower a wider network of VHA clinical and operational staff to explore data and discover insights which can be used to impact the lives of veterans nationwide. MDClone worked closely on this initiative with Dr. Amanda Purnell, Senior Innovation Fellow at the VHA Innovation Ecosystem, who is part of the Care & Transformational Initiatives (CTI) in the VHA Innovation Ecosystem. This program is specifically focused on testing and refining innovative care models and transformational initiatives that can be meaningfully scaled to impact Veteran care.

By implementing the MDClone platform, non-technical users can quickly ask important questions, find answers, and take action - dramatically shortening timelines for quality improvement, innovation, and grass roots clinical research. The initial collaboration with MDClone will center around suicide prevention, chronic disease management, precision medicine, health equity, and COVID-19. For example, practitioners can tackle issues like suicide by identifying leading indicators and proactively intervening with patients most at risk.

Veterans privacy and health information will be protected through the use of synthetic data, a groundbreaking new technology from MDClone that surpasses traditional de-identification methods. Synthetic data will broaden access to clinical data and catalyze innovation across the VA. Synthetic data also has the potential to help the VHA collaborate with external agencies, healthcare providers, and industry.

To learn more about how the partnership between MDClone and the VHA Innovation Ecosystem is unlocking data to accelerate innovation, research, and quality improvement, visit https://go.mdclone.com/get-started.

About MDClone

MDClone democratizes data, empowering clinicians, researchers, and executives to explore, discover, and collaborate to improve patients health. With MDClone, any user can ask and answer any question in real time. This paradigm shift is made possible by MDClones unique technology for organizing, accessing, and protecting the privacy of patient data. Founded in Israel in 2016, MDClone works with major health systems, payers, and life science companies in the U.S., Canada, and Israel.

About VHA Innovation Ecosystem

VHA Innovation Ecosystem advances care delivery and service through mission-driven innovation. The Ecosystems four portfolios, VHA Innovators Network, Diffusion of Excellence, NCi2I, and Care & Transformational Initiatives, are tasked with identifying and scaling innovations and best practices by empowering front-line employees.

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MDClone Partners with VHA Innovation Ecosystem to Provide Better, Smarter, Faster Healthcare to U.S. Veterans - Business Wire

Path of destruction: Road to Anjaneri hilltop could threaten fragile rocky outcrop ecosystem – Mongabay-India

Merely 20-kilometres away from Maharashtras Nashik city, the Anjaneri plateau has a good forest patch and is home to at least 105 species of forest and grassland birds including those who have the highest protection under Indias wildlife laws. The plateau also has steep vertical cliffs where long-billed vultures nest in caves but this habitat is now threatened by a road development project.

Following opposition to the project, Maharashtras Minister of Tourism and Environment Aaditya Thackeray had recently assured that the road project will not be pursued. But the assurance did not translate into anything concrete and now the project is up for approval under the Forest Conservation Act 1980 seeking diversion of about 17.9 hectares of forest area for it.

Currently, there is a road only up to the foot of the mountain through Anjaneri village. But the concrete road proposed by the Nashiks public works department would approach the temple from the Mulegaon side of the cliff that goes up to the temple. The estimated cost of the project is about Rs. 200 million.

Pankaj Garg, who is deputy conservator of forests, Nashik West, informed that the project is in progress.

The Anjaneri plateau has a conservation reserve the public works department will have to procure a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the state and central wildlife boards, Garg told Mongabay-India.

He explained that the deputy conservators office will inspect the site proposed for the road project after which it will be sent to the central government who will then decide if the project will get clearance for diversion of forests or not.

Five environmental organisations (Nature Conservation Society of Nashik, Eco Echo, GIVE, Apla Paryavaran, Pakshi Mitra Mandal) and 32 social organisations are opposing the road project citing ecological and social concerns.

Kamlu Kadali of the tribal Thakur community, who has been the member of the local administration for several years said there is already a motorable road till the foot of the mountain, from where you need to walk up stone steps to reach the plateau.

Instead of building a new road, repairing the existing road and steps will solve the problems of access here, said Kadali.

Abhijeet Mahale of Eco Echo Foundation, suggests that instead of the road a palanquin service should be started to help senior citizens reach the top of the hill. This will avoid the ecological damage that a road/ropeway would cause, and also generate livelihoods for the local people, he added.

Read more: Proposed tiger safari in Dumna reignites opposition against projects in the reserve

The plateau is also considered the birthplace of Hindu deity Lord Hanuman and every year over half a million people visit the place. The devotees carry water from downhill to offer it to the deity on the top. On Hanuman Jayanti, a yearly festival to celebrate Lord Hanumans birthday, devotees even walk barefoot from villages as far as 80100 kilometres away to visit the temple on the plateau.

Its an arduous journey to the top of the plateau that gives these devotees the time to think about the different habitats they see on the way and the natural heritage found here. This connection that binds local communities to nature is sacred and must not be cut off, Jui Pethe, an independent ecological researcher associated with Nisargabhaan, Nashik-based educational research centre, told Mongabay-India.

The area is important not just for the devotees but also for the Mahadeo Koli and Thakur tribes who comprise approximately 70 percent of Anjaneris population. Both communities worship the natural heritage found on the hill.

We never consume anything we have harvested in our community without first offering it to Anjaneri mata (mother) every agricultural season, emphasised Kadali.

Yogesh Ganpat Shid, a 23-year-old farmer from Anjaneri village said that the villagers in Anjaneri are concerned that if such a road is built, tourists will go from Mulegaon to the Anjaneri hilltop without passing through their village, which will reduce the cultural importance of their village, and also affect their livelihood opportunities. He pointed out that as of now, there are some small businesses (guides and food shops) which would be adversely affected if tourism through Anjaneri is diverted.

Read more: Goa destroys green cover to enable infrastructure projects

Anjaneri is also home to 105 species of forest and grassland birds of which five species are listed under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, and five others who are endemic to the Western Ghats. The yellow-footed green pigeon, which is the state bird of Maharashtra, can also be spotted at the place. It also has steep vertical cliffs where long-billed vultures nest in caves.

There is also a grasslands habitat where leopards and hyenas roam and karvy (a plant found in the Western Ghats) covers the mountain which will be affected if the road is built. A road to the top of the plateau from any direction will have to drill through these habitats, said Shid.

He said vultures were regularly spotted in Anjaneri village until a decade back but now they are rarely seen. The numbers of the vultures had declined and are stabilising only now through conservation efforts. A road cutting through their habitat would definitely hurt their population, Shid told Mongabay-India.

The disturbance in the population of vultures has had some unexpected consequences for the villages around the area as well. With the dipping numbers of vultures, the number of dogs increased, and with dogs as easy prey, leopards started entering human settlements to prey on the dogs. This led to an increase in human-animal conflict, Pratiksha Kothule, project coordinator and wildlife biologist at the Nature Conservation Society, Nashik, told Mongabay-India.

Hari Nindekar, van mazdoor (temporary forest guard) with the forest department working on Anjaneri hilltop said that as of last month, there are 400 vulture nests in the Anjaneri cave habitats.

Kiran Rahalkar, a wildlife biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Trust, cautioned that hundreds of thousands of tourists and locals visit the Anjaneri plateau every year and a concrete road anywhere near the vulture habitat will result in the extinction of the vulture population in this area.

While Ganesh Chavhan, another council member of the Anjaneri village, said karvy plant found on the Anjaneri hill would be lost if the road is built. Karvy is an extremely useful and important plant. My father and grandfather have told me stories about how karvy leaves were fed to cattle during the 1972 drought to help them survive when there was no other fodder around. All this flora will be destroyed in case the project is pursued, Chavhan told Mongabay-India.

Read more: Linear infrastructure severely affects large forest patches in India, finds study

Known as sadas in the local language, rocky outcrops provide essential ecosystem services to communities.

For instance, Hanuman Talaab, a foot-shaped pond on the hill, is a tourist attraction and is used by the local people for bathing. This pond which is in the shape of a foot is considered to be sacred by the local people, as it is believed that Lord Hanuman once stepped here. A decade or two back, it used to have clean water, which we would use for drinking. If a road is built here, along with the destruction of the biodiversity the local people will lose this source of water, said Brahmagiri Maharaj, a saint who runs an ashram in the Anjaneri village.

The Anjaneri dam at the foot of the hill is fed by aquifers on the hill, which will be damaged due to concretisation of the hill for the road and parking on the hill, Ganesh Chavhan stressed.

Also, the medicinal plants found on the plateau are used by several local people to cure bruises and minor ailments, said Kamlu Kadali.

A critically endangered plant, Ceropegia anjanerica, endemic to Anjnaeri is also found here. The tubers of this plant called lahaani kharpudi or kandil phool in the local language used to be consumed by local people as well as langurs.

When there is a drought and our harvest is not enough, my forefathers used to get kharpudi and make bread from it for consumption. Now my family does not eat it so often, but we still see monkeys digging up the plant and eating its tubers, said Kadali, who is now a farmer who grows tomatoes, finger millet and barnyard millet.

Almost 50 percent of the 350 species of plants found on the Anjaneri plateau have some medicinal use, said Jui Pethe, based on a study she conducted in 201213.

People from all around come to Anjaneri to collect these medicinal plants. Today, the number of species found here has increased to 430450.

Another study conducted by Pethe in 2015 revealed that there are 57 non-timber forest products on the plateau that provide livelihoods to people from around the Anjaneri area. This ecosystem needs to be preserved not only for its biodiversity but also to preserve the livelihoods of the people, said Pethe.

Read more: Navi Mumbai couple fights to save a bird haven from becoming a golf course

Banner image: Anjaneri is home to the critically endangered long-billed vulture, now known as Indian vulture. Photo by Nature Conservation Society of Nashik.

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Path of destruction: Road to Anjaneri hilltop could threaten fragile rocky outcrop ecosystem - Mongabay-India

Open Mainframe Project Welcomes New Project Tessia, HCL Technologies and Red Hat to its Ecosystem – PRNewswire

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Open Mainframe Project (OMP), an open source initiative that enables collaboration across the mainframe community to develop shared tool sets and resources, today welcomes Tessia, atool that automates and simplifies the installation, configuration and testing of Linux systems running on the Z platform, to its ecosystem. Additionally, HCL Technologies and Red Hat join the project to strengthen their commitment to open source mainframe technologies.

"Open Mainframe Project has experienced record growth this year in terms of membership and projects," said John Mertic, Director of Program Management at the Linux Foundation. "We look forward to strengthening our role as the number one resource for programs that advance the technology and training for the mainframe, especially with new members HCL and Red Hat who will expand our leadership and expertise."

OMP Projects Increase by 1500 Percent Since LaunchWhen Open Mainframe Project was launched in 2015 by The Linux Foundation, there was one open source project under its wing that helped advance mainframe technology. Today, OMP has become an umbrella project that is home to 16 different open source projects including a COBOL Working Group and a Zowe Conformance Program. This is a 1500 percent increase over time.

Today, Tessia joins ADE, Ambitus, ATOM, CBT Tape, COBOL Training Program, Feilong, GenevaERS, Mainframe Open Education, Mentorship, Polycephaly, Software Discovery Tool, TerseDecompress, Zowe and Zorow as projects led by the Open Mainframe community.

Tessia, an open source project for Z resource management and automated installation of Linux distribution, manages relationships between Z datacenter resources and allocates them to specific projects and users according to a role-based schema. Using these resources, Tessia canbe included into existing pipelines and with pre-release distributions and drive faster release cycles and adoption of new technologies. Additionally, it enables developers to effortlessly bring up their environments or try out new releases before migration. In general, the mission of the new project improves experience with Linux on Z, which in turn facilitates faster adoption of open source on Z platform.

The OMP Ecosystem Increases by 225 PercentThe Open Mainframe Project, which launched with 12 founding members, is now comprised of 41 business and academic organizations including the newest members HCL Technologies and Red Hat. HCL is a leading global technology company with three main businesses including IT and Business Services (ITBS), Engineering and R&D Services (ERS) and HCL Software.

Red Hat, which is now a subsidiary of OMP Platinum member IBM, has a long history of building and supporting products and solutions from open source projects and giving back to those communities.

The new members will collaborate on vendor-neutral open source projects with the mission of building community and adoption of open source on the mainframe. The project strives to build an inclusive community through investment in open source projects and programs, career development, and events that provide opportunities for the mainframe community to collaborate and create sustainability.

To celebrate its 5th anniversary, Open Mainframe Project hosted its inaugural Open Mainframe Summit event in September. More than 385 seasoned professionals, developers, students and leaders from 175 companies attended the virtual conference to share best practices, discuss hot topics, and network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about the mainframe industry. Learn more about the event and the audience statistics in this blog.

Momentum for Open Mainframe ProjectsAs an umbrella, the Open Mainframe Project hosts projects that expand training the next generation of mainframers or how modern mainframe technology integrates with existing systems. Through the vendor-neutral governance structure, OMP invites developers and members worldwide to participate in the open source community. The community's passionate and talent has helped move several of the Open Mainframe Projects to important milestones including:

Zowe, an open source software framework for the mainframe that strengthens integration with modern enterprise applications, has released version 1.17 with some notable features and enhancements. Learn more in the release notes.

Polycephaly, a set of Java and Groovy classes that enables building z/OS source code files with Jenkins and Git, now offers developers an opportunity to choose their IDEs to use, including the popular Open Source Eclipse. Learn more in this blog.

The annual Open Mainframe Project Mentorship program, which has helped more than 40 students learn more and gain experience with Linux, open source, and mainframes, welcomed 11 new mentees in May. These mentees were paired with mentors from OMP member organizations such as IBM, Rocket Software, SUSE, Vicom Infinity, and Zoss Team LLC for four months and delivered a presentation at the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit Europe. The videos can be foundhere.

Students interested in participating in the 2021 Open Mainframe Project mentorship program can join a webinar on January 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am US Eastern Time to learn more about the program and projects participating. Register here for this webinar.

About the Open Mainframe ProjectThe Open Mainframe Project is intended to serve as a focal point for deployment and use of Linux and Open Source in a mainframe computing environment. With a vision of Open Source on the Mainframe as the standard for enterprise class systems and applications, the project's mission is to build community and adoption of Open Source on the mainframe by eliminating barriers to Open Source adoption on the mainframe, demonstrating value of the mainframe on technical and business levels, and strengthening collaboration points and resources for the community to thrive. Learn more about the project at https://www.openmainframeproject.org.

About The Linux FoundationThe Linux Foundation is the organization of choice for the world's top developers and companies to build ecosystems that accelerate open technology development and commercial adoption. Together with the worldwide open source community, it is solving the hardest technology problems by creating the largest shared technology investment in history. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation today provides tools, training and events to scale any open source project, which together deliver an economic impact not achievable by any one company. More information can be found at http://www.linuxfoundation.org.

The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Maemalynn MeanorThe Linux FoundationOpen Mainframe Project[emailprotected]

SOURCE Open Mainframe Project


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Open Mainframe Project Welcomes New Project Tessia, HCL Technologies and Red Hat to its Ecosystem - PRNewswire

Gotransverse Closes 2020 with Globalization, Business Intelligence, Ecosystem, and Personalization Features for Innovative Monetization Models -…

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As 2020 comes to a close, Gotransverse (www.gotransverse.com), the leading provider of enterprise order-to-cash solutions, today announced that the company had added a variety of new globalization, business intelligence, ecosystem, and personalization features to its intelligent billing platform. These new features provide global enterprises with new billing capabilities as they adopt new recurring revenue and pay-as-you-go pricing strategies.

To improve globalization of the Gotransverse intelligent billing platform, the company has added new features such as payment gateway integrations with Adyen and GoCardless, making it easier to accept payments from markets where credit cards and ACH payments are less common. SureTax Communication tax integration for the telecommunications market was added, as well as OneSource sales tax integration. Also new to the platform is support for European Strong Card Authentication (SCA), multiple currency support for a single customer, and extended Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debit payment notification.

As global companies embrace new and enhanced monetization models, we have continued to expand Gotransverses capabilities to make billing as frictionless as possible, said James Messer, CEO and Founder of Gotransverse. We have added new business intelligence, personalization, and add-ons to increase the value of our billing platform and to power new revenue options. As subscription billing saturates global markets, we have also seen a dramatic increase in the adoption of pay-as-you-go services, and we want to make sure Gotransverse is there to support them.

Other features added to Gotransverse introduce new business intelligence tools to enable enhanced business insight and reporting capabilities, including expanded data views for core and microservice data sets across the platform and new standardized reports. Gotransverse also has enhanced its extensibility through configurable ERP connectors, additional microservices, API orchestration, new API endpoints, and business logic scripting. There also are new configurable mediation services, industry-specific features, and added support for external application integrations.

To enhance customer experience, Gotransverse has added new personalization functions to drive new revenue streams for our customers and deliver a personalized experience for the end-customer, including:

About Gotransverse

Gotransverse provides cloud-based software that enables companies to operate as a subscription business model, including the often-challengingaspects of usage-based pricing and monetization at internet scale. Founded by globally recognized billing experts, the company offers an intelligent billing and subscription management platform that automates the subscription order-to-cash process, including billing, rating, collections, mediation, analytics, and revenue recognition. Gotransverse was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Austin, Texas.

For more information, visit http://gotransverse.com.

Press Contact:Tom WoolfGotransverse415.842.7398twoolf@gotransverse.com

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Gotransverse Closes 2020 with Globalization, Business Intelligence, Ecosystem, and Personalization Features for Innovative Monetization Models -...

Accelerated digitalization, beefed-up edge among other key trends to watch across digital ecosystem in 2021 – Business Review

As the world moved online seemingly overnight in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the criticality of data centers and the unrelenting reliance on them across all walks of life became an enduring storyline of the crisis.

This reality will manifest in new ways in 2021 as the data center and the information ecosystem orbiting it emerge from the pandemic with a fourth utility criticality, complete with all the expectations and responsibilities that implies. This is among the emerging 2021 data center trends identified by experts from Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions.

Data centers have long been held to high availability standards, but the shift toward utility-like status will be noticeable in two ways. First, those high expectations for network availability will extend deep into rural and remote areas, bringing critical applications to more of the population. This will increase pressure on data centers to maintain connectivity even at the outer edges of their networks. Second, any distinction between availability and connectivity will be erased, as the ability to ensure and protect connections across increasingly distributed hybrid networks becomes as much of a requirement as any traditional measure of data center uptime.

Data centers have been moving toward public utility-type status for some time, but the pandemic has crystalized the need to establish the kinds of official guardrails that have been commonplace across other utilities, said Gary Niederpruem, chief strategy and development officer for Vertiv. This isnt just about working from home, although that is part of it. More importantly, it is about supporting the digital economy in its most mission-critical forms, which include increased reliance on telemedicine and health, enhanced e-commerce, and global telecommunications and mass media.

The pandemic effectively established a new baseline for digital infrastructure as the industry adjusts to and eventually moves beyond the global shutdown. Against this backdrop, Vertivs experts identified several other emerging trends to watch in 2021. They are:

Recovery requires a change in mindset for most organizations, said John-David Lovelock, distinguished research vice president at Gartner, in a recent statement. There is no bouncing back. There needs to be a reset focused on moving forward.

Wherever there is a high density of data processing, there will be a demand for edge computing. That demand, and scale, will necessitate more resilient and intelligent edge infrastructure, said Giordano Albertazzi, president of Vertiv in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). We are seeing expansion of the edge in many countries and that will eventually extend to emerging markets. Edge deployments are also closely aligned to other key trends such as 5G and environmental sustainability, and the integration of edge sites with energy grids can support the transition towards renewables.

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Accelerated digitalization, beefed-up edge among other key trends to watch across digital ecosystem in 2021 - Business Review