Whoa, Donald Trump Just Gave a Genuinely Good Speech – The Daily Beast

It was, by far, Donald Trumps best, most optimistic, State of the Union speechthe kind of speech we can expect to see clips of in his re-election adsthe kind of speech that would be considered good even without the qualifier for Donald Trump at the end.

Of course everyone didnt think soa number of Democrats walked out, and Nancy Pelosi pointedly tore it up for the cameras to see after he finished. But even with all that, if the goal were to reset the narrative and take advantage of the debacle in Iowa and the end of impeachment (without explicitly saying so), Trump was successful. He had a lot to work with, stressing a strong economy and low unemployment rateand the killing of some prominent, high-value terrorists.

But he also also touted accomplishments on issues with broad, bipartisan appeal, such as criminal justice reform, paid family leave, and opportunity zones. These are feel-good issues that Trump (due to his penchant for distracting us with insane tweets) doesnt get enough credit for.

Conspicuously, there was lots of outreach to African-Americans, both in terms of rhetoric regarding policy goals and achievements, and via special guests sitting in the gallery.

Coming on the heels of his Super Bowl ad, this was clearly not an accident. As The New York Times conservative columnist Ross Douthat put it in a mid-speech tweet, Theme of the speech so far: Somebody at the White House thinks Trump can win more African-American votes in 2020.

Whether Trumps numbers crunchers really believe he can peel off African-Americans, or whether the real goal is to make suburban whites more comfortable with voting for Trump, we are witnessing what seems to be a significant moment: Trump is actually in the business of addition.

Think of it. For three years now, his strategy has been entirely based on energizing his base. For the first time, it seems, we are seeing a campaign that is attempting to add to the Trump coalition.

Not only was the speech an opportunity for Trump to do some outreach (as well as recount the usual laundry list of successes and promises), but it was a trap for Democrats, who had to choose between applauding the president they just impeached versus refusing to applaud talk about a good economy. This was basically a no-win scenario for them.

During one moment, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema was shown delivering a standing ovation to good news about unemployment, while Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand sat on their hands. Another example was when representatives including Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar reportedly did not stand to honor a former Tuskegee airman.

Thats not to say that Trump didnt occasionally play some of his greatest hits. One gets the sense that Stephen Miller got to ad a few lines, toward the end. This created some contradictions. Trumps talk about building an inclusive society was considerably undermined by his reversion to harsh rhetoric about walls and illegal aliens.

Though there was much less fan service than we are used to hearing from Trump, there was something for everybody, including fans of Rush Limbaugh, who was recognized and given a Congressional Medal of Honor in the gallery. This probably struck many as an intensely partisan move (imagine Obama having Michelle pin a Medal of Freedom on Al Sharpton), but the fact that Limbaugh was just diagnosed with advanced lung cancer made it more palatable.

For the first time, it seems, we are seeing a campaign that is attempting to add to the Trump coalition.

Trump also appeared to take a veiled swipe at Bernie Sanders. During a section of the speech that included welcoming the true and legitimate President of Venezuela, Juan Guaid, Trump declared that Socialism destroys nations. But always remember, freedom unifies the soul.

One had the sense that this wasnt just an attack on socialists from Venezuela, but also, a reminder that we have our very own from Vermont.

Still, putting aside that clever swipe at Bernie, and although he apparently snubbed Speaker Nancy Pelosis attempt to shake hands, Trump somehow stuck to the script, resisting what must have been an almost irresistible urge to ad-lib about impeachment, his approval numbers, or the Dems Iowa disaster.

At one point early in the night, Republicans in the chamber broke out with cheers of, Four more years! It was something that I have never witnessed in all my years of watching State of the Union addresses.

Yes, it was a sign of our partisan times. But If Trump can continue to stick to the script for the rest of this campaign (a very tall order), it will also be prophetic.

Read more from the original source:

Whoa, Donald Trump Just Gave a Genuinely Good Speech - The Daily Beast

Donald Trump on Social Security: Everything You Need to Know – The Motley Fool

In case you haven't heard, America's most important social program, Social Security, is in a bit of trouble. A number of ongoing demographic changes have Social Security on track to completely exhaust its $2.9 trillion in asset reserves (i.e., net-cash surpluses built up since inception) by 2035. Should this happen, Social Security wouldn't be bankrupt, but it would mean sweeping benefit cuts to then-current and future retired workers of up to 23%.

Social Security needs a fix, and it's lawmakers on Capitol Hill who will have to deliver that resolution. That's why it's more important now than ever to know where the leading 2020 presidential candidates stand on Social Security. Today, we'll take a closer look at incumbent Republican Donald Trump's viewpoints on Social Security.

Image source: Getty Images.

The first aspect of Donald Trump's stance to tackle is how he stood on America's top social program while on the campaign trail prior to being elected the 45th president. In general, Trump views the federal government making good on payouts to workers who've paid into the program for decades as "honoring a deal," as he put in his book Time to Get Tough (2011).

What's more, the president has advised his fellow Republicans to approach the issue cautiously. While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013, Trump said the following:

As Republicans, if you think you are going to change very substantially for the worse Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in any substantial way, and at the same time you think you are going to win elections, it just really is not going to happen ... What we have to do and the way we solve our problems is to build a great economy.

In other words, Trump understands that if direct resolutions are made to Social Security (and other entitlement programs), some groups of people are going to be worse off than they were before. That makes direct fixes to the program a dangerous game to play when nearing an election.

President Trump signing paperwork at his desk in the Oval Office. Image source: Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead.

So, what has Donald Trump done to improve Social Security while in office? With the president clearly averse to tackling the issue directly and potentially losing votes, Trump has instead focused his efforts on indirect solutions, the most notable of which is the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

When signed into law in December 2017, the TCJA represented the most sweeping tax overhaul in the U.S. in over three decades. It lowered the tax liability of most working Americans, while capping the marginal corporate income-tax rate at 21%, down from a peak of 35%. In essence, it was a tax cut designed to stimulate economic growth by encouraging businesses to innovative, hire, and expand, as well as encourage consumer spending.

How does this help Social Security, you ask? The program has three sources of funding: a 12.4% payroll tax on earned income, the interest income earned on its asset reserves, and the taxation of benefits. The former, the payroll tax on earned income of up to $137,700 (in 2020), is the program's workhorse. In 2018, it was responsible for $885 billion of the $1 trillion in revenue collected. The thinking here is that if tax cuts can bolster economic growth, workers should see an increase in wages and/or income, leading to more payroll tax being collected. This increase in payroll tax collected should put Social Security on better financial footing.

If you're curious, the TCJA does appear to have had a very modest upward lift on the U.S. economy and Social Security over the past two years. For example, the 2018 Social Security Board of Trustees report had called for the program's first net-cash outflow since 1982 that year, but this forecast was ultimately proved wrong, with Social Security generating a net-cash surplus of $3 billion. Similarly, the program's net-cash surplus of a little over $2 billion in 2019 was slightly higher than the $1 billion net-cash surplus the Trustees report had projected for last year.

Image source: Getty Images.

Now for the big question: What happens to Social Security if Donald Trump is reelected as president?

While no one knows this answer with any certainty, we've been given a number of clues during his presidency to make logical guesses. Perhaps the biggest clue came in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In an interview on CNBC's Squawk Box, host Joe Kernen asked Trump if "entitlements [would] ever be on your plate?" to which the president replied, "At some point they will be."

To be crystal clear, this doesn't mean that Trump has decreed Social Security spending cuts are coming. However, it does raise eyebrows given the contrasting nature by which Democrats and Republicans have approached fixing Social Security's imminent cash shortfall.

For instance, Democrats have predominantly been in favor of increasing revenue by raising or eliminating the earnings cap associated with the payroll tax. In 2020, all earned income (wages and salary) between $0.01 and $137,700 is subjected to the payroll tax, with earnings beyond $137,700 exempted. Raising or eliminating this cap would require the well-to-do to pay more into the system.

Meanwhile, Republicans have predominantly championed reducing long-term outlays (a fancy way of saying "cutting benefits"). The GOP has proposed gradually raising the full retirement age from 67 to as high as age 70 to account for increased longevity over the past eight decades. If the full retirement age were raised, future generations of retirees would either need to wait longer to claim their full monthly payout or accept a steeper reduction if claiming early. The point is that, no matter their choice, lifetime benefits paid by Social Security would be reduced, thereby saving the program money.

While Trump hasn't specifically mentioned raising the full retirement age, he and his administration have suggested amending the rules for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. In Trump's fiscal 2020 budget proposal, for example, Trump proposed cutting $26 billion from Social Security over a 10-year period. A good portion of this reduction ($10 billion) was to be made by cutting back SSDI retroactive pay to six months from 12 months.

Again, while Trump has not specifically said that spending cuts are going to happen, there is a good likelihood that outlay reductions would be how Trump would tackle Social Security's imminent cash shortfall.

President Trump speaking to reporters on the White House lawn. Image source: Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian.

Of course, it's also important to understand that Trump's views on Social Security have changed considerably over time, and he has, on occasion, tossed around a number of ideas that you may find surprising.

Back in 2000, in his book The America We Deserve, Trump proposed the idea of a one-time 14.25% tax on individuals with a net worth of more than $10 million. In Trump's view, this one-time tax would have allowed the federal government to collect enough revenue to pay off its national debt (at the time), saving it $200 billion annually on interest payments. Trump proposed taking $100 billion of this $200 billion in annual savings and adding it to the Social Security program over a 10-year time frame.

Donald Trump has also loosely tossed around the idea of means-testing for benefits. Means-testing would partially reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits once an individual or couple crosses above a preset earnings threshold. Since Social Security was designed to predominantly protect low-income workers during retirement, such a move would ensure that the rich aren't receiving payments they don't need.

Trump even once offered up the idea of partially privatizing Social Security -- a view he now steers clear of. In The America We Deserve, Trump suggests that workers have the option of utilizing personal accounts to invest in stocks, bonds, diversified mutual funds, and bonds funds.

The point being that Trump may be more open to a middle-ground solution than most folks realize.

Additionally, it should be noted that the political makeup of Congress is going to play a big role as to whether or not major Social Security reforms are pursued. Without significant Republican gains in the House or Senate, Trump's push for direct reforms, assuming a successful reelection, would likely fall on deaf ears.

Go here to see the original:

Donald Trump on Social Security: Everything You Need to Know - The Motley Fool

Trump doesn’t really respect members of the military. He uses them as props. – Business Insider – Business Insider

Trump uses the military to polish his political credentials, but only when it suits him. Alex Wong/Getty Images

President Donald Trump isn't the first president to use the military as a prop, but it's become clear that he's the most brazenly cynical in doing so.

Ther latest examples of Trump's exploiting the military for his political benefit came at the State of the Union address this week.

Trump addressed Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Hake's widow, Kelli, relaying heartbreaking words from a letter Hake wrote to his then 1-year-old son, Gage, while on deployment to Iraq in 2008.

Hake never made it home. He was killed by a roadside bomb.

Trump told Kelli and Gage: "Chris will live in our hearts forever. He is looking down on you now. Thank you." That received thunderous applause from the chamber of a joint session of Congress.

The president then described giving the order to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who Trump said was responsible for the bomb that took Hake's life.

Minutes later, Trump used another military family as a prop, this time pulling an Oprah-style stunt where he surprised Sgt. 1st Class Townsend Williams' wife and children with the news that he was not only back from a deployment to Afghanistan he was in the building and ready for an on-camera reunion.

Williams was one of the 14,000 US troops deployed to Afghanistan on Trump's orders as the administration has struggled to find a negotiated exit amid an upsurge of violence.

To recap: Trump used a Gold Star family as a prop to boast about an assassination that he ordered, then followed it up by using another family in a made-for-TV stunt to extol the sacrifices made by "extraordinary military families."

Nationally televised tributes to military families are lovely gestures, but by using what should have been a humble show of respect to a widow and her child to justify a military action he ordered, Trump explicitly politicized a soldier's death.

Trump loves to bask in the reflected glory of veterans, but his tune changes as soon as military personnel don't conveniently fit with his narrative.

Throughout his decades in public life, Trump has epitomized the idea of hollow, performative patriotism.

He's had a lifelong love affair with military pageantry. Despite receiving five deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam, Trump said he felt as if he truly was in the military because he attended an upstate New York military prep school. He's repeatedly touted the idea of military parades. As an adult, he was known to swoon in the presence of high-ranking generals. He's fond of quoting lines from the film "Patton."

But then Trump ran for president and his view of the institution changed, especially when it clashed with his ideas.

On the campaign trail, then candidate Trump infamously refuted pollster Frank Luntz in 2015 for calling Sen. John McCain a "war hero."

"He's not a war hero," Trump said. "He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

This was just the first time it became clear that Trump likes war heroes, unless they disagree with him.

In 2016 Trump lashed out at the parents of Army Capt. Humayun Khan a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan who was killed in Iraq in 2004 after Khan's father, speaking at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, gave a stirring denunciation of Trump's call to bar immigrants from majority-Muslim countries.

Khan's mother, who did not speak while standing onstage at the DNC, was "devoid of feeling the pain of a mother who has sacrificed her son," Trump said.

And as reported in Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig's new book, "A Very Stable Genius," Trump in 2017 threw a fit at a meeting of the Joint Chiefs and other senior advisers, including then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis (a retired four-star Marine general), calling them "a bunch of dopes and babies" and declaring he "wouldn't go to war with you people."

What had they done to so offend Trump, who would normally fawn over such decorated veterans?

They were explaining things like the importance of the post-World War II international order as a security benefit for the US, and that it wasn't the military's job to act as the president's collection agent to shake down NATO allies who the real-estate mogul Trump believed weren't paying their "rent."

As commander-in-chief, Trump sent as many as 6,000 troops to the US-Mexico border, where he hoped he could use the military to detain illegal immigration. (It can't: That's forbidden by the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which prohibits the military from enforcing the law unless authorized by Congress or the Constitution.) But some of the troops who were deployed domestically were ordered to serve their country by painting portions of Trump's border wall.

More recently, he restored the rank of Eddie Gallagher, a convicted war criminal whose fellow Navy SEALs described as "freaking evil," "toxic," and "perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving." Trump invited him to his Mar-a-Lago resort for a personal meeting, which Gallagher has used as a springboard for TV appearances and apparel sales.

Against the objections of top Pentagon officials, Trump issued full pardons to two Army officers convicted of murder.

After the killing of Soleimani last month and Iran's retaliatory strike on an Iraqi base housing US military personnel, Trump said there were no US casualties. Two weeks later, the Defense Department said 34 troops had been diagnosed with concussions or brain trauma. Trump, normally one to luxuriate in the gory details of battle, downplayed their symptoms as "headaches" and "not very serious."

So while Trump attempts to use the military to polish his political credentials, he does so only when it suits him. When it doesn't, the president insults the dead, brushes off the wounded, uses the living as political pawns, and venerates the war criminal. It's a perverse way of showing respect for the military.

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Trump doesn't really respect members of the military. He uses them as props. - Business Insider - Business Insider

Donald Trump Definitely Learned His Lesson – The Bulwark

We should have expected that a speech tasked with unpacking our Countrys VICTORY over the Impeachment Hoax! would be crazy.

But none of us could have possibly predicted just how crazy it turned out to be.

Imagine Watergate, if Republicans had refused to listen to the tapes and instead decided that Nixon was sorry and wouldnt do it again. Probably.

Imagine if there was no John Dean.

If Nixon were incredibly, shockingly, breathtakingly stupid and the father of two failsons, who spent their days tweeting and instagraming memes that degraded their daddys enemies.

Imagine if Nixon had an entire network devoted to pumping out propaganda to support his criming.

And then imagine if, instead of resigning in disgrace and retiring from public life, Nixon slugged it out, forced his party to walk the plank for him, and then took a victory lap where he basically danced to Edith Piaf, but with lots of sniffing and some Stage 3 dementia.

Because thats what Thursday was. Except that the reality of it was somehow more repulsive than the idea of it.

Trumps victory lap was, as usual, terrifying.

Remember what Bill Clinton did after he got off on impeachment? (yswidt?) He held a press conference, too. But it went like this:

Hes how Clinton opened his brief remarks:

Now that the Senate has fulfilled its constitutional responsibility bringing this process to a conclusion, I want to say again to the American people how profoundly sorry I am for what I said and did to trigger these events and the great burden they have imposed on the Congress and on the American people.

Yeah, thats right. He went out and apologized to the country. Did he learn his lesson? Who knows. If you choose to believe that Clinton never again stuck Slick Willy where he wasnt supposed to be, then thats up to you. But the point is that Clinton at least understood that he was supposed to be sorry for creating such a gigantic cock-up for the country.

But Trump?

He was jubilant.

And when hes jubilant hes high energy.

And when hes high energy, hes riffing.

And when hes riffing, you get the Full Trump, which is peak insane-boomer-internet-commenter Trump. All of his many Trumpism were in full display. Its like watching Lou Dobbs, minus a couple dozen IQ points.

It started out like a normal Trump rally speech. Then things devolved. (You may have noticed that this is a thing which happens a lot.) The president of the United States said bullshit on network television, in the middle of the day. Then it was on to Bob Mueller, poor broken-brained Devin Nunes, polls from the 2016 election, the Steele dossier, open borders, sanctuary cities, Democrats wanting to raise your taxes, Bob Mueller, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, Russia, Russia, Russia, Alabama, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and crazy Debbie Lesko.

In a funny way, its probably just as fruitful to examine Trumps East Room remarks by looking at the negative space: Who didnt Trump thank in his bizarro-world Oscar speech?

He thanks his lawyers. He thanked many of the less-intellectually vigorous members of Congress. He thanked his third wife and his daughter, Ivanka. He thanked the New York Post.

Whos missing? This guy!

Trump never mentioned his close personal friend and free lawyer and shadow secretary of State Rudy Giuliani.

If the fates of Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort and Roger Stone are any guide, this does not bode well.

But maybe Rudy will be okay. After all, while Trump was doing his thing, his other personal lawyersorry, personal lawyerBill Barr, sat in the front row, nodding along.

Full Trump is the only being in the universe powerful enough to make a normal person long Teleprompter Trump. But one of the things I keep wondering about is, now that Trump has proven that he is totally, absolutely, invincible, will we ever see Teleprompter Trump again?

I tend to think not.

The last time Trump was emboldened was after the Mueller report exonerated him. A day later he was trying to get Ukraine to announce an investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden.

So where does this all go? Will Trump try to get President XI to hack Nancy Pelosis emails? Will Trump try to get Kim Jong-un to investigate Mayor Pete? Earlier in the week Susan Collins mused that I hoped that the president wouldve learned from the fact that he was impeached by the House. By weeks end, Collins was conceding, I may not be correct on that. Its more aspirational on my part.

You dont say.

Anyone who has spent five minutes studying the life of Donald Trump knows that every time he dodges a bullet, he becomes more, not less, reckless.

Which means that the lesson he was destined to take from impeachment was that he can get away with everything and anything. Trump learned that he owns the Republican party, that they will do whatever he wants, that they will sign off on all his criming.

Trump learned a lesson this week, he learned that he is our mad king and nothing and no one can stop him. And the sad thing is: Hes right.

Here is the original post:

Donald Trump Definitely Learned His Lesson - The Bulwark

Donald Trump has been acquitted. Here are 3 winners and 3 losers from his impeachment trial. – Vox.com

President Donald Trump is the clear winner of the now-resolved Senate impeachment battle the question is at what cost.

He was acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial, and he even got his way on persuading the Senate to eschew any witnesses, defying Democratic requests and the overwhelming preference of public opinion.

Its a bit of a strange victory for Trump, whose approval rating at this point in his presidency is lower than that of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, or Jimmy Carter at the same point in theirs. This is the case even while the economy is strong and the nation, while not exactly at peace, isnt suffering major casualties or threats from abroad.

Facing a structurally similar situation in 1998 and 1999, Clinton secured not only acquittal but a clear political triumph over his adversaries emerging from impeachment very popular even though his underlying conduct was sordid at best. Trump, by contrast, is truly skating by with underwater approval ratings and a path to reelection thats built on Electoral College bias rather than popularity.

But while Trumps standing remains ambiguous, impeachment and acquittal did generate a few other clear winners and losers.

To understand the impeachment 2020 drama, you have to understand it from the perspective of the key decision-makers House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the vulnerable House Democrats on whose behalf shes acting.

From her point of view, as of last fall, impeachment was a problem, not an opportunity. Special counsel Robert Muellers report included clear evidence of obstruction of justice, but he punted on the question of whether thats what he found. That left a growing chorus of safe-seat Democrats agitating for impeachment, even as polling showed public support for impeachment was underwater.

Many pro-impeachment pundits argued at the time that if Democrats unified behind the cause, theyd sway public opinion to their side. Pelosi evidently didnt buy that. Then the Ukraine story broke, a key group of frontlines came out for impeachment, impeachments poll numbers improved to become slightly popular, and leadership got on board.

Still, frontline members and Pelosi were worried about Republican messaging that Democrats were so obsessed with impeachment that they werent getting anything done.

The strategy the House took to impeach Trump, to do it on a narrow grounds, and to conduct a fast investigation rather than litigate extensively over evidence was built around those political concerns. And if you share Pelosis key premises, her strategy worked. She went from a situation where she was facing base pressure to do something unpopular to one where she and her members did something popular and then moved on even while leaving Senate Republicans to take multiple unpopular votes against hearing witnesses.

Lots of people never shared Pelosis view of the issues, and to many of them, impeachment may look like a failure. But she achieved what she set out to, confirming her stature as a master tactician whether or not one agrees with her approach to broader strategic issues.

Senate Republicans made it pretty clear throughout this process that they were basically indifferent to the underlying question of what Trump did.

They listened with equanimity to Alan Dershowitz argue that theres no such thing as abuse of power unless it violates specific statutes. But then they also didnt care about a Government Accountability Office finding that holding up duly appropriated aid to Ukraine was illegal. They decided they didnt want to hear from John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, or anyone else with relevant information. And indeed, despite a fair amount of speculation about possible deals to force Hunter Biden or someone else to testify, they ultimately didnt explore those ideas seriously either.

Their reasoning is easy enough to understand: They were committed to voting to acquit Trump, so a full and extended airing of the facts could only set them up for embarrassment.

Critically, Trump got himself acquitted without even a token gesture of contrition. Bill Clinton survived his sex and perjury scandal, but part of him doing so was to concede in public that what he did was wrong. Ronald Reagan survived Iran-Contra, but disposing of the situation involved identifying fall guys and an internal personnel shake-up. Trump didnt distance himself from Rudy Giuliani, hail internal dissenters for cutting short an inappropriate mingling of politics and foreign policy, or concede that there was any problem with holding up the aid in the first place, even though he eventually released it.

This was all fairly predictable to any observer of American politics, but we didnt know for sure until we saw it happen. Before acquittal, members of the Trump administration had to worry at least a little that getting caught doing something wrong would lead to consequences. And potentially, whistleblowers had to hope at least a little that spilling the beans would lead to positive change. Now we know that none of that is the case.

The concern that impeachment would only lead to acquittal and further erosion of the rule of law was aired in Democratic circles before the House acted, and the doubters turn out to have been entirely correct on this score. Still, its hard to see any other possible tactical course of action by Democrats generating a better result. The essence of the problem is that almost every Republican has decided to stand by Trump no matter what.

Cory Gardner narrowly won a Senate race in the blue-leaning swing state of Colorado in the context of a huge GOP wave back in 2014.

Since then, the same demographic shifts that have made heavily white working-class Midwestern states redder have only acted to make Colorado bluer. Thats an obvious problem for Gardner as he runs for reelection in 2020, but during his time in the Senate, hes done next to nothing to build a reputation for moderation or demonstrate any independence from Trump. The impeachment fight could have been an opportunity to do that, but Gardner once again preferred to play loyal foot soldier and avoid taking any kind of risk. The small-c conservative approach is understandable, but its also very hard to see how he wins reelection in a bluish state without taking some risks.

Arizonas Martha McSally and Maines Susan Collins benefit from more conservative electorates than Gardners but structurally speaking found themselves in the same position.

Mitt Romneys bold decision to vote for conviction only further underscores the extent to which vulnerable Republicans didnt display any courage or independence. Of course, theres a reason Romney can be bold. He has a personal political brand separate from Trump and isnt up for reelection in a Trump-unfriendly state until 2024.

Overall, the growing correlation of Senate elections with national politics is helpful to the GOP caucus. But these three specific members are disadvantaged by it, and especially so when party loyalty forced them to repeatedly take unpopular stands against hearing further evidence.

This tends to be a bit lost on liberals, but a key point for many Republicans in Congress is that at the end of the day, Ukraine got its aid money.

The whole reason Trump had to resort to things like Giulianis irregular diplomatic channel and eventually putting an illegal hold on the flow of assistance is precisely that support for giving Ukraine assistance was widespread among congressional Republicans. If Trumps personal skepticism of the merits of helping Ukraine were a widespread GOP stance, it could have been held up in Congress as a normal policy dispute. But it wasnt. And then the reason House Democrats were able to find compliant witnesses for their impeachment hearings was, again, that many of Trumps own appointees felt strongly about the aid on the merits.

Contrary to what you sometimes hear about Trump having completely taken over the Republican Party, he frequently gets pushback from congressional Republicans over policy issues they care about. Aiding Ukraine was just such an issue, and the reason the aid was eventually released is that Trump was facing internal and external pressure to turn it over.

What Democrats wanted was accountability for Trumps scheme. And they were hoping, at least initially, to find some allies among Republicans. But what Republican Russia hawks got instead was compliance with their policy preferences not only did Ukraine get its assistance, but the White House has reversed its position in budget proposals to now favor helping Ukraine.

This is cold comfort for those whose concerns about this matter was more focused on the integrity of the American political system than the alleged need to fight for Ukraines territorial integrity. But youd be misunderstanding the nature of GOP solidarity behind Trump if you miss the fact that there are ongoing tugs-of-war over the direction of American public policy, battles in which Trump bends to the Republican establishment far more than vice versa.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff has been a frequent cable news guest for a while.

But his dual roles first as the head of the main investigating committee and second as the lead impeachment manager gave him much wider public exposure. And while he didnt persuade enough Republican senators to call additional witnesses, he did get public opinion squarely on his side. More broadly, across hours and hours and hours of argumentation, he clearly stood out as not only the formal head of the Democratic impeachment team but also its most effective public spokesperson.

Given that Pelosi is not an incredibly commanding television presence and the No. 2 and 3 figures in the House leadership hierarchy are even worse, this suggests a potential larger role for Schiff as the caucuss informal public communications lead.

That Schiffs performance was widely praised by Democratic observers also sets him up well for a political future in the crowded space of California politics. Its not hard to imagine him running for Dianne Feinsteins Senate seat when she retires, or some other statewide office, or else making a play for a top role in the next generation of House Democratic leadership.

The Ukraine aid scandal happened to be the issue that tipped frontline Democrats over into supporting an impeachment inquiry. But its hardly the only Trump administration scandal that raises fundamental questions about his fitness for office.

Some of us called last fall for a broader impeachment inquiry that would more or less take for granted that conviction was impossible, and instead simply try to amass a full public record of Trumps misconduct. That would include looking into serious questions about the presidents personal business interests in Turkey and the Persian Gulf, as well as China and other foreign countries, along with the big-picture question of violations of the emoluments clause and his continued stonewalling of legally valid requests for his tax returns.

The Watergate inquiry, after all, ended up uncovering evidence of misdeeds that were actually much more wide-ranging and severe than helping cover up a burglary at the DNC. But that only came about because investigators decided to really kick the tires of the whole situation rather than maintaining a laser-like focus on the easiest-to-explain narrative.

Democrats wanted to avoid getting bogged down in litigation over witnesses or the perception that impeachment was all they were doing. And while in principle theres nothing stopping Democrats from doing more investigations, all signs are that the party leadership wants to focus attention on banal governance issues like a reauthorization of the federal surface transportation program. And even if Democrats do go back to issuing subpoenas, its clearer than ever that Republicans have no interest in trying to make the Trump administration comply.

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Donald Trump has been acquitted. Here are 3 winners and 3 losers from his impeachment trial. - Vox.com

Donald Trump’s Sanity Has Retired and Met Its Maker – Esquire

As you undoubtedly know by now, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lagos wounded musk-ox bellowing at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning was only an undercard attraction on the bill of CrazySlam 20. The main event came later, in the East Room of the White House, where the president* put on a performance that should have had copies of the 25th Amendment inscribed on tablets of gold falling from the sky around him.

His trolley went around the bend and off the tracks. His sanity had expired and met its maker. It has ceased to be. It was a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. Its kicked the bucket, rung down the curtain, and joined the bleeding choir invisible. But, alas, this is not yet an ex-administration*, and it still derives its only energy from the incredibly toxic stew of vengeful rage and inflamed victimhood that is the only sign of sentient life in the brain of its president*. A sample follows:

And the Republicans, all of them, sitting there like brain-dead fish all schooled in one spot, applauding on cue, accepting the president*s sourball compliments as though they were being blessed from Above. (There was one particularly weird passage when he congratulated Rep. Steve Scalise for surviving his gunshot wounds and then went into how lousy a second-baseman Scalise is and expressed amazement that Scalises wife was upset that Scalise had been shot. "He was not going to make it. I said, she loves you. Why? Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldnt give a damn. Ask the man who knows, I guess.)

I have resisted using the word cult to describe where the Republican party is at right now because I think it absolves too many of the people that made something like Trumpism inevitable. But, Lord above, were looking at a battalion of drill-thralls now, with no minds of their own and no souls to speak of.

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Donald Trump's Sanity Has Retired and Met Its Maker - Esquire

Ex-Obama Photographer Highlights Donald Trumps Vindictiveness With Old Prank Snap – HuffPost

Former White House photographer Pete Souza has imagined the vindictive way President Donald Trump would respond to a prank that was once pulled on his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.

In a photo from 2010 that Souza shared to Instagram on Friday, a man gave Obama bunny ears. Obama laughed out loud when he first saw the picture taken at Peggy Sues Cafe in Monroe City, Missouri, said Souza.

The shutterbug,who also documented Ronald Reagans time in the White House, predicted Trump would have had a very different reaction, however.

Im sure if this guy did this today to IMpotus, the Attorney General would be ordered to investigate his background and the IRS would audit his tax returns, he wrote.

Souzas post came amid what pundits have described as the Friday night massacre Trumps dismissal of European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland and Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, the top National Security Council official on Ukraine, in seeming revenge after they testified against him during the Houses impeachment probe into the Ukraine scandal.

The photographer frequently shares images he took during the Obama era to throw shade at Trump. On Wednesday, he mocked the president for snubbing House Speaker Nancy Pelosis (D-Calif.) handshake at the State of the Union.

How hard is this? he captioned this picture of Obama and then-GOP Speaker John Boehner before the 2011 address:

Excerpt from:

Ex-Obama Photographer Highlights Donald Trumps Vindictiveness With Old Prank Snap - HuffPost

Yang tells Dem rivals: ‘Donald Trump is the not the cause of all of our problems’ – Fox News

2020 presidential candidate entrepreneurAndrew Yangtold his fellow Democrats that President Trump is not the cause of all the country's problemsduring Friday's New Hampshire debateand advised againstobsessing over him heading into the November election.

"You are missing the lesson of Donald Trump's victory," he began. "Donald Trump is not the cause of all of our problems and we are making a mistake when we act like he is. He is a symptom of a disease that has been building up in our communities for years and decades. And it is our job to get to the harder work of actually curing the disease."

Yang said voter frustration is driving traditionally Democratic voters into the arms of the GOP in states like Iowa and Ohio.

"Most Americans feel like the political parties have been playing, 'You lose, I lose. You lose, I lose' for years," he continued. "Andyou know who's been losing this entire time? We have. Our communities have. Our communities' way of life is disintegrating beneath our feet."


"That's why Iowa, a traditional swing state, went to Trump by almost 10 points. That's why Ohio, a traditional swing state, is now so red -- that I'm told we're not even going to campaign there," Yang added.

He also went after Amazon for not paying its fair share in taxes and said automation has hurt employment prospects for millions of Americans.

"These communities are seeing their way of life get blasted into smithereens," Yang explained. "We've automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs and counting. We're closing 30 percent of New Hampshire's stores and malls. And Amazon, the force behind that, is literally paying zero in taxes.


"These are the changes that Americans are seeing and feeling around us every day. And if we get to the hard work of curing those problems, we will not just defeat Donald Trump in the fall but we'll actually be able to move our communities forward."

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Yang tells Dem rivals: 'Donald Trump is the not the cause of all of our problems' - Fox News

20 years ago, Donald Trump came to St. Louis and unveiled his plans for universal health care – STLtoday.com

Trump chuckled when told that Bradley was going to appear at University City High School today, and added that he wanted Bradley to know what he thought of him. Trump called Bradley the most overrated of the major contenders. "He's got a bad way about him. He's bad on taxes."

Trump's health care plan, unveiled Tuesday, was the latest in a series of position papers that he has recently released.

His health care plan would require all companies to offer basic insurance plans to all employees. Workers could beef up their coverage with their own money saved in tax-free medical savings accounts. The government would provide vouchers for the unemployed. Medicare would be retained for the elderly.

Trump said his plan, patterned after government programs in Germany and Israel, would save billions of dollars and end the unfair system that the nation has.

Regardless of his decision, Trump won't be on Missouri's presidential primary ballot March 7. He missed the December filing deadline. Three candidates will be on the Reform Party ballot: conservative commentator Pat Buchanan, Natural Law Party nominee John Hagelin (who's seeking a dual candidacy) and Charles Collins of Georgia.

Still, Trump said he wouldn't ignore the state. State Reform Party leaders said only three of the state party's presidential delegates will be at stake March 7. Nine others will be committed at the party's state convention in St. Louis in April, said state party chairman Bill Lewin of Kansas City.

See the article here:

20 years ago, Donald Trump came to St. Louis and unveiled his plans for universal health care - STLtoday.com

Donald Trump Jr. is headed to Juneau for a hunting trip and you could join him – KTOO

Donald Trump Jr. at a campaign rally at Iowa State University, Nov. 1, 2016. (Creative Commons photo by Max Goldberg)

Donald Trump Jr. and his son will be embarking on a weeklong hunt for Sitka black-tailed deer and ducks in Southeast Alaska and a spot to join them is being auctioned off to the highest bidder.

For one Juneau-based guide, its a way to teach his guests about the importance of the Tongass National Forest at a crucial time.

Keegan McCarthy owns Coastal Alaska Adventures, a business that guides visitors on yacht-based hunts.

Hes also developing a new program that will help kids learn the subsistence values he grew up with. A big part of that revolves around Sitka black-tailed deer.

Thats what my family subsided on, he said. Growing up in Juneau, all we ate was Sitka black-tailed deer, and still do to this day. Thats what my family eats. So (I am) sharing that message and the importance of that resource with the young hunters.

McCarthy is well-connected in the guided hunt scene. In fact, he spoke on a cell phone where hes attending the Safari Club International convention in Reno, Nevada.

McCarthy is auctioning off the Alaska hunt there and online. Itll help fund his new youth program.

And he tapped a famous acquaintance to come along: Donald Trump Jr.

As a hunter, I do personally believe that his morals and ethics are excellent in the hunting world, McCarthy said.

Trump has been criticized by the Humane Society for his hunting practices. Photos of him posing next to a dead elephant in 2012 caused a stir among animal rights groups.

But McCarthy stresses Trump is conservation-minded. And the deer on this hunt arent being shot for just trophies. The meat will be served on board the yacht, taken home or donated.

You know, like farm to table type concepts, McCarthy said. We stress the importance of how we eat what we harvest.

But McCarthy has another thing he wants to teach Donald Trump Jr. and his guests about a subsistence lifestyle in Southeast Alaska: He thinks its largely dependent on protecting habitat in the Tongass National Forest.

McCarthy is outspoken in his opposition to changes to the Roadless Rule in the Tongass, which could increase logging. The Trump administration has been pushing for that.

But McCarthy said its not a secret that he would like to see an end to massive timber sales in the national forest. Hes spoken to Trump about it before, and that conversation will continue when he visits in November.

Hopefully, if anything, we can bend a sympathetic ear towards getting somebody potentially as influential as he is out there to really see what were doing, McCarthy said. And see how important the Tongass National Forest is. So I do think this can be beneficial if done right.

As of Friday, the auction was going for around $18,000. It closes on Saturday the final day of the Safari Club International convention.

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Donald Trump Jr. is headed to Juneau for a hunting trip and you could join him - KTOO

Donald Trump Jr. Is Wrong. Mitt Romney’s ‘Mom Jeans’ Are Right on Trend – The Daily Beast

Donald Trump Jr. has some thoughtswell, a lame insult really, aimed at Mitt Romneyabout mom jeans. Like much about Don Jr., it was an embarrassing misfire.

After Romney announced that he would vote to convict Trump on an impeachment chargea mostly symbolic move which did little to influence Mitch McConnells Republican-led SenateTrump Jr. posted a throwback photo of the senator wearing high-waisted denim. It appeared to be taken in the 80s or 90s, when the cut was popular for men and women. The caption read, Mom Jeans, Because youre a pussy.

His mockery of Romney, of course, makes light of the infamous word his father used while bragging about assaulting women in the Access Hollywood tape. Along with that, he chose to feminize Romney as a form of insult. Trump Jr. could have referenced dad jeans, which Barack Obama frequently wore as president, but he decided to call him a girl instead. Good one, Junior!

Perhaps unsurprisingly for a connoisseur of plaid button-upswho appears to use an entire bottle of Gorilla Glue to slick back his hair every morningthe presidents son does not understand that the past six or so years have made the look cool again.

Here comes Kendall Jenner, just this week in sheer top and mom jeans! They have also been sighted on Kourtney Kardashian, Gigi Hadid, and Sienna Miller. The mom jean came to public attention in the late 90s, but it's been around, unnamed and unjoked about by presidential offspring, since the '50s.

Trump Jr., 42, knows nothing about fashion, which can be illustrated by the fact that he proposed to his first wife, Vanessa, with a ring he got for free from a jeweler at the Short Hills Mall in New Jersey. If he did understand trends, he would know that mom jeans have come a long way from the Tina Feys 2003 SNL sketch, which reportedly coined the term.

Today, the look is sold both euphemistically (see: Everlanes $78 Cheeky Straight Denima mom jean if I ever saw one) and proudly. Retailers like Mango, ASOS, and Madewell all use Mom to market their high-waist, tapered-leg options. It makes sense they would use the phrase in their marketing, as its highly sought-after. According to Google trends, California, Hawaii, and fittingly, Romneys state Utah, are the top three regions searching.

I searched through the Getty Image archives in an attempt to find photos of Trump Jr. in the same style. Unfortunately, the first son seems to have only worn suits and ties since his childhood, pairing the boss baby ensemble with a vacant glare that makes him look like a babysitters worst nightmare.

He does wear jeans, nondescript ones, on occasion, such as when sitting, looking as if he was constipated, on a tree stump.

This, then, is a short lesson and corrective for Don Jr. as he struggles to perfect his fashion zingers. The first time I tried on a pair of mom jeans, I felt instant, unadulterated bliss, a comfort Ive yet to recover from. Under the fluorescent lighting of a dusty Topshop dressing room, I stared into a dirty mirror and wondered how it was possible for my butt to both look and feel so good. Was I actually wearing denim, or just a great big hug?

I came of age during the era of low-rise, the-tighter-the-better skinny jeans, which I wore for nearly a decade. I risked friction rash and exposed my lower back to the wind and rain for the sake of fashion. Not too long ago, being stylish meant shoving our bodiesor as much of it that could fitinto a garment made for someone at least two sizes smaller.

Years later, its de rigueur to see Billie Eilish in shapeless cargo pants or Kaia Gerber in New Balance sneakers. Getting dressed no longer means risking life or limb to squish inside rayon. The gaze has changed, toobeing a mom is not a derogative, and parents can be hot, too. (Have you seen J.Lo?)

Jessica Simpson wore mom jeans back when that was an (unintentionally) feminist act, and for that, my flared pants and I salute her

Blame it on on #MeToo, the influence of VSCO girls, or sheer exhaustion with the state of the world. If we cant stay underneath a comforter all day, at least we can dress like one. I chose to credit the resurgence of mom jeans, which Fashionista dates to Topshops 2014 version, as the first time the mainstream fashion industry allowed women to be both comfortable and cute.

Les we forget: Jessica Simpson did not endure weeks of intense, unnecessary body shaming after performing in high-waisted bellbottoms back in 2009 for nothing. Is that entirely relevant to mention in this story? Maybe not, but I refuse to let it go unwritten. Jessica wore mom jeans back when that was an (unintentionally) feminist act, and for that, my flared pants and I salute her.

So, a word to Trump Jr. If, to quote the title of your book, you really want your insult to trigger, consider making better jokes. Not only was your meme misogynistic, its also just plain outdated. Mom jeans have been cool for a minute now, so pick a new object of ridicule. Until then, Ill be over here, swathed in supportive denim.

See the original post:

Donald Trump Jr. Is Wrong. Mitt Romney's 'Mom Jeans' Are Right on Trend - The Daily Beast

Stars react to Donald Trump’s State of the Union address – Fox News

President Donald Trump has declared that "the state of our union is stronger than ever before."

Among those who tuned in to watch the annual update from the president were celebrities like Bette Middler,Sarah Silverman and Chuck Woolery.

As Trump, 73, discussed unemployment, the economy and more, those stars and more offered their opinions online.


"Where does he get the stats from? Stephen Miller?" tweeted Midler, 74. "He lies so much, why should we believe him tonight or ever? He THREW PEOPLE OFF food stamps, and didnt 'lift'people off welfare, he kicked them out to join the homeless."

"The horror is the point The cruelty is the feature," said actor John Cusack. "...Trump is literally lauding himself for kicking 7 million people off of food stamps and millions more off of welfare. Hes proud that struggling families are struggling more. The GOP applauded him. SMH."

"He literally has no idea what he's saying," said Natasha Rothwell.


Rosie O'Donnell chimed in, saying "oh my god where is the lie counter?"

"So many black folks for the #SOTU," wrote actor Jeffrey Wright."So few for positions of power."


"Right now is the perfect time to watch Little America, an anthology show based on true stories of immigrants to America, on@AppleTV Plus," wrote Kumail Nanjiani.

Rob Reiner, often a critic of Trump, wrote: "Only one thing to say about Rush Limbaugh getting a Presidential Medal [of] Freedom at The State of the Union: I loathe this f--king man."

Wanda Sykes said that she's avoiding the address this year, saying, "That j----ss is not going to ruin my #TacoTuesday."


Silverman, 49, simply said: "fearmongering pig."

While many were in opposition, some stars did throw their support behind Trump.

"Democrats are seething as Trump introduces and lifts up and recognizes achievements of one Black person after another," tweeted Woolery, 78.

Actor Robert Davi joined in on the conversation, saying, "GREAT NEW LAW BY@POTUS@realDonaldTrump PROTECTING LAW ABIDING CITIZENS AGAINST THE CRIMINALS IN SANCTUARY CITIES LIKE SOME IN CA - here that STINKY NEWSOM@GavinNewsom."


"The Devil Went Down to Georgia" singer Charlie Daniels wrote online: "Dont think Nancy much liked the State of the Union speech tonight, she ripped up the copy the president gave her. The truth hurts, dont it Ms Speaker????"

Kaya Jones, who was once a member of the Pussycat Dolls, wrote, "Best President ever! #DonaldTrump."

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Stars react to Donald Trump's State of the Union address - Fox News

Donald Trump Sparks Health Worries Over His Intermittent Eye Dilation; Expert Reveals Possible Causes – International Business Times


Donald Trump recently sparked more health concerns after netizens noticed that his eyes oftentimes look as though they are dilated.

According to Political Flare, the fact that the symptoms for the POTUS dilated eyes are intermittent almost rules out possible medical conditions that can cause the problem.

But Dr. Jack Brown, a specialist, recently wrote on Medium.com the possible reasons for Trumps intermittent eye dilation. He said that it cannot have been caused by his cataract surgery and other similar medical conditions.

Brown said that it is possible the POTUSdilated eyes are a result of his previous and excessive drug use.

President Donald Trumps pupils are intermittently and significantly dilated from a medical standpoint, this is not normal. This intermittent pattern is not due to trauma, complications from surgery, or disease Donald Trumps intermittently dilated pupils are due to the side effects of drugs/medications, he wrote.

Brown admitted that he has not personally met the POTUS, and has never conducted his physical examinations. But his observations are based on the photos of Trump that he has seen.

There have also been ongoing rumors that Trump used Adderall in the past, and one of its active ingredients is amphetamines, which could cause eye dilations. Former employees on The Apprentice claimed to have seen Trump snorting the drug.

As of late, nothing has been confirmed yet regarding the POTUSs history of drug use. But Political Flare said that the presidents dilated eyes may also have something to do with the fact that he stays up very late at night or wakes up very early in the morning.

Meanwhile, Trumps health has been worrisome for his supporters and non-supporters. They have noticed that hes oftentimes slurring and sniffing during his speeches.

The POTUS also tends to hold on to the podium to keep his balance, and he has difficulty pronouncing certain words. As of late, Trump has not undergone his annual physical exam, which is normally scheduled every January.

With the impeachment controversy behind him, US President Donald Trump will focus on trumpeting his economic record as he seeks reelection in November Photo: AFP / Nicholas Kamm

Here is the original post:

Donald Trump Sparks Health Worries Over His Intermittent Eye Dilation; Expert Reveals Possible Causes - International Business Times

Opinion: Thanks to their impeachment meltdown, Democrats have made Trump stronger – Courier Journal

Scott Jennings, Opinion contributor Published 11:56 a.m. ET Feb. 3, 2020

DES MOINES, IowaFor a long time, I didnt understand this recurring image in my twitter feed Sesame Streets Elmo, a panicked look on his face and arms raised above his head while standing in front of a wall of flames. I guess because Elmo doesnt have eyelids he necessarily looks panicked all the time, but the inferno definitely adds to the vibe.

But now I get it.

When it became clear last week that Senate Republicans had heard enough and there would be no further witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump (further, because, despite what you heard, there were 18 witnesses and nearly 30,000 documents presented by the House managers), the panic among the Trump-obsessed began to manifest itself on social media, cable televisionand the floor of the U.S. Senate.

It was not pretty.

Trump is now functionally a king! The 2020 election is already stolen! Every future president will invite other countries to rig our elections! If John Bolton (who, amusingly, was one of the biggest boogeymen to the American left until he became their new hood ornament) isnt allowed to testify, then the Constitution is meaningless! Trump and his lawyers are like Stalin, Hitlerand Mussolini!

And so on and so forth.

Adult humans, many paid to help us find deeper meaning in our politics, morphed before our eyes into Inferno Elmo, arms up and ready to burn.

The Great American Impeachment Meltdown of 2020 followed the Great American Mueller Meltdown of 2019, which followed the Great American Kavanaugh Meltdown of 2018, which followed the Great American Inaugural Meltdown of 2017, which followed the Great American Election Meltdown of 2016.

Im not sure which puddle is deeper what I found on the streets of Des Moines during the Iowa Caucus as the snow gave way to unseasonably warm temperatures, or what the American Left has become after three years of Trumps presidency.

Pelosi: It was 'sad' for McConnell to 'humiliate' Chief Justice with witness vote

We live in the greatest country the world has ever known, with the most durable and genius governmental framework ever devised by man. Our economy is humming. We are blessed with work (there are more jobs available than people who want them). Our ancestors struggled against the Nazis; we struggle to choose which emotional support iguana to take on our next vacation.

For Americans looking to leap from the nearest tall building over Trumps acquittal, please back away from the ledge. There is absolutely nothing wrong with American democracy. In fact, it is pretty darn healthy.

In 2018, we had the highest voter turnout for a midterm election in 100 years. This Novembers presidential election turnout will likely top 65%, with millions of additional people participating over four years ago.

In other words, things are fine. They were fine. Nobody is stealing this election, and nobody stole the last one. We will pick the next American president right on schedule after a free, fairand vigorous contest. Trump will win. Or he wont. And the world keeps spinning no matter what.

Opinion: If McConnell wasn't in lockstep with Trump, there might be justice in the Senate

If you hate Trump, heres some advice: Stop worrying about Ukraine and instead worry that impeachment actually helped him. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found more Americans oppose Trumps removal (49% to 46%) than prefer it, and that the presidents political standing has strengthened in recent months, due largely to a more energized Republican Party base.

Trumps strongly approve number hit the highest mark of his presidency, he improved among independent voters, and gained ground against the leading Democratic candidates. The latest Associated Press national survey found that Democrats are nervous wrecks and Republican excitement has grown.

Essentially, impeachment was for people who already hated Trump while the rest of America either yawned or moved in his direction. Democrats setting their hair or Elmos fur on fire trying to beat Trump should rethink their strategy.

Conservatives and independents who were soft on Trump in 2016 tell me over and over that they still dont love the guys style but that Democratic antics during primary debates and the impeachment trial have driven them closer to the president than they ever thought possible. The people I know arent attracted to socialism or fatalism or perpetual outrage. They just want to live their lives, go to work, raise their kids and not be overly taxed, blamedor shamed for it.

And therein lies the strategic problem for Democrats. Acting like Inferno Elmo is simply incongruous with how most Americans feel about their country. And prescribing socialist solutions for a capitalist nation enjoying historic prosperity doesnt jibe with the mood of America, either.

Scott Jennings is a Republican adviser, CNN political contributor, and partner at RunSwitch Public Relations. He can be reached atScott@RunSwitchPR.comor on Twitter@ScottJenningsKY.

Read or Share this story: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/opinion/2020/02/03/impeachment-meltdown-has-helped-donald-trump-and-hurt-democrats/4644347002/

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Opinion: Thanks to their impeachment meltdown, Democrats have made Trump stronger - Courier Journal

Why Donald Trump Is On A Winning Streak – The National Interest Online

With the impeachment trial over,Donald Trump is going right back to his favorite postureon the attack. It began with his remarks at the National Prayer breakfast bashing Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney for what he deemed phony religious sentiments. This was followed by a victory celebration Thursday before leading Republicans at the White House, where he lauded Rep. Devin Nunes, called his opponents evil, referred to dirty cops, and emphasized the importance of firing former FBI director James B. Comey. Next, he stated Friday that the House impeachment verdict must be expunged as it was a total hoax. Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who testified against him, is being transferred from the National Security Council to the Pentagon, where he will presumably toil in some backwater. Im not happy with him, Trump declared in what must qualify as the understatement of the decade. Trump is also apparently considering dumping acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney overboard and replacing him with Rep. Mark Meadows.

Trump does not suffer from the turbulence around him. He thrives on it. The same cannot be said for the Democrats. We are losing our damn minds, James Carville, the former strategist for Bill Clinton, announced on MSNBC. He had a point. The Iowa primary, which was supposed to serve as a launching pad for the next Democratic presidential candidate, turned into a mess as a faulty app failed to transfer reliable results to state party headquarters. Turnout was low and the precise actual results may never be known (Tom Perez, the head of the Democratic National Committee, is urging a recount) though Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg appear to be in a tie for state delegates. The voting snafu has exacerbated divisions between the party establishment and the progressive wing of the party. Sanders followers are claiming that the establishment is either incompetent or tried to rig the results. Either way, Trump and the GOP could only gloat over the fiasco.

Trump himself is on winning streak. On Friday Trump got some good news from a federal appeals court in Washington. It unanimously dismissed a lawsuit filed by Democratic lawmakers that sought to prevent his businesses from receiving funds from foreign governments. Trump tweeted, Another win just in. Nervous Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress sued me, thrown out. This one unanimous, in the D.C. Circuit. Witch Hunt! Whether Trump really needs these foreign monies is an open question; a Washington Post article indicates that he is turning a good profit by charging the Secret Service exorbitant rates, up to $650 a night at some of his properties after claiming, at odds with the statement of Eric Trump to Yahoo Finance that If my father travels, they stay at our properties for free meaning, like, cost for housekeeping.

The Democrats have a chance to start turning around their fortunes in the debate Friday night in New Hampshireif everyone doesnt fall asleep by the time its over. Scheduled to last for up to three hours at St. Anselm College, it will turn into a snoozefest if the candidates continue to indulge in academic debates about the intricacies of healthcare rather than offering an actual vision for America. The Democrats, more often than not, seem to resemble Talleyrands remark about the BourbonsThey had learned nothing and forgotten nothing. It will be critical for Joe Biden, who has shaken up his campaign staff, putting veteran strategist Anita Dunn in charge, to have a stronger showing in New Hampshire or he will be a dead man walking.

For now, however, the Democrats continue to campaign in the shadow of Trump who effortlessly commands the spotlight. As Charlie Mahtesian notes in Politico, Trump has fundamentally redrawn the electoral map for 2020: Its something short of a historic realignment, but more than just a hiccup. Trump has thrown the battleground state map into flux, and punctured long-held shibboleths about the potential paths to the White House. Add in the Gallup poll showing Trump at a 49 percent approval rating and he is at the peak of his popularity and power. Can he maintain it? Or will the Democrats stage a comeback?

Jacob Heilbrunn is editor ofThe National Interest.

Read more from the original source:

Why Donald Trump Is On A Winning Streak - The National Interest Online

Peter Strzok vows to respond to Donald Trump’s ‘attacks’ – Washington Times

Peter Strzok, the former FBI agent who was kicked off special counsel Robert Muellers probe for anti-Trump texts, vowed late Thursday night that he will respond to the presidents attacks on him.

I will have a great deal more to say about the presidents attacks on those with responsibility for holding him accountable. America deserves better, Mr. Strzok wrote in a tweet.

It was a rare message from Mr. Strzok, whose last tweet was from August when he thanked supporters and announced his wrongful termination lawsuit against the FBI.

The tweet was sent hours after President Trump mocked him during an impeachment victory celebration at the White House. Mr. Trump called the ex-agent and his mistress, former FBI attorney Lisa Page, lowlifes and referred to them as the FBI lovers.

I can tell you, in my opinion, these are the crookedest, most dishonest, dirtiest people Ive ever seen, Mr. Trump said. They said, this is Strzok, God, Hillary should win 100 million to one. This is about me. This is an agent from the FBI. Look how they let her off. Thirty-three thousand emails deleted. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens. Its unbelievable.

Mr. Strzoks tweet was accompanied by a statement from his attorney Aitan Goelman, who called Mr. Trumps comments threats against public servants tasked with investigating or testifying about his serial misconduct.

Calling Mr. Strzok a patriotic career counterintelligence agent, Mr. Goelman said the presidents statements Thursday were another unhinged attack.

Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page were both part of the FBIs Russia probe and the Hillary Clinton email investigation. After the anti-Trump texts between the lovers were disclosed, Republicans quickly alleged they were part of a deep-state plot to undermine the Trump administration.

Ultimately, the FBI fired Mr. Strzok, and he filed a wrongful termination suit against the bureau last year. Ms. Page is suing the Justice Department and FBI, saying releasing the text messages violated her privacy.

Originally posted here:

Peter Strzok vows to respond to Donald Trump's 'attacks' - Washington Times

Bernie Sanders To Donald Trump: No, You’re The Real Socialist – The Federalist

During a Thursday night CNN town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was asked how we would confront the socialist label when debating Donald Trump. Sanders responded by suggesting Trump is the real socialist.

If youre the nominee, youre expected to face criticism such as President Trump saying, America will never be a socialist country. For Americans who hold this concern, whether well-founded or not, how would you successfully overcome that kind of labeling to convince them to vote for you? asked Peter Charalambous, a student at Dartmouth College.

In many ways Donald Trump is a socialist himself, Sanders said. Hes a socialist who believes in massive help to large corporations and the rich.

Its odd CNN would select a question asking a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist how he plans to overcome the stereotypes associated with being a socialist. Sanders outwardly embraces socialism as his policy platform and has for decades.

According to EconLib, socialism is a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production. While giving special government favors to connected individuals and corporations is definitely cronyistic, its not the same as socialism. Sanders ought to know that by now. He is in fact the one advocating for government controlling whole industries such as education and health care.

Sanders response that being a socialist is somehow negative when your name is Donald Trump is comical as well. It also cuts against his own narrative that socialism is nothing to fear.

When Sanders claims Trump is a socialist who helps the rich, he negates the fact socialism tends to benefit the politically connected even more than other political systems do, because it makes all of human life subject to political control. If enacted, Sanders socialist programs would mean only the rich can access high-quality goods and services, while the rest of us are stuck with DMV-level services in every sector. The very thing he claims Trump is guilty of more accurately applies to him.

Go here to read the rest:

Bernie Sanders To Donald Trump: No, You're The Real Socialist - The Federalist

DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders – The Onion

WASHINGTONAs the beginning of primary season upped the stakes in their search for an alternative candidate, Democratic National Committee officials reportedly mulled Monday asking Donald Trump to run for president as a Democrat in an effort to stop Bernie Sanders. Hes obviously not our first choice, but Trump has a track record of winning elections, not to mention he does well with the conservative voters well need to swing some red states blueif thats who we need to ask to ensure Bernie doesnt win, well do it, said DNC chairman Tom Perez, who had circled Trumps name on a white board lising dozens of potential candidates the party could try to convince to jump into the Democratic Party primaries in order to obstruct a Sanders nomination. This late in the game, we need somebody with name recognition and a built-in following, which Trump definitely has. He has political experience working with Republicans, which will help him win over moderate voters who are turned off by the idea of a socialist president. Plus, hell have the backing of the Democratic donor base, who generally prefer him to Sanders. Look, sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows, but I think I speak for party leadership when I say that wed much rather see Donald Trump than Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. At press time, Perez was in negotiations to ensure Trump was on every Democratic primary ballot for Super Tuesday and changing the requirements to allow Trump to qualify for the next Democratic debate.

Continued here:

DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders - The Onion

Andrew Yang Explains Why He’s The Only Democratic Candidate Donald Trump Hasn’t ‘Tweeted a Word About’ – Newsweek

Presidential candidate Andrew Yang said Monday he believes Donald Trump has not tweeted much about him because the president knows that Yang is "better at the internet."

Yang made the remarks in a Monday morning interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe. One of the show's hosts, Willie Geist, asked Yang to explain why he decided to ask attendees of an Iowa campaign event on Saturday to "give a round to applause" for those in the audience who voted for Trump in 2016.

The Democratic candidate replied that Iowa, as a "purple swing state" that Trump won in 2016, was bound to be full of people who had voted for Trump or had friends and neighbors who did. He stressed that is important to win the support of some of those voters in 2020.

"So the folks that voted for Trump and come to my events [who] are now excited about my campaign, that's how we're going to win," Yang said. "And head-to-head matchups between me and Trump show that I'm the heaviest favorite to beat him one-on-one, in large part because 18 percent of College Republicans say they'd support me over the president. Ten percent of Trump voters in New Hampshire, in one poll, said they'd support me over the president.

"You know who's figured this out?" Yang asked rhetorically. "President Trump. Because I'm the only candidate he has not tweeted a word about. He knows I'm better at the internet than he is."

Yang, an Ivy Leagueeducated entrepreneur and lawyer, launched his presidential campaign in November 2017. Yang has stayed in the race even as Democratic candidates with experience in government, like Senator Kamala Harris and Julin Castro, a former housing secretary, suspended their campaigns.

A Twitter search appeared to confirm Yang's claim that the presidentknown for his tweeting about, among other things, his political rivalshas not mentioned him on the platform. Trump has never used the term "Andrew Yang" in any of his tweets from his account, @realDonaldTrump. The only time Trump has used the word Yang in a tweet was in 2015and that was to quote an account named @yang_karl, which has since been suspended.

Trump has responded to a tweet that mentioned Yang. In September 2019, Kassy Dillon wrote on Twitter, "Here's the thing: I'm voting for Trump but I wouldn't be friends with Trump. I'm not voting for Yang but I'd definitely be his friend."

The next day, the president retweeted Dillon's remark with a response: "I'm OK with that!"

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Andrew Yang Explains Why He's The Only Democratic Candidate Donald Trump Hasn't 'Tweeted a Word About' - Newsweek

Trophy hunting event to auction ‘dream hunt’ with Donald Trump Jr – The Guardian

A week-long dream hunt with the US presidents son Donald Trump Jr is being auctioned at an annual trophy hunting convention in Reno, Nevada alongside expeditions to shoot elephants, bears and giraffes.

The four-day event organized by Safari Club International (SCI) and advertised as a hunters heaven, will culminate on Saturday with an auction for a week-long Sitka black-tailed deer hunt in Alaska with Trump Jr, his son and a guide. At the time of writing, bidding for the yacht-based expedition stands at $10,000 (7,685).

Other prizes include the chance to shoot an elephant on a 14-day trip in Namibia, an all-inclusive hunt package to Zimbabwe to kill buffalo, giraffe and wildebeest, and a 10-day crocodile hunting expedition in South Africa. The proceeds from the auction, which campaigners say could exceed $5m, will fund SCIs hunter advocacy and wildlife conservation efforts, according to the organization.

Thousands of hunters from around the world are expected to attend the convention which begins on Wednesday, where Trump Jr, an avid trophy hunter, is set to give a keynote address.

The description of the auction prize states: This year we will be featuring Donald Trump Jr, a man who needs no introduction, and whose passion for the outdoors makes him the number one ambassador for our way of life.

Don Jr shares this heritage with his son and believes in handing down these lessons to young hunters. Don Jr and his son will be hosting this years hunt along with Keegan [the guide] in Alaska.

It comes just weeks after ProPublica revealed Trump Jr killed a rare species of endangered sheep during a hunting trip to Mongolia last summer.

Last week, anti-hunting campaigners condemned the annual SCI convention, and Brian Wilson and Al Jardine backed a boycott of their former band the Beach Boys, who are scheduled to appear at the event.

Kitty Block, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, said: This annual event is the largest meeting in the world of people who celebrate the senseless killing, buying and selling of dead animals for bragging rights.

As our planet suffers an extinction crisis, it is business as usual for the trophy hunting industry and SCI, who continue to revel in spending millions of dollars every year to destroy imperiled wildlife.

SCI hit back at the criticisms and called them the height of hypocrisy, arguing that hunting makes enormous contributions to conservation and described Trump Jr as an accomplished conservationist.

The regulations around importing hunting trophies has been loosened under Donald Trump, though he has previously described the practice as a horror show despite his sons affection for big-game hunting. In 2018 the administration moved to make it easier to import trophies from exotic big-game animals such as elephants and lions.

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Trophy hunting event to auction 'dream hunt' with Donald Trump Jr - The Guardian