Entering the Deen Completely
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:13:57More inEducation
Category Archives: DNA
3.4.1-3.4.3 DNA Replication.mp4 – Video
3.4.1-3.4.3 DNA Replication.mp4
A screencast on DNA replication for IB Biology studentsFrom:J AgostinoViews:2 0ratingsTime:05:26More inHowto Style
Infinite Mercy of Allah – Video
Infinite Mercy of Allah
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:16:25More inEducation
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Infinite Mercy of Allah - Video
Our Belief in the Quran – Video
Our Belief in the Quran
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:08:25More inEducation
See the original post here:
Our Belief in the Quran - Video
Importance of the Path – Video
Importance of the Path
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:17:54More inEducation
See the rest here:
Importance of the Path - Video
Kelly Hogan – Video
Kelly Hogan
Kelly Hogan is a faculty member in the Biology Department at the University of North at Chapel Hill. She teaches large introductory courses at UNC, including a one semester mixed majors biology course and a one semester introduction to genetics. She also teaches a non-majors course on current biological issues and a service learning course related to blood donation. She utilizes technology with her students, such as cell phones as clickers and online homework and discussions. Her research currently focuses on how highly structured active learning and online homework affects student success, especially for underrepresented minority and first generation college students.From:pearsonheViews:2 0ratingsTime:16:52More inFilm Animation
See the original post:
Kelly Hogan - Video
The Reptilian-Jesuits Axis â–º Wm Dean A. Garner w/ Pete Santilli – Video
The Reptilian-Jesuits Axis #9658; Wm Dean A. Garner w/ Pete Santilli
Pete Santilli speaks with William Dean Garner about the Jesuit role in the dramatic events taking place around the world. The past and present activity of the Jesuits may well contain the key to our future. http://www.williamdeanagarner.com William Dean A. Garner is a former scientist (biophysics marine biology/neurobiology), US Army Airborne Ranger (C Company, 1st Ranger Battalion), corporate mercenary with international private military firms he designed and helped build, and a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. He is a Senior Editor at Adagio Press, a small indie publishing company and home to the 69-Minute Novel and 69-Minute Books. Dean writes and speaks about the Reptilian-Jesuits Axis, the fascinating and deadly entity that controls our planet, and what We The People can do to counter their machinations. http://www.williamdeanagarner.com petersantilli.comFrom:urupiper2Views:5 0ratingsTime:01:00:36More inNonprofits Activism
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The Reptilian-Jesuits Axis â–º Wm Dean A. Garner w/ Pete Santilli - Video
PSA biology 12 6 12 – Video
PSA biology 12 6 12
Blaz Perko period 3 and Tyler Senna period 5From:acquistapace3rd12psaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inEducation
See the article here:
PSA biology 12 6 12 - Video
Trent 'Teddy' Cook Sings his Original Song, In Her Eyes – Video
Trent #39;Teddy #39; Cook Sings his Original Song, In Her Eyes
My talented student sings a Capella after Biology class an original composition! Wonderful! "Story in Her Eyes"From:vermitrViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:06More inEntertainment
Originally posted here:
Trent 'Teddy' Cook Sings his Original Song, In Her Eyes - Video
Animal Protection PSA- Matthew Janettas – Video
Animal Protection PSA- Matthew Janettas
A PSA about Animal Protection I made for my biology class. -Matthew JanettasFrom:Biology AcquistapaceViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:59More inNonprofits Activism
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Animal Protection PSA- Matthew Janettas - Video
Effect of Sin on Our Progress – Video
Effect of Sin on Our Progress
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:10:18More inEducation
Excerpt from:
Effect of Sin on Our Progress - Video
Enzyme Demonstration – Video
Enzyme Demonstration
An enzyme demonstration for IB Biology.From:Jo103088Views:3 0ratingsTime:01:43More inEducation
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Enzyme Demonstration - Video
Nissi – 2012 US103.5FM Cares for Kids Radiothon – Video
Nissi - 2012 US103.5FM Cares for Kids Radiothon
Nissi is a little boy who was born with basically half a heart. The left side never developed properly. As a result, he #39;s been through three surgeries and many more procedures in his life. But to see him in a crowd of kids, you would never know anything had ever been wrong. He plays piano and is active in his church, but he really loves to golf (just like his dad). They #39;ve played golf with Nissi #39;s doctors and nurses several times. Nissi even has a golf song. Father and son share more than a hobby -- they also have the same birth date (Dec. 17th). Nissi #39;s family is originally from Kenya (his mom is a college professor with a PhD in biology who studied rhinos in the wild much like Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees). They are saving money to apply for permanent US residency because they know Nissi needs the best possible care for his heart -- and they want to stay close to All Children #39;s.From:Ach eHealthViews:3 0ratingsTime:08:26More inNonprofits Activism
Here is the original post:
Nissi - 2012 US103.5FM Cares for Kids Radiothon - Video
A Call for Cures – Video
A Call for Cures
For our General Biology, we made this video to call out for a better awareness to Oral and Breast Cancer. In the future, we hope to celebrate a cure.From:blastobutter01Views:1 1ratingsTime:02:31More inEducation
The rest is here:
A Call for Cures - Video
Como Park TV – Full Show 10-25-12 – Video
Como Park TV - Full Show 10-25-12
Original Air Date: 10-25-12 Features: Winter Sports Preview Double Jointed Face-Off Biology Preview Conflict Resolution Languages of Como ParkFrom:ComoParkMorningShowViews:1 0ratingsTime:16:47More inEducation
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Como Park TV - Full Show 10-25-12 - Video
Seeking Knowledge of the Deen – Video
Seeking Knowledge of the Deen
http://www.sacredlearning.org Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in Islamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, a leading shaykh in this field. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, Shaykh Husain enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Along with his medical studies, he continued his studies of sacred knowledge. In his final year he took leave from medical school to focus on his religious studies, traveling to Syria and then Pakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum for a number of years under some of their greatest scholars. Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husain continued his training under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. He was blessed with the close company of his Shaykh, learning the science of the purification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherence to the sunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacher were eventually transferred to the student and Shaykh Husain was formally authorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar in July 2001. Shaykh Husain has completed medical ...From:strivingmuslim1Views:0 0ratingsTime:18:09More inEducation
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Seeking Knowledge of the Deen - Video
Man confesses in 3 killings — 2 of them 19 years ago – Video
Man confesses in 3 killings -- 2 of them 19 years ago
Click Here for a Laugh http://www.youtube.com New York (CNN) -- A New York man was arraigned Wednesday after police say he told them he killed three women -- two of them nearly 20 years ago and the third this week. The arrest of Lucius Crawford of Mount Vernon, New York, on Tuesday prompted the NYPD to notify authorities on Long Island, where investigators continue to search for a possible serial killer in the deaths of 10 women whose remains were found along beach areas in recent years. But amid extensive media coverage on the possibility of a link, the Suffolk County Police Department said Wednesday there did not appear to be any reason to suspect that the 60-year-old Crawford had "any involvement with the homicides that occurred" in that oceanfront county. "Homicide detectives will conduct a further investigation to rule Crawford out as a possible suspect," the statement added. Crawford was arrested on Tuesday, after officers found the body of 41-year old Tanya Simmons in his bed, according to Mount Vernon Police Commissioner Carl Bell. The suspect was not home at the time officers discovered Simmons. Officers from several police departments went to Crawford #39;s apartment initially to question him about the October 1993 murder of a Bronx woman and the September 1993 murder of a Yonkers woman. Crawford was not home, but police entered the apartment and found the woman #39;s body, authorities said. Once in custody, Crawford admitted to stabbing and killing Simmons in his apartment ...From:New101DailyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:29More inNews Politics
See the original post:
Man confesses in 3 killings -- 2 of them 19 years ago - Video
CricketUsers.com – Otterbox Defender Case for Verizon HTC Droid DNA – Video
CricketUsers.com - Otterbox Defender Case for Verizon HTC Droid DNA
Otterbox DNA Cases - goo.gl Here is the Otterbox Defender Case for the Verizon HTC Droid DNA. Note that I #39;m not a professional reviewer. Just a guy with a normal 9 to 5 that likes his phones. Please like this video and subscribe. Thanks a lot!From:MyCricketForumComViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:42More inScience Technology
See original here:
CricketUsers.com - Otterbox Defender Case for Verizon HTC Droid DNA - Video
Normal DNA and mRNA sequence – Video
Normal DNA and mRNA sequence
From:TheBiologyloversViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:30More inPeople Blogs
Read the original post:
Normal DNA and mRNA sequence - Video
♡Zayn Malik {It's in his DNA}♡ – Video
#9825;Zayn Malik {It #39;s in his DNA} #9825;
I love Zayn and One Direction and I thought it was time to make a video for him 🙂 Hope you like it 🙂 ______ #9604; #9608; #9608; #10047; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9604; ______ #9604; #9608; #9608; #9600; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9604; ______ #9608; #9608; #9600;__ #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; _____ #9608; #9608;____ #9608; #9608; #9608; #9617; #9617; #8255; #9617; #9600; ______ #9608; #9608;____ #9608; #9608; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9617; ______ #9608; #9608;____ #9608; #9608; #9617; #9617; hearts; _ ( #10048; #10047; #10048;) ______ #9608;_____ #9608; #9618; ___ ( #10047; #9788; #10047;) ______ #9608; ___ #9619; #9619; #9617; #9619;___ ( #10048; #9616; #10048;) ____ #9608; #10048; _ #9608;_ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9618; #9617; #9618; #9619;__ #9608;_ #9616;__ #9604; _____ #9600; #9608; #9600;_ #9619; #9619;_ #9619; #9619; #9618; #9617; #9618; #9619; #9600; #9608; #9616;_ #9608; ______ #9619; #9619;_ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619;____ #9616; #9600; ______ #9619; #9619;_ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619;______ #9616; ______ #9619; #9619;__ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619;_ #9619; #9619;____ #9616; #9617; ______ #9619; #9619;__ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619;___ #9619;___ #9618; #9618; _____ #9619; #9619;_ #9619; #9608; #9608; #9608; #10059; #9608; #9608; #9619;__ #9619; #9619; #9619; ___ #9618; #9618;___ #9619; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9619; ___ #9617;___ #9619; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9619; ______ #9619; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9619; _____ #9619; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9619; _____ #9619; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9619; #9619;___ #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618;_ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618;__ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618;__ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618;__ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619;______ #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619; #9604; #9604; #9604; #9604; #9604; #9604; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9619; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9608; #9618; #9617; #9617; #9618; #9618; #9619;_ #9608; #10084; #9608;___ #9608; #9608; #9608; #9619; #9608; #9608; #9608;____ #9608; #9608; #9608; #9619; #9608;______ #9608; #9608; #9608; #9619;______ #9608; #9608; #10085; #9608; #9619;______ #9608; #9608; #9600; #9608; #9608; #9604;From:xxGottaLuvSoundxxViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:33More inEntertainment
Original post:
♡Zayn Malik {It's in his DNA}♡ - Video