Stem cell that may aid healing and repair found in brain

Washington, April 24 : Scientists have discovered a new stem cell in the adult brain and they hope to put the discovery to use to develop methods that can repair diseases and injury to the brain.

These cells can proliferate and form several different cell types - most importantly, they can form new brain cells.

Analysing brain tissue from biopsies, the researchers at the Lund University for the first time found stem cells located around small blood vessels in the brain.

The cell's specific function is still unclear, but its plastic properties suggest great potential. A similar cell type has been identified in several other organs where it can promote regeneration of muscle, bone, cartilage and adipose tissue.

In other organs, researchers have shown clear evidence that these types of cells contribute to repair and wound healing.

Scientists suggested that the curative properties might also apply to the brain. The next step is to try to control and enhance stem cell self-healing properties with the aim of carrying out therapies targeted to a specific area of the brain.

"Our findings show that the cell capacity is much larger than we originally thought, and that these cells are very versatile," said Gesine Paul-Visse, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Lund University.

"Most interesting is their ability to form neuronal cells, but they can also be developed for other cell types. The results contribute to better understanding of how brain cell plasticity works and opens up new opportunities to exploit these very features," Paul-Visse added.

The study is of interest to a broad spectrum of brain research. Future possible therapeutic targets range from neurodegenerative diseases to stroke.

"We hope that our findings may lead to a new and better understanding of the brain's own repair mechanisms. Ultimately the goal is to strengthen these mechanisms and develop new treatments that can repair the diseased brain," said Dr. Paul-Visse.

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Stem cell that may aid healing and repair found in brain

Bone Repair Stem Cell Breakthrough Shows Promise

Editor's Choice
Main Category: Stem Cell Research
Article Date: 15 Feb 2012 - 8:00 PST

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According to a study published in the February issue of the STEM CELL Translational Medicine Journal , a world-first technique for generating adult stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells [MSCs]) has been developed by researchers at the University of Queensland. This new method can be used to repair bone and possibly other organs, and will considerably affect individuals suffering from a variety of serious diseases.

Professor Nicholas Fisk, who leads the collaborative study between the UQ Clinical Research Center (UQCCR) and the UQ's Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), explained:

"We used a small molecule to induce embryonic stem cells over a 10 day period, which is much faster than other studies reported in the literature.

The technique also worked on their less contentious counterparts, induced pluripotent stem cells.

To make the pluripotent mature stem cells useful in the clinic, they have to be told what type of cell they need to become (pre-differentiated), before being administered to an injured organ, or otherwise they could form tumors.

Because only small numbers of MSCs exist in the bone marrow, and harvesting bone marrow from a healthy donor is an invasive procedure, the ability to make our own MSCs in large number in the laboratory is an exciting step in the future widespread clinical use of MSCs.

We were able to show these new forms of stem cells exhibited all the characteristics of bone marrow stem cells and we are currently examining their bone repair capability."

Ernst Wolvetang, co-researcher on the study and AIBN Associate Professor, explained that the technique had overcome a considerable obstacle in the translation of stem cell-based therapy.

Wolvetang said: "We are very excited by this research, which has brought together stem cell researchers from two of the major UQ research hubs UQCCR and AIBN."

Written by: Grace Rattue

Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

Visit our stem cell research section for the latest news on this subject. UniQuest, The University of Queensland's main commercialization company, invites parties interested in licensing the intellectual property relating to this discovery to contact UniQuest on 3365 4037 or

Source: University of Queensland

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Bone Repair Stem Cell Breakthrough Shows Promise

Stem cell institute to work with foreign agencies

California's $3 billion stem cell agency, now more than 7 years old, has joined research partnerships with science and health agencies in eight foreign countries, the San Francisco institute announced.

The agreements call for collaboration in efforts aimed at speeding stem cell research from the laboratory to the hospital, where researchers hope that basic human cells will be programmed to treat scores of human degenerative diseases.

Research partnerships between American and foreign stem cell scientists are encouraged, but the California institute's funds would only be spent within the state, institute officials said.

Alan Trounson, president of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, signed agreements with stem cell funding agencies in Brazil and Argentina last week, he said Thursday.

"Both Brazil and Argentina have strong and robust stem cell research communities in basic science and transitional clinical science, which should create exciting synergies with many scientists in California," Trounson said in a statement.

He has signed similar pacts with stem cell agencies in Canada, Britain, France, Spain, Australia, Japan, China and Indiana.

The California institute was created in 2004 after Proposition 71, a $3 billion bond issue, was approved by California voters at a time when use of federal funds was barred for research into the promising field of embryonic stem cells.

So far the state agency has committed $1.2 billion to scientists and training centers at 56 California institutions, and the rest of the bond money should last until 2020, a spokesman said.

This article appeared on page C - 9 of the SanFranciscoChronicle

See the article here:
Stem cell institute to work with foreign agencies

Cryo-Save Group N.V.: Revenue up 4% to EUR41.9 million

Cryo-Save Group N.V. (Euronext: CRYO, Cryo-Save, or the Group), the leading international stem cell storage brand and the largest family stem cell bank in Europe, has published its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2011.

Financial highlights

Revenue up 4% to EUR41.9 million (2010: EUR40.4 million) Operating expenses before depreciation and amortisation increased with EUR1.6 million mainly due to further investments in Cryo-Lip() (EUR0.8 million) and acquisition impact (EUR0.7 million) EBITDA(*): EUR6.3 million (2010: EUR7.3 million) EBITA(**): EUR4.5 million (2010: EUR5.8 million) Operating profit: EUR2.9 million (2010: EUR4.5 million) Profit before taxation: EUR3.0 million (2010: EUR3.9 million) Net profit: EUR2.3 million (2010: EUR2.6 million) Basic earnings per share 25.0 euro cents (2010: 27.6 euro cents) Robust net cash from operating activities EUR6.2 million (2010: EUR 2.8 million) Solid cash position of EUR7.0 million as at 31 December 2011 (2010: EUR6.0 million) Dividend per share of EUR0.08, up 14% (2010: EUR0.07) () (*) EBITDA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation Depreciation and Amortisation (**) EBITA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation and Amortisation of identified intangible assets

Operational highlights

39,900 new samples stored in 2011, up 4% compared to previous year (2010: 38,300). Of these, 25,200 were new cord blood samples and 14,700 new cord tissue samples 204,000 samples have been stored in total at 31 December 2011 67% of new customers opt for combined service of cord blood and cord tissue storage Acquisition of Serbian distributor Life R.F. for EUR2.3 million in cash and 30,000 Cryo-Save shares Cryo-Save USA founded, to commercialize and develop the Cryo-Lip() service in North America Cryo-Save South Africa joint venture established and stem cell processing and storage laboratory opened in Cape Town together with John Daniel Holdings and Lazaron Biotechnologies A six-year-old girl from Portugal with Cerebral Palsy was treated at Duke University in the US with her own cord blood stem cells, which were stored and released by Cryo-Save


* Cryo-Save has a strong strategic position and product portfolio to further enhance its business * Cryo-Save will continue to collaborate with new partners and make acquisitions in line with its strategy to grow in current markets as well as in new geographies * Promising developments continue in the use of stem cell technology in the treatment of diseases. Thus enhancing the added value of Cryo-Saves high- tech storage solutions of stem cells * Fast growing fields of cellular therapy and regenerative medicine offer further attractive market potential for Cryo-Save * The Group is confident it will continue to maintain its market leading position as the leading international stem cell storage brand and the largest family stem cell bank in Europe

Revenue increased with EUR1.4 million to EUR41.9 million, largely due to increased sales volumes in several countries, acquisitions and increased number of new cord tissue samples, partly offset by lower business volume in mainly Southern Europe. The impact of the economic crisis also resulted in a significantly lower number of births in almost all countries. An increasing demand for discounts on the service fee and instalment plans to facilitate the payment of the service fee has been another factor affecting revenue growth.

The gross profit margin decreased with 1% to 66.6%, among others due to an increased demand for higher reimbursements of the collection of the umbilical cord blood and cord tissue in the hospitals. The gross profit margin remained at the same level compared to the second half of 2010 (66.5%).

Operational expenses increased with EUR1.6 million due to incremental expenses related to Cryo-Lip() (EUR0.8 million), and the impact of the acquisitions of Tissue Bank Cryo Center Bulgaria AD ("TBCCB") and Life R.F. doo, Serbia ("Life") (EUR0.7 million).

See the article here:
Cryo-Save Group N.V.: Revenue up 4% to EUR41.9 million

New stem cell found in brain: Finding could be key to developing methods to heal and repair brain injury and disease

ScienceDaily (Apr. 20, 2012) esearchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered a new stem cell in the adult brain. These cells can proliferate and form several different cell types -- most importantly, they can form new brain cells. Scientists hope to take advantage of the finding to develop methods to heal and repair disease and injury in the brain.

Analyzing brain tissue from biopsies, the researchers for the first time found stem cells located around small blood vessels in the brain. The cell's specific function is still unclear, but its plastic properties suggest great potential.

"A similar cell type has been identified in several other organs where it can promote regeneration of muscle, bone, cartilage and adipose tissue," said Patrik Brundin, M.D., Ph.D., Jay Van Andel Endowed Chair in Parkinson's Research at Van Andel Research Institute (VARI), Head of the Neuronal Survival Unit at Lund University and senior author of the study.

In other organs, researchers have shown clear evidence that these types of cells contribute to repair and wound healing. Scientists suggest that the curative properties may also apply to the brain. The next step is to try to control and enhance stem cell self-healing properties with the aim of carrying out targeted therapies to a specific area of the brain.

"Our findings show that the cell capacity is much larger than we originally thought, and that these cells are very versatile," said Gesine Paul-Visse, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Lund University and the study's primary author. "Most interesting is their ability to form neuronal cells, but they can also be developed for other cell types. The results contribute to better understanding of how brain cell plasticity works and opens up new opportunities to exploit these very features."

The study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, is of interest to a broad spectrum of brain research. Future possible therapeutic targets range from neurodegenerative diseases to stroke.

"We hope that our findings may lead to a new and better understanding of the brain's own repair mechanisms," said Dr. Paul-Visse. "Ultimately the goal is to strengthen these mechanisms and develop new treatments that can repair the diseased brain."

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New stem cell found in brain: Finding could be key to developing methods to heal and repair brain injury and disease

Cryo-Save Group N.V.: Revenue up 4% to €41.9 million

Cryo-Save Group N.V. (Euronext: CRYO, `Cryo-Save`, or `the Group`), the leading international stem cell storage brand and the largest family stem cell bank in Europe, has published its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2011.

Financial highlights

Revenue up 4% to 41.9 million (2010: 40.4 million) Operating expenses before depreciation and amortisation increased with 1.6 million mainly due to further investments in Cryo-Lip (0.8 million) and acquisition impact (0.7 million) EBITDA*: 6.3 million (2010: 7.3 million) EBITA**: 4.5 million (2010: 5.8 million) Operating profit: 2.9 million (2010: 4.5 million) Profit before taxation: 3.0 million (2010: 3.9 million) Net profit: 2.3 million (2010: 2.6 million) Basic earnings per share 25.0 euro cents (2010: 27.6 euro cents) Robust net cash from operating activities 6.2 million (2010: 2.8 million) Solid cash position of 7.0 million as at 31 December 2011 (2010: 6.0 million) Dividend per share of 0.08, up 14% (2010: 0.07)

* EBITDA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation Depreciation and Amortisation ** EBITA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation and Amortisation of identified intangible assets

Operational highlights

39,900 new samples stored in 2011, up 4% compared to previous year (2010: 38,300). Of these, 25,200 were new cord blood samples and 14,700 new cord tissue samples 204,000 samples have been stored in total at 31 December 2011 67% of new customers opt for combined service of cord blood and cord tissue storage Acquisition of Serbian distributor Life R.F. for 2.3 million in cash and 30,000 Cryo-Save shares Cryo-Save USA founded, to commercialize and develop the Cryo-Lip service in North America Cryo-Save South Africa joint venture established and stem cell processing and storage laboratory opened in Cape Town together with John Daniel Holdings and Lazaron Biotechnologies A six-year-old girl from Portugal with Cerebral Palsy was treated at Duke University in the US with her own cord blood stem cells, which were stored and released by Cryo-Save


Revenue increased with 1.4 million to 41.9 million, largely due to increased sales volumes in several countries, acquisitions and increased number of new cord tissue samples, partly offset by lower business volume in mainly Southern Europe. The impact of the economic crisis also resulted in a significantly lower number of births in almost all countries. An increasing demand for discounts on the service fee and instalment plans to facilitate the payment of the service fee has been another factor affecting revenue growth.

The gross profit margin decreased with 1% to 66.6%, among others due to an increased demand for higher reimbursements of the collection of the umbilical cord blood and cord tissue in the hospitals. The gross profit margin remained at the same level compared to the second half of 2010 (66.5%).

Operational expenses increased with 1.6 million due to incremental expenses related to Cryo-Lip (0.8 million), and the impact of the acquisitions of Tissue Bank Cryo Center Bulgaria AD ("TBCCB") and Life R.F. doo, Serbia ("Life") (0.7 million).

Read the rest here:
Cryo-Save Group N.V.: Revenue up 4% to €41.9 million

Pet stem cell biz booming for MediVet

In just two years after going commercial, MediVet Americas headquarters in Nicholasville has seen exponential growth with no sign of slowing down.

The privately owned company is one of a handful of developers and researchers worldwide working on stem-cell regenerative therapy for animals suffering from osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia and other degenerative diseases. MediVet also provides other services such as stem-cell storage and selling stem cell extraction kits to veterinarians around the globe.

Founded as a research company six years ago in Sydney, Australia, MediVet as a whole is now represented in 26 counties and has hubs in 44 American states.

In 2010, there were only two full-time working employees at the office and lab building located in Nicholasville. The headquarters now employs 12 people with more sales, research and manufacturing jobs expected to open up in the next few months.

The Nicholasville lab has seen an increase of 3,000 percent in monetary growth since February 2011, said director of lab services Katherine Wilkie.

A University of Kentucky graduate, Wilkie said the lab has seen tremendous increase in clientele, as well. Currently, the facility banks approximately 600 different animal stem cells that account for more than 2,000 samples from all across the country and Canada.

In September, we received a sample from Alaska, she said. That now gives us an animal from each of the 50 states.

Stem-cell regenerative therapy has been used to treat everything from a mouse to an elephant, and Wilkie said they may soon do the procedure on a dolphin.

The companys blooming success boils down to its devolvement of advanced technologies in extracting, activating and storing stem cells that have cut the cost by one-third of their competitors, CEO Jeremy Delk said.

MediVets research and developments has made the procedures and other services they offer economically viable to the average pet owner, he said.

Go here to see the original:
Pet stem cell biz booming for MediVet

California's stem cell agency ponders its future

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The creation of California's stem cell agency in 2004 was greeted by scientists and patients as a turning point in a field mired in debates about the destruction of embryos and hampered by federal research restrictions.

The taxpayer-funded institute wielded the extraordinary power to dole out $3 billion in bond proceeds to fund embryonic stem cell work with an eye toward treatments for a host of crippling diseases. Midway through its mission, with several high-tech labs constructed, but little to show on the medicine front beyond basic research, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine faces an uncertain future.

Is it still relevant nearly eight years later? And will it still exist when the money dries up?

The answers could depend once again on voters and whether they're willing to extend the life of the agency.

Several camps that support stem cell research think taxpayers should not pay another cent given the state's budget woes.

"It would be so wrong to ask Californians to pony up more money," said Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society, a pro-stem cell research group that opposed Proposition 71, the state ballot initiative that formed CIRM.

Last December, CIRM's former chairman, Robert Klein, who used his fortune and political connections to create Prop 71, floated the possibility of another referendum.

CIRM leaders have shelved the idea of going back to voters for now, but may consider it down the road. The institute recently submitted a transition plan to Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature that assumes it will no longer be taxpayer-supported after the bond money runs out. CIRM is exploring creating a nonprofit version of itself and tapping other players to carry on its work.

"The goal is to keep the momentum going," board Chairman Jonathan Thomas said in an interview.

So far, CIRM has spent some $1.3 billion on infrastructure and research. At the current pace, it will earmark the last grants in 2016 or 2017. Since most are multi-year awards, it is expected to stay in business until 2021.

Originally posted here:
California's stem cell agency ponders its future

Scientists urged to share data on stem cells research

By Noimot Olayiwola
Staff Reporter
Researchers and scientists in the field of both embryonic and adult stem cells research in the Middle East were yesterday urged to be more open to collaboration and networking among themselves in order to build on their already acquired and existing strengths for the betterment of the future use of stem cells in curing genetic diseases in the region.
Stem cells are ‘unspecialised’ cells that are able to divide and produce copies of themselves and having the potential to differentiate, that is, to produce other cell types in the body.
Speaking on how to further expand the scope of stem cell research in the region during a panel discussion yesterday at the ongoing Qatar International Conference on Stem Cell Science and Policy, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar’s Dr Jeremie Arash Rafii Tabrizi said there was the need for the region’s researchers in the field of stem cells to know each other and come together to network and form collaborations.
“I believe that each and everyone in the field within this region has built some sort of strength while conducting their individual researches, so I will suggest that we all come together to put heads together and also explore how we can benefit from our colleagues elsewhere. And if we can be more diseases-focused in our researches, I believe it is a good way to move forward,” he noted.
Making a presentation on “Stem Cell Research: From Promise to Practice”, Dr Aida al-Aqeel, of Riyadh Military Hospital’s paediatrics department, maintained that it would take a while before stem cell research can become a ‘clinical reality’.
“Despite that stem cell research is at the forefront of the need for research to cure most degenerative diseases, it will still take a long way for the stem cell research to become achievable clinically because the embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have huge therapeutic potential as they can give rise to every cell type in the body (pluripotency) as compared to adult stem cells (ASCs) from certain adult tissues that can only differentiate into a limited range of cell types,” she said.
“However, this research raises sensitive ethical and religious arguments, which are balanced against possible great benefit of such research for the patients suffering from so far incurable diseases. Serious questions remain about safety,” she said, noting that the ability for stem cells to be expanded in culture without genetic and epigenetic abnormalities and their ability to form functional cell types in vitro and in vivo, and their immuno-compatibility with the patient still need to be studied.
“In Saudi Arabia, for the last five years, the Stem Cell Therapy Programme has been established at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre with the launch of 10 projects. Embryonic stem cell therapy for genetics metabolic disorders is one of the most promising modalities for the therapy and prevention of mentally and physically handicapped in children,” she said while sharing experiences from the KSA.
She pointed out how Islamic teachings make embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic technique, and its modality of treatment permissible as well as the Islamic perspectives about reproductive/therapeutic cloning.
“The focus of research community should be on developing human research capacity in both ASCs and ESCs. Each type of research will take time to mature. The ethical debate will need to produce acceptable policy and regulatory compromises so that the regulatory burden can be reduced and investors’ risk aversion can be overcome,” she stated.
Other speaker during the session moderated by WCMC-Q dean Dr Javaid Sheikh were Professor Hossein Baharvand from the Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine Stem Cell Biology and Technology on “A Chemical Approach to Efficient Generating Embryonic and Germline-derived Pluripotent Stem Cells”.

Continue reading here:
Scientists urged to share data on stem cells research

The umbilical cord blood stem cells break new ground in healing hard-to-cure diseases – Video

28-10-2011 21:43 [Anchor] With the increasing number of the patients who suffer from the hard-to-cure diseases, various treatments have been tried for eliminating the cause. Recently, the "umbilical cord blood stem cells" are brought up to be the new solutions and give hope to the patients. Our next report has the details. [Reporter] The stem cells are basic cells for making about two hundred and sixty of body cells such as bones, bloods, and nerves. By duplicating themselves, the stem cells restore the damaged cells. Among them, especially, the umbilical cord blood stem cells are highly effective on curing the hard-to-cure diseases. Those cells, which have the functions to investigate and chase the specific cells, are from the cellular tissue of the umbilical cord. With this, it is possible to load the anti-cancer genes or healing substances so as to fight off the germs selectively. [Interview - Won-il Oh, Director of Research of MEDIPOST] ~ The umbilical cord blood stem cells go inside of the body and find the affected area with specific disease. It is used for curing the incurable diseases like stroke, brain tumor and arthritis. The "umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy products" regenerate the cells and tissues that are damaged from diseases. Since the products are made from the adult stem cells extracted from the cord blood, the differentiation with the existing medicine is expected. Along with this, the number of people who are using the "cord blood bank" has been increasing ...

The rest is here:
The umbilical cord blood stem cells break new ground in healing hard-to-cure diseases - Video

Stem cell fertility treatments could be risky for older women

Harvard scientists are challenging traditional medical logic that dictates that women are born with a finite amount of eggs.  The scientists said they have discovered the ovaries of young women harbor rare stem cells that are in fact capable of producing new eggs.

If properly harnessed, those stem cells may someday lead to new treatments for women suffering from infertility due to cancer or other diseases – or for those who are simply getting older, according to the researchers.  Lead researcher Jonathan Tilly of Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital has co-founded a company, OvaScience Inc., to try to develop the findings into fertility treatments.

The idea that women are born with all the egg cells – called oocytes – they’ll ever have has been called into question by past research, which found egg-producing stem cells in adult mice.

In this latest study, Harvard researchers, in collaboration with Japanese scientists, used donated frozen ovaries from 20 year olds and ‘fished out’ the purported stem cells.  

The researchers inserted a gene into the stem cells, which caused them to glow green.  If the cells produced eggs, those would glow green, too.

The researchers first watched through a microscope as new eggs grew in a lab dish.  They then implanted the human tissue under the skin of mice to provide a nourishing blood supply.  Within two weeks, they observed green-tinged cells forming.

While the work of the Harvard scientists does show potential, there are still questions as to whether the cells are capable of growing into mature, usable eggs.

If so, researchers said, it might be possible one day to use the stem cells in order to grow eggs in lab dishes to help preserve cancer patients’ fertility, which can be harmed by chemotherapy.

Now, I just want to say, while this would be a remarkable discovery – if it pans out – I do have a few concerns. 

I think for specific patients in prime, childbearing ages, who are at risk of losing their fertility for one reason or another, this could be a fruitful discovery for them.

Be that as it may, I am totally against commercializing this technology to the point where women going through menopause look at this as another way of getting pregnant.  For many, this could create incredibly high-risk pregnancies, among other medical problems.

While science is capable of great discovery and innovation – particularly in the field of stem cells – I believe that with reproductive medicine, we should move forward with great caution to minimize any risk to mother and baby.

Continued here:
Stem cell fertility treatments could be risky for older women

Seminar to focus on stem cell research development

The latest discoveries and promises of stem cell research and the development of new therapeutic approaches for a variety of diseases will be in focus at the Qatar International Conference on Stem Cell Science and Policy 2012 which begins today.
The four-day event, being held at Qatar National Convention Centre, is a milestone in Qatar Foundation’s ongoing collaboration with the James A Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University, Houston, Texas, US.
The aim of QF’s joint initiative with the Baker Institute’s International Programme on Stem Cell Science Policy is to develop stem cell research in Qatar as well as to find ways to address the shared challenges of community support for stem cell research in Doha and Houston.
To accomplish this goal, the programme has supported several events since its inception, including meetings, workshops, and training programmes in both cities.
The conference, which brings together eminent international as well as regional scientists, ethicists and policymakers, will also present the developed policy options that account for cultural, ethical and religious factors.
The event will draw attention to Qatar’s position in the development of stem cell research in the region and the world, given that research on stem cell as a national priority has already been initiated in the country’s best research institutions.
The conference objectives are to raise the awareness about Qatar’s initiative in promoting stem cell research, present the latest developments, and highlight the different religious views regarding stem cell research specifically the Islamic view.
The pros and cons of various options for regulating stem cell research and how scientists should address conflicting and confusing national policies and assess the different models of international collaboration will be discussed.
The conference also intends to interface with other institutions outside Qatar and contribute to the exchange of scientific knowledge to enhance the promotion of a scientific culture in the region and globally.
The keynote speakers are ambassador Edward P Djerejian (Baker Institute), Irving Weissman (Stanford University), Alan Trounson (president, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine), David Baltimore (president emeritus, Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology), Roger Pedersen (Department of Surgery, University of Cambridge) and Lawrence Corey (president and director, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre).
The conference, supported by Qatar Biomedical Research Institute, will also feature a number of invited speakers from across the world.

Read more from the original source:
Seminar to focus on stem cell research development

Nature: BrainStorm's NurOwn™ Stem Cell Technology Offers Hope for Treating Huntington Disease


BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. (OTCBB: BCLI.OB - News), a leading developer of adult stem cell technologies and therapeutics, announced today that the prestigious Nature Reviews Neurology, a Nature Publishing Group Journal, highlighted recently published preclinical research results indicating that stem cells, generated with Brainstorm’s NurOwn™ technology, provide hope for Huntington disease's patients.

In the preclinical studies conducted by leading scientists including Professors Melamed and Offen of Tel Aviv University and originally reported in Experimental Neurology, patients' bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells secreting neurotrophic factors (MSC-NTF) that were transplanted into an animal model of Huntington disease showed therapeutic benefits.

Addressing the role of these MSC-NTF cells in Huntington disease, Professor Daniel Offen explains, "the premise is that such cells can be transplanted safely into affected areas of the brain, and thereby serve as vehicles for delivering neurotrophic factors." Offen expressed his hope that this cell-based therapy may eventually progress to the clinic.

BrainStorm is currently conducting a Phase I/II Human Clinical Trial for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease at the Hadassah Medical center. Initial results have shown that Brainstorm’s NurOwn™ therapy is safe, does not show any significant treatment-related adverse events, and have also shown certain signs of beneficial clinical effects.

Follow this link for the Research Highlights page in Nature Reviews Neurology (starts Feb. 28th ):

To read the Original Article entitled ‘Mesenchymal stem cells induced to secrete neurotrophic factors attenuate quinolinic acid toxicity: A potential therapy for Huntington's disease’ by Sadan et al. follow this link:

About BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. is a biotech company developing adult stem cell therapeutic products, derived from autologous (self) bone marrow cells, for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Ltd., holds rights to develop and commercialize the technology through an exclusive, worldwide licensing agreement with Ramot ( at Tel Aviv University Ltd., the technology transfer company of Tel-Aviv University. The technology is currently in a Phase I/II clinical trials for ALS in Israel.

Safe Harbor Statement

Statements in this announcement other than historical data and information constitute "forward-looking statements" and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.'s actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements, including, inter alia, regarding safety and efficacy in its human clinical trials and thereafter; the Company's ability to progress any product candidates in pre-clinical or clinical trials; the scope, rate and progress of its pre-clinical trials and other research and development activities; the scope, rate and progress of clinical trials we commence; clinical trial results; safety and efficacy of the product even if the data from pre-clinical or clinical trials is positive; uncertainties relating to clinical trials; risks relating to the commercialization, if any, of our proposed product candidates; dependence on the efforts of third parties; failure by us to secure and maintain relationships with collaborators; dependence on intellectual property; competition for clinical resources and patient enrollment from drug candidates in development by other companies with greater resources and visibility, and risks that we may lack the financial resources and access to capital to fund our operations. The potential risks and uncertainties include risks associated with BrainStorm's limited operating history, history of losses; minimal working capital, dependence on its license to Ramot's technology; ability to adequately protect its technology; dependence on key executives and on its scientific consultants; ability to obtain required regulatory approvals; and other factors detailed in BrainStorm's annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q available at The Company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.

More here:
Nature: BrainStorm's NurOwn™ Stem Cell Technology Offers Hope for Treating Huntington Disease

UM Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Placed On National Registry

ANN ARBOR — The University of Michigan’s first human embryonic stem cell line will be placed on the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s registry, making the cells available for federally funded research. It is the first of the stem cell lines derived at the University of Michigan to be placed on the registry.

The line, known as UM4-6, is a genetically normal line, derived in October 2010 from a cluster of about 30 cells removed from a donated five-day-old embryo roughly the size of the period at the end of this sentence. That embryo was created for reproduction through in-vitro fertilization but was no longer needed for that purpose and was therefore about to be discarded.

“This is significant, because acceptance of these cells on the registry demonstrates our attention to details of proper oversight, consenting, and following of NIH guidelines established in 2009,” says Gary Smith, who derived the line and also is co-director of the U-M Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies, part of the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute. “It now makes the line available to researchers who can apply for federal funding to use it in their work; this is an important step.”

The line is the culmination of years of planning and preparation and was made possible by Michigan voters’ November 2008 approval of a state constitutional amendment permitting scientists here to derive embryonic stem cell lines using surplus embryos from fertility clinics or embryos with genetic abnormalities and not suitable for implantation.

“We expect these cells will be used by investigators worldwide to enhance our understanding of stem cell biology, and together with disease-specific lines, discover treatments and cures for genetic diseases,” says Smith, who is a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School.

UM is among just a handful of United States universities creating human embryonic stem cell lines. There are only 147 stem cell lines available on the registry.

“We envision in the future that investigators will be able to use the genetically normal embryonic stem cell lines like UM4-6, together with disease-specific embryonic stem cell lines, as a model system to investigate what causes these diseases and come up with treatments,” said Sue O’Shea, professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, and co-director of the Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies.

UM also has two other human embryonic stem cells lines submitted to the national registry. Both are disease specific, the first carrying the genetic defect that causes hemophilia B, and the other carries the gene responsible for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a hereditary neurological disorder.

Smith expects to soon submit eight additional human embryonic stem lines for consideration on the national registry: three genetically normal and five new disease specific lines.

This is a historic achievement that will lead to treatments and cures for serious, life-altering diseases and is more evidence that our University of Michigan researchers are leading the world in cutting-edge science that will impact health around the globe, says Eva Feldman, M.D., director of the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute.

“This is another major step forward for medical science in Michigan,” Feldman said. “This opens us another avenue for researchers to really begin exploring the causes and progression of those diseases, with the ultimate goal of finding new therapies for patients.”

Contributors to the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute’s Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies include the Taubman Institute; the Office of the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs; the Office of the Medical School Dean; the Comprehensive Cancer Center; the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases; the Office of the Vice President for Research; the School of Dentistry; the Department of Pathology; the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology; the College of Engineering; the Life Sciences Institute; the Department of Neurology; and U-M’s Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research.

A. Alfred Taubman, founder and chair of UM’s Taubman Institute, called the registry placement a tremendous step for stem cell research.

“I consider stem cells to be a modern medical miracle – the most exciting advance in medicine since antibiotics. The progress we have made throughout the state in stem cell research has been nothing short of remarkable,” Taubman said. “This milestone means much to the University of Michigan and the state of Michigan, but also to the world. It offers another route for researchers to move ahead in studying these horrible diseases. We hope it is the first of many lines that the University of Michigan can contribute to the global efforts to improve human health.”

For more information about the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute at the University of Michigan Medical School, visit

Original post:
UM Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Placed On National Registry

‘U’ stem cell line added to NIH

Yesterday the University announced it will contribute a line of human embryonic stem cells to the U.S. National Institutes of Health registry as part of a continuing effort to develop treatments for life-threatening diseases.

For the past two weeks, the University has been finalizing plans to make the line available nationally. This will be the University’s first national addition to the registry since Michigan voters approved a constitutional amendment allowing research on surplus embryos unfit for reproduction in 2008. Other universities, including the University of California, Los Angeles, Stanford University and the University of Connecticut, have also contributed to the registry.

The NIH registry created guidelines in July 2009 that make independently generated embryonic lines for federally funded research available. There are currently 147 stem cell lines on the registry.

Gary Smith, co-director of the A. A. Taubman Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies, started work on the line in October 2010. Smith said development of the line sets the University apart from other major research institutes.

“I do believe it makes us unique in comparison to many other universities,” Smith said. “It does put us in a handful of universities across the Unites States (that have contributed to the registry).”

The line was created from a five-day-old embryo approximately the size of a period, which would have been discarded because it was not fit for implantation. The cells will be used to understand stem cell biology, how certain diseases form and to design treatments and cures for those diseases, Smith said.

The line is genetically normal, but University researchers are working to develop two disease-specific lines, Smith said. Researchers are also working on eight others — five of which will be genetically normal.

Sue O’Shea, the other co-director of the Consortium, said in a press release the combination of the two types of stem cell lines will open up a wide range of possibilities in disease research.

“We envision in the future that investigators will be able to use the genetically normal embryonic stem cell lines … together with disease-specific embryonic stem cell lines, as a model system to investigate what causes these diseases and come up with treatments,” O’Shea said.

Eva Feldman, director of the A.A. Taubman Medical Research Institute, said in the press release the breakthrough of the developing lines offers additional opportunities to find cures to diseases.

“This is another major step forward for medical science in Michigan,” Feldman said. “This opens up another avenue for researchers to really begin exploring the causes and progression of those diseases, with the ultimate goal of finding new therapies for patients.”

A. Alfred Taubman, founder and chair of the Taubman Institute, added in the press release that the recent stem cell progress is monumental for the University’s research programs.

“I consider stem cells to be a modern miracle — the most exciting advance in medicine since antibiotics,” Taubman said. “The progress we have made throughout the state in stem cell research has been nothing short of remarkable.”

Read more:
‘U’ stem cell line added to NIH

U-M Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Placed On National Registry for Researchers



Line is first from U-M accepted to the U.S. National Institutes of Health registry, now available for federally-funded research

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Feb. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The University of Michigan's first human embryonic stem cell line will be placed on the U.S. National Institutes of Health's registry, making the cells available for federally-funded research. It is the first of the stem cell lines derived at the University of Michigan to be placed on the registry.

The line, known as UM4-6, is a genetically normal line, derived in October 2010 from a cluster of about 30 cells removed from a donated five-day-old embryo roughly the size of the period at the end of this sentence. That embryo was created for reproduction but was no longer needed for that purpose and was therefore about to be discarded.

"This is significant, because acceptance of these cells on the registry demonstrates our attention to details of proper oversight, consenting, and following of NIH guidelines established in 2009," says Gary Smith, Ph.D., who derived the line and also is co-director of the U-M Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies, part of the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute.

"It now makes the line available to researchers who can apply for federal funding to use it in their work; this is an important step."

The line is the culmination of years of planning and preparation and was made possible by Michigan voters' November 2008 approval of a state constitutional amendment permitting scientists here to derive embryonic stem cell lines using surplus embryos from fertility clinics or embryos with genetic abnormalities and not suitable for implantation.

"We expect these cells will be used by investigators worldwide to enhance our understanding of stem cell biology, and together with disease-specific lines, discover treatments and cures for genetic diseases," says Smith, who is a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School.

U-M is among just a handful of U.S. universities creating human embryonic stem cell lines. There are only 147 stem cell lines available on the registry.

"We envision in the future that investigators will be able to use the genetically normal embryonic stem cell lines like UM4-6, together with disease-specific embryonic stem cell lines, as a model system to investigate what causes these diseases and come up with treatments," says Sue O'Shea, professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, and co-director of the Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies.

U-M also has two other human embryonic stem cells lines submitted to the national registry. Both are disease specific, the first carrying the genetic defect that causes hemophilia B, and the other carries the gene responsible for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a hereditary neurological disorder.

Smith expects to soon submit eight additional human embryonic stem lines for consideration on the national registry: three genetically normal and five new disease specific lines.

This is a historic achievement that will lead to treatments and cures for serious, life-altering diseases and is more evidence that our University of Michigan researchers are leading the world in cutting-edge science that will impact health around the globe, says Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., director of the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute.

"This is another major step forward for medical science in Michigan. This opens us another avenue for researchers to really begin exploring the causes and progression of those diseases, with the ultimate goal of finding new therapies for patients," says Feldman.

Contributors to the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute's Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies include the Taubman Institute; the Office of the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs; the Office of the Medical School Dean; the Comprehensive Cancer Center; the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases; the Office of the Vice President for Research; the School of Dentistry; the Department of Pathology; the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology; the College of Engineering; the Life Sciences Institute; the Department of Neurology; and U-M's Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research.

A. Alfred Taubman, founder and chair of U-M's Taubman Institute, called the registry placement a tremendous step for stem cell research.

"I consider stem cells to be a modern medical miracle – the most exciting advance in medicine since antibiotics. The progress we have made throughout the state in stem cell research has been nothing short of remarkable," says Taubman.

"This milestone means much to the University of Michigan and the state of Michigan, but also to the world. It offers another route for researchers to move ahead in studying these horrible diseases. We hope it is the first of many lines that the University of Michigan can contribute to the global efforts to improve human health."

For more information about the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute at the University of Michigan Medical School, visit

For more information about stem cell research at U-M, visit





SOURCE University of Michigan Health System

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Read this article:
U-M Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Placed On National Registry for Researchers

Alzheimer's and Huntington's: Using Stem Cells to Understand and Treat Disease

(Part 4 of 7) Mathew Mark Blurton-Jones, a professor at UC-Irvine's Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, spoke at "Synapses Firing: Connections Made", a patient advocacy event hosted by the California stem cell funding agency (CIRM). The 100+ people in attendance heard from patient advocates about living with neurodegenerative disease and from scientists about recent progress in stem cell research that may lead to new treatments

Read more from the original source:
Alzheimer's and Huntington's: Using Stem Cells to Understand and Treat Disease

Spotlight on Basic Stem Cell Research – Irv Weissman

(Part 2 of 3) Irv Weissman, Ph.D., spoke at the "Spotlight on Basic Research," an educational event presented at the CIRM Governing Board meeting on August 20, 2009. Irv Weissman described how his lab's basic research of the immune system led to the identification of blood-forming stem cells and new therapeutic strategies to treat various blood diseases. He has a CIRM Disease Team grant to develop therapeutic antibodies for targeting human acute myeloid leukemia stem cells.

See more here:
Spotlight on Basic Stem Cell Research - Irv Weissman

Bioheart to Present at BioFlorida's Saturday Exchange

SUNRISE, Fla., Feb. 15, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bioheart (BHRT.OB), a leader in developing stem cell therapies to treat cardiovascular diseases, today announced that they have been chosen as a presenter in the BioFlorida Saturday Exchange conference later this month.

The Saturday Exchange is a reprise of the successful Biomed Exchange meeting, held for many years during the 1980-90's. Well over 100 life science professionals gathered in Miami on a Saturday morning each month to learn about various aspects of the community's growing life sciences cluster. The Exchange will take place at University of Miami's Life Science & Technology Park.

The Keynote Speaker is Bioheart's Chairman William P. Murphy Jr., MD. Dr. Murphy will share his career experiences and insights as a leading entrepreneur in the medical device industry, spanning the founding of Cordis Corporation to more recent ventures. In addition, Mike Tomas, Bioheart's president and CEO and Kristin Comella, Bioheart's CSO will present the use of stem cells in degenerative diseases

"The Saturday Exchange brings together many professionals to discuss the field of biotechnology," said Mike Tomas. "Bioheart is excited about the opportunity to represent the South Florida community and share our experiences in the field of regenerative medicine."

About Bioheart

Bioheart (BHRT.OB) is committed to developing stem cell therapies to treat congestive heart failure, lower limb ischemia, chronic heart ischemia, acute myocardial infarctions and other medical problems. The company focuses on the discovery and development of therapies that will improve patients' quality of life and reduce health care costs and hospitalizations. Bioheart's leading product, MyoCell, is a muscle-derived cell therapy designed to populate regions of scar tissue within a patient's heart to improve cardiac function.

For more information on Bioheart, visit

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Bioheart to Present at BioFlorida's Saturday Exchange