07-11-2011 15:05 http://www.StemCellTreatment.org Kashka came down with actor Danny Glover and had stem cell treatment for kidney disease. He has been on dialyses for the last 4 years and is now feeling more energetic already after only his first stem cell treatment for kidney disease! Before coming to the American Stem Cell and Anti-Aging Center Kashka had tried every alternative means and then finally found ASCAAC on youtube and contacted us. We have had good results using stem cell therapy for kidney disease so please visit the website and give us a call! Kashka, un paciente de diálisis nos cyuenta como American Stem CEll le ha ayudado con sus problemas y cómo es parte de una nueva medicina de curación verdadera y no solo de lucha contra síntomas.
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Stem Cell Treatment Kidney Disease - Video