Justice League: New Photo Reveals Best Look at Cyborg and … – Den of Geek US

This article contains some Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice spoilers.

This is the one that the DC Extended Universe is building towards. Five years after The Avengers showed us that it was possible to pull off a non-mutant superhero team on the big screen, we'll finally see a Justice League movie.Man of SteelandBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justicedirector Zack Snyder has wrapped filming onJustice League, from a script by Batman v Superman's Chris Terrio.

The latest image (courtesy of Batman News) only gives us half the team, but it's probably the single best look we've had at Ray Fisher's Cyborg and Jason Momoa in full Aquaman armor so far.

This looks like it could be a shot from a trailer, and since the real trailer for this movie is long overdue, it might well be. Cyborg still looks a little off, but having one of his hands open up into some kind of bizarre weapon (probably sonic if the comics are anything to go by) is pretty cool.

Here's an earlier look at the team courtesy ofEntertainment Weekly!

Aquaman's armor is a pretty bold choice, too, but it fits perfectly with the overall aesthetic of the DC Extended Universe so far.

Now, about that trailer.

We're still waiting on a new Justice League trailer, butthe first footagearrived at SDCC 2016! This is our first glimpse of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman working together on the big screen.

Check out the trailer below:

We did a full analysis on the trailer right here.

You can see some other footage in this video from director Zack Snyder, who posted this awesome behind-the-scenes video which has lots of new looks at the characters in action.

It also looks like we're due to get another Justice League trailer very soon, too.

Justice Leagueis scheduled for a November 17th, 2017 release, with a sequelto follow on June 14th, 2019.The complete DC superhero movie release calendar can be found here.

In order for the Justice League to form, they need a threat with power levels that only a team of heroes could take down, right?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justicemade it pretty explicit that Darkseid is on his way to this world, and there were several visual cues for those who are interested.We broke those down (along with lots more comic references in the movie) right here. But he isn't the villain of the Justice League movie.A deleted scene fromBatman v Supermanreleased onlineoffered a look at a monstrous creature on a Kryptonian ship, who turned out to beanother Fourth World related despot (and Jack Kirby creation), Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf is basically Darkseid's cousin, a powerful warrior from Apokolips who wields a pretty crazy energy axe.

The Wrap broke the news that Ciaran Hinds (you may know him as Mance Rayder on Game of Throneswhich makes him a particularly cool choice for this part if it's true) has been cast as Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf will be done via motion capture, and his casting has apparently been kept under wraps throughout the production, which recently wrapped principal photography.

We have reached out to representatives for comment or confirmation, and will update this if we hear anything.

Here's what Steppenwolf looked like in that Batman v Superman deleted scene:

And here's Ciaran Hinds as Mance Rayder. You may start your Photoshop engines accordingly...

It's still inevitable that we'll see Darkseid in these movies, and he'll probably still be a presence in the first one. DC Comics used him as the catalyst for the formation of the Justice League in the current comic book series. He's a pretty big gun to burn this early, though, so holding him back forJustice League Part Twosound about as logical as anything else we've heard.

Lex Luthor is now confirmed to appear, as well.Luthor was last seen at the end ofBatman v Supermanraving about a villain on the way. Whether he was talking about Steppenwolf or Darkseid remains to be seen, but given that deleted scene, it's probably Steppenwolf.

It looks like maybe, just maybe,Joe Manganiello's Deathstrokewill turn up inJustice Leagueafter all.Zack Snyder just posted a cryptic image of himself(wearing a Batman gauntlet) and working on storyboards for a scene that do indeed appear to contain Slade Wilson. See for yourself...

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Justice League: New Photo Reveals Best Look at Cyborg and ... - Den of Geek US

Supergirl: David Harewood on Playing Martian Manhunter and Cyborg Superman – IGN


Supergirl's second season has brought with it many big changes, and Martian Manhunter has been impacted as much as any character. So far this season we've seen see J'onn relocate the DEO, form a bond with fellow Martian refugee M'gann M'orrz and comes to terms with his inner demons after discovering that M'gann is actually a White Martian. Actor David Harewood has even been pulling double duty, as he's also been playing the vengeful Hank Henshaw, now reborn as Cyborg Superman.

It's been an eventful season for Harewood, and that won't change as the series gears up for more Martian-focused conflicts. We recently had the chance to chat with Harewood about J'onn's evolving role on the show, the challenge of playing two vastly different versions of the same character and what to expect from the upcoming Flash/Supergirl musical crossover. Martian Manhunter may not have been able to join in on the fun in Invasion, but fans will soon get to see him stand side-by-side with Barry Allen.

Melissa Benoist as Supergirl and David Harewood as J'onn J'onzz.

IGN: There have been a lot of changes so far this season, both in terms of the move to Vancouver and the changing role of J'onn and the DEO on the show. Are you happy with those changes so far?

Harewood: Yeah, I mean, the move to Vancouver was a pretty big one. It's gorgeous. I think I miss the climate of Los Angeles, very much so, but I think the actual move has benefited the show. We're stronger. The show seems to have found more of an identity. I'm very happy about that. Playing J'onn, it's definitely benefited me.

IGN: Looking back at the first half of the season, it seems like we're getting to see J'onn in his Martian form a lot more this year. Does that make your job more difficult, just with the added special effects work?

Harewood: No, no. I want to see the green guy more, myself. I think it's great to show those elements of him, especially since there became fewer and fewer of them last season. It's difficult because I'm playing somebody who I'm not through the use of CG. It's can be a little bit of a frustrating character to play because it's never quite who you are, if you know what I mean. But I love putting on the costume. That never really gets old. I would like to see him in his Martian form a lot more. It's brilliant - what they're doing is amazing - but it's still difficult to get emotion into that character because of the CG performance. What they tend to do is when you want there to be real emotions, it has to be the actor. With the image, it can be the CG guy. So it's pretty much up to them.

IGN: One of the other big developments recently was the return of the real Hank Henshaw. Has it been a challenge playing two versions of this same character?

Harewood: Not really a challenge, because one has much more darkness. I'm enjoying that element and being darker. It's strayed a little bit from the comic book. There really isn't much information on Cyborg Superman, Hank. Why is he called Cyborg Superman? There are still some holes there as a character that I'm not quite sure about. I try not to ask myself anything deep or meaningful, and I just try to get one with it and just play what's on the page and don't ask any questions.

IGN: In your mind, why do you think he takes the name Cyborg Superman? Doe he have a fixation on Superman as he makes his return?

Harewood: I know the story behind the comic books. Obviously, that's not necessarily the story being told on Supergirl. Like I said, I'm just playing the old Hank Henshaw that's been genetically enhanced. I'm not really asking myself too many questions about the mythology, because I think the mythology is a lot more complex than we can get into in our show. It's probably for the best that we read what's on the page and I make my acting choices based on what's on the page rather than what's in the mythology, because the mythology is different. That could cause me some difficulty if Ifollow the comics, so I'm just trying to to read what's on the page and keep all those questions and stuff like that buttoned up as much as I can. They lead to more questions which can unravel what you're doing.

IGN: The other day you tweeted out a new image of Martian Manhunter and Supergirl with the tagline "The Martian Chronicles." Is this the start of a big ongoing story for J'onn?

Harewood: It's more about Mars and the idea of what happened there. Now the White Martians know where M'gann is and want to make her pay for her crimes. She killed three guards to help a Green Martian escape. There are White Martians descending upon Earth to capture her and bring her back to face justice. J'onn puts himself on the line to protect M'Gann. That's where "The Martian Chronicles" comes in. It might cross over into the following week, too, but it's mainly next week's episode. It's centered very much on these invaders from Mars and how they're affecting J'onn and M'gann.

IGN: Looking at that episode, it seems like there's a strong horror movie vibe to it, with everyone being locked in the base and not knowing who's real and who's an impostor. Would you say there's a horror movie quality to this one?

Harewood: Yeah. This episode was great fun to shoot. As you say, you don't know who's who. These White Martians can impersonate anybody. There's some real comedic moments, and there's some pretty tense moments. It's one of those "edge of your seat" episodes where you just don't quite know what's going on or what's around the next corner. I think people will enjoy it.

IGN: Watching last night's episode "We Can Be Heroes," I was really impressed with your subplot and J'onn's struggle to move past his hatred of White Martians and show empathy for M'gann. Was that mind-melding scene a challenge for you , just in terms of the emotions at play?

Harewood: It's great working with Sharon Leal. She's a fantastic actress. This whole storyline has given me other colors to play and other things to do than just be the grumpy dad/boss. It's a chance to be vulnerable and to show empathy. I've really enjoyed that. It's been a challenge, but I welcome that. With the one scene back on Mars, I think that was perhaps the first time that J'onn could see how much pain M'gann had caused herself by disobeying her own race. She wanted to protect the Green Martians, and I think that's forced J'onn, as you said, to look at himself and question why he's holding such hatred for a race of beings when there was, in fact, some good in them and amongst them. That was a real revelation for J'onn to know that there are good White Martians and that they're not all awful and terrible. There are good ones among them, and it really forces him to evaluate the level of his own prejudice and his hatred.

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IGN: All the CW shows had their big crossover last December, and obviously J'onn didn't get a chance to really participate in the crossover, but it sounds like you do have a role in the upcoming Flash/Supergirl musical crossover. Is there anything you can tease about that?

Harewood: I'm really excited about that. I won't be getting any good dance numbers, but I think fans will be excited to see J'onn J'onnz and the Flash in the same program. I'm certainly excited to work with Grant [Gustin]. He's a great guy, and I was disappointed not to make the crossover last time. So I'm very, very excited to be popping up on his show. I know how popular it is, and it should be fun. It's a good script.

Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.

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Supergirl: David Harewood on Playing Martian Manhunter and Cyborg Superman - IGN

The Cyborg Bill of Rights v1.0 – Boing Boing

/ Richard MacKinnon / 4 am Wed, Feb 1 2017

Our civil liberties, protections, and rights need to be revised periodically if they are to accompany us as we cross new frontiers. A new frontier looms ahead. More accurately, the new frontier looms within. And it is within our bodies and upon this battlefield that the next electronic rights war will be fought.

In anticipation of the battle for the body, we can envision a conflict among competing interests in property located within a person's body and likely connected to externally controlled resources for storage, logging, and monitoring--for instance, a medical device--and we can imagine that someone's body may contain more than one such synthetic organ, life sustaining system, or other supportive technology--all of which having different owners with different interests and claims on a person's innards.

It is the time to revisit the state of our rights, test our metaphors and precedents, and decide how to protects ourselves now that the battle has become more intimate and personal than ever before. Our process begins with a draft of proposed rights that are discussed thoroughly, adopted by convention, and then published to serve as model language for adoption and incorporation by NGOs, governments, and rights organizations.

A person shall be free from exploitive or injurious 3rd party ownerships of vital and supporting bodily systems. A person is entitled to the reasonable accrual of ownership interest in 3rd party properties affixed, attached, embedded, implanted, injected, infused, or otherwise permanently integrated with a person's body for a long-term purpose.

Header image: Ryan O'Shea

Rich MacKinnon is past president of EFF-Austin, former board member of the ACLU of Texas, and founder of Borgfest Human Augmentation Expo and Cyborg Pride Festival.

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The Cyborg Bill of Rights v1.0 - Boing Boing

Cyborg X (2016) – IMDb

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Updated: Cris Cyborg Tests Positive for Diuretic, Faces …

Cristiane Justino could have bigger problems than not being included in the UFCs inaugural womens featherweight title bout.

While USADA did not reveal the result of the test, Justino announced on her Facebook page that she tested positive for the diuretic spironolactone. According to the fighter, the substance is part of a therapeutic treatment being administered to me by doctor that started the 26th of September and is suppose to last for a period of no less than 90 days, requiring blood exams at the completion.

..We are being fully cooperating with USADA at this time and have already started the process of applying for a retroactive therapeutic use exemption, she wrote.

MMAFighting.com confirmed with a USADA representative that Justino did test positive for spironolactone, which is banned both in- and out-of-competition. As a result, Justino could receive a one-year suspension from USADA.

In 2011, Justino tested positive for the anabolic steroid stanozolol one day prior to a 16-second stoppage of Hiroko Yamanaka under the Strikeforce banner in San Diego. Cyborg was suspended for one year and the victory was changed to a no decision. Justino, who was also stripped of her featherweight crown, blamed the failed drug test on a supplement she used to help with her weight cut.

Justino has not failed a drug test in seven subsequent bouts while competing for Invicta FC and the UFC. She competed twice in the Octagon in 2016, earning TKO stoppages against Lina Lansberg and Leslie Smith in 140-pound catch-weight bouts.

UFC President Dana White said that the promotion offered Justino two title fights at 145 pounds in early 2017, but the Brazilian turned them down, claiming she needed 12 weeks to make the featherweight limit. Instead, Holly Holm and Germaine de Randamie will vie for the vacant featherweight crown at UFC 208 on Feb. 11.

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Updated: Cris Cyborg Tests Positive for Diuretic, Faces ...

Cyborg | Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki | Fandom powered by …

Cyborg Cyborg as he appears in Injustice: Gods Among Us

Real Name:

Victor "Vic" Stone








385 lbs (175 kg)






DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980)


Khary Payton

"It's the man, not the machine."

Cyborg is a playable hero character in Injustice: Gods Among Us. He is classified as a Power User.

Part man, part machine, Victor Stone is able to shift his cybernetic body parts into whatever tech he requires. A member of the Justice League, Cyborg is one of crimes most formidable enemies.

Cyborgs fellow Teen Titans did not survive Supermans rise to power. This trauma, coupled with the influence of other, more experienced heroes, led Cyborg to become one of the oppressive regimes enforcers.

Cyborg answers Batman's priority call to all Justice League members, asking about the identity of the woman who was kidnapped by the Joker. He is not present when Metropolis is destroyed.

Cyborg next appears in the Watchtower to answer Wonder Woman's summons, and after hearing of the Kent's kidnapping and listening to her passionate speech about Superman's current actions in the face of his tragedies, he is the first to step forward and agree to help, saying, "He's Superman. This world would have been destroyed ten times over without him. We owe him this and far more. Let's go fight for him." He then sets the teleporter for Central City to go find the Flash's Rogues and the location of Mirror Master. Cyborg himself battles Captain Boomerang while demanding Mirror Master's location. When they learn the villain's location at the villain's bar World's End, Cyborg waits outside with the other heroes while Wonder Woman and Flash go inside to get Mirror Master.

Cyborg is next seen calling flyers from the League to save a Japanese fleet from an attack from Atlanteans in the southern seas. He gives them coordinates and a plan of action.

Cyborg appears alongside Superman and Wonder Woman as they return Two-Face to Arkham Asylum and ready to take the other patients when they are confronted by Batman and Nightwing.

Cyborg is silent during the Bat-Family's arguing, only confirming to Wonder Woman he has control over Arkham's security after she asks. She then orders him to open the killer Zsasz's cell door, which Cyborg does, and Zsasz disappears moments later thanks to the Flash, who zips him off to what Superman calls a secure facility far away from Gotham. Cyborg opens Mad Hatter's next after Wonder Woman's order and he vanishes as well.

The Riddler begins to say a riddle after witnessing this but Cyborg tells him, "No. You don't get to play your sick games anymore." He begins to move towards his cell door but Batman warns him to stop. When Cyborg refuses, he is suddenly shocked internally and collapses, only managing to gasp out, "V...Virus..." Though Wonder Woman pleads with Batman to stop, he does not and Cyborg lies on the floor, sparking for several seconds until Victor's former Titan partner Nightwing deactivates the virus and asks everyone to calm down.

As Cyborg recovers, he is still in shock over the fact a virus breached his systems, having just up-dated his firewalls when he notices the date signature on it. Enraged, he charges towards Batman, shouting, "You freak! You uploaded this virus the first week you met me!"

Before anything can happen, Green Arrow announces his presence with a warning arrow at Cyborg's feet. Cyborg is silent as Harley Quinn announces her takeover of the Asylum and freeing of the inmates and is not seen as Solomon Grundy rises out of the floor.

Cyborg is revealed to have been attacked by several inmates alongside Green Arrow, who is faring slightly better than him, though later Cyborg manages to gain the upper hand and begins easily dispatching the escaped psychotics with his superior strength and sonic cannon. Cyborg is last seen mournfully watching Batman carry the body of Nightwing out of the Asylum.

Cyborg looks through the crater of rumble and informing Wonder Woman on Flash's rescue of civilians when he is dismayed to find Green Lantern, unconscious and badly beaten. He informs Wonder Woman of GL's status and when asked if he can see his attacker, he responds he can't see anything because of the smoke. Cyborg's scanners quickly pick up something approaching him at fast speeds and he prepares his sonic cannon, preparing to bring whatever it is "Down hard."

Cyborg is eager to see his target so he can fire but his target gets to him first and is revealed to be Black Adam as he tears off Cyborg's left hand. Cyborg only has time for a single shocked and angered glare before Black Adam knocks him out with a single punch.

Cyborg is seen on the Watchtower telling Superman that a distress signal is coming from Metropolis, a recording of the same two words: "I'm alive." Superman decides to investigate, much to the rest of League's hesitance due to their recent actions having upset several powerful people. Cyborg agrees, pointing out that Metropolis is the perfect place to attack the Man of Steel without causing major collateral damage. Cyborg offers to accompany Superman down into the city, but can't due to the high levels of radiation threatening what is left of his organic body. He instead chooses to monitor Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern as they enter the city and alert them to any trouble.

Cyborg is last seen among the gathered League members to listen to Luthor, the one broadcasting the signal, as he requests to join them.

Cyborg is seen towards the end of the chapter, listening to Luthor's explanation and learning of Hawkgirl's kidnapping and sudden, strange return.

When the Parademons begin their invasion, Cyborg recognizes the Boom Tubes they're using and informs the rest of the Justice League when he discovers they're invading all over the world.

Cyborg then goes to the invaded city of Moscow and defends a group a people from the Parademons, while exclaiming that he needs backup.

Cyborg is on the Watchtower along with Green Lantern and Robin when the Watchtower picks up an approaching object. Realizing it is coming in too fast, he orders Hal and Damian to brace themselves as the object pierces the Watchtower's hull. After Hal seals the breached walls, Cyborg is dumbfounded to realize it was a motorbike that rammed through the Watchtower.

Cyborg is among the rest of the Justice League as Luthor presents the enhancement pill and explains its use to them.

Cyborg is among the small gathering of League members who learn of Batman's kidnapping and replacement of Hawkgirl with Martian Manhunter. Cyborg asks where Shiera is and Superman responds that Batman still has her. Superman then decides that they must strike preemptively before Batman and has Cyborg broadcast to all devices all over the world so they can reveal Batman's identity to the world.

During this however, the Watchtower's entire system goes offline, with Cyborg realizing Batman has somehow shut it down remotely. Superman insists that they still reveal Batman's identity before he has a chance to utilize another contingency plan. Cyborg insists there is no way with the Watchtower completely offline but after Damian points out that he's a living computer, Cyborg shares a look with Luthor and the two simply place Bruce Wayne's identity on the internet.

After Superman is satisfied with this, he begins working with Wonder Woman to force the Watchtower to land on Earth. Cyborg urges them to go easy, as he wants to repair it as soon as possible to get it back in space after he figures out how Batman took the tower out.

Cyborg oversees repairs on the Watchtower when he witnesses the real Hawkgirl returning, contacting Wonder Woman seconds later.

Superman contacts Cyborg, who is still repairing the downed Watchtower, to request medical evacuation for a badly wounded Wonder Woman. Cyborg sends Flash before asking if he needs backup, which Superman denies.

Cyborg is among the gathered Justice League before the U.N. as Superman announces his intentions to hunt Batman before unveiling his new army.

Cyborg is among the mourners at Oliver Queen's funeral, silently paying his respects before leaving.

Cyborg is aboard the Watchtower high over Earth. After Kilowog arrives with a strike team of Green Lanterns to apprehend Superman for trial on Oa, the Man of Steel contacts Cyborg, who confirms he has them in his sights before Superman gives him the ok to take the shot. Cyborg then fires a massive beam from the bottom of the Watchtower straight down on the Green Lanterns.

After the beam has stopped firing, Cyborg contacts Superman, asking for confirmation for the Green Lanterns being down. Unfortunately, the Watchtower's beam weapon proved useless as the Green Lanterns were completely unharmed and attacked Superman, Shazam and Hawkgirl, with Cyborg unable to help them.

Seven months later, Cyborg is on the Watchtower, declaring a priority alert to all members of the Justice League when he spots something crashing down on Earth. Though Robin urges him to contact Superman, Cyborg tells him he's on Theymiscra and not responding. When Robin suggests the Watchtower's orbital weapon, Cyborg says the object is moving too fast to be hit.

Cyborg then messages Flash to head to Chicago where the impact is taking place, saying there will be wounded. Cyborg begins a countdown to impact but Sinestro intervenes at the last second.

Cyborg is among the gathered Regime forces outside the Hall of Justice, observing the sky turn green in the opening attack of the war between the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps. When the Flash asks him what's happening, Cyborg says that the Watchtower cameras are showing a massive blast but he can't see any of their people including Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Sinestro or Superman. Cyborg then attempts to contact Superman, and when the Man of Steel finally responds, Cyborg learns over a quarter of the Sinestro Corps were wiped out by the planet Green Lantern Mogo.

Superman then has Cyborg give the order to their forces to pull back into the upper atmosphere so that the Green Lanterns can't use such an attack on them again. Cyborg complies, but soon after the Hall of Justice is attacked by the Gotham resistance. Cyborg uses his arm cannon to defend himself and Luthor from the super-powered GCPD forces, but Lex soon tells him to retreat to the Watchtower using the teleporter, saying he's too important to get captured.

Though reluctant, Cyborg complies, but right as he is about to teleport, he senses someone has hacked into the League's communication systems and informs Lex. Luthor orders Cyborg to shut the comms down but Cyborg refuses, saying their forces will be blind in the midst of the war. Cyborg tells Lex not to worry and he will trace the person who's hacked them. Cyborg then teleports to the Watchtower, ignoring Lex's orders to shut the communications down.

From the safety of the Watchtower Cyborg continues to search for the person who has hacked the Justice League's communications, saying to himself, "I know you're there." as his mechanical eye transmits and receives data. He manages to hack through several proxy servers before finally learning of someone named "Oracle". When Lex arrives via the teleporter, Cyborg tells him he will have Oracle's location soon, only to be confronted by an armed Commissioner Gordon with Luthor unconscious at his feet.

Gordon demands Cyborg stop the trace, and Cyborg attempts to call his bluff, saying he wouldn't fire a weapon inside a space station, though Gordon does fire a single shot into the mechanical side of Cyborg's face, the bullet leaving a small dent. Cyborg still refuses to believe Gordon would kill him, and after Gordon warns him not to do anything stupid, Cyborg tells him, "I don't have to anything. I just have to wait."

During their short conversation, Cyborg has scanned Gordon's vitals and upon seeing the cancer in his lungs and how weak the Commissioner appears, he concludes, "You're dying, aren't you?" A weakening Gordon drops his gun, and Cyborg tells him it's over and that he will have Oracle's location soon. Cyborg tells Gordon he's out of time before apologizing and asking if there's anything he can do for him.

Refusing to surrender so easily, Gordon charges at Cyborg, who forms his arm into a cannon and blasts Gordon back, but fails to wound him due to Gordon's increased durability. Gordon punches Cyborg, knocking him down, and then tears off the mechanical half of his face. This act knocks a shocked Cyborg out and stops the trace on Oracle's location.

Cyborg, still unconscious and damaged, is in the custody of Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock.

Cyborg first appears defending the Watchtower alongside Nightwing and Raven against Lex Luthor, Bane, Solomon Grundy, and Catwoman. After Batman arrives to assist them, he and Cyborg receive a warning signal about the Joker setting up a nuclear bomb in the center of Metropolis. After Batman, the Joker, and several of the Justice League members are teleported a parallel dimension, Cyborg, Superman and the Flash begin working tirelessly to locate them and bring them back.

In the parallel dimension, Cyborg is shown having joined Superman's One Earth regime and subsequently undergone enhancements to his body. Green Lantern encounters him and the Regime's Raven on the Ferris Aircraft facility torturing their dimension's Deathstroke, who refused the amnesty offered to him by the High Councilor Superman. Green Lantern confronts the two, causing them confusion at first due to his change of uniform color from the Yellow Lantern they know. After Raven is defeated by Green Lantern, Cyborg confronts him but is beaten.

Back in the Justice League's Watchtower, Cyborg and the Flash manage to locate the alternate dimension where their allies were sent and plan to use the Flash's Cosmic Treadmill to pull them back into their dimension. Upon making the necessary modifications, they put their plan into motion. However, the inter-dimensional gateway belonging to the Insurgents activates at the same time, pulling Cyborg into their dimension, where he's needed to repair the kryptonite weapon Batman built to use against Superman. After encountering Deathstroke and Lex Luthor in the Insurgency's hideout, Cyborg misinterprets their intentions and attacks them. He fights them both to a standstill until Batman's counterpart and the members of the Justice League arrive and explain the situation to him.

When Superman's counterpart announces that the displaced Batman will be executed publicly on Stryker's Island, the Insurgency forms a plan to rescue him using the Watchtower's teleporter. Disguising himself as his counterpart, Cyborg infiltrates the Hall of Justice in order to gain access to the Watchtower, grudgingly accompanied by Deathstroke, who Cyborg doesn't trust, regardless of their lack of history. Cyborg goes to activate the teleporter, when it suddenly activates, bringing Catwoman into the Hall. She greets Cyborg, believing him to be his counterpart, but grows suspicious when he uncharacteristically greets her back. She confirms this suspicion by implying that the two of them are involved with each other, causing Cyborg to play along, unaware that she's lying. His cover blown, Catwoman deactivates Cyborg's disguise and attacks him. He manages to defeat her, only to have his legs remotely locked up by his counterpart, who sends for backup from Wonder Woman, unaware that he's speaking to her displaced counterpart. The two Cyborgs start remotely hacking each other's systems simultaneously, ending in a stalemate. Deciding to settle this like men, the two fight one on one, ending in defeat for the Regime's Cyborg.

Their way clear, Cyborg and Deathstroke teleport to the Watchtower, where Cyborg easily takes control of the teleporter using his counterpart's stolen security protocols. However, Deathstroke overloads the Watchtower's reactor as an act of revenge against Superman, jeopardizing the mission and giving the Insurgents only 90 minutes to complete their mission. Once they've secured the displaced Batman, Cyborg teleports them to safety despite a brief malfunction in the teleporter's system. Their mission complete, Cyborg teleports himself and everyone else in the Watchtower to safety, just before the reactor explodes, destroying the Watchtower.

In the wake of the attack on Stryker's and the death of Luthor, the Regime's Superman announces to the council his intentions to destroy Metropolis and Gotham to set an example. He orders his Cyborg and Raven to take control of media broadcasts so the entire world can see it. When the Regime begins their attack on Gotham, the displaced Cyborg fights alongside the Insurgents in the defense of Gotham.

In the epilogue, Cyborg is shown visiting Lex Luthor's grave, where he places the chestpiece of Luthor's battle suit as homage to their fallen comrade. Meanwhile his counterpart is taken into custody with the rest of Superman's accomplices.

What little remains of Victor Stone's body is protected by Promethium metal shaped into a mechanical exo-skeleton, armed with advanced weaponry and constantly synced to the internet 24/7, allowing Cyborg complete and total access to all information stored in the world wide web. Cyborg's mechanical body affords him superhuman strength and durability high enough to trade and survive blows from Solomon Grundy, though not overpower the zombie. Cyborg's on-board weaponry includes his trademarked arm cannon, which can fire either high decibel blasts of sound or small spheres of energy, either in a single burst or rapid fire. Cyborg also possesses a large amount of missiles for long range attacks, which he can fire from a launcher on his back or from his shoulders. Cybrog also contains a built in Boom Tube to allow himself instantaneous teleportation from one location to another.

Though his arsenal his impressive, Cyborg's real talent is his computer skills. Victor can navigate and coordinate massive strikes through his natural connection to the web, and hack through almost any security system and take complete control of it himself, so long as he remains conscious during the takeover. If he is knocked unconscious during, or hacked himself, the feedback can knock him unconscious.

Repair Circuit:Cyborg's character trait is the ability to regenerate health. The longer the button is held, the more health Cyborg regenerates.

Basic Attacks:

Air Attacks:


Combo Attacks:

Special Moves:

Super Move-1375398843

Injustice Gods Among Us - Cyborg Ending HD

Cyborg's costume is comprised of a metal exoskeleton. Half of his face and the underside of his arms are left bare. He has a red glowing circle in the middle of his chest and he can transform his exoskeleton into different weapons at will.

Cyborg has a more advanced robotic exoskeleton and has flashing red lights on his eye, arms, chest and has flashing red wires.

Injustice Gods Among Us - Aquaman vs. Cyborg

Aquaman vs Cyborg

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Cyborg (Victor Stone) – Wikipedia

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Cyborg, il cui vero nome Victor Stone, un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Marv Wolfman e George Prez nel 1980, pubblicato dalla DC Comics.

noto per essere uno storico membro del supergruppo dei Titani. I suoi nemici peggiori sono Gizmo, Atlas e Brotherblood.

Victor Stone figlio di due eminenti scienziati, Silas ed Elinore Stone, che sperimenteranno sul figlio uno speciale trattamento con lo scopo di aumentarne l'intelligenza. L'esperimento funzioner, e Victor diventer in breve tempo un genio, che per odier i suoi genitori per averlo trattato come una cavia da laboratorio. Durante il college Victor diventer una star del football americano. Un giorno, mentre si reca a trovare i suoi genitori (che lavorano per i Laboratori S.T.A.R.) si ritrover in mezzo ad un esperimento di teletrasporto: da un portale per un altro mondo uscir un mostro gelatinoso che uccider la madre di Victor e divorer gran parte del suo corpo. Usando cos una tecnologia sperimentale, Silas monter al figlio una serie di protesi meccaniche che ne faranno un vero e proprio ibrido uomo/macchina. Risvegliatosi come un mostro, Victor rinnegher ancora di pi il padre, ma dopo aver capito di possedere grandi poteri, decider di dedicare la sua vita a combattere le ingiustizie.

Victor incapper poi in una nuova alleanza di eroi, i Giovani Titani, messi insieme dall'empate Raven per fermare il suo demoniaco padre Trigon. Unitosi al gruppo, Victor ne diventer un membro a tutti gli effetti, aiutando la squadra in numerose occasioni, e arrivando nel tempo a sviluppare un legame quasi familiare con tutti i membri. Preso il nome di battaglia di Cyborg, stringer anche una forte amicizia con Beast Boy, con Sarah Simms, un'insegnante la cui classe era composta da bambini con protesi (e che per questo lo ammirano pi di ogni altro eroe), e con la dottoressa Sarah Charles, che lo aiuter a potenziare il suo corpo. Sarah inizier anche una relazione con Victor, che verr per interrotta bruscamente quando l'ex membro dei Titani noto come Jericho far saltare in aria Cyborg su un missile.

Verr poi recuperato dai Laboratori S.T.A.R. e ricostruito pi come macchina che come uomo. In seguito ad un viaggio nello spazio, riacquister l'uso della parola e riprender anche la sua relazione con Sarah. In seguito verr rivelato che Victor era stato aiutato da una razza aliena meccanica senziente chiamata Technis, nata dall'arrivo dell'elementale della terra Swamp Thing su un pianeta meccanico. Per mantenere la sua mente e la sua sanit, Cyborg si fonder con i Technis, viaggiando con loro nello spazio per insegnargli l'umanit. La fusione con gli alieni aumenter a dismisura i poteri di Victor, che si trasformer in una sorta di semidio tecnorganico noto come Cyberion. Tale fusione per annuller la coscienza di Victor, che rester dormiente all'interno della programmazione dei Technis.

Volendo compagnia, il subconscio di Victor costruir una base sulla Luna, e inizier a rapire ogni singolo membro dei Titani, che sistemer in camere virtuale dove ogni membro aveva il suo pi grande sogno realizzato. In seguito, la Lega della Giustizia arriver sul posto per indagare, e decider di uccidere Technis, mentre i Titani vorranno salvare quello che restava di Victor. Beast Boy riuscir a far rinsavire l'amico, la cui coscienza sar cos scaricata all'interno di un nuovo corpo formato dall'armatura futura nota come Omegadrone. Cyborg si ritrover cos ad essere totalmente macchina in un corpo dorato mutaforma che lo rendeva estremamente potente, ma ci lo far dubitare della sua umanit.

Dopo qualche tempo, Nightwing riveler di essere riuscito a clonare un nuovo corpo per Victor e questi riuscir a fondere il suo corpo robotico con il clone. Cyborg potr cos passare da una forma umana, ad una forma robotica uguale a quella originale, ma dorata e dotata di tutti gli stessi poteri dell'Omegadrone. Victor perder questi poteri dopo essersi trasferito a Central City, e rifonder i Giovani Titani. Cyborg sar poi reclutato da Donna Troy, vecchia compagna di squadra e nuova guardiana del multiverso per fermare l'evento cosmico noto come Crisi Infinita. Nello spazio per Victor esploder e rester offline per un anno intero. Al suo risveglio incontrer un nuovo gruppo di Titani, ed in breve tempo riprender il suo ruolo di consigliere spirituale del gruppo. Victor prover poi ad espandere il gruppo con una filiale sulla costa Est, ma verr fermato da un attacco a sorpresa del demone Trigon. Cyborg in seguito si unir alla Lega della Giustizia, stringendo amicizia con Red Tornado.

Nell'universo DC post-reboot. Cyborg diventa uno dei membri fondatori della nuova Justice League.

Elementi importanti del personaggio, a differenza di altri supereroi, sono l'aspetto e le abilit della sua parte meccanica simile ad una potente armatura esoscheletrica costantemente aggiornata, migliorata e modificata. Tale parte del corpo meccanica e migliorata e assemblata dallo stesso Cyborg, costituita da una matrice allineata molecolarmente di ferro, oro, titanio e altre leghe in misura minore (favorendo sia i movimenti che le capacit difensive); inoltre viene alimentata da una combinazione di convertitori solari, batterie elettriche e un generatore interno a particelle beta, sebbene possa assorbire e riconvertire anche altre forme d'energia.

Cyborg possiede superforza, semi-invulnerabilit, e la capacit di introdursi in qualsiasi computer; i suoi arti (soprattutto le braccia) possono essere controllati a distanza e muoversi autonomamente. La resistenza a vari tipi di colpi caratterizzata dal fatto che parti del suo corpo sono fatte in titanio. Cyborg con la sua forza in grado di mettere in seria difficolt anche esseri potenti come Superman o Aquaman.

Nel suo corpo sono installate varie armi, varie tipologie di missili, piccoli cannoni repulsori e mitragliatrici. La pi importante delle armi sicuramente il braccio destro indistruttibile che si pu trasformare in un cannone sonico in grado di sciogliere l'acciaio. Nel suo cervello inserito un computer superpotente che si pu interfacciare con altri sistemi operativi e il suo occhio sinistro gli dona vari gradi di visione dello spettro luminoso.

Inoltre un genio della robotica, infatti nella torre dei Titani sempre stato lui ad occuparsi dell'attrezzatura tecnologica e della costruzione dei veicoli, e soprattutto, del suo corpo robotico. Victor inoltre un buon combattente nel corpo a corpo e un abile stratega, riuscendo a coniugare forza e intelligenza durante le sue battaglie.

Cyborg dispone di una profonda conoscenza nei campi della matematica, della chimica, dell'informatica e della meccanica quantistica, cosa che lo porta a scoprire e migliorare costantemente nuove tecnologie.

Cyborg come tutti i suoi compagni dei Giovani Titani, stato addestrato da Dick Grayson nel combattimento, ci lo ha reso un buon combattente nel corpo a corpo.

Victor Stone compare nel quindicesimo episodio della quinta stagione di Smallville (Cyborg), interpretato da Lee Thompson Young. Il personaggio, con lo stesso interprete, ritorna nell'undicesimo episodio della sesta stagione (La lega della giustizia).

uno dei protagonisti principali delle serie animate Teen Titans e Teen Titans Go!.

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Cyborg (Victor Stone) - Wikipedia

CYBORG: Lee Majors Online V.2.0 – Better, Stronger, Faster!

Welcome to 'Cyborg', Lee's unofficial UK fan site. 'Cyborg' has been around in one form or another for the last 30-plus years! We started out as a 2-page typed and xerox'd fan newsletter back in the 70's and have been bringing fans Bionic and Lee-related news in one form or another ever since.

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We are honoured to have an exclusive Q&A with Lee, from a couple of years ago. You can check it out here

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A new web series by Q-Storm - http://www.q-storm.com/BIONICA.html

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CYBORG: Lee Majors Online V.2.0 - Better, Stronger, Faster!


Victor "Vic" Stone is the son of Silas Stone and Elinore Stone, scientists who use him as a test subject for various intelligence enhancement projects. While these treatments worked and Victor's IQ grows to genius levels, he grows to resent this treatment. He strikes up a friendship with Ron Evers, a young miscreant who leads him into trouble with the law. This is the beginning of a struggle in which Victor strives for independence, engaging in pursuits of which his parents disapprove, such as athletics, and abandoning his scholastic studies. Victor's association with underage criminals leads him down a dark path in which he is often injured, but he still lives a "normal" life in which he is able to make his own decisions. He occasionally refuses to participate in Evers' grandiose plans of racially motivated terrorism.

When he visits his parents at work at S.T.A.R. Labs, an experiment with an inter-dimensional portal goes horribly wrong and a massive gelatinous monster kills Elinore. The creature turns on Victor and severely mutilates him before Silas forces the creature back through the portal.[1]

To save his son, Silas outfits him with experimental prosthetics of his own design. The equipment can not be worn inconspicuously, and Victor is horrified upon discovering that most of his body and part of his face have been replaced with metallic implants. Victor initially wants to die, but he eventually adjusts to the changes and learns to control his implants.[1]

Stone finds that reintegration into society is very difficult, due to the fearful reactions by others to his jarring appearance. Even his girlfriend, Marcy Reynolds, rejects him. He is disallowed further participation in athletics, both for the unfair advantage provided by his cybernetics and because of his poor scholastic record. When Ron Evers attempts to manipulate Victor into participating in a terrorist attack on the United Nations, Victor finds new purpose as he equips his weapons attachments and stops his former friend in a pitched battle on top of United Nations Headquarters.

Vic joins the Teen Titans, initially for the benefit of a support group of kindred spirits and outsiders, and has remained with that group ever since.[1] In addition, Victor finds new friends, who see past his disfigurements and his own nobility. His team mates are like a group of juveniles who are adjusting to their own prosthetics for they idolize him because of his fancy parts and his exciting adventures. It also turns out that their beautiful teacher Sarah Simms, who has often assisted Cyborg and the Titans, admires him as well. Cyborg and Sarah have a deep relationship that is considered by some fans to be Cyborg's one true love, although writer Marv Wolfman insists it is a deep and caring friendship.

Another person who sees past the cybernetic shell is Dr. Sarah Charles, a S.T.A.R. Labs scientist who helps him to recuperate after having his cybernetic parts replaced. Cyborg and Dr. Charles date for some time and, along with Changeling, keeps trying to reach him when he is seemingly mindless following the severe injuries he incurs during the Titans Hunt storyline.

Although Cyborg's body was repaired by a team of Russian scientists after the missile crash he had been in, albeit with more mechanical parts than previously, his mind was not. Eventually, his mind was restored by an alien race of computer intelligences called the Technis, created from the sexual union of Swamp Thing and a machine-planet when Swamp Thing was travelling through space. Cyborg, however, had to remain with the Technis both to maintain his mind and because, in return for restoring him, he had to teach them about humanity. He took the name Cyberion, and gradually started becoming less human in outlook, connecting entirely to the Technis planet.

Eventually, Cyberion returned to Earth, establishing a Technis construct on the moon and a smaller base on Earth. With Vic's consciousness dormant, but his desire for companionship controlling the actions of the Technis' planet, it began kidnapping former Titans members, his conscious mind so suppressed that he was not only searching for deceased Titans, but even sent one probe looking for himself as Cyborg. He ended up plugging them into virtual reality scenarios, representing what he believed to be their "perfect worlds"; for example, Beast Boy was back with the Doom Patrol, Damage was spending time being congratulated by the Justice Society as a true hero, and Nightwing was confronted by a Batman who actually smiled and offered to talk about their relationship. Although the Titans were freed, there was a strong disagreement between them and the Justice League over what action to take; the League believed that there was nothing left of Victor to save, whereas the Titans were willing to try, culminating in a brief battle, where the Atom and Catwoman (who had followed the Justice League to investigate) sided with the League while the Flash fought with the Titans. While Vic was distracted trying to aid his friends, a Titans team consisting of Changeling and the original five Titans were sent by Raven to try making contact with Vic's human side, while Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter, Power Girl, Captain Marvel, and Mary Marvel moved the moon back to its proper place. Eventually, thanks primarily to Changeling's encouragement, and Omen and Raven holding Vic together long enough to come up with a plan, Vic's consciousness was restored, and "downloaded" into the Omegadrome, a morphing war-suit belonging to former Titan Minion. In the wake of this event, the Titans reformed and Vic was part of the new group.[1] However, he felt less human than ever before.

Shortly after this, Nightwing revealed he had cloned Vic's body, and by flowing the Omegadrome through the clone, Vic regained his human form, but still had the abilities of the Omegadrome. He often used the Omegadrome to recreate his original look in battle. With his newfound humanity, Vic took a leave of absence, moving first to L.A. with Beast Boy and then to Central City. While in Central City, Vic was involved in one of the Thinker's schemes, helping Wally hack the Thinker's attempt to plug himself into the minds of Central City's population so that Wally could outthink his opponent, though Vic lost the abilities of the Omegadrome in the process.

Vic mentored the new incarnation of the Teen Titans, consisting mainly of sidekicks, most of whom have taken over the identities of former members (i.e. Tim Drake, the third Robin, instead of Dick Grayson, the original Robin and Titans leader), as well as stalwarts such as Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy, where they have fought enemies such as Deathstroke, Brother Blood, Doctor Light, The Titans Tomorrow, and a brainwashed Superboy and Indigo during a team up with the Outsiders in the Insiders storyline. In the end, Cyborg was the only one capable of standing up to Dr. Light, thanks to his solar shields, although he makes it clear that he only won the fight because the rest of the Titans had softened Light up first.

During Infinite Crisis, Cyborg joined Donna's New Cronus team that went to investigate a hole in the universe that was found during the Rann-Thanagar War. He left Beast Boy in charge of the Titans while he was gone. They arrived at the reset center of the universe and with the help of assorted heroes aided in the defeat of Alexander Luthor, who was attempting to recreate the multiverse and build a perfect Earth from it.

According to 52 Week 5, Cyborg was fused together with Firestorm after returning to Earth. This was caused by the energy ripples caused by Alexander Luthor Jr. which altered the Zeta Ray Beams the heroes were going to use to return home.

After being severely damaged during the events of Infinite Crisis, Cyborg was rebuilt over time in thanks to Tower caretakers Wendy and Marvin. He awoke a year later to find a wholly different Teen Titans being led by Robin, the only member from the team he formed prior to going into space. He is still a member of the team, but feels that Kid Devil and Ravager are hardly worthy Titans, and thus is attempting to find a way to reform "the real Titans".

After the team along with the Doom Patrol defeated the Brotherhood of Evil, Cyborg asked Beast Boy to rejoin the Titans, but Gar refused, saying that his skills were needed with the Doom Patrol. After returning to Titans Tower, Cyborg began reviewing the security tapes during the last year, in which it appears that he was looked to by all the Titans of the past year for a shoulder to lean on, despite being in a coma-like state.

It appears that although Cyborg has returned to the team, the role of leader is now in the hands of Robin. He does however retain the position of statesman amongst the team and occasionally plays second-in-command.

In Justice League of America (vol. 2) #3, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman agree that Cyborg should be offered membership in the new Justice League. However, following a battle against Amazo, Green Lantern and Black Canary take over the formation of the JLA, and Cyborg is not amongst the roster.

In the Teen Titans East one-shot, Cyborg gathered together a new team of Titans. During a training exercise, the group was attacked by Trigon, and Cyborg was blasted by a giant energy beam. He was last seen in a crater, with only his head and torso remaining.

In the aftermath of Trigon's assault in the Titans East one shot, Cyborg has been placed into a special hoverchair while he recuperates. Cyborg's body is completely repaired in Titans #5. Soon after, the resurrected and unbalanced Jericho enters Cyborg's body, using him to manipulate the defenses at Titans Tower to kill the Teen Titans. Jericho's plans are foiled when Static, the newest Teen Titan, uses his electrical powers to overload the Tower's systems, causing feedback that knocks Jericho out of Cyborg.[2] After recovering, Cyborg pretends to still have Jericho inside of him, in order to draw out Vigilante, who was currently targeting Jericho. The plot works too well when Vigilante appears and shoots Cyborg in the head.[3]

In an unspecified time during the Teen Titans comics, a man with enhancements similar to Cyborg's attacks Dr. Sarah Charles on the day of her wedding to Deshaun, a young scientist. Cyborg rushes in for the save, discovering how Deshaun, connected to Project M, has sold the technology used to turn Stone into Cyborg to the military. He also finds that the enhanced man was Ron Evers, once Vic's best friend now turned terrorist, who was seeking vengeance for the soldiers used as test subjects. After Cyborg manages to calm down his friend and discovers the truth: Mr. Orr, revealed as the mastermind behind Project M's cyborg research, brings his Stone-derived best subjects: the current Equus, an armored form of the Wildebeest, and a cyberized man sporting enhancements even more powerful than Stone's current ones called Cyborg 2.0.

Cyborg 2.0 turns out to be the Titans Tomorrow Cyborg 2.0, snatched from his proper timeline and cajoled by Orr into fighting his younger self for the possession of their shared technology and Orr's permission to use it in the battlefield. Cyborg is soon forced to fight simultaneously against the Phantom Limbs, an elite force of soldiers crippled in the Middle East and restored by his tech, and the Cyborg Revenge Squad, a broader formation composed of the Fearsome Five, Magenta, Girder, the Thinker, and Cyborgirl. Although the Cyborg Revenge Squad soon gains the upper hand, with the help of his fellow Titans Cyborg is able to hold his own in combat, reverse engineer on the fly some of the future technology used by Cyborg 2.0, and enhance his own body enough to win against Mr. Orr. He later decides to get a new lease in life, forgiving Deshaun and Sarah Charles on their wedding day for abusing his technology, resuming dating Sarah Simms and having the Phantom Limbs fitted with new, non-military, prosthetics. It is however implied the Phantom Limbs, unwilling to see Stone's offer as a sign of good will, are trying to get back their weaponized prosthetics and wait for a rematch.

During the events of Blackest Night, Cyborg joins with Starfire, Beast Boy, and several other heroes to form an emergency team to fight off the army of dead Titans who have been reanimated as Black Lanterns. He later joins in the final battle at Coast City.

Following the dissolution of the current JLA after Justice League: Cry for Justice, Cyborg is invited by Donna to join Kimiyo Hoshi's new Justice League.[4] He befriends Red Tornado, and claims that he has come up with a plan to make him indestructible.[5]

After a battle with Doctor Impossible's gang, Cyborg is forced to take a leave of absence from the team in order to not only help rebuild Red Tornado, but also help Roy Harper, who had his arm severed by Prometheus.[6] During this time, Victor leads Superboy and Kid Flash to the city of Dakota to rescue the Teen Titans, who had been defeated and captured by Holocaust.[7] The Titans emerge victorious from the battle after Kid Flash uses his powers to send Holocaust plummeting into the Earth's inner core.[8]

Despite apparently being written off the team, writer James Robinson explained that Cyborg will continue to have a presence on the JLA, and will even be given a co-feature in the back of the book for Justice League of America #48-50.[9] In the co-feature, Cyborg battles Red Tornado after he has been driven insane by the power of the Starheart. In the midst of the battle, a flashback reveals that Victor had rebuilt Red Tornado using self-replicating nanites similar to the ones that Prometheus infected Roy with after cutting off his arm, thus making the android indestructible.[10] Cyborg manages to free Red Tornado his power matrix.[11]

Cyborg briefly appears in Justice League: Generation Lost. where he is shown helping Wonder Woman and Starfire search for Maxwell Lord after his resurrection.[12]

Following an adventure in another dimension, Static is left powerless, and Miss Martian is rendered comatose. Cyborg stops the powerless Static from returning to Dakota, and instead tells him that he and a scientist named Rochelle Barnes will be taking him to Cadmus Labs to find a way to get his powers back and awaken Miss Martian. As Static packs up his belongings, Cyborg and Rochelle have a conversation which reveals that they are lying to Static, and have an ulterior motive for taking the two Titans to Cadmus.[13]

He later appears in the final two issues of The Return of Bruce Wayne, where he helps his former teammate Red Robin in his attempt to stop Bruce Wayne from inadvertently unleashing an apocalyptic explosion of Omega Energy.

Cyborg and Red Tornado later travel to the moon alongside Doctor Light, Animal Man, Congorilla, Zauriel, Tasmanian Devil and Bulleteer as part of an emergency group of heroes gathered to assist the Justice League in their battle against Eclipso. Shortly into the battle, Cyborg and the others are taken over by Eclipso and are turned against their JLA comrades.[14] The reserve JLA members are all freed after Eclipso is defeated.[15]

As of August 2011, Cyborg is featured as one of the main characters in a new Justice League ongoing series written by Geoff Johns and drawn by Jim Lee as part of DC's The New 52 relaunch. Johns has said of Cyborg, "He represents all of us in a lot of ways. If we have a cellphone and we're texting on it, we are a cyborg that's what a cyborg is, using technology as an extension of ourselves."[16]

The first storyline takes place five years in the past and details the revised origin of the original Justice League. Victor Stone appears as a high school football star who is heavily sought after by a number of college scouts, but apparently has a distant relationship with his father, Silas. After winning a big game, Victor is shown calling his father and angrily telling him that he broke his promise and missed yet another one of his son's games.[17] Later Victor appears at S.T.A.R. Labs where his father works. The scientists appear to be working on the Mother Box that Superman came in contact with from the Parademon. Victor engages in another argument with his father and tells him that the scouts were there to give him full scholarships to college. When asking if his father will ever appear at any of his games, his father replies "No." Just then the Mother Box explodes killing the scientists and destroying most of Victor's body to which Victor's father looks in horror.[18] Silas does everything he can for Victor's survival. He along with Sarah Charles, and T. O. Morrow go in "The Red Room" in S.T.A.R. labs which contains every piece of technology from around the world. Silas attempts to treat Victor with something that has never been attempted before and he is seen injecting Victor with some type of nanites and having Dr. Morrow put the robotic pieces on Victor (devices such as: a Promethean skin graft, Doctor William Magnus' responsometer, Anthony Ivo's A-maze operating system, The classified and prototypical B-maze operating system and Ryan Choi's White Dwarf Stabilizer). Vic's life is saved and the energies from the motherbox are incorporated into his new form as Cyborg. This allows Victor to access the vast New Gods data library and discover Darkseid's true invasion plans.[19]

In the following issue we see Victor as Cyborg. As the issue opens Victor cannot feel his hands or legs. He sees himself for the first time with his robotic parts and is panicked by his new body. Suddenly, Parademons burst into the red room and leap toward Sarah Charles. However, Cyborg's defense system's reacts automatically weaponizing his arm into a sound cannon from which he fires his powerful white noise cannon, disintegrating the two Parademons and blasting a gigantic hole in the Star Labs building. After saving Sarah's life Victor asks his father what has happened to him, his father tells him that he couldn't let him die. Cyborg obviously distraught exclaims, "You did this to me." and flees, despite Silas' plea for him to wait. Later in the street Cyborg sees a woman being set upon by a group of Parademons. He leaps to the woman's aid, punching the parademon. However, in ensuing scuffle Cyborg inadvertently absorbs some of the Parademon's components giving him access to Boom Tube technology. This new ability automatically transports or teleports Victor to where Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman are fighting the Parademons, moments before Darkseid arrives. Cyborg fights alongside Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman against Darkseid and his Parademons, but despite their best efforts Darkseid proves to be too strong. Fortunately, Cyborg is able to reverse engineer the alien boom tube technology and with a considerable amount of stress on his systems he is able to teleport all the invading aliens including Darkseid off the planet, saving the earth. After sending Darkseid back where he came from, Cyborg helps to found the Justice League.

Victor has not begun any process of reconciliation with his father, who is primarily concerned with Victor's mechanics rather than his humanity. Cyborg primarily focuses on his super-heroics, aiding Batman and others when he can and monitoring crime through his cybernetics. After the villain David Graves makes an attack against the Justice League, Cyborg and his team mates travel to the Valley of Souls. There he learns that he walks the line between life and death. He sees a false apparition of his human self that tries to convince him that Victor Stone is dead and Cyborg is just an imitation. Victor quickly sees past this ruse, and he and the rest of the Justice League defeat Graves. We learn through a conversation with Flash, that Cyborg questions his humanity now that he is part machine and that he lives on the Watch Tower, the Justice League's headquarters.[20] Flash cracks a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood and assure Cyborg he is still human. During the Throne of Atlantis storyline, Cyborg at first rejects an upgrade his father has that would allow him to operate underwater at the price of his remaining lung which to him would mean sacrificing more of his humanity.[21] However following the capture of the rest of the Justice League by Ohm who sentenced then to the bottom of the ocean, Cyborg as he calls in reserves to hold off Ohm's forces reluctantly accepted the upgrade.[22] This allows him and Mera to rescue the others.[23]

It is unclear if this version of Cyborg was a member of the Teen Titans or the original Teen Titans ever existed, as there have been contradictory statements and references made regarding the Teen Titans in The New 52.[24]

During the "Trinity War" storyline, Cyborg gets a visual of Shazam heading to Kahndaq, to which Batman assembles the Justice League with the help from Zatanna to meet in Kahndaq to stop Shazam.[25] Following the supposed death of Doctor Light in Kahndaq, Batman tells Superman that Cyborg and Martian Manhunter are doing an autopsy to prove his death was not Superman's fault.[26] As Wonder Woman leads the Justice League Dark to go look for Pandora, Cyborg is among the superheroes that remain at A.R.G.U.S. while Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Shazam, Steve Trevor, the Justice League of America, Zatanna, and Phantom Stranger go to stop Wonder Woman.[27] Cyborg was present when Atom tells him, Superman, Element Woman and Firestorm the true purpose of the creation of the Justice League of America and that she was spying on the Justice League which is how the Justice League of America ended up in Kahndaq.[28] When the Crime Syndicate arrives on Prime Earth, Cyborg's old prosthetic parts combine to form a robot called Grid (who is operated by a sentient computer virus).[29] During the Forever Evil event, after Batman and Catwoman drop Cyborg off to his father in Detroit,[30] he makes the choice to willingly receive a new cybernetic body and helps his father and Dr. Morrow create one that is slimmer in appearance so Cyborg could look more human.[31] Working together with the Metal Men created by Doc Magus, Cyborg succeeds in shutting down Grid.[32]

Afterwards Cyborg helped newcomer to the group Shazam fit in with the league as the rest set out to find Power ring's missing accessory which flew off after the death of the former wearer.[33] While on monitor duty He and Shazam experiment with some of his magical powers to aid in finding the ring after joking of having an Xbox in his left shoulder; only for the young ward to conjure up a ping pong table, which they play while having spare time on their hands.[34] Eventually the call goes out and everyone in the league mobilizes to secure the new rampaging Power Ring before the Doom Patrol does.[35] After coaxing Billy into action against Jessica Cruis, Victor moves in to interface with the ring itself finding out a great about the ring of Volthoom and his current host only to be forcefully thrown out after the ring entity rejects him causing his systems to short circuit taking him out of the battle.[36]

He is last seen recovering at S.T.A.R. Labs after Shazam rushed him too the med bay after the power ring crisis was handled. While Superman and Lex Luthor battled Gorilla Grodd Cyborg gave Billy the okay to head out and see if they needed help as the former wondered what he saw within the ring after his dad warned him interfacing with it again could trap him in it forever.[37]

Afterwards when Lex Luthor and Captain Cold were excepted onto the team. An incident involving batman's son; Damien Wayne during the "Robin Rises Alpha & Omega" story arc in Batman, led up to most of the justice League battling against Glorious Godfrey and a Parademon horde from Apokolips when they captured the chaos shard & the sarcophagus of Damien and later fleeing back home.[38] All the league members present, Cyborg included state to an adamant Bruce Wayne that running headlong into unmarked X-factor territory for a suicide mission was less than ideal considering the consequences that could befall earth. This all boils over eventually culminating in Batman hijacking Cyborgs teleportation systems to zip up to the Wathctower in order to retrieve an experimental and highly dangerous combat suit in order to meet out his agenda; But Cyborg menages to block his administrative access so that he, Shazam, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Lex and Cold physically restrain him. The latter of which begrudgingly gives up and retires to the batcave.[39]

Once after the bat left however the rest of the bat family turned up asking Victor for help with some digitized doppelgangers of baddies that bruce initially set up in order to distract the league, destabilize watchtower security to secure the Hellbat and eventually use a personal Mother Box (secured from a Parademon kept in cold storage) to vacate to Apokolips.[40] After making his way to the Batcave to meet with them, he's directed over to a console which will enable him to directly access the Batcomputer's more sophisticated systems, it was all a ruse however utilizing a preemptive countermeasure devised by Batman tailored to cyborgs specific weaknesses where he was temporarily incapacitated and was set into a VR simulation where he relived his more peaceful days in collage, while Batgirl went to work on his Motherbox in order to secure a path towards apokolips and chase after their father. But Victor eventually snapped out of his dream haze and followed them through, angred that they used him in such a way.[40] Having piggybacked along with Titus who pitched a ride on his leg, catching up with the rest of the Batman Family Cyborg and them have a run in with the scavengers of Armegeddo who quickly vacate after some apokoliptian Hunger Dogs make their way onto the scene. They eventually catch up with the armor clad dark knight ripping his way through a sizable chunk of Apokolips's forces singlehanded; as Jason Tim and Barbara show him the Robin Medals Alfred gave them in order to remind him of his purpose, Batman snaps out of his berserker rage noting cyborg had reluctantly accompanied them to hell itself. Having made their way into Darksied's citadel where Kalibak Was readying his Chaos Cannon to fire again, as the caped crusaders kept him and his forces occupied Cyborg made short work of the massive war engine literally tearing it in half. But when he went to set a timed self-destruct sequence within the Apokoliptian computers however Vic suffered a catastrophic feedback that fried most of his internal systems leaving him inoperable just as Darksied Himself made his appearance.[41]

While Batman fought and held him off, he ran Batgirl through a crash coarse on how to hot wire his own Motherbox when his internal systems god fried. Seeing as Darksied smashed Batman's Boom Tube generator Cyborg was their only chance off Apokolips, After successfully jury rigging his internal systems Cyborg and the rest of the Bat rogues made a hasty exit stage left as Bruce powers his recovered fragment of the Chaos Shard with Darkseid's Omega Effect and then blasting him against a wall to cover their escape.[42] In the aftermath, escapade's Cyborg, who is still unable to facilitate himself, wonders what is going on as Damian Wayne is successfully revived, however a second anomaly cranks out of the Boom Tube that was opened and Kalibak comes comes charging through it. Occupied with the rest of the gang Vic tries his best to reestablish his downed systems while an empowered Damien does his best to hold off the intruder, establishing a comm-link with Batman, Bruce readies the batplane while Victor gains control over the still open tube. As batman rams his jet into the evil New God sending him careening back to Apokolips Cyborg closes the portal on him banishing Darksied's first born for good, with the threat over Cyborg heads back topside to inform the rest of the league of what all transpired stating he has JL business to attend to.[43]

An eponymous ongoing series, by writer David F. Walker and artist Ivan Reis, debuted in July 2015.[44]

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Mad Catz R.A.T.7 Gaming Mouse for PC and MAC – amazon.com

If I don't cover one of the coolest features of this mouse first, I'll forget: - The thumb shelf changes the game. I had no idea how much drag my thumb would provide and how it interfered with the smooth control of my games. The thumb shelf on the R.A.T. 7 is the perfect size to hold my fat thumb and keep it out of the way.

Continuing on - this will be the first mouse to replace my almost-perfect Logitech from 1999. The Logitech was heavy, had a nice, tactile wheel, moved very smoothly and had a responsive, easy-to-clean mouseball. Yeah, no optics for me.

The R.A.T. 7 starts light and is adjustable up to HEAVY. The solid chunk of stamped aluminum that acts as the frame peeks out from all the adjustable nooks and crannies and holds all the assemblies tightly. The feet glide smoother than any other mouse I've used. The adjustable palm rest is perfect, even if you like a shorter grip. The pinkie shelf was a nice addition, too, until I found that it interfered with play. No problem - I can use the stock pinkie assembly, but I took the whole thing off for an even better configuration taht fits my grip.

The DPI is suffficient for noticeably smoother control, and the on-the-fly DPI adjustment button at the thumb is an innovation I never thought I'd use. Until I started rockin' fools with it in MW2.

The best way to think about this mouse is this way: what else do you have for your PC that will last ten years? And grow or shrink to fit your gaming style over that whole decade? Not even your monitor is this adjustable...

Oh, and there's the fabric-wrapped cord and the removable adjustment tool and the horizontal scroll wheel and the tin that comes with the extra thumb and pinkie plates and the container for the weights and the configuration software and... phew!


Mad Catz R.A.T.7 Gaming Mouse for PC and MAC - amazon.com

Cyborg Beast by JorgeZuniga – Thingiverse

All files can be found under the "Thing Files'' tab right below the photos of our hands. Please click download all file to get all components of the hands. For More information on assembly or the research, please go to http://www.cyborgbeast.org

To make the Normal Hand Version, print and scale the following: 1x Right OR Left Palm 1x Normal Gauntlet or Normal Gauntlet w Tensioner 4x Finger Phal 4x Finger w Bumps OR Finger wo Bumps 1x Thumb Phalange 1x Thumb Finger w Bumps OR Thumb Finger wo Bumps To make the No Thumb Hand Version, print and scale the following: 1x R No Thumb Palm OR L No Thumb Palm 1x R One Hinge Gauntlet OR L One Hinge Gauntlet 4x Finger Phal 4x Finger w Bumps OR Finger wo Bumps

Ulnar/Radial Deviation Hand, Movable Thumb Hand, and Cyborg Arm --> Soon to be released.

Most voluntary closing devices including this design need sufficient wrist movement and strength for proper function. This design doesn't require Orthoplastic. The fingers are designed for better gripping and to avoid over extension of the proximal phalange and distal finger segment. It fits a 1 to 2 mm cabling and elastic bands. Acknowledgements: The Creighton University Group. Special thanks to our beta testers and makers Gregg Dennison, Frankie Flood, and Paul & Leon McCarthy. The Cyborg Beast is a remix of the snap together Robohand (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:92937) and the original Robohand (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:44150).

For more information on where to connect with people who can help someone in need with sizing, printing and/or assembly of a mechanical hand please join the e-NABLE Google+ Community entitled, e-NABLE: https://plus.google.com/communities/102497715636887179986 For more information and stories: http://enablingthefuture.org https://www.facebook.com/enableorganization

Assembly instructions can be found on the website http://www.cyborgbeast.org Printing Instructions: Infill: Depends on age. We usually do 30% infill. Number of Shells? 2 Temp? Depends on Plastic recommendations. But 230 c is safe estimate for all types. Speed? For better quality, lower your speed to 60mm/sec extrusion and 90mm/sec for traveling Orientation: The same as the objects load onto the build plate. We designed the STL files for ease of use so you do not need to change much.

See Manual as a PDF files. Jeremy Simon made a very instructive and educational videos for the assembling and testing of the Cyborg Beast. Thank you to Jeremy Simon and 3Duniverse.org. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KCOYrcSKd4&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyM5frvLgjs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFs8rC3Yso4 Here is a demonstration of the functionality of the Cyborg Beast from one of our research participants named Tucker. Thank you Tara for posting the Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7h2g7l65Fc

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Cyborg Beast by JorgeZuniga - Thingiverse

Cyborg Anthropology

Humans are surrounded by built objects and networks. So profoundly are humans altering their biological and physical landscapes that some have openly suggested that the proper object of anthropological study should be cyborgs rather than humans, for, as Donna Haraway says, "we are all cyborgs now".

Cyborg Anthropology takes the view that most of modern human life is a product of both human and non-human objects.

How we interact with machines and technology in many ways defines who we are. Cyborg Anthropology is a framework for understanding the effects of objects and technology on humans and culture. This site is designed to be a resource for those tools.

Anthropology, the study of humans, has traditionally concentrated on discovering the process of evolution through which the human came to be (physical anthropology), or on understanding the beliefs, languages, and behaviors of past or present human groups (archaeology, linguistics, cultural anthropology).

This site currently has 984 articles for you to browse and read.

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Cyborg 009 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cyborg 009

Japanese cover of Cyborg 009 volume 1

Cyborg 009 (, Saibgu Zero-Zero-Nain?) is a manga created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was serialized in many different magazines, including Monthly Shnen King, Weekly Shnen Magazine, Shnen Big Comic, COM, Shjo Comic, Weekly Shnen Sunday, Monthly Shnen Jump and Monthly Comic Nora in Japan. The first two arcs of the manga were published in English by Tokyopop with all the sound effects left out untranslated; as of 2006 it is out of print. However, in 2012, comiXology acquired the digital distribution rights to Shotaro Ishinomori's catalogue.[1]

Nine regular humans are kidnapped by the evil Black Ghost organization to undergo human experiments which resulted in nine cyborgs with each one having super human powers. The nine cyborgs band together to fight for their freedom and to stop Black Ghost. The evil organization's goal is to start the next world war by supplying rich buyers with countless weapons of mass destruction.

After the destruction of Black Ghost, the nine cyborgs also fought a variety of threats, from mad scientists, to supernatural beings and ancient civilizations.

The first Arc was serialized in Weekly Shnen King (Shnen Gahosha). It depicts the 009 origin story, the escape from Black Ghost, and running from cyborg assassins. It was briefly ended with the battle with the Mythos Cyborgs story.

The second Arc called The Underground Empire Yomi Arc. Appeared in Weekly Shnen Magazine (Kodansha) alongside the release of the film version. The story is highly influenced by Edgar Rice Burroughs' Earth's Core series, including an expedition to the center of the Earth with a drill tank and a reptile race who can use telepathy and grow wings. The story ends with the final battle against Black Ghost. The final scene has 009 and 002 falling into the Earth's atmosphere and being seen as a shooting star by two small children, one who wishes for a toy gun the other for world peace (a scene reminiscent of Ray Bradbury's Kaleidoscope). This point was the intended finish for the series and many fans consider it the true end; however popular demand necessitated the two heroes be rescued. As such, 001 was able at the last minute of using his telekinetic power to retrieve 002 and 009 from their plummet before death.

Thus began third Arc Serialized in Monthly Bouken-oh(Adventure King) (Akita Shoten). It contained 6 story arcs, including the Monster Island Arc, the Middle East Arc, and the Angels Arc. The series abruptly ended during the Angels Arc.

The Fourth Arc called The Battle of the Gods Arc was serialized in COM (Mushi Production). Ishinomori resumed and retold the interrupted Angels Arc with a new plot, but the series once again ended abruptly. Ishinomori would not resume the series for a few years after this.

The fifth Arc was serialized in Shjo Comic (Shogakukan). Included the Wind City Arc, the Snow Carnival Arc, and the Edda Arc. The story deals with legendary and mythical like characters challenging the 00 Number Cyborgs.

The sixth Arc connected to the 5th work. Arcs such as the Deinonychus Arc (appeared in Monthly Shnen Jump (Shueisha)) and Green Hole Arc (appeared in Play Comic (Akita Shoten)) were depicted, then after a long time the Underwater Pyramid Arc was serialized in Monthly Manga Shnen (Asahi Sonorama).

The seventh Arc was serialized in Weekly Shnen Sunday (Shogakukan) to go with the revival anime. A long arc consisting of many short arcs, this series dealt with the battle against Neo Black Ghost as well as the emotional trauma of the 00 Number Cyborgs. The story is set approximately 20 years after the Yomi Arc, and the personalities and conduct of the cyborgs are depicted as more adult.

The eighth Arc was serialized in Monthly Comic Nora (Gakken). A long arc called People Drifting Through Time and Space Arc. A sequel to the Immigration Arc. The Count of St. Germain from the Underwater Pyramid Arc appears, but his design is different.

Ishinomori's death made this the last work of the series, although it is not the final chapter.

Written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori; serialized in Monthly Shnen King; published in Japan by Akita Shoten and other companies through its history; published in North America by Tokyopop.

The Tokyopop release took multiple liberties with the dialogue and translation, and was sourced from the Media Factory "MF Comics" release that had been published in 2003. The MF Comics release had comprised 36 volumes, of which Tokyopop had only covered 10. The most speculated reason among American fans for the discontinuation of Cyborg 009 in America at volume 10 was due to Ishinomori's initial intent to have the Yomi arc be the end of the series, but he wound up continuing due to the fan letters that urged him to resurrect 009 and 002.

Digital comics distributor comiXology licensed the entire catalogue from Ishimori Productions in 2012[1] and has since made the first 10 volumes of Cyborg 009 available. It is not known if comiXology intends to translate the entire series, as the volumes available had recycled the original Tokyopop adaptation by Mike Wellman and Bryan Matsumoto.

In April 2012, Shogakukan announced that the Cyborg 009 manga would be given a proper conclusion in Weekly Shnen Sunday.[2] Entitled Cyborg 009 Conclusion: God's War, the manga is to be illustrated by Masato Hayase and based on Ishinomori's original concept notes, sketches, and a novel draft, all of which had been gathered by his son, Jo Onodera. Conclusion is scheduled to debut on April 13, 2012.[3]

A full-color graphic novel based off the franchise was released at San Diego Comic-Con International on July 21, 2013 to align with the anniversary of Ishinomori's original manga. The book is a condensed retelling of the 00 Cyborgs' battle against Black Ghost, led by Sekar (Skull). The book also cites Foundation X, the recurring evil organization from the Kamen Rider Series since Kamen Rider W, as being the financial backers of Black Ghost, as they are for the various Evil Organizations in the recent Kamen Rider series.[4] The full release date is scheduled for September 11, 2013.[5] The graphic novel is written by F. J. DeSanto and Bradley Cramp, penciled and inked by Marcus To and published by Archaia Comics.[6]

The first Cyborg 009 film was released on July 21, 1966. It was produced by: Hiroshi kawa (uncredited) and directed by Yugo Serikawa

Cyborg 009: Monster Wars (009 , Saiboogu Zero-Zero-Nain Kaijuu Sensou?) was the second film for Cyborg 009 and released on March 19, 1967. It was produced by Hiroshi kawa and Directed by Yugo Serikawa

The theme Song for the films was Song of Cyborg 009 (009, Saibgu Zero Zero Nain no Uta?) (Lyrics: Masahisa Urushibara, Composer, Arrangement: Taichir Kosugi, Singer: Tokyo Meister Singer)

An anime film for the second anime TV series was released on December 20, 1980 called Cyborg 009: Legend of the Super Vortex (009 , Saibgu Zero Zero Nain: Chou Ginga Densetsu?) It should be noted that this title is frequently mistranslated by fans who opt for the first definition in a Japanese-English dictionary; the word ginga can mean 'galaxy' but is usually used for 'vortex', which is the purpose of the word in the film (there's a weapon called the Super Vortex, but no weapon dealing with a Super Galaxy).

The theme song was Love of 1 Billion Lightyears (10, Juu-oku Kounen no Ai?) (Lyrics: Michio Yamagami, Composer: Kichi Morita, Arrangement: Reijir Koroku, Singer: Yoshito Machida).

A 3DCG movie produced by Production I.G., Sanzigen and Ishimori Productions, was released on October 27, 2012. Kenji Kamiyama is the director and writer. Kenji Kawai, who has worked before with Kamiyama on Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit and Eden of the East, is composing the music. The film was released in Japan on October 27, 2012. It will also open simultaneously in more than five Asian regions, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and South Korea.[7] A manga adaptation by Gatou Asou, character designer for Moribito and Occult Academy, is currently being serialized in Square Enix's Monthly Big Gangan.[8] The UK anime distributor Anime Limited has announced that they have acquired the movie and will produce an English dub at NYAV Post.[9]Madman Entertainment also has rights to release the film in Australia and New Zealand.[10] At Anime Expo 2013, Funimation had announced that they acquired the film for North America.[11] The English voice cast was announced on April 16, 2015.[12]

An Anime adaptation was released on April 5, 1968 on NET and ended on September 27, 1968 with a total of 26 episodes. Directed by Yugo Serikawa, Takeshi Tamiya, Tomoharu Katsumata, Toshio Katsuda, Taiji Yabushita, Ryz Tanaka, Yoshikata Nitta, Kazuya Miyazaki, Fusahiro Nagaki, Minoru Okazaki, Yoshio Takami

The opening theme song for the anime series was (Lyrics: Masahisa Urushibara, Composer, Arrangement: Taichir Kosugi, Vocals: Tokyo Meister Singer. the ending theme was End the Battle (, Tatakai Owatte?) (Lyrics: Shotaro Ishinomori, Composer, Arrangement: Taichir Kosugi, Singer: Vocal Shop)

The "009 DVD BOX" was released on January 2006 from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. The low-priced edition "009 1968 DVD-COLLECTION" was released in July 2009 from TOEI COMPANY,LTD.

Another anime for Cyborg 009 was released on March 6, 1979 on TV Asahi and ended on March 25, 1980 with a total of 50 episodes.

The opening theme song for the anime was For Whose Sake (, Taga tame ni?). The lyrics were by Shotaro Ishinomori, the composer was Masaaki Harao, the arrangement was done by Koichi Sugiyama and vocals were provided by Ken Narita and Koorogi '73); the ending theme was Someday (, Itsu no Hi ka?). The lyrics were by Sabur Yatsude while the composer was Masaaki Harao, the arrangement was done by Koichi Sugiyama and vocals were provided by Koorogi '73.

A third Television series, entitled Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier was broadcast on TV Tokyo from October 14, 2001 to October 13, 2002 on Sundays at 18:30. It spanned a total of fifty-one episodes.

The Opening theme song for the third anime TV series was "What's the Justice?" by Globe. The First ending theme was "Genesis of Next" by Globe followed by "Starting from Here" by Globe and later was replaced with "I Do" by Fayray.

Due to the non-union status of the English dub, most actors were left uncredited or under aliases.

A three-part original video animation crossover with Go Nagai's Devilman series, titled Cyborg 009 Vs. Devilman, will receive a two-week theatrical release in October 2015. The OVA will be directed by Jun Kawagoe.[13][14]

A radio drama was produced for NBS's Kirin Radio Theater from January 29 to February 23, 1979.

A second radio drama, entitled Cyborg 009: Birth, was aired in two parts on September 21 and 28, 2009.

Three video games based on the series were released only in Japan. One of them was an action platformer released for the Super Famicom by BEC in 1994, in which each level one of the eight adult cyborgs (001 is not playable) is selected as the leader of a strike force for a particular mission and the player is allowed to choose two others to accompany them. The other game (released by Telenet Japan's subsidiary Riot) in 1993 was for the Mega CD and is also a side scroller. In 2002, Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol. 15: Cyborg 009: The Block Kuzushi was released for the PlayStation by Bandai.

The 1979 version aired in Italy and became popular with Italian viewers.

The 2001 version aired on MBC 3 several times starting from 2005 and became extremely popular with Arab viewers.

The 1967 movie was aired in Mexico, and years later, the 2001 Television series aired on Toonami in 2003, and was later replayed on Cadena Tres in 2007, and was quite popular with Mexican viewers.

The 1979 series was broadcast with English subtitles on Japanese-language television in Hawaii, California, and the New York City area. The English subtitles were produced by San Francisco-based, Fuji Television, which did not broadcast the series as part of its Japanese programming on KEMO-TV.

The 1980 film was released stateside in 1988 by Celebrity Home Entertainment as Defenders of the Vortex with an edited version of a poorly received English dub that was commissioned through the Tokyo, Japan-based Frontier Enterprises. It later received an unedited direct-to-video English release in 1995 by Best Film and Video Corporation with the full version of the same dub.

The 2001 TV series was licensed by Avex Inc. (the North American branch of Avex Mode, the 2001 series' original distributor in Japan) and dubbed into English by Animaze and ZRO Limit Productions. The entire series was dubbed, with the first 26 episodes shown on the Toonami programming block on Cartoon Network, while episodes 27 to 47 were shown in a late-night block before the show was dropped from the lineup. The first 8 episodes are currently available on DVD from Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment in both an uncut bilingual and a dub-only "cut" broadcast version, though as of 2015, none of the other episodes have become available on home video. Japanese and Hong Kong releases remain the only way to see the entire series on DVD, while Madman Entertainment released the first 26 dubbed episodes to DVD in Australia.

The 2012 movie is licensed by FUNimation Entertainment (North America), Anime Limited (UK), and Madman Entertainment (Australia/New Zealand), with an English dub produced by NYAV Post, and a theatrical release in all three territories.[17]

In the 1990s manga The Skull Man, Joe/009 makes an appearance in Chapter 36 in a chance meeting with Ryuusei Chisato, the Skull Man. Both discuss the nature of evil and humanity over coffee, and meet (again by chance) when the Skull Man stops a dirty deal by politicians going on at the docks. In the 2007 anime, The Skull Man was set up as a pseudo prequel of Cyborg 009. With many of the events in the series finale setting up Cyborg 009. In the 1997 anime King of Braves GaoGaiGar, the character Soldato J is a tribute to Jet Link/002, sharing his love of flight, acceleration mode, and characteristic nose. J's number in the Corps to which he belongs is 002, further reinforcing this link.

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Cyborg 009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cris Cyborg Justino – ESPN.com

LOS ANGELES -- If a UFC bantamweight title fight between Ronda Rousey and Cris "Cyborg" Justino is ever going to happen, certain steps must take place first.

One step was taken care of in a big way Friday.

Justino (13-1) successfully defended her 145-pound Invicta FC title, defeating Charmaine Tweet via TKO just 46 seconds into the first round at Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.

Referee Herb Dean called a stop to the bout shortly after Tweet rose to her feet from a knockdown but found herself eating punches with her back to the fence.

It marked the sixth first-round knockout of Justino's career. The Brazilian had not fought in MMA since July 2013, due to Invicta promotional issues and an ankle injury.

"I'm so happy to come back as the champion," Justino said afterward. "I will be in the UFC soon."

The violence began with a counter left hook by Justino in the opening moments. Tweet (6-5) was visibly rocked by the punch and went down moments later from an overhand right.

Justino stood over Tweet and started to unload free punches. She eventually followed her to the ground and landed a couple of shots from half-guard before backing up and forcing a standup. Bleeding heavily from the nose, Tweet stood but retreated to the fence immediately to cover up.

A former featherweight titleholder in Strikeforce, Justino has danced with Rousey (10-0) in the headlines for years. The two appeared to be on a collision course when Justino held the Strikeforce title, but a failed drug test in late 2011 by Justino coupled with Rousey's decision to drop to 135 pounds in 2012 has thus far prevented the fight from happening.

Last month, Justino extended her contract with Invicta. According to UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta, who was in attendance Friday, UFC executives were involved in the negotiation of Justino's contract extension, but her fight purses are paid for by Invicta.

The UFC and Invicta have a strong business relationship. Invicta's events air exclusively on Fight Pass, the UFC's Internet subscription service.

Justino is expected to try to cut to 135 pounds by the end of the year. She would then fight for the vacant Invicta bantamweight title and, if all goes well, make her UFC debut with a title on the line.

"For my team, my fans and my family, I will try my best, 100 percent, to make 135 pounds," Justino said.

Rousey, 28, is scheduled to make her fifth title defense against Cat Zingano at UFC 184 on Saturday at Staples Center. Both Rousey and Justino train out of Southern California.

Invicta FC president Shannon Knapp confirmed Justino will headline a card July 10 in Las Vegas. No opponent has been determined.

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Cris Cyborg Justino - ESPN.com

Evangelista Cyborg Santos – Sherdog

Result Fighter Event Method/Referee R Time loss Melvin Manhoef GSF - Gringo Super Fight 10 Apr / 27 / 2014 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 0:46 win Elton Rodrigues WOG - Warriors of God Aug / 17 / 2013 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 1:37 loss Jordan Mein Strikeforce - Barnett vs. Kharitonov Sep / 10 / 2011 TKO (Elbows) Jerry Poe 3 3:18 loss Nick Diaz Strikeforce - Diaz vs. Cyborg Jan / 29 / 2011 Submission (Armbar) Josh Rosenthal 2 4:50 win Marius Zaromskis Strikeforce - Los Angeles Jun / 16 / 2010 TKO (Punches) Herb Dean 1 2:38 win Daniel Zarate Samurai FC 2 - Warrior's Return Dec / 12 / 2009 TKO (Head Kick and Punches) Fabio Noguchi 1 1:41 loss Joey Villasenor Strikeforce - Challengers 2 Jun / 19 / 2009 Decision (Split) Anthony Hamlett 3 5:00 loss Siyar Bahadurzada Sengoku - Fifth Battle Sep / 28 / 2008 TKO (Arm Injury) Samio Kimura 1 0:22 win Makoto Takimoto Sengoku - First Battle Mar / 05 / 2008 Submission (Achilles Lock) Samio Kimura 1 4:51 loss Gegard Mousasi HCF - Destiny Feb / 01 / 2008 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 3:42 loss James Zikic Cage Rage 21 - Judgement Day Apr / 21 / 2007 Decision (Unanimous) N/A 3 5:00 win Yosuke Nishijima Pride FC - Final Conflict Absolute Sep / 10 / 2006 Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) N/A 1 3:24 loss Kazuhiro Nakamura Pride FC - Critical Countdown Absolute Jul / 01 / 2006 Submission (Keylock) N/A 1 4:49 win Francis Carmont WFC - Europe vs. Brazil May / 20 / 2006 Decision (Unanimous) N/A 3 5:00 win Roberto Godoi SF - Showfight 4 Apr / 06 / 2006 Decision (Unanimous) N/A 3 5:00 loss Melvin Manhoef Cage Rage 15 - Adrenalin Rush Feb / 04 / 2006 KO (Punches) N/A 2 3:51 win Michal Materla JF 5 - Jungle Fight 5 Nov / 26 / 2005 KO (Punches) N/A 2 1:23 win Darren Little Cage Rage 13 - No Fear Sep / 10 / 2005 TKO (Corner Stoppage) N/A 1 0:55 win Kassim Annan Meca 12 - Meca World Vale Tudo 12 Jul / 09 / 2005 Submission (Stomps and Soccer Kicks) N/A 1 3:43 win Mark Epstein Cage Rage 11 - Face Off Apr / 30 / 2005 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 2:16 loss Antony Rea Cage Rage 10 - Deliverance Feb / 26 / 2005 TKO (Punches) N/A 2 1:55 loss Yuki Kondo Pancrase - Brave 10 Nov / 07 / 2004 Decision (Unanimous) N/A 3 5:00 loss Claudio Cunha Godoy CF 1 - Conquista Fight 1 Dec / 20 / 2003 TKO (Punches) N/A 3 2:23 win Lucas Lopes JF 1 - Jungle Fight 1 Sep / 13 / 2003 TKO (Punches and Leg Kick) N/A 2 4:08 loss Mauricio Rua Meca 9 - Meca World Vale Tudo 9 Aug / 01 / 2003 TKO (Punches) Pedro Rizzo 1 9:22 win Gabriel Santos K - NOCK Jul / 23 / 2003 KO (Knee) N/A 1 2:51 win Osami Shibuya Pancrase - Hybrid 5 May / 18 / 2003 KO (Punch) Yoshinori Umeki 1 1:20 win Silvio de Souza Meca 7 - Meca World Vale Tudo 7 Nov / 08 / 2002 KO (Punch) N/A 1 0:10 loss Angelo Araujo IVC 14 - USA vs. Brazil Nov / 11 / 2001 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 8:46 win Jefferson Silva IVC 14 - USA vs. Brazil Nov / 11 / 2001 KO (Punch) N/A 1 2:28 win Aaron Sullivan IVC 14 - USA vs. Brazil Nov / 11 / 2001 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 0:13 loss Jorge Magalhaes Heroes - Heroes 2 Jun / 30 / 2001 Decision (Unanimous) N/A 1 12:00 loss Jose Landi-Jons BVF 8 - Campeonato Brasileiro de Vale Tudo 2 Nov / 20 / 1997 TKO (Punches) N/A 1 8:18 win Adriano Verdelli BVF 8 - Campeonato Brasileiro de Vale Tudo 2 Nov / 20 / 1997 Submission (Punches) N/A 1 1:56 win Roberto Pereira BVF 8 - Campeonato Brasileiro de Vale Tudo 2 Nov / 20 / 1997 Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) N/A 1 2:37

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Evangelista Cyborg Santos - Sherdog

Cyborg – DC Universe Online Wiki – Wikia


Although Victor Stone's scientist parents encouraged Victor to pursue academic interests, he found athletic activity far more to his taste. During an experiment, Victor's mother accidentally unleashed a creature from another dimension that killed her instantly and badly wounded Victor. While his wife died, Victor's father managed to save his son by grafting cybernetic parts to Victor's organs and computerizing synthetic nerve bases to his spine. Now half organic and half molybdenum steel, Victor felt alienated from being no longer able to compete on the athletic field due to his body. However, after meeting and becoming a member of the Titans, Victor has found like-minded teens in similar situations to himself and seeks to guide them away from the alienation he himself once felt.

Cyborg was firing at other villains before Batman informed him to fire on the shield. When Black Adam shouted "SHAZAM" killing Green Lantern and The Flash, a sonic boom was made on the ground killing him with Batman crushed and hurt.

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Cyborg - DC Universe Online Wiki - Wikia

Watch Cyborg (1989) Free Online – OVGuide | Watch Online

Release Date:1989Duration:86 min

Cyborg, known in the UK as Cyborg 009, is a 1989 American martial-arts science fiction film directed by Albert Pyun. Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Gibson Rickenbacker, a mercenary who battles a group of murderous marauders led by Fender Tremolo along the East coast of the United States in a... Show More

Cyborg, known in the UK as Cyborg 009, is a 1989 American martial-arts science fiction film directed by Albert Pyun. Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Gibson Rickenbacker, a mercenary who battles a group of murderous marauders led by Fender Tremolo along the East coast of the United States in a post-apocalyptic future. The film was the first in Albert Pyun's Cyborg Trilogy. It was followed by 1993's Knights and finally 1997's Omega Doom.Show Less

Cast: Bruce Frye, Thomas Barley, Kristina Sebastian, Janice Graser, Blaise Loong, James Irwin, Robert Pentz, Dayle Haddon, Jim Creech, Deborah Richter, Alex Daniels, Dale Frye...Show More

Cast: Bruce Frye, Thomas Barley, Kristina Sebastian, Janice Graser, Blaise Loong, James Irwin, Robert Pentz, Dayle Haddon, Jim Creech, Deborah Richter, Alex Daniels, Dale Frye, Tim Gilbert, Ralf Mller, O.D. Wilson, Sharon K. Tew, Michael Halford, Matt McColm, Jackson 'Rock' Pinckney, Haley Peterson, Bill Morrison, Stefanos Miltsakakis, Johnny Grady Jr., Vincent Klyn, Tommy Evans, Karen Spell, Chuck Allen, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jophery C. Brown, Terrie Batson(Show Less)

Categories:Movies, Action, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi

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Watch Cyborg (1989) Free Online - OVGuide | Watch Online

Rousey, White Accused of Bullying by Cris Cyborg

Josh Hedges/Forza LLC/Getty Images

Invicta FC featherweight champion Cris Cyborg has accused UFCbantamweight champion Ronda Rouseyand president Dana White of bullying her.

The 30-year-old made the accusation on her Facebook page, in which she said:

I find it Hypocritical of @rondarousey to complain about people in Hollywood being critical of her body image, talking about her arms or the extra weight she carries between fights.

For the past 5 years this sameRonda RouseyandDana Whitehave used the media to Bully me, opening the door for other opponents to try the same tactics.

Rousey recently spoke about body image in an interview with the New York Times' Sheila Marikar. She saidof her hope to help diversify the kind of body types celebrated or focused on in the media.

However, according toMike Bohn of MMA Junkie,in August she told theJoe Rogan Experience(Warning: Link contains NSFW language)she wouldn't fight Cyborg until she dropped weight afterCyborg tested positive for steroidsin 2011.

Cyborg also shared this video of White describing her as "Wanderlei Silva in a dress":

Cyborg's ongoing war of words with Rowdy will add more fuel to the speculative fire that they could meet in a superfight.For now, Rousey appears to be sticking to her guns that Cyborg must come down to 135 pounds (rather than Cyborg's usual 145-pound class) in order for the pair to collide.

However, Rousey further commented on the Joe Rogan Experience that fighting Cyborg would help her career feel complete, so you can't rule out the possibility the two will face off against each other in the future.

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Rousey, White Accused of Bullying by Cris Cyborg

IP CYbOrg – Internet Protocol Cybernetic Organism

A cyborg, short for cybernetic organism, is a being with both organic and artificial parts. See for example biomaterials and bioelectronics. The term was coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline used it in an article about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space.[1] D. S. Halacys Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman in 1965 featured an introduction which spoke of a new frontier that was not merely space, but more profoundly the relationship between inner space to outer space a bridgebetween mind and matter.

The beginning of Cyborg creation began when HCI (human-computer interaction) began. There is a clear distinction between the human and computerized technology in HCI, which differs from cyborgs in that cyborgs act out human functions.

The term cyborg is often applied to an organism that has enhanced abilities due to technology,[3] though this perhaps oversimplifies the necessity of feedback for regulating the subsystem. The more strict definition of Cyborg is almost always considered as increasing or enhancing normal capabilities. While cyborgs are commonly thought of as mammals, they might also conceivably be any kind of organism and the term Cybernetic organism has been applied to networks, such as road systems, corporations and governments, which have been classed as such. The term can also apply to micro-organisms which are modified to perform at higher levels than their unmodified counterparts. It is hypothesized that cyborg technology will form a part of the future human evolution.

Fictional cyborgs are portrayed as a synthesis of organic and synthetic parts, and frequently pose the question of difference between human and machine as one concerned with morality, free will, and empathy. Fictional cyborgs may be represented as visibly mechanical (e.g. the Cybermen in the Doctor Who franchise or The Borg from Star Trek); or as almost indistinguishable from humans (e.g. the Terminators from the Terminator films, the Human Cylons from the re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica etc.) The 1970s television series The Six Million Dollar Man featured one of the most famous fictional cyborgs, referred to as a bionic man; the series was based upon a novel by Martin Caidin entitled Cyborg. Cyborgs in fiction often play up a human contempt for over-dependence on technology, particularly when used for war, and when used in ways that seem to threaten free will. Cyborgs are also often portrayed with physical or mental abilities far exceeding a human counterpart (military forms may have inbuilt weapons, among other things).

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IP CYbOrg - Internet Protocol Cybernetic Organism

Cyborg & Miesha Tate — We Got Screwed … We Should Be …

We Got Screwed We Should Be Fighting Ronda 8/26/2015 12:45 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Cris "Cyborg" Justino says Ronda Rousey is straight DUCKING HER and has been for years -- and she's now calling out the UFC champ ... saying she wants the next fight.

Cyborg has been out in Philly with fellow MMA badass Miesha Tate to shoot the movie "Fight Valley: Knockaround Girls" ... when we asked how they felt about getting passed over for the main event at UFC 195.

Obviously, they weren't happy about it ... but both Tate andCyborg say they're ready to brawl with Rousey any time, any where.

"It's not my choice, it's her choice," Cyborg said ... "I'm ready. Let's go fight."

As for Tate, she says her rematch is just a matter of time -- "That day will come and we will see that fight again."

Rousey has to get through Holly Holm first ... who happens to be co-starring in the movie with Cyborg and Tate.

Maybe they can strategize together ...

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Cyborg & Miesha Tate -- We Got Screwed ... We Should Be ...