The wearable cyborgs that utilization mind waves to catalyst your muscles – Herald Journalism 24

Kristen Sorensen was 55 when she ended up incapacitated starting from the neck a year ago.

It appeared suddenly, says Sorensen. Id been fine and practicing each day, however it just began with shivering in my fingertips at that point advanced.

Determined in October 2018 to have Guillain Barre disorder, an uncommon issue that influences the bodys sensory system, she never expected to walk again.

In any case, prior that year, the Brooks Cybernic Treatment Center in Jacksonville, Florida, turned into the principal US focus to utilize an extraordinary rehabilitative innovation created in Japan the Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL).

HAL basically a wearable cyborg helps those with spinal line wounds and strong dystrophy recover their developments and reinforce their nerves and muscles. Known as exoskeletons, theyre a kind of lightweight suit, with joints controlled by little electric engines, that fill in as mechanical muscle.

This is whats really stunning: Patients think carefully waves to control them.

At the point when Sorensen found out about the cerebrum wave-controlled exoskeleton, which was created by Japanese roboticist Yoshiyuki Sankai, she realized she needed to try it out. She was resolved to stroll at her girls wedding a couple of months after the fact in December.

Be that as it may, its not only those with incapacities or wounds who remain to profit. By 2050, there will be in excess of 2 billion individuals over age 60, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), and exoskeletons could offer an answer for the worlds maturing populace.

Later on, as human bodies wear out with age, an exoskeleton fueled by dynamic personalities could help individuals remain on their feet.

With such tremendous potential applications accessible, the worldwide restorative exoskeleton market will merit an expected $2.8 billion by 2023, as per think-tank Markets and Markets.

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The wearable cyborgs that utilization mind waves to catalyst your muscles - Herald Journalism 24

Terminally-ill scientist is about to ‘transform’ into world’s first full cyborg – Mirror Online

A terminally-ill scientist who is dying from a muscle wasting disease has taken the final steps to become the world's first full cyborg .

Dr Peter Scott-Morgan, 61, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease two years ago, but instead of accepting his fate he decided to challenge what it meant to be human.

He said he wanted to push the boundaries of what science can achieve so decided to extend his life and become fully robotic - known as Peter 2.0.

The world-renowned roboticist has already undergone a series of incredibly complex and risky operations during his journey. This has included developing a remarkably life-like avatar of his face before he lost any muscle.

The avatar is designed to respond using artificially intelligent body language and he has also explored eye-tracking technology to enable him to control multiple computers using only his eyes.

And this week he announced the final procedure in his transition into a robot where he traded his voice for potentially decades of life.

He underwent a laryngectomy, meaning he lost his physical voice, but in doing so, he will avoid the added danger of saliva potentially entering his lungs, due to his condition.

Dr Scott-Morgan labelled this final procedure as the end of Peter 1.0 with a post this week on Twitter , and wrote: "This is my last post as Peter 1.0.

"Tomorrow (Thursday 10/10) I trade my voice for potentially decades of life as we complete the final medical procedure for my transition to Full Cyborg, the month I was told statistically I would be dead. I'm not dying, I'm transforming. Oh, how I love science."

Dr Scott-Morgan, of Torquay, Devon, has throughout his career been granted 'unparalleled confidential access' to government organisations, banks and major corporations.

He has been using this scientific expertise to work with cutting-edge technology experts to become Peter 2.0.

Speaking of his transition, he said: "'I'm about to be turned into Peter 2.0. And when I say 'Peter 2.0', I mean 'a Cyborg'.

"And when I say 'Cyborg', I don't just mean any old cyborg, you understand, but by far the most advanced human cybernetic organism ever created in 13.8 billion years. I'm scheduled to become the world's very first full Cyborg.

"Almost everything about me is going to be irreversibly changed - body and brain.

"It goes without saying that all my physical interaction with the world will become robotic. And naturally, my existing five senses are going to be enhanced. But far more importantly, part of my brain, and all of my external persona, will soon be electronic - totally synthetic.

"From then on, I'll be part hardware / part wetware, part digital / part analogue. And it won't stop there; I've got more upgrades in progress than Microsoft. Mine isn't just a version change. It's a metamorphosis."

The scientist has also been exploring eye-tracking technology, to enable him to control multiple computers using just his eyes. Among other things, this would mean he could control his own electronic bed and a hoist to help him move.

This eye-tracking technology, means that he could no longer wear contact lenses, and so he has undergone laser eye surgery to enable him to have perfect vision at 70cm- the distance from his computer screen.

The scientist also has a remarkable top-end wheelchair, which he said on Twitter is 'brilliantly engineered' and allows him to stand, lie flat and go fast.

He has undergone further pioneering surgery in what he believes to be the first ever operation of its kind, to insert a feeding tube directly into his stomach, a catheter directly into his bladder and a colostomy bag directly onto his colon.

These procedures will help him to deal with any potential feeding and toileting problems, helping him to maintain his independence.

However, he stressed online that this is an incredibly risky procedure for somebody with MND. Despite the risks of operations and being terminally ill, Dr Scott-Morgan says he is not interested in how to survive his condition, he intends to 'thrive.'

He remains positive and often, humorous, seeing his situation as a chance to truly embrace scientific capabilities.

In fact, The Scott-Morgan Foundation which he set up with his husband, Francis, seeks to use artificial intelligence, robotics and other high-technology systems to transform the lives of those 'restricted by age, ill-health, disability, or other physical or mental disadvantage."

On his website Dr Scott-Morgan said this vision is far from just a dream: "We are within touching distance of changing - everything. I'm not dying - I'm transforming!

"This is terminal disease like you've never seen it before. And as far as I'm concerned, bring it on. MND hasn't even begun to bring me to my knees. And even long after I'm locked In, I will still be standing tall.

"Thanks to HiTech - I will talk again. I will convey Emotion and Personality. And I'll reach out and touch the people I love. And I will not be the only one.

"Over time, more and more with MND, with extreme disability, with old age, with a passion simply to break free from their physical straight-jacket, will choose to stand beside me.

"And we will all stand tall. And we will stand proud. And we will stand unbowed. And we will keep standing, year after year after year after year after year. Because we refuse simply to 'Stay Alive'. We choose to thrive."

Dr Scott-Morgan will be the subject of a Channel 4 documentary in airing 2020, by Sugar Films.

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Terminally-ill scientist is about to 'transform' into world's first full cyborg - Mirror Online

Taika Waititi Confirms Korg Will Return In ‘Thor: Love And Thunder’ – Heroic Hollywood

Taika Waititi just hilariously confirmed that his fan-favorite character Korg will return in Thor: Love and Thunder.

When Taika Waititi came onboard to direct Thor: Ragnarok, he completely refreshed the character after the disappointing reception to Thor: The Dark World. With Taika Waititis zany comedy and quirky directing style, fans fell in love with the character all over again. But another supporting character quickly stole the limelight from Thor once he landed on Sakaar, Korg. Taika Waititi played the scene stealing rocky gladiator and it turns out hell be returning for Thor: Love and Thunder.

In a new interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live ahead of his new film Jojo Rabbit, Taika Waititi revealed that Korg would be returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Thor: Love and Thunder, hilariously thanking the audience in Korgs voice. The director also went on to confirm that hes recently finished a few drafts of the sequel and that theres more Thor to come. Watch the interview with Taika Waititi on Jimmy Kimmel Live below.

I just finished a couple of drafts of that story. Theres more Thor! Theres twice the Thor in Thor 4 Natalie Portmans coming back, shell be playing a female version of Thor, its from a comic run. Therell be two of them! My character is coming back, Korg.Thank you. Thank you so much for that reaction, Im overwhelmed.

Are you excited to see Taika Waititis Korg return in Thor: Love and Thunder? Let us know in the comments!

Taika Waititiis set to reprise his Marvel role inThor: Love and Thunder. Directed by Taika Waititi,Thor: Love and Thunderstars Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, and Natalie Portman. The film will be based on Jason AaronsMighty Thorcomic book run, with Natalie Portmans Jane Foster set to become the new God of Thunder.

Love and Thunderis set to hit theaters on November 5, 2021. Stay tuned for the latest news on Taika Waititi, Thor and the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live

Along with the premiere of the first teaser forDoom Patrol,DC Universe also debuted a collection of character posters for each of the members of perhaps the strangest team of characters to be adapted in live-action form for DC Comics.

In particular, these new character posters highlight Timothy Dalton's The Chief, Diane Guerrero's Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade's Cyborg, April Bowlby's Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer's Negative Man and Brendan Fraser's Robotman. These posters each follow unique designs that reflect the nature of each character and tease unique personalities amongst the group as well.

You can start the gallery of new posters by clicking "Next".

Which of theseDoom Patrolposters is your favorite? Are you excited to see what the cast brings to these roles? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to continue following Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news in the DC Universe.

Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DCs strangest group of outcast Super Heroes which includes: Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Brendan Fraser as Cliff Steele/Robotman, April Bowlby as Elasti-Woman, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Timothy Dalton as Dr. Niles Caulder/The Chief.

Here is the synopsis for the show:

Doom Patrolwill find the reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.

Doom Patrolwill premiere on February 15, 2019 exclusively on DC Universe.

See original here:

Taika Waititi Confirms Korg Will Return In 'Thor: Love And Thunder' - Heroic Hollywood

J.J. Abrams Spider-Man book killed The Avengers in a very Abrams way – Polygon

In the rejiggered universe of Marvels new Spider-Man run, Mary Jane is a victim of the cyborg villain Cadaverous; Peter Parker is a grieving, one-armed hero whos traded in his costumed career for a isolated job as a war photographer; and Ben Parker is the couples wayward spawn. Ben holds a grudge against his distant father, a man who seems to drown himself in work, but its all rattled when Peters superheroic past comes to light.

[Ed. note: the rest of this story contains spoilers for Spider-Man #2]

In Spider-Man #2, Ben slips into the Spider-Man spandex to assume the mantle, which fits him like destiny. He cant resist. Like father, like son. The theme of the book is also metatextual: For his foray into comic books, writer-director-producer J.J. Abrams recruited his kiddo Henry Abrams to co-write, and co-obliterate, everything Spider-Man fans would expect from a book. As he did for Mission: Impossible, Star Trek, and Star Wars, the elder Abrams approaches Spider-Man like hes the first person to ever write for Spider-Man.

Which may explain why the dialogue in Spider-Man #2 is Extremely Dialogue, corny to the point of stilted, and the story feels familiar. But the book unfolds with confidence, and after unspooling and re-knotting the mythology in #1, Team Abrams does the same thing to Spideys moral code with the help of Bens manic pixie dream schoolmate Faye.

The brazen quality of Spider-Man, even as it stumbles through the hollow mystery of Cadaverous and scenes of Spider-Mans teen talk, makes this a book I know Ill jump on each issue. There are no rules in place as J.J and Henry dig around the Marvel sandbox, and if theres room for a world-building punch to the gut, theyll take it. Like when Spider-Man #2 killed off Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and Hulk.

Off-screen. Theyre just dead now.

Spider-Man #2 doesnt have the heft of Abrams Star Trek or The Force Awakens. Its not Spider-Man for a new generation that still feels like Miles Morales continued place in the universe. But that seems to be the goal: a comic for people who vaguely know Spider-Man and would easily rile up any Marvel devotees. Theres a reason why actual Star Trek fans will always remind you that Abrams movies exist in the damning Kelvinverse versus the real timeline.

J.J. and Henrys book should hold a similar status in Marvel universe history. There is whats really happening in the ongoing Spider-Man universe, and then theres whats happening in Spider-Man, which is where regular Abrams cameo-maker Greg Grunberg lives, apparently.

As dedicated as J.J and Henry are to shattering the Spider-Man universe, theyre still reliant on the past. The audiences understanding of the status quo is required to feel those fractures, a crutch that keeps the book (along with Sara Pichellis lively portraits of Ben and Faye) from becoming anything of their own. Right now, Spider-Man is basically an explosive-demolition supercut on YouTube entertaining, but fleeting. While the Abrams boys can break everything they want, Im still waiting for them to build something of their own.

Spider-Man #2 is out now. Four issues remain in the six-issue miniseries.

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J.J. Abrams Spider-Man book killed The Avengers in a very Abrams way - Polygon

‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Runtime Possibly Revealed – Heroic Hollywood

As movie theaters get ready to screenStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the running time may have been revealed.

Before a running time is confirmed, a placeholder running time is usually given to theaters in order to give distributors an opportunity to plan their schedules accordingly for the debut of a major movie. In the case ofStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, some new listings indicate that it will top Star Wars: The Last Jedi as the longest film in the series, befitting of a grand finale to a long-running story.

According to a screengrab from Cinemarks databases, one user was able to find out that the movie is currently expected to run 155 minutes, or 2 hours and 35 minutes. Check it out below:

Showtimes for The Rise Of Skywalker are showing up now. from StarWarsLeaks

If the running time listed here is indicative of the final product, thenStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will top the 2 hour and 32 minuteThe Last Jedias the longest movie in the series. It will also be significantly longer than director J. J. Abrams previous movie,Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which ran at 2 hours and 15 minutes. While its not as long as the likes ofAvengers: Endgame, such a running time gives the movie enough time to wrap up remaining plot threads and serve as a conclusion to the story of the Skywalker family.

Directed by J. J. Abrams,Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkerstars Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyongo, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Joonas Suotamo, Billie Lourd, Naomi Ackie, Richard E. Grant, Keri Russell, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Ian McDiarmid, and Billy Dee Williams. Carrie Fisher will also appear as General Leia Organa through the use of previously unreleased footage shot fromStar Wars: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkeris set to hit theaters onDecember 20, 2019.

Source: Reddit

Along with the premiere of the first teaser forDoom Patrol,DC Universe also debuted a collection of character posters for each of the members of perhaps the strangest team of characters to be adapted in live-action form for DC Comics.

In particular, these new character posters highlight Timothy Dalton's The Chief, Diane Guerrero's Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade's Cyborg, April Bowlby's Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer's Negative Man and Brendan Fraser's Robotman. These posters each follow unique designs that reflect the nature of each character and tease unique personalities amongst the group as well.

You can start the gallery of new posters by clicking "Next".

Which of theseDoom Patrolposters is your favorite? Are you excited to see what the cast brings to these roles? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to continue following Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news in the DC Universe.

Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DCs strangest group of outcast Super Heroes which includes: Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Brendan Fraser as Cliff Steele/Robotman, April Bowlby as Elasti-Woman, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Timothy Dalton as Dr. Niles Caulder/The Chief.

Here is the synopsis for the show:

Doom Patrolwill find the reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.

Doom Patrolwill premiere on February 15, 2019 exclusively on DC Universe.

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'Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Runtime Possibly Revealed - Heroic Hollywood

Preparing municipalities for customers of the future – ESI Africa

We arent likely to see cyborgs doing jobs at our municipalities anytime soon, but we are going to experience a shift in the importance of data and digital skills.

Originally published in the ESI Africa weekly newsletter on 2019/10/16

There is agrowing public outcry around poor municipal performanceJoe and Jane Public areno longer captive customers as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has giventhem options. These choices are increasing their expectations of servicedelivery from their power utility.

Its areality faced by municipal managers who operated within the confines of strictregulatory frameworks, but now find themselves in a quandary as distributedenergy resources challenge the grid.

This is themessage from the AMEU president, Refilwe Mokgosi, during the opening of theassociations 27th annual convention, which is seeking to provide the municipalmarket with clarity on how to build the power utility of the future, today.

Poor municipalperformance was a message echoed by Ayanda Noah, a former Eskom employee,during the keynote panel discussion, which unpacked whether we are fit toface the future.

Noahrecalled a personal story that many South Africans can relate toa completelack of customer centricity and a missed opportunity by a municipal office touse a readily available digital solution such as an EFT payment.

Sincemunicipalities have little control over the steep tariffs from Eskom, they mustaddress managing their cost-reflective tariffs through the power of engagingwith customers. Through this engagement, Id wager that they will see anincrease in paying customers.

Preparingyour municipality for the 4IR need not be daunting. Just because it uses theInternet of Things doesnt make it any different from how you would implement atraditional non-smart project. Start by applying a small pilot project toestablish a business case and proof of concept to secure the finance needed toexpand the project.

What you asa municipality are aiming for is to make your services relevant in todaysworld of Mr and Ms Smart Public. It will be necessary to reskill your personnelto increase the quality and reliability of your service offering.

This can be achieved through using your data to know more about your customer, their supply (small-scale embedded generation) and demand (when, where and how such as a new school with an IT department or an EV charging station). This also raises the question of what does your customer needelectricity or energy?

The immediate cyborg to watch out for is big data. Dont become a slave to your data but rather put your data to good use to stay ahead of your customers expectations.

Until next week.Nicolette

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Preparing municipalities for customers of the future - ESI Africa

Jesse Eisenberg On His Future As Lex Luthor With DC Films – Heroic Hollywood

Jesse Eisenberg comments on whether hell be playing Lex Luthor again in future DC Films after last appearing in the Justice League post-credits scene.

Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor role with DC Films seems to have run its course if the stars recent comments are to be believed. Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor made his debutin Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, attempting to turn the world against Superman before pitting the titular heroes against each other. While some fans werent sold on Jesse Eisenbergs performance, he was brought back for further planned DC Films, starting with a cameo appearance at the end of Justice League.

When speaking to ComicBookMovie ahead of Zombieland: Double Tap, Jesse Eisenberg seemingly confirmed that he wouldnt be appearing as Lex Luthor again for DC Films. While the Lex Luthor actor doesnt dive into specifics its most likely down to the reception to Justice League and the controversy surrounding the Snyder Cut. When Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson were asked about their on-screen comic book villains, the Lex Luthor actor jokingly replied that they would be appearing in different venues. Take a look at Jesse Eisenbergs comments about Lex Luthor below.

Different venues. I will say, quite confidently, different venues. His will be, like, kind of a movie that people go to and mine will be in my living room that people occasionally go to but mostly one at a time.

You can check out the interview with Jesse Eisenbergbelow.

Would you like to see Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor come back to DC Films? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Jesse Eisenberg was last seen as Lex Luthor in Justice League. Heres the official synopsis for the movie:

Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Supermans selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroesBatman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flashit may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

Directed by Zack Snyder,Justice Leaguestars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, J. K. Simmons, and Ciarn Hinds.

Justice Leagueis now available on Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital HD. Stay tuned for the latest news onJesse Eisenberg, Lex Luthor and the future of the DC Extended Universe!

Source: ComicBookMovie

Along with the premiere of the first teaser forDoom Patrol,DC Universe also debuted a collection of character posters for each of the members of perhaps the strangest team of characters to be adapted in live-action form for DC Comics.

In particular, these new character posters highlight Timothy Dalton's The Chief, Diane Guerrero's Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade's Cyborg, April Bowlby's Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer's Negative Man and Brendan Fraser's Robotman. These posters each follow unique designs that reflect the nature of each character and tease unique personalities amongst the group as well.

You can start the gallery of new posters by clicking "Next".

Which of theseDoom Patrolposters is your favorite? Are you excited to see what the cast brings to these roles? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to continue following Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news in the DC Universe.

Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DCs strangest group of outcast Super Heroes which includes: Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Brendan Fraser as Cliff Steele/Robotman, April Bowlby as Elasti-Woman, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Timothy Dalton as Dr. Niles Caulder/The Chief.

Here is the synopsis for the show:

Doom Patrolwill find the reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.

Doom Patrolwill premiere on February 15, 2019 exclusively on DC Universe.

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Jesse Eisenberg On His Future As Lex Luthor With DC Films - Heroic Hollywood

BMF Resume: Justin Gaethje – The Official Website of the Ultimate Fighting Championship

Actions speak louder than words so lets break down Justin Gaethjes fights one by one.

Gaethjes UFC debut: Comeback of the Year, Fight of the Year. Rocked with some of the most flush strikes in Michael Johnsons career only to land a KO blow with such exhaustion, it took multiple attempts to land his signature backflip off the cage celebration.

Gaethje vs Alvarez: World MMA Awards 2017 Fight of the Year. Even in a loss, Gaethjes fight style was what made that Eddie Alvarezs most exciting fight of his prolific career. It took a serious of fight ending blows and possibly a top three all-time knee to take out the man impervious to being knocked out

Gaethje vs Poirier: EVERYBODYS 2018 fight of the year. One of the best matchups in UFC history. The unsung striker who has been around the block repeatedly vs Justin Gaethje. A man anybody can predict but nobody looks good against. The greatest brawl of 2018 and both mens careers had everything but groundwork and half-speed. Even multiple eye pokes on both ends wasnt enough to strip the men of their striking attacks or sportsmanship. It was fight of the year without having any prefight chatter to build it up. No ill will needed. Just everything Dustin Poirier and Justin Gaethje had to offer. Although Gaethje lost despite being 1 leg kick away from a TKO victory, per Poiriers words, it was a career defining battle on both ends that showed that second best wouldnt be good enough for either man no matter what.

Gaethje vs Vick: For the first time since his UFC debut Gaethje was being verbally attacked prefight and it was the same old song. Gaethje sat calmly while Vick dug himself a deeper hole. Although he coined the most appropriate nickname of all time when referring to Gaethje, The Homer Simpson of MMA, Gaethje landed his fastest knockout in 4 years. It doesnt pay to think that just because Gaethje is predictable, means he isnt a threat.

Gaethje vs Barboza: The brawl that had potential of being the most violent brawl in UFC history. Edson Barboza, fresh off the hardest to watch fight in UFC history where he treated Dan Hooker like his personal heavybag, against a walking heavybag who was back in the W column. The man who strikes the hardest vs the man who welcomes the pain. Gaethje was staring down the barrel of yet another Fight of the Year award. Only issue, hes too good. Gaethje knocked out Barboza inside the first round.

After the fight, Gaethje voiced his frustration with the UFCs rankings naming fellow BMF, Cowboy Cerrone, by name.

As you wish!

Gaethje vs Cowboy: Another brawl that had the potential of being the most violent brawl in UFC history ended similar. Cowboy dished out and received the best strikes he could pack into 2:30 but yet again, Gaethje was just too much as he notched his 9th first round stoppage.

Now Gaethje is calling for the UFC title and with his stat sheet, its hard to argue against it. Tony, Khabib, start prepping for Justin Gaethje because title or not, hes coming and hes bringing a war because theres flat out nobody who can survive the beatings Gaethje will.

Hes won by slam, hes won by punch, hes won by leg kick, doctor stoppage, elbows and more. Whatever can make a fight exciting, The Highlight has already done it better than your favorite fighter.

Check out the smallest, but most effective video resume so far. Tune in and wonder how does he do this? over and over and over again:

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BMF Resume: Justin Gaethje - The Official Website of the Ultimate Fighting Championship

‘Sonic The Hedgehog Halloween Masks Are On Sale & They’re Horrifying – Heroic Hollywood

Sonic the Hedgehog Halloween masks are going on sale andthey may be more terrifying thanthe titular characters live-action design.

By now, few need to be reminded of the outcry over the design of the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog design. The negative reaction was so strong that Paramount Pictures opted to redesign theblue speedster and postpone the release of Sonic the Hedgehog to give animators enough time to complete their work.

Unfortunately, it appears the individuals responsible for designing the Halloween costumes for Sonic the Hedgehogdidnt get the chance to redo the characters look and some might consider the Halloween masks worse than the movie design. Ranging from costs of $49 to $19, the Sonic masks are sure to amuse fans who might be looking for an unexpectedly creepy costumefor this yearsHalloween.

Check out two of the Sonic movie Halloween masks below!

ParamountsSonic the Hedgehogis set to follow small-town sheriff Tom Wachowski (played byWestworldstar James Marsden) and the titular Hedgehog as they embark on a road trip in a race against time to recover the blue hedgehogs rings before the evil Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey).

Here is the official synopsis forSonic the Hedgehog:

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster video game franchise from Sega that centres on the infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the (mis)adventures of Sonic as he navigates the complexities of life on Earth with his newfound human best friend Tom Wachowski (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom join forces to try and stop the villainous Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) from capturing Sonic and using his immense powers for world domination.

Directed byJeff Fowler from a script written byPatrick Casey, Josh Miller, and Oren Uziel,Sonic the Hedgehogfeatures the voice talent of Ben Schwartz as the titular character and starsJames Marsden as sheriff Tom Wachowski, Jim Carrey as Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Neal McDonough as US Army Major Bennington, Tika Sumpter as Mrs. Wachowski, Lee Majdoub as Stone, and Frank C. Turner as Crazy Carl. Adam Pally, Natasha Rothwell, Debs Howard, and Elfina Luk also star in undisclosed roles.

Sonic the Hedgehoghits theaters onFebruary 14, 2020. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding the Sonic movie!

Source: Amazon(via

Along with the premiere of the first teaser forDoom Patrol,DC Universe also debuted a collection of character posters for each of the members of perhaps the strangest team of characters to be adapted in live-action form for DC Comics.

In particular, these new character posters highlight Timothy Dalton's The Chief, Diane Guerrero's Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade's Cyborg, April Bowlby's Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer's Negative Man and Brendan Fraser's Robotman. These posters each follow unique designs that reflect the nature of each character and tease unique personalities amongst the group as well.

You can start the gallery of new posters by clicking "Next".

Which of theseDoom Patrolposters is your favorite? Are you excited to see what the cast brings to these roles? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to continue following Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news in the DC Universe.

Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DCs strangest group of outcast Super Heroes which includes: Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Brendan Fraser as Cliff Steele/Robotman, April Bowlby as Elasti-Woman, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Timothy Dalton as Dr. Niles Caulder/The Chief.

Here is the synopsis for the show:

Doom Patrolwill find the reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.

Doom Patrolwill premiere on February 15, 2019 exclusively on DC Universe.

See the original post:

'Sonic The Hedgehog Halloween Masks Are On Sale & They're Horrifying - Heroic Hollywood

Teen Titans: How Kid Flash Helped Shape the Iconic DC Team | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources

After Robin the Boy Wonder set the gold standard for superhero sidekicks when he debuted in 1940, the nascent DC Universe featured a number of teen sidekicks by the '60s, including Aqualad, Speedy, Wonder Girl, and Kid Flash. DC's sidekicks proved to be incredibly popular among readers and beginning in the pages ofThe Brave and the Bold#54, they wouldstart adventuring away from their mentors and form a new team known as the Teen Titans.

The Teen Titans have seen a number of characters join the variousgroups over the years, andthe team has moved well past their beginnings as kid sidekicksto develop into a supportive family that trains and nurtures DC's youthful heroes.And while there are always new faces on the team, there are a few characters who help make up the core members of the Titans, whichoften included Wally West/Kid Flash and his successors. Now, we're going to take a look back at the history of the Titans and Kid Flash's role within the team throughout it's various reboots and relaunches.

RELATED: Every Wally West Era Referenced On the Flash Forward #4 Cover

The first outing of the as-yet-unnamed Teen Titans happened in Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani's aforementioned issue ofThe Brave and the Bold that saw Wally West/Kid Flash team up with Dick Grayson/Robinand Garth/Aqualad to take on the menace of Mister Twister. The trio would return joined by Donna Troy/Wonder Girl to take on the name Teen Titans inThe Brave and the Bold #60 before spinning off into their own Teen Titanstitle.

The Titans would add characters like Speedy, Hawk & Dove, Lilith, and others, but the core group would continue to feature Wally West as Kid Flash, though members like Aqualad would come and go throughout the series.

The series would eventually be canceled, but would soon be relaunched as theNew Teen Titans, which would see new members like Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy join the team. Wally's time as Kid Flash with the Teen Titans in this run was more spotty since he was dealing with troubles at home, issues with his abilities and the death of his mentor, Barry Allen, during theCrisis On Infinite Earths. Eventually, Wally would quit being Kid Flash and the Titans after theCrisisdue to the loss of his powers, though when they returned Wallystepped into the role of the Flash.

RELATED:How George Perez's Changing Art Style Became a Teen Titans Plot Point

Wally would continue to aid his friends with the New Teen Titans as the Flash, though he wouldn't remain with the team as his new role would find him working with the Justice League and his now-adult teammates in the Titans. Wally's protege Bart Allen/Impulse would step into the role of Kid Flash when he joined a new incarnation of the Teen Titans led by Cyborg and Starfire.

The New 52 rebootcreated by Barry Allen andFlashpoint ended up wiping the original Wally West out of DC continuity, which had been truncated into a five-year timeline. The reboot saw a new team of Teen Titans form with a new Kid Flash, though this version was a criminal from the future who was impersonating Bart Allen. However, the boots of Kid Flash would soon be legitimately filled by a new reimagined version of Wallace "Wally" West inThe Flash ongoing series.

The New 52continuity would be altered by theConvergence event which launched the Rebirth-era and heralded the return of the biggest casualty of the New 52 reboot, the original Wally West. Now known simply as the Flash, Wally's return would be explored both inThe Flash ongoing and alongside his former teammates in Titans.

While the original Wally West dealt with his return by working with Barry and the Titans,Wallace West would continue working as Kid Flash despitehis separation from Barry Allen. Wallace would berecruited by Damian Wayne alongside Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy to form a new Teen Titans. Damian's version of the team would go through a few roster changes, and despite the troubled beginnings to their partnership, Kid Flash continued to work with Robin alongside new members like Red Arrow and Crush, Lobo's daughter.

Wally West's earliest outings with his friends built a strong foundation for the Teen Titans that relied on Kid Flash's abilities and heart to keep the family of heroes together.Bart Allen evolved into Kid Flash alongsidehis modern iteration of the team, and Wallace West helped usher in the Rebirth-age, continuing the ongoing legacy of Kid Flash andhis place alongside the Teen Titans.

KEEP READING:Crush: Who Is Lobo's Teen Titan Daughter?

Tags:the flash,teen titans,feature

Arrow Just Introduced Its Own Version of Thanos' Snap -- And It's Worse

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Teen Titans: How Kid Flash Helped Shape the Iconic DC Team | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources

Review: The Ninja Saviors – Return of the Warriors – Destructoid

Enter the Ninja

Ninjas. Where would late '80s entertainment have been without them? In the wake of a string of hit movies showcasing the infamous assassins (usually portrayed by famous Japanese actors such as Franco Nero and Michael Dudikoff), the ninja craze exploded. Not only on the big screen, but in cartoons, comic books and, most notably, in the arcades.

With its mysterious eastern heritage, unique weaponry, and badass martial arts skills, becoming a ninja became the dream vocation of the schoolyard practically overnight, not dissimilar to how everyone wanted to be a fighter pilot after Tom Cruise put shades on and flashed a grin in Top Gun.

Video game developers were quick to cash in on this new fascination, producing great coin-ops such as Shinobi, Shadow Dancer, DragonNinja, Mystic Warriors and Ninja Gaiden, all starring the rooftop-running fellas. 1987 release The Ninja Warriors, by arcade veterans Taito, was one of the most popular titles of this genre. So popular, in fact, that it was remade in 1994 for the Super Nintendo as The Ninja Warriors Again, back when video game remakes weren't ten a penny.

But today, we're looking at The Ninja Warriors' second remaster. Developed by Natsume who recently polished up another 1994 release, Wild Guns The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors gives a new generation of wannabes the opportunity to dish out shuriken-assisted life-ectomies to seemingly insurmountable odds.

The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors (PS4 [reviewed], Switch)Developer: Natsume/Tengo ProjectPublisher: TaitoReleased: October 15, 2019MSRP: $19.99 (Digital) $29.99 (Physical)

Set in the far off future of 1993, the world is dying under the smothering rule of a megalomaniacal U.S. President, who has declared martial law in order to hold the planet and its people in his iron grasp. With society perched on the brink of complete collapse, a small resistance outfit, led by the scientist Mulk, create a team of cyborg ninjas in a final do-or-die bid for freedom.

Equipped with expert martial arts knowledge, as well as blend of traditional and high-tech weaponry, the ninjas are programmed to take the fight to the President, defeat his army, smash his regime, and end his reign of tyranny. These high-kicking bots are humanity's last and only hope. They are The Ninja Saviors.

Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is a remake of both the 1987 arcade and 1994 SNES release, which captures the design and gameplay of the original titles, constructed within a new engine to allow for slicker and more responsive gameplay. One or two players can pick from a team of unique characters, each with their own weapons and attacks, and then make their way through seven stages of action, patrolling a 2D plane and carving up the myriad enemies and boss characters that stand between them, President Banglar, and the game's amusingly "philosophical" ending.

A tough title back in its heyday, Ninja Saviors still presents quite the challenge in 2019, with players only given one life and health pickups few and far between. Fortunately, each character is versed in a selection of unique skills, from melee attacks and grabs, to acrobatic air maneuvers and a range of specials powered by an ever-charging "battery" meter. While at first glance gameplay seems a little slow-paced, dedicated players will soon find that it's in the clever combining of these attacks that our psycho cyborgs can move quickly and efficiently around the screen, using throws, dash attacks, and even juggles to swiftly eliminate the opposition.

Where gameplay comes into its own, without a shadow of a doubt, is in two-player mode, allowing players to clear out enemies quicker, and use smart teamwork to perform extended combos, ripping up tougher baddies in double-quick time. Two brand new characters, Raiden and Yaksha, are particularly well-designed for this, and are two of the most enjoyable saviors to control, no doubt due to them being created with a modern approach to game design. It's a shame that these characters have to be unlocked, as I feel more would be gained from allowing people to hit up The Ninja Saviors' tough campaign with this pairing from the off.

It can't be denied that in single-player there is a limited longevity to The Ninja Saviors, but this particular release does place emphasis on its speedrun potential. Every stage can be revisited in isolation once defeated, with the entire campaign only recording your time should you complete the run in a single life. Thus, die-hard fans will get a kick out of replaying their favourite stages to shave off those precious seconds, but tackling the might of the game in one go proves a momentous task for sure. For the majority of players, a couple of playthroughs with a few unique characters is mostly all that is on offer here.

From an audio/visual standpoint, The Ninja Saviors delivers the delights of a bygone age with just a pinch of modernism. Great-looking sprites, fluid animation (particularly for our heroes) and detailed backgrounds recall a golden era of console gaming, and while the remixed soundtrack is great, it's fortunate that the original score (one of Taito's best and most memorable) is unlockable, as is the OST for the SNES release.

There is some missed opportunity here. Given the brand's history, it's disappointing to not have a gallery, which could have included concept images, box art and advertising from all three titles. There is also no online co-op option (local play only). Still, the extra characters, multiple OSTs, and option to change the blood to red (a legit controversy at the time) are all nice additions. At $20, Ninja Saviors also doesn't break the bank, offering a fistful of two-player retro fun, and perfect for a typical Switch commute. Though it should be noted that the similarly-themed Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle offers far more bang for your buck.

The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors is a smart and slick reworking of a classic. Though 2019 sensibilities sometimes date its thin gameplay, modern characters, surprisingly varied combat, and a very welcome co-op mode breathe new life into Taito's iconic title. The Ninja Saviors is ideal for retro game speedrunners and perfect filler for lazy afternoons or long journeys. Go ninja! Go ninja! Go!

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors reviewed by Chris Moyse


Solid and definitely has an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.How we score:The Destructoid reviews guide

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Review: The Ninja Saviors - Return of the Warriors - Destructoid

World of Warcraft’s upcoming races revealed: adorable foxes and cyborg gnomes – PC Gamer

Blizzard unexpectedly just revealed the upcoming 8.3 update for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth in an 18-minute video detailing all of the new features players can look forward to when it launches, presumably, early next year. But of those new features, one is sure to set the community on fire: The fox-like Vulpera are joining the Horde as a playable Allied Race while the less-exciting Mechagnomes team up with the Alliance.

Seen above, the Vulpera have been teasing players since Battle for Azeroth's launch last year as one of the new non-playable races added in the expansion. They're the inhabitants of the Vol'dun zone found on the island of Zandalar. Conversely, the Mechagnomes are the natives of Mechagon, a once-lost city where normal gnomes have augmented their bodies with robotic parts.

Both the Vulpera and Mechagnomes are the two newest Allied Racesof which there are eight that have been added since Battle for Azeroth first launched. For the uninitiated, Allied Races work a little differently than normal races because they're not immediately available for new characters. Instead, players have to complete a lengthy grind that involves maxing out an associated faction reputation and completing a quest before they can start a new character and play as any Allied Race.

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Typically, Allied Races are variants of an archetypal race. Players can play as a dwarf, or if they unlock the Dark Iron Dwarf allied race, can choose to play as their red-eyed, ashy-skinned version. Sometimes these changes can be quite dramatic, though, as is the case with the Zanadari Trolls being able to stand upright and Kul Tiran humans being considerably more girthy.

Both the Vulpera and the Mechagnomes fall into the latter category. Though the Vulpera technically have the same dimensions as the Horde goblins, they really look nothing alike. Likewise, Mechagnomes can look more like mini-robots than living, meaty gnomesas you can see from the image above.

The Vulpera are particularly noteworthy since the Horde lacks races that I would ever describe as cute or cuddly. Now Horde players have the option of retaining their badass Horde reputation while still looking like a very good boy who definitely deserves a treat.

Two new Allied Races is actually one of the smaller features coming in update 8.3. Find out what else is coming in our full story here.

Originally posted here:

World of Warcraft's upcoming races revealed: adorable foxes and cyborg gnomes - PC Gamer

Goodbye humans, hello cyborgs: The moment of Singularity is nigh – Daily Maverick

Picture from Pixabay

Almost exactly three years ago in 2016, Apple launched the iPhone 7s. Among the usual announcements and upgrades, it revealed the smartphones new portrait mode, which would allow users to take images that are able to isolate the subject and make the background blurry. The idea? A mechanical technique generally achieved by the actual SLR cameras using the kind of wide lens that is able to achieve a shallow depth of field depending on the distance between the subject and the background.

The size of the phones lens being what it is, phone manufacturers dont have the luxury of making phones with interchangeable and big lenses. Their solution was artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, a subset of AI. While the phones lens might struggle to tell the distance between the subject and the background, the AI technology, trained on a massive amount of photographic data, is able to identify the face on a selfie, and then separate that from the background, making the latter blurry.

Portrait mode, or Live Focus as it is known in some Android phones, is just one among many and some far more consequential examples of how artificial intelligence and machine learning has become a ubiquitous part of our lives through our smartphones. Much of this technology has increased our efficiency, whether its a navigation app warning us of traffic and finding us the best route, or for journalists like this one, a transcription app that can transcribe a 30-minute long interview in a matter of seconds.

Over the last few years, platforms like Gmail and their accompanying smartphone apps have become frighteningly good at classifying our email and identifying spam, chain letters and promotional material wed rather not see, and sticking it all into folders where the sun doesnt shine.

There are also the somewhat bothersome and eerily accurately targeted adverts that pop up on our phone apps. Admittedly not always on target; at times even after youve done your online shopping, that item might keep popping up in ads for a few more days. To be fair, marketers for whom this particular kind of advertising works might find them a tad less bothersome.

On the dark side of AI, we have algorithms on social media platforms that only feed us more of what we want to see, sometimes reaffirming the beliefs we hold, with little regard for factual integrity. Harmless when they feed you happy cat videos every hour if thats your groove. Not so harmless when your YouTube feed is a long list of conspiracy videos about how the Clintons run a child trafficking ring, aka Pizzagate.

However, AI goes far beyond phones, and into areas such as smart cars, smart homes, banking, and even employee procurement. The ubiquity of the smartphone as the primary way in which many of us interact with the internet makes it one of the most prevalent ways in which we experience AI. And we expect it to work every time. We expect that Uber app to know the shortest and least busy route, and predict a fair fare without fail. And, indeed, in many instances, our interactions with AI are so predictable as to be unremarkable. However, for most of us not directly working in tech, we have no way of predicting where our ecstatic embrace of AI, and our growing dependency on it, championed by the smartphone, will lead us.

On 28 August 2019, at the World AI Conference in Shanghai, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has been vocal on his concerns about the future of AI, took to the stage in conversation with Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma.

Well, computers actually are already much smarter than people on so many dimensions. We just keep moving the goalposts. So we used to think like, for example, being good at chess was an example of a smart human. And then Kasparov was crushed by [IBM supercomputer] Deep Blue in 97. That was a long time ago, 22 years. I mean, right now your cellphone could crush the world champion at chess, literally. Go used to be thought of as something that humans were better at than computers. Then Lee Sedol was beaten four to one by [Google DeepMind program] Alpha Zero, said Musk, referring to the popular Chinese-invented board game.

Humans trying to play a computer at Go is like trying to fight Zeus. Its not going to work. Hopeless, we are hopeless. Hopelessly inadequate basically theres just a smaller and smaller corner of what of intellectual pursuits that humans are better than computers. Every year it gets smaller and smaller, and soon will be far surpassed in every single way.

He went on compare the difference between human intelligence and the future of AI to the difference between chimpanzee intelligence and human intelligence, the human being the equivalent of the chimpanzee in this scenario when compared to AI.

In fact, if the difference is only that small, that would be amazing. Probably its much, much greater. So, like, the biggest mistake that I see artificial intelligence researchers making is assuming that theyre intelligent. Yeah, theyre not, compared to AI. A lot of them cannot imagine something smarter than themselves, but AI will be vastly smarter vastly.

Over the past two decades, the idea of a superior artificial intelligence has grown in popularity and is encompassed in the concept of the singularity. Scholars, fiction writers and futurists have defined in different ways the idea that there will come a time where technology will advance so exponentially that the human systems we know will be obliterated. All will become irreversible as a superior machine intelligence takes over in ways we cannot yet imagine.

Other definitions focus on our eventual merging with the machines, to become a different type of being. One of the most prominent voices is futurist, entrepreneur and inventor Ray Kurzweil who wrote the 2005 book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. He predicts the exact year of the realisation of the Singularity to be 2045.

We are entering a new era. I call it the Singularity. Its a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. Its the cutting edge of evolution on our planet. One can make a strong case that its actually the cutting edge of the evolution of intelligence in general, because theres no indication that its occurred anywhere else. To me, that is what human civilization is all about. It is part of our destiny and part of the destiny of evolution to continue to progress ever faster, and to grow the power of intelligence exponentially.

To contemplate stopping that to think human beings are fine the way they are is a misplaced, fond remembrance of what human beings used to be. What human beings are is a species that has undergone a cultural and technological evolution, and its the nature of evolution that it accelerates, and that its powers grow exponentially, and thats what were talking about. The next stage of this will be to amplify our own intellectual powers with the results of our technology, said Kurzweil in a 2001 talk published on Edge.

Others like Musk are as vocal about the potential pitfalls of AI, and Musk has even written a cautionary open letter about it. Yet, he believes, If you cant beat them, join them.

In July 2019, he announced the first product from his company Neuralink, a computer chip that can be stitched into the human brain, which is able to pick up signals from the brain and translate them into machine-readable code, effectively merging us with machines in one way, and offering up potential health benefits, like helping the blind see, or returning certain functions to body parts that have lost them. At the highly futuristic end, the chip could allow humans to interact directly with AI, sans smartphone.

By Musks own admission, they have tested it on rats and monkeys, and: A monkey has been able to control a computer with its brain, just FYI. Human clinical trials are expected to begin in 2020.

Says Musk: Can we be able to go along for the ride with AI? I mean, I really think that there should be other companies like Neuralink, essentially, to create a high bandwidth interface to the brain. Because right now, we are already a cyborg. People dont realize we are already a cyborg. Because we are so well integrated with our phones and our computers. ML

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Goodbye humans, hello cyborgs: The moment of Singularity is nigh - Daily Maverick

‘Avengers’ Directors Share First Photo From ‘Cherry’ With Tom Holland – Heroic Hollywood

Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame directors Anthony and Joe Russo shared a new photo from the set of their new film Cherry with Tom Holland.

After collaborating with directors Anthony and Joe Russo on the previous two Avengers films, Spider-Man actor Tom Holland will re-team with the filmmaking duo on their upcoming film titled Cherry. Based on the novel of the same name,Cherry will feature Tom Holland asan army medic who returned from Iraq andresorted torobbing banks to fund his drug addiction.

Production on Cherry is currently underway and theAvengers: Endgame directors shared a behind-the-scenes photo from the set of the film. While Tom Holland was not featured in the Cherry photo, the Avengers directors included the caption, New beginnings.

Check out the post below to see the behind-the-scene photo from Tom Hollands Cherry by the Avengers directors.

Are you excited to see Tom Holland in the upcoming movie? Do you think the Avengers directors are the right team to adapt Cherry? Let us know in the comments!

Here is the official synopsis forAvengers: Endgame, which features Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks compels the remaining Avengers to take one final stand in Marvel Studios grand conclusion to twenty-two films, Avengers: Endgame.

Directed byAnthony and Joe Russo,Avengers:Endgamestars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans,Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Danai Gurira, Benedict Wong, Jon Favreau, Bradley Cooper, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Josh Brolin.

Avengers: Endgameis now available on Digital HD, 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding Tom Holland and Cherry.

Source: Instagram

Along with the premiere of the first teaser forDoom Patrol,DC Universe also debuted a collection of character posters for each of the members of perhaps the strangest team of characters to be adapted in live-action form for DC Comics.

In particular, these new character posters highlight Timothy Dalton's The Chief, Diane Guerrero's Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade's Cyborg, April Bowlby's Elasti-Woman, Matt Bomer's Negative Man and Brendan Fraser's Robotman. These posters each follow unique designs that reflect the nature of each character and tease unique personalities amongst the group as well.

You can start the gallery of new posters by clicking "Next".

Which of theseDoom Patrolposters is your favorite? Are you excited to see what the cast brings to these roles? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to continue following Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news in the DC Universe.

Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DCs strangest group of outcast Super Heroes which includes: Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Brendan Fraser as Cliff Steele/Robotman, April Bowlby as Elasti-Woman, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Timothy Dalton as Dr. Niles Caulder/The Chief.

Here is the synopsis for the show:

Doom Patrolwill find the reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.

Doom Patrolwill premiere on February 15, 2019 exclusively on DC Universe.

Go here to read the rest:

'Avengers' Directors Share First Photo From 'Cherry' With Tom Holland - Heroic Hollywood

Insight: Transhumanists believe in the bionic body beautiful – The Scotsman

No of course there shouldnt really be a religion based on The Bionic Woman that would require you to watch the show and it is cheesy and definitely for kids, laughs Ana Matronic, pop diva and Jaime Sommers obsessive.

We are having this conversation because, in her teens, she turned her fictional hero into a quasi deity the combination of the forces of science and nature and placed her at the centre of a belief system called Bionic Love. While she may now mock her fanzine flights of fancy, she still has faith in technology to transform humanity.

Matronic has been captivated by robots and cyborgs since C-3PO squeaked into her life at the age of three. Her right arm is a declaration of love a half-sleeve tattoo which began as a mishmash of cogs and springs, la Sommers, but now incorporates other favourites such as R2-D2 and Maria, the female robot from Fritz Langs 1927 film Metropolis.

Matronic, who was originally called Ana Lynch, has always been attracted to the blurring of boundaries. This is the woman who was once the only female drag queen in San Franciscos The Trannnyshack. That was before she became lead singer of the self-consciously flamboyant Scissor Sisters: a band that revelled in its own campness.

Today, she has lost none of that flamboyance; she still hosts the BBC Radio 2 programme Dance Devotion. But, an academic at heart, she also tours the country evangelising about transhumanism the merging of human and machine as well as warning of the dangers.

Later this month, she will be appearing at an event in the Dundee University Festival of the Future, along with Graeme Gerard Halliday, aka Hallidonto, a Scottish-born, London-based artist, who creates images of cyborgs, and Kadine James, Creative Tech Lead with Hobs 3D, a company that specialises in 3D printing.

Im really interested in all aspects of technology, from the three-minute pop song to AI [Artificial Intelligence] and advances in medical treatment, says Matronic.

I am interested in how things work and how they affect humanity. Technology holds so much promise, but it moves faster than governments. Thats a dangerous thing and something we ought to talk about.

The Dundee University event is timely. Not long ago, cyborgs were of mostly hypothetical interest, explored in science and speculative fiction, but not generally regarded as a contemporary reality impacting on everyday behaviour.

In the past year or so, however, transhumanism appears to have entered the mainstream; every day seems to bring a news story that could have come straight from Charlie Brookers Black Mirror; a story that challenges our preconceptions about what it means to be human.

Some of the technology we are seeing changes us physically. Blade prostheses that allow amputee athletes to run as fast as able-bodied ones for example, and power-suits that strengthen the muscles of elderly people, mean cyborgs are already in our midst.

Just last week, we learned a Frenchman paralysed in a nightclub accident had walked again thanks to a mind-controlled exo-skeleton suit. Recording devices implanted either side of his head between the skin and the brain read brainwaves and send them to a nearby computer, where they are converted into instructions for controlling the exo-skeleton.

Technology is developing so rapidly that both scientists and philosophers are pondering the possibility that we may eventually be able to transform ourselves into beings with abilities so great as to merit the label post-human.

The extent to which the concept of transhumanism (if not the word itself) has entered the public consciousness could be seen in the recent Russell T Davies drama Years And Years in which one of the main characters, Bethany, wants to become part-machine.

She has mobile phone implants in her hands, camera implants in her eyes and brain implants that allow her to make a mental connection with the internet. Set just a few years hence, and building on existing technology, the interesting thing about the series is not how futuristic it seems, but how feasible. Even when, towards the end, her aunt Edith uploads her consciousness to the cloud so she can continue to exist after death, it does not feel too far-fetched.

Martine Rothblatt, the founder of SiriusXM Satellite Radio, a super-fascinating person No 1 on my fantasy dinner party list is already developing the technology to create a mind file, says Matronic. The idea is you gather as much information on yourself as you can so that when you die your mind-file can be downloaded into a phone or into a robot and you or rather a facsimile of you can live on for your family. There are also people working on substrate independent minds brains that dont need a body to function. And people who are trying to extend life or eradicate death.

But if death becomes an option then the fairy tale of unlimited economic growth becomes even more of a fairy tale. And thats before we start thinking about storage. If you are a digital person, where do you live? And if the storage facility is so big it can store digital people then the computational power of that facility is not a what but a who. The whole thing is a crazy, crazy rabbit hole I love to jump down.

The first robot

Matronics right; it is a rabbit hole, and the further you go down it the more you lose yourself in an ethical maze.

At its best, technology has the power to tap into human potential; to make us the best we can be. When Makoto Nishimura created Japans first robot, Gakutensoku (the name means learning from natural law), he was conceived as an ideal.

At an exhibition to mark Emperor Hirohitos ascension to the throne in 1926 the year before Metropolis was released spectators were awe-struck as the God-like bronze figure appeared before them clutching a mace and arrow and smiled beatifically. Nishimura believed robots were a continuum of humanity a natural evolution. If humans are the children of nature, then robots are the grandchildren of nature, he said.

Yet, ever since the industrial revolution, western society has tended to have an adversarial attitude towards machines, viewing them as sleekit creatures who will steal our jobs or turn against us, like Frankensteins monster. In literature too, we are accustomed to the idea of scientific progress producing dystopias such as Airstrip One in 1984 or the boarding school for clones in Kazuo Ishiguros Never Let Me Go.

Overemphasising the downsides of technological advance may be discriminatory, says Matronic. When we have conversations about the evils of technology, we are being ablist. If you say, social media is bad, I will show you someone with locked-in syndrome or crippling social anxiety for whom it has opened up the possibility of friendship.

Technology could also eradicate paralysis; there would be no more quadriplegics. Also, at present we only use 10 per cent of our brains. If we have machines that can help us explore more of that, then its amazing.

Even so, neither Matronic nor Hallidonto is naive. They understand the potential pitfalls of transhumanism in a capitalist society where efficiency and profits are the most powerful drivers.

Technology initially developed for positive purposes may be subverted for negative ones, while the push to create a super-race of better, fitter, more cognitively capable humans veers perilously close to eugenics.

And then there is the question of marginalisation. We are already living in a world where those who do not own a smartphone are disadvantaged. How much greater will that socio-economic inequality become once it is possible to pay for superior physical strength and brain power?

Professor Kevin Warwick, the worlds leading expert in cybernetics, has been called the first cyborg. In the late 1990s/early 2000s, he experimented with his own body. First, he had an RIFD transmitter implanted under his skin which allowed him to control doors, lights, heaters and other devices. Then he had a BrainGate electrode array fitted which allowed him to control a robotic arm on the other side of the Atlantic a feat that conjures up the image of Thing in the Addams Family. Finally, he linked his nervous system electrically to his wifes in such a way that every time she closed her hand, his brain received a pulse. Was that not freaky? It was very intimate, he says. You are getting signals from someone elses body and nobody else knows.

The link cannot yet be made brain to brain, but when it can, it will be the basis of thought communication: telepathy, but for real.

Back in the 90s, Warwick faced criticism, not technically, just people saying: Youre a buffoon, because they didnt understand what I was doing. In the end, of course, the joke was on them.

Yet today, some people are still dubious, not about the science, but about the morality. The ethical dilemmas sparked by some of these developments are huge. For example, if you can control an arm miles from where you are, then presumably you can use it to commit crimes. Meanwhile the linking up of brains if achieved would be a useful way to communicate with someone who couldnt speak but, in the wrong hands, it could be used for coercive control.

Warwick accepts all this, but seems unperturbed. As a scientist, you are aware of things potentially going in a negative way, but you hope society will look at applications and say: Yes, this one is great it will help people and No, we dont think this one should be allowed.

Asked if it would be ethical to amputate a normal human leg in order to replace it with blades that allowed an athlete to run faster, he says yes.

I cant see a problem. We have to look to the future. At the moment, we have a body. The body does things OK and the brain controls it and its all a pretty limited package. But we have the possibility of redefining what our body and our brains can do. Why should anyone lag behind with ordinary human body parts when they could have something thats much better?

When I suggest this will exacerbate the disenfranchisement of the most vulnerable, he implies a degree of inequality is a social inevitability and points out that wealthy people can already pay for physical enhancements through cosmetic surgery.

Not everyone is this sanguine. Hallidonto is as passionate about robots as Matronic. Growing up in the 80s, the first cyborg he encountered was the one in The Terminator. I remember sitting on the sofa with my dad at three years old and being completely traumatised by it, he says. Later, I had Darth Vader toys and I would pretend I was wearing a robotic suit. I would feel quite powerful.

When he was 12, Hallidonto suffered a collapsed lung. He was put in a machine and experienced visceral, morphine-induced dreams about babies with wires coming out of their eyes. Then when he was 25, he had a brain injury on a holiday in Germany and it changed how he saw the world.

A graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College in Dundee, his work has always featured robots. At the launch of his exhibition, Cyborg Cadavers, in London last week, he explored some of the pitfalls. I spoke about the Anthropocene and the Promethean allegory and pointed out that if we dont watch what we are doing we may end up, not with the body we desire, but with the body that is required, he says.

With technology developing so rapidly, Matronic believes there is an urgent need for tech companies and governments to talk about ethics before it is too late.

Most of the negative stories about robots/cyborgs, from Frankenstein on, involve someone with a God complex thinking they can do what the Creator does. Those stories are a warning against hubris.

So we definitely need to have conversations about morality and every tech company should have its own ethicist. They should be saying things like: Dear Elon Musk loving the SpaceX stuff, but do we really need a flamethrower?

Matronic says some of her worst fears, technologically speaking, are already being realised with Facebooks lack of transparency and peoples identities and data being turned into a commodity.

I am really concerned about autonomous weapons too, she says. Mines are horrible enough, but guns that can walk and speak? That is a terrifying prospect. I dont think they should be allowed to exist.

The potential for technology to reinforce inequality will have to be addressed too because otherwise only some people will lag behind. It will be: Oh my God did you get the brain update? No, I am still working with version 2.4. Well, version 3 just came out and its amazing.

Chair of the Dundee University event, Karen Petrie, associate dean for learning and teaching in science and engineering, is developing educational software that can adapt to the learning speed of individual students.

Her biggest fear is the one feminist activist Caroline Criado Perez touches on in her book Invisible Women: that as computers take over more and more tasks, they will replicate existing biases.

Most AIs are built on machine learning, she says. That means they take a large quantity of data, mine that data and learn behaviour. Unfortunately, if theres any bias in that data, even if it is implicit bias, then the machine will learn it. A good example of this is a big tech firm that was trying to use a machine learning algorithm to scan CVs and work out who they should or shouldnt employ.

However, until now this tech firm has employed 95 per cent men, so when this algorithm was used it pretty much screened out all the women.

Body hacktivism

For all the potential problems, the notion that technology could transform us aesthetically, cognitively, spiritually cannot fail to excite the imagination. The myriad possibilities it throws up are proving a rich source of inspiration for both artists and philosophers.

Indeed they have engendered a new art form: body hacktivism. Tight restrictions on the kinds of surgery that can be done on humans has led to a school of DIY body modification artists, who carry out work on themselves or others. There is Neil Harbisson, who sees the world in black and white, but wears an antennae that translates the frequency of colours into sounds; Tim Cannon, who had magnets implanted in his fingers; Lukas Zpira, author of the body hacktivism manifesto, who offers tongue splitting, implants, and subincision (the splitting of the penis); and Steve Haworth, who specialises in subdermal and transdermal implants, such as the Metal Mohawk a row of spikes inserted into the head to replicate a punk haircut.

Despite her fixation with cyborgs, Matronic is a late adopter of new technology. I am last to everything I never even have the latest smartphone. But she believes the future will be more fluid. Others have connected this fluidity to transgenderism; after all, if you can change the human body at will, then sex and gender become less important. And if your consciousness can exist without corporeal form then, arguably, they cease to matter at all.

If you see yourself as a religious person and you believe in the soul, then, when your soul leaves, is it male or female? says Matronic.

You have just your body you can be anything. Gender really is a construct something that is mandated by society. Different societies have different expressions of gender and different codes. I think as we expand as humans, we understand there are different ways of being and definitions loosen, so we are going to have new words and new definitions and new genders.

Everything will be new, new, new. It might be scary for some people and difficult conversations will have to be had but I believe that us humans learn to human better as we evolve and I look to the future with hope.

How Robots Are Shaping the World We Live In, 6.30pm, October 19, Juniper Auditorium, V&A, Dundee

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Insight: Transhumanists believe in the bionic body beautiful - The Scotsman

10 Key DC Characters Who Debuted In The 90s | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources

DC and their comics and charactershave been around for a very long time. Many classic characters from the 1940s through the 1960s are still some of the most popular in the industry.Batman and Superman are both around80 years old! Wonder Woman and versions of The Flash and Green Lantern have been around since the early days of DC as well.

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However, there was a point of time in the '90s where both Marvel and DC began to reinvent themselves. In Marvel, new characters like Cable and Carnage not only made their debuts but became lasting characters that have remained a large part of comic books today. DC Comics also brought us some icons who have done the same. Here are some of the key DC characters who made debuts in the 1990s.

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Cyborg Superman became a significant villain after theDeath of Superman storyline. Hank Henshaw himself made his debut in the pages ofAdventures of Superman #466in May1990. He was an astronaut who lost most of his crew (including his wife) in a shuttle accident and blamed Superman for the tragedy.

Henshaw had created a body similar to Superman and returned to Earth to kill Superman, but saw he was too late. Henshaw became Cyborg Superman and ended up involved in one of the most infamous moments in DC history. He used Mogul to destroy Coast City, which turned Hal Jordan into a villain.

Doomsday made his debut in November 1992,in the pages ofSuperman: The Man of Steel #17. The monster originated on Krypton. His creators killed and resurrected him over and over again in an attempt to create an unbeatable weapon. It worked as well.

Doomsday ended up on Earth and took the fightto Superman. He was more than the Man of Steel could handle,and they ended up locked in a stalemate battle where they beat each other to death. Doomsday has returned several times in the years since.

Renee Montoya made her debut in the pages ofBatman#475 in 1992. She was a detective from the Gotham City Police Department as part of the Major Crimes Unit that kept contact with Batman. However, in the pages of52, Montoya ended up becoming the new Question when the original died. In the New 52, she was the partner of Harvey Bullock.

Fans got to know Montoya more on the Batman animated cartoons. Movie fans will get a chance to finally meet her when she appears in the 2020 DC movieBirds of Prey.

In 1992, a new Batman villain made his debut when Mr. Zsasz appeared for the first time in the pages ofBatman: Shadow of the Bat #1. Like most of the villains in the world of Batman, Mr. Zsasz was not superhuman at all, but was instead a vicious serial killer.

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Victor Zsasz was, at one time, the head of his own company, but when his parents died, he lost all his money. He then tried to take his own life, but when a passer-bysaved him, he killed the man and then decided he did him a favor. Every time he kills a person, he slices a mark into his body.

Harley Quinn is a unique DC Comics character. She didn't make her debut in the comics at all. Harley Quinn made her first appearance onBatman: The Animated Series on Sept. 11, 1992. She was an original animated cartoon character, later introduced into the comic books.

Harley Quinn made her first comic book appearance inThe Batman Adventures #12 one year later in September 1993. She has since become one of DC's most beloved characters, moving from her role as Joker's sidekick to a member of the Suicide Squad, and she will also appear in 2020's Birds of Prey.

One of Batman's most powerful enemies is Bane, and he made hisDC Comics debut in 1993 inBatman: Vengeance of Bane #1. The fact that Bane got a series named after him showed that DC was serious about making him a massive threat. He was more than that.

Bane is the villain who broke the bat. During the storylineKnightfall, Bane was able to break down Batman little by little, as he sends most of Batman's most dangerous villains after him. When Batman is finally at his weakest, Bane broke Batman's back and took him out of action for a long time.

After Superman died at the hands of Doomsday, four new versions of Superman showed up. One was a villain introduced in the '90s, Cyborg Superman. Another was John Henry Irons' Steel. The other two were the Eradicator and a new version of Superboy. Out of the four, it was Superboy that made the most impact.

Kon-El was a clone created from Superman's DNA. He went on to create his own legacy as a member of the Teen Titans and later Young Justice. He was a massive part of theYoung Justicecartoon and is one of the most important DC characters created after theDeath of Superman event.

In the 1980s, Barry Allen gave his life to save the world inCrisis on Infinite Earths. When the multiple Earths rebooted into one, it was Wally West who was the new Flash, quickly becoming one of the most popular versions of Flash in DC Comics history.

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With Wally West giving up his role as Kid Flash to become the main DC Comics version of Flash, it opened up a character.Bart Allen debuted in 1994 as the new Kid Flash. Bart debuted inThe Flash #91, the grandson of Barry Allen from the future.

In the '90s, Hal Jordan watched his beloved Coast City destroyed by Mogul and Cyborg Superman and used his powers to bring it back. The idea was to make Hal a villain and replace him as the Earth's Green Lantern. That new Lantern was a young man named Kyle Rayner.

Rayner made his first appearance in DC Comics inGreen Lantern (Vol. 3)#48, and he became the new Green Lantern two issues later. Kyle became hugely popular, an artist who was able to use his creativity when creating his weapons and was easier for young fans to relate to than Hal Jordan.

Parallax is one of the most dangerous villains in the world of the Green Lantern Corps. The demon with the power to control minds and cast fear made its debutinGreen Lantern (Vol. 3) #50 and was strong enough to warp the mind of Hal Jordan and turn him into a villain.

With Parallax controlling him, Hal Jordan became the most powerful villain in DC Comics, and even the greatest heroes couldn't beat him. When Hal came back to his senses,he gave his life to save the Earth andParallax was finally defeated.

NEXT: The 10 Most Important Green Lantern Stories You Probably Never Read

Tags:dc comics,harley quinn,doomsday

NextThe 10 Worst Things DC Has Done to Dick Grayson

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10 Best DC Cosplays That Look Exactly Like The Characters – CBR – Comic Book Resources

Cosplay is one of life's many gifts that keeps on giving, especially when it comes to the realm of superheroes, villains, and comic-based movies. Every year we get a slew of incredible costumes from the many conventions that take place worldwide. Some cosplayers dress up for laughs while others go to great lengths to craft the most intricate outfits they possibly can.

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However, there are several cosplayers whoeither via their natural appearances or their excellent makeup skillsare capable of looking exactly like the characters they're channeling. Here are 10 of the best DC cosplays that look exactly like their characters.

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Lobo is one of DC's most violently reckless personalities, but he's so iconic that even Stan Lee labeled him his favorite DC character. While most people look like they're auditioning for a spot in KISS when they don the Lobo ensemble, California-based cosplayer Eli manages to capture the bounty hunter's true essence.

Eli's makeup is expertly done, made even more accurate by the inclusion of red contact lenses. His accessories are on point and he has Lobo's signature cigar on hand at all times. This cosplay covers all the bases and beyond, making him one of the most accurate Lobos ever.

Being Superman's cousin is no easy task, but Kara Zor-El handles it like a pro with her own equally impressive set of superpowers. Since 2015, Supergirl has been thriving in her television show after joining Arrow and The Flash in CW's own DC universe.

Even though Melissa Benoist plays the superhero on television, cosplayer Laney is such a convincing Supergirl that she could have possibly snatched the lead role for herself had she auditioned. While Kara's costume isn't the most complicated to cosplay, Laney's luscious blonde hair, well-crafted outfit and charming confidence make for one very convincing Supergirl.

Laurel Lance, better known as Black Canary, has been through the wringer on CW's Arrow. While Katie Cassidy brought her to life on the television show, cosplayer Laurel (yes, her real name is Laurel) gives the actress a run for her money.

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Aside from sharing a name with the character, Laurel the cosplayer brings her Black Canary to life with an accurate costume and the perfect accessories to match. After all, you can't channel Cassidy's Canary without the police baton and a good face mask. All that's left to find out is how good cosplayer Laurel's Canary Cry is.

Cyborg is a difficult hero to cosplay, mostly because his costume involves heavily detailed mechanical parts. When it comes to channeling Victor Stone, most people resort to pre-made bodysuits and a simple mask. However, cosplayer Daywalkerxknight takes his Cyborg to the next level.

His cosplay is comprised of several remarkable homemade pieces, including the tools and weapons that Cyborg famously uses to take on villains. Many fans have taken to the cosplayer's Instagram comments to claim that he's the best Cyborg they have ever seen. They're not wrong; the talented costume maker could hold his own within the Justice League.

Green Lantern is one of DC's most popular heroes to cosplay because there are so many of them. Ryan Reynolds already brought Hal Jordan to life in a notoriously panned film, but there may be a Green Lantern Corps movie in the works that is set to feature John Stewart. If so, we suggest that cosplayer Andrien shoots his shot with an audition.

For starters, Andrien's outfit already looks better than the one we saw in the 2011 film. He certainly has the confidence and passion to portray Stewart, which he exhibits in his cosplay photoshoots that can be found all over his Instagram.

At this point, it's borderline impossible to imagine Bane as anyone other than Tom Hardy. His iconic role as the man that broke the Bat's back in The Dark Knight Rises will go down in superhero film history. However, cosplayer Brian Cooper has no qualms about trying to out-Bane the actor.

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Brian's arms are an alarming level of muscular, which is perfect for the character he is portraying. As is the case with Cyborg, many Bane cosplayers resort to pre-made bodysuits to recreate the villain's look. Brian, on the other hand, assembles his outfits and puts his guns on full display.

Zatanna Zatara is one of the most popular DC cosplays for women despite being criminally underrated as a superhero. Zee hasn't received the live-action treatment on the big screen yet, but if she ever does, the casting department should keep Russian cosplayer Ksenia in mind for some top-notch pointers.

Ksenia skillfully captures Zatanna's sultriness with the same magical charm she exudes in the comics. Sure, the magician is long overdue for some big-screen adventures, but we can always enjoy this cosplay until a live-action Justice League Dark happens. Maybe we'll get it sooner than later if we say it backward.

By now just about anyone that has any sort of interest in movies has seen The Dark Knight and is fully aware of Heath Ledger's legendary performance. Of course, the Joker has famously been played (or voiced) by the likes of Jack Nicholson, Jared Leto, Mark Hamill, and Joaquin Phoenix. Yet, Ledger's unforgettable role stands above all others in the hearts of many fans.

One of those fans is cosplayer Alyson Tabbitha, who recreated Ledger's Joker as accurately as possible. It's mind-blowing that the person behind the wig and makeup is a female. Everything about this cosplay is shockingly perfect, even down to the outfit.

Nightwing costumes come in many shapes and forms sincetechnically speakingfans that dress up as Robin arejust inadvertently cosplaying a younger Dick Grayson. Unfortunately for Nightwing, changing his name doesn't change the fact that he was once reduced to being Batman's sidekick.

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Nightwing enthusiast Shawn makes the most of the character's multiple identities. He is known for crafting outfits based on several of the hero's looks throughout the years. Nightwing's batons are his signature weapons and Shawn pairs different versions of them with their corresponding costumes. All of his looks are well-made and are boosted by flawless face masks created by tigerstonefx.

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman will forever be one of the savings graces within the DCEU. She was a crowd-pleaser in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and her solo Wonder Woman film was adored by many.

Making another appearance on this list is Alyson Tabbitha, whose cosplay is so remarkable you might need to look twice (or maybe thrice) before realizing that it's not Gal Gadot herself. Remember that this is the same woman who can also transform herself into a carbon copy of Heath Ledger's Joker. Nevertheless, this is a more natural cosplay for Alyson since she shares several facial features with Gadot.

NEXT:10 Best Anime Cosplays That Look Exactly Like The Characters


NextShe-Hulk's 10 Most Ridiculous Feats of Strength, Ranked

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10 Best DC Cosplays That Look Exactly Like The Characters - CBR - Comic Book Resources

Charting the Uncanny Valley – Reporter Magazine

by Abby Bratton | published Oct. 8th, 2019

Photo by Jasmine Lin, illustration by Unique Fair-Smith

A sense of vague unease crawls through your mind as you notice that the reflection in your mirror doesnt match your own face,or when a puppet keeps waltzing evenafter its strings have been cut. Then there's the androidthatsmiles whileits eyes stare unblinking into your own. These images of horror story fodder dont rely on fear of the unknown, but of the almost known. Objects that evoke this reaction are said to fall into the uncanny valley.

Chip Sheffield, a professor of the College of Art and Design and faculty affiliate with the School of Individualized Study who created the course Art and Technology: From the Machine Aesthetic to the Cyborg Age, explained the origins of this term. According to Sheffield, the concept of the uncanny valley is credited to the Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori.

It really has to do with how we would respond to, say, a robot that had human-like attributes or human-like qualities, and the human-likeness of any given entity, and how humans respond to that entity. [Mori] proposes graphing this on an x- and y-axis, Sheffieldsaid.

Moris graph shows that human familiarity or comfort with something increases as it becomes more human-like, until the object reaches approximately 80 percent similarity to a human. At this point, there is a sharp drop-off in familiaritywhich rises up again as the entity approaches 100 percent human-like characteristics. The resulting shape is a valley.

David Simkins, an associate professor with the School of Interactive Games and Media, explained that the uncanny valley is a statistical average rather than an exact reaction experienced by all humans.

Whenever youre talking about the uncanny valley... youre talking about what people see and how it affects them, Simkins said.

Because people react to perception in different ways, Simkins explained, there's some variation in how the uncanny valley affects individuals. However, the phenomenon usually evokes similar emotions.

When we perceive something to be human-like or human, if something is just a little bit off about it,[then]we start to become really uncomfortable interacting with the thing, or being around the thing even," Simkins said. "Its eerily not right, and that sense of it not being right creates anxiety.

One factor that differentiates this phenomenon from other fear reactions is that its source is not always clear.

The interaction with the uncanny valley happens before people are aware usually of whats wrong. So they can identify that they dont like the face or dont like the thing, but they cant necessarily tell you exactly what it is about it that torques them off. Its deep in their perception, Simkins said.

This inability to pin down exactly what is wrong heightens the sense of unease people experience when confronted with the uncanny. At times, they may not even think to look for the source of their anxiety.

As Sheffield put it, we so rarely question, when were looking at another human face, whether that face is human or not.

"We so rarely question, when were looking at another human face, whether that face is human or not."

Once this phenomenon is understood, it can be intentionally avoided or invoked.

Good artists know how to use,and not unintentionally use,the uncanny valley, Simkins said.

The ways thatartists explore the uncanny valley phenomenon go beyond physical designs, he explained. While the uncanny valley has its roots in visual perception, the same idea of uncanniness can be manipulated in music, mood, storyand character movement.

Sheffield alsospoke about artistic examination of the uncanny, in addition to pointing out that awareness of the uncanny is critical in the fields ofprostheticsand facial recognition.

One of the most popular areas for application of this conceptis in the game industry specifically inhorror games.

[Horror games] are a great place to use eeriness, Simkins continued. You want to make your player feel something is eerie, feel anxious, feel a little out of controland if you can ... trigger some of that anxiety before they even know why theyre anxious.Thats a great tool to use to try and get somebody in the mood to be frightened. Thats much of the trick of a horror game, is getting the player to get on board with being willing to be horrified.

While many uncanny games have been created over the years, Simkins recommends The Sinking City and the Silent Hill series as particularly good examples of this phenomenon.

It is always important to realize that [the uncanny valley] is a sociobiological phenomenon, not just a biological phenomenon, Simkins said.

"Thats a great tool to use to try and get somebody in the mood to be frightened."

Thissocial aspect means that the uncanny valley relies heavily on cultural norms. Sheffield also emphasized this point, saying thatthe divide in eastern and western cultural approaches to robotics results in different levels of associated uncanniness.

Not only does the uncanny valley shift between different societies, butit can shift over time, both on an individual and cultural level.

Theres some pushback on the uncanny valley because its not the only thing operating. For one thing, our perception is all socially based, Simkins explained. So when someone gets used to something, it no longer has that uncanny valley response to it."

In terms of more widespread changes, Simkins gave the example of how technological advancements in computer graphics led to an uncanny valley shift. Images and designs that were an accepted standard in the late 20th century are now often considered uncanny because most people are accustomed to a higher degree of realism.

Simkins suspects that this trend may continue as art becomes increasingly cinema-realistic. He predicts the valley will broaden over time as society grows uncomfortable with designs that arent either highly realistic or intentionally abstract.

Because of its cultural and individual relativity, the uncanny valley is a nebulous concept. Perhaps the best way to understand it is to experience it firsthand. If horror games and robotic realism interest you, maybe its time to take the metaphorical plunge down the slopes of the valley. The comforts of the familiar world will be waiting when you climb back out.

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Charting the Uncanny Valley - Reporter Magazine

Cyborg (Character) – Comic Vine

Current EventsOriginVictor Stone

Victor Stone is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists intent on using their research to improve mankind. Silas and Elinore scientific adventures often estranged their son, as they would sometime dedicate more time and toward their work, oppose to him. The two even used their son as a test subject for intelligence-boosting experimentation. While the successful experiment granted Victor a genius-level intellect, he resented his parents for treating him more like a lab subject oppose to a son.

Vic's resentment caused him to steer away from science and math in high school. Instead, he pursued an interest in athletics, much to his father's disdain. His life changed profoundly during a visit to STAR Labs to meet up with his parents, who were busy conducting inter-dimensional experiments. The experiment accidentally allowed a protoplasmic creature into the lab. Silas managed to return the creature to its home dimension, but not before it had slain Elinore and severely injured Victor. Desperate to save his son's life, Silas used untested cybernetic enhancements to rebuild and reconstruct Victor's body. He succeeded, but didn't anticipate Victor's horror and anger at what he had done.

Cyborg was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez

The reaction of others to his new form made Vic even more resentful, and he isolated himself from his former life as much as possible by moving to Hell's Kitchen. It was in this bad neighborhood that Raven found Vic and invited him to join the Teen Titans. After the team formed, Vic found a place where he was accepted and appreciated, despite his inhuman appearance. His father, still feeling guilt over what he made his son go through, constructed the Titan's Tower for his son and his companions. Victor would remain a steadfast member of the Titans for a long time, serving not only as a hero but as a primary supplemental tech source for the team.

After the events of Flashpoint, DC Comics relaunched their entire comic catalog. In this continuity, Cyborg is now one of the seven founding members of the Justice League (replacing the Martian Manhunter), having never served with Teen Titan. He makes his first appearance in Justice League #1 but not as part of the team. In fact, he's a high school football player who hasn't even become "Cyborg" yet. After the Darkseid invasion, Victor was gravely injured and later cybernetically enhanced by his father.

Due to the events of Forever Evil, Cyborg gets an upgraded armor that appears to be much slimmer.

Tragedy struck when the Wildebeest Society captured the Titans and more shocking that the leader of the group was their teammate Jericho. Vic was launched in a rocket along with several members and crashed landed in Russia where he was seriously injured and damaged. The Russian scientists with the help of Red Star rebuilt Vic but due to such heavy brain trauma he had become no more than a walking robot with a human appearance. After several months, Vic's mind started to regain his memories but when the race known as the Technis came to Earth looking for a way to integrate with society and save their race. Cyborg sacrificed himself for both the Earth and the Technis was was rebuilt into Cyberion.

Cyberion became their protector as they traveled throughout the galaxy. Some time later, Cyberion was reunited with his former teammates and engaged in an interstellar conflict which resulted in the destruction of Tamaran. But there was triumph to be found in tragedy: The Titans were able to restore Raven - who was reborn in a golden spirit form. Following that, Raven, Minion and Garfield Logan elected to remain in space as traveling companions to Cyberion. Frightened by Cyberion's total embrace of technology, Gar left his friend and returned to earth. Jarras Minion also had doubts about Cyberion's new attitude and decided to leave as well. Jarras, a sworn pacifist, made Victor a gift of his Omegadrome war suit before he left. The Omegadrome allowed Victor to try to carry out his Technis Imperative: To recreate the planet Technis at all costs.

Having collected a planet-size assortment of technological debris, Cyberion journeyed to Earth to turn its moon into a new Technis world and populate it with his Titans allies. The JLA and the Titans first clashed, then united, to prevent Cyberion from destroying the planet while saving Vic's soul and downloading it into Minion's morphing battlesuit, the Omegadrome. Vic was later offered a human body if he would help Vandal Savage harvest Addie Kane's immortal blood. Before he could make a decision, Starfire destroyed Addie's body, thus robbing Vic of the chance to make a choice. Also, Vic had to remain a member of the team, per a deal that Nightwing made with Batman.

Following the events of his Technis Imperative, the JLA only trusted Vic to remain free if the Titans kept a watchful eye on him. Feeling like he owed his old friend a debt, Nightwing worked constantly to find a cure for Vic's condition. With Jesse Quick's help, Victor was given a new lease on organic life with a body cloned from cell samples harvested by the Russian scientists who once spared him.

Though his mind and cybernetic abilities were still encapsulated in the Omegadrome, Victor inhabited a truly biological body. And for the first time in years, Cyborg knew what it is to live and feel and breathe unaided by mechanized parts. Embarking on a new life, Victor Stone left the Titans for the West Coast. Vic Stone later aided the Flash during the "Our Worlds At War" crisis. At that time, Vic started using the golden Omegadrome to morph into a cybernetic form. Cyborg decided to return to adventuring and settled in Keystone City, home of the Flash. But when Vic Stone linked with the evil computerized Thinker in an attempt to stop him from taking over the city, his body became mechanically paralyzed - reverting him to his silver cyborg form.

Shortly afterward, a mysterious android from the future known as Indigo attacked the Titans and Young Justice , resulting in the apparent deaths of Troia and Omen. At Troia's funeral, Nightwing disbanded this version of the Titans. Meanwhile, members of Young Justice, especially Wonder Girl, felt responsible for the tragic deaths. This led Wonder Girl, Robin, Impulse and Superboy to form a new group of Teen Titans under the guidance of the more experienced Cyborg, Starfire and Beast Boy.

Cyborg, who was damaged in the battle caused by Indigo, has since received an upgrade in his cybernetic parts. He would experience the formation and reformation of the Titans multiple times, mentoring some versions of the team and even starting a short-lived team of his own. But he would always return to the companionship of his original Titans teammates, even to the extent of joining several of them in the Justice League of America.

After the Infinite Crisis Cyborg was fused to Firestorm and entered into a coma. When he finally woke up, he learned that the Teen Titans had dramatically changed. Wonder Girl, Speedy, Kid Flash, Raven, and Beast Boy had left the team; Starfire was lost in space; and Superboy was dead. Along with Robin, Kid Devil, Ravager, and Wonder Girl (who had just rejoined) he started a quest for Raven.

Vic Stone is a star wide receiver for the Ford Titans, a high school football team. He has an interest in super human activities but is more focused on going to college, earning a football scholarship, and hoping his father makes it to his games. Vic and his father have a distant relationship and after missing several games, Victor finally ventures to S.T.A.R Labs to confront him. Silas tells his son that given the current state of metahumans starting to show up around the planet, Vic's love for football is going to become irrelevant at some point. Discouraged, Victor begins to leave when everything takes a tragic turn, as a Mother Box unit springs to life and opens a Boom Tube. Victor and several scientists are fatally injured or killed by the boom tube energy.

Not intending to lose his son the same way he lost his wife, Silas outfits Vic with experimental bionics that have been reverse engineered from alien technology found around the globe. With aid from T.O. Morrow and Sarah Charles, Vic's life is saved and the energies from the motherbox are incorporated into his new form as Cyborg. This allows Victor to access the vast New Gods data library and discover Darkseid's true invasion plans. After aiding in sending Darkseid back where he came from, Cyborg helps to found the Justice League. He has not begun any process of reconciliation with his father, who is primarily concerned with Victor's mechanics rather than his humanity.

After the villain David Graves makes an attack against the Justice League, Cyborg and his team mates travel to the valley of souls. There he learns that he walks the line between life and death--meaning that part of his soul has left his body. He sees a false apparition of his human self that tries to convince him that Victor Stone is dead and Cyborg is just an imitation. Victor quickly sees past this ruse, and he and the rest of the Justice League defeat Graves. The situation lead to Vic embracing who he has become, not a young man who has lost his humanity, but a man who has learned to be a hero through shocking means. Allowing Vic to start to forgive his father, as he knows his father was just trying to save his life.

To help retrieve Superman and Wonder Woman from the depths of the ocean floor, Victor upgraded his suit to have an Environmental Mode that allows him to operate underwater. He then commenced a world wide League recruitment initiate to combat the Atlanteans hostiles

At the conclusion of the Trinity War, all of Victor's cybernetics were brutally ripped from his body as Grid, a software virus deeply embedded into Victor's cybernetics, revealed itself. The virus was planted by Atomica to help the Crime Syndicate of America. Atomica told Cyborg about what she did the Justice League and Justice League of America/ She also told him that she was the one that poisoned Superman and put the green Kryptonite in his nervous system where she trigger his heat vision, which killed Dr. Light. Cyborg was upset to hear this happening and all of a sudden she told Cyborg that he also betrayed the Justice League and it was Grid that was in his body. Cyborg body turned in to him as the Justice League and Justice League of America watched in horror and where all in shock to see this happening and that the Crime Syndicate of America was taking over the world they where from Earth 3. Atomica was a spy on both teams and she had all their plans. She was planning for the CSA to come and attack the various Justice Leagues.

Cyborg is kept alive with the help of Simon Baz and Batman. Batman and Catwoman manage to escape and bring along Cyborg to S.T.A.R. Labs to get the help of Victor's father Silas. Silas is initially reluctant to turn his son back to Cyborg once again for fear of hurting him but Victor pushes him to do so saying that this time it is his choice and he must help stop the Crime Syndicate. Cyborg is given an upgraded more slimmer armor. Cyborg goes to enlist the help of Doctor Will Magnus so that he can revive the Metal Men and fight the Crime Syndicate.

Magnus is also initially unwilling to revive the Metal Men as they were deemed failures the first time, but Cyborg convinces him to do so. The team is once again brought together and they join Cyborg in an attempt to fight. Cyborg directly confronts Grid while the Metal Men help fight the Secret Society members that were with him. Cyborg and Grid both enter the digital world where they do battle with each other. Grid initially appears to have the upper hand in the battle attempting to exploit Cyborg's human side. However, Cyborg states that he has embraced his tech side and that he is the bridge between human and tech. He manages to shut down Grid and goes into the fallen watchtower where he helps Batman use Wonder Woman's lasso to free the Justice League teams from the Firestorm matrix.

Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor were an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.

Shape-Change: Cyborg has virtually unlimited shape-changing abilities that allow him to mimic road, air or space vehicles and even reshape his entire body or parts of it to form such complex shapes such as a tank.

Superhuman Strength: At optimal capacity, Vic can lift/press in excess of four metric tons. If he pushes himself, he can even exceed five tons, but not without causing severe stress to his cybernetic components. Recently Victor breaks apart Kalibak's Chaos Cannon used to destroy planets.

Superhuman Speed/Agility: He possesses a degree of superspeed.


Sensor Systems/superhuman Senses:. Due cybernetic enhancements their five senses were increased to superhuman levels.

Superhuman Stamina: Victor doesn't need to sleep,eat or drink. Adding the Environmental Mode (that replaced his last lung) no longer has the need to breathe, and can operate in any area that has no oxygen in space or as in underwater.

Superhuman Durability: The nature of Cyborg's body provides offers protection against physical and energy attacks,being able to withstand the pressures of the deepest parts of the oceans.

Computer Interfacing: Cyborg is connected with all Earth's computers and satellites including government agencies, secret service (CIA,MI-6...) and even the Batcomputer.

Technopathy: Since is linked with Earth's computers and satellites Victor can control any type of technology that have connection with the Internet as well control any form of electronic communication,allowing it to manipulate data or rearrange security privileges. Recently demonstrated the ability to hear Brainiac's drones communicating with each other.

Teleportation - Cyborg can use Boom Tubes to transport himself and the League to anywhere n Earth and in the Universe,since is stated Darkseid use it to cross dimensions,however one out of every thousand 'jumps' results in transporting himself and whoever is with him to Apokolips. Recently installed a silent mode to not be noticed by others,not even Superman couldn't note him coming.

Integrated Weapons: He had various types of weapons integrated into his cybernetic parts.

When Reverse Flash goes back in time and messes with the timeline, the DC Universe turns into a very different place where the world's greatest heroes are not how we know them to be. In this timeline Cyborg is America's greatest hero, and he is based in Detroit where he has his headquarters. When the Amazons and the Atlanteans go to war, Cyborg tries to gather a group of Earth's superhumans to help stop the war that has ravaged half of Europe. No one joins his group when they find that Batman (Thomas Wayne) has no interest. But before long Barry Allen arrives and convinces Wayne otherwise, and the three set off to gather an army.

Stage actor Ray Fisher portrays the character in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film. In a brief cameo, Victor's mangled body is shown being bonded with a Mother Box during one of his father's experiments.

Ray Fisher reprises his role in the live-action Justice League movie. This movie is directed by Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon, who served as the post-production director of this movie after Snyder stepped down from directing duties. This movie was released on November 17th, 2017.

In this film, Cyborg initially refuses to join the team, though after his father, Silas Stone, is captured, he voluntarily pitches in. He successfully saves his father from the hands of Steppenwolf, and escapes from the water tower from which he resided in. When Superman returned, his offense system kicked in and attacked Superman, which triggered the Man of Steel to fight the League.

Cyborg also played a crucial role in the final act, where he began to separate the Mother Boxes that had formed "The Unity". With the help of Superman, he succeeded.

Cyborg appears in Justice League: Doom in a major role. The film marks the first time Cyborg has been portrayed as a member of the Justice League in any non-comic form of media. He is voiced by Bumper Robinson. In the film, Cyborg first appears after Batman asks for his help in discovering how the Royal Flush Gang are pulling off a series of impossible heists. Cyborg later rescues Wonder Woman after she is poisoned by Cheetah, and ends up being brought along during the subsequent attempt to rescue the other JLA members. After saving Superman from a Kryptonite bullet, Cyborg helps the Justice League during the final battle against Vandal Savage and his Legion of Doom. After the League saves the Earth from a massive solar flare, Cyborg is officially inducted into the Justice League as the team's newest member.

He was voiced by Bumper Robinson

Cyborg appears in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, an adaptation of Flashpoint. In the film, Cyborg is a member of the League. In the alternate timeline the bulk of the film takes place in, he is depicted as the world's top hero, since Kal-El never became Superman and most of the rest of the League never came to resemble their classic forms.

He was voiced by Michael B. Jordan.

Cyborg appears in JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time, voiced by Avery Kidd Waddell.

In Justice League: War, based off of the New 52 Justice League Origins comic book by Geoff Johns, Cyborg appears as one of the founding members of the Justice League in light of the invasion of Darkseid. Victor Stone was originally a talented high school football quarterback but has a troubled relationship with his father Silas due to his father's lack of support for his football playing career. In frustration, Cyborg grabs one of the boom tubes asking whether his work is more important than his own son. The boom tubes suddenly activate at that moment and engulfs Victor. In a last ditch effort to save his son's life, Silas grafts technology from the red room and successfully saves his son's life but at the cost of making him a Cyborg at the same time. Cyborg helps the rest of the Justice League in battling Darkseid and his Parademons, with Cyborg having access to almost any technological interface he is able to open up the boom tubes to send them back to Apokolips. At the end of the film, the newly formed Justice League team is introduced to the world and Cyborg seems to have embraced his new role more as he sees his father nod in approval. Cyborg was voiced by Shemar Moore.

Cyborg appears alongside his Justice League teammates in the sequel to Justice League: War, titled: Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. The film is based off of the New 52 comic book story line of the same name and was released in 2015. Shemar Moore reprised his role.

Cyborg appears in Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem, voiced by Khary Payton.

Cyborg appears in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, with Shemar Moore once again reprising his role. In the film, it's shown that he relates more closely to the Titans, as they are closer in age to him.

Cyborg appeared in The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians from 1985 to 1986. He was voiced by Ernie Hudson. Cyborg's origin was told via a medical journal read by Dr. Martin Stein saying Cyborg was a promising decathlon athlete until an accident destroyed most of his body and his father replaced part of his body with machine parts. Also, he is not a Titan. He becomes fast friends with fellow teammate Firestorm. He is an affiliate of the Justice League of America under Superman. In the introductory episode to Cyborg, "The Seeds of Doom", Cyborg's abilities save Earth from Darkseid's seeds, but as Superman warns, make Darkseid a dangerous enemy to Cyborg, so Cyborg joins the League.

Cyborg appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Khary Payton. This version of Cyborg is very similar to his comic book counterpart. His nickname is "Cy", and like his teammates, in the animated series Cyborg is never referred to by his given name; however, he does take the alias "Stone" (based on his real last name) in the Season 3 episode "Deception". The two main differences are his design and that he is more easygoing than his comics counterpart. His head is considerably more rounded and bald (based on his Titans Hunt counterpart), and his mechanical parts are bulkier. His primary weapon is a sonic cannon housed in his forearm; initially he uses only his right arm to fire, but later episodes reveal that his left arm has an identical cannon built into it as well. Other on-board weapons and tools, such as an acetylene torch, a remote-operated video camera, and several missile launchers, can be deployed as needed, and his arms and legs are detachable.

Cyborg is the Titans' chief technician and gadgeteer. He is responsible for the construction of the Titan Tower's electronic and security systems and the team's main vehicles, the T-Car and the T-Ship. His most dominant personality faults featured in the series are his enormous appetite and a tendency to be overly vain about his work as a result, he fosters a special dislike for those who abuse his devices irresponsibly, especially Gizmo and Brother Blood. On occasion, Cyborg acts as the team's second-in-command, but he tends to butt heads with Robin on rather trivial matters. In "Cyborg the Barbarian", he was sent back to 3,000 B.C. There, he met a woman named Sarasim and fell in love with her. The relationship ended when Cyborg was brought back to his own time.

Cyborg's age is never specified, but he mentions in "Deception" that he never had a chance to finish high school due to circumstances that made him what he is. The only time Cyborg's personal history has been discussed is in "Deception", in which he discusses his involuntary cyborg status with Starfire, and in the 4th season episode "The End: Part 2". In this episode, Trigon creates duplicates of Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy. These duplicates reflect the dark side of each character. During the fight between Cyborg and his duplicate, the dark duplicate says harmful things about Cyborgs mother and her death.

Cyborg appeared in the 15th episode of the fifth season of Smallville on the 16th February 2006 and is played by Lee Thompson Young. In this version, Victor is a former Metropolis High School football star. He is involved in a car accident that kills him, supposedly, and the rest of his family. However, he is secretly rebuilt by Cyntechnics scientists including Dr. Alistair Krieg, who experimented on a group of test subjects. Victor was the only test subject to survive the experiments. Cyntechnics was bought up by LuthorCorp shortly before Victor's escape. Lex denies any knowledge of Cyntechnics' secretive activities.

Although Victor's cybernetic enhancements are entirely on the inside [under his skin] instead of exoskeletal as they are in the comics and other media, a shot of Clark Kent's X-ray vision reveals that Victor's cranial armor covers the same-shaped area as it does in the comics. He also bleeds a dark fluid as he does in the comics. Smallville never uses the name "Cyborg" in his first appearance. Instead, Victor refers to his enhancements as bionic.

Lee Thompson Young reprises his role of Cyborg in the season 6 episode "Justice", episode about Green Arrow gathering together a group of individuals to combat Lex Luthor and his experiments. The episode premiered on 18 January 2007. In this episode, Victor has finally taken the name "Cyborg", as Green Arrow's team uses code names. Also on the team are Aquaman and Impulse. While Victor was last seen with a girlfriend named Katherine, he explains that his mechanical parts put a strain on the relationship. After their eventual break up, Victor states that it was Green Arrow who kept him from committing suicide. The episode also shows Cyborg wearing a stylized silver vest and black pants, and utilizing further enhancements Green Arrow gave him. One of his new functions allows him to hack into and disable security systems. While connecting to machines, Cyborg's left eye glows red.

Teen Titans Go!

Cyborg appears as a member of the Teen Titans in this more humorous take on the DC Universe.

Cyborg appears as a playable character in Lego Batman 2. He has a laser eye and the ability to pull magnetic legos.

Cyborg appears as a playable character in the game. He appears to be a combination of a power/gadget character in game.

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Cyborg (Character) - Comic Vine

Cyborg | Teen Titans Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

It's not in the circuitry, is it? It's not the machine that resists you; it's me, my spirit! That's the part you can't break! I don't need you to make me a man! I already am one! Cyborg to an overwhelmed Brother BloodCyborgVoiceKhary Payton (English), Ken Uo (Japanese), Daniel Lob (French), Tobias Kluckert (German), Roberto Draghetti (Italian), Kim So-hyung (Korean), Zoltn Dzsa (Hungarian), Onur Glcolu (Turkish)Real name

Victor "Vic" Stone

Elinore Stone (mother, deceased)Silas Stone (father)Tucker Stone (grandfather)Maude Stone (grandmother)

Eating Food,Electronic Gadgets,Fourth of July,Listening to Music,Playing Practical Jokes,Science Fiction Movies,Sports Video Games,Watching TV, Hanging Out With Beast Boy, Playing basketball with Robin, Playing chess with Raven, Lifting weights with Starfire

Brother BloodAnyone who abuses his technology,Being half machine,Gizmo,Losing battles,Not being strong enough,Not Having the remote for the TV,Tofu,Beast Boy losing things,Being ignored by Beast Boy, Starfire's singing and cookingBeing kicked out of his house

A body made up of entirely robotic systems granting him superhuman strength, resilience to damage, capability to fix many appliances, unsurpassed knowledge of technology and robotics, a cannon built into his arm that can shoot sonic blasts, and numeral other gadgets built into his body

Sonic Cannons built into his arms and numerous other gadgets installed throughout his body

Cyborg (sometimes "Cy") is the half-cybernetic half-man, chief technological expert and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans.

Cyborg was a promising strong teenage athlete named Victor Stone before an accident that killed his mother and injured him so severely that his father replaced the damaged body parts with cybernetics to keep his son alive. But since these mechanical parts were not inconspicuous, he was shunned by his home environment and his friends, which frustrated him greatly.

One night, Cyborg took to the streets wearing a hoodie to cover his cybernetic parts, where he ran into the new arrivals Robin and Beast Boy fighting a rather violent alien girl, who was actually a fugitive from a prisoner transport. Soon, Cyborg joined by the mystery girl Raven, the youngsters teamed up to defeat the girl's alien captors and formed a permanent team to combat villainy. Cyborg constructed the Titans Tower and its systems from a Gordanian landing ship, and the team moved into its new headquarters. From that point on, Cyborg served as the team's chief technician, constructing their primary vehicles such as the T-Car and T-Ship.

Cyborg wearing a hoodie to hide his cybernetics.

In the series' third season, Cyborg used the alias of Stone and a pair of holographic rings to infiltrate the H.I.V.E. Academy, which was at that time administered and mind-controlled by Brother Blood.

The Titans exposed and foiled his scheme to utilize a new superweapon called the Ion Amplifier, but in the process, Cyborg unknowingly had the construction plans for his cybernetics copied by Blood, who used them to build new superweapons. Outraged, Cyborg declared a personal vendetta on Blood and confronted him personally when he attempted to employ a gigantic sonic cannon from an undersea base. However, Blood's martial arts skills got the better of him, and he won only with Bumblebee's assistance, who was at that time infiltrating the H.I.V.E. with the help of Aqualad. In order to hunt down Blood and other supervillains more efficiently, Cyborg helped Bumblebee and Aqualad establish and outfit an Eastern branch of the Titans, with Speedy and Ms y Menos joining the ranks. Soon, they were attacked by Blood and an army of modeled robots, but apparently, Cyborg managed to repel them all. Met with a proposal to remain and become the leader of the Titans East, Cyborg decided to stay with his new team.

Cyborg as his original "human" self

At one point, Cyborg attempted to upgrade himself by installing a super-processor chip called Maximum-7 (or Max-7) into his cybernetic brain. Initially, it did work for his benefit, boosting his physical and mental processing speed well beyond his former capacities. But when the Titans first engaged Billy Numerous and were unable to catch him, a frustrated and obsessive Cyborg began shutting down his human personality in order to increase the Max-7's efficiency, which had the detrimental effect of making him more and more a robot, and eventually, this conflict between human and cybernetic nature led to a short-circuit which nearly killed him. The other Titans managed to remove the chip before this could happen, and now, Cyborg restored to his true self, devised a successful plan which brought down Numerous for good.

In the comic series based on the TV show, Cyborg meets a young teaching volunteer by the name of Sarah Simms. Despite several rocky times they have since formed a very close romance.

Cyborg eating meat

Cyborg is a very outgoing, cool, and fun-loving character who likes to enjoy life, especially since he found friends who consider him a person, not a freak. He is upbeat, smart, funny, and cheerful, but serious and heroic when he needs to be. He likes to enjoy playing video games, tinkering with technological gizmos and eating. He also tends to be stubborn at times and has had some serious arguments with Robin in the past, but he does make a capable second-in-command in Robin's absence. He also frequently bickers with Beast Boy, mostly about the latter's culinary taste and habit of misplacing all manners of personal items, though the two entertain a close friendship.

Cyborg often plays the protective big brother role of the team, getting quite serious when they are upset and does whatever he can to make them feel better. He is never hesitant to put Beast Boy in his place when he thinks the younger Titan is being inconsiderate of Raven's or Starfire's feelings. Likewise, Raven and Starfire also do the same for Cyborg, evident in "Car Trouble" and "Deception".

Much like the other Titans, Cyborg does not take betrayal lightly. He hates losing battles, especially to seemingly insignificant opponents. Their first defeat from Terra made him extremely angry with himself, because he had a chance to take a shot but didn't. He has been known to display emotions of anger (which he often takes out on his friends), frustration, and becoming depressed.

Cyborg's replacement robot dressed up

One facet of personal vulnerability is Cyborg's great personal pride in his inventions and constructions. For this reason, he tends to foster an immense dislike for anyone abusing his technology for selfish reasons, especially Gizmo and Brother Blood, and to be overprotective of his most personal projects, like the T-Car.[1][2][3][4]

He also possesses a tremendous appetite, and he will consume any edibles within his reach when hungry. His favorite food is barbecue and he also especially enjoys other meat, milkshakes, pizza, and waffles. The only food he would not voluntarily touch is Starfire's cooking and tofu (especially since Beast Boy goes to great lengths to try and make him eat it) although he once mistakenly ate the alien meat substitute.

As revealed in "Troq", Cyborg has a personal dislike for bigots as shown when he became disgusted with Val-Yor when he found out what he had really be calling Starfire.

Beast Boy is Cyborg's best friend. is never hesitant to put Beast Boy in his place, especially if he feels that the younger hero is being rude or inconsiderate. This is particularly true in interactions with Raven, where he tries his best to include her, but Cyborg is still considerate of Raven's feelings and preference for peace and quiet. Yet, he is just as often seen at his friend's side causing mischief with him. Despite Cyborg's love of meat, and Beast Boy's love of tofu, the two remain close friends. Cyborg and Beast Boy have a lot in common, including a fondness for breakfast food, playing video games, watching movies, and playing practical jokes on each other. Throughout the series, Cyborg is shown to have a tough love relationship with Beast Boy. The two are close, but Cyborg feels the need to keep Beast Boy in line and maybe instill a little more consideration and maturity in him.

However, he can be surprised when Beast Boy adopts a more serious persona as shown when he took note of the latter's behavior when reuniting with the Doom Patrol. He was even more surprised Beast Boy went with them to defeat their old enemies. This likely showed him Beast Boy merely puts up an act, as he had no problem with Beast Boy's leadership when fighting the Brotherhood of Evil.

Despite this, Cyborg can sometime show his immature side with Beast Boy as they also enjoy playing their favorite game they made up "Stankball".

Cyborg and Raven fixing the T-Car

Raven and Cyborg have a fairly stable and healthy relationship. They had very few episodes dedicated to mostly the two of them, but this is likely because the two of them have always been fairly close and comfortable around each other. Cyborg, despite being the Titan most similar to Beast Boy, is more mature than he is and is more considerate of Raven's preferences. Raven, for her part, reciprocates this, as she is more patient with than she is with Beast Boy.

Cyborg often looks out for Raven, making sure that Beast Boy does not go over the top to annoy her or hurt her feelings. In "Nevermore", was especially serious with Beast Boy, reminding him that he shouldn't be messing with her, following the prior night's events, and made sure he went to apologize. Even though he tried to get Raven to play Stank Ball with him and Beast Boy, she clearly stated she doesn't want to play, which made Beast Boy angry. He called her creepy, with Raven still listening, and told him to leave her be, knowing she wanted to be alone.

In the Teen Titans Go! comics, Cyborg, on Christmas, bought Raven an antique bookcase he knew she wanted, causing Raven to become uncharacteristically elated and showing an appreciation for her tastes and hobbies.

When they first met, Raven felt as if she did not fit in, but Cyborg reassures her that she fits in just fine. Even though they fight occasionally, they maintain a healthy friendship.

Despite sometimes being a bit inconsiderate of Cyborg's feelings, Raven never intends to hurt him emotionally. This is evident in "Car Trouble", where she initially dismissed 's dismay over his stolen T-Car by telling him "Calm down, it's just a car." which made rather angry. However, she ultimately realizes it's her fault, and goes to comfort him and help him get his car back. Although Cyborg was forced to destroy it, Raven goes as far as to help him rebuild it, further proving their close friendship.

When is the only one left with Raven in "Fear Itself", he likely knew she was afraid, and tried to reassure her that they'll get through the ordeal. being the last Titan to disappear that night may further hint at his big brother role to Raven, being protective of her when she wanted to save Starfire when there was no possible way to.

Cyborg is shown to often be more understanding of Raven than the other Titans, as he respects her desires to be alone but still tries to include her when he can. Raven, in turn, seems to accept as he is without question and accepts his enthusiasm for his hobbies, even if she does not share it.

Cyborg makes Raven smile more than anyone else in the series. Her biggest smiles, at least, two episodes centering around Cyborg's troubles.

Cyborg and Robin fighting

It is revealed that Cyborg is Robin's second-in-command.

Starfire and Cyborg are incredibly close. Their relationship is much like an older brother and younger sister, and is really protective over her. They hardly ever get angry at each other, however, in "Final Exam", does lose his temper and hurt Starfire. Despite this, the two have remained extremely close throughout the series.

Cyborg had helped Starfire greatly in "How Long is Forever?" when she was pushed forward in time. Even after so many years, Cyborg cared deeply for Starfire's well-being. In the series, Cyborg seems to act like the big brother to Starfire, and Starfire looks up to him.

The two often like to lift weights together, and despite countless times having witnessed Starfire's impressive strength, is still shocked when she is able to lift heavier weights than he is with relative ease. They are the strongest in the team physically, as their physical prowess far outmatches Robin's, Raven's, and even Beast Boy's.

Cyborg and Starfire have a practically mirrored personality, both being cheerful yet considerate of others' feelings, and they seemed to get along well from the very beginning.

In the episode, "Troq", Cyborg was the first one to learn the meaning of the word Val-Yor had been calling Starfire, (Troq, which is a slur for literally "nothing"). Because he initially misinterpreted Starfire's explanation that it meant nothing, he went to call her that, which hurt her deeply. But after learning that it literally meant nothing, went to comfort her. Being half-robot, knows exactly what it is like to be mistreated just for how you look, and completely empathized with her. He then told Robin, who was equally outraged.

Cyborg also makes note of Starfire's close relationship with Robin, and in "Stranded", he even teased Robin, calling Starfire his girlfriend. And when Starfire and Robin had their first real kiss in the final movie-episode of the series, Trouble in Tokyo, voiced his approval, saying, "Well, it's about time."

Cyborg with cannons

This ability has its own cons though. His entire power cell and the whole power of Titans' Tower is only just enough to make one blast. This is why he only uses it in desperation, and it is much like an ultimate form, much like Beast Boy's Werebeast form and Raven's white form.

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