The Violence in Chicago
A conscious dialogue with Kareem Wells Living Consciously-TV cast about "The Violence in Chicago and How to Bring Back Hope to Communities". http://www.consc...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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The Violence in Chicago
A conscious dialogue with Kareem Wells Living Consciously-TV cast about "The Violence in Chicago and How to Bring Back Hope to Communities". http://www.consc...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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How to Embrace Our Truth as Spiritual Beings
SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Coach Steve Toth the host of the Mind Body and Soul-TV is having a with Patricia Brooks-Author about how to embrace our truth as...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Donna The Buffalo "Conscious Evolution" Virginia Key GrassRoots Festival, 2-21-2015
Virginia Key GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance 2015: Donna The Buffalo "Conscious Evolution" Virginia Key Beach Park, Miami, FL., 2-21-2015. Recorded by...
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Donna The Buffalo "Conscious Evolution" Virginia Key GrassRoots Festival, 2-21-2015 - Video
Art as a Conduit for Conscious Evolution with Darinka Blagaj fine artist
Art is an experience that may transform the viewer. Art is play that engages our imagination and how we see the world. Art is the door to our mind. Great Art...
By: Connections Forum
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Art as a Conduit for Conscious Evolution with Darinka Blagaj fine artist - Video
How to Unzip the Fat Suit Using Your Mind SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Coach Steve Toth the host of the Mind Body and Soul-TV is having a conscious dialogue with Maggie Wil...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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If you...
Become frustrated with "group think" mentality, and limited belief systems... Seek balance for High-frequency living... Seek meaning in life and understanding about the world... Wish to wake from the dream and illusion of who we think we are and move toward your authentic being, Welcome!
Most people are born originals, but die copies...
...Human evolution is a natural process with infinite potentials. We are not yet a finished product! In fact, there is no limit to the levels of evolution we can achieve, both as individuals and as a world society. We have within our capacity the ability to guide our own development as consciousness beings, and many of us are doing exactly that...
...Humanity as a sum total however, seems to be limited by its own concepts of life and right living. The only real limitations upon our continued growth as a species, are those concepts we continue to impose...
--Matthew Webb, The World Mind Society
The Groups topics: Consciousness, Evolution, Science, New Age, Mind - Body, Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Meditation, Awakening, Enlightenment, Light Workers, Unity, Oneness, Discussion, Humanism, Agnostics, Seekers, Singles, Friends, Indigo, Personal Growth, Self Help, Self- Discovery, Self-Realization, Self-Improvement, Life Transformation, Creativity, Community, Social, Volunteers, Peace, Green, Environment, Course in Miracles, Secret, Law of Attraction, Dreams, Reiki, Energy, Quantum, Healing, Holistic, Alternative Health, Near-Death Experience, Paranormal, Shamanism, Psychic, Reincarnation, Past Life, Soul Travel, Medium, Channeling, Astrology, Numerology, More..
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Courtney W. - Conscious Evolution (Kansas City, MO) - Meetup
How You Communicate Impacts Your Relationships
SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Coach Steve Toth the host of the Mind Body and Soul-TV having a conscious dialogue with Marion Baker - Love Therapist about how ...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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What are the 5 Supposedly Healthy Habits
SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Coach Steve Toth the host of the Mind Body and Soul-TV is having a conscious dialogue with Lisa Dwoskin author and fitness exper...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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How the Laws of Attraction and Fate Destiny Works
A conscious dialogue with Rami Singh and the Living Consciously-TV cast about How the Laws of Attraction and Fate Destiny Works? http://www.consciousevolutio...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Neuroscience, Freud and Buddha
A conscious dialogue with Harvey Kraft and the Living Consciously-TV cast about Neuroscience, Freud and Buddha.
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, explains how our current crises are not the precursors of an apocalypse but the natural birth pains of a...
By: New World Library
Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential - Video
Maylin Music LONGING
Thank YOU for listening/viewing and comments! I am an evolutionary musician dedicated to conscious evolution for humanity and the Earth. Wish you all the best. Maylin "With this piece of...
By: Maylin Svensson
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Spirituality and the role of Social Justice
SELF EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Lynette Turner the host of The Positivoligist Is In the House-TV interviews Sonia Ketchian and Tyrone Holmes about Spirituality and t...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Conscious Evolution Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
Posted on February 04, 2015
Another excerpt from my newly-released book: Conscious Evolution Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential (available for order now at Within the next few decades we can and indeed must discover and commit to an evolutionary agenda and to a universal humanity where our spiritual, social, and scientific and technological capacities are fully activated. We are now in the midst of a global awakening that poses new dangers and new potentials. I believe that we will consciously and ethically learn to use our vast collective powers for the evolution of our species and the birth of a universalRead More
Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard
Posted on January 16, 2015
The world is moving so fast now it is vital for all of us who are alive to connect to the impulse of creativity, love, deeper connection, to Source, to come together as pioneering souls. The newly developed Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0, starting January 20th, is exactly what will help you and all of us to emerge more fully to become co-creators, as our essential selves, our true nature, the divine within. My two colleagues, Patricia Ellsberg and Carolyn Anderson and I with a team of beloved and trained facilitators headed by Bonnie Kelley will beRead More
Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard, Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Posted on January 12, 2015
Coming up this Wednesday, January 14, 2015,5pm Pacific | 8pm Eastern I will be doing a Live Q & A Call with Stephen Dinan, the CEO of the Shift Network. We will be talking about my new five-month course, virtual journey that begins Tuesday, January 20th. Please join us! Dial (916) 469-4750 and enter the PIN 492071 Or connect to the webcast at Bring your questions and an open heart! In the meantime, you can find out more on the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 here:
Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard
What Is Conscious Evolution? by Gregory Ellison
"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us. ... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." -- Edward O. Wilson Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge
Mankind is on the verge of an evolutionary leap in consciousness, to a whole new way of thinking and being that will put us as far above our present concept of "man" as modern man is above our stone age ancestors.
Until roughly the present time, the forces of evolution have been external to mankind. Whether we think of these forces as essentially physical/biological, or essentially spiritual, in either case we have not consciously directed the course of our own evolution. This is simply where the journey has brought us.
But no more. From this point forward we will consciously participate in the direction of our own evolution. We will become what we choose to become.
There are many things that point to this moment in history as a time of major transformation. Religious and spiritual prophecy from many different traditions point to this period as the "end times" where the old world falls away and the new millennium arises. Astrology recognizes this as the dawning of the "age of Aquarius," a transformation to spiritual awareness, peace and brotherhood.
But we need not rely on myth or revelation to know that we now chart our own destiny: science and technology too inform us that we will soon have the capacity to alter our own genetic code, extend our life expectancy, and expand our capabilities far beyond those nature has bestowed on us. Already we do not need wings to fly above the mountaintops, nor gills to swim the depths of the sea. We can throw our voices around the world at the speed of light, transmute matter to energy in nuclear reactors (and bombs), stroll on the surface of the moon.
We have superseded natural selection. Where once we were at the mercy of our environment, now our environment is at our mercy.
And therein lies the rub: we have become powerful enough to make ourselves extinct, and we stand shuddering at the doorway to this brave new world because we are scared silly that we might do just that!
We have grown in knowledge and power beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors, but our wisdom has not kept pace. In fact, it might be argued that human wisdom has taken giant steps backward since the astrological, shamanistic and mystical traditions that flowered thousands of years ago!
How the Crises we are Facing on Earth today Might be the Best Thing Ever Happened to Humanity
A conscious dialogue with David Christopher and the Living Consciously-TV cast about how the crises we are facing on Earth today might be the best thing ever...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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How to Celebrate Your Life
SELF EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Lynette Turner the host of The Positivoligist Is In the House-TV interviews Carol Takacs about How to Celebrate Your Life. http://www...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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How to Birth Your Book Now
SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION CHANNEL: Coach Steve Toth the host of the Mind Body and Soul-TV is having a conscious dialogue with Mark David Gerson about how to birth ...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Am I Crazy or have I just had a Spiritually Trans-formative Experience
A conscious dialogue with Rosie Kuhn and the Living Consciously-TV cast about Am I crazy or have I just had a spiritually Trans-formative experience? http://...
By: Conscious Evolution Media
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Am I Crazy or have I just had a Spiritually Trans-formative Experience - Video
Donna The Buffalo - Conscious Evolution Jam - 1-31-15
Ardmore Music Hall.
By: ricgrass
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Donna The Buffalo - Conscious Evolution Jam - 1-31-15 - Video