Untitled DocumentCloud Computing EnablingDigital Transformation! Cloud-Native | Serverless DevOpsSummit FinTechEXPO - New York Blockchain Event CloudEXPO - Enterprise Cloud DXWorldEXPO - Digital Transformation (DX) Smart Cities | IoT | IIoT AI | Machine Learning | Cognitive Computing BigData | Analytics The API Enterprise | Mobility | Security Hot Topics | FinTech | WebRTC
Join Us at Cloud Expo Silicon Valley, June 24 - 26 Now is the time for a truly global DX event, to bring together the leading minds from the technology world in a conversation about Digital Transformation. DX encompasses the continuing technology revolution, and is addressing society's most important issues throughout the entire $78 trillion 21st-century global economy.
DXWorldEXPO has organized these issues along 10 tracks, 22 keynotes and general sessions, and a faculty of 222 of the world's top speakers.
DXWorldEXPO has three major themes on its conference agenda:
Technology - The Revolution Continues Economy - The 21st Century Emerges Society - The Big Issues
Global 2000 companies have more than US$40 trillion in annual revenue - more than 50% of the world's entire GDP. The Global 2000 spends a total of US$2.4 trillion annually on enterprise IT. The average Global 2000 company has US$11 billion in annual revenue. The average Global 2000 company spends more than $600 million annually on enterprise IT. Governments throughout the world spend another US$500 billion on IT - much of it dedicated to new Smart City initiatives.
For the past 10 years CloudEXPO helped drive the migration to modern enterprise IT infrastructures, built upon the foundation of cloud computing. Today's hybrid, multiple cloud IT infrastructures integrate Big Data, analytics, blockchain, the IoT, mobile devices, and the latest in cryptography and enterprise-grade security.
Digital Transformation is the key issue driving the global enterprise IT business. DX is most prominent among Global 2000 enterprises and government institutions.
Technology - The Revolution Continues DX Tech: Data-Driven Global 2000 DX Tech: The Blockchain ChallengeDX Tech: AI and Cognitive DX Tech: The Global Cloud
Economy - The 21st Century Emerges DX Econ: Software is Rewriting the World DX Econ: Smart Cities, Nations, and Regions DX Econ: FinTech and the Token Economy DX Econ: The Industrial Internet and Industrie 4.0
Society - The Big Issues DX Society: Environment DX Society: Education DX Society: Agriculture DX Society: Health Care
Benefits of Visiting the CloudEXPO Floor
CloudEXPOCloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS - software, platform, and infrastructure as a service.
With major technology companies and startups seriously embracing Cloud strategies, now is the perfect time to attend and learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is on the right path to Digital Transformation.
Every Global 2000 enterprise in the world is now integrating cloud computing in some form into its IT development and operations. Midsize and small businesses are also migrating to the cloud in increasing numbers.
Companies are each developing their unique mix of cloud technologies and services, forming multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architectures and deployments across all major industries. Cloud-driven thinking has become the norm in financial services, manufacturing, telco, healthcare, transportation, energy, media, entertainment, retail and other consumer industries, and the public sector.
DXWorldEXPO - Digital TransformationDXWorldEXPO LLC, the producer of the world's most influential technology conferences and trade shows has announced the conference tracks forCloudEXPO|DXWorldEXPO2018 New York.Digital Transformation(DX) is a major focus with the introduction of DXWorldEXPOwithin the program. Successful transformation requires a laser focus on being data-driven and on using all the tools available that enable transformation if they plan to survive over the long term.
A total of 88% of Fortune 500 companies from a generation ago are now out of business. Only 12% still survive. Similar percentages are found throughout enterprises of all sizes.
IoT and Smart CitiesThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the most profound change in personal and enterprise IT since the creation of the Worldwide Web more than 20 years ago.
All major researchers estimate there will be tens of billions devices - computers, smartphones, tablets, and sensors - connected to the Internet by 2020. This number will continue to grow at a rapid pace for the next several decades.
With major technology companies and startups seriously embracing IoT strategies, now is the perfect time to attend Internet of Things at Cloud Expo in New York City. Learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is as "IoT-Ready" as it can be!
DevOpsSUMMITThe widespread success of cloud computing is driving the DevOps revolution in enterprise IT. Now as never before, development teams must communicate and collaborate in a dynamic, 24/7/365 environment. There is no time to wait for long development cycles that produce software that is obsolete at launch. DevOps may be disruptive, but it is essential.
DevOps at Cloud Expo, will expand the DevOps community, enable a wide sharing of knowledge, and educate delegates and technology providers alike. Recent research has shown that DevOps dramatically reduces development time, the amount of enterprise IT professionals put out fires, and support time generally. Time spent on infrastructure development is significantly increased, and DevOps practitioners report more software releases and higher quality.
FinTech - New York Blockchain EventFinTech Is Now Part of the DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO Program. Financial enterprises in New York City, London, Singapore, and other world financial capitals are embracing a new generation of smart, automated FinTech that eliminates many cumbersome, slow, and expensive intermediate processes from their businesses.
Accordingly, attendees at the upcoming 22ndCloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO will find fresh new content in two new tracks called:
which will incorporate FinTech and Blockchain, as well asmachine learning,artificial intelligence anddeep learningin these two distinct tracks.
FinTech brings efficiency as well as the ability to deliver new services and a much improved customer experience throughout the global financial services industry. FinTech is a natural fit with cloud computing, as new services are quickly developed, deployed, and scaled on public, private, and hybrid clouds.
More than US$20 billion in venture capital is being invested in FinTech this year.DXWorldEXPO|CloudEXPO are pleased to bring you the latestFinTechdevelopments as an integral part of our program.
Conference Agenda, Keynotes & TracksDXWordEXPO New York 2018andCloudEXPO New York 2018agenda present 222 rockstar faculty members, 200 sessions and 22 keynotes and general sessions in 10 distinct conference tracks.
DXWorldEXPO|CloudEXPO 2018 New Yorkcover all of these tools, with the most comprehensive program and with 222 rockstar speakers throughout our industry presenting 22Keynotes and General Sessions, 200Breakout Sessions along 10 Tracks, as well as our signature Power Panels. Our Expo Floor brings together the world's leading companies throughout the world of Cloud Computing, DevOps, FinTech, Digital Transformation, and all they entail.
As your enterprise creates a vision and strategy that enables you to create your own unique, long-term success, learning about all the technologies involved is essential. Companies today not only form multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architectures, but create them with built-in cognitive capabilities.
Cloud-Nativethinking is now the norm in financial services, manufacturing, telco, healthcare, transportation, energy, media, entertainment, retail and other consumer industries, as well as the public sector.
CloudEXPOisthe world's most influentialtechnologyeventwhere Cloud Computing was coined over a decade ago and where technology buyers and vendors meet to experience and discuss the big picture of Digital Transformation and all of the strategies, tactics, and tools they need to realize their goals.
Sponsorship OpportunitiesDXWorldEXPO|CloudEXPOarethe single show where technology buyers and vendors can meet to experience and discus cloud computing and all that it entails. Sponsors ofDXWorldEXPO|CloudEXPOwill benefit from unmatched branding, profile building and lead generation opportunities through:
Faculty Highlight
By Yeshim Deniz
Dec. 18, 2018 11:45 PM EST
By Pat Romanski
Dec. 4, 2018 02:30 PM EST
Digital Transformation Blogs
By Yeshim Deniz
Dec. 18, 2018 11:45 PM EST
By Pat Romanski
Dec. 4, 2018 02:30 PM EST
By Yeshim Deniz
Nov. 26, 2018 01:30 PM EST
DevOpsSUMMIT Blogs
By Yeshim Deniz
Nov. 26, 2018 01:30 PM EST
By Zakia Bouachraoui
Nov. 12, 2018 12:00 PM EST
By Pat Romanski
Nov. 12, 2018 12:00 AM EST
CloudEXPO TV Power Panels
Business Executives including CEOs, CMOs, & CIOs ,Presidents & SVPs,Directors of Business Development ,Directors of IT Operations,Product and Purchasing Managers,IT Managers.
If you would like to participate, please provide us with details of your website/s and event/s or your organization and please include basic audience demographics as well as relevant metrics such as ave. page views per month.
To get involved, email [emailprotected].
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