Cloud Security Alliance 2020 Initiatives Changing the Face of IT Audit and Cloud Assurance – AiThority

Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge and Cloud Controls Matrix v4 represent critical progress to modernize the audit profession and align cloud assurance with technology innovations

TheCloud Security Alliance (CSA), the worlds leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment, announced a call for subject-matter experts to support the ongoing review of its flagship document, the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), Version 4 of which will be released later this year. CCM v4 will reflect the current cloud technology landscape, providing cloud users with a better, more comprehensive security framework and guidelines to facilitate both implementation and audit.

Calling all today cloud subject-matter experts! @cloudsa is asking for help to support the ongoing review of its flagship document, the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) Version 4. Join Us!

Additionally, CSA is pleased to announce that theCertificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK)subject-matter expert working group has held initial program development meetings and that the CCAK credential and courseware will be previewed at CSAsSECtemberconference (Seattle, Sept. 14-18). The CCAK is a new credential for industry professionals that demonstrates expertise in the essential principles of assessing and auditing cloud computing systems and will be released in the second half of 2020. The CCAK will provide a common baseline of knowledge and shared nomenclature to ensure that IT and security professionals, as well as auditors, have the right expertise and tools to appropriately and accurately understand and measure the effectiveness of cloud security controls.

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For 11 years, the Cloud Security Alliance has led the industry in delivering the necessary innovations to build the trusted cloud ecosystem on a global basis. In 2020, CSA will focus on supporting the cloud community in acquiring the necessary tools, skills, and expertise to ensure that the many iterations of cloud meet robust security and privacy objectives, said Daniele Catteddu, Chief Technology Officer, Cloud Security Alliance. As organizations adopt DevOps, CI/CD, and related innovations, the audit function must keep pace. With the release of CCM and CCAK, we continue to support the community in their cloud journeys.

The Cloud Controls Matrix is the de facto standard in the market. Its latest iteration will include new control objectives in areas such as container and microservices, cryptography, and identity and access management, along with implementation guidance, and will improve upon the auditability of existing controls.

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Cloud auditing skills are becoming a mandatory requirement for IT auditors and will become fundamental expertise for any IT manager and professional, especially in the areas of governance, risk management, compliance, and vendor/supply chain management. Traditional IT audit education and certification do not adequately prepare professionals for the challenges cloud provides. Recent breaches demonstrate the knowledge and responsibility gap that comprehensive cloud auditing frameworks such as the CCAK will solve.

Those interested in contributing to the development of the CCAK are encouraged to join the CSACloud Audit Expert Group. Group members should be familiar with CSAs best practices and control frameworks, such as theCloud Controls Matrix (CCM), theConsensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ), andCSA STAR levels of assessment, as well as have knowledge in such key areas as cloud risk management, compliance, continuous auditing, and more. Members will be tasked with reviewing and providing advice on the scope, curriculum, objectives structure, go-to-market, and value proposition for the CCAK.

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Cloud Security Alliance 2020 Initiatives Changing the Face of IT Audit and Cloud Assurance - AiThority

Finding the Right Cloud Solution for Your District’s Storage Needs – EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education

With its massive flexibility and pay-as-you-go pricing, cloud computing is apotential boonto K12 schools. Schools can rapidly introduce new applications and scale up as use cases expand and shed the cost burden associated with data centers.

But not allcloud solutionsare the same, nor do all school districts have the same IT needs. How best to migrate off of legacy systems and on-premises solutions? Here are K12 considerations for a successful move to the cloud:

MORE ON EDTECH:Read about five best practices for ensuring data security in the cloud.

Beyond these diverse considerations, its also important to take a hard look at the cloud vendors bona fides.

A vendor who has worked extensively with school districts will understand the obligations around student data privacy, financial constraints, the need for scalable solutions based on the school-year model, McLaughlin says. You want a partner who understands the need for a collaborative environment.

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Finding the Right Cloud Solution for Your District's Storage Needs - EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education

When the cloud falls to earth, it could be time for cloud repatriation – DataCenterNews North America

Article by Intel Data Center Management Solutions senior application engineer Rami Radi.

For many of todays applications and workloads, cloud computing offers the enterprise a host of advantages over traditional data centers, including lowered operational and capital expenditures, improved time to market, and the ability to dynamically adjust provisioning to meet changing needs globally. Consequently, there has been a massive shift to cloud migration over the past decade, with cloud computing trends showing significant year-over-year growth since it was first introduced, and Cisco predicting that by 2021 cloud data centers will process 94%of all workloads.

According to MarketsandMarkets, the global cloud computing market is projected to surge at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18 percent to reach approximately $623.3 billion by 2023, up from $272 billion in 2018.

Today, however, we are seeing more companies bringing workloads back into their data centers or edge environments after having them run in the cloud for several years because they didnt originally fully understand their suitability in a cloud environment. 451 Research has referred to this dynamic as cloud repatriation, and a recent survey found that 20% of cloud users had already moved at least one or more of their workloads from the public cloud to a private cloud, and another 40 percent planned to do so in the near future.

All of this begs a deceivingly simple question: How do I know when a workload would be better off running in or outside of the cloud?

When latency, availability, and control are key

As with any IT decision, an inadequately researched, planned and tested process is likely to cause setbacks for enterprise end-users when the organization at large is faced with uncertainty whether to move an application or workload out of the public cloud and return it to an on-premises data center or edge environment.

Very often, moving an application or workload from the cloud makes good business sense when critical operational benchmarks are not being met. This might mean inconsistent application performance, high network latency due to congestion, or concerns about data security. For example, we know of one Fortune 500 financial services firm that was pursuing an initiative to move its applications and data to the public cloud and only later discovered that its corporate policy prohibited placement of personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive data beyond their internal network/firewall. Although many security standards are supported by public cloud providers, because of its internal policy, the financial organization opted to keep its data on-premises.

Some companies, such as Dropbox, have chosen to migrate from the public cloud to benefit their bottom line. While cost is but one criterion for leaving, it is a major one. In the wake of leaving the cloud, Dropbox was able to save nearly $75 million over two years.

Generally speaking, applications that are latency sensitive or have datasets which are large and require transport between various locations for processing are prime candidates for repatriation. Consider smart cities and IoT-enabled systems, which create enormous amounts of data. While cloud computing provides a strong enabling platform for these next-gen technologies because it provides the necessary scale, storage and processing power, edge computing environments will be needed to overcome limitations in latency and the demand for more local processing.

Additionally, if your applications and databases require very high availability or redundancy, they may be best suited to private or hybrid clouds. Repatriation also provides improved control over the applications and enables IT to better plan for potential problems.

Yes, moving to the cloud means a decrease in rack space, power usage and IT requirements, which results in lower installation, hardware, and upgrade costs. Moreover, cloud computing does liberate IT staff from ongoing maintenance and support tasks, freeing them to focus on building the business in more innovative ways. And yet, while many businesses are attracted to the gains associated with public or hybrid cloud models, they often do not fully appreciate the strategy necessary to optimize their performance. Fortunately, there are tools to assist IT teams to better understand how their cloud infrastructure is performing.

Demystifying cloud decision-making

No matter the shape of an organizations cloud public, private or hybrid data center management solutions can provide IT staff with greater visibility and real-time insight into power usage, thermal consumption, server health and utilization. Among the key benefits are better operational control, infrastructure optimization and reduced costs.

Before any organization moves its data to the public cloud, the IT staff needs to understand how its systems perform internally. The unique requirements of its applications, including memory, processing power and operating systems, should determine what it provisions in the cloud. Data center management solutions collect and normalize data to help teams understand their current implementation on-premise, empowering them to make more informed decisions as to what is necessary in a new cloud configuration.

IntelData Center Manager is a software solution that collects and analyzes the real-time health, power, and thermals of a variety of devices in data centers. Providing the clarity needed to improve data center reliability and efficiency, including identifying underlying hardware issues before they impact uptime, these tools bring invaluable insight to increasingly cloudy enterprise IT environments, demystifying the question of on-premises, public and hybrid cloud decision-making.

Here are some factors to consider when making a decision about embarking on a course of cloud repatriation:

Are you wasting money paying for capacity that is not being used? Are you experiencing regular performance and availability issues? Are you required to meet certain regulatory compliance standards? Do your workloads require low latencies? Do you have the IT staff bandwidth to take control of your workloads?

If you answered yes to a majority of the questions above, it might be time to consider cloud repatriation.

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When the cloud falls to earth, it could be time for cloud repatriation - DataCenterNews North America

The rise of cloud computing has had a smaller climate impact than feared – Engadget

Between 2005 and 2010, data center electricity consumption increased by a lot more (56 percent), as the New York Times reported. So what happened after that? According to the study, data centers shifted from smaller computer centers over to much larger facilities run by Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other tech giants.

These companies are highly motivated to save money. Google generates seven times more computing power than it did in 2015, but uses no extra energy, according to Google's technical infrastructure VP, Urs Hlzle. He wrote that the company found those savings by designing high-efficiency Tensor Proessing Units and using machine learning to optimize cooling.

Companies like Apple and Google have also taken steps to make data centers carbon neutral by developing solar farms or using green power to offset energy usage. As it stands now, data centers use about one percent of the world's electricity, equivalent to 17 million US households. That figure is barely rising, and scientists expect it to stay that way for another three or four years.

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The rise of cloud computing has had a smaller climate impact than feared - Engadget

Cloud Computing Security Risks and How to Protect Cloud Customers from Ransomware – Customer Think

Cloud computing is gradually becoming the preferred choice of businesses to streamline different business processes. As per industry reports around 68% of the businesses use cloud technology while 19% are planning to integrate cloud computing into their business operations. There are also many reasons for companies switching from the traditional business approach to cloud computing. It has been seen that companies that invest in cloud, big data, security, and mobility have witnessed revenue growth of up to 52 percent and these are compelling figures to state why implementing cloud computing helps in the efficient running of the organization and better assist the customers.Besides just helping businesses with better revenue figures the cloud computing services provide numerous benefits such as:

AccessibilityScalabilityCollaborationPay structureControl choicesData securityTool selectionSecurity featuresSavings on equipmentSpeed to marketStorage optionsStreamlined workRegular updatesCompetitive edge

But with the widespread use of cloud computing, many security threats have also evolved over the past few years because the approach of cloud computing has gone through some transformation. Though the cloud environment is more secure than the on-premise environment still there are security concerns that need to be addressed. So lets look at the security threats to cloud computing and what measures can be taken to assure the full-proof cloud environment.

The biggest threat to any cloud environment is a breach of data. The main reason behind data breach is when an unauthorized person or program gets access to the data. It becomes a serious concern for organizations because data breach puts all or partial data at risk because the intruder can view, copy and transmit the confidential data for whatever reason possible.

Data loss is the opposite of data breach because it can occur either due to natural factors or human errors. Physical destruction of the servers due to natural calamities or human targeted attacks can lead to data loss. This is a great setback for businesses because there are few chances of recovering the data.3. DoS or Denial of ServiceThis is an advanced form of attack done primarily to flood the system with immense traffic and take advantage of the situation when the system cannot buffer or crashed through bugs and vulnerabilities. This is one of the most used media to shut down the cloud services and making them temporarily unavailable for the customers.

This security risk is related to take advantage of the growing cryptocurrency frenzy. The hackers install crypto-mining script on the servers which increases CPU load and slows down the overall system. The users computing resources are exploited to process numerous transactions of cryptocurrency.

This is the most common hijacking in the cloud environment where the hackers take advantage of insecure passwords and gain access to the cloud through a staffs account. The hacker can manipulate the data and can interfere with the different processes of the business.

This isnt the hijacking of the server itself but is more related to the third-party services. Internet of Things or IoT solutions is responsible for a data breach to a certain extent. IoT devices like home appliances, connected cars, health monitors tend to collect and send a huge amount of data in real-time. This real-time data is vulnerable and hackers can hijack it by hacking the APIs.

Not every system is full-proof because even if external security threats are nullified then also internal risks like an employee exploiting the privacy and initiating data breach are very feasible. Besides this, unintentional human errors can also put the cloud environment open to malware and cyber-attacks.

As per conducting regular security, assessments are the best way to safeguard the cloud infrastructure. An up-to-date cloud system and third-party tools from reliable service providers are very vital to protect the data from going into unauthorized hands.The cloud security monitoring using Artificial Intelligence can help in identify and counter-attack the potential danger and helps in safeguarding the cloud infrastructure.Encrypting the data before uploading to the cloud system to ensure data privacy.Making employees aware of potential security threats is a great way to eliminate human errors.Having a data recovery plan helps to minimize the impact of data loss. Backing up data to a centralized server regularly also helps in protecting the data.Hiring cloud security professionals makes sure that a business stays away from cloud-related threats.As per the access management policies should be very strict. It has been stated by CISA that only the most trusted or the person who needs access should be grant access to. Considering biometric authentication and multi-factor methods is a good move.Securing the cloud infrastructure is not as easy as securing your PC with antivirus like or following 10 steps for ransomware protection. The scale at which cloud computing operates and the importance of data flowing through different cloud servers is so huge that even a slight technical glitch can cost the company millions of dollars. But like every other technology the risk factors are always there and the only thing required is attentiveness to deal with all sorts of security threats.

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Cloud Computing Security Risks and How to Protect Cloud Customers from Ransomware - Customer Think

Big Data Analytics Industry Report 2020 – Rapidly Increasing Volume & Complexity of Data, Cloud-Computing Traffic, and Adoption of IoT & AI…

Dublin, March 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Big Data Analytics Market Size, Market Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth Trends, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2019 To 2027" report has been added to's offering.

The Global Big Data Analytics Market was valued at US$ 37.34 billion in 2018 and expected to reach US$ 105.08 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 12.3% throughout the forecast period from 2019 to 2027. Increasing volume of data and adoption of big data tools to spur revenue growth during the forecast period.

The rapidly increasing volume and complexity of data are due to growing mobile data traffic, cloud-computing traffic and burgeoning development and adoption of technologies including IoT and AI, which is driving the growth of big data analytics market. Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated every day. Data is created by every click, swipe, share, search, and stream, proliferating the demand for big data analytics market globally.

According to a survey, the number of firms investing in big data and AI more than US$ 50 million rose from 27% in 2018 to 33.9% in 2019. The global spending on big data analytics is more than US$ 180 billion in 2019 globally. Thus bolstering the big data analytics market growth.

By 2020, 90% of business professionals and enterprise analytics say data and analytics are key to their organization's digital transformation initiatives. According to a recent research study, approximately, 58% of organizations worldwide plan to adopt big data technology in 2018. The organizations will adopt hybrid IT infrastructure management capabilities. The growing adoption of big data and AI in industries including IT & Telecom, BFSI, and Healthcare among others is further fueling the demand for the big data analytics market.

Key Market Movements

Key Topics Covered

1. Preface

2. Executive Summary2.1. Market Snapshot: Global Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market2.2. Global BDA Market, by Platform, 2018 (US$ Bn)2.3. Global BDA Market, by Deployment Mode, 2018 (US$ Bn)2.4. Global BDA Market, by Organization Size, 2018 (US$ Bn)2.5. Global BDA Market, by End-user, 2018 (US$ Bn)2.6. Global BDA Market, by Geography, 2018 (US$ Bn)

3. Market Dynamics3.1. Introduction3.1.1. Global BDA Market Value, 2017-2027, (US$ Bn)3.2. Market Dynamics3.2.1. Market Drivers3.2.2. Market Restraints3.3. Attractive Investment Proposition, by Geography, 20183.4. Market Positioning of Key Players, 20183.4.1. Major Strategies Adopted by Key Players

4. Global Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market, by Platform, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)4.1. Overview4.2. Hardware4.3. Software4.3.1. Analytics Applications4.3.2. Data Science4.3.3. Stream Processing4.3.4. Application Infrastructure4.3.5. Analytic and Application Databases4.4. Services

5. Global Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market, by Deployment Mode, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)5.1. Overview5.2. On-premise5.3. Cloud5.3.1. Public Cloud5.3.2. Private Cloud5.3.3. Hybrid Cloud

6. Global Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market, by Organization Size, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)6.1. Overview6.2. SMEs6.3. Large Enterprises

7. Global Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market, by End-user, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)7.1. Overview7.2. BFSI7.3. IT & Telecom7.4. Healthcare7.5. Government7.6. Manufacturing7.7. Others (Education, Logistics, & Retail etc.)

8. North America Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market Analysis, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)

9. Europe Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market Analysis, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)

10. Asia-Pacific Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market Analysis, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)

11. Rest of the World Big Data Analytics (BDA) Market Analysis, 2017-2027 (US$ Bn)

12. Company Profiles12.1. IBM Corporation12.2. Splunk Inc.12.3. Dell Inc.12.4. Oracle Corporation12.5. AWS12.6. Accenture PLC12.7. Palantir Technologies12.8. HPE Company12.9. SAP SE12.10. Microsoft Corporation12.11. Cisco Systems Inc.

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Big Data Analytics Industry Report 2020 - Rapidly Increasing Volume & Complexity of Data, Cloud-Computing Traffic, and Adoption of IoT & AI...

Feature: Is Shadow’s cloud computing future the one we’re already living in? – MSPoweruser – MSPoweruser

Despite being built on a history of rocky releases and high-profile failures, cloud gaming seems poised to take on the mainstream gaming market in 2020 but this time with the power to succeed. Technology has moved on in leaps and bounds since the age old era of OnLive and now, with its passing, new cloud gaming services have risen from its ashes to take its place.

People think that cloud gaming is the future, like off in 2025, but no, I think cloud gaming is the present, like its today. Florian Giraud of Shadow told me back in December when I went to visit their London offices. Since then Ive had some time to test out Shadow for myself and see if their claims were true, and it looks like were we already living in the future.

Despite the technology already provably working, this might be the first time youre hearing of, or at least paying attention to, Shadow. Unlike Googles Stadia and what were likely to see from Microsofts upcoming xCloud service Shadow doesnt have a near infinite pool of money to market its way onto seemingly every ad block on every platform imaginable. Only those in the UK might have seen an ad for Shadow on YouTube around December, but even these were pardon the pun overshadowed by Stadias marketing efforts that dominated the advertising space.

You might expect the folks over at Shadow to be bitter about Google making Stadia synonymous with cloud gaming, but theyre actually relishing in their successes alongside them. Thats cool for us, because you have a lot of attention around cloud gaming that you didnt before, Giraud told me. Thanks to this push, Shadow has seen people taking cloud gaming seriously for the first time in a long time, effectively freeing the studio of the baggage of past failures Before, we were kind of a bit alone in this space, but now you have all the giants with the firepower in terms of commercial teams, and the marketing budget.

Shadow might be losing the marketing battle, but its not tapping out yet. The team believes in what theyve created and told me that Shadows users do too. In the community, like on Twitter, we have a lot of users, so they say you know what you can do on Stadia? You can do it on Shadow but better. Being better is what Shadow prides themselves on. For them, cloud computing is not just about gaming, but its about the freedom of having the power of an entire PC at your fingertips. I think that the clearest advance that we have, is the freedom. Its the absolute freedom.

To Shadow, its not a question of what youre able or even allowed to play through the cloud, as from the moment you start the client, it just works. Once people realise this, Giraud believes that the days of a gaming catalogue will be numbered as if you dont have the game that is really hype at the moment, if you dont have the game that everything thinks is cool, your catalogue is worth zero.

If Giraud is right, then the bubble of cloud gaming catalogues is soon to burst when gamers realise that having to compromise on what you play is no longer a requirement. However, with cloud gaming being built on such shaky foundations, people are still unsure whats possible and may be reluctant to believe its as good as claimed. Thats why rather than making bold claims through direct advertising, Shadow are focusing on perhaps the pickiest demographic out there to prove that Shadow really works.

Two years ago, we created this product with our priority target: the gamers. Florian explained to me. They are the ones who are the most demanding, they will see for sure if you have the tiniest latency. We thought that if we can convince gamers that playing with Shadow is the same thing as playing on your local PC, we could convince everyone to get rid of their old PC and switch to a cloud-based computer.

If youre already convinced, then you might be wondering what comes next for cloud computing. In the near future, things will most likely unambiguously be better. Improved encoding and decoding will see latency decrease, faster internet speeds and cooperation with internet service providers will allow for higher bandwidths and quality, and in-app developments will see usability and stability become concerns of the past.

While comforting, saying things are going to get generally better might not be the revolutionary step you were expecting, but were already past that point. If you wanted to throw out your PC and just stream from the cloud, then youre already living in the future where thats possible so long as you wait till pre-orders for Shadow Boost get delivered in April.

Its a lot more interesting then, when we look at the slightly more distant, but thrillingly real, future thats on the horizon. If cloud computing is widely adopted, then we could be looking at thinner and lighter form factors of phones, laptops, and even VR headsets that only need batteries, a screen, and an internet connection to have all the computing power thats ever needed.

Shadow believes that computing as we know it is all about to change: that cloud computing is so powerful that well eventually look back on desktops and bulky laptops as foreign objects. This is where we think we are all headed, of course its a long term, often you will say that bringing your laptop into a meeting like here, tomorrow it will be like today if you brought your own chair. It makes no sense.

With the increasing fallacy of Google Stadia becoming more and more apparent, cloud computing requires true merit: like Shadow. With Project xCloud, GeForce Now, PlayStation Now and more battling for pure game streaming, its time for success with a little more practicality.

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Feature: Is Shadow's cloud computing future the one we're already living in? - MSPoweruser - MSPoweruser

Study Explores: Cloud Computing in Education Market Will Generate Massive Revenue in Coming Years – Packaging News 24

The latest market intelligence study on Cloud Computing in Education relies on the statistics derived from both primary and secondary research to present insights pertaining to the forecasting model, opportunities, and competitive landscape of Cloud Computing in Education market for the forecast period 20192026.

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The major manufacturers covered in this report:

Scope of the Report

The research on the Cloud Computing in Education market concentrates on extracting valuable data on swelling investment pockets, significant growth opportunities, and major market vendors to help understand business owners what their competitors are doing best to stay ahead in the competition. The research also segments the Cloud Computing in Education market on the basis of end user, product type, application, and demography for the forecast period 20192026. Detailed analysis of critical aspects such as impacting factors and competitive landscape are showcased with the help of vital resources, which include charts, tables, and infographics.

Most important Products of Cloud Computing in Education covered in this report are:

Based on end user/application, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications:

For more clarity on the real potential of the Cloud Computing in Education market for the forecast period 20192026, the study provides vital intelligence on major opportunities, threats, and challenges posed by the industry. Additionally, a strong emphasis is laid on the weaknesses and strengths of a few prominent players operating in the same market. Quantitative assessment of the recent momentum brought about by events such as collaborations, acquisition and mergers, product launches and technology innovation empower product owners, as well as marketing professionals and business analysts make a profitable decision to reduce cost and increase their customer base.

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Study Explores: Cloud Computing in Education Market Will Generate Massive Revenue in Coming Years - Packaging News 24

‘Being a cloud-enabled government is a very positive thing for BC’: Insightful chat with CJ Ritchie, CIO at the Government of British Columbia – IT…

CJ Ritchie, the chief information officer at the Government of British Columbia, is a visionary leader taking a pragmatic view of what the future may hold for British Columbia. In the fall of 2019, an amendment to B.C.s Privacy laws regarding the use of cloud computing was passed to the benefit of public sector organizations and people across the province.

With the amended language comes the opportunity for the BC Government to drive significant value to constituents with discussions of achieving better health outcomes to how government agencies improve interaction with the people they serve. The amended language regarding the use of cloud computing essentially allows for modern technology to be considered for deployment. For example, leveraging public cloud infrastructure and cloud-enabled tools such as analytics and IoT to help with data-driven decision making.

At the centre of this new reality of how the province leverages technology is CJ Ritchie. From CJs unique vantage point, she is the best position to share a view of what the future may hold for us here in British Columbia to the benefit of our daily lives.

The BC Government, with its Digital Framework, is well-positioned for the future. I had a chat with CJ to gain insight into what drives her thinking on a variety of topics from cloud computing to the foundation of blockchain that will drive public sector innovation and move to a digital economy.

Brian: How significant is this change to the policy around cloud computing for the British Columbia public sector?

CJ: The Province has been using Canada-based cloud services for years, so the FOIPPA amendments dont represent a significant shift in policy but they are still important. What they do is authorize personal information to leave Canada for temporary processing only.

If we didnt amend the legislation, at some point in the not-too-distant future, BCs public bodies would have found themselves unable to keep using some of the worlds most common tools, such as email and word processing software things that are vital to our operations, and of course to meeting citizens expectations.

These amendments will also mean the public sector can adopt the next generation of cloud-based or cloud-enabled tools.

Brian: Youve mentioned that the focus needs to be on outcomes not the technology. Why is this important for people to understand?

CJ: While governments, including our own in British Columbia, have a long history of leadership in technology innovation BC is known, for example, for our leading work in digital identity through our BC Services Card we dont do this for the sake of the technology.

Technology isnt an end on its own for us. We work to modernize technology to continuously improve the services we provide to citizens. And I say continuously for a reason we have to maintain the relevance of the work we do to ensure continued trust in government as an institution.

So, as much as being a cloud-enabled government is a very positive thing for BC, its not because were excited about shiny new or not so new at this point when it comes to cloud infrastructure and services technology, its because of what our move to cloud will make possible, for the benefit of British Columbians.

Brian: What are some examples?

CJ: The adoption of cloud will accelerate and enhance work we already have already underway in areas like analytics, robotic process automation, the Internet of Things, remote sensing, and machine learning.

For example, an early deployment of cloud-enabled software in the BC Government powers our ability to analyze the quality of services being provided to citizens through any channel from their experience at a Service BC desk in their home town, through to a website and onto a call centre, or whatever path that service journey entails. This information allows us to improve that service at every point along the way.

As piloted in a handful of ministries, robotic process automation of routine tasks frees up capacity for our government staff to focus on higher-value work on things like Freedom of Information requests, natural resource permitting and meeting the needs of children in care. These pilots were previously challenged by an inability to use cloud-based tools. The Ministry of Transportation has cloud-enabled plans in place to enhance road safety through the use of sensors and the Internet of Things. And cloud will enhance our ability to use remote sensing and machine learning to augment data-driven decision-making in respect of things like Wildfire prediction.

Brian: Lets talk about engaging with British Columbians and government service delivery innovation. What are some of the biggest areas of opportunity for innovation at across the BC Government?

CJ: Think about why public service exists in the first place to help citizens. And the way we do that in 2020 needs to include a modern set of tools and delivery methods.

That means we need to embed innovation into our programs and priorities. First, we can do that by taking an ecosystem approach, looking across organizational boundaries to share data, tools, and knowledge.

Second, we can take a human-centred approach to service design. We want to meet citizens where they are at whether its in a time of crisis or on the couch at 11:30 at night. And thats where I see the biggest areas of opportunity.

For example, in the summer of 2018, BC was on fire. 1.4 million hectares of land were burning, and over 2000 people were evacuated. Almost 5000 were mobilized to fight the fires, and the cost of wildfire suppression reached $615 million. It was devastating.

To try to fight fires more effectively, the government took different data sources historical fire data, topographical maps, lightning strikes and layered it into 3D maps. This now allows emergency response teams and firefighters to model the spread of fire and fight them more effectively.

Another example. Before, when British Columbians were getting divorced, they would have to fill in forms and hand them in at a counter in the courts. People were having to go up to 7 times to hand in their forms, and they were getting turned away whenever there was a mistake in their paperwork. The errors were predictable, and it was a huge waste of time. Now theres an online do-it-yourself form that helps people fill in the paperwork, reduces errors, and hopefully decreases stress at a tough time.

Brian: How do you potentially harness the power of the data?

CJ: We are actually doing this harnessing the power of data through our Data Innovation Program, which helps us share data in a timely, safe, and secure way across ministry boundaries. This program uses integrated data and analytics to support population-level research in the public interest.

For example, through machine learning, we were able to identify patterns in the mental health services used by young people and their outcomes as adults an insight that can help the government improve services for this vulnerable population.

We are also working with some brilliant BC companies as well as academics to bring advanced analytics into our work.

Brian: Youve adopted blockchain. What important role does blockchain play into the technology vision?

CJ: Blockchain is really the foundation that will help BC move to a digital economy.As we become more and more of a digital government, we really need secure ways of sharing information. And we need to be confident that people and businesses are really who they say they are.Historically, people have had to set up logins, usernames and passwords to access online services, which can make us reliant on third parties who might not be entirely credible.In a world of surveillance capitalism where so many different entities are hungry for our data, that is not an option.

Thats why the Ministry of Citizens Services decided to use blockchain technology to power OrgBookBC, a corporate registry. But I think this is just the beginning.

Brian: The future looks exciting for the province. What needs to happen next for many of the topics weve discussed to come to fruition?

CJ: We have some exciting things happening in government, but they tend to happen in pockets. So the next big thing is coordinating this digital transformation across government and then accelerating it. This means working across organizational boundaries both inside and outside our organization to share data, share tools, to share our lessons learned.

Gone are the days of working as an isolated entity. I see co-development and working in the open as the only way forward.I do not believe that government corners the market on innovation, but in that discovery and acceptance, we are taking an ecosystem approach and tapping into our thriving tech community.Thats why we created the Exchange Lab. The Lab brings together teams with tough problems. The teams get paired up with internal or external tech talent and together they build solutions.There are up to twelve teams working in the lab at any time. Right now, there are lab teams working on conservation, environmental assessments, patient empowerment through health information and responding to climate change.

We know the digital era has brought forward complex social challenges but its also uncovered unlimited opportunities to collaborate with businesses of all sizes and deliver governments priorities at the fastest pace, lowest costs and greatest equity to British Columbians.

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'Being a cloud-enabled government is a very positive thing for BC': Insightful chat with CJ Ritchie, CIO at the Government of British Columbia - IT...

15 Most Interesting Cloud Native Trends From The CNCF Survey – Forbes

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has published the results of its annual survey conducted in October 2019. Among the 1337 respondents, 37% were from Europe, 38% from North America and 17% were from Asia. The survey respondents included architects, DevOps managers and backend developers.


Here are 15 interesting takeaways from the CNCF annual survey.

1. Kubernetes usage in production is skyrocketing

Compared to last year, Kubernetes usage in production has seen a dramatic rise. 78% of respondents are using Kubernetes in production, an impressive growth compared to 58% last year. Most of those testing Kubernetes last year moved into production resulting in a decrease of 48% in the evaluation.

CNCF Projects

2. Customers are running at least 2 to 5 Kubernetes clusters in production

43% of the respondents mentioned that they run anywhere between 2 to 5 Kubernetes clusters in production. This is expected to grow in the coming months.

Kubernetes Clusters

3. Public cloud is the most preferred destination while the hybrid cloud is gaining momentum

The majority (62%) of the respondents are running their workloads in the public cloud with remaining running in a hybrid cloud environment. With the push on Kubernetes-based hybrid cloud platforms, we will see an increase in the hybrid cloud adoption next year.

Infrastructure Choice

4. Containers are making their way to the production environments

According to CNCF, 84% of respondents are using containers in production, an impressive jump from 73% in 2018, and from 23% in the first survey conducted in 2016. Given the interest in microservices, Its not surprising to see a massive increase in container usage.

Container Usage

5. Amazon EKS is used by most respondents followed by GKE and AKS

AWS continues to be the most preferred cloud to run containers and Kubernetes. 29% of the respondents are using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) service. Within the 17% of Kops users, there would be clusters provisioned on Amazon EC2 making AWS the top cloud platform for Kubernetes. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is very close with 28% of respondents using it as the CaaS. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) combined with the legacy ACS Engine got decent traction of about 25% adoption from the respondents.

Container Orchestration

6. Developers are facing a cultural challenge in embracing containers and cloud native

Cultural challenges with the development team, security, complexity, readiness and monitoring are the top 5 challenges in adopting cloud native technologies.

Challenges in Using Cloud Native

7. Istio is the top service mesh used by early adopters

CNCF introduced a new survey category on service mesh. Only 20% of respondents are using it in production while 50% 50% of respondents are evaluating the use of a service mesh. Istio followed by Consul are the most popular service mesh platforms.

Service Mesh

8. Block storage services in the public cloud is the de facto storage engine

With stateful workloads becoming mainstream on Kubernetes, storage becomes the key. Given that most of the workloads on running in the public cloud, its not surprising to see the cloud-based block storage services are the most preferred backends for stateful workloads running in production.

Storage Choices

9. AWS Lambda is the most popular Functions as a Service (FaaS) platform

Though not directly related to Kubernetes, customers are using Functions as a Service (FaaS) along with containers. AWS Lambda took a huge lead with Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions as distant second and third.

Serverless Platforms

10. Knative gets the top slot in Kubernetes-based serverless platform

Event-driven, serverless frameworks on Kubernetes are gaining traction among cloud native developers. With 34% of respondents voting for Knative, it is the most popular serverless framework followed by OpenFaaS, Kubeless and Virtual Kubelet.

Serverless on Kubernetes

11. Helm is the most preferred tool for packaging Kubernetes applications

Helm is touted as the apt-get install of Kubernetes. Its not at all surprising to see Helm as the most popular packaging tool for Kubernetes.

Packaging Choices

12. Nginx is the leading ingress provider

Nginx and Nginx Plus as ingress are used by most of the Kubernetes users. Envoy as a standalone ingress is also growing fast.

Ingress Usage

13. Minikube is the most favorite Kubernetes environment

Minikube is the reason why Kubernetes has become accessible to developers. Though Docker Desktop has Kubernetes embedded in it, many developers still prefer Minikube.

Kubernetes Dev Environment

14. Prometheus and CoreDNS are the fastest-growing CNCF projects

Within the graduated projects of CNCF, Prometheus and CoreDNS are fastest growing after Kubernetes. Prometheus is becoming the de facto for collecting and aggregating the metrics while CoreDNS provides naming services for the cluster.

CNCF Projects

15. The etcd database is the most widely used CNCF incubating projet

Kubernetes clusters rely on an in-memory, distributed database for maintaining the state. The etcd project, which is currently in the incubation stage, is found in almost in every Kubernetes deployment. Many projects and applications rely on etcd due to its smaller footprint and simplified management.

CNCF Incubation Projects

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15 Most Interesting Cloud Native Trends From The CNCF Survey - Forbes

UK Healthcare Cloud Computing Market investigated in the latest research – WhaTech Technology and Markets News

UK Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Application (Clinical Information Systems and Nonclinical Information Systems) By Deployment Type (Private Cloud, Public Cloud and Hybrid Cloud) Forecast period (2019-2025)

UK healthcare cloud computing market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR around 21.3% during the forecast period. The digitalization of banking, Insurance, healthcare and business services in the country are the key driver for the growth of the market.

According to the, the country has been a notable destination for cloud services due to advanced economy and mature IT market.


National, regional and local government and private companies are major buyers of cloud services. Large companies are adopting cloud technology more quickly than smaller firms, with uptake rates around 96% and 76%, respectively.

IaaS had generated interest among IT decision makers particularly in SMEs, which have driven the value of cloud segment to a large extent.

Government cloud spending is growing quickly as public sector is seeking to catch up with private sector cloud adoption. The UK government G-cloud framework allows the government to directly buy services from suppliers after reaching an agreement on basic terms of use.

This saves the cost of individual procurement contracts, although a call-off contract is still required for every procurement deal and the government ensures the value of each sale is publicly available. Further, increasing R&D investment in the medical and healthcare sector is estimated to drive the growth of the UK healthcare cloud computing market.

UK Healthcare cloud computing market is segmented on the basis of application and deployment type. Based on application, the market is segmented into clinical information systems and nonclinical information systems.

Based on deployment type, the market is segmented into private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud.


UK Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Segmentation

By Application

By Deployment Type

Company Profiles


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UK Healthcare Cloud Computing Market investigated in the latest research - WhaTech Technology and Markets News

Google Cloud’s Thomas Kurian: ‘A Lot Of Anxiety’ Around Coronavirus – CRN: Technology news for channel partners and solution providers

Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian noted apprehension about the unknowns surrounding the global outbreak of the deadly coronavirus as a factor in changing the cloud providers annual Next 20 conference to an online event.

With the virus, there's obviously a lot of anxiety, because people are still trying to it spreads, what its impact is, because it's still early days, Kurian told CRN on Tuesday. We've seenfrom the medical literature as well as from the WHO (World Health Organization) and the (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that isolation is a good vehicle to reduce the risk of spreading it. And so, rather than bring a lot of people to an auditorium, we thought that we would reach them through a digital medium.

Google Cloud announced yesterday that its upcoming Next 20 conference, which was slated for April 6-8 at San Franciscos Moscone Center, is being changed to a virtual format to limit travel amid the global outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In an email sent to attendees registered for the conference, Google Cloud said it is transforming its premiere cloud computing event under new branding as Google Cloud Next 20: Digital Connect. The decision was made in the interests of our customers as well as our employees, Kurian told CRN at Google Clouds headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif.

Kurian noted that while more than 30,000 people attended last years Next 19 conference in person in San Francisco, there were millions who watched it online.

Joseph Tsidulko contributed to this report.

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Google Cloud's Thomas Kurian: 'A Lot Of Anxiety' Around Coronavirus - CRN: Technology news for channel partners and solution providers

TriggerMesh Joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation – Yahoo Finance

TriggerMesh's cloud native integration platform enables service orchestration by consuming events from any data center or cloud source

RALEIGH, N.C. and GENEVA, March 3, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --TriggerMesh, a Kubernetes based cloud native integration platform provider, today announced the company has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). As a Silver Member, TriggerMesh is formally showing support for Kubernetes and the CNCF Serverless Working Group driving the CloudEvents specification.

"The co-founders of TriggerMesh have been deeply involved in Kubernetes and CNCF through their entire history," said Dan Kohn, executive director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. "We're thrilled to see them launch TriggerMesh, which will be able to leverage CNCF's CloudEvents project and accelerate its acceptance in the enterprise."

CNCF, which was founded in 2015, is a non-profit member organization of the Linux Foundation that promotes cloud native computing and has more than 300 member companies, including leading public cloud operators.

"CNCF is the home of Kubernetes, one of the most important cloud technologies today," said Mark Hinkle, Co-Founder, TriggerMesh. "Joining CNCF plays an important role in growing awareness of TriggerMesh as it creates the cloud native integration platform for the serverless era."

TriggerMesh'a cloud native integration platform coordinates multiple cloud services and legacy applications into serverless workflows. TriggerMesh accelerates development speed and unifies multiple clouds and legacy infrastructure.

TriggerMesh is an exhibitor and sponsor (booth #SU66) of KubeCon Europe 2020, the official Kubernetes user and developer event, which takes place March 30 through April 2 in Amsterdam. TriggerMesh Co-Founder and Head of Product Sebastien Goasguen will be presenting at Serverless Practitioners Summit, a full-day single-track serverless conference that follows the initial successful work in the CNCF serverless working group and surrounding projects. In the presentation, Sebastien will discuss serverless use-cases (including LEGO, HSBC, Vanguard), highlight common patterns and show how these patterns can be reproduced with technologies like Knative and the CloudEvents specification. To schedule an onsite meeting with TriggerMesh, send an email request to

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About TriggerMesh TriggerMesh's cloud native integration platform breaks down silos and brings together cloud computing, SaaS, and on-premises applications. TriggerMesh event-driven cloud service bus provides the mechanism for connecting application workflows across varied infrastructures. TriggerMesh enables companies to modernize their legacy systems, proprietary platforms, and custom integration code to extend their existing investment. Not only can you modernize existing applications but you can chain microservices and serverless functions across multiple clouds and on-premises data centers to create new cloud native applications. For more information, visit

SOURCE TriggerMesh

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TriggerMesh Joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation - Yahoo Finance

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is the cloud’s chance to shine – IT PRO

In one of my favourite episodes of The Simpson, Mr Burns opens a casino in Springfield and locks himself away in a panic room. He watches all the other characters as they gamble on CCTV, zooming in to see the spread of germs. He becomes paranoid, refusing to leave the room and letting his beard and nails grow ridiculously long as he slowly descends into madness.

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Such is the tattered reputation of Facebook, its easy to picture Mark Zuckerberg holed up in a panic room watching a crowd of developers cough and spread the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus all over San Francisco. Thankfully, the company has put health and safety first and cancelled the F8 conference.

Google has done the same, deciding to reimagine Cloud Next 20 as a virtual conference due to the growing concerns over the impact of COVID-19. Currently, the concerns are that it is likely to spread to major cities. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said it puts the world in uncharted territory, but it can be contained with the right measures.

Cancelling big events is a very good measure, in my opinion, but whats even better particularly for technology companies is that they use the cloud computing they champion to showcase what it can actually do. You dont need to travel anywhere when you can see it all via the internet we can all be Monty Burns.

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This is what Google has chosen to do with Cloud Next 20. Its now a free, global, digital-first, multi-day event, the company has announced. This will include streamed keynotes where you wont have to get dressed and you wont lose your seat if you go get a cuppa. You can also see the breakout sessions, talk to the experts and check out all the new products and services without leaving your house.

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A guide to how Office 365 builds a modern workplace

It probably couldnt have been set up in such a short time, but this would have also been a perfect opportunity to use virtual and augmented reality technologies. Imagine popping a headset on and your living room turns into one of Googles breakout sessions. This was done for an Oculus event in 2018, so it is very much possible. There is so much more we can do with cloud computing and it seems that COVID-19 might be the catalyst for us to find out what.

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Anyone who attends the big tech events knows that they are huge. A company usually spreads its keynote and other sessions around a building thats often too big to see all of it. You need a strict plan to get in, see the whole three hours of what the CEO and their co-presenters have to say and then sprint off to meet with developers, experts or journalists in some far-flung corner. Wouldn't it be better for all involved if instead, on your laptop in the comfort of your own home, you can just click your way around or have multiple meetings at once and conserve finger energy.

This could also be an everyday reality (for some of us) as governments around the world look set to advise people to work from home. People in California have tested positive for COVID-19 and Italys Serie A football league has been put on hold as cases have popped up in northern parts of the country. Its shutdown factories and offices across China and is now wreaking chaos across South Korea. There is a likelihood that its coming to a town near you too, with 39 reported cases in the UK, according to Sky. While we can all do our bit and wash our hands and avoid unnecessary travel, working remotely might just be the best solution for containment.

I would put forward a concern about Wi-Fi speeds, given the UK isnt exactly leading the way in that area. And, theres also the likelihood of outages as more and more of us lean on the internet for work, but hey, that probably isnt as frustrating as spreading a virus thats potentially deadly to those with existing conditions.

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COVID-19 isnt a pandemic yet why not log in to the cloud and keep it that way? Open all the platforms and services your laptop can manage, pull-on a VR headset and immerse yourself in work, virtually. You can attend all the technology conferences you want via the internet and, best of all, getting dressed is optional.

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The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is the cloud's chance to shine - IT PRO

Eficode Joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation – Embedded Computing Design

Helsinki, Finland, 27 February 2020 -Today, Eficode, Europes leading DevOps company, announced that it joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and becomes a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP).

TheCNCFis the home of open-source projects such as Kubernetes and Prometheus. As early adopters of container and cloud native technologies, it was a natural step for Eficode to join the CNCF.

We are truly proud to be joining the CNCF. Eficode wants to play an active role in building the future of the cloud native ecosystem and leading the transition to cutting-edge technologies, says Marko Klemetti, CTO of Eficode.

"We are delighted to have companies like Eficode, a widely recognized DevOps solution provider in the Nordic countries, join CNCF, and look forward to their contribution to the cloud native community," said Dan Kohn, Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Eficode qualified as a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider on the basis of years of experience in Kubernetes consulting and training. The KCSP program is a pre-qualified tier of vetted service providers who have deep experience in helping enterprises adopt Kubernetes.

Cloud native complements our DevOps mission

Increasing automation, continuous improvement and cross-collaboration between teams form the core of Eficodes DevOps mission. A cloud native approach enables automation and agility, while empowering teams to build digital products scalably and with high availability.

By combining the use of containers, Kubernetes, and Continuous Delivery solutions, we can help our clients exceed their DevOps objectives, says Marko Klemetti.

Press contacts

Ilari Nurmi, CEO of Eficode,, +358 40 577 5084

Marko Klemetti, CTO of Eficode,,+358 44 522 5927

Eficodeis the leading DevOps company in Europe, driving the DevOps movement across seven countries with ideas that put customer value and team satisfaction on center stage. Eficode was doing DevOps before the term even existed by advising global brands on how to make software more effectively. Today, Eficode uses its unmatched DevOps expertise to transform companies and builds solutions which harness automation and cloud computing. Eficodes community of more than 300 professionals are building the future of software development together. To find out more,

To learn more about Eficodes Kubernetes and cloud native expertise,

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Eficode Joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation - Embedded Computing Design

This time, Microsoft will ensure Cloud is not just a pie in the sky – BusinessLine

Microsoft may have missed the mobile race and traditionally worked in a closed ecosystem, but one revolution which it will certainly not miss out on is the Cloud that is gaining ground in India and around the world.

Satya Nadella, the third CEO of Microsoft who is credited with changing the direction of the company with a revised mission statement, wants to do exactly that. The companys new mission statement reads: Empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more. Microsoft is open to working with companies and technologies with which it competes.

Currently, around 50 per cent of Microsofts India revenues comes from its cloud computing infrastructure and services, which were under 20 per cent just three to four years back. However, under Nadellas leadership, Microsoft aspires to be one of the forerunners in the cloud computing business, taking on rivals AWS, IBM and Google, say analysts.

Microsoft Azure is the Swiss Army Knife of Cloud and not just a knife and is poised to be one of the forerunners of the Cloud wars that will play out in 2020-21. It is a multi-purpose cloud that can cater to the needs of large enterprises, the developer community and the digital-first economy of new age start-ups, says Sanchit Vir Gogia, Chief Analyst of Greyhound Research.

He further said, Microsoft has forged deep partnerships with Reliance Jio; it is expanding its engagement with new-age start-ups like Myntra, Ola, InMobi; is investing heavily in B2B start-ups by powering them with Azure and working closely with the Government to be empanelled as a priority partner for cloud. It also has Azure ARC as its hybrid, multi-cloud platform.

At the Future Decoded Tech Summit in Bengaluru on Tuesday, Nadella said developers must dream about creating a broad cross-sectoral impact in the Indian economy in every sector including retail, healthcare, agri-tech. He said one of the most important responsibilities of the 4.2-million strong developer community in India one of the largest communities in the world must be to create a more inclusive world by building trust into technology, around privacy and AI models that are deployed, and core cyber security of assets and customers data.

We have 57 data centre regions around the world; we have three regions in India. We will build the infrastructure for openness, so that every layer of the tech stack should meet the real world needs. As we are expanding around the world with all these regions, that means we are also maintaining all the data sovereignty/residency laws. If a start-up developer wants to build an app and reach the world, there cant be a better time than now. We are compliant with all the regulations in the world, said Nadella.

An analyst tracking Microsoft said Nadella is transforming Microsoft from a traditional on-premise software company to a cloud computing services company and has opened up the company to open source software/technologies; forged partnerships with other organisations and made significant investments in SaaS (software as a service) and PaaS (platform as a service).

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This time, Microsoft will ensure Cloud is not just a pie in the sky - BusinessLine

Check Point Software Technologies Recognized as a Microsoft Security 20/20 Partner Award Winner for Most Prolific Integration Partner – Yahoo Finance

Microsoft Azure customers select Check Point as their top choice for cloud security

SAN CARLOS, Calif., Feb. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Check Point Software Technologies today announced it has been named a Microsoft Security 20/20 award winner for the Most Prolific Integration Partner category. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation, integration, and customer implementation with Microsoft technology.

At the inaugural Microsoft Security 20/20 partner awards, held February 23, Microsoft announced award winners in 16 categories that span security integration partners, system integrators and managed security service providers. Check Point Software Technologies is a winner for Microsoft Security 20/20 Most Prolific Partner award.

Today, the cloud computing environment is the most complex it has ever been. The number of cloud services offered to enterprises has grown exponentially. The manner in which businesses store and scale data has changed dramatically. At the same time, the number of technologies deployable in the cloud has multiplied significantly, while application architecture has moved to micro-services, which has redefined the perimeter for security to that of the workload. All of these changes have made for a drastic increase in attack surface in todays cloud computing environment. Enterprises everywhere face the stern reality of multiple attack points - both ephemeral in nature and fragmented across a vast landscape in the cloud.

To meet the unique security needs of todays cloud and that of Azure customers, Microsoft and Check Point began working together. Microsoft shares Check Points belief that prevention supersedes detection. That, if youve detected an attack - most likely in the form of a breach - it means that you are already undergoing damage control to your company and brand. As a result, multiple integrations connect Microsoft and Check Point CloudGuard security products, including Azure Security Center, Azure Sentinel and Intune. These integrations ensure the assets of Azure customers are fully protected while allowing them to benefit from the elastic, dynamic and cost effective nature of Azure cloud.

Azure customers are choosing Check Point as their top choice in cloud security. Microsofts Most Prolific Integration Partner Award underscores Check Points leadership and vision in cloud security, and further emphasizes Check Points ability to meet the new and complex nature that surrounds todays cloud.

Microsoft and Check Point have significantly aligned their efforts, said Itai Greenberg, VP, Product Management and Product Marketing Check Point Software Technologies. Security is continually cited as a key barrier to wide-spread enterprise cloud adoption and expansion. Together, Microsoft and Check Point deliver one of the most advanced threat prevention solution to Azure customers, keeping their cloud network, data and applications protected from the most sophisticated Gen VI cyberattacks today.

Only through collaborations can organizations help customers get clarity and become more secure. The security ecosystem must work together to create a vision for the future where people, information, and companies are made safer. Microsoft Security 20/20 provides an opportunity to honor Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions and services during the past year.

Deployed by over 4,000 organizations worldwide, the Check Point CloudGuard portfolio of cloud security solutions addresses all aspects of the Cloud threat landscape. The solution delivers public and private cloud advanced threat prevention, posture management and compliance, runtime protection for cloud workloads, SaaS application security, as well as cloud threat intelligence and analytics.

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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading provider of cyber security solutions to governments and corporate enterprises globally. Check Points solutions protect customers from 5thgeneration cyber-attacks with an industry leading catch rate of malware, ransomware and advanced targeted threats. Check Point offers a multilevel security architecture, Infinity Total Protectionwith Gen V advanced threat prevention,this combined product architecture defends an enterprises cloud, network andmobile devices. Check Point provides the most comprehensive and intuitive one point of control security management system. Check Point protects over 100,000 organizations of all sizes.

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Check Point Software Technologies Recognized as a Microsoft Security 20/20 Partner Award Winner for Most Prolific Integration Partner - Yahoo Finance

Comprehensive Growth of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market is thriving worldwide with Microsoft, International Business Machines (IBM), Dell, ORACLE…

A new informative report on the global Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market titled as, Cloud Computing in Healthcare has recently published by Contrive Datum Insights to its humongous database which helps to shape the future of the businesses by making well-informed business decisions. It offers a comprehensive analysis of various business aspects such as global market trends, recent technological advancements, market shares, size, and new innovations. Furthermore, this analytical data has been compiled through data exploratory techniques such as primary and secondary research. Moreover, an expert team of researchers throws light on various static as well as dynamic aspects of the global Cloud Computing in Healthcare market.

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The research lists key companies operating in the global market and also highlights the key changing trends adopted by the companies to maintain their dominance. By using SWOT analysis and Porters five force analysis tools, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of key companies are all mentioned in the report. All leading players in this global market are profiled with details such as product types, business overview, sales, manufacturing base, competitors, applications, and specifications.

Global Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market is thriving worldwide with Microsoft, International Business Machines (IBM), Dell, ORACLE, Carestream Health, Merge Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Athenahealth, Agfa-Gevaert, CareCloud.

Different leading key players have been profiled to get better insights into the businesses. It offers detailed elaboration on different top-level industries which are functioning in global regions. It includes informative data such as company overview, contact information, and some significant strategies followed by key players.

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The report is based on research done specifically on consumer goods. The goods have bifurcated depending on their use and type. The type segment contains all the necessary information about the different forms and their scope in the global Cloud Computing in Healthcare market. The application segment defines the uses of the product. It points out the various changes that these products have been through over the years and the innovation that players are bringing in. The focus of the report on the consumer goods aspect helps in explaining changing consumer behavior that will impact the global Cloud Computing in Healthcare market.

Regional outlook:

Geographically, the global Cloud Computing in Healthcare market has been analyzed in various regions such as North America, Latin America, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, and India. The global region is dominating this market in the upcoming future.

Different questions addressed through this research report:

Table of Content (TOC):

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview

Chapter 2 Industry Cost Structure and Economic Impact

Chapter 3 Rising Trends and New Technologies with Major key players

Chapter 4 Global Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market Analysis, Trends, Growth Factor

Chapter 5 Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market Application and Business with Potential Analysis

Chapter 6 Global Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market Segment, Type, Application

Chapter 7 Global Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market Analysis (by Application, Type, End User)

Chapter 8 Major Key Vendors Analysis of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market

Chapter 9 Development Trend of Analysis

Chapter 10 Conclusion

For More Information:,-Growth,-Industry-Analysis-and-Forecast-To-2026=5903

Any special requirements about this report, please let us know and we can provide custom report.

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Comprehensive Growth of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market is thriving worldwide with Microsoft, International Business Machines (IBM), Dell, ORACLE...

EdgeConneX Sees Growth in New Wave of Edge Applications – Data Center Frontier

Cabinets inside a data hall in an EdgeConneX data center facility. (Photo: EdgeConneX)

Edge computing is all about knitting together a growing universe of devices and applications. Colocation provider EdgeConneX has been on the front edge of this trend, working with a range of stakeholders to enable distributed computing.

We continue to see cloud content going further and deeper, said Randy Brouckman, the CEO of EdgeConneX, This is wave three of the edge. This is going beyond the on-ramps and moving to specialized instances of cloud.

This week EdgeConneX announced a multi-site deployment for one of those new cloud providers. Ori Technologies will deploy its global edge cloud platform at EdgeConneX facilities in Amsterdam, Munich and Warsaw.

The companies say the partnership will adddress common challenges developers face when deploying compute, storage and network resources across different providers, a critical requirement with apps for the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, gaming and other edge-dependent services in Europe.

The next generation of cloud is driven by collaboration, says Mahdi Yahya, CEO at Ori Industries. But a gap currently exists between the needs of IT developers and the business models of MNOs (mobile network operators) and other telecommunications companies. Our technology merges the two, creating an ecosystem that gives infrastructure providers the necessary tools to transform their footprint into distributed edge-clouds, instantly ready to power applications in a fast, flexible and intelligent way.

Yahya said working with EdgeConneX allows Ori to help a growing number of developers build the exciting latency-sensitive applications of tomorrow.

In our 2020 Forecast we predicted that the economics of edge computing will come into sharp relief in 2020. End users and investors will focus on near-term cost/benefit analyses rather than long-term potential.

Ori is keenly focused on this challenge, using software to tie together disparate networks which could involve ISPs, data centers, telcos and smart cities infrastructure and manage and orchestrate these networks so developers can deploy workloads seamlessly across them. The Ori Global Edge allows participating networks to define how they offer resources, and simplify how developers can use these platforms.

Developers need the ability to dictate where their edge is and simplify workload deployment among distributed locations, says Dick Theunissen, Managing Director for EMEA at EdgeConneX. Thats exactly what Oris deployment in our data centers enables and how EdgeConneX can empower the edge for cloud service providers. Developers in Amsterdam, Munich and Warsaw can locally access Oris platform with the services in our edge data centers.

EdgeConneX sees this as the third wave of edge deployments. The first wave involved the growth of over the top (OTT) streaming video from Netflix and other new content services. The second wave was the mainstreaming of cloud services.

The third wave is driven by next-generation technologies including AI, 5G, the IoT, virtual and augmented reality and autonomous vehicles.

Each of these new technologies creates tons of data and bottlenecks at the edge, said Phillip Marangella, Chief Marketing Officer of EdgeConneX. This is what we mean when we say we are now seeing the next wave of edge computing, and are architecting the edge.

The Internet was not constructed to handle the traffic flows of today, Marangella says, and will get more congested in the coming months and years. He provided a deeper dive into these trends in a recent Voices of the Industry column on key trends for 2020.

EdgeConneX was an early player in edge computing, and was distinctive in its attention to evolving workloads and their requirements. The company built data centers at key network pain points, designed to handle high-density racks and operate without on-site staff. That vision has positioned EdgeConneX as an experienced hand in a young ecosystem, where the customers range from startups to tech giants.

EdgeConneX CEO Randy Brouckman (left) and Chief Marketing Officer Phillip Marangella at the recent PTC20 conference in Honolulu. (Photo: Rich Miller)

In a recent discussion at the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC20) conference in Honolulu, Brouckman and Marangella outlined how EdgeConneX is building its platform to address these trends.

Theres so much data being generated at the edge, said Marangella. Were a brick and mortar CDN. Since we established that edge platform, it allows us to bring cloud to the edge.

In its early days, EdgeConneX helped cable companies extend their networks to cell towers and office buildings. Then came Netflix and the surge in OTT traffic, which stressed the networks of cable operators and telecoms. The solution was a national network of edge data centers that could cache video content locally, easing the traffic burden on network operators.

EdgeConneX built 24 data centers in about 18 months, extending large-scale content distribution to second-tier markets across the U.S. and Europe. Each facility was a 2- to 4-megawatt data center with about 10,000 square feet of space, with an anchor tenant that was usually a cable multi-system operator (MSO) like Comcast, which is an investor in EdgeConneX.

EdgeConneX has continued to grow in some of these regional markets, including Atlanta, Toronto, Miami, Denver, Portland and Phoenix. Youll see us to continue to grow and fill out the second and third builds in those type of markets, Marangella said. Were pretty well established in the States.

Were also seeing a ton of demand in Europe and South America, he added. With GDPR, theres so much demand in Europe. Were also going to have some dots on the map in South America. Its just not good enough to serve it from Miami and Dallas.

In recent years, EdgeConneX has begun working with hyperscale providers, building large data center campuses in Amsterdam, Dublin and Chicago.

We love that we have this inertia, said Marangella. Form factor doesnt matter to us. Were building for the customer, and have the ability to span the entire spectrum. Were starting to do cable landing stations, and we do hyperscale data centers where well have 100 megawatts.

The companys data centers are designed as lights out unmanned facilities, using sophisticated monitoring and remote hands for maintenance. These things have to be unmanned to be economic to be economically viable, said Marangella. Thats where EdgeOS comes in.

EdgeConneX use its EdgeOS data center operating system to monitor and manage its facilities, with more than 500,000 sensors used in the companys data centers, monitored every 15 milliseconds. Facilities are managed from a central network operations center in Santa Clara, with remote hands support when on-site maintenance is required. The company has the ability to remotely control the generators and UPS systems at each data center.

In addition to Ori, EdgeConneX has worked to deploy networks focused on the Internet of Things, and network specialists providing cloud on-ramps. In 2020, the company sees growth opportunities in cloud gaming, where a new breed of platforms are seeking to deliver content to a latency-sensitive audience.

Latency is a big deal for multiplayer gaming, said Marangella. They do not want to have the network impact their business.

Gaming is getting bigger, said Brouckman. The technology can now happen in the cloud, and you couldnt say that a few years ago. Gaming also features lots of power density.

The market for distributed computing is expanding, and Brouckman believes that may be the case for a while.

Its not even early innings, he said. Its very early, and very active.

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EdgeConneX Sees Growth in New Wave of Edge Applications - Data Center Frontier

What is cloud computing | IBM

Enterprises eager to undergo digital transformations and modernize their applications are quick to see the value of adopting a cloud computing platform. They are increasingly finding business agility or cost savings by renting software. Each cloud computing service and deployment model type provides you with different levels of control, flexibility and management. Therefore, its important to understand the differences between them.

Common convention points to public cloud as the delivery model of choice. But, when considering the right architecture of cloud computing for your applications and workloads, you must begin by addressing the unique needs of your business.

This can include many factors, such as government regulations, security, performance, data residency, service levels, time to market, architecture complexity, skills and preventing vendor lock-in. Add in the need to incorporate the emerging technologies, and you can see why IT leaders are challenging the notion that cloud computing migration is easy.

At first glance, the types of cloud computing seem simple: public, private or a hybrid mix of both. In reality, the choices are many. Public cloud can include shared, dedicated and bare metal delivery models. Fully and partially managed clouds are also options. And, in some cases, especially for existing applications where architectures are too complex to move or the cost-benefit ratio is not optimal, cloud may not be the right choice.

The right model depends on your workload. You should understand the advantages and disadvantages of each cloud deployment model and take a methodical approach to determining which workloads to move to which type of cloud for the maximum benefit.

Dive deeper into specific cloud service and deployment models, cloud computing architecture and cloud computing examples

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What is cloud computing | IBM