Jeanine Pirro Thinks Big Tech is Censoring Her Text Messages – Mediaite

Fox News hosts MariaBartiromo and Jeanine Pirro both leveled somewhat comical claims over the weekend that they were being censored by big tech companies.

Pirro began the weekend by claiming her private text messages were censored.

I just received 2 texts from friends. At end each read Preceding msg modified, Media objects were removed WHATShouldnt my friends and I decide what we share? #censorship #outrage #BigTech, Pirro tweeted, early on Saturday morning.

Pirro did not specify which company Apple or a cellular provider? carried out the alleged censorship. There is a simpler explanation for what happened to Pirro than the vast conspiracy she is alleging. It is likely that the messages she received exceeded 160 characters, or perhaps included a large image that required a lot of data to be downloaded both instances are said to produce the fairly benign message.

On Fox and Friends Sunday morning, Bartiromo launched a big tech conspiracy theory of her own. Ahead of her interview with President Donald Trump, the Fox anchor claimed that Instagram was censoring her by preventing one of her friends from sharing a promotional post about the interview.

You know what big tech has been doing, Bartiromo said.

Ive got to tell you, last night I posted on Instagram that I was having President Trump on in this exclusive interview this morning. One of my girlfriends tried to forward that, and she was not able to. Instagram would not let her forward the promotion that I was having President Trump on this morning, on Instagram.

It is unclear what prevented Bartiromos friend from forwarding the post.

The phenomenon of claiming censorship isnt a new one for Fox News hosts. Back in October, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett floated the theory that his Wi-Fi connection cut out because he wrote a negative op-ed about Joe Biden.

Watch above, via Fox News.

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Jeanine Pirro Thinks Big Tech is Censoring Her Text Messages - Mediaite

Censorship In The Biden Era – OpEd – Eurasia Review

The corporate media have joined the incoming administration in deciding what we can and cannot see and hear.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 the country has been warned about the dangers of fascism. It isnt difficult to see why that is the case, as he banned people from mostly Muslim nations from entering the country, separated families seeking asylum, weakened an already frayed safety net, and undid the protections provided by a variety of government regulations.

The racist right wing was certainly ascendant during his administration, but the danger of fascism wont leave Washington with Donald Trump. The obnoxious racist may be the public face of tyranny, but there is another danger coming from sectors of the Democratic Party. Their goal is to censor any points of view that undermine their neoliberal and imperialist narratives.

Bill Russo, deputy communications director for the Joe Biden campaign, publicly demanded that Facebook censor more often than it already does. He and others do so under the guise of preventing Trump from spreading misinformation, using the likes of Steve Bannon as a cover for something more sinister. They may accuse Facebook of shredding the fabric of democracy, but they are more interested in making sure that the small group of people who are actually leftists will have no platform with which to oppose Biden policies.

The corporate media have already made themselves clear by censoring the president himself. On November 5, 2020 Trump claimed to be a victim of election fraud at a White House news conference. Instead of allowing him to make his statement and then analyzing what he said, the television networks pronounced him a liar andcut awayfrom his remarks.

Trumps charges are unfounded, but the public should have heard him for themselves and made their own determination about the veracity of his words. But the corporate media are done with him and have joined the incoming administration in deciding what we can and cannot see and hear. They are declaring themselves the arbiters of what information should be made accessible to the rest of the world.

These open attacks against Facebook do require the left to be discerning. Big technology social media platforms are certainly not our friends. They readily silence individuals and pages that question the establishment narrative. Black people risk being kicked off entirely if they utter any words white people may find offensive. But Facebook already buckled under Democratic Party pressure that was ginned up during the Russiagate hoax. They even accepted blame for a non-existent offense. The tale of Russian government memes throwing the election to Trump was false and a useful way to silence dissent and attack another country all at once. It isnt hard to believe that they will again bend to an establishment that is now back in power.

While keeping Facebooks history in mind, we must also see through the machinations of a new group of thought police who have made clear that they expect social media to bow to their dictates. That is exactly what Twitter did in censoring a recent news story that was unflattering toHunter Biden. After protecting the Democratic candidates son, Twitters CEO showed contrition after the fact and claimed the decision was a mistake.

It isnt just corporate media who are a danger here. There are individuals on the Biden transition team who have publicly stated their support for official propaganda.Richard Stengelis the team leader for the United States Global Agency, which includes Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Middle Eastern Broadcasting Networks. In 2018 Stengel had this to say about official propaganda,My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the chief propagandist. Im not against propaganda. Every country does it, and they have to do it to their own population. And I dont necessarily think its that awful. It should be noted that Stengel worked for the State Department during the Barack Obama administration and not that of fascist Trump.

It is clear that Biden will be the more effective evil in this regard. There will be no buffoons like Trump or Bannon spewing obvious hatred and nonsense who can be easily dismissed. Instead we will have well spoken operatives like Stengel, who think that propaganda isnt so bad.

The people need their own platforms, like Black Agenda Report, that will dissect the lies and obfuscations of an administration greeted with a sigh of relief by millions of people weary of Trump and his policies. Already fossil fuel companies and Congress members who benefit from their largesse are on the transition team as are chemical industry representatives slated to go to the EPA. All will end up in the White House along with self-confessed propagandists. We must be ready to engage them all.


Censorship In The Biden Era - OpEd - Eurasia Review

Ex-Employee Confesses! Behind-the-Scenes of Google Censorship – The Liberty Web English

An interview with an ex-employee who, after witnessing Googles censorship, submitted nearly 1,000 internal documents to the U.S. Department of Justices Antitrust Division.

Zach Vorhies

Software Engineer. Worked at Google until 2019.

You have released nearly 1,000 of documents describing Googles censorship regime, and this whistle-blowing created a major impact on people in Washington. Especially, there are many republicans who are concerned about Big Techs censorship, like Senator Ted Cruz. Did you get any reaction from those politicians or government officials?

Vorhies: Yes. Senator Ted Cruz is an ally. Weve been working with him to help with the questions that hes trying to ask. Specifically, what Googles page rank is on websites and individuals. And they have been asking Google what the page rank is, and Google refuses to give the page rank for websites. They will ignore this question. They will beat around the bush regarding this question. They will not answer the question. And the reason why is because if people see what the page rank is, thats going to be a very uncomfortable answer for Google. And its going to lead to more questions. And the crux of the entire ranking of the internet is Googles secret page rank score that they have for each website that exists on the internet.

The page rank score on each website reflects what Wikipedia has to say about that website. The score is broken down into three categories: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. And the way that Google has instructed its employees to rank every website is that they tell them to go and see what Wikipedia has to say about that website or the person or the topic. For example, if you go to The New York Times and you look at the Wikipedia page, you will see that Wikipedia says very nice things about The New York Times. Now for those of us that are the common people, its very clear that The New York Times is the enemy of the United States. But unfortunately, the page rank for this website is very high. And therefore, the articles that are pushed out by The New York Times are ranked highest and are returned in search results. Thats Google Search, Google News, and YouTube. Im sure that there is equivalence in Japan that is being downranked and possibly websites that are pro-globalist, that are against the Japanese people, are being ranked high. The reason why this is happening is because those websites have a high page rank score because of what Wikipedia has to say. And I recommend that the Japanese government use the courts and force Google to answer what the page rank score is for the various news outlets that theyre having problems with.

There are group chats within Google that debate whether certain sites can be censored for hate speech.

In a certain presentation note, an example of scorekeeping was discussed in which the search result ranking of sites with non-mainstream opinions would be lowered.

In 2010, Google withdrew from China by saying it is no longer willing to censor search results on its Chinese service. Could you tell us what made Google transform from anti-censorship to pro-censorship?

Vorhies: It all happened when Donald Trump won the election in 2016. And within one week of Donald Trump winning the election, they had a company-wide meeting. And they talked about how they were personally offended at the election of Donald Trump, and that they hoped that populism and nationalism would be a blip in history. Towards the end of the conversation, there was a question asked by the audience about what some of the most successful things that Google had done during the election. And the CEO of Google answered that the most effective thing that Google had done during the election was to censor the fake news using machine learning. This is when I decided that I was going to determine what exactly Google meant by fake news. And then I investigated as a full-time employee and found out that the definition of fake news, the examples that they were using, all had to do with Hillary Clinton. And thats when I realized that this may not be about fake news but about controlling the political landscape.

It was stunning to me. And I didnt want to believe that because I had been working at the company for five years at that point and I didnt believe that Google would censor anything. In fact, the mission statement of the company is to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. And this is still the mission statement of the company to this day. And thats the reason why I started investigating what fake news was and when I found out what they were defining fake news as, I realized that there must be a censorship system that would effectively do this censorship. And I found it. The name of this project was called machine learning fairness and you could think of it as AI censorship. You might have heard of a project called Project Dragonfly. As far as I know, Project Dragonfly is fake. Ive never seen any hint that it even exists within Google. Theres no evidence, but I see a huge body of evidence that exists for machine learning fairness. In fact, it has subcomponents like Project Purple Rain and Twiddler which reranks YouTube and also Google search. And it was being pushed out to the manager class at Google.

Although Ive never found any shred of evidence that project Dragonfly exists, Project Dragonfly may as well be called machine learning fairness because thats the real censorship engine of Google.

Is that AI censorship system a self-learning system?

Vorhies: Yes it is. This AI censorship system is a self-learning system, and the way that it works is that an army of individuals at Google is making special data for this machine-learning algorithm. What they do is that they take a website, or lets say an article, and then they classify it as either fake news or not fake news. Lets say that youve got 50,000 articles. Half of those 50,000 articles are going to be labeled as fake news. The other half are going to be labeled as real news. The AI learning system then goes through and figures out what patterns, what phrases, what words, or what journalists produce fake news. Then its able to take new information and it will classify it as either fake news or real news. These classifiers are what we call machine-learning fairness, and its being run on American websites and also Japanese websites.

The AI system came out of the Stanford University. I think it was used during the 2016 election, but it wasnt at a large scale. It was used just occasionally. But then after the election of Donald Trump, Google went ahead and fast-tracked and made this project very important and pushed it into all of its products. And by 2018, it had made its way into every single product that I knew about.

We found that content which is inconvenient for the Chinese Government is often eliminated or lowered in the rank of the search results on both Google and YouTube. Actually, Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, announced that all content contradicting the WHO on the coronavirus pandemic will be removed from the video platform. It means that YouTube blocks any content accusing the Chinese government. It looks like Google and YouTube are trying not to offend the Chinese government. Could you tell us your view on why these things happen?

Vorhies: Yes, I believe that the reason why Google is censoring on behalf of WHO is because they do not want to offend China and that theyre under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. Thats the only thing that explains all of their behavior and it explains their censorship and what weve seen as the Chinafication of the U.S. internet system with a Chinese-style social credit system thats being secretly inserted into all of American life. You might be seeing this happen in Japan as well. And I dont think its any mistake that this is happening because of Chinese influence. In fact, a Chinese operative by the name of Fay Fay Li was at the highest levels of Googles directorship and she was the head of their cloud AI infrastructure. And what shes said is that when it comes to AI, Google has neither boundaries nor borders. And so if you put this together with the Chinese doctrine that was set forth in 2017 stating all technology that had military applications would be adopted by the Chinese military, then its very clear that China is in bed with Google and theyre AI technology and this impacts their search algorithms and their news algorithms.

Regarding hundreds of queries, our website suddenly disappeared from Google search results. We used to show up in Google News, but recently we dont. We assume that our website is seen as fringe or geo-politically sensitive by Google. What kind of measures would you think Google Japan took?

Vorhies: What happened was that there were hit pieces that happened against your website. And those hit pieces appeared in Wikipedia. An individual working at Google did a page rank on your website. And what they did is they searched for your website on Wikipedia, and they searched for the individuals that run your website, and they see what has been written about them. And then what they do is they try to see what other places outside of Wikipedia are also saying about a thing. And because of that negative publicity your page rank score went down. And when your page rank score went down the Twiddler system, which is the subcomponent of machine-learning fairness, said that we should re-rank your website, so it appears on the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth page. It pushes it down. And if you are caught distributing what they call fake news then they can do an entire site restriction where you dont even appear on the Google search engine at all. Youre completely gone. And this has happened.

Ive seen it happen, and Ive exposed blacklists that showed that this has happened. Ive also released a YouTube controversial query blacklist that you can see at my website There you can see this YouTube controversial blacklist also. This was being used to down rank YouTube videos, and this exists for a bunch of different products. My mentor, Dr. Robert Epstein, has identified over nine blacklists before my disclosure showing how they were censoring websites. There is also a blacklist that is shared between Firefox and the Chrome browser that will remove websites and make them inaccessible at the browser level. So even if youre able to find the website, the browser will not show you it because its blacklisted at the client site.

A Japanese popular YouTuber who has been talking about geo-politically sensitive matters complained of a system malfunction with his channel, like being unable to put a Like Button, or suddenly disappearing from the Recommended Videos section. Is there any possibility that these bugs are actually invisible censorship?

Vorhies: I believe that the reason that this Japanese content creator is missing certain buttons and feature is that Google is deliberately sabotaging his channel. And the reason why I say that is because Google has been deliberately sabotaging channels here in the United States. They remove likes, they disable comments, they remove views. The view counter will sometimes freeze, and its not allowed to go up. And the reason why theyre trying to do this is because theyre trying to prevent content that is damaging to the deep state from rising to the top. And this is something that we see in other nations as well. Ive talked to people in Brazil. They say that theyre having similar issues and problems and Im going to guess that this is also happening in Japan. In fact, Id be surprised if its not happening in every country in the world in which YouTube operates.

Every country, every region are having historically controversial issues. For instance, What really happened during a war? Many videos covering that kind of sensitive issue have been removed or received advertising regulations from YouTube, even if they are just providing objective facts. YouTube describes the reason is because those videos advocate hate speech or justify violence. Even if you contact human moderators, nothing changes. Now, we are wondering how those moderators chose inappropriate videos?

Vorhies: The content moderators chosen by Google are extremely biased. Here in the United States, often they use foreigners who are not born in the United States to do this content moderation. They get them in by using a special immigration pass called an H-1B visa. They do not care about American culture and they are given vast control over culture. This is wrong and bad.

I do not know the situation in Japan, but I would assume that they are using foreigners in order to moderate their content. And they do not care about the truth or objective reality. They are interested in preserving the legacy narrative that has probably existed in Japan for quite some time. What youre probably seeing is that some of the historical fake news is being revealed as fake and that the situation is actually much more complex, and talking about it reveals that there is a global crime syndicate that has covertly taken control of Japan and is running it not for the interests of the Japanese people, but for the interests of a European and Chinese global crime syndicate now deploying a lot of pressure to prevent the emergence of this real history from appearing. If this history appears, its going to anger the Japanese people and they are going to start acting in self-interest and for their national interests. And what you see is that Google and YouTube are part of this crime syndicate. And so the suppression of this conspiracy theory is in part due to trying to preserve this globalist narrative and this globalist control over Japan.

You revealed that Google is trying to prevent President Trumps re-election. Does Google affect any other elections in foreign countries such as Japan?

Vorhies: Yes. Google is meddling in the election of every country on the planet, in my opinion. Ive seen evidence for this not only in the United States but also Ireland when they were arguing about abortion with a referendum to legalize abortion in Ireland. YouTube banned all political ads at a certain date in a surprise move. But they didnt just stop the political ads. If you see my YouTube controversial blacklist on my website, what you will see is that YouTube went so far as to ban the phrase, The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland, in order to meddle in the election because they did not want people searching for their own constitutional amendments that were established in the country (the Eighth Amendment had granted an equal right to life to the mother and the unborn child).

Also people probably find that autocomplete doesnt work for certain phrases, but it does work for other phrases that benefit the global deep state.

Ill give you an example. Hillary Clinton has an email problem. If you try to type in Hillary Clintons emails, the autocomplete doesnt work. But it does work for Donald Trumps emails even though hes never had an email scandal. This can only be answered by a concerted abuse of the system by deep state operatives in order to manipulate the search results of millions of Americans and hide the crimes of Hillary Clinton who was the deep state candidate in 2016, and also Joe Biden in 2020.

The censorship has gotten so bad, not just on YouTube but on other platforms as well such as Twitter, that one of the leading publications called The New York Post was completely kicked off of Twitter because they were talking about Hunter Bidens laptop which contained blackmailable material that he had acted sexually inappropriately with underage women in China, as well as information about him smoking crack cocaine and using drugs that were captured in the video. This is a tremendously important aspect to the election right now and the complete blackout of this information across Twitter, across YouTube, across Google, is yet more evidence that Google, YouTube, and Twitter are operating as propaganda outlets for the global crime syndicate that has taken control of the United States and lost power in 2016. And Im sure that the same story exists for Japan as well.

Could you tell us how each user can check the biases of search engines?

Vorhies: The individual users of Japan can check the censorship of Google by using Japanese first search engines and searching for the same search term. And when they see different results, then what they need to do is they need to screenshot both results and share it on their favorite social media sites and wake up your fellow Japanese citizens and show them that the Google system is biased against their country and doesnt want them to be free.

Also, what should the government do to stop the censorship by Big Tech?

Vorhies: I think its going to be really hard for the government. I dont know how the government works in Japan, but I know that the government in America has got corruption problems.

What the Japanese people need to do is they need to turn it into a cultural movement. That cultural movement will then turn into a political movement. This is what Ive done in the United States over the last year and now it looks like Google might be broken up because of that cultural pressure that I created. Japan can do the same thing. Show the Japanese people that Google is corrupt. Show the Japanese people that Google is hiding search results that are pro Japanese. Use this to create a media sensation and then use this media sensation to create pressure on businesses to pressure the corrupt politicians in order for them to act. If they start acting, then what they need to do is they need to tax Google. Google is a data collection apparatus. They are taking the information of Japanese citizens and they are selling it to the Chinese intelligence agencies. And what needs to happen if you want to stop Google, youve got to stop the export of the information of Japanese citizens to these intelligence agencies around the world. And so what needs to happen is that you need to start having taxation on the data collected on Japanese citizens. Thats the way to undo this beast.

Additionally, you need to try to make a cultural movement so that Japanese citizens only use Japanese made social media networks. They only use Japanese versions of YouTube, Japanese versions of Twitter, and start using these in order to organize your resistance towards this globalist crime syndicate.

Thank you so much for accepting our interview and giving powerful words for the Japanese people.

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Ex-Employee Confesses! Behind-the-Scenes of Google Censorship - The Liberty Web English

The attempt to censor Jordan Peterson shows the intolerance of the social justice generation –

Its easy to forget what a recent phenomenon freedom of expression is, even in this country. Until 1959, British publishers could be sent to jail for producing books deemed to have a tendency to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences.

Back then, the things that couldnt be said were largely sexual. James Joyces masterpiece, Ulysses, was banned indeed burned on the grounds of obscenity. A single line in Radclyffe Halls The Well of Loneliness (And that night they were not divided) convinced a magistrate that all copies must be destroyed, because it could induce thoughts of a most impure character and would glorify the horrible tendency of lesbianism.

The bravery of successive generations of publishers, their mischievous insistence on thumbing their nose at the censors, helped bring about the sexual revolution, enabling us all to live and love and read more freely. The obscenity trial, 60 years ago, of Lady Chatterleys Lover (or more accurately, of its publisher, Penguin Books), is widely recognised as the moment when the gates of artistic and sexual freedom were finally blown open.

Now, though, there are those who wish to drag them shut again. This time it isnt the grey elderly ones, as Lawrence described his censors, having apoplexies over the written word. Today, the blue pencil hovers in the hand of young progressives some of them, astonishingly, publishers themselves.

Staff at Penguin Random House tried this week to block the publication of a new book by Jordan Peterson, the Canadian academic whose contempt for identity politics has earned him a huge following on the Right. At a town hall meeting at Penguins Canada office, employees argued that the publisher should not give a platform to an icon of hate speech. According to one of those present, people were crying in the meeting about how Mr Peterson has affected their lives, with one employee fretting that the publication of the book would negatively affect their non-binary friend.

To Penguins great credit, it is pressing ahead with publication. But as the social justice generation moves up the media hierarchy, this bizarre sight publishers protesting against their own publishing house for publishing a book will only become more common.

Earlier this year, the US firm Hachette dropped its plans to publish Woody Allens memoirs after staff staged a walkout. The American journalist Abigail Shrier has described how her latest book, an investigation into the rise in transgender identification among adolescent girls, was dropped by her first publishers following protests by staff. When another publisher picked it up, newspapers refused to review it. When the podcaster Joe Rogan interviewed Shrier about her book, staff at Spotify, the podcast platform, threatened to walk out. Censorship is once more in the ascendant.

They are so easily rattled, these new inspectors of literary hygiene. No sensible critic of Peterson would claim that his books constitute hate speech. (Unlike Mein Kampf, which Penguin, quite rightly, continues to publish on the grounds of public interest.) The argument against Peterson seems to be that, even if he isnt a neo-Nazi, some of his fans are. But since when did we judge a book by its readers?

If reading has any moral purpose, it is that it broadens our understanding of the world by exposing us to different ideas. This is what makes publishing an exalted profession: its whole purpose is to find ideas and set them free. A publisher should be a liberator, not a jailer.

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The attempt to censor Jordan Peterson shows the intolerance of the social justice generation -

PlayStation Reportedly Censoring PS5 Users on Twitter –

PlayStation is reportedly censoring PS5 users on Twitter. Over the course of the PS4 generation, Sony came under fire from some PlayStation gamers for censoring sexual content in a few different games. Continuing this streak of censorship, it's now censoring PS5 users on Twitter, or at least that's what new reports claim. More specifically, users are reporting that the PS5's share functionality comes equipped with a built-in profanity filter that prohibits users from using certain words when tweeting from their PS5 by blocking the publication of the tweet until the word is removed. Adding to this, apparently, the filter is broken, with one user providing a concrete example of a tweet being flagged for containing problematic language, except it doesn't contain any profanity whatsoever.

Reports of the filter can be found from Twitter to Reddit, but the best example comes way of Patrick Beja. Taking to the former social media platform, Beja revealed that when trying to share a post about Astro's Playroom, full of PG praise for the game and Sony, the PS5 blocked its publication, citing issues with the text.

As you can see below, the tweet has zero profanity, though it's possible "torrent" is triggering the filter, though, for now, this is just a theory.

Oddly enough, there's no mention of this feature within the parental controls, which suggests it can not be removed.

At the moment of publishing, Sony has not commented on this feature or the backlash and speculation it has created. If this changes -- or if more information on the filter itself is provided -- we will be sure to update the story. Until then, for more coverage on the PS5 -- including all of the latest news, rumors, leaks, guides, and deals -- click here or check out the links below:

H/T, The Gamer.

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PlayStation Reportedly Censoring PS5 Users on Twitter -

Ted Nugents Wife Shemane Targets Instagram For The Recent Censor But She Puts It Again On Instagram To Find A Solution For Free Speech – Metalhead…

Rock musician and conservative political activist Ted Nugents wife, Shemane Nugent, posted a screenshot of an Instagram censorship notification she received and reacted to Instagrams attitude towards free speech.

As you may remember, Shemane had actively supported Trump during the presidential election and often ridiculed the severity of COVID-19. Her videos from the live streams in which she was asking her followers who theyre going to vote for and why were banned before the elections.

Similarly, this time Shemane posted visual content considering COVID-19 which was banned from Instagram. After she received the notification that her post was removed as it contained false info, Shemane posted the info-warning on her Instagram and ridiculed their policy.

The message also said that to stay up to date on the latest facts, visit the World Health Organizations website which seems to have been received as a joke by Shemane who often questions the role of the government in newcasting.

Her response to Instagrams ban was to thank them ironically for informing her and sharing her happiness that Instagram is always there to censor peoples thoughts and beliefs. More than 100 people responded to her post and thanked her for trying to raise awareness even though she is being censored.

This is what the Instagram warning said:

A post you shared contained false info: We removed the post because it included harmful false information about COVID-19. To stay up to date on the latest facts, visit the World Health Organizations website.

Heres what Shemane wrote in the caption of her Instagram post:

Thanks, Instagram. I had no idea. Glad youre here to censor us.

You can check out the photo that Shemane Nugent posted below.

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Ted Nugents Wife Shemane Targets Instagram For The Recent Censor But She Puts It Again On Instagram To Find A Solution For Free Speech - Metalhead...

‘Welcome To The Party, Zoom’: Video App’s Rules Lead To Accusations Of Censorship – NPR

Zoom videoconferences are a staple of the coronavirus pandemic. Above, members of the Vermont House of Representatives met on Zoom in April. Wilson Ring/AP hide caption

Zoom videoconferences are a staple of the coronavirus pandemic. Above, members of the Vermont House of Representatives met on Zoom in April.

Now that the coronavirus pandemic has transformed Zoom from a corporate videoconferencing app into a ubiquitous tool for governments, schools, karaoke parties and even "Zoomsgiving" celebrations, the company is having to do the dicey work of deciding what is permitted on its platform.

And not everybody is allowed on it.

Zoom's rules say users cannot break the law, promote violence, be obscene, display nudity or support terrorism. The terms of service largely mirror those of larger tech companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube.

And just as social media companies draw critics' ire when they flag a post or ban a user, Zoom is now being accused of censorship after refusing to host a speech by a controversial Palestinian activist. The episode is raising questions among technology experts about whether and how Zoom sessions should be regulated.

Terrorist link versus academic freedom

In September, Zoom blocked a speaking event featuring Leila Khaled, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which the U.S. has designated a terrorist group. Khaled, now 76 years old and living in Jordan, is notorious for hijacking a plane in 1969 and attempting to do it again a year later.

Rabab Abdulhadi, a professor at San Francisco State University's College of Ethnic Studies, planned an "open classroom" event in which Khaled was to participate.

But the night before the event, Abdulhadi received a message from the university's provost: Zoom was canceling the livestream over legal concerns.

Abdulhadi says she was told, "We might be implicated in criminal activities of material support for terrorism and that might include imprisonment and a fine."

Leila Khaled, an activist and prominent member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, speaks during an event in February 2018. Burhan Ozbilici/AP hide caption

Leila Khaled, an activist and prominent member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, speaks during an event in February 2018.

Abdulhadi didn't fear those consequences. She says her own lawyers had assured her that inviting Khaled to speak publicly is not tantamount to providing material support to terrorists, as broadly defined in a federal statute that prosecutors have used to arrest individuals for everything from fighting alongside terrorist groups to exchanging Twitter messages with them.

To Abdulhadi, Khaled is a feminist icon and radical nationalist whose planned talk on resistance movements had captured wide attention. Some 1,500 people had RSVP'd to tune in to the event on Zoom.

"They do not have the right to use their being a platform to veto the content of our classroom and thus actually impinge on our academic freedom," Abdulhadi said of Zoom.

Legally, Zoom cannot tell Abdulhadi what to teach. But it can decide who is and is not allowed to speak on its platform.

The Lawfare Project, a pro-Israel think tank and litigation fund, pressured Zoom to block the event, arguing that hosting Khaled was a legal liability. It organized a protest in front of Zoom's headquarters in September.

"If your interest is in having an academic discussion about controversial issues, go ahead. But that doesn't mean that you have the right to assist a designated terrorist group in carrying out their mission," Brooke Goldstein, the think tank's executive director, said.

The Lawfare Project claimed victory after Zoom shut down the event.

In a statement, a Zoom spokesperson said the San Francisco State University roundtable violated the company's terms of service because Khaled is a member of a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.

"Zoom let SFSU know that they could not use Zoom for this particular event," the spokesperson said.

The company said there were 10 subsequent events planned related to Khaled. Khaled was set to speak at three of them. Those three events were also banned from the platform.

"The other seven events did not publicize any appearance from Ms. Khaled and were therefore able to be hosted on Zoom," according to the company's statement.

Officials at Zoom say the company does not monitor the content of video chats and took action on the planned Khaled events only after being notified about them.

"What does it mean for the future of communication?"

Zoom felt similar heat this summer after it shut down meetings commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre at the request of the Chinese government. But while social media companies have long been in the middle of debates over content rules, this is a relatively new predicament for Zoom.

"Welcome to the party, Zoom," said Daphne Keller, a former Google lawyer who is now with Stanford University's Cyber Policy Center.

There is a case to be made, Keller said, that Zoom's rules of engagement should be distinct from those of Facebook or Twitter because the services function differently.

"Do we want Zoom to be the content police or the speech police? Because we're all so dependent on them," Keller said. "They are functioning in a way that for previous generations the postal service or the phone company functioned."

Zoom may act like a phone company to millions, but it is not a utility. It can face criminal prosecution if it is not careful with the content it permits. But like other online platforms, Zoom is protected by law from civil lawsuits over what people say and do on its platform.

Faiza Patel with New York University's Brennan Center for Justice says there have to be rules, since the notion of good speech being able to counter bad speech falls apart when there is just so much content. And outlandish and conspiratorial material can often overpower everything else.

"I think we're all kind of struggling to figure out how to maneuver in this space, which is quite different than what we've had before," Patel said.

Patel said tech companies' terms of service usually espouse support for robust free speech and debate. Stopping someone from communicating to others can appear to contradict those values.

"That obviously creates a question about, 'Well, are you really allowing the full extent of the conversation?' " Patel said.

Back at San Francisco State University, Abdulhadi is looking for an open-source alternative to Zoom that does not, as she sees it, silence political speakers.

"It's a very serious problem to be vulnerable to the only means of communications in today's pandemic times," Abdulhadi said. "Because what does this really mean for the future of education? What does it mean for the future of communication?"

Editor's note: Zoom is among NPR's sponsors.

See the original post:

'Welcome To The Party, Zoom': Video App's Rules Lead To Accusations Of Censorship - NPR

ICANN Can Stand Against Censorship (And Avoid Another .ORG Debacle) by Keeping Content Regulation and Other Dangerous Policies Out of Its Registry…

The Internets domain name system is not the place to police speech. ICANN, the organization that regulates that system, is legally bound not to act as the Internets speech police, but its legal commitments are riddled with exceptions, and aspiring censors have already used those exceptions in harmful ways. This was one factor that made the failed takeover of the .ORG registry such a dangerous situation. But now, ICANN has an opportunity to curb this abuse and recommit to its narrow mission of keeping the DNS running, by placing firm limits on so-called voluntary public interest commitments (PICs, recently renamed Registry Voluntary Commitments, or RVCs).

For many years, ICANN and the domain name registries it oversees have given mixed messages about their commitments to free speech and to staying within their mission. ICANNs bylaws declare that ICANN shall not regulate (i.e., impose rules and restrictions on) services that use the Internets unique identifiers or the content that such services carry or provide. ICANNs mission, according to its bylaws, is to ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems. And ICANN, by its own commitment, shall not act outside its Mission.

Buttheres always a but. The bylaws go on to say that ICANNs agreements with registries (the managing entities of each top-level domain like .com, .org, and .horse) and registrars (the companies you pay to register a domain name for your website) automatically fall within ICANNs legal authority, and are immune from challenge, if they were in place in 2016, or if they do not vary materially from the 2016 versions.

Therein lies the mischief. Since 2013, registries have been allowed to make any commitments they like and write them into their contracts with ICANN. Once theyre written into the contract, they become enforceable by ICANN. These voluntary public interest commitments have included many promises made to powerful business interests that work against the rights of domain name users. For example, one registry operator puts the interests of major brands over those of its actual customers by allowing trademark holders to stop anyone else from registering domains that contain common words they claim as brands.

Further, at least one registry has granted itself sole discretion and at any time and without limitation, to deny, suspend, cancel, or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name(s) on registry lock, hold, or similar status for vague and undefined reasons, without notice to the registrant and without any opportunity to respond. This rule applies across potentially millions of domain names. How can anyone feel secure that the domain name they use for their website or app wont suddenly be shut down? With such arbitrary policies in place, why would anyone trust the domain name system with their valued speech, expression, education, research, and commerce?

Voluntary PICs even played a role in the failed takeover of the .ORG registry earlier this year by the private equity firm Ethos Capital, which is run by former ICANN insiders. When EFF and thousands of other organizations sounded the alarm over private investors bid for control over the speech of nonprofit organizations, Ethos Capital proposed to write PICs that, according to them, would prevent censorship. Of course, because the clauses Ethos proposed to add to its contract were written by the firm alone, without any meaningful community input, they had more holes than Swiss cheese. If the sale had succeeded, ICANN would have been bound to enforce Ethoss weak and self-serving version of anti-censorship.

The issue of PICs is now up for review by an ICANN working group known as Subsequent Procedures. Last month, the ICANN Board wrote an open letter to that group expressing concern about PICs that might entangle ICANN in issues that fall outside of ICANNs technical mission. It bears repeating that the one thing explicitly called out in ICANNs bylaws as being outside of ICANNs mission is to regulate Internet services or the content that such services carry or provide. The Board asked the working group [pdf] for guidance on how to utilize PICs and RVCs without the need for ICANN to assess and pass judgment on content.

EFF supports this request, and so do many other organizations and stakeholders who dont want to see ICANN become another content moderation battleground. Theres a simple, three-part solution that the Subsequent Procedures working group can propose:

In short, while registries can run their businesses as they see fit, ICANNs contracts and enforcement systems should have no role in content regulation, or any other rules and policies beyond the ones the ICANN Community has made together.

A guardrail on the PIC/RVC process will keep ICANN true to its promise not to regulate Internet services and content.It will help avoid another situation like the failed .ORG takeover, by sending a message that censorship-for-profit is against ICANNs principles. It will also help registry operators to resist calls for censorship by governments (for example, calls to suppress truthful information about the importation of prescription medicines). This will preserve Internet users trust in the domain name system.

Continue reading here:

ICANN Can Stand Against Censorship (And Avoid Another .ORG Debacle) by Keeping Content Regulation and Other Dangerous Policies Out of Its Registry...

Ted Cruz digs in for congressional battle over censorship on Twitter, Facebook – Houston Chronicle

WASHINGTON U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz set conservative Twitter on fire as he tore into Jack Dorsey, the platforms CEO, during a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, creating the sort of viral moment senators crave from such high-profile exchanges.

Facebook and Twitter and Google have massive power. They have a monopoly on public discourse in the online arena, Cruz told Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whom the Texas Republican and other GOP members of the committee had subpoenaed to address what they view as censorship and suppression by Big Tech during the 2020 election.

Your policies are applied in a partisan and selective manner, Cruz said, demanding that Dorsey and Zuckerberg produce data showing how often they flag or block Republican candidates and elected officials as opposed to Democrats.

What a moment, right-wing commentator Dinesh DSouza tweeted, sharing a clip from the hearing with his 1.9 million followers.

This is almost TOO GOOD, tweeted Dan Bongino, another conservative commentator, urging his 2.7 million followers to Watch Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey absolutely squirm in his chair as Ted Cruz goes full trial lawyer on him.

IN-DEPTH: Cornyn, Cruz not holding out much hope for Trump to pull off re-election

As social media companies cracked down on misinformation during the election under pressure to prevent a repeat of 2016s Russian meddling they found themselves increasingly targeted by conservatives such as Cruz, who call it censorship when Twitter flags President Donald Trumps posts that falsely claim he won re-election, or when Facebook tries to stop its users from sharing a debunked story about President-elect Joe Bidens son.

Its a sign of how an area of bipartisan agreement the need to reform Big Tech has become increasingly politicized, worrying experts that it will be yet another effort mired in congressional bickering.

The fundamental question is what right does a social media platform have to label something posted on it as potentially untrue, said Chris Bronk, an expert in cyber geopolitics who is an associate professor at the University of Houston.

TEXAS TAKE: Get political headlines from across the state sent directly to your inbox

Bronk said its become increasingly clear that reforms are needed to counter domestic hate groups and hostile foreign governments that use social media to ply the American public with disinformation.

But when the same politicians who regulate the industry are also being flagged for making false or misleading statements, Bronk sees little room for agreement.

I got a tweet this morning at seven whatever, the president put out there and it just said, I won the election. Is that true? said Bronk, a former foreign service officer with the State Department. The internet has allowed us to divorce ourselves from some sets of facts.

The debate centers on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which offers legal protections to online platforms that publish and circulate content created by others.

Cruz, Trump and Biden agree those protections need to go. But the reasons they cite couldnt be further apart.

Democrats such as Biden say social media platforms arent doing enough to combat misinformation and harmful content such as hate speech.

I recognize the steps theyre really baby steps that youve taken so far, and yet destructive, incendiary misinformation is still a scourge on both your platforms, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., told Dorsey and Zuckerberg during the committee hearing a proceeding that Blumenthal deemed a political sideshow, a public tarring and feathering.

Republicans, including Cruz, say Twitter and Facebook have already gone too far.

Theyve had unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter virtually any form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences, Trump said this year as he signed an executive order targeting the protections in place. Trump said fact-checking attempts by the platforms are one of the greatest dangers (free speech) has faced in American history.

Experts say theres actually little evidence that social media platforms unfairly target those on the right and that available data actually indicates that conservative social media tends to get more traffic online. For instance, the New York Times reported that Trumps official Facebook page got 130 million reactions, shares and comments over a 30-day stretch in the final leg of the presidential race, compared with 18 million for Bidens page.

Trump similarly eclipsed Biden on Instagram, and the gaps on both sites widened as the race came to an end, the Times reported.

Part of the tension on Capitol Hill is the Republicans continue to push this false narrative that tech is anti-conservative, said Hany Farid, a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who has testified before the Senate and advised congressional offices on potential legislation. There is no data to support this. The data that is there is in the other direction and says conservatives dominate social media.

Farid said some important if small steps are being taken. The Judiciary Committee this year passed a bill that would amend Section 230 to allow federal and state claims against platforms hosting content that sexually exploits children.

Farid said the relatively narrow bill targets a very serious problem, but its one of many, many really bad problems on the internet, including hate speech and terrorism. Once those other issues are brought up, Farid said, Republicans start to push back.

Its easy to be supportive of legislation that protects 4-year-olds from being sexually assaulted, Farid said. When it comes to things outside of child sex abuse, the Republicans have a problem, because a lot of their folks live on the side of white supremacists. When we start talking about cracking down on hate speech, they hear Republicans.

But Farid also questioned the wisdom of scrapping Section 230 altogether, as Biden has advocated, and said regulations on the algorithms that platforms use to decide what content gets promoted to their users would be a better approach.

Part of the problem, he said, is that few lawmakers have a deep understanding of the industry, and even some of their more tech-savvy staffers dont seem to have a firm grasp on the issue.

Unfortunately a lot of these hearings are not substantive, Farid said. They are for show. Theyre like flexing muscles.

Cruz, a former Texas solicitor general, was flexing at the hearing with Dorsey and Zuckerberg.

CRUZ STEPS INTO RING WITH TWITTER CEO, HITS HIM WITH 5 LEGALLY DEVASTATING FINISHING MOVES, read the text on a video the conservative Washington Examiner shared, with clips from Cruzs questioning of Dorsey.

In the past, Cruz has called for a criminal investigation into Twitter, accusing the social media company of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran by providing social media accounts to Iranian leaders.

He has urged the top U.S. trade official to scrap language in trade agreements that Cruz said offers near-blanket legal immunity to technology companies.

And he has accused Google of abusing its monopoly power in an effort to censor political speech with which it disagrees.

Cruz, like many Republicans, has also joined Parler, a social media network catering to conservatives.

At the hearing, Cruz vowed to put Twitters policies to the test by tweeting out statements about voter fraud, including findings from the Commission on Federal Election Reform, a bipartisan organization founded in 2004 by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker.

After the hearing, Cruz tweeted to his 4.1 million followers:

Twitter Test #1: Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.

Twitter Test #2: Voter fraud is particularly possible where third party organizations, candidates, and political party activists are involved in handling absentee ballots.

Twitter Test #3: Voter fraud does exist. This is just one example, linking to a news report about a woman charged in Texas.

None of the tweets was flagged.


Ted Cruz digs in for congressional battle over censorship on Twitter, Facebook - Houston Chronicle

The Dangerous Inversions of the Debate Around Trans Censorship – The New Republic

It should be noted that books about trans people are among the most censored books in the U.S. Of the books the American Library Association identified as the top 10 most challenged in 2019, the majority either explored trans issues, featured trans characters, or were written by trans peopletitles like Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out and the picture book about a trans girl, I Am Jazz. Trans writers and trans organizers alike have been censored in the ways Shrier believes she is being censored, though those stories rarely attract the level of attention from the same writers now defending her.

In those cases, the demands to censor trans books may not necessarily be coming from the government itself. But the demands are in alignment with the governments broader aims to suppress trans peoples rights. They share a common goal: restrain, if not remove, trans people from our shared civic life. Strangio is cognizant of this power dynamic. As he wrote in comments to Greenwald that were not included in his story but tweeted by Greenwald in full, I believe in fighting the central premise of these arguments and building support for what every major medical association has made clearthat care for youth is safe, effective, and life savingand ensuring that trans youth dont die as a result of these criminal bans. Anti-trans suppression leads, too, to the death of free speech. It may also lead to the death of trans people.

In his defense of Shrier, Greenwald does not acknowledge that the far more common censorship scenario in the U.S. is for trans peoples speechtheir gender expression itself, tooto be targeted. He is familiar with Strangios legal work, he writes, noting the fight it took for Chelsea Manning to be treated with dignity, including being allowed access to hormones, when she was in military prison at Fort Leavenworth (where she was sentenced after being put on trial for leaking critical documents about the Iraq War). Trans people still face incomparable societal hurdlesincluding an epidemic of violenceeven when they enjoy networks of support in the middle of progressive cities, Greenwald wrote in 2017, after Manning was released. But to do that while in a military brig, in the middle of Kansas, where your daily life depends exclusively upon your military jailers, is both incomprehensibly difficult and incomprehensibly courageous.

Chelsea Manning is an extraordinary example of an ordinary circumstance: Institutional gatekeepers stand between trans people and their self-determination, and those gatekeepers still have more power than trans people have. It is in that context that Strangio raises questions about the harm a book like Shriers can doabout the true, complex boundaries of speech. Is a rude email to the people at Spotify who pay Joe Rogans bills, which allows him to host a long chat with Shrier and put it in front of millions of people, at all comparable to that institutional gatekeeping? What about when the argument made in that chat empowers the gatekeepers, and at trans peoples expense?


The Dangerous Inversions of the Debate Around Trans Censorship - The New Republic

Carter Estes: Effort to ban Trump officials from Harvard is a dangerous attack on free speech and education – Fox News

My fi

My first year at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government hasnt been what I expected and Im not just talking about all the restrictions to guard against the spread of COVID-19. I couldnt have predicted that Id be delivering a speech to my peers urging them to uphold free speech at one of Americas most prestigious centers of learning.

Unfortunately, I recently found myself on Zoom urging members of the Harvard Kennedy School Student Government to reject astudent-led effortto restrictTrump administration officials from speaking at Harvard.

While I am relieved that the student government ultimately rejected the restrictions, I remain disturbed that my peers would propose this action and that it actually could have passed. An education underpinned by conditions of censorship is not a real education. And those who seek an education should never demand protection from ideas.


I came to Harvard to learn. But institutions of higher education that allow for restrictions on information and dialogue whether imposed by students or administrators forfeit the title of educational institution in exchange for the title indoctrination center. The latter is not what I signed up for. I want Harvard to deliver the education it claims to offer.

I am shocked and disappointed that some of my fellow graduate students who surely came to one of the worlds top government affairs graduate programsto grow intellectually and professionallywould make these demands. The authors of the letter calling for banning Trump officials from campus said the reason for the ban was to, ironically, stop the subversion of democratic principles by the Trump administration. But free speechisa democratic principle.

The authors of this letter seek to cancel debate and silence political opposition. They are terrified of having their world views challenged. But thats exactly why earnest minds have traditionally come to Harvard.

The Kennedy School has hosted many controversial figures,including members of the Clinton and Nixon administrations, former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, and the late secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat.

We students are adults and we are fully capable of hearing uncomfortable and offensive information and arguments. It will only make us better.

I am a conservative. Harvard is an overwhelmingly liberal institution. I have only benefitted by having my ideas and values challenged while studying here. But more than that, Harvard owes it to students like me to be honest about what it claims to offer a rigorous intellectual environment and access to top leaders.

Whether you agree with Trump policies or not, those who served in Trump administration have firsthand knowledge and experience in the highest levels of domestic andforeign policy. These players have impacted the world and we students can decide if their marks were good or bad, and conclude the missteps for ourselves.

But the onus is on universities to uphold their missions. They need to teach their students that cancel culture has no place in rigorous academic circles.

Unfortunately, we have seen the opposite on campuses across the United States. Speakers includingCharles Murray, Ben Shapiro, andChristina Hoff Sommershave been shouted down and violently protested in an effort to silence them.

And just this fall, Duke University Law School students penned aletterto bar Professor Helen Alvare from speaking at an on-campus event because she holds pro-traditional marriage views.


But its not just those with a platform that leftist students want to eradicate from campuses. A student-led effort atthe University of Texas-Austinaimed to dox students who join the Young Conservatives of Texas club.

Given that universities have yielded to cancel culture, its not surprising that one of the youngest members of Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., felt comfortable supporting a blacklist of anyone who supported the Trump administration.

When the institutions charged with shaping the next generation of leaders fail to uphold democratic principles on campus, we shouldnt be surprised that our elected leaders fail to understand and protect our constitutional rights.


The Kennedy School is named after President John F. Kennedy, who was once a Harvard student himself. In advocating for a free exchange of ideas, he said shortly before the presidential election in 1960: If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in more public libraries. These libraries should be open to all except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.

I pray that not only my beloved school, but colleges and universities across the country, live up to this message. The future of our republic depends on it.

Follow this link:

Carter Estes: Effort to ban Trump officials from Harvard is a dangerous attack on free speech and education - Fox News

Meet the Censored: Andre Damon – WSWS

The following interview was conducted by journalist Matt Taibbi and originallyposted on TK News. Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and the recipient of the National Magazine Award. He is the author of The Great Derangement (2009); Griftopia (2010); The Divide (2014); Insane Clown President (2017); I Cant Breathe (2017); and Hate Inc. (2019).

On November 15th, weeks after news that a New York Post article about Hunter Biden had been blocked by prominent social media platforms, Pink Floyd lead singer Roger Waters ripped Twitter for a less-publicized incident:

The IYSSE, a student movement affiliated with international Socialist parties, was suspended over an obscure technical violation (see explanation below). It was reinstated after nine days, which in a period of increasingly draconian tech penalties might have been a small surprise.

Less surprising was that yet another organization associated with the World Socialist Web Site had been hit with a punitive content moderation decision. For much of the last four years, the WSWS has been a bit of a canary in the coal mine, when it comes to new forms of censorship and speech restrictions.

Many Americans didnt pay attention to new forms of content moderation until May, 2019, when a group of prominent tech platforms banned figures like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopolis. A legend quickly spread that such campaigns exclusively target the right. Long before then, however, the WSWS had been trying to sound the alarm about the impact of corporate speech moderation on dissenting voices on the progressive left. As far back as August of 2017, the WSWS sent an open letter to Google, demanding that it stop the political blacklisting of their site, as well as others.

Like many alternative news sites, WSWS noticed a steep decline in traffic in 2016-2017, after Donald Trump was elected and we began to hear calls for more regulation of fake news. Determined to search out the reason, the site conducted a series of analyses that proved crucial in helping convince outlets like the New York Times to cover the issue. In its open letter to Google, the WSWS described inexplicable changes to search results in their political bailiwick:

Google searches for Leon Trotsky yielded 5,893 impressions (appearances of the WSWS in search results) in May of this year. In July, the same search yielded exactly zero impressions for the WSWS, which is the Internet publication of the international movement founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938.

The WSWS connected the change to Project Owl, a plan announced by Google in April of 2017 designed to surface more authoritative content. When I called Google about a year later for a story on a related subject, they explained the concept of authority as an exercise in weighting some credentials over others. So, I was told, an old search for baseball might first return a page for your local little league, while a new one would send you to the site for Major League Baseball.

The rub was that Google was now pushing viewers away from alternative sources, such that an article in the New York Times about Trotskyism might be ranked ahead of the worlds leading Trotskyite media organ. Queries had to be right on the nose to call up a whole host of alternative sites, all of which had seen sharp drops in their Google search results.

The WSWS listed many of them: Alternet down 63 percent, Common Dreams down 37 percent, Democracy Now! down 36 percent, down 25 percent, etc. Even WikiLeaks, in the middle of an international furor over Russiagate, was down 30 percent.

In the years since, the WSWS has been one of the only major media outlets in the U.S. to regularly focus on tech censorship issues, frequently showing an interest in constitutional principles curiously absent in traditionally liberal publications. This has won the site an unpleasant brand of notoriety with tech platforms. In a recent Senate hearing, Google CEO Sundar Pichai referenced the WSWS when challenged by Utah Republican Mike Lee to name one left-wing high profile person or entity it had censored.

TK reached out to Andre Damon, writer and editor for the WSWS, to ask about the sites experiences:

TK: There was recently an incident involving the Twitter presence of International Youth and Students for Social Equality. Can you explain what happened? Has the WSWS had any other issues with Twitter over the years?

Damon: On November 11, Twitter suspended the account of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US) without explanation. The IYSSE is the student movement of the Socialist Equality Parties around the world, which are affiliated with the World Socialist Web Site.

When we wrote to Twitter to demand the reinstatement of the account, Twitter replied vaguely, hinting that the IYSSE was operating multiple accounts. We responded that the IYSSE has chapters all over the world, which are officially recognized on dozens of campuses, including New York University, the University of Michigan, and Berlins Humboldt University, where the IYSSE holds multiple seats in the student parliament. Each of these chapters, legitimately, has its own social media presence.

Twitters stated justification for suspending the IYSSEs account was a ridiculous pretext, and this act of censorship triggered statements of opposition. Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters and model Andrea Peji made statements opposing it, as did dozens of other people. Nine days after the account was suspended, Twitter reinstated it, again without any serious explanation.

TK: When did the WSWS first become interested in the issue of platform censorship, content moderation, or whatever you want to call it? Actually, what do you call it? Is whats going on with increased content moderation a first amendment/free speech issue?

Damon: Its censorship, and it absolutely is a First Amendment issue.

In July 2017, we noticed that traffic to our site from Google fell by more than 75 percent. After reaching out to other sites and SEO experts we realized that the WSWS was one of over a dozen left-wing websites whose search traffic had also plunged.

As we sought an explanation, we discovered a blog post by Ben Gomes, at the time Googles VP of engineering, announcing that Google was making changes in its algorithm to demote what it called fake news. It explained that Google would be hiring a small army of people to review search results and score them. The reviewers were told that if a search returned alternative viewpoints, that search should be scored poorly. This system was internally called Project Owl, and later came to be known as such publicly.

It was obvious that the drop in search traffic to the WSWS and other left-wing sites was caused by this change in Googles algorithm.

The actions by Google were the outcome of a campaign, largely bipartisan but led by the Democrats and their affiliated news outlets, to claim that domestic social opposition was the product of interference by foreign countries, particularly Russia. To stop this alleged interference, it was necessary to censor domestic political opposition, which the Russians allegedly sought to amplify.

At repeated hearings in Washington, figures like Mark Warner and Adam Schiff would demand over and over again that Google, Facebook and Twitter censor left-wing content. It was all a clear and flagrant violation of the First Amendment, which says that Congress does not have the power to limit the freedom of expression. But here was Congress instigating private companies to do exactly that, and threatening to regulate or fine them if they did not comply.

In August 2017, the WSWS sent Google executives an open letter demanding that the anti-democratic changes to the Google search result rankings and its search algorithm since April be reversed. In January 2018, we called for the formation of an international coalition to fight Internet censorship.

In response to our letters, Google flatly denied it was carrying out political censorship. But this makes its admission this month that it is censoring the WSWS so significant.

When Senator Mike Lee asked Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Can you name for me one high profile person or entity from a liberal ideology who you have censored, Pichai replied that We have had compliance issues with the World Socialist Review [sic], which is a left-leaning publication.

This was a confirmation of every claim made by the WSWS in its campaign against internet censorship.

TK: What other private platforms have tried to regulate your content?

Damon: The World Socialist Web Site is banned, without any justification, from R/Politics on Reddit, as well as R/Coronavirus. The latter is particularly egregious, since we have been the most consistent proponent of the position of the WHOthat COVID-19 can be containedof any news outlet. The New York Times has published over a dozen articles by Thomas Friedman arguing for herd immunitythat is, for letting COVID-19 spread throughout the populationbased on irresponsible quack pseudo-science.

Facebook has repeatedly prevented us from holding events. In the latest incident, it prevented the IYSSE from holding an event entitled Trumps Electoral Coup and the Threat of Dictatorship. But when we changed the name of the event to a generic placeholder, we were allowed to set it up.

TK: Why did the WSWS decide to focus on the New York Times Magazines 1619 Project, and what was the response of the platforms to this work?

Damon: The WSWS took a stand against the 1619 Project for two main reasons: Because it was a work of historical falsification, which denigrated the two great democratic revolutionsthe struggle for independence between 1775 and 1783 and the Civil War of 1861 to 1865which rank among the most progressive events in world history; and because its political purpose was to promote the politics of racial communalism.

The 1619 Project falsely claimed that the revolution that established the United States aimed at preserving and extending slavery. This is a blatant falsification of the historical record.

Moreover, the 1619 Projects political purpose, in falsely claiming that blacks in America fought alone for their liberation, was to weaken the bonds of class solidarity between black and white workers. It is a fundamental and undeniable fact that hundreds of thousands of Northern whites, many of them artisans, farmers and craftsmen, sacrificed their lives in the Civil War under the banner of the Battle Hymn of the Republic: Let us die to make men free.

This fact shows that it is possible to create a multi-racial, multi-religious and multinational movement of the working class. The slogan of Marxists, going back to the Communist Manifesto, is workers of the world, unite! not, races of the world, divide.

Working in collaboration with the worlds leading historians of the American Revolution and Civil War, the WSWS exposed the central premise of the 1619 Project to be utterly false.

In November and October of last year, the World Socialist Web Site published interviews with Gordon Wood, James McPherson, James Oakes, Victoria Bynumand Clayborne Carson. These historians demolished the series central premise that the American Revolution was an insurrection to defend slavery. Moreover, they made clear that neither they nor any of their leading colleagues were ever consulted in the production of the 1619 Project.

Our coverage of the 1619 Project exposes the true role of internet censorship. Google claims that its censorship regime is aimed at promoting authoritative and original content, while demoting what it calls alternative viewpoints.

There exist no more authoritative documents on the 1619 Project than the interviews published by the WSWS with these historians. Wood and McPherson are universally regarded as the best authorities on American history, and their interviews on the WSWS are what led to thousands of other articles being written on the 1619 Projectfor and against.

By contrast, the 1619 Project was based on a rejection of these authoritative sources, who were never consulted in its writing or publication.

So the obvious question is, why do you have to scroll to the third page of Google results in a search for 1619 Project to see a single article from the WSWS on the 1619 Project? Why dont the interviews with Wood and McPherson show up?

The answer is that Googles censorship has nothing to do with helping users find authoritative content. Its sole aim is to demote content to which the US political establishment objects, and promote content that it wants to promote.

TK: A lot of the more high-profile targets of deletions and suspensions have been conservatives like Alex Jones, or the followers of the Q movement. Youve said that you believe the real goal of content moderation is to suppress left critiques of capitalism. Is it possible going after high profile conservatives is a way of selling the concept to liberals? Or is there another motive that you see?

Damon: The World Socialist Web Site does not believe that censoring fascists is an effective way to fight fascism. It lends credence to their false claims to oppose the political establishment. The fascists receive high-level support from the financial oligarchy, from within the state, the police and the military. Censorship only strengthens them.

At Berlins Humboldt University, the IYSSE has been leading a campaign by students to oppose the far-right professors that play a leading role at the university, such as Jrg Baberowski, who told Der Spiegel that Hitler was not vicious. The right-wing press in Germany has attacked us for trying to censor Baberowski and others. No, we have been waging this fight by telling students and the broader population what these figures actually do, say and advocate! We fight fascism by telling the truth about the fascists and exposing their high-level connections to the state.

The real target of censorship is always the left.

TK: Do you see a connection in all of this to the long tradition of suppression of leftist speech in America (dating back to the red flag laws, the criminal syndicalism standard, etc.), or is this something different, inspired by different motives?

Damon: There is a long tradition of anticommunism in America. Most of the arguments for internet censorship are lifted straight from the arguments of the McCarthyites and Birchites, as well as the Southern segregationists, who claimed that blacks in America would be happy with Jim Crow if only outside agitators would stop stirring up trouble.

TK: What do you say to people whose response to this issue is that private companies have the right to do what they want on their own platforms?

Damon: Well, legally speaking, private companies do not have the right to do what they want. A restaurant owner cant throw a patron out of his restaurant because of the color of his skin. UPS cant say they wont deliver your packages because they dont agree with your political views. Technology companies provide a vital social service, just like private municipal waste collection companies and private package handling companies. They do not have the right to discriminate against people based on their political views.

TK: Have you observed changes in American attitudes toward speech recently? How about changes within the political left on this issue?

Damon: In my experience, the American working class is fiercely committed to the principles of freedom of expression.

With the affluent upper-middle class, it is a different story. For years, the parties and organizations of what we call the pseudo-left have been promoting sexual witch hunts against cultural and intellectual figures, equating an accusation with a conviction, and calling for the destruction of their careers. You can see the right-wing character of such campaigns in the witch hunt of Roman Polanski, whose brilliant film on the Dreyfus Affair has been condemned equally by bourgeois feminists and by anti-Semites.

Your readers who are unfamiliar with the record of the WSWS will be relieved to learn that we opposed the #MeToo campaign from the start and have defended figures such as Polanski, Louis CK and Kevin Spacey.

TK: Does the content moderation era already have a political legacy?

Damon: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the suppression of information is a matter of life and death. Bob Woodwards interview with Donald Trump, in which the president said he sought to play down the threat of the virus, even as his cabinet and members of Congress were getting dire briefings about the looming disaster, points to a far-reaching conspiracy to suppress information about the pandemic.

Every workplace is a microcosm of this nationwide conspiracy. In the auto plants, workers are not being told when their coworkers fall ill, making contact tracing impossible.

We have tried to make the WSWS the antipode to this conspiracy of silence. The WSWS is a hub for workers to learn about the threat posed by the disease, to track outbreaks at their factories and coordinate their response. There exists no comparable resource for manufacturing workers, particularly in the American Midwest.

The decision of what is true and false, what can and cannot be said, is not for self-interested corporations to decide. Working people need to know the truth. And the only way to get there is for them to be able to read whatever they please and to make up their own minds.

See the rest here:

Meet the Censored: Andre Damon - WSWS

In hybrid online-offline format, theatre fest explores the Unexpressed, censorship of womens bodies and artistic collaborations – The Indian Express

Written by Ruchika Goswamy | Pune | November 28, 2020 10:59:50 pm

A constant element of human life is thoughts. Construction of thoughts, ideas, concepts and convictions has been a never-ending process and humans have often expressed their thoughts in a wide variety of ways. In simple words, just like the need for food, clothes and water, expressing ones thoughts and feelings becomes a primal need.

We often talk about freedom of expression, ways of expression but what crossed my mind is what if thoughts dont get expressed? What happens when one cant express? What happens when one is not allowed to fully express themselves the challenges that one might face. And lastly, with no visible consequence, how does one comprehend this basic human need, said performer and collaborator Ashish Vaze.

Avyakta (Unexpressed), is a performance and a work in progress by Vaze and Stephanie Castrejon from the US, which makes an attempt to take stock of what could happen if one stops expressing their thoughts. The project is one of the creative crossovers of the fifth edition of the IAPAR International Theatre Festival (IITF), which will be held from December 4 to December 10.

Unlike the previous years, however, the official event of the Indian Centre of International Theatre Institute has adopted a hybrid format to face the uncertainty head on and keep theatres alive. The pandemic is surely something that one can imagine being screened on a film but now, it is something that we are all facing together. Although all sectors are still dwindling, given the circumstances, the worst hit is the sector of arts. We began by carefully assessing how to host the festival completely online but now, with spaces slowly opening up, we are hopeful for theatre to gain momentum in the new normal as well, said Vidyanidhee Varanase, director of the festival and alumnus of the National School of Drama.

While the hybrid format will mean the annual plethora of workshops and masterclasses will be conducted online, the on-ground performances will be held at The Box, Pune, on the first three days of the festival, amid all precautionary measures and safety guidelines.

Another performance project at IITF, Constant Acts of Disobeying, has been designed and directed by Aditi Venkateshwaran. It is an attempt to reflect on the censorship of a womans body, her thoughts and her voice. With the help of a collaboration between Margot Bareyt from France and Sayli Kulkarni and Tanvi Hegde from India, the performance tries to comprehend the mandate of masculinity as defined by famous Argentinian anthropologist Rita Segato, and how it can be taken down.

A unique segment of IITF 2020 will be the Emerging Artist Laboratory, an online interaction between young theatre-makers and mentors in the field of theatre, which will help mentors and youngsters to create work together.

Initiated in October, 20 students were selected for it, and the work thus created will premiere between December 6 and December 10 on the festivals social media channels. John Britton, Aniruddha Khutwad, Yuki Ellias, Dr Jimmy Noreiga and Abhiram Bhadkamkar each exploring a different tangent within theatre right from realistic acting, playwriting, physical theatre, inter-disciplinary practises and theatre for social change were a part of the Lab.

This year, in order to acknowledge artists driving change within and outside communities through artistic practises that benefit the art form or the society, IITF has announced singer and composer Shruthi Veena Vishwanath as their change maker, for her path-breaking work in the Indian artistic scene.

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See the original post here:

In hybrid online-offline format, theatre fest explores the Unexpressed, censorship of womens bodies and artistic collaborations - The Indian Express

Donald Trump says Twitter censorship is a national security issue – Washington Times

President Trump took aim at Twitter late Thursday, saying it was putting out false trends, censoring Republican lawmakers and creating a matter of national security.

He called for Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides a legal shield for publishers on third-party content, to be terminated.

Twitter is sending out totally false Trends that have absolutely nothing to do with what is really trending in the world. They make it up, and only negative stuff. Same thing will happen to Twitter as is happening to @FoxNews daytime. Also, big Conservative discrimination! the president tweeted.

For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated!!! he added.

Mr. Trump also defended Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, who pushed for an informal hearing earlier this week by GOP lawmakers in the keystone state over potential election fraud.

The Republicans had Mr. Trumps legal team present evidence of election irregularities that they say led to presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden being named the winner of Pennsylvanias 20 electoral votes.

Wow! Twitter bans highly respected Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano after he did a great job of leading a hearing on the 2020 Election fraud. They and the Fake News, working together, want to SILENCE THE TRUTH. Cant let that happen. This is what Communist countries do! the president tweeted on Friday morning.

Twitter later issued a statement saying Mr. Mastrianos account was suspended by mistake.

This account was mistakenly suspended for perceived violations of our impersonation policy. This was an error. We have immediately reversed the decision and the account has been reinstated, a spokesperson for the company said.

Andrew Blake contributed to this report.

See more here:

Donald Trump says Twitter censorship is a national security issue - Washington Times

Tata Lit Fest cancels a discussion between Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad, raising concerns of censorship – Frontline

A discussion between Noam Chomsky, a political activist and celebrated linguist, and Vijay Prashad, writer and Frontline columnist, organised by the Tata Literature Festival, was abruptly cancelled a few hours before the event. Chomsky and Prashad were scheduled to speak on November 20 on an online platform about Chomskys latest book Internationalism or Extinction. The organisers said they cancelled the event to protect the integrity of the festival.

Both Chomsky and Prashad accused the organisers of censorship and said they will find another platform to have the discussion, which they said was important and relevant.

Over 50 well-known activists had urged Chomsky and Prashad to bow out of the event, organised by the Tatas, who, they alleged, were involved in widespread human rights violations. It is believed that Chomsky and Prashad were planning to read out a statement during the discussion against corporations such as the Tatas, and the Tatas in particular. The organisers reportedly learned of the plan to open the discussion with the statement and cancelled the event.

In a statement published on Peoples Dispatch (an international media organisation highlighting voices from peoples movements) and released to the media,Vijay Prashad says: Both of us agreed to hold this dialogue because we believe that the themes in the bookthe dangers of nuclear war, climate catastrophe, erosion of democracyrequire the widest circulation and debate. We were pleased to join even though we had reservations about the sponsor of the event.

Vijay Prashads statement says: Noams book is based on a lecture that he delivered in Boston in 2016, in which he warns that human beings must act to end various calamities. Of nuclearism, Noam writes specifically, Either we will bring it to an end, or its likely to bring us to an end. The urgency of these matters cannot be dismissed. In conversation with the actor Wallace Shawn, which followed the lecture, Noam speaks about the perils of public discourse. Objectivity has a meaning, he notes. It means reporting accurately and fairly whats going on inside the Beltway, White House, and Congress. In other words, what is being said by the elites is notable and must be given judicious care by the media owned by large corporations, but what is said outside those circles must be ignored or disparaged. Since we do not know why Tata and Mr. Dharker decided to cancel our session, we can only speculate and ask simply: was this a question of censorship?

Regarding India, the issue of the erosion of democracy is a serious matter, with the passage of bills such as the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and the vast sums of money that have now suffocated the voices of the hundreds of millions of impoverished Indian voters as examples of the problem; the issue of warfare is significant, with the Indian government participating in the highly destabilising Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Australia, Japan, and the United States. We wanted to talk about how governments such as those led by the Bharatiya Janata Party and corporations such as the Tatas are hastening humanity towards a deeper and deeper crisis.

Anil Dharkar, Tata Mumbai Literature Festival director, issued a statement saying: The festival which I founded and run with a dedicated team, owes its success to a free expression of ideas, not a free expression of someones specific agenda. The expression of such an agendawhether against a specific organisation, a corporation or an individualis therefore misplaced in the discussions at our festival.

See the original post:

Tata Lit Fest cancels a discussion between Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad, raising concerns of censorship - Frontline

Was this censorship?: Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad ask Tata Lit Live after it cancels their discussion – The Hindu

Celebrated linguist and activist Noam Chomsky, and journalist Vijay Prashad have expressed regret at the abrupt cancellation of their discussion at the online Tata Literature Live festival, asking if the move was a result of censorship.

The dialogue about the 91-year-old Chomskys new book Internationalism or Extinction was scheduled to be held at 9 p.m. on Friday. But at 1 p.m., Chomsky and Prashad received an email informing them that the virtual event will not be taking place.

Noam and I were to speak at the Tata Lit Festival about Noams latest Book. Our Panel was abruptly cancelled just hours before it was to go live, Prasad said in a tweet.

In a statement issued on Peoples Dispatch, Chomsky and Prashad said that they were informed of the events cancellation in the mail.

Then, out of nowhere, near 1 p.m. Indian Standard Time, we received an email which said, cryptically, I am sorry to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel your talk today, they said in the joint statement.

It is with regret that we could not hold our discussion at the Mumbai Lit Fest, now owned and operated by the Tata Corporation... Since we do not know why Tata and Mr. Dharker decided to cancel our session, we can only speculate and ask simply: was this a question of censorship? they asked.

The sponsors of the festival did not respond despite repeated attempts to reach out to them.

The panel was to talk about the broad issues that threaten the planet, but then also talk about the specific role of countries such as India and corporations such as the Tatas, the statement said

The issues about the Citizenship Amendment Act, Adivasi (tribal) killing, the industrialisation of indigenous lands and environmental degradation were also to be discussed during the session, it said.

We wanted to talk about how governments such as those led by the Bharatiya Janata Party and corporations such as the Tatas are hastening humanity towards a deeper and deeper crisis, the statement said.

We wanted to appear at this platform in the spirit of open discussion to hold our dialogue about extinction and internationalism, about the darkest part of our human story and the brightest sparks of hope that shine in our world, it said.

Chomskys book is based on a lecture that he delivered in Boston in 2016, in which he warns that human beings must act to end various calamities. The dominant themes in the book include the dangers of nuclear war, climate catastrophe, erosion of democracy.

Go here to read the rest:

Was this censorship?: Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad ask Tata Lit Live after it cancels their discussion - The Hindu

What the *, Nintendo? This in-game censorship is * terrible. – EFF

While many are staying at home and escaping into virtual worlds, it's natural to discuss what's going on in the physical world. But Nintendo is shutting down those conversations with its latest Switch system update (Sep. 14, 2020) by adding new terms like COVID, coronavirus and ACAB to its censorship list for usernames, in-game messages, and search terms for in-game custom designs (but not the designs themselves).

While we understand the urge to prevent abuse and misinformation about COVID-19, censoring certain strings of characters is a blunderbuss approach unlikely to substantially improve the conversation. As an initial matter, it is easily circumvented: while our testing, shown above, confirmed that Nintendo censored coronavirus, COVID and ACAB, but does not restrict substitutes like c0vid or a.c.a.b., nor corona and virus, when written individually.

More importantly, its a bad idea, because these terms can be part of important conversations about politics or public health. Video games are not just for gaming and escapism, but are part of the fabric of our lives as a platform for political speech and expression. As the world went into pandemic lockdown, Hong Kong democracy activists took to Nintendos hit Animal Crossing to keep their pro-democracy protest going online (and Animal Crossing was banned in China shortly after). Just as many Black Lives Matter protests took to the streets, other protesters voiced their support in-game. Earlier this month, the Biden campaign introduced Animal Crossing yard signs which other players can download and place in front of their in-game home. EFF is part of this tooyou can show your support for EFF with in-game hoodies and hats.

Nevertheless, Nintendo seems uncomfortable with political speech on its platform. The Japanese Terms of Use prohibit in-game political advocacy ( or seijitekina shuchou), which led to a candidate for Japans Prime Minister canceling an in-game campaign event. But it has not expanded this blanket ban to the Terms for Nintendo of America or Nintendo of Europe.

Nintendo has the right to host the platform as it sees fit. But just because they can do this, doesnt mean they should. Nintendo needs to also recognize that it has provided a platform for political and social expression, and allow people to use words that are part of important conversations about our world, whether about the pandemic, protests against police violence, or democracy in Hong Kong.

See the original post:

What the *, Nintendo? This in-game censorship is * terrible. - EFF

Social media censorship in Egypt targets women on TikTok – The World

Looking at Haneen Hossams TikTok account, one might wonder why her content landed the Egyptian social media user in jail. In one post, she explains for her followers the Greek mythological story of Venus and Adonis, which is also a Shakespeare poem.

Mawada al-Adham does similarly anodyne things that are familiar to anyone who observes such social influencers, like giving away iPhones and driving a fancy car.

They are just two of the nine women arrested in Egypt this past year for what they posted on TikTok. Mostly, their videos are full of dancing to Arabic songs, usuallya genre of electro-pop, Egyptian shaabi folk music called mahraganat, or festivaltunes. The clips feature a typically TikTok style with feet planted, hands gesticulating and eyebrows emoting.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has put TikTok and its Chinese parent company,ByteDance, in its sights with another escalation against Beijing. The US Commerce Department announced Friday that TikTok, and another Chinese-owned app, WeChat, would be blocked from US app stores.

In Egypt, the arrests are about dictating morality rather than any kind of geopolitical struggle or international tech rivalry. But what exactly the government finds legally objectionable about these womens online content is ambiguous.

They themselves would have never imagined that they would go to jail and be sentenced for what they were doing, because what they're doing is basically what everyone else does on social media.

They themselves would have never imagined that they would go to jail and be sentenced for what they were doing because what they're doing is basically what everyone else does on social media, said Salma El Hosseiny of the International Service for Human Rights, a nongovernmental organizationbased in Geneva. Singing and dancing as if you would at an Egyptian wedding, for example.

Hosseiny said that these women were likely targeted because theyre from middle- or working-class backgrounds and dance to a style of music shunned by the bourgeoisie for scandalous lyrics that touch on taboo topics.

You have social media influencers who come from elite backgrounds, or upper-middle class, or rich classes in Egypt, who would post the same type of content. These women are working-class women, she added. They have stepped out of what is permitted for them.

They were charged under a cybercrime law passed in 2018, as well as existing laws in the Egyptian Penal Code that have been employed against women in the past.

Yasmin Omar, a researcher at The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy in Washington, said the cybercrime law is vague when it comes to defining whats legal and what isnt.

It was written using very broad terms that could be very widely interpreted and criminalizing a lot of acts that are originally considered as personal freedom, she said. Looking at it, you would see that anything you might post on social media, anything that you may use [on] the internet could be criminalized under this very wide umbrella.

Egypts cybercrime law is part of a larger effort by the government to increase surveillance of online activities. As TikTok became much more popular during the pandemic, prosecutors started looking there too, Omar said.

When I write anything on my social media accounts, I know that it could be seen by an official whose job it is to watch the internet and media platforms, said Omar, who added that that surveillance often leads to widespread repression.

The state is simply arresting whoever says anything that criticizes its policy, its laws, its practices ... even if it's just joking. It's not even allowed.

Related: One woman's story highlights national wave of repression and sexual violence

The arrests of TikTokers shows that this law isnt just about monitoring and controlling political dissent, but is used to police conservative social norms.

Menna Abdel Aziz, 17, made a live video on Facebook. Her face was bruised and she told viewers that she had been raped and was asking for help.

The police asked her to come in, and when she did, Omar said, they looked at her TikTok account and decided she was inciting debauchery and harming family values in Egypt essentially blaming the victim for what had occurred.

This past summer, there were a number of particularly shocking allegations involving rape and sexual assault in Egypt. First, dozens of women accused a young man at the American University in Cairo (AUC) of sexual violence ranging from blackmail to rape. And in another case, a group of well-connected men were accused of gang-raping a young woman in Cairos Fairmont Hotel in 2014 and circulating a video of the act.

The cases garnered a lot of attention within Egypt. Many Egyptian women were shocked by the horrible details of the cases but not surprised about the allegations or that the details had been kept under wraps for so long.

In Egypt, sexual violence and violence against women is systematic, Hosseiny said. It's part of the daily life of women to be sexually harassed.

A UN Women report in 2014 said that 99.3% of Egyptian women reported being victims of sexual harassment. Yet, women are often culturally discouraged from reporting sexual harassment in the traditional society.

They are investing state resources to go after women who are singing and dancing on social media, and trying to control their bodies, and thinking that this is what's going to make society better and a safer place, Hosseiny said, by locking up women, rather than by changing and investing in making Egypt a safe place for women and girls.

When prosecutors started investigating the accused in that high-profile Fairmont case, it looked like real progress and a victory for online campaigning by women. The state-run National Council for Women even encouraged the victim and witnesses to come forward, promising the women protection. But that pledge by the state did not materialize.

Somehow, the prosecution decided to charge the witnesses, said Omar, the researcher. Witnesses who made themselves available, made their information about their lives, about what they know about the case all this information was used against them.

Witnesses who made themselves available, made their information about their lives, about what they know about the case all this information was used against them.

Once again, Egyptian authorities looked at the womens social media accounts, and then investigated the women for promoting homosexuality, drug use, debauchery and publication of false news. One of the witnesses arrested is an American citizen.

When pro-state media outlets weighed in on the TikTok cases, they also had a message about blame, Hosseiny said. The coverage used sensational headlines and showed photos of the women framed in a sexual way. This contrasted with the depictions in rape cases in which the accused mens photos were blurred andonly their initials printed.

Social media has played an important role in Egyptian politics during the last decade. In 2011, crowds toppled the regime of military dictator Hosni Mubarak. That uprising was in part organized online with Twitter andFacebook. In 2018, the former army general, and current president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, said he would maintain stability in Egypt.

Beware! What happened seven years ago is never going to happen again in Egypt, he swore to a large auditorium full of officials.

Related: Five years of Sisi's crackdown has left 'no form of opposition' in Egypt

Samer Shehata, a professor at the University of Oklahoma, said Egypts military-backed regime is wary of the implications of anything posted online, even if it's just dancing.

I think there has been a heightened paranoia as a result of hysteria ... about the possible political consequences of social media, he said. I think that they certainly have those kinds of concerns in the back of their minds as well.

Of the nine women charged with TikTok crimes, four have been convicted and three have appeals set for October.

Menna Abdel Aziz, the young woman who called for help online, was just released from detainment Wednesday and is being dismissed with no charges.

Read the rest here:

Social media censorship in Egypt targets women on TikTok - The World

Barcelona members strike back vs. Bartomeu: What does ‘motion of censorship’ mean, and what’s next? – ESPN

4:43 PM ET

Sid LoweSpain writer

Next time you pop into the FC Barcelona boutique to buy blaugrana pants or more than a pencil, go past the ticket window by the museum or order a coffee at the caf in the shadow of Kubala and Cruyff, look carefully at the guy behind the register. It that face looks familiar, that could be because it is. It might be Eder Sarabia, the former assistant coach taking up a new role.

Well, they've got to employ him somewhere.

- Lowe: Messi gearing up for "Last Dance" with Barca- Hunter: Real Madrid fancied for La Liga this season?

On Thursday evening, at the end of a day when Luis Surez had been in Italy, doing a language exam in Perugia to get an Italian passport, engaging in 10 minutes of conversation about family but not football, Quique Setin released a statement. In it, he revealed that he had been informed that he been sacked as Barcelona manager only the night before, on Wednesday -- a month after it had been announced to the world, and almost three weeks since his lawyers had written to the club to ask what was going on.

What's more, Setin said, there had still been no settlement on the 2-year contract he'd signed eight months earlier. More money poured away, and yet to be paid. As for his staff -- Sarabia, Jon Pascua and Fran Soto -- they hadn't been sacked at all. Instead, he had now been told that they would be "repositioned" at the club, which was news to them.

2 Related

It had been that kind of day, another one only somehow even sillier, sadder and, as it turned out, more significant. It was the eve of the 20th anniversary of Lionel Messi's arrival at Barcelona, which should have been cause for celebration, but this is a club in constant crisis, and even the fact that he is still there feels a bit odd. Above all, it was another one of those days for a president whose case for being the worst in club history gets more watertight by the hour.

It was a day in which more supposed transfer targets slipped away because -- just in case you didn't know, and somehow there still seem to be people who don't -- there is no money to buy them with. A day when 98m in losses over the past year were confirmed. One in which they still couldn't get rid of the players they publicly said they wanted to get rid of ... and, now it seemed, they couldn't get rid of the manager, either. Not properly, anyway.

Still, at least Setin's statement fit on one piece of paper. The bigger statement was delivered on thousands and thousands of them. And while on the face of it, it deepened the crisis, maybe it actually offered a way out of it -- or, at least, handed back some sense of control to those who care, a little light cast over the club, a glimpse of hope.


Lionel Messi is back to his sterling best, scoring an absolute stunner in Barcelona's 3-1 win vs. Girona.

A little before 7 o'clock in the evening local time, a dozen people turned up at the Camp Nou. They wore masks, and they brought with them boxes, bags and containers, absolutely full of pieces of paper. On them, over 20,000 people had officially declared their desire that a motion of censure be brought against team president Josep Maria Bartomeu and his board of directors -- a motion that might finally force them out.

They stood, clapped a bit, and then the boxes were taken inside. For an hour or so, they were checked -- someone turned up with coffee -- and officially received, the papers counted. This was the climax (or maybe it was just the beginning?) of a popular movement to push the president out.

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While you might not have been aware of it, this had been building for a while. It had begun with Jordi Farr, who will stand at the next elections, and other opposition candidates who joined him; it became a broad movement, a united front in defence of the club. Vctor Font and Lluis Fernndez Ala came on board. Fans groups supported them. At the head of one of them, a group called "Manifest Blaugrana," was Marc Duch, with his ponytail and beard.

Together they drove the campaign on and chased signatures all over Catalonia and beyond, under the slogan: "More than a moci" ("motion"). And, somehow, they had done it too. In a time of pandemic, when people can't meet, they had managed to gather enough signatures from socis (fans who are club members) to force a vote, effectively a referendum against the president. More than enough, in fact. They'd needed only 16,521, 15% of the members. They were 4,000 over that, backed by more than a fifth of the club's membership.

A handful of the papers were not admissible, but a club statement confirmed they had received 20,867, a number that was everywhere the next day, like a winning lottery ticket. The figures were a new record -- this was twice as many signatures as had ever been gathered before (in far more favourable conditions). "Unprecedented," Font called it.

"If I was the president, I would have met the 20,000 socis," Farr said. "Honestly, Bartomeu should resign today."

Duch said: "I'd be trembling in my office and I would resign."

Bartomeu might not do that. In fact, if anyone has learnt anything about him over the past few years and the past months especially, it is that he is a survivor. Holding on is what he does, whatever the cost.


Julien Laurens says Lyon will accept a "serious offer" from Barcelona for striker Memphis Depay.

So. The signatures have been received and counted. What happens next?

-- First, Barcelona have to participate in putting together the body that runs and oversees the process. (The "table," as it's called.) That's made up of the two first signatories on the move to propose a no-confidence motion -- Farr is one of them -- two members of the board of directors, and a representative of the Catalan football federation. They have 10 working days to do that: in other words, by Sept. 29.

-- Then the "table" has to validate the signatures, which they must do within another 10 days. That takes us to Oct. 10.

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-- If there are more than 16,521 valid signatures (which there will be), Barcelona will have to set up and arrange a vote of no confidence for the board of directors. It will be a referendum that basically asks: Do you want this president and his board to be sacked, yes or no? That will have to happen within 10 working days as well. All of which takes us to November, though all these things could happen quicker.

Then what?

If two-thirds (officially 66.7%) of them are in favour, Bartomeu will have to step down with immediate effect.

And once he's gone ... ?

A commission would be put in place while presidential elections are organised and held. Given the timing, those would be held in January or February. Some of the candidates -- Toni Freixa, Joan Laporta, Farr, Font, in all likelihood someone from within the current administration -- are clear, but some are not confirmed yet.

The socis will vote against Bartomeu, won't they?

Not necessarily, and 67% is of a lot of people to convince. After all, Barca have been in this situation before, and it has not always got over the line. In 1998, only 33.5% voted to kick out Josep Nuez out (although the damage it did his presidency was decisive). In 2008, Laporta survived, but only just: 60.6% wanted him pushed out. A moci brought against Bartomeu in 2017 didn't get sufficient signatures to reach the referendum stage.

That said ... yes, you would think so now. There are already over 20,000 people who will vote against him, and it's hard to imagine him being able to mobilise sufficient support to survive, even if there will be some members who might not want to push through the no-confidence motion. Not least because there is little point trying to prop him up, as it would be only a temporary reprieve: presidential elections were set to be held on March 15 anyway and he was unable to stand, his term already over.

Why vote to keep him in for what would be barely a couple of months?

Well, then, why vote against him either? What was the point of all this? If he was going anyway, why do this now? And doesn't it create a vacuum?

Yes, it does, up to a point. But why do it? Well, because they can, which sounds flippant, but isn't.

Simply, they're doing this because it gets rid of Bartomeu faster. It could, although it is unlikely, even remove him before the next transfer window begins and probably will remove him before it ends. (Caveat alert: The consequences of all this in terms of whether he is eventually held accountable for any budgetary shortfall would depend on the general assembly in October, on the final financial figures and on the next administration, all of which remains to be seen.)

They're doing this because it means that he does not get to see out his presidency "normally," or on his terms. Because it holds him accountable, symbolically at least. Because, well, to repeat: because they can; because this is an expression, a rebellion, a statement, a taking back of power by the people, a way of exercising their rights, a sign that while there is only so much they can do, those mechanisms that allow supporters to safeguard Barcelona still stand and, even in the midst of a pandemic, can be applied. That they really do have say in the destiny of their club, that democracy is not dead yet. As the name suggests, it is a censorship motion -- and that matters. It's the chance to censor those who are not worthy of their club.

There will be trouble ahead, for sure, and the situation remains dramatic at the Camp Nou. The new administration will inherit a mess when they arrive, but for all that went wrong, for all the increased embarrassment, Thursday was a day when Barcelona -- as a club, not a board of directors -- recovered some of its dignity. And that is something to celebrate at last. Lord knows, it has taken long enough.

The rest is here:

Barcelona members strike back vs. Bartomeu: What does 'motion of censorship' mean, and what's next? - ESPN

Judd Apatow Criticizes Hollywood’s Censorship For International Market: China Has Bought Our Silence With Their Money – Deadline

According to Judd Apatow, Hollywoods desire to bring home major box office wins in China and Saudi Arabia comes at the cost of meaningful and truthful content.

The director, comedian and producer sat down with MSNBCs Ari Melber to talk comedy and the industrys content censorship when catering to international markets. During the Mavericks with Ari Melber conversation, The King of Staten Island helmer said that people should turn their attention to the corporate type of censorship that happens to films when presented in content-strict countries including China, Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

A lot of these giant corporate entities have business with countries around the world, Saudi Arabia or China, and theyre just not going to criticize them and theyre not going to let their shows criticize them or theyre not going to air documentaries that go deep into truthful areas because they make so much money, Apatow told the MSNBC host.

Apatow added that such censorship completely shut(s) down critical content about important stories including those spotlighting human rights issues in aforementioned countries. He went on to single out China, noting that the countrys ability to block off investigative documentaries and films criticizing the nation and its leadership warrants concern.

He said that larger content corporations, who may care more about making money, are more likely to reject stories about human rights abuses in China, such as those regarding Muslim concentration camps, in the pitch process.

No one would buy the pitch, he said. Instead of us doing business with China and that leading to China being more free, what has happened is that China has bought our silence with their money.

The director voiced the need for movies that shine a light on human rights issues, challenge the actions of elected officials and inform the worldwide audience. Without them, the entertainment market may face consequences far greater than box office losses, he said.

What is a result of that is that we never wake up our country or the world, through art or satire, that people are being mistreated in our country or other countries and thats very dangerous, he said.

Apatows comments come after Disneys Mulan faced backlash for filming in the Xinjiang province, where Uighur Muslims have been detained in mass internment camps. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley accused Disneys movie of whitewashing the ongoing genocide of Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic minorities during the production of Mulan.

Watch the full clip above.

Read more here:

Judd Apatow Criticizes Hollywood's Censorship For International Market: China Has Bought Our Silence With Their Money - Deadline