Weighing The Options Of Bitcoin Private Key Management – Bitcoin Magazine

Bitcoin key management is probably one of the scariest aspects of interacting with your money for a new user with any sizable amount of value. Its also one of the most important aspects. One of the core aspects of bitcoin that truly differentiates it from the forms of digital value that preceded it historically is the ability to control and custody your own funds, to not have to depend on some central authority or record keeper to maintain possession of and retain the ability to transfer or spend it. Without the ability to hold your own private keys, it would not be possible to truly use bitcoin in a self-sovereign way without third parties. This opens up a door of massive potential and possibilities, but also a door to massive responsibility and risk. As has commonly been reiterated many times over the years, there is no Bitcoin customer support. There is no help desk to call, no one to hold your hand and undo mistakes you might make, theres just you.

This is the most difficult hurdle to overcome in terms of taking custody of your own bitcoin, and it is both a mental and practical hurdle. The space is awash with different ideas of best practices, how-to guides, opinions on the best device to use, and new users are bombarded from all directions with this information when they arrive here. The simple reality though, is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to how to store your bitcoin. There are some things that are more widely applicable to people than other things, there are solutions that are better suited for larger or smaller amounts, there are some solutions that make no sense or make perfect sense depending on your living situation. But there is no one best practice for managing your private keys that applies to everyone equally. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably not someone you should be listening to in regards to advice on the subject.

There are all kinds of ways to manage your keys, but things have come a long way since Bitcoin was first created. The original Bitcoin client generated single stand-alone keys backed up in a password-protected digital file and every time you received new coins you would have to make a new backup or risk losing that money; each new receive address was a newly-generated key totally unrelated to the other ones, and not contained in the last backup you made. Nowadays we have mnemonic seeds and deterministic wallets to allow a user to make a single backup and not have to worry about renewing that every time they receive new funds.

However, there is a lot more to safely managing keys than just the form your backup takes.

One of the first things people will run into in regards to key management advice is the contention of whether or not to use a single-signature wallet or a multisig wallet. Both camps tend to take an extremist view that they are the one-size-fits-all solution for your average user, and tend to bombastically advise only using one or the other, its automatically more security! But as I said above, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to key management. Every individual person is in their own personal situation, and that needs to be considered above all else before deciding how to go about things.

Lets look at some of the benefits of a singlesig wallet before we go into multisig. First, the entire wallet requires only retaining a copy of your mnemonic seed in order to be recoverable. Every single Bitcoin address that you send money to can be deterministically generated again on another device. The seed is literally the only thing that you need to recover all of your coins. Another benefit is the cost of spending. When sending coins using a single signature on the blockchain, they take up less blockspace and thus cost less in fees because only a single signature is required in the witness data of the transaction. In terms of inheritance situations, single-signature also has the benefit of being a simple thing (the mnemonic seed) that can be left for your friends and family. As long as they have a simple-to-use and secure device to import it into, its pretty easy to handle with some basic guidance. What is the obvious major downside? A single point of failure. If your mnemonic or keys are compromised, thats all she wrote. That is all that is required for a malicious actor to steal your coins, and there is no undoing that once it is done. No support line to call, no chargebacks. Theyre gone for good.

What are the upsides of a multisig wallet? There is no single point of failure; you are unable to spend coins in a multisig wallet without access to multiple sets of private keys. This allows the geographic distribution of mnemonic seeds to increase the cost of gaining access to enough key sets in order to steal someones bitcoin. It also opens the door to letting other people take possession of one set of keys in the multisig aside from the actual owner, or distributing the keys amongst a group of people so that no one individual owns'' them from the point of view of having enough keys to spend them on their own. This is how companies like Casa or Unchained Capital are able to offer services that to some degree do hold users hands, offering them a safety net in the form of a recovery key held by the service to safeguard the user against losing some (although not all) of the keys they possess in the multisig. What are some of the downsides of multisig? The necessity to safeguard all of the master public keys involved in the wallet. When you use a singlesig, all you need is the mnemonic seed to recover it. But because a multisig wallet uses all of the public keys from every mnemonic seed involved, you have to back them up as well. The problem here is that if you lose a mnemonic seed involved in the multisig, and dont have a separate backup of the matching public key, you have no way to recover it, and without that public key you cannot regenerate the multisig address to find your funds on chain, and therefore have lost access to those funds. Multisig (at least until MuSig schemes using Schnorr/Taproot are adopted) are also more expensive to spend on chain than a singlesig, so sending your money anywhere is more expensive than with a singlesig address.

So lets look at an imaginary Bitcoiner: they live alone in an apartment, they do not get along well with their family, their friends are not the most responsible people, and they are sitting around contemplating how to set up their key management solution. Some person attempting to be helpful on Twitter advises they set up a multisig wallet with Specter or Blue Wallet. How does multisig help this person? They have no place to store keys aside from their apartment, so they are going to be keeping all the keys in one place. This prevents any benefits of spreading multisig keys around to be redundant against loss or theft, and comes with the cost of more expensive transactions on chain. As well, even though not the most likely scenario because all the seeds are stored together, they risk losing funds if they misplace or damage one seed and do not maintain public key backups. It adds no meaningful security, increases the cost of spending their bitcoin, and adds additional ways for them to lose access to their money. What might make sense for such a person is utilizing a multisig service where the provider holds a key for them to assist in recovery. If using a 2-of-3, they can keep two seeds at their apartment, the provider has one, and leave a single seed with untrusted family or irresponsible friends knowing that the single seed is not enough for them to spend the funds. They can even leave that one seed with multiple people in case someone loses or destroys their copy, so they can still recover funds if they were to lose access to both of their seeds kept at home.

Lets look at another imaginary Bitcoiner: someone with their own house, as well as a cabin somewhere in the wilderness they own as a vacation home. Maybe theyre a senior software engineer, or a lawyer, someone who has their own locked office in their workplace. They have many different places under a reasonable amount of their own control. In this case it makes sense for this person to utilize a multisig setup with noone involved but themselves. They can generate a 2-of-3 wallet, leave one seed at home, one seed at their cabin, and one seed at their office (obviously leaving a copy of all three public keys with each seed backup). This provides them with geographic redundancy protecting them against both loss of funds and theft because they actually have access to multiple safe locations where they can store key material, unlike the first hypothetical Bitcoiner above.

Both of these scenarios should clearly demonstrate the strengths and drawbacks of both methods depending on a person's individual circumstances. Using multisig because "it's more secure!" is not always a sensible choice for everyone. Even if it does make sense, it doesn't necessarily make sense to use it in the same way as someone else would. Before making a decision between a single key and multisig key set up, you should think long and hard about your own living circumstances and what makes sense for you.

Passphrases are also something billed as a catch-all solution to security. The reality is a lot more complicated and nuanced than that. Assume for the purposes of this discussion that you have had your mnemonic seed compromised (a passphrase is just like any internet password in that scenario from a simplistic point of view). It only adds as much security as there is entropy in the passphrase. If you used a secure passphrase, obviously this can be a good amount of added security, but this comes with the trade-off that the more secure your passphrase is the harder it will be to memorize. The core purpose of a passphrase is to have something you remember, and not physically stored anywhere, so the use of a passphrase becomes a balancing act of adding security but not creating too great a risk of forgetting it. If you don't remember your passphrase, you lose access to your funds.

This write-up on Coldbits website gives a good breakdown of the entropy of different styles of passphrases, from using BIP-39 mnemonic words, to other word lists, to alphanumeric passwords. The article defines different classes of attackers based on the resources at their disposal: a single laptop, a few GPUs, a specialized ASIC for passphrase cracking, and a large supercluster of passphrase ASICs. For each class of attacker they rate on average the time it would take to brute force a passphrase based on its length and what resources an attacker has. This is something that everyone using a passphrase should consider when selecting one. Unless you approach the same entropy as a mnemonic seed itself, a passphrase is just a temporary shield to allow you to move your funds to a new seed before the attacker can bruteforce your passphrase, and if you approach the same entropy as a mnemonic seed you are heavily raising the risk of forgetting the passphrase and losing access to your funds.

The last point on seed phrases is memorizing versus writing down and storing somewhere. If memorizing a seed it might be prudent to temporarily write it down until you are confident you have it memorized, and then destroy the written copy. If you do wind up making a permanent physical copy of it, then in my opinion the best thing to do is treat it like a multisig setup. Your mnemonic and passphrase each constitute two "keys" in a "multisig" at that point, and storing both of them in the same place is a bad security risk. The major benefit of a passphrase is adding "something you know" to "something you have" (your mnemonic). If you deviate from this use of a passphrase by writing it down, keep that in mind and plan accordingly to keep them separate and not easy to find together.

This is a key point to consider in any wallet set up; hardware wallets generally provide physical security to make extracting your keys from the device very expensive, and any software wallet that is safe to use will be storing your keys encrypted when the wallet is not open and in use. However, all of these protections are moot if you just leave a mnemonic seed sitting around on a desk. Physical security of a mnemonic seed is of the utmost importance, whether that comes from a safe, or hiding it in some place that is not somewhere a thief or attacker will look is something for you to consider based on your situation. But it should not be somewhere easily accessible by anyone but you. A safe that is difficult to remove or break into would be a good place, or somewhere that is not immediately obvious, like writing it inside a book across many pages or under a loose floorboard (don't take these examples literally per se, but the idea is that somewhere a thief is not going to think to look for something valuable).

If you wind up storing a mnemonic somewhere other than your own home, I cannot stress this enough, do not do so without a decently strong passphrase and preferably with some kind of tamperproof bag or setup so that you can periodically verify the seed is still there and has not been tampered with by anyone else since your last check. Personally I think that strong physical security or obfuscation (hiding) is the way to go in your own residence, but if you do have a need to store elsewhere due to security or disaster risks, I would advise storing it with someone you trust regardless of any tamperproof measures or passphrases you have in place (security deposit boxes are a horrible idea for singlesig addresses).

One last thing to consider if this happens to be a situation you might find yourself in, is how do you destroy a metal seed backup? Imagine you are leaving the country and never coming back, yet you have a word seed stamped with letter presses or etched in. You can't bring that through customs. You also don't want to leave it sitting around where it can be found when you leave if you plan on continuing to use it. If this is a scenario you see in your future potentially, it might make sense to use tile-based seed backups if you want to keep steel ones for durability purposes, otherwise you are going to have to migrate all of your funds to a new seed before or after leaving. This could be a time-consuming and complex thing if you have funds segregated among different passphrases, or have managed your UTXOs to keep them isolated, because you will have to move funds bit by bit without connecting them to maintain that privacy and isolation.

Managing your own keys is the core of what makes Bitcoin special, but it is also a big responsibility. It's like going for a hike out in the wilderness. There are many different paths you can take; some are arduous and grueling, uphill the whole way, while some are nice easy paths, and some have obstacles in the way. You can even walk completely off the trails if you so choose, but that comes with the risk of getting lost. When you go out in the elements, there is no one you can depend on but yourself. The level of preparation and understanding needed is not going to be the same for everyone, and you shouldn't let yourself fall into the trap of thinking that is the case.

This is a guest post by Shinobi. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

See more here:

Weighing The Options Of Bitcoin Private Key Management - Bitcoin Magazine

Report: Cambodia Reaffirms Stance Against Unsanctioned Crypto-Related Activities Regulation Bitcoin News – Bitcoin News

Cambodian authorities have reportedly said that no cryptocurrency company has been issued a business license yet, and that conducting cryptocurrency-related activities in the country is still illegal.

The Cambodian government has not greenlighted the issuing or use of any cryptocurrency in the country, a report has said. The report, which cites a document recently released by the Ministry of Finance and Economics, said it is still illegal to create, distribute, or trade cryptocurrencies in Cambodia.

According to a China News Service report, while the ministry does concede that the fintech industry is growing rapidly, it nonetheless reiterated that the long-standing ban on crypto trading remains in force. As previously reported by Bitcoin.com News, Cambodian authorities announced in 2018 that the circulation or trading of cryptocurrencies without a license was illegal.

At the time, authorities warned that crypto activities had the potential to cause risks to the public and society. The volatility of crypto assets as well as their lack of backing by an underlying asset are some of the risks mentioned in the May 11, 2018 statement. Lack of consumer protection, cybercrime, and loss of funds due to hacking are the other risks that were mentioned in the statement.

In a new statement jointly issued with the National Bank of Cambodia, the Securities Commission, and the National Police Agency, the Finance ministry reiterated that no cryptocurrency company has been issued a business license.

Meanwhile, the China News Service report revealed that Cambodia is currently drafting its fintech development policy which, according to the finance ministry, ensures the country fully benefits from the development of this emerging technology while minimizing the associated risks.

What are your thoughts on this story? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Terence Zimwara is a Zimbabwe award-winning journalist, author and writer. He has written extensively about the economic troubles of some African countries as well as how digital currencies can provide Africans with an escape route.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. Bitcoin.com does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Continued here:

Report: Cambodia Reaffirms Stance Against Unsanctioned Crypto-Related Activities Regulation Bitcoin News - Bitcoin News

Twitter to Begin Cryptocurrency Payouts for Creators. This Week’s Top Bitcoin and Crypto News – CNET

Welcome to Nonfungible Tidbits, a weekly roundup of news in crypto, NFTs and their related realms.

Our lead story this week is Twitter signing on as the first company to use Stripe's new cryptocurrency payments feature. The social network plans to give creators -- people who monetize their video, art and music directly through their relationships with the audience -- the option of getting paid in a stablecoin.

We'll also cover Coinbase launching a beta version of its NFT marketplace, New York lawmakers considering a moratorium on fossil-fuel powered cryptocurrency mining in the state, and a strange cyberattack on a DeFi protocol in which the hacker left the stolen cryptocurrency behind.

Online payment processor Stripe said on Friday that it'll allow businesses to pay their customers in cryptocurrencies. The first business that's signed on for this feature is social media giant Twitter, which currently uses Stripe to pay creators. Right now the cryptocurrency that'll be used for the payout is a stablecoin called USDCoin, or USDC. The value of the USDC stablecoin is pegged to the US dollar, which makes the value less volatile than that of other cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin.

Twitter will draw on Stripe's cryptocurrency payments feature by offering it as an option to creators who sell premium content to their followers, such as those who receive earnings from Twitter's paid Ticketed Spaces and Super Follows features. Creators can opt to have their payout sent to a digital wallet.

Read CNET's full story on Stripe's cryptocurrency payment roll out here.

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase on Wednesday released the beta version of a feature that'll allow users to buy and sell NFTs on its platform. Coinbase calls the new feature "a Web3 social marketplace for NFTs," which sounds like the exchange may include social media elements in the feature. Right now the beta version only lets people view Ethereum-based NFTs on Coinbase.

Read CNET's full story on the launch of Coinbase's NFT marketplace here.

A cryptocurrency mining rig.

A battle over how and if cryptocurrency mining should be allowed to operate is heating up in New York, according to a Wall Street Journal report. New York lawmakers are considering measures that would place a two-year moratorium on reactivating old fossil-fuel power plants in the state for the purpose of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining operations areincredibly energy-intensive, so electricity is a big part of miners' overhead. Buying enough electricity to mine cryptocurrency is expensive, and crypto miners need uninterruptedaccess to poweraround the clock. So miners are usingold power plantsas a cheap source of electricity for their operations.

The Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index estimates that the bitcoin network's energy usage is a little less than the energy used by the entire country of Egypt. Greenpeace and other organizations are currently engaged in a campaign to change the way the bitcoin network works to reduce the networks' carbon footprint.

In an odd turn of events, a hacker stole $1 million in crypto from a decentralized finance protocol called Zeed, then failed to get it out. Generally speaking, DeFi protocols are code sets that run on blockchains and facilitate various financial transactions and transfers using cryptocurrencies. Business Insider India called the hack similar to robbing a bank and then forgetting the bags of money. The publication also noted that almost 97% of all cryptocurrency stolen this year has come from hacks and exploitations of DeFi protocols.

Thanks for reading. We'll be back with plenty more next week. In the meantime, check out this story from CNET's Daniel Van Boom about how an Apple iCloud exploit caused a cryptocurrency trader to lose more than $650K.

Original post:

Twitter to Begin Cryptocurrency Payouts for Creators. This Week's Top Bitcoin and Crypto News - CNET

Bitcoin Reached A 7-Week Low TodayHere’s What Traders Should Know – Forbes

Analysts weigh in after bitcoin falls to its lowest since October 6. (Photo Illustration by ... [+] Chesnot/Getty Images)

Bitcoin prices declined today, falling to their lowest since early October, and setting their latest multiweek low.

The worlds largest digital currency by market value dropped to $53,359.80, CoinDesk data shows.

At this point, it was trading at its lowest since October 6, additional CoinDesk figures reveal.

After falling to its lowest point in more than seven weeks, bitcoin prices bounced back, climbing above $57,000 later in the day.

[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]

Recently, bitcoin prices have repeatedly moved toward $53,000, a level that some analysts have identified as providing key support.

While the digital currency has made attempts on that level, they have all been unsuccessful.

Several technical analysts weighed in on the implications of bitcoins repeated failure to convincingly break through support near $53,000.

Beginning Friday, Bitcoin began testing the support at about $53K, said Joe DiPasquale, CEO of cryptocurrency hedge fund managerBitBull Capital.

Each time it fell to that level, it bounced higher, signaling strong support there, he added.

Todays dip to just over $53K led it to bounce back to a higher price, added DiPasquale.

This signals that we have strong purchasing interest at that level. When repeated support this happens, it is evidence of demand at that level and a bullish signal that the asset will appreciate from there.

Dylan LeClair, head of market research for Bitcoin Magazine, also commented on the situation.

$53,000 is a key level, which happens to be the average on-chain cost basis of short term holders in the market, he noted, citing market data.

Throughout bitcoins history the realized price (on-chain cost basis) of short term holders has served as key bull market support.

Konstantin Anissimov, executive director at CEX.IO, also spoke to key level. However, he offered a different take on the matter.

We see three factors contributing to $53k serving as strong support, he stated.

Bitcoins market cap is $1 trillion at $52,950 USD. This level has been key support/resistance through 2021 and is now being retested as support again.

The chart below illustrates what Anissimov described.

This chart shows how the $1 trillion market cap served as key support and resistance.

Further, he spoke to other developments that might interest market observers.

Recent selling pressure is largely forced via liquidations with minimal signs of selling/capitulation from long-term market players, stated Anissimov.

This suggests the ~23% decline off all-time highs isnt a larger trend reversal. Since November 10 (day of ATH) there have been $968 million USD of liquidations.

This chart shows the dollar value of liquidations (both daily and in total) since November 10, when ... [+] bitcoin hit its all-time high.

Finally, Anissimov spoke to market sentiment.

He mentioned the BTC Fear and Greed Index provided by alternative.me, emphasizing that it was at 27 when he provided this input. The figure had increased to 33, a figure that also pointed to fear, at the time of this writing.

BTC has hovered in the fear to extreme fear level of the index, which is usually the case after weaker handed holders have exited the market.

The Fear & Greed Index from alternative.me shows that the sentiment surrounding "Bitcoin and other ... [+] large cryptocurrencies" is fearful.

In addition to emphasizing the key support provided near the $53,000 level, LeClair outlined several important factors for market observers to watch going forward.

He spoke to the derivatives market, noting that although a complete flush of long biased derivatives have yet to occur, funding on perpetual swaps remains moderately high, but nothing too extreme or worrisome.

The macroeconomic backdrop and the potential for the Fed to delay tapering the current pace of balance sheet expansion is something bitcoin traders are watching closely, added LeClair.

Also, a rising dollar against other foreign currencies as seen in the dollar currency index (DXY) over the course of 2021 is also of significance, and should be watched closely.

Disclosure: I own some bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin, ether, EOS and sol.

Excerpt from:

Bitcoin Reached A 7-Week Low TodayHere's What Traders Should Know - Forbes

The future is Bitcoin, according to South Park creators – Cointelegraph

South Park, the animated TV series that often tackles topical issues with a comedic twist, showed Bitcoin being used as a mainstream means of payment in the not too distant future.

In the Post COVID episode of its 24th season which aired Thursday, South Park depicted one of the shows protagonists, Stan Marsh, paying for a stay in a cheap motel using Bitcoin (BTC) roughly 40 years from now, when the pandemic is jokingly about to end for good. The fictional Super 12 Motel Plus in a future where nearly all brand names have plus and maxx included only accepts Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, with the show having Marsh pay using a plastic card with the BTC logo and a QR code.

Its the future weve all decided centralized banking is rigged so we trust more in fly-by-night Ponzi schemes, said the motel clerk.

Many in the crypto space know South Park for its criticism of the United States governments and banks response following the 2008 financial crisis, popularized by the meme aaaand... its gone referring to Marsh losing money immediately after depositing it in a bank. Among the other future predictions in the recent episode are autonomous vehicles, holographic digital assistants and stand-up comedy becoming a shadow of itself amid woke culture.

Though referencing cryptocurrency and blockchain in mainstream media is somewhat commonplace now, this wasnt always the case. The first TV series to feature BTC was The Good Wife in January 2012, but others have gone on to use the emerging technology and financial tool for both comedy and drama. This year, James Spaders character in The Blacklist claimed to know the true identity of Satoshi, and The Simpsons showed the BTC price moving to infinity on an animated stock ticker feed.

Related: Reality show is casting crypto users locked out of their wallets

Bitcoin's appearance on the popular animated series comes as the price of the crypto asset has stayed mostly under $60,000 for more than a week. According to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro, the BTC price is $59,237 at the time of publication, having fallen more than 14% since reaching an all-time high of $69,000 on Nov. 10.

Read more:

The future is Bitcoin, according to South Park creators - Cointelegraph

Bitcoin bear market: These are the 5 best performing cryptocurrencies – Markets Insider


Barcroft Media

Bitcoin entered a bear market on Friday, falling more than 20% from its record $69,000 high as concerns of a new COVID-19 variant spread across markets. But other cryptocurrencies are performing just fine despite the risk-off environment.

With 14,865 cryptocurrencies in existence and counting, there are more than triple the number of crypto coins than there are US exchange-listed stocks. That large amount makes it nearly impossible to keep track of all the big movers in the crypto sector outside of well known coins like bitcoin, ether, and dogecoin.

The surge in new crypto coins has come amid a massive bull market for the space, with a recent rally in bitcoin helping catapult the sector to a near-$3 trillion market valuation. But the rise is also being driven by smaller coins that have seen extraordinary surges this year, including solana, cardano, and shiba inu.

With less liquidity and more volatility, these alternative cryptocurrencies can deliver investors massive losses or gains in a short period of time. Shiba inu is down about 40% from its recent high, despite being up millions of percentage points year-to-date. Meanwhile, squid game token fell 99% in a single day after delivering swift gains of 75,000%.

Keeping an eye on the weekly winners can help investors identify which coins are beginning to see increased traction in the crypto community.

These are the five best performing cryptocurrencies with a market value of more than $1 billion over the past week despite a decline in bitcoin and ether, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

5. Crypto.com Coin

Symbol: CROMarket Value: $17.4 billion7-Day Performance: 33.3%


4. Basic Attention Token

Symbol: BATMarket Value: $2.2 billion7-Day Performance: 36.5%


3. Zcash

Symbol: ZECMarket Value: $3.3 billion7-Day Performance: 59.5%


2. The Sandbox

Symbol: SANDMarket Value: $6.3 billion7-Day Performance: 67.2%


1. Gala

Symbol: GALAMarket Value: $5.0 billion7-Day Performance: 216.8%


Read the rest here:

Bitcoin bear market: These are the 5 best performing cryptocurrencies - Markets Insider

Hedge Fund Manager Anthony Scaramucci Compares Bitcoin to Amazon in the Year 2000, Predicts Strong Q1 for BTC – The Daily Hodl

Renowned hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci is comparing Bitcoin (BTC) to e-commerce giant Amazon, which was volatile in its early days but eventually became one of the best-performing stocks.

In a new interview on CNBCs Squawk Box, the SkyBridge Capital founder says Bitcoin has grown exponentially in terms of fundamentals over the last year and that the recent correction gives investors a chance to buy at a discount.

If you and I were on this conversation a year ago, Bitcoin had a hundred million wallets. Glassnode is saying theres about 240 million today, so thats great exponential growth, but its not fully saturated, so I think there are buying opportunities all around, and if you dont have leverage on, this is a good day for you as an investor.

Although Scaramucci says he doesnt think Bitcoin is an asset that you can use to hedge against inflation yet, he believes in the long-term potential of the leading cryptocurrency.

I dont think its a hedge against inflation at this moment in time. I think long term if you got to a billion wallets, two billion wallets and Bitcoin was in a what I would call a stable trading zone.

Think of Amazon 20 plus years of Amazon. This is sort of Amazon in the year 2000. This comes with some volatility, and it comes with a lot of fear and uncertainty, and thats the reason why its down.

The hedge fund veteran adds that right now, Bitcoins volatility is shaking out investors and eliminating excessive leverage in the system which could put Bitcoin in a position to rally next year.

I just think this is a risk-off situation right now, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies being volatile. Thats taking people out of the game. Its also washing out some of the leverage, which I think sets up a pretty nice first quarter. I would love to debate the people that think that Bitcoin is an inflation hedge at this stage in Bitcoins evolution because I just dont see that as being the case.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/DanieleGay

Read more from the original source:

Hedge Fund Manager Anthony Scaramucci Compares Bitcoin to Amazon in the Year 2000, Predicts Strong Q1 for BTC - The Daily Hodl

Forget Ether! Solana will Emerge as a Big ‘Bitcoin Killer’ in 2022 – Analytics Insight

Solana will give a tough competition to both ethereum and bitcoin in 2022 and beyond

The growing demand for bitcoin has triggered a rally in one of its biggest competitors, Solana. Although SOL is often referred to as Ethereum Killer for the close competence the cryptocurrencies follow, the recent trend of Solana might give it a heads up in 2022 and make it a Bitcoin Killer. If the trend befalls beyond 2022 into the future, then Solana has a high chance of taking over the top two cryptocurrencies.

Solana price has recorded a whopping 17,000% growth in 2021 alone, making it the fourth-largest cryptocurrency in the top 10 list. But SOL didnt make it to to the top just like that. It gradually rose through the ranks of altcoins to capture its currency place. Solana began the year at US$1.5, which now rose to nearly US$260. The digital token is now valued at US$64 billion with much-anticipated developments on its way. Besides, Solanas technology makes it very competitive compared to the market leaders, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Although the market trend has labeled Solana as highly volatile with risk factors, its incredible growth is making investors think otherwise. On the other hand, Ethereum is also doing well in the market. Unfortunately, it cant be a direct Bitcoin Killer since ETHERs trend mostly follows the footprint of BTC. Therefore, experts predict that Solana will give a tough competition to both ethereum and bitcoin in 2022 and beyond.

Launched in March 2020 by Anatoly Yakovenko, the Solana coin and network were designed specially to focus on smart contracts and the creation of decentralized applications (dapps). One of the biggest advantages of SOL network is that the digital token can operate on both proof of history (PoH) and proof of stake (PoS) model. While PoS allows the users in the verification process, PoH keeps track of the transaction time and day in the record. Compared to Bitcoin and Ethereums mining process, SOL is quick as it can achieve more transactions per unit of time and has significantly lower fees. Some of the other must-know factors of Solana are,

The Mining Model: Recently, there has been a buzz around BTC for its extreme energy consumption during mining. World leaders and even countries like China have come down strongly on the digital token for running the environment. Therefore, investors are seeking out for more environmentally friendly cryptocurrencies such as Solana. The combination of PoS and PoH can make transactions far more easy and fast with less impact on society.

Acceptance at Multiple Crypto Platforms: Besides being the first cryptocurrency to emerge, bitcoin is also famous for its wide acceptance across many crypto exchanges. Currently, SOL is also on the line with BTC to get mainstream acceptance and adoption. In June 2020, the network announced that Solana would be listed on Coinbase Pro, a major crypto exchange. Following this news, other crypto trading platforms have also opened their door to SOL.

NFTs and Smart Contracts: Although ETHER introduced smart contracts to the virtual ecosystem, the network confession has led to people looking for alternatives. Fortunately, Solana is always here to help. Besides doing great in the smart contracts, SOL is also gaining attention in the NFT sphere. Solanas NFTs allow buyers to enjoy faster transaction speeds at lower fees.

Since inception, Solana price was hovering around US$1 till January 2021. During the crypto rally in May this year, SOL went up to touch US$58.30 but fell back to US$22.18 in July. However, its rally in September was incredible. The cryptocurrency went up the hill in September and continued to follow the trend in November as well. Currently, Solana price is traded near the US$260 mark.

According to WalletInvestor prediction, SOL is anticipated to cross US$275 by the end of 2021 and the upwards trend will continue to grow further. By the end of 2022, Solana has the potential to touch US$772.726.

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Forget Ether! Solana will Emerge as a Big 'Bitcoin Killer' in 2022 - Analytics Insight

Thailand Plans to Become ‘Crypto-Positive Society’ Governor Says ‘Crypto Is the Future’ Regulation Bitcoin News – Bitcoin News

Thailand is laying the groundwork to become a crypto-positive society with the aim to attract crypto holders and boost its tourism industry. The country hopes to gain back some of the $80 billion in lost tourism revenue due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent shutdown.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is working with the countrys regulators to make it easier and more convenient for visitors to spend cryptocurrencies in the country, Bloomberg reported Saturday citing TAT Governor Yuthasak Supasorn.

The governor detailed, There are people who have become wealthy from holding digital currencies and they may want to use the wealth they have accrued, elaborating:

If they can use their currencies here without having to exchange it, or be faced with government taxes, then it would create convenience for them.

He explained that the Thai tourism authority is laying the groundwork for the wider acceptance of cryptocurrencies, which it plans to have in place by the time global travel returns to normal.

The plan is already being discussed with the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Bank of Thailand (BOT), and Bitkub Online Co., the largest crypto exchange in the country, the governor revealed.

Furthermore, the authority will set up a new unit next year to handle the issuance of its own crypto tokens, produce a wallet, and build a new tourism ecosystem, he added. Thailand currently does not recognize cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin and ether, as legal tender.

The Thai tourism authority aims to recoup some of the $80 billion in lost revenue due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2019, Thailand attracted almost 40 million foreign travelers, generating more than $60 billion in revenue.

However, the country shut down its borders for more than a year due to the pandemic. It recently opened its borders to vaccinated travelers.

Yuthasak suggested that Thailand could recoup about 80% of its pre-pandemic tourism revenue in 2023 with only half the number of foreign tourists in 2019 by getting someone like Russell Crowe or a crypto holder like Tim Cook to travel here.

He expects Thailands tourism industry to return to pre-Covid levels by 2024, adding that the country is targeting about 1 million high-spending tourists in the first quarter of next year. Meanwhile, the authority hopes that 10% of crypto holders will eventually travel to Thailand.

The TAT governor opined:

Crypto is the future, so we must make Thailand a crypto-positive society to welcome this group of quality tourists.

What do you think about Thailand becoming a crypto-positive society? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. Bitcoin.com does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Read the original here:

Thailand Plans to Become 'Crypto-Positive Society' Governor Says 'Crypto Is the Future' Regulation Bitcoin News - Bitcoin News

Bitcoin And Biases: Agnotology, The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance – Bitcoin Magazine

Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance. - Confucius

Previous articles talked about Bitcoin and the cognitive biases that lead to misconceptions about Bitcoin.

Backing up a bit, we can look at the knowledge, or ignorance that contributes to these misconceptions.

Its important to understand a bit more about ignorance so that we can understand the differences in some of the ignorant narratives around Bitcoin.

Most importantly, we need to understand that some narratives are from a situation of really not knowing, and some narratives are intentionally deceptive.

These narratives are perpetuating ignorance.

Have you heard of agnotology? Agnotology is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt.

A book called Agnotology; The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance by Robert Proctor sheds a lot of light on the subject.

The word ignorance has some pretty negative associations such as stupidity, narrowness, and willful denial of facts.

In reality, there are different flavors of ignorance and they can be on a continuum of positive to neutral to negative.

Proctor divides ignorance into three main areas:

Most people who know even a bit about Bitcoin are NOT ignorant about some of the directions I am going with this.

This ignorance can be the motivation to learn more as we mature. This type of ignorance is what fuels personal and institutional learning, research, and innovation.

For many, Bitcoin is something they have not learned about yet.

There are a variety of learning styles, so to educate everybody, many different educational paths and time preferences are needed. The group who hasnt learned yet runs the gamut of ages, life situations, work situations, available time, energy, and capabilities for learning.

There are many who have this type of ignorance about Bitcoin due to the characteristics of their life situation.

If you work in one field, you might not learn about a different field due to the time required to become an expert or worker in that field.

Maybe you operate within one financial system and you havent learned about alternative ones.

Or when you do learn about something, you stick to something that confirms your existing beliefs, is within your biases, and therefore comfortable.

Most people have grown up and been taught to operate within a particular financial genre.

There are many reasons for ignorance by selection and they range from factors like age to time factors to benign lack of exposure to belligerently not wanting to learn something new.

Lets help people choose to learn more about Bitcoin.

It aint what you dont know that gets you into trouble. Its what you know for sure that just aint so. Mark Twain

Certain institutions have become quite effective at manufacturing ignorance.

I believe there are two areas where ignorance is crafted:

I also believe that it is difficult to separate the two of these, since history and narrative is written by the victorious and the successful.

The term agnotology was invented by Proctor when a paper called the Smoking And Health Proposal was leaked to the public. The document described in detail how cigarette corporations were attempting to obfuscate research findings that cigarettes are carcinogenic.

The Greek word agnosis means not knowing and ontology means nature, so Proctor invented the term agnotology to mean the study of the nature of not knowing.

Proctor was inspired to study this area because he saw that a long-standing and very powerful industry was able to cast doubt around the health effects of tobacco.

Similarly, the long-standing and powerful central banking, financial institutions, and government industries craft ignorance in two ways:

People are attempting to document and counteract this constructed ignorance on Twitter and in articles for Bitcoin Magazine such as the FCA Influencer Program And Bitcoin article. Much of the negative Bitcoin and energy debate seems to be intentionally constructed ignorance.

One also needs to be careful not to do the same ignorance constructing around Bitcoin. For example:

Understanding the different types of ignorance can help in crafting responses appropriately.

If you can get people to start to comprehend, people will start down the rabbit hole and get to greater understanding.

Call them out, and combat the narratives intentionally and directly with facts that counteract.

This manufactured ignorance is intentional in order to maintain the legacy fiat product, system, and those who benefit from its continuation.

Dont pull your factual punches.

Agnotology, or the making of ignorance, is a marketing strategy for many who use it.

This strategy is used to craft a message that distracts from the reality of the situation and what benefits certain interests.

Its easier than fixing the problem or finding an alternative solution.

Like Bitcoin.

This is a guest post by Heidi Porter. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine.

Read more from the original source:

Bitcoin And Biases: Agnotology, The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance - Bitcoin Magazine

Bitcoin Or Ethereum? Which Blockchain Is Heavier? BitMEX Research Reports – Bitcoinist

From times immemorial, the Bitcoin and Ethereum camps argue about nodes and their respective blockchains characteristics. This mind-bending report by BitMEX Research will put the debate to rest. Surprisingly, they determine that the Bitcoin blockchain is still bigger than the Ethereum one. This will soon change, though. BitMEX Research also concludes that size is not the right metric to compare both chains, because to learn useful information about the Ethereum network one needs to perform significantly more computations and generate far more data.

Related Reading | BitMEX Reaches Agreement With CFTC, Why It Could Mark A New Era For Crypto

As to why people assume that Ethereum would be bigger, BitMEX Research attributes it to failure to remember just how small Ethereum was a few years ago. Then, they go to the history books:

From 2015 to 2018, Bitcoins blockchain grew at a faster rate than Ethereum, then from 2018 to 2020 they seemed to grow in parallel. Finally, from late 2020 onwards, the Ethereum blockchain growth rate accelerated further and the growth rate is now far higher than Bitcoin. Ethereums cumulative blockchain size looks set to shortly overtake Bitcoin and accelerate far beyond it.

And give us this chart:

What exactly are we watching in the chart? BitMEX Research explains:

In both cases, for Bitcoin and Ethereum, the total blockchain size in the chart above contains all transaction data, this is all the data one needs to download from ones peers to fully synchronize and verify the chain. This includes all the digital signatures authorizing each transaction.

According to this Peter Szilagyis tweet, Ethereums head state requires 130GB of data. In Bitcoin, we can compare that to the UTXO set size, the set of unspent Bitcoin outputs. That weighs 4.6GB, which is only around 1.2% of the size of the entire Bitcoin blockchain. In Ethereum, the story is quite different. Those 130GB are around 43% of the blockchain size, far higher than 1.2% on Bitcoin.

Also, take into account that:

Bitcoin Core supports pruning the blockchain, where a node can discard old blockchain data and only retain some very recent transactions plus the UTXO set. This means that one can fully validate the entire Bitcoin blockchain and check the validity of new blocks, with well under 10GB of disk space.

Lets get one thing clear, both blockchains are quite different and were just comparing them for sport. For example, in Ethereum, a node stores two types of databases, the blockchain and the state. The state is computed from the transaction history and essentially contains: all Ethereum account balances, storage associated with every deployed Ethereum smart contract and account nonces.

Currently, the state is as heavy as the blockchain. Only limited pruning or efficiencies are therefore possible when it comes to reducing the size of the head state. The head state is therefore likley to continue to grow over time.

After carefully analyzing the case, BitMEX Research reaches a conclusion:

The comparison between the blockchain size for Ethereum and Bitcoin is not always particularly relevant. The Bitcoin blockchain is mostly sufficient to tell you all you need to know about the Bitcoin network. In contrast, the Ethereum blockchain itself is by no means sufficient to tell you much about the state of Ethereum, to do this one needs to compute and store much more data, otherwise you dont know what many of the transactions are actually doing.

Make of that what you will.

Related Reading | BitMEX Becomes One Of The First Crypto Exchanges To Go Carbon-Neutral

Its important to know that, for the sake of brevity, we skipped all the technical explanations. Plus, we left out worthy material that wasnt relevant to the discussion. We highly recommend that you read the whole report, its fascinating and itll give you a clear picture of how thorough BitMEX Research was.

See the rest here:

Bitcoin Or Ethereum? Which Blockchain Is Heavier? BitMEX Research Reports - Bitcoinist

Sneaker Giant Adidas Says the Metaverse Is ‘Exciting,’ Reveals Partnership With Coinbase Bitcoin News – Bitcoin News

The German multinational shoe and sportswear corporation Adidas recently announced the company has partnered with the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. Two days prior, The Sandbox tweeted about the popular shoe company and showed a video clip of Adidas real estate in the Sandbox metaverse.

According to a recent statement from an Adidas spokesperson speaking with City A.M.s Lily Russell-Jones, the company is very focused on the metaverse. The Metaverse is currently one of the most exciting developments in digital, making it an interesting platform for Adidas, the company spokesperson explained to Russell-Jones on Thursday. It all started on Monday, November 22, when The Sandbox tweeted about the multinational shoe and sportswear firm.

Hey @adidasoriginals, impossible is nothing in the Metaverse. What if we invite all of the original thinkers and do-ers to design our future together? The Sandbox tweeted.

The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual gaming world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences, according to the metaverse description. Besides a sizable plot of metaverse land shown in the video clip, its currently unknown what Adidas will be doing in The Sandbox virtual world. The official Meta (formally Facebook) Twitter account also replied to The Sandbox tweet to Adidas.

Impossible is nothing, but these possibilities are everything, the Meta account said. Another individual wrote:

ADIDAS = All Day I Dream About SANDBOX?

Following the tweet stemming from The Sandbox Twitter account, Adidas tweeted about partnering with the crypto exchange Coinbase. Adidas stated:

Weve partnered with @coinbase. Probably nothing.

Following the tweet from Adidas, Coinbase affirmed the partnership and said: gm @adidasoriginals. Welcome to the party, partner. Coinbase also tweeted a handshake emoji to Adidas as well in the thread. Adidas may have gotten the hint to step up its metaverse game when it was revealed its main competitor, Nike, is seemingly getting ready to step into the metaverse and the world of non-fungible token (NFT) technology.

The description of downloadable virtual goods mentioned well known Nike trademarks such as the Just Do It tagline, the Air Jordan Jumpman, and the Nike swoosh. Metaverse lands like The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, and Decentraland have seen significant demand since Facebook changed its name to Meta. Digital land plots are selling for millions and major brands are jumping into the industry fast.

What do you think about Adidas partnering with Coinbase and The Sandbox? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a direct offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation or endorsement of any products, services, or companies. Bitcoin.com does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Read the original here:

Sneaker Giant Adidas Says the Metaverse Is 'Exciting,' Reveals Partnership With Coinbase Bitcoin News - Bitcoin News

$BTC: ARK Invest CEO Explains Why Institutional Investors Are Getting Into Bitcoin – CryptoGlobe

Recently, Catherine Wood, Founder, CIO, and CEO atARK Investment Management, LLC(aka ARK or ARK Invest), talked about institutional investment in Bitcoin.

During a virtual interview on November 17 with Barrons Senior Managing Editor Lauren R. Rublin, Wood said that large institutional investors are making a move into Bitcoin and pointed out the lack of correlation between crypto and other assets.

According to a report about this interview by The Daily Hodl, Wood said:

We can see whos moving in and it looks like strong, institutional holders are moving in [to Bitcoin]. Why are they moving in? Because the correlation of returns among crypto, especially Bitcoin, and other assets stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities are very low.

Studies tell us that if theres a low correlation of returns among assets, [buying] that asset with the low correlation, you will be raising returns and lowering risk over time.

She also reiterated his previous price prediction for Bitcoin:

The reason weve used the $500,000 mark for a Bitcoin price target is that if institutional investors move into Bitcoin and allocate 5% of their portfolios to it, by our estimates Bitcoin will go up by $500,000. We can tell this is happening by looking at on-chain analytics.

Back in September, Wood told Yahoo! Finance in an interview that fans of gold fail to understand that Bitcoins value beyond being a store-of-value asset:

Many investors who have spent their careers focused on gold cannot understand the digital concept associated with gold What we think [theyre] missing is its much more than just a store of value or digital gold.Bitcoin, in particular, is a new global monetary system. Its a rules-based monetary policy, which is completely decentralized and therefore is not subject to the whims of policymakers.

And in February, during aninterviewon Bloomberg TV, Wood said that she thinks Bitcoinis the best hedge against inflation out there far none and better than gold.

The views and opinions expressed by the author, or any people mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only, and they do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading cryptoassets comes with a risk of financial loss.

Read the original:

$BTC: ARK Invest CEO Explains Why Institutional Investors Are Getting Into Bitcoin - CryptoGlobe

Bitcoin miners and oil and gas execs mingled at a secretive meetup in Houston here’s what they talked about – CNBC

Bitcoin enthusiasts, miners, and oil & gas execs gathered at a meetup in Houston to talk about the future of bitcoin mining.

HOUSTON On a residential back street of Houston, in a 150,000 square-foot warehouse safeguarding high-end vintage cars, 200 oil and gas execs and bitcoin miners mingled, drank beer, and talked shop on a recent Wednesday night in August.

These two groups of people may seem as though they are at opposite ends of the professional and social spectrums, but their worlds are colliding fast. As it turns out, the industries make for compatible bedfellows.

Just take Hayden Griffin Haby III, an oilman turned bitcoiner. The Texas native and father of three has spent 14 years in oil and gas, and he epitomizes what this monthly meetup is all about.

Haby started as a surface landman where he brokered land contracts, and later, ran his own oil company. But for the last nine months, he's exclusively been in the business of mining bitcoin.

As Haby describes it, he was "orange pilled" in November 2020 a term used to describe the process of convincing a fiat-minded person that they are missing out by not investing in bitcoin. A month later, he co-founded Limpia Creek Technologies, which powers bitcoin mining rigs with flared, vented, and stranded natural gas assets.

"When I heard that you could make this much money per MCF (a metric used to measure natural gas), instead of just burning it up into the atmosphere, thanks to the whole 'bitcoin mining thing,' I couldn't look away," Haby said. "You can't unsee that."

When China kicked out all its crypto miners this spring an exodus which Haby calls the "Chexit" that poured kerosene on the flames. "This is an opportunity we didn't think was coming," he said.

Haby tells CNBC they are already seeing demand rushing to Texas, and he is convinced that the state is poised to capture most of the Chinese hashrate looking for a new home on friendlier shores.

Bitcoin miners care most about finding cheap sources of electricity, so Texas with its crypto-friendly politicians, deregulated power grid, and crucially, abundance of inexpensive power sources is a virtually perfect fit. The union becomes even more harmonious when miners connect their rigs to otherwise stranded energy, like natural gas going to waste on oil fields across Texas.

"This is Texas, boys. We got what you need, so come on down," said Haby. "We are sitting on the energy capital of the world."

"I think Kevin Costner said it best: 'If you build it, they will come,'" said Haby.

An underground meetup of bitcoin miners and oil & gas execs was held at a 150,000 square-foot warehouse safeguarding high-end vintage cars.

Parker Lewis is one of Texas' de facto bitcoin ambassadors. Everyone knows him. Everyone likes him. And virtually any bitcoiner you ask refers to him as the future mayor of Austin.

Lewis is an executive at Unchained Capital, a bitcoin-native financial services firm. He isn't in politics yet but he is hustling across the state of Texas to spread the good word on the world's biggest cryptocurrency. In May, the Houston Bitcoin Meetup consisted of only 20 people in a fluorescent-lit conference room in an office. Then Lewis decided to get involved.

"I just knew Houston would be prime to explode because of the energy connection to mining if we organized a good meetup," Lewis told CNBC. "It's also key to Texas being the bitcoin capital of the world."

His efforts are paying off. Wednesday's meetup drew more than 200 attendees from across the state of Texas, as well as California, Colorado, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Australia and the UK.

The buzz was electric on Wednesday night. You had to shout to be heard. And no one in the room mentioned any cryptocurrency beside bitcoin. There was also an unmistakable air of stealth and FOMO. The people who showed up to this event did so, at least in part, because they didn't want to get left behind.

Capturing excess and otherwise wasted natural gas from drilling sites and then using that energy to mine bitcoin is still firmly in the category of avant-garde tech.

Haby, who's affable and an open book on most things, clams up when it comes to sharing the location of his company's mining sites. "West Texas" is as much as Haby would give CNBC, though if the name "Limpia Creek" is any indication, that would place them 100 miles due north of Big Bend National Park.

His secrecy was par for the course that evening.

Oilmen, turned bitcoin miners, Griffin Haby with Conner Murphree and Jordan Kuntz at one of their bitcoin mining sites in Texas.

Bitcoin miner Alejandro de la Torre was born in Spain, but he's spent years minting bitcoin all over the world, most recently in China. When Beijing cracked down on all things crypto, De La Torre got a call from his boss at 3 A.M. telling him he had to go to Texas. He was in Austin the next day.

Since then, he's been shipping his new-generation mining gear to the U.S. in bulk.

"It's all through ships and from the Pacific side," De La Torre told CNBC. "The port depends on the location of where the rigs will end up."

That was as much as De La Torre would divulge, because, as he explains it, any further details about the destination, or the gear itself, could give his competitors an edge.

Bitcoin believers care a lot about privacy, as do the oil and gas guys. Some cited non-disclosure agreements as a reason to speak to CNBC in vague platitudes about business deals. Others were only willing to share their thoughts on the condition of anonymity. And some attendees worried about their job security should their employer find out they were there.

These weren't tycoons -- they were mostly up-and-coming young execs, hungry to get ahead and make a name by taking a gamble on bitcoin mining.

For years, oil and gas companies have struggled with the problem of what to do when they accidentally hit a natural gas formation while drilling for oil. Whereas oil can easily be trucked out to a remote destination, gas delivery requires a pipeline.

If a drilling site is right next door to a pipeline, they chuck the gas in and take whatever cash the buyer on the other end is willing to pay that day. "There's no choice. There's no middle finger. Whatever gas comes out that day has to be sold," explained Haby.

But if it's 20 miles from a pipeline, things start to get more complicated.

More often than not, the gas well won't be big enough to warrant the time and expense of building an entirely new pipeline. If a driller can't immediately find a way to sell the stash of natural gas, most look to dispose of it on site.

One method is to vent it, which releases methane directly into the air a poor choice for the environment, as its greenhouse effects are shown to be much stronger than carbon dioxide.A more environmentally friendly option is to flare it, which means actually lighting the gas on fire.

"Chemistry is amazing," explained Adam Ortolf, who heads up business development in the U.S. for Upstream Data, a company that manufactures and supplies portable mining solutions for oil and gas facilities.

"When CH4, or methane, combusts, the only exhaust is CO2 and H2O vapor. That's literally the same thing that comes out of my mouth when I exhale," continued Ortolf.

But Ortolf points out, flares are only 75 to 90% efficient. "Even with a flare, some of the methane is being vented without being combusted," he said.

This is when on-site bitcoin mining can prove to be especially impactful.

When the methane is run into an engine or generator, 100% of the methane is combusted and none of it leaks or vents into the air, according to Ortolf.

"But nobody will run it through a generator unless they can make money, because generators cost money to acquire and maintain," he said. "So unless it's economically sustainable, producers won't internally combust the gas."

A panel of bitcoin miners and oil & gas execs share what it's like to mine bitcoin in Texas.

Bitcoin makes it economically sustainable for oil and gas companies to combust their methane rather than externally combust it with a flare.

"There is no such thing as stranded gas anymore," said Haby.

But Ortolf has taken years to convince people that parking a trailer full of ASICs on an oil and gas field is a smart and financially sound idea.

"In 2018, I got laughed out of the room when I talked about mining bitcoin on flared gas," said Ortolf. "The concept of bringing hydrocarbons to market without a counterparty was laughable."

Fast forward three years, and business at Upstream, a company founded by lead engineer Steve Barbour, is booming. It now works with 140 bitcoin mines across North America.

"This is the best gift the oil and gas industry could've gotten," said Ortolf. "They were leaving a lot of hydrocarbons on the table, but now, they're no longer limited by geography to sell energy."

It is also helping to curtail the overall carbon footprint of some of these oil and gas sites. Recent production stats show that in the U.S. alone about 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas is wasted on a daily basis. And these are just the reported numbers, so the actual figures are likely higher.

Meanwhile, bitcoin miners get what they want most: cheap electricity.

The thing about all these grand visions for bitcoin mining to stay the course, it requires some manpower on Capitol Hill to safeguard its plan to scale.And right now, politicians in Washington are scrambling to figure out what and how to regulate cryptocurrencies and all the ancillary services that make up the wider ecosystem for digital currencies.

That's why another big topic of conversation at the Houston Bitcoin Meeting was political activism.

"Who knows a staffer or a representative?" one member of the crowd posed to the group. At least half a dozen people raised their hands and one stepped up to confirm they would reach out to their contact in Senator Cruz's office.

There was a sense of momentum in the audience.Several people made the point that the bitcoin contingent across the country had paralyzed a $1 trillion rubber-stamped, bipartisan bill, no small feat for a voting bloc which hitherto hadn't been viewed as much of a threat on the Hill.

But it's not just about being on the defensive for these tens of millions of voters and bitcoin faithful.They're going on the offensive by working to install like-minded people into office so that they can do something "before they do it to us," as one member of the audience said to the group.They're also teaching veteran lawmakers about bitcoin, as many representatives don't understand it.

"We need to target anyone who is anti-bitcoin. There are 45 million of us in America, and we are not silent," said this same attendee.

Read more:

Bitcoin miners and oil and gas execs mingled at a secretive meetup in Houston here's what they talked about - CNBC

Is Bitcoin Losing Its Position As The Crypto Market’s Leader? – Forbes

Bitcoin has struggled to reach its all-time high over the last several months.

Bitcoin prices have been doing well lately, following a steady, upward trend for the last several weeks as they climb toward the record high they set earlier this year.

The worlds largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization reached $51,037.01 today, its highest since May 14, CoinDesk figures show. At this point, it had risen more than 75% since hitting a local low on June 22.

While this might sound impressive, other prominent digital currencies have been outshining bitcoin lately with their superior performance.

Ether, the second-largest digital asset by market value, more than doubled in recent months, and Cardanos ada token tripled in the same time, according to CoinDesk price data.

Ether reached $4,026.93 earlier today, having climbed more than 130% after falling to a recent low of $1,711.23 on June 22, additional CoinDesk figures show. At this recent high, ether was up more than 400% year-to-date.

Cardanos ada token has been benefiting from even more compelling gains, rising to an all-time high of $3.10 yesterday, at which point it had climbed more than 200% after reaching a local low of $1.00 June 22.

[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]

Amid these latest developments, some investors might wonder whether bitcoin is still the market leader it was for years.

For most of its history, Bitcoin has acted as the reserve currency of the crypto ecosystem, leading the direction up or down for everything else, said Jesse Proudman, cofounder and CTO of crypto hedge fundStrix Leviathan.

Over the past few months, weve witnessed a marked change in that status and over the last week, were seeing the beginning of a clean break where Bitcoin is now following moves of other currencies like Ethereum, he stated.

Jeff Dorman, chief investment officer of asset managerArca, put things a bit more bluntly.

Bitcoin does not lead markets anymore, he stated. It has exhibited both poor upcapture and poor downcapture all year, meaning it doesn't keep pace with rallies AND sells off more than other assets in downturns.

More importantly, everyone (other than the individuals and businesses that rely solely on Bitcoin's success) are beginning to understand that Bitcoin shouldn't be tied to the success or failures of other assets. They are completely different.

Unlike the early days of digital assets where Bitcoin was the only game in town, this asset class has now evolved far beyond cryptocurrencies, he noted.

There are new sectors that have much faster growth trajectories, like DeFi (decentralized finance), gaming, sports, NFTs and web 3.0, all of which have completely different factors and token attributes that contribute to their returns.

Bitcoins Maturation

Blockstream VP of financial products Jesse Knutson offered a more optimistic take, weighing in on how the worlds most prominent digital currency continues to develop.

I think what were seeing here is the maturation of Bitcoin, he stated.

Over the past 12 months, theres been an incredible amount of institutional and even sovereign interest in the space, said Knutson. This interest has been focused almost exclusively on Bitcoin.

The largest asset managers in the world, firms like Capital, Fidelity, Blackrock, and Tudor are trying to build Bitcoin exposure, but are still largely limited to listed proxies and derivative products, he noted.

Morgan Stanley and JPM are rolling out dedicated Bitcoin products to private wealth clients, and countries like El Salvador are looking to Bitcoin not only as a growth driver but to also actually solve financial infrastructure challenges.

Given the massive change in market participants this year, I think it makes sense to see some price divergence between Bitcoin and more speculative digital assets from time to time, Knutson stated.

The macro backdrop is extremely supportive of the Bitcoin investment thesis and there is a wave of money building that I think will probably struggle to fit into what is still a relatively small asset class by institutional and sovereign standards.

Continued Market Evolution

Other analysts offered differing perspectives, speaking to how they think the broader digital asset markets will mature over time.

The crypto asset class is viewed by many as a monolith driven by Bitcoin, claimed Amber Ghaddar, cofounder of decentralized capital marketplace AllianceBlock.

Our thesis has always been that even if Bitcoin is the poster child of crypto, bifurcation and a decrease in correlation is to be expected in the long run.

As time goes on, she expects individual digital assets to derive their values less from speculation and more based on their own specific characteristics.

Prices are made of two components: a fundamental component and a speculative component. The speculative part is usually the largest and is driven by sentiment, future expected uses and scalability, Ghaddar noted.

We expect the fundamental component - easily calculated by looking at network data - to take a larger proportion of price as new layer 1 blockchains start maturing and/or go live.

Jalak Jobanputra, founder and managing partner of Future Perfect Ventures, also spoke to the growing divergence between bitcoin and other digital assets.

We have firmly believed in a multi-crypto world and that each currency will eventually be valued according to its particular use case, she stated.

Bitcoin has emerged as a store of value and inflation hedge while Ethereum has become the currency for DeFi and NFT applications, and thus in many ways the reserve currency for Web 3.0. I expect Bitcoin will follow more macroeconomic trends as it is doing right now.

This is an exciting transition as we are seeing some of these more blue-chip cryptos come into their own beyond being used as tools for speculators.

Disclosure: I own some bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin, ether and EOS.

The rest is here:

Is Bitcoin Losing Its Position As The Crypto Market's Leader? - Forbes

Bitcoin Trades Above $50000 as Cryptos Gain Steam. What’s Behind the Rally. – Barron’s

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Cryptocurrencies hot summer shows no signs of cooling off.

Bitcoin (BTC) was trading around $50,500 on Friday, up 1.7% in 24 hours for a gain of more than 30% over the past month. Ethereum (ETH) was hitting record highs with a gain of 5%, topping $4,000 for the first time. Other cryptos are rallying too: Solana (SOL), Litecoin (LTC), and Avalanche (AVAX) had all gained more than 10% over the last 24 hours.

The rally is lifting crypto-related stocks even as regulatory pressure mounts on both the state and federal levels. Coinbase Global (ticker; COIN) was up 2% on Friday. The Global X Blockchain ETF (BKCH), a basket of crypto-related companies, was ahead 4.3%.

Bitcoin appears to have broken through technical resistance at $50,000. Its next level of resistance is at $58,000, according to Fundstrat Global Advisors.

Some large investors appear to be buying more Bitcoin. Bill Miller, the veteran value-fund manager, had amassed 1.5 million shares of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) in his MillerOpportunity Trust mutual fund (LGOAX), according to securities filings. That equates to roughly 1,400 underlying Bitcoin tokens, worth about $70 million at recent prices. Still, the fund hasnt been a strong performer this year, gaining 10% and trailing behind 98% of its peers, according to Morningstar.

Ethereum, meanwhile, is benefiting from a technical upgrade to its underlying network a month ago. According to Fundstrat, over 180,000 ETH tokensabout $720 million at recent market priceshave beenburned, or taken out of supply since then, resulting in pressures that may be lifting the price.

Crypto apostles like Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter (TWTR) and Square (SQ), are expanding their investments, aiming to build out crypo-related revenue streams. Dorsey said on Twitter last week that Square is building an open-platform decentralized exchange for Bitcoin. The platform, dubbed TBD, will make it easier to fund a noncustodial Bitcoin wallet anywhere in the world, expanding access from current crypto on-ramps like Squares Cash App or Coinbase, according to a tweet by Mike Brock, who is leading the project for Square.

Some small banks are also getting into cyrpto. Vast Bank, based in Oklahoma, has become the first federally chartered lender, backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., to offer crypto banking, according to Vast CEO Brad Scrivner. The bank offers crypto trading on a mobile app, acts as a custodian, and offers insurance on crypto assets through Coinbase.

Yet the financial investments are occurring in the face of a tougher regulatory climate. The top U.S. securities regulator, Gary Gensler, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, is warning crypto companies not to launch products or services without registering first with regulators, saying they shouldnt come begging for forgiveness after launching without doing so.

The SEC has launched an investigation of Uniswap Labs, developer of one of the largest decentralized finance, or DeFi, exchanges, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. The SECs enforcement attorneys are seeking information about how investors use Uniswap and its marketing practices, according to the Journal. Uniswap said it is committed to complying with the laws and regulations governing our industry and to providing information to regulators that will assist them with any inquiry.

Gensler also appears concerned about DeFidecentralized computer networks that may be used for a variety of financial transactions and tradingindicating they may be in for more regulatory actions, according to his recent public comments.

State securities regulators are also circling, looking at crypto-lending platforms like BlockFi, where investors can earn high yields on their digital assets. Regulators in New Jersey have ordered BlockFi to stop offering new interest-bearing accounts, though the effective date has been postponed to Sept. 30.

BlockFi said in a statement it believes its accounts are lawful and appropriate for crypto market participants.

Prices for Bitcoin may be due for a pause. September has been the only month with a negative average return since 2011, according to Fundstrat. The crypto has fallen an average 7% in the month. Prices have historically rebounded after that, averaging 13% gains in October, 53% in November, and 14% in December.

The pattern is one reason Fundstrat is urging investors to view any pullbacks as buying opportunities.

We continue to maintain a bullish stance through the remainder of the year, its analysts wrote in a note this week. The Feds more dovish stance lately should support ample liquidity for crypto assets as investors leverage up, Fundstrat says. While the data trends can quickly change, we think the setup for a prolonged bull run remains intact, it said.

Write to Daren Fonda at daren.fonda@barrons.com

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Bitcoin Trades Above $50000 as Cryptos Gain Steam. What's Behind the Rally. - Barron's

Why Bitcoin-Related And Ethereum-Related Stocks Are Rising – Yahoo Finance

Shares of crypto-related stocks, including Marathon Digital Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: MARA), Riot Blockchain Inc (NASDAQ: RIOT) and Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ: COIN) are trading higher amid an increase in the price of Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) and Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH).

Bitcoin is trading higher by 3.7% at $48,800.

Ethereum is trading higher by 7.5% at $3,700.

Marathon Digital focuses on mining digital assets. It owns crypto-currency mining machines and a data center to mine digital assets. The company operates in the digital currency blockchain segment and its cryptocurrency machines are located in Canada.

Marathon Digital is trading higher by 5.1% at $42.65.

Riot Blockchain is focused on building, supporting and operating blockchain technologies. The company's portfolio consists of Verady, Tesspay, Coinsquare and others.

Riot Blockchain is trading higher by 2.2% at $38.13.

Coinbase is a provider of end-to-end financial infrastructure and technology for the crypto-economy.

Coinbase is trading higher by 4.3% at $270.20.

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2021 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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Why Bitcoin-Related And Ethereum-Related Stocks Are Rising - Yahoo Finance

As Global Inflation Heats Up, Bitcoin Saves The Day – Bitcoin Magazine

The world is breathing a sigh of relief as things normalize after Covid-19 pandemic devastation. Governments are lifting lockdowns, restrictions are being relaxed, and the economy is slowly returning to a semblance of normality. As a result, consumer spending is on the rise.

In April, CNBC reported that the Consumer Price Inflation in the U.S. increased 4.2% from the previous year. Additionally, in June, the consumer price index increased 5.4% from last year, the sharpest jump since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Excluding energy and food, the core CPI increased by 4.5, the biggest jump since 1991.

Now, the big question is, what is causing the high inflation?

The Federal Reserve has resorted to flooding the economy with dollars to curb inflation. According to Forbes, the M2 money supply in April 2021 was $20.11 trillion, representing a 30% increase since January 2020. Too many dollars in the system reduces the currency value.

In addition, there is pent-up demand more money going after fewer products that exacerbates the inflation problem. Remember, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, some manufacturing plants were closed while others downsized their operation. As a result, the market has exhausted its stockpiles. Similarly, the demand for air tickets is up again.

Manufacturers are working against time to match the demand. For instance, the pandemic affected car production. As a result, the cost of used cars and trucks is higher than ever before. The point is, a limited supply of goods, coupled with the expansion of dollars in the economy leads to inflation.

The real rate of inflation is a growing concern especially among economic policymakers. While the whole discussion could be confusing to the masses, it is of critical importance. The next course of action could result in an economic slowdown, an increase in mortgage rates, and high volatility of stock prices. For these reasons, incoming economic data will be critical for financial analysts, policymakers, and economists.

According to AP News, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell argues that the inflation spike is transitory, caused by the reopening economy after the pandemic. While the Federal Reserve maintains the inflation rate will average above 2% and move down after that, many economic experts hold a different view.

According to Bank of America strategist, Michael Harnett inflation could rise by up to 4% and persist longer than the Fed reported. David Roche, president of the investment firm Independent Strategy, holds a similar view. He said inflation could hit 3-4% in mid-2022. This could cause a crisis in the financial market and the U.S. economy at large.

According to the thinkers, Fed measurement tools aren't in line with consumer spending. In other words, the inflation experienced by consumers is understated. Once the consumers start feeling the effects, they are likely to push for higher wages, starting a vicious inflation circle.

The inflation in the U.S. will not spare other countries. High inflation will make the U.S. dollar more attractive against other countries. Therefore, these countries will likely experience capital outflow as investors seek high returns. The result will be market volatility, slow economic growth, and a high-interest rate.

This means countries with dollar-denominated loans will have it rough paying back their loans. In the worst-case scenario, some countries could experience a recession. Needless to say, the whole world is watching, and they want to see how far this goes.

Inflation fears are apparent with economic contraction and government stimulus increasing the global money supply. Bitcoin has positioned itself as a perfect hedge against inflation. Unlike fiat currency, bitcoin is not regulated by the central bank. Additionally, it has a finite supply of 21 million units. This is unlike fiat currency which can be printed in large, as is happening in the United States.

The decentralized nature of bitcoin makes it a perfect store of value. In addition, bitcoin proponents believe the price of virtual currency could increase as investors run from vulnerable conventional financial systems. Therefore, Bitcoin can act as a safe haven for investors.

A good hedge against inflation is an asset that increases its value over time. Bitcoin has withstood the harsh effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with relative ease. It was trading at around $5000 when the Coronavirus was recognised as a global pandemic. Nevertheless, in the last 52 weeks, bitcoin has increased 235% and many analysts that focus on predicting Bitcoin prices went this year as far as to predict that BTC will yet hit the $100,000 mark by the end of Q4 2021.

Inflation has increased over the same period, and while according to Trading Economics U.S. inflation rates data the inflation at first was only 2.6% in March, it swiftly increased in April with CPI hitting 4.2%, 5% in May and finally 5.4% in June. This time bitcoin was proliferating, responding well to inflation.

Therefore, investors who turned to bitcoin to hedge against inflation are smiling. We have seen institutional adoption of the cryptocurrency from companies that see massive potential in bitcoin growth.

Bitcoin is also an excellent hedge against the social disruption and political instability that result from inflation. For instance, runaway inflation leads to increased uncertainty, poverty, and a lack of trust in institutions. Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela are just some of the examples. While these cases are unlikely in developed countries, it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember, Venezuela was in the past one of the richest countries in the world and look how they are doing now from an economical standpoint. Therefore, using bitcoin as a hedge against instability, broken payment systems, and control by the government is a prudent move.

Usually, rising interest rates is one of the ways to curb inflation. However, many current economies are debt-ridden. Therefore, this move could have the opposite effect. As a result, the inflation rate could continue to rise even as the interest rates increase.

Luckily, bitcoin trading is majorly based on U.S. dollars. Therefore, as the dollar value reduces, there is no good reason why the BTC/USD pair should not continue to increase. In addition, the decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network and the fact that it runs on technology created by anonymous individuals giving no central point of failure or attack, make bitcoin an excellent investment asset. It is not restricted to conventional economics.

Bitcoin is quite safe in the current world environment where old ideas vanish, and new ideas take roots. Moreover, with changing politics and economics, bitcoin is a good hedge against the possibility of a crazy future.

The global nature and limited supply of bitcoin make it an excellent hedge against inflation. It is not controlled by any government or financial institutions. Therefore, it is not prone to economic measures that lead to inflation such as increasing currency supply through printing. In fact, the price proliferation of bitcoin as inflation increased during the Covid-19 pandemic, is enough evidence of its massive potential as a hedge against inflation. Suffice it to say, the cryptocurrency has positioned itself as a safe haven for investors with the rising inflation.

This is a guest post by Jerry Goddard. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine.

More here:

As Global Inflation Heats Up, Bitcoin Saves The Day - Bitcoin Magazine

The IRS Goes Undercover As A Bitcoin Trader In $180,000 Sting – Forbes

The IRS is cracking down on criminals using cryptocurrency, employing an undercover persona to trade bitcoins for cash.

On the hunt for tax cheats, fraudsters, money launderers and dark web drug dealers, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has sent an undercover agent to work on a market for trading bitcoin, ether and other cryptocurrency.

In a search warrant reviewed by Forbes, the undercover IRS agent went by the name of Mr. Coins on LocalCryptos.com, a platform exchanging cryptocurrency for dollars and other fiat currencies. Mr. Coins profile, still live at the time of publication, had 100% positive feedback after shifting up to $200,000 in digital money.

But his biggest success may have been to take down an alleged dark web drug dealer, tricking him into sending more than $180,000 in cash to the IRS in exchange for cryptocurrencies, according to the warrant.

In June of last year, Mr. Coins put up an advertisement offering to buy bitcoin via cash by mail and above market prices. All sellers had to do was get in touch over encrypted messaging apps Wickr or WhatsApp.

Shortly afterward, a person going by the name Lucifallen21 got in touch to inquire about the ad, according to the search warrant. The IRS, without saying how, determined that Lucifallen21 was actually Evansville, Indiana, resident Chase Hite. By July, hed agreed to buy from Mr. Coins, wrapping up $15,040 in cash in clothes, putting the money in a box and posting it to the agent in exchange for approximately 1.59 bitcoin, according to the governments account.

The LocalCryptos account of Mr. Coins, which turned out to be controlled by an undercover IRS agent.

More payments came in, with nearly $20,000 posted in August, in exchange for approximately 1.34 bitcoin and 45.2 monero, another cryptocurrency that promises better privacy protections than its rivals, the government said, adding that nearly $65,000 was sent to the agent over following months.

Come March this year, investigators were getting ready to home in on the conclusion to the sting operation. A $28,000 cash package from Hite was intercepted and marked as lost by the Postal Service, according to the IRS, which then monitored calls to the post office, waiting for the suspect to call and complain. Investigators linked this call with a phone number that was paid for by Hite.

Further messages over Wickr indicated Hite was involved in dark web drug sales, claiming to sell pills and opioids, as well as cocaine and marijuana, the IRS claimed. As they deepened their relationship, the undercover officer agreed to provide Hite with a loan, by which the suspect would send $54,000 in cash and get $79,000 worth of cryptocurrency in return, according to the search warrant. When that last package arrived, forensics took fingerprints and linked them to Hite, the government added.

Hite was arrested in July and has not yet filed a plea. The charges were filed in the Eastern District of New York. His lawyer declined to comment. LocalCryptos hadnt responded to requests for comment. The IRS declined to provide more information than what had been filed in court.

The tax collecting agency has a track record of going undercover to snare cryptocurrency-using criminals. Earlier this year, it was revealed that the agency had organized a payment to a service called Bitcoin Fog, which offered to launder money. The agents said they wanted to launder cryptocurrency theyd earned by selling Ecstasy, according to a criminal complaint, first reported by Wired, in which a Russian-Swedish administrator was charged. And in March, the IRS pretended to be a seller of counterfeit Gucci products sourced from China, asking the defendant in that case to convert bitcoin that they claimed to have acquired in selling the merchandise.

But this latest sting is a rare case where the IRS set up a profile on a cryptocurrency trading platform and created what amounts to a watering hole, with agents just waiting for criminals to dive in.

This story is part of The Wire IRL feature in my newsletter, The Wiretap. Out every Monday, its a mix of strange true crime and real-world surveillance, with all the relevant search warrants and court documents for you to pore over. Theres also all the cybersecurity and privacy news you need to read. Sign up here.

Originally posted here:

The IRS Goes Undercover As A Bitcoin Trader In $180,000 Sting - Forbes

Will PayPals adoption of bitcoin make cryptocurrency more mainstream? – New Scientist News

By Matthew Sparkes

Will the cryptocurrency be more widely used now that PayPal accepts it in the UK?

mundissima / Alamy

PayPal has two decades of experience in online payments and manages 403 million user accounts. So, it caused ripples when it announced on 23 August it would allow UK customers to buy and sell four cryptocurrencies: bitcoin prices rose to a three-month high. But will this and last Octobers roll-out in the US push cryptocurrencies into the mainstream, or is it just another blip in the short but volatile history of decentralised money?

Customers in the US who have bought cryptocurrencies through Paypal log in twice as often as those who havent, says Jose Fernandez da Ponte at PayPal. We expect digital currencies to play an important role in consumer payments over the longer term, he says.

Public interest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is certainly growing, but only a minority have bought in. AYouGov survey revealed that by August 2019, just 3 per cent of people in the UK owned any cryptocurrencies. By July 2021 that had risen to 8 per cent.

Giving millions of existing PayPal customers the ability to buy at the click of a button has enormous potential for increasing those numbers, but access to the currency isnt the only limiting factor.People need a way to spend it.

A handful of large companies, such as Microsoft, have begun accepting bitcoin as payment, and others such as electric car company Tesla have done so at times too. And while several other retailers, including grocery stores, coffee shops and hardware stores, have systems to accept cryptocurrency in some countries, using only this form of payment day-to-day would be no easy task.

PayPal users in the UK wont be able to use cryptocurrency to buy goods or services they can only buy, hold and sell the currency. But in the US, the company offers the ability to use balances for payments anywhere that accepts PayPal. This effectively allows hundreds of thousands of retailers to accept cryptocurrencies without having to make any changes or accept any risk, and receive US dollars from PayPal as normal.

This is vital, as the risk for businesses is high, says Carol Alexander at the University of Sussex, UK. Cryptocurrencies are dominated by huge speculation and rampant manipulation, she says.

Organised groups are able to cause swings in cryptocurrency values with coordinated buying or selling and, unlike the traditional financial services sector, there is little regulation to stop it. So, if you take bitcoin as payment directly, it may plummet in value before you convert it.

I cant see this as the moment crypto goes mainstream. The widespread market abuse needs addressing first, says Alexander.

Cryptocurrencies are decentralised systems with no official oversight, so regulation is difficult. Registered companies that deal in them are finding themselves under increasing scrutiny. In June, the UKs Financial Conduct Authority ruled that Binance Markets Limited, one of the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchanges, had to cease regulated trading in the UK.

There are still hurdles to overcome before cryptocurrency can truly break into the mainstream,including its exorbitantenergy use, volatility and complexity.

But some are still confident that the technology offers enough benefits, such as protection from inflation, a degree of anonymity and low fees for large payments, that widespread adoption is inevitable.

Nigel Green at financial services firm deVere Group is confident that cryptocurrencies will replace traditional money and, although that moment is still some way off, he says PayPals announcement is yet another example that exposes cryptocurrency deniers as being on the wrong side of history.

This is a major step forward towards the mass adoption of digital currencies, he says. More and more payment companies will naturally follow their lead.

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Will PayPals adoption of bitcoin make cryptocurrency more mainstream? - New Scientist News