Wanna Learn Marine Biology? There's an App for That

Killer photos of orcas, stellar images of Stellar sea lions, and full-color images of gray whales can be seen by even the most landlocked of animal lover by downloading the SeaPhoto app onto their smart phones.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary released the app, which features more than 1,300 images of animals that call the sanctuary home. From the abalone jingle (a bivalve, Pododesmus cepio) to yellowtail rock fish (Sebastes flavidus), 550 species populate the app along with an ecological profile of the animal.

For those who haven't joined the smart phone set, the photos are available here.

The right combination of apps can turn a smart phone into a tool of science by putting biological field stations in the palms of millions of curious students, teachers, researchers and maybe even a few orangutans.

ANALYSIS: Apes Get Apps and iPads

Some apps allow anyone to act as the eyes and ears for biologists and wildlife conservationists. For example, amateur game wardens can use the IveGot1 app to report invasive species in Florida.

COOKBOOK SLIDESHOW: Invasive Species Recipes

Another, Instant Wild uses crowd sourcing to identify animals seen in wildlife camera traps. The app sends the photo to users who then help identify the species and report endangered species. Users can even choose the region they want to monitor so they can watch for favorite species, such as elephants in the Tsavo of Kenya. Having an army of volunteer research assistants to sift through camera trap photos could speed up a task that consumes weeks of a researcher's time.

Apps also exist that help users identify species. Some function like electronic field guides by providing images to compare to what a user finds in the natural world. Others use visual recognition to determine a species using a photo snapped by the phone. LeafSnap, a free app from Columbia University, will try to identify a tree based on a photo of the leaf by analyzing the shape and margins. It then keeps a record of trees it's identified.


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Wanna Learn Marine Biology? There's an App for That

Forest diversity from Canada to the sub-tropics influenced by family proximity

ScienceDaily (May 17, 2012) How species diversity is maintained is a fundamental question in biology. In a new study, a team of Indiana University biologists has shown for the first time that diversity is influenced on a spatial scale of unparalleled scope, in part, by how well tree seedlings survive under their own parents.

Data from over 3 million trees in the eastern half of the U.S. were aggregated into two-degree-latitude-by-longitude cells in order to study regional patterns of conspecific negative density dependence, a process where the mortality of a species rises in coincidence with its increasing abundance.

Scientists have long considered conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD), a process where the mortality of a species rises in coincidence with its increasing abundance, to be a key mechanism maintaining diversity at the local scale. In new research to be published May 17 in the journal Science, the IU researchers show that this mechanism is driving diversity from the boreal forests to sub-tropical forests.

The report, "Conspecific negative density dependence and forest diversity," is authored by Daniel Johnson, a doctoral student in the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences' Department of Biology. Co-authors are Wesley T. Beaulieu, also a doctoral student in the Department of Biology, and biology professors James D. Bever and Keith Clay, Johnson's major advisor.

Their work analyzed data on forest composition from over 200,000 plots containing more than 1.3 million trees and from paired plots containing over 1.7 million seedlings of 151 different tree species. The plots were located from the Canadian border south to Florida and from the Atlantic coast to the 100th meridian and covered over 1.5 million square miles. The U.S. Forest Service spends about $62 million each year to gather the publicly available forest inventory data used in the IU study.

"We are now able to provide robust evidence that CNDD is pervasive in forest communities from boreal to sub-tropical regions and that it can significantly affect the relative abundance and richness of species with and between forests," Johnson said. "And we now see that the ability to which one tree species can sustain itself in the same area has profound impacts on the diversity of species at a spatial scale that has not been attainable previously. This is the first time it's been shown to be happening not just at a local spatial scale but over the entire eastern US."

The concept of CNDD is based on the well-known Janzen-Connell hypothesis, which proposes that the close proximity of adults reduces seedling survival of that species through increased attack by host-specific pests and pathogens.

Studies of CNDD in the past have mostly focused on forest communities at single sites or of a single species, with the most recent work showing that in tree species, composition and abundance can be influenced by CNDD at the scale of individual trees.

"Local interactions have previously been considered to affect species diversity at a local scale, but our findings indicate that local interactions feed back to species richness and abundance over much larger geographical scale, spanning most of eastern North America," Johnson said.

Evidence that local interactions underlie regional species richness is in contrast to the current understanding that patterns of forest diversity are primarily driven by temperature, precipitation and other physical aspects of the environment. This discovery has implications for how forest modeling is conducted and conservation and management decisions are made.

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Forest diversity from Canada to the sub-tropics influenced by family proximity

Singularity University Announces Inaugural Synthetic Biology Accelerator Program

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., May 17, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Singularity University today announced the companies selected to participate in its inaugural synthetic biology accelerator program, SynBio Startup Launchpad. The program will nurture aspiring SynBio entrepreneurs seeking to apply the rapid-cycle, low-cost approaches employed by tech and biotech startups. Synthetic biology is genetic engineering using software-based design tools coupled with low-cost DNA synthesis and assembly.

The SynBio Accerlator Program was conceived by Andrew Hessel, Co-Chair of SU's Biotechnology and Bioinformatics track, and John Cumbers, Ph.D, a synthetic biologist at NASA Ames Research Center. As Andrew Hessel explains, "advances in technology are allowing scientists to treat DNA, our genetic code, the same way people use code for software programming."

The SynBio Startup Launchpad is Singularity University's first formal initiative to support startups developing exponentially growing technologies. "The SynBio program brings together a powerful community seeking to support startups developing products from the emerging field of synthetic biology to address some of the world's biggest challenges," said Gabriel Baldinucci, Singularity University's Vice President of Strategy and New Venture Development.

Three (3) companies have been selected for the SynBio Program: Evolutionary Solutions, Modern Meadow and SoilGene. Evolutionary Solutions (founders Kettner Griswold and Paul Sebexen) is developing a genome synthesis device. Modern Meadow (co-founder Andras Forgacs) applies tissue-engineering techniques to produce high volumes of animal protein for food and textiles. SoilGene (founders Zachary Apte and Robert Lim) combines metagenomic and bioinformatic approaches to survey land opportunities for the natural resources and agriculture sectors.

A unique aspect of the SynBio program is its partnership with Triple Ring Technologies in Newark, California. The three selected companies will be based at Triple Ring to take advantage of its engineering and lab facilities, and their staff's extensive expertise in life sciences innovation and commercialization. "We are excited to work with the SynBio entrepreneurs taking innovations to market in the emerging synthetic biology space," said Joseph Heanue, Ph.D., president and CEO of Triple Ring Technologies.

The selected entrepreneurs will go through four months of comprehensive, customized mentoring and education in bringing their ideas to market. The companies receive close mentorship from a network of experienced advisors, weekly speakers on critical venture topics, networking with their peers, and valuable discounted services to launch their companies.

The first program will conclude in late August with the SynBio Companies pitching their ventures to investors and the community at "demo day" events.

Sandra Miller, newly appointed SU Managing Director of New Venture Development, will be responsible for the management of the SynBio Launchpad as well as other new Singularity University ventures, working closely with Gabriel Baldinucci, VP of Strategy and New Venture Development.

"Creating, incubating and financing companies to positively affect the lives of a billion people are central elements of SU's vision. We call this 10^9+ impact," said Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, SU Chairman and Co-Founder.

About Singularity University

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Singularity University Announces Inaugural Synthetic Biology Accelerator Program

The Biology of Forgetting

By Janice Wood Associate News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on May 13, 2012

While forgetting is normal, exactly how we forget the brain processes guiding the process has been, until now, poorly understood.

But now scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institutesay they have pinpointed a mechanism that is as essential for forming memories as it is for forgetting those memories.

This study focuses on the molecular biology of active forgetting, said Ron Davis, chair of the Scripps Research Department of Neuroscience who led the project. Until now, the basic thought has been that forgetting is mostly a passive process. Our findings make clear that forgetting is an active process that is probably regulated.

Davis and his colleagues studied fruit flies, which are often used for studying memory. The flies were put in situations where they learned that certain smells were associated with either a positive reinforcement like food or a negative one, such as a mild electric shock. The scientists then observed changes in the flies brains as they remembered or forgot the new information.

The results showed that a pair of dopamine receptors actively regulate the acquisition of memories and the forgetting of these memories.

The results suggests that when a new memory is formed, there also exists an active, dopamine-based forgetting mechanism ongoing dopamine neuron activity that begins to erase those memories unless some importance is attached to them.

The scientists found that specific neurons in the brain release dopamine to two different receptors known as dDA1 and DAMB, part of a densely packed network of neurons vital for memory and learning in insects. The study found the dDA1 receptor is responsible for memory acquisition, while DAMB is required for forgetting.

When dopamine neurons begin the signaling process, the dDA1 receptor becomes overstimulated and begins to form memories. Once that memory is acquired, however, these same dopamine neurons continue signaling. Except this time, the signal goes through the DAMB receptor, which triggers forgetting of those recently acquired, but not yet consolidated, memories.

Jacob Berry, a graduate student in the Davis lab who led the experiments, showed that inhibiting the dopamine signaling after learning enhanced the flies memory. Boosting the activity of those same neurons after learning erased memory. The researchers also found that a mutation in the dDA1 receptor produced flies unable to learn, while a mutation in the other, DAMB, blocked forgetting.

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The Biology of Forgetting

Wikipedia + Journal articles

The open access publisher PLoS recently announced an innovative type of peer reviewed journal article combining the power of expert review with the accessibility of Wikipedia. Topic Pages from the scientific journal PLoS Computational Biology will be peer reviewed articles published in the journal and subsequently added to Wikipedia and subject to the ongoing review of Wikipedians. The first in the series, Circular permutation in proteins was published in Wikipedia and PLoS Computational Biology at the end of March.

Concanavalin A vs Lectin, from the Wikipedia article "Circular permutation in proteins" based on a PLoS Computational Biology article. CC image courtesy of Andorsch at en.wikipedia

For Wikipedia, this has the advantage of increasing the amount of content in computational biology topics.

But this innovation may be a big step forward in convincing scientists to take an active role in adding content to Wikipedia.

Its all tied to how scientists are rewarded for their work.

Most scientists are employed at colleges and universities where they are expected to do original research, write and publish their findings and teach students about their disciplines. Tenure, promotion and the ability to keep doing original research (grants) are all tied to a scientists ability to publish their results as peer reviewed scientific journal article.

Any time spent editing Wikipedia would be time taken from lab work, field work, or scholarly writing.

But PLoS Computational Biology Topic Pages turn the system around by making peer reviewed articles into Wikipedia entries. And by linking from Wikipedia to the original Topic Pages, Wikipedia users (and science term paper writers) can claim the authority of peer review for the original content.

Researchers can put another line on their resumes indicating the original published article, while also contributing to the public knowledge available on Wikipedia, reaching a wider audience than the original journal article. And the topic pages are not that different than a typical review article, a concept that tenure and promotion committees are already familiar with. The audience is just slightly different.

PLoS has always been at the forefront of making scientific research available to the general public. It will be interesting to see if other publishers can work with Wikipedia in similar ways, combining the reward systems of academic science with the public outreach of Wikipedia.

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Wikipedia + Journal articles

Essay Competition By The Journal Development

Attention young and early-career science writers with a recent background in developmental biology, this is an essay competition tailor-made for you. Run by the prestigious journal, Development, and its sister community website, the Node, the essay competition has as theme: developments in development.

More information from Developments online editor, Eva Amsen follows.

All the best!

The essay competition developments in development is the perfect opportunity for aspiring science writers with a recent background in developmental biology. This is your chance to show off your writing skills and take advantage of your experience in the lab!

Over the past decades, developmental biology has changed a lot. There are different tools, different types of experiments, collaborations with different disciplines, and differences in funding and publication of research. But which changes are still to come? What will the future bring?

If youd like to share your thoughts about the future of the field, please see the full contest details on the Node.

This competition is hosted by the journal Development and by the Nodethe community site for and by developmental biologists. That means that the audience will be (other) researcherskeep that in mind while writing! Submission is open to anyone who is involved in developmental biology research or related fields (such as stem cell science or genetics), or has been within the past three years. That includes lab heads, postdocs, and PhD students, but also new science writers who recently left the lab.

Initial submissions will be judged by Olivier Pourqui, who is the Editor-in-Chief of Development, and by Claire Ainsworth, a freelance science writer (formerly at New Scientist and Nature) with a developmental biology background. They will be looking for well-written essays that convey an interesting take on what the future holds for developmental biologists. Your essay can focus on the future of a particular subfield of developmental biology, emerging techniques or model organisms, changes in science policy that affect the field, or anything else that you see as affecting the future of the discipline.

A shortlist of the best few essays will then be posted on the Node, and readers of the Nodewho are mostly developmental biologists themselveswill have the final vote to decide the winner.

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Essay Competition By The Journal Development

Cell biology: How ribosomes override their blockades

ScienceDaily (May 14, 2012) Ribosomes are "protein factories" in the cells of all living things. They produce proteins based on existing genetic codes stored on special nucleic acid molecules. These molecules, also called messenger RNA (mRNA) due to the genetic information encoded on them, are read by ribosomes in a stepwise manner. Defined start and stop signals on the mRNA direct this process. If a stop signal is missing, protein formation cannot be completed and the ribosome's mode of operation is blocked.

Until now, it was not understood in all details how a ribosome can overcome such a blockade. At the center of this repair process, called Trans-Translation, is an additional nucleic acid molecule (tmRNA) that unites characteristics of mRNA and another nucleic acid molecule, the transferRNA (tRNA). The tRNA transfers the correct amino acids to the respective gene sequence on the mRNA during protein biosynthesis. The tmRNA molecule is thus able to smuggle in the missing stop signal and lift the blockade. It was never exactly clear how this large tmRNA molecule moves through the ribosome and smuggles its information into the ribosome's mRNA channel.

This process could now be documented for the first time using cryo-electron microscopy. This method offers the opportunity to examine the spatial and chronological interaction between individual components of macromolecules. This is done by flash-freezing ribosomes in liquid ethane at -192 Celsius and several hundred-thousand two-dimensional images are projected back into a three-dimensional reconstruction. "With the help of cryo-electron microscopy a unique glimpse of a central key step of the interaction between ribosome, tmRNA, a special protein (SmbP) and the elongation factor G could be attained," explained David Ramrath, doctoral candidate at the Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics at Charit and primary author of the study.

The mRNA channel, in which the tmRNA must smuggle the missing information, goes straight through the ribosome's middle, between the so-called head and body domains of the small ribosomal subunit. Structural analysis showed that cooperation between ribosome and tmRNA in the event of necessary repair is only possible through a change in conformation, that is a short-term and unexpectedly large swivel movement of the ribosome's head domain.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin, via AlphaGalileo.

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Cell biology: How ribosomes override their blockades

Is it worth fighting about what's taught in high school biology class?

It is probably no surprise to my regular readers that I get a little exercised about the science wars that play out across the U.S. in various school boards and court actions. Its probably unavoidable, given that I think about science for a living when youve got a horse in the race, you end up spending a lot of time at the track.

From time to time, though, thoughtful people ask whether some of these battles are distractions from more important issues and, specifically, whether the question of what a community decides to include in, or omit from, its high school biology curriculum ought to command so much of our energy and emotional investment.

About seven years ago, the focus was on Dover, Pennsylvania, whose school board required that the biology curriculum must include the idea of an intelligent designer (not necessarily God, but well, not necessarily not-God) as the origin of life on Earth. Parents sued, and U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III ruled that the requirement was unconstitutional. If you missed it as it was happening, theres a very good NOVA documentary on the court case.

As much as the outcome of this trial felt like a victory to supporters of science, some expressed concerns that the battle over the Dover biology curriculum was focusing on one kind of problem but missing many bigger problems in the process for example, this dispatch from Dover, PA by Eyal Press, printed in The Nation in November 2005.

Press describes the Dover area as it unfolded for him in a drive-along with former Dover school board member Casey Brown:

We drove out past some cornfields, a sheep farm, a meadow and a couple of barns, along the back roads of York County, a region where between 1970 and 2000, 11 percent of the manufacturing jobs disappeared, and where in the more rural areas one in five children grows up in a low-income family (in the city of York the figure is one in three). Dover isnt dirt poor, but neither is it wealthy. Its the kind of place where people work hard and save what they can. Looking out at the soy, wheat and dairy farms while Brown explained that lots of older people in the area cant afford to keep up with their mortgages and end up walking away from their homes, I was struck by the thought that this was a part of the country where, a century ago, the populist movement might have made inroads by organizing small farmers against the monopolies and trusts. These days, of course, a different sort of populism prevails, infused by religion and defining itself against outside forces like the ACLU.

Press also went to see what the students in Dover thought of the controversy:

What do the intended beneficiaries of the Dover school boards actions make of the intelligent design debate? A few days before meeting Casey Brown, I drove out to Dover high school to find out. It was late in the afternoon and a couple of kids were milling about outside, waiting for rides. When I asked them what they thought of the controversy, they looked at me with blank stares that suggested I could not have posed a question of less relevance to their lives. I think you should leave us alone, one of them said. Everyone just sleeps through that class anyway, said another. I approached a third kid, who was standing alone. Nobody he knew ever talked about the issue, he told me; it was no big deal.

Press suggests that this is not just a matter of teen ennui. The schools in the area may not be up to the challenge of addressing the real needs of their students:

For the most part, though, kids in Dover seem perplexed that so much attention is being paid to what happens in a single class. It is a sentiment shared by Pat Jennings, an African-American woman who runs the Lighthouse Youth Center, an organization that offers after-school programs, recreational services and parenting and Bible study classes to kids throughout York County. The center, which is privately funded, is located in a brown-brick building in downtown York, next to a church. A deeply religious woman who describes her faith as very important to her, Jennings nonetheless confessed that she hasnt paid much attention to the evolution controversy, since shes too busy thinking about other problems the children she serves facedrugs, gangs, lack of access to opportunity, racism. When we are in this building there are no Latinos, blacks, Caucasian childrenjust children, she explained after giving me a tour of the center. But when I go out thereshe pointed to the streetIm reminded that Im different.

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Is it worth fighting about what's taught in high school biology class?

2 Grand Challenges Explorations grants for global health

Public release date: 11-May-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Megan Fellman fellman@northwestern.edu 847-491-3115 Northwestern University

The innovative research of three Northwestern University professors who are making a big difference in the highly promising area of synthetic biology has been recognized with two early-stage discovery awards from Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The global health projects will focus on creating new compounds to combat malaria and on producing biosensors for low-cost, in-home diagnoses.

The prestigious awards are two of 107 Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) grants announced this week. The funding supports scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs worldwide who are testing unconventional ideas that show great promise to improve the health of people in the developing world.

Northwestern now has received a total of three GCE grants as part of the Gates Foundation's call to "Apply Synthetic Biology to Global Health Challenges." (Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new types of biological systems.) To date, only 30 synthetic biology grants have been awarded as part of this initiative, acknowledging Northwestern as being at the forefront of its use to address global health issues.

"The Gates Foundation support allows us to pursue high-risk, high-reward projects that are utilizing cutting-edge techniques to engineer biological systems," said Keith Tyo, an investigator on all three grants. "Success on any one of these projects could result in a dramatic improvement in quality of life for millions of suffering people."

Tyo is an assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Andreas Matouschek, professor of molecular biosciences in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and Tyo will develop synthetic compounds that target essential proteins in the Plasmodium parasite for destruction by its own protein degradation mechanisms. This strategy could lead to new treatment modalities as well as small molecule drug development efforts to combat malaria.

In the other project, Tyo and Joshua Leonard, an assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering, will work to engineer yeast-based biosensors that identify protein biomarkers in samples like blood and urine. An array of yeast strains could serve as a low-cost, in-home device providing patients with a panel of diagnostics to improve treatment and diagnosis in resource-poor settings.

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2 Grand Challenges Explorations grants for global health

Women's Track & Field sees 19 make Academic All-Big 12 team

Three Longhorns recorded perfect GPA's as only 11 athletes on the women's side accomplished the feat. The three were Julie Amthor (biology), Laleh Mojtabaeezamani (government) and Anne Jones (biology).

May 8, 2012

AUSTIN, Texas The University of Texas Womens Track & Field team placed 19 student-athletes on the 2012 Academic All-Big 12 team Tuesday.

Three Longhorns recorded perfect GPAs as only 11 athletes on the womens side accomplished the feat. The three were Julie Amthor (biology), Laleh Mojtabaeezamani (government) and Anne Jones (biology).

Joining those three on the first team were 13 other UT student-athletes to give them 16 first team selections. The first team honorees have a GPA of 3.2 or better. Along with the three perfect GPAs the selections included Shanay Briscoe (marketing), Danielle Dowie (nutrition, pre-med), Jessica Doyle (government), Chalonda Goodman (marketing), Marielle Hall (undergraduate studies), Jessica Harper (liberal arts), Victoria Lucas (physical culture and sport), Briana Nelson (economics), Okwukwe Okolie (exercise science), Beverly Owoyele (exercise science), Akua Sencherey (advertising), Megan Siebert (education) and Virginia Simon (Spanish).

To qualify, student-athletes must maintain a 3.00 GPA or higher either cumulative or the two previous semesters and must have participated in 60 percent of their teams scheduled contests. Freshmen and transfers are not eligible in their first year of academic residence. Senior student-athletes who have participated for a minimum of two years and meet all the criteria except percent of participation are also eligible.

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Women's Track & Field sees 19 make Academic All-Big 12 team

The Quantum Biology Conundrum

One of the biggest questions in biology is whether the processes of life are able to exploit quantum effects to improve their lot.

Nobody questions whether living things are ultimately quantum at some level--we're all made of quantum objects called atoms and glued together by quantum forces. If you look closely enough at any biological process, you'll see quantum mechanics at work.

The question is whether nature exploits quantum mechanics to achieve things that are not possible in the ordinary, classical world.

There is a growing debate on this topic. On the one hand, evidence has begun to mount that quantum mechanics may play a role in processes such as photosynthesis, bird navigation and the sense of smell. On the other, critics say this evidence is far from conclusive and may simply show that reality always appears quantum in nature, if you look closely enough.

Today,Neill Lambert at the Japanese research institute RIKEN in Saitama and a few pals, provide a much needed review of the evidence in this area, focusing in particular on photosynthesis and bird navigation.

These guys point out that the efforts to find evidence of quantum effects in photosynthesis are largely focused on the fact that energy somehow crosses large protein molecules with an efficiency close to 100 per cent. That's hard to explain classically.

The evidence for quantum effects in bird navigation is a little more speculative but leaves less room for a classical explanation. It is based on the idea that that a weak magnetic field can influence the outcome of a certain type of chemical reaction in bird retinas involving radical ion pairs.

The details make for interesting reading.

This is an area that has gained huge attention in recent years. The promise, of course, is that if nature has found ways to exploit quantum mechanics, then it should be possible for us to copy those techniques. Think artificial photosynthesis, robotic noses and navigation systems, perhaps even artificial life.

But the alternative is just as interesting. If nature has not found a way to exploit quantum mechanics, an equally important question is: why not? Is it merely an oversight on the part of evolution or is there some other deeper reason why evolution cannot exploit quantum mechanics?

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The Quantum Biology Conundrum

KU senior wins top prize at Commonwealth of University Biologists meeting

Kutztown University, senior biology major, Jazzmyn McCoy, of Shamokin, won the top prize for her poster display in the cellular/molecular sub-division at the Commonwealth of University Biologists Annual Meeting, at Slippery Rock University, on April 14.

McCoy worked in close collaboration with Dr. Cristen Rosch, KU assistant professor of biological sciences on her display on the effects of embryonic exposure to catnip oil in comparison to standard household mosquito repellent which contains DEET. McCoys results suggested that catnip oil does not result in bird embryo mutations that are caused by DEET. Her poster was judged out of ten others from other commonwealth universities in that subdivision.

I think Jazzmyns poster was in a unique area and had strong results, so it was very impressive to the judges. Kutztown University biology assistant professor Dr. Daniel Aruscavage said.

For more information about the Commonwealth of University Biologists, please visit their website at http://academics.sru.edu/cpub/index.php?content=proceedings.

McCoy worked in close collaboration with Dr. Cristen Rosch, KU assistant professor of biological sciences on her display on the effects of embryonic exposure to catnip oil in comparison to standard household mosquito repellent which contains DEET. McCoys results suggested that catnip oil does not result in bird embryo mutations that are caused by DEET. Her poster was judged out of ten others from other commonwealth universities in that subdivision.

I think Jazzmyns poster was in a unique area and had strong results, so it was very impressive to the judges. Kutztown University biology assistant professor Dr. Daniel Aruscavage said.

For more information about the Commonwealth of University Biologists, please visit their website at http://academics.sru.edu/cpub/index.php?content=proceedings.

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KU senior wins top prize at Commonwealth of University Biologists meeting

Vitamin D supplements may protect against viral infections during the winter

Public release date: 30-Apr-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Cody Mooneyhan cmooneyhan@faseb.org 301-634-7104 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Vitamin D may be known as the sunshine vitamin, but a new research report appearing in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology shows that it is more than that. According to the report, insufficient levels of vitamin D are related to a deficiency in our innate immune defenses that protect us from infections, neoplasias or autoimmune diseases. Since vitamin D levels decrease during autumn and winter when days are shorter and sunlight is relatively weak, this may explain why people are more prone to viral infection during these times. It also suggests that vitamin D supplementation, especially in older populations, could strengthen people's innate immunity against viral infections.

"There are numerous studies showing the benefits of maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels. As more and more research into Vitamin D is conducted, we are learning that it is extremely important for human health. Our study is no different, and vitamin D supplements should be considered one of many tools that might help when conventional therapies are not enough," said Victor Manuel Martinez-Taboada, M.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Division of Rheumatology at the Hospital Universitario "Marque's de Valdecilla," Facultad de Medicina at the Unversidad de Cantabria, in Santander, Spain.

To make this discovery, the researchers compared the changes in the blood levels of vitamin D among three groups of healthy subjects: young (age range: 20-30), middle (age range: 31-59), and elderly (age range: 60-86). They found decreased levels of vitamin D with aging, prompting researchers to compare whether such changes kept any relationship with toll-like receptor (TLR) expression measured on lymphocytes and monocytes and function after in vitro stimulation with specific ligands for each of the nine human TLRs and measurement of effector molecules, such as proinflammatory cytokines. Specifically, they found that the TRL most affected by a vitamin D insufficiency is TLR7, which regulates the immune response against viruses. Finally, scientists studied whether there was any difference in the three age groups depending on the season of the year since it is well known that a limited sun exposure during darker winter months is related with vitamin D deficiency.

"Any school teacher will tell you that people tend to be sicker during the winter than any other time of the year," said John Wherry, Ph.D., Deputy Editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. "There have been numerous studies showing several environmental factors during winter months may allow viruses to spread easier. This study shows that sunlight, or more precisely the lack of vitamin D, could have a role in the seasonally higher rates of infection. More extensive studies must be conducted for this link to be conclusive, but since vitamin D supplements are inexpensive and generally safe, this is a really exciting discovery."


The Journal of Leukocyte Biology publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts on original investigatins focusing on the cellular and molecular biology of leukocytes and on the origins, the developmental biology, biochemistry and functions of granulocytes, lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes and other cells involved in host defense and inflammation. The Journal of Leukocyte Biology is published by the Society for Leukocyte Biology.

Details: Lorena Alvarez-Rodriguez, Marcos Lopez-Hoyos, Maite Garcia-Unzueta, Jose Antonio Amado, Pedro Muoz Cacho, and Victor Manuel Martinez-Taboada. Age and low levels of circulating vitamin D are associated with impaired innate immune function. J Leukoc Biol May 2012 91:829-838; doi:10.1189/jlb.1011523 ; http://www.jleukbio.org/content/91/5/829.abstract

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Vitamin D supplements may protect against viral infections during the winter

Attending the Experimental Biology meeting helped me clarify my STEM career path

The other day, I was walking to my car, headed to Animal Care to check on my animals. As I was strolling down the sidewalk I noticed a young lady, African-American. We gave each a cordial nod and said hello as we passed by. Then I heard I heard her call out and I turned around. She the told me how much she enjoyed my lecture in her Evolutionary Biology class, that I had delivered more than two months ago. She said she really enjoyed it and I thanked her. Its always good to hear positive things. (And I find I need more positive feedback lately. It felt good to know I wasnt invisible). She then said that I was the first Black teacher [college] she had. Although I was only a guest lecturer, the experience made her wonder (momentarily) if she should have attended a HBCU Historically Black College or University because felt she like she was missing something, exposure to African-American faculty.

It didnt occur to me that I, a mere post-doc at this great big institution, would be the first Black lecturer that she (or any) student in that senior-level biology class would have had. Surely, all of them no matter their ethnic background- have seen a Black person on that side of the podium before. Right? I guess not.

Her words were poignant; they also struck a chord. I didnt attend a HBCU either; so, I completely relate to her experiences. I had one, 1, African-American instructor in college, my freshman English composition teacher. I attended Tennessee Technological University, a medium-sized university, with about 10,000 students in Cookeville the heart of middle Tennessee in the Cumberland Plateau. There were 3 African-American professors at my college, two in the history department, one in the business school, I think, plus 3 university administrators. It wasnt until I started my doctoral studies at the University of Missouri St. Louis that I had my very first (and last) Black Science Professor Dr. Godfrey Bourne, of Afro-Caribbean heritage. At majority institutions, Black professors are rare and even more rare in science and engineering departments.

Although, this was just one student, her personal account is telling the Higher Education system something very important: Students are crying out for a more representative faculty.

Check out what these Black and Latino Engineering undergrads from Bucknell University say in this CNN Money Report Missing: Minority scientists and engineers

I felt exactly like these students when I was in their shoes. To see someone who looks/sounds like me. Who comes from familiar places and spaces. Who can show me that this path is navigable. But for whatever reason I completely forgot those feelings once I crossed the stage. That was until yesterday.

Perhaps her words were right on time. I was/am still recovering from the Experimental Biology 2012 meeting in San Diego. That meeting was eye opening. I would say hello, introduce myself, tell people what I work on, and without fail they would ask, Whats next? Such a strange question to me. I just started this project, I thought. For a long time I would reflexively respond a tenure-track position. But the truth is, I havent been very excited about becoming a college professor lately, especially if it meant working at a major or medium-sized research institution. Ive been flirting with working at smaller institutions teaching colleges or masters-granting universities. Better, but eh. Even those seemed like incomplete fits. Then as I was talking, interacting and networking with scientists and students outside of my field, things started coming into view.

I love research, being in the field, getting dirty. I love outreach, sharing it with non-scientists online and in real life. I love talking about science. I love introducing people to new or over-looked opportunities in STEM. I enjoy teaching and working with students from K-12 to graduate level. But where does someone like me go and earn a decent living? K-12 schools wouldnt allow me to do only do bench research with students. Plus, Ive been uncertain how I would fit in at the university level. I cant tell you how many times Ive been chided for my enthusiasm, bubbly personality, or interests in reaching under-served audiences. Which confuses me because isnt improved teaching and broadening participation a goal? Its as if the very things that bring me joy (and for which institutions are quick to take credit for my hard work when its time to be accountable), AND I also happen to be very good at are also looked down upon by so many. Im good at all of those things; however, my greatest strength is my ability to see connections across the aisles.

Ive been introducing people science for a while now. Ive converted people who once thought science was boring and irrelevant. Im like a wingman. Being a member of scientific communities and many affinity groups means I am able to see and create bridging opportunities between different, often disparate communities. As a result I am able to engage new audiences in discussions about science and diversity. I see collaborative opportunities that no one else sees or even dares to imagine.

I have been trying to inspire a culture change in the sciences and research disciplines, but at the local level. Perhaps, I would do better at the funding agency or professional science society level. Funding agencies (like NSF, NIH) and professional science societies (like AAAS) have incomparable influence on individuals and institutions as it pertains to setting professional ethos and the inclusion of individuals from under-represented groups in the sciences at every stage of the pipeline. Such organizations seem to be an ideal place for someone interested in fostering deep relationships between under-served audiences and STEM. These organizations seem to thrive on new ideas and creative energy.

See the original post:
Attending the Experimental Biology meeting helped me clarify my STEM career path

New Research Encourages Combining Proteins After Workouts

A new study presented at the Experimental Biology 2012 conference revealed that combining proteins after workouts provides more benefits. Protein is essential for muscle growth and has become a popular addition to many exercise regimens. As a coach, I am often asked about the best nutrient supplements. Although I prefer natural sources of protein from food, there are benefits to using protein blends for some athletes.

The Right Combination of Proteins

Previous studies on protein consumption after exercise have provided conflicting information. The latest research presented at the Experimental Biology 2012 conference indicates that a combination of casein, soy and whey protein may actually be the best solution for athletes. Instead of relying on one source, adding several types of proteins helps the body build muscles faster and longer.

Researchers claim that the best combination is 50 percent casein, 25 percent soy and 25 percent whey protein. The main advantage of using all three products is to release a constant amount of amino acids for the longest period of time. Since each type of protein is digested at a different rate, using three of them provides the most benefits.

Study Limitations

Unfortunately, the sample group used by the researchers is limited in this case. They admit that the study only included 19 "young adults," so the results may not be applicable to everyone. Furthermore, age is another factor that needs to be studied in more detail because the current research only focused on young adults. The study is basing its main benefits on the continuous flow of amino acid, but metabolic rates vary greatly for individuals, and they may not see the same results.

The study is credited to Dr. Blake Rasmussen at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Since the researchers used Solae SUPRO isolated soy protein, the company has been proudly displaying the results of the study on its website. Unfortunately, the summary that has been released has a limited amount of data. I will be looking forward to the full results that Dr. Blake Rasmussen plans to reveal at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.

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New Research Encourages Combining Proteins After Workouts

Model Organisms to Human Biology – Cancer Genetics Meeting

Newswise Bethesda, MD -- The Genetics Society of Americas (GSAs) biennial meeting, Model Organisms to Human Biology Cancer Genetics, June 17-20, 2012, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, will bring together investigators who study cancer relevant biology in model organismssuch as fruit flies, yeast, fungi, mice and other organismswith investigators studying human cancer. Each session includes two invited speakers -- one from the model organism research community and the other focusing on human cancer research.

The program also includes a mini-symposium on ModENCODE, with presentations by Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Human Genome Research Institute/National Institutes of Health (NIH); Robert Waterston, M.D., Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle; and Gary Karpen, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In addition, there will also be a speaker from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)/NIH.

I. MEDIA REPRESENTATION -- Representatives of the media are cordially invited to attend the scientific keynotes, plenary and poster sessions. Eligible media will receive complimentary registration (see III. MEDIA PARTICIPATION below). Media may register by contacting Phyllis Edelman, pedelman@genetics-gsa.org

For hotel registration, please go to the meeting site at http://www.mohb.org.

II. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM For the complete program and Schedule of Events, see http://www.mohb.org/2012/pages/program.shtml .

Keynote Speakers: Sunday, June 17, 2012: Bert Vogelstein, M.D., Johns Hopkins University Monday, June 18, 2012: Angelika Amon, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (sponsored by NIGMS in celebration of their 50th anniversary) Tuesday, June 19, 2012: Eric S. Lander, Ph.D., Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Plenary Sessions: Invited Plenary Scientific Sessions will offer the opportunity to learn about the latest research in the fields listed below. In addition to the invited speakers listed below, each session will include four talks chosen from the submitted abstracts. All names listed are co-chairs and speakers.

Session 1: Understanding Tumor Genomes: A View Into the Abysso Elaine Mardis, Ph.D., Washington University o Lynda Chin, M.D., MD Anderson Cancer Center

Session 2: Cell Defects 1: Cell Proliferation and Cell Cycle Regulation o Stephen Elledge, Ph.D., Harvard University o Jacqueline Lees, Ph.D., MIT

Session 3: Cell Defects 2: Genome Stability and DNA Repair o Michael Kastan, M.D., Ph.D., Duke University o Sue Biggins, Ph.D., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

See the rest here:
Model Organisms to Human Biology - Cancer Genetics Meeting

Experimental Biology Blogging: Every once in a while, a double cheeseburger might not be so bad for the heart.

On the last day of Experimental Biology 2012, I had the great pleasure to be able to see the work of the Jones lab at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. I wrote about their work at last years meeting, and Im very happy to show you all the latest advances this year!

Theres very little thats more serious than a heart attack. Otherwise known as a myocardial infarction (MI), a heart attack is a loss of blood flow to the heart. When there isnt enough blood flow to the heart, the heart muscles do not receive enough oxygen, and heart cells begin to die and lose their ability to pump in rhythm.

In the past, the vast majority of people who suffered from a heart attack would die. But now advances in modern medicine have enabled many people to continue for years following MI. So we are not only concerned with survival of heart attack, we are also concerned with recovery, what can help recovery and make it faster, or reduce the severity of the heart attack in the first place.

And as Haar et al, from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine have found, sometimes whats bad for you might not be so bad for your heart, at least, in small doses. Haar has been looking at the effects of a high-fat diet on MI outcomes in mice. She previously found that short-term high-fat diets in mice (between 24 hours and two weeks of exposure, but not longer, otherwise you get some very fat mice), produced protection during a heart attack. When she induced an experimental heart attack in mice, mice that had been treated with a high fat diet for a short period of time showed reduced damage when compared to control mice. Haar also showed that 24 hours worth of high-fat diet produces protection for about 24 hours afterward, but not 48 hours (a double cheeseburger every other day, then?).

All this is well and good, but the important question is asking how does this protection work? Haar and her colleagues hypothesize that a high-fat diet can shift the damage balance in the heart from apoptosis (cell death) to autophagy (a shifting of cellular energy resources), and they hypothesize that an important molecule involved is NF-kappaB.

NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), is a protein complex which affects the transcription of DNA, and could have widespread effects on how cells function under stress. To examine the role of NF-kappaB in the high-fat protection from MI, Haar took a group of dominant-negative mice, animals which specifically fail to activate NF-kappaB in the heart. She fed some of them on a high-fat diet, gave them all a heart attack, and looked to see if the protective effects of the high-fat diet were still present. In the NF-kappaB dominant negative mice, the injury size following MI was larger, and the high-fat diet failed to protect the mice from the effects.

But NF-kappaB affects a lot of genes, what specifically was going on? It appears that the heart cells are not dying at the same rates in mice on a high-fat diet, Haar saw fewer markers of apoptosis in the high-fat group. To see if the cells were instead undergoing autophagy, she looked at the marker Beclin-1. Beclin-1 is a marker for autophagy, a way to show that cells are reallocating their resources to preserve function, rather than dying in response to the severe stress of the MI. And it turns out that a high-fat diet increases the expression of Beclin-1 in the damage zone of mice having a heart attack. Not only that, this increase is blunted in the dominant negative NF-kappaB mice following heart attack, showing that NF-kappaB may be controlling the increase of Beclin-1. This means that high-fat diets are shifting the balance of the heart from apoptosis to autophagy, allowing the heart to suffer less damage during heart attack.

Of course, its not a good idea to go eat a double-cheeseburger in perfect comfort. After all, people who habitually eat high fat diets are at a much greater risk for heart attack in the first place. But its an interesting look into how the heart can protect itself, and may mean new potentials for treatment in those who suffer heart attack. And maybe you dont have to feel quite so guilty about the high-fat food, if you only have it once in a while.

The rest is here:
Experimental Biology Blogging: Every once in a while, a double cheeseburger might not be so bad for the heart.

Experimental Biology Blogging: Hallucinating Zebrafish

Its day 4 of the Experimental Biology meeting, and I looked at a poster using zebrafish as a model for behavioral effects of hallucinogens, but there was also a great symposium on treatments for affective disorders, as well as great posters on stress, serotonin systems, and more. But well stick with the zebrafish for now.

When most scientists think of how we might study drug response, we usually think of rats or monkeys or mice, pressing levers to deliver drug, or showing different behaviors in response to treatments. Sometimes we will see studies on flies (http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/03/a-lack-of-sex-drives-flies-to-drink.ars). But what about fish? Specifically, zebrafish?

Zebrafish are a pretty attractive model for scientific research. They have a completely sequenced genome, a series of easily observed and modified behaviors, and they are cheap(er) than rodent or primate models. And its easy enough to test the effects of different drugs: just pour some into the tank and watch what happens, a much less stressful form of administration than having to inject a mammal.

There are already studies out there in zebrafish using cocaine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18499199) and morphine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22205946). Allan Kalueffs lab at Tulane University is interested in hallucinogens, drugs like that mescaline and psilocybin. In particular they looked at mescaline, a drug derived from the peyote cactus, psilocybin, a drug derived from mushrooms, and phencyclidine (PCP), a drug that was once developed as an anesthetic, but has powerful hallucinogenic properties. Mescaline and psilocybin act at receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin (http://scientopia.org/blogs/scicurious/2010/08/25/back-to-basics-3-depression-post-4-the-serotonin-system/), and PCP has its mechanism of action via the glutamate system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phencyclidine). All three of them are powerful hallucinogenic drugs. And while you cant tell if a zebrafish is seeing things, their easily classified behaviors can be used to examine similarities and differences between drugs, and help to understand their mechanisms of action.

So Collins, a student in Kalueffs laboratory, has given zebrafish various doses of hallucinogens, and looked at how the fish behave. He started with the novel tank test, where you put a single fish in a novel tank with drug or saline. When the fish are exposed to a novel tank, they immediately swim to the bottom, and start to swim to the post as they get more comfortable, a measure of anxiety-like behavior. But with PCP or mescaline, the fish swam to the top of the tank more quickly than control fish, suggesting that they had decreased anxiety. Fish on PCP also showed more erratic swimming behavior. Collins also looked at social behavior in the shoaling test. Zebrafish are social, and like to shoal together, but will show differences in social behavior in response to different drugs. When Collins gave the fish mescaline, the fish appeared to be more social, showing decreases in inter-fish distance. Psilocybin and PCP also produced increases in the stress hormone cortisol.

By looking at the effects of hallucinogenic drugs in fish behaviors , Kalueffs lab hopes to use the zebrafish as a model to understand the mechanisms behind drug-induced behaviors, and help us to understand how these very complicated drugs have their effects. Not only that, hallucinogenic drugs are often used to model psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. So some day, zebrafish on PCP might provide the key to some complicated disorders.

Read more here:
Experimental Biology Blogging: Hallucinating Zebrafish

Carnegie's Wolf B. Frommer receives Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology

Public release date: 25-Apr-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Tina McDowell tmcdowell@carnegiescience.edu 202-939-1120 Carnegie Institution

Washington, D.C.The American Society for Plant Biology (ASPB) awarded Wolf B. Frommer, director of Carnegie's Department of Plant Biology, the Lawrence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology Research for "his major contributions in the development of fundamental tools and technologies essential for breakthrough discoveries that advance our understanding of glucose, sucrose, ammonium, amino acid, and nucleotide transport in plants."

Frommer joined Carnegie's Department of Plant Biology in 2003 as a staff member. Just four years later he became acting director of the department, a position that became permanent in 2009. Before coming to Carnegie, Frommer was a full professor and Chair of Plant Physiology at the Eberhard-Karls-Universitt Tbingen in Germany where he led a group of 80. He was also cofounder and director of the Center of Plant Molecular Biology in Tbingen, where he oversaw a staff of 150.

"Wolf develops novel technologies to address fundamental questions in plant science. These are a foundation for increasing the yield of crops and bolstering the world's food supply," remarked Carnegie president Richard A. Meserve. "His leadership has had an enormous impact on plant science. We are proud that his contributions have been recognized."

Frommer believes that understanding the basic mechanisms of plant life can help us solve problems in agriculture, the environment and medicine, and can even provide understanding of human disease processes. He works to solve both fundamental and real-world problems. In addition to his basic research, Frommer was founder of the biotechnology company SYMPORE GmbH, in Tbingen, and was a founder and vice president of the Joint Bioenergy Institute's Feedstocks Division, in Emeryville, CA. He was also a visiting faculty member at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories.

Among other innovations, Frommer and his team developed new so-called nano-sensors that, with advanced imaging methods, can measure metabolites in live plant and animal cells. This work helps to understand how plants distribute energy from leaves, the sites of photosynthesis, to roots and seeds.

Frommer has received two major scientific prizes, the highest German research award, the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize in 1988, and the Krber Award for European Science in 2001. The latter recognized him as one of the most outstanding biologists in Europe. He is also a fellow of AAAS and has published more than 230 scientific papers. Frommer also has more than 30 patents or patent applications.

The Lawrence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology Research was established by the ASPB in 2005 to honor Dr. Bogorad's many contributions to plant biology, including his influential efforts to bring the techniques of molecular biology to bear on problems in plant biology; his groundbreaking research on chloroplast genetics, biogenesis, structure, and function; and his inspired teaching and mentoring. The award is a made biennially to a plant scientist whose work both illuminates the present and suggests paths to enlighten the future.


See the original post:
Carnegie's Wolf B. Frommer receives Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology

AMRI Hires Director of In Vitro Biology in Singapore

ALBANY, N.Y., April 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- AMRI (AMRI), a leading global contract research and manufacturing organization, announced today a key addition to the management team at its Singapore location. Saravanakumar Dhakshinamoorthy, Ph.D. joins AMRI's Singapore site as Director of In Vitro Biology, reporting to Takeshi Yura, Ph.D., Senior Director, AMRI Singapore. As the leader of AMRI's biology resources and staff in Singapore, Dr. Dhakshinamoorthy and his team will be working closely with on-site colleagues supporting customer projects as well as in collaboration with AMRI's U.S.-based biology and DMPK teams.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120229/NY61160LOGO )

AMRI's Singapore Research Center provides a full complement of drug discovery services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Capabilities support the many different sciences required in the discovery and advancement of new small molecule medicines, embracing medicinal chemistry, in vitro biology and DMPK, all of which can be provided individually or together to encompass an integrated drug discovery program. The Singapore operation is capable of working on projects self contained or often in concert with AMRI's global discovery services operations in the U.S. and India. Preclinical candidates that are discovered by these efforts may be progressed by access to AMRI's global development services.

"In this newly created role, Dr. Dhakshinamoorthy (SK) brings senior-level in vitro biology expertise, a strong track record of industry experience and additional drug discovery project management experience to the Singapore site," said Dr. Yura. "Previously the Singapore biology group had been functioning as a satellite operation to AMRI's flagship biology operations in Bothell, WA and leadership and oversight of Singapore biology had been handled through Bothell. Clients will now have direct senior level access, independent of the U.S., to help tailor our biology resources to their program and lead and manage the progression of those programs all self-contained within Singapore."

SK comes to AMRI after seven years with Aurigene, a discovery services company in Bangalore, India. He previously worked in Singapore with the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. He brings more than 20 years of postgraduate experience in academic and industrial settings to AMRI.

Dr. Bruce Sargent, Senior Vice President, Drug Discovery, AMRI, said, "In vitro biology and DMPK capability has become increasingly important within AMRI's Singapore drug discovery operations, supporting a growing interest in integrated drug discovery. The group has worked closely with U.S.-based biology and DMPK leadership. This new position provides local leadership and experience which we expect to help us build additional business for the Singapore facility."

SK received his Ph.D. in Biotechnology in 1998, from the Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, India. His Postdoctoral research was conducted at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

About AMRI

Albany Molecular Research, Inc. (AMRI) is a global contract research and manufacturing organization offering customers fully integrated drug discovery, development, and manufacturing services. For over 21 years AMRI has demonstrated its adaptability as the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have undergone tremendous change in response to multiple challenges. This experience, a track record of success and locations in the United States, Europe and Asia now provides our customers with SMARTSOURCING, a full range of value-added opportunities providing customers informed decision-making, enhanced efficiency and more successful outcomes at all stages of the pipeline. AMRI has also successfully partnered R&D programs and is actively seeking to out-license its remaining programs for further development. For more information, please visit http://www.amriglobal.com.

Here is the original post:
AMRI Hires Director of In Vitro Biology in Singapore