Three WSU professors honored as 2020 Highly Cited Researchers – WSU News

Washington State University professors Dan Annie Du, Kris Kowdley, and Yuehe Lin were named as Highly Cited Researchers this year.

The annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade. Their names are drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index.

Research professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Du is an innovator in the fields of biomaterials and bioengineering. Her work focuses on using nanomaterials for biosensing and drug delivery as well as immunosensors and microchips for biomarker detection. Earlier this year, she led work on developing a method to detect biomarkers for Alzheimers disease. She has produced more than 300 research papers which have been cited nearly 18,000 times, according to Google Scholar. She is the North American editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Asia and editorial board member of Analytica Chimica Acta, Biosensors; Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics; Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry, and Sensors.

Clinical faculty at Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Kowdley is an internationally recognized liver disease expert and researcher. He has led several major international clinical trials of new treatments for hepatitis C, hereditary hemochromatosis, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. His translational and laboratory research focuses on the role of iron as a co-factor in many liver diseases, ranging from hepatitis C, hemochromatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. He has developed murine models for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Kowdley is the author of more than 450 articles, book chapters, reviews, and commentaries, and his scholarly work has been cited nearly 45,000 times, according to Google Scholar.

Leader in the bioengineering and energy fields

Lins work includes the development of nanomaterials and nanobioelectronic devices for disease diagnosis and drug delivery and catalysts for energy storage and conversion. Earlier this year, Lin and colleagues from LosAlamos National Laboratory published a breakthrough in splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, an advance which has the potential to make renewable energy more affordable. He has produced more than 500 publications which have been cited more than 57,000 times, according to Google Scholar. Lin is a professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and a laboratory fellow at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Lin is a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, Electrochemical Society, and Royal Society of Chemistry as well as an elected member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences.

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Three WSU professors honored as 2020 Highly Cited Researchers - WSU News

Harvard’s Wyss Institute creates research and innovation alliance with Northpond Labs – Harvard Office of Technology Development

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November 18, 2020

Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering has established its first research and innovation alliance by joining forces with Northpond Labs, the research and development-focused affiliate of a leading science and technology-driven venture capital firm, Northpond Ventures. Through the alliance, Northpond Labs will provide $12 million to create a Laboratory for Bioengineering Research and Innovation at the Wyss Institute and to support impactful research with strong translation potential.

The vision for the five-year strategic alliance was developed by senior leadership at Northpond Labs and the Wyss Institute, including Wyss Founding Director Donald Ingber and Northpond's Founder and CEO Michael Rubin. In close partnership with Harvard's Office of Technology Development (OTD), both groups have finalized the collaboration agreement and the agreement for the first funded research project.

As a first translation focus of the alliance, Northpond Labs through the Laboratory for Bioengineering Research and Innovation will sponsor research on the Wyss Institute's Controlled Enzymatic RNA Synthesis technology to accelerate its development toward commercialization. The novel synthesis approach was created in the Institutes Synthetic Biology platform and has been funded internally as a translationally focused Wyss Validation Project. The technology leverages a new enzyme-based method of generating synthetic RNA oligonucleotides, which have potential as RNA therapeutics, drug delivery vehicles, and genome engineering tools for a variety of disease applications. By using an engineered enzyme without the need for resource-intensive chemistry, it may provide a more effective and environmentally conscious way to synthesize RNA oligonucleotides than conventional chemical approaches used in industry.

The Wyss Institute has developed a new model for innovation, collaboration, and technology translation within academia, breaking historical silos to enable collaborations that cross institutional and disciplinary barriers. The unique translation model spans the full trajectory, from identifying high-value, real-world problems and developing disruptive technology solutions, to refining, optimizing, and validating these technologies so that they are well-positioned for impactful new licensing and start-up opportunities. This novel approach for technology translation within academia, working in collaboration with Harvard OTD, has so far yielded 3,291 patent filings and 75 licensing deals, including 39 new startups.

Through a separate arrangement with Harvard and the Wyss Institute, Northpond is providing an additional $3 million in funding to the Institute to support discovery efforts and to create and fund the Northpond Directors Innovation Fund. This fund will bolster the pursuit and growth of Wyss projects that have the potential to solve important unmet problems in the world, even when the path to commercialization remains unclear. In particular, the fund will be used to support early projects in areas including synthetic biology, biomanufacturing, synthesis of DNA and proteins, and clean water.

"This alliance represents an exciting new mechanism for supporting innovation and providing opportunities for translating discoveries that we at the Wyss Institute have made and are advancing inside academia. Given the Northpond team's deep experience in life sciences and technology, we are excited about the potential this collaboration offers for growth with their support and invaluable perspectives. We see this as the first of many such partnerships that the Wyss Institute will establish in the future," said Wyss Founding Director Donald Ingber, M.D., Ph.D., who is also theJudah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biologyat Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital, and Professor of Bioengineering at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

"We have been impressed by the collaborative and solutions-oriented approach to research at the Wyss Institute, and by the depth and breadth of innovations that it has generated," said Michael Rubin, M.D., Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Northpond Ventures and Labs. Rubin will collaborate with the Institute's Technology Translation Director, Angelika Fretzen, Ph.D., to help oversee the Laboratory for Bioengineering Research and Innovation and advance the shared vision. In addition to helping to oversee the Laboratorys program, Rubin will hold an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at the Wyss Institute, to enhance technology translation through community engagement and education.

This strategic alliance represents the first of what the Institute hopes will be multiple collaborations with the investment, corporate, and philanthropic communities that combine targeted investments in basic and applied research with flexible financial contributions; the goal of these collaborations is to sustain the remarkable level of innovation and intellectual property creation that the Institute has demonstrated since its founding almost 12 years ago.

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Harvard's Wyss Institute creates research and innovation alliance with Northpond Labs - Harvard Office of Technology Development

Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market 2020 by Type, Trend, Demand, Applications, Business Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Forecast 2025 – The…

The study on Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market, offers deep insights about the Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market covering all the crucial aspects of the Market. Some of the important aspects analyzed in the report includes Market share, production, key regions, revenue rate as well as key players. This Trans-Butenedioic Acid report also provides the readers with detailed figures at which the Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market was valued in the historical year and its expected growth in upcoming years. Besides, analysis also forecasts the CAGR at which the Trans-Butenedioic Acid is expected to mount and major factors driving Markets growth. This Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market was accounted for USD million in the historical year and is estimated to reach at USD million by the end of the forecast period, rising at a CAGR .

Major companies of this report:

Bartek IngredientsPolynt GroupThirumalai ChemicalIsegenFuso ChemicalsNippon ShokubaiYantai Hengyuan BioengineeringJiangsu Jiecheng BioengineeringChangzhou Yabang ChemicalAnhui Sealong BiotechnologyChangmao Biochemical EngineeringSuzhou Youhe Science and TechnologyZhejiang Dongda Biological TechnologyChina Blue Star Harbin PetrochemicalJiangsu Suhua GroupJiaoda Rising Weinan ChemicalChina BBCA GroupJiangsu Sanmu Group

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Market research reports play an extremely important role in refining the productivity of an industry. The information in this reports will help the companies to make informed Marketing strategies. Moreover, ultimate goal of Market research is to analyze how the Markets target group will obtain a product or service. Market research report is predominantly prepared following certain methodology and guidelines for collecting, organizing and analyzing data. The research report on Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market has been very well drafted for the benefit of the readers who are looking forward to invest in the Market.

Besides, focusing on overall aspects of the Market this report majorly covered profiles of the top big companies along with their sales data, etc. It also delivers the business models, strategies, growth, innovations and every information about key manufacturers that will enable in making business estimates. In addition, every Market has a set of manufacturers, vendors and consumers that define the Market as well as their every moves and achievements becomes a subject of studying for Market analysts.

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Segmentation by Type:

Food GradeIndustrial GradeFeed Grade

Segmentation by Application:

Unsaturated ResinFood and BeveragesFeed IndustryOthers

Moreover, reports offers Market competition through region segmentation of Markets that enables in thorough analysis of the Market in terms of revenue generation potential, demand & supply comparison, business opportunities and future estimates of the Market. The annual progression for the Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market in different regions cannot always be listed down as it will keep changing, thus studying and reviewing Markets occasionally becomes vital. Major regions highlighted for the Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market report, include North America, South America, Asia, Europe and Middle East.

Market research report on the Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market, also has the Market analyzed on the basis of different end user applications and type. End user application segments analysis allows defining the consumer behavior as well. It is helpful to investigate product application in order to foretell the products outcome. Analyzing different segment type is also crucial aspect. It helps determine which type of the product or service needs improvement. When reports are product centric, they also includes information about sales channel, distributors, traders as well as dealers. This facilitates effective planning as well as execution of the supply chain management. In a nutshell, a Market research report is through guide of a Market that aids the better Marketing and management of businesses.

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ABOUT US:Orbis Research ( is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.

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Global Trans-Butenedioic Acid Market 2020 by Type, Trend, Demand, Applications, Business Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Forecast 2025 - The...

Global Fumaric Acid Market Views: Taking A Nimble Approach To Explores Huge Growth In Near Future With Eminent Players – The Think Curiouser

Scope of the Report:

The technical barriers of fumaric acid are not high, and the major players are Yantai Hengyuan Bioengineering, Fuso Chemicals, Jiangsu Jiecheng Bioengineering, Changzhou Yabang Chemical, Sealong Biotechnology, Changmao Biochemical Engineering, Suzhou Youhe Science and Technology, and XST Biological. These companies mainly concentrate in Japan, China, and Europe. China is the largest consumer, almost 30% of total consumption in 2015, followed by Europe with 20% of sales share.As the same time, companies are focusing on technological innovation, equipment upgrades, and process improvements, to reduce costs and improve quality. With the snatch for market share in emerging regions, the competition in fumaric acid industry will become more intense.

The worldwide market for Fumaric Acid is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 3.1% over the next five years, will reach 590 million US$ in 2024, from 490 million US$ in 2019, according to a new Research study.

This report focuses on the Fumaric Acid in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.

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Global Fumaric Acid report portrays the fundamental details of the dominant market players elaborating their business profiles, Fumaric Acid market revenue, sales volume, press releases, technical developments taking place in this industry.

Report is segmented into different parts as below:

Global Fumaric Acid Market Details Based On Key Players:

Yantai Hengyuan BioengineeringBartek IngredientsPolyntThirumalai ChemicalIsegenFuso ChemicalsJiangsu Jiecheng BioengineeringChangzhou Yabang ChemicalNIPPON SHOKUBAISealong BiotechnologyChangmao Biochemical EngineeringSuzhou Youhe Science and TechnologyXST Biological

Global Fumaric Acid Market Details Based on Product Category:


Global Fumaric Acid Market Details Based On Key Product Applications:

Food & BeveragesRosin Paper SizesUnsaturated Polyester ResinAlkyd ResinsOthers

Global Fumaric Acid Market Details Based On Regions

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The first part of the report portrays the information related to the basic Fumaric Acid introduction, key market players, their company profiles, sales ratio, demand and supply volume, Fumaric Acid market gains during 2018 and 2019. The second part of the Fumaric Acid report extracts more details stating the sales revenue of each Fumaric Acid industry player, the business strategies followed by them. The third part of the report displays the competitive scenario of all the Fumaric Acid market players on basis of the revenue gains.

The fourth part of the report enlists the Fumaric Acid details based on key producing regions and Fumaric Acid market gains during the period from 2015 to 2019. Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth part of the Fumaric Acid report enlists the major countries within the regions and the Fumaric Acid revenue generated during the period from 2012 to 2017. Tenth and eleventh part of the Fumaric Acid report mentions the variety of Fumaric Acid product applications, Fumaric Acid statistics during 2015 to 2019.

Part number twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen provides information regarding the futuristic Fumaric Acid market trends expected during the forecast period from 2020 to 2024, Fumaric Acid marketing strategies, Fumaric Acid market vendors, facts and figures of the Fumaric Acid market and vital Fumaric Acid business conclusion along with data collection sources and appendix.

What Fumaric Acid Market Report Contributes?

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Global Fumaric Acid Market Views: Taking A Nimble Approach To Explores Huge Growth In Near Future With Eminent Players - The Think Curiouser

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering job with Texas Tech University | 295458 – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech Universityinvites outstanding applicants for- tenured positions. Whilethere is a preference for faculty with research interests incatalysis as applied to energy and sustainabilitysystems, design and optimization of materials, machinelearning and process control, and distributed manufacturing,excellent candidates with research interests in translationalbioengineering/medicine and nanotechnology/nanomaterials will beconsidered.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or aclosely related fields, a track record of outstanding research(commensurate with rank), and a commitment to excellence ineducation, student mentoring, outreach and/or community engagement.Successful candidates will be expected to develop nationally andinternationally recognized and externally funded research programs,develop departmental and multidisciplinary collaborations, fosterpartnerships within and outside Texas Tech University as well asindustry, teach core graduate and undergraduate courses in chemicalengineering, develop new courses (including online courses), engageinto strategic outreach and engaged scholarship, and performinternal and professional service at a level commensurate withrank. Applicants at the senior level should have a strongrecord of attracting and sustaining externally sponsor research,strong publications record, and demonstrated experience leadingmultidisciplinary research activities. Applicants at the seniorlevel will be expected to lead the Department in majormultidisciplinary research endeavors and Centers of Excellence. Weseek applicants that share our Whitacre College of Engineeringvision of Excelling as a global leader in engineering education andresearch. Experience working with diverse student populations andfirst-generation students is highly desirable.

Applicants should apply at the TTU online job application website at;use requisition number 22027BR. Theapplication process requires uploading a detailed CV, a statementof research and teaching interests, and the contact information forat least three references. Applications will be accepteduntil the position is filled, with those received prior to December14, 2020, assured full consideration. Candidates must becurrently eligible to work in the United States.

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Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering job with Texas Tech University | 295458 - The Chronicle of Higher Education

COVID-19 saliva testing expanding on Clemson University campus – WYFF4 Greenville

Clemson University has begun to utilize and expand its rapid response COVID-19 saliva testing to the Clemson University community on campus. As of now, the on campus CLIA lab, operated by Clemson University graduate students and supervised by professors of bioengineering, is capable of administering and getting results on upwards of 1,000 tests per day. "The advantages of saliva based testing is No. 1 everyone can spit," said Clemson University Professor of Bioengineering Delphine Dean. "So its very easy to collect the sample and we dont need trained nurses sticking a very uncomfortable swab up your nose and tickling your brain, and its still very accurate."Originally only offered to athletes, specific staff, and members of the band due to capacity limits, the saliva test is now being administered at random to members of the Clemson University community. "Our strategy really employs finding cases before they are spread around the community," said CLIA Lab Supervisor Rachel Ham. "So we are randomly sampling groups of students and employees weekly so we can have an accurate representation of how many coronavirus cases are currently in our community."The tests are administered alongside the traditional PCR COVID-19 test at Littlejohn Coliseum. The patients simply spit into a test tube, and seal it. The tube is then delivered to the CLIA Lab on the bottom floor of Jordan Hall on Clemson's campus, where results are made available 3-4 hours after the tubes first enter the lab. "With saliva you can just directly bring saliva into the lab and test it without having to do anything else so it can actually turn out a result much quicker cause youre cutting out a lot of the processing steps," said Ham. Eventually, Clemson University wants to begin ramping up capacity for saliva testing by adding more equipment to the lab. The goal is to begin processing 5,000 on-campus tests a day, as well as offering routine saliva testing to the greater Clemson community. "Were hoping to have 13 robots running every day and texts to operate the system about 16 hours a day so then we can do 5,000 samples and result them out with 24 hour results," said Ham. "We're hoping with more affordable and rapid testing we can also help screen people so that they feel better and more secure about what's going on in their communities," said Dean.

Clemson University has begun to utilize and expand its rapid response COVID-19 saliva testing to the Clemson University community on campus.

As of now, the on campus CLIA lab, operated by Clemson University graduate students and supervised by professors of bioengineering, is capable of administering and getting results on upwards of 1,000 tests per day.

"The advantages of saliva based testing is No. 1 everyone can spit," said Clemson University Professor of Bioengineering Delphine Dean. "So its very easy to collect the sample and we dont need trained nurses sticking a very uncomfortable swab up your nose and tickling your brain, and its still very accurate."

Originally only offered to athletes, specific staff, and members of the band due to capacity limits, the saliva test is now being administered at random to members of the Clemson University community.

"Our strategy really employs finding cases before they are spread around the community," said CLIA Lab Supervisor Rachel Ham. "So we are randomly sampling groups of students and employees weekly so we can have an accurate representation of how many coronavirus cases are currently in our community."

The tests are administered alongside the traditional PCR COVID-19 test at Littlejohn Coliseum. The patients simply spit into a test tube, and seal it. The tube is then delivered to the CLIA Lab on the bottom floor of Jordan Hall on Clemson's campus, where results are made available 3-4 hours after the tubes first enter the lab.

"With saliva you can just directly bring saliva into the lab and test it without having to do anything else so it can actually turn out a result much quicker cause youre cutting out a lot of the processing steps," said Ham.

Eventually, Clemson University wants to begin ramping up capacity for saliva testing by adding more equipment to the lab. The goal is to begin processing 5,000 on-campus tests a day, as well as offering routine saliva testing to the greater Clemson community.

"Were hoping to have 13 robots running every day and texts to operate the system about 16 hours a day so then we can do 5,000 samples and result them out with 24 hour results," said Ham.

"We're hoping with more affordable and rapid testing we can also help screen people so that they feel better and more secure about what's going on in their communities," said Dean.

COVID-19 saliva testing expanding on Clemson University campus - WYFF4 Greenville

Global Surgery Hemostat Powder Market Year 2020 to 2027 with Report Properties such as Global Statistics, Facts and Figures, Investment Trends and Key…

Global Surgery Hemostat Powder Market Research Report offers a in-depth view on market trends, forecast statistics, company profile, growth drivers and latest industry insights. The report covers all the Surgery Hemostat Powder type, applications, deployment models, research regions. A deep-dive analysis on leading Surgery Hemostat Powder industry players, their market share, production volume, gross margin analysis from 2015-2019 is provided. Challenges to the Surgery Hemostat Powder development, growth opportunities, market drivers, restraints are described in this report.

The market value, market share, production and gross margin of Surgery Hemostat Powder is covered for every type, application, and geographical regions. Also, import-export scenario, regional SWOT analysis, and market status is elaborated. Surgery Hemostat Powder Forecast covers type, application and regional forecast for market value, volume, and consumption from 2020 to 2027. Industry barriers, investment feasibility, and opportunities to the new Surgery Hemostat Powder market players are analyzed in this report.

Global Surgery Hemostat Powder market is subdivided based on type, application and research regions. Top regions studied in this report include North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa. For each region, production value and growth rate is covered from 2015 to 2019. The information on market concentration and market maturity analysis will lead to investment feasibility.

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Major players covered in this report:

HaemoCerAltaylar MedicalNOVUS RDHemostasisAHM GrupQingdao Etsong BioengineeringStarch MedicalSuccess PharmaceuticalC. R. BardHemotec MedicalMediraExcelle Med-SupplyEthicon

Global Surgery Hemostat Powder Market Segmentation:

By Type:

Microfibrillar CollagenChitosanOther

By Application:

HosptialClinicResearch Institute

Market drivers explain the emerging countries and Surgery Hemostat Powder growth. Also, the limitations, opportunities, latest industry plans, and policies are offered. Industry chain analysis explains upstream raw material suppliers, key market players, production process analysis, Surgery Hemostat Powder manufacturing cost structures, and global market share of Surgery Hemostat Powder in 2019. This in-depth study explains the cost of raw materials, labor cost, marketing channels and major downstream buyers of Surgery Hemostat Powder.

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This study analyzes the Surgery Hemostat Powder industry market status and forecast statistics explaining the production, revenue, consumption ratio, and historic market trends. All the manufacturers, market share, company profiles, production capacity, and gross margin analysis of Surgery Hemostat Powder is presented in this report. The industry breakdown based on product type, applications, regions, and manufacturer will provide sophisticated Surgery Hemostat Powder market view. Recent Surgery Hemostat Powder developments, opportunities, challenges, and business strategies are explained. The influencing factors, product launches, mergers and acquisition of Surgery Hemostat Powder is covered in this study.

The report also explains the demand and supply side of Surgery Hemostat Powder, revenue estimates, competitive scenario, and sales data. Surgery Hemostat Powder value chain, market status, and price trends are explained in detail. Surgery Hemostat Powder industry presence across different geographies covers the regions like North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America. Further, the countries like United States, Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the rest are analyzed in this report.

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Global Surgery Hemostat Powder Market Year 2020 to 2027 with Report Properties such as Global Statistics, Facts and Figures, Investment Trends and Key...

Polylysine Market Increasing demand with leading key players: Jnc-Corp, Siveele, Handary, Yiming Biological – The Think Curiouser

With the slowdown in world economic growth, the ?-Polylysine industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, ?-Polylysine market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of 0.0321508212909 from 350.0 million $ in 2014 to 410.0 million $ in 2019, Publisher analysts believe that in the next few years, ?-Polylysine market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2024, The market size of the ?-Polylysine will reach 580.0 million $.

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The major manufacturers covered in this report:

Competitive scenario:

The study assesses factors such as segmentation, description, and applications of Polylysine industries. It derives accurate insights to give a holistic view of the dynamic features of the business, including shares, profit generation, thereby directing focus on the critical aspects of the business.

Scope of the report:

This research evaluates micro-markets and takes a closer look at the different growth trends, future prospects and regulations that will regulate the industry in the coming years. Researchers have also included a few top performers in the sector to calculate their industry shares and core competencies. The research explains technological developments in the sector along with upcoming areas of the industry that might potentially attract massive investments.

Scope of the study:

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Fundamentals of Table of Content:

1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.5 Market by Application1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Polylysine Market Size2.2 Polylysine Growth Trends by Regions2.3 Industry Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players3.1 Polylysine Market Size by Manufacturers3.2 Polylysine Key Players Head office and Area Served3.3 Key Players Polylysine Product/Solution/Service3.4 Date of Enter into Polylysine Market3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

4 Breakdown Data by Product4.1 Global Polylysine Sales by Product4.2 Global Polylysine Revenue by Product4.3 Polylysine Price by Product

5 Breakdown Data by End User5.1 Overview5.2 Global Polylysine Breakdown Data by End User

To Continue..

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Polylysine Market Increasing demand with leading key players: Jnc-Corp, Siveele, Handary, Yiming Biological - The Think Curiouser

Baropodometry Plateforms Market 2020-2026 Key Regions, Company Profile|alFoots, DIERS International, BTS Bioengineering, Am Cube, DIFRS International,…

This new market research compilation on global Baropodometry Plateforms market primarily highlights all the drivers and proceeds with unearthing the various growth propellants that harness optimum growth in global Baropodometry Plateforms market.This specifically designed research report offering highlighting current and historical developments in global Baropodometry Plateforms market is poised to catapult substantial disruption in the market ecosystem, underpinning fast track developments in M&A ventures, commercial collaborations besides also highlighting novel disruptions across product and service facets.

The report further presents a complete barrier analysis as the report is also committed to adequately gauge for ample threats and challenges that collectively drive high end rise in global Baropodometry Plateforms market. Proceeding further in the report, Orbis Pharma Reports takes note of the elaborate opportunity analysis and tilts towards identifying offbeat market opportunities even amidst the odds and catastrophes to ensure tremendous transformation in global Baropodometry Plateforms market.The report specifically highlights and presents a systematic assessment of DROT elements actively prevalent in global Baropodometry Plateforms market.

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Detailed Indicator Analysis:Key Vendor Profiling* To encourage futuristic business decisions and investment discretion amongst notable market participants in global Baropodometry Plateforms market, Orbis Pharma Reports meticulously identifies and highlights some of the leading key players.* Details pertaining to their exclusive executive company profile, product and service portfolios, pricing generation, revenue models, capacity assessment and sales outcome have been rigorously presented in the report to align with reader specifications and subsequent business decisions.* The report also highlights vital details about sales performance based on product variation and segment classification to gauge into end-user preferences and subsequent buying behavior.Market Analysis at Global and Regional Levels* This mindful report presentation by Orbis Pharma Reports elaborates on the holistic global and regional perspectives defining current and past market status to make accurate growth outlook predictions through the forecast span.* Based on country-specific growth and opportunity synopsis, this report further proceeds with minute details encompassing consumption and production patterns, import and export probabilities as well as developments at sales outcome and revenue generation predictions.

Market Segment by Type, covers:

Portable TypeFixed Type

Market Segment by Applications, covers:


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Major Company Profiles operating in the Baropodometry Plateforms Market:

alFootsDIERS InternationalBTS BioengineeringAm CubeDIFRS InternationalBauerfeindNamrolDiasu Health TechnologiesCaporon PodologieEloi PodologieSynapsysZebris MedicalNoraxonSaniTekscanRsscan InternationalNovelBiodexXsensorPodotechBauerfeund

Product-based Segment Analysis* The report includes actionable insights and relevant data on diverse product offerings inclusive of product specifications, their revenue generation potential as well as manufacturer investments in product improvisation and consumer response in the area.* Based on application segments, this versatile research report on global Baropodometry Plateforms market elaborates end-user and application specific milestones for best reader experience and guidance.* Various market sub-segments are also highlighted in the report besides moving forward with CAGR performance in the forecast tenure.Detail Trend Analysis* Orbis Pharma Reports Progresses further with minute detailing of dominant as well as contributing trends that largely influence growth prognosis.* A thorough reference of technological innovations, product and service-based developments as well as policy alterations, funding schemes and the like are monitored aggressively to make appropriate deductions.

DROT Analysis* Driver Evaluation: This dedicated report section incorporates valid data points referring to crucial growth enablers and catalysts* Barrier Overview: Further in the report, readers are offering high clarity picture of the notable factors that potentially lead to growth stagnation and subsequent dormancy, compounded by sudden catastrophic outrage that hampers overall growth scenario in global Baropodometry Plateforms market.* Opportunity Analysis: A brief on various market developments comprising investment feasibility, growth potential, an overview of untapped opportunities as well as M&A developments, commercial agreements, expansion probabilities governing regional and product-based likelihood are thoroughly evaluated to derive logical conclusions.

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At Orbispharma we curate the most relevant news stories, features, analysis and research reports on the important challenges undertaken by the pharmaceutical and related sectors. Our editorial philosophy is to bring you sharp, focused and informed perspective of industries, the end users and application of all upcoming trends into the pharma sector. Orbispharma believes in conversations that can bring a change in one of the most crucial economic sectors in the world. With these conversations we wish our customers to make sound business decisions with right business intelligence.

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Baropodometry Plateforms Market 2020-2026 Key Regions, Company Profile|alFoots, DIERS International, BTS Bioengineering, Am Cube, DIFRS International,...

Cysteine Market Segmentation, Application, Analysis Research Report and Forecast to 2026 | Wacker Chemie AG, Ajinomoto Pte.Ltd, Donboo Amino Acid Co….

The report titled Cysteine Market offers a primary overview of the Cysteine industry covering different product definitions, classifications, and participants in the industry chain structure. The quantitative and qualitative analysis is provided for the global Cysteine market considering competitive landscape, development trends, and key critical success factors (CSFs) prevailing in the Cysteine industry. The global Cysteine research report assesses that the expansion of this worldwide market across renowned geographic segments. The information collected in this document is accumulated by the permissible industry specialists to predict the development of each department.

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This report covers present status and future prospects for Cysteine Market forecast till 2025. The research report cover market Overview, Development and Segment by Type, Application and Region. Global Market by company, Type, Application and Geography. The report begins from overview of industrial chain structure and describes the upstream. Besides, the report analyses Cysteine market trends, size and forecast in different geographies, type and end-use segment, in addition, the report introduces market competition overview among the major companies and companies profiles, besides, market price and channel features are covered in the report.

Top Leading Key Players are:

Wacker Chemie AG, Ajinomoto Pte.Ltd, Donboo Amino Acid Co. Ltd, Wuxi Bikang Bioengineering Co., Nippon Rika Co.Ltd, Merck and Co., Inc.

Browse the complete report @

For future market growth, global keyword market forecasts have been observed with various macroeconomic factors and changing trends according to the markets future forecasts. Other important factors covered in the report include current market size, supply and demand side inputs, and other dynamics shaping market scenarios. Report forecasting is provided in CAGR and other important criteria such as annual growth and absolute dollar opportunities are also incorporated to provide clear insights and future opportunities.

Global Cysteine market is segmented based by type, application and region.Based on Type, the market has been segmented into:

Based on source, l- cysteine is segmented into (Natural through feathers and human hair, Synthetic through microbial fermentation), Based on the grade, l- cysteine is segmented into (Food grade, Tech grade, Pharma grade), Based on the Industrial use, l- cysteine is segmented into(Food, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics)

Based on Application, the market has been segmented into:

Based on Applications, l- cysteine is segmented into (Conditioner, Flavor enhancer, Reducing agent, Radical scavenger)

The Global Cysteine Market Report includes the top companies in the market, with company profile, growth aspects, opportunities and threats to market development. This report provides an industry analysis of the estimated time scale. This report covers the latest industry details related to industry reports, import and export scenarios and market share. The report also included basic opinions on the market environment, emerging and high growth sectors of the market, high growth regions, market drivers, papermaking and market opportunities. This study aims to estimate the current market size and growth potential of the global Cysteine market in sections like applications and representatives.

Geographically, the Cysteine market report is segmented as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. This analysis report similarly reduces the present, past and in future market business strategies, company extent, development, share and estimate analysis having a place with the predicted circumstances. Moreover, the possible results and the exposure to the enhancement of Cysteine market widely covered in this report.

Global Cysteine Market report outlines characteristics and growth, SWOT analysis, Porters five, pest analysis, segmentation, regional overview, competitive landscape, market share. The present market condition and future prospects of the segment has also been examined. The report includes accurate analysis of data from players in the primary industry and their area of market through most analytical tools.

For Any Query on the Cysteine Market:

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Ryan JohnsonAccount Manager Global3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600, Dallas,TX 75204, U.S.APhone No.: USA: +1 972-362 -8199 / +91 9665341414

Cysteine Market Segmentation, Application, Analysis Research Report and Forecast to 2026 | Wacker Chemie AG, Ajinomoto Pte.Ltd, Donboo Amino Acid Co....

Magnetic field and hydrogels could be used to grow new cartilage – Penn Today

Using a magnetic field and hydrogels, a team of researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine have demonstrated a new possible way to rebuild complex body tissues, which could result in more lasting fixes to common injuries, such as cartilage degeneration. This research was published inAdvanced Materials.

We found that we were able to arrange objects, such as cells, in ways that could generate new, complex tissues without having to alter the cells themselves, says the studys first author, Hannah Zlotnick, a graduate student in bioengineering who works in the McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory at Penn Medicine. Others have had to add magnetic particles to the cells so that they respond to a magnetic field, but that approach can have unwanted long-term effects on cell health. Instead, we manipulated the magnetic character of the environment surrounding the cells, allowing us to arrange the objects with magnets.

In humans, tissues like cartilage can often break down, causing joint instability or pain. Often, the breakdown isnt in total, but covers an area, forming a hole. Current fixes are to fill those holes in with synthetic or biologic materials, which can work but often wear away because they are not the same exact material as what was there before. Its similar to fixing a pothole in a road by filling it with gravel and making a tar patch: The hole will be smoothed out but eventually wear away with use because its not the same material and cant bond the same way.

What complicates fixing cartilage or other similar tissues is that their makeup is complex.

There is a natural gradient from the top of cartilage to the bottom, where it contacts the bone, Zlotnick explains. Superficially, or at the surface, cartilage has a high cellularity, meaning there is a higher number of cells. But where cartilage attaches to the bone, deeper inside, its cellularity is low.

This story is by Frank Otto. Read more at Penn Medicine News.

Magnetic field and hydrogels could be used to grow new cartilage - Penn Today

Impact Of Covid 19 On Healthcare 3D Printing Industry 2020 Market Challenges, Business Overview And Forecast Research Study 2026 – PRnews Leader

Overview for Healthcare 3D Printing Market Helps in providing scope and definitions, Key Findings, Growth Drivers, and Various Dynamics.

Healthcare 3D Printing Market Data and Acquisition Research Study with Trends and Opportunities 2019-2024The study of Healthcare 3D Printing market is a compilation of the market of Healthcare 3D Printing broken down into its entirety on the basis of types, application, trends and opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, drivers and restraints, and a global outreach. The detailed study also offers a board interpretation of the Healthcare 3D Printing industry from a variety of data points that are collected through reputable and verified sources. Furthermore, the study sheds a lights on a market interpretations on a global scale which is further distributed through distribution channels, generated incomes sources and a marginalized market space where most trade occurs.

Along with a generalized market study, the report also consists of the risks that are often neglected when it comes to the Healthcare 3D Printing industry in a comprehensive manner. The study is also divided in an analytical space where the forecast is predicted through a primary and secondary research methodologies along with an in-house model.

Download PDF Sample of Healthcare 3D Printing Market report @

Key players in the global Healthcare 3D Printing market covered in Chapter 4:Rainbow BiosciencesSimbionix3T RPD LtdBio-Rad LaboratoriesStratasysOrganovoMaterialise NVRenishaw plcEkso BionicsMetamason

In Chapter 11 and 13.3, on the basis of types, the Healthcare 3D Printing market from 2015 to 2026 is primarily split into:Laser beam meltingElectron beam meltingDroplet depositionPhotopolymerization

In Chapter 12 and 13.4, on the basis of applications, the Healthcare 3D Printing market from 2015 to 2026 covers:Surgical applicationsImplantsBioengineeringSurgical instruments

Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2026) of the following regions are covered in Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13:North America (Covered in Chapter 6 and 13)United StatesCanadaMexicoEurope (Covered in Chapter 7 and 13)GermanyUKFranceItalySpainRussiaOthersAsia-Pacific (Covered in Chapter 8 and 13)ChinaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndiaSoutheast AsiaOthersMiddle East and Africa (Covered in Chapter 9 and 13)Saudi ArabiaUAEEgyptNigeriaSouth AfricaOthersSouth America (Covered in Chapter 10 and 13)BrazilArgentinaColumbiaChileOthers

For a global outreach, the Healthcare 3D Printing study also classifies the market into a global distribution where key market demographics are established based on the majority of the market share. The following markets that are often considered for establishing a global outreach are North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World. Depending on the study, the following markets are often interchanged, added, or excluded as certain markets only adhere to certain products and needs.

Here is a short glance at what the study actually encompasses:Study includes strategic developments, latest product launches, regional growth markers and mergers & acquisitionsRevenue, cost price, capacity & utilizations, import/export rates and market shareForecast predictions are generated from analytical data sources and calculated through a series of in-house processes.

However, based on requirements, this report could be customized for specific regions and countries.

Brief about Healthcare 3D Printing Market Report with [emailprotected]

Some Point of Table of Content:

Chapter One: Report Overview

Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends

Chapter Three: Value Chain of Healthcare 3D Printing Market

Chapter Four: Players Profiles

Chapter Five: Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Regions

Chapter Six: North America Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Seven: Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Ten: South America Healthcare 3D Printing Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eleven: Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Segment by Types

Chapter Twelve: Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Segment by Applications12.1 Global Healthcare 3D Printing Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.1.1 Global Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.1.2 Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.2 Surgical applications Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.3 Implants Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.4 Bioengineering Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.5 Surgical instruments Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Chapter Thirteen: Healthcare 3D Printing Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2026) continued

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List of tablesList of Tables and FiguresTable Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2020-2026)Figure Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Share by Type in 2019 & 2026Figure Laser beam melting FeaturesFigure Electron beam melting FeaturesFigure Droplet deposition FeaturesFigure Photopolymerization FeaturesTable Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Size Growth by Application (2020-2026)Figure Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Share by Application in 2019 & 2026Figure Surgical applications DescriptionFigure Implants DescriptionFigure Bioengineering DescriptionFigure Surgical instruments DescriptionFigure Global COVID-19 Status OverviewTable Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Healthcare 3D Printing Industry DevelopmentTable SWOT AnalysisFigure Porters Five Forces AnalysisFigure Global Healthcare 3D Printing Market Size and Growth Rate 2015-2026Table Industry NewsTable Industry PoliciesFigure Value Chain Status of Healthcare 3D PrintingFigure Production Process of Healthcare 3D PrintingFigure Manufacturing Cost Structure of Healthcare 3D PrintingFigure Major Company Analysis (by Business Distribution Base, by Product Type)Table Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region)Table Rainbow Biosciences ProfileTable Rainbow Biosciences Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Simbionix ProfileTable Simbionix Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table 3T RPD Ltd ProfileTable 3T RPD Ltd Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Bio-Rad Laboratories ProfileTable Bio-Rad Laboratories Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Stratasys ProfileTable Stratasys Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Organovo ProfileTable Organovo Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Materialise NV ProfileTable Materialise NV Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Renishaw plc ProfileTable Renishaw plc Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Ekso Bionics ProfileTable Ekso Bionics Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Metamason ProfileTable Metamason Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Figure Global Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Sales by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2015Table Global Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2019Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Middle East and Africa Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure South America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table North America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table North America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table North America Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table North America Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure North America Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure United States Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Canada Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Mexico Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth (2015-2020)Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) Growth (2015-2020)Table Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Europe Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure Germany Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure UK Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure France Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Italy Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Spain Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Russia Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Asia-Pacific Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure China Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Japan Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure South Korea Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Australia Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure India Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Southeast Asia Healthcare 3D Printing Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Middle East and Africa Healthcare 3D Printing Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) continued

About HongChun Research:HongChun Research main aim is to assist our clients in order to give a detailed perspective on the current market trends and build long-lasting connections with our clientele. Our studies are designed to provide solid quantitative facts combined with strategic industrial insights that are acquired from proprietary sources and an in-house model.

Contact Details:Jennifer GrayManager Global Sales+ 852 8170 0792[emailprotected]

NOTE: Our report does take into account the impact of coronavirus pandemic and dedicates qualitative as well as quantitative sections of information within the report that emphasizes the impact of COVID-19.

As this pandemic is ongoing and leading to dynamic shifts in stocks and businesses worldwide, we take into account the current condition and forecast the market data taking into consideration the micro and macroeconomic factors that will be affected by the pandemic.

Read more from the original source:
Impact Of Covid 19 On Healthcare 3D Printing Industry 2020 Market Challenges, Business Overview And Forecast Research Study 2026 - PRnews Leader

Impact Of Covid-19 on Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 – PRnews…

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Data and Acquisition Research Study with Trends and Opportunities 2019-2024The study of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market is a compilation of the market of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration broken down into its entirety on the basis of types, application, trends and opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, drivers and restraints, and a global outreach. The detailed study also offers a board interpretation of the Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration industry from a variety of data points that are collected through reputable and verified sources. Furthermore, the study sheds a lights on a market interpretations on a global scale which is further distributed through distribution channels, generated incomes sources and a marginalized market space where most trade occurs.

Along with a generalized market study, the report also consists of the risks that are often neglected when it comes to the Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration industry in a comprehensive manner. The study is also divided in an analytical space where the forecast is predicted through a primary and secondary research methodologies along with an in-house model.

Download PDF Sample of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market report @

Key players in the global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market covered in Chapter 4:CanpureLitreeBasfOrigin WaterApplied MembranesTianjin MOTIMONitto Denko Corporation3M (Membrana)KochMemsinoSynder FiltrationAsahi KaseiMicrodyn-NadirZhaojin MotianEvoquaGE Water & Process TechnologiesCITIC EnvirotechMitsubishi RayonTorayDOWPentair(X-Flow)Degremont Technologies

In Chapter 11 and 13.3, on the basis of types, the Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market from 2015 to 2026 is primarily split into:Inorganic MembraneOrganic Membrane

In Chapter 12 and 13.4, on the basis of applications, the Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market from 2015 to 2026 covers:Food & BeverageIndustrial & MunicipalHealthcare & BioengineeringSeawater Reverse OsmosisPotable Water Treatment

Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2026) of the following regions are covered in Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13:North America (Covered in Chapter 6 and 13)United StatesCanadaMexicoEurope (Covered in Chapter 7 and 13)GermanyUKFranceItalySpainRussiaOthersAsia-Pacific (Covered in Chapter 8 and 13)ChinaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndiaSoutheast AsiaOthersMiddle East and Africa (Covered in Chapter 9 and 13)Saudi ArabiaUAEEgyptNigeriaSouth AfricaOthersSouth America (Covered in Chapter 10 and 13)BrazilArgentinaColumbiaChileOthers

For a global outreach, the Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration study also classifies the market into a global distribution where key market demographics are established based on the majority of the market share. The following markets that are often considered for establishing a global outreach are North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World. Depending on the study, the following markets are often interchanged, added, or excluded as certain markets only adhere to certain products and needs.

Here is a short glance at what the study actually encompasses:Study includes strategic developments, latest product launches, regional growth markers and mergers & acquisitionsRevenue, cost price, capacity & utilizations, import/export rates and market shareForecast predictions are generated from analytical data sources and calculated through a series of in-house processes.

However, based on requirements, this report could be customized for specific regions and countries.

Brief about Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Report with [emailprotected]

Some Point of Table of Content:

Chapter One: Report Overview

Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends

Chapter Three: Value Chain of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market

Chapter Four: Players Profiles

Chapter Five: Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Regions

Chapter Six: North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Seven: Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Ten: South America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eleven: Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Segment by Types

Chapter Twelve: Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Segment by Applications 12.1 Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.1.1 Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.1.2 Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.2 Food & Beverage Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020) 12.3 Industrial & Municipal Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020) 12.4 Healthcare & Bioengineering Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020) 12.5 Seawater Reverse Osmosis Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020) 12.6 Potable Water Treatment Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Chapter Thirteen: Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2026) continued

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List of tablesList of Tables and Figures Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2020-2026) Figure Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Share by Type in 2019 & 2026 Figure Inorganic Membrane Features Figure Organic Membrane Features Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Size Growth by Application (2020-2026) Figure Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Share by Application in 2019 & 2026 Figure Food & Beverage Description Figure Industrial & Municipal Description Figure Healthcare & Bioengineering Description Figure Seawater Reverse Osmosis Description Figure Potable Water Treatment Description Figure Global COVID-19 Status Overview Table Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Industry Development Table SWOT Analysis Figure Porters Five Forces Analysis Figure Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market Size and Growth Rate 2015-2026 Table Industry News Table Industry Policies Figure Value Chain Status of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Figure Production Process of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Figure Manufacturing Cost Structure of Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Figure Major Company Analysis (by Business Distribution Base, by Product Type) Table Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region) Table Canpure Profile Table Canpure Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Litree Profile Table Litree Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Basf Profile Table Basf Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Origin Water Profile Table Origin Water Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Applied Membranes Profile Table Applied Membranes Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Tianjin MOTIMO Profile Table Tianjin MOTIMO Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Nitto Denko Corporation Profile Table Nitto Denko Corporation Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table 3M (Membrana) Profile Table 3M (Membrana) Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Koch Profile Table Koch Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Memsino Profile Table Memsino Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Synder Filtration Profile Table Synder Filtration Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Asahi Kasei Profile Table Asahi Kasei Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Microdyn-Nadir Profile Table Microdyn-Nadir Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Zhaojin Motian Profile Table Zhaojin Motian Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Evoqua Profile Table Evoqua Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table GE Water & Process Technologies Profile Table GE Water & Process Technologies Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table CITIC Envirotech Profile Table CITIC Envirotech Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Mitsubishi Rayon Profile Table Mitsubishi Rayon Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Toray Profile Table Toray Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table DOW Profile Table DOW Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Pentair(X-Flow) Profile Table Pentair(X-Flow) Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Degremont Technologies Profile Table Degremont Technologies Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Figure Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2015 Table Global Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2019 Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Middle East and Africa Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure South America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure North America Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure United States Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Canada Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Mexico Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth (2015-2020) Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) Growth (2015-2020) Table Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Europe Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure Germany Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure UK Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure France Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Italy Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Spain Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Russia Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Asia-Pacific Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure China Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Japan Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure South Korea Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Australia Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure India Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Southeast Asia Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Middle East and Africa Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) continued

About HongChun Research: HongChun Research main aim is to assist our clients in order to give a detailed perspective on the current market trends and build long-lasting connections with our clientele. Our studies are designed to provide solid quantitative facts combined with strategic industrial insights that are acquired from proprietary sources and an in-house model.

Contact Details: Jennifer GrayManager Global Sales+ 852 8170 0792[emailprotected]

NOTE: Our report does take into account the impact of coronavirus pandemic and dedicates qualitative as well as quantitative sections of information within the report that emphasizes the impact of COVID-19.

As this pandemic is ongoing and leading to dynamic shifts in stocks and businesses worldwide, we take into account the current condition and forecast the market data taking into consideration the micro and macroeconomic factors that will be affected by the pandemic.

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration :

HongChun Research, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration , Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration industry, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market size, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market share, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market Forecast, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market Outlook, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market projection, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market analysis, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market SWOT Analysis, Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration market insights

View original post here:
Impact Of Covid-19 on Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 - PRnews...

Primo Nutraceuticals Inc. signs a Memorandum of Understanding for Exclusive Rights to Sell Rapid (Colloidal Gold Method) COVID-19 Test Kits in Canada…

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRIMO NUTRACEUTICALS INC. (CSE: PRMO) (OTC: BUGVF) (FSE: 8BV) (DEU: 8BV) (MUN: 8BV) (STU: 8BV) ("PRIMO" or the "Company") announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Neo-Nostics (Suzhou) Bioengineering Co. Ltd. Of Su Zhou City, China (Neo-Nostics) as the official trade representative for Neo-Nostics with the exclusive rights to apply for licensing and to market and sell the following COVID-19 production Canada: Neo-Nostics 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) (Test Kit).

The Memorandum of Understanding between Primo and Neo-Nostics , is effective as of October 13, 2020. Upon successfully receiving product license and approval by Health Canada, Neo-Nostics will grant Primo with Official Dealer/Distributor Status in Canada.

The Neo-Nostics 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Testing Kit is currently registered with the FDA. Primo will be submitting the application for approval to Health Canada immediately. Neo-Nostics has committed to supporting Primo's efforts to obtain and maintain all necessary certifications and approvals for the sale and marketing of the Test Kits in Canada by granting access to all necessary documentation and clinical studies concerning the Test Kits.

Follow the link for a video demonstration:

About the Neo-Nostics Rapid Test Kits

The Neo-Nostics 2019-nCoV Antibody Detection Reagent Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) has the advantage of rapidity, convenience, high accuracy, and can make up for the shortcomings of professional requirements, time consumption and low positive detection rate of PCR nucleic acid detection, and can be used as an important supplementary detection method for the diagnosis of coronal pneumonia.

Through detection and calculation, it is found that the comprehensive accuracy rate of the Neo-Nostics 2019-nCoV IgM Detection Reagent is higher than 95%.

During the worst period of the epidemic in China, the reagent kit was donated to hospitals and the CDC in the most severely infected areas of Hubei for clinical auxiliary diagnosis. At present, the verification reports made by three clinical units prove that the positive detection rate of clinically confirmed cases has reached 92%, which has exceeded the general detection effect. Not only negative or positive results can be detected, but also the early, middle and or recovery period of virus infection can be distinguished by the positive strength of IgM or IgG.Source: Clinical study report conducted by the Institute of Virology, in the capital city of Hubei, China and The Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China.

DISCLAIMER: "The Company is not making any express or implied claims that it has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain the Covid-19 (or SARS-2 Coronavirus) at this time".

Clinical Applications of Reagents

This reagent has been used by professionals in China since February 2020 in an area that was the hardest hit and impacted most severely by COVID-19, in the form of clinical auxiliary diagnosis.

The reagent kit was clinically verified by several professionals, hospitals, and universities respectively, and corresponding reports were used as reference.

At present, Iran, Italy, the United States, and other red zones have already adopted it. Neo-Nostics has CE declaration of conformity, local records of European Authorized Representative and FDA records in the United States.

View the FDA records here:

Advantages of the Colloidal Gold Method

1. Quick - 10 minute results.

2. Simple - The detection results can be determined by the naked eye.

3. Sampling - Only fingertip blood or venous blood is required for detection.

4. It is suitable for clinical auxiliary diagnosis.

About the COVID-19 Detection Kit Market

According to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., The global COVID-19 detection kits market size is projectedto reachUSD 4.63 billionby 2027. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed several challenges to the global healthcare systems. As a result, companies are ramping up their production process to meet the demand or kits and reagents as well as at-home tests, thereby driving the market revenue.

Mr. Joey Zhou, CEO of Neo-Nostics (Suzhou) Bio-Engineering Co. Ltd. Comments:

Penetrating the Canadian market with our advanced and highly effective test kit will be a great milestone for our company as well as for the fight against theCOVID-19 virus. We are pleased to be partnering with Primo Nutraceuticals and their team

Richard Cindric, CEO of Primo Comments:

We are looking forward to working with Neo-Nostics to provide a premium quality product. We anticipate the relationship to grow and look forward to updating our shareholders with our future milestones. It is important to note that receiving the MDEL license from Health Canada has opened up a plethora of opportunities like this one which will result in revenue in the immediate short term for Primo and its shareholders.

About Neo-Nostics (Suzhou) Bioengineering Co. Ltd.

Neo-Nostics (Suzhou) Bioengineering Co., Ltd. which was established in 2015, is a professional company specialized in researching, developing, manufacturing, and distributing advanced medical instruments and in-vitro medical diagnostic products. Their products are usually used for fertility tests, infectious diseases tests, drugs of abuse tests, alcohol saliva tests, urinalysis reagent strips, cardiac marker tests, tumor marker tests, food and safety tests and animal disease tests.

To learn more about Neo-Nostics please visit:

About Primo Nutraceuticals Inc.

Primo Nutraceuticals Inc. ("Primo" or the "Company") is dedicated to funding the rapid growth in production, processing, retail and branding of cannabis and non-cannabis natural health products in Canada and the United States. Primo has invested in several brands and is pursuing partnerships with retailers and distribution companies in Canada and the United States. Primo Nutra's management is in the process of building a corporate road map to further vertically integrate the company; specifically by way of the Primo & "Thrive," brands and a selection of curated partner brands. Most recently Primo announced that it had received its Natural Product Number(NPN)and it has been issued aMedical Device Establishment License (MDEL)from Health Canada.

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Andy JagpalPresident and Director

For further information, please contact Zoltan Sarkozy, IR Representative at: 604-722-0305, or;

To learn more about what this news means to the shareholders visit:

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS:This news release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements are based on the expectations and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this news release.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Primo Nutraceuticals Inc. signs a Memorandum of Understanding for Exclusive Rights to Sell Rapid (Colloidal Gold Method) COVID-19 Test Kits in Canada...

Veterinary Drug Market will touch a new level in upcoming year with Top Key Players like Ringpu Biology, Qingdao Yebio Bioengineering Co.,Ltd, USP,…

Veterinary Drug Marketresearch report is the new statistical data source added byA2Z Market Research. It uses several approaches for analyzing the data of target market such as primary and secondary research methodologies. It includes investigations based on historical records, current statistics, and futuristic developments.

The report gives a thorough overview of the present growth dynamics of the global Veterinary Drug with the help of vast market data covering all important aspects and market segments. The report gives a birds eye view of the past and present trends as well the factors expected to drive or impede the market growth prospects of the Veterinary Drug market in the near future.

Get Sample PDF Copy (Including FULL TOC, Graphs and Tables) of this report @:

Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.

Top Key Players Profiled in this report are:

Ringpu Biology, Qingdao Yebio Bioengineering Co.,Ltd, USP, ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC, BVL, Meijing, Portland House Veterinary Group, Orion.

The key questions answered in this report:

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Veterinary Drug market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Veterinary Drug markets trajectory between forecast periods.

Get up to 20% Discount on this Premium Report @:

The cost analysis of the Global Veterinary Drug Market has been performed while keeping in view manufacturing expenses, labor cost, and raw materials and their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price trend. Other factors such as Supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy have been assessed to provide a complete and in-depth view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to a study on market positioning with factors such as target client, brand strategy, and price strategy taken into consideration.

Market Segmentation by Type: Antifungal drugs, Hormones, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Others.

Market Segmentation by Application: Residential, Commericial.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Market Penetration:Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Veterinary Drug market.

Product Development/Innovation:Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.

Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.

Market Development:Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.

Market Diversification:Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Veterinary Drug market.

Table of Contents

Global Veterinary Drug Market Research Report 2020 2026

Chapter 1 Veterinary Drug Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Veterinary Drug Market Forecast

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If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

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The A2Z Market Research library provides syndication reports from market researchers around the world. Ready-to-buy syndication Market research studies will help you find the most relevant business intelligence.

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Roger Smith



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Veterinary Drug Market will touch a new level in upcoming year with Top Key Players like Ringpu Biology, Qingdao Yebio Bioengineering Co.,Ltd, USP,...

$4.5 Million NIH Grant to Penn to Build a Molecular Model of the Female Reproductive System – UPENN Almanac

$4.5 Million NIH Grant to Penn to Build a Molecular Model of the Female Reproductive System

The Penn Center for Multi-Scale Molecular Mapping of the Female Reproductive System, supported by the National Institutes of Health, will define a cellular atlas uncovering the complex interactions of cells that determine reproductive health.

Junhyong Kim, chair and Patricia M. Williams Professor of Biology in the School of Arts and Sciences, and Kate ONeill, assistant professor, department of obstetrics and gynecology in the Perelman School of Medicine, have been awarded a Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) grant supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development and the Common Fund of the National Institutes of Health. Drs. Kim and ONeill are leading a multi-disciplinary team to create a comprehensive resource for womens health by documenting the molecular characteristics of individual cells in the female reproductive system. This four-year, $4.5 million grant from the NIH along with support from the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences, Perelman School of Medicine, and the Center for Research on Reproduction and Womens Health will fund creation of the Penn Center for Multi-Scale Molecular Mapping of the Female Reproductive System.

The female reproductive system is composed of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries. Together these organs are critical for the establishment of pregnancy, fetal development, and parturition and are central to common, costly, and debilitating disorders, including polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids, and gynecologic cancers. Moreover, in addition to fertility, a functioning reproductive system is interrelated with overall health.

The new center, leveraging Penns leadership in single cell biology and reproductive biology, is an interdisciplinary effort requiring experts in gynecology, organ transplant, pathology, genomics, informatics, biomedical imaging and radiology. Co-investigators and collaborators involved in this project include: Kurt Barnhart, William Shippen Jr. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Ronny Drapkin, Franklin Payne Associate Professor of Pathology in Obstetrics and Gynecology; Jim Eberwine, Elmer Holmes Bobst Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics; Michael Feldman, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine; James Gee, associate professor of radiologic science and computer and information science; Nawar Latif, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology; Alison Pouch, assistant professor of radiology and bioengineering; Lauren Schwartz, assistant professor of clinical pathology and laboratory medicine; Abraham Shaked, Eldridge L. Eliason Professor of Surgery; all from the Perelman School of Medicine; Brian Gregory, associate professor and graduate chair of biology from the School of Arts and Sciences; and Arjun Raj, professor of bioengineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

This important endeavor is made possible due to collaboration with the Gift of Life Donation Program and the generosity of donor families and Penn patients to participate in groundbreaking scientific research.

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$4.5 Million NIH Grant to Penn to Build a Molecular Model of the Female Reproductive System - UPENN Almanac

Shipped kits, simulations: Instructors try adapting labs, but still run up against virtual learning limitations – The Stanford Daily

Faced with the challenge of teaching lab classes online, science and engineering instructors are shipping lab kits and using virtual simulations in an effort to recreate the hands-on experience for students learning remotely.

While students have had mixed reactions about the efficacy of online learning some appreciating the ease of access to online simulations and others missing the feeling of being in a physical lab professors have taken the opportunity to focus on expanding accessibility in their fields.

Like art studio classes, lab classes typically require large amounts of equipment and laboratory spaces. Due to the pandemic, however, access to these resources has been heavily limited, even for students living on campus.

To help students set up a lab space at home or in their dorms, several departments packaged the materials in lab kits and sent them to students for free. CHEM 31M: Chemical Principles: From Molecules to Solids is one class like this: The lab kits really have the majority of things you could think of, from chemicals and PH meter to test tubes and beakers, said Sara Mixon 24, who is taking CHEM 31M this quarter.

Before performing their first lab, Mixon and her classmates learned about home safety measures, such as proper air ventilation, safety cleanup of spills and broken glass, chemical safety and disposal.

Mixon said that the teaching assistants in CHEM 31M also gave students a virtual tour around the lab on campus, show[ing] us everything in a real lab if we had been there, for future reference.

For experiments that could not be replicated individually at home, students use interactive videos to conduct scientific investigations. PHYSICS 62: Mechanics Laboratory is using the Pivot Interactives platform and Tracker software to track the motions of objects and generate graphs.

Students said the significant differences between simulations and hands-on labs have madeadapting to the online software difficult.

The instructions can be confusing themselves, and I genuinely dont think they add much to the learning experience for the most part, Victoria Hsieh 24, a CHEM 31A student, wrote to The Daily. It was wonderful that they attempted to make the labs as accessible as possible, but I feel that the general confusion with trying to do these online really muddled the experience.

Students also emphasized the importance of hands-on experiences, noting that the virtual format detracted from their learning in some ways.

Im learning at most 10% of what I could learn in [live] class, said Tony Chang 24, who is also taking CHEM 31A: Chemical Principles I and BIO 103: Human and Planet Health. Its just ineffective, in the sense that some of these science courses have to be hands-on you have to learn by experiments.

Other students said that, despite the challenges of online science, the ready-to-go simulation labs allow students more flexibility transitioning from lecture-based classes to lab-based classes.

The in-person and hands-on experience is invaluable, as working together with lab partners behind a screen can prove to be a challenge, said Lenae Joe 24, who is also taking CHEM 31M and PHYSICS 22. Despite these challenges, virtual labs can be less time-consuming and more accessible than a typical on-campus lab class.

Although the teaching team tried to engage students through various Zoom features like breakout rooms, Mixon said she still found it difficult to collaborate with her classmates behind the screens because its mostly us communicating through the TA.

The experience of designing labs in an online format has motivated professors to reflect on the accessibility of labs for the wider student body, and even for their entire fields of study. Bioengineering and biology assistant professor Stanley Qi said that conducting engineering experiments often requires high-end labs and expensive equipment which are not accessible to most people.

By using this online form, it promotes everyone to think about a new form which is more accessible to students no matter if they have this resource or money, Qi said. We can make this another opportunity for our future. Even after a pandemic, we can still use that to help other students in the world.

As an attempt toward increasing lab accessibility, Qi and his colleagues adjusted their bioengineering class, BIOE 44: Fundamentals for Engineering Biology Lab, to focus more on Do It Yourself Biology, a discipline of synthetic biology that advocates for a more affordable and accessible citizen science.

Despite the efforts made to help students transition to virtual labs, professors also identified thelack of interaction as a major obstacle to teaching.

Bioengineering lecturer Paul Vorster, another professor of BIOE 44, said that it is easier to get feedback from students in an in-person setting, whether through direct communication or body language, which helps him adjust the pace of teaching the experiments.

If a student doesnt know how to do something, sometimes theyll just pause, and you can tell that they maybe look a bit confused, Vorster said. Whereas in online courses you just dont get that feedback.

To overcome the online interaction barrier, Mixon said that students form study groups after class to work through lab problems together, while instructors design surveys to understand students expectations and make changes to accommodate students needs, according to Qi.

Most instructors are learning and students are learning, and hopefully were in this mutual help, and we can make a much more effective learning, Qi added.

A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to Victoria Hsieh as a PHYSICS 62 student. The Daily regrets this error.

Contact Jessica Zhu at jesszhu at and Xinyi Wang at karenwxy at

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Shipped kits, simulations: Instructors try adapting labs, but still run up against virtual learning limitations - The Stanford Daily

Study shows a molecular dance that keeps your heart beating – WSU News

A microscope photograph of a heart muscle cell. The regular green patterns show stained actin filaments.

By Tina Hilding, Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture

It might look like a little game at the molecular scale.

Filament-like proteins in heart muscle cells have to be exactly the same length so that they can coordinate perfectly to make the heart beat.

Another protein decides when the filament is the right size and puts a wee little cap on it. But, if that protein makes a mistake and puts the cap on too early, another protein, leiomodin, comes along and knocks the cap out of the way.

This little dance at the molecular scale might sound insignificant, but it plays a critical role in the development of healthy heart and other muscles. Reporting in the journal, Plos Biology,a WSU research team has proven for the first time how the mechanism works.

The finding could someday lead to improved diagnostics and medical treatments for serious and sometimes devastating hereditary heart conditions that come about from genetic mutations in the proteins. One of these conditions, cardiomyopathy, affects as many as one in 500 people around the world and can often be fatal or have lifetime health consequences. A similar condition called nemaline myopathy affects skeletal muscles throughout the body with often devastating consequences.

Mutations in these proteins are found in patients with myopathy, saidAlla Kostyukova, associate professor in the Gene and LindaVoiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineeringand leader of the project. Our work is to prove that these mutations cause these problems and to propose strategies for treatment.

Heart muscle is made of tiny thick and thin filaments of proteins. With the help of electrical signals, the rope-like filaments bind and unbind in an intricate and precise architecture, allowing heart muscle to contract and beat.

The thin filaments are made of actin, the most abundant protein in the human body. Tropomysin, another protein, wraps itself around the actin filaments. Tropomyosin together with two other proteins, tropomodulin and leiomodin, at the end of the actin filaments act as a sort of cap and determine the filament length.

Its beautifully designed, said Kostyukova, whose research is focused on understanding protein structures.

And, tightly regulated.

To keep heart muscle healthy, the actin filaments, which are about a micron long, all have to be the exact same length. In families with cardiomyopathy, genetic mutations result in formation of filaments that are either too short or too long. Those affected can have significant heart problems that cause disability, illness and death.

In a project that spanned seven years, the researchers proved that leiomodin attaches to the end of the actin filament and kicks out the other protein, tropomodulin, to assure the actin filaments proper length.

This is the first time that this has been shown with the atomic-level precision, said Dmitri Tolkatchev, research assistant professor in the Voiland School and lead author on the paper. Previously, several laboratories attempted to solve this problem with very little success. With our data we finally have a direct proof.

The researchers used state-of-the-art approaches to make the key proteins and study them at the molecular and cellular level. The work entailed designing the molecules, constructing them at the gene level in a plasmid, and then producing them into bacterial or cardiac cells. The researchers used nuclear magnetic resonance, which works on the same physical principle as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs), to understand the proteins binding at the atomic level. They also used molecular dynamic simulation to model them.

The probability of being able to show this mechanism was not high, but the impact of the discovery is, said Tolkatchev, an expert in nuclear magnetic resonance. This was a very important problem to study and could have a significant impact in the field of muscle mechanics.

The researchers hope to continue the work, identifying additional components and molecular mechanisms that regulate thin filament architecture, whether diseased or healthy.

The multidisciplinary group included researchers from the University of Arizona led by Carol Gregorio, director of the Cellular and Molecular Medicine Department. WSUs group has expertise in protein structure, structural biochemistry, and properties of actin filaments and regulatory proteins, and UAs group has expertise in molecular, cellular and developmental biology of muscle assembly. The collaborative work was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

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Study shows a molecular dance that keeps your heart beating - WSU News

From the President: A Message to the Penn Community: Provost Pritchett to Take Leave of Absence – UPENN Almanac

From the President: A Message to the Penn Community: Provost Pritchett to Take Leave of Absence

May 11, 2021

I am writing to share with you the news that our dear friend and colleague, Provost Wendell Pritchett, will be taking a medical leave of absence from his responsibilities here at Penn, beginning July 1, 2021 through the end of the fall 2021 semester. Wendell has been dealing with some health issues that, while not life-threatening, require greater attention over the coming months.

As everyone who has had the pleasure of working with him knows, Wendell continues to do an absolutely superb job as Provost. He is an exceptional leader who is universally recognized for his scholarship, teaching, compassion, and commitment to academic excellence and civic engagement. He is also a cherished friend to so many of us here at Penn. We all want Wendell to take the time necessary to tend to his health, and this leave of absence will allow him to do just that.

While Wendell is on leave, Deputy Provost Beth Winkelstein will assume the role of Interim Provost. Wendell appointed Beth as Deputy Provost in June of 2020 after she had served as Vice Provost for Education for five highly successful years. Beth earned her PhD in bioengineering from Duke University and BSE cum laude in bioengineering from Penn as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar. She has taught in the bioengineering department of Penn SEAS since 2002, becoming in that time one of the worlds leading innovators in research on new treatments for spine and other joint injuries. Appointed two years ago as the Eduard D. Glandt Presidents Distinguished Professor, she leads a pioneering Spine Pain Research Lab, mentors students and postdocs, and is chair of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Board of Editors. She served as co-editor of the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering from 2013-2020.

Wendell and I and everyone who has worked with Beth have great confidence in her ability to step in and lead the Provosts Office while Wendell is on leave. Beth is an exceptional University citizen who is involved in all aspects of our academic, research and student-centered programming. We are very grateful that she is willing to take on this important responsibility.

Please join me in wishing Wendell a speedy return to full health.

Amy Gutmann, President

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From the President: A Message to the Penn Community: Provost Pritchett to Take Leave of Absence - UPENN Almanac

Collaboration aims to shrink the urban-rural divide and address the impact of climate change through student research network – EurekAlert

ST. LOUIS, MO, November 18, 2021 Just as there often exists an urban-rural divide in political and environmental landscapes, urban and rural education systems share the common issue of being under-resourced, especially for science education. As climate change looms over rural agricultural communities, urban heat islands could serve as critical partners for anticipating the future of economically important crops. Kristine Callis Duehl, PhD, the Sally and Derick Driemeyer Director of Education Research and Outreach at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and her collaborators at the Jackie Joyner Kersee Foundation and University of Illinois Extension were awarded a three year, $685,000 grant from United States Department of Agriculture to create a synergistic partnership between urban and rural communities in Southern IL to establish a cross-regional curriculum that introduces bioengineering and plant monitoring technology to middle school aged youth in summer programs.

Young people at the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation in East St. Louis, IL and at the Illinois Extension program in Waterloo, IL will monitor corn growth in both regions by using in-demand technology including drones and a microclimate field monitoring system developed by Danforth Center scientist Nadia Shakoor, PhD. By growing and comparing sweet corn, GMO commodity corn, and non-GMO commodity corn, students will see first-hand how bioengineering improves plant health and crop yield. By conducting joint fieldwork and presenting their ideas at a mini-conference, urban and rural youth will establish a collaboration that generates culturally mindful activities as well as authentic data that can help shed light on the impact of climate change on corn harvests. This collaboration will allow rural students to experience FarmBot robotics at work in smaller, urban plots and allow urban students to experience the use of drones used in precision agriculture on larger, rural farms. Ultimately, through this informal authentic research experience, participants will help develop a culturally informed curriculum that can be launched nationwide to establish a network of urban-rural authentic research hubs for non-formal summer programs.

Young people participating in the project will gain an understanding of gene editing and hands-on experience using robotics to plant corn, as well as experience using drone and microclimate monitoring systems to assess corn growth and the microclimate, said Callis-Duehl. It will also provide technological training, and exposure to data analysis to prepare them for the future, as big data analysis has become increasingly critical in agricultural science.

Youth will also gain leadership experience by providing feedback on curriculum so that it evolves and by teaching the youth the partner program how to use the agricultural technology unique to their research area (urban or rural).

Co-Project Directors include Lisa Walsh, Danforth Plant Science Center, Mark Fryer, Jackie Joyner Kersee Foundation and Amy Cope, University of Illinois Extension.

About the Donald Danforth Plant Science CenterFounded in 1998, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is a not-for-profit research institute with a mission to improve the human condition through plant science. Research, education, and outreach aim to have impact at the nexus of food security and the environment and position the St. Louis region as a world center for plant science. The Centers work is funded through competitive grants from many sources, including the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Follow us on Twitter at @DanforthCenter.

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Collaboration aims to shrink the urban-rural divide and address the impact of climate change through student research network - EurekAlert