Researchers use nitric oxide scavengers to target triple-negative breast cancer – Newswise

Newswise Researchers are exploring a potential new therapeutic approach for triple negative breast cancer treatment. Amir Abdo Alsharabasy, a CRAM doctoral candidate working in the laboratory of Professor Abhay Pandit, is working on the design of nitric oxide scavengers to form a new treatment approach for this aggressive form of breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is invasive breast cancer that does not respond to hormonal therapy medicines or the current medicines that target the HER2 protein. Triple-negative breast cancer is usually more aggressive, harder to treat, and more likely to recur than cancers that are hormone receptor-positive or HER2-positive.

Nitric oxide is one of the prominent free radicals produced by the tumor tissue, explains Amir, It, at certain concentrations, plays a significant role in breast cancer progression by inducing the cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body Our goal is to develop injectable hydrogel formulations, which can reduce the levels of, or scavenge the nitric oxide, while enhancing the generation of carbon monoxide, so that we can potentially design a new treatment approach for triple negative breast cancer.

Nitric oxide interacts with different components of the large network of proteins and other molecules that surround, support, and give structure to tumor cells and tissues in the body. Hyaluronic acid is one of the main components of this network and is the material of choice for fabricating these hydrogels.

HA plays multiple roles in tumour tissues says Amir. However, its interactions with nitric oxide have not been thoroughly investigated. The study, recently published inBiomacromolecules,attempts to understand the mechanism of these interactions and the different effects on nitric oxide levels and migration of breast cancer cells.

The study is supervised by Prof Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director of CRAM, and was published with collaborators Dr Sharon Glynn from the Lambe Institute for Translational Research and Dr Pau Farras from the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences in the Ryan Institute at the National University of Ireland Galway,

The work investigated the ability of HA to scavenge nitric oxide. The team found that the conversion of nitric oxide to certain nitrogen centred free radicals causes the HA to break down, which further inhibits the nitric oxide induced migration of cancer cells in the tumor environment.

Collectively, these results help toward understanding the involvement of HA in nitric oxide induced cell migration and suggests the potential use of modified HA, as a key material in different biomedical applications.

Commenting on the study, Professor Abhay Pandit, said: While the recent progress in research about the roles of nitric oxide with tumour progression resulted ultimately in a number of ongoing clinical trials for evaluating the effects of NO-synthase inhibitors, we are focusing on NO itself trying to avoid the side effects/reactions of these inhibitors.

Amir Abdo Alsharabasy received a BSc in Chemistry & Biochemistry, Mansoura University, Egypt, MSc in Biochemistry, Helwan University, Egypt and MSc in Biological and Bioprocess Engineering, Sheffield University, U.K. He spent some time working as a research assistant in Radiation Chemistry Department at NCRRT, Egypt. He was recently awarded two awards for his research. The first was a presentation award from the Second International Conference Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide in Cancer and Inflammatory-related Diseases for his talk on the interactions between nitric oxide and hemin and their implications in the nitration of proteins in breast cancer cells. The second was an EMBO Scientific Exchange Grant to support a visit of the laboratory of Dr. Lasse Jensen in Linkping Univ., Sweden.


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Researchers use nitric oxide scavengers to target triple-negative breast cancer - Newswise

Expert In Biochemistry Dr. Yesu Addepalli Works On A Micro Level To Bring Macro Changes To The Development Of Novel Therapeutics – Tech Times

(Photo : Dr. Yesu Addepalli)

In addition to studying the complex chemical and physical properties of living things, dissecting their cellular structures, and understanding how they interact with different compounds, biochemists play a key role in providing the foundational knowledge and science used to develop health treatments and medical drugs.

Dr. Yesu Addepalli is a renowned expert in the field of biochemistry, having played a critical role in the drug discovery and synthesis of biologically active small molecules. This work has the potential to be revolutionary for the biopharmaceutical industry, as our society battles a wide variety of viruses and diseases. The PHD holder has a unique and valuable perspective thanks to his multifaceted education in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and chemical biology.

Dr. Addepalli was instrumental in the development of antiparasitic drugs for leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis. When asked about his methods, he explains: "My efforts were geared towards the utilization of chemical derivatization and forward genetic approaches to study a class of compounds that selectively test derivatives for selective activity on Leishmania tubulin and trypanosomatids. [From there, I] assessed their stability, solubility, cell permeability, and in vivo PK properties. [I] performed proof-of-concept testing in the mouse model of leishmaniasis and used a modular synthetic strategy, and Cryo-EM techniques to discover the binding site of a class of pyrimidinone derivatives. [Finally I] optimized promising agents for oral administration and performed dose response testing in animal models."

This work, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center's Ready laboratory, will allow the development of compounds with a high therapeutic index for the treatment of trypanosomatid infections, based on the identification of molecules that inhibit targeting parasite tubulin polymerization. The newly found understanding of the drug target and mechanism brings promise for the treatment of these arthropod-borne diseases.

Dr. Yesu Addepalli earned his Master of Science degree in organic chemistry from the Government College (Autonomous), Rajahmundry in India before going on to complete his doctoral degree in organic chemistry under the guidance of Research Advisor Prof. Yun He at Chongqing University in China. Most recently, he has been working in a postdoctoral position with esteemed-researcher Professor Joseph Ready at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, which provides him with both the tools and community to evolve and deepen his studies.

"I find bioactive small molecules to be fascinating. The design, synthesis, purification, and characterization of viruses and [their] treatment drugs are a wonder to behold, study, and develop." Dr. Addepalli shares, "Some people find beauty in the world around [them], but I see beauty in the microscopic world of viruses and find great pleasure in being instrumental in halting the spread of viruses through synthesizing biopharmaceuticals."

Although the work is rewarding,Dr. Yesu Addepalli recognizes that it is also a great responsibility, as each challenge is fundamentally a battle between life and death. He is grateful for the diversity of knowledge and skills that his team holds, as it brings them closer to streamlined bioactive molecule development. He is also currently collaborating with biologists at UT Southwestern, and elsewhere, using high-throughput screening strategies to discover small molecules with promising biological activity in an effort to identify compounds and molecules that will push the boundaries of genetic studies. The characterization of biologically active small molecules is a breakthrough for the development of novel therapeutics for neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, as well as for cancer.

Dr. Addepalli's esteemed work has been featured in a variety of reputable publications, and he also has a US patent for his team's work specifically with novel antiparasitic compounds and methods. He is an active member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. In his free time, he also enjoys reviewing for publications such as Tetrahedron and Heterocyclic Chemistry.

His work revolves around molecules and compounds that are far too small to see with the naked eye, but the impact of his work has a very large scope. As our society has recently been reminded of the threat that these microscopic elements can bring, the work of Dr. Addepalli is perhaps more important than ever before. Gaining a stronger understanding of how these microscopic molecules create disease will help us to understand how to reverse and treat the disease. As they say, knowledge is power.

2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


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Expert In Biochemistry Dr. Yesu Addepalli Works On A Micro Level To Bring Macro Changes To The Development Of Novel Therapeutics - Tech Times

Lipids, lipids everywhere! – ASBMB Today

Lipids not only taste delicious (at least in our opinion) but are the major components of biological membranes and play essential roles in most aspects of human biology. In fact, if we look closely at the lipids and membranes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes, we see they contribute to fundamental roles in compartmentalizing cells, stress responses, metabolism, gene regulation, inflammation, and activating both cell protective and cell destructive mechanisms.

As such, the study of lipids and membranes remains a critical and emerging area for cutting-edge research one that has great potential to impact human health and the understanding and treatment of diseases.

Our symposia at Discover BMB, the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, in Seattle in March will bring together leading investigators in lipid metabolism and membrane function in replication of microorganisms and viruses, communicate novel protein structural information in lipid metabolism and transport, and promote the understanding of membrane structure and biophysics in cell physiology.

Keywords: Enzyme regulation, lipid droplets, lipid domains, membrane structure and tension, sphingolipids, infectious disease.

Who should attend: Lipid and membrane enthusiasts and anyone interested in learning more about lipid metabolism, lipidprotein interactions or membrane structure.

Theme song: Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill.

This session is powered by Hass avocados, rich in healthy fats.

New roles for lipids in microorganisms and virusesMichael Airola (chair), Stony Brook UniversityRobert V. Stahelin,Purdue UniversityElizabeth Johnson,Cornell UniversityEric A. Klein,Rutgers UniversityCamdenNihal AltanBonnett,National Institutes of Health

Molecular insight into lipid metabolism and transportAbdou Rachid Thiam (chair), Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Ecole Normale Suprieure de ParisMichael Airola,Stony Brook UniversityAngeline Lyon,Purdue UniversityEric Ortlund,Emory University School of MedicineSaskia Neher,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Membrane structure and dynamicsRobert Stahelin (chair), Purdue UniversityAbdou Rachid Thiam,Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Ecole Normale Suprieure de ParisSarah Keller,University of WashingtonSuzanne Scarlata,Worcester Polytechnic InstituteIlya Leventhal,University of Virginia

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Lipids, lipids everywhere! - ASBMB Today

The CHIPS and Science Act becomes law – ASBMB Today

President Joe Biden today signed into law the CHIPS and Science Act, which authorizes funding and policies to bolster American research and development and increase national science and technology competitiveness.

The act contains several provisions endorsed previously by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:

The Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021 will help to unify and strengthen bioengineering efforts across U.S. agencies.

The Restore and Modernize Our National Labs Act originally proposed $6.1 billion to repair and modernize U.S. national laboratories. The final legislation authorizes $4 billion across fiscal years 2023 to 2027.

The STEM Opportunities Actwill facilitate participation of historically marginalized groups in science, technology, engineering and math. Notably, the legislation contains language, for which the ASBMB advocated, to extend caregiving flexibilities to trainees, not only investigators awarded federal grants.

The Rural STEM Education Research Act supports rural communities access to STEM education and research through several mechanisms. The legislation includes the ASBMBs preferred language expanding investments in the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. This means that the National Science Foundation will increase the percentage of funds (to 20% from 13%) that go to emerging research institutions, many of which are in rural communities.

The majority of the MSI STEM Achievement Actwas included in the legislation. It will increase capacity and infrastructure at minority-serving institutions of higher education, including historically Black colleges and universities and tribal colleges and universities.

The Combatting Sexual Harassment in STEM Act has funding for executing preventative measures and response frameworks for addressing sexual and gender harassment in STEM.

The ASBMB-endorsed language in the NSF for the Future Actwill increase the number of graduate research fellowships and improve the NSFs training policies by instating mentorship plans, career exploration and increased inclusivity.

It has taken a lot of effort to get the CHIPS and Science Act over the finish line.

In June 2021, as the U.S. experienced increasing inflation and supply-chain deficiencies and fell behind in R&D globally, the U.S. Senate responded by passing the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021, also known as USICA.

This bipartisan bill combined multiple legislative efforts to strengthenthe nations leadership in R&D by protecting American intellectual property with enhanced research security policies, robust scientific funding authorizations and investments in the STEM workforce.

In February, the U.S. House passed its version of the bill, the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength Act of 2022, calledCOMPETES for short.

COMPETES expanded on the science provisions in USICA with strong bipartisan input and engagement with stakeholders from the science, education and industrial sectors. It also significantly differed from USICA by including provisions related to clean energy and trade provisions.

At the time, U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., the ranking member of the House Science Committee, said in a statement how much he opposed the COMPETES Act but called for consensus between Democrats and Republicans: While there are many flaws in USICA, I believe that we had a good opportunity to find a consensus agreement through a formal House and Senate Conference.

In March, the ASBMB published a statement detailing its position on the two versions and endorsed several provisions that remain largely intact in the CHIPS and Science Act.

In April, the bill entered a bicameral conferencing process, during which a conferencing committee of 107 lawmakers would negotiate the more than 1,000 differences between USICA and COMPETES. The ASBMB shared its statement with the offices of those members.

During the ASBMBs annual Capitol Hill Day in May, the societys Public Affairs Advisory Committee strongly advocated for provisions in USICA and COMPETES that would modernizethe infrastructure of national labs, strengthen the bioeconomy, and support the next generation of scientists.

Over the summer, the legislation faced many negotiation hurdles and political attacks. Yet more pressure stemmed from looming deadlines to pass incentives for semiconductor manufacturing before companies set up shop internationally. Communication began to break down among congressional and conferencing leaders.

Once concerns emerged that Congress would strip the pro-science provisions in the U.S. competitiveness legislation to meet the semiconductor deadlines, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., agreed to a test vote on July 19 to assess support for a bill that had semiconductor manufacturing incentives and the pro-science provisions that had been successfully negotiated. That version of the legislation was called CHIPS+.

After a successful test vote, the ASBMB called for passage in the Senate on July 25. Notably, the ASBMB was one of many other scientific stakeholders that demonstrated their support for CHIPS+ upon the rapid arrival of the bill in both chambers.

The Senate passed the final iteration the CHIPS and Science Act on July 27.

This is one of the most significant long-term thinking bills weve passed in a very long time, Schumer said after the Senate vote. Our grandchildren will hold good paying jobs in industries we cant even imagine because of what we are doing right now and we did it together, both sides cooperating in good faith, on some truly difficult issues.

The House passed the legislation the next day, and President Joe Biden signed it into law today.

Sudip Parikh, chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, called the CHIPS and Science Act one of the most important pieces of science and technology legislation in a generation and a down payment on our future to ensure America remains a world leader in scientific discovery and innovation.

The scientific community played an important role in making the legislation a reality.

Sarina Neote, ASBMBs director of public affairs, said: The ASBMB applauds the work of congressional leadership and conferencing members who laid the groundwork for the (legislation). We also really appreciate all the time and effort our PAAC members have dedicated to advocating for the science workforce provisions in the final version of the bill. Its important for scientists to make sure their voices are heard, and our committee members did exactly that.

James Brown, executive director of the STEM Education Coalition, said in a statement: Our future prosperity depends on our ability to lead the world in technology development, job creation in high demand technical fields, and our ability to train more Americans for the best, highest paying jobs in the global economy. We are delighted that so many members of both parties in the U.S. Senate have come together behind this goal.

The next hurdle will be actual follow-through on the funding authorizations agreed to in the act. The scientific community will be watching the negotiations for FY23 appropriations closely.

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The CHIPS and Science Act becomes law - ASBMB Today

In Remembrance of Dr. Peter Bennett | Duke Department of Anesthesiology – Duke University

It is with profound sadness that we inform you about the passing of a beloved member of our Duke Anesthesiology family, Peter Bennett, PhD, DSc, emeritus professor of anesthesiology. He passed away on August 9 at the age of 91. Dr. Bennett will be remembered as a highly respected researcher and entrepreneur who dedicated his life's work to the advancement of diving. A champion of dive safety, he notably founded the Divers Alert Network (DAN) in 1980 - a non-profit organization, which he led for 23 years. DAN is the worlds most recognized and respected dive safety organization that helps divers in need of medical emergency assistance and promotes dive safety through research, education, products, and services.

Dr. Bennett was born in England, where he earned his doctorate and doctor of sciences in physiology and biochemistry at the University of Southampton. He began his career as a scientist investigating the physiology of deep diving, particularly the mechanisms of high-pressure nervous syndrome. In 1972, Dr. Bennett moved to the United States and joined Duke Anesthesiology where he was appointed director of research in the department and co-director of Dukes FG Hall Environmental Laboratory. Dr. Bennett went on to become director of the lab in which he led a team of investigators during performance of a series of human deep dives in the Hall Labs hyperbaric chambers to a world record depth of 2,250 feet of sea water. After retiring as president of DAN in 2003, Dr. Bennett became the executive director for the Underwater Hyperbaric Medical Society until 2014. As a leading authority on the effects of high pressure on human physiology, he published more than 100 scientific papers and nine books, including the signature textbook, Physiology and Medicine of Diving, known as a definitive work in his field. He was also a mentor to many junior scientists around the world.

Dr. Bennett leaves behind his wife, Margaret, and son, Chris. Please join us in extending our sincerest condolences to Dr. Bennett's family, friends and colleagues. Duke flags will be lowered in honor of his life and legacy.

In Remembrance of Dr. Peter Bennett | Duke Department of Anesthesiology - Duke University

Research shows oilseeds’ potential for bioproduct creation – The Fence Post

LINCOLN, Nebraska, Plant science is opening up promising opportunities to create environmentally friendly bioproducts fuels, lubricants and other products that substitute for petroleum-based ones. Researchers with the University of Nebraska-Lincolns Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources are exploring a range of innovative approaches.

A key focus involves new types of vegetable oils with fatty acid structures that enable production of biomaterials in significant quantity. To create those oils on the needed scale, scientists first must conduct complex research to understand the oils enzymes and genes.

Research by Husker biochemist Ed Cahoon and colleagues is advancing this scientific knowledge. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences recently published the findings by Cahoon and his collaborators in Nebraskas Center for Plant Science Innovation and Department of Biochemistry, the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, Prince of Songkla University in Thailand and Huazhong Agricultural University in China.

The IANR project studied a specific, unusual fatty acid in Thunbergia, a tropical vine. The acid is unusual in that the plant chemicals have unconventional molecular chains that give new functional properties to vegetable oils. Understanding the enzymes that create the fatty acid was essential for the researchers. Because of their distinct properties, these enzymes are particularly suited to produce genetically engineered plants rich in the fatty acid.


Genetically modified sorghum, for example, lends itself well to such genomic modification and is a focus of Cahoon and his IANR colleagues. Once modified in that way, sorghums fatty acid has strong potential for facilitating production of biofuels and biomaterials.

Nature makes enzymes do certain things, said Cahoon, George W. Holmes Professor of biochemistry. If we can learn from the plants that do something different, we can design the enzymes to have new functions, such as creation of specialty chemicals. Such efforts are known as protein engineering, stemming from the understanding of the oilseed enzymes and their three-dimensional structures.

As Cahoon and his colleagues write in their new paper, studies of unusual monounsaturated fatty acids have provided a wealth of biochemical information and biotechnological utility. (Monounsaturated fats have a double bond in their molecular structure, resulting in the oil being liquid at room temperature but solid when chilled.)

Petroselinic acid was the main unusual fatty acid studied by Cahoon and his colleagues in their analysis of Thunbergia. The scientists found the plants seeds to be extraordinarily rich in the acid, which has strong biomaterials potential. Petroselinic acid accounted for more than 90% of the seed oils weight.

Thunbergia is a nice ornamental vine and looks beautiful, but we could never grow it as a crop in Nebraska, said Cahoon, director of the Center for Plant Science Innovation. But we can find the genes that make the unusual fatty acid, and we can then engineer them into sorghum and oilseed crops to create higher-value oils.


The IANR research was funded through a $3.8 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energys Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation. Cahoon and Thomas Clemente, Eugene W. Price Distinguished Professor of Biotechnology at Nebraska, are among the array of scientists nationwide contributing to research for the center.

Among the focuses of the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation is a plants-as-factories concept by which genetic engineering produces plant cells with bioproducts-related properties. Sorghum, along with sugarcane, is one of the worlds highest biomass producers, the center notes, with demonstrated potential for accumulation of oil in vegetative biomass after successful metabolic engineering.

The IANR research has both a fundamental aspect to it of learning new things about fatty acids and enzymes, Cahoon said. The second part is trying to use that information to design new types of oils that might have increased-value industrial applications and biofuels.

This research project featured a basic three-part division of labor. Cahoon, the principal investigator, made the initial discovery of Thunbergia oilseeds extraordinarily high level of petroselinic acid. Lu Gan and Kiyoul Park, postdoctoral scientists in Cahoons lab in the Center for Plant Science Innovation, isolated the genes for enzymes the plant uses to make the fatty acid. Among the enzymes identified was an enzyme known as a fatty acid desaturase that introduces double bonds unsaturation in novel places in fatty acids. As a result, those fatty acids have new functional properties of vegetable oils.

Structural biologist Qun Liu and biochemist John Shanklin at Brookhaven National Laboratory carried out complex analyses of the enzymes three-dimensional structure. This information guided the design of new fatty acid desaturases that can create monounsaturated fatty acids not found in nature.

Nebraskas Gan and Park then genetically engineered camelina oilseed to produce petroselinic acid-rich vegetable oils.

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Research shows oilseeds' potential for bioproduct creation - The Fence Post

Research Assistant, Metabolic Lab job with NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE | 304611 – Times Higher Education

Job Description

The National University of Singapore invites applications forResearch Assistant (Metabolic Lab)in the Department ofMedicine,Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. Appointments will be made on a1-yearcontract basis renewable

Purpose of the post

The staff is to provide support to the Principal Investigator and his team in terms of research, laboratory and administrative needs. The staff shall work on projects in the area of metabolism and diabetes mellitus. He/She shall be the primary lead for lab management.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

a) Research:

Main Duties and Responsibilities

b) Laboratory:

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Main Duties and Responsibilities

c) Administrative duties:

d) Any other duties as required


Remuneration will be commensurate with the candidates qualifications and experience.

Formal application:Please submit your application, indicating current/expected salary, supported by a detailed CV (including personal particulars, academic and employment history, complete list of publications/oral presentations and full contacts of3referees to this job portal.

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.



Covid-19 Message

At NUS, the health and safety of our staff and students are one of our utmost priorities, and COVID-vaccination supports our commitment to ensure the safety of our community and to make NUS as safe and welcoming as possible. Many of our roles require a significant amount of physical interactions with students/staff/public members. Even for job roles that may be performed remotely, there will be instances where on-campus presence is required.

Taking into consideration the health and well-being of our staff and students and to better protect everyone in the campus, applicants are strongly encouraged to have themselves fully COVID-19 vaccinated to secure successful employment with NUS.

More Information

Location: Kent Ridge CampusOrganization: Yong Loo Lin School of MedicineDepartment : MedicineEmployee Referral Eligible: NoJob requisition ID : 16845

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Research Assistant, Metabolic Lab job with NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE | 304611 - Times Higher Education

For the Record, Aug. 12, 2022 | UDaily – UDaily

For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and honors of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Recent presentations, publications and honors include the following:

Sharon Pitt, vice president of Information Technologies and CIO, spoke on Flexible Work in Higher Ed What Does Your Workforce Look Like? at the Higher Education CIO Congress in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 7, 2022.

Trevor A. Dawes, vice provost for libraries and museums and May Morris University Librarian, was an invited panelist for a webinar sponsored by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) entitled, Eliminating Outdated Workflows: Developing the New, on Aug. 10, 2022. Panelists discussed how traditional workflows were suddenly subject to examination due to the COVID-19 pandemic and which workflows, whether due to the pandemic or not, have now become the standard in their respective organizations.

Ethan Joella, adjunct faculty member in the Associate in Arts Program and best-selling author of the novel A Little Hope, was the keynote speaker at theWilmington Writers' Workshop, held virtually Aug. 6, 2022. He also led a writing workshop.

Wendy Smith,Emma Smith Morris Professor of Management,andKyle Emich,associate professor of management,both in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, collaborated with colleagues onConceiving opposites together: Cultivating paradoxical frames and epistemic motivation fosters team creativity, published in the July 2022 issue ofOrganization Behavior and Human Decision Processes. A related article, Paradox Mindset: The Source of Remarkable Creativity in Teams,was covered by INSEADs Knowledge Blog. Emichhas also coauthored a paper recently published online by theJournal of Business Research. The article, A house divided: A multilevel bibliometric review of the job search literature, focuses on how economists focus on organizational budgets when considering job search, while psychologists focus on job-seeker well being.

Timothy J. Shaffer, Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse and faculty member in theJoseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administrationand Department of Communication, is co-editor of Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through CooperativeExtension.This book, released Aug. 1, 2022, focuses on contemporary efforts to address systemic inequities and highlights Cooperative Extension'srole in, and responsibility for, culturally relevant community education that isrooted in democratic practices and social justice. Shaffer's co-editor, Nia Imani Fields, is a 2006 Biden School alumna and serves as the Maryland 4-H program leader and assistantdirector of Maryland Extension.

Melissa Melby, professor of anthropology, coauthored the editorial Seeking shelter against contagion: households of resilience, recently published by the Canadian Science Policy Centre in its 2022 Editorial Series titled Building Resilience During International Crisis. CSPC publishes opinion, commentary and critique from members of the science and innovation community on a wide range of issues.

Zvi Schwartz, professor of hospitality business management, andTim Webb, assistant professor of hospitality business management, both in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, were awarded the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Researchs Article of the Year Highly Commended award at the 2022 International Council of Restaurant Institutional Education Conference in Washington, D.C., for their articleResource Similarity, Market Commonality, and Spatial Distribution of Hotel Competitive SetPic

Roxanne Evande, graduate student in the Department of Medical and Molecular Sciences, has been selected as one out of 10 students nationally for the role of advocacy trainee delegate by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Evandes application highlighted how this opportunity fits in with her program and current career goals, as well as her background in policy and science, such as serving on the Graduate Student Government Executive Board. The role provides a three-month externship with opportunities to learn the basics of policy and how science can be applied to it for meaningful connections between these fields, which play critical roles in how society acts against rising issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Evandes project aims to reexamine and improve the review process for the National Science Foundation graduate fellowships. In her research at UD, she studies the cellular mechanisms of the human papillomavirus E2 protein for effective drug development in the future.

Alisa Moldavanova, incoming associate professor and director of the Master of Public Administration program in theJoseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration, was recently elected to serve on the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)Board of Directors. She has been an active leader and contributor to the ARNOVA community since 2012 and is a known champion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the nonprofit research field.

Kevin Solomon, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has earned the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) annual Early Career Award (formerly the Young Investigator Award) for 2022. The award aims to encourage young investigators to continue their research and to recognize and support their efforts at the beginning of their career and is given to a scientist or engineer who has demonstrated outstanding scientific contributions in the field of biotechnology and or industrial microbiology. Solomon was honored at the SIMB annual meeting on Aug. 9, 2022.

Eleftherios Terry Papoutsakis, the Unidel Eugene Du Pont Chair at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has earned the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) annual Charles Thom Award, the societys senior award. Named after a pioneer in industrial microbiology and mycology, the award honors researchers demonstrating exceptional merit in industrial microbiology and biotechnology through research contributions and publications, and for their independence of thought and originality that added appreciably to scientific knowledge. Papoutsakis was honored at the SIMB annual meeting on Aug. 9, 2022.

This summer,Paul Laux, professor of finance and JP Morgan Chase Senior Fellow at the Lerner College, oversaw the University of Delaware/ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute Trading and Bloomberg Program. It was a two-week program for graduate students studying finance at ISCTE. As part of the program, 30 students and faculty from ISCTE participated, training in Lerners Geltzeiler Trading Center and visiting other local sites and social gatherings. Lerner Dean Bruce Weber taught a class to participants.

To submit information for inclusion in For the Record, write to and include For the Record in the subject line.

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For the Record, Aug. 12, 2022 | UDaily - UDaily

Presentations by young Chinese aquaculture scientists: From the 2021 China Society of FisheriesAnnual Conference of Youth Scholars – World Aquaculture…

Photo by iStock 1 INTRODUCTION

Young scientists are the most active force driving scientific advancement and technological innovation. Nonetheless, young scholars also face challenges such as heavy workloads, shortage of research-focused hours, high competition in grant application, and securing an academic job, among others. Mentorship from supervisors and senior peers is important to encourage and reassure the scientific endeavors of young scholars. Favorable policies and activities arranged by public agencies or academic societies are also essential for nurturing and promoting the successful establishment of young scholars. Chinese young scientists have been making great contributions to aquaculture research and applications. The China Society of Fisheries organized the Annual Conference of Youth Scholars in Shanghai on October 18, 2021. There were over 300 attendees to this meeting, which covered the topics of aquaculture techniques and equipment, biotechnologies and breeding, nutrition and feeds, diseases and quality security, aquaculture resources and conservation, and aquaculture economy and management. Here, we summarize some representative work by the attendees who were selected for this special issue, which partially reflects the recent research focus on young aquaculture scientists in China.

The healthy and sustainable development of aquaculture depends heavily on research on nutritional feeds in terms of precise nutritional requirements of aquatic animals. The largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides, characterized by its fast growth and delicious taste, is currently a major species of freshwater aquaculture in China. According to the China Fishery Statistical Yearbook report, the total production of farmed largemouth bass in 2020 was more than 619,500 tons, and the national demand for this fish is also increasing yearly (China Fishery Yearbook,2021). To date, the requirement of each vitamin of the largemouth bass has its own specific and irreplaceable function, so it is necessary to investigate the optimal level of usage one by one. The requirement for fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, has been reported in this species (Li et al.,2018,2020; Lian et al.,2017; Wei et al.,2021). In contrast, minimal information has been published on the nutritional requirements of water-soluble vitamins, particularly the B vitamins. Folic acid, one of the water-soluble B vitamins, which plays a role in maintaining normal hematopoiesis, facilitating growth performance and immune response of aquatic animals, is essential for growth maintenance in aquatic animals (Shiau & Huang,2001). Hang et al. (2022) evaluated the graded dietary levels of folic acid on growth performance, body composition, blood biochemistry, nutritional metabolism, and antioxidant immunity of largemouth bass. They found that the growth performance, total hepatic antioxidant capacity, protein content, hemoglobin, hematocrit of whole blood cells, and plasma total protein in each folic acid supplementation group were higher than those in the control group to various degrees. Dietary supplementation with 0.51.5mg/kg of folic acid significantly decreased albumin, plasma glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activity, serum malonaldehyde activity, and liver glycogen content. According to the regression analysis of growth performance and additive gradients, the optimal amount of folic acid in the feed of juvenile largemouth bass was 1.421.46mg/kg diet.

Gibel carp,Carassius auratus gibelio, is one of the main farmed carp species in China, with a total annual production of more than 2.59 million tons (Liu et al.,2018). Given the deterioration of the aquatic aquaculture environment and degradation of germplasm resources, diseases caused by bacteria and viruses have caused large-scale mortalities of farmed gibel carp and led to enormous losses (Xu et al.,2013). Among the pathogens, Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2) andAeromonasspp. are the most common pathogens of carps (Sahoo et al.,2016). Thus, the use of functional feed additives that can boost the innate immune system and natural mucosal barrier of fish has attracted more attention during antibiotic-free farming. Recently, poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB), as a polymer storing intracellular energy and carbon sources, has been gradually shown to have positive effects on growth, immunity, and disease resistance in aquatic animals (Duan et al.,2017). However, the efficacy and application method of PHB on gibel carp culture is still unclear. Liu et al. (2022) detected that dietary PHB supplementation could promote growth performance, upregulate the expression of immune-related genes and activities of immune-related enzymes, significantly enhance the disease resistance of fish, and strengthen the tight junction of the intestine and affect the intestinal mucosal barrier of gibel carps. These findings provide a good model to illustrate its immune-stimulatory mechanism in fish. It has played a guiding role in the sustainable culture of gibel carp, and may contribute to the green, environmental, and healthy development of the aquaculture industry.

Phytoplankton are the primary producers in the aquatic food web and play essential roles in the biotic water environment (Zhao et al.,2022). Most phytoplankton are single-celled photosynthetic organisms that can achieve a rapid increase in number after continuous cell cycles by cell proliferation and division in suitable environments (Dewitte & Murray,2003). Therefore, understanding the cell cycle and regulation mechanism to achieve the appropriate biomass is essential for maintaining aquatic ecosystem health. Zhao et al. (2022) summarized the current information about the eukaryotic phytoplankton cell cycle and the environmental factors that affect it. They also introduced the research methods for the phytoplankton cell cycle, highlighted the progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of phytoplankton cell cycle regulation, and discussed future directions for phytoplankton cell cycle research. This information will strengthen our understanding of the phytoplankton cell cycle and its regulation mechanisms, inspiring further studies on maintaining aquatic and health of natural ecosystems.

There are abundant germplasm resources of freshwater pearl mussels in China.Hyriopsis cumingiiis one of the main bivalve species used for freshwater pearl culture. It is well-known that the color of pearl production is an essential criterion for evaluating the quality of pearls and further determining their market value (Li et al.,2014). Furthermore, exogenous dietary carotenoids are considered the main factor affecting the color of the inner shell and pearl (Sun et al.,2020). Therefore, studying key enzyme genes involved in carotenoid metabolism is the vital premise of pearl quality control research. Zhang et al. (2022) successfully cloned the completeHcStAR-likegene and proposed thatHcStAR-likeplays a crucial role in the accumulation of carotenoids of shell or pearl pigmentation inH. cumingiiby dsRNA interference assay. Their findings contribute to our further understanding of the shell formation mechanism of pearl color.

Dissolved oxygen is the most important limiting factor in rearing of fish and directly affects fish health and survival. How fish adapt to hypoxia in aquaculture has been a hot topic. Fish in high-latitude regions suffer from sustained hypoxia in winter and diel-cycling hypoxia in summer.Phoxinus lagowskii, a high-latitude fish distributed and mainly cultured in northeast China, was chosen to determine the biochemical, physiological, and histological responses to these two conditions (Yao et al.,2022). Histological analysis revealed changes in the relative thickness of the layers in the midbrain under hypoxia.P. lagowskiiadapts to sustained hypoxia through myocardial hypertrophy and mitochondria deformation. During diel-cycling hypoxia, the oxidative stress biomarkers, enzyme activities, and triglycerides in the heart were significantly elevated. HIF expression patterns indicated its function in diel-cycling hypoxia in the heart and sustained hypoxia in the brain. Collectively, these findings reveal thatP. lagowskiiexhibits varied adaptation strategies to the exposure of sustained and diel-cycling hypoxia.

Diseases have become one of the main constraints to sustainable aquaculture production and trade. Disease resistance is another most important trait for healthy aquaculture development in addition to stress resistance. Therefore, it is essential to uncover appropriate drugs for these diseases.

Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV-Gx) causes high mortality rates in mariculture, and effective treatments against SGIV-Gx infection are urgently required. Metformin is a famous drug for many diseases. ZUniet al. (2022) evaluated the therapeutic effect of metformin on SGIV-Gx. Results showed that metformin exerts a dose-dependent antiviral effect by disrupting SGIV-Gx particles, suggesting its great potential in dealing with SGIV-Gx infection. Li et al. (2022) assessed the in vivo antiviral effect ofGlycyrrhiza uralensiscomponents against SGIV infection. Results showed that the ingredients did not have significant effects against SGIV infection, whereas aqueous extract (GUF) showed significant anti-SGIV infection activity in a concentration-dependent manner, and it also destroyed the structure of virus particles, which is similar to the function of metformin.

In addition to medication, sets of gene responses to bacterial infection produce various effective proteins important for disease prevention mechanisms. Caspase genes are candidate genes because of their role in regulating apoptosis during development and inflammation. In Japanese pufferfish, 10 caspase genes were identified through bioinformatics analyses and detected in all examined tissues. The expression of 10 caspases significantly varied in a time-dependent manner afterVibrio harveyiinfection, suggesting their roles in the antibacterial process of Japanese pufferfish (Yang et al.,2022).

It was reported that many young scientists chose a science career because of their love of the work (Pain,2014). The China Society of Fisheries sponsors the Young Scientist Award and organizes the Annual Conference of Youth Scholars to promote the talents of young aquaculture researchers. Young scientists engaged in aquaculture studies, both applicable and theoretical, may enjoy both the love and productive reward from such work, because of the increasing need for technologies from the ever-expanding aquaculture industry. The Journal of the World Aquaculture Society welcomes high-quality submissions from young scholars from China or elsewhere in the world.

Read the original here:
Presentations by young Chinese aquaculture scientists: From the 2021 China Society of FisheriesAnnual Conference of Youth Scholars - World Aquaculture...

Research Assistant job with UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE | 304172 – Times Higher Education

Location:ParkvilleRole type:Full time/Fixed-termfor 12 monthsFaculty: Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health SciencesDepartment/School:Department of Biochemistry and PharmacologySalary:Level A $77,171 - $104,717 (pro rata)p.a. plus 17% super

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Research Assistant job with UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE | 304172 - Times Higher Education

ThreeSixty Journalism summer camps aim to increase diversity within media – MinnPost

Isaac Santino-Garcia and Jaydin Fairbanks are frequent camp goers. In the summers, they attend the various media camps ThreeSixty Journalism hosts, like the podcast camp and its news reporter academy.

This year, they were at the television broadcast camp, where they worked on creating a broadcast news story. Santino-Garcia and Fairbanks dove into the topic of Native American boarding schools with their video.

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Topics like this need to be covered more, Santino-Garcia, an incoming junior at Cretin Derham Hall High School, said. And the best way to tell stories about different communities is to have those communities involved and lead the process.

Newsroom employees are more likely to be more white and male than U.S. workers overall, and more than three-quarters (77%) of newsroom employees are white, according to the Pew Research Center. ThreeSixty Journalism has been around for more than 20 years, partnering with the University of St. Thomas with a mission is to change how newsrooms look and the resulting narratives.

Santino-Garcia, who is Lower Sioux Dakota and White Earth Ojibwe, and half Mexican, thinks ThreeSixty puts underrepresented and marginalized voices first.

Every story Ive seen or at least heard about (in the program) has been somebody whos not Caucasian and a story that might not have been regularly told, he said.

For program graduate Samantha HoangLong, being surrounded by so many kids of color was uplifting.

It was like the first space to be a space that young with a class full of people who are also young journalists of color, she said. I feel really lucky that I was in a class full of diversity at that young age.

Part of bringing diversity into newsrooms is creating incentive, said Chad Caruthers, executive director of the journalism program. ThreeSixty also helps by giving stipends to the participants for their time and work.

It was the only reason (I attended) at first, but then I kept doing other things (camps), and I stayed because I always liked it, said Fairbanks, who is going to be a senior at Osseo High School.

The stipend allows people of various socioeconomic backgrounds to participate without the financial strain of losing income for a couple of weeks.

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As students get older in high school, they work more, they need to support their families, they need to support themselves, whatever it may be. To come to a program thats a week-long or two weeks long at St. Thomas during the summer means that they dont work over that period of time, Caruthers said. If its not extra money in their pocket, we hope that it is replacing any income that they would lose by joining us.

Because of the program, some kids are considering studying journalism or some form of media. Santino-Garcia wants to attend St. Thomas, where ThreeSixty offers a four-year scholarship.

I like learning new things, and journalism gives me a good life experience that you may not learn other places, Santino-Garcia said. It just fascinates me because I can go out and tell other peoples stories that may not have been told.

Samantha HoangLong

I actually wanted to be a dentist before that. I was like applying to college with biology and biochemistry, and I was ready to go to dental school. And then I did this camp, she said. I learned that you can talk to people for a living and learn about what they do. I thought that was really cool, so I kind of just stuck with it.

After graduating high school, she interned for ThreeSixty Journalism and learned more about video production. She received a four-year scholarship from ThreeSixty to study communication and journalism at St. Thomas.

At the most recent camp, Babs Santos from Fox 9 and Jeff Wagner from WCCO taught the students how to speak on air and how to structure a story. Another component of the program, HongLong said, was touring a newsroom.

HongLong appreciated seeing what happens behind the scenes in a newsroom.

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I think having that experience right after high school gave me an advanced look of what it could be if I worked in that job, she said. Being able to access and walk through the newsrooms was really cool. Thats what made me want to go into broadcast TV.

She went on to intern at Fox 9, then worked there after graduating college. Shes now on the audience team at Sahan Journal.

ThreeSixty does some recruiting for potential participants but also partners with various schools that identify students who would be a good fit for the program. It offers seasonal journalism workshops throughout the year and a camp per week during the summer.

Caruthers said that free and reduced lunch eligible students pay nothing for the program, but theres flexibility for other income levels. Typically, the organization aims for 80% of its participants to be free and reduced lunch qualified.

But the pandemic reduced that figure to between 50 and 75%.

Harder to reach students became, in many cases, harder to reach during the pandemic, Caruthers said. You look at all the gaps that many of us hear about in terms of education gaps, health disparities, things like that. Technology gaps are a big one, and thats part of it. When everything went to virtual, we had to do the same, and unfortunately, not all of our students have equal access to the technology that was required.

Of the total participants, roughly 10 percent pay to attend, Caruthers said. Its able to do so because of partnerships with the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross Blue Shield, which funds the projects, and helps with the topics.Blue Cross Blue Shield is a sponsor of the Race and Health Equity fellowship at MinnPost, but has no editorial say in content.

People whove attended ThreeSixty have gone on to work in newsrooms across the state. Some alumni are now at the Star Tribune, Fox 9, Sahan Journal, and MPR, among other places, Caruthers said.

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ThreeSixty Journalism summer camps aim to increase diversity within media - MinnPost

Overcoming the Impossible With DNA to Building Superconductor That Could Transform Technology – SciTechDaily

In DNA, scientists find a solution to building a superconductor that could transform technology.

Scientists have used DNA to overcome a nearly insurmountable obstacle to engineering materials that will revolutionize electronics. Published in the journal Science on July 28, the work was performed by researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and their collaborators.

One possible outcome of these engineered materials could be superconductors, which have zero electrical resistance, allowing electrons to flow unimpeded. That means that, unlike current means of electrical transmission, they dont lose energy and dont create heat. Development of a superconductor that could be used widely at normal pressures and room temperature instead of at extremely high or low temperatures, as is now possible could lead to many technological wonders. These include hyper-fast computers, shrinking the size of electronic devices, allowing high-speed trains to float on magnets and slash energy use, and many more.

One such superconductor was first proposed by Stanford physicist William A. Little more than 50 years ago. Scientists have spent decades trying to make it work. However, even after validating the feasibility of his idea, they were left with a challenge that appeared impossible to overcome. Until now.

Edward H. Egelman, PhD, of the University of Virginia School of Medicines Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, has been a leader in the field of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and he and his colleagues used cryo-EM imaging for this seemingly impossible project. It demonstrates, he said, that the cryo-EM technique has great potential in materials research. Credit: Dan Addison, UVA Communications

Edward H. Egelman, PhD, of UVAs Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, has been a leader in the field of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and he and Leticia Beltran, a graduate student in his lab, used cryo-EM imaging for this seemingly impossible project. It demonstrates, he said, that the cryo-EM technique has great potential in materials research.

One possible way to realize Littles idea for a superconductor is to modify lattices of carbon nanotubes. These are hollow cylinders of carbon so tiny they must be measured in nanometers billionths of a meter. However, there was a huge challenge: controlling chemical reactions along the nanotubes so that the lattice could be assembled as precisely as needed and function as intended.

Egelman and his colleagues found an answer in the very building blocks of life. They took DNA, the genetic material that tells living cells how to operate, and used it to guide a chemical reaction that would overcome the great barrier to Littles superconductor. In short, they used chemistry to perform astonishingly precise structural engineering construction at the level of individual molecules. The result was a lattice of carbon nanotubes assembled specifically as needed for Littles room-temperature superconductor.

This work demonstrates that ordered carbon nanotube modification can be achieved by taking advantage of DNA-sequence control over the spacing between adjacent reaction sites, Egelman said.

For now, the lattice they built has not been tested for superconductivity. However, it offers proof of principle and has great potential for the future, the researchers say. While cryo-EM has emerged as the main technique in biology for determining the atomic structures of protein assemblies, it has had much less impact thus far in materials science, said Egelman, whose prior work led to his induction in the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.

Egelman and his collaborators say their DNA-guided approach to lattice construction could have a wide variety of useful research applications, especially in physics. But it also validates the possibility of building Littles room-temperature superconductor. The scientists work, combined with other breakthroughs in superconductors in recent years, could ultimately transform technology as we know it and lead to a much more Star Trek future.

While we often think of biology using tools and techniques from physics, our work shows that the approaches being developed in biology can actually be applied to problems in physics and engineering, Egelman said. This is what is so exciting about science: not being able to predict where our work will lead.

The researchers have published their findings in the journal Science. The team consisted of Zhiwei Lin, Leticia Beltran, Zeus A. De los Santos, Yinong Li, Tehseen Adel, Jeffrey A Fagan, Angela Hight Walker, Egelman and Ming Zheng.

Reference: DNA-guided lattice remodeling of carbon nanotubes by Zhiwei Lin, Leticia C. Beltran, Zeus A. De los Santos, Yinong Li, Tehseen Adel, Jeffrey A Fagan, Angela R. Hight Walker, Edward H. Egelman and Ming Zheng, 28 July 2022, Science.DOI: 10.1126/science.abo4628

The work was supported by the Department of Commerces National Institute of Standards and Technology and by National Institutes of Health grant GM122510, as well as by an NRC postdoctoral fellowship.

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Overcoming the Impossible With DNA to Building Superconductor That Could Transform Technology - SciTechDaily

K18 co-founder Suveen Sahib on ‘driving the future of the cosmetic industry’ – Glossy

With roots in science and technology, Suveen Sahib, co-founder and CEO of K18, has been able to crack the code behind the science of hair. For Sahib, an understanding of the biology of hair was the missing component in the hair-care industry.

I took a deep dive into trying to understand the biophysics and biochemistry of hair to learn that what looks like a fiber is actually one of the most sophisticated biological composites. And, the solutions to our caring for a hair do not lie outside of hair, [but instead] they lie inside of hair, Sahib said on the latest episode of the Glossy Beauty Podcast.

After launching in the middle of the pandemic in Dec. 2020, K18 hit $75 million in sales in 2021 with just one consumer-facing product. This year, the company projects it will garner more than $100 million in sales. Though K18s strategic TikTok marketing strategy, which has included partnering with top beauty influencers Mikayla Nogueira and Brad Mondo, is partly to thank for its buzzy debut, Sahib credits the brands tried-and-tested bio-tech formula as the main driver of its success.

We launched it at the height of a pandemic and decided to go with a global launch in 50-plus countries. It was the most brutal way of testing the product. [We wanted to make sure] that it worked literally across every hair type, every generation and every [hair-care] service, Sahib said. Thats where it delivered on its promise. Stylists loved it because they could use it in every service, no matter what hair type. It saved them time, and it made [customers] routine much simpler in a post-pandemic world.

Below are additional highlights from the conversation, which have been lightly edited for clarity.

Launching a hair-care brand in the salon[K18] could have been launched as part of Aquis, but there were two fundamental things. The architecture of both the products was very different. Also, the distribution footprints were different. Acquis [is] a retail product. To build K18, it needed to go to the salon channel. For a product thats already existing out there in retail [Aquis], you cant just bring [it] to the salon. The salon community loves to start and run with a product, and stylists would be the biggest drivers and provenance of K18. Thats what drove the decision of making [K18] a separate brand and giving it its own personality and its own relevance, which would work with the stylists, rather than simply launching it as an extension of Aquis.

A hero product for both the consumer and the salonK18 is different because K18 is a progressive, experienced product, like retinol. Retinal does not work if you use it once; [you have to keep using it, and it will] continue to improve your skin texture over a period of time. Thats the case with K18. We created two products: One is a salon-only product that is used before chemical service, which is called the K18 Hair Repair Molecular Mist. Then once the chemical service is done, then they follow it up with the K18 mask. Because the K18 mask is progressive, you take that mask experience home, and this is how it works.

I dont see it as a tug-of-war between the two; I see it as one integrated world. Your own stylist is where you get all your information from, and your stylist understands your hair better than anyone else. In the past, the biggest of the hair-care brands globally whether its Krastase, Olaplex or Redkin all sprang up from the salon space and created offerings which extended to the salon experience at home. Thats how we also see K18: building it up in the salons, getting the love of the pro stylists across the globe and making sure that they not only just love the product, but also that the product simplifies their life in the salon. If its not simplifying this life in the salon, it has no value. And then leveraging some of their love to build up our franchise with the community, which is essentially their community.

How K18 sets itself apart[K18 is all] about [testing] new molecules, just like whats happening in the pharma industry. Its also about creating a path to a more sustainable way that drives the future of the cosmetic industry. Essentially, we see biotech as future-proofing beauty. No. 2 is biocompatibility and No. 3 is sustainability. Biotech essentially takes all the plants and animals out of the equation, because what it harnesses is whats most abundant in the world; its harnessing bacteria to become protein factories. In the next 10 years, we see biotech essentially replacing all cosmetic chemistry not just in hair care, but across all of beauty. K18 is playing a pioneering and leading role in that evolution.

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K18 co-founder Suveen Sahib on 'driving the future of the cosmetic industry' - Glossy

In DNA, scientists find solution to building superconductor that could transform technology – EurekAlert

image:Edward H. Egelman, PhD, of the University of Virginia School of Medicine's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, has been a leader in the field of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and he and his colleagues used cryo-EM imaging for this seemingly impossible project. It demonstrates, he said, that the cryo-EM technique has great potential in materials research. view more

Credit: Dan Addison | UVA Communications

Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and their collaborators have used DNA to overcome a nearly insurmountable obstacle to engineer materials that would revolutionize electronics.

One possible outcome of such engineered materials could be superconductors, which have zero electrical resistance, allowing electrons to flow unimpeded. That means that they dont lose energy and dont create heat, unlike current means of electrical transmission. Development of a superconductor that could be used widely at room temperature instead of at extremely high or low temperatures, as is now possible could lead to hyper-fast computers, shrink the size of electronic devices, allow high-speed trains to float on magnets and slash energy use, among other benefits.

One such superconductor was first proposed more than 50 years ago by Stanford physicist William A. Little. Scientists have spent decades trying to make it work, but even after validating the feasibility of his idea, they were left with a challenge that appeared impossible to overcome. Until now.

Edward H. Egelman, PhD, of UVAs Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, has been a leader in the field of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and he and Leticia Beltran, a graduate student in his lab,used cryo-EM imaging for this seemingly impossible project. It demonstrates, he said, that the cryo-EM technique has great potential in materials research.

Engineering at the Atomic Level

One possible way to realize Littles idea for a superconductor is to modify lattices of carbon nanotubes, hollow cylinders of carbon so tiny they must be measured in nanometers billionths of a meter. But there was a huge challenge: controlling chemical reactions along the nanotubes so that the lattice could be assembled as precisely as needed and function as intended.

Egelman and his collaborators found an answer in the very building blocks of life. They took DNA, the genetic material that tells living cells how to operate, and used it to guide a chemical reaction that would overcome the great barrier to Littles superconductor. In short, they used chemistry to perform astonishingly precise structural engineering construction at the level of individual molecules. The result was a lattice of carbon nanotubes assembled as needed for Littles room-temperature superconductor.

This work demonstrates thatordered carbon nanotube modification can be achieved by taking advantage of DNA-sequence control over the spacing between adjacent reaction sites, Egelman said.

The lattice they built has not been tested for superconductivity, for now, but it offers proof of principle and has great potential for the future, the researchers say. While cryo-EM has emerged as the main technique in biology for determining the atomic structures of protein assemblies, it has had much less impact thus far in materials science, said Egelman, whose prior work led to his induction in the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.

Egelman and his colleagues say their DNA-guided approach to lattice construction could have a wide variety of useful research applications, especially in physics. But it also validates the possibility of building Littles room-temperature superconductor. The scientists work, combined with other breakthroughs in superconductors in recent years, could ultimately transform technology as we know it and lead to a much more Star Trek future.

While we often think of biology using tools and techniques from physics, our work shows that the approaches being developed in biology can actually be applied to problems in physics and engineering, Egelman said. This is what is so exciting about science: not being able to predict where our work will lead.

Findings Published

The researchers have published their findings in the journal Science. The team consisted ofZhiwei Lin, Leticia Beltran, Zeus A. De los Santos, Yinong Li, Tehseen Adel, Jeffrey A Fagan, Angela Hight Walker, Egelman and Ming Zheng.

The work was supported bythe Department of CommercesNational Institute of Standards and Technology and by National Institutes of Health grant GM122510, as well as by an NRC postdoctoral fellowship.

To keep up with the latest medical research news from UVA, subscribe to theMaking of Medicineblog at

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Here is the original post:
In DNA, scientists find solution to building superconductor that could transform technology - EurekAlert

An easier and safer way to synthesize medicines – The Ohio State University News

Despite being some of the most versatile building blocks in organic chemistry, compounds called carbenes can be too hot to handle. In the lab, chemists often avoid using these highly reactive molecules due to how explosive they can be. Yet in a new study, published today in the journal Science, researchers from The Ohio State University report on a new, safer method to turn these short-lived, high-energy molecules from much more stable ones.

Carbenes have an incredible amount of energy in them, said David Nagib, co-author of the study and a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Ohio State. The value of that is they can do chemistry that you just cannot do any other way.

In fact, members of the Nagib Lab specialize in harnessing reagents with such high chemical energy, and have helped invent a multitude of new substances and techniques that would otherwise be chemically unobtainable.

In this study, the researchers developed catalysts made out of cheap, Earth-abundant metals, like iron, copper and cobalt, and combined them to facilitate their new method of harnessing carbene.

They were able to successfully use this new strategy to channel the power of reactive carbenes to fabricate valuable molecules on a larger scale and much more quickly than traditional methods. Nagib compared this leap to engineers figuring out how to use steel to build skyscrapers rather than brick and mortar.

For instance, one molecular feature that chemists have been hard-pressed to create is cyclopropane, a small, strained ring of twisted chemical bonds found in some medicines. More recently, cyclopropane has been used as a key ingredient in the oral antiviral pill called Paxlovid. Used to treat COVID-19, the pill reduces the severity of the disease by stopping the virus from replicating, rather than killing it outright.

Although the cyclopropane needed to fabricate the drug has been difficult to create in large quantities, Nagib said he believes his labs new method could be applied to create the drug more quickly and at a larger scale. Our new method will enable better access to dozens of types of cyclopropanes for incorporation into all kinds of medicines to treat disease, he said.

While the teams research does have potential applications outside the pharmaceutical realm, like agrochemicals, Nagib said hes most passionate about how their tool could speed up the discovery of new, targeted medicines. You could technically apply our methods to anything, he said. But in our lab, we're more interested in accessing new types of more potent drugs.

Nagib predicts that, using the process his team developed, a chemical reagent that currently takes 10 or 12 steps to make (by explosive intermediates) could be done in four or five, knocking off nearly 75% of the time it takes to fabricate.

Overall, Nagib said he hopes this research will help other chemists do their work.

There are lots of really great scientists around the world who do this kind of chemistry and using our tool they could potentially have a safer lab, Nagib said. The flavor of science that we do, the most satisfying reward is when other people use our chemical methods to make important molecules better.

Other co-authors were Lumin Zhang, a former postdoctoral fellow, as well as Bethany M. DeMuynck, Alyson N. Paneque and Joy E. Rutherford, all graduate students in the department of chemistry and biochemistry and members of the Nagib Lab. The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation.

See the rest here:
An easier and safer way to synthesize medicines - The Ohio State University News

Assistant Professor of the Department of Biochemistry job with MASARYK UNIVERSITY | 301365 – Times Higher Education

Department:Department of BiochemistryFaculty of MedicineDeadline:21 Aug 2022Start date:September 2022 or upon agreementJob type:full-time | part-timeJob field:Science and research | Education and schooling

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk Universityappoints aselection procedure for the position ofAssistant Professor of the Department of Biochemistryfull-time or part-time

The Department of Biochemistry is an educational and research facility at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk university. It ensures the teaching of students in theoretical and pre-clinical fields. For more information about us visitourwebsite,FacebookorInstagram.

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Start Date:1st September 2022 or upon agreementWorkplace:Bohunice University Campus, Kamenice 753/5,62500Brno,Czech RepublicWorking hours:full-time 40 hours per week, or part-time by agreementType of contract:employment relationship for 1 year with the possibility for extentionin the futureApplication deadline:21st August 2022

How to apply:

Submit your application by the above deadline. Please use the link in the Electronic application section (see below).

Your application must include the following documents:

After successfully submitting your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation by email. We can provide you with more detailed information on phone number 54949 6613 or e-mail

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Assistant Professor of the Department of Biochemistry job with MASARYK UNIVERSITY | 301365 - Times Higher Education

Newly identified compound binds to Shiga toxin to reduce its toxicity – EurekAlert

image:Researchers from Japan used a peptide-based pharmacophore to identify a potent molecule that binds to and inhibits the bacterial Shiga toxin, Stx2a. Results suggest that the novel compound #6 may be an effective therapeutic agent against enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections. view more

Credit: Image credit: Prof. Kiyotaka Nishikawa from Doshisha University, JapanImage link:

A strain of E. coli bacteria called enterohemorrhagicE. coli(EHEC) is known to cause several gastrointestinal disorders, which include bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, by damaging the intestinal lining. When accompanied with fatal systemic complications, it can even cause acute renal failure in children. The EHEC exerts these deadly effects by producing the Shiga toxin (Stx), of which the Stx2a subtype is particularly virulent and deadly. Compounds that can inhibit these toxins are, therefore, desirable as potential therapeutics against EHEC infections.

To this end, a group of scientists from Japan led by Professor Kiyotaka Nishikawa from Doshisha University has recently discovered a molecule that inhibits Stx2a toxicity by binding to its A-subunit - the part of the toxin responsible for its lethality.

The catalytic A-subunit of Stx2a toxin inhibits protein synthesis and its inhibition could be crucial for slowing EHEC pathogenesis, says Prof. Nishikawa, explaining their motivation behind the study, which waspublished inScientific Reports. The same group had earlier developed an inhibitory molecule that can bind to the B-subunit of Shiga toxin and reduce its toxicity.

Professor Nishikawa and his colleagues, including Assistant Professor Miho Watanabe-Takahashi of Doshisha University, Dr. Miki Senda and Dr. Toshiya Senda of the Institute of Materials Structure Science at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), and Dr. Kentaro Shimizu of the University of Tokyo, among others, identified the potent compound from a database with over 7,400,000 molecules.

To do this, the researchers had to first identify the basic 3D arrangement of molecules (the peptide motif) that can occupy the catalytic cavity in the A-subunit. In a stroke of luck, they stumbled upon a synthetic molecule with a high affinity for A-subunit. This molecule, a peptide called MMA-mono, helped identify the compound that could bind to the A-subunit of Shiga toxin by serving as a template.

The researchers next outlined the molecular and electronic structure that a possible inhibitory compound must have using structural analysis and X-ray crystallography. These features of a potential inhibitor, known as a pharmacophore, was then confirmed using molecular dynamics simulations.

Finally, they screened a chemical database for compounds that resembled the pharmacophore and identified nine candidates using docking simulations. Of these, a compound identified as compound #6 showed effective binding to the A-subunit of Stx2a.

Further, in vitro cytotoxicity assays using Vero cells showed that compound #6 significantly reduced the destruction of cells caused by Stx2a. Additionally, mice models treated with a lethal dose of Stx2a and compound #6 survived longer than those injected with only Stx2a.

Prof. Nishikawa is optimistic about the future applications of this study. On being asked how the compound might work in the infected cells, he explains, The hydrophobicity of compound #6 may facilitate penetration through the cell envelope, allowing it to inhibit the toxin present in the cells. We believe that it holds promise as a novel therapeutic agent for treating EHEC infections.

The team has even suggested that their studied pharmacophore could help design more inhibitors for similar toxins, such as the bioterrorism agent ricin, whose catalytic region has a structure similar to that of Stx.

We can certainly expect some new developments in the treatment of intestinal diseases caused by bacteria!

About Assistant Professor Miho Watanabe-Takahashi from Doshisha University, JapanDr. Miho Watanabe-Takahashi is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences in the Department of Medical Life Systems at Doshisha University. She received her Ph.D. from Hoshi University, Japan, in 2006. She works primarily in Life Sciences and Pharmacology with a focus on health and biochemistry. She has 24 peer-reviewed publications in reputed journals and holds several industrial property rights. Her major research interests include Shiga toxin, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Complex and Pleckstrin Homology Domain.

About Professor Kiyotaka Nishikawa from Doshisha University, JapanDr. Kiyotaka Nishikawa is a Professor at the Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences in the Department of Medical Life Systems at Doshisha University. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo, Japan in 1989. He works primarily in Life Sciences and Pharmacology with a focus on health and biochemistry. He has more than 33 years of experience as a researcher and has 56 publications in peer-reviewed international journals. He also holds several industrial property rights.

Media contact:Organization for Research Initiatives & DevelopmentDoshisha UniversityKyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0394,

Scientific Reports

Experimental study


A unique peptide-based pharmacophore identifies an inhibitory compound against the A-subunit of Shiga toxin


The authors declare no competing interests.

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Newly identified compound binds to Shiga toxin to reduce its toxicity - EurekAlert

Dr. Fauci Profiteered From The Pandemic OpEd – Eurasia Review

While Dr. Fauci has been a government bureaucrat for more than 55 years, his household net worth skyrocketed during the pandemic, OpenTheBooks CEO Adam Andrzejewskitold Fox News. Faucis soaring net worth was based on career-end salary spiking, lucrative cash prizes awarded by non-profit organizations around the world and an ever-larger investment portfolio.

Dr. Fauci and his wifeChristine Grady, head of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health, saw their net worth expand from $7.5 million in 2019 to $12.6 million at the end of 2021. That marks an increase of $5 million, from investment gains, awards, compensation, and royalties. OpenTheBooks had to file four lawsuits to gain the information.

As they also learned, between 2020 and 2022,Dr. Faucis government compensation increased by more than $20,000. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director remained the highest-paid federal employee at $456,028 in 2021. That is more than the salary of Joe Biden, who has joked that Dr. Fauci is thereal president. Christine Grady was paid $238,970 in 2021, and since 2015 has brought in $1.6 million from her NIH position.

Public health guidance during the pandemic has drastically impacted the lives of every citizen, and Dr. Fauci has been its most visible face,Andrzejewski explained. Its critical to know whether any decision-making is tied up in the financial interests of public leaders, whether theyve made any ethics disclosures to the government, and how they invested.

The previous week, Dr. Fauci admitted that his draconian lockdown policies would lead to collateral negative consequences for the economy and schoolchildren. As parents might recall, the scientists of the Great Barrington Declaration, argued thatschool shutdowns harmed children without affecting disease spread.Instead of debating the Great Barrington scientistsDrs. Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford University), Sunetra Gupta (Oxford University), and Martin Kulldorff (Harvard University), Dr. Fauci and NIH director Francis Collins sought toshut them down.

If we want scientists to speak freely in the future, Dr. Bhattacharya said, we should avoid having the same people in charge of public health policy and medical research funding.

Dr. Fauci, who wields that power, earned a medical degree in 1966 but took a job with the NIH in 1968. Dr. Faucis bio shows no advanced degrees in biochemistry or molecular biology but in 1984 NIH made him director of NIAID, a position he still holds, commanding a budget ofmore than $6 billion.

Dr. Fauci has announced plans to leave government in December. As OpenTheBooks confirms, the NIAID boss retires in fine style.

This article was published by The Beacon

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Dr. Fauci Profiteered From The Pandemic OpEd - Eurasia Review

Advice: How pre-med freshmen can start preparing now – The Cougar – The Daily Cougar

By Olivia Tran July 18, 2022

Juana Garcia/The Cougar

So, youve decided you want to be a doctor. Welcome to the pre-med world at UH it can be a long and crazy ride, but if youre confident you want to be a physician and are willing to work hard towards your dream, you can get there. As someone who initially felt lost, here are a few things I wish Id known going in.

You can major in anything and still be pre-med. No major is better than another for medical school admissions, so pick something that interests you and that you can do well in. While majors like biology include many of the prerequisite classes required for medical school and surround you with other UH pre-meds, non-science majors can add variety to your courses and allow you to meet people outside your pre-med bubble.

Most medical schools require general biology, general and organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, statistics, English and advanced biology, for example genetics, regardless of major. Check the UH pre-health website to see what classes count towards these.

Do your best to do well in them- schools look at biology, chemistry, physics and math grades. Being engaged in class will make it easier to do well in future courses and exams and secure strong letters of recommendation.

Community service goes a long way as a pre-med student, as it shows your desire to help those around you. Whether you tutor middle school students through a campus organization or help at a nearby animal shelter, try to show consistency and initiative in something that matters to you.

You can even create service projects as you gain more experience. Student organizations can help you access volunteer opportunities and leadership roles.

Clinical experience can be anything from volunteering in a hospital to working as a medical scribe. In contrast, shadowing means you follow a doctor around and observe their daily activities. Its essential to have both to understand the realities of the medical field maybe youll find its not for you, and thats OK.

These experiences can be hard to find, especially if you want a specific schedule, location or salary. So youll have to be proactive and get used to cold calling. Since UH is near the Texas Medical Center, you can find many opportunities that are just a short car or Metro ride away.

While research isnt strictly required, medical schools appreciate applicants who show critical thinking and scientific inquiry. Opportunities include wet lab pipetting, mice work, computer modeling, translational and clinical research, health disparities and even research completely outside of health.

Most UH labs are willing to take on undergraduates, but you must be eager and persistent when asking to join. Cold emailing to ask for a meeting with the professor in charge of the lab, the principal investigator, is a typical way to start. You can also reach out to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Major Awards.

Non-medical employment can pay the bills and boost your application. Being a waitress or cashier shows you have people skills, are dependable and can balance a real job with school. These often pay more than entry-level clinical jobs, so its something to consider if you find yourself strapped for cash.

Dont forget to keep up with what makes you, you. Whether rock climbing, drawing or just getting boba with friends, these activities can help you de-stress and can also be put on your application if they are significant to you.

I put this last because you dont need to stress about it yet. The Medical College Admissions Test consists of four sections- chemistry/physics, reading, biology/biochemistry and psychology/sociology.

Students usually take it between sophomore and junior year at the earliest, with most taking it during the spring semester of their junior year if they want to enter medical school right after graduation. The most important thing you can do to prepare as a freshman is to do well in your relevant classes and retain the material.

If you feel overwhelmed already, dont be. No one is perfect in all these aspects nor capable of focusing on all of them simultaneously. Medical schools understand if your circumstances prevent you from doing as much as youd like. Be sure to check out the UH Pre-Health Advising Center website for more detailed information, and best of luck as you begin your journey.


Tags: med school, premed, student life

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Advice: How pre-med freshmen can start preparing now - The Cougar - The Daily Cougar

Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Science, Biochemistry, Dr. Azam Gholami job with NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI | 300813 – Times Higher…


Applications are invited for a fully-funded Post-Doctoral Associate position in the newly established multidisciplinary group of Prof. Azam Gholami at New York University Abu Dhabi. The appointed candidate will be expected to work on:

We seek a highly qualified candidate with a strong background in protein production and purification with a focus on trans-membrane proteins. The appointed candidate will be expected to be familiar with bacterial protein expression and chromatographic purification techniques. Expertise in the reconstitution of membrane proteins into lipid vesicles/polymersomes and skills in microfluidics and optical microscopy are highly advantageous.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in protein biochemistry or a related field and an excellent track record of original research on the relevant topics. For consideration, applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with full publication list, statement of research accomplishments and interests and contact information for at least three references, all in PDF format. If you have any questions, please email Prof. Azam Gholami

This position is not located in the United States and the applicant must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYUs global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

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Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Science, Biochemistry, Dr. Azam Gholami job with NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI | 300813 - Times Higher...