Karolinska Development’s portfolio company Dilafor initiates collaboration with Liverpool University to study the effect of tafoxiparin on SARS-CoV-2…

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN April 17, 2020. Karolinska Development (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) announces today that a research group at Liverpool University intends to initiate a preclinical research study to investigate the potential inhibitory effect of Dilafors pharmaceutical drug candidate tafoxiparin on SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19.

Dilafors pharmaceutical drug candidate tafoxiparin is a unique, proprietary substance mimicking heparan sulfate, an endogenous molecule found on cell surfaces. Tafoxiparin is developed primarily to avoid complications affecting the mother and her infant during childbirth. The drug candidate is currently undergoing a phase 2 clinical trial in an obstetric indication.

Tafoxiparin has important structural similarities to heparin an anticoagulant used to prevent and treat thrombosis. A limiting side effect from heparin is hemorrhage. This risk is not present with tafoxiparin since the substance lacks anticoagulative properties. It has been shown in experimental studies that heparin has an effect on several types of viruses SARS-associated coronavirus, herpes, influenza and HIV. However, clinical evaluations of heparins effect on these viruses have been hampered due to the risk of hemorrhage in patients. Researchers at Liverpool University have recently provided evidence that heparin binds to the spike protein on the cell surface of SARS-CoV-2 which the virus uses to attach to and invade human cells. By physically blocking interactions with this protein, the ability of the virus to attack human cells could be impeded. There are also preliminary data indicating that non-coagulative heparin-like substances, such as tafoxiparin, exhibit similar promising qualities.

Liverpool University, in partnership with Keele University, has established a preclinical platform enabling fast screenings of different substances effects on SARS-CoV-2 interactions with heparan sulfate and cells. Tafoxiparin is one of the drug candidates which the research group will now study in order to find an effective treatment of patients whove been struck by the virus. Dilafor will support the British research groups in the endeavor by providing tafoxiparin, as well as by sharing the companys internal data and in-house knowledge on the drug candidate.

We are convinced about the potential for non-anticoagulant heparan sulfate mimetics to be used to target mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection causing Covid-19 disease, so we are pleased to have the opportunity to work with Dilafor on their drug candidate tafoxiparin says Prof Jeremy Turnbull, Johnston Professor of Biochemistry at Liverpool University.

The University of Liverpool has a taken a commendable initiative to investigate whether tafoxiparin could be a possible treatment option for Covid-19 and other strains of coronaviruses threatening to strike the world in the future. The project is at a very early stage, but we are looking forward to the results of the recently initiated preclinical study, says Viktor Drvota, CEO of Karolinska Development.

For further information, please contact:

Viktor Drvota, CEO, Karolinska Development AB Phone: +46 73 982 52 02, e-mail: viktor.drvota@karolinskadevelopment.com

Prof Jeremy Turnbull, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool.Phone: +44 79 290 35 185, e-mail: j.turnbull@liverpool.ac.uk


About Karolinska Development ABKarolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) is a Nordic life sciences investment company. The company focuses on identifying breakthrough medical innovations in the Nordic region that are developed by entrepreneurs and leadership teams. The Company invests in the creation and growth of companies that advance these assets into commercial products that are designed to make a difference to patients' lives while providing an attractive return on investment to shareholders.

Karolinska Development has access to world-class medical innovations at the Karolinska Institutet and other leading universities and research institutes in the Nordic region. The Company aims to build companies around scientists who are leaders in their fields, supported by experienced management teams and advisers, and co-funded by specialist international investors, to provide the greatest chance of success.

Karolinska Development has a portfolio of nine companies targeting opportunities in innovative treatment for life-threatening or serious debilitating diseases.

The Company is led by an entrepreneurial team of investment professionals with a proven track record as company builders and with access to a strong global network.

For more information, please visit http://www.karolinskadevelopment.com

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Karolinska Development's portfolio company Dilafor initiates collaboration with Liverpool University to study the effect of tafoxiparin on SARS-CoV-2...

Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Analysis with Impact of COVID-19 on Growth Opportunity by 2024 – 3rd Watch News

The Research Report on Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market is a Skillful and Deep Analysis of the Present Situation and Challenges. Experts have studied the historical data and compared it with the current market situation. The Research Report covers all the necessary information required by new market entrants as well as the existing players to gain a deeper insight into the market.

The Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Research study relies upon a combination of primary as well as secondary research. It throws light on the key factors concerned with generating and limiting Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market growth. In addition, the current mergers and acquisition by key players in the market have been described at length. Additionally, the historical information and growth in the CAGR have been given in the research report. The latest trends, product portfolio, demographics, geographical segmentation, and regulatory framework of the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market have also been included in the study.

Below mentioned companies are analyzed upon their revenue, price margins in the market and main products they offer: Biochemical Systems International, BPC BioSed, Carolina Liquid Chemistries, Abaxis Europe, AMS Alliance, Randox Laboratories, Rayto Life and Analytical Sciences, Scil Animal Care, Crony Instruments, DiaSys Diagnostic Systems, Eurolyser Diagnostica, Gesan Production, Heska, Idexx Laboratories, LITEON IT Corporation, Shenzhen Icubio Biomedical Technology, URIT Medical Electronic

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Market segment by product type, split into Bench-Top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer, Portable Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer along with their consumption (sales), market share and growth rate.

Market segment by application, split into Pet Hospital, Veterinary Station along with their consumption (sales), market share and growth rate.

This study gives data on patterns and improvements, and spotlights on Markets and materials, limits and on the changing structure of the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Industry. The key motivation behind the report is to give a proper and key examination of this industry.

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Moreover, the report includes analysis of different products available in the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market on the subject of production volume, revenue, pricing structure, and demand and supply figures. The report highlights profitable business strategies of market competitors along with their business expansion, composition, partnership deals, and new product/service launches.

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Acquire Market Research is a market research-based company empowering companies with data-driven insights. We provide Market Research Reports with accurate and well-informed data, Real-Time with Real Application. A good research methodology proves to be powerful and simplified information that applied right from day-to-day lives to complex decisions helps us navigate through with vision, purpose and well-armed strategies. At Acquire Market Research, we constantly strive for innovation in the techniques and the quality of analysis that goes into our reports.

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Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Analysis with Impact of COVID-19 on Growth Opportunity by 2024 - 3rd Watch News

Intelligent Design and the Transformative Summer Seminar: A Student Reflects – Discovery Institute

Photo: Moon over Seattle's Space Needle, by Nathan Jacobson.

On a new episode ofID the Future, host Emily Kurlinski interviews Mary, a PhD biochemistry student who tells about her experiences at the annual Center for Science & Cultures Summer Seminar program in Seattle, and how her relationships there developed into a community of friendship, professional connection, and support.Download the podcast or listen to it here.

What about the charge that ID is a curiosity killer, tempting scientists to answer every natural mystery with a shrug and a God did it? Mary says ID had just the opposite effect on her. Her pro-design perspective actually led her to choose a career in research, and the conviction that nature is a meaningful and purposeful affair makes her more eager and optimistic about uncovering deeper layers of order and elegance in the natural world than otherwise. Why does she use a pseudonym in the interview? You may be able to guess, but listen in to hear her explanation.

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Intelligent Design and the Transformative Summer Seminar: A Student Reflects - Discovery Institute

Why is our son struggling to pay attention? – NNY360

Q: Our son, age 8, has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. His IQ is well above average but his actual performance in the classroom is problematic. He has difficulty paying attention and finishing his work. We got him a tutor an older retired teacher this year. He worked well with her, but that really didnt solve the classroom problem. The tutor said he was easily bored with third-grade work and needed more of a challenge. She recommended moving him out of public school or even homeschooling. At home, hes respectful and obedient. When we ask him to explain the problem to us, all we get is I dont know. We dont want to put him on the drug thats been recommended, but weve been told it will correct his biochemical imbalance and help him concentrate. What should we do?

A: As a leading psychiatrist has admitted, the term biochemical imbalance is, in his very words, nothing but a useful metaphor. In other words, it has no basis in scientific fact.

To speak credibly about an imbalance in a system, one must first quantify the systems state of balance. Concerning the brains chemistry, that has never been done; furthermore, it may be impossible to do. Is it not fascinating that mental health professionals frequently claim that certain children have brain-based biochemical imbalances, yet do so on the basis of no physical examinations whatsoever? No biopsies, blood sample analyses, MRIs, nothing. And yet they claim to know that these kids brain chemistry is out of whack. Nothing short of amazing or, more accurately, nothing short of hocus-pocus.

The drugs used to treat ADD/ADHD are stimulants. They do not correct the fictional imbalance; rather, they create one. Furthermore, they have never reliably outperformed placebos in clinical trials but unlike placebos (e.g. sugar, bicarbonate of soda) they have verified side effects like anxiety, depressed appetite, headaches, even psychotic reactions. Not that every child taking these medications experiences such side effects, mind you, but the risk is significant.

As is the case with all other psychiatric diagnoses, no one has ever proven that someone has attention deficit disorder. One can have leukemia or some other verifiable physical disorder or disease; one cannot have what is nothing but a theoretical construct.

In the absence of scientific evidence that your son has a brain-based disorder that prevents him from paying attention and finishing schoolwork, Id place my bets on the tutors explanation. She is an experienced professional educator. She has worked directly with your son. She knows him fairly well, much better, probably, than someone whos only given him a battery of tests (that have their own problems, by the way).

The tutor says your son is bored, meaning he can do the work, but its not challenging enough for him. Hes a smart kid; he needs to be challenged. Ive been witness to lots of kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD miraculously cured of metaphorical hocus-pocus by simply being moved to different schools, the worst side effect of which is a period of adjustment.

Visit family psychologist John Rosemonds website at http://www.johnrosemond.com; readers may send him email at questions@rosemond.com; due to the volume of mail, not every question will be answered.

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Why is our son struggling to pay attention? - NNY360

June: epsrc-zerocarbon | News and features – University of Bristol

Chemists, biochemists and physicists at Bristol, Exeter and Sheffield have teamed up in a 7.25 million five-year project that could drive down the cost of energy production and help in the governments net zero carbon ambitions

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has awarded funding for a programme designed to develop 'Molecular Photonic Breadboards'. These are organic molecular materials that it is hoped will enable highly efficient capture and transport of light energy.

Solar cells are powered by silicon semiconductors absorbing sunlight and converting that light into electricity. For organic materials to match the efficiency of silicon, scientists need to control the behaviour of excitons - formed when light is absorbed by molecules - much more effectively.

The project, led by Professor Graham Leggett, a chemist at the University of Sheffield. Professor Leggett said: "Control of excitons is essential for many new and emerging technologies identified in the government's Industrial Strategy as being vital to the economic success of the UK, including solar energy capture, photocatalysis, quantum technologies, and the design of diagnostic devices for personalised medicine.

"An unsolved grand challenge has been to develop design rules for the long-range transport of excitons. Our goal is to solve this grand challenge."

Bristols involvement centres on the Bristol BioDesign Institute and Professor Dek Woolfson's protein-design laboratory. Dek, who is Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, commented: "This is a really exciting project. For several years, we have been designing proteins from scratch mostly just to see if it could be done. This led to the discovery of a completely new class of proteins that we call alpha-helical barrels. Their unusual shapes make them ideal for applications of the type that will be explored in this collaboration with Graham and colleagues."

The 7.25 million grant includes 800,000 for the protein-design work at Bristol.

About Bristol BioDesign InstituteBristol BioDesign Institute (BBI)is the University of Bristol's Specialist Research Institute for synthetic biology. With wide-ranging applications from health to food security, BBI combines pioneering synthetic biology approaches with understanding biomolecular systems to deliver the rational design and engineering of biological systems for useful purposes.

This is delivered through multidisciplinary research that brings together postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, academics, policy makers and industry, whilst also engaging the public with emerging solutions to global challenges.

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June: epsrc-zerocarbon | News and features - University of Bristol

COVID-19 Impact on Global Biochemistry Analyzer Industry 2020: Industry Trends, Size, Applications, SWOT Analysis by Top Key Players and Forecast…

Biochemistry Analyzer IndustryReport is designed to provide Industry Experts and Investors with detail overview of Biochemistry Analyzer Industry report, which will help them to take decisions with respect to Key Players, Regions, Manufacturers, Types and Trend etc.

This report gives a detail insight for a period of 2018-2025 Research Report. The market size estimations have been provided in terms of value (USD million).

Get Sample Copy of this Report at https://www.orianresearch.com/request-sample/590363

TheGlobal Biochemistry Analyzer Marketis expected to grow USD XX Million by 2025 at a CAGR of around 5.9% during the forecast period, 2018-2025. Biochemistry analyser can chemicals in biological samples. These analyzers focuses on analytes such as electrolytes, drugs of abuse, specific proteins, enzyme, and metabolite tests for cardiac, liver, and renal function.

Top Key Players Analyzed in Global Biochemistry Analyzer Market are Siemens AG Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. Randox Laboratories Ltd. Abbott, Danaher Corporation F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. Meril, Hologic Inc. Beckman Coulter Inc. Horiba Medical

The market size estimations have been provided in terms of value (USD million). The global Biochemistry Analyzer industry report also identifies major market players and provides analysis in terms of company overview, Financials, products & services, market trends, recent developments and growth strategies.

Regionally, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, And the Middle East & Africa constitute the key market segments.

Complete report on Biochemistry Analyzer Industry spread across 121 pages, profiling 8 companies and supported with tables and figures. For more details Enquire @https://www.orianresearch.com/enquiry-before-buying/590363

Theglobal Biochemistry Analyzer marketis anticipated to show significant growth during the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to rising incidence of diseases and rapidly growing demand for diagnostic tests. Due to a increase in the disposable income, the number of people with insurance has also increased, giving them accessibility to private labs that have high-end diagnostic instruments. However, high cost of diagnostic tests is key factor projected to curb the market growth over the forecast period.

Biochemistry analyzer have wide applications in Clinical Diagnostics, Drug Development Applications, Bioreactor By Product Detection and Others. clinical diagnostics segment was the leading segment and it accounted for largest share of total revenue generated in 2017. The drug development applications segment is forecast to be the second most lucrative segment in the global biochemistry analyzers market

Key Benefit Of This Report: Global, Regional, Country, Application, and TECHNOLOGY Market Size and Forecast from 2014-2025 Provide attractive market segments and associated growth opportunities Detailed market dynamics, industry outlook with market specific PESTLE, Value Chain, Supply Chain, and SWOT Analysis to better understand the market and build strategies Identification of key companies that can influence this market on a global and regional scale Expert interviews and their insights on market shift, current and future outlook and factors impacting vendors short term and long term strategies Detailed insights on emerging regions, product & application, and competitive landscape with qualitative and quantitative information and facts

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In terms of revene, North America held large chunk of market share in 2017 on account of presence of developed healthcare infrastructure. In 2017, Europe was the second largest regional market in terms of revenue. Asia pacific is expected to witness rapid growth within the forecast period owing to increasing demand from China, Japan, and India.

Major Points Covered in Table of Contents:1 Executive Summary2 Methodology And Market Scope3 Infiniband Market Industry Outlook4 Biochemistry Analyzer Market Type Outlook5 Biochemistry Analyzer Market Application Outlook6 Biochemistry Analyzer Market Regional Outlook7 Competitive Landscape

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COVID-19 Impact on Global Biochemistry Analyzer Industry 2020: Industry Trends, Size, Applications, SWOT Analysis by Top Key Players and Forecast...

Comprehensive Report on Biochemical Reagent Market 2020 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Thermo Fisher Scientific,…

Biochemical Reagent Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

Biochemical Reagent Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2026. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market.

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Top Key Players Profiled in This Report:

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Beckman Coulter, Abbott, Merck & Co., Inc., Life Technologies, Bio-Rad, Water Corporation, Sigma-Aldrich, Agilent Technologies Inc., Betcon Dickinson, Roche, AB Analitica, Gesan Production, Medicalsystem Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Promega, PZ CorAugust, SENTINEL CH., Teco Diagnostics, Dickinson & Company, ,

The key questions answered in this report:

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Biochemical Reagent market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Biochemical Reagent markets trajectory between forecast periods.

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Table of Contents:

Global Biochemical Reagent Market Research Report

Chapter 1 Biochemical Reagent Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Biochemical Reagent Market Forecast

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Comprehensive Report on Biochemical Reagent Market 2020 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Thermo Fisher Scientific,...

Nutritionist Maya Feller: 5 ways to diversify the wellness industry – NBC News

As a Black dietitian, I have witnessed multiple deficiencies across the wellness industry, specifically a lack of representation of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).

Not only is there limited imagery showcasing diverse skin tones, hair texture and body shapes, there are fewer wellness campaigns and initiatives centered around and for BIPOC.

Years ago, I reached out to a large beauty retailer to request more variety with their birthday gifts for members. Im a dark-skinned woman who had to choose between light peach and deeper peach foundation for my complimentary birthday gift. This to me was an indication that not only did I not matter, the priority was white and fair-skinned patrons.

When I walk into higher-end, well serviced gyms, Im less likely to see diversity in the members, owners and top-level staff. I have not felt welcomed in many of these spaces and imagine that the experience is similar for other BIPOC.

And in my industry, less than 3 percent of all dietitians are Black. That means when a person of color or any person for that matter, seeks out care from a registered dietician, they are most likely going to have a white provider. Lets be clear - the problem is not that the provider is white. The problem is the lack of representation in the field.

Additionally, dietitians receive little to no training in the areas of cultural humility. We are taught that there is a narrow margin for how to be healthy. And this does not allow for alternative perspectives. We dietitians are educated on the biochemical pathways of nutrients and the evidence-based diet patterns that support health. Yet there is little education on how to effectively include and consider the culture and ethnicity of our patients into our nutrition interventions.

For example, a person living in Yemen will make a vegetable dish with local herbs and spices. How do we translate that same dish once that person immigrated to the U.S.? How do we honor their foodways without shaming them or saying the Western way is the only way? This is not ingrained in the world of wellness. We simply dont have the framework to do this. The end result? our patients don't receive culturally-sensitive, individualized care.

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything, its that racism, not race, is an underlying risk factor for poor health outcomes. Thats why my industry, the wellness industry, matters so much right now. The lack of diversity is a systemic problem that requires everyone's involvement.

So what are some ways to move the needle forward?

Injustice and violence against Black bodies is centuries old. The systems within this country are designed to keep Black people marginalized, and we must start with this recognition.

Meaningful change takes time, intentionality, willingness to constantly listen and learn, acknowledgement that to be white in the U.S. means being able to benefit from the system while minorities are systematically pushed aside. That may be uncomfortable to hear, especially for people who want to be allies.

This means providers in the traditional sense(including MDs, CNMs, NPs, PhDs, RNs and RDs) as well as body workers (including acupuncture, massage therapists, and physical trainers).

When we seek out spaces that are truly diverse and representative of the population, it not only shifts our lens and perception of who should be in those positions. It also allows for a variety of viewpoints, that should be integral to any health or wellness practice.

Be intentional with how and where you spend your hard-earned dollars. Seek out beauty companies, gyms, wellness centers, spas, salons, yoga studios, that are owned and operated by BIPOC. Demand that brands and businesses that you already support make diversity and inclusion part of their mission.

Commit to continually learning. Part of being an ally is committing to take the time to educate oneself. This country did not come to a head overnight; racism has been alive and well since Black people were stolen from African and The Caribbean. Learn the history of systemic racism, so you are ready to strategically support systemic change.

Take advantage of the many online resources, visit libraries and museums. Seek out formal workshops and trainings in your area explicitly focused on racial justice. Additionally, the next time you sign up for a yoga teacher training or flower essence class, look for one that is led by a BIPOC.

As the country opens back up and people return to some semblance of normalcy, there is the desire to move on. Just as COVID-19 is still very much present, the systems that allow racism and bias in wellness to thrive are very much intact. We need to weave antiracist work and wellness rituals into our everyday lives to remember how and why we ended up here.

Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN of Brooklyn-based Maya Feller Nutrition is a registered dietitian nutritionist who works with patients looking for nutritional management of diet related chronic illnesses with medical nutrition therapy. Maya received her masters of science in clinical nutrition at New York University, where she is adjunct faculty. She is the author of "The Southern Comfort Food Diabetes Cookbook: Over 100 Recipes for a Healthy Life."

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Nutritionist Maya Feller: 5 ways to diversify the wellness industry - NBC News

Assessing the Fallout From the Coronavirus Pandemic Biochemical Sensor Market: Global Opportunities, Regional Overview, Top Leaders, Size, Revenue…

The report on the Biochemical Sensor market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Biochemical Sensor market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Biochemical Sensor market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Biochemical Sensor market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

For top companies in United States, European Union and China, this report investigates and analyzes the production, value, price, market share and growth rate for the top manufacturers, key data from 2019 to 2025.

The Biochemical Sensor market report firstly introduced the basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the worlds main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the Biochemical Sensor market report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @ https://www.researchmoz.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2676293&source=atm

The major players profiled in this Biochemical Sensor market report include:

Key market playersMajor competitors identified in this market include Honeywell, TE Connectivity, NovaSensor, AMS AG, Tekscan, Measurement Specialties, Sysmex, AMETEK, Melexis, Beckman Coulter Inc, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Endress+Hauser, First Sensor Medical, Pressure Profile Systems, SMD Sensors, Microchip Technology Inc, NXP Semiconductors, BioVision Technologies, Analog, etc.

Based on the Region:Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India and ASEAN)North America (US and Canada)Europe (Germany, France, UK and Italy)Rest of World (Latin America, Middle East & Africa)

Based on the Type:TemperatureECGImageMotionPressure

Based on the Application:DiagnosticsMonitoringOther

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Assessing the Fallout From the Coronavirus Pandemic Biochemical Sensor Market: Global Opportunities, Regional Overview, Top Leaders, Size, Revenue...

Former UT walk-on linebacker recalls juggling band practice, and biochemistry – San Antonio Express-News

AUSTIN Some nights, Shawn Izadi never made it out of the Moncrief-Neuhaus Athletic Center.

Hed pack sheets and pillows, workout gear for the morning training session, and prepare to sleep on a couch inside the complex attached to Royal-Memorial Stadium.

Study sessions for the walk-on linebacker-slash-Longhorn Band saxophonist-slash-biochemistry major might stretch to 1:30 a.m. Those evenings, hed glance at the clock with weary eyes and calculate how much time remained before the morning alarm blared about three and a half hours.

I would just maximize every minute instead of having to walk back home and walk back to Moncrief, Izadi said. I was like, I could save myself 30, 40 minutes, get some sleep and be ready to go in the morning.

By his own admission, Izadi was truly a crazy person.

The Coppell native and 2014 UT graduate didnt originally plan to play football for Mack Brown. Izadi gave up the game as a high school sophomore. Chosen as the bands drum major going into his junior year, he decided to pour his extracurricular efforts into that and abandon a game he still loved.

By spring of his sophomore year, Izadi got an idea. Even with band duties and one of UTs most demanding majors consuming time, he missed the game.

I thought, you know, if Im going to play for any team, it might as well be the best team in the country, Izadi said. The first time I tried out I didnt take myself seriously. I really wasnt prepared from a conditioning standpoint, weight training standpoint. I was just a band nerd at that time. And so of course that ended exactly the way you think its gonna end.

Izadis first tryout was a disaster. The result remains seared into his memory body depleted, corpse-like, crumpled up in a pile of sweat and vomit. Drained of everything save his will to try again.

He went out again the following fall. Better this time, but not enough.

Izadi still hadnt reached his breaking point by the time spring tryouts commenced in 2012. By then, the strength and conditioning staff recognized the face. They could hardly believe the biochem band nerd was back for more punishment.

They were like, Again? Are we gonna have to kill him for a third time? Izadi quipped. And luckily I was in pretty good shape. I wasnt keeling over. And gladly they saw something to take a chance on me.

Still upright and breathing after the third try, Izadi found his name listed among the new walk-ons on a sign posted outside Moncrief. That day felt like a dream.

He floated through the athletic center, in awe of the memorabilia on display, the legends commemorated on plaques and busts. Izadi was part of it now.

I saw my name, and I almost didnt believe it, Izadi confessed. I was like, Is this correct? Because I wasnt expecting I was just naturally you know, keeping my expectations low. This is gonna sound cheesy, but I actually teared up a little bit.

The team gave Izadi a locker next to Jordan Hicks, a high school All-American who went on to win Super Bowl LII as a member of the Philadelphia Eagles. So the saxophonist and future medical student set up shop next to the 2015 NFL draft pick who now plays for the Arizona Cardinals.

About two hours after he was accepted to the Texas football team, Izadi had to scramble to get over to band practice. Somehow, over the next two years, he managed the juggling act.

Izadi suited up for home games and traveled with the band for road trips. He never missed practice for either.

In fact, Brown and the rest of the staff had no idea one of their players was pulling double duty until they traveled to the Cotton Bowl in October 2013 for the Red River Showdown.

We were marching in and Coach Brown looked at me, Izadi recalled. He was like, Is that Shawn? The entire coaching staff is like, Shawn Azadi, whats he doing with a saxophone and a Stetson cowboy hat on?

They just literally went haywire on the sidelines. I think that was actually probably the greatest part for me.

Izadi never appeared in a game. Didnt matter. The experience, the grind and the battle to earn his helmet, was enough.

After graduating he spent a year working at Irvings Abbott Laboratories then returned to football in 2015 as a graduate assistant and coaching intern at North Texas. Brown helped him secure the gig.

All the while, he was waiting on an acceptance letter from University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) School of Medicine.

Its really interesting because looking back it I dont even know if at that time I really had direction, Izadi said. But I knew that I loved football. I knew that I loved medicine. I knew that I wanted to be in one of those fields.

Good news arrived during the season. Izadi enrolled at UTRGV in July 2016 and graduated this spring.

Next week, hell move out to Portland, Ore., to begin training at Oregon Health and Science University for general surgery. It could last five to seven years, two more if Izadi opts to become either a pediatric surgeon or a trauma critical care surgeon.

To most, that sounds like a nightmare. For Izadi, its simply another challenge.

Once I set my mind toward something, Izadi said, Im not going to quit until I get it.


Twitter: @NRmoyle

See original here:
Former UT walk-on linebacker recalls juggling band practice, and biochemistry - San Antonio Express-News

Trending News: Covid-19 Impact On Biochemical Reagent Market Trends, Demand, Industry Growth Analysis And Outlook Forecast To 2025 | Abbott, Merck…

Trending Biochemical Reagent Market 2020: COVID-19 Outbreak Impact Analysis

Chicago, United States ,The report entitled Global Biochemical Reagent Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 released byReport Hive Researchcomprises an assessment of the market which provides the real-time market scenario and its projections during 2020 to 2025 time-period. The report offers an understanding of the demographic changes that took place in recent years. The report presents an analysis of market size, share, growth, trends, statistical and comprehensive facts of the global Biochemical Reagent market. This research study presents informative information and in-depth evaluation of the market and its segments based totally on technology, geography, region, and applications.

The report highlights several significant features of the global Biochemical Reagent market encompassing competitive landscape, segmentation analysis, and industry environment. It shows the scope of the market and a brief overview of the definition and description of the product or service. The potential factors that can bring the market to the upward direction have been mentioned in the report. With this report, companies, as well as individuals interested in this report, will get proven valuable guidelines and direction so that they consolidate their position in the market.

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>>>>The study encompasses profiles of major companies operating in the global Biochemical Reagent Market. Key players profiled in the report include: Thermo Fisher ScientificBeckman CoulterAbbottMerck & Co., Inc.Life TechnologiesBio-RadWater CorporationSigma-AldrichAgilent Technologies Inc.Betcon DickinsonRocheAB AnaliticaGesan ProductionMedicalsystem Biotechnology Co., Ltd.PromegaPZ CorAugustSENTINEL CH.Teco DiagnosticsDickinson & Company

Drivers And Risks:The report covers the basic dynamics of the global Biochemical Reagent market. It scrutinizes several data and figures, and numerous volume trends. A number of potential growth factors, risks, restraints, challenges, market developments, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses have been highlighted. Another factor affecting market growth has also been included in the report.

Analysis of Global Biochemical Reagent Market By Type: Chromatography ReagentsElectrophoresis ReagentsMass SpectrometryPCR Reagent KitsCell and Tissue Culture Reagents

Analysis of Global Biochemical Reagent Market By Application: Protein Synthesis and PurificationGene ExpressionDNA and RNA AnalysisDrug Testing

Regional Analysis:The report comprises of regional development status, covering all the major regions of the world. This regional status shows the size (in terms of value and volume), and price data for the global Biochemical Reagent market. The development of the industry is assessed with information on the current status of the industry in various regions. Data type assessed concerning various regions includes capacity, production, market share, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, growth rate, consumption, import, export, etc.

Regional coverage:North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

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Readers of this report will receive in-depth knowledge about the market.

Updated statistics offered on the global Biochemical Reagent market report.

This report provides an insight into the market that will help you boost your companys business and sales activities.

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NOTE: Our team is studying Covid-19 impact analysis on various industry verticals and Country Level impact for a better analysis of markets and industries. The 2020 latest edition of this report is entitled to provide additional commentary on latest scenario, economic slowdown and COVID-19 impact on overall industry. Further it will also provide qualitative information about when industry could come back on track and what possible measures industry players are taking to deal with current situation.

Strategic Points Covered in TOC:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product scope, market risk, market overview, and market opportunities of the global Biochemical Reagent market.

Chapter 2: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the global Biochemical Reagent market which consists of its revenue, sales, and price of the products.

Chapter 3: the competitive nature among key manufacturers, with market share, revenue, and sales.

Chapter 4: Presenting global Biochemical Reagent market by regions, market share and revenue and sales for the projected period.

Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

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In this report, Leading players of the global Biochemical Reagent Market are analyzed taking into account their market share, recent developments, new product launches, partnerships, mergers or acquisitions, and markets served. We also provide an exhaustive analysis of their product portfolios to explore the products and applications they concentrate on when operating in the global Biochemical Reagent Market. Furthermore, the report offers two separate market forecasts one for the production side and another for the consumption side of the global Biochemical Reagent Market. It also provides useful recommendations for new as well as established players of the global Biochemical Reagent Market.

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Trending News: Covid-19 Impact On Biochemical Reagent Market Trends, Demand, Industry Growth Analysis And Outlook Forecast To 2025 | Abbott, Merck...

Global Biochemical Reagents Market with (Covid-19) Impact Analysis: In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical…

TheGlobal Biochemical Reagents Market with (Covid-19) Impact Analysis: In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical Industry Insights 2020 2025report has been added to Zion Market Research s offering.The Biochemical Reagents Market report assembles the fundamental summary of the globalBiochemical Reagents Marketindustry. The research report represents a comprehensive presumption of the market and encloses imperative future estimations, industry-authenticated figures, and facts of the global market. It predicts inclinations and augmentation statistics with emphasis on abilities & technologies, markets & industries along with the variable market trends. It reveals fact and across-the-board consideration over the global Biochemical Reagents Market.

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Some of the Major Market Players Are:

Becton, Dickinson & Company, Agilent TechnologiesInc., Merck & Co.Inc., Waters Corporation, and Abbott Laboratories. Other few key players in the biochemical reagents market are Johnson & Johnson, Siemens Healthineers, Roche Holding AG, Bio-Rad Laboratori

The global Biochemical Reagents Market report highlights growth factors of the main segments and sub-segments including market growth, drivers, projections, and framework of the present conditions of the market. It presents protective and pre-planned management of the market along with embracing classification, definition, chain structure, and applications. The report uses SWOT analysis for research of the global Biochemical Reagents Market.

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The countries like America, Japan, China, North America, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe are involved in the global Biochemical Reagents Market research report. The report highlights dominating players in the global market along with their highest share, growth, contact details, and sales. It displays the statistics of the global Biochemical Reagents Market in the form of graphical representation.

The market report estimates the significant facts and figures for the Biochemical Reagents Market. It offers a realistic orientation of the market that works as a useful guide for marketing, sales, analysts, executives, and consultants of the industry. It offers all the functional data in the form of tables making it convenient for the players in the market. The global Biochemical Reagents Market research report covers the crucial data regarding the all competitors ruling the global Biochemical Reagents Market.

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Global Biochemical Reagents Market with (Covid-19) Impact Analysis: In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical...

Nautilus Biotechnology Raises $76 Million in Series B Funding to Be the First to Quantify the Human Proteome – Business Wire

SAN CARLOS, Calif & SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nautilus Biotechnology, a company pioneering a high-throughput, low-cost platform for analyzing and quantifying the human proteome, today announced it has raised $76 million in an oversubscribed Series B offering that closed on Monday, May 18, 2020. Nautilus total funding now exceeds $100 million. The Nautilus platform will deliver single-molecule sensitivity more quickly, more completely, and less expensively than is possible with existing technologies. This deeper, richer understanding of proteins will enable a dramatic acceleration of basic science research, significantly improve the success rate of therapeutic development, and speed the adoption of personalized and predictive medicine.

The funding round was led by Vulcan Capital, the multi-billion-dollar investment arm of Vulcan Inc., the company founded by Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul G. Allen. In addition to Vulcan, Perceptive Advisors, Bezos Expeditions, and Defy Partners were new investors in the Series B offering. Previous investors AME Cloud Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, Bolt, and Madrona Venture Group also participated in the round. The capital will be used to accelerate development of Nautilus proprietary proteomics platform and the expansion of scientific and engineering staff across a variety of levels and disciplines.

Nautilus was co-founded in 2016 by Sujal Patel, founder and CEO of Isilon Systems, a publicly-traded company that sold to EMC in 2010 for $2.6B, and Parag Mallick, PhD, Associate Professor of Radiology at Stanford University and a member of BioX, Stanford's pioneering interdisciplinary biosciences institute, and the Canary Center for Cancer Early Detection. The leadership team combines its entrepreneurial and research backgrounds to solve the challenge of more easily and completely quantifying the proteins that drive every aspect of human physiology. That limitation has impeded scientific and pharmaceutical R&D and Nautilus platform will enable a more comprehensive understanding of cellular and organismic biology.

Existing proteomics technologies are slow, expensive, incomplete, and lack the sensitivity to deliver deep and meaningful insight into biological processes, said Nautilus co-founder and CEO, Sujal Patel. Bringing together Parags breakthrough science with my deep understanding of large-scale IT has enabled us to approach the problem in a fundamentally new, more holistic way. Our value derives from a unique, interdisciplinary combination of biochemistry, computer science, and substantial business experience.

The potential of proteomics has not been fully realized because of the limitations of current analysis methods, said Lee Hartwell, PhD, President and Director Emeritus of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 2001 co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, and member of Nautilus Scientific Advisory Board. A greater resolution of the proteome will make it possible for the entire scientific and pharma R&D communities to undertake a wider range of high-value scientific inquiries, thereby accelerating both their research and the benefits that can accrue to human health.

Advancing scientific research and technology is at our core, said Stuart Nagae, Director of Venture Capital at Vulcan Capital. With over a decade of experience investing in biotech and proteomics innovation, we believe that a reimagining of proteomics is long overdue. Nautilus has put together a special team with the vision, creativity, and experience to achieve that breakthrough, and execute on their vision.


Based in San Carlos, CA and Seattle, WA, Nautilus is a biotechnology company whose proteomics platform will deliver superior sensitivity far more quickly, more completely, and less expensively than is currently possible. By breaking through the limitations of existing technologies, and effectively democratizing proteomics, Nautilus will enable a dramatic acceleration of basic science research, significantly improve the success rate of therapeutic development, and usher in a new era of personalized and predictive medicine. Find Nautilus online: http://www.nautilus.bio


Vulcan Capital is the multi-billion-dollar investment arm of Vulcan Inc., the company founded by Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul G. Allen. Vulcan Capital focuses on generating long-term value appreciation across a portfolio, which spans diverse industry sectors and investment asset classes, ranging from early-stage venture investments to public equity value investing, leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, special situations and fixed income. Vulcan Capital was formed in 2003 and is headquartered in Seattle with additional offices in Palo Alto and Singapore.

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Nautilus Biotechnology Raises $76 Million in Series B Funding to Be the First to Quantify the Human Proteome - Business Wire

Class of 2020 petitions for on-campus commencement ceremony – University at Buffalo The Spectrum

Matthew Helou dreamed of becoming the first person in his family to walk across a college graduation stage.

Helou, a senior biochemistry major, will graduate in May. But he worries that wont involve the traditional commencement ceremony hed always imagined.

On April 6, UB President Satish Tripathi emailed graduating students and said UB officials were planning online commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2020 and that administrators were optimistic about hosting an on-campus celebration later in the year. Students like Helou, however, believe that a celebration would not offer the same experience as a commencement. Minutes after Tripathi sent the email, Helou published a petition on Change.org requesting that Tripathi and other administrators postpone the Class of 2020s ceremony and reconsider the virtual commencement.

Helous petition amassed more than 1,000 signatures within a day. Now it has nearly 3,500.

Helou says hes concerned the emails careful choice of words does not guarantee any sort of true commencement experience for UBs May graduates.

Until we are further informed by the administration what this on-campus celebration is, we stand by this statement, Helou wrote in an April 10 petition update.

We, the University at Buffalos Class of 2020, deserve the traditional, true and in-person commencement ceremonies that hundreds of thousands of UB graduates have had the privilege of participating in since 1846, Helou said.

Many signatures came from seniors disappointed that UB began planning an alternative commencement ceremony without any consultation with the graduating student body, Helou said.

Helou and over 20 other graduating students emailed UBs commencement coordinators, UB Provost A. Scott Weber and Tripathi on April 10 about the petition in hopes that they would take their requests into consideration.

Tripathi emailed Helou and other petitioners on April 11 and said that UB would remain committed to its decision to plan virtual ceremonies for the Class of 2020 and an on-campus celebration at a later date. The same statement was also published on UBs COVID-19 website.

Schools like the University Honors College and College of Arts and Sciences plan to use MarchingOrder to add a personal touch to virtual ceremonies. With MarchingOrder, graduates can input their photos, majors and personal messages onto a virtual slide.

Helou says he understands the public-health dangers the pandemic poses and the importance of the universitys efforts to comply with social distancing guidelines. But, he says, his family already paid for his grandmothers flight from Paris to Buffalo for the original ceremony, and Helou insists a virtual commencement experience would be less valuable than in-person commencement.

I can see the reason for an option like this, but strongly disagree with making virtual commencement the outcome for all students, Helou said. We should have some sort of say in this decision. It is very important to the Class of 2020.

Yousouf Amolegbe, Student Association president and a senior aerospace engineering student, signed and promoted the petition because he said he believes UBs decision disregarded student input.

It only goes to show the level of disregard [the decision has] for the efforts, investments and sacrifices the graduating Class of 2020 has made thus to this point, Amolegbe said. We will not stand for it and are willing to go [to] any extent to make sure the university recognizes our concerns.

Amolegbe also said he believes UBs decision goes against the standard set by other institutions across New York State.

There is no reason to hold [commencement] virtually when no other SUNY campus has chosen to take this direction yet, and NYU and Syracuse have literally promised their graduating classes [in-person ceremonies] this year, Amolegbe said

Emma Patterson, a senior communication major, signed the petition and said she was disappointed by UBs decision to host a virtual commencement ceremony against the wishes of the majority of this years graduating class.

The petition was a way to represent a majority of the students and the family members of graduates, and show that we deserve an in-person commencement, Patterson said.

Helou is hopeful that the majority will be enough to sway administrators to host an in-person commencement ceremony for the Class of 2020 when public health regulations become less stringent and Covid-19 infection rates decline.

As we are eclipsing 2,000 signatures in just under two days, I remain hopeful. I am hopeful that Dr. Tripathi will hear about this, Helou said. Ultimately, the Class of 2020 deserves a true in-person commencement and alternative options to ensure that people who cannot make it to Buffalo for a postponed commencement get an experience that they will remember and cherish forever.

Elizabeth Napolitano is the assistant news editor and can be reached at elizabeth.napolitano@ubspectrum.com or on Twitter @LizKNapolitano.

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Class of 2020 petitions for on-campus commencement ceremony - University at Buffalo The Spectrum

UW president, biochemistry chair and mathematics professor named to American Academy of Arts and Sciences – UW News

Administrative affairs | For UW employees | Honors and awards | News releases | UW and the community

April 23, 2020

Three University of Washington faculty members, including President Ana Mari Cauce, are among the 2020 fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nations oldest and most prestigious honorary societies. Trisha Davis, professor and chair of biochemistry at the UW School of Medicine, and Tatiana Toro, the Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Professor of Mathematics, are also among the 276 artists, scholars, scientists, and leaders in the public, non-profit and private sectors who were announced as new fellows Thursday.

We congratulate these incoming members of the Academy for excelling in a broad array of fields; we want to celebrate them and learn from them, said Nancy C. Andrews, chair of the Board of Directors of the American Academy. When Academy members come together, bringing their expertise and insights to our work, they help develop new insights and potential solutions for some of the most complex challenges we face.

Cauce who was named to the Educational and Academic Leadership section of the Academys Public Affairs, Business and Administration class became the 33rd president of the UW on Oct. 13, 2015 after serving as interim president for seven months and having previously served as provost and executive vice president.

Throughout her career, Cauce has championed access to higher education, including through the Husky Promise, which provides full tuition to eligible Washington students who otherwise could not attend college. As part of her strong belief in ensuring access to higher education for all, just one month into her role as interim president she engaged students in an honest discussion about race and equity, launching an effort to create a more just and diverse community.

Cauce is a professor of Psychology and American Ethnic Studies, with secondary appointments in the Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies and the College of Education. She maintains an active research program, focusing on adolescent development, with a special emphasis on at-risk youth. She is also a strong advocate for women and underrepresented minorities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Davis was named to the Cellular and Developmental Biology (including Genetics), Microbiology and Immunology Section of the Biological Sciences Class of the Academy. Davis and her colleagues explore the dynamics of the chromosome capture that occurs in preparation for cell division.

Impressive molecular machinery tries to assure that each cell resulting from the split receives a proper set of chromosomes. Mistakes in sorting, separating and distributing the chromosomes could cause serious problems, such as cancer. Davis team looks at how the movement and segregation of chromosomes is orchestrated. This chromosome assembly is trial and error, but cells usually can find and fix mistakes. As chromosomes attach to the separation machinery, checkpoints tune into to the connection and the tension it produces. If this quality assurance detects that a chromosome is incorrectly captured, it is released for another try.

The Davis lab uses many ways of examining this and related controls. These include genetic analysis, proteomics, quantitative microscopy, computational modeling and biochemical assays.

Davis holds the Earl W. Davie/ZymoGenetics Chair in Biochemistry at UW Medicine. She also heads the UWs Yeast Resource Center, funded by the National Institutes of Health to develop technologies for exploring protein structure and function.

Toro was named to the Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics section of the Academys Mathematical and Physical Sciences class. Her research centers on the premise that objects, which may at first appear irregular or disordered, actually have regular features that are quantifiable. Toros work spans geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. Toro studies the mathematical questions that come up in systems where the known data are rough, as well as interfaces that arise in noisy minimization problems.

In addition to her research, Toro has also worked to increase diversity in mathematics. She helped launch Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences, including two conferences through the National Science Foundation highlighting the achievements of Latinx mathematicians.

Toro joined the UW faculty in 1996 and her career includes numerous honors and accolades. Last year, she received the UWs Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award. In 2017, she was elected as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. Toro has also been a Guggenheim Fellow, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow and a Simons Foundation Fellow.

Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences is one of the countrys oldest learned societies and independent policy research centers, convening leaders from the academic, business and government sectors to respond to the challenges facing the nation and the world.

The new members join the company of Academy members elected before them, including Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton in the eighteenth century; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Maria Mitchell in the nineteenth; and Robert Frost, Martha Graham, Margaret Mead, Milton Friedman, and Martin Luther King, Jr. in the twentieth.

Learn more about the Academys mission, members, and work on its website amacad.org.

# # #

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UW president, biochemistry chair and mathematics professor named to American Academy of Arts and Sciences - UW News

Biochemical Incubator Market to witness high growth in near future – Cole of Duty

The Biochemical Incubator market study now available with Market Study Report, LLC, is a collation of valuable insights related to market size, market share, profitability margin, growth dynamics and regional proliferation of this business vertical. The study further includes a detailed analysis pertaining to key challenges, growth opportunities and application segments of the Biochemical Incubator market.


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This research study on the Biochemical Incubator market enumerates details about this industry sphere. A detailed overview of this marketplace is presented in the report with appreciable proceeds by the end of the predicted timeframe while registering an estimable growth rate through the predicted timeframe.

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Further information stated in the report:

For More Details On this Report: https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-biochemical-incubator-market-2020-by-manufacturers-regions-type-and-application-forecast-to-2025

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

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Marketing Channel

Market Dynamics

Methodology/Research Approach

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Biochemical Incubator Market to witness high growth in near future - Cole of Duty

Biochemistry student creates and motivates – Famuan

Sherlanda Telusmond is a scientist with an artistic soul. Photo courtesy Telusmond

When Sherlanda Telusmond isnt studying the scientific chemistry of living systems, shes doing hair in her bedroom, completing creative commissions, and hosting painting events for young women in her community.

Telusmond, known by her friends and customers as Dada, is a junior biochemistry student and entrepreneur at Florida A&M University. Currently creating acrylic paintings, clothing customizations and tattoo designs (among other things), she is nothing short of a jack-of-all-trades.

Telusmond was born on Dec. 21, 1999 in Fort Lauderdale. As a child, she often found herself drawn to the arts and everything right-brained, despite having dreams of being a doctor when she got older.

It was evident from a young age that she would be a multifaceted individual due to her love of the pursuit of knowledge.

I was a curious child when I was growing up, Telusmond said. My nose was always stuffed in a book and having the opportunity to read as much as I did really piqued my determination to discover more.

Although Telusmond always knew that attending college would come up somewhere along her life path, she wasnt sure what to expect from the experience.

Being a first generation college student that grew up in a traditionally Haitian household did not set detailed expectations for college for me, Telusmond said. All I knew was that I couldnt fail and I had to graduate on time.

Upon her arrival at FAMU, Telusmond quickly realized the importance of the connections that she could make at the university.

I befriended some amazing and talented people on The Hill, Telusmond said. Seeing how diverse the school is along with the large pool of talent that encompasses it definitely acts as a fuel of inspiration to be great.

On Feb. 8, Telusmond hosted her first Paint and Sip event at her house. Providing paint, canvases, brushes and inspiration, Telusmond brought together a group of young women to relax and create.

This was the first of many art-based events that Telusmond plans to hold for the young people in her community.

Chardine Thervil, a rising junior bio/pre-med student at FAMU who attended Telusmonds event, felt that the occasion was a great opportunity for the attendees to explore their artistic sides.

Sherlanda pulled the artist out of everyone that night, Thervil said. People that I didnt even know could paint were giving me Picasso.

Some attendees saw the event as much more than just an arts and crafts night. It was a chance for self expression.

Zharia White, a third year pre-nursing student at FAMU, felt that the event was a comfortable way for her to interact with and meet new people.

Walking into Sherlandas Paint and Sip party felt like hanging out with a crew you never knew you needed, White said. Im usually very shy but I quickly found things in common with the other girls and having an intimate group of people made it easier to be outgoing.

Although Telusmond finds joy in inspiring others to create, her main source of motivation comes from her personal beliefs.

God definitely has a plan for me, Telusmond said. It pushes me to never give up and to keep going because I know something great is coming later.

Telusmonds work can be viewed on her Instagram pages @HairByDadaaa and @Concepts2Canvases.

Biochemistry student creates and motivates - Famuan

The Effect of Covid-19 from a Biochemistry Senior’s Perspective – The University News

2020 has been an eventful year as we kick off the new decade. One month ago, I was living on campus and taking classes, participating in extracurriculars and hanging out with my friends. Today, I am sitting at home, trying to comprehend the outbreak of COVID-19. This pandemic affected thousands of students and took a big hit on seniors. For those graduating this spring, the news of school closures was a shock to many. I am glad that the university is concerned for our safety and health, but at the same time, this was my last opportunity to enjoy SLU to the fullest.

Many events unique to seniors have been canceled, such as senior legacy symposium, senior night at the ballpark, department night for seniors and many more. We have worked hard these last three and a half years, and now, when we are about to celebrate our hard work, we are hit with a pandemic and are left with nothing but just sitting in our rooms and wondering if things will ever get better. In addition to the cancellation of events, many seniors didnt get a chance to say goodbye to their friends and their professors. I never imagined that March 6 would be my last day on campus. What makes SLUs education unique is the experiences that come with it, such as volunteerism, leadership, extracurricular involvement and research. It is essentially the whole package. While SLU is taking proper health precautions, the university can do a better job with handling the transition to virtual learning and figure out ways to make events occur virtually rather than being canceled.

While on-campus instruction is terminated, we are still able to attend classes online via Zoom. I personally think it is difficult to learn online because the quality of content transmission decreases. A lot of the meetings are Q and A or discussion-based. My classes are asynchronous, so we watch videos during our own time. It becomes harder to stay organized and on track when everything becomes virtual. In-person contact is the norm and students know what they have to do. When things go virtual, then goals become a little harder to achieve. As a biochemistry major, it is hard to transition online because it is tedious to do mathematical calculations and hard to draw structural and molecular formulas. Professors should give out more interactive exercises that help gauge our understanding of the material. Examples include projects related to the topics studied in class and writing reflections on video lectures. I also think professors should make note sheets that highlight the important takeaways of each chapter. That way, we can understand the main ideas.

Certain classes have been hard to transition to virtual class-settings. While lectures can be done online, how are labs supposed to be done virtually? Professors are giving students the data but, unfortunately, students cannot get the in-lab exposure. Doing the lab is a crucial part of learning and producing data. It becomes difficult to understand why the lab is meaningful and the purpose of doing the lab. In-lab exposure is important because doing the experiment allows us to visualize the theoretical principles. Phase changes and color changes can only be observed by doing the lab. These are changes that can only be observed by the human eye; these changes are fascinating and intriguing. Assessments are also hard to administer virtually. While multiple choice and short answer questions can be assessed on Blackboard, it does not prevent students from using their notes or the internet.

Currently, SLU students can choose for their classes to be pass/fail. There is no point assessing the students mastery of content using the letter grade system if they are going to use resources during examinations. Professors should assign more projects, as these can assess the students knowledge and how to apply it in real-world settings. If there are more critical thinking assignmentsprojects, group presentations, essaysthen there wont be a need to transition to pass/fail. I plan on using the letter grade system because I am confident that I will do well in classes and pass/fail doesnt look as good to professional and graduate schools. When an employer or admissions committee sees pass, they cant tell if the student passed with a C or an A.

Remote learning is also limited, and does not match the expectations of most employers. Remote courses do not assess the soft skills and other skills that are assessed on campus. Online learning should be a piece of the overall learning experience, not the whole picture. If online learning was the whole picture, students wouldnt go to college; they would just watch Khan Academy and YouTube. Clearly, learning content is not sufficient for success. College builds relationships, helps discover new extracurricular and volunteer opportunities and expands students horizons. Online programs provide little opportunity to build skills necessary for promising careers. Learning is only part of the process; one must also apply the skills in the real world.

Currently, we are not getting reimbursed for tuition. I think this is not fair because tuition costs reflect more than learning content. Also, online classes are not as efficient as on-campus instruction. As previously stated, labs and research cannot be done online which is why I believe a portion of students tuition should be reimbursed. Also, the tuition accounts for the resources used on campus like the laboratories, the computers, the study rooms, etc. What makes SLUs education unique is the experiences that happen on campus. Academics, volunteerism, leadership, extracurricular involvement and research are offered on campus, so it is essentially the whole package.

While the cancellation of senior events, the switch to remote learning, debates on refunds and limited post-graduation opportunities affect millions of students, we should be blessed to be staying healthy. SLU cares about us and wants us to stay isolated from others until things get better. Faculty and administrators are trying to make the learning process as smooth as possible, but should realize that there needs to be more strategies and resources to learn and succeed in this alternative setting. Virtual learning provides students with something to learn, but it should not be considered the gold standard of academic and personal development.

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The Effect of Covid-19 from a Biochemistry Senior's Perspective - The University News

Chitosan Market : Global Industry Analysis By Size, Growth Rate, Share, Covid-19 Impact And Trends With Forecast To 2020 2026 | Leading Players-…

Data Bridge Market Research has recently published the Global research Report Titled: Chitosan Market

Chitosan Market report is an excellent report that makes it possible to the Chitosan industry can be highly benefited with this market research report which brings market and competitive landscape clearly into the focus and help make better decisions. Market segmentation has also been performed in detail based on various parameters that include applications, verticals, deployment model, end user, and geography. Expert solutions combined with potential capabilities prepare this winning Chitosan Market document to be outperforming for the Chitosan

Data models employed for the research methodology are vendor positioning grid, market time line analysis, market overview and guide, company positioning grid, company market share analysis, standards of measurement, top to bottom analysis and vendor share analysis. Not to mention, the data is collected only from the dependable sources such as journals, newspapers, company websites and annual reports of the companies on which Chitosan industry can rely confidently. Businesses are highly relying on the different segments covered in the market research report which gives better insights to drive the business into right direction. The market studies, insights and analysis carried out in this credible Chitosan Market research report keeps marketplace clearly into the focus which helps achieve business goal.

The latest report includes Impact of Coronavirus(Covid-19) on the Chitosan Industry, it includes on Industry Upstream, Industry Downstream, Industry Channels, Industry Competition, and finally on Industry Employment.

Get PDF Sample Copy of this Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-chitosan-market

(***Our Free Sample Copy of the report gives a brief introduction to the research report outlook, TOC, list of tables and figures, an outlook to key players of the market and comprising key regions.***)

Global chitosan market is expected to register a healthy CAGR of 14.8% in the forecast period of 2019-2026. The rise in the market value can be attributed to the growing awareness about health globally, unique properties of chitosan and availability of abundant raw material. The report contains data of the base year 2018 and historic year 2017.

The Leading Market Players Covered in this Report are :

Panvo Organics Pvt Ltd, Qingdao Yunzhou Biochemistry co., ltd., , Advanced Biopolymers AS, meron, Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, Kitozyme, LLC, Kraeber & Co. GmbH, Foodchem International Corporation, FMC Corporation, Golden-Shell Pharmaceutical, Primex EHF, Nano3Bio, KOYO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD., Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals Mfg. Co., Ltd., Biothera Pharmaceuticals among others.

Market Definition: Global Chitosan Market

Chitosan is a kind of carbohydrate that is bonded with number of sugar molecules. It contains chitin and chitosan, which are two naturally abundant and renewable polymers that shows varied properties like non-toxicity, adsorption, nature-friendly and biodegradability. The compound is used for various applications particularly in the industries like agrochemicals, water treatment and cosmetics.

Market Drivers:

Market Restraints:

Regional Analysis Includes:

The Report published on Data Bridge Market Research about Chitosan Market is spread across several pages and provides newest industry data, market future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving revenue growth and profitability. The industry report lists and studies the leading competitors, also provides the insights with strategic industry analysis of the key factors influencing the market dynamics.

Chitosan Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state which focuses on the major drivers and restraints for the key players. Industry research report provides granular analysis of the market share, segmentation, revenue forecasts and geographic regions of the market.

Find More Competitor in TOC with Profile Overview Share Growth Analysis @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-chitosan-market

Segmentation: Global Chitosan Market

By Source



Key Insights Of The Report:

Key Questions Answered:

Do You Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to Our Industry [emailprotected] https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-chitosan-market

Some of the major objectives of this report:

1) To provide a detailed analysis of the market structure along with the forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Chitosan Market.

2. To provide insights about factors affecting market growth. To analyze the Chitosan Market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porter five force analyses, etc.

3. To provide historically and forecast revenue of the Chitosan Market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World.

4. Country-level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective.

5. To provide country-level analysis of the market for segment by application, product type and sub-segments.

6. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market.

7. Track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Chitosan Market.

Customization Available : Global Chitosan Market

Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customised to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analysed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.

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Chitosan Market : Global Industry Analysis By Size, Growth Rate, Share, Covid-19 Impact And Trends With Forecast To 2020 2026 | Leading Players-...

NeuBase Therapeutics Announces Addition of Eriks Rozners, Ph.D. and Randy Davis, MBA to Scientific Advisory Board – BioSpace

PITTSBURGH, Nov. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBSE) ("NeuBase" or the "Company"), a biotechnology company accelerating the genetic revolution using a new class of synthetic medicines, today announced the addition of Eriks Rozners, Ph.D. and Randy Davis, MBA to its scientific advisory board (SAB). Dr. Rozners, an expert in nucleic acid biochemistry, and Mr. Davis, a biotechnology industry veteran, bring extensive experience to NeuBase.

"We are thrilled to welcome Eriks and Randy to the NeuBase scientific advisory board. Their unique perspectives gained over their distinctive careers will undoubtedly provide valuable insight and complement our team of renowned experts," said Dietrich A. Stephan, Ph.D., chief executive officer of NeuBase. "We believe that our platform, which relies on elegant peptide nucleic acid chemistry, is first in class and has the potential to change the treatment landscape for a range of genetic conditions, both common and rare. We are honored that Eriks, a leading expert in developing technologies which scan duplex genomic targets without invasion via triplex binding so as to co-localize pharmacophores with their targets, recognizes this, and we are eager to leverage his unparalleled knowledge as we optimize our PATrOL platform. Additionally, Randys extensive experience in semiconductor-based single molecule nucleic acid sequencing perfectly complements the strengths of each member of our SAB and brings atomic-scale measurement capabilities to the company. We look forward to benefiting from his vast knowledge as we continue to advance our PATrOL-enabled therapies under the guidance of our outstanding group of scientific advisors."

Dr. Eriks Rozners is a leading expert in the chemistry and biochemistry of nucleic acids and brings his expertise to NeuBase as the Company is optimizing and developing its PATrOL platform. He is a professor and the chairman of the Department of Chemistry at Binghamton University, where his lab focuses on the use of organic chemistry to develop unique model systems and tools for the studies and practical applications of nucleic acid biochemistry. Dr. Rozners received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering and a doctorate in organic chemistry from Riga Technical University.

Mr. Randy Davis is a seasoned industry veteran with expertise in the field of biotechnology and was one of the founding members of Genia Technologies, a company developing a next-generation sequencing platform, which was acquired by Roche in 2014. In addition, he has served as a member or investor in half a dozen biotech companies and has authored or co-authored over 20 patent applications. Mr. Davis graduated from Tokyo Electrical University with a degree in electrical engineering and went on to receive an MBA from San Jose State University. In 2002, he continued his education at California State University East Bay, where he received a bachelor's and master's degree in molecular biology before moving on to various industry roles.

About NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc.NeuBase is accelerating the genetic revolution using a new class of synthetic medicines. NeuBases designer PATrOL therapies are centered around its proprietary drug scaffold to address genetic diseases at the source by combining the highly targeted approach of traditional genetic therapies with the broad organ distribution capabilities of small molecules. With an initial focus on silencing disease-causing mutations in debilitating neurological, neuromuscular and oncologic disorders, NeuBase is committed to redefining medicine for the millions of patients with both common and rare conditions. To learn more, visit http://www.neubasetherapeutics.com.

Use of Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, our actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in our forward-looking statements. Our forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events that we cannot predict, including those risk factors contained in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause our actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. The Company may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on the Company's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and actual results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release, including: the Company's plans to develop and commercialize its product candidates; the timing of initiation of the Company's planned clinical trials; the timing of the availability of data from the Company's clinical trials; the timing of any planned investigational new drug application or new drug application; the Company's plans to research, develop and commercialize its current and future product candidates; the clinical utility, potential benefits and market acceptance of the Company's product candidates; the Company's commercialization, marketing and manufacturing capabilities and strategy; global health conditions, including the impact of COVID-19; the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property position; and the requirement for additional capital to continue to advance these product candidates, which may not be available on favorable terms or at all, as well as those risk factors contained in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as otherwise required by law, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.

NeuBase Investor Contact:Dan FerryManaging DirectorLifeSci Advisors, LLCdaniel@lifesciadvisors.comOP: (617) 430-7576

NeuBase Media Contact:Cait Williamson, Ph.D.LifeSci Communicationscait@lifescicomms.comOP: (646) 751-4366

Here is the original post:
NeuBase Therapeutics Announces Addition of Eriks Rozners, Ph.D. and Randy Davis, MBA to Scientific Advisory Board - BioSpace