‘I’m definitely disappointed:’ incoming freshmen face new set of challenges for the fall | The Retriever – The Retriever

Francesca Burton is doing an individualized study in neuroscience and picking up a second major in biochemistry. Photo courtesy of Francesca Burton.

The freshman experience at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County usually includes the bonfire, Involvement Fest, kickbacks in dorms and D-Hall trips. But for this years class of incoming freshmen, many of whom lost part of high school, everything is different now socially-distanced, hybrid or online.

Roshnee Roberts, a biological sciences major and psychology minor, knew March 13 was going to be her last day of high school. Her track season cut short, her plans to speak at graduation cancelled, senior activities and hanging out with friends suddenly not allowed, and her life radically altered.

This fall, shell be attending UMBC from her home, opting not to live on campus. Unfortunately, I was really hoping [that I would be living] on campus. But you know, the way money is set up [its] not happening, which is totally fine, she said.

She was excited to get a placement in a lab, but shes still not sure if shell be able to even go on campus, Roberts said. Everyone else gets to experience all the fun senior activities and I didnt. Now, Im also missing out on freshman year, which is probably the best year, because youre meeting everyone [for the first time], she said.

It leaves her wondering what the future will look like when shes finally able to be on campus under more typical circumstances. Am I going to feel like a freshman? Because everyone else is going to know the [campus], said Roberts.

Luckily, Roberts was able to earn a full scholarship through the Dawg Days: Jumpstart Scholarship to take online classes this summer. Im taking a summer class right now, completely free of cost, which is very exciting, she said. Im taking Math 105, just to get my math credit out of the way.

Computer engineering major Kwadwo Ansah Baah, who lives in Baltimore, is also taking a math credit to get ahead with the help of the Jumpstart Scholarship, and while its not exactly what he had envisioned for his summer, he really likes his professor and class. We all crack jokes to lighten the mood. Im getting to know other people. The Jumpstart Scholarship community is great. We have game nights and everything too, he said.

His outlook is mostly positive, even faced with the adversity of missing out on some activities, hes choosing to look at the situation realistically. I was looking forward [to campus life], but [its] all right. I really understand the way the world is at this moment, he said.

While taking classes from home, his parents have been supportive throughout, giving him the space he needs to complete his schoolwork uninterrupted. My mom and dad understand that this is very important for me. When Im having classes, theyll text me rather than barge into my room, Ansah Baah said, laughing.

His sense of humor hasnt been diminished by the situation at hand, either. He doesnt plan to let the virtual classes stop him from meeting other people or from making others laugh. I believe I can still have the UMBC experience. I still crack jokes [in Zoom or Google Meet] as if you were in an in-person class. I know this pandemic is not going to go on forever, he said.

For others, the pandemic has made them reevaluate what the future looks like. Sarah Nove, an English major, originally thought she wanted to be a journalist while she was working at her high school paper, but when the pandemic hit and the news became more stressful, she had to start turning it off for her mental health. I will say that COVID definitely impacted my ideas, and what I want to be when I grow up and what Im interested in, she explained. And while she still loves editing, shes not sure that being a full-time journalist is the job for her.

When school went virtual in March, her high school newspaper training was turned upside down. I was in charge of training pretty much everybody with the help of some of the section editors. I felt bad on one hand for not being able to pass along the skills that people passed along to me. It was hard for me to feel like I was letting them down but also knowing I couldnt do anything about it, Nove said.

Though beach week wasnt on the docket for Nove, she had plans with her mom to visit Paris and Austria, something that they had been wanting to do for a long time. And thankfully, were pretty confident that well be able to make it work at some point but going on this trip before you become a college student, and have all the responsibilities of college on your plate, it did suck to miss out on that, she said.

Shes spent the summer taking classes and working as a babysitter, a job she loves. However, when it came to making the decision about living on campus, it was devastating to not feel comfortable enough to live in the dorm. I live in a condo with a single mom and a dog. I love it here and its the perfect amount of space for the two of us and our pup. But I was really looking forward to moving out and my mom was really looking forward to having alone time for once in her life, Nove said. Of course, its been hard on her just as much as its been hard on me, so theres the factor just wanting to be out on my own so badly and not being able to. And then on top of that, Im not a person with a huge circle of friends. I was really looking forward to branching out and meeting other people that shared similar interests and values.

While some are opting to stay at home, others, like Francesca Burton, a neuroscience and biochemistry double major, are living on campus this fall. After her plans to visit Canada with her mom and her plans to go to Florida with friends vanished, Burton spent her summer working at the local Boston Market. She hopes that spending the last few weeks of her high school career online has prepared her for online learning in college.

Im definitely disappointed were not going to have in-person classes because I have found I learn better in an in-person setting. But I think by now, Ive just gotten so used to the fact that we will probably have this weird online semester. Ive kind of processed everything, she said.

When it comes to fall activities, COVID-19 has left her mostly unsure. I saw that there was a cooking club that I was interested in. I was thinking of picking up Ultimate Frisbee just as a thing to try, which I think is going to be impacted, she said. So Im a little sad that I wont get wont get to try that out.

But overall, she still sees the fall in an optimistic light. Maryland has been doing a pretty good job on keeping cases down. We havent had a spike yet. I would say Im optimistic that things will go back to normal, said Burton. I think thats all we can do is be optimistic, and just try to make the most of this. I just hope that despite everything being online, we can still just be normal college kids instead of just kids going through a pandemic.

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'I'm definitely disappointed:' incoming freshmen face new set of challenges for the fall | The Retriever - The Retriever

University of East London lecturer says PHE report fails to address genetics – Newham Recorder


PUBLISHED: 10:00 29 June 2020

Cash Boyle

Dr Winston Morgan, Reader in Toxicology and Clinical Biochemistry at the University of East London, says race and genetics are key omissions from the PHE report on coronavirus. Picture: University of East London


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Dr Morgan a reader in toxicology and clinical biochemistry at the university commended the report for properly addressing the structural problems linked to racism which have caused Covid-19 to disproportionately impact BAME communities.

However, the lecturer criticised the complete lack of consideration given to the issue of genetics, and specifically to answering the question as to whether certain traits increase virus susceptibility.

Failing to adequately address this subject leaves the door open for continued speculation around race and genetics, said Dr Morgan.

This report was an opportunity to knock the speculation on its head, and allow for focus to be appropriately shifted to dealing with the damaging structural problems within society.

A spokesperson for PHE said: The review was not able to look at genetic factors and more research in this area is needed.

To complement the review, a research call by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has jointly called for research proposals to investigate emerging evidence of an association between ethnicity and COVID-19 incidence and adverse health outcomes.

Dr Morgan also queried how the report framed its discussion of the relationship between the BAME community and the NHS: The report missed a number of opportunities, such as not to consider that historical racism will impact on both the speed and level of treatment BAME groups are likely to receive when they interact with the NHS.

Instead, it focused on the fact that as a result of historical racism BAME groups are less likely to seek care when needed.

Both arguments are underpinned by historical racism, and should have been given equal weight in the report: By omitting the former it has the feel of blaming the victims for not complaining.

PHE conceded that the report did not consider every issue: There are many impacts of systemic racism and PHEs qualitative report identified the issues that were raised repeatedly by stakeholders.

This does not mean that other factors are not relevant and confirms the need for further more detailed research studies on these issues.

Dr Morgan concluded that despite reservations over the lack of wider recommendation about tackling structural racism in wider society, all seven recommendations should be implemented.

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University of East London lecturer says PHE report fails to address genetics - Newham Recorder

Should we sequence newborns’ DNA? The answer is complicated, study finds – UC Berkeley

Newborn babies are regularly screened for serious medical conditions that could cause long-term damage if left untreated. A new study from UC Berkeley examines whether genetic sequencing should be included among these tests. (Public domain photo)

Many adults seek genetic counseling, or opt to send samples of their saliva to companies like 23andMe, to find out if the specific patterns in their DNA may put them at higher risk for developing disease. But many doctors and scientists including National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins have predicted that, one day, genetic screening will be a routine health check performed on all newborn babies.

A new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley; the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF); and Tata Consultancy Services is the first to comprehensively assess the potential of genomic sequencing to reveal health problems in newborns. The study, NBseq, compared how genomic sequencing fared against standard biochemical testing in identifying 48 rare metabolic disorders in newborns.

The results, published this week in the journal Nature Medicine, show that, when used alone, sequencing is not as accurate as standard biochemical tests, as it misses some sick babies while tagging many healthy ones as potentially ill.

However, the research team concluded that giving sequence data to doctors examining newborns whose illnesses were flagged by standard testing could aid in more precise and timely diagnoses. After careful vetting, sequencing might also enable screening for hundreds of treatable genetic diseases that currently cant be detected through biochemical testing.

Thirty years ago, when I was an undergraduate in the worlds first genome sequencing laboratory, my mentor gave talks predicting that, by 2030 or 2040, every newborn would leave the hospital with their genome on a CD-ROM, said study co-senior author Steven Brenner, a UC Berkeley professor and a member of UCSFs Institute for Human Genetics. This has become increasingly technically plausible, but the value of pervasive newborn sequencing and the risks have remained unclear. This work draws on a unique dataset to give unparalleled insight into the implications of sequencing all newborns to identify diseases without current symptoms.

It may seem surprising that genetic testing doesnt work as well as well as other methods for identifying genetic disease. But while the shortcomings of genetic sequencing could have many causes, the value of the technique will likely improve as scientists learn more about the specific genetic variants that lead to disease.

These are well-studied classic genetic conditions, but that does not mean we have found all the genes associated with them, said first author Aashish Adhikari, from UC Berkeleys Department of Plant and Microbial Biology and a member of UCSFs Institute for Human Genetics. Additional genes could be involved, as well as additional biological and environmental factors, that may limit our ability to predict disease from DNA sequences alone.

Soon after they are born, every baby in California receives a heel prick, releasing a small sample of blood that is saved on a piece of filter paper. These samples are collected to test for a series of rare metabolic conditions, known as inborn errors of metabolism, that show up as abnormal biochemical signatures. Many of these conditions dont exhibit clear symptoms right away, but can lead to serious health problems down the road, if left untreated.

Out of nearly 4.5 million newborns born in California between July 2005 to December 2013, more than 1,300 were found to have inborn errors of metabolism. To conduct the study, the team obtained a comprehensive set of de-identified samples from nearly all affected babies. They then optimized a technique to extract and accurately sequence the DNA from the filter paper samples, which had been saved and stored for years.

When we started, we did not know whether decade-old dried blood spots could generate good quality DNA sequences. If they were degraded, then most of the variants in the genome would actually just be errors, said Rajgopal Srinivasan, chief scientist of the life sciences research area at Tata Consultancy Services. We worked together to develop a battery of new analyses to confirm that the DNA sequences we found were trustworthy.

Standard biochemical screenings find 99% of babies with metabolic disorders, while giving a false positive rate of just 0.2%. However, the researchers found that genetic testing alone would have found only 88% of these cases, leaving about 160 babies with a false negative that could lead to serious consequences. It also would have incorrectly identified about 8,000 healthy babies each year as being at risk for disease, leading to unnecessary interventions.

However, the researchers also found cases where the original blood tests were inconclusive, but the results of the DNA sequencing would have allowed them to make a definitive diagnosis.

This kind of accuracy is key in screening tests, the researchers said, as most newborns with these conditions do not show symptoms right away.

All of the prior studies of utility of exome sequencing have started with a patient already in front of a doctor in other words, a patient with a problem, said Dr. Jennifer Puck, professor of pediatrics at UCSF and co-senior author of the study. You start with a clue in hand, a person with a particular difficulty, and youre trying to see if theres an underlying genetic reason for that. When you switch to screening mode, you dont have any clues. Most newborns look perfectly healthy.

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Should we sequence newborns' DNA? The answer is complicated, study finds - UC Berkeley

Nanoscience Presents: Food Ingredient Formulation Development with Novel Real-time Technique – PR Web

QCM-D used for understanding the physical and biochemical characteristics of food ingredients at the molecular scale, mimicking real-time interactions for insights into food formulation.

PHOENIX (PRWEB) August 13, 2020

Nanoscience Instruments hosts researchers Dr. Alireza Abbaspourrad, the Yongkeun Joh Assistant Professor of Food Chemistry and Ingredient Technology, and his research associate, Dr. Younas Dadmohammadi as they present some of their novel findings during a free webinar on August 27th, 2020.

Understanding the physical and biochemical characteristics of food ingredients is a vital part of research in the fields of food chemistry and ingredient technology, especially as researchers make advancements toward natural and clean-label food ingredients. In Cornell Universitys Department of Food Science, part of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Abbaspourrad Lab is working on just that.

Food ingredients and their in-matrix interactions significantly determining the quality (i.e., color and texture) and perception profile (i.e., taste, flavor, and aroma) of food. Food shelf life is another critical factor influencing both quality and perception. Therefore, to move away from the old-fashioned method, cook and look, and embrace a more sustainable approach, the ingredient formulation is a key step. In this vein, understanding the physical and biochemical characteristics of food ingredients at the molecular scale and mimicking real-time molecule-molecule and molecule-saliva interactions yield insights into efficient food formulation and enhanced perception profile in the oral cavity. To achieve this goal and advance our understanding of food ingredients and turn that knowledge into practical applications, cutting-edge technology such as Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation is employed. Using this information, we can develop new formulations for food products with a better understanding of how the ingredients will play a role in food quality and desired perception.

In this webinar, we will discuss a couple of food applications using QCM-D information targeting (i) the encapsulation of bioactive component, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, to mask its off-flavor and (ii) improving the shelf life stability of Cphycocyanin (a natural blue colorant) in the beverage.

Register for the free webinar:https://bit.ly/2PVZjIF

For more information on the QCM-D technique visit nanoscience.com

About the presenters:

Alireza Abbaspourrad Bio:Dr. Abbaspourrad is an Assistant Professor of Food Chemistry and Ingredient Technology at Cornell University, Department of Food Science. He is co-author of 154 peer-reviewed publications and 13 provisional/granted patents. Due to his interest in microfluidic systems, he started to focus on microfluidic systems towards sperm sample preparation since September 2017, and so far, his group could file a patent on microfluidic-based sperm separation technology and submitted two papers in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Abbaspourrad received his M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from Ferdowsi University in Iran. He did his graduate work on synthesis and surface modification of zeolites at the Isfahan University of Technology, receiving his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 2006 in Iran. He visited National Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Alberta in Canada as a visiting scholar in 2003. Afterward, he established two chemical startups. In 2009, he joined Prof. David Weitzs group at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, where he studied fabrication of functional materials at interfaces, structural emulsions, encapsulation of ingredients, and controlled release systems using drop-based microfluidics as well as conventional microencapsulation techniques.

Younas Dadmohammadi Bio:Dr. Younas Dadmohammadi is a Research Associate at Cornell University. He is leading multi-disciplinary projects and mentoring a group of graduate and undergraduate students. His field of interest forges much-needed connections between engineering, food, and life science. Younas trained as a chemical engineer through a B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. from Iran. Younas has been experienced as an industry advisor for the chemical industry and served as faculty in universities for more than seven years. In 2009, Younas was invited to Texas A&M University as a Research Scholar working on cross-disciplinary projects. Then, he moved to Oklahoma State University, where he received his 2nd Ph.D. working on a DOE-funded project focusing on machine learning, modeling, and optimization integrating both microscopic and macroscopic scales. His findings were peer-reviewed and published in several papers. In 2014, Younas joined the industrial research consortium in Oklahoma, working directly with industry to raise funding and develop innovative solutions for industry challenges to minimize the research and development cost.

About Nanoscience InstrumentsNanoscience Instruments sells innovative and highest quality research and analytical instrumentation solutions. Servicing academia, industry and government partners by delivering specialty surface science instrumentations for nanoscale applications. Our portfolio consists of desktop scanning electron microscopes, nanofiber electrospinning instruments, nanoparticle generation instruments, sample preparation solutions, transmission electron microscopy solutions, micro-balance and contact angle tensiometery instrumentation. Visit nanoscience.com to learn more about the products as well as the consumables and accessories we provide.

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Nanoscience Presents: Food Ingredient Formulation Development with Novel Real-time Technique - PR Web

Student-faculty Research Team Assessing Early Markers and Dietary Treatment of Liver Cancer – Bethel University News

We cant really take vacations. The cells need to be taken care of. Its like having a dog, Korbyn Dahlquist 20 explained with only a hint of sarcasm last summer. At the time, the biochemistry and chemistry double major and Associate Professor of Chemistry Angela Stoeckman were embarking on a year-long Edgren Scholarship-funded research project focused on understanding the dietary influence on markers of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma.

To achieve that, the team has been treating liver cancer cellsH4IIE, which can be bought online through distributorswith control substances or a saturated fatty acid called palmitate. The hope is to determine when cells are going through apoptosisdying because of the presence of extra lipidsand if theyre secreting an anti- or pro-inflammatory response in the form of cytokines. Thats like a chemical call for help that could flag the presence of further injury through a simple blood test.

To create the ideal setting for this type of work on fussy mammalian cell cultures, the team has created an intricate and incredibly hands-on process of sterilizing a biosafety cabinet with UV rays before growing cultures in optimal conditions over several days. Then they have to time their assays perfectly with the death of the cells to get the data they need.

They stain the apoptotic cells with fluorescent markers and run them through a flow cytometer. A million cells can be run through the machine at once, and it quantifies the amount of lipids present in specific populations, within a split second.

If people with the cancer have high levels of a certain cytokine, theres morbidity in the disease, Stoeckman explains. If person A is secreting, and B is not, perhaps A is more likely to die from their cancer. What Korbyn is noticing is that if these cancer cells are seeing palmitate, a saturated fatty acid, thats inducing them to secrete more cytokines, which is responsible for high morbidity. And maybe we can keep cytokines under control simply by recommending a certain diet!

NAFLD is a condition that impacts an estimated one in three Americans, and it can progress into hepatocellular carcinoma, the fastest-growing type of liver cancer globally. Its responsible for the third highest number of cancer deaths, so detecting NAFLD early could mean saving lives in the long term. Currently, it can only be identified by biopsy, which is both invasive and expensive.

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Student-faculty Research Team Assessing Early Markers and Dietary Treatment of Liver Cancer - Bethel University News

Global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator Market 2020 Key Players, Comprehensive Research, SWOT Analysis and Forecast by 2025 – Cole of Duty

A recently released report titled Global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator Market Growth 2020-2025is made covering in-depth analysis of market size, commercialization aspects, profit estimations, market share, and revenue forecast of the industry from 2020 to 2025 time-frame. The report provides details on every category of the global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator market like the product, technology, application, and end-user. It explicitly highlights the competitive status of key players focusing on growth strategies implemented by the service providers within the projection timeline while focusing on their portfolio and regional expansion ventures.

The report includes data analysis about the market status, competition pattern, advantages and disadvantages of enterprise products, development trends, and regional industrial layout characteristics. Later the study throws light on the product scope, market opportunities, market risk, and market driving force as well as provides top manufacturers sales, revenue, and price by regional and country wise analysis. The research report includes technical data, manufacturing plants analysis, and raw material sources analysis of the global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator industry.

NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.

DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT: https://www.marketandresearch.biz/sample-request/123587

Dominating players joined with their market share are highlighted in the report. The well-established players in the market are: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Memmert, BioTek Instruments, bioMerieux, Eppendorf, Shimadzu, LEEC, Binder, ESCO, NuAire, Noki,

A Comprehensive Structure of The Regional Scope:

For a complete understanding of the market dynamics, the global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator market is analyzed through key geographic areas, namely: Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia), Middle East & Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries). The study comprises of details regarding the market share amassed by each region. Additionally, details about the growth prospects for all the regions have been specified in the report. The approximate growth rate to be recorded by each region throughout the forecast period has been stated within the research study.

Differentiation of the market based on types of product: Biological Incubator, Constant Temperature Incubator, Combination Incubator,

Differentiation of the market based on types of its application: B&P Companies, A&R Institutes, CROs

Moreover, a team of experienced market research professionals and experts continuously tracks key industries to spot key developments, needs, and possible growth opportunities as well as marketing strategies, trends, future products, and rising opportunities. Comprehensive analysis of the historical data and contemporary global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator market scenario to interpret industry size, volume, share, growth, and sales have been given in the report.

ACCESS FULL REPORT: https://www.marketandresearch.biz/report/123587/global-laboratory-biochemical-automated-incubator-market-growth-2020-2025

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Global Laboratory Biochemical Automated Incubator Market 2020 Key Players, Comprehensive Research, SWOT Analysis and Forecast by 2025 - Cole of Duty

Impact of Covid-19 on Biochemical Analyzer Market is slated to grow rapidly in the forthcoming years with Top Leading Players Beckmancoulter, Hitachi,…

This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market. The pandemic caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally, including the business sector. This has brought along several changes in market conditions.

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The study also provides an overview of the Global Biochemical Analyzer Market, considering the key geographies and the segmentation. The report also studies the distribution channels and the latest technological advancements in the market. The report also studies the prevailing challenges that the industry is facing currently. This study is intended to provide the experts and professionals with a competitive benchmarking of the Global Biochemical Analyzer Market. The study provides the up-to-date information on the market share, key strategies of the leading players, profit margins, and capabilities.

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Impact of Covid-19 on Biochemical Analyzer Market is slated to grow rapidly in the forthcoming years with Top Leading Players Beckmancoulter, Hitachi,...

The global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market size is projected to reach USD 2.4 billion by 2025 from USD 1.4 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of…

NEW YORK, May 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.9% during the forecast year.

Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05902706/?utm_source=PRN

The global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market size is projected to reach USD 2.4 billion by 2025 from USD 1.4 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 8.9%. The increasing prevalence of zoonotic diseases among companion and livestock animals and the growing need for rapid disease detection are the major factors driving the growth of this market. However, the high cost of veterinary imaging instruments is expected to restrain market growth to a certain extent.

The consumables segment dominates the veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market." Based on product, the veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market is segmented into consumables and instruments. Consumables accounted for the largest market share in 2018. The large share of the consumables segment can be attributed to the increasing demand for the rapid detection of diseases, the growing prevalence of animal zoonotic diseases, and growth in the companion animal population worldwide. This segment is also expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.

By technology, the clinical biochemistry segment accounted for the largest share of the veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market in 2018. On the basis of technology, the veterinary point-of-care diagnostic kits & analyzers market has been segmented into immunodiagnostics, clinical biochemistry, hematology, urinalysis, molecular diagnostics, and other technologies.The clinical biochemistry segment accounted for the largest share of the veterinary point-of-care diagnostic kits & analyzers market in 2018.

The higher preference for advanced clinical diagnostic products by veterinarians and pet owners and the wide applications of this technology are contributing to the large share of this market.

The Asia Pacific market to witness the highest growth during the forecast period. The Asia Pacific market is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period, primarily due to the rapidly increasing animal population, growing adoption of veterinary diagnostic products, and rising demand for animal-derived food products.

Breakdown of primary participants is as mentioned below: By Company Type: Tier 1: 35%, Tier 2: 40%, and Tier 3: 25% By Designation: C-level: 35%, Director-level: 25%, and Others: 40% By Region: North America: 35%, Europe: 30%, Asia Pacific: 15%, Middle East and Africa: 10%, and Latin America: 10%

Prominent players in the veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market are Zoetis, Inc. (US), IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (US), Heska Corporation (US), Virbac (France), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), Eurolyser Diagnostica GmbH (Austria), Woodley Equipment Company (UK), Randox Laboratories Ltd. (UK), AniPOC, Ltd. (UK), Carestream Health, Inc. (a part of ONEX Corporation) (Canada), NeuroLogica Corporation (a part of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.) (South Korea), and FUJIFILM SonoSite (a part of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation) (Japan).

Research Coverage: The report analyzes the veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market and aims at estimating the market size and future growth potential of this market based on various segments, such as product, technology, application, animal type, end user, and region.It also covers competitive leadership mapping, which helps in analyzing the position of key market players as visionary leaders, innovators, dynamic players, and emerging players.

The report also provides a competitive analysis of the key players in this market, along with their company profiles, product offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Reasons to Buy the Report The report will enrich established firms as well as new entrants/smaller firms to gauge the pulse of the market, which in turn would help them to garner a greater market share. Firms purchasing the report could use one or a combination of the below-mentioned strategies to strengthen their position in the market.

This report provides insights into the following pointers: Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on product portfolios offered by the top players in the global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market. The report analyzes this market by product, technology, application, animal type, end user, and region. Product Enhancement/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming trends and launches in the global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics industry Market Development: Comprehensive information on the lucrative emerging markets by product, application, animal, end user, technology, and region Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new testing services, growing geographies, recent developments, and investments in the global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics industry Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies, service offerings, and capabilities of leading players in the global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market

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The global veterinary point-of-care diagnostics market size is projected to reach USD 2.4 billion by 2025 from USD 1.4 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of...

2020 Current trends in Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Share, Growth, Demand, Trends, Region Wise Analysis of Top Players and…

Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market 2020: Latest Analysis

Chicago, United States: The global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market has been garnering remarkable momentum in the recent years. The steadily escalating demand due to improving purchasing power is projected to bode well for the global market. Report Hive Researchs latest publication, titled global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market, offers an insightful take on the drivers and restraints present in the market. It assesses the historical data pertaining to the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market and compares it to the current market trends to give the readers a detailed analysis of the trajectory of the market. The Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market business development trends and selling channels square measure analyzed. From a global perspective, It also represents overall industry size by analyzing qualitative insights and historical data.

This study covers following key players: Biochemical Systems InternationalBPC BioSedCarolina Liquid ChemistriesAbaxis EuropeAMS AllianceRandox LaboratoriesRayto Life and Analytical SciencesScil Animal CareCrony InstrumentsDiaSys Diagnostic SystemsEurolyser DiagnosticaGesan ProductionHeskaIdexx LaboratoriesLITEON IT CorporationShenzhen Icubio Biomedical TechnologyURIT Medical Electronic

To know How COVID-19 Pandemic Will Impact This Market/Industry | Get the Sample of this Report with Detail TOC and List of [emailprotected]

NOTE: Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.

The research report covers the trends that are currently implemented by the major manufacturers in the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market including adoption of new technology, government investments on R&D, shifting in perspective towards sustainability, and others. Additionally, the researchers have also provided the figures necessary to understand the manufacturer and its contribution to both regional and global market:

The Essential Content Covered in the Global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Report :

* Top Key Company Profiles.* Main Business and Rival Information* SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis* Production, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin* Market Share and Size

Market segment by Type, the product can be split into:

Bench-Top Veterinary Biochemistry AnalyzerPortable Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer

Market segment by Application, split into:

Pet HospitalVeterinary Station

The report answers important questions that companies may have when operating in the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market. Some of the questions are given below:

What will be the size of the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market in 2025? What is the current CAGR of the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market? Which product is expected to show the highest market growth? Which application is projected to gain a lions share of the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market? Which region is foretold to create the most number of opportunities in the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market? Will there be any changes in market competition during the forecast period? Which are the top players currently operating in the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market? How will the market situation change in the coming years? What are the common business tactics adopted by players? What is the growth outlook of the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market?

The scope of the Report:

The report segments the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market on the basis of application, type, service, technology, and region. Each chapter under this segmentation allows readers to grasp the nitty-gritties of the market. A magnified look at the segment-based analysis is aimed at giving the readers a closer look at the opportunities and threats in the market. It also address political scenarios that are expected to impact the market in both small and big ways.The report on the global Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer market examines changing regulatory scenario to make accurate projections about potential investments. It also evaluates the risk for new entrants and the intensity of the competitive rivalry.

Get Customized PDF template of this report: https://www.reporthive.com/request_customization/2311706

There are 15 Chapters to display the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Research.

Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer , Applications of Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer , Market Segment by Regions;

Chapter 2, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;

Chapter 3, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;

Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis;

Chapter 5 and 6, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific etc., Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Segment Market Analysis;

Chapter 7 and 8, to analyze the Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer;

Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type, Market Trend by Application;

Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;

Chapter 11, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer;

Chapter 12, to describe Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.

Speak to Research Analyst: +1-312-604-7084

About Us:Report Hive Research delivers strategic market research reports, statistical survey, and Industry analysis and forecast data on products and services, markets and companies. Our clientele ranges mix of United States Business Leaders, Government Organizations, SMEs, Individual and Start-ups, Management Consulting Firms, and Universities etc. Our library of 600,000+ market reports covers industries like Chemical, Healthcare, IT, Telecom, Semiconductor, etc. in the USA, Europe Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific. We help in business decision-making on aspects such as market entry strategies, market sizing, market share analysis, sales and revenue, technology trends, competitive analysis, product portfolio and application analysis etc.

Excerpt from:
2020 Current trends in Automatic Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzer Market Share, Growth, Demand, Trends, Region Wise Analysis of Top Players and...

According to Latest Report on Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market to Grow with an Impressive CAGR Shandong Efirm Biochemistry, Ningxia Baoma Chemical…

Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market Research Report 2020 With COVID-19 Analysis

The global market report is a systematic research of the global Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market portraying the current state of affairs in the market. Further, it offers an estimation of the market measure as far as esteem and in volume and discusses the key fragments and the topographical subdivisions of the market for Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) advertise in subtle elements.

Get a Sample PDF copy of the report @ https://reportsinsights.com/sample/14729

Key Competitors of the Global Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market are: , AlzChem, NCI, Denka, Jiafeng Chemical, Ningxia Sunnyfield Chemical, Darong Group, Gulang Xinmiao, Yinglite Chemical, Beilite Chemical, Shandong Efirm Biochemistry, Ningxia Baoma Chemical

The fundamental purpose of Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5)Market report is to provide a correct and strategic analysis of the Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) industry. The report scrutinizes each segment and sub-segments presents before you a 360-degree view of the said market.

It gives top to bottom instructive information on the advancement patterns and the approaches and controls, concerning Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) showcase, actualized in every one of the topographical sections. The dominating utilizations of this market have additionally been talked about finally in this exploration consider.

Major Product Types covered are: , Calcium Cyanamide Granular, Calcium Cyanamide Powder

Major Applications of Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) covered are: , Fertilizer Industry, Pesticide Industry, Others

To get this report at a profitable rate.: https://reportsinsights.com/discount/14729

What are the affecting elements that are made reference to in the report?

Market Scenario:The report further highlights the development trends in the global Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) market. Factors that are driving the market growth and fueling its segments are also analyzed in the report. The report also highlights on its applications, types, deployments, components, developments of this market.

Key Market Highlights:The Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) report gives a top to bottom examination on a portion of the key elements, involving income, cost, limit, limit usage rate, creation, generation rate, utilization, import/send out, supply/request, net, piece of the pie, CAGR, and gross edge. Furthermore, the report shows a far reaching investigation of the market development factors and their most recent patterns, alongside important market fragments and sub-portions.

Analytical Tools:The Global Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market report incorporates the decisively examined and assessed information of the significant market members and their market scope utilizing various investigative devices. The diagnostic apparatuses incorporate Porters five powers examination, SWOT investigation, achievability study, and venture return investigation, which have been utilized to consider the development of the key players working in the market.

The main points which are answered and covered in this Report are-

What will be the total Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market in the coming years till 2026?What will be the key factors which will be overall affecting the industry?What are the various challenges addressed?Which are the major companies included?

Access full Report Description, TOC, Table of Figure, Chart, etc. @ https://reportsinsights.com/industry-forecast/Dicyandiamide-CAS-461-58-5-Market-14729

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Reports Insights is the leading research industry that offers contextual and data-centric research services to its customers across the globe. The firm assists its clients to strategize business policies and accomplish sustainable growth in their respective market domain. The industry provides consulting services, syndicated research reports, and customized research reports.

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Originally posted here:
According to Latest Report on Dicyandiamide (CAS 461-58-5) Market to Grow with an Impressive CAGR Shandong Efirm Biochemistry, Ningxia Baoma Chemical...

Meitheal Pharmaceuticals Announces Launch of Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, USP in the United States – Business Wire

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Meitheal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Meitheal), a fully integrated generic injectables company today announced the launch of Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, USP, the generic equivalent of Lovenox, in the United States market. Meitheal licenses Enoxaparin Sodium Injection exclusively through its partnership with Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (NKF), its majority shareholder. Enoxaparin had sales of approximately $570,878,217 in the United States, according to IQVIA data as of MAT (Moving Annual Total) March 2020.

We are pleased to bring another vital injectable product to market, continuing to advance our mission of bridging critical gaps in the healthcare industry through guaranteeing quality, affordable generic injectables to address patients unmet needs, said Tom Shea, Chief Executive Officer of Meitheal Pharmaceuticals. Amid significant uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing concerns about generic drug supply, we are thrilled to have a stable, vertically integrated enoxaparin supply chain in the US, and an expanding product portfolio of high-quality injectable products. Anticoagulant therapies, such as enoxaparin, appear to be associated with better prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients, so we are proud to offer and provide a much-needed product during this pandemic.

Meitheal primarily specializes in the development, manufacture, procurement, and sale of generic injectable pharmaceuticals, with 25 FDA-approved products covering indications for anesthetic, anti-infective, oncolytic and intensive care. Furthermore, Meitheal has an expanding product portfolio and robust pipeline, including single and multi-dose vials and ready-to-use prefilled syringes. Currently, Meitheal has 38 products in the research and development phase, 19 products under review by the FDA, and 9 additional products planned to be launched by the end of 2020.

Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, USP is a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) indicated for:



See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning.

Epidural or spinal hematomas may occur in patients who are anticoagulated with low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) or heparinoids and are receiving neuraxial anesthesia or undergoing spinal puncture. These hematomas may result in long-term or permanent paralysis. Consider these risks when scheduling patients for spinal procedures. Factors that can increase the risk of

developing epidural or spinal hematomas in these patients include:

Monitor patients frequently for signs and symptoms of neurological impairment. If neurological compromise is noted, urgent treatment is necessary.

Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, USP is contraindicated in patients with active major bleeding, history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) within the past 100 days or in the presence of circulating antibodies, hypersensitivity to enoxaparin sodium and hypersensitivity to heparin or pork products.

Warnings and Precautions:

Most common adverse reactions (>1%) were bleeding, anemia, thrombocytopenia, elevation of serum aminotransferase, diarrhea, nausea, ecchymosis, fever, edema, peripheral edema, dyspnea, confusion, and injection site pain.

For additional information, please see full Prescribing Information including boxed warning.

ABOUT MEITHEAL PHARMACEUTICALSSince 2017, Meitheal Pharmaceuticals has bridged critical gaps in the US healthcare market by supplying high quality, affordable generic injectables. Our diversified product range from antibiotics, anticoagulants, and muscle relaxants to drugs used in chemotherapy represents practical solutions for countless patients around the country, as well as Meitheals commitment to their care. Based in Chicago, Illinois, our aim each day is producing quality and ensuring affordability, using the traditional Irish guiding principle we are named for Meitheal (Meehall): working together toward a common goal, for the greater good.

Learn more about who we are and what we do at http://www.meithealpharma.com.


NKF is a China-based company principally engaged in the research and development, production and sales of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and Finished Dosage Form (FDF). Established in 1986 as one of world leading manufacturers of heparin related APIs, NKF has grown into a fully integrated API and FDF manufacturer in multiple therapeutic areas including critical care and oncology. With three US FDA approved manufacturing sites in China and more than 500 employees, including more than 100 dedicated research and development experts, NKF strives to meet patient needs globally with market presence at US, China, EU and South America. The Company is publicly listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange with a market capitalization over $6B.

*Lovenox is a registered trademark of Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC

The rest is here:
Meitheal Pharmaceuticals Announces Launch of Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, USP in the United States - Business Wire

COVID-19 Outbreak Bestows Lucrative Opportunities to Biochemistry Analysers Market; Demand to Remain High Post Pandemic – 3rd Watch News

The report on the Biochemistry Analysers market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Biochemistry Analysers market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Biochemistry Analysers market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Biochemistry Analysers market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

The Biochemistry Analysers market study is a well-researched report encompassing a detailed analysis of this industry with respect to certain parameters such as the product capacity as well as the overall market remuneration. The report enumerates details about production and consumption patterns in the business as well, in addition to the current scenario of the Biochemistry Analysers market and the trends that will prevail in this industry.

Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @ https://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2650861&source=atm

What pointers are covered in the Biochemistry Analysers market research study?

The Biochemistry Analysers market report Elucidated with regards to the regional landscape of the industry:

The geographical reach of the Biochemistry Analysers market has been meticulously segmented into United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, according to the report.

The research enumerates the consumption market share of every region in minute detail, in conjunction with the production market share and revenue.

Also, the report is inclusive of the growth rate that each region is projected to register over the estimated period.

The Biochemistry Analysers market report Elucidated with regards to the competitive landscape of the industry:

The competitive expanse of this business has been flawlessly categorized into companies such as

Market: Drivers and RestrainsThe research report has incorporated the analysis of different factors that augment the markets growth. It constitutes trends, restraints, and drivers that transform the market in either a positive or negative manner. This section also provides the scope of different segments and applications that can potentially influence the market in the future. The detailed information is based on current trends and historic milestones. This section also provides an analysis of the volume of sales about the global market and also about each type from 2015 to 2026. This section mentions the volume of sales by region from 2015 to 2026. Pricing analysis is included in the report according to each type from the year 2015 to 2026, manufacturer from 2015 to 2020, region from 2015 to 2020, and global price from 2015 to 2026.A thorough evaluation of the restrains included in the report portrays the contrast to drivers and gives room for strategic planning. Factors that overshadow the market growth are pivotal as they can be understood to devise different bends for getting hold of the lucrative opportunities that are present in the ever-growing market. Additionally, insights into market experts opinions have been taken to understand the market better.Global Biochemistry Analysers Market: Segment Analysis The research report includes specific segments such as application and product type. Each type provides information about the sales during the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. The application segment also provides revenue by volume and sales during the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.Global Biochemistry Analysers Market: Regional AnalysisThe research report includes a detailed study of regions of North America, Europe, China and Japan. The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, sales, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.Global Biochemistry Analysers Market: Competitive LandscapeThis section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.Following are the segments covered by the report are:Fully Automated Biochemistry AnalyserSemi Automated Biochemistry AnalyserBy Application:Hospital and Diagnostic LaboratoriesHome CareAcademic and Research InstitutesKey Players:The Key manufacturers that are operating in the global Biochemistry Analysers market are:Thermo Fisher ScientificAbbottHORIBASiemens HealthcareXylem AnalyticsAgappe DiagnosticsRMSMicroLab InstrumentsLabindia InstrumentsCompetitive LandscapeThe analysts have provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape of the global Biochemistry Analysers market with the company market structure and market share analysis of the top players. The innovative trends and developments, mergers and acquisitions, product portfolio, and new product innovation to provide a dashboard view of the market, ultimately providing the readers accurate measure of the current market developments, business strategies, and key financials.

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Exclusive details pertaining to the contribution that every firm has made to the industry have been outlined in the study. Not to mention, a brief gist of the company description has been provided as well.

Substantial information subject to the production patterns of each firm and the area that is catered to, has been elucidated.

The valuation that each company holds, in tandem with the description as well as substantial specifications of the manufactured products have been enumerated in the study as well.

The Biochemistry Analysers market research study conscientiously mentions a separate section that enumerates details with regards to major parameters like the price fads of key raw material and industrial chain analysis, not to mention, details about the suppliers of the raw material. That said, it is pivotal to mention that the Biochemistry Analysers market report also expounds an analysis of the industry distribution chain, further advancing on aspects such as important distributors and the customer pool.

The Biochemistry Analysers market report enumerates information about the industry in terms of market share, market size, revenue forecasts, and regional outlook. The report further illustrates competitive insights of key players in the business vertical followed by an overview of their diverse portfolios and growth strategies.

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.marketresearchhub.com/checkout?rep_id=2650861&licType=S&source=atm

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Excerpt from:
COVID-19 Outbreak Bestows Lucrative Opportunities to Biochemistry Analysers Market; Demand to Remain High Post Pandemic - 3rd Watch News

Potential impact of coronavirus outbreak on Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market: A Deep Dive Analysis of Various Regions and Strategies…

Detailed Study on the Global Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market

A recent market study throws light on some of the leading factors that are likely to influence the growth of the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market in the upcoming decade. The well-researched market study touches upon the growth potential of various budding market players in the current Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market landscape. Moreover, established players, stakeholders, and investors can leverage the data in the report to formulate effective growth strategies.

As per the report, the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market is forecasted to reach a value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). The key dynamics of the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market including the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and trends are thoroughly analyzed in the presented report.

Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @ https://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2644908&source=atm

The Research Aims to Addresses the Following Doubts Pertaining to the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market

The report on the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

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Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market Segmentation

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape section of the report elaborates on the recent developments and innovations introduced by prominent players in the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market. The growth potential, revenue growth, product range, and pricing strategies of each market player in inspected in the report with precision.

End-use Industry Assessment

The report segments the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market on the basis of end-use industry and offers a detailed understanding of the supply-demand ratio and consumption pattern of the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers in each end-use industry.

Regional and Country-level AnalysisThe report offers an exhaustive geographical analysis of the global Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market, covering important regions, viz, North America, Europe, China and Japan. It also covers key countries (regions), viz, U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by each application segment in terms of volume for the period 2015-2026.Competition AnalysisIn the competitive analysis section of the report, leading as well as prominent players of the global Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on price and revenue (global level) by player for the period 2015-2020.On the whole, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers market.The following manufacturers are covered in this report:Idexx LaboratoriesAbaxisHeskaFuji FilmDiaSys Diagnostic SystemsRandox LaboratoriesLITEONURIT Medical ElectronicScil Animal CareBPC BioSedAMS AllianceCarolina Liquid ChemistriesCrony InstrumentsiCubioBench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Breakdown Data by TypeAutomaticSemi-automaticBench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Breakdown Data by ApplicationVeterinary HospitalsVeterinary Clinics

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.marketresearchhub.com/checkout?rep_id=2644908&licType=S&source=atm

Essential Findings of the Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market Report:

See the article here:
Potential impact of coronavirus outbreak on Bench-top Veterinary Biochemistry Analyzers Market: A Deep Dive Analysis of Various Regions and Strategies...

What scientists are learning to try to be ready for what’s after COVID-19 – Minneapolis Star Tribune

CHICAGO More than a decade ago, a center was founded at Northwestern University as a rapid-response operation against infectious disease. But its work was sporadic a boom when epidemics hit, a bust when they were under control.

Now, researchers with the Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases are rushing to find a treatment for COVID-19, making up for lost time. And they hope theyll be ready for whatever comes next.

I think were making substantial strides, said Karla Satchell, director of the center who is a professor of microbiology-immunology at Northwesterns Feinberg School of Medicine. Our hope is that we can do something in time to help this round of the pandemic. But at the very least, we can do enough that this wont happen again.

Andy Mesecar, an expert in biochemistry and gene therapy, is on the front lines of that fight. He has been working seven-day weeks, racing to find a drug for COVID-19, teaching at Purdue University and submitting daily reports to the National Institutes of Health.

His lab is one of the leading centers studying coronaviruses, and he and his team have dedicated nearly two decades to the research. With a background in biochemistry and structural biology, Mesecar started out studying enzymes that could fight cancer. He got into infectious diseases after the anthrax attacks in the weeks after 9/11. Then, he pivoted to studying enzymes that could be used against SARS when it surfaced in November 2002. My training in structural biology allows me to work on any diseases that go around, he said. I can apply it to any disease and do so rapidly.

The bulk of coronavirus research began during the SARS epidemic and through the MERS outbreak less than 10 years later. Hardly anything was known about coronaviruses at the time, Satchell said, so researchers sprinted to learn its biochemistry.

During the basic science phase of drug discovery, researchers identify the genetic sequence of a protein or enzyme that is essential to the virus replication, then look for a compound that blocks it, called the inhibitor. The compounds are developed into a drug that not only lasts long enough in the body to kill the virus but is also nontoxic. Only then can it move to animal trials.

Mesecar spent years studying SARS, then MERS. But as the outbreaks waned, funding dried up. To continue their work, his team scoured for small amounts of funding, but even three years ago, they didnt have enough to support a single person fully. Then the center at Northwestern stepped in.

But the lull in funding had already done its damage, Satchell said. No clinical trials of the compounds had been done by the time the pandemic hit. Nothing ever got out of the laboratory (for SARS), she said. Theres no treatment for COVID-19 that is specific to this virus and this infection, and the research tracking it really seems like it just ended.

When MERS emerged in 2012, Mesecars team switched to this new coronavirus, publishing papers that shared their discovery of compounds that worked against it. He and his team were among the first to predict that the next coronavirus outbreak would come from bats, the suspected origin of COVID-19. Everything we did was to predict the next outbreak, he said. What we wanted to do was to have compounds that could rapidly move toward the particular coronavirus strain that emerged.

Satchell, Mesecar and others point to earlier failings as a cautionary tale. Mesecar said researchers should study the effects of certain compounds on animals so they could be more quickly developed when new viruses appear. This was the key to remdesivir reaching patients now. Were not as far behind as we could be because of the love and ingenuity of scientists who want to pursue and learn about it, he said.

The coronavirus field is undergoing a rapid change. Satchell said, more funding will be needed and more scientists will need to remain in the field. Shes seen this effect with tuberculosis, anthrax attacks and SARS, and she believes this pandemic will yield similar results. In order to be prepared for the next public health threat, she said, scientists will need to break new ground.

You can make a lot of movement fast, based on what you know, Satchell said. But at some point, you hit a wall where you have to discover new things.

See more here:
What scientists are learning to try to be ready for what's after COVID-19 - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market to Exhibit Rapid Surge in Consumption in the COVID-19 Crisis – Cole of Duty

The worldwide market for non-lethal biochemical weapons is moderately consolidated in nature with two companies holding xx % shares in 2018, according to a trending business and commerce report by Trends Market Research.

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The analysts of the report have identified Raytheon Companies and General Dynamics Corporation as two of the leading companies ahead of the curve in the global non-lethal biochemical weapons market, while it has also highlighted BAE Systems as the one which held the third position. Going forward, the intelligence report has anticipated that the positions of these three companies will change owing to changing dynamics wherein research and development of innovative products is of great essence.

If the projections of the TMR report are to be believed, the demand in the global non-lethal biochemical weapons market will multiply at a notable CAGR of xx % during the forecast period of 2018 2025. The analysts have evaluated that the market was worth US$ xx bn in 2018 and have estimated that the opportunities will translate into a revenue of US$ xx bn by the end of the forecast period, which is 2025.

As far as the futuristic competitive landscape is concerned, a few new entrants are expected to make a foray into the market, although the aforementioned three key companies are expected to retain their leadership positions owing to their well-established geographical presence.

Based on operation, the research report insights report segments the global non-lethal biochemical weapons market into offensive, defensive, and genetic attack, whereas on the basis of end use, the market has been bifurcated into law enforcement agencies and military forces.

The military forces segment provided for 82% of the demand in 2015 and is expected to hold its position throughout the forecast period. On the basis of product type, the market has been classified into directed energy and direct contact. Geographically, the region of the Middle East and Africa is currently most lucrative, generating 35% of the demand in 2015, closely followed by the developed region of North America. Asia Pacific has also been identified as a region of focus for the key players.

Increased Defense Budget of Emerging Economies Driving Demand

Growing cases of cross-border tensions between a number of neighboring countries and consequently incremented defense budget of these countries is the primary driver of the global non-lethal biochemical weapons market. The usage of sophisticated weapons to maintain law and order is aiding to the demand. These since non-lethal biochemical weapons do not cause casualty but effectively works as far as rattling the protectors or attackers is the factors that is augmenting its adoption.

In addition to that, increased investment by the leading companies to develop innovative products is expected to yield results during the forecast period. Increasing political disputes and civil unrests, growing acts of terrorism in a number of European countries, and militarization of law enforcement agencies are some of the other factors reflecting positively on the global non-lethal biochemical weapons market.

Environmental Concerns Obstructing Markets Prosperity

On the other hand, strict government regulations regarding the usage of certain chemicals for the harm they can cause to humans as well as the environment, decreasing defense budget of various developed countries, apprehensions among end users, and trafficking and indiscriminate use of non-lethal weapons are a few challenges obstructing the prosperity of the market. Nevertheless, the stockholder connected to the value chain of this market stand to gain from persistent research and development activities and by making a foray into the emerging economies.

As per the review is based on a Trends Market Research report, titled, Non-lethal Biochemical Weapons Market (Operation -Defensive, Offensive, and Genetic Attack; Product Directed Energy and Direct Contact; End Use Military Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies) Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2018 2025.

Key Segments of the Global Non-lethal Biochemical Weapons Market

Global Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market: By Operation Type

DefensiveOffensiveGenetic Attack

Global Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market: By Product Type

Directed EnergyDirect Contact

Global Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market: By End Use

Military ForcesLaw Enforcement Agencies

Global Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market: By Geography

North AmericaU.S.CanadaMexicoEuropeU.K.GermanyFranceItalyRest of Europe

Asia Pacific

ChinaJapanIndiaSouth KoreaRest of Asia Pacific

Middle East and AfricaUAESaudi ArabiaSouth AfricaRest of MEALatin AmericaBrazilArgentinaRest of Latin America

<<< Get COVID-19 Report Analysis >>>https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/covid-19-analysis/3583

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Non-Lethal Biochemical Weapons Market to Exhibit Rapid Surge in Consumption in the COVID-19 Crisis - Cole of Duty

Ground-breaking antibody test for coronavirus to be provided in Lancashire within next two weeks – Lancashire Telegraph

Ground-breaking testing for Covid-19 antibody is set to start at a Lancashire hospital within the next two weeks.

At the beginning of April, the pathology team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals set up what is known as a PCR test on swabs taken from people with symptoms of Covid-19 to see whether or not they actually have the virus.

As a result of the test's success, the team has now been asked to set up a ground-breaking Covid-19 antibody testing facility at Royal Preston Hospital.

The new antibody test will tell pathologists whether or not a person has had the disease, and give them an understanding of how many of the population have actually been infected, in order to assist in the nationwide track and trace initiative.

The test will be performed in the clinical biochemistry laboratory at the Royal Preston Hospital, using the Roche Covid-19 antibody test.

Dr David Orr, clinical director of pathology and consultant microbiologist said: "This news is most welcome and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is now at the forefront of measuring both the active disease using the PCR swab test and the antibody test.

"Having both of these tests available will help us in our fight to beat Covid-19."

Eventually, many labs in the country with Roche equipment will use the test, however, the lab at Preston is only one of four laboratories that have been initially chosen, mainly because it's one of the most highly advanced automated clinical biochemistry laboratories in England, supported by state of the art informatics and operated by highly skilled scientists.

The testing will require the collaboration and teamwork of many departments within Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, working together to carry out the test, process the samples, analyse the findings, collate the results and report on the data.

Consultant clinical biochemist at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, Dr Martin Myers, said: "I am delighted that the clinical biochemistry department has been chosen to be in Phase One for antibody testing in England.

"Our advanced automation will allow us to perform thousands of tests a day.

"The team work between the clinical biochemists and microbiologists will have a major impact in our fight against this wretched disease and once we have carried out some quality checks, it is hoped that we will start to prove the service within two weeks."

See the article here:
Ground-breaking antibody test for coronavirus to be provided in Lancashire within next two weeks - Lancashire Telegraph

Outlook into the Worldwide Companion Animal Diagnostics Industry to 2027 – Demand for Advanced Technologies to Improve Disease Diagnosis -…

Dublin, May 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Forecast to 2027 - COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by Technology; Application; Animal Type; End User;and Geography" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The companion animal diagnostics market was valued at US$ 2,031.62 Mn in 2019 and is projected to reach US$ 2,684.86 Mn by 2027; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2020 to 2027.

The growing prevalence of chronic diseases in pet animals and the increasing adoption of pets for companionship are the major factors driving the growth of the companion animal diagnostics market. However, increasing pet care costs and extended pet lifespan are expected to restrain the growth of the market during the forecast period.

The companion animal diagnostics market offerings deal with the epidemiology and pathogenesis of domestic animals and facilitate the prevention of further complications with the health of pets and their owners.

The global companion animal diagnostics market is segmented into technology, animal type, application, and end-user. Based on technology, the companion animal diagnostics market is further segmented into immunodiagnostics, clinical biochemistry, hematology, urinalysis, molecular diagnostics, and others. The immunodiagnostics segment held the largest share of the market in 2019. However, the clinical biochemistry segment is anticipated to register a higher CAGR in the market during the forecast period.

A few essential primary and secondary sources included in the report areAnimal & Plant Health Agency, American Veterinary Medical Association, and the Canadian Centre for Veterinary Biologics.

Reasons to Buy

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Companion Animal Diagnostic Market - Key Takeaways

3. Research Methodology3.1 Coverage3.2 Secondary Research3.3 Primary Research

4. Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Market Landscape4.1 Overview4.2 PEST Analysis4.2.1 North America4.2.2 Europe4.2.3 Asia Pacific4.2.4 Middle East & Africa4.2.5 South & Central America4.3 Expert Opinion

5. Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Key Market Dynamics5.1 Key Drivers5.1.1 Growing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in Pet Animals5.1.2 Increasing Adoption of Pets for Companionship5.2 Key Restraints5.2.1 Increasing Pet Care Costs and Extended Pet Lifespan5.3 Opportunities5.3.1 Demand for Advanced Technologies to Improve Disease Diagnosis5.4 Trends5.4.1 Escalating Number of Product Launches5.5 Impact Analysis

6. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Global Analysis6.1 Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Revenue Forecast And Analysis6.2 Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market, By Geography - Forecast And Analysis6.3 Market Positioning of Key Players

7. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Analysis - By Technology7.1 Overview7.2 Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Share, by Technology, 2019 and 2027 (%)7.3 Immunodiagnostics7.3.1 Overview7.3.2 Immunodiagnostics: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.3.3 Lateral Flow Assays7.3.3.1 Overview7.3.3.2 Lateral Flow Assays: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.3.4 ELISA Tests7.3.4.1 Overview7.3.4.2 ELISA Tests: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.3.5 Allergen-Specific Immunodiagnostic Tests7.3.5.1 Overview7.3.5.2 Allergen-Specific Immunodiagnostic Tests: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.3.6 Immunoassay Analyzers7.3.6.1 Overview7.3.6.2 Immunoassay Analyzers: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.4 Clinical Biochemistry7.4.1 Overview7.4.2 Clinical Biochemistry: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.4.3 Clinical Chemistry Analysis7.4.3.1 Overview7.4.3.2 Clinical Chemistry Analysis: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.4.4 Glucose Monitoring7.4.4.1 Overview7.4.4.2 Glucose Monitoring: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.4.5 Blood Gas Electrolyte Analysis7.4.5.1 Overview7.4.5.2 Blood Gas Electrolyte Analysis: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.5 Hematology7.5.1 Overview7.5.2 Hematology: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.6 Urinalysis7.6.1 Overview7.6.2 Urinalysis: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.7 Molecular Diagnostics7.7.1 Overview7.7.2 Molecular Diagnostics: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)7.8 Others7.8.1 Overview7.8.2 Others: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

8. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Analysis - By Application8.1 Overview8.2 Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Share, by Application, 2019 and 2027 (%)8.3 Bacteriology8.3.1 Overview8.3.2 Bacteriology: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)8.4 Clinical Pathology8.4.1 Overview8.4.2 Clinical Pathology: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)8.5 Virology8.5.1 Overview8.5.2 Virology: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)8.6 Parasitology8.6.1 Overview8.6.2 Parasitology: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)8.7 Others8.7.1 Overview8.7.2 Others: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

9. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Analysis - By Animal Type9.1 Overview9.2 Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Share, by Animal Type, 2019 and 2027 (%)9.3 Dogs9.3.1 Overview9.3.2 Dogs: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)9.4 Cats9.4.1 Overview9.4.2 Cats: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)9.5 Horses9.5.1 Overview9.5.2 Horses: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)9.6 Others9.6.1 Overview9.6.2 Others: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

10. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Analysis - By End User10.1 Overview10.2 Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Share, by End User, 2019 and 2027 (%)10.3 Diagnostic Laboratories10.3.1 Overview10.3.2 Diagnostic Laboratories: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)10.4 Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics10.4.1 Overview10.4.2 Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)10.5 Research Institutes and Universities10.5.1 Overview10.5.2 Research Institutes and Universities: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

11. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market- Geographic Analysis11.1 North America: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market11.2 Europe: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market11.3 Asia Pacific: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market11.4 Middle East and Africa: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market11.5 South and Central America: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market

12. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic On Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market12.1 North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic12.2 Europe: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic12.3 Asia-Pacific: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic12.4 Rest of the World: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

13. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market -Industry Landscape13.1 Overview13.2 Growth Strategies in The Companion Animal Diagnostics Market, 2016-202013.3 Inorganic Growth Strategies13.3.1 Overview13.4 Organic Growth Strategies13.4.1 Overview

14. Companion Animal Diagnostics Market - Company Profiles14.1 Zoetis Inc.14.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc14.3 Virbac14.4 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.14.5 Randox Laboratories, Ltd.14.6 Idvet14.7 Idexx Laboratories, Inc.14.8 Heska Corporation14.9 Fujifilm Corporation14.10 Skyla Corporation

15. Appendix

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Outlook into the Worldwide Companion Animal Diagnostics Industry to 2027 - Demand for Advanced Technologies to Improve Disease Diagnosis -...

Team of Biochemists and Virologists Discover Potential Targets for COVID-19 Therapy – SciTechDaily

A team of biochemists and virologists at Goethe University and the Frankfurt University Hospital were able to observe how human cells change upon infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19 in people. The scientists tested a series of compounds in laboratory models and found some which slowed down or stopped virus reproduction. These results now enable the search for an active substance to be narrowed down to a small number of already approved drugs.

Based on these findings, a US company reports that it is preparing clinical trials. A Canadian company is also starting a clinical study with a different substance.

Professor Jindrich Cintal. Credit: University Hospital Frankfurt

Since the start of February, the Medical Virology of the Frankfurt University Hospital has been in possession of a SARS-CoV-2 infection cell culture system. The Frankfurt scientists in Professor Sandra Cieseks team succeeded in cultivating the virus in colon cells from swabs taken from two infected individuals returning from Wuhan (Hoehlet al.NEJM2020).

Using a technique developed at the Institute for Biochemistry II at Goethe University Frankfurt, researchers from both institutions were together able to show how a SARS-CoV-2 infection changes the human host cells. The scientists used a particular form of mass spectrometry called the mePROD method, which they had developed only a few months previously. This method makes it possible to determine the amount and synthesis rate of thousands of proteins within a cell.

The findings paint a picture of the progression of a SARS-CoV-2 infection: whilst many viruses shut down the hosts protein production to the benefit of viral proteins, SARS-CoV-2 only slightly influences the protein production of the host cell, with the viral proteins appearing to be produced in competition to host cell proteins. Instead, a SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to an increased protein synthesis machinery in the cell. The researchers suspected this was a weak spot of the virus and were indeed able to significantly reduce virus reproduction using something known as translation inhibitors, which shut down protein production.

Twenty-four hours after infection, the virus causes distinct changes to the composition of the host proteome: while cholesterol metabolism is reduced, activities in carbohydrate metabolism and in modification of RNA as protein precursors increase. In line with this, the scientists were successful in stopping virus reproduction in cultivated cells by applying inhibitors of these processes. Similar success was achieved by using a substance that inhibits the production of building blocks for the viral genome.

Dr. Christian Mnch. Credit: Uwe Dettmer, Goethe University Frankfurt

The findings have already created a stir on the other side of the Atlantic: in keeping with common practice since the beginning of the corona crisis, the Frankfurt researchers made these findings immediately available on a preprint server and on the website of the Institute for Biochemistry II. Professor Ivan Dikic, Director of the Institute, comments: Both the culture of open science, in which we share our scientific findings as quickly as possible, and the interdisciplinary collaboration between biochemists and virologists contributed to this success. This project started not even three months ago, and has already revealed new therapeutic approaches to COVID-19.

Professor Sandra Ciesek, Director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the University Hospital Frankfurt, explains: In a unique situation like this we also have to take new paths in research. An already existing cooperation between the Cinatl and Mnch laboratories made it possible to quickly focus the research on SARS-CoV-2. The findings so far are a wonderful affirmation of this approach of cross-disciplinary collaborations.

Among the substances that stopped viral reproduction in the cell culture system was 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose (2-DG), which interferes directly with the carbohydrate metabolism necessary for viral reproduction. The US company Moleculin Biotech possesses a substance called WP1122, a prodrug similar to 2-DG. Recently, Moleculin Biotech announced that they are preparing a clinical trial with this substance based on theresults from Frankfurt.

Based on another one of the substances tested in Frankfurt, Ribavirin, the Canadian company Bausch Health Americas is starting a clinical study with 50 participants.

Dr. Christian Mnch, Head of the Protein Quality Control Group at the Institute for Biochemistry II and lead author, comments: Thanks to the mePROD-technology we developed, we were for the first time able to trace the cellular changes upon infection over time and with high detail in our laboratory. We were obviously aware of the potential scope of our findings. However, they are based on a cell culture system and require further testing. The fact that our findings may now immediately trigger further in vivo studies with the purpose of drug development is definitely a great stroke of luck. Beyond this, there are also other potentially interesting candidates among the inhibitors tested, says Mnch, some of which have already been approved for other indications.

Professor Jindrich Cinatl from the Institute of Medical Virology and lead author explains: The successful use of substances that are components of already approved drugs to combat SARS-CoV-2 is a great opportunity in the fight against the virus. These substances are already well characterised, and we know how they are tolerated by patients. This is why there is currently a global search for these types of substances. In the race against time, our work can now make an important contribution as to which directions promise the fastest success.

Reference: SARS-CoV-2 infected host cell proteomics reveal potential therapy targets by Denisa Bojkova, Kevin Klann, Benjamin Koch, Marek Widera, David Krause, Sandra Ciesek, Jindrich Cinatl, Christian Mnch, 14 May 2020, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2332-7

Here is the original post:
Team of Biochemists and Virologists Discover Potential Targets for COVID-19 Therapy - SciTechDaily

New research discovered how the body reacts to coronavirus, how we can support defenses – WSAW

(WZAW) -- A breakthrough, preclinical study may provide some answers. It found that the coronavirus infection stresses cells and depletes cellular NAD+ levels, more than three-fold.

On Friday, Dr. Charles Brenner, Chair of Biochemistry at the University of Iowa, broke down the findings and how they could help inform how we deal with the coronavirus.

My laboratory is interested in NAD, which is the central co-enzyme, the central catalyst of metabolism. This is a molecule that is so intrinsic to life that its required for us to convert everything that we eat, not only into ATP, the biological energy to power our cells, but its required to convert everything that we eat, really into everything that we are, everything that we do, Dr. Brenner explained.

In his research, he team found that coronavirus attacks the NAD system. NAD is required for an innate immune defense against the virus.

This appears to be actionable, because not only are some of the genes that use up NAD turned on by our viral infection, but some of the genes that we use to make NAD are turned up by the viral infection, he added. We think that gives us a way to boost NAD and potentially boost our defense against viral infection.

He said there are many stressors that disturb the NAD system, such as age, obesity, type 2 diabetes, nerve damage, alcohol use, time zone disruption, DNA damage and reactive oxygen stress.

Dr. Brenner said there is good news, though, that you can increase your NAD levels.

Our laboratory discovered NR nicotinamide riboside as an NAD precursor vitamin. Its not been tested yet as a viral preventative strategy, but our research is moving in the direction for testing NR for preventability in animal models and in human systems.

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New research discovered how the body reacts to coronavirus, how we can support defenses - WSAW

Leading Manufacturers and their Strategies to see Distinctly Growth in Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market by 2023 – Owned

This Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product segments, sales channels, key countries, and import / export dynamics. It details market size & forecast, growth drivers, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over various segments in Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer industry. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market dynamics in both value and volume terms.

About Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Industry

The overviews, SWOT analysis and strategies of each vendor in the Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market provide understanding about the market forces and how those can be exploited to create future opportunities.

Important application areas of Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer are also assessed on the basis of their performance. Market predictions along with the statistical nuances presented in the report render an insightful view of the Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market. The market study on Global Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market 2018 report studies present as well as future aspects of the Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market primarily based upon factors on which the companies participate in the market growth, key trends and segmentation analysis.

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Segment by TypeFloor-standingBench-top

Segment by ApplicationPrimary HospitalPrefectural HospitalProvincial Hospital

Global Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market: Regional AnalysisThe report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market in important regions, including the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Brazil, etc. Key regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, production, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.

Global Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market: Competitive LandscapeThis section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and production by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.The major players in the market include etc.

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The scope of Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market report:

Global market size, supply, demand, consumption, price, import, export, macroeconomic analysis, type and application segment information by region, including:

Global (Asia-Pacific [China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia]

Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland]

North America [United States, Canada, Mexico]

Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa],

South America [Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru])

Industry chain analysis, raw material and end users information

Global key players information including SWOT analysis, companys financial figures, Laser Marking Machine figures of each company are covered.

Powerful market analysis tools used in the report include: Porters five forces analysis, PEST analysis, drivers and restraints, opportunities and threatens.

Based year in this report is 2019; the historical data is from 2014 to 2018 and forecast year is from 2020 to 2024.

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Manufacturing Analysis Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market

Manufacturing process for the Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer is studied in this section. It includes through analysis of Key Raw Materials, Key Suppliers of Raw Materials, Price Trend of Key Raw Materials, cost of Raw Materials & Labor Cost, Manufacturing Process Analysis of Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market

Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Analysis of Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market

Various marketing channels like direct and indirect marketing are portrayed in Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer market report. Important marketing strategical data , Marketing Channel Development Trend, , Pricing Strategy, Market Positioning, Target Client Brand Strategy and Distributors/Traders List

See original here:
Leading Manufacturers and their Strategies to see Distinctly Growth in Clinical Biochemistry Analyzer Market by 2023 - Owned