Uncovering A Multibillion-year Epic Written Into The Chemistry Of Life – Astrobiology – Astrobiology News

Metabolism is the beating heart of the cell. New research from ELSI retraces the history of metabolism from the primordial Earth to the modern day (left to right). The history of compound discovery over time (white line) is cyclic, almost resembling an EKG. CREDIT NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Francis Reddy/NASA/ESA

The origin of life on Earth has long been a mystery that has eluded scientists. A key question is how much of the history of life on Earth is lost to time.

It is quite common for a single species to phase out using a biochemical reaction, and if this happens across enough species, such reactions could effectively be forgotten by life on Earth. But if the history of biochemistry is rife with forgotten reactions, would there be any way to tell? This question inspired researchers from the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) in the USA. They reasoned that forgotten chemistry would appear as discontinuities or breaks in the path that chemistry takes from simple geochemical molecules to complex biological molecules.

The early Earth was rich in simple compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and carbon dioxide molecules not usually associated with sustaining life. But, billions of years ago, early life relied on these simple molecules as a raw material source. As life evolved, biochemical processes gradually transformed these precursors into compounds still found today. These processes represent the earliest metabolic pathways.

In order to model the history of biochemistry, ELSI researchers Specially Appointed Associate Professor Harrison B. Smith, Specially Appointed Associate Professor Liam M. Longo and Associate Professor Shawn Erin McGlynn, in collaboration with Research Scientist Joshua Goldford from CalTech needed an inventory of all known biochemical reactions, to understand what types of chemistry life is able to perform. They turned to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database, which has catalogued more than 12,000 biochemical reactions. With reactions in hand, they began to model the stepwise development of metabolism.

Previous attempts to model the evolution of metabolism in this way had consistently failed to produce the most widespread, complex molecules used by contemporary life. However, the reason was not entirely clear. Just as before, when the researchers ran their model, they found that only a few compounds could be produced. One way to circumvent this problem is to nudge the stalled chemistry by manually providing modern compounds. The researchers opted for a different approach: They wanted to determine how many reactions were missing. And their hunt led them back to one of the most important molecules in all of biochemistry: adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

To construct a model of the evolutionary history of metabolism at the biosphere scale, the research team compiled a database of 12,262 biochemical reactions from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database. CREDIT Goldford, J.E., Nat Ecol Evol (2024)

ATP is the cells energy currency because it can be used to drive reactions like building proteins that would otherwise not occur in water. ATP, however, has a unique property: The reactions that form ATP themselves require ATP. In other words, unless ATP is already present, there is no other way for todays life to make ATP. This cyclic dependency was the reason why the model was stopping.

How could this ATP bottleneck be resolved? As it turns out, the reactive portion of ATP is remarkably similar to the inorganic compound polyphosphate. By allowing ATP-generating reactions to use polyphosphate instead of ATP by modifying just eight reactions in total nearly all of contemporary core metabolism could be achieved. The researchers could then estimate the relative ages of all common metabolites and ask pointed questions about the history of metabolic pathways.

One such question is whether biological pathways were built up in a linear fashion in which one reaction after another is added in a sequential fashion or if the reactions of pathways emerged as a mosaic, in which reactions of vastly different ages are joined together to form something new. The researchers were able to quantify this, finding that both types of pathways are nearly equally common across all of metabolism.

But returning to the question that inspired the study how much biochemistry is lost to time? We might never know exactly, but our research yielded an important piece of evidence: only eight new reactions, all reminiscent of common biochemical reactions, are needed to bridge geochemistry and biochemistry, says Smith. This does not prove that the space of missing biochemistry is small, but it does show that even reactions which have gone extinct can be rediscovered from clues left behind in modern biochemistry, concludes Smith.


Joshua E. Goldford1,2,3,,#, Harrison B. Smith3,4,#, Liam M. Longo3,4,#, Boswell A. Wing5, and Shawn Erin McGlynn3,4,6,, Primitive purine biosynthesis connects ancient geochemistry to modern metabolism, Nature Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02361-4

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA Physics of Living Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, Seattle, WA, USA Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team, RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Wako, Japan


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Uncovering A Multibillion-year Epic Written Into The Chemistry Of Life - Astrobiology - Astrobiology News

New tools reveal how genes work and cells organize – EurekAlert


Circular dichroism showing folding of RNA into G-quadruplexes at different temperatures

Credit: Luige et al. 2024

Proteins binding to RNA are important in many processes in the cell and can mediate a range of biological functions. A specialized structure in both DNA and RNA, the G-quadruplex, are regulatory elements involved in gene expression in both DNA and RNA. In the present work the researchers use theoretical predictions and molecular biology experiments to show that many chromatin-binding proteins bind to RNA G-quadruplexes. With this information they can classify proteins based on their potential to bind RNA G-quadruplexes.

The study uses a combination of experimental identification of RNA G-quadruplex-binding proteins and computational methods to build a prediction tool that identify the probability that a protein binds to RNA G-quadruplexes. The findings show that predicted proteins show a high degree of protein disorder and hydrophilicity, suggesting an involvement in both transcription and phase-separation into membrane-less organelles.

Ulf roms group has previously shown that RNA-DNA dual binding proteins are likely to have an involvement in the DNA damage response, linking DNA and RNA binding properties to a number of proteins. In the new study, the researchers expanded the knowledge of RNA-binding proteins to identify RNA G-quadruplex binding proteins.

The researchers have also developed a computational tool to assess RNA G-quadruplex-binding potential of proteins that can be accessed athttp://service.tartaglialab.com/new_submission/clever_G4_classifier.

With these new results, the researchers identify properties of protein-RNA interactions, and provide means to identify G-quadruplex binding properties that can potentially be targeted therapeutically in disease.

The findings have just been published inNature Communications.

Nature Communications



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New tools reveal how genes work and cells organize - EurekAlert

Scientists uncover missing link in the Chemistry of Life – Tech Explorist

In a groundbreaking study, scientists have revealed a multibillion-year epic written into the chemistry of life, shedding light on the mysterious origins of life on Earth. The study, led by researchers from the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), demonstrates that just a handful of forgotten biochemical reactions are needed to transform simple geochemical compounds into the complex molecules of life.

The research, published in a recent scientific journal, delves into the idea that certain biochemical reactions crucial to the development of life may have been forgotten over time. The team of researchers, including Specially Appointed Associate Professors Harrison B. Smith and Liam M. Longo, Associate Professor Shawn Erin McGlynn from ELSI, and Research Scientist Joshua Goldford from CalTech, embarked on a quest to unravel the missing links in the history of biochemistry.

By investigating the earliest metabolic pathways on Earth, the researchers aimed to understand how simple geochemical molecules evolved into the complex biological molecules that sustain life today. They utilized an inventory of over 12,000 known biochemical reactions from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database to model the stepwise development of metabolism.

Previous attempts to model the evolution of metabolism had failed to produce the most widespread, complex molecules used by contemporary life. However, the researchers discovered that a few compounds could be produced due to a bottleneck caused by the cells energy currency, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). They found that the reactions that form ATP themselves require ATP, creating a cyclic dependency that hindered the models progression.

Remarkably, the researchers identified a solution to this ATP bottleneck by modifying eight reactions to allow ATP-generating reactions to use polyphosphate instead of ATP. This simple adjustment enabled the model to achieve nearly all of contemporary core metabolism, providing crucial insights into the relative ages of common metabolites and the history of metabolic pathways.

One of the studys most intriguing findings was the revelation that only eight new reactions, reminiscent of common biochemical reactions, are needed to bridge the gap between geochemistry and biochemistry. This discovery offers compelling evidence that even reactions that have gone extinct can be rediscovered from clues left behind in modern biochemistry.

The studys lead researcher, Harrison B. Smith, remarked, This does not prove that the space of missing biochemistry is small, but it does show that even reactions which have gone extinct can be rediscovered from clues left behind in modern biochemistry.

The groundbreaking insights from this study provide a deeper understanding of the history of life on Earth and open new avenues for further exploration into the origins of biochemistry and the evolution of metabolic pathways.

This remarkable research is a testament to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the unyielding curiosity of scientists striving to unlock the secrets of lifes ancient chemistry.

Journal Reference

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Scientists uncover missing link in the Chemistry of Life - Tech Explorist

Effect of gamma rays on the essential oil and biochemical characteristics of the Satureja mutica Fisch & C. A. Mey … – Nature.com

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Effect of gamma rays on the essential oil and biochemical characteristics of the Satureja mutica Fisch & C. A. Mey ... - Nature.com

Learn About Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Chemistry April 9 – University of Arkansas Newswire

Chemistry Club

The Chemistry Club would like to invite current members and any undergraduate student interested in chemistry/biochemistry research or looking to join a lab for a research exposition Tuesday, April 9, from 5-6:30 p.m. at CORD 127.

The Chemistry Club would like to invite current members and any undergraduate student interested in chemistry/biochemistry research or looking to join a lab for a research expositionfrom 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, at the Cordia Harrington Center, room 127. Food will be provided!

Students from any major can come and hear firsthand from other undergraduates and graduate students about the exciting research happening in the Chemistry Department, as well as their experiences in lab and advice on joining a lab. There will be presentations and posters showcasing the variety of opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in research. Students already in a lab are welcome to join to hear more about department research, and those interested in eventually completing an honors thesis in chemistry or biochemistry are highly encouraged to attend. You do not have to be a chemistry/biochemistry major to attend, as several labs in the department welcomingly take students of other majors!

This event is supported by the Student Activities Fee as a funded event by the Associated Student Government and is free to all currently enrolled University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, students who pay the student activities fee. This event is held in a venue that meets ADA standards. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend this event. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact Ethan Batey at jebatey@uark.edu or (307)-277-2812 by five business days prior to the event.

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Learn About Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Chemistry April 9 - University of Arkansas Newswire

First step towards synthetic CO2 fixation in living cells – EurekAlert


Researchers at the MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology have designed and constructed a new synthetic CO2-fixation pathway, the so-called THETA cycle.

Credit: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology/Geisel

Synthetic biology offers the opportunity to build biochemical pathways for the capture and conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2). Researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology have developed a synthetic biochemical cycle that directly converts CO2 into the central building block Acetyl-CoA. The researchers were able to implement each of the three cycle modules in the bacterium E.coli, which represents a major step towards realizing synthetic CO2 fixing pathways within the context of living cells.

Developing new ways for the capture and conversion of CO2 is key to tackle the climate emergency. Synthetic biology opens avenues for designing new-to-nature CO2-fixation pathways that capture CO2 more efficiently than those developed by nature. However, realizing those new-to-nature pathways in different in vitro and in vivo systems is still a fundamental challenge. Now, researchers in Tobias Erb's group have designed and constructed a new synthetic CO2-fixation pathway, the so-called THETA cycle. It contains several central metabolites as intermediates, and with the central building block, acetyl-CoA, as its output. This characteristic makes it possible to be divided into modules and integrated into the central metabolism of E. coli.

The entire THETA cycle involves 17 biocatalysts, and was designed around the two fastest CO2-fixing enzymes known to date: crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The researchers found these powerful biocatalysts in bacteria. Although each of the carboxylases can capture CO2 more than 10 times faster than RubisCO, the CO2-fixing enzyme in chloroplasts, evolution itself has not brought these capable enzymes together in natural photosynthesis.

The THETA cycle converts two CO2 molecules into one acetyl-CoA in one cycle. Acetyl-CoA is a central metabolite in almost all cellular metabolism and serves as the building block for a wide array of vital biomolecules, including biofuels, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals, making it a compound of great interest in biotechnological applications. Upon constructing the cycle in test tubes, the researchers could confirm its functionality. Then the training began: through rational and machine learning-guided optimization over several rounds of experiments, the team was able to improve the acetyl-CoA yield by a factor of 100. In order to test its in vivo feasibility, incorporation into the living cell should be carried out step by step. To this end, the researchers divided the THETA cycle into three modules, each of which was successfully implemented into the bacterium E. coli. The functionality of these modules was verified through growth-coupled selection and/or isotopic labelling.

"What is special about this cycle is that it contains several intermediates that serve as central metabolites in the bacterium's metabolism. This overlap offers the opportunity to develop a modular approach for its implementation. explains Shanshan Luo, lead author of the study. We were able to demonstrate the functionality of the three individual modules in E. coli. However, we have not yet succeeded in closing the entire cycle so that E. coli can grow completely with CO2," she adds. Closing the THETA cycle is still a major challenge, as all of the 17 reactions need to be synchronized with the natural metabolism of E. coli, which naturally involves hundreds to thousands of reactions. However, demonstrating the whole cycle in vivo is not the only goal, the researcher emphasizes. "Our cycle has the potential to become a versatile platform for producing valuable compounds directly from CO2 through extending its output molecule, acetyl-CoA." says Shanshan Luo.

Bringing parts of the THETA cycle into living cells is an important proof-of-principle for synthetic biology, adds Tobias Erb. Such modular implementation of this cycle in E. coli paves the way to the realization of highly complex, orthogonal new-to-nature CO2-fixation pathways in cell factories. We are learning to completely reprogram the cellular metabolism to create a synthetic autotrophic operating system for the cell."


Construction and modular implementation of the THETA cycle for synthetic CO2 fixation. Nature Catalysis, 6(12), 1228-1240.


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First step towards synthetic CO2 fixation in living cells - EurekAlert

AI generates proteins with exceptional binding strength – ASBMB Today

A new studyin Nature reports an AI-driven advance in biotechnology with implications for drug development, disease detection, and environmental monitoring. Scientists at the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington School of Medicine used software to create protein molecules that bind with exceptionally high affinity and specificity to a variety of challenging biomarkers, including human hormones. Notably, the scientists achieved the highest interaction strength ever reported between a computer-generated biomolecule and its target.

Ian Haydon, UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design

Susana Vasquez-Torres in a UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design laboratory, where she is working to develop new proteins with high-binding affinity and specificity to a variety of challenging biomarkers.

Senior author David Baker, professor of biochemistry at UW Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, and recipient of the 2023 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biology and Biomedicine, emphasized the potential impact: "The ability to generate novel proteins with such high binding affinity and specificity opens up a world of possibilities, from new disease treatments to advanced diagnostics."

Ian Haydon/UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design

A new protein designed using deep-learning methods. In this case, RFdiffusion generates a binding protein.

The team, led by Baker Lab members Susana Vazquez-Torres, Preetham Venkatesh, and Phil Leung, set out to create proteins that could bind to glucagon, neuropeptide Y, parathyroid hormone, and other helical peptide targets. Such molecules, crucial in biological systems, are especially difficult for drugs and diagnostic tools to recognize because they often lack stable molecular structures. Antibodies can be used to detect some of these medically relevant targets but are often costly to produce and have limited shelf lives.

"There are many diseases that are difficult to treat today simply because it is so challenging to detect certain molecules in the body. As tools for diagnosis, designed proteins may offer a more cost-effective alternative to antibodies," explained Venkatesh.

The study introduces a novel protein design approach that uses advanced deep-learning methods. The researchers present a new way of using RFdiffusion, a generative model for creating new protein shapes, in conjunction with the sequence-design tool ProteinMPNN. Developed in the Baker Lab, these programs allow scientists to create functional proteins more efficiently than ever before. By combining these tools in new ways, the team generated binding proteins by using limited target information, such as a peptide's amino acid sequence alone. The broad implications of this "build to fit" approach suggest a new era in biotechnology in which AI-generated proteins can be used to detect complex molecules relevant to human health and the environment.

Ian Haydon/UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design

An AI-designed protein in detail from the UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design.

"We're witnessing an exciting era in protein design, where advanced artificial intelligence tools, like the ones featured in our study, are accelerating the improvement of protein activity. This breakthrough is set to redefine the landscape of biotechnology," noted Vazquez-Torres.

In collaboration with the Joseph Rogers Lab at the University of Copenhagen and the Andrew Hoofnagle Lab at UW Medicine, the team conducted laboratory tests to validate their biodesign methods. Mass spectrometry was used to detect designed proteins that bind to low-concentration peptides in human serum, thereby demonstrating the potential for sensitive and accurate disease diagnostics. Additionally, the proteins were found to retain their target binding abilities despite harsh conditions including high heat, a crucial attribute for real-world application. Further showcasing the method's potential, the researchers integrated a high-affinity parathyroid hormone binder into a biosensor system and achieved a 21-fold increase in bioluminescence signal in samples that contained the target hormone. This integration into a diagnostic device highlights the immediate practical applications of AI-generated proteins.

The study, which illustrates the confluence of biotechnology and artificial intelligence and sets a new precedent in both fields, appears in Nature with the title De novo design of high-affinity binders of bioactive helical peptides.

(This article was produced by the University of Washington School of Medicine/UW Medicine.)

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AI generates proteins with exceptional binding strength - ASBMB Today

USM Chemistry (Biochemistry Emphasis) Degree Earns ASBMB Reaccreditation – The University of Southern Mississippi

Wed, 01/31/2024 - 01:21pm | By: Ivonne Kawas

The University of Southern Mississippis (USM) B.S. degree in Chemistry (Biochemistry emphasis) has earned reaccreditation by the leading agency in the field of life sciences the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).

This accreditation was obtained for the first time in 2017. Obtaining ASBMB accreditation, a national outcomes-based evaluation, ensures programs in the field meet the highest standards of academic excellence. USMs chemistry degree program is housed in the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MANS),

Accreditation by ASBMB is a testament to the quality and content of our biochemistry curriculum, as well as to the knowledge and skills learned by our students as they begin to seek careers or further their studies at the graduate or professional levels, said Dr. Chris Winstead, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. I appreciate the effort of the faculty in seeking this accreditation. This shows their dedication to providing the best preparation possible for our Southern Miss students, an education that is well-aligned with national standards and prepares them for their next steps.

Dr. Vijay Rangachari, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, emphasizes one of the direct accreditation benefits for students.

ASBMB accreditation inherently enhances the value of the students degree, allowing them to include on their resume that they graduated from an ASBMB-accredited program. Furthermore, upon degree completion, they can demonstrate competitiveness on a national scale by obtaining ASBMB certification.

Dr. Rangachari also highlights one of the strengths of the program, integral to both student success and ASBMB accreditation: the hands-on research opportunities provided in the laboratory.

To meet accreditation requirements, the curricula must include over 400 hours of hands-on laboratory experience. Therefore, students get an advantage in advancing their careers.

Students like Landon Lee, a native of Hattiesburg, Miss. who is pursuing the biochemistry emphasis, actively participate in cutting-edge research projects in the lab, alongside graduate students and faculty mentors.

Joining a research lab has significantly enriched my educational experience, as Ive been able to acquire skills related to academic research, project management, and creative thinking, said Lee. With the support and guidance from both the graduate students in my lab and Dr. Rangachari, my faculty mentor, it has become more than just a platform for applying classroom concepts; it has provided me a community that fosters my personal and academic development.

After completing his bachelors degree, Lee plans to further his studies: As I complete my degree, I intend to pursue a Ph.D. in neuroscience. My coursework has undoubtedly laid a strong foundation in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, enabling me to demonstrate key strengths as I strive toward this goal.

Dr. Theofanis Kitsopoulos, director in the School of MANS, reflects on the programs successful and highly valued alumni base, as it opens doors to diverse industries.

Our curriculum is carefully crafted to equip students not only with a strong theoretical foundation but also with practical skills highly valued in the job market, said Dr. Kitsopoulos. Several of our alumni choose to pursue advanced degrees in prestigious graduate programs in medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and other professional schools. They go on to succeed in diverse industries such as research and development, healthcare, environmental consulting, forensic science, and entrepreneurship. Some thrive as quality control and analytical chemists, while others pursue fulfilling paths as middle and high school science and chemistry teachers.

Learn more about the B.S. degree in Chemistry (Biochemistry emphasis).

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USM Chemistry (Biochemistry Emphasis) Degree Earns ASBMB Reaccreditation - The University of Southern Mississippi

Biochemistry: Definition And Explanation – University of the People

Biochemistry is exciting and fascinating science, and this article will tell you everything youve been wanting to know about the field. Well give you the full biochemistry definition: the basics, the history, as well as the promising degrees and careers you can expect in the biochemists laboratory and beyond.

Biochemistry, or biological chemistry, is the branch of science that studies chemical and physicochemical processes within living organisms.

Source: Pexels

As a combination of biology and chemistry, biochemistry studies the chemical substances and processes which occur within the biology of the body or any living organisms.

Biochemists study large molecules such as carbohydrates and proteins in relation to metabolism and other important processes within the body. Other molecules that biochemists may study include enzymes and DNA. These types of molecules are important for understanding the complex processes which occur in all living organisms.

The term biochemistry was created by Carl Neuberg, a German chemist, in 1902. But the study itself has been around for over 400 years, essentially since the invention of the microscope in 1665 by Robert Hooke. The microscope made it possible to study cells.

In 1674, Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe live plant cells under the microscope, which opened up many more possibilities than the dead cells which were being observed up until then. Live cells allowed scientists to observe chemical processes that occurred within and between them.

In the 18th century, a notable discovery in the field was made by the French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier, who proposed the concept of photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide into their nutrients. Lavoisier was also the first person to study cell respiration, which is the process of making the energy molecule in the cells mitochondria.

In the 20th century, DNA was acknowledged as the genetic material which made up the cell. This was established by James Watson and Francis Crick based on the research work of Rosalind Franklin.

Most recently, new technology continues to advance scientific studies in areas such as recombinant DNA, gene splicing, radioisotopic labeling, and electron microscopy.

A career in biochemistry is recommended for those who enjoy research, as it is generally a career in laboratory science. Most careers in the field require at least a bachelors degree, such as a position as a laboratory technician. Other positions, such as laboratory managers or principal investigators of research, will require a masters degree or a Ph.D.

Laboratory technicians engage in bench work and help perform experiments in the lab under the instruction of the principal investigators. Technicians need a bachelors degree in order to be qualified, but more education and research will allow for more independence in the lab.

Lab managers carry more responsibility in the laboratory and may conduct independent research under the guidance of the principal investigator.

Though a masters degree in the field will require an emphasis on research, a Ph.D. prepares biochemists for a career in independent research, principal investigators of research in laboratories, and lecturers in university.

There are also many industry positions available to biochemists. Biochemists may also work in governmental labs or for companies in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, public health, or biotechnology. Some biochemists may also work in services such as toxicology and forensics.

Source: Pexels

As one may imagine, a contender for biochemistry needs to have a good understanding of both biology and chemistry. Some universities may offer a specific biochemistry track, or students can begin their education by taking a bachelors degree in either biology or chemistry, with a minor in the other.

Biochemists also need to have a good grasp of mathematics and statistics in order to conduct research. As students advance in their studies, they will begin to hone in on their particular interests.

Similar studies include health sciences, which offer courses in biology, anatomy, biostatistics, and disease prevention. Universities such as the University of the People (UoPeople) offer associates and bachelors degrees in health science completely online and tuition-free. The university also offers potential certificate programs in health science that can give ones career the right boost.

As weve seen, the biochemistry definition includes a rich history and an exciting future for further discoveries. Since the invention of the microscope, biochemists have been investigating the complex, hidden world of cells and molecules.

Biochemistry is an exciting and constantly evolving field of science with an emphasis on research and laboratory technology. Different levels of education open up many opportunities for working in the field. If you have a passion for this science, then biochemistry may be a meaningful career choice for you.

Biochemistry: Definition And Explanation - University of the People

Automated Biochemistry Analyzers Industry is Expected to Reach $8 Billion by 2028 -Abbott, Danaher, Hitachi, Roche, Siemens, Thermo Fisher Scientific…

A market study Global examines the performance of the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers 2022. It encloses an in-depth analysis of the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers state and the competitive landscape globally. The Global Automated Biochemistry Analyzers can be obtained through the market details such as growth drivers, latest developments, Automated Biochemistry Analyzers business strategies, regional study, and future market status. The report also covers information including Plastic Additive industry latest opportunities and challenges along with the historical and Automated Biochemistry Analyzers future trends. It focuses on the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers dynamics that is constantly changing due to the technological advancements and socio-economic status.Pivotal players studied in the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers report:

Abbott, Danaher, Hitachi, Roche, Siemens, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Get free copy of the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers report 2022: https://www.mraccuracyreports.com/report-sample/550938

Recent market study Automated Biochemistry Analyzers analyses the crucial factors of the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers based on present industry situations, market demands, business strategies adopted by Automated Biochemistry Analyzers players and their growth scenario. This report isolates the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers based on the key players, Type, Application and Regions. First of all, Automated Biochemistry Analyzers report will offer deep knowledge of company profile, its basic products and specification, generated revenue, production cost, whom to contact. The report covers forecast and analysis of Automated Biochemistry Analyzers on global and regional level.

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Product types uploaded in the Automated Biochemistry Analyzers are:

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The Plastic Additive report provides the past, present and future Plastic Additive industry Size, trends and the forecast information related to the expected Plastic Additive sales revenue, growth, Plastic Additive demand and supply scenario. Furthermore, the opportunities and the threats to the development of Automated Biochemistry Analyzers forecast period from 2022 to 2029.

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Automated Biochemistry Analyzers Industry is Expected to Reach $8 Billion by 2028 -Abbott, Danaher, Hitachi, Roche, Siemens, Thermo Fisher Scientific...

Maroon and White royalty: MSU unveils 2022 Homecoming Court – Mississippi State University

Contact: Carl Smith

Mississippi State Universitys 2022 Homecoming Court includes (left to right) freshman Maid Natalie Robertson of Hamilton, Alabama; sophomore Maid Sydiah Ervin of Pinson, Alabama; junior Maid Allie Grace Bell of Madison; senior Maid Olivia Sinclair Russell of Southaven; Mr. MSU Davis Helton of Amory; Homecoming Queen Raegan Rushing of Biloxi; Homecoming King Hayden Foil of Gautier; Miss MSU Avery Braddock of Loveland, Ohio; senior Maid Sara Matheson of Collierville, Tennessee; junior Maid Lucie LeBlanc of Brookhaven; sophomore Maid Khaoula Kamal of Tupelo; and freshman Maid Nya Nobles of Shubuta. (Photo by Grace Cockrell)

STARKVILLE, Miss.Mississippi State students have chosen a new group of Bulldogs to represent the school in its 2022 Homecoming Court.

Hayden Foil of Gautier and Raegan Rushing of Biloxi are king and queen of this years homecoming, an event-filled week Oct. 2-8 culminating with MSUs football game against the University of Arkansas at 11 a.m. Saturday [Oct. 8]. Foil is a senior animal and dairy science/ pre-veterinary major, and Rushing is a senior industrial engineering major.

Homecoming King Hayden Foil (left) of Gautier and Homecoming Queen Raegan Rushing of Biloxi. (Photo by Grace Cockrell)

This years Miss MSU is Avery Braddock of Loveland, Ohio, and Mr. MSU is Davis Helton of Amory. Braddock is a senior communication/public relations major, and Helton is a senior biochemistry/pre-dental major.

Miss MSU Avery Braddock (left) of Loveland, Ohio, and Mr. MSU is Davis Helton of Amory. (Photo by Grace Cockrell)

The homecoming court, including eight class maids, will be presented formally during next Saturdays halftime at Davis Wade Stadium. For more information on MSU gameday activities, visit HailState.com/gameday.

Each undergraduate class is represented by two maids:

SENIORSara Matheson, a biochemistry/pre-medicine major from Collierville, Tennessee, and Olivia Sinclair Russell, a mechanical engineering major from Southaven.

JUNIORAllie Grace Bell, an accounting major from Madison, and Lucie LeBlanc, a chemical engineering major from Brookhaven.

SOPHOMORESydiah Ervin, a biomedical engineering major from Pinson, Alabama, and Khaoula Kamal, a biomedical engineering major from Tupelo.

FRESHMANNya Nobles, a biochemistry/pre-dental major from Shubuta, and Natalie Robertson, a communication/broadcast and digital journalism major from Hamilton, Alabama.

For more on 2022 homecoming week activities, follow the MSU Student Association on Facebook @MSUStudentAssociation, as well as @MSU_SA on Twitter and Instagram.

MSU is Mississippis leading university, available online at http://www.msstate.edu.

See more here:
Maroon and White royalty: MSU unveils 2022 Homecoming Court - Mississippi State University

Shining lights on the cell – ASBMB Today

The cellular machinery is a remarkable system that is able to regulate myriad life processes with exquisite specificity by responding to a variety of environmental cues. This essential regulation is achieved through a network of highly dynamic signaling molecules that are regulated both spatially and temporally.

Inspired by natures fluorescent proteins and photosensors, biochemists have made tremendous advances toward developing new classes of genetically encoded protein tools to detect and control signaling activities with high spatiotemporal precision. With these new tools, new kinds of biochemistry, biology and cell biology are being discovered on a regular basis.

For the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology annual meeting, Discover BMB, in Seattle in March, we have assembled symposia featuring some of the top experts in these diverse fields who will discuss new tools for manipulating and visualizing the activity of enzymes and other classes of protein activity in living cells across a range of settings. As an example of the impact of these tools, we will highlight the emerging field of liquidliquid phase separation as an organizing principle of cell signaling uniquely identified by advances in our ability to probe and control biomolecules in vitro and in cells.

Keywords: Optogenetics, fluorescent biosensors, protein engineering, phase separation.

Who should attend: Biochemists, cell biologists and protein engineers interested in novel protein-based tools to observe and control cellular behavior as well as new concepts in cellular organization that have emerged from use of these reagents.

Theme song: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

This session is powered by high-quality photons from the UV to the infrared.

Toolkit for native biochemistry: Sensors, actuators and computational toolsKevin H. Gardner (chair),City University of New York Advanced Science Research CenterKlaus Hahn,University of North Carolina at Chapel HillSabrina Spencer,University of Colorado BoulderDavid van Valen,California Institute of Technology

Spatiotemporal control of cellular signalingJin Zhang (chair),University of California, San DiegoMark von Zastrow,University of California, San FranciscoLukasz Bugaj,University of PennsylvaniaAnton Bennett,Yale University

Liquidliquid phase separation as a signaling paradigmChristine Mayr (chair),Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterZhijian "James" Chen,University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterSarah Veatch,University of MichiganShana ElbaumGarfinkle,City University of New York Advanced Science Research Center

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Shining lights on the cell - ASBMB Today

IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022: Check Post, Qualification and Other Details Here – StudyCafe

IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022: Check Post, Qualification and Other Details Here

IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR) is inviting eligible candidates to attend the Online Interview for Unreserved Temporary Posts of Six SRFs under the ongoing project funded by the National Agriculture Science Fund, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Interested candidates should review the job description and apply using the link provided in the official notification. The applicant should have a Masters degree in relevant subjects (Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Physiology/ Plant Biochemistry/Life sciences/ Microbiology) with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelors degree will be given preference. The last date for receipt of the Biodata is 20th October 2022.

Candidates are requested to apply for the job post before the deadline. No application shall be entertained after the stipulated time/ date. Incomplete applications and applications received after the specified time/ date shall be REJECTED. All the details regarding this job post are given in this article such as IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022 official Notification, Age Limit, Eligibility Criteria, Pay Salary & much more.

1. The applicant should have a Masters degree in relevant subjects (Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Physiology/ Plant Biochemistry/Life sciences/ Microbiology) with 4 years/ 5 years of Bachelors degree will be given preference.

2. Desirable qualifications: Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation of rice/soybean/mustard, genome editing of plants, molecular cloning, Molecular analysis of transgenic plants and other basic molecular techniques

Selected Candidates will be getting the salary amount of Rs.31000 + HRA per month for 1st and 2nd years and Rs.35000 + HRA per month for 3rd year.

Maximum 35 years for men for SRF positions. For women/SC/ST/OBC, age relaxation of 5 years will be given as per Govt. of India/ICAR rules.

Step 1: Go to the IARI-ICAR official website.

Step 2: Search for the IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022 Notification here.

Step 3: Read all of the information in the notification.

Step 4: Apply and submit the application form in accordance with the mode of application specified in the official notification.

NOTE: Candidates may send their biodata with self-attested scanned copies of degree certificates, and mark sheets of 10, 12, UG and PG to [emailprotected] The last date for receipt of the Biodata is 20th October 2022.

To Read Official Notification Click Here

Disclaimer: The Recruitment Information provided above is for informational purposes only. The above Recruitment Information has been taken from the official site of the Organisation. We do not provide any Recruitment guarantee. Recruitment is to be done as per the official recruitment process of the company or organization posted the recruitment Vacancy. We dont charge any fee for providing this Job Information. Neither the Author nor Studycafe and its Affiliates accepts any liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any information in this article nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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IARI-ICAR Recruitment 2022: Check Post, Qualification and Other Details Here - StudyCafe

A celebration: Fiesta Latina shares the sounds and tastes of Latino culture with Columbus – The Republic

Mike Wolanin | The Republic A piata hangs from a booth during Fiesta Latina in downtown Columbus, Ind., Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022.

Fiesta Latina had a picture-perfect afternoon and evening for the return of the annual festival, which brought thousands of visitors to downtown Columbus for the tastes and sounds of the Latino community.

The free admission gathering stretched from noon to 10 p.m. overall celebrating the rich culture of Latin America; showcasing Latino musicians, dancers, artisans, and chefs from around the region, according to organizers promotional materials.

Proceeds from the event go to help Su Casa serve its Latino community, so that all Latinos feel welcome and safe, with equal access to opportunities that encourage a sense of pride and belonging, according to the website at sucasaindiana.org/fiesta-latina/.

Among the performers was Sabada, a group with Brazilian backgrounds. Ballet Folklorico Mosaicos performed and music took over the evening festivities, including a Mariachi band and then music from a DJ.

Our goal is to highlight the amazing culture that Latinos contribute to a vibrant community, said Luz Elena Michel, who helped organize the event and is among the organizers of TuFuturo, the Latino education group.

In a highlighted event, TuFuturo, an initiative of the Community Education Coalition, is organizing a Latino conference called Es Posible on Friday.

Its purpose is for students to visualize their next step upon finishing high school, learn about career options and many other aspects to consider to futher their education.

The conference is directed toward Hispanic students in grades seven through 10.

Keynote speakers will be Paola Ariza-Storch and Heriberto Acevedo. Ariza-Storch is a rising senior at Butler University studying biochemistry and neuroscience with the hopes of becoming a physician.

Paola is a Columbus local, who graduated from Columbus East High School in 2019. Paola was born and raised on the island of Puerto Rico and completed undergraduate studies at the University of Puerto Rico, with a degree in chemical sciences. He worked as a science teacher for the seventh grade to high school and now works as a research and development scientist at Eli Lilly.

For more information, or to register online, contact Es Posble on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok at @TuFuturoLatino.

See the original post:
A celebration: Fiesta Latina shares the sounds and tastes of Latino culture with Columbus - The Republic

A Cross-Sectional Study of Various Imaging and Biochemical Biomarkers | OPTH – Dove Medical Press


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder affecting 463 million people globally and 77 million people in India. When ophthalmic manifestations are considered, DR is taking center stage today. DR is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide in working adult age groups.1

DR naturally progresses from non-proliferative abnormalities to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), characterized by neovascularization involving disc (NVD) or neovascularization elsewhere (NVE). The leading cause of vision loss in DR patients is Diabetic Macular Edema (DME). DME is characterized by retinal thickening and edema, which can develop in all stages of retinopathy.2

Many studies and clinical trials have confirmed significant risk factors for DME, such as hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking, and nephropathy.2 There are many biomarkers to assess these risk factors for DR and DME. It can be clinical (general and ocular), imaging, biochemical, and molecular.3

One of the imaging modalities used to assess DR and DME is OCT. It is a non-invasive, non-contact method for assessment of macular edema and each feature observed in OCT acts as an imaging biomarker. The biochemical biomarkers considered are glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), total cholesterol, serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL), serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL), total triglycerides, serum creatinine, serum urea and microalbuminuria.4

The relationship between different biomarkers and stages of DR and DME will be necessary for optimal clinical management and new clinical strategies to prevent vision loss. However, no studies have established a strong association between these biomarkers in different stages of DR. In our study, we compared these biomarkers for DME in various stages of DR and their association with each stage of DR.

It is a cross-sectional observational study conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology of AIIMS, Raipur, between 1 May 2020 and 31 October 2021. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Raipur, India, and the study was carried out as per the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki (IEC Approval Number: 1026). Written informed consent was taken from all the patients to use the data for research purposes. All patients of type 2 DM with DME with ages ranging from 30 to 70 years with Central Subfield Thickness (CST) on CIRRUS 500 SD-OCT [Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany] >250m were included in the study. We included one eye for each patient. In cases of bilateral DME, we included the eye with higher CST on OCT. Patients with a history of having undergone scattered retinal photocoagulation (PRP)/focal laser, history of intravitreal injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) or steroids, YAG capsulotomy within 3 months in the same eye, present or past evidence of uveitis, cataract surgery within 6 months, eye trauma and patients with media opacity like cataract causing hindrance for fundus/OCT examination were excluded from the study. Complete ophthalmic examination was done under slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscope, and patients were graded according to the International Clinical Disease Severity Scale for DR and DME.5 We divided the patients into two major study groups: Group A DME with NPDR and Group B DME with PDR. Group A was further subdivided into three categories based on different stages of NPDR: Group A (1) DME with mild NPDR, Group A (2) DME with moderate NPDR, and Group A (3) DME with severe NPDR. OCT was done to quantify DME, and a horizontal raster scan of 1212mm length was taken through the foveal centre. OCT morphological patterns were assessed by a single vitreoretinal specialist, including central subfield thickness (CST), cystoid macular edema (CME), diffuse retinal thickening (DRT), hyperreflective retinal foci, subretinal fluid (SRF), and epiretinal membrane (ERM). Blood and urine investigations were done on the same day. Those being HbA1c, serum LDL, serum HDL, serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, serum creatinine, serum urea, and microalbuminuria. The primary outcome measure was to compare imaging and biochemical biomarkers in type 2 diabetic patients with DME in different stages of diabetic retinopathy.

Statistical analysis was carried out using statistical packages for IBM SPSS vs 22 for Windows. Continuous and categorical variables were expressed as mean SD and percentages, respectively. Two-sided p values were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Chi-square test was applied for comparison of categorical variables and one-way ANOVA test for continuous variables.

We included 100 eyes of 100 patients with type 2 DM with DR and DME in the study. The overall mean age of the study population was 54.849.87 years. The mean age of patients in Group A was 55.45 9.88 years, while the mean age of those in Group B was 53.34 9.88 years. The two groups did not show a significant difference in age distribution (P=0.336). Male preponderance was observed amongst the study population (76%). The mean duration of diabetes in Group A was 10.59 5.21 years, and that in Group B was 9.82 5.72 years, found to be very similar among the two study groups (p=0.52).

Out of 100 patients, 1 (1%) was diagnosed with DME with mild NPDR, 44 (44%) with DME with moderate NPDR, 29 (29%) with DME with severe NPDR, and 29 (29%) with DME with PDR. As Group A (1) had only one patient, we did not include it in the calculation. Mean CST was high in all groups, and the analysis of CST in the study groups was done by one-way ANOVA test, but we did not find any significant difference between the study groups (p= 0.494; p>0.05). The commonest OCT biomarker was CME amongst all patients of both groups, which was 69%, followed by SRF (64%), HRF (60%), DRT (50%), and less common was ERM (18%). We used the Chi-square test to compare these biomarkers between various groups. There was no significant difference found (p>0.05) for CME, HRF, and SRF, but the presence of DRT and ERM was more in Group B and found to be significant (p=0.04) (Table 1).

Table 1 Comparison of Various OCT Biomarkers

One-way ANOVA test was applied for analysis of all continuous variables. The mean fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels were high in both groups, but the difference was not statistically significant (FBS, p=0.727; PPBS, p=0.444).

The mean HbA1c was more than 7% for all groups and slightly high for Group B, but the difference was insignificant (p=0.090). The mean serum LDL level, mean serum triglyceride level, mean microalbuminuria level, and mean serum creatinine level were compared between groups, but we did not find any significant association between these factors and DR. We found that only mean serum urea level was high in Group B and a significant difference was found amongst the groups (p=0.027; p<0.05) (Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison of Biochemical Biomarkers

DR can be defined as prolonged hyperglycemia leading to retinal microvascular damage. This internally leads to DME, a common cause of vision loss and visual disability worldwide.6

DME is a preventable cause of vision loss; elucidating and preventing the risk factors of DME can go a long way in reducing morbidity in diabetics. Many studies have been done to elicit the risk factors and biomarkers for DME. Still, no studies have compared these imaging and biochemical biomarkers with various stages of DR with DME and associated their relation with the severity of the disease. This study might add to the literature and bridge the gap, which will help in better management.

The mean age in both the groups of the present study signifies middle age group is usually affected by DR and DME, similar to other studies.7,8 Male preponderance was observed in our study (76%). The prolonged duration of diabetes is a known risk factor for DR and DME. We observed that both groups had an almost similar mean duration of diabetes (10 years or more), indicating that longer duration was a factor responsible for the development of DR and DME.9 Duration of disease is a significant risk factor for the development of DR but not a marker for severity of the disease.

The advent of OCT has been an essential tool in assessing the CST and also monitoring the patients with DME for progression of the disease.10

In the present study, the mean CST was high in Group A (3) (436.23140.58 m) and low in the Group B (397.4895.41 m), but there was no remarkable difference among the study groups (p=0.494). In contrast, a study done by Yassin et al concluded that CST had a positive correlation with the severity of the disease when different stages of DR were taken into consideration, with high-risk PDR (P=0.050) and severe NPDR (P=0.021) being statistically significant.11 In the present study, cystoid pattern was the most common morphological pattern, and CME was almost equally present in all the study groups, similar to Acan et al.12 DRT is the most common pattern according to many studies.11

Yassin et al also concluded that DRT is associated with significantly good visual acuity.11 However, in contrast, DRT was increasingly present (69%) in the severe stage of DR (DME with PDR) in the present study. Ghosh et al concluded that there is a correlation between serum creatinine and albuminuria with that of DME, primarily serous type strongly associated with albuminuria.13 In our study, SRF was present in more than 50% of the patients in each study group but not significantly different in each study group (p=0.329).

An infrequent OCT finding in the present study was ERM. Still, we observed it in a more significant number of patients belonging to Group B (31.0%). Knyazer et al found a significant association between ERM to age, cataract surgery, and diabetic retinopathy.14 Knyazer et al also reported a prevalence of ERM at 6.5% in type 2 diabetes mellitus, and Mitchell et al reported a prevalence of 11% in patients with DR.

While Ng et al reported a high prevalence of ERM that is 33.3% in both types of DM, there is a paucity of information in the literature regarding the correlation between the presence of ERM and stages of DR.15,16

In our study, the blood glucose levels were, in general, raised more than the normal range amongst all the study groups indicating that deranged blood glucose levels as one of the risk factors for the development of DME in DR patients.17 HbA1c levels best reflect the glycaemic control in DR patients. It is well-established now that tight blood glucose control early in the course of diabetes is beneficial in the protection against DR. This knowledge was provided by the randomized controlled intervention trial in type 1 diabetes patients by the Diabetes Control and complications Trial (DCCT) and in type 2 diabetes patients by the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS).18,19 Asensio-Sanchez et al, in their study, reported that increased levels of HbA1c were significantly associated with CSME, with an increase of 2.4 with every 1% elevation in HbA1c.2 In the present study, HbA1c was deranged in all patients with various stages of DR with DME, although it was slightly high in Group B (mean HbA1c-8.872.19%); in comparison, we did not find it significant (p=0.090).20

Raman et al, in their study SN DREAM, and Benarous et al reported a significant correlation between high cholesterol levels and severity of DR and CSME.7,21 In the present study, the mean serum LDL level difference was not substantial, but serum LDL levels were observed to be more deranged in Group B patients (mean=350.931128.15 mg/dL). In our study, we found serum triglyceride levels and serum cholesterol levels were deranged amongst all the study groups suggesting higher levels of serum triglyceride and serum cholesterol may be involved in the development of DME, and levels were slightly elevated in Group B patients. Still, no significant association was found between these factors and DR (p<0.05). Not many studies have been done to elicit the correlation between serum urea and different stages of diabetic retinopathy in DME patients. The comparison of mean serum urea levels was made, and a significant difference was found amongst the groups (p=0.027); on further evaluation, we found high serum urea levels present amongst the patients in Group B (mean=64.2765.52 mg/dL), indicating its relation to the severity of disease but needs more studies to establish more decisive conclusion with larger sample size. Similarly, the mean microalbuminuria level in Group B patients was found it be high (mean=337.83412.87 g/min), but when a comparison was made by one-way ANOVA test, it was not significant (p>0.05).

Zander et al reported microalbuminuria as one of the risk factors associated with DME and DR.22 In this study, the mean microalbuminuria was found to be at an increasing level in Group B patients stipulating that microalbuminuria can be one of the risk factors in the development of DME and severity of disease but cannot be concluded in our study due to poor sample size.

Koo et al reported that SRF in OCT was significantly associated with an increase in levels of microalbuminuria as compared to other OCT patterns.23 Acan et al reported that microalbuminuria was considerably higher in patients with DRT patterns in OCT (61.9%) compared to SRF (50.0%) and CME patterns (25.0%).12 In our study, we could not elicit any association between microalbuminuria and specific pattern of OCT, especially SRF.

Imaging biomarkers such as patterns of OCT findings, those being DRT and ERM have the potential to be the indicators for assessing the severity of the disease, but significant conclusions could not be drawn due to the lack of sufficient sample. Likewise, biochemical biomarkers such as serum urea and microalbuminuria were found to be deranged in severe stages of the disease, which needs further evaluation to be concluded as indicators of disease severity.

The authors report no financial interest or conflicts of interest in this work.

1. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas. 9th ed. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation; 2019.

2. Asensio-Snchez VM, Gmez-Ramrez V, Morales-Gmez I, et al. Clinically significant diabetic macular edema: systemic risk factors. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2008;83(3):173176.

3. Fong DS, Aiello L, Gardner TW, et al. Retinopathy in diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2004;27(Suppl 1):S84S87. doi:10.2337/diacare.27.2007.s84

4. Jenkins AJ, Joglekar MV, Hardikar AA, et al. Biomarkers in diabetic retinopathy. Rev Diabet Stud. 2015;12(12):159195. doi:10.1900/RDS.2015.12.159

5. Wilkinson CP, Ferris FL 3rd, Klein RE, et al. Proposed international clinical diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema disease severity scales. Ophthalmology. 2003;110(9):16771682. doi:10.1016/S0161-6420(03)00475-5

6. Photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study report number 1. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study research group. Arch Ophthalmol. 1985;103(12):17961806.

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A Cross-Sectional Study of Various Imaging and Biochemical Biomarkers | OPTH - Dove Medical Press

Scope of Biochemistry in Pakistan | Jobs, Salary, And Career – The Academia Mag

Choosing a career is a tough task, especially when it comes to deciding which degree one wants to choose. It can be a tough decision, as we dont know what the future holds, or which career would be in high demand in the coming days. However, the field of biochemistry is always on the rise, and it opens a gateway to multiple job opportunities once you graduate with a degree in biochemistry. Students often wonder if the scope of biochemistry is good in Pakistan or if they will have a bright future with the qualification of biochemistry. Well, if you are interested and very much passionate about biochemistry but confused if this qualification has any scope in our country, then you have landed on the right page. Because in this article we will discuss everything related to biochemistry as to what is the scope of this qualification, the jobs, the salary, and what career opportunities it holds.

Read on!

Biochemistry is the chemistry of biological processes. This subject deals with all kinds of biological processes which involves chemical reactions like reproduction, metabolism, growth, etc. Biochemistry also includes the sciences of biophysical chemistry, neurochemistry, bioorganic, etc. Biochemistry helps individuals understand biology at a molecular level, it also offers a wide variety of techniques that are critical for conducting research in biomedical or agricultural fields. It has also made quite significant contributions towards understanding as well as finding the DNA structures.

Many students often ask this question while choosing a higher education degree because everyone wants a secure future with a great job. Well, one thing is for sure, there is a huge demand and scope in the field of biochemistry in Pakistan so the students wanting to pursue this degree can choose it in an instant. A graduate in biochemistry can easily find a good job whether in a private or a public sector. There are multiple fields in which a biochemist can easily get employment. In fact, biochemistry is a field where an individual can very quickly make a rewarding secure career.

The employment of biophysicists and biochemists is expected to grow by a whopping 15% in the coming years. After obtaining a degree in biochemistry, the graduates can easily get great work opportunities in a wide range of fields which includes hospitals, education sectors, agriculture, research organizations, food institutes, and much more. The demand for biochemistry has always been on the rise in Pakistan and it will continue to do so. Hence, biochemistry is a good career in Pakistan.

Read more: Scope of Food Science and Technology in Pakistan

As biochemistry is known to be used in a vast variety of fields which includes agriculture, pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, education sectors, etc. People who hold a degree in biochemistry can work in numerous places and fields. This may include:

The salary of biochemists varies from industry to private sector or public sector. It also depends on the qualifications and skill sets one has. But an average salary of a biochemistry graduate would be from approximately 50,000- 65,000 per month. However, the salary may raise with the passage of time and may go up to 75,000- 150,000 per month.

Good Luck!

Original post:
Scope of Biochemistry in Pakistan | Jobs, Salary, And Career - The Academia Mag

Computation is the new experiment – ASBMB Today

After decades of playing second fiddle, computation is now taking center stage achieving critical insights that experimentation alone cannot provide. We are witnessing a dramatic rise in artificial intelligencebased methods coupled with year-on-year improvements of physics-based approaches. We now can fold a protein accurately from sequence alone!

Game-changing methods in protein and enzyme design are hurtling toward us. Scientists now can integrate numerous experimental data sets into computational models to explore previously unseen elements at (and across) scales never before achieved. Computational simulations are rewriting textbooks from molecules to system dynamics and function. Machine learning is transforming drug design and development.

All in all, you will not find a symposium at Discover BMB, the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, filled with more excitement and possibility than ours. Buckle up for a thrilling ride in March in Seattle!

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, structural biology, simulation, drug discovery, bioinformatics, systems biology, machine learning.

Who should attend: All who want to find out how computation is transforming biological problem-solving.

Theme song: Respect by Aretha Franklin, because computation deserves it.

This session is powered by a powerful flux capacitor.

Structure determinationDebora Marks,Harvard Medical SchoolRommie E. Amaro (chair),University of California, San DiegoRamanathan Arvind,Argonne National Laboratory; University of ChicagoJason Perry,Gilead Sciences Inc.

Drug designJohn Chodera,Sloan Kettering InstituteDavid Baker,University of WashingtonSteve Capuzzi,Vertex PharmaceuticalsCelia Schiffer (chair),University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School

Bioinformatics / Systems biologyMarian Walhout,University of Massachusetts Chan Medical SchoolJanet George,Intel CorporationIvet Bahar (chair),University of Pittsburgh School of MedicineHenry van dem Bedam,AtomWise Inc.

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Computation is the new experiment - ASBMB Today

UCF Researchers Prove that COVID Disinfectant Works in Latest Research Paper – UCF

A team of UCF researchers have proven the efficacy of a nanomaterial-based disinfectant they developed to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Through their experiments, they found that the disinfectant was able to kill several serious viruses including SARS and Zika. The results of their findings were recently published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.

It is always a delight to have our research work featured in a reputed journal, said Udit Kumar, a doctoral student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and the lead author of the journal article. Given the theme and possible impact of antiviral research in current times, our article will definitely aid our fight against global pandemics.

The paper outlines the most recent study from a multidisciplinary team of researchers that includes Sudipta Seal, the chair of the MSE department, and Griff Parks, a College of Medicine virologist and director of the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences. They experimented with the nanomaterial yttrium silicate, which has antiviral properties that are activated by white light, such as sunlight or LED lights. As long as there is a continuous source of light, the antiviral properties regenerate, creating a self-cleaning surface disinfectant.

Yttrium silicate acts as a silent killer, with antiviral properties constantly recharged by the light, Kumar says. It is most effective in minimizing surface to the surface spread of many viruses.

Kumar says their test of yttrium silicate in white light disinfected surfaces with high viral loads in approximately 30 minutes. Additionally, the nanomaterial was able to combat the spread of other viruses including parainfluenza, vesicular stomatitis, rhinovirus, Zika and SARS.

This disinfectant technology is an important achievement for both engineering and health because we all were affected during the pandemic, Seal says. COVID is still ongoing and who knows what other illnesses are on the horizon.

Other UCF researchers, including College of Medicine postdoctoral researcher Candace Fox 16MS 19PhD, nanotechnology student Balaashwin Babu 20 and materials science and engineering student Erik Marcelo, are co-authors on the paper.

This publication is the culmination of timely insight by the investigators as to the importance of rapid development of broad-spectrum anti-microbials, as well as hard work in the lab to show the potency of our new materials, Parks says. This is an outstanding example of the power of cross-discipline research in this case, materials science and microbiology researchers from CECS and COM.

The research is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundations RAPID program.

Seal joined UCFs Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Advanced Materials Processing Analysis Center, which is part of UCFsCollege of Engineering and Computer Science, in 1997. He has an appointment at theCollege of Medicineand is a member of UCFs prosthetics clusterBiionix. He is the former director of UCFs NanoScience Technology Center and Advanced Materials Processing Analysis Center. He received his doctorate in materials engineering with a minor in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the University of California Berkeley.

Parks is theCollege of Medicinesassociate dean forResearch. He came to UCF in 2014 as director of the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences after 20 years at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, where he was professor and chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. He earned his doctorate in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin and was an American Cancer Society Fellow at Northwestern University.

Study title: Potent Inactivation of Human Respiratory Viruses Including SARS-CoV-2 by a Photoactivated Self-Cleaning Regenerative Antiviral Coating

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UCF Researchers Prove that COVID Disinfectant Works in Latest Research Paper - UCF