Blockchain in the Bahamas and the Future – EconoTimes

The cryptocurrency community has been hoping for the day that they finally enter the mainstream financial world. This week saw the first occurrence of this since blockchain currency made its debut public offering back in 2009, with the Central Bank of the Bahamas including the countrys own cryptocurrency, the Sand Dollar, on their balance sheet for April. The sum that was included is relatively small, but the fact it was included is monumental and will be seen as one small step for backers of blockchain.

Weve seen a variety of reports this year stating that many banks and financial institutions across the globe are looking into blockchain projects. While these are all still very much in the testing phase, its still moving things in the right direction. Its no illusion that blockchain is making an impact on the public and gone are the days when it was considered to be an online currency used for shady transactions. Things are moving quickly.

A lack of trust between the public and government is reflected in the trust between the public and central banks. With a sharp rise in the number of ebanks offering a service that makes traditional banking norms look outdated, its no wonder cryptocurrencies are surging in popularity. Customers are wondering why they pay for transfers and are being charged fees for holding their money in a bank, when they could go to an e-bank or use a blockchain currency and handle their finances independently without charge.

The equivalent of $48,000 that was reported by the Bahaman Central Bank has caused a stir, with different bodies giving their opinion on how cryptocurrency should be reported. The lack of clarity is a global issue, with industry regulators such as the Association of Internal Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), the Financial Standards Board (FSB), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and the Public Company ACcounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) trying to iron out the ambiguity that has arisen. While there are many working on this issue, its a long way away from being resolved and a blueprint being laid out accounting for cryptocurrencies.

The question for regulators is how to fit these new financial instruments into a system that has been dealing with traditional currency classifications for years. Does it make sense to categorize the varying currencies into one system and then treat them the same? As cryptocurrencies continue to grow and influence the mainstream market, as the Sand Dollar project has done, central banks need to think how they are going to handle digital currencies. From China to the Bahamas, governments are wising up and investing in the modernisation of financial systems.

But its not just banks. Weve seen a growing number of cryptocurrency trading platforms popping up online in the last couple of years. The likes of coinbase, Kraken, and Kucoin are changing the shape of the cryptocurrency landscape. Banks simply arent able to compete with Kucoin fees and the low rates applied by these online platforms. Things are moving very quickly and financial institutions need to wise up and accelerate plans for integration of cryptocurrencies.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or management of EconoTimes

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Blockchain in the Bahamas and the Future - EconoTimes

Spas, gyms and outdoor exercise still prohibited – Bahamas Tribune


Senior Sports Reporter

While the Bahamas Government is slowly opening up the economy in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, spas, gyms and outdoor exercise groups are still on the prohibited list.

Joel Stubbs, president of the Bahamas Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, expressed his concerns yesterday for the sporting events remaining closed.

Many businesses were allowed to reopen their doors to the public and of course, we were hoping that the gym doors would have opened also, Stubbs said.

Unfortunately we will have to wait a little while longer to safely enjoy something we truly love doing which is working out to keep the body healthy and fit.

Stubbs revealed that they sent letters to the Office of the Prime Minister, Attorney General, Minister of Sports, Minister of Health, Deputy Prime Minister and other Ministry of Health COVID-19 advisors requesting a meeting, gym facility inspection, viewing or some consideration from April 2020 and to date they have not had any response, acknowledgement or return calls.

Apart from the athletes and clients suffering, the rent, utilities and maintenance bills have not stopped, employees cannot be paid and their families are affected and gym owners have not been given any type of stimulus package of financial assistance, hence many may have to close their doors for good, Stubbs said.

At this junction, whereas businesses that propose a much higher risk in terms of crowding, lack of sanitation or COVID-19 protocol monitoring, closeness of one-on-one services and have no benefits of improving health have been allowed to open, we ask why in spite of all the efforts made have our gym facilities still been denied opening.

With at least 10 major gym facilities in New Providence and another five in Grand Bahama, Stubbs said to date, according to the Ministry of Health reports, there were no COVID-19 positives traced back to a gym facility, nor a gym member, trainer or owner.

In addition we see the newspaper articles highlighting the fact that obesity has risen during the COVID-19 lockdowns, many of the COVID-19 victims were in poor health and had pre-existing conditions as a result of poor fitness lifestyles and the fact that the most susceptible persons to the COVID-19 are those with weakened immune systems and poor fitness lifestyles, he stated.

Yet the gym facilities and personnel that can help to correct these national concerns and be proactive in the healing and preventative health of the Bahamian people have been forced to close, first ones to close and the last to open.

Stubbs said their plea is in no way political or intended to undermine the nations leaders or those in authority. But he said the health of a nation is the wealth of a nation and not only do gyms play a vital part to this equation, but the gym owners contribute to the local economy and their athletes have taken the islands of the Bahamas to the world.

He said all of this can still be accomplished safely obeying the rules and protocols given.

But with the gyms, including the fitness centres remaining closed, Stubbs said it would also have an adverse effect on their Novice and National Bodybuilding Championships and subsequently the Central American and Caribbean Bodybuilding Championships.

As for the Novice/Nationals, persons/athletes have been putting in the time as best they can in remaining fit and in stage competition shape so to be eligible in representing The Bahamas at this years CAC games in Bridgetown, Barbados, Stubbs said.

This comes as no surprise, we are and forever will be a power dynamic in bodybuilding in the Caribbean. The Bodybuilding and Fitness International Federation have provided guidelines in which a competition can be had with all the necessary safety protocols including distancing of athletes on stage.

Stubbs, who earned his professional a winner of the CAC Championships in 2003 in Nassau, said they saw a few competition in the month of July with a number of international competition in which all guidelines were observed and complied with.

Thats the same platform we intend to utilize here in October for our event, said Stubbs, about the projected date they had set for the Nationals. Of course, all emergency orders given and MOH Directives takes precedence.

We the executives and members are anxiously awaiting permission to get back to our third sanctuary so as to safely give persons that opportunity to gain their professional status or just simply the ability to triumphantly become victorious on the local home front amongst their pairs; whatever their desires are.

While they are still waiting on the clearance from the Ministry of Health officials to resume their activities, Stubbs indicated that they would hope that the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture will honor their financial commitment to the BBF so that they can salvage the season and be in a position to finish off the unprecedented 2020 on a strong note.

Thank you to our few sponsors, the media houses, the government and mostly to our Almighty God for keeping us through this pandemic and the ongoing times of uncertainty, Stubbs summed up. We know we are a strong people and with Gods help, wisdom and guidance, this to shall pass.

Stubbs, the uncle of Bahamian Olympic 400 metre champion, was once listed as possessing the biggest back in the world as he made a successful transformation from playing basketball after suffering an injury to competing in bodybuilding as he worked on getting through his rehabilitation.

He said as the Bahamas is one the of the regions leaders in the sport of bodybuilding and fitness and indeed many other sporting disciplines, the BBFF is still planning on attending the CAC Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships in November in Barbados with the hopes of regaining its championship form.

But he said they are hoping that they can be allowed to get their competitors back into the gyms training so that they can properly prepare themselves.

See the original post:

Spas, gyms and outdoor exercise still prohibited - Bahamas Tribune

Latin America & The Caribbean – Weekly Situation Update (24-30 August 2020) As of 31 August 2020 – Bahamas – ReliefWeb


Cases are referenced from PAHO/WHO 30 August COVID-19 Report -

As of 30 August, PAHO/WHO reports 7,242,000 cases and 274,394 deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as 5,433,263 recovered cases.





According to PAHO/WHO, the vast majority of COVID-19 cases reported are among people between 20 and 59 years of age, while almost 70 per cent of deaths are occurring in people over 60 years old, indicating that the younger demographics are driving the spread in the region. PAHO/WHO is concerned for the recent spike in cases in the Caribbean, which had originally avoided major outbreaks prior to resuming nonessential air travel to restart the economy; The Bahamas observed a 60 per cent increase compared to the previous week, while Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago and the US Virgin Islands all reported 25 per cent increases following resumed air travel. Despite these increases in the Caribbean, PAHO/WHO note that there are encouraging signs and proof that countries have the tools to cut down on the spread of COVID-19.

These efforts include contact tracing in Argentina, The Bahamas, Guatemala, Dominica and Suriname, as well as data-driven localized approaches in Chile and Costa Rica that are leading to fewer daily cases.





Peru now has the worlds highest rate of COVID-19 deaths per every 1 million inhabitants with 871, ahead of Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Chile and the United States. Although Peru reports more than 28,000 deaths, the National Death Information System (SINADEF) is reporting that Peru likely has more than 70,000 deaths linked to COVID-19, saying that there are thousands of deaths suspected to be due to COVID-19 that have not yet been included in Government reports.SINADEFs COVID-19 death count since March 2020 already exceeds the number of deaths recorded during Perus internal armed conflict between 1980 and 1990, which had been the deadliest period in Perus history.


With transmission rates declining in 22 of its 24 provinces, Ecuador will not declare any additional state of exception after 12 September. The expiration means that the National Emergency Operations Committee (COEN) will no longer have any legal basis for imposing restrictions as response measures, such as curfews or bans on public gatherings. COEN and the Government are already urging people to take personal responsibility via a public health awareness campaign.





El Salvador has reported declining daily cases for more than 20 days, going from a record high 449 new cases on 9 August to below 100. Local media indicates that the number of recovered patients has been higher than the number of new cases.The downward trend comes as the country resumes activities in an economy that lost more than 80,000 private sector during confinement.End-of-year projections from a private enterprise association say that this number could reach 140,000. Rising remittances may help offset this potential impact; according to the Central Reserve Bank, July remittances totalled US$533 million, up from the $287 million received in April, indicating that Salvadorans abroad are also resuming normal work activities.


With more than 30 million students starting the school year through virtual classes, remote learning remains inviable for indigenous communities in the southern states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca.Officials in Chiapas say the Governments virtual education model poses a challenge for the states 1.5 million students, as many do not have access to the required signal. Oaxaca statistics show that one in four homes do not own a television. About 65 per cent of Guerreros population lacks internet access, a number that rises as high as 90 per cent in rural areas, home to more than 600 mostly indigenous communities.





According to ILO, almost half a million Caribbean tourism workers will face hardships due to job losses and reduced working hours and salaries, all while working in increasingly precarious conditions amid the COVID-19 pandemic. On average, tourism contributes up to 33 per cent of the regions GDP, with the industry providing direct employment to some 413,000 workers in the Caribbean.


Guyana continues to see a worrying increase in COVID-19 cases, with authorities attributing the recent case surge to increased testing distribution across the country, especially in Regions One, Four, Seven and Nine.These regions are witnessing higher rates of infection, especially in the hinterland One and Nine regions, where indigenous communities account for 62 per cent and 89 per cent of the population, respectively. These highly impoverished communities have limited access to healthcare, water and sanitation.Despite the increased distribution resulting in increased testing outside the capital of Georgetown and its home region of Region Four, test processing will remain centralised at the National Reference Laboratory, as other regions facilities lack the capacity and technical skills.

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Latin America & The Caribbean - Weekly Situation Update (24-30 August 2020) As of 31 August 2020 - Bahamas - ReliefWeb

Myers calls for paradigm shift in governance and management – EyeWitness News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS A local businessman and governance reformer said yesterday The Bahamas desperately needs a paradigm shift in the way it is governed and managed.

Robert Myers, the Organisation for Responsible Governances (ORG) principal, underscored the impact of sustained lockdowns and travel bans implemented due to COVID-19 will take years to recover from.

He was commenting on the recently releasedfourthquarter fiscal snapshot and report.

Overall the numbers are not good at all, and frankly, worse than expected as the decline in government revenue was higher than originally estimated, Myerssaid.

The GDP decline will be equally negative and the climb back to sustainability has now been made that much harder with even less head room for any other natural disasters.We need a paradigm shift in the way the Bahamas is governed and managed, as well as a shift in what Bahamians believe the Government should be doing for them.

He continued: The Government can no longer support its artificially inflated labour cost and must determine a way to shift that burden to the private sector by creating private sector jobs and not more taxes. A paramount function of the government is to stimulate the growth and development of its people within the private sector and not within the government.

Myers noted that the destruction of livelihoods,savings and the economy, as a result of the sustained lock downs and travel bans implemented due to COVID-19will take years to recover from, even if the best possible business and economic plan were implemented today.

He said: Unfortunately, the Government has not yet implemented the employment and businessstimulusnecessary to restart the economy in any meaningful way and thus get employment moving again. They have still not improved the ease and cost of doing business.Many of the policies that need to be put in place require a shift in the culture of governance and the people.

Myers noted that the shift in the countrys governance and managementhas to come from within.

As a start, is it not time for the leadership and management of thepublicsector to start leading and dealing with these inefficiencies, corruption and largess? Collectively we must all play our part, remember, it is our country to lose and no one else is to blame, he added.

Read the original:

Myers calls for paradigm shift in governance and management - EyeWitness News

BTC ahead of the curve on increased bandwidth demand – EyeWitness News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) executives said yesterday the company is slightly ahead of the curve on bandwidth demand, having increased network capacity by some 25 percent since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andre Foster, the companys senior director of technology operations, told Eyewitness News that the company was doing all the right things to ensure that those persons have a reliable and efficient network to work from home and the engage virtual learning platforms due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We were slightly ahead of the curve as it relates to bandwidth demand. We did start to see an increase in usage of our services in late July early August, Foster said.

In the last 18 months we have made a lot of investment to ensure that we have a much more stable network. We have been moving customers to our fibre to the home footprint; from our legacy network to our state-of-the art fibre to the home network which provides a tremendous amount of additional bandwidth capacity to our subscribers.

He continued: Were pleased that we are not seeing any high utilization that is causing any major congestion. Were also in the process of re-balancing our network meaning, where our capacity demands may be starting to hit certain thresholds we will move that traffic over to other parts of the network where we have capacity headroom.

Since the onset of the pandemic we added about 25 percent additional capacity and we have on order another 10 gigabytes of internet capacity. Thats servicing a combination of both our fixed and mobile networks. We are looking at another 15 percent over the current capacity. That is in the pipeline to delivered before the end of this year or sooner if the demand necessitates.

Foster noted that the company continues to deploy its fibre to the home technology.

We have also upgraded our copper networks in various areas throughout central new Providence to ensure we have a solid connection to households, he said.

Currently we sit in front of 40,000 homes with our fibre to the home footprint. We sit in front of another 10,000-12,000 with our upgraded DSL technology, so close to 50 percent of our homes have been upgraded

Over 50 percent of the network on Grand Bahama is fibre to the home. On New Providence its probably around 30 percent of the homes. Were probably nearing 50 percent of the archipelago being upgraded and every year our intention is to grow that penetration of new upgraded areas by double digits, said Foster.

See the rest here:

BTC ahead of the curve on increased bandwidth demand - EyeWitness News

Registrar General Department Notice Re: The Non-Profit Organizations Act – Finance and Banking – Bahamas – Mondaq News Alerts

03 September 2020

Bahamas Financial Services Board

To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on

Take Notice of the following:

A. Section 7 of the NPO Act, provides that a Non-ProfitOrganisation shall not carry out its operations unless it isregistered under the NPO Act;

B. Section 2 of the NPO Act defines a Non-Profit Organisation as-

"a body of persons whether incorporated or unincorporated,formed and established for the purpose of promoting public policiesor objects that are religious, charitable, educational, scientific,environmental, historical, cultural, fraternal, literary, sporting,artistic, athletic or promoting health, and whose gross annualincome or any part thereof, if any, and other income are applied tothe promotion of those objects, and there is a prohibition of anydividend or refund of contributions to its members, but excludes areligious or charitably founded school registered with the Ministryof Education, and any organisation with politicalobjectives";

C. When submitting the completed registration form for anunincorporated and incorporated Non-Profit Organisation, thefollowing must be attached to, or fully disclosed in theregistration form -

Applications for registration can be downloaded from theAttorney-General's website at or the Registrar GeneralDepartment's website commencingMonday, 25th May, 2020. Completed forms along with supportingdocuments should be submitted to the following email;

D. Registration forms must be completed in full. The Registrarof Non-Profit Organisations accepts no responsibility for anyinformation that is inaccurate or incomplete;

E. Section 7 of the NPO Act provides that a person who carrieson operations without registering commits an offence and is liableon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars($10,000.00) or a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year, orto both such fine and term of imprisonment; and

F. Section 25 of the NPO Act provides further, that a financialinstitution or a designated non-financial business and professionshall not open or maintain

for a non-profit organisation unless the organisation hasregistered under the Act and presents evidence of suchregistration.

Dated this 25th day of May, 2020

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.

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Registrar General Department Notice Re: The Non-Profit Organizations Act - Finance and Banking - Bahamas - Mondaq News Alerts

JT Hodges Sings Sandman for The Bahamas on the One-Year Anniversary of Hurricane Dorian – American Songwriter

After the category 5 Hurricane Dorian slammed The Bahamas in 2019, the country was left devastated, particularly the Abacos, located in the Northern region of the island. A month following the hurricane, JT Hodges went down to the area to offer whatever help he could, and in the process, an old song resurfaced.

Immediately following the hurricane, rebuilding efforts were underway to restore schools, homes, and businesses with the help of a Global Empowerment Mission (GEM) and benefactors of Treasure Cay homeowners but were recently halted when the pandemic hit. Hodges had visited The Bahamas before and felt drawn to see the situation first-hand.

Its not hard for anybody to be drawn to the beauty of the islands and the water, says Hodges. So I felt this kind of duty, of let me go down there and help. I didnt necessarily know what I could do. Its just me moving stuff around, cleaning upwhatever was needed.

Arriving to The Abacos, Hodges saw the devastation first-hand and was blown away. Theres just this spirit there, and the people have this attitude that well get through it, says Hodges. There was a smile on their face every time somebody was down there helping.

When he and a friend decided to go fishing one day, Hodges met his new friend, a local named Stumpy, who served as their boat captain for the day. Stumpy would ultimately lend his Goombay-style drums, congo playing, and vocals to the finished track.

After a day of fishing, Hodges invited dozens of locals down to the beach for a grill and music, and thats were Sandman reappeared.

All of a sudden, I just happened to remember Sandman, just off the cusp, shares Hodges. Ill never forget everybody just being silent halfway through it, and it wasnt about me. The way the locals took the song it struck a chord, and it gave them hope.

Originally written with the intention of Kenny Chesney using the track for a summer-themed album, Sandman was a song Hodges says was locked in his vault waiting for the right moment.

That moment was for The Abacos, and The Bahamas.

As an artist, Hodges says hes always been locked into a concept for his albums, but this was the first time a release was not about him. It was much bigger.

This is the first time that Ive ever released a song where It wasnt about me, says Hodges. I wrote this song and finally the song said, okay, this is where I want it. This is how I want to be released and you will be the conduit. Its not about you JT, its about the song. That has never happened to me, but it was very cool.

Easy, breeze-y, Sandman is just the summertime vibe needed during these tumultuous times. Uplifting and light, Sandman is also about hope and perseverance. Music is kind of a religious experience, says Hodges of Sandman and The Bahamas. Its a universal language, and you kind of need that. We need that fellowship.

Co-directed by Hodges and Cristy Nielsen, the video for Sandman was shot when he returned to the Abacos in February of 2020, along with co-writer and co-producer Brandon James. In the video, Stumpy reappears alongside Hodges with additional instrumentation and vocals provided by Abacos locals.

Documenting everything the second time around, they decided to do an old-school pop-up video, says Hodges, telling the story of what happened on the island, and the relief efforts, interspersed between scenic footage of The Abacos and its people.

I wanted something that gives the information and tells the story of what happened, says Hodges. Maybe this is not the best time to create awareness for this, but everything happens for a reason, and then lo and behold, we all collectively said, hey, its been a year (since the hurricane hit), so lets tie it around the one year anniversary.

September 1 marked the one year anniversary of Dorian, and even with the pandemic setback, The Abacos are in much better shape one year later with its Coopers Town Primary School nearly ready to reopen. Additionally, GEM and Team Ghost, a privately funded grassroots relief movement, acquired food donations for Coopers Town, Treasure Cay, and Central Abaco regions, which ended following COVID. Since then, private donors have been providing additional food to households weekly.

Additional non-profits who have helped rebuild the Abaco area throughout the past year include: Lyford Cay Foundation,Samaritans Purse,Water Mission,Idea Relief Org,Pure H2O,Critical Path Foundation,Rotary Clubs of Bahamas,Open World Relief,Discovery Land,One Bahamas Foundation.

Hodges says he wants to get back to the island again and continue the work he started.He now has friendships and a connection to The Abacos for life. I want to help, however I can, says Hodges. These people are blown away when anybody comes back, because what they do best is to open up their hearts, and Ive developed some really great relationships down there.

With everything going on now, it just seems like one catastrophe after another, Hodges says on bringing attention to The Bahamas during the current pandemic, but this story is a more joyous one that he needed to share.

I just wanted people to hear the story, he says. Music brings people together, and a song can literally create a moment, and a memory.

Read the original post:

JT Hodges Sings Sandman for The Bahamas on the One-Year Anniversary of Hurricane Dorian - American Songwriter

Over $140 million spent on COVID-19 recovery efforts in The Bahamas – WIC News

The Finance Ministry of The Bahamas says up to June this year, approximately $140 million had been spent on COVID-19 relief efforts.

In its fourth-quarter report, the Ministry said in response to the damning effects of the pandemic on the macro-economy the government initiated several programmes to lend support to citizens and encourage business continuity.

The Finance Ministry said in a statement: Approximately $140 million was spent on COVID-19 related initiatives which covered Food assistance, Unemployment support, Loans for small businesses, Tax credits for medium/large businesses, Increased funding to the public health sector, Subventions support to allow deferral of utility payments

The Ministry said because of these measures in excess of 284 businesses have been able to continue their operations and in so doing provide jobs for approximately 26,000 people.

Government support, the Finance Ministry said, also allowed for the continuation of 54,000 jobs through the end of the fiscal year.

During phase one of the pandemic which ended on June 30, businesses with at least 25 employees that usually has an annual turn over of $3 million were able to apply for a tax credit of up to $300, 000 over a three-month period for VAT and Business License Fees.

To access these concessions, businesses were required to keep at least 80 per cent of their staff on payroll.

Finance Minister Peter Turnquest said he will host a press conference on Wednesday where he will give detailed insight into the impact of the pandemic on the economy.

View post:

Over $140 million spent on COVID-19 recovery efforts in The Bahamas - WIC News

Workers In The Bahamas Protest At Chinese Embassy, Demand To Return Home – ZIZOnline

NASSAU, BAHAMAS , September 2nd 2020 (EyeWitness News) More than 100 Chinese workers of The Pointe demonstrated in front of the Chinese Embassy in Nassau, expressing a desire to return home as work on the downtown project nears completion and cases of coronavirus continue to surge in The Bahamas.

The workers, clad in hardhats and construction vests, had what appeared to be a brief, but heated exchange in Mandarin at one point with embassy personnel, before officials managed to calm the large group.

Some of the protestors recorded from the sidelines.

Others sat on the grass in front of theembassy in silence, their masks covering their faces.

Many of them declined to be interviewed, while few attempted to speak to reporters in Chinese.

In a video circulating on social media, purporting to show scores of workers demonstrating in front of The Pointe, a worker said in broken English: All Chinese man have to go [back] to China. No give Chinese man. Why? Why? Have to go back China. Why? All people want to go.

Several police officers monitored the situation from across the street.

Speaking to the media, Counselor at the Chinese Embassy Haigang Yin said workers from China Construction Americas development The Pointe were anxious to go home now that the project was nearing an end, and there were also concerns about their safety amid a rising number of cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas

He said the embassy and The Pointe were working to arrange a chartered flight for an estimated 200 workers, though he was unable to say how soon the flight would be arranged.

They said there is anxiety to go back to China, Yin said.

The embassy explained the situation, including that there [are] no international flights available, but the embassy and the Chinese company are working together to bring them back.

We are considering to arrange a chartered flight to bring them back.

And also, the company promised to improve their personal protection against the virus and the workers are quite satisfied.

The protestors eventually left the area.

According to Yin, the workers have been in The Bahamas for over six months, and in some cases more than a year.

COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China, in December, but the country has since largely returned to normal having reigned in the spread of the virus.

Cases of COVID-19 have continue to surge daily in The Bahamas, particularly in New Providence.

Health officials confirmed 50 more cases on Monday.

As of yesterday, there were 2,217 confirmed cases of the virus with 1,378 cases in New Providence.

As it relates to The Pointe project, Yin said it was progressing well.

Read the original:

Workers In The Bahamas Protest At Chinese Embassy, Demand To Return Home - ZIZOnline

New orders see beaches and range of businesses open today – EyeWitness News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has signed new orders that will see dry cleaning or laundry service,salons and barbershops, as well as beaches open today with some restrictions.

The orders delineatesvarying restrictions for the islands of The Bahamas and businesses, grouped under two schedules.

First Schedule

Islands in the first schedule, included Chub Cay, Harbour Island, Long Cay, Long Island, Ragged Island, Rum Cay, San Salvador, Spanish Wells.

Churches may conduct service in accordance with the Bahamas Christian Council guidelines.

The new orders permit schools to open, home school programs with no more than five students, preschools and daycares.

Salons, barbers and cosmetologists may operation provided that premises do not exceed one person per service provider.

Restaurants, including mobile takeaway, may offer indoor and outdoor opening with 50 percent seating capacity.

Social gatherings have been permitted not exceeding 20 people.

Weddings and funerals, including graveside service, may proceed with social distancing in place.

The orders also provide for repast with no more than 20 people at a private residence or facility.

All public beaches and parks shall open today.

Second Schedule

Islands in the second schedule, Acklins, Abaco, Andros, the Berry Islands, Bimini, Cat Island, Crooked Island, Eleuthera, Exuma, Grand Bahama, Inagua and Mayaguana.

New Providence and Paradise Island will be added to the second schedule today.

A curfew remains in effect for these islands between 10pm and 5am.

Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, hardware stores and water depots shall remain open between 6am and 9pm.

Restaurants may operate between 5am to 9pm daily with curbside, pickup, delivery, drive-thru and takeaway service.

Outdoor seating can also be offered with 50 percent capacity and social distancing.

Social gatherings remain prohibited.

Beaches and parks will be open in Grand Bahama between 5am and 9am, and in New Providence, effective today, between 5am and 9am.

The order allows for individuals to exercise in their immediate area between 5am and 9am and in their yards at any time.

Construction shall be permitted on Monday through Friday between 7am and 5pm, and Saturday between 7am and 1pm.

Public transportation taxi service, private and public bus may operate at 50 percent occupancy.

International banks, architecture and engineering businesses; real estate; law firm; insurance agents and financial services, shall be allowed to open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.

The order provides for pool maintenance, landscape services, and news vendors to operate between 7am and 5pm.

Meanwhile, laundromats may open daily between 6am and 9pm at 50 percent capacity.

According to the orders, dry cleaning or laundry service can now operate between 9am and 5pm, retail clothing or fabric stores Monday through Saturday from 7am to 6pm; and retail business from Monday through Saturday between 7am and 6pm

Additionally, beauty salons, barbershops may operate Monday through Saturday between 7am and 6pm. These businesses must be certified by the Ministry of Health and not allow more than one person per service provider on the premises.

Spas, bars, cinemas, gyms, festivals and cultural events remain prohibited.

Gaming house operators may also operate using curbside service, online or delivery.

Effective today, church service may only be conducted via live stream between 7am and 1pm from the sanctuary with no more than 10 people permitted to participate.

The orders also provide for schools to operate virtually provided that a teacher can attend the premises to perform the necessary tasks for virtual learning.

Preschool and infant daycares may also reopen in accordance with all health guidelines.

Weddings and funerals may be held provided that attendees are limited to 10 people, excluding the officiants.


In order for a resident or visitor to enter The Bahamas, a negative RTPCR COVID-19 test must be obtained within five days of travel, a health visa acquired, and mandatory quarantine for 14-days.

As a condition of entry, must agree to be monitored via the geofencing application Hubbcat, the Ministry of Health and the COVID-19 Enforcement Unit.

While a citizen or a resident who refuses to be monitored shall be required to quarantine, a visitors refusal will result in their deportation at the earliest opportunity.

A hotel is an appropriate quarantine facility.

The competent authority may, after consultation with health officials, exempt a person traveling for an essential service from quarantine.

Inter-island travel requires a RTPCR COVID-19 negative within five days prior to travel effective September 1, and mandatory quarantine upon arrival for 14-days.

A negative COVID-19 test is not required for passengers traveling between islands of the first schedule those that have yet to record a case of the virus, and from islands in the first schedule to any other island.

Travel from other islands to Grand Bahama or New Providence shall be exempt from the testing requirement, but must mandatory quarantine at a government facility or any other appropriate facility as determined by the Ministry of Health.

Passengers traveling between Grand Bahama and New Providence will also be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 test.

A person 10-years-old or younger will not be required to obtain a negative test prior to arrival in The Bahamas, but must quarantine for the requisite time.

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New orders see beaches and range of businesses open today - EyeWitness News

Bahamas ranked top five pick for future travel destination – EyeWitness News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS A popular online travel company yesterday ranked The Bahamas in the top five among Caribbean destinations its members are most likely to travel to over the next two years.

Lara Barlow, Travelzoo general manager was speaking a Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association web series Gauging Consumer Travel Sentiments.

She noted that based on a recent survey, The Bahamas ranks second among its U.S. members and fourth among its Canadian members as a Caribbean destination they would most likely travel to over the next two years.

When we look at the Caribbean islands that people want to visit most in the next two years we find that for US travelers the US Virgin Islands ranked number one, now outranking one of our longtime favorites which is The Bahamas. For our Canadian members Cuba and the Dominican Republic remain at the top, said Barlow.

With regards to accommodations, Barlow said: We asked our members when they book their next destination where do they plan to stay and what we found was that for both Americans and Canadians, all-inclusive, chain hotels really ranked number one.

The reason being is that members felt that the chain properties had stricter safety guidelines and protocols. Canadians are even more likely to chose this accommodation type. Undecided does rank second which means there is an opportunity to shift share not just between destinations but between accommodation types.

Susan Catto, head of content and publishing at Canada Travelzoo noted that with regards to COVID-19 restrictions and protocols its U.S. and Canadian members indicated they were more likely wear a mask in some places and submit an online health visa.

They also indicated that they were less willing to quarantine in a hotel or government facility and follow a nightly curfew.

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Bahamas ranked top five pick for future travel destination - EyeWitness News

A Turnkey Waterfront Villa on the Bahamas Paradise Island – Mansion Global


Location: Paradise Island, Bahamas

Price: US$7.5 million (It is common for real estate transactions in the Bahamas to be in U.S. dollars.)

This turnkey waterfront villa in the mixed-use Ocean Club Estates development on the eastern-most point of Paradise Island has full access to all of the facilities and amenities at the nearby Atlantis Resort and Casino and the Ocean Club, a Four Seasons Resort.

Listing agent Gavin G. Christie described Ocean Club Estates, which has single-family homes, condos, a marina, a golf course and a beach club, as one of the top luxury gated communities in the Bahamas.

More: A Completely Private Home in the Bahamas Exclusive Lyford Cay

The beach club sits on the white-sand Cabbage Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, he said.

Known as Capanna Lussa, the two-story house was designed and built in 2007 for the current owner by the architect Yianni Skordas of the New York City-based Skordas Design Studio.

Mr. Skordas positioned the residence at a 45-degree angle that points out to the harbor to take advantage of the bright blue Bahamian water views and tropical island breezes, Mr. Christie said. Every room has beautiful views of the water.

The house is quite private, he said.

More: A Private Beachfront Estate in the Bahamas Asks $45 Million

The great room, which looks out to the pool and a nearby harbor, has 12-foot-high floor-to ceiling glass panels that can be opened up all the way to blend the interior and exterior living spaces.

When the panels are pulled back, you can walk right out of the great room and jump into the pool, Mr. Christie said. It blows people away.

The primary bedroom suite, which occupies the entire second floor of the villa, also has 12-foot glass panels that open wide to two large private verandas that face east and west.

The suite features a double-door entrance, a large walk-in closet and a bathroom with a soaking tub, a double vanity, an enclosed shower and a water closet with a bidet.

More: Bahamas Estate Once Home to the Duke of Windsor and Wallis Simpson Hits the Market

The kitchen has custom cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, a waterfall island and an eat-in dining area with water views.

Other architectural and design details include coffered ceilings and Brazilan ipe wood throughout, golden limestone imported from Jerusalem, hand-crafted Tunisian mosaics, and 12- to18-foot ceilings.

The villa comes fully furnished with custom designed furniture specially manufactured in Greece using mahogany and distressed oak, Mr. Christie said.

The owner replaced the wood-shake roof earlier this year and gave the whole place a mini-renovation and update, he said.

More: Lyford Cay in the Bahamas Offers a ClubbyAnd UnflashyVibe


The 7,500-square-foot house has six bedrooms, six full bathrooms and one partial bathroom. It sits on a 0.754-acre lot.

Amenities Amenities include a swimming pool, 86 feet of water frontage with a private 50-foot deep-water dock, lush landscaping, a generator, an irrigation system, two open-air and enclosed Zen garden atriums, and a three-car garage with plenty of extra parking in the circular driveway. A fully automated system controls the lighting, HVAC, audio, video and the window shades.

Neighborhood Notes

Its a five-minute walk to the beach, or three minutes by golf cart, Mr. Christie said. Its about a 10-minute drive to downtown Nassau.

The Tom Weiskopf-designed 18-hole golf course is also within walking distance.

Agent: Gavin G. Christie, C.A. Christie Real Estate Co. Ltd.

View the o r iginal listing.

Write to Listing of the Day

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A Turnkey Waterfront Villa on the Bahamas Paradise Island - Mansion Global

More than 200 cases of COVID-19 in Police and Defence Force – Bahamas Tribune

Marvin Dames, Minister of National Security.


Tribune Staff Reporter

THERE have been more than 200 COVID-19 cases collectively in the Royal Bahamas Police Force and Royal Bahamas Defence Force, National Security Minister Marvin Dames said yesterday.

He said of the 102 confirmed cases in the police force, six of those are still currently active.

As it relates to the RBDF, Mr Dames said there have been some 103 cases recorded within that agency to date.

He added: "Defence force total cases are around 103. That includes the recruits and that's 103 to date. So, those numbers when you look at it from an overall perspective, they're not bad and given the work that these officers do.

"As I said, the commissioner told me yesterday that they have six active cases. They had a total of 102 and the defence force had a total of 103 since COVID has started, since the beginning of the COVID period to now and most of those COVID cases are asymptomatic which are a little bit more difficult to manage."

This comes after RBDF officials revealed on the weekend that the agency had discontinued new entry training due to the "quick spread of COVID-19" among its latest intake of recruits.

"Steps have been taken to sanitise the training facility, lodging, classrooms and other common spaces occupied or utilised by the recruits and training staff," the RBDF said in a statement on Saturday.

In an effort to minimise COVID-19 exposure among law enforcement agencies, Mr Dames said officials are continuously looking at preventive measures to deal with the COVID-19 threat.

"The plan that these agencies have in place has been working and what we have been doing from day one is trying our utmost best to avoid a massive outbreak and I think we have been successful to date," he said.

"I mean this is a very dynamic thing and these agencies are constantly looking at how they can improve upon their preventive measures."

Mr Dames also spoke about recent cases involving law enforcement officers being brought to court on charges.

He said everyone should be treated equally under the law, no matter who they are.

"We police at the consent of the Bahamian people and if the Bahamian people see that the police, the defence force and the prison, immigration and customs, our law enforcement agencies are operating and are being treated differently then how do you think that would look?

"So, this is a clear testament that the agencies are doing what they are supposed to be doing so whether you are in uniform or whether you sit in some high office somewhere else, you are subject to the same laws as the man on the streets."

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More than 200 cases of COVID-19 in Police and Defence Force - Bahamas Tribune

DPM: Partial reopening considered health and socio-economic’ needs of families – EyeWitness News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS The decision to reopen sectors of The Bahamas economy was based on the analysis and recommendations of medical professionals and other socio-economic considerations, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest.

He was responding to questions from Eyewitness News about a Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) statement urging countries to work to slow and reduce the spread of COVID-19 infections and deaths following spikes, before reopening.

In this instance, the data supported a renewed gradual opening with strict monitoring and public education campaigns, said Turnquest when contacted.

Decisions to continue the path to full opening will be dependent on the rate of infection and factors felt significant by the health team, such as infection to bed ratios.

However we hope to prevent any future shutdown as they do have a dampening effect on the financial health of too many families.

Health officials reported 15 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Tuesday and two additional deaths, one of which was non-COVID-related.

While the death toll continues to rise, the number of confirmed infections recorded in the last few days is in stark contrast to the high double-digit and triple-digit cases recorded in a 24-hour period in recent weeks.

Grand Bahama for example recorded two cases on Tuesday the fourth consecutive day the islandhas recorded single-digit cases.

As of yesterday, there were 1,813 confirmed cases and 1,125 active cases.

There were 79 COVID cases on last Thursday and one death; 93 cases on Friday and five deaths; 62 cases on Saturday and two deaths; and 69 cases on Sunday, and 14 on Monday.

Between August 18 and August 25, there were 389 confirmed infections.

In the week before, spanning August 11 to August 18, there were 435 confirmed cases.

And August 15, The Bahamas saw a record 133 cases recorded 102 in New Providence, 13 in Abaco, 10 in Grand Bahama two in the Berry Islands, one in Andros, one in Inagua and four pending locations.

On Tuesday, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Dr Carissa Etienne noted that while PAHO understands the need for tourism-dependent countries to reopen and resume commercial activity, there is an increased need to balance public health and economic policies.

She underscored the rapid increase in cases in The Bahamas in recent weeks, noting major outbreaks were avoided early on due to strong political resolve and a mix of public health measures.

But she said with the return of non-essential air travel, several countries have reported significant spikes, including The Bahamas.

However, she said there were encouraging signs in the data which indicate countries have the tools to reduce the spread.

During a joint press conference Monday, the prime minister maintained his priority is to save lives, but said the health team observed positive trends developing with the situation in New Providence, and data at this time, indicated a hard lockdown was no longer recommended.

Asked about the new norm for business amid potential restrictions and lockdowns in the future, which would result in them closing their doors once again, Turnquest said everyone must adapt.

Business and individuals must, unfortunately, adapt to this new way of doing business, the minister said.

We do not anticipate the virus going away, thus we must adapt to this new way of doing business and engaging each other.


DPM: Partial reopening considered health and socio-economic' needs of families - EyeWitness News

Q&A On The EU Listing Of The Bahamas – Finance and Banking – Bahamas – Mondaq News Alerts

28 August 2020

Bahamas Financial Services Board

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The Office of the Attorney General of The Bahamas today issued aQ & A Document outlining the stated criteria for the proposedinclusion of The Bahamas on a recent European Union listing and TheBahamas response.

Download Q&A(PDF)

Originally published MAY 13, 2020 .

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.

POPULAR ARTICLES ON: Finance and Banking from Bahamas


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DF Advocates

The MFSA has issued a circular outlining the legislative instruments being implemented in the area of sustainable finance at EU level, as well as the initiatives being taken by the MFSA in this regard

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Q&A On The EU Listing Of The Bahamas - Finance and Banking - Bahamas - Mondaq News Alerts

Blockchain, The Bahamas, And Future Directions In Cryptocurrency Reporting – Forbes

Cryptocurrencies have now officially made a debut on the balance sheet of a central bank; could this lead to an entirely new cryptoasset reporting framework?

In Pictures via Getty Images

Recently it was discovered that Central Bank of the Bahamas had included its newly created cryptocurrency, known as the Sand Dollar, on its balance sheet during April 2020. Although the amount that was actually listed was only equivalent to $48,000, the implications of this inclusion are profound.

This revelation comes on top of the news of just how comprehensive blockchain projects are at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, where over 30 blockchains are in various phases of testing and evaluation for possible implementation.

Cryptocurrencies have moved quickly from the fringe to the mainstream conversation, taking the form of decentralized financing, stablecoins, and most recently, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Even as the ecosystem has rapidly accelerated, however, there is still ambiguity as to how exactly different types of cryptocurrencies should be treated from a reporting and disclosure perspective.

This ambiguity exists even as industry associations and regulators, including the Association of Internal Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), the Financial Standards Board (FSB), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) have begun to issue thought leadership on the subject. Despite these recent publications, in addition to the numerous opinions issued by other securities and market regulators, there is not a definitive guide or framework for how cryptocurrencies should be valued and reported.

The Sand Dollar amount might have only been for the equivalent of $48,000, but with central banks across the globe moving quickly to develop and beta-test versions of central bank digital currencies, it is only a matter of time until the financial impact scales materially. Given that, it is worthwhile taking a look at a prevailing opinion for reporting as well as an alternative that might make sense for certain organizations.

Mark-to-market. Marking assets value to market, on the surface, seems to make logical sense as well as to be reflective of market realities. Marking assets to current fair market value already occurs for certain financial instruments, and in some cases entire asset classes, so this is not an abstract concept. This prevailing opinion by practitioners and firms, classifying cryptocurrencies as intangible assets, also incorporates this concept of adjusting value based on market changes.

That said, the price volatility (which does not have to be good or bad) associated with cryptocurrencies and the alt-coin market specifically tempers enthusiasm for this approach. Price swings might make for great headlines and commentary, but can cause headaches for merchants and individuals seeking to use cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange. Coupled with the lack of price transparency for some thinly traded crypto, marking to market might not be as simple as it might appear.

Addressing the volatility issues is actually one of the primary selling points of stablecoins and CBDCs, and arguably has been a driving force behind the rapid growth and investment in these assets.

A new asset class. An alternative to what is basically trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole - classifying cryptocurrencies as intangibles and marking to market - would be to create an entirely new asset sector for the cryptocurrency space. Creating a new asset class might seem like an extreme reaction to the growth of cryptocurrencies, but upon closer examination it might make more sense than it initially appears.

Taking a look at cryptocurrencies, it is relatively clear that these financial instruments do not fit neatly into any existing accounting classification. Depending on the cryptocurrency that is examined, it may or may not have characteristics of equity securities, interest paying instruments (similar to preferred stock), interest bearing deposits, intangible assets, or something akin to airline miles or reward points. Put another way, the very innovative spirit that has catapulted the cryptocurrency space to its current prominence has also led to a relatively messy reporting conversation.

By creating a new asset categorization for cryptoassets, organizations and policymakers will both have an opportunity to start fresh and to actually create reporting and disclosure standards that make sense for blockchain and cryptocurrencies. For example, cryptocurrencies could be classified by use case, or be reported depending on trading volume and market capitalization. There might even be different reporting obligations depending on what cryptocurrency is being analyzed.

Think of the following for a moment. Generally speaking, the cryptocurrency space can be broken down into three areas, especially for non-expert users. There are cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin that are completely decentralized and untethered to underlying assets. In addition, there are stablecoins that are more centralized (issued by an organization) and are connected to some external asset. Finally, there is the growing field of CBDCs issued and governed by a nation state or central bank and (most likely) connected to the fiat currency of that nation.

Does it make sense for such radically different instruments to be categorized and treated the same?

That question should be top of mind for organizations, users, and regulators as these different iterations of cryptocurrency continue to develop, compete, and gain traction in the marketplace.

Here is the original post:

Blockchain, The Bahamas, And Future Directions In Cryptocurrency Reporting - Forbes

Liberty projected to play in the Bahamas Bowl – A Sea of Red

As the 2020 season gets closer, many analysts have begun releasing their bowl projections. CBS Sports Jerry Palm projects Liberty to make a bowl for the second consecutive season. His current projection has Liberty playing Florida Atlantic in the Bahamas Bowl on Dec. 20 in Nassau.

Liberty is entering its second season as a full-fledged FBS member and second season eligible to make a bowl game. Head coach Hugh Freeze and the Flames are looking to return to a bowl game for the second straight season, having defeated Georgia Southern, 23-16, in the 2019 Cure Bowl.

Following a two year secondary bowl agreement with the Cure Bowl, 2020 is the first of a multi-year, secondary bowl agreement Liberty has with ESPN which could put the Flames in one of at least six bowl games Boca Raton Bowl, Camellia Bowl, Famous Idaho Potato Bowl, Tropical Smoothie Cafe Frisco Bowl, Myrtle Beach Bowl, or the New Mexico Bowl.

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Liberty projected to play in the Bahamas Bowl - A Sea of Red

Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas – Bahamas Tribune


Tribune Freeport Reporter

The Bahamas is at risk of losing 80 percent of its landmass in the next eight decades due to the current pace of global warming,according to Bahamian T Oneil Johnson Jr.

I want to make this abundantly clear, The Bahamas is perhaps one of the most vulnerable countries to sea-level rise, he stressed, as he spoke on the topic, Climate Change - the Reality of Our Warming World to the Rotary of Club of Grand Bahama via Zoom.

Mr Johnson - who has a Masters Degree in Foreign Impact of Hurricanes and Climate Change on Education said Climate Change is real and threatens The Bahamas, the Caribbean and other small countries.

He noted that sea level is projected to rise by as much as one metre by 2100. Eighty percent of The Bahamas landmass is less than one metre above sea level, he said.

The Bahamas is at risk of losing 80 percent of its landmass by 2100 if sea level continues to rise the way that it is, Mr Johnson warned.

Sea level rise, which we are hearing more and more about in The Bahamas, is perhaps one of the most vexing concerns for small island developing states because most of us are very low-lying.

Countries, such as Guyana is at risk of losing 90 percent of its landmass if sea levels were to rise one metre, and Guam, the US Territory is already experiencing the impact on sea-level rise, Mr Johnson pointed out.

The US, he added, is also at risk of losing 40 percent of its landmass in Florida.

Mr Johnson said greenhouse gases caused by pollution in the atmosphereare responsible for global warming, which is causing glaciers to melt around the world.

He noted that countries such as China and the US are mainly at fault, with the former accounting for more than one-quarter of global emission of greenhouse gases, and the latter 14 percent, while the rest of the world contributes less than 22 percent of emission.

Mr Johnson indicated The Bahamas emission is 0.001 percent. So obviously, we are not causing global warming and we are not causing climate change, he said.

Most of the information on climate change can be obtained from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (ITCC), which is an international agreement containing information regarding CC, said Johnson, who noted that Bahamian Dr Dell Thomas is a contributing author to the panel on CC.

It is unbelievable to know the state that the world is in, said the senior officer in the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management ,and Reconstruction in Grand Bahama.

Other threats of climate change, he mentioned are ocean acidification and more intense hurricanes.

Referring to Hurricane Dorian as one of the strongest recorded in the Atlantic basin in modern history, Mr Johnson said the increase in ferocity and strength of these systems as they pass through The Bahamas is a serious concern for climate scientists.

No longer are we seeing weak Category Three storms like Jeanne, Wilma and Ike - we are now seeing these explosive Category 5 storms, like Dorian and Irma. And it begs the question, is Dorian going to be our new reality? I think last year was a humbling experience for The Bahamas and it shows us we must really take serious action, he said..

Climate change also impacts all sectors of the economy from Agriculture, Tourism, and Education.

Caribbean countries are experiencing extreme drought more than ever before, such as Barbados, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent, and the Grenadines, said Johnson.

He stated that the Tourism sector is going to be crippled by the sun, sand, and sea.

According to exit surveys, tourists are now complaining about the heat in Caribbean countries. This is, of course, very concerning because we are expected to see an increase in temperature,and tourism is the lifeblood, the bread and butter of many economies in our region, he said.

In terms of education, Mr Johnson said ifThe Bahamas has more hurricanes children are going to be out of the classroom for more extended periods.

Mr Johnson said that all is not lost as there are things that can be done to mitigate the effects of climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by requiring countries like America, Japan, European Union by resorting to more environmentally friendly means of doing business, with renewable energy.

Adaptation by reducing The Bahamas vulnerability and enhancing resilience is another weapon in the war against climate change, according to Mr Johnson.

This could range from building sea walls, which I am totally against, to research, preventative measures, and passing legislation and environmental laws, mangrove rehabilitation and restoration, he said.

Mr Johnson commended the government for the establishment of the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management, and Reconstruction and Disaster Reconstruction Authority. It is the first institution of its kind in the region, he said.

Mr Johnson has a Master's Degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, specialising in Climate Change. He is currently doing his PHD in Disaster and Crisis Management.

See the rest here:

Global warming's huge threat to Bahamas - Bahamas Tribune

Bahamas Government to Outline New Economic Measures to Deal with Impact of COVID –

The Bahamas government says it will soon outline new measures aimed at reviving the economy in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic even as it announced a relaxation of the lockdown measures put in place to curb the spread of the virus, particularly in New Providence.

We are all living through the worst economic crisis in more than 70 years. I will give a major national address with emphasis on the economy in short order. We are working on a revised detailed phased plan to boost jobs and economic growth domestically, even as we plan for the reopening of our vital tourism sector, which is dependent on conditions at home and abroad, Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis said during a news conference on Monday night.

He said reminded that early in the pandemic he had established an Economic Recovery Committee (ERC) and that it is providing the government with advice and recommendations to position the country to emerge from the economic crisis, as rapidly as possible.

Minnis said that the ERC will deliver its full report in September as planned and that even as it is working to do so it has provided to my office several interim recommendations and considerations to help focus on the immediate situation.

It is essential to reopen the domestic economy as soon as possible, with the reopening of the external economy to follow as soon as feasible given the economic conditions overseas. We are seeking to ensure that reopening is subject to established COVID-19 protocols.

Minnis said that the government agencies and private sector stakeholders must commit to greater adherence and compliance to established safety standards.

Based on the ERCs recommendations, we are preparing a strategy to approve all pending viable private sector and construction projects that are currently under consideration, and to fast track those approvals.

The approval and execution of these projects will generate immediate employment and business opportunities for Bahamian contractors and trade professionals.

Minnis said that his administration is accelerating the execution of the budgeted public infrastructure and construction projects, and will pay special attention to the smaller scale projects that benefit multiple smaller contractors.

This will allow for increased employment in many vulnerable segments of the economy and benefit a number of Bahamian small firms, he said, adding that the government is also looking at ways to provide special support for the creative community, and further support for Bahamian small businesses and entrepreneurs to provide them with the resources and expertise to be able to showcase and deliver their products to the world.

As with every other country, there will be no quick fix to this grave global economic situation. But provided we all are prepared to move out of our collective comfort zone and undo the constraints that have too often defined us for decades, we can and we will shape a future Bahamian economy that is more dynamic, more resilient, more sustainable and most of all, more inclusive.

He said street vendors play an important role in the local economy and his government will be offering a way for enterprising Bahamians to be able to sell their products on the streets of their respective islands, and to be able to do so in a safe and sustained manner.

The government will review the current licensing and regulatory procedures for street vendors. Our intention is to enable street vendors to be able to sell their products in safe and secure venues.

We will make available additional funding to the Small Business Development Center for business loans or grants for these street vendors that will allow them to adjust to the current circumstances and to support their business start-ups or expansion.

Minnis said that it was also imperative for the country to get its vital tourism sector up and running, as safely and as rapidly as possible.

Thus far, there is no other economic sector as prepared to deliver the range of employment and the depth of tax revenues with great immediacy, like tourism, Minnis said, adding our task now is to restore our confidence in ourselves by shutting down community spread and flattening the COVID-19 curve of transmissions and infections once again, over the next several weeks.

In his broadcast, Minnis offered condolence to the family of Bernadette Rolle, a registered nurse at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC), who died after testing positive for the virus.

We mourn the loss of a brave warrior from the frontline in our fight against the pandemic COVID-19. The nation is grateful for her service and for all of those on the frontlines of this battle.Nurse Rolle was dedicated to her family, to her patients, and to the institutions of nursing and the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre, Minnis said, telling the population to also remember in their prayers, the Opposition Leader Phillip Davis and other legislators and government officials hospitalised as a result of the virus.

Minnis, who said he has since tested negative for the virus, said that his administrations plan from the start of the pandemic was to utilize a range of public health tools to get the highly contagious COVID-19 virus under sufficient control in order to gradually re-open our economy and society, and to return to some level of growth and normalcy.

In the past few weeks we have been fighting our second wave of the global pandemic, he said, noting that changes have been made to the Emergency Orders for Grand Bahama and various Family Islands that take effect from Tuesday.

I am happy to tell you that the health team sees positive trends developing regarding the situation in New Providence. At this time a hard lockdown is no longer recommended for New Providence, Minnis said, warning however that if the data points to the need for other restrictions in the future to address community spread, such restrictions will be put in place.

There is still no vaccine for this virus, he said, adding that the very latest data has led to new measures being put in place here.

To continue to slow the current spread of the virus on New Providence, the current provisions that are in place will remain in place until 5.00 am (local time) Monday 31st August In order to give business owners time to put the necessary measures in place, and to be able to properly plan your activities, please note that effective 5.00 am, Monday, 31st August 2020, many businesses on New Providence will be able to resume normal activity with appropriate physical distancing measures

We will continue to monitor and analyse the data during the course of the coming week. If the data points to it we will announce the relaxation of some other measures. We are committed to a measured phased re-opening of the economy and society, based on specific health metrics, Minnis said, adding that it is hoped that this will aid the public, to gauge when there may be more relaxed or more restrictive measures.


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Bahamas Government to Outline New Economic Measures to Deal with Impact of COVID -

Sean Connery 90th birthday: From James Bond to Bahamas recluse – The Scottish Sun

EVEN with his thick, trademark eyebrows hidden by a pair of shades there is no mistaking the superstar smile of Sir Sean Connery.

But as he celebrates his 90th birthday today the man who James Bond fans say has never been bettered as 007 will be celebrating away from the glare of the cameras.

Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

Not seen out in public for three years Connery has become a virtual recluse, determined to have nothing to do with showbusiness or the fictional spy who made him both rich and famous.

He rarely leaves a gated community in the Bahamas where he lives in splendid retirement with his second wife Micheline Roquebrune.

Once able to command eight figure fees for a movie role, the actor has given strict instructions to his agent to turn down all offers.

Instead he prefers to spend his days playing golf, which seems to have given him the unrefined joy that he never truly found making films.

The demanding actor grew frustrated by what he considered to be idiots in the industry.

He was said to have come close to blows with the director of his final movie, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in 2002.

AP:Associated Press

Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

On the sun kissed island of New Providence, which is a tax haven, the British knight is able to relax and is treated like royalty by staff at the Lyford Cay community.

There he is able to escape the shadow of Bond, the character he came to loathe even though he has repeatedly been voted the greatest actor to play 007.

The last time he was spotted away from the Bahamas was in New York 2017 when he seen needing a walking stick.


Splash News

Notoriously private, Connery wont tolerate any friends or family speaking about him publicly.

But one source told The Sun: These days Sir Sean lives a very quiet lifestyle and just potters around, no one troubles him.

Its all set up for him there, all his needs are covered in the Bahamas.

He doesnt venture out of Lyford Cay much and has people visit him instead. He has become a bit of a recluse.


The perfectly manicured lawns, luxury bungalow with its own pool and high-level security are a long way from Connerys working-class beginnings.

Born to a lorry driver Joseph and cleaner Effie in Edinburgh his early jobs included milkman, artists model and coffin polisher before he found a career on the stage in London.

His rugged good looks, an athletic chest from bodybuilding and an ability to use his fists in a movie called Darby OGill and the Little People caught the attention of American producer Cubby Broccoli.

Broccoli had the rights to Ian Flemings Bond character and even though the writer didnt think Connery was sophisticated enough to play an English Commander, the relatively unknown Scotsman won the role.

Made for just 1million, Dr No was a massive hit in 1962 and Connery enjoyed the initial success.

He said: The first two or three were fun. The cast made it fun. Jumping out of planes was entertaining, although it was tough on my hairpiece.

The budget on Thunderball was more than the first three combined, but that didnt stop Connerys life being put in danger.

A plexiglass screen that was supposed to protect him from sharks was not big enough and the actor had to swim for it when they came after him.


Kobal Collection - Rex Features

Connery hated all the attention which came with being the worlds most famous undercover agent.

People would say theres James Bond as he wandered down the street and he wanted to be known for being Sean Connery.

Fed up with the whole Bond thing he quit twice, first while making You Only Live Twice in 1967 and then after making Never Say Never Again in 1983.

His final outing as 007 was so troubled he refused to make a film for two years.

Martial artist turned actor Steven Seagal broke Connerys wrist choreographing a fight, while there were constant off screen legal and financial problems.


A Bafta for The Name of the Rose in 1986 and a best supporting actor Oscar for The Untouchables in 1988 changed his mind about the business.

Now, the ageing actor was feted for his acting skills rather than his looks.

Other 80s hits such as Highlander and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade proved he could be more than Bond, James Bond.

A string of forgettable flops in the 1990s, including First Knight and the much mocked The Avengers, soured things again.

He also grew tired of the constant legal battles with studios over his fees, often taking producers to court for underpaying him.

The final straw came making comic book movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in 2002.

Plagued by disasters, including flooding in Prague ruining a 5million set, matters came to a head when British director Stephen Norrington stopped shooting for a day because a prop was wrong.

When Norrington heard rumours that Connery wanted him fired, he allegedly squared up to the actor saying I want you to punch me in the face.

Connery responded dont tempt me, and walked off the set.

Even though he earned 15million for the film, Connery had no interest in taking on any more roles, not even when a bigger cheque was dangled for the fourth Indiana Jones movie in 2008.

The actor later said about making The League: The experience had a great influence on me, it made me think about showbiz. I get fed up dealing with idiots.


After retiring he was often seen in New York, where he would visit his son Jason, 57.

Jason was the only child from his 11 year marriage to Australian actress Diane Cilento, who died in 2011.

Having dated a string of beautiful women including Bond girls Jill St John and Lana Wood, Connery settled down with French painter Micheline Roquebrune, 91, in 1975.

Their relationship has survived his roving eye, including a seven-month affair with British pop star Lynsey De Paul.

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Last year Connery and his wife were fortunate to escape the full force of Hurricane Dorian, which killed over 30 people when it struck the Bahamas.

They were about 90 miles from the worst hit area and took precautions to make sure their mansion was protected.

We were lucky compared to many others and the damage here was not great, he said. We had been prepared for the storm.

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It would take more than a hurricane to shake Connery from his Caribbean contentment.

On the idyllic island he has swapped his Aston Martin for a golf buggy and Walther PPK for a golf club.

His home backs onto a five-star private club with its own golf course.

This is heaven for Connery who once said: The Oscar I was awarded for The Untouchables is a wonderful thing, but I can honestly say that Id rather have won the US Open Golf Tournament.

So, anyone wishing to see the actor back on screen will be disappointed.

As he has said: In the end, retirement is too damn much fun.

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