Big problems with the Paycheck Protection Program? – The Week

The smartest insight and analysis, from all perspectives, rounded up from around the web:

"The U.S. Small Business Administration released 4.8 million loan records detailing who received money from the $530 billion Paycheck Protection Program," said Taylor Borden at Business Insider and it's quite a list. Kanye West's Yeezy sneakers brand is on it, with a loan of $2 million to $5 million. So are the Girl Scouts of America, the Archdiocese of New York, the Ayn Rand Institute a think tank known for promoting "hard-core capitalism" and the anti-tax Americans for Tax Reform Foundation. "Meant to protect small business," the program, which offered forgivable loans to help save jobs, ended up sending money to large corporations, private schools, and even private clubs. Among the "well-heeled and well-connected" recipients were organizations linked to the Trump administration itself, said Ryan Tracy at The Wall Street Journal. An Indianapolis company part-owned by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos got a loan of at least $6 million; a company run by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao got a loan, too. So did Newsmax Media, run by Trump donor Christopher Ruddy. Large hospital and casino chains got loans for multiple subsidiaries, leading to complaints of misuse. Says one finance professor, "This was supposed to be a small-business program."

It's hard to evaluate just how effective the program has been, because the numbers released so far are full of mistakes, said Mark Niquette at Bloomberg. For instance, on the electronic system that lenders use to process applications, more than 550,000 loan recipients listed "zero" for the number of jobs retained and more than 320,000 left the line blank. Some of the data is flat wrong. The official list shows Herb Miller's "one-man business" in Hixson, Tennessee, getting as much as $5 million. The real amount: $3,700. With the numbers rolling in, "people are still confused, and even angry, over the ambitious, unprecedented experiment," said Emily Stewart at Vox. The flaws go far beyond issues with the data. The program's reliance on banks disadvantaged smaller businesses, "because banks can collect bigger fees for bigger loans." But the biggest problem was in the design, which created confusion "about what PPP was supposed to accomplish in the first place." Take the Mark Fisher Fitness studio in New York City. With a PPP loan, it was able to rehire in April the 28 employees who were laid off in March. But the money had to be used in two months and now that it's spent, the employees have been laid off again.

Don't get mad at Kanye West, said David Graham at The Atlantic. Naming and shaming companies that were "legally allowed to seek public stimulus funds" misses the mark. So what if a recipient has a celebrity CEO? "Each dollar they passed to employees was a dollar injected into the American economy." The "huge and hasty PPP was bound" to make mistakes, said The Washington Post in an editorial, but "the declining unemployment rates of the past two months suggest this broad approach did indeed help save jobs." Congress on a bipartisan basis agreed to write the rules "and ask questions later." Now the initial results of the program are finally public, and "Congress has enough time and data as well as a duty to fix it."

This article was first published in the latest issue of The Week magazine. If you want to read more like it, you can try six risk-free issues of the magazine here.

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Big problems with the Paycheck Protection Program? - The Week

Daily Reformer: Hagehan The First Couple Of Minnesota Politics –

From the Minnesota Reformer:

By J. Patrick CoolicanJuly 24, 2020

No surprise: With the virus surging in key states like Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona and southern California, data show the recovery is stalling out.

Ricardo Lopez on how police reform was a major achievement for the People of Color Indigenous Caucus, which was just formed in 2017.

(Also, I wrote in this space July 9: "Given Senate Republicans' lack of interest in serious police reform, the place for a deal is on a big infrastructure bill." I shall eat crow, and good on Senate Republicans for proving me wrong. And I was wrong twice cuz no infrastructure bill.)

We had a discussion at Reformer HQ about how to describe U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn and GOP Chair Jennifer Carnahan, who are married.

Are they Minnesota's own Kid Rock and Pam Anderson? Or how about Peg and Al Bundy?

Either way, they embarrassed themselves and all Minnesotans Thursday.


Your math is wrong. Also, there's a lot of reliable information out there for general interest readers on the benefits of masking. Even your hero, the game show host president, is encouraging us to wear masks.

Hagedorn, meanwhile, was the only Minnesota member of Congress to vote no on a measure to remove confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol, as well as a bust of Roger Taney, to be replaced by one of Thurgood Marshall, Ricardo Lopez reports.

Roger Taney: Author of the Dred Scott decision.

Thurgood Marshall: Argued for the plaintiffs in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Ks.

Minnesota: The first state to volunteer troops to the Civil War effort.

Republicans have their summer retreat tonight and tomorrow at Madden's On Gull Lake in Brainerd. Tonight's featured speaker is said to be potential 2022 candidate for governor Mike Lindell, who uses infomercials to sell pillows. Also, buy his memoir What Are the Odds? signed hardcover, low low price: $49.95 buy it now before it's too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fox News poll of Minnesota: Joe Biden 51, President Donald Trump 38. (Gov. Tim Walz polling well, as are local police and Black Lives Matter.)

David Shor would tell us we should expect reversion to the mean, meaning tightening.

And Minnesota's own James Hohmann points out in his Post column that Dems should be concerned about turnout. Those polls may not be what they seem. And APM Reports' Tom Scheck et. al. have a scary story about votes disqualified in the Wisconsin primary due to user error, and whether it's a scary preview of what's to come in November. 23,000 votes were thrown out. (Trump's 2016 margin was just shy of 23,000. Yikes.)

Mall of America owner Triple Five has missed mortgage payments and has no reopen plan for its $5 billion American Dream mall in New Jersey.

An interesting, diverse mix of writers on the Strib op-ed page argue the City Council is falling down on the job when it comes to the Police Department.

Vice has a lengthy story on the upcoming DFL primary in the 5th Congressional District, leading with a recent mailer Rep. Ilhan Omar sent out ripping the challenger Antone Melton-Meaux for accepting big donations from out-of-state donors.

"Can We Trust Antone Melton-Meaux's Money?"

What do you know they're all Jewish.

Reformer contributor Rabbi Avi Olitzky of the Beth El Synagogue in St. Louis Park, who endorsed Melton-Meaux this week, is quoted: "My immediate thought when I saw the mailer was 'Here we go again.'"

Her Jewish supporters defend her in the piece:

As an adolescent I believed former President Bill Clinton was sending "jack-booted thugs" to trample on our liberties. (Who else here is in Ayn Rand recovery? No shame in it! One day at a time!)

As an adult in the era of former President Barack Obama, the Republican claims of "tyranny" sounded both hysterical and disingenuous, especially after the Patriot Act and warrantless surveillance of the Bush era that they often supported.

And now this:

If you're a libertarianish Republican: This is it. It's happening. You warned us that confiscatory taxation was a stone's throw from federal agents violating our rights. Well, now it's happening. What are you doing about it?

I asked readers Thursday how you're caring and feeding your souls and got some nice responses:

Local bookstore owner L.E. writes that "My mostly harmless mission is to offer people the sorts of books that either inform this time or help them through this time. This is Happiness, by Niall Williams, is the latter. It's about everything in life. Love, loss, hunger, family, etc. All of this within the structure of an epic tale about how rural electrification comes to a small Irish village."

Reader P.F. is reading the graphic novels and nonfiction, including Open Borders and Banned Book Club, which is set in South Korea in the early 1980s. "Yeah, they're illustrated books, but it's a lot easier to swallow content like that right now," P.F. writes.

K.M. listens to podcasts while biking and recommends Pitchfork Economics and says she's learned more from it than any Econ 101 course ever.

And reader S.S. is reading The Great Evil: Christianity, the Bible, and the Native American Genocide but only when she can steal it back from her boyfriend, who took it from her after Chapter 2. Hey Mike: Give it back!


Have a great day all. JPC

The Minnesota Reformer is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to keeping Minnesotans informed and unearthing stories other outlets can't or won't tell..


Daily Reformer: Hagehan The First Couple Of Minnesota Politics -

Passing a new stimulus measure should not be that hard – USA TODAY

The Editorial Board, USA TODAY Published 9:25 p.m. ET July 22, 2020 | Updated 6:42 a.m. ET July 23, 2020

Where does the U.S. stimulus money come from? Here's how the Federal Reserve is saving the economy from the COVID-19 crisis. USA TODAY

The congressional debate over the next stimulus measure should be fought along the normal lines. It is almost reassuring that Democrats want more spending,Republicans less. Despite COVID-19, at least some things stay the same. But President Donald Trump's populist excesses ruin the picture of normalcy.

Democrats, who control the House, have already passed a $3 trillionmeasure. That is the size of the previous stimulus, plus an emergency measure to refill a depleted fund for small businesses.

Republicans, who control the Senate, wantsomething in the range of $1 trillion.

In normal times the two parties, the two camps, would work out some kind of a deal that includes the top priorities of both sides, makes no one totally happy, and demonstrates an ability to compromise.

President Donald Trump during a news conference about his administration's response to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic.(Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

But Trump is never content with normal. He wants to cut out funding for COVID-19 testing and contact tracingwhile making in-person classes a requirement for receiving school aid. These proposals would yield more sickness, death and economic pain merely to let Trump show how unwilling to he is to admit mistakes and make adjustments.

OPPOSING VIEW: Workers, businesses need payroll tax break

Trump also is pushing for a payroll tax cut. Unlike his other ideas, this one is not horrible, merely bad. If Republicans want to cut taxes, they should cut the income tax and leave Social Security alone. Most Republicans are not enthusiastic about a payroll tax cut, but may go along with it anyway in an effort to quiet Trump down.

Social Security is not a cash drawer to raid every time Congress or a president needs money. It is apension fund that is partially self-sufficient. If its funding source is cut, it will reach insolvency sooner.

Congress can and should ignore Trump's destructive ideas and draft a reasonable plan, one that helps make a bad public heath and economic situation somewhat better and reflects the political balance of power.

The measures price tag should be somewhere in the $2 trillion range, halfway between the two parties starting points. It should include a continuation of the $600 supplemental unemployment payments that were part of the first stimulus measure, and are set to run out this weekend.

Republicans have refused to consider the idea so far, which seems a bit hard-headed given the bleak economy. But they are right that the payments could be a disincentive for people to return to work. Rather than continuing the payments in full through the end of the year, as Democrats would do, the payments could be gradually reducedover time, or pegged to the unemployment rate so that they drop automatically if and when the economy picks up steam.

Money for states and localities, including for schools and for the holding of safe and fair elections during a pandemic, should be part of the package. Payola to special interest lobbies (including those preaching the virtue of limited government) who glommed onto funding in the first round, should not be part of the package. We should not be reading in coming days that the Ayn Rand Institute or Citizens Against Government Waste took advantage of sweetheart deals from federal tax payers.

And granting businesses immunity from lawsuits should people get sick on their premises is a worthwhile trade-off that Democrats should accept.

Put the package together and the legislation kind of writes itself. If only members of Congress can ignore the counterproductive ideas coming from the White House.

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Passing a new stimulus measure should not be that hard - USA TODAY

Believe the Hype: ‘Watchmen’ is the TV Show of the Moment – International Policy Digest

When Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons collaborated on what would become their magnum opus, Watchmen, starting in 1986, they had no idea the effect it would have on the comics medium, and on popular culture more broadly. Watchmen, which takes place in an alternate-universe 1985 and dealt with the lives of several superheroes in a world where vigilantism has been outlawed, ushered in a darker, more mature sensibility to comics. Comics werent just for kids anymore, and soon, others began to emulate what had made Watchmen stand out: relatable characters with very human flaws; political and social themes, as well as meta-text about the nature of comic book storytelling itself; a frank approach to violence and sex; the idea that not everything was as clean-cut as they were in most other DC or Marvel storylines. From the omnipotent existentialist Dr. Manhattan to the nihilistic vigilante Rorschach, from a bloody smiley face to a giant squid plopped in the middle of New York, the imagery, characters, and themes of the graphic novel are likely to stick with anyone who engages with it.

Its important to note that Watchmen is an inherently political text, written at the height of Reagans America. In the text of the graphic novel, Richard Nixon is still president, and Dr. Manhattan was used to win the Vietnam War and annex Vietnam as the 51st state. From the gung-ho nationalism of the Comedian to Rorschachs Ayn Rand-inspired personal philosophy, each character has political baggage indicative of the era. Its climax is about an incident that takes the United States and the Soviet Union away from the brink of nuclear war and instead creates world peace. The simple fact is that Watchmen was always an inherently political text, even in the guise of a comic book superhero story.

My personal relationship with Watchmen started in my sophomore year of high school. I wanted to get back into comics, and everyone and everything I read pointed me in the direction of the classic graphic novel. I was enthralled, my first girlfriend even remarked at the time that she had never seen me so riveted by anything I was reading before. Watchmen remains a fundamental text in my life, still residing on my bookshelf reserved for my favorite books. And subsequently, both its film adaptation, directed by Zack Snyder and released in 2009, as well as a comic book prequel miniseries called Before Watchmen in 2012, were entertaining and fun to engage with when they were first released, but havent been as worth revisiting as much as the original text.

Tim Blake Nelson as Looking Glass in HBOs Watchmen.

So imagine my surprise that, in the year of our Lord 2020, Watchmen is the most relevant it has been in years, thanks to an HBO miniseries that served as a continuation of the storyline that first aired last year. I was reluctant to start watching the show, in a year that included such misfires in long-standing franchises as the final season of Game of Thrones and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, I was afraid that this fundamental book in my life would have its legacy and reputation tarnished. It also didnt help that it was being developed by Damon Lindelof, most famous for writing the underwhelming ending to the TV show Lost and the Alien-prequel dud Prometheus.

But somehow, like its time-jumping protagonist Dr. Manhattan, despite being released in 2019, it feels like the show of the current moment. Here is a follow-up to one of (if not) the most beloved comic stories of all time that dealt with issues of over-policing and police brutality, race relations, security, the fight against white supremacy, and reexamining American history in a much more critical way through the lens of racial dynamics. The show takes the inherently political message of its predecessor and doubles down on it. In 2020, the world caught up to Watchmen. Now its just a matter of what we do with it.

The show, which takes place 34 years after the events of the graphic novel, primarily deals with Angela Abar (the impeccable Regina King, looking like a shoe-in for her fourth Emmy and solidifying her as one of the best actresses of her generation), a police officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma who operates under the alias of Sister Night. She and a fellow detective who wears a reflective mask named Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson, in his best role since O Brother, Where Art Thou?) stumble onto a vast conspiracy once her boss, the police chief (Don Johnson) is murdered. This allows Angela to discover her own familys history and ties to the events of the original text, as her grandfather, Will Reeves (played by Louis Gossett Jr. when hes old, Jovan Adepo when hes young), was actually a famous superhero vigilante named Hooded Justice and a member of the Minutemen, a progenitor group to the Watchmen.

Meanwhile, mainstays from the original, including Ozymandias (Jeremy Irons) and Silk Spectre, now called Agent Laurie Blake (Jean Smart), are still out there. Ozymandias seems to live in a utopian castle in the countryside, surrounded by loyal servants, but he is desperate to get out. Laurie seeks to find out what happened to her one-time lover, Dr. Manhattan, as well as investigate the murder of the police chief and the appearance of Angelas grandfather. In so doing, she encounters Lady Trieu (Hong Chau), a rich and powerful Vietnamese businesswoman who is surprisingly invested in a major project she is developing in Tulsa.

And then, once its revealed where Dr. Manhattan has been hidingstop, wait, thatd be giving away too much.

It would have been too easy, too convenient to merely reconvene the original characters and have them reenact their adventures 30 years ago. Similarly, anything that made the material more marketable, such as incorporating the Watchmen characters and concept into the larger DC cinematic universe, would have felt sleazy. (Though that very thing happened recently in the DC comic book universe in a miniseries called Doomsday Clock, which I didnt even bother picking up.) But it felt like the creators of the show had a story, a vision that they wanted to convey. Rather than just mere fan-service, they expanded the lore of the mythology and took the material into bold, exciting new directions.

The creators of the Watchmen miniseries also had a take that was unique, and spoke to these times as much as the original text did to its time. Beyond the aesthetic of the police wearing yellow masks over their nose and mouths (a look so prescient to COVID-preventing facemasks that its almost eerie), Watchmen uncovers truths that would be points of public discussion come 2020, spoken through its main character, a woman of color. In the Watchmen miniseries, President Robert Redford (only slightly less ridiculous than the current holder of the office) passes reparations for Black Americans, referred to in-universe as Redfordations. Angela is accused of using her Redfordations to open a bakery by a combative student in her sons class. The show is also critical towards police and their complacency in structural racism, while still maintaining a protagonist who is both a police officer and a Black woman. The fictional white supremacist organization, the Seventh Kavalry, attacked police officers, including Angela, in an incident that predates the events of the show called the White Night, leading to increased paranoia on the part of the Tulsa P.D. The Seventh Kavalry has misinterpreted and misappropriated the writings of the late Rorschach from the original source material, with its members donning his iconic mask.

The Seventh Kavalry pictured in the Watchmen. (HBO)

Just as the original book was a critique of Reagans America, the show seems intended to be a rebuke of Trumps America, presenting the audience with uncomfortable truths that were about to be brought to the surface. One of the main points of the show is white supremacist infiltration of police units, now at the forefront of the national conversation. Soon after the police chiefs death, Angela stumbles onto Klan robes hidden in his bedroom. That she had a friend and mentor whom she trusted so deeply be revealed to be so despicable is not only indicative of the nature of racism itself, but the social dynamics and struggle that people of color face every day in this country.

The miniseries features flashbacks to a young Black boy escaping from the Tulsa race massacre of 1921. The series was credited for raising awareness to what happened in Tulsa, and was highlighted in several publications after the nationwide George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests as a positive example of promoting largely unacknowledged events of racial violence in America. Additionally, in an episode entitled This Extraordinary Being, Angela begins to see her grandfathers personal history, after she overdoses on a drug called Nostalgia that has preserved her grandfathers memories. She learns of the racism he encountered as one of New Yorks first Black policemen, as well as a plot to hypnotize Black people that even Jordan Peele might call high-concept. The message of these subplots is clear: the present is in constant conversation with the past, its just a matter of what you do with it.

And sure, the show isnt just heavy politics and flashbacks to racial unrest. Its rousing conclusion is different than most other miniseries, which usually start strong and end more-or-less as expected (looking at you, Chernobyl). Watchmen switches it up towards the end, incorporating more of the mythos of the universe and revealing how closely tied all of the events depicted really were the whole time. Rather than feeling contrived, it works ingeniously, solving mysteries the audience has had the entire season and clearing up ambiguities so you can appreciate the thrust of the story as a whole. The penultimate episode, entitled A God Walks Into Abar, is the perfect example of this, filling in the holes of the narrative while at the same time giving the audience a more-or-less complete view of the central relationship of the show.

Watchmen feels like a miracle. Not just because of incredible imagination and thoughtfulness that went into making it, a follow-up to classic source material that should not have been feasible, but that it arrived at this time specifically. Now, more than simply being a water-cooler conversation or an interesting sequel to a beloved comic series, Watchmen is a resource. Its a resource about engaging with the past and confronting the difficult parts of American history. Its a blueprint about how to tell captivating, relevant storylines using established characters and canon. Its a template for success: in an era where big ideas are more likely to breakthrough in the era of peak TV, here was a show committed to being something deeper and authentic. Beyond great dialogue, solid performances, and commendable visual effects, Watchmen sort of transcends all of it, becoming something greater than the sum of its parts. Like the comic book source material, it is the successor to, Im confident it and the themes it imparts will both be with us for years to come.

Excerpt from:

Believe the Hype: 'Watchmen' is the TV Show of the Moment - International Policy Digest

Bender: The official presidential cognition test – The Dickinson Press

1. What is your name?

a. Mud

b. Daryl

c. My other brother Daryl

d. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

2. When is a good time to wear a mask?

a. In public during a pandemic

b. In private during role-playing

c. While stiffing contractors

d. When you no longer want to be free, you Leftist tool!

3. When should you release your tax returns?

a. When you promise to do so

b. Vikings win Super Bowl

c. Mercury aligns with Mars

d. Only after the IRS sets Guinness world record for longest audit

4. Top candidate for full presidential pardon:

a. Roger Stone

b. Son of Sam

c. Zodiac Killer

d. Petula Clark

5. Reason Fisher Industries border wall is falling down:

a. To make you look bad

b. Bad batch of Elmers Glue

c. Trump University engineering degree

d. Who knew thered be weather?

6. How should we address the $26.5 trillion national debt?

a. Drown Grover Norquist in the bathtub

b. Not right now, Honey, Im watching the game.

c. Blame poor people

d. Place fingers in ears and chant, La-la-la-la-la loudly

7. Who got taxpayer-funded PPP bailouts?

a. Socialists

b. Rugged individualists

c. Ayn Rand Institute. To buy more bootstraps.

d. Dire Straits. Money for Nothing. Chicks for free.

8. Who are the unidentified men in unmarked cars abducting protesters in Portland?

a. Your Tinder date

b. I dont know, but you should pay your parking tickets.

c. The tyrants your well-regulated militia promised to rise against.

d. Relax, theyre just practicing for Ghislaine Maxwell.

9. Who can you trust in a pandemic?

a. Pandemic! At the Disco

b. Chuck Woolery

c. Woolery Bullery

d. Facebook memes

10. Official product of White House:

a. Goya beans

b. Magic beans

c. Beano

d. Fisher Temporary Wall Corp.

Bonus: Why polls show Joe Biden in the lead:

a. Trump supporters too busy defending Confederate statues to answer the phone

b. Statistician forgot to carry the one

c. Puzzling outbreak of sanity among probable voters

d. Fake news

Answers: 1. a; 2. d; 3. a; 4. d; 5. d; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. d; 10. d; Bonus: a.

Scoring: 11-9: Okay, who took the test for you? 6-8 correct: Good enough. At this point, the American people will settle for average. 3-5 correct: Dont feel bad; once Eric Trump lost a game of checkers to a Rhode Island Red. 0-2 correct: The doctors were so impressed that you found your desk.

Tony Bender writes an exclusive weekly column for Forum News Service.

Read more here:

Bender: The official presidential cognition test - The Dickinson Press

Finally: Diamond and Silk are releasing a book – The Spectator USA

Whenever Cockburn has watched Diamond and Silk, whether theyre getting a heroes welcome at CPAC or sassing a left-wing celebrity in one of their viral videos, the same thought has always crossed his mind: when will this dynamic duo claim their rightful mantle in the literary pantheon? When can he sit down and peruse 256 pages of their incisive political commentary, as they follow in the footsteps of William F. Buckley Jr. and Ayn Rand and advance American conservative thought?

Mercifully, the wait is over.

The African American Trump-loving duo, real names Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, who sailed to notoriety throughout the 2016 campaign, release their debut book Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Cant Ditch and Switch? The Awakening of Diamond and Silk on August 18.

The description for the book reads:

Coming on the threshold of what promises to be the most acrimonious presidential election in American history, Diamond and Silks book will be a rallying cry for tens of millions of Americans who are tired of being told what to think and whom to vote for. Diamond and Silks story is one of overcoming poverty and shame and choosing victory over victimhood. Theirs is a story that defies the lefts narrative and that the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge, accept, and respect.

A press release from Regnery, which Cockburn has elected to publish in full below, offers further insight:

Uprising: Who the Hell Says You Cant Ditch and Switch The Awakening of Diamond and Silk depicts the against-all-odds rise of two virtually invisible black sisters from North Carolina sharecropping roots to become the spark and emblem of one of the greatest political revolutions in American history. Epochal and cinematic, intensely personal and revealing, Uprising is a clarion call for Americans of every star, stripe and heart. It reveals the never before told story of the resilient Hardaway family (we knew all we had was each other), their army veteran patriarch and pious mother, the sisters turbulent coming of age and struggle for economic security, their unlikely political awakening and unplanned journey into the world of bare knuckles politics and dirty media. Given over in the same gospel duet for which theyre famous, Diamond and Silks memoir is a Frank Capra-esque little guy against the bosses Cinderella story for the ages, with a starring role for the American working class.

At this fateful moment in history, when the political party of the protected is using violence and censorship to maintain its grip on the culture and keep people of color on the Democrat plantation, the story of authentic black women factory laborers who lost faith in the shibboleths of their corrupt Democrat bosses cries out to be told, including:

Diamond and Silks love for a revolutionary president, their biblical beliefs, authenticity and dominance of the 21st century alleyways of political dissent make them as dangerous to the establishment as Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce were a few generations ago. Carried to the ramparts by the People, Lynette [sic] Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson have risen to become two of the most powerful women in America. And so once again, the establishment is using opprobrium, censorship and death threats to silence dissent. The arrogance and violence of the Harvard & Hamptons crowd has made Diamond and Silk all the more determined to give witness to the truth. The permanent elite will do anything to stop Uprising but there are too many of us now.

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Diamond and Silk built a following thanks to their unfiltered, saucy approach to politics. This also proved their source of hamartia: the pairhave been sadly absent from Fox News in recent months, after suggesting COVID-19 was a plandemic, speculating that deep state snakes were using 5G to disperse the virus in certain locations and declaring that theyd refuse to take any vaccine involving Bill Gates.

As Cockburn has previously mentioned, Trumps acolytes will often earn a book plug on the Presidents Twitter feed. Perhaps the same treatment would help see Diamond and Silk back onto the road to the intellectual immortality for which theyve long seemed destined.

See more here:

Finally: Diamond and Silk are releasing a book - The Spectator USA

The Dictatorial Impulse Behind the Shaming of PPP Recipients – New Ideal

Since the Wall Street Journals Pat Fitzgerald announced on Twitter that The Ayn Rand Institute received a PPP loan of between $350K and $1 million and linked to data from the U.S. Small Business Administration confirming this, brave social media posters have been shaming the Institute at which I work.

Hypocrisy much? reads one representative tweet. To his three hundred and fifty thousand followers Bill McKibben adds that the chortle that this produced was worth whatever my share of the bill is. Even Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman has had time to weigh in: A is A. Non-contradiction his tweet declares.

News stories quickly appeared in Forbes, CNBC, the New York Times and elsewhere with headlines like Vocal Opponents of Federal Spending Took PPP loans, Including Ayn Rand Institute, Grover Norquist Group. Few of these initial articles mention that before receiving any funds we at ARI publicly said we were applying to the PPP program and argued that genuine advocates of capitalism should consider doing the same.

READ ALSO: To Take or Not to Take

Notice that no one is arguing that ARI failed to meet the terms of the Paycheck Protection Program. No one is challenging the fact that during the coercive statewide lockdowns, which led us to cancel events and caused significant economic damage to a number of our supporters, we furloughed many staff. And no one contests that when we received PPP funds, we restored these employees to full time.

Notice further that no one explains what precisely is our hypocrisy. Certainly, if we advocated for the individuals rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness and the resulting system of laissez-faire capitalism, as we do, and then advocated for governmental power to coercively lock down entire states and dole out trillions in stimulus relief, that would be hypocritical. But we argued against the statewide lockdowns and ensuing government spending sprees.

The Ayn Rand Institute is to be barred from the program because we are critical of the welfare state.

So where is the hypocrisy? Apparently, if you oppose a government welfare state program, and it is enacted into law, your choice is either to cease your opposition to the program or to not participate in it. Otherwise, you must don a scarlet H to brand yourself a hypocrite.

Think what this idea would mean if implemented consistently.

Anyone who opposes public schools must either stop criticizing government-controlled education or stop sending their children to public school. Anyone who opposes social security must either remain silent when their earnings are taken by government to redistribute to old people or refuse to apply for social security when they retire. Anyone who opposes single payer, socialized medicine must, when it is enacted, either end their opposition to it or never again walk into a hospital, since all providers will be paid by government.

Of course, if these government programs allowed dissenters to opt out, the idea would have some plausibility. If you could get a portion of your taxes credited back to you if you agreed to send your children to private not public school, or if you could refuse to pay payroll taxes and instead invest the money, on condition of being ineligible later for social security, that would be one thing. But this is precisely what such programs forbid. They are coercive not voluntary. You are forced to pay for them even if you think the programs harmful to your interests and happiness.

Now the Bill McKibbens and Paul Krugmans of the world want to add another condition. If you dare criticize these programs and argue they should not exist, you render yourself ineligible for them. You still have to pay for the programs, mind you, but you must not avail yourself of them.

Is there a more devious way to try to silence critics?

READ ALSO: What Gave Ayn Rand the Moral Right to Collect Social Security?

To bring even a whiff of this idea into American politics, to suggest that one must pass an ideological test to qualify for a new government welfare program, is disgraceful.

Yet that is the deeper meaning of the attempt to shame the Ayn Rand Institute for having the temerity to apply for a PPP loan. We are to be barred from the program because we are critical of the welfare state.

This much is true: there is in all this something morally shameful. But members of the Twitter chorus would need to look in the mirror to catch sight of it.

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The Dictatorial Impulse Behind the Shaming of PPP Recipients - New Ideal

Instead Of Open Or Closed, Dial Your Mind To Active – Forbes


Changing an opinion after thinking the wrong way is hard. So is sticking to correct beliefs in the face of opposition. Both actions take courage. The challenge is knowing when to concede or dig in, especially when confronting deep personal biases intertwined with feelings.

I faced my own struggle to separate emotion from reason while growing up in Mumbai, where the test of right or wrong had more to do with group reputation than anything else. The phrase drilled into me was log kya kahenge, which means: What will people say?

What will people say if I wear Western-style clothes, choose my own boyfriend or get a job outside the home? How will my behavior reflect on others? Your actions are unbefitting for a woman, and you bring us shame, my parents and extended family members would tell me.

Many authority figures wielded terms like community and society as weapons of guilt to force compliance. Eventually I learned to push back. But the negativity associated with the collectivist tenets stayed with me for decades, even after I crossed an ocean and started a new life in the United States.

As an economist, I cared about free market principles, and studied innovation and entrepreneurship in the for-profit realm of introducing new products and services. I had little thought for social innovation, even dismissing it as not worthy of study. That was then. Over time my views changed, as I compared new information to prior experience.

One breakthrough came when I realized that the founding principles in my new country represented a profound type of social innovation. The grand documents on individual liberty that inspired my youthful resistance were not commercial products or services. They were the principles upon which individuals could freely engage in enterprise and create win-win outcomes.

Today I study many other contributions from leaders without a profit motive. As I describe in a previous column, my recent research with Sonali K. Shah and Steven T. Sonka at the University of Illinois confirms that private, public and social sector organizations all have roles to play in driving upward mobility.

Some people would say I have an open mind because I evolved. The contrast would be a closed mind, unwilling to consider alternate viewpoints. Neither option in this false dichotomy is good. When venturing forth in the world, having either an open or a closed mind can sabotage growth.

The flexibility of an open mind is necessary to a point. But those who bend too quickly to new ideas might give up correct beliefs ormore likelyswap one set of flawed notions for another. They are like impressionable children, inclined to trust the most recent message they hear from adults without thinking for themselves. Such people never stand firm on principles because they dont have any.

On the flip side, the rigidness of a closed mind has advantages when trying to lock in cherished values. But those satisfied with their level of knowledge lose all sense of discovery. They assume their beliefs are true and complete, ending the need for further inquiry. No amount of information will convince them otherwise. Such people show strong convictionsright or wrongbecause nothing else exists in their minds.

I prefer a third alternative. Philosopher Ayn Rand calls it an active mind. The concept has less to do with whether you change your opinion, and more to do with how you form your opinion. People with active minds focus on learning, and on thinking critically. In other words, they emphasize the journey, not just the destination. They put process ahead of outcomes, pursuing growth in three stages.


Having an active mind starts with active listening. People who value learning seek diverse viewpoints from multiple sources. They read things that offend them. They talk to people from different backgrounds. Then they repeat back what they think they heard to ensure understanding.

I did this during my project with Shah and Sonka, two trusted colleagues. I listened to what the facts were telling us in the researchthat nonprofit engagement and social entrepreneurship were critical in market creation, especially in developing regions with limited infrastructure.

Closed-minded people build strawmen instead. They distort or misrepresent facts, creating easy targets to knock over. They also engage in whataboutism, a type of psychological deflection. Rather than refuting an opposing argument, they ignore it and charge the other side with hypocrisy.

Open-minded people simply agree with new information. They can hold multiple contradictory ideas in their heads at the same time, and never reconcile the differences. Rather than debate, they appeasesometimes because they fear conflict or commitment.


Once people with active minds listen, they synthesize. They compare old and new information, exploring how different ideas fit together. They distinguish between broad principles and the details of particular cases, which are not always representative.

In my own case, I caught myself focusing on concrete notions of social innovation, ascribing a narrow meaning based on my negative experiences in a collectivist culture. When I synthesized new information, I could see the shared basic principles underlying both social and for-profit innovation.

Many times when people confront an opposing viewpoint, the exchange produces win-win outcomes. Both sides move closer to the truth. Yet people with active minds are not confined to the linear distance between two viewpoints. By engaging in dialogue, active thinkers can jump beyond the continuum, often arriving at new ideas not previously considered by either party.

Closed-minded people avoid the journey. The more they clash with opposing viewpoints, the more entrenched they become in their original position. Open-minded people have a different problem. The more they hear new ideas, the more rudderless they become. They trade one position for another like musical chairs.


Once active thinkers synthesize old and new information, they test their emerging ideas in the real world. When they confirm a correct belief, they stay the course until better information comes along. When they detect an error, they update their thinking and try again.

People dont need a science degree to do this. Italian researchers Arnaldo Camuffo, Alessandro Cordova, Alfonso Gambardella and Chiara Spina at Bocconi University confirm that anyone can use the scientific method. Their field tests specifically focus on business settings during periods of uncertainty, but the scientific rigor works anywhere.

What active-minded individuals dont do is beat themselves up for honest mistakes. Instead, they celebrate every course correction and move forward without shame. This is what I have attempted to do.

I now embrace my role as a social entrepreneur in a nonprofit education setting, espousing the value of for-profit enterprise and markets for upward mobility. I find no contradiction in doing so, thanks to the course corrections I made.

Closed-minded people remain blind to the evidence of failure. Being wrong would jeopardize their entire belief system, so they reject the possibility. Open-minded people, meanwhile, never know they are wrong until someone else tells them.

While they wait, they miss opportunities to make discoveries for themselves. They also miss opportunities to share their ideas with others. Having an active mind engenders both creative activities.

People with active minds are flexible and firm at the same time. They adjust based on the evidence. The key is not being learned, but being a learner.

Here is the original post:

Instead Of Open Or Closed, Dial Your Mind To Active - Forbes

Tagore’s Gora to Krishnamurthy’s Ponniyin Selvan: Add these regional language books to your reading list – India Today

There is nothing as fascinating as Indian literature. While Paulo Coelho, Khaled Hosseini and Ayn Rand's works interest almost every other bookworm, novels written by Indian authors are arresting enough and depict love, longing and loss apart from social issues just as well. Sometimes, even better.

From Urdu and Kannada to Bengali and Malayalam, India is replete with authors who represented the diversity and culture of the country through their words in their novels. Not to forget, most Indian authors also narrated the plight of their women protagonists in stories apart from underscoring the nuances of relationships.

For example, Karutthamma and Pareekkutty's long lost love story in Malayalam author TS Pillai's Chemmeen. As for those who fancy detective novels, you always have Feluda to go back to. Rabindranath Tagore's Gora is a beautiful love story with some burning topics (relevant even today) thrown in, while Kalki Krishnamurthy's Ponniyin Selvan is a historical saga that you might indulge in if you prefer reading stories of old dynasties and empires.

Most of the books written by acclaimed regional authors are available in English translated versions. In this article, we list the best regional novels that you must pick up in quarantine to soothe your soul.

Here you go.

Umrao Jan Ada

Umrao Jan Ada

Written by Mirza Hadi Ruswa and first published in 1899, Umrao Jan Ada is often considered as the first Urdu novel. Journey through the old, archaic Lucknow in Umrao Jan Ada as Ruswa takes you through the palaces of the nawabs and the grandiose atmosphere. Umrao Jan Ada is the story of a courtesan in Lucknow. Her life wasn't easy as Umrao, born as Amiran, was kidnapped and subsequently sold to Khanum Jaan, the head of a kotha. Throughout her years in the kotha, Umrao learns classical poetry, music, dance, Urdu and Persian. Happiness and tragedy follow Umrao simultaneously as her life has been detailed meticulously in this novel that is definitely worth a read. Khushwant Singh and MA Husaini translated the novel from Urdu to English.

The Adventures of Feluda

The Adventures of Feluda

15 or 60. Age is just a number as far as Feluda is concerned because his adventures appeal to readers at any given point of time. Prodosh Chandra Mitter, fondly known as Feluda, is a fictional Bengali private investigator, created by the legendary author Satyajit Ray. Accompanied by his cousin Topshe and the joyous crime writer Lalmohan Ganguly or Jatayu, Feluda traverses cities including Jaisalmer and Shimla to untangle mysteries. Sonar Kella (The Golden Fortress) and Joi Baba Felunath (The Mystery of the Elephant God) are some of the acclaimed Feluda stories that Satyajit Ray wrote. While separate novels of Feluda stories are available in English, you may also read several volumes of The Complete Adventures of Feluda, translated to English from Bengali by Gopa Majumdar.

Prothom Protishruti

The First Promise

Bengali author Ashapurna Debi weaved magic with her women protagonists as she described their predicament and sorrow in every short story. Prothom Protishruti, translated to English as The First Promise by Indira Chowdhury, is a path breaking novel by Ashapurna Debi. Eight-year-old Satyabati, a child bride, is the heroine of the novel. Ashapurna Debi narrates Satyabati's struggle as she fights against family control and social prejudices in a patriarchal society. Prothom Protishruti also won the Rabindra Puraskar and the Jnanpith Award.



TS Pillai's Malayalam novel Chemmeen documents the story of Karutthamma, a Hindu woman of the fishermen community and Pareekkutty, a Muslim man. Owing to the norms of the society, Karutthamma is subject to scrutiny after her community members discover her affair with Pareekkutty. Soon after, Karutthamma is married off to Palani, who trusts his wife irrespective of being aware of her past. All is well until one night, Karutthamma meets Pareekkutty while Palani is at the sea. Will she betray Palani after her encounter with her past? Chemmeen, translated from Malayalam to English by Anita Nair, is a beautiful story of love and everything else that surrounds it.



Written by UR Ananthamurthy in Kannada, Bharathipura is based on the practice of untouchability and the caste system in India. Jagannatha, the protagonist of the story, is an 'enlightened' modern Indian. All hell breaks loose after Jagannatha makes an attempt to take 'untouchables' inside the Manjunatha temple. Translated to English from Kannada by Susheela Punitha, Bharathipura highlights the complications related to social justice in India.



Premchand, celebrated for his modern Hindustani literature, is an acclaimed author best known for his novels such as Godaan, Mansarovar and Idgah. Books apart, Premchand has also written several short stories such as Do Bailon Ki Katha, Kafan and Boodhi Kaaki. Through his stories, Premchand highlighted the issues that the poor and the urban class battled as he wrote about corruption, poverty and colonialism. In Godan, Premchand writes about the story of "peasant India" as he narrates the plight of the hungry and impoverished sections of society. Poverty does not bring them down because their optimism and hopeful attitude keeps them alive. The novel has been translated to English as The Gift of a Cow by Jai Ratan and P Lal.



Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's Devdas is every romantic novel lover's favourite. It is based on the tragic love story of Paro, Devdas and Chandramukhi. Devdas and Paro are childhood friends but are separated after he leaves for his studies. After several years, Dev returns and falls in love with Paro. But tragedy strikes after altercations arise between both the families and Paro is married off to a zamindar. Devdas, heartbroken, finds solace in a courtesan, Chandramukhi, who eventually falls for him. Devdas, however, suffers for Paro and takes to alcohol. The story ends with a cataclysmic conclusion as Devdas dies at Paro's doorstep.


Set in Calcutta (now Kolkata), in the 1880s during the British Raj, Rabindranath Tagore's Gora is a classic. It is based on two parallel love stories of Gora and Sucharita, and Binoy and Lolita in the backdrop of politics, society and religion. Gora was translated into English by WW Pearson in 1924.

Ajeeb Aadmi

A Very Strange Man

Ismat Chughtai, an acclaimed author, wrote books on themes of feminism and class conflict. She wrote Ajeeb Aadmi in the early 1970s and based the story on two fictional characters - Dharam Dev, a famous personality from the Hindi film industry in Bombay and his extramarital affair with an actress, Zareen Jamal. Ajeeb Aadmi was translated from Urdu to English by Tahira Naqvi.

Ponniyin Selvan

Set in Tamil Nadu in the tenth century, Ponniyin Selvan is a historical Tamil novel by Kalki Krishnamurthy. It narrates the story of Arulmozhivarman, who later became the great Chola emperor Rajaraja Chola I. Translated to English by Pavithra Srinivasan, Fresh Floods is the first part of the five volumes of Ponniyin Selvan.

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ALSO WATCH: In Depth: How tourism, hospitality sectors have been hit by coronavirus lockdown

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Tagore's Gora to Krishnamurthy's Ponniyin Selvan: Add these regional language books to your reading list - India Today

When MGM and the FBI Chased ‘The Father of the Atomic Bomb’ – WhoWhatWhy

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Published this month, The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood and America Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, reveals how the White House and the military in 1946 sabotaged a long-forgotten MGM movie. That film, also titled The Beginning or the End, was inspired by a letter to actress Donna Reed from her high school chemistry teacher, who later toiled at the secret Manhattan Project site in Oak Ridge, TN.

Two months after the atomic attacks on Japan, he begged her to convince Hollywood to make a major movie that would reflect urgent warnings by the atomic scientists: The US must turn away from building more powerful weapons, which would likely spark a nuclear arms race with the Russians and imperil the entire world.

Soon, MGM would launch such a big-budget project, with studio chief Louis B. Mayer calling it the most important movie he would ever produce. Rival studio Paramount attempted a competing movie, with a screenplay written by none other than Ayn Rand.

My new book explores how, in the year that followed, the original message of the MGM movie would shift almost 180 degrees, ending as little more than pro-bomb propaganda. Why? Both President Harry S. Truman (who had given the order to bomb Hiroshima) and General Leslie R. Groves (director of the Manhattan Project) were given script approval, and ordered dozens of cuts and revisions. Truman even mandated a costly retake, and got the actor playing him fired.

Even to get that far, MGM had to convince the key people in the bomb project to sign releases granting permission to be portrayed in the film. This led to desperate attempts over many months to get Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, and the scientific director of the project at Los Alamos, J. Robert Oppenheimer, to approve, while promising them (unlike with Groves) no fee. Einstein and Szilard, beaten down, finally succumbed, even while believing the movies script was poor, but the ever-conflicted Oppenheimer, the so-called Father of the Atomic Bomb, resisted.

While this was transpiring, the FBI was also chasing the three men, with a different motive. Each was suspected by J. Edgar Hoover of representing a security risk, even sympathizing with the Soviet Union, due to their generally left-wing views. So, in 1946, agents kept tabs on Einsteins mail and phone calls in Princeton, NJ. Agents monitored his writings, speeches, broadcasts, and his role with political or science groups, sometimes via informants who attended meetings. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was known to have called Einstein an extreme radical.

Agents tailed Szilard in the street, and also opened his mail, as General Groves sought to bar him from future national security programs. They followed Oppenheimer locally and on his many cross-country trips and tapped the phone at his Berkeley home.

Of course Oppie, as he was known to friends, was especially vulnerable, as his wife and brother (and his late mistress) had all been members of the Communist Party, as were several of his former associates. Yet for all their searching and harassing, the agents could not find evidence of his disloyalty.

The following excerpt from The Beginning or the End finds the producer of the MGM movie visiting Oppie at his home in April, 1946, to finally nail down his permission to be portrayed in the movie. Oppenheimers response would be recorded by the FBI, with a transcript, which appears here, revealed for the first time in the book.

Introduction by Greg Mitchell

On April 18, 1946, Sam Marx sent J. Robert Oppenheimer a copy of the screenplay for The Beginning or the End, with the hope he would at least glance through it before they met three days hence in Berkeley.

That Saturday night Marx left the Palace Hotel in San Francisco and soon arrived at Oppenheimers rambling one-story villa, built in 1925 with a red-tiled roof high up on Eagle Hill with an expansive view of three canyons, the bay, and sunsets over the Golden Gate.

After dinner, Oppie spoke frankly about the script, in his usual manner. In a letter to his friend J.J. Nickson he would recount much of this discussion. Based on that, it went something like this:

Oppenheimer: Some of the themes in the movie are sound, but most of the supposedly real characters like Bohr and Fermi and myself are stiff and idiotic. When Fermi hears of fission he says my what a thrill and my most characteristic phrase was gentlemen, gentlemen, let us be calm.

Marx: I understand.

Oppenheimer: Most of the trouble rests in ignorance and bad writing, rather than in anything malign.

Marx: Well, that may be true, but look at these newly signed agreements by Fermi and a few others.

Oppenheimer: Well, what kind of agreement can you and I make? For example, how about hiring as technical adviser my former aide and Los Alamos historian David Hawkins? Also, I want to be portrayed as a friend of that ethical scientist, whats his name, Matt Cochran.

Marx: Okay on all that. In addition, we will correct all of the factual errors you mentioned and take seriously all of your other gripes and proposed additions.

Oppenheimer: If all that is done, and you show me the next version of the script, I will likely sign a release. But I dont want a fee just send any proceeds to FAS or set up science fellowships for students.

Marx: Lets shake on it.

Oppenheimer would tell Nickson that he found his visitor from Hollywood sympathetic. Marx seemed honestly eager to get the script improved, but even after the revisions, Oppie predicted It wont be very good. At least in the current story, he added, the scientists seemed to be treated as ordinary decent guys, that they worried like hell about the bomb, that it presents a major issue of good and evil to the people of the world. He concluded: I hope I did right. I think the movie is a lot better for my intercession, but it is not a beautiful movie, or a wise and deep one. I think it did not lie in my power to make it so.

Oppenheimer seemed uncommonly insecure, however. Let me hear from you, he asked Nickson, particularly if you think I did wrong or want me to try again. He had other things to worry about as well. The FBI had started tapping the phone in his Berkeley home and recording the conversations.

When Sam Marx returned to Hollywood he immediately began revising the script. And while the studio had decided on Hume Cronyn to play him, that still might change. Marx doubted they could find a better actor, but they could certainly secure a more impressive movie name. Kitty Oppenheimer had voiced some opinions on that over dinner, and Marx had asked if she wanted to volunteer more ideas.

Fawning over his new friend, Marx assured him in a letter that he had just spent two full days rewriting the script (a gross exaggeration), and had impressed on the films writer, Frank Wead, and director Norman Taurog, that the character of J. Robert Oppenheimer must be an extremely pleasant one with a love of mankind, humility and a pretty fair knack of cooking. Also he passed along to them Oppies view that in the script the fictitious characters came to life but the living characters failed to breathe. Most critically and sure to provoke blowback from certain military figures Marx also revealed: We have changed all the lines at the New Mexico test so that General Groves is merely a guest and you give all the Orders.

He closed: Everyone now is most enthused about the changes I brought back from Berkeley. We are as eager for the truth as you are. . . . I would rather see you pleased with this picture than anyone else who has been concerned with the making of the atom bomb. Marx may well have been sincere about that, but it never hurt anyone to appeal to Oppenheimers vanity.

Two weeks later, near the end of a lengthy phone conversation taped as usual by the FBI Kitty Oppenheimer informed her husband, who was in the east, that he had received a letter from a Hugh Cronin (as the name was recorded in the transcript), explaining why he would like to be you.

Classic Who: Hiroshima Bombing Gets Hollywood Makeover

How Bombing Hiroshima got Hollywood Makeover

Oppie asked: Bill Cronin? Kitty: Hugh Cronin that bloke that belongs to MGM.

Well, Ill tell you what I did on this, Oppenheimer replied, then referred to General Groves top aide. This very ugly creature, [Colonel W.A.] Consodine, called me and said that Marx had said it was all right and would I sign the release, and I said sure. I got the release and I signed it with a paragraph written in saying that all of this is subject to my receipt of a statement from Mr. Sam Marx that he believes the changes that have been made are satisfactory. Possibly to re-assure his wife, he pointed out that their friend David Hawkins was still at the studio checking on things for him.

Kitty: Oh.

Robert: Well, I didnt think there was anything else to do. I dont want anything from them and if I can work on his conscience, that is the best angle I have. It just isnt worth anything otherwise, darling.

At this juncture, the call faded in and out. The FBI must have just hung up, Robert quipped.

The transcript recorded Kittys response as: Giggles.

Then Robert concluded: The only thing we can do there is to try to persuade them to do a decent job.

The movie would flop when released the following February, and fade from importance, but FBI surveillance of Oppenheimer would continue off and on for years. That probe would culminate in the famous 1954 hearing leading to Oppenheimer losing his security clearance, which led to his steady decline in influence and voice in the national discourse on the further development of nuclear weapons and policy.


Greg Mitchells The Beginning or the End was published this month by the New Press. It is his twelfth book. He is the former editor of Editor & Publisher and longtime daily blogger for the Nation.

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Chris-Hvard Berge / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) and DoE / Wikimedia.

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See the original post:

When MGM and the FBI Chased 'The Father of the Atomic Bomb' - WhoWhatWhy

Westneat: ‘Breath of liberty’ and some hot air – The Columbian

Maybe just this one eensy-weensy time.

The laissez-faire capitalist Ayn Rand Institute, in California, went still further, rationalizing that going on the dole this one time would somehow strike a moral blow against big government: It would be a terrible injustice for pro-capitalists to step aside and leave the funds to those indifferent or actively hostile to capitalism, it explained in a statement, titled To Take, or Not to Take.

Look, Im a capitalist too, but what a crock all that is. As I said up top: Its fine for any qualified business or association to get the relief money. The programs point was to disperse the money as rapidly and widely as possible, to keep the economy somewhat functioning during this pandemic.

But To Take, or Not to Take that is not the question. The coronavirus has shown, if nothing else, that we all sometimes need a little boost. We have just been treated to a national case study in how we all depend on strong governmental social and health safety nets and not only when theres a pandemic.

This is not about taking at all, or shouldnt be. Its about giving back paying for basic good government and then, sometimes, when you need it, receiving help.

So can we at least dispense now with the breath-of-liberty canards? The drowning the government in the bathtub nonsense? The whole no-tax bluster?

Because now we know: Even groups that put freedom right in their name have apparently concluded theyre A-OK with some big-government, debt-financed, taxpayer-backed collectivism after all.

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Westneat: 'Breath of liberty' and some hot air - The Columbian

Feather: Burrillville’s actions are embarrassing – Valley Breeze


If I were a resident of Burrillville, I would be embarrassed by the Town Councils resistance to the recommendations and directives of the governor and the Rhode Island Department of Health regarding efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.

In America, self-centeredness and hyper-individualism are making news everywhere. At ice cream shops we have children in adult bodies stamping their feet because they cant get what they want when they want it.

The greatest successes this country has ever achieved have been the result of collective effort, of unified purpose, of shared sacrifice.

The Ayn Rand-ian types among us ought to comply, for the sake of all of us, with crucial governmental directives designed to mitigate the spread of the virus. For all re-opened businesses in Burrillville and around the state, the solution is simple: no mask, no service.

Kirk Feather


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Feather: Burrillville's actions are embarrassing - Valley Breeze

‘We Took PPP Funds and Would Do It Again’ – New Ideal

Social media and major news outlets are ablaze with reports that the Ayn Rand Institute applied for and received funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, established by Congress under the CARES Act for pandemic relief. People are questioning how an educational nonprofit that advocates ending the welfare state can maintain its integrity while accepting a government bailout.

The question is understandable, which is why months ago, before ARI received any funds Institute scholars recorded an explanatory webinar and published an essay (To Take or Not to Take), stating clearly that ARI was applying for funds and explaining why an uncompromising advocate of laissez-faire capitalismabsolutely has a right to take such money as a matter of moral principle.

These explanations are based squarely on Rands philosophy of Objectivism, including statements she made directly on the issue during her lifetime (she died in 1982).

Together these materials provide a factual basis for journalists, commentators and other interested persons to understand the Institutes position.

The Institutes president and CEO, Tal Tsfany, has recorded a short video explaining why the pursuit of PPP funds was a matter of justice for ARIs donors.

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'We Took PPP Funds and Would Do It Again' - New Ideal

Tips and Murmurs: Ayn Rand Institute gets government handout – Crikey

Thank heavens the public purse is so open for the well-connected, and the sky's the limit for Fox's Sky News numbers well they couldn't get much lower.

The invisible hand that feeds The Ayn Rand Institute, committed to preserving the memory of libertarianism's patron saint, has taken a US government loan of up to $1 million.

The institute, which promotes free markets, applied for a loan under the pay cheque protection program, which gives businesses money to keep workers on. The decision was justified, director Harry Binswanger argued, because "it would be morally wrong for pro-capitalists to humbly step aside and watch the new money go only to anti-capitalists".

The Rand people aren't the only opponents of big government crying out for the public purse during a time of crisis. Conservative group Americans for Tax Reform got up to $300,000. So did a group called Citizens Against Government Waste which, along with Americans for Tax Reform, opposed stimulus bills which underpinned the loans.

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Tips and Murmurs: Ayn Rand Institute gets government handout - Crikey

St. Joseph reaps short-lived cash infusion – News-Press Now

If you want to download the Small Business Administrations data on 4.9 million coronavirus relief recipients, get ready for a computer crash. Theres that much data.

This spring, the SBAs Paycheck Protection Program provided $520 billion in forgivable loans so small businesses could continue paying employees as the coronavirus became a cement block around the economys neck. Politicians of all stripes demanded more transparency, so details on larger loan recipients were released earlier this month.

Its still transparency even if its granted grudgingly.

The SBA released the names of PPP recipients that received between $150,000 to $10 million in funds, which accounted for about 75% of the companies that took benefits. Companies that received smaller amounts were not identified.

Nationally, it makes for interesting reading. Recipients of coronavirus relief funding include a foundation linked to anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, Ruths Chris steakhouse, the Church of Scientology and friends and family of Jared Kushner, Nancy Pelosi and Kanye West.

Closer to home, the big news isnt powerful connections but the sheer volume of federal money that poured into St. Joseph in a short period of time.

SBA data shows that $48 million to $118 million in federal funding supported 138 St. Joseph companies, from manufacturers, contractors and machine shops to nonprofits and professional services firms. These companies, firms and organizations employed at least 6,000 people, by conservative estimates.

Those were just the largest recipients. In total, 800 St. Joseph businesses may have received funding. Thats not counting those that indirectly capitalized on government stimulus efforts through enhanced unemployment benefits for furloughed employees, all because of the coronavirus.

This suggests an unprecedented level of federal support for the economy. Even the Ayn Rand Institute in California took a check, although its leadership had something deep and philosophical to say about it.

In the coming months, there will be a time to ask hard questions about oversight of the PPP, how this money was spent and whether some of these well-connected recipients took advantage of the system. After all, the PPP was a rush job involving a fire hose of money.

It will be equally important to look at what happens next. The vast sums of the PPP tended to obscure that reality that this program was short-lived, an eight-week bridge to get businesses to the other side of troubled waters.

Theyre there now, but what happens next? On a local level, the list of recipients points not to political influence or scandal but to survival in unprecedented times. The need to survive doesnt go away.

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St. Joseph reaps short-lived cash infusion - News-Press Now

Your Illinois News Radar I’m not sure why this is being treated almost like a scandal – The Capitol Fax Blog

* Yeah, hes a conservative Republican. But the forgivable loan was for payroll. The idea was to keep people working during the most momentous economic downturn in American history. He didnt pocket the money

A dairy owned by Illinois Republican congressional candidate Jim Oberweis received a loan worth $5 million to $10 million from the federal rescue package aimed at helping small businesses weather the coronavirus pandemic, according to data released Monday.

Oberweis Dairy, the North Aurora-based business where Jim Oberweis is chairman, was approved for the Paycheck Protection Program on April 8, according to Treasury Department data.

Oberweis won the March GOP primary to challenge Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood for a Chicago-area congressional district that is one of Republicans top targets this fall. The businessman, who also is an Illinois state senator and an investment manager, has loaned his campaign $1.1 million so far this election cycle, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. His campaign has repaid $500,000 of that money, FEC reports show.

Oberweis bought the family business from his brother decades ago. The company operates over 40 ice cream stores and restaurants and has over 1,200 employees, according to his campaign website. The business is currently operated by Oberweis son, who is the company president. Oberweis says his role with the company is advisory and he does not receive a salary. His campaign website says his wife also works for the family business.

Oberweis said in a statement Monday the loan was used to pay for salaries and benefits for employees.

And, yes, a whole lot of small business owners, including lots of people of color, were locked out because their banks focused on big clients. And some companies applied for the money simply to avoid depleting huge reserves. But just because somebodys name turns up on a list doesnt mean theyre automatically bad. You do what you gotta do to keep the doors open. You may have a different take, and Id love to hear it.

Now, if Oberweis opposes helping others after his own company was assisted and doesnt have a sound explanation, thats a different story and makes him fair game.

* Some major media outlets also applied for and received the loans

Chicago Public Media, the nonprofit that operates WBEZ, got $2.8 million in PPP funding, a spokeswoman said. Federal help enabled us to avoid layoffs or furloughs for any staff members during these past few months, the spokeswoman said in June. Chicago Public Media ultimately laid off 12 employees.

The publishers of the Chicago Sun-Times and the Daily Herald also got loans of between $2 million and $5 million, as did many other familiar names in local business and culture, including:

Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Home Run Inn pizzerias.

Rosebud Restaurants.

Navy Pier Inc.

Shedd Aquarium

Planned Parenthood of Illinois.

* More from Politico

Schiff Hardin law firm in Chicago received between $5 million and $10 million. The firm counts Maggie Hickey as a partner the attorney monitoring how the Chicago Police Department complies with a court order laying out reform.

Forde & OMeara LLP, which represented Rahm Emanuels residency case when he first ran for mayor; and Finkel, Martwick, Colson P.C., where Sen. Robert Martwick works when hes not in Springfield, are also on the PPP list.

And though House Speaker Mike Madigans law firm is listed, his spokeswoman tells Playbook that the Democratic Party leader withdrew his loan request so no PPP funds were received.

* Madigan spokesperson Eileen Boyce

This SBA list represents applications submitted and approved, not loans processed. Like many businesses, an application for a PPP loan was submitted, but was withdrawn at the request of Speaker Madigan and Bud Getzendanner. No loans were processed and no PPP funds were received.

* Sun-Times

According to a Sun-Times analysis of all PPP loans in Illinois:

* But I will admit I smirked hard when I read this

Americans for Tax Reform Foundation, which says it educates taxpayers on the true cost of government and the realities of costly government programs, received between $150,000 and $300,000 in loans.

In a statement, Americans for Tax Reform claimed it never opposed the PPP program and defended the foundations decision to take government loans, which it said allowed the foundation to maintain its employees without laying anyone off after it was badly hurt by the government shutdown.

But ATR founder Grover Norquist has criticized the unemployment insurance provision of the CARES Act, which he said delays recovery, and signed a letter urging lawmakers not to approve a second stimulus bill.

The Ayn Rand Institute, named for conservative philosopher Ayn Rand, received a loan of between $350,000 and $1 million, which it called partial restitution for government-inflicted losses.

It would be a terrible injustice for pro-capitalists to step aside and leave the funds to those indifferent or actively hostile to capitalism, Ayn Rand Institute board member Harry Binswanger argued in May, stating that the organization would take any relief money offered us.

See the article here:

Your Illinois News Radar I'm not sure why this is being treated almost like a scandal - The Capitol Fax Blog

Climbing aboard the PPP train | Opinion | – Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

A group of organizations that condemn taxation and government spending werent so circumspect when the supposed gravy train pulled into their stations. They eagerly climbed aboard, taking several million dollars worth of loans under the Paycheck Protection Program that they wont have to repay if they retain their work forces.

The money was included in the initial CARES Act, the $2 trillion emergency relief package that Congress passed to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a May 1 statement by Citizens Against Government Waste, the CARES Act is stuffed with wasteful and unnecessary spending. Apparently, loans of up to $350,000 that the organization obtained do not fit either category.

Grover Norquist, founder of Americans for Tax Reform, condemned a provision of the law that provides supplemental unemployment benefits for laid-off workers. He did not voice any objection, however, to the Cares Act provision under which the organization borrowed up to $300,000.

The Ayn Rand Institute, named for that conservative champion of rugged individualism, received a loan from the collective people of the United States of between $350,000 and $1 million, calling it partial restitution for government-inflicted losses.

It would be a terrible injustice for pro-capitalists to step aside and leave the funds to those indifferent or actively hostile to capitalism, said institute board member Harry Binswanger. Indeed, every federal dollar that the institute claims for itself is one that cant unjustly go to someone who actually needs it. Its a wonder that the institute didnt think of that sooner.

If such hypocrisy were a vaccine, COVID-19 would have been vanquished before Atlas decided to just shrug and take the cash.

See more here:

Climbing aboard the PPP train | Opinion | - Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

Mississippi PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who received them – Hattiesburg American

Staff Report Published 6:37 p.m. CT July 8, 2020

If you are a small business owner and have not yet applied for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan yet...According to Business Insider, you may be out of luck and too late to receive funding. The US government recently added a second round of $310 billion to PPP loan program. The goal is to fund small businesses that have been economically impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic. Bankers, lawyers, and consultants told Business Insider that the volume of pre-approved loans will soak up the second round of funding.If you don't receive emergency government funding, it's suggested for small businesses to seek funding through tax relief, private companies, local governments, and organizations offering small business grants. Wochit

Mississippi businesses that applied for and received a loan as part of a national effort to save small companies during the coronavirus pandemic is now public information.

The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more.

Designed to cover expenses such as payroll and rent, the loans do not have to be paid back if at least 60 percent of the money is spent keeping or rehiring workers. Otherwise, it carries a 1 percent interest rate and must be repaid within two years.

Search through Mississippi businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name.

Across the country, more than 660,000 businesses received $150,000 or up to the $10 million maximum from the small-business lending program.

Known-names across the U.S. include:

The Ayn Rand Institute received a loan and defended it on Twitter.

Restaurant chains like P.F. Changs, Legal Sea Foods and Silver Diner either received PPP loans or had investors connected to the company that did.

Internationally, South Korean airline Korean Air received a PPP loan.

Wall Street investment groups, including Semper Capital Management LP and Domini Impact Investments LLC, which manage billions of dollars, also received PPP loans according to Reuters.

Politically, according to the Washington Post, companies with connections to a handful of federal lawmakers, like Foremost Maritime, which is a shipping business controlled by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have received PPP loans.

John Farrell, a Republican donor and real estate developer also received a PPP loan.

Several law firms, including ones with ties to President Trump (Kasowitz, Benson & Torres) and former vice president Al Gore and film producer Harvey Weinstein (Boies Schiller Flexner) also received PPP loans.

The Roman Catholic dioceses in California, New York, Nevada, Tennessee and Kentucky also received loans.

Grace Pateras and Joe Harrington contributed to this story.

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Mississippi PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who received them - Hattiesburg American

Indiana PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who received them – Courier & Press

A model by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington is now predicting Indiana coronavirus deaths could near 2,500 by August. Here's why. Wochit

Indianabusinesses that applied for and received a loan as part of a national effort to save small companies during the coronavirus pandemic is now public information.

The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more.

Designed to cover expenses such as payroll and rent, the loans do not have to be paid back if at least 60 percent of the money is spent keeping or rehiring workers. Otherwise, it carries a 1 percent interest rate and must be repaid within two years.

Search through Indiana businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name.

(Note: Not seeing the search bar above? Click here.)

Results show the range of the loan received, jobs retained, date approvedand other details released by the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration Monday, July 6.

Across the country, more than 660,000 businesses received $150,000 or up to the $10 million maximum from the small-business lending program.

Known-names across the U.S. include:

The Ayn Rand Institute received a loan and defended it on Twitter.

Restaurant chains like P.F. Changs, Legal Sea Foods and Silver Diner either received PPP loans or had investors connected to the company that did.

Internationally, South Korean airline Korean Air received a PPP loan.

Wall Street investment groups, including Semper Capital Management LP and Domini Impact Investments LLC, which manage billions of dollars, also received PPP loans according to Reuters.

Politically, according to the Washington Post, companies with connections to a handful of federal lawmakers, like Foremost Maritime, which is a shipping business controlled by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have received PPP loans.

John Farrell, a Republican donor and real estate developer also received a PPP loan.

Several law firms, including ones with ties to President Trump (Kasowitz, Benson & Torres) and former vice president Al Gore and film producer Harvey Weinstein (Boies Schiller Flexner) also received PPP loans.

The Roman Catholic dioceses in California, New York, Nevada, Tennessee and Kentucky also received loans.

Grace Pateras and Joe Harrington contributed to this story.

Daniella Medina is a digital producer for the USA TODAY Network. Follow her on Twitter @danimedinanews.

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Indiana PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who received them - Courier & Press

Paycheck Protection Payouts Give Taxpayers Plenty To Ponder | K. Lloyd Billingsley – The Beacon

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), part of the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security package (CARES), is intended to blunt the economic damage from the current pandemic. As CNBC reports, the payouts include a $5-10 million loan for the Archdiocese of New York, $350,000 to $1 million to the Ayn Rand Institute and $1-2 million for the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, named after the son-in-law of President Trump. The media payouts were also of interest.

Forbes Media bagged at least $5 million, according to CNBC and the Washington Times got at least $1 million. The Washingtonian and the Daily Caller both got at least $350,000, and The American Prospect received at least $150,000. While propping up media, the PPP payouts did not neglect the political side.

The Ohio Democratic Party got at least $150,000 and the Florida Democratic Party Building Fund got at least $350,000. The Womens National Republican Club of New York got at least $350,000, with some $150,000 going to the Black Republican Caucus in Florida. PPP also shelled out $5-10 million to the Boies Schiller Flexner law firm, headed by David Boies, whose clients include former vice president Al Gore. As embattled taxpayers assess the merits of these payouts, they might consider an item CNBC managed to miss.

As Evan Symon reports in the California Globe, PPP loans of $150-350,000 went to PlumpJack Winery, owned by California governor Gavin Newsom. Last year Newsom reported more than $200,000 in income through PlumpJack, so the governor remains a beneficiary even though he relinquished control while in office.

Before the July 4 weekend, Gov. Newsom shut down bars, restaurants, zoos, movie theaters, museums and winery tasting rooms in 19 California counties. Missing from the shutdown list is upscale Napa County, where PlumpJack is located.

All told, the PPP payouts show some distancing from the kind of accountability taxpayers have a right to expect.


Paycheck Protection Payouts Give Taxpayers Plenty To Ponder | K. Lloyd Billingsley - The Beacon