Francis Carden of Pega: RPA Doesn’t Automatically Mean You’re Adding Intelligence to Your Automation Efforts – Small Business Trends

Robotics Process Automation.


Its something that companies are expected to spend over $2.4 billion on by 2022, up from $689 in 2018 according to Gartner.

But what exactly is it? And where does it fit in when it comes to helping companies with their digital transformation efforts?

These are big questions I was able to ask during a recent LinkedIn Live conversation I had with Francis Carden, Vice President of Digital Automation and Robotics for Pega a leading customer engagement and process automation platform provider.

Below is an edited transcript from a portion of our conversation. Click on the embedded SoundCloud player to hear the full conversation.

Small Business Trends:What exactly is RPA?

Francis Carden: RPA stands for robotic process automation, and about a million things underneath it, dependent upon who you speak to. To me, it primarily started life as automating applications that run typically on Windows machines on desktops, and sometimes you could automate them a hundred percent and move those desktops to a VM, and they all run by themselves in a locked cupboard, right, properly governed and secured, hopefully. And then Attended RPA was basically, you put it on the desktop and it would automate alongside a human, so you could improve the humans performance by 20 to 40 to 50%. But if you get to a hundred percent, you dont need the human, so you would move it to the server room and [inaudible 00:00:39].

But, predominantly, to me, what it started out as, its morphed into some very different things, not necessarily rightly. But RPA was predominantly automating someone elses user interface, the keyboard, the mouse, the screen, because it doesnt change a process, it just automates the as-is process. And then, of course, it got, Throw some AI at it. That suddenly makes it uniquely different. Or, Throw some API integration in it.

But then, to me, those things arent really RPA. If youre automating a UI, youre basically saying, the old processes are fine. No, theyre not, right? You just keeping them alive for longer. Youre adding to debt, right? I think one of the analysts calls it a tax on legacy. Its so true.

And so, for the years Ive told very successful, large implementations of RPA, I never turned around to anybody and said, Oh, its transformation, or Its going to change your life. Its going to change the way you do business. No, its an operational improvement benefit.

Youve got intelligent automation, which is a myriad of technologies, which includes RPA, and RPA typically should be used as a bridge to transform your business. Because any business thats not transforming and just band-aiding stuff together with RPA is not going to be competitive a year or two or three from now, right? Because theyre peers are truly transforming their businesses and dont need RPA or very little of it. And thats got to be ultimately the goal. Nobody really wants screen scraping, right?

Small Business Trends:Talk about intelligent automation.

Francis Carden: I like to take a step back and think about work, right? Work that a human does at the desktop, thats really what were focused on because were not talking about necessarily APIs and the other stuff thats done. We can talk about that later because its of this, but predominantly RPA or the work that gets done by a human, theres a start point. It might be a mortgage loan application. It might be a call because theyre complaining that their network keeps coming down, or their mobile phone keeps breaking, whatever it might be. A call comes in, and then ultimately theres an outcome. And then if all you do is automate the existing way you solve that outcome, all the underlying debt stays around this. Its not a digital process.

Intelligent automation says lets rethink how we want that outcome to occur. We want it to happen faster. We want it to reach out to the customer before they call us. All of those things start to really evolve if you think about it intelligently. Automating a process is not about automating the as is, but automating almost the want to be. Where would you like as a business, that process? If you was to start a new company today, you dont go out and buy 6,000 legacy systems and use RPA to turn yourself into a digital business. You typically build, or you buy some technologies, and you build a digital business. And so you are intelligently automated from the ground up. And RPA is basically trying to not intelligently automate you from the top down.

And so its a matter of using the right technologies, and whats put people off in the past from being able to digitally transform a process, is some things are just hard to do. And so, technically, you might get such a roadblock, you might as well just use RPA. But what we believe is you can automate much of the process using intelligent automation, whether thats low-code or whether thats design thinking to reengineer a process or case management, and then use RPA to plug the gaps that wouldve prevented you getting further along the digital transformation story. And then think about replacing those RPA bots. Weve got customers that build bots only if theres an end of life strategy for them, right? I mean, thats very forward thinking and very creative and very right, right?

Small Business Trends:RPAs, theyre great for, like you said, automating routine kind of mundane tasks. And if the processes that are making up those routine automated, I mean, those routine tasks are bad processes, like you said, it just speeds up the failure and makes the failure more consistent in achieving, as long as you run those processes. But when it comes to actual transformation, thats in intelligence. Thats where, I guess, the umbrella of DPAs come in.

Francis Carden: We both lived in this world for a long time. To automate a process properly, i.e., to rethink it, reimagine it, everybody thinks thats a big ticket item. Its going to take many, many years. BPM [phonetic 00:05:43] was known as its going to take forever, right? Its like ERP. I mean, thats the worst one, but everybody thought that [inaudible 00:05:49]. Ill implement an ERP system in six months, so we digitize the process in three.

But whats changed, DPA, intelligent automation, is that there are new technologies that do not require you to rebuild a process from scratch in years. You can do them in weeks. Weve got customers rebuilding processes properly in days and weeks. And that may or may not include RPA. Often, it does not, but its there if you need it. But if you think about an RPA vendor thats raised all this money, they have to push RPA. Thats their license revenue.

Now, what theyve done is theyve said, Well, lets add some intelligence to RPA. Lets add OCR and some AI around document readings, and lets add some API integration. Its like, Well, thats then not RPA. Thats the stuff weve always had, maybe done better than before. Give everybody that. But I do not believe a digital transformation platform should be built on screen scraping. No enterprise, no CTO Ive ever met says, Yeah, yeah. Were going to go and buy a screen scraping platform [inaudible 00:07:04] an RPA platform to digitally transform my business. It doesnt happen.

And so low-code, to me, is the movement, and underpinning low-code is that citizen developers and IT can collaborate together to look at a process and say, How can we improve this process dramatically? Right? Almost throwing away the existing and just say, Well, imagine that we were allowed to dream, and this is what my perfect process would look like. And then a few buttons later youve actually said, Well, we can start to do that in these days and weeks, instead of these years. And thats what were seeing. Its almost a competition. Its almost now cheaper to build a new process than it is to use RPA to plug the old one because if you take into account the cost of bot maintenance, if you take into account the cost of maintaining those legacy systems and the infrastructure required to do it, and IT and QA and everything else, but if you take a step back and say, well, again, to my point earlier, you lose a new digital business. Dont buy those legacy systems, but you managed to build a digital business, so that they say never the twain shall meet, but that twains meeting now, right?

You are literally seeing companies And we saw it through COVID as well. We saw lots of RPA vendors going out there building some bots, which kudos to everybody who contributed to helping through this pandemic. But we also saw a massive number of companies with Pega building applications from scratch in days, like loan applications in days. Instead of our band-aiding an existing loan application with RPA, we were actually building brand new loan applications where banks could put those online so that people could apply for loan. The loan be processed. And when you talk about building an application in a week or two, people dont believe you, but its true now. Thats DPA or intelligent automation.

Small Business Trends: So do you see companies looking to do digital transformation starting with RPA thinking they are doing intelligent automation?

Francis Carden: So, intelligent automation, you can start with it and use RPA, or you could use RPA and come back to it later. But every one of our clients, whether theyre with successful with RPA or not, needs intelligent automation. And thats the depth and breadth of DPA, or as Gartner calling it hyper-automation. I think HFS called it intelligent process or measure, whatever the acronym, its about doing it right now. And the time is now when weve got to automate these processes correctly. And that is the conundrum. The word automate implies automating something as is. Why does the word automate count to building something new, kind of is an oxymoron. Youre not automating it, right?

And I think of computerization as the automation of the way things were done manually, and RPA is just automating computerization. Its still the way things were built to do, what used to be done manually. Digital transformation or intelligent automation is about automating the way to do it properly. Now you can. You couldnt do it that way 10 years ago. The technology was too hard, right? Big projects. Now you can build things in days and weeks and months that used to take years, and its transforming the game for the entire industry in every sector.

This is part of the One-on-One Interview series with thought leaders. The transcript has been edited for publication. If it's an audio or video interview, click on the embedded player above, or subscribe via iTunes or via Stitcher.

See the original post here:

Francis Carden of Pega: RPA Doesn't Automatically Mean You're Adding Intelligence to Your Automation Efforts - Small Business Trends

Software Will Determine the Future of Industrial Automation – Electronic Design

In the last 20 years, CPUs and networks improved by a factor of 10,000X. According to Moores Law, in the next 20 years, they will improve by another factor of 10,000X. During the 40-year design lifecycle of todays industrial automation (IA) architectures, computers will be a mind-boggling 100,000,000X more powerful. Its hard to overstate the implications.

Using such power will determine which companies, industries, and even economies win or lose. For todays designers of tomorrows long-lifetime systems, enabling intelligent software is the only significant factor.

In fact, this is already happening. In industry after industry, software is becoming the most valuable part of every system. IA has been an exception to this rule. Nonetheless, like autonomous cars and intelligent medical systems, IA can use sensor fusion, fast distributed reactions, and artificial intelligence (AI) to replace rigid or manual processes with smart autonomy.

Developing architectures seek to solve the problems of the last 20 years, such as reconfiguring workcells, small lot sizes, flexible automation, and vendor interoperability. These will be far more easily solved with flexible software than rigid specifications. The future belongs to software.

The Harsh Truth

Todays discrete automation systems use a simple hardware-focused architecture. A programmable logic controller (PLC) connects devices over a fieldbus. The PLC controls the devices and manages upstream connections to higher-level software such as human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and historians. Factory-floor software reads sensors, executes logic, and drives actuators, thereby implementing a repetitive operation in a workcell. The factory consists of a series of these workcells, each with a few dozen devices.

Workcells arent so much programmed as they are configured. Manufacturing engineers or technicians use a palette of devices to implement a function in the cell. The goal of this design is to make it easy to assemble workcells of devices with little software effort. Unfortunately, the goal of minimizing software in plants precludes using advanced computing and intelligent systems. As eloquently put by one industry leader:

One of the harsh truths about manufacturing software is that it is not developed by software engineers or computer science majors. We would not regularly ask an electrical engineer to design a mechanical system, or a chemical engineer to design an electrical system, but we often ask mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineers to design and develop software systems.Brand, Dennis L. (2012-11-13T22:58:59). Plant IT: Integrating Information Technology into Automated Manufacturing. Momentum Press.

Brandls harsh truth simply cant continue. Superior custom software will take its place above reliability, performance, and interoperability as the key to competition. That means industrial companies will need to write their own code with competitive, professional software teams. You cant win a software war with someone elses software.

How can we enable this future? First, we need to understand the available industrial architectural frameworks. Then, we can put them together to enable software-driven IA.

What are OPC UA and DDS?

The top industrial architectural frameworks are the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA, managed by the OPC Foundation), and the Data Distribution Service (DDS, managed by the Object Management Group). Both have widespread adoption in industrial systems, although not in the same use cases (Fig. 1). DDS finds traction in applications in medical systems, transportation, autonomous vehicles, defense, power control, robotics, and oil and gas. OPC UA is also used in many of these industries, but not in the applications. Rather, OPC UA is mostly employed in discrete automation and manufacturing. In practice, theres almost no overlap in use cases.

1. OPC UA integrates software supplied from external sources, like devices with embedded software, HMIs, and historians. It focuses on vendor interoperability by specifying standard interfaces as companion specifications. Theres no facility for custom-written software, so most systems have little to no end-user software. By contrast, DDS provides a common data modelthe key requirement for writing distributed software. It therefore supports teams of programmers building large distributed systems with extensive custom functionality. Unlike OPC UA, there are few sources of supplier software.

DDS supports publish subscribe, as does the new specification for OPC UA PubSub. But OPC UA does notand will neverdo what DDS does. DDS is fundamentally a software-development architecture; OPC UA is not. Thus, the question isnt about choosing DDS or OPC UA. The question is understanding what they do and deciding which one is needed for your design, or if you need both.

That of course leaves the question: Why are they so different?

DDS evolved as a software-development framework for control systems. The first DDS applications were feedback-control systems for intelligent distributed robotics communicating over Ethernet. They used extensive custom software written by computer scientists. Almost all DDS applications integrate an AI component or very smart algorithms. DDS directly targets software teams building intelligent distributed machines.

By contrast, OPC UA grew up in the plant environment where, as Brandl points out, software engineers are rare. Its prime goal was to help PLC-centric workcell designs select different vendor hardware without writing software. The workcells endlessly repeat an operation, but theyre not truly smart. OPC UA seeks to minimize, rather than enable, software development.

We must differentiate integrating existing software components from writing new software. OPC UA supports software integration of modules like HMIs and historians. However, it offers no facility for composing intelligent software modules. Its not a software-development architecture for distributed applications.

What Does OPC UA PubSub Do?

OPC UA PubSub is a simple way to send information from a publisher to many subscribers. A publisher collects a DataSet at regular intervals and writes it to its subscribers. A DataSet is pulled out of the OPC UA information model, essentially a list of key-value pairs. On the other end, the Subscriber unpacks it and pushes it into the UA information model. Theres also support for simple structured data types.

Most users plan to use OPC UA PubSub with the UDP transport. It has some simple options. It can chunk data thats too big to fit into a network packet (usually only about 1.5 kB). It can resend every message a fixed number of times in hopes of better reliability. But it doesnt guarantee reliability by detecting and retransmitting lost messages. And, it rigidly locks execution; every subscriber must get the same data in the same format. OPC UA PubSub also supports other non-real-time messaging middleware options, MQTT and AMQP.

Fundamentally, OPC UA PubSub offers a simple mechanism to connect variables on a set of tightly coupled devices. Every device gets the same data at the same rates at the same time. With the right companion specifications, it can ensure device interoperability. UA PubSub is very new; there are few deployed applications.

What Does DDS Do?

Unlike OPC UA, DDS supports modular software-defined systems with a simple concept: a shared global data space. This simply means that all data appears as if it lives right inside every device and algorithm in local memory. It is, of course, an illusion; all data cant be everywhere. DDS works by keeping track of which application needs what data, knowing when it needs that data, and then delivering it. So, the data actually required by any application is present in local memory on time. Applications talk only to the local data space, not to each other.

This is the essence of data centricity: Instant local access to all data by every device and every algorithm, at every level, in the same way, at any time. Its best to think of it as a distributed shared memory, similar to a distributed control system (DCS) sandbox RAM, implemented virtually.

Each DDS module specifies the schema (types) it can exchange in memory. DDS controls the flow into and out from this structured memory with QoS parameters that specify rate of flow of data, latencies, and reliability. There are no servers or objects or special locations. Since DDS applications interact only with the shared distributed memory, theyre independent of how other applications are written, where they live, or when they execute. Its a simple, naturally parallel software architecture across the entire system.

DDS implements a long list of features to support software-driven distributed control, including:

Some Key Differences

OPC UA PubSub provides none of the data-centric features that are the core of DDS. Lets look deeper.


OPC UA enables device interoperability through device models and companion specs for hundreds of situations. OPC UA devices crowd tradeshows, pinned to the wall as evidence of interoperability. The consistent message: Factory engineers and technicians can combine devices into workcells with OPC UA without writing code.

In contrast, no devices today come with DDS pre-installed. Thats because DDS doesnt integrate devices per se. Instead, DDS integrates software modules. To add devices to a system, DDS users model devices as software.

Instead of specifications for every permutation, DDS integrates everything through a system data model. It maps device functions from a vendors native API to the system data model. DDS vendors offer very sophisticated bridging and data routing technologies. Thus, the popular layered databus architecture allows systems to grow by connecting data models between layers (Fig. 2). This also means that a DDS system can connect to devices despite different interfaces, to web technologies, and even to OPC UA.

2. Autonomous vehicles are revolutionizing the automotive industry. With a data-centric approach, DDS handles both on-vehicle and control-room use cases. Data routing provides a consistent data model throughout the system, thus building a reliable, large-scale infrastructure. To adopt software drive, the IA industry needs a similar system approach.


Coupling is a measure of interdependencies between software and system components. Coupling can be obvious, like coupling clients to servers. It can also be subtle, such as when software modules must start in a particular order or execute at the same rate.

The DDS data-centric design makes it seem like all data is local, so the application isnt coupled to any other application. DDS controls interactions with the data through 21 different QoS policies, including deadlines, latency budgets, update frequencies, history, liveliness detection, reliability, durability, ownership, ordering, and filtering. It also converts types that evolve, as long as they are still close enough to be compatible.

DDS runs on hundreds of platforms and over dozens of networks transparently. Theres no dependence on language, operating system, chip architecture, or type of network used. Thus, data-centric applications work in parallel and share data transparently without interference. Coupling is only by design.

By contrast, OPC UA applications talk directly to each other. For instance, in PubSub, every subscriber gets exactly the same data from the publisher at the same rate. Each subscriber gets all of the dataflow, so the whole system also relies on having similar connecting network properties and processor speeds/loads everywhere. All subscribers must have the same understanding of the data being sent; therefore, versions must exactly match. Each added participant adds a dependency, directly coupling the system.

Fundamentally, decoupling helps applications and devices work independently. With a few subscribers in a workcell, coupling may not matter. Coupling can be good, for instance, for synchronous feedback control with minimal delay. In larger systems, coupling is bad; loosely coupled systems are easier to scale, test, build with distributed teams, deploy, understand, and maintain. Each source of coupling is a real problem, and combining many sources is debilitating. Good software architecture should avoid coupling unless absolutely required to affect the application.


DDS automatically discovers named topics across the system regardless of where the application lives. Applications dont have to do anything or have any knowledge to find the data they need.

OPC UA doesnt support discovery in this sense. Subscribers query a server to get a configuration that includes the publisher of the data they require. They can also introspect a publisher to see what it can publish. Both are active queries; OPC UA doesnt perform system-wide automatic discovery.


OPC UA and DDS use fundamentally different approaches to security. OPC UA secures the underlying transports. The various pubsub middleware options and client-server require different security implementations (and often, certificates). Its possible to set up connections between OPC UA clients and services securely, but theres no generic way to indicate which data is allowed to flow to which client.

DDS also can secure the underlying transports, but the primary approach instead provides overall dataflow security regardless of transport. DDS is fundamentally a flow-control technology. So, with a signed permissions document that describes allowed read and write access, DDS can secure and control the dataflow itself (Fig. 3). This requires no code; security can be added after the entire system is running.

3. Most security schemes secure the system edge, host, or network. These are important, but they dont match the application. DDS security adds the ability to control the dataflow itself, creating a system-wide layer that depends on the application rather than implementation like network, operating system, or device location. It also allows for directional security (e.g., read but not write).


DDS supports domains that separate systems, partitions within a system, and transparent routing between subsystems and networks. With transparent routing, the data sources can be very far away. DDS systems can grow to hundreds of thousands of applications. Top to bottom, across subnets, or with any pattern (pubsub, request-reply, or queuing), DDS offers a unified data model, a single security model, and consistent access to data.

Since there are few deployments, scalability for OPC UA PubSub has yet to be demonstrated. However, OPC UA PubSub over UDP isnt designed for more than a few devices on a single network. With MQTT or AMQP, a publisher can talk to a cloud server, but not to other OPC UA PubSub subscribers. OPC UA client-server is designed to roll up workcells into a larger factory. So, OPC UA doesnt offer unified system data access in the same way as that of DDS.


OPC UA subscribers can select a DataSet with a filter, but only to ensure reception of the correct data. They can also limit access to a single publisher.

DDS has extensive filtering. QoS matching enables subscribers to receive information only from capable sources. The time-based filter decouples the speed of producers from that of the users of information. Content filtering analyzes the content and delivers only data that fits the specification. Together, these filters ensure delivery of the right data to the right place at the right time with minimal wasted bandwidth.

Use of TSN

TSN, or Time Synchronous Networking (IEEE 802.1), is a developing set of standards that build on the existing Ethernet design to deliver data in bounded time, aka isochronous networking.

With TSN, OPC UA PubSub can deliver better real-time performance. TSN can be reliable, so the lack of reliability in OPC UA over UDP isnt as critical. However, since TSN is a flavor of Ethernet and requires central configuration, its limited to smaller, single-subnet systems.

DDS was initially developed for real-time control over a network. QoS settings can optimize use of the underlying network, supporting everything from slow, lossy networks like satellite links to isochronous transports like backplane buses and switched fabrics. On capable hardware, it offers predictable and fault-tolerant one-to-many delivery with bounded latencies.

Combining DDS with TSN allows more distributed determinism. A DDS over TSN system can combine high-level data access with true real-time performance. The OMG has an active standard in progress for DDS over TSN scheduled for release in Q4 2020.

When Should We Combine Capabilities?

OPC UAs main use case is to help manufacturing engineers build workcells without writing software. Its used in manufacturing things, but not as software inside the things being manufactured. In stark contrast, DDS users are software engineers building applications that go into things; DDS is only used to operate things. Thus, UA is about making things. DDS is about making things work.

Theres overlap coming in terms of things that make things, aka smart manufacturing systems. These will soon need sophisticated system software and custom programming.

The OMG recently passed a standard for an OPC UA/DDS gateway (Fig. 4). At its most basic level, this gateway takes the OPC UA information model and makes it available within the DDS global data space. The primary use case is to convert OPC UA-enabled devices to DDS devices. OPC UA devices can simply join the DDS network.

4. The DDS-OPCUA gateway standard connects an OPC UA system to the DDS global data space (A). Conceptually, it makes the OPC UA system data seem available to DDS software applications. The primary use case for the gateway is to enable devices that support OPC UA to participate in a DDS domain (B). Note that this allows intelligent software applications to access any OPC UA device. Together, these standards can provide attractive software development and easily integrated devices (C). It lets AI work at every system level.

In a large intelligent system, the DDS-based software environment can thus coordinate and work with the OPC UA devices. This allows for both sophisticated software and interoperable devices.

Note that this design offers many opportunities to leverage AI and intelligent software. At high levels, DDS interfaces to cloud-based intelligence. Future generations of this design can also implement AIs or smart algorithms for device interoperability

The Smart Machine Future

Historians will look back on our time and wonder how we got by without smart machines. The transition will not be smoothproduct lines, companies, and entire national economies are at stake. Brandls harsh truth may be the most dangerous paragraph in automation. That truth will not survive the smart machine era.

So, software excellence must join the manufacturing technology mix. In the next 20 years, manufacturing system performance will not improve by a factor of 10,000. Interoperability will not become 10,000X more valuable. But software will become 10,000X more important. Thats the inevitable result of exponential computing growth. Any architecture that doesn't target using compute power as its primary goal is already obsolete.

Does industrial automation need to adopt software development? Will future manufacturing systems compete primarily on unique user code? The software future says yes.

Stan Schneider, PhD., is CEO of Real-Time Innovations.

See the original post here:

Software Will Determine the Future of Industrial Automation - Electronic Design

Measuring Automation Light Grids Market Report, History and Forecast 2015-2025, Breakdown Data by Manufacturers, Key Regions, Types and Application -…

The research document on Measuring Automation Light Grids market offers a qualitative and quantitative analysis of this business space and includes information such as industry remuneration, revenue estimation, as well as the market size and valuation over the forecast period.

The report assesses the primary factors which are positively impacting the business vertical in terms of the sale generation and market growth. Additionally, it provides with exhaustive analysis pertaining to the key market trends and their impact on the market scenario.

Key parameters of Measuring Automation Light Grids market report:

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A gist of the regional terrain of Measuring Automation Light Grids market:

Product spectrum and application space of Measuring Automation Light Grids market:

Product landscape:

Product types: Rectify Deviation Light Grid, Vehicle Separation Detection Light Grid, Small Parts Detection Light Grid and Size Detection Light Grid

Key factors included in the report:

Application Landscape:

Application segmentation: Industrial Automation, Road Detection, Car Park, Teaching Examination Room and Other

Insights provided by the study:

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Competitive arena of the Measuring Automation Light Grids market:

Major players in the Measuring Automation Light Grids market: SICK AG, ELERGON, Pepperl+Fuchs, Rockwell Automation, Eaton, Siemens, DUOmetric AG, THEMIS AUTOMATION, BALLUFF, NHK TECH and Schneider Electric

Key aspects listed in the report:

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Measuring Automation Light Grids Market Report, History and Forecast 2015-2025, Breakdown Data by Manufacturers, Key Regions, Types and Application -...

Parrot and Dronisos join forces to explore drone automation – DroneDJ

Over the years, Parrot and Dronisos have worked on various projects together, and today they announced they will be exploring drone automation with Parrots ANAFI drone platform. The two have previously created record-breaking light shows and drone dances.

The announcement focuses on Parrots ANAFI drones, including the newly released ANAFI USA. The focus is on flight automation, suggesting parrot drones will soon feature a higher level of automation for uses in agriculture and surveying, and on the battlefield in the case of the ANAFI USA.

Dronisos is known for its drone swarms that use sophisticated technology combined with artistic expression to provide audiences with the unique experience of dancing drones and light shows. The companys drones have flown for Peugeot, FIFA, and Oreo, to name a few.

Jean-DominiqueLauwereins, CTO and cofounder ofDronisos, said:

Parrot is a dream partner to help us bring to life spectacular displays of imagination through both their technology and appreciation for artistry. Now, Parrots ANAFI droneplatform has both inspired and equipped our team to push the boundaries and take our drone swarm capabilities to new heights and new industries. In particular, the small size of the ANAFI prevents any physical harm, and the highly secure connection ensures the safety and integrity of autonomous flights from potential hackers.

In the past, Parrot and Dronisos worked together to bring the dancing drone show during CES 2016 in its booth. This new way of controlling multiple drones showed the world a new level of automation and fine control over many drones at once. You can watch that here.

Jerome Bouvard, director of strategic partnerships at Parrot, said:

Dronisoshas broken barriers and world records with their vision and engineering and our drone technology. We see the ways in which our professional and enterprise customers are using our drones and believe that through this next phase of our partnership, we can showcase what else can be achieved to solve new challenges forinspections, surveying and mapping, security, and defense industries.

Below is a video of the two companies working together to send up 200 Parrot Bebop 2 drones into the night sky equipped with LED bulbs to create a drone light show during the coronavirus pandemic.

Photo: Parrot

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Read the original here:

Parrot and Dronisos join forces to explore drone automation - DroneDJ

Stay Tuned with the Epic Battle in the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market – Levee Report

Ample Market Research has published the latest and most trending Report provides in-depth analysis and the best research material of the various market. This new report on the Global COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market is committed to fulfilling the requirements of the clients by giving them thorough insights into the market. An exclusive data offered in this report is collected by research and industry experts.

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One of the important factors in the global COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market report is competitive analysis. The report covers all the key parameters such as product innovation, market strategies of the key players, market share, revenue generation, latest research and development, and market expert views.

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This report focuses on the top manufacturers COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation capacity, production, value, price and market share of COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation in the global market. The following manufacturers are covered in this report:

COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Breakdown Data by Type

Major Application are follows: Banking, Utilities, Healthcare.

Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share, and growth rate of COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation in these regions, from 2015 to 2025, covering North America (Covered in Chapter 7 and 14), United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe (Covered in Chapter 8 and 14), Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia

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Key Questions Answered by the Report

What impact does COVID-19 have made on COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market Growth & Sizing?

Which are the top players of the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market? What are their individual shares?

How will the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market perform in the coming years? What is its current status?

What are the key factors driving the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market?

What opportunities will the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market provide in the future?

Which product/application will secure the lions share of the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market?

What is the structure of the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market?

Buy Full (Single User License) Copy of COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Report 2019 at

Research Methodology of global COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market:

Data triangulation and market breakdown

Research assumptions

Market size estimation using bottom-up and top-down approaches

Research data including primary and secondary data

Primary data includes a breakdown of primaries and key industry insights

Secondary data includes key data from secondary sources

We can customize the report as per your requirements. Our analysts are experts in COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market research and analysis and have a healthy experience in report customization after having served tons of clients to date. The main objective of preparing the research study is to inform you about future market challenges and opportunities. The report is one of the best resources you could use to secure a strong position in the global COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation market.

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Ample Market Research provides comprehensive market research services and solutions across various industry verticals and helps businesses perform exceptionally well. Attention to detail, consistency, and quality are elements we focus on. However, our mainstay remains to be knowledge, expertise, and resources to make us industry players.

Our mission is to capture every aspect of the market and offer businesses a document that makes solid grounds for crucial decision making.

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Johnathan is Sr.Content Writer in Levee Report , He Expertise in Business Research


Stay Tuned with the Epic Battle in the COVID19 Outbreak IT Robotic Automation Market - Levee Report

The Global Industrial Automation Control Market is expected to grow by $ 25.18 bn during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast…

New York, Aug. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024" - Our reports on industrial automation control market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by the need for simplification of complex manufacturing activities, increasing focus on smart factories and changing market dynamics. The industrial automation control market analysis includes product segment and geographical landscape.

The industrial automation control market is segmented as below: By Product Sensors DCS Drives SCADA PLC By Geographic Landscapes APAC North America Europe South America MEA

This study identifies the virtualization of automation control systems as one of the prime reasons driving the industrial automation control market growth during the next few years. Also, value chain integration by automation solution providers and increasing need for open platform architecture for automation software will lead to sizable demand in the market. The analyst presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our industrial automation control market covers the following areas: Industrial automation control market sizing Industrial automation control market forecast Industrial automation control market industry analysis

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About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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The Global Industrial Automation Control Market is expected to grow by $ 25.18 bn during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast...

COVID-19 Impacts: Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry will Accelerate at a CAGR of Over 6% through 2020-2024 | Demand for…

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the industrial automation market in life sciences industry and it is poised to grow by USD 1.92 billion during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of over 6% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Please request Free Sample Report on Covid-19 Impact

Frequently Asked Questions-

The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. ABB Ltd., Emerson Electric Co., Honeywell International Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corp., OMRON Corp., Parker-Hannifin Corp., Rockwell Automation Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and Yokogawa Electric Corp. are some of the major market participants. The demand for healthcare services will offer immense growth opportunities. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in fast-growing segments, while maintaining their position in the slow-growing segments.

Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry 2020-2024: Segmentation

Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry is segmented as below:

To learn more about the global trends impacting the future of market research, download a free sample:

Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry 2020-2024: Scope

Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Our industrial automation market in life sciences industry report covers the following areas:

This study identifies open process automation as one of the prime reasons driving the industrial automation market in life sciences industry growth during the next few years.

Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry 2020-2024: Vendor Analysis

We provide a detailed analysis of vendors operating in the industrial automation market in life sciences industry, including some of the vendors such as ABB Ltd., Emerson Electric Co., Honeywell International Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corp., OMRON Corp., Parker-Hannifin Corp., Rockwell Automation Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and Yokogawa Electric Corp. Backed with competitive intelligence and benchmarking, our research reports on the industrial automation market in life sciences industry are designed to provide entry support, customer profile and M&As as well as go-to-market strategy support.

Register for a free trial today and gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports. Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform

Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry 2020-2024: Key Highlights

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by Product

Customer landscape

Geographic Landscape

Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

Vendor Landscape

Vendor Analysis


About Us

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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COVID-19 Impacts: Industrial Automation Market in Life Sciences Industry will Accelerate at a CAGR of Over 6% through 2020-2024 | Demand for...

Food Automation Consumption Market Size, Global Future Trend, Segmentation, Business Growth, Top Key Players, Opportunities and Forecast to 2027 -…

New Jersey, United States,- Market Research Intellect has added the latest research on the Food Automation Consumption Market which offers a concise outline of the market valuation, industry size, SWOT analysis, revenue approximation, and the regional outlook of this business vertical. The report precisely features the key opportunities and challenges faced by contenders of this industry and presents the existing competitive setting and corporate strategies enforced by the Food Automation Consumption market players.

The Food Automation Consumption market report is an amalgamation of the key trends influencing the industry growth with respect to the competitive scenario and regions where the business has been successful. Furthermore, the study discusses the various restraints of the industry and uncovers the opportunities that will set the growth course. In addition, a holistic examination of the industry changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are also tagged in the report to aid investors and other participants in making well-informed decisions.

Key highlights from COVID-19 impact analysis:

Unveiling a brief about the Food Automation Consumption market competitive scope:

The report includes pivotal details about the manufactured products, and in-depth company profile, remuneration, and other production patterns.

The research study encompasses information pertaining to the market share that every company holds, in tandem with the price pattern graph and the gross margins.

Food Automation Consumption Market, By Type

Food Automation Consumption Market, By Application

Other important inclusions in the Food Automation Consumption market report:

A brief overview of the regional landscape:

Reasons To Buy:

About Us:

Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage, and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, the market value for regions and countries, and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

Contact Us:

Mr. Steven Fernandes

Market Research Intellect

New Jersey ( USA )

Tel: +1-650-781-4080

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Food Automation Consumption Market Size, Global Future Trend, Segmentation, Business Growth, Top Key Players, Opportunities and Forecast to 2027 -...

Pax8 Gives MSPs Access to Liongard Automation Platform – Channelnomics

August 6, 2020

By Jeffrey Burt

Channel partners of cloud-based distributor Pax8 are getting access to Liongards Road platform, which enables MSPs to gain better visibility into their end customers systems whether theyre deployed on premises or in the cloud.

The Lowdown: The two companies this week announced a partnership that will give MSPs access to configuration data both historical and up-to-date of a customers entire IT stack to speed up processes and find a resolution.

The Details: The technology from Liongard, a 5-year-old company based in Houston, Texas, enables MSPs to automatically document, audit, and secure customer systems.

Benefits include:

> APIs into more than 30 vendors to ensure documentation is up-to-date.> Capturing historical data to help with troubleshooting.> A custom alerting system that lets MSPs be proactive in dealing with issues.> Data exportability features for reporting.> Integration with Microsoft 365, Azure AD, and Azure public cloud, and with AutoTask, Datto, ConnectWise, Kaseya, BitDefender, StorageCraft, Veeam, and Webroot.

The Impact: The capabilities in Liongards platform help build trust between MSPs and their clients, reduce user errors, and enable IT service providers to more efficiently manage systems at scale.

Background: The partnership with Pax8 comes less than three months after the company raised $17 million in Series B funding, bringing up the total amount raised by Liongard to almost $23 million since its founding in 2015 by CEO Joe Alapat and COO Vincent Tran. The company serves both MSPs and IT companies in more than 20 countries and has seen the number of customers triple over the past 18 months and the number of companies supporting the platform double in that time.

The Buzz: To keep pace with ever-changing IT requirements, we are excited to offer Liongard to MSPs, said Ryan Walsh, chief channel officer at Pax8. Liongards strong, trusted platform enables MSPs to have greater visibility into how their systems are managed. With its capabilities, the solution gives our partners a competitive edge.

Liongard and Pax8 share a similar goal of propelling our partners forward through innovative, intuitive technology that enables greater efficiency and profitability, said Mark Sokol, vice president of marketing at Liongard. Were thrilled with this partnership and what it means for MSPs.

Related Links: CHANNELNOMICS:>Pax8 Hooks Up With RingCentral for UCaaS>Pax8 Bolsters E-Mail Security Services for MSPs>Pax8 Brings CloudJumper, Microsoft Solution to MSPs

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Pax8 Gives MSPs Access to Liongard Automation Platform - Channelnomics

Is fully contactless automation the future of supply chain technology? – TechHQ

The events of the last three or so months have revealed just how delicate our reliance on complex production and logistics really is and how, despite advanced technology seeping into them, how they are still very much dependent on a healthy, mobile and human workforce.

But what the crisis confirmed is that the years-long quest automate supply chains, leveraging technology from robotics, data analytics and IoT, will make these systems more reliable, resilient and less prone to downtime and disruption in any kind of crisis.But this isnt the first time the sustainability or survivability of status quo will have been brought into question among business leaders and supply chain gurus, just look at political factors such as the US-China trade war, United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), and Brexit in the UK.

Now, organizations of all sizes which rely on production, warehousing and logistics are in urgent discussions around how they can enact damage limitation strategies moving forward and regain traction. Automation technology holds the key.

Business leaders in the manufacturing and logistics sector will have little doubt today that their investments into automation will be money well spent, and we can expect investments in Industry 4.0 technology to be expedited and the pace of innovation to ramp up further as vendors eye the forthcoming boom in interest from new stakeholders.

But the interest in automation is manifold; not only can it optimize evermore data-driven logistics chains and reduce downtime, make supply chain systems more resilient to disruption, and save ultimately save costs in terms of human labor making supply chains contactless from production to delivery could become a vital ingredient to kindling business again in the wake of the pandemic.

Ensuring businesses and customers feel safe handling goods might just become a significant medium-term business differentiator, demonstrating that those businesses are prudent and forward-thinking as we emerge from a health crisis and must continue to keep transmission down.

While we can already see plenty of examples of technology in action in supply chains today which omit humans from the picture, such as Alibabas robot-powered smart factory, making the entire supply chain contactless remains a staggering challenge.

In Japan, the need for automation is especially prevalent, particularly as its aging workforce is driving a very real need for alternatives to human labor on the production line. But the complications of the pandemic, and the pressure caused by a subsequent surge in e-commerce, has led to an increasing interest in the countrys supply chain automation companies.

As reported by Bloomberg, Tsubakimoto Chain Co. is seeing a rise in demand for its sorting and conveyor systems which help companies move products around, unmanned, in warehouses and factories. Startup Hacobu is confident in the prospects of its online and paperless platform for trucks to exchange information as they load and unload goods at facilities.

According to researcher Fuji Keizai, the market for next-gen logistics systems is set to hit 651 billion yen (US$6 billion) by 2025, double its worth in 2018. Thats rapid growth in any technology market.

Demand for humanless systems will keep growing, Masafumi Okamoto, division manager at Osaka-based Tsubakimoto, told the publication, as e-commerce and the need for contactless supply chain technology combines to drive demand.

Its not just under the cover of factories and warehouses where this automation technology will play a leading role. The area of last-mile delivery is ripe for disruption, and has led to a competitive market in technologies like fleet management software and even the race to deploy autonomous vehicles, including automobiles and drones.

In the US, carmaker Daimler last year announced ambitions to put autonomous trucks on the road, investing US$573 million in the technology. Faced with a drastic shortage of long-distance drivers, autonomous trucks are estimated to save 45 percent in operating costs (between US$85 billion and US$125 billion) for the US for-hire trucking industry.

A fully-contactless supply chain where equipment is operated remotely with edge computing and deliveries are made by self-driving vans remains a distant ideal for now. But the current spike in demand, driven in part by a need for assurance over transmission of the virus, has only added fuel to flames of innovation taking place in the arena.

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Is fully contactless automation the future of supply chain technology? - TechHQ

Pegasystems Named a Visionary in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation – PRNewswire

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Pegasystems Inc.(NASDAQ: PEGA), the software company empoweringdigital transformationat the world's leading enterprises,today announced it has been named a Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation(1) for the second consecutive year.

In the report, Gartner evaluated 16RPA enterprise vendors based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute. According to Gartner,"RPA automates repetitive human tasks by emulating the same human transaction steps mainly via orchestrated UI interactions. Robotic process automation has democratized integration and automation, leading to widespread business adoption. Unlike traditional screen scraping, RPA tools offer orchestrated UI interaction with access provisioning, security management, document ingestion and many other capabilities."

Pega RPAhelps enterprises jumpstart their digital transformation journeys by enabling organizations to automate tedious, manual tasks across disconnected applications. Pega uses its patented Deep Robotics to establish automations at the application code level, resulting in faster, more accurate, and more resilient robotic automations on a global scale.As part of thePega Infinitysoftware suite, Pega RPA comes unified with Pega's market leading case management and low code intelligent automation to drive continuous operational efficiency, orchestrate workflows, and optimize outcomes from end to end.

This recognitionis amongPega's recent industry recognitionfor robotic process automation.Pega wasrecentlynamed to the Constellation Shortlist for Robotic Process Automation(2) and as a Leader in the Ovum Decision Matrix: Selecting a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Platform, 2018-2019(3) report.

Quotes & Commentary

"As companies future-proof their organizations with automation, RPA is just one part of a much bigger picture when it comes to true digital transformation," said Francis Carden, vice president, digital automation and robotics. "Pega continues to help its clients accelerate their competitive advantage with speed and agility from a much broader intelligent automation solution that includes RPA. We believe this recognition from Gartner is a reflection of our vision for RPA as a part of a true end-to-end enterprise automation strategy."

Supporting Resources

Gartner DisclaimerGartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About PegasystemsPega is the leader in cloud software for customer engagement and operational excellence. The world's most recognized and successful brands rely on Pega's AI-powered software to optimize every customer interaction on any channel while ensuring their brand promises are kept. Pega's low-code application development platform allows enterprises to quickly build and evolve apps to meet their customer and employee needs and drive digital transformation on a global scale. For more than 35 years, Pega has enabled higher customer satisfaction, lower costs, and increased customer lifetime value. For more information on Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) visit

Press Contact:Ilena RyanPegasystems Inc.[emailprotected] (617) 866-6722Twitter:@pega

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

SOURCE Pegasystems Inc.

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Pegasystems Named a Visionary in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation - PRNewswire

COVID-19 Impacts: Global Industrial Automation Control Market will Accelerate at a CAGR of almost 5% through 2020-2024 | Need For Simplification of…

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the global industrial automation control market size and it is poised to grow by USD 25.18 billion during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of almost 5% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Please Request Latest Free Sample Report on COVID-19 Impact

The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. ABB Ltd., Eaton Corporation Plc, Emerson Electric Co., General Electric Co., Honeywell International Inc., OMRON Corp., Rockwell Automation Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and Yokogawa Electric Corp. are some of the major market participants. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.

The need for simplification of complex manufacturing activities has been instrumental in driving the growth of the market. However, exposure to cybersecurity threats might hamper the market growth.

Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024 : Segmentation

Industrial Automation Control Market is segmented as below:

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Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024 : Scope

Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Our industrial automation control market report covers the following areas:

This study identifies the virtualization of automation control systems as one of the prime reasons driving the industrial automation control market growth during the next few years.

Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024 : Vendor Analysis

We provide a detailed analysis of around 25 vendors operating in the industrial automation control market, including some of the vendors such as ABB Ltd., Eaton Corporation Plc, Emerson Electric Co., General Electric Co., Honeywell International Inc., OMRON Corp., Rockwell Automation Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and Yokogawa Electric Corp. Backed with competitive intelligence and benchmarking, our research reports on the industrial automation control market are designed to provide entry support, customer profile and M&As as well as go-to-market strategy support.

Register for a free trial today and gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports.

Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform

Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024 : Key Highlights

Table Of Contents :

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by Product

Market Segmentation by End-user

Customer Landscape

Geographic Landscape

Market Drivers Demand led growth

Market Challenges

Market Trends

Vendor Landscape

Vendor Analysis


About Us

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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COVID-19 Impacts: Global Industrial Automation Control Market will Accelerate at a CAGR of almost 5% through 2020-2024 | Need For Simplification of...

Global Industrial Automation Control Industry Outlook, 2024 – Increasing Focus on Smart Factories and Changing Market Dynamics – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, Aug. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Industrial Automation Control Market 2020-2024" report has been added to's offering.

The global industrial automation control market is poised to grow by $25.18 billion during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period.

This report provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

The market is driven by the need for simplification of complex manufacturing activities, increasing focus on smart factories and changing market dynamics. The study identifies the virtualization of automation control systems as one of the prime reasons driving the industrial automation control market growth during the next few years. Also, value chain integration by automation solution providers and increasing need for open platform architecture for automation software will lead to sizable demand in the market.

The robust vendor analysis is designed to help clients improve their market position, and in line with this, this report provides a detailed analysis of several leading industrial automation control market vendors that include:

Also, the industrial automation control market analysis report includes information on upcoming trends and challenges that will influence market growth. This is to help companies strategize and leverage on all forthcoming growth opportunities.

Key Topics Covered

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Landscape

3. Market Sizing

4. Five Forces Analysis

5. Market Segmentation by Product

6. Market Segmentation by End-user

7. Customer Landscape

8. Geographic Landscape

9. Vendor Landscape

10. Vendor Analysis

For more information about this report visit

Research and Markets also offers Custom Research services providing focused, comprehensive and tailored research.

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Global Industrial Automation Control Industry Outlook, 2024 - Increasing Focus on Smart Factories and Changing Market Dynamics - GlobeNewswire

Automation in Automotive Market Report 2020 Industry Capacity, Manufacture, – News by aeresearch

The global Automation in Automotive Market is anticipated to register growth over the forecast period. Automation in Automotive Market size by Product Type (Industrial Sensors, PLC, DCS, MES and SCADA), By Application (Passenger Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle), By Region Outlook, Company Profiles, Growth Opportunity, Forecasts 2026. Analyzes current market size and upcoming few years growth of this industry.

The research report on the Automation in Automotive Market studies every minute and trending aspect in the industry to offer actionable insights to business owners and stakeholders. The detailed information will help the buyers to plan profit-maximising strategies for the forecast period 2020 - 2026. In addition, the literature talks about crucial prospects, such as driving factors, restraining factors, opportunities, trends, and challenges.

The study also sheds light on the geographic segmentation in the key regions. The key factors that are highlighted in the report are changing consumers demand, product preference, disposable income of consumers, import and export status, and existing trends in the regions. Moreover, the report throws light on the unexplored areas, key developments, recent innovations, and growth strategies adopted by Automation in Automotive industry players.

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The players profiled in the Automation in Automotive Market are:

Reasons for Automation in Automotive Market Report:

This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics

It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth

It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future

It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors

It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments

The latest market data for this research include:

Overall Automation in Automotive Market size, 2020-2026

Automation in Automotive Market size by product segment, 2020-2026

Growth rates of the overall Automation in Automotive Market and different product segments, 2015-2026

Shares of different product segments of the overall Automation in Automotive market, 2015, 2020 and 2026

Market Potential Rates of the overall Automation in Automotive Market and different product segments

Automation in Automotive Market Breakdown:

By type, the market is split as:

By the end users/application, sub-segments are:

Regional Analysis for Automation in Automotive Market:

North America, Europe, China & Japan

The Global Automation in Automotive Market study covers current status, % share, future patterns, development rate, SWOT examination, sales channels, to anticipate growth scenarios for years 2020-2026. It aims to recommend analysis of the market with regards to growth trends, prospects, and players contribution in the market development. The report size market by 5 major regions, known as, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.

The Automation in Automotive market factors described in this report are:

Key Strategic Developments in Global Automation in Automotive Market:

The research includes the key strategic activities such as R&D plans, M&A completed, agreements, new launches, collaborations, partnerships & (JV) Joint ventures, and regional growth of the key competitors operating in the market at global and regional scale.

Key Market Features in Global Automation in Automotive Industry:

The report highlights Automation in Automotive market features, including revenue, weighted average regional price, capacity utilization rate, production rate, gross margins, consumption, import & export, supply & demand, cost bench-marking, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.

Key Points Covered in Automation in Automotive Market Report:

Automation in Automotive Overview, Definition and Classification

Market drivers and barriers

Automation in Automotive Market Competition by Manufacturers

Automation in Automotive Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2020-2026)

Automation in Automotive Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2020-2026)

Automation in Automotive Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type {Industrial Sensors, PLC, DCS, MES and SCADA}

Automation in Automotive Market Analysis by Application {Passenger Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle}

Automation in Automotive Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis

Automation in Automotive Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Industrial/Supply Chain Analysis, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Marketing Strategy by Key Manufacturers/Players, Connected Distributors/Traders

Standardization, Regulatory and collaborative initiatives

Industry road map and value chain

Market Effect Factors Analysis ............

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Automation in Automotive Market Report 2020 Industry Capacity, Manufacture, - News by aeresearch

Switching Automation Light Grids Market: Opportunities, Demand and Forecasts, 2 – News by aeresearch

The research report on Switching Automation Light Grids market consists of current market trends and past statistics as well as predictions regarding the market behavior in the forthcoming years. As per the study, the market is projected to register an appreciable growth rate and amass notable returns during the forecast period.

The document highlights the development trends in conjunction with the sales volume, market size, growth opportunities, and revenue estimates. Moreover, the study tracks the industry-wide COVID-19 footprints to provide a conclusive overview of the market dynamics.

Regional overview of the Switching Automation Light Grids market:

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Other takeaways from the Switching Automation Light Grids market report:

The report focuses on some very essential points and gives a piece of full information about Revenue, production, price, and market share.

Switching Automation Light Grids Market report will enlist all sections and research for every point without showing any indeterminate of the company.

Important Features that are under Offering and Switching Automation Light Grids Market Highlights of the Reports:

Finally, Switching Automation Light Grids Market report is the believable source for gaining the Market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report gives the principle locale, economic situations with the item value, benefit, limit, generation, supply, request and Market development rate and figure and so on. This report additionally Present a new task SWOT examination, speculation attainability investigation, and venture return investigation.


Chapter 1 Industry Overview

Chapter 2 Production Market Analysis

Chapter 3 Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 4 Consumption Market Analysis

Chapter 5 Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 6 Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 7 Major Product Analysis

Chapter 8 Major Application Analysis

Chapter 9 Industry Chain Analysis

Chapter 10 Global and Regional Market Forecast

Chapter 11 Major Manufacturers Analysis

Chapter 12 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

Chapter 13 Conclusions

Chapter 14 Appendix

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See original here:

Switching Automation Light Grids Market: Opportunities, Demand and Forecasts, 2 - News by aeresearch

Automation Testing Tools Market – Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020 – 2025) – News by aeresearch

New research report on for " Automation Testing Tools market" size, forecasts for 2020-2026. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the Automation Testing Tools market, taking into account market dynamics, segmentation, geographic expansion, the competitive landscape, and various other key issues. The market analysts who prepared the report have thoroughly examined the Automation Testing Tools market and provided reliable and accurate data.

They understand the needs of the industry and customers, so they can easily focus on the issues that end users have been looking for. The research report provides an analysis of an assessment of existing and upcoming trends in which players can invest. It also includes an assessment of the players financial prospects and the nature of the competition.

A new report by Reports titled, Global " Automation Testing Tools Market"has been released with trustworthy information and accurate forecasts for a better understanding of the present market scenario. The report offers an in-depth analysis of the global market, including qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about the market size and share. growth rate and revenue, in terms of demand and supply, cost structure, barriers and challenges, product type, key market players, technology, regions and applications.

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This report includes the following Companies We can also add other companies you want Automation Testing Tools Market Are:

By Structural Form, the Global Automation Testing Tools Market is segmented into:

Cloud Based and Web Based

Global Automation Testing Tools market by application:

Automation Testing Tools Market: Drivers and Limitations

The report section explains the various drivers and controls that have shaped the global market. The detailed analysis of many market drivers enables readers to get a clear overview of the market, including the market environment, government policy, product innovation, development and market risks.

The research report also identifies the creative opportunities, challenges, and challenges of the Automation Testing Tools market. The framework of the information will help the reader identify and plan strategies for the potential. Our obstacles, challenges and market challenges also help readers understand how the company can prevent this.

Table of Content

1 Introduction of Automation Testing Tools Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of This Report

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Automation Testing Tools Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Automation Testing Tools Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Automation Testing Tools Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

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Automation Testing Tools Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020 - 2025) - News by aeresearch

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Structure, Industry Inspection, and Fore – News by aeresearch

The global Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market is anticipated to register growth over the forecast period. Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market size by Product Type (Clinical Stage Automation and Drug Discovery Stage Automation), By Application (Research and Development and Clinical), By Region Outlook, Company Profiles, Growth Opportunity, Forecasts 2026. Analyzes current market size and upcoming few years growth of this industry.

The research report on the Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market studies every minute and trending aspect in the industry to offer actionable insights to business owners and stakeholders. The detailed information will help the buyers to plan profit-maximising strategies for the forecast period 2020 - 2026. In addition, the literature talks about crucial prospects, such as driving factors, restraining factors, opportunities, trends, and challenges.

The study also sheds light on the geographic segmentation in the key regions. The key factors that are highlighted in the report are changing consumers demand, product preference, disposable income of consumers, import and export status, and existing trends in the regions. Moreover, the report throws light on the unexplored areas, key developments, recent innovations, and growth strategies adopted by Automation in Biopharmaceutical industry players.

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The players profiled in the Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market are:

Reasons for Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Report:

This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics

It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth

It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future

It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors

It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments

The latest market data for this research include:

Overall Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market size, 2020-2026

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market size by product segment, 2020-2026

Growth rates of the overall Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market and different product segments, 2015-2026

Shares of different product segments of the overall Automation in Biopharmaceutical market, 2015, 2020 and 2026

Market Potential Rates of the overall Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market and different product segments

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Breakdown:

By type, the market is split as:

By the end users/application, sub-segments are:

Regional Analysis for Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market:

North America, Europe, China & Japan

The Global Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market study covers current status, % share, future patterns, development rate, SWOT examination, sales channels, to anticipate growth scenarios for years 2020-2026. It aims to recommend analysis of the market with regards to growth trends, prospects, and players contribution in the market development. The report size market by 5 major regions, known as, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.

The Automation in Biopharmaceutical market factors described in this report are:

Key Strategic Developments in Global Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market:

The research includes the key strategic activities such as R&D plans, M&A completed, agreements, new launches, collaborations, partnerships & (JV) Joint ventures, and regional growth of the key competitors operating in the market at global and regional scale.

Key Market Features in Global Automation in Biopharmaceutical Industry:

The report highlights Automation in Biopharmaceutical market features, including revenue, weighted average regional price, capacity utilization rate, production rate, gross margins, consumption, import & export, supply & demand, cost bench-marking, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.

Key Points Covered in Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Report:

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Overview, Definition and Classification

Market drivers and barriers

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Competition by Manufacturers

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2020-2026)

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2020-2026)

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type {Clinical Stage Automation and Drug Discovery Stage Automation}

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Analysis by Application {Research and Development and Clinical}

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis

Automation in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Industrial/Supply Chain Analysis, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Marketing Strategy by Key Manufacturers/Players, Connected Distributors/Traders

Standardization, Regulatory and collaborative initiatives

Industry road map and value chain

Market Effect Factors Analysis ............

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Automation in Biopharmaceutical Market Structure, Industry Inspection, and Fore - News by aeresearch

Clinical Diagnostics Automation Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth Through 2019-2026 – My Amazon Echo

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation Market research report added by Market Study Report, LLC, provides a succinct analysis on the recent market trends. In addition, the report offers a thorough abstract on the statistics, market estimates and revenue forecasts, which further highlights its position in the industry, in tandem with the growth strategies adopted by leading industry players.

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation market study is a well-researched report encompassing a detailed analysis of this industry with respect to certain parameters such as the product capacity as well as the overall market remuneration. The report enumerates details about production and consumption patterns in the business as well, in addition to the current scenario of the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market and the trends that will prevail in this industry.

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What pointers are covered in the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market research study?

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation market report Elucidated with regards to the regional landscape of the industry:

The geographical reach of the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market has been meticulously segmented into United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, according to the report.

The research enumerates the consumption market share of every region in minute detail, in conjunction with the production market share and revenue.

Also, the report is inclusive of the growth rate that each region is projected to register over the estimated period.

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation market report Elucidated with regards to the competitive landscape of the industry:

Segment by Type, the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market is segmented intoModular AutomationTotal Lab Automation

Segment by Application, the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market is segmented intoClinical DiagnosticsDrug DiscoveryProteomics SolutionsOthers

Regional and Country-level AnalysisThe Clinical Diagnostics Automation market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries).The key regions covered in the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market report are North America, Europe, China and Japan. It also covers key regions (countries), viz, the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc.The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type, and by Application segment in terms of production capacity, price and revenue for the period 2015-2026.Competitive Landscape and Clinical Diagnostics Automation Market Share Analysis

Clinical Diagnostics Automation market competitive landscape provides details and data information by manufacturers. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on production capacity, price, revenue of Clinical Diagnostics Automation by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on production, revenue (global and regional level) by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, company total revenue, and the production capacity, price, revenue generated in Clinical Diagnostics Automation business, the date to enter into the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market, Clinical Diagnostics Automation product introduction, recent developments, etc.The major vendors covered:AbaxisAbbott DiagnosticsBeckman CoulterBecton, Dickinson and CompanyBioMerieux SABio-Rad LaboratoriesDiagnostica StagoOrtho Clinical DiagnosticsPerkinElmerSiemens Healthcare DiagnosticsSysmex AmericaTecan GroupThe ELITechGroupThermo Fisher Scientific

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Exclusive details pertaining to the contribution that every firm has made to the industry have been outlined in the study. Not to mention, a brief gist of the company description has been provided as well.

Substantial information subject to the production patterns of each firm and the area that is catered to, has been elucidated.

The valuation that each company holds, in tandem with the description as well as substantial specifications of the manufactured products have been enumerated in the study as well.

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation market research study conscientiously mentions a separate section that enumerates details with regards to major parameters like the price fads of key raw material and industrial chain analysis, not to mention, details about the suppliers of the raw material. That said, it is pivotal to mention that the Clinical Diagnostics Automation market report also expounds an analysis of the industry distribution chain, further advancing on aspects such as important distributors and the customer pool.

The Clinical Diagnostics Automation market report enumerates information about the industry in terms of market share, market size, revenue forecasts, and regional outlook. The report further illustrates competitive insights of key players in the business vertical followed by an overview of their diverse portfolios and growth strategies.

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Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

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Clinical Diagnostics Automation Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth Through 2019-2026 - My Amazon Echo

Technology & Automation-Impact on Human Evolution – The Shillong Times

Technology-driven automation is omnipresent and pervading our lives like never before. From robots and chatbots to virtual/augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and beyond, the physical space is littered with digital influence.

The impact of increased automation is already upon us and influencing our lives in all possible ways. Up till now technology adoption has never been so rapid, versatile and secular but the presence of connectivity has enabled this growth.The focus of this narrative will be to explore how exactly human life gets affected because of these inevitable technology trends. There are six such changes that look imminent.

The newer technologies are enabling embryonic assessments in early stages, hence alleviating the need for morphological assessments where a high degree of human skills was required. The issue is that morphological grading by humans leads to wide inter- and intra-operator variation. These long-standing difficulties may now be improved by using advances in AI. Thus, mathematical variables derived from time-lapse images of embryo development may now be used such that an algorithm can classify images of an embryos development automatically, and so remove the human variable from the crucial task of morphological assessment.

This was also highlighted in study presented on July 4, 2017 at the 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE in Geneva. Start-up Deep Genomics is leveraging AI to help decode the meaning of the genome and their learning software is developing the ability to try and predict the effects of a mutation based on its analyses of hundreds of thousands of examples of other mutations even if theres not already a record of what those mutations do. Another example is the case of actress Angelina Jolie where she had a one recessive gene in her genome that was predicted using deep learning algorithms on her DNA sequence using the data from past studies, which predicted that she is susceptible to breast cancer. She underwent pre-emptive mastectomy to prevent herself from cancer. The confluence of medicine and technology will bring unprecedented transformations in human life.

Another biological victim of the digital automation will be ubiquitous handwriting skills. Already most of the content thats getting produced and published is digital. Handwriting skills have already suffered as most of the content gets digitally typed and then printed if at all needed in the physical format. Dematerialization has already inflicted the damage on the physical copy. It is now rare to write something on paper except when its your own signature, which is also digitally available now. Handwriting is almost nostalgic now. More and more people are digitally publishing the content online with handwritten notes becoming virtually non-existent. When was the last time you wrote a handwritten letter or note to your friends? The growth of virtual assistants like Apple Siri, Google Assistant or Cortana that can translate the verbal instructions into written words will further deteriorate the physical handwriting practice whatever is left so far. This may impact the anatomy of the hand including the fingers, which may become less flexible, and thinner to aid typing. Maybe in the future the meta-carpel and carpel joints undergo significant changes as they are no longer used for writing purposes.

The third biological influence will be on the eyes. The sheer amount of information flow thats happening is coming from social media apps, devices, digital displays or the web, which is exerting enormous strain on the eyes. Reading has exponentially multiplied, as is typical of information age where status quo is consistently challenged. The knowledge bust thats happening is fuelling the information fire. With faster and better technology, development and evolution is becoming possible in every sphere of our life, be it medicine, law, science, engineering, education, hence necessitating the constant need to upgrade and update. The concomitant impact of it will be largely borne by eyes. With so much to read and ingest, the shape of our eyes may get adapted over a period; they may become enlarged or may be more bulged. In fact, the underlying neuron system powering the vision may undergo subtle changes as well because of the way the things will be perceived and seen in the VR, AR-infected world.

Another impact is going to be on the neck and the backbone. With the advent of smartphone the average time we are spending on the device is about 180 minutes. Yes, thats correct: three hours per day. We are continuously stretching our necks for longer periods of time, which is therefore bent most of the time. Now most of things can be actioned, can be monitored or searched on the phone, which is reducing physical movements all the time. For example, you can monitor your employees working remotely on your phone using the GPS and camera, thereby obviating the need for physically moving yourself. This is not only forcing your neck to constantly gobble up the data thats being ejected on your smartphone screens but also increasing your seating time, making you more sedentary than ever. Seating continuously for longer periods of time puts pressure on the spinal cord and the vertebrae. Hence all these lifestyle changes will have an anatomical impact on our spinal cord and neck in the time to come. As a result, the spine may become more rounded and short. It may be so that in the future humans have few extra movements in the neck due to some extra cervical spine joints.

With the problem of plenty, memory will be worst affected. As more and more information is produced collaboratively and co-operatively on social platforms lesser and lesser will be retained. Also, with advanced search algorithms by our side, who needs to worry about remembering something? Learning by rote will be extinct in future. This will impact the memorability of human beings as lesser effort will be given to remember anything. The incentives that existed in the past to learn mathematical tables or capitals of the countries have ceased to exist. Society is now rewarding people who have application skills, who can combine expertise in multiple subjects to yield insights and solve layered business problems. The demand for people who can blurt out facts has completely evaporated. The processing thats required to memorize things will weaken during time, leading to complete adaptation of the neurons and brain functions that govern memory.

With so much data floating around us and machine learning algorithms parsing them, AI is getting adaptive by the day. The rich data thats getting ingested is only leading to more informed choices and better decisions. The role of luck, or the unknown is getting subsumed by intelligent analytics or processed data that was earlier not available. The traditional belief structures rooted in the religion of God are getting displaced by more data-centric approaches or Dataism, as Yuval Harari calls it. So much structured and unstructured data is getting generatedbe it location data, emails, OCR processed reports, Facebook posts or likes, WhatsApp messages, tweets etc.which enables algorithms to do the data analysis and decipher the subterranean trends, patterns and phenomena underlying these data sets, paving the way for better understanding of society and things around us. As more and more evidentiary proofs are available for our actions, the needle of our belief will keep swerving away from the universality of God.

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Technology & Automation-Impact on Human Evolution - The Shillong Times

Industry 4.0: Thriving Through Transformation – Automation World

Chad Geretz, business development manager at RedViking

Without a doubt, businesses must realign and adjust to accommodate a new era in manufacturing and production. They need to be asking serious questions now more than ever like, how they can be more efficient with the resources at hand, or how they can keep employees safe, or how to ensure that their business wont be disrupted and can be prepared for new regulations and restrictions.

Companies are required to modify manufacturing methods and team environments. Employees are working remote, shift handover meetings have become zoom calls, and work forces have been socially distanced and provided personal protective equipment. Businesses are modifying shift patterns, so lines in close proximity to one another are staffed to run at different times. These are just a few of the modifications required of manufacturing facilities throughout the world. Theres a large amount of additional activity and strict health requirements for plants that werent in place six months prior.

Safeguarding workforce health is priority number-one among businesses and governments. Implementing the technology needed to keep companies of scale in check and on pace will be necessary. This is a critical time to explore digital manufacturing alternatives to enhance the manufacturing environment with additional tools to support flexible labor, remote data, and connected management. Top tier organizations are implementing and deploying automation technologiese.g. manufacturing performance platforms, autonomous materials movement, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)to accommodate variable production rates, mixed product capability, and cost savings throughout their operations.

Standards will be a struggle without the help of a cohesive, shared platform to manage and track:

Remote work management;

Shared dashboards between existing systems;

Equipment communication to employees;

Visual work instructions for flexible work force;

Product traceability, error proofing, and rework applications; and

Health requirements, alerts for cleaning supplies, areas to be cleaned.

It can be overwhelming to think of IIoT as an all-encompassing solution. Enterprises can get started with one machine or a line that has multiple machines. Many of our customers select one of our systems that will provide them with new functionality to solve a particular problemperhaps a single cell or across an entire line. We enable integration with their existing manufacturing execution system or supervisory control and data acquisition package, allowing them to get their feet wet and get started with the technology.

While automating your processes isnt the only answer, it can play a major role in establishing a significantly more efficient and sustainable production model. The application of Industry 4.0 technology during this time will save jobs, it will keep your employees safe and educated. It will create new opportunities for innovation and business expansion. Its good for the consumers, its good for the manufacturers, and its good for the workforce.

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Industry 4.0: Thriving Through Transformation - Automation World