So Who Is John Galt, Anyway? by Robert Tracinski – The Objective Standard

Independently Published, 2019306 pp. $16.99 (paperback)

Authors note: This review assumes knowledge of Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged and contains spoilers.

In So Who Is John Galt, Anyway?, Robert Tracinski provides a wide-ranging examination of Ayn Rands magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged. For those who have read the novel and wish to dig deeper, this collection of twenty essays is an excellent companion.

In a chapter titled Whydunit?, Tracinski examines the role of philosophic speeches in the novel. In a conventional whodunit, the reader receives the same clues as the investigator and has a chance to identify the perpetrator before the big reveal at the storys climax. Tracinski points out that the big question in Atlas Shrugged is not who done itafter all, the prime mover is revealed when one-third of the story still remainsbut why he and his fellow conspirators do what they do. As Tracinski points out, by the end of part two, Dagny Taggart has solved many of the books mysteries: Shes found the inventor of the motor; shes discovered that he is the destroyer, the man facilitating the worlds brain drain; and she has located the creators hes siphoned from society. Yet, writes Tracinski, this is not the resolution of the plot, because the real mystery isnt the who or the what. Its the why (177).

Tracinski highlights the fact that the philosophic speeches in Atlas are crucial to answering the why at the core of the book: They drive the plot forward while revealing the ideas that motivate the storys heroes and villains. For example, in the books longest speech, John Galt not only asks creators of all types to join his strike, but he explains the philosophic system that led him to initiate it. And by this point, readers are eager to know what argument could be so potent that it persuaded towering creators in every field to abandon their lifes work. Given those whom its won over, such an argument could not have relied on vague slogans or appeals to tradition or emotion (178). The only thing that could have convinced such heroes as Francisco DAnconia, Ken Danagger, and Midas Mulligan to leave society and the businesses theyve built is a thorough, rational, philosophic argument.

Someincluding fans and critics alikeargue that Galts speech is too long, and Tracinski agrees, contending that its length is a proven impediment to the forward movement of the plot (182). In his evaluation, Galts Speech contains a bit too much abstract philosophy, ideas that are necessary for the philosophical deep thinker, but not for the general audience to which the novel is directed (183).

Whether or not Galts speech could be profitably truncated, Tracinskis main point in this chapter is correct: Atlas is a whydunit. And near the end of the books long plot development, a philosophy-driven mystery, the hero must explain why the creators have gone and what are the conditions of their return. In so doing, Galts speech integrates the books plot and theme.

In another fascinating chapter, The First of Their Return, Tracinski shows that Rand was not merely a philosopher of the Enlightenment traditioncelebrating reason, self-interest, and individual rightsbut that she corrected many of the philosophic errors and omissions of the period. She fulfilled the Enlightenments promise by formulating the axiom that existence exists independent of consciousness and by providing an objective basis for morality. Perhaps Tracinskis most insightful point in this regard is that Rand fixed and completed the Enlightenments philosophy of reason in her capacity as a novelist by integrating reason and emotion in her characters.

As he argues, few (if any) Enlightenment-era literary works match the impassioned poetry, fiction, and drama of the subsequent Romantic periodthe poetry of Byron, Keats, Shelley; the drama of Goethe, Schiller, Ibsen, Rostand; the novels of Hugo and Dostoyevsky. It is generally conceded that the backlash to the Enlightenment, the fiery emotionalism of the Romantic era, produced a more stirring artistic vision (242).

Many hold that reason and emotion are opposedthat reason is the calm pursuit of truth vividly dramatized by Sir Arthur Conan Doyles brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and that emotion is the frenzied, out-of-control passion exhibited by many of Dostoyevskys characters, Dmitri Karamazov being one striking example. On the premise of this conventional dichotomy, it is understandable why some might think that the champions of emotion could produce greater literary art than the champions of reason, for the essence of great fiction and drama is conflict. Men of passionately held values struggle to achieve opposing purposes. They need not be thinkers to do so: Ivan Karamazov, for instanceDostoyevskys example of an Enlightenment intellectualplays a lesser role in driving the conflict of The Brothers Karamazov than do his frenzied family members.

But Rand, Tracinski shows, rejects the traditional dichotomy, instead dramatizing the integration of reason and emotion. John Galt, in passionate commitment to philosophic principles, leads a strike of thinkers to topple a burgeoning dictatorship and resuscitate libertygoals so dear that he would sooner suffer torture and death than renounce them.

Atlas Shrugged transcends the contest between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, providing all the excitement and appeal of the latter but in service to the ideals of the former. . . . [Rand] shows how reason leads to and supports all of the appealing qualities of the Romanticslove, passion, struggle, self-assertion, a sense of heroism. . . . She could not have done it without new philosophic ideas. . . . But when it comes to promoting the best of Enlightenment ideals as a living cultural force . . . her literary style is at least as important a contribution. (245)

In another chapter, No Evil Thoughts but One, Tracinski answers a left-wing commentator who once asked why Atlas Shrugged has no collectivist equivalent. He points out that the lefts class-war ideology construes society in terms of oppressor and oppressedand the latter, these helpless victims of a repressive capitalist system, as the good. But if the good is represented by hapless victimswho, by their nature, are incapable of triumphthen the lefts intellectual spokesmen will be incapable of projecting heroes or worlds in which good conquers evil. Instead, they enshrine antiheroes. As Tracinski concludes, The lefts embrace of a collectivist ideology committed it to the anti-intellectualism of the race, class, and gender school in politics, and to the bleak tedium of the Naturalist school in literature (274).

Tracinskis collection of essays provides numerous other important insights. Similar to the book about which he is writing, his ideas are bolstered by his own writing stylecolloquial, nontechnical, and clear.

This book is a valuable addition to the growing corpus of work analyzing Ayn Rands literary accomplishments. It will expand a readers appreciation of the momentous story about a man who vowed to stop the motor of the worldand then did.


So Who Is John Galt, Anyway? by Robert Tracinski - The Objective Standard

Global shutdown and gold – FXStreet

Have you read Ayn Rands novel Atlas Shrugged? The main theme of the book is that overwhelmed by growing statism entrepreneurs at one point say finally basta! and announce a strike. They disappear, leaving their businesses to their fate. The symbolic Atlas who carries the world, shrugs. As a result, the economy collapses, plunging the world into chaos.

This what we are observing right now. The workers do not go to work. Shopping malls are closed. Restaurateurs shut down their premises. Theatres, cinemas, gyms, swimming pools they all are out of service. Other companies reduce their activities or even go dormant. The global economy freezes. The only difference from the Rands novel that it is not because of the strike but because of a self-defense effort. People want to protect themselves and others against a contagious pathogen. But the result is the same. The collapse of the economy.

The irony of the situation is that no one including central banks with their easy monetary policy and governments with their fiscal packages can do anything about it. This is because this is a health crisis. And the only way to win the battle with the coronavirus is social distancing and quarantine. Recession is actually not something we should cry about. We could avoid it, simply letting billions get infected and millions die. The economic lockdown is our only weapon unless scientists develop a drug or a vaccine against the pathogen. In a way, this sounds really heroic: we shut down the economy to protect people, especially elderly, from the invisible enemy. However, poetry is beautiful but can be very expensive the costs of the shutdown are astronomical, trillion dollars per month.

Nobody knows for sure how deep the recession will be as it depends on how the epidemic will evolve (and how the governments respond) and no one, not even epidemiologists among themselves, cannot determine it with certainty. Goldman Sachs expects the worlds real GDP to be 1.25 percent, a half of 2.5 percent considered a border line of a global recession. The IHS Markit is more pessimistic and expects only 0.7 percent growth for the world economy.

And what about the US? The IHS Markit thinks that the American GDP will fall by 0.2 percent in the whole 2020. Goldman Sachs is more pessimistic here: it says that the US GDP will shrink 24 percent in the Q2, which would be 2.5 times bigger than any decline in history, and 3.8 percent for the full 2020.

But all these forecasts might be still too optimistic. After all, the initial figures from China for January and February were much worse than feared. As the chart below shows, in these two months combined, industrial production fell 13.5 percent, well below of expectations of a 3.0 percent decline. Retail sales plunged 20.5 percent, also below expectations of a 4.0 percent contraction. And fixed asset investment collapsed 24.5 percent, much more than anyone thought.

Chart 1: Industrial production in China from March 2019 to January-February 2020

Yes, China imposed more draconian measures than other countries, locking down whole cities and regions. But thanks to these, it has said it already contained the epidemic and would thus enjoy faster recovery than others. Anyhow, a massive negative shock in China in Q1, followed by economic shutdown in Europe, the US and other countries will make this years performance the weakest since the Great Recession or even the Great Depression.

Importantly, the chances of a V-shaped recovery a sharp decline following by an equally strong rebound are getting lower. Instead, we should expect a U-shaped recovery or even in some sectors a L-shaped recovery, which means that we could stay in recessionary territory longer while the recovery will be weaker. This is because we are still several weeks before the epidemiological peak, so the shutdown will last for quite a while. Some companies will go bankrupt and not reopen after the end of epidemic. And consumers do not have to be willing to resume immediately spending and businesses hiring and investments as there might be the second wave of infections, especially if the social distancing and quarantine wont work its magic.

Another issue is that all hidden problems that were invisible during the economic expansion and bull market think about excessive indebtedness and zombie companies will emerge to the surface and further deepen the recession.

What does it all mean for the gold market? Well, from the fundamental perspective, the gold bulls can open champagne. Unless the antiviral drug or vaccine is developed quickly and in a responsible way, the recession will be more severe than most people realize. And the recovery will come later and would be weaker than many analysts think, especially if the debt problem reemerges. Turning off the economy and turning it back on again is not a piece of cake its more like restarting a nuclear reactor. Its very easy to make a catastrophic mistake here unfortunately, some countries will commit some kind of error along the way. It times of such a grave crisis, gold should eventually shine.

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Global shutdown and gold - FXStreet

What Sren Kierkegaard Can Teach the Left About Ayn Rand – Merion West

(Royal Danish Library)

The view of Rand as a self-absorbed, even solipsistic, apologist for the greed of nefarious capitalistswas always a myopic misreading of Rand, at least if one pays close attention to her novels.

In an essay for Merion West, Matt McManus attempts to explain what the Left can learn from Sren Kierkegaard. The father of existentialism, Kierkegaard had much to say about the individuals quest for a meaningful existence. As McManus writes, the one consistent theme in Kierkegaards oeuvreis how only a true individual can obtain meaning in their life. This focus on the individual stands in contrast to conservative views that prioritize the community over the individual. In the words of McManus, [t]he inverse argument to this is Kierkegaards warnings about the meaninglessness of sacrificing ones individuality to become a member of mass society.

Ironically, this is the same root concern that occupied Ayn Rand throughout her life. In telling us what Kierkegaard can teach the Left, McManus implicitly makes a case for what the Left can learn from a perennial favorite of right-wing libertarians. Rand not only shared the Lefts staunchly secular approach to life but also joined Kierkegaard in his concern with the quest of a true individual for meaning in life. Like Kierkegaard, Rand was deeply skeptical that questions about meaning in life can be adequately resolved by an appeal to community norms and values.

An enemy of collectivism, Rand was highly contemptuous of conformity. She would have agreed wholeheartedly with Kierkegaards caustic observation that [p]eople demand freedom of speech as compensation for the freedom of thought they seldom use. In Rands novel The Fountainhead, the character Ellsworth Toohey exploits his right of free speech, as well as his platform as an esteemed architecture critic for popular publications to promote a humanitarian ideal for society. This humanitarian ideal effectively vilifies individuals who exercise their freedom of thought. Toohey promotes a culture of collective solidarity that insidiously stifles, and even belittles, aspirations and achievements that arise from the creative activities of individuals exercising their freedom of thought.

Similarly, Kierkegaard drew a line between what we say we believe in public and what we would genuinely believe in private, if we bothered to think about it. This contrast exposes a shortcoming in the conservative belief that community values outlive whatever the individual can achieve on his own. Like a Left concerned about whether right-wing populism and postmodern conservatism provide suitable answers to questions about meaning in life, Rand and Kierkegaard worried about views which, as McManus writes, run the danger of becoming reactionary and idolizing the community at the expense of the individual who may be truly committed to discovering the real truth about the meaning of existence. The state, the church, and other social institutions demand, for McManus, conformity from the individual to secure the stability of [their] own contingent values. This is unsatisfactory because we end up settling passively for what others tell us we should believe in.

Moreover, conservatism falters and quickly becomes vulgar and unmeaningful, since in the last instance it only displaces the problem of meaning from the liberal individual to the group and its values. In other words,the conservative wants to displace the danger of nihilism by collectively ignoring it. Given these caveats, McManus emphasizes that the Left needs to provide progressive arguments that speak to our deeper human aspiration for meaning, and that stress an individualism committed to deeper principles than just those articulated by any given community.

Rands Quest for Meaning

McManus identifies neoliberalism as a central culprit behind the predicament in which both the Right and Left find themselves: in desperate search for meaning that transcends the bottom line of dollars and cents. It may seem odd, then, to identify Rand as a friend of the Left in its search for meaning. For decades, McManus writes, the neoliberal ethos orienting society has maintained that the purpose of life is to become financially successful enough to achieve material prosperity and professional standing. Both the Right and Left largely acceded to this ethos, seeming to hand a victory to a perennial favorite of the libertarian Rightnamely, Ayn Rand, a twentieth-century novelist who became famous for promoting capitalism and the virtue of selfishness.

This is unfortunate. The view of Rand as a self-absorbed, even solipsistic, apologist for the greed of nefarious capitalists (see this superficial, cherry-picking segment on Rand by comedian John Oliver), was always a myopic misreading of Rand, at least if one pays close attention to her novels. Rand has mostly lost any luster she had a philosopher, and, frankly, I never had a lot of interest in her philosophical works. But her novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged were explosively, and deservedly, inspirational as stories which celebrated the true individual, for whom the ideal vocation is one which is also a passionate avocationnot a mere job that brings home the proverbial bacon.

Rands characters were often solitary figures who were deemed unfriendly to society. The one vulnerability in Rands characters was that they were so engrossed in their cherished endeavors that they were indifferent to public animosity toward them. As such, they were otherwise inattentive to public figures like Ellsworth Toohey and Wesley Mouch who turned public sentiment against them by vilifying them as selfish and anti-social, unconcerned for the welfare of their fellow man.

In Atlas Shrugged, John Galt figured this all out and led a revolt, convincing business icons to withdraw from their enterprises and disappear from society. In The Fountainhead, Howard Roark figured it out and gave a momentous speech in court which exonerated him after he blew up a building for which he provided the blueprint. One of his memorable lines was: independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value, what a man is and makes of himself, not what he has or hasnt done for others. This remark would seem to vindicate Rands critics, especially since Roark demolished a public housing project. But Roark had agreed to design the project without public recognition, on the sole condition that the project be built according to the plan he laid out.

In other words, all that mattered to Roark was that his plan be carried out faithfully. It was not fame he wanted but, rather, the fulfillment that came with working out a problem and seeing his solution realized. He worked in secrecy as part of a deal with Peter Keating, an old acquaintance who was both friend and nemesis, and who came to Roark for help in designing the project as a way to resurrect his career. Keating had done so before, and the results had been spectacular for Keating in terms of fame and career advancement. Roark did not mind so long as he had an opportunity to build something as he envisaged it. As he stated in court, [t]here is no substitute for personal dignity.

The same was true of John Galt and his band of rebels, with the difference being that Rand is more proactive in Atlas Shrugged about lauding the virtues of capitalism, while, in the The Fountainhead, she is more proactive about exposing the evils of socialism. The point for Rand, however, was that the individual who stays committed to his creative aspirations is the ultimate benefactor of mankind. Human ingenuity and progress are the result of true individuals engaged in creative activities that give expression to interests that provide them with meaning in life. The true individuals contribute most to the welfare of mankindnot only in terms of their creative output but also because they set an example of what it means to reject the sacrifice of personal integrity.

One does not find meaning in life by thinking first about what one can do for othersbut by thinking first about what one can do for oneself. This does not mean becoming a glutton, seeking, as McManus writes, pure hedonistic enjoyment of drugs and alcohol, pursuing money and material objects, and so on. It also does not mean hoarding wealth or neglecting the humanity of others, as Roark showed in his austere life and in his devotion to Henry Cameron, a once-renowned architect who had his own fights against conformity and was eventually abandoned by society. Instead, one finds meaning by finding his place in the world, and one finds his place by finding what he loves to do. If you find something you love to do, youll likely end up being of great use to society, but only because you solved the question of meaning for yourself, not for others.

Unfortunately, in a century that saw the rise of mass movements resulting in fascism and totalitarianismand in an American society which was not immune from collectivist sentiments of its ownRands ideal individual was depicted as an eccentricity which needed to be denounced and repudiated. Rands ideal individual was not welcomed by the tides of public opinion celebrating mindless conformity to what the Frankfurt School deemed the culture industry.

The same kind of concern preoccupies McManus and also preoccupied Kierkegaard. For too long, McManus writes, progressives have left problems of meaning to the Right, while largely focusing on issues of material equality and political participation. These are no doubt crucial issues, but it is not enough. The effort to stress an individualism committed to deeper principles than just those articulated by any given community is one of the key tasks for progressives today.

Instead of turning to Rand, McManus turns to Kierkegaard. I can see why, but I would argue that Kierkegaard was concerned with the same kind of existential angst that galvanized the writing of Rands novels. Having covered Rand, I turn to Kierkegaards Fear and Trembling, in which Kierkegaard introduces the teleological suspension of the ethical. This notion provides us with a deeper principle, which stresses an individualism to which Kierkegaard, Rand, McManus and the modern Left can aspire.

Fear and Trembling

Kierkegaard dwells on the trial of faith which made the Biblical Abraham a great man. Kierkegaard believed that many of his contemporaries did not understand faith. In fact, they had cheapened faith. Seeking to understand faith, Kierkegaard turned to the father of faith to illustrate an act of faith as a personal commitment to the will of God, even when the commitment becomes ridiculous or violates ethical principles through which the will of God is supposed to manifest.

Kierkegaard does not claim to understand faith, nor does he claim to understand how Abraham was able to endure in his faith in the face of Gods request to sacrifice his son Isaac. Rather, he sets out to reconcile Abrahams faith with Abrahams sacrifice. Kierkegaard argues that the greatness of Abraham and his act of faith lies in the so-called teleological suspension of the ethical. God demanded that Abraham sacrifice Isaac, an act conflicting with the ethical principle that a father should not murder his son. Moreover, Isaacs death means the death of Abrahams seed. It is the death of a people and, thus, the promise that Abraham would be the father of his people.

It makes no sense. Gods demand for Isaacs sacrifice is ethically untenable. Yet the ethical is presumed to express a moral law of God. Obedience to the ethical is to be in a relationship with God. But Abraham suspends the ethical. It does not apply. Abraham believes the sacrifice of Isaac is the right thing to do. Abraham maintains faith that Gods promise will be fulfilled despite the sacrifice. His justification lies in his direct relationship with God, unmediated by the normal ethical principle, transparent to any rational mind, that a father should not murder his son. God places himself in a direct relationship with Abraham, and Abraham does the same, thereby proving his faith.

Kierkegaard is at a loss to explain this paradox of faith. He understands that Abraham is a great man for intrinsically being able to reconcile the sacrifice of Isaac with Gods promise that Abraham will be the father of future generations. But Kierkegaard does not understand how Abraham makes this leap of faith. He only observes that the telos, or goal, that is at stake is proving the faith. Despite being untenable by normal standards, Abrahams act of faith is justified by Abrahams personal relationship with God. Abraham is in an absolute relation to the absolute, i.e. God, for whom anything is possible. This act of faith and its justification, however, are unintelligible in a world that normally functions in accord with the kind of rationally intelligible ethical demands that Kierkegaard sarcastically associated with system thinkers like Hegel.

Abraham undertakes a deeply private act of faith, justified by his absolute relation to the absolute. The ethical life for Abraham is individually defined. The ethical as universal, as an intelligible demand made on all of us, is pushed aside so that Abraham can prove his faith and bring himself into a private relationship with God. Then faiths paradox is this, that the single individual is higher than the universal, that the single individualdetermines his relation to the universal through his relation to the absolute, not his relation to the absolute through his relation to the universal.

Pushing aside the ethical, Abraham throws himself into complete solitude. He cannot make himself understood because it is only possible to do so through the ethical as universal. Abraham suspends the ethical, makes an unintelligible leap of faith, and says directly to God: I have faith in your promise; here is Isaac, he is yours, even though he will be mine again when you live up to your promise.

Faith and Doubt

Kierkegaard claims that his contemporaries have doubted everything and then moved on, as if doubting were a preliminary step before moving onto something greater. Every speculative score-keeper, Kierkegaard writes, who conscientiously marks up the momentous march of modern philosophy, every lecturer, crammer, student, everyone on the outskirts of philosophy or at its center is unwilling to stop with doubting everything. This puzzled Kierkegaard, who observed that too many contemporary thinkers did not seem to take the act of doubting as seriously as Descartes or the ancient Greeks, for whom doubting was a skill acquired over a lifetime.

It is as if doubt were something to be overcome as early as possible. What those old Greekstook to be the task of a whole lifetime, Kierkegaard writes, doubt not being a skill one acquires in days and weeksthat is where nowadays everyone begins. Kierkegaard equates faith with doubt to make the same point about faith that he makes about doubt. Today nobody will stop with faith; they all go further, he writes. His contemporaries were making a mistake in thinking that faith can be subsumed into concepts and thereby grasped with only a little effort. An act of faith is an exceedingly difficult achievement, not to be grasped in mere conceptual terms.

Even if one were able to render the whole of the content of faith into conceptual form, it would not follow that one had grasped faith, grasped how one came to it, or how it came to one.

For Kierkegaard, faith is not a conceptual achievement. His contemporaries cheapened faith by thinking that one has faith merely because one possesses a comprehensible concept of faith. They have not understood that faith is an act in which one struggles to define individually his own purposeand to commit himself to that purpose, even when it is untenable to the point of ridicule.

The Teleological Suspension of the Ethical

The ethical expression for what Abraham did is that he was willing to murder Isaac, Kierkegaard writes. This ethical demand is universal because it makes a conceptually intelligible demand on all fathers. But Abraham bypasses this principle. He suspends it to pursue a higher endsetting his own path. The ethical, as we ordinarily understand it, loses its supremacy when it comes to proving ones faith. But who can understand this? We understand the ethical, but how does one understand the telosproving ones faithin the service of which the ethical is suspended? And who can understand the individual who suspends the ethical to undertake the leap of faith?

He makes the infinite movement of resignation and gives up his claim to Isaac, something no one can understand because it is a private undertaking. But then he further makesand at every moment is makingthe movement of faith. This is his comfort. For he says, Nevertheless it wont happen, or if it does the Lord will give me a new Isaac on the strength of the absurd.

Faith is a deeply individualistic commitment to the paradoxical belief that Gods promise will be fulfilled despite the sacrifice. It is a belief in what is impossible. Abraham can justify his faith not by its intelligibility to others but by proving it as he stands face to face with God and hands over his son Isaac, while believing that God will fulfill his promise. This act of faith is deeply private. Abraham is alone and cannot be understood. Abraham is great through an act of purely personal virtue. This is why he remains silent with Sarah and Isaac. He cannot convey what this act of faith means.

Abraham becomes an icon of existentialism in making a profound commitment to an individually defined telos, justified by the direct relationship he has with God rather than by an appeal to the ethical. The ethical as a moral guideline and a way of making oneself understood is suspended so that Abraham is able to prove his faith in God (and in the fulfillment of Gods promise).

In his (Abrahams) actions, he overstepped the ethical altogether and had a higher telos outside it, in relation to which he suspended it.Then why does Abraham do it? For Gods sake, and what is exactly the same, for his own. He does it for the sake of God because God demands this proof of his faith; he does it for his own sake in order to be able to produce the proof.

The Virtue and Value of Independence

Kierkegaards primary interest in Fear and Trembling is to cast faith as a lifelong struggle to stay committed to the belief that Gods promise will be fulfilled. An act of faith is a journey in which one suffers through the distress and anguish of sustaining this commitment even when all seems lost. Like Roark in the courtroom, Kierkegaard is making a case that independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. It is the individual who is responsible for finding meaning in life. This is especially so when the individual cannot appeal to solidarity with others, in this case because Abrahams act of faith is a paradox.

It was by his faith that Abraham could leave the land of his fathers to become a stranger in the land of promise. He left one thing behind, took another with him. He left behind his worldly understanding and took with him his faith. Otherwise, he would surely not have gone; certainly, it would have been senseless to do so.

Abrahams act of faith is a teleological suspension of the ethical; in this case, the ethical demand that a father not kill his son. Similarly, Roarks decision to dynamite the housing projector Galts campaign to persuade the business icons of society to withdraw from societyare teleological suspensions of ethical demands by mass society that the individual subordinate his personal integrity to the whimsical demands of public opinion, public bureaucrats, or public intellectuals.

Of course, Abrahams act of faith, Roarks demolition, and Galts revolt are all unique responses to different sets of ethical demands that stem from different social conditions. But Abraham, Roark, and Galt share an uncompromising fealty to personal integrity. In the case of Abraham, it is the integrity of faith. In the case of Roark, it is the integrity of architecture. In the case of Galt, it is the integrity of private enterprise. But none of them is able to justify their integrity by an appeal to the intelligible ethical demands or social values of public opinion. They suspend the ethical in pursuit of the greater telosthe pursuit of meaning rooted in solitary endeavors that run against the grain of prevailing customs.

The true individuals must often walk alone, silent, isolated, and exiled. They are misunderstood, denounced as antisocial moral outcasts. How does the individual justify himself in the face of societal disapproval and repudiation? How does he justify the telos for which he suspends the ethical? This position of estrangement is one in which the individual who suspends the ethical finds himself. But now when the ethical is thus teleologically suspended, how does the single individual in whom it is suspended exist? He exists as the particular in opposition to the universal.

This individual cannot make himself understood. Sounding very much like Rand, Kierkegaard writes that the individuals only justification is himself. His justification is, once again, the paradox; for if he is the paradox it is not by virtue of being anything universal, but of being the particular. A hero who has become the scandal of his generation, aware that he is a paradox that cannot be understood, cries undaunted to his contemporaries: The future will show I was right!


We might be inclined to criticize Kierkegaard for relativism and solipsism. But his interpretation fails to grasp the profound angst of an individuals solitary quest for meaning. The individual who suspends the ethical does not merely ignore the ethical. He understands its power and import for humanity. Abraham suffers during the journey to Moriah, knowing that God is asking him to perform what is ethically and rationally untenable. But Abraham also knows that his faith and Gods promise have greater significance than the ordinary ethical principle at stake. The ethical is suspended because Abrahams goal has greater significance. Abraham suspends the ethical and proves his faith, understanding that the promise has a greater significance than the ethical. But this means the individual must exist as a paradox, and this entails suffering and anguish.

Similarly, Roark and Galt part ways with society in order to pursue actualization of their own creative visions. Abraham, Roark, and Galt cannot escape their isolation. They pursue and achieve ends not justified by the ethical. In isolation, they suffer. But in this isolation also lies the seed of a profoundly meaningful existence. Kierkegaard may have been a melancholy Christian while Rand was a rational atheist who celebrated life, but both provided us with a vision of the individual in triumphant pursuit of a meaningful existence. For Abraham, it was about the paradox of faith. For Roark and Galt, it was about the integrity of their creative work. In either case, the teleological suspension of the ethical was all about the true individual in pursuit of a meaningful existence.

Jonathan David Church is an economist and writer. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University, and he has contributed to a variety of publications, including Quillette and Areo Magazine.

Originally posted here:

What Sren Kierkegaard Can Teach the Left About Ayn Rand - Merion West

Beckerman column: When the toilet runs, catch it – Monmouth Daily Review Atlas

As I was banging away on my laptop in the living room, I soon became aware of a constant swooshing sound coming from down the hall. Having been down this swooshing road before, I knew immediately what the problem was.

Our toilet was running.

Whats wrong with the toilet? asked my husband when he noticed that the toilet seemed to be flushing forever.

Its running.

I know its running, he said. Why is it running?

Maybe someone is chasing it, I said.

He rolled his eyes. Toilet paper might be in short supply, but the bad mom jokes were a plenty.

I realized, though, that we did indeed have a problem. We couldnt let a plumber come in because of the whole social distancing thing. We also couldnt let our handyman in for the same reason. I thought maybe my husband could download a copy of Plumbing for Dummies and try to fix it himself, but I suspected that he would be as good a plumber as he was an electrician which was not all that good considering hed once tried to fix a light switch, blew all the circuit breakers, and nearly burned down the house. When Id asked him how he could have screwed it up so monumentally, he simply replied, Its all in the wrist.

When the kids were little we lived in a tiny house that had one bathroom. At the time, my son had finally somewhat mastered the art of the toilet and my daughter was in the throes of potty training. It was inevitable that one day our toilet would revolt, and when it did, we couldnt get a plumber for two days. We quite literally did not have a pot to well, you know. But we did have my daughters potty. For the four of us. For two days. It actually made the idea of an outhouse look good.

The bad news now was that our kids had grown and we no longer had a potty to use. The good news was, we had a second bathroom. Still, I thought it behooved us to get the running toilet to stop running before we had another issue, like a leak, which we also wouldnt be able to get anyone in to fix for us.

The fact that the running toilet was in what we had designated as my husbands bathroom allowed me to:

a) point fingers and say it was his fault, and

b) tell him he had to find a way to fix it, and

c) stockpile air freshener in case he couldnt.

This was good in theory, but with my husbands checkered history in home repair, it seemed we had a better chance of solving the problem without causing a Noahs Ark-sized deluge if I took charge. I looked online and within minutes I found a possible solution.

Im no plumber, I said to my husband. But I suspect that the problem is the doohickey inside the thingamabob thats not working right.

He looked at me in utter confusion.

The DOOHICKEY! I repeated loudly. In there! I pointed to the tank.

He shrugged. Id seen more enthusiasm from a slug.

Argh, I said. I think we just need to do this.

I walked over to the side of the toilet, adjusted the top of the tank, and jiggled the handle. The toilet started to slow down and then went quiet.

Howd you do that? asked my husband in amazement.

I shook my hand.

Its all in the wrist.

You can follow Tracy on Twitter @TracyBeckerman and become a fan on Facebook at


Beckerman column: When the toilet runs, catch it - Monmouth Daily Review Atlas

As Science And Business Go To War With Each Other, President Trump Pours Fuel On The Fire – Forbes

By Abram Brown with Chris Helman

In his corner of the Texas oil patch, Bud Brigham has kept things going as much as he can in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Most of the employees at Brigham Minerals, which he founded and currently chairs, are working from home. Brigham is also the chairman of Atlas Sand, whose plants are still going full throttle, he says, processing the sand that gets sold to frackers.

As the name of that company hints, Brigham is a libertarian, and he once financed a movie trilogy of Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged. I do wonder, are we overreacting? he says, doing his best Dagny Taggart imitation. Is the cure worse than the ailment?

That sentiment has spread widely in the last 48 hours. Tweets and email chains, many penned by desperate small-business owners, found their way to the Fox News punditry set. Just as the spread of coronavirus creates a curve of the number of people infected, this economic shutdown is creating a curve of the number of people affectedlosing their jobs, their homes, their businesses, Fox host Steve Hilton said Sunday night, asking viewers if they were familiar with that famous phrase: The cure is worse than the disease. It was then only a matter of time before the Tweeter-in-Chief weighed in. WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM, President Trump, caps lock emphatically on, wrote shortly before midnight Sunday. AT THE END OF THE 15 DAY PERIOD, WE WILL MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHICH WAY WE WANT TO GO. He doubled down yesterday morning, retweeting those who agreed with himand finished by retweeting his own late-night tweet.

By yesterday, Trumps notion had become a mainstream talking point, as prominent observers including Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Fox News Laura Ingraham and Brit Hume and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis all insisted that an economic crash will kill more people than the virus, and we should therefore let those who are purportedly less at riskthe young and middle-agedgo back to producing and consuming.

All of which has scientists, doctors and other health-care professionals aghast. Their consensus: Stay home and dont go within six feet of anyone. We have to hunker down, says Vincent Racaniello, who teaches microbiology and immunology at Columbia University. He doesnt think its safe to resume normal life until the country reports no more than 10 new cases in a day. (The U.S. is currently reporting thousands per day.) Look at all the people dying in huge numbers on a daily basis in Italy, he adds. We need to prevent that. When Dr. Anthony Fauci, the governments leading expert on infectious diseases, didnt appear at yesterdays circus-like press briefing, Trump was asked if Fauci agreed with him on the need to ease social distancing to speed the reopening of the economy. No, he doesnt not agree, the president responded, his use of a double negative only muddying the waters further.

Does this standoff represent yet another culture war, this one with hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars on the line? This is probably unprecedented, says Greg Wawro, chair of Columbias political science department. It is bleak. Its bleak.

Both sides come armed with statistics. The science-first side argues in terms of sickness and mortality, citing a worst-case scenario that projects 160 million to 214 million Americans infected with COVID-19 and a death toll of 200,000 to 1.7 million. These models factor in the past few weeks in Europemodels that in fact seem optimistic given the pathetic state of testing in the U.S. so far, as well as government mandates far less draconian, even in New York and California, than in Italy and Spain.

The business-first side, meanwhile, cites lost dollars. On the positive end of things, Bank of America thinks the economy will slide 12% in the second quarter; Deutsche Bank predicts 12.9%. This would represent collapse, BofA economists wrote in a recent research report. Goldman Sachs forecasts a 24% drop. Global recession in 2020 is now our base case, Morgan Stanleys chief economist, Chetan Ahya, concluded in a recent report. Those estimates would likely translate to between 5 million and 8 million vaporized jobs. One Federal Reserve official, Mercer Bullard, said yesterday that unemployment could reach 30%, the highest in American history. (During the Great Depression, joblessness peaked at 24.9% in 1933.) These numbers feel like an almost self-inflicted wound given that just four weeks ago, the economy seemed headed to another year of healthy growth amid the longest expansion in American history.

I would love to see life going back to normal, says Luciana Borio, a physician who served on Trumps National Security Council. However, I do not think thats going to be by the end of this week.

To the science side, economic speculation is irrelevant. The most important thing here is to save peoples lives, and there is no value you can put on a persons life, right? says Columbias Racaniello. Especially if its someone who means something to you. Recognizing the potency of this argument, the business-first types have cobbled together dubious estimates of the lives taken by recession and poverty.

Theyre also trying to compare potential coronavirus deaths to those from heart disease (650,000 deaths annually), cancer (600,000) or automobile crashes (1.3 million), knowing that no one would advocate shutting the economy to stop such losses. Negative effects on the economy create lots of misery for people, says Harvard professor Jeffrey Miron, a former fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. Adds David Friedman, a retired Santa Clara University professor and son of free-market apostle Milton Friedman: The government shutting down the economy or freezing the economy or printing $2 trillion to give to people doesnt make a whole lot of sense.

But the winning argument, on economic terms, belongs to the scientists. The idea that economy versus lives is a zero-sum game is false. The most vexing potential problem with COVID-19 isnt the death rate. Its the risk of a surge that collapses the U.S. health-care system, with most cities already preparing for triage and carnage on a scale never seen in peacetime America. That alone would cripple both the biggest player in the American economy and undermine whatever consumer and corporate confidence could be imbued with a business-as-usual attitude. Its why even President Trump was imploring everyone to flatten the curveat least until this weekend.

I would love to see life going back to normal, says Luciana Borio, a physician and the former chief scientist at the FDA, who served on Trumps National Security Council, planning for worst-case scenarios like these until she left when the president dismantled the groups team of health experts. I think we should try to do everything we can to bring it back to normal as soon as is feasible and responsible to do so. We shouldnt sit and wait a second longer than its needed. However, I do not think thats going to be by the end of this week.

Or next Monday. March 30 looms large, as Trump began urging distancing on March 15, for a suggested 15 days. Despite all the friendly PSAs, though, only a handful of states have imposed the kind of stay-at-home mandates that could actually stem this scourge. Most of the country is still congregating, which means most of the country will start getting sick only on or around March 30when the death counts in places like New York, judging by the experience of Europe, will start to become staggering.

Its all a false dichotomy. Business and science arent zero-sum, the same way that solving climate change should be viewed as an extraordinary investment opportunity rather than a cost. Great science blossoms under entrepreneurial capitalism. Great business is based on reason and data.

Data, or lack thereof, is the biggest culprit behind this catastrophe. Americas inability to amass enough test kitsmuch less masks and ventilators to protect health-care workersmeans were flying blind. Thats the biggest difference between the United States and a coronavirus role model like South Korea, which opened 600 testing centers and is now producing 100,000 testing kits per day.

It might be reasonable to gambleand try to restart thingsif you actually understand [the scope of the problem], says Borio. We dont.

Excerpt from:

As Science And Business Go To War With Each Other, President Trump Pours Fuel On The Fire - Forbes

With a glass of wine and a dry joke, Jim Young entertains at Sand Hollow Winery – The Newark Advocate

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Jim Young, vintner and owner of Sand Hollow Winery and Sand Hollow Speakeasy, opened Sand Hollow Winery in 2012.(Photo: Sara C. Tobias/The Advocate)

HEATH Sand Hollow Winery lies nestled on a quiet country lane, tucked in a small valley among 83 mostly wooded acres. Its easy to get that it-hardly-seems-like-Im-in-Licking-County feeling. Its an idyllic setting for wine and nature lovers alike.

Interestingly, however, owner and vintner Jim Young originally had a different idea when he bought the property. I was looking to get away from people, he (sort of) admitted, and ended up entertaining them. Go figure.

Young, by the way, is known for his dry sense of humor. Jims art of telling tales has endeared many a wine customer, noted his wife, Cindy Steen. Hes able to draw people into his stories even if hes talking about paint drying!

Speaking of drying paint, theres another, newer location for Sand Hollow Winery. This one is in downtown Newark, where you can take a step back in time to the prohibition era.Young (aka Mr. Speaks) likes to call it a speakeasy and you need a password to gain entry. (Check his web site to get the password, and dont tell anyone you dont trust!) Its all vintage Jim Young humor and creativity.

Sand Hollow Speakeasy offers whiskey, wine, and beer behind their bar in Newark.(Photo: Sara C. Tobias/The Advocate)

Now 68, Young grew up in Newark, graduated from Newark High School in 1969, went to Ohio State to study finance and then went to work for his father in his construction company.

The construction business, he said, gave me the knowledge that, if you start with a good foundation and build on that, you will have a good chance, not great, to be successful.

He switched gears when he started publishing niche newspapers in Newark 50 Plus and Our Town among them. In the midst of his publishing phase he started making wine. He opened Sand Hollow Winery in 2012.

The winery was just another chapter in my entrepreneurial book, he said, though he did add, A winery was my first foray into a retail business.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your job?

A. Meeting new customers that were recommended to us by old customers or our social medias 4.8 star rating. Being able to give that new customer an exceptional wine tasting experience that matches up to their expectations. Converting devoted sweet drinkers to our very drinkable dry white and red wines is an added bonus. If they smile or laugh during that process it makes my day.

Q. What are you most proud of about your career?

A. In the 8 years we have been open, definitely the returning customers and their recommendations to others to try us out.

A copy of a prescription for alcohol hangs in Sand Hollow Speakeasy in Newark. (Photo: Sara C. Tobias/The Advocate)

Q. What has been the biggest challenge in leading Sand Hollow Winery?

A. Fortunately the challenges have been few. Keeping up with the growth of the winery and speakeasy is definitely the biggest challenge. The exceptional staff from Andy, Char, Sam, Theresa, Tracie, my creative wife Cindy and one-of-a-kind customers that pitch in at crucial times make it all work!

Q. What would you like people to know about Sand Hollow Winery they may not know?

A. We have the best 5 cheese pizzas west of Italy to go along with our Italian style wines.

Q. How has Sand Hollow Winery changed through the years?

A. The biggest change was the addition of another winery, a 1920s style speakeasy in the newly restored downtown Newark area across from the historic jail. You walk up to a peek hole in the door, give the password and enter into the past, enjoying not only wine on draft, local craft beer and prohibition era whiskey and gin. You can also get your picture taken in a clawfoot gin tub with the appropriate props.

Q. What is your favorite movie?

A. Paint Your Wagon. Its a musical made in the late 60s with Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood singing, not very good I might add, during the California gold rush era. Brainless entertainment but with a strong message about loyalty.

Q. What is your favorite TV show?

A. The Blacklist. Actor James Spader is an immoral criminal that does good. He has the best sense of humor while preparing to kill his victims.

Q. Whats your favorite type of music?

A.All genres.

Q. What is your favorite book, one youd recommend others read? And why?

A. Atlas Shrugged a 1957 novel by Ayn Rand. This fictional story about the struggles between socialism and capitalism could be very easily true today.

Q. What is your favorite sport or activity to participate in?

A. Hiking Just got back from a trip to the Grand Canyon and Red Rocks in Sedona.

Q. What is your favorite sport to watch?

A. OSU football, especially when they win.

Q. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

A. Flying

Q. What is your favorite meal?

A. Turkey with homemade noodles piled on top of mash potatoes.

Q. Who is the person you most admire in your life, and why?

A. Gib Reese. He was always doing something to unselfishly help individuals or the residents of Licking County.

Q. Who is a public figure you most admire?

A. Ben Franklin

Q. Whats your dream vacation?

A. Anywhere, but away from a crowd of people.

Q. If you could be in any other job or profession, what would it be?

A. College professor

Sand Hollow Winery is located at 12558 Sand Hollow Road in Heath. The Sand Hollow Winery Speakeasy is located in downtown Newark at 57 S. 3rd St.For more information, call 740-323-3959 or log on

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With a glass of wine and a dry joke, Jim Young entertains at Sand Hollow Winery - The Newark Advocate

Self-isolating? Hit the Calgary Public Library’s digital archive and challenge yourself to some long reads – Sarnia and Lambton County This Week

Pictured is the Central Library which along with all public libraries in Calgary has been closed to help limit the spread of COVID-19 on Monday, March 16, 2020. Azin Ghaffari/PostmediaAzin Ghaffari / Azin Ghaffari/Postmedia

Call it THE LIST.

Presumably, every avid reader has one.

That would be the books you have always meant to get around to but felt you didnt have the time. But as the world self-isolates and leisure activity that requires leaving the house is cancelled, ambitious readers may find themselves with time on their hands to do some serious reading.

The Calgary Public Library has an extensive list of eBooks and audiobooks up for the grabs digitally, including a whole category that has been dubbed Long Books Worth Reading.

So here are a few suggestions for brave bibliophiles looking for the opposite of light reading.

Moby Dick, by Herman MelvilleAvailable as eBook and audiobookMelvilles sprawling opus is renowned, or perhaps infamous, for its droning chapters that entail lengthy ruminations on the colour white or sleep-inducing descriptions of a whales tail. Still, the 1851 American novel is also considered one of the greatest works in English literature, which suggests a number of people have actually made their way through it. The plot follows the obsessive quest of Captain Ahab for revenge against a giant white sperm whale that bit off his leg.

Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn RandAvailable as eBook and audiobookIf this whole COVID-19 thing has somehow put you in the mood to read about the wonders of unchecked capitalism or virtues of selfishness, then Ayn Rands 1957 epic is for you. For many, the book is simply a lengthy diatribe wrapped in a multi-character, slightly dystopic tale. Still, many who subscribe to a certain right-leaning philosophy have deemed it life-changing. Even for those who dont, it may offer some interesting insight into the puzzling inner workings of young conservatives.

Ulysses, by James JoyceAvailable as eBook and audiobookAs a young English Literature student, I grumpily arrived at the theory that no one on Earth, including James Joyce himself, had actually read this bewildering 1922 stream-of-consciousness tome from start to finish. As I grew older, however, I discovered that many see it as equivalent to David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest as the ultimate Ironman marathon of literary challenges. Constructed as a modern take on Homers Odyssey, the book takes place in 1904 Dublin over the course of one day and delves into human consciousness dialogue and is credited with forever disrupting the accepted norms of the novel. Good luck.

A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John IrvingAvailable as eBookCompared to the above titles, John Irvings 1989 masterpiece is fairly accessible and a good start for anyone curious about how the American author became one of modern literatures most beloved tellers of sprawling, multi-generational dark comedies. Accessible as it may be, its still a long journey. As with most of Irvings novels, it spans decades to tell the tale of two friends forever linked by a freak childhood accident. Dubbed Irvings Vietnam book, its a tragic but often laugh-out-loud epic exploring friendship, fate, faith, war and morality. Any of Irvings books (with the possible exception of the below-par Fourth Hand) are a great investment of your time, but A Prayer for Owen Meany has proven to be a sentimental favourite among the authors many admirers.

The Stand, by Stephen KingAvailable on eBook and audiobookOK, this one may be a little too on the nose given the circumstances and may actually ramp up your anxiety. Still, for fans of sci-fi and horror, Kings 1978 post-apocalyptic book remains one of popular literatures most compelling works that sits alongside It as the prolific authors take on serious literature (whatever that means.) Fear not, that doesnt mean its boring, even if it is lengthy. It tells the story of a virus dubbed Captain Trips that wipes out 99 per cent of mankind. The survivors form two factions that eventually come into conflict, pitting good against ultimate evil in a tale about survival, compassion and community.

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Self-isolating? Hit the Calgary Public Library's digital archive and challenge yourself to some long reads - Sarnia and Lambton County This Week

As Science And Business Go To War With Each Other, President Trump Pours Fuel On The Fire – Andover Leader

By Abram Brown with Chris Helman

In his corner of the Texas oil patch, Bud Brigham has kept things going as much as he can in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Most of the employees at Brigham Minerals, which he founded and currently chairs, are working from home. Brigham is also the chairman of Atlas Sand, whose plants are still going full throttle, he says, processing the sand that gets sold to frackers.

As the name of that company hints, Brigham is a libertarian, and he once financed a movie trilogy of Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged. I do wonder, are we overreacting? he says, doing his best Dagny Taggart imitation. Is the cure worse than the ailment?

That sentiment has spread widely in the last 48 hours. Tweets and email chains, many penned by desperate small-business owners, found their way to the Fox News punditry set. Just as the spread of coronavirus creates a curve of the number of people infected, this economic shutdown is creating a curve of the number of people affectedlosing their jobs, their homes, their businesses, Fox host Steve Hilton said Sunday night, asking viewers if they were familiar with that famous phrase: The cure is worse than the disease. It was then only a matter of time before the Tweeter-in-Chief weighed in. WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM, President Trump, caps lock emphatically on, wrote shortly before midnight Sunday. AT THE END OF THE 15 DAY PERIOD, WE WILL MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHICH WAY WE WANT TO GO. He doubled down yesterday morning, retweeting those who agreed with himand finished by retweeting his own late-night tweet.

By yesterday, Trumps notion had become a mainstream talking point, as prominent observers including Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Fox News Laura Ingraham and Brit Hume and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis all insisted that an economic crash will kill more people than the virus, and we should therefore let those who are purportedly less at riskthe young and middle-agedgo back to producing and consuming.

All of which has scientists, doctors and other health-care professionals aghast. Their consensus: Stay home and dont go within six feet of anyone. We have to hunker down, says Vincent Racaniello, who teaches microbiology and immunology at Columbia University. He doesnt think its safe to resume normal life until the country reports no more than 10 new cases in a day. (The U.S. is currently reporting thousands per day.) Look at all the people dying in huge numbers on a daily basis in Italy, he adds. We need to prevent that. When Dr. Anthony Fauci, the governments leading expert on infectious diseases, didnt appear at yesterdays circus-like press briefing, Trump was asked if Fauci agreed with him on the need to ease social distancing to speed the reopening of the economy. No, he doesnt not agree, the president responded, his use of a double negative only muddying the waters further.

Does this standoff represent yet another culture war, this one with hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars on the line? This is probably unprecedented, says Greg Wawro, chair of Columbias political science department. It is bleak. Its bleak.

Both sides come armed with statistics. The science-first side argues in terms of sickness and mortality, citing a worst-case scenario that projects 160 million to 214 million Americans infected with COVID-19 and a death toll of 200,000 to 1.7 million. These models factor in the past few weeks in Europemodels that in fact seem optimistic given the pathetic state of testing in the U.S. so far, as well as government mandates far less draconian, even in New York and California, than in Italy and Spain.

The business-first side, meanwhile, cites lost dollars. On the positive end of things, Bank of America thinks the economy will slide 12% in the second quarter; Deutsche Bank predicts 12.9%. This would represent collapse, BofA economists wrote in a recent research report. Goldman Sachs forecasts a 24% drop. Global recession in 2020 is now our base case, Morgan Stanleys chief economist, Chetan Ahya, concluded in a recent report. Those estimates would likely translate to between 5 million and 8 million vaporized jobs. One Federal Reserve official, Mercer Bullard, said yesterday that unemployment could reach 30%, the highest in American history. (During the Great Depression, joblessness peaked at 24.9% in 1933.) These numbers feel like an almost self-inflicted wound given that just four weeks ago, the economy seemed headed to another year of healthy growth amid the longest expansion in American history.

I would love to see life going back to normal, says Luciana Borio, a physician who served on Trumps National Security Council. However, I do not think thats going to be by the end of this week.

To the science side, economic speculation is irrelevant. The most important thing here is to save peoples lives, and there is no value you can put on a persons life, right? says Columbias Racaniello. Especially if its someone who means something to you. Recognizing the potency of this argument, the business-first types have cobbled together dubious estimates of the lives taken by recession and poverty.

Theyre also trying to compare potential coronavirus deaths to those from heart disease (650,000 deaths annually), cancer (600,000) or automobile crashes (1.3 million), knowing that no one would advocate shutting the economy to stop such losses. Negative effects on the economy create lots of misery for people, says Harvard professor Jeffrey Miron, a former fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. Adds David Friedman, a retired Santa Clara University professor and son of free-market apostle Milton Friedman: The government shutting down the economy or freezing the economy or printing $2 trillion to give to people doesnt make a whole lot of sense.

But the winning argument, on economic terms, belongs to the scientists. The idea that economy versus lives is a zero-sum game is false. The most vexing potential problem with COVID-19 isnt the death rate. Its the risk of a surge that collapses the U.S. health-care system, with most cities already preparing for triage and carnage on a scale never seen in peacetime America. That alone would cripple both the biggest player in the American economy and undermine whatever consumer and corporate confidence could be imbued with a business-as-usual attitude. Its why even President Trump was imploring everyone to flatten the curveat least until this weekend.

I would love to see life going back to normal, says Luciana Borio, a physician and the former chief scientist at the FDA, who served on Trumps National Security Council, planning for worst-case scenarios like these until she left when the president dismantled the groups team of health experts. I think we should try to do everything we can to bring it back to normal as soon as is feasible and responsible to do so. We shouldnt sit and wait a second longer than its needed. However, I do not think thats going to be by the end of this week.

Or next Monday. March 30 looms large, as Trump began urging distancing on March 15, for a suggested 15 days. Despite all the friendly PSAs, though, only a handful of states have imposed the kind of stay-at-home mandates that could actually stem this scourge. Most of the country is still congregating, which means most of the country will start getting sick only on or around March 30when the death counts in places like New York, judging by the experience of Europe, will start to become staggering.

Its all a false dichotomy. Business and science arent zero-sum, the same way that solving climate change should be viewed as an extraordinary investment opportunity rather than a cost. Great science blossoms under entrepreneurial capitalism. Great business is based on reason and data.

Data, or lack thereof, is the biggest culprit behind this catastrophe. Americas inability to amass enough test kitsmuch less masks and ventilators to protect health-care workersmeans were flying blind. Thats the biggest difference between the United States and a coronavirus role model like South Korea, which opened 600 testing centers and is now producing 100,000 testing kits per day.

It might be reasonable to gambleand try to restart thingsif you actually understand [the scope of the problem], says Borio. We dont.

View original post here:

As Science And Business Go To War With Each Other, President Trump Pours Fuel On The Fire - Andover Leader

Sam Ross Jr. | Coronavirus stops the motor of the sporting world –

Many sports fans, bless them, are blissfully disinterested in the world at large, a fact reinforced in the days following Johnstowns 1977 flood.

Remarkably, staff were in this papers newsroom (fortuitously located on the second floor of the building) not that many days after the flood, commuting into an otherwise deserted downtown in a van and the driver often me needed a signed pass from the military commander to get past checkpoints.

It was a monumental moment when a makeshift line was strung from the telephone company, across the alley, and into the newsroom through a window. This was a link to the outside world and a conduit to be used to gather information.

Cell phones werent an option then. Remember, 1977 was the year of the very first cell phone call, but it was a time very far removed from the current proliferation of handheld communication devices.

The cell phones of that time were rare and huge, about the size of those military walkie talkies you see in World War II movies.

Eventually, the newly activated land-line phone rang in the newsroom and, when it was answered, a gravelly voice asked Howd the Dodgers do last night?

Imagine that. Many lives had been lost in Johnstown and surrounding communities. Homes and businesses had been washed away, literally. The economic future of the area was uncertain, and this guys most pressing information need was for a baseball score.

Fast-forward to the present and the COVID-19 coronavirus a disease some conspiracy theorists believe to have been genetically engineered for nefarious reasons has pulled an Atlas Shrugged and stopped the motor of the sporting world.

NHL and NBA seasons have been suspended. March Madness is now March No-Go.

Major League Baseballs spring training is on hold and the start of the regular season delayed.

Soccer here and around the world is paused. The PGA, the XFL, theyre not playing. Motorsports such as NASCAR and IndyCar are late arrivals to the postponement crowd, but have joined the club and put a temporary halt to their scheduled events.

This stoppage of big-time sports across the board was a product of momentum, the intangible quality that in a touch of irony so often is credited with deciding sporting contests.

At first there were plans floated to wait and see how the virus infections progressed.

This melted into the possibility of playing games without spectators and, in a sudden rush, games and tournaments were called off and seasons were put on hold.

Speculation in the sporting world now has shifted from trying to identify potential championship teams to wondering when, or if, the whole thing gets going again.

We are left to search for previous experiences as reference points.

One such example was the Spanish Flu outbreak, which hit full-stride in the United States in the fall of 1918.

World War I also ended in November of that year.

Many sporting events were canceled or shortened on a regional basis due to the flu.

Major League Baseball ended a shortened regular season with a World Series contested in September, won by the Boston Red Sox.

As a concession to health concerns, the spitball was banned in that World Series.

Many decades later the NFL and commissioner Pete Rozelle came in for great criticism when the league played on despite the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in late November 1963.

Terror attacks on the United States in September 2001 caused stoppages in sports, but more temporary than what we are facing now.

Uncertainty is rampant now regarding sports and our way of life the near-term future.

If the virus seems to be under control, and if it once again is presumed safe for people to congregate in large numbers to watch events, things could get back to normal in short order perhaps a month.

But what happens if the uncertainty over the spread of the virus still remains months, or even a year, into the future?

This is uncharted territory for sports and for the fans who follow the games and athletes.

And theres not even a Dodgers score to be requested.

Sam Ross Jr. is a freelance journalist who writes a weekly column for The Tribune-Democrat.

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Sam Ross Jr. | Coronavirus stops the motor of the sporting world -

Psychedelic drugs have lost their cool. Blame Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop – The Guardian

On a June evening in 1955, an investment banker and amateur mycologist named Robert Gordon Wasson found himself in an adobe house high in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, encountering the divine. That night, Wasson, his wife, the photographer Allan Richardson and about 20 local indigenous people took part in a Mazatec ritual involving psilocybe mexicana, a species of hallucinogenic mushroom. As Wasson recounted in Seeking the Magic Mushroom, his 1957 Life magazine photoessay: We chewed and swallowed these acrid mushrooms, saw visions, and emerged from the experience awestruck.

In the first episode of The Goop Lab, a new Netflix docuseries tied to actor Gwyneth Paltrows lifestyle and e-commerce enterprise, several of Paltrows employees fly to a Jamaican resort, in search of some modern analogue to Wassons psychedelic ceremony.

The volunteers for Goops psilocybin ritual a hodgepodge of hand-me-down indigenous liturgy, weekend-long Pilates retreat, and hollow self-help blather are all described as being deeply successful people. Gone are Wassons visions of the archetypes, the platonic ideas, that underlie the imperfect images of everyday life. In their place: the clinking of coffee mugs filled with mushroom tea; giggling and group-hugging on yoga mats; tearful sobbing by participants listening to music through wireless Apple AirPods; and people sinking into Patagonia vests repurposed as makeshift pillows.

Back in the Goop headquarters (or lab), Paltrow speaks of psilocybin as the newest, hottest healing modality. Mushrooms, as one researcher tells the Gooper-in-Chief, are back.

And in their current iteration, theyre also totally uncool.

For most people, psychedelic drugs like psilocybin and LSD are singularly associated with the 1960s American youth culture. The English psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond coined the term psychedelic meaning, roughly, mind-manifesting in 1956 to describe the effects of hallucinogenic drugs taken in a clinical context. The word, for Osmond, was clear, euphonious and uncontaminated by other associations.

But the history of psychedelics and psychedelia (that is, the culture that has coalesced around the drugs and their usage) can itself feel somewhat contaminated by certain associations. Even the phrase psychedelic 60s slips so naturally off the tongue, encouraged as much by the pleasing (euphonious, even) sibilance as the cliches conjured in the collective memory: San Francisco, Sgt Pepper, Woodstock, tie-dye, and Timothy Leary urging youngsters to turn on, tune in, and drop out. Beyond these more obvious, ready-made cultural signifiers, psychedelics helped catalyze the 80s British rave scene, facilitate Bob Dylans more introspective lyrical turn, and helped Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Dock Ellis throw a legendary no-hitter.

Whether these things are at all fascinating or cool is, perhaps, a matter of taste dependent on ones tolerance for kaleidoscopic tapestries, all-night dance parties, woolly talk about self-transcendence, and freeform electric guitar jamming. But the so-called psychedelic renaissance that Goop seized upon feels like part of a larger, concerted attempt, to break free of these associations. Its part reset, part rebranding effort.

Recently, Canadian businessman and TV personality Kevin OLeary (the no-nonsense Mr Wonderful from ABCs entrepreneurial cavalcade Shark Tank) announced that he had invested in a neuro-pharmaceutical company dedicated to exploring the clinical benefits of psychedelics in treating addiction. Like Paltrow, who waxes on the potential of psychedelics in a process she calls the optimization of self, OLeary an investor who has spoken to the role Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged played in shaping his business acumen doesnt exactly seem like an avatar of free love, mind-expansion, and other platitudes of the psychedelic sixties. And thats precisely the point. If we are now expected to take psychedelics seriously, they must appear, well, serious.

Parsing Goops sundry claims to pseudoscience and utter quackery feels like low hanging fruit. (Paltrows company had to pay damages in 2018 after a court ruled that the benefits of a $66 jade egg, advertised on the Goop website for its role in supporting vaginal health, were unsupported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.) In the case of magic mushrooms, however, the science seems solid. Researchers at NYU, Londons Imperial College, and Johns Hopkins University, have produced reams of reputable evidence pointing to psilocybins role in easing depression, PTSD, anxiety, and even addiction.

Such research marks a resurgence of these substances in a clinical context a resurgence arguably unseen since the 60s cocktail of hedonistic recreational excess and resulting social panic stripped psychedelics of any lingering reputability. If the current surge of serious interest in psychedelics is, in any meaningful way, a renaissance, then its not reviving the cultural heyday of hippies, Hells Angels, campus protests and free outdoor rock concerts, but an earlier period in these drugs history. Before these powerful substances fell into the hands of hippies, they were largely evangelized by doctors, executives, and academics including the above-mentioned Osmond, and author Aldous Huxley, who firmly believed that the psychedelic experience be made available only to an elite coterie of achievers.

Even Wasson, one of the earliest known white Americans to partake in a psychedelic sacrament, returned to work as a high-level executive of an investment bank. Like Goops Gwyneth Paltrow, Shark Tanks Kevin OLeary, and other current vanguards of the contemporary psychedelic vogue, such early evangelists were very much part of the establishment the 60s cohort opposed: deeply successful people whose minds required, if not perspective-shattering expansion, then just a little optimization.

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Psychedelic drugs have lost their cool. Blame Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop - The Guardian

Threads of 2019 | Adam Lee – Patheos

Its the end of the year and the end of a decade! Before we enter the 2020s, lets take one last look back at the common threads of the year that was.

Right-Wing Atheists

In 2019, I published my first feature article for Political Research Associates. It takes a hard look at how some atheists have whether intentionally or unintentionally given aid and comfort to racists and xenophobes.

The obliviousness and ossified views of atheist white guys was a theme this year, as with Sam Harris, Steven Pinker and the Center for Inquiry. I pondered the question of whether New Atheism is dead.

We also got some comedy from the pratfalls of smug creeps. David Silverman was rehired by Atheist Alliance International, whose board sneered at the complaints against him, and then in a late-breaking update he was fired again after yet another complaint surfaced. Richard Carrier also lost his SLAPP lawsuit for the second and final time.

Racism and White Supremacy

The racist cabal in the White House continues to stain our nation with their evil. I wrote about their attempts to break the law to keep immigrants out, their vile belief that only white people are real Americans, and the white-genocide fantasia of the presidents chief speechwriter and policy adviser.

In July, I took part in the nationwide Lights for Liberty protest. I wrote about whether Trump supporters deserve charity when they fall on hard times.

Climate Change

This year, I discussed the badly-needed Green New Deal, the worldwide kids march against climate change, and the likelihood that well overshoot safe limits and will have to decarbonize our planet.

Theres also some good news, as my home state passed a sweeping Green New Deal of its own, and I wrote about the evidence that humanity has reached peak child.

The Non-Religious Are Booming

Despite the missteps of atheists, more and more people are turning away from organized religion. In April, a poll showed us in a statistical tie for first place. Americans attend church less often than ever and trust churches less than ever. In Europe, the change is even more dramatic.

Religious apologists are deep in denial about this trend. In two posts, I mocked their silly attempt to spin it away, as well as their prediction that well miss them when theyre gone.

The Fountainhead

In 2019, I finished my marathon review of Ayn Rands lesser-known novel, The Fountainhead. Some of my favorite entries were on the sadism of Randian romance, the contradictions in Rands philosophy between this book and Atlas Shrugged, and why humanitys destiny is in the cities.

Reasons for Optimism

Despite the bad news this year, there are reasons to be hopeful about the future. I wrote about why parenting is inherently optimistic, reviewed the evidence for human progress in Factfulness, and did a year-end roundup of overlooked good news.


Last but not least: This year, I began publishing my novel Commonwealth. Its a tale of utopia, concealed in a hyper-capitalist dystopian future out of an Ayn Rand nightmare. Its a warning of where were headed if we dont change course, and a message of how much greater we could be.

You can read the three prelude posts: on late-stage capitalism, climate despair, and hopepunk dreams. Then check the table of contents to read whats been published so far, and if you like it, consider subscribing on Patreon!

Image credit: See-ming Lee, released under CC BY-SA 2.0 license

Read the rest here:

Threads of 2019 | Adam Lee - Patheos

Guns N’ Roses Fan Reveals All the Band’s Leaked Songs From the Axl Rose Solo Era! – Guns N Roses Central

Guns N Roses Fan Summarizes All the Bands Leaked Songs From Last Year and Decade Prior

A fan on the MyGNRForum has summarized all the leaked songs that came out last year from the Chinese Democracy years. Check it out below

Fully leaked discs from The Village Sessions:

Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 01 Madagascar {Drum Adds} (2000-11-05) (5:47)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 02 T.W.A.T. {#10} (2000-10-12) (5:19)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 03 Atlas Shrugged {25} (2000-03-27) (4:20)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 04 Perhaps {19} (2000-03-27) (4:02)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 05 Prostitue {19} (2000-03-27) (6:19)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 06 Rhiad {Ver.1} (2000-11-07) (3:40)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 07 Catcher {30} (2000-03-27) (5:43)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 08 Chinese Democracy {Ver.1} (2000-11-05) (3:22)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 09 The Blues {#6} (2000-10-23) (4:52)Rough Mixes CD #1 (2000-11-08) 10 Silkworms {Ver.1} (2000-11-07) (3:42)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 01 P.R.L. (w/out Thyme) (no gtrs.) (2000-11-08) (4:05)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 02 Eye On You (Ver.1) (2000-11-07) (3:46)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 03 If The World (Ver.1) (2000-11-07) (5:16)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 04 Mustache (Ver.1) (2000-11-07) (4:20)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 05 Quicksong (10) (2000-03-27) (4:15)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 06 Zodiac 13 (no vox) (Ver.4) (2000-11-08) (4:46)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 07 Tonto (BLK/FRG dat (#3)) (2000-07-14) (4:09)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 08 Real (B. Head cd (#2)) (2000-09-14) (4:15)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 09 Shanklers Revenge (cd (#1)) (2000-09-14) (3:39)Rough Mixes CD #2 (2000-11-08) 10 Im Sorry (B. Head cd (#1)) (2000-10-26) (6:12)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 01 Billionare (BLK/FRG dat (#2)) (2000-10-15) (1:38)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 02 Dub Suplex (BLK/FRG dat (#5)) (2000-10-15) (3:10)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 03 State Of Grace (12) (2000-03-27) (4:09)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 04 Oklahaoma (10) (2000-03-23) (4:20)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 05 Devious Bastard (#6) (2000-10-05) (3:35)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 06 I.R.S. (21) (2000-03-27) (4:23)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 07 Hardschool (12) (NU AX) (2000-11-08) (4:11)Rough Mixes CD #3 (2000-11-08) 08 Dummy (#8) (2000-10-05) (6:34)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 01 Me & My Elvis {10} (2000-03-23) (5:48)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 02 Circus Maximus {Ver.1} (2000-11-07) (4:39)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 03 D Tune {11} (2000-03-23) (5:25)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 04 Curly Shuffle {15} (2000-03-23) (3:51)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 05 Nothing {Ver.1} (2000-11-08) (3:55)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 06 As It Began {Ver.1} (2000-11-07) (3:55)Rough Mixes CD #4 (2000-11-08) 07 Thyme {P.R.L.} (2000-11-08) (2:04)085 Robin-Tommy Demos (2001-04-03) 01 Inside Out (4:02)085 Robin-Tommy Demos (2001-04-03) 02 3 Dollar Pyramid (4:29)085 Robin-Tommy Demos (2001-04-03) 03 Tommy Demo #1 (3:45)085 Robin-Tommy Demos (2001-04-03) 04 Tommy Demo #2 (4:28)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 01 Chinese Democracy (Doubled Guitars) (3:30)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 02 Chinese Democracy (Single Guitars) (3:28)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 03 Quick Song (4:08)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 04 Prostitue (Original Drums) (6:12)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 05 Prostitue (Chopped Drums) (6:18)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 06 The Blues (4:46)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 07 Rhiad & The Bediuns (3:43)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 08 T.W.A.T. (5:16)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 09 Atlas Shrugged (4:19)160 Rough Mixes (2001-06-01) 10 Zodiac 13 (4:44)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 01 Madagascar (Drums Up (Version Tom Likes)) (5:47)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 02 Madagascar (Drums up Instrumental) (5:49)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 03 Madagascar (Drums down 3 dB) (5:52)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 04 Madagascar (Drums down 3 Db Instrumental) (5:45)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 05 Madagascar (Old Josh Drums) (5:42)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 06 Madagascar (Original Brain Drums) (5:41)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 07 Chinese Democracy (Old Josh Drums) (3:29)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 08 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums) (3:33)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 09 The Blues (Old Josh Drums) (4:49)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 10 The Blues (New Brain Drums) (4:49)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 11 Rhiad (Old Josh Drums) (3:39)184 New Brain Drums (2001-06-27) 12 Rhiad (New Brain Drums) (3:41)187 Madagascar (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drum Takes) (2001-07-02) 01 With Vocals (5:50)187 Madagascar (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drum Takes) (2001-07-02) 02 Instrumental (5:47)190 Rhiad (New Brain Drum Take) (2001-07-11) 01 Rhiad (Original Rough Mix) (3:46)190 Rhiad (New Brain Drum Take) (2001-07-11) 02 Rhiad (Final Rough Mix with Compression (Vocals at Regular Level)) (3:49)190 Rhiad (New Brain Drum Take) (2001-07-11) 03 Rhiad (Final Rough Mix with Compression (Vocals Up)) (3:47)190 Rhiad (New Brain Drum Take) (2001-07-11) 04 Rhiad (Final Rough Mix with No Compression (Vocals at Regular Level)) (3:55)190 Rhiad (New Brain Drum Take) (2001-07-11) 05 Rhiad (Final Rough Mix with No Compression (Vocals Up)) (3:45)196 The Blues (New Brain Drum Takes) (2001-07-13) 01 The Blues (Vocal at Regular Level) (4:51)196 The Blues (New Brain Drum Takes) (2001-07-13) 02 The Blues (Vocal Down 1 Db) (4:50)196 The Blues (New Brain Drum Takes) (2001-07-13) 03 The Blues (Instrumental) (5:02)201 Rough Mixes (New Brain Drum Remixes with Axl) (2001-07-19) 01 Rhiad (3:48)201 Rough Mixes (New Brain Drum Remixes with Axl) (2001-07-19) 02 Rhiad (Eqd Toms) (3:49)201 Rough Mixes (New Brain Drum Remixes with Axl) (2001-07-19) 03 Prostitue (6:20)201 Rough Mixes (New Brain Drum Remixes with Axl) (2001-07-19) 04 The Blues (4:49)208 T.W.A.T. (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drums) (2001-08-06) 01 T.W.A.T. (Less Ambience on Drums) (5:21)208 T.W.A.T. (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drums) (2001-08-06) 02 T.W.A.T. (More Ambience on Drums) (5:19)208 T.W.A.T. (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drums) (2001-08-06) 03 T.W.A.T. (Snare Compressed Only) (5:17)208 T.W.A.T. (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drums) (2001-08-06) 04 T.W.A.T. (Strings Up) (5:22)208 T.W.A.T. (Rough Mixes of New Brain Drums) (2001-08-06) 05 T.W.A.T. (Old Beaven Mix) (5:19)219 Atlas Shrugged (New Brain Drums) (2001-08-20) 01 Atlas Shrugged (Drums at regular level) (4:23)219 Atlas Shrugged (New Brain Drums) (2001-08-20) 02 Atlas Shrugged (Drums down 1.5 Db) (4:29)219 Atlas Shrugged (New Brain Drums) (2001-08-20) 03 Atlas Shrugged (Drums up 1.5 Db) (4:16)229 T.W.A.T. (Brain Drum Remix With Snare Sample From Silkworms) (2001-08-27) 01 T.W.A.T. (Ambience Down, Mono Room Off) (5:16)229 T.W.A.T. (Brain Drum Remix With Snare Sample From Silkworms) (2001-08-27) 02 T.W.A.T. (Ambience down with Mono Room) (5:16)229 T.W.A.T. (Brain Drum Remix With Snare Sample From Silkworms) (2001-08-27) 03 T.W.A.T. (Ambience at Original Level) (5:18)229 T.W.A.T. (Brain Drum Remix With Snare Sample From Silkworms) (2001-08-27) 04 T.W.A.T. (Snare Sample during Outro Only) (5:16)229 T.W.A.T. (Brain Drum Remix With Snare Sample From Silkworms) (2001-08-27) 05 T.W.A.T. (First Half with Old Snare, Second Half with Snare Sample Only) (5:13)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 01 Chinese Democracy (Drums and Guitars at Regular Level) (3:23)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 02 Chinese Democracy (Drums up 1 dB) (3:24)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 03 Chinese Democracy (Drums up 2 dB) (3:23)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 04 Chinese Democracy (Guitars up 2.5 dB, Drums at Regular Level) (3:23)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 05 Chinese Democracy (Guitars up 1.5 dB) (3:23)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 06 Chinese Democracy (Guitars up 0.7 dB) (3:29)238 Chinese Democracy (New Brain Drums 3rd Time) (2001-09-06) 07 Chinese Democracy (Instrumental with Drums and Guitars at Regular Lev (3:31)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 01 Quick Song (Full Take Without Vocal) (3:59)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 02 Quick Song (Full Take with Vocal) (3:59)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 03 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 0) (1:06)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 04 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 1) (1:07)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 05 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 2) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 06 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 3) (1:07)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 07 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 4) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 08 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 5) (1:07)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 09 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 6) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 10 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 7) (1:07)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 11 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 8) (1:08)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 12 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 9) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 13 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 10) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 14 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 11) (1:09)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 15 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 12) (1:07)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 16 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 13) (1:10)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 17 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 14) (1:08)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 18 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 15) (1:08)250 Quick Song (2001-09-29) 19 Quick Song (Starting From Robins Solo Take 16) (1:09)252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 01 Knockin on Heavens Door (Acoustic Version) (Axl Take 3) (6:26)252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 02 Warmup (1:34)252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 03 Knockin on Heavens Door (Electric Version) (6:08)252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 04 Welcome to the Jungle (4:59)252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 05 Knockin on Heavens Door (Acoustic Version) (Take 3 from 10.8.01) (6:07)277 New Songs (Straight Analog Downloads These Are Not Mixes) (2001-11-13) 01 Prom Violence (Take 2) (2:54)277 New Songs (Straight Analog Downloads These Are Not Mixes) (2001-11-13) 02 Prom Violence (Take 3) (2:55)277 New Songs (Straight Analog Downloads These Are Not Mixes) (2001-11-13) 03 Three Dollar Pyramid (Take 2) (4:23)277 New Songs (Straight Analog Downloads These Are Not Mixes) (2001-11-13) 04 Three Dollar Pyramid (Take 4) (4:32)278 The Rebel (Straight Analog Download This is Not a Mix) (2001-11-15) 01 The Rebel (Take 1) (3:05)

Leaks that have become redundant:

As It Began (2000-11-07 demo, 2019-09-15 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 4 (19:26)Atlas Shrugged (2019-09-05 leak) Replaced by 219 Atlas Shrugged (New Brain Drums) (2001-08-20) 01 (4:23)Atlas Shrugged (Drums up 1.5 Db, 2019-09-05 leak) Replaced by 219 Atlas Shrugged (New Brain Drums) (2001-08-20) 02 (4:16)Catcher In The Rye (2000-03-27 demo, 2019-08-28 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (5:33)Chinese Democracy (2019-08-28 leak as Chinese Josh) Replaced by Chinese Democracy Old Josh Drums (New Brain Drums) (3:11)Chinese Democracy (2019-08-28 leak as Chinese Stew) Replaced by 238 track 06 Guitars up 0.7 dB (3:29)Eye On You (2019-09-20 leak) Replaced by 2019-09-22 leak (3:36)Eye On You (VER.1) (2000-11-07)(2019-09-22 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 2 (3:46)Going Down (2019-08-28 leak) Replaced by 085 Robin-Tommy Demos (2001-04-03) 04 (4:25)Hardschool (2000-11-08 demo, 2019-08-28 leak as Jackie Chan) Replaced by Rough Mixes 3 (3:56)Hardschool (2019-08-24 leak after 2019-07-26 excerpt, same version as the 2006-05-27 DJ Razz snippet) Replaced by 2019-08-28 leak (4:05)I.R.S. (2000-03-27 demo, 2019-08-28 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 3 (4:12)Knockin On Heavens Door (acoustic, 2019-09-14 leak as rayraysdoor, 252 Knockin-Jungle track 1) 252 Knockin-Jungle (2001-09-29) 01 (5:41)Madagascar (2017-11-12 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (5:46)Me & My Elvis (2000-03-23 demo, 2019-09-22 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 4 (5:48)Me & My Elvis (2019-09-21 leak) Replaced by 2019-09-22 leak (5:48)P.R.L. w/out Thyme (no gtrs.) (2000-11-08)(2019-10-03leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 2 (4:05)Perhaps (2000-03-27 demo, 2019-09-13 leak Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (3:51)Prostiute (2000-03-27 demo, 2019-08-28 leak as Prostiute v2) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (6:17)Prostiute (2019-08-28 leak as Prostiute v3) Replaced by 201 03 Prostiute (6:05)Rhiad And The Bedouins (2019-08-28 leak as Rhiad Josh) Replaced with Rhiad old josh drums from new brain drums (3:33)Silkworms (2000-11-07 demo, 2019-09-07 leak as Isnt That Absurd) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (3:31)State Of Grace (2000-03-27 demo, Mix 2, 2019-09-13 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 3 (3:59)The Blues (2018-06-10 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (4:44)The Blues (2019-08-28 leak) Replaced by 184 New Brain Drums track 09 (old Josh drums) (4:42)There Was A Time (2018-06-10 leak) Replaced by Rough Mixes 1 (5:25)There Was A Time (2019-08-28 leak) Identical to There Was A Time (2018-06-10 leak) and both sourced from Rough Mixes 1 (5:06)Three Dollar Pyramid (2019-09-15 leak) Replaced by Three Dollar Pyramid Take 2 (New Songs Disc) (21:02)

Other Chinese Democracy-era materialthat isnt from The Village Sessions:

01 Sweet Child O Mine (1999 release from the movie Big Daddy) (4:41)02 Oh My God (1999 release from the soundtrack for End Of Days) (3:40)03 Catcher In The Rye (1999-2000 demo, 2006-02-28 darknemus leak) (5:37)04 I.R.S. (1999-2000 demo, 2006-05-27 DJ Razz leak) (4:07)05 There Was A Time (1999-2000 demo, 2006-05-27 DJ Razz leak) (5:01)06 Boston 2002 promo (with studio cuts of Chinese Democracy, Madagascar and The Blues) (1:06)07 I.R.S. (2003-08-30 Piazza-Trunk recording, 2005-04-10 darknemus leak) (3:39)08 I.R.S. (2001-2003 demo, 2006-02-15 darknemus leak, same version as the 2003-08-30 Piazza-Trunk recording) (4:16)09 There Was A Time (2001-2003 demo, short version, 2006-02-17 leak) (6:01)10 There Was A Time (2001-2003 demo, long version, 2006-02-17 leak) (6:43)11 Better (2001-2003 demo, 2006-02-22 darknemus leak) (4:56)12 I.R.S. (2001-2003 demo, instrumental, 2006-03-10 leak) (4:13)13 There Was A Time (2001-2003 demo, instrumental short version, 2006-03-15 leak) (5:58)14 There Was A Time (2001-2003 demo, instrumental long version, 2006-03-14 leak) (6:42)15 Better (2001-2003 demo, instrumental demo, 2006-03-08 leak) (5:00)16 Going Down (2006 Bumblefoot guitar over older demo, 2013-08-16 leak) (4:28)17 Oh My God (2006 Bumblefoot guitar over older demo, 2018-06-07 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt) (3:40)18 Silkworms (2006 Bumblefoot guitar over older demo, 2018-06-08 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt) (3:25)19 Better (2006-2007 demo, 2007-02-20 leak, possibly the same as in Harley-Davidson broadcast 2006-10-20) (5:10)20 Madagascar (2006-2007 demo, 2007-03-29 darknemus leak) (5:41)21 Chinese Democracy (2006-2007 demo, 2007-05-05 MSL leak) (4:46)22 The Blues (2006-2007 demo, 2007-05-05 MSL leak) (4:47)23 I.R.S. (2006-2007 demo, 2007-05-05 MSL leak) (4:36)24 There Was A Time (2006-2007 demo, 2007-05-06 MSL leak) (6:46)25 Better (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (5:12)26 Chinese Democracy (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (5:00)27 I.R.S. (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (4:41)28 Madagascar (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (5:52)29 The Blues (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (4:53)30 There Was A Time (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak) (6:50)31 Rhiad And The Bedouins (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak as New Song #1) (3:46)32 Prostitue (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak as New Song #2) (6:24)33 If The World (2008-06-18 Antiquiet leak as New Song #3) (4:59)34 Shacklers Revenge (2008-08-14 MSL leak as Chicken Dinner) (3:34)35 Better (2013-08-16 leak, Bumblefoot acoustic version from Barefoot sessions 2008) (5:05)36 Better (2013-08-16 leak, DJ Ashba version from 2009) (5:46)37 Ballad Of Death (2018-06-26 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt, DJ Ashba solo from 2009) (3:31)38 Mi Amor (2018-06-26 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt, DJ Ashba solo from 2009) (4:31)39 Shacklers Revenge (2009-2010 Brain Remix, 2018-06-26 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt) (4:08)40 If The World (2009-2010 Brain Remix, 2018-06-26 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt) (4:06)41 Blood in the Water (2009-2010 Brain Remix, 2012-05-07 leak) (4:02)42 Better Gone (2009-2010 Brain Remix, 2012-01-xx leak) (4:19)43 This I Love (2009-2010 Brain Remix, 2018-06-10 leak after 2013-12-09 excerpt) (5:22)44 Silkworms + The General (2018-06-26 leak, cellphone clip from aftershow party at Vienna 2010-09-18, Mindray11 recording) (3:04)

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Guns N' Roses Fan Reveals All the Band's Leaked Songs From the Axl Rose Solo Era! - Guns N Roses Central

Colby Cosh: Improbably sentient cow: The Far Side’s ‘return’ only reminds of its departure – National Post

The cartoonist Gary Larson has finally agreed to create an official online home for his classic one-panel strip The Far Side, setting off a wave of nostalgia among Generation X-ers. These could almost be defined as the people who grew up surrounded by newspaper comics sleeping in bedrooms filled with Garfield paperbacks, then taking their first jobs in offices where every cubicle had Larson favourites or Dilberts tacked to the wall. And then we watched a life-defining artistic medium drop dead with unusual, heartbreaking finality.

Larson, the perfecter of the one-panel form, quit the business at the end of 1994, still at the top of his game. Bill Watterson, a completely different sort of artist, put Calvin & Hobbes to bed for good on Dec. 31, 1995. Other similar things happened at around the same time 1995 was also the year that Berkeley Breathed dropped Outland, giving up the doomed effort to turn his Doonesbury ripoff into an arty weekend strip. But the double blow of Larson and Watterson quitting was the real trauma for readers who could recognize purity of intention in an artist. It almost seemed conspiratorial, like the strike in Atlas Shrugged creators cruelly abandoning a world of consumers who had not recognized their dependence.

The double blow of Larson and Watterson quitting was the real trauma for readers

The people who still make newspaper comics today perhaps look at their legions of fans and their paycheques and tell themselves they are part of a living tradition. Obviously, at their best, they do wonderful work (although Olivia Jaimess Nancy is the only reason for this sentence to be here). But they must know in their innermost hearts that they are metaphorically surrounded, like Anglo-Saxons looking at the Roman ruins in conquered Britain, by irreproducible works of departed giants. No, your one-panel gag strip isnt going to be as consistently devastating as The Far Side; no, your strip about a bratty kid or animal isnt going to be Calvin & Hobbes.

If you work for a newspaper, its illuminating to think about Larson and Watterson as representing distinct sub-media within the comics page, itself a sub-medium of the overall newspaper. Visually, The Far Side could politely be called colloquial, while Calvin & Hobbes is painterly. Yet Larson, as he points out in an introduction to his new website, took great care with his art. His drawings are funny in themselves, which is not true of the great majority of newspaper strips (as you will find pretty quickly if you apply it as a test of them). The quality of modern screens is a big reason, Larson says, that he has been able to make peace with the internet.

Calvin & Hobbes has continuity in the form of running gags, although the characters could not evolve over the life of the strip. Larsons Far Side, which I guess we are bound to think of as existing on a slightly less ambitious artistic level, succeeded in maintaining a fantastic level of quality without having recourse to recurring specific characters (although obviously there were generic ones such as improbably sentient cow.) Every Far Side panel had to build the whole world in which it was set.Which is daunting, if you consider it from the creative side. And while the drawing perhaps only had to be good enough, the captions of Far Side panels reward close study. No writer has to work as hard as Larson did getting the most out of every adjective and comma, every Dang! or Ill be!In short, The Far Side is the ultimate pinnacle of the one-panel form, as Calvin & Hobbes is of the better-crafted imaginative sequential strip. These are the ends of parallel tracks that run back to the beginning of newspaper comics, and indeed past it. That they stopped at almost the same moment is probably not quite a coincidence.

Both comics were produced to the same deadlines, yet they continue to find admirers among those who are perhaps destined to live in a world without any creative media truly produced on deadline at all. Pop musicians, one recalls, used to be positively required to generate a hit single every few months; this fact of life was forgotten long before the year 2000, but would anyone argue that pop music is now the better for it? Similarly, Larson and Watterson could have, in theory, gone on past 1995 issuing new work only between hard covers. But while everyone subject to a deadline despises its torturous distortion of his life, all such people know equally well that there is no replacement for a deadline.

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Colby Cosh: Improbably sentient cow: The Far Side's 'return' only reminds of its departure - National Post

America’s true heroes walk among all of us – BizPac Review


Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

Heroes dont always fight wars for America and battle terrorists. Sometimes they walk among us daily. Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, knew this when she would look out at an audience of powerful faces and say: You are the true heroes!

Ayn Rand frequently made a spellbinding point in her lectures to business leaders. Rand was a unique philosopher, ranked by many academics as the thinker who had the greatest impact on 20th century America. She would plant her feet and pose the question: Which groups in society contribute most to making the world a better place?

Following quickly, Rand would throw her business audience the next question: What human occupation is the most useful socially?

She would explain: mans basic tool of survival is his mind, and the most crucially important occupation the discovery of knowledge, which is the occupation of scientists. But scientists essentially are loners, and not usually concerned with society or social issues. They pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. And before the 20th century, many scientific and technological facts that could have affected human existence lived and died with the scientists who, for most of the last 2,000 years, had no real connection with the rest of mankind.

Now, Rand asked, suppose that a group of men and women decided to make it their job to bring the results of the achievements of science within the reach of mankind, to apply scientific knowledge to the improvements of life on earth. Wouldnt such men be the greatest social benefactors? Shouldnt the humanitarians (she would ask), those do-gooders who hold social usefulness as their highest value, regard such men as heroes?

Rand might then scowl at the audience and say: Would you believe me if I say that, no, such men and women are not regarded as heroes today- they are the most hated, blamed, denounced men in the humanitarians society? She would say that something is wrong terribly wrong in such a society.

The society about which Rand speaks is not fiction. It exists in the USA today. And the group of achieving men and women walk among us each day.

The heroes of today are the individuals who have devoted themselves to the world of business. Left to pursue their own ends, they automatically make the world a better place, even when they profit personally. Sometimes, they make the world a better place even as they may lose their own fortunes in the doing.

It is the businessperson- not government, not the clergy, not the humanitarians and not the professors who has elevated mankind by bringing the medicines that conquer disease, the higher-yielding crops that combat starvation, the electricity that powers our tools and medical equipment, the refrigeration that keeps food from spoiling, the air-conditioning that lengthens lifespans and saves lives.

After the scientists discovered quantum mechanics, it was business people who brought mankind the fruits of that discovery, in the form of computer chips, lasers, and fiber-optics. Its the business person who creates the jobs that bring security to the worker and the workers family to sustain existence and enjoy life, while the business person risks his/her own capital even as he provides the benefits.

Yet, the voices of the left say business is the predator. The voices say the capitalist demons create wealth on the backs of the poor. The left makes business pay dearly for the benefits business leaders bring to the world, both in the form of confiscatory taxation and smothering regulations, and in the form of contemptible condemnation that they spew as a poison throughout the land. An example of poisonous spin and disregard for truth is what the left has done to drug companies: these companies brought the AIDS drugs to market, yet are criticized for people dying. Thats truth turned inside out in a world turned upside down.

Go to a local city council meeting and watch how the lowly developer or builder is treated by the sanctimonious politicians, who regard him as a necessary evil whose only value is to pay the lions share of taxes. In truth, it is the builder who provides the second most basic need of humankind shelter. Why should he have to slink into the council chambers, head bowed, and beg for the right to provide shelter to citizens? Why should he have to pay exorbitant fees and jump through 50 kinds of hoops for the privilege of jeopardizing his own capital? Politicians forget that business people drive the engine that makes this country go. Nothing happens until something gets built or some service is provided.

Business owners are the true heroes, essential players in creating Americas greatness.

John R. Smith is chairman of BIZPAC, the Business Political Action Committee of Palm Beach County, and owner of a financial services company. He is a frequent columnist for BizPac Review.

Read the original post:

America's true heroes walk among all of us - BizPac Review

How the right’s radical thinktanks reshaped the Conservative party – The Guardian

When Boris Johnson assumed office as prime minister in July 2019 and proceeded, without the mandate of a general election, to appoint a cabinet that was arguably one of the most rightwing in post-second world war British history, many commentators called it a coup. The free market thinktank the Institute of Economic Affairs felt self-congratulation was more in order, however. This week, liberty-lovers witnessed some exciting developments, the IEA said in an email to its supporters. The organisation, whose mission is to shrink the state, lower taxes and deregulate business, noted that 14 of those around the Downing Street table including the chancellor, Sajid Javid, the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, and the home secretary, Priti Patel were alumni of IEA initiatives.

The IEA had good reason to boast about its influence. Just a few years earlier, on the occasion of its 60th birthday in 2015, Javid had declared that it had reflected and deeply influenced my views, helping to develop the economic and political philosophy that guides me to this day. In a speech to the IEA the same year, Raab also enthused about the organisations effect on his younger self. A few years back, he told the audience, he had been on a beach in Brazil. Hed had a couple of drinks, and had gone in to the sea to mull over an idea: that New Labour had eroded liberty in Britain and created a rights culture that had fostered a nation of idlers. Lost in thought, the tide had dragged him far from his starting point, and back on the beach, he had trouble locating his family among all the scantily clad Brazilians. On stage, he thanked the IEA for helping him develop this idea, which became the starting point for the book Britannia Unchained, an anti-statist tract, co-written with other MPs who would go on to join Johnsons new cabinet Patel; Elizabeth Truss, now trade secretary; Kwasi Kwarteng, business minister; and Chris Skidmore, then health minister.

The authors were also members of a parliamentary faction called the Free Enterprise Group, whose aim was to rebuild confidence in free market capitalism in the wake of the financial crisis, and for which the IEA has organised events, co-authored papers and provided administrative support. Other members included future Johnson ministers Andrea Leadsom, Matt Hancock, Robert Buckland, Julian Smith, Alister Jack, Alun Cairns, Jacob Rees-Mogg, James Cleverly and Brandon Lewis.

Libertarian thinktanks in the US, such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) have had this sort of close relationship with incoming Republican administrations for years, furnishing them with staff and readymade policies. Thinktanks non-governmental organisations that research policies with the aim of shaping government have long been influential in British politics, too, on both left and right, but the sheer number of connections between Johnsons cabinet and ultra free market thinktanks was something new. In the period immediately before the Brexit referendum and in the years since, a stream of prominent British politicians and campaigners, including Johnson, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage and Arron Banks, have flown to the US to meet with thinktanks such as the AEI and the Heritage Foundation, often at the expense of those thinktanks, seeking out ideas, support and networking opportunities. Meanwhile, US thinktanks and their affiliates, which are largely funded by rightwing American billionaires and corporate donations, have teamed up with British politicians and London-based counterparts such as the IEA, the Legatum Institute and the Initiative for Free Trade, to help write detailed proposals for what the UKs departure from the EU, and its future relationships with both the EU and the US, should look like, raising questions about foreign influence on British politics.

The organisations involved in this collaboration between the US and UK radical right are partners in a global coalition of more than 450 thinktanks and campaign groups called the Atlas Network, which has its headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Members of the network operate independently but also cooperate closely in fighting for their shared vision of ultra free markets and limited government. They call themselves the worldwide freedom movement, collectively they have multimillion-dollar budgets, and many of their donors, board members, trustees and researchers overlap.

Brad Lips, the chief executive of Atlas, has said that his organisation takes inspiration from monetarist economist Milton Friedmans famous insight that only a crisis actual or perceived produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.

As an umbrella organisation, Atlas took no position on Brexit itself, and many of its European partners were opposed, but directors of UK groups in the network were prominent in the official campaign to take Britain out of the EU. Matthew Elliott, the chief executive of Vote Leave, was founder of the TaxPayers Alliance, a pressure group to cut taxes, which is an Atlas partner. It also won lucrative prizes from Atlas for its work. The Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, a long-term Eurosceptic and also a director of Vote Leave, has been a frequent visitor to the US Atlas partners, and went on to become director of two British thinktanks that were also in the network. The IEA took no position as an institution before the referendum, either, but its director, Mark Littlewood, explained in 2017, in Freedoms Champion, the Atlas Networks quarterly magazine, why the leave victory was so galvanising for the libertarian movement: Brexit provides us with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to radically trim the size of the state and cut the regulatory burden.

For many conservatives, Brexit was also an opportunity to revitalise the World Trade Organization and its drive towards unfettered globalised free trade, which had ground to a halt in 2014 as it became increasingly unpopular. Back in 2015, Raab predicted a tectonic struggle over the future of transatlantic trade in which the IEAs strength will be like the warm, irresistible tide on that Brazilian beach, gently, powerfully, sometimes without us even knowing it, shifting the debate to a whole new place.

After the referendum, thinktanks in the US and UK seized the crisis moment. Two UK Atlas partners, the IEA and the Legatum Institute, gained exceptional access to ministers as they advocated for a hard break from the EU and provided constant briefings to the radical Brexiter MPs in the European Research Group (ERG). They had lots of meetings with ministers because politicians like people promising simple answers, but often those answers were not there, Raoul Ruparel, a former special adviser to Theresa May on Europe, told us.

British voters, and even some MPs, are barely aware of the deep influence of these thinktanks, yet with help from members of this network, a once politically impossible kind of Brexit became inevitable. It seemed almost faith-based, a senior Whitehall source said, [the idea that] if only the UK would do a free trade agreement with the US, opening up almost unilaterally, it would be the equivalent of doing one with the whole world prices would drop, wed all be better off. He added: It was staggering, really. Not even Margaret Thatcher or monetarism at its height had contemplated such shock therapy.

Public policy thinktanks fall into different categories: some concentrate on neutral factual research, others have more fixed ideological positions and lobby for particular solutions. Some present themselves as scholarly institutes and call their researchers scholars or fellows, although they are as likely to have come from politics, lobbying, media or the law as from academia. Some thinktanks receive government funding, others depend on donations. They may be registered as private companies, or as not-for-profit charities. The latter status gives them and their donors substantial tax breaks but, in theory, also restricts how directly political their activities can be. In practice, the lines are blurred and are repeatedly the subject of dispute.

The Atlas thinktanks are privately funded. Fossil fuel magnates, hedge fund and finance billionaires, and tobacco and oil companies have been prominent donors to partners in the network. These partners start from a shared ideology, which promotes self-reliance, market freedom and minimal tax and regulation. The EU, as a supranational form of government that favours reasonably strong regulation in areas such as data privacy, tax avoidance, finance, climate and the environment, is viewed by many of them as anathema.

Some leading US thinktanks in the network, such as the Heritage Foundation, also believe the EUs relationship with Britain has weakened the transatlantic alliance. The Heritage Foundation is 100% in favour of Britain leaving the EU, with or without a deal, Nile Gardiner, director of the thinktanks Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, told us. We believe Britain will be an even stronger partner for the US outside of the EU, which is increasingly anti-American.

As an umbrella organisation, Atlas encourages what it calls policy entrepreneurs in thinktanks by offering coaching in fundraising, messaging and marketing. It makes grants, awards financial prizes and connects key figures with potential donors through its regular Liberty Forum gatherings. Partner thinktanks have to share the mission, but the idea isnt that Atlas starts in the middle and tells everyone what to do, explained Linda Whetstone, who is the networks chair and a board member of the IEA. We have a set of beliefs that we think enable human flourishing. Atlas sets up its stand and people come to us and say, thats what we want and then Atlas helps them do it. The Atlas ideology often aligns with its donors financial interests, although its thinktanks claim that donors do not influence what they research. Several of the thinktanks also say that the views they publish are those of their affiliates rather than the official position of the institution.

One key Atlas strategy involves using the media to shape the political debate. By encouraging the creation of more and more thinktanks a never-ending production line of new institutes, centres and foundations, whose acronyms blur into each other the network can generate a constant river of commentary from its experts, says Andrew Simms, a veteran of environmental thinktanks who has often debated against members of Atlas-affiliated organisations. A predominantly rightwing British media have been happy to give them space. This gives the impression of widespread support for what may be minority or fringe points of view. The thinktanks contribution to the post-referendum Brexit debate was a turbo-charged version of what they have long done on issues such as tax and climate, where they have disputed the scientific consensus, argues Simms. Its a belief system. They go very big picture to shift the tide of opinion.

Shahmir Sanni, a former pro-Brexit campaigner who volunteered for BeLeave, a campaign group directed at young voters before the referendum, has given an insiders description of how he believed the British libertarian thinktanks exerted influence on the EU debate. After the referendum, Sanni was given a job at the TaxPayers Alliance, but when he spoke to the press, alleging there had been coordination between BeLeave and Vote Leave, he was sacked, and subsequently won a case against his employer for unfair dismissal in 2018. In his tribunal claim, Sanni described a nexus of organisations, including the TaxPayers Alliance, the IEA, the Adam Smith Institute and two other Atlas network partners, as well as other non-Atlas campaign groups, which, he alleged, met regularly to agree a common line on issues relating to Brexit. By coordinating messaging they could garner more media coverage than a single organisation could achieve. Together they present a lobbying group pursuing the same political agenda, Sanni said. (The organisations he identified have denied they act as lobbyists or as a co-ordinated grouping; they met to agree timings and avoid diary clashes for events, the TaxPayers Alliance said.)

Alongside efforts to shape the media narrative, some Atlas thinktanks in the US have furthered their cause by writing blueprints for legislation for new governments. In 2017, Hannan set up his own new thinktank, the Initiative for Free Trade, which was an Atlas partner, to do something similar. The launch event took place at a Foreign Office venue with Johnsons help. The IFT worked with nine other Atlas partners including the Adam Smith Institute and the IEA in the UK, and the Cato Institute, the Mercatus Center and the Heritage Foundation in the US to draw up a detailed, 239-page draft legal text for a US-UK free trade deal that would radically liberalise the UK economy, including opening up the NHS to foreign competition. The Cato Institute helped with funding, and the focus was not the EU, but liberalising trade with the rest of the world as the best way to alleviate poverty and spread opportunity, Hannan told us. (IFT ceased being an Atlas partner in the summer of this year.)

Atlas thinktanks in the US have become regular stops for key Brexiters. Javid, for example, made six trips in the past eight years to the American Enterprise Institutes World Forum, its annual gathering of the rich and powerful on a private island resort in Georgia. Gove joined him there in 2018. Liam Fox, David Davis, Owen Paterson and Farage have given talks at the Heritage Foundation. Johnson flew to the AEI in 2018 at its expense to accept an award, and has met representatives from Heritage, too. Truss did a grand tour of Atlas US thinktanks for policy discussions last year. These US trips were important to Brexit politicians, Simms believes, because they give you affirmation, they indicate you are part of the same club. It gives you a chance to align strategies and messaging. Its part of nurturing the shared project and rehearsing the script.

We asked Oliver Letwin, the former Conservative minister who helped lead the Tory backbench rebellion against a no-deal Brexit, how influential he thought the free market thinktanks were. He said that occasionally they had shifted the political terrain, but mostly the dynamic worked the other way round. Earlier in his career, he recalled, he had commissioned some of the UK ones to write pamphlets but only to justify what he had already decided to do: One alights magpie-like on these, if they tend to your argument. But 95% of the reports they produce are just junk. He doubted they had played much role in Brexit policy. Why, then, did he think so many Conservative politicians had made trips to the US thinktanks? He seemed baffled by this. Do they? I have no idea.

The ambition to create a network of thinktanks that could drag the political debate to the right was conceived in the aftermath of the second world war. For more than two decades, following the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, the theories of the Cambridge economist John Maynard Keynes had dominated political thinking in the US and UK. Keynes argued that governments should intervene in the market and use state planning and public spending to control booms and busts and unemployment. Challenging this orthodoxy were economists of the Austrian school, including Friedrich Hayek, who believed that state intervention made the market operate less efficiently and thus hampered the creation of wealth. Hayek believed that state planning wasnt just bad economics, but that it was politically disastrous and led to totalitarianism.

One of Hayeks key texts, The Road to Serfdom, was published in abridged form in the Readers Digest in 1945. For the British entrepreneur and former RAF pilot Antony Fisher, discovering Hayek was a life-changing event. Fisher sought out the academic, who was then teaching at the London School of Economics. Hayek advised Fisher not to waste his time taking up politics directly, but instead to set up a scholarly institute with the aim of shifting public opinion. The decisive influence in the battle of ideas, Hayek said, was wielded by intellectuals in universities and by journalists, whom he called second-hand dealers in ideas. If you really wanted to change politics, these were the people to target.

First, Fisher worked to make his fortune, pioneering the factory farming of chicken for supermarket abattoirs. Then, in 1955, he used his money to set up the IEA with his friend, businessman Oliver Smedley. Smedley wrote to Fisher at the time in correspondence unearthed later by BBC film-maker Adam Curtis that they would have to be cagey about what the thinktanks real function was: Imperative that we should give no indication in our literature that we are working to educate the public along certain lines which might be interpreted as having a political bias.

For the next 20 years, the IEA published a steady stream of papers on its free market themes. No one took any notice for years and years, Whetstone, who is Fishers daughter, recalled. But its staff were preparing the ground for an assault on the consensus, firing off what they called shells. When the economic crises of the 1970s hit, these shells were lying around primed for use by politicians. Keith Joseph, the Tory minister and MP, who underwent a radical conversion to free markets and small government after the Conservative defeat in 1974, acknowledged a huge debt to the IEA. He became a close adviser to Thatcher, who went to meet Hayek at the IEAs offices, and she, too, was profoundly influenced by his analysis. Joseph set up his own free market thinktank, the Centre for Policy Studies, which later became an Atlas partner. Thatcherism grew out of the ideas of these two thinktanks.

In the late 60s and early 70s, as his long-term thinktank strategy was finally about to pay off, Fisher invested in a new enterprise in the tax haven of the Cayman Islands: turtle-farming. He also decided to sell his idea of the thinktank as agent of political change to another wealthy proponent of libertarianism, US fossil fuel magnate, Charles Koch. Koch and his brothers had inherited a vast fortune from their father in 1967 and were building up Koch Industries into the behemoth it is today. Fisher went on a mission to Wichita, Kansas, where the company had its headquarters.

Charles Kochs right-hand man, George Pearson, described Kochs meeting with Fisher as one of the more memorable dinners of my life: the two business titans discussed the merits of turtle-farming versus cattle-ranching and talked about how to spread freedom through thinktanks. Koch was already funding a libertarian thinktank and in 1974 he set up a new one, which was later renamed the Cato Institute. It describes itself as dedicated to principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace.

By the late 70s, Koch had adopted a three-part strategy to create a movement that aimed, he said, to destroy the prevalent statist paradigm. It would involve lobbying government to repeal regulation of industries and all taxes, educating a new young libertarian cadre and funding politicians directly to win influence. Koch anticipated that bringing about this ideological shift would take decades, and he committed to the long haul. Like Fisher, Koch was an engineer by training, and he saw the libertarian effort as a kind of production line. In the mid-1990s, the president of the Charles Koch Foundation, Richard Fink, wrote an essay that laid out the Koch strategy for change. First, donate to universities in order to produce the necessary intellectual raw material. Second, donate to thinktanks, which then process this raw material into a usable form to be consumed by opinion formers. Third, donate to political advocacy groups, which have been characterised by critics as front groups whose function is to make politicians believe there is strong grassroots pressure for small-state, anti-welfare policies. These synthetic grassroots groups were described by David Koch as their sales force. Other billionaire-endowed thinktanks, such as the Heritage Foundation, adopted similar tactics.

Fisher started his own thinktank proliferation project in the US in the late 70s. By then married to an American and living in California, he launched two more free market thinktanks and developed plans to breed thinktanks wholesale, in the words of Friedman. All these people wanted to know what hed done or how hed done it, Whetstone told us. So, in 1981 he launched the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, which would later evolve into the Atlas Network. The name, Whetstone thinks, was not based, as commonly believed, on the novel Atlas Shrugged by the writer and heroine of the libertarian movement Ayn Rand, whom Javid says he reads every year. Instead, it was directly inspired by one of Fishers favourite classical stories and the Greek mathematician Archimedes. In the myth of Atlas, the Greek god is condemned by Zeus to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders, while Archimedes said: Give me a lever ... and I will move the world. Fishers thinktanks, together with those of his US billionaire friends, were to be the levers with which to move the world.

In the years since the referendum, two UK Atlas thinktanks have stood out for their influence over the Brexit debate: the Legatum Institute, a charitable foundation ultimately funded by a Dubai investment group, and Fishers original champion of liberty, the IEA. Both thinktanks have been energetic at different points in pushing Britain towards a hard Brexit.

A key figure in their efforts has been Shanker Singham, a British-American trade lawyer who worked extensively in the US, including as a lobbyist in Washington. He had previously been listed as an expert with the Atlas thinktank partner the Heartland Institute before joining the London-based Legatum in early 2016 as its director of economic policy. A reluctant remainer originally, Singham told us last year that he realised the leave vote was a massive global event that could reboot the whole World Trade Organization. Soon after the referendum, he put together a special trade commission at Legatum to produce a roadmap for a post-Brexit world. His team included fellows from the Heritage Foundation and other Atlas thinktanks.

Singham was an instant hit with the Tory partys hardcore Brexiters. The UKs trade negotiations had long been done through Brussels, and home-grown experts like him were in short supply. In September 2016, he helped to draw up a blueprint for a hard Brexit at a gathering of leading Eurosceptics, including then Brexit secretary David Davis, at Oxford University. That same month in parliament, Steve Baker, then chair of the ERG and himself the founder of an Atlas partner thinktank, the Cobden Centre called on the then trade secretary Liam Fox to make use of the work of Singhams first-class team at the Legatum Institutes special trade commission. In the months that followed, the approach taken by Daviss Brexit department appeared to follow much of what had been proposed at the Oxford meeting.

Over the next year, Singham and Legatums relationship with the Tory Brexiters blossomed. During this period, representatives from Legatum regularly met ministers including Davis, Johnson, Gove, Truss, Raab, Fox and Greg Hands. Referring to Singham, the senior Whitehall source said: He gets about, doesnt he? You certainly have to say at the least that he was very, very good at networking.

Philip Rycroft, the civil servant who was permanent secretary at the Department for Exiting the European Union (DexEU) from 2017 to 2019, who is also recorded in government transparency data as meeting Singham on a number of occasions, explained that ministers were keen for him to understand Singhams views on Brexit. Ministers said he had interesting thoughts. Its perfectly legitimate for them to say: Can you check him out for us?, he said. It wasnt the sole channel to them.

In late 2017, Singhams commission published a Legatum report, The Brexit Inflection Point, which was later found to have breached Charity Commission rules for being too politically partisan. Legatum removed the report from its website and halted its Brexit work altogether in spring 2018. Around this time, Singham left Legatum to set up a new International Trade and Competition Unit at the IEA, keeping his Brexit work in the Atlas family.

In the autumn of 2018, the ERG cranked up the pressure on Theresa May, with ammunition from the free market thinktanks, as Brexit negotiations reached a crunch point. In July, Mays Chequers plan, which included regulatory alignment with the EU and an Irish backstop keeping the UK in a customs union, fell apart just days after ministers had agreed to it. By the time MPs returned from the summer recess in September, they found the political agenda seized by the ERG, which made a series of orchestrated media announcements. Baker coordinated these through a WhatsApp group. What followed looked like a good example of well-worn Atlas strategies at work capture the political narrative through the media, use different groups to maximise coverage, work to shift the overall climate of opinion.

Reports had begun to appear in the media, based on briefings from anonymous sources, that Davis was working with the IEA to deliver a 140-page alternative to Mays plan. Yet it failed to materialise, reportedly after ERG members were unable to agree on some of its wilder ideas, which included a military expeditionary force to defend the Falkland Islands. Instead, on 11 September, a little-known organisation, Economists for Free Trade, launched its vision for Brexit, which involved walking away from an EU trade deal and reverting to WTO rules. The economist speaking on the panel at its launch event was Prof Patrick Minford, trustee of and veteran contributor to the IEA; he was introduced by the then ERG chairman, Jacob Rees-Mogg, who was also an adviser to Economists for Free Trade.

The next day, the ERG produced another paper, this time on how to solve the Irish border problem. The ERG held a launch event in London, and a blog founded after the referendum, Brexit Central, which was edited by the former policy director of the TaxPayers Alliance, published the paper online. Separately, a few days later, Hannans Initiative for Free Trade launched his ideal US-UK free trade deal, the collaboration between UK and US Atlas thinktanks. The following week, the IEA launched Plan A+, its own radical proposal for a Canada-style free trade deal, drawn up by Singham and his team. The ERG supported the launch and Johnson took to Twitter to declare it a fine piece of work by @shankerasingham @iealondon.

There was a puzzling circularity to all this activity generated by separate organisations, which, on closer inspection, turned out to be connected. The merits or otherwise of the proposals were almost beside the point. They captured the news agenda day after day, creating a tide of commentary and headlines. Because broadcasters often fail to match Brexiters with trade experts, they get away with their nonsense, Simon Wren-Lewis, professor of economics at Oxford University, has noted. By the time the nonsense is revealed as such, and enough people know why it is nonsense, the discussion has moved on and new nonsense appears.

In November 2018, the Charity Commission told the IEA to take down Singhams Plan A+ for being too politically biased. This year, it was republished, with 3,184 revisions to the original document. Meanwhile, Singham continues to work with ministers and the ERG through his private consultancy, Competere, and another new thinktank.

Ruparel, the former special adviser to the prime minister on Europe, recalled having to analyse all the thinktank proposals with officials that autumn to brief the prime minister on them. He had worked for an Atlas thinktank partner, Open Europe, commenting on the game from the sidelines, before becoming a special adviser to Davis in 2016, and later to May. In government, he told us, actually trying to deliver practical policies was easier said than done. He said the ERG blitz was stressful but that its proposals had zero impact on negotiations under May in the end. It was all stuff wed looked at before and dismissed because it was non-negotiable with the EU, he told us. But did it shift the tide of opinion against the prime minister? Did these ideas start the political pressure on Mrs May or was the pressure there and politicians picked up these thinktank ideas to make their point? Its a judgment call, he said.

According to the senior Whitehall source: It was a pretty unsettling time. We were very conscious some ministers had bought in to this stuff and you were in between two very strongly held ideological positions, one of them supported by thinktank people who had the ability to turn out papers very fast. It didnt make life easy. But despite an awful lot of ink being spilt and lots and lots of meetings, they never came up with an answer that sorted out the Irish border. There was a gap between the ideologically driven wish and the hard reality.

One striking thing, talking to current and former Conservative MPs, is how little they seem to know about the influence of key thinktanks in the Atlas Network. Anna Soubry, the former Conservative minister and advocate of a second referendum, acknowledged to us that the ERGs sustained campaign of media events in autumn 2018 had been hugely significant, but she was not aware of the thinktank work behind it.

The clique that think about Europe and nothing else now dominate every aspect of the party, said Margot James, the former Conservative digital and culture minister. Its just different to the one I joined. When James entered parliament in 2010, she became a member of the Free Enterprise Group and went to IEA events, but eventually found the thinktanks views too rigidly ideological. James now feels that a number of MPs have adopted the IEAs ideas lock, stock and barrel and that Johnson had surrounded himself with dogmatic small-state conservatives. Oh, there are people at No 10 who would honestly make your hair stand on end, she said.

Amid the febrile political atmosphere post-referendum, some remainers have seized upon the personal and organisational connections linking the many Atlas thinktanks. The Labour and Green parties have accused anonymous donors of failing to identify their real agenda, and of using these organisations to undermine British democracy; the Brexit referendum was never presented to the electorate as a way to return to unfettered globalisation, they argue. The thinktanks have also been accused of allowing undeclared donors to influence their research. All of these allegations have been vigorously denied.

After the referendum, Elliott, the former Vote Leave director, became a fellow of the Legatum Institute for a period, researching populism and going on a speaking tour of the US. He visited old friends at the Heritage Foundation and four other Atlas Network thinktanks to share lessons from the victorious campaign and to make the case for Brexit as a great opportunity for the US-UK trade. He also became an Atlas Network mentor. As far as he is concerned, the Atlas Network had nothing to do with the Brexit campaign. He told us he was bemused by the spider diagrams drawn by leftwing campaign groups that link Brexit to the influence of undeclared thinktank funders in the UK and the US. Its verging on conspiracy theory, he said. His view is that the result of the Brexit referendum came as such a shock to many remainers that they are desperate to find any alternative explanation rather than accept the fact that the British public wanted to leave the EU.

Last year, investigators from Greenpeaces Unearthed journalism team covertly recorded the head of yet another US Atlas thinktank, the E Foundation For Oklahoma, saying his group was planning to raise money to give to the IEA to campaign on Brexit. Littlewood, the IEAs director, boasted on film that he was in the Brexit influencing game, and said he had completed a lucrative tour of US donors. When the footage was published, the IEA denied that it had received any cash from US businesses in relation to its work on trade and Brexit, and stated that it did not recognise the sums of money being suggested by the E Foundation.

In recent years, US Atlas partners, under sustained criticism over their funding, have become more transparent in listing many of their donors. By trawling their annual accounts, US tax returns, and grant databases from US foundations, it is possible to identify some of the major donors to US Atlas thinktanks that have hosted prominent British Brexiters or teamed up with them to produce material. Foundations associated with the Koch brothers have been major funders of the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, the Mercatus Center, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. These same thinktanks have also received funding variously from other foundations connected to US plutocrats, including the ultra-conservative Bradley, Scaife and John Templeton foundations. The family foundation of hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer has been a major donor to the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute.

The Atlas Network, as an umbrella organisation, has also received multimillion-dollar funding for its worldwide activity in recent years from foundations set up by the Koch, Scaife, Bradley, Earhart and Templeton families. It lists those who give it money in its annual accounts, but only declares its own grants and donations to other organisations in Europe as a whole, making it impossible to see how much it has donated or passed on to specific UK partners. It told us that it had not funded any Brexit-focused projects in the UK.

UK thinktanks in the Atlas Network mostly do not identify their donors. They argue that donors, whether British or foreign, have a right to privacy. It is also the case that some private funders and corporations have declared donations themselves, and these have been acknowledged by the thinktanks on their websites, while some donors have been revealed by journalists. In the past two decades, a series of tax-efficient vehicles for US donors have been developed, which make it possible to route money to Atlas thinktanks in the UK. These have raised more than $6m (4.6m) for rightwing British thinktanks since 2014. New Guardian analysis has identified 11 donors who have given nearly $4m in the past five years.

Hannan and the IEA are unimpressed by the lefts criticism of thinktanks funding and supposed impact. A lot of the critique of these supposedly influential groups is based on the idea that if you establish that a libertarian is speaking in a libertarian thinktank, your work is done, said Hannan. But if you take the view that we should have pluralist debate, whats wrong with that? He pointed out that the Hungarian-American billionaire investor George Soros has funded the pro-EU cause. (Grants awarded by Soross Open Society Foundations are listed on its website.)

Hannans own thinktank, the IFT, does not identify its funders, but he defended the right of the super-rich to use their money to help shape politics. It would be a regressive thing if people who succeeded in life, whether its the Kochs or anyone else, thought they should spend money on themselves rather than on things they believed in. Of course you would expect people to be spreading their ideas, he said. Besides, he argued, in the marketplace of ideas, even vast sums of money cannot magically turn bad ideas into persuasive ones. In the end, he reckoned: The best ideas win. Thats how it works, isnt it?

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How the right's radical thinktanks reshaped the Conservative party - The Guardian

Thanksgiving: A Holiday Inspired by Capitalism – Liberty Nation

Americans learn in school that the Plymouth Colony celebrated its first Thanksgiving in 1621 to break bread and affirm peace with the Native Americans. Was this feast really the celebration of bounty that is so often described these days? After all, the Pilgrims had been getting closer and closer to eradication for some time, so much so that a single successful harvest was cause for a celebration that became legendary over the centuries. Rather than a symbol of success, the first Thanksgiving illustrates how close to failure the first settlers came. It would take a few years and a change in basic economic principles before the colonists had a true reason to give thanks.

Those who traveled on the Mayflower were a hardy lot, so why was setting up camp in the New World such a challenge? What students today do not learn is that the colonys sponsors insisted that farming should be run like a socialist commune. This led to the same result socialism produces everywhere: starvation and death. When the communal system was ousted in 1623, Thanksgiving took on a new dimension for the Pilgrims.

Governor William Bradford said in his records:

The young men did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other mens wives and children without any recompense. This was thought injustice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and equalized in labors and victuals, clothes, etc thought it some indignity and disrespect unto them. And the mens wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc., they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could many husbands well brook it.

The effects were like something taken out of Ayn Rands novel Atlas Shrugged. Colonists started behaving in the way a Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) policy might encourage mooching and indulging in sloth, expecting others to do work for them. Predictably, the result was starvation and resentment.

Only after the governor instituted private property for personal gain in the colony during the spring of 1623 did things dramatically change for the better. He reported:

This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would allege weakness and inability, whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.

Members of the Plymouth Colony recognized that something extraordinary had happened. They had been saved by the miracle of capitalism and were eternally grateful but lacked the language to express their gratitude conceptually.

It was not until 1690 that John Locke gave us that language in his Second Treatise on Civil Government. There he formulated his theory of natural rights to life, liberty, and property, which was later echoed in the Declaration of Independence.

We can understand his theory in both religious and secular terms. The Christian interpretation is that the Creator has endowed the individual with certain unalienable rights that are encoded in human nature. To the degree we humans choose to live in accordance with this natural law, we are rewarded with great harvests.

If, however, we choose to violate human nature and live like Bernie Sanders may encourage, nature becomes a cruel punisher.

Sadly, liberty lovers waste an opportunity to use Thanksgiving as an annual reminder of the wonders of private property upon which America is founded. It contains all the elements of a great story: the pain and suffering of socialism, followed by the abundance of capitalism.

In this age of bottomless leftist ingratitude, Americans need to understand the moral foundation of Thanksgiving more than ever.


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Thanksgiving: A Holiday Inspired by Capitalism - Liberty Nation

Ayn Rand on the Moral Foundations of the Berlin Wall – New Ideal

When the Berlin Wall was erected in August 1961, to stop the flood of refugees from communist East Germany into capitalist West Germany, Ayn Rand was well positioned to state its true meaning to the world.

A native of Russia, Rand was twelve years old when she first heard the communist slogan that man must live for the state and she immediately condemned it as evil, even as the Russian Revolution established its iron grip on the nation. Her first novel, We the Living, published ten years after she had escaped to America, told a semi-autobiographical story of young lovers whose lives and hopes are crushed by the Soviet state.1 In the 1940s, Rand was an outspoken critic of Russian propaganda in movies and Russian infiltration in Americas government.

In the early 1960s, following on the publishing success of her masterwork, Atlas Shrugged, Rand was in demand on college campuses, lecture halls, and radio and television as an interpreter of culture and current events. When the Los Angeles Times invited her to write a syndicated column starting in June 1962, her first contribution introduced her philosophy, Objectivism, which upholds rational self-interest and condemns altruism the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only moral justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty. Using the Berlin Wall and other recent horrors as examples, Rand challenged her readers to see a link between that altruist morality and the disturbing state of the world around them:

You may observe the practical results of altruism and statism all around us in todays world such as the slave-labor camps of Soviet Russia, where twenty-one million political prisoners work on the construction of government projects and die of planned malnutrition, human life being cheaper than food or the gas chambers and mass slaughter of Nazi Germany or the terror and starvation of Red China or the hysteria of Cuba where the government offers men for sale or the wall of East Berlin where human beings leap from roofs or crawl through sewers in order to escape, while guards shoot at fleeing children.

But Rand was just getting warmed up. On August 17, 1962, a young East German bricklayer named Peter Fechter jumped from the window of a building near the wall and into a death strip patrolled by armed East German border guards. Fechter ran across this strip to the main wall, which was over six feet high and topped with barbed wire, and started to climb. But before he could reach the top, guards shot him in the pelvis. He fell back to earth and lay there in the death strip, helpless, screaming, bleeding to death with no medical help from the East German side, and inaccessible to the crowd of West German onlookers and journalists. An hour later, he was dead. The next month, Rand published The Dying Victim of Berlin, in which she used the example of Americas foreign policy to describe the process by which the morality of altruism is destroying the world.

Using the Berlin Wall and other recent horrors as examples, Rand challenged her readers to see a link between that altruist morality and the disturbing state of the world around them.

This is the purpose of shooting an eighteen-year old boy who tried to escape from East Berlin, and letting him bleed to death at the foot of the wall, in the sight and hearing of the Western people.

West Germany is the freest, the most nearly capitalist economy in Europe. The contrast between West and East Berlin is the most eloquent modern evidence of the superiority of capitalism over communism. The evidence is irrefutable. Russia does not intend to refute it. She is staging an ideological showdown: she is spitting in our face and declaring that might is right, that brutality is more powerful than all our principles, our promises, our ideals, our wealth and our incomparable material superiority.

Such is the silent symbol now confronting the world: the steel skyscrapers, the glowing shop windows, the glittering cars, the lights of West Berlin the achievement of capitalism and of capitalisms essence: of free, individual men and, lying on its doorstep, in the outer darkness, the bleeding body of a single, individual man who had wanted to be free.

In the ensuing decades, Rand never stopped reminding the world of Soviet Russias evil and of that evils source in the morality of altruism. During her last public speech, in 1981, the Q&A session featured this exchange:

Interviewer: . . . Is Russia a real threat today?

Ayn Rand: Russia as such was never a threat to anyone. Even little Finland beat Russia twice during World War II. Russia is the weakest and most impotent country on Earth. If they were in a war, most of the miserable Russians would defect. But Russia has one weapon by default which we have surrendered, and that is the morality of altruism. So long as people believe that Russia represents a moral ideal, they will win over us in every encounter. That is one of the reasons for dropping altruism totally, consciously, as the kind of evil which it really is.

When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, Ayn Rand had been dead for seven years. But we know from her many writings on the subject that she would have joined the civilized world in celebrating the demise of that monstrosity.2 However, she would doubtless have reminded us that so long as altruism reigns unchallenged, such evils and worse ones are inevitable in the future.

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Ayn Rand on the Moral Foundations of the Berlin Wall - New Ideal

The Mom Stop: Welcome to the greatest show on earth – Monmouth Daily Review Atlas

It started with a lost soccer cleat.

On a busy morning early one Saturday, our house was in a tornadic disarray as my husband, two older kids and I searched the house thoroughly, looking for said soccer cleat. Under the bed. Behind the couch. In the laundry basket, and even in the backyard (we have two boxers, so you never know what ends up back there). But the search was to no avail; the cleat had disappeared.

Our oldest daughter, age 10, had a soccer game an hour away in exactly 90 minutes. We should have already left. Our middle child, our 8-year-old boy, meanwhile, had another soccer game in town at the exact same time.

As is all too common these days, on this particular morning, my husband and I were having to divide and conquer, as he was taking our two youngest children to our sons soccer game while I drove our oldest daughter to hers. Apparently, the cleats had been missing for quite a while, as my husband admitted that our son had been actually wearing his older sisters soccer cleats for at least a month. But now that they had games at the same time, the missing cleats became an issue.

I shrugged. He can wear his running shoes instead if he has to.

Are we THOSE parents, who are so disorganized he doesnt have his basic gear? my husband replied.

We have three kids and both my husband and I work full time. The fact that our kids are dressed, fed and make it to school and most of their after-school activities somewhat on time is no small feat in my book. Having three kids is like running a three-ring circus. Half the time, I feel like a clown juggling three balls while riding on an elephants back, praying that the loose tiger doesnt try to eat the elephant or that the flying trapeze artist doesnt land on me.

Life with kids is chaotic. Life with three kids is a balancing act and a juggling trick, all-in-one. Occasionally, a ball falls. A shoe drops.

After several minutes of searching, I give up and jumped in the minivan with our oldest daughter, leaving my other two kids and husband still searching at home. Its at that moment that I vowed to become more organized. I promised myself that Ill spend the rest of the weekend de-cluttering our home, cleaning out what we dont need and trying to make things easier to find. I want to be the kind of mom who is on top of everything all the time, a multi-tasker to can juggle and cook at the same time - someone like my mom.

I hurriedly pulled out of the driveway and hit the gas pedal, but only got about halfway to our stop sign when my daughter shouted I see the CLEATS!! There, half-hidden under the front passenger seat, were two dirty, untied, lime-green soccer cleats that reeked like a dead skunk. How we never saw (or smelled) them before is beyond me.

My daughter pulled them out, opened the van door and ran them back to the house, a huge grin on her face. She saved the day.

I did de-clutter the kids rooms and playroom later, at least to where it no longer looks like a bomb went off. But as for the rest of the house - well wait until we eventually move, whenever that may be. For now, at least we have the cleats.

Lydia Seabol Avant writes The Mom Stop for The Tuscaloosa News in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Reach her at

Read more from the original source:

The Mom Stop: Welcome to the greatest show on earth - Monmouth Daily Review Atlas

Review: Joker? I barely know her! – University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News

In the beginning of Todd Phillips Joker, the titular character Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) gets beaten up by a teenage gang so deliberately characterless it couldve been pulled from a 90s morning cartoon. He twirls a furniture store sign on the sidewalk while dressed as a clown for money, dancing joyfully and sinuously, before said teens snatch it from him. They lure him into an alley, smash his face with the sign and kick him while he cries and his fake flower lapel leaks water onto the pavement. The camera pans out. Ominous music sounds. Then the title drops like a cinder block Joker.

I laughed out loud when I saw this. I dont think I was supposed to. But the scene was so self-pitying that it wasnt hard to imagine the director self-righteously nodding as he watched the first cut. You see, its not him thats crazy, Phillips mightve said. Its society.

Jokers origin story has an unlikely counterpart Netflixs recent release Tall Girl, about a 6-foot-1 high school student who finds friendship and love despite being tall. Hows the weather up there? a classmate snidely asks her in one scene. Face it, Jodi. Youre the Tall Girl, a friend self-righteously tells her. Her story is entirely defined by her height. Shes not a character so much as a vector for a single personality trait.

Tall Girls trailer sparked deserved scorn and delight on Twitter. Its a high school oppression tale that couldve been written by algorithm. Its stripped of nuance, complexity and features a main character whose identity consists of nothing more than the way people react to their defining trait. But the internet-fueled hype and fear surrounding Jokers release mask a similar problem its also a movie that couldve been written by an algorithm.

Hey freak! one stranger shouts at Fleck as he walks down the street in his clown outfit. Look at this joker, Robert De Niros Letterman-esque character says to mock Flecks stand-up comedy tape. Hes later nicer to Fleck in person, but even then his tone echoes that of the Netflix film. He might as well have said, Face it, Joker. Youre the Clown Guy.

Fleck becomes a singular vehicle for rage in the way that Tall Girl is a vehicle for being tall. What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? he howls at De Niro in one of the films most cringe-worthy lines. Without spoiling too much, the punchline is less funny and more predictable than youd expect.

Phoenix gives a masterful performance despite the scripts limitations, though. His talent shines when Phillips gives him the least to say. In one scene, Fleck imitates a woman dancing on TV while holding his newly acquired gun. He raises his hands above his head like a belly dancer and twists his hips. He slips into reverie as his gun gives him the confidence to contemplate desiring and being desired in turn. Then he accidentally shoots his wall and jolts back to his repressed adulthood.

Later, he screams at the man who denies being his father in an opera house bathroom. Maybe just a little affection, Dad! Maybe you would have showed up! he simultaneously shouts and sneers. Phoenix delivers a twitching, pained portrayal of a man who craves love so deeply that its denial destroys his psyche.But that same sympathetic portrayal also robs Fleck of any villainous agency. Hes a man who bad things happen to and who the film presents as being forced to do bad things in turn. His motivation seems to be to revenge himself on a city thats unrealistically out to kill him. We learn that he has multiple mental illnesses (I take seven pills) but we never find out what they are. We learn that he was abused as a child but are only told the vaguest contours of what form that abuse took. Three drunk Wall Street guys who know Stephen Sondheim songs by heart beat him up on a subway. And were meant to understand that these inevitably lead to mass murdering psychopathy, despite evidence that many real-life extremists come from very normal homes.

Arthur doesnt even do anything particularly villainous throughout the film. Phillips presents everyone who he kills on screen as having karmically deserved it. The fate of the one innocent character who he mightve killed, which wouldve turned him into an unambiguously evil character, is left deliberately ambiguous. This is where the film most significantly fails. Showing a beaten-down man who willfully decides to kill a woman whos not interested in him mightve actually illuminated something about our time. But a movie about a self-perceived antihero who lashes out against a society that doesnt understand him? Id prefer if wed stopped at Atlas Shrugged.

See the rest here:

Review: Joker? I barely know her! - University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News

Right-wingers finally got their Ayn Rand hero as president and it’s this guy – Salon

When she was young, author Ayn Rand had a schoolgirl crush on a man who murdered, dismembered and disemboweled 12-year-old Marion Parker, before dumping her body on the street, after promising to return her alive to her parents. That 1927 murder was big news, especially in Los Angeles, where the crime had occurred, and it certainly got the attention of Rand, who had just moved to the city after emigrating from the Soviet Union. She immediately began work on a novel, which she called "Little Street,"with a hero based on the murderer, William Hickman.

While Rand's modern-day fans are quick to argue that Rand didn't endorse the murder,it's safe to say she thought highly of Hickman himself and sneered at the people who denounced him, writing that they exhibited "the mobs murderous desire to revenge its hurt vanity against a man who dared to be alone." This champion of individualism said that Hickman's "degeneracy" showed "how society can wreck an exceptional being." She got to work sketching a protagonist based on Hickman, one with a "wonderful, free, light consciousness" resulting from "the absolute lack of social instinct or herd feeling" and having "no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people."

Rand eventually scrapped the idea for "Little Street," but most historians argue that she reworked her idea of the individualistic, contemptuous hero into her later novels, "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." These two books, and Rand's writings on her selfishness-oriented philosophy she deemed "Objectivism," have become the backbone of modern conservatism, a pseudo-intellectual rationalization beloved by Republicans such as former House Speaker Paul Ryan or Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky for a reactionary movement that rose up to reject the feminist and antiracist movements of the 20th century.

In her purple prose, Rand romanticized the capitalist predator as a handsome, virile man whose towering intellect justifies his massive ego and disregard for the common masses. It's why conservatives, angry about the election of Barack Obama, started publicly identifying with John Galt, who is the great-man-among-parasites hero of "Atlas Shrugged."

The question that haunts that novel is, "Who is John Galt?" Now we finally have the answer: Donald Trump.

It turns out a philosophy of radical selfishness is not sexy or heroic, but comes in the form of a half-literate narcissist, cheered on by a bunch of sweatpants-clad fascists as he commits crimes in service of conspiracy theories he hopes will trick the ignorant masses into electing him again.

"In the abstract, Rand would have said that her ideal man upholds reason and capitalism. Based on how this plays out in her books, her ideal man is rich, sexually aggressive, sociopathically unconcerned with what others think of him," author Adam Lee, who spent years blogging his close reading of "Atlas Shrugged,"told Salon.

"The real message Rand's works convey is that her protagonists are exempt from the puny standards of law and morality that the common people try to tie them down with," Lee added, noting that the heroes of Rand's bookscommit rape, mock the people who will die in their shoddily built housing and threaten violence to punish wives who disapprove of their adultery.

Trump's time in politics has been a true test of Rand's theory, which has been embraced by modern Republicans, that this kind of sociopathic selfishness is what compels men to greatness of the sorts that we ordinary people, with our plebeian concerns about moral duty to others and the common good, cannot understand. After all, one thing that is certain about Trump is that, like a true Randian hero, he acts only for himself and to satisfy his own ego, and has no concern for others outside of how they serve his interests.

The results, it's safe to say, are underwhelming. Trump's Randian philosophy of pure self-interest is, of course, why he felt it wise to abandon the traditional point of international diplomacy, which is to advance national interests, in favor of viewing other nations merely as resources to be exploited for his own personal and political gain. That's how he ended up on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, extorting the man to pony up manufactured conspiracy theories about a Democratic presidential candidate in exchange for military aid.

The fallout has, needless to say, been a little less John Galt and a little more Richard Nixon ranting pathetically about his enemies. Trump's blatant lies and grasping excuses for his behavior don't cause the heart to soar so much as the eyes to avert in embarrassment. As the outlines of Trump's conspiracy, with the clownish Rudy Giuliani at its center, come into view, the picture is less that of triumphant individualists sticking it to the small-brained masses than of a bunch of idiots who have vastly overrated their own abilities to pull off pointless crimes.

Nor has Trump's Randian attitude towards his henchmen, in which he shows them no weak-minded loyalty or gratitude for their service, worked out quite as well for him as it's supposed to. Trump's firing national security adviser John Bolton, himself no paragon of social virtue, was the move of a classic Randian hero. Bolton, after all, had the temerity to question the great man's judgment regarding matters like the Ukraine extortion, and had to be dispatched with contempt. But now reports that paint Bolton favorably (in itself a remarkable accomplishment) and make Trump look like a blithering idiot are worming their way into the news, suggesting that Trump's unwillingness to keep the good opinion of his henchmen is coming back around to bite him.

Conservatives like Paul Ryan may wrinkle their noses at Trump's uncouth demeanor and petty behavior, but this is what they signed up for in exalting Ayn Rand as some great philosopher. Despite the high-minded rhetoric, the lived reality of selfishness as a philosophy is less like the fictional figures of Howard Roark and John Galt, and more like the incoherent, small-minded sociopathy of Donald Trump. The great man of the Objectivist imagination has always been a silly fantasy. But it's particularly rich and satisfying that now that the Ayn Rand fanboys finally have a leader who lives out their supposed ideals, the result is the comic, pathetic and catastrophic figure now disgracing the White House.

Read the original:

Right-wingers finally got their Ayn Rand hero as president and it's this guy - Salon