How Blind Astronomers Will Observe the Solar Eclipse – The Atlantic

Like millions of other people, Wanda Diaz Merced plans to observe the August 21 total solar eclipse, when the moons shadow will sweep across the sun and, for a few brief moments, coat parts of the United States in darkness. But she wont see it. Shell hear it.

Diaz Merced, an astrophysicist, is blind, with just 3 percent of peripheral vision in her right eye, and none in her left. She has been working with a team at Harvard University to develop a program that will convert sunlight into sound, allowing her to hear the solar eclipse. The sound will be generated in real time, changing as the dark silhouette of the moon appears over the face of the bright sun, blocking its light. Diaz Merced will listen in real time, toowith her students at the Athlone School for the Blind in Cape Town, South Africa, where she teaches astronomy.

Its an experience of a lifetime, and they deserve the opportunity, Diaz Merced said.

To capture the auditory version of this astronomical event, the team turned to a piece of technology measuring only a couple inches long: the Arduino, a cheap microcomputer popular with tech-savvy, DIY hobbyists. With a few attachments, Arduinos can be used to create all kinds of electronic devices that interact with the physical world, from the useful, like finger scanners that unlock garage doors, to the silly, like motion-detecting squirt guns. Diaz Merceds collaborators equipped an Arduino with a light-detecting sensor and speaker, and programmed it to convert light into a clicking noise. The pace of the clicks varies with the intensity of the sunlight hitting the sensor, speeding up as it strengthens and slowing down as it dims. In the moments of totality, when the suns outer atmosphere appears as a thin ring around the shadow of the moon, the clicks will be a second or more apart.

Allyson Bieryla, an astronomy lab and telescope manager at Harvard, will operate the Arduino from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, inside the path of totality. She will stream the audio on a website online, which Diaz Merced will open on her computer in Cape Town.

So far, Bieryla says, the real challenge has been trying to find a light sensor thats sensitive enough to get the variation in the eclipse. In totality, the sun will appear about as bright as a full moon at midnight. The team has tested the Arduino at night, under the moonlight, to make sure it can pick up the faint luminosity.

Diaz Merced, a postdoctoral fellow at the Office of Astronomy for Development in South Africa, was diagnosed with diabetes as a child. In her early 20s, when she was studying physics at the University of Puerto Rico, she was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, a complication of the disease that destroys blood vessels in the retina. Her vision began to deteriorate, and a failed laser surgery damaged her retinas further, she said. By her late 20s, she was almost completely blind. She recalls watching a partial solar eclipse in 1998 in Puerto Rico, when she still had some sight.

I was able to experience the wonderfulnessof the sun being dark, of having a black ball in the sky, she said. That is why it is important to use the sound in order to bring an experience that will bring that same feeling to people who do not see or are not visually oriented.

While Diaz Merced experiences the eclipse from a classroom in Cape Town, Tim Doucette will observe the event at a campground in Nebraska, smack-dab in the path of totality. Doucette is a computer programmer by day and an amateur astronomer by night. He runs a small observatory, Deep Sky, near his home in Nova Scotia in a sparsely populated area known for low light pollution and star-studded night skies.

Doucette is legally blind, and has about 10 percent of his eyesight. He had cataracts as a baby, a condition that clouds the lenses of the eye. To treat the disease, doctors surgically removed the lenses, leaving Doucette without the capacity to filter out certain wavelengths. His eyes are sensitive to ultraviolet and infrared light, and he wears sunglasses during the day to protect his retinas. Without shades, Doucette said he cant keep his eye open in the brightness of day. But at night, his sensitivity becomes an advantage. With the help of a telescope, Doucette can see the near-infrared light coming from stars and other objects in the sky better than most people.

My whole life, Ive always been asking people for help, saying, hey, what do you see? Doucette said. When I stargaze with people, the tables are reversed.

Doucette sees best at night, safe from the glare of the sun. He uses starlight to guide him during the short walk from his observatory to his home. When Im walking down the road, especially during the summer months, the Milky Way is just this incredible painting going from north to south, he said. Its millions and millions of points of light. Its like a tapestry of diamonds against a velvety background.

Doucette, armed with his camera equipment, will observe the eclipse with dozens of members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canadas Halifax Center, an association of amateur and professional astronomers. He has only witnessed partial solar eclipses in the past. It should be quite interesting to see what the effect is because of my sensitivity, he said. During totality, when day becomes night, some objects in the sky may become visible, thanks to his sensitivity to their light.

Doucette will wear eclipse sunglasses over his regular pair. Eclipse glasses protect the eyes from sunlight so viewers can look directly at it without hurting their eyes, and they can be bought online for a few dollars. Doucette urged eclipse viewers to use them, citing stories hed heard of people looking at the sun during an eclipse and waking up blind the next morning, their retinas burned. The shades are necessary before and after totality, when the sun is only partially eclipsed and a thin crescent shines with typical intensity.

Once the eclipse is in totality for about two and a half minutes, Im told that its safe to take the glasses off, but Im not willing to risk it, Doucette said. Ill still keep my sunglasses on either way.

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How Blind Astronomers Will Observe the Solar Eclipse - The Atlantic

Solar eclipse and meteor shower just two of many astronomical events to be seen in August –


The head of a Toronto observatory says the month of August will provide several astronomical sights you can see with a simple telescope or binoculars.

The head of an astronomical observatory in Toronto says a solar eclipse and a meteor shower are just a couple of astronomical episodes you can catch in the month of August.

Paul Delaney, director of the York University Astronomical Observatory and AM 640s expert in astronomy and space exploration, says nowadays, you dont need to be a scientist or have expensive astronomical equipment to see celestial bodies.

With a simple low budget telescope or binoculars and a mobile app, like SkySafari, Star Chart or Pocket Universe, you too can enjoy the wonders of the night sky at a low cost or even for free.

READ MORE: What Canadians can expect during the solar eclipse on August 21

These apps are really a great addition to those who have telescopes, Delaney told AM 640s Morning Show. It can give you an amount of material which is truly breathtaking and give you great insight into the objects you are looking at.

Delaney says August will be a good month to see some prominent planets, even in the city, as they should shine through light pollution.

If you know the objects to look for, nice bright double stars and nice bright globular clusters, the summer sky can be really pleasant in addition to being really warm.

LISTEN: Paul Delaney, the director of the York University Astronomical Observatory and AM 640s expert in astronomy and space exploration, talks to AM 640s Morning Show.

August 7 Sturgeon Moon (Partial Lunar Eclipse)

Native American tribes once called it the Sturgeon Moon because they knew that the sturgeon, bottom-feeding fish, of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this full moon. Its pretty much the only unique object you will see in the sky on Monday because its so large and bright, according to Delaney. The moon will also provide a partial lunar eclipse casting a shadow on parts of South and East Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.

August 11 &12 Perseid Meteor Shower

The event is precipitated by remnants of a dead comet entering the Earths atmosphere. The event essentially started on July 13 but will see its peak viewing times during the evenings of Aug. 11 and 12. Delaney says in order to see this, you will need to try to find darker skies. You need to be in the dark to see the benefits of a meteor shower. Generally speaking, after midnight, Delaney says.

READ MORE: How you can watch the Perseid meteor shower

August 16 The Moon, Venus, and Aldebaran

Aldebaran is an orange giant star about 65 light years from our sun. It is one of the brighter stars in our nighttime sky. It will join a cluster with the moon and Venus on Aug. 16.

August 21 Solar Eclipse

The moon will completely cover the sun along a narrow strip of land about 113 km wide from Oregon to South Carolina. Its the first total solar eclipse on the mainland since 1979.

WATCH: Excitement builds ahead of total solar eclipse over U.S.

August 25 The Moon, Jupiter and Spica

Spica is a bright blue binary star in the constellation of Virgo. On July 28, Spica could be seen side by side with Jupiter while the moon hovered above the duo. On the Aug. 25, Spica will slump a bit below Jupiter and the moon to form a triangle-like cluster.

August 30 The Moon, Saturn and Antares

Antares is areddish star and the brightest in the constellation of Scorpius. Earlier in July, it paired up with the moon and Saturn to form some of the brightest objects in the night sky. The trio will do so again on Aug. 30, lining up in a diagonal formation.

READ MORE: Solar eclipse 2017: How to watch without permanently damaging your eyes

2017Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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Solar eclipse and meteor shower just two of many astronomical events to be seen in August -

Great American Eclipse 101: Bill Nye and Two Astronomy Whiz Kids Talk Solar Science – Parade

Magazine August 4, 2017 5:00 AM ByNeil Pond Parade @NeilPond More by Neil

Everyone will be looking up on Monday, August 21, when whats being called the Great American Eclipse sweeps across the U.S.

I really encourage you to be in a place where you can see the total solar eclipse, says Bill Nye, known as the Science Guy from his popular 1990s-era PBS kids show. This one moment where the Earth, moon and sun are in a lineit really is spectacular, says Nye, 61, who serves as the CEO of the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California, and is star of Bill Nye Saves the World on Netflix.

Check out these eclipse must-knows from Nye and astronomy whiz kids Cannan and Carson Huey-You.

Related: Cannan and Carson Huey-You Interview Bill Nye the Science Guy

The sunlight filtering around the advancing moon creates alternating bands of light and dark on the ground racing across the land. Its crazy; theyre several football fields wide, and they move over you. Its otherworldly and spooky, Nye says.

This aura of gasses that surrounds the sun and shoots out into space for millions of miles is spectacularly visible to the unaided eye as a brilliant, glowing halo during the total eclipse.

The amount of time it will take for the eclipse to zoom across the entire continent.

The longest anyone, anywhere will be able to witness its totalitythats in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

Unlike most other total eclipses, the 2017 eclipse will cross directly overheador nearbymany major population areas. Its going right across the United States, Nye says. Take a felt-tip marker and draw from Oregon to Georgia, and there it is.

Thats how long ago the previous coast-to-coast solar eclipse was last seen in the U.S. There will be another total solar eclipse in July 2019, but it will be visible only in parts of Argentina and Chile. The truth is, eclipses arent all that rare. Total solar eclipses occur every two years, says Nye, author of the just-released Everything All at Once. They come in pairs. Theyre more frequent than presidential elections! Most are visible only to relatively few people or from places where many people cant easily goremote mountaintops, the middle of an ocean, unpopulated areas hundreds or thousands of miles away from anything else. That makes the 2017 eclipse extra special.

During the total eclipse, as the light from the sun is blocked, these points of light begin to appear as sunlight streams through the valleys of the moons horizon.

In a total eclipse, the moons shadow flies across the face of the planet at supersonic speed. Thats fastalmost as fast as it took Carson Huey-You and his younger brother, Cannan, science-minded kid geniuses in the Dallas area, to zip far ahead academically of most kids their age.

Carson, 15, enrolled in Texas Christian University when he was 11 and graduated in May with a degree in physics and minors in math and Chinese. He plans to continue with graduate studies in physics toward a masters degree and ultimately a doctorate. Cannan, 11, will enter TCU this fall to study engineering and astrophysics.

Here are 10 things Carson and Cannan want you to know about the upcoming eclipse.


Great American Eclipse 101: Bill Nye and Two Astronomy Whiz Kids Talk Solar Science - Parade

Local astronomy professors share eclipse tips – Spartanburg Herald Journal

Zach Fox Staff Writer @ZachFoxSHJ

Local astronomy professors say Spartanburg County residents should at least try to get to the southern part of the county on Aug. 21 to experience the full solar eclipse.

The eclipse path runs through Spartanburg County, but only the southern and southwestern portions of the county will see 100 percent totality that Monday afternoon. Events are scheduled across the Upstate, and state public safety officials are preparing for increased traffic on state roads.

Astronomy professors Andy Leonardi of the University of South Carolina Upstate and Bill Yarborough of Converse College said the eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime sight.

What else will be visible in the sky during the eclipse?

Leonardi:Not so much when youre looking up at the sun and the moon itself. The wispy corona that will appear during the eclipse will be pronounced. The little extra bit of light will make the sky look a little different.

Yarborough:What you can see is whats called the suns corona. Surrounding the sun is a very tenuous region thats far, far hotter than the surface. It doesnt emit enough light for us to normally see it. Its like a huge, bright halo. When the moon completely blocks the disk of the sun we normally see, the corona will light up the sky. Its an absolutely incredible view.As far as planets or things of that sort, it wont quite be like a dark night. Itll be like dusk or sunset. Not quite dark enough to see a lot of planets and things like that.

What does it mean that Spartanburg isn't in the path of totality?

Yarborough:What that means for Spartanburg is, the sun will never be completely blocked. A little edge of sun will still be visible from behind the moon. Its still more than a 90 percent eclipse. At any point where the sun is even partially visible, its not safe for the naked eye.In that region, in totality, its safe to look at it without protection. You can briefly take (viewing glasses) off and look before you put them back on.

Is there any way, besides getting safety glasses, to prepare for the eclipse?

Leonardi:Even animals, youll start to hear nighttime animal sounds because they get fooled, too. Its so outside normal experience that you cant honestly prepare for it. Its not like when daytime turns to night, its much different than that.

What's the best way to enjoy the eclipse itself?

Leonardi: You definitely want to give yourself time before the eclipse to see the approach. The eclipse itself lasts for a couple of minutes, but you want to see all the subtle changes first. If they can tear their eyes away for those two minutes, take a little time to glance at the horizon because youll see some weird, unique effects. Youll see sort of sunset effects all across the horizon. ... I would just urge people to do it safely.

Yarborough: Probably the most important thing everyone knows is they need to protect their eyes. Looking up at the sun, even briefly, can do real damage to your eyes. Ordinary sunglasses simply will not protect their eyes from looking up at an eclipse.Its an exciting event, one everyone ought to see. For anybody whos interested, it (traveling to the area of totality) would be worth it. Once you get 10 miles or so south or southwest of Spartanburg, youll be in the edge of the total region. The difference will be noticeable. Anywhere in South Carolina will experience a partial eclipse, however, which is still a sight to see. It wont be something to forget.

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Local astronomy professors share eclipse tips - Spartanburg Herald Journal

Storm chasing time-lapse video: Pursuit – SYFY WIRE (blog)

Mike Olbinski is a masterful photographer and storm chaser. Ive written about his jaw-dropping time-lapse animations of storms before, like "Pulse" and "Monsoon III". His sense of framing and pacing is really quite good, and the results are always stunning.

So, when he sent me a note saying he had wrapped his spring storm chasing season for 2017 and put it all together in a video called Pursuit and he shot it in 4k I dropped what I was doing to watch.

The opening is quite lovely, and even, despite showing gathering intense storms, quite peaceful.

Then, at 1:40, all hell breaks loose. Watch (warning: flashing strobe effects from lightning):

Ye. GADS. Ill admit, there were several times during this video where I might have sworn out loud. But who can blame me? Mesocyclones! Supercells! Downbursts! Tornadoes! Lightning! Mammatus clouds!

Ive written about many of these weather events in the past, like how mesocyclones form, what a supercell is, and the bizarre nature and sight of mammatus clouds. Curious, though, I watched all the lightning and wondered how much energy was released in each stroke. That was easy to look up: about 500 megaJoules. Doing a quick conversion, thats roughly equivalent to 100 kilograms of TNT detonating. Impressive! Especially considering the hundreds and hundreds of lightning bolts you can see in these storms.

But that energy is positively dwarfed by the total energy content of the storm itself. Powered by condensing water releasing heat, a typical thunderstorm can have as much energy as a small nuclear bomb! Think on that as you watch that video.

But Mike saved the best for last. Even as I was scraping my jaw off my desk, the video got to the 6:18 mark, and I was rocked again. On June 2, 2017, he was in Bowdon, North Dakota, and caught an undulatas asperatus cloud formation, one of the rarer and most bizarre clouds there is. In the video, these deep, aquamarine waves roll in, and then their magnificence is multiplied as the Sun sets and the reddening light paints them in luminous hues of purple, pink, magenta, orange ... its ridiculously beautiful.

And, it turns out, familiar: I wrote about this very sequence in June. But this capped off Mikes storm-chasing season, and he felt it was fitting end to the video.

And as to the title, Pursuit: The proximate and obvious reason he chose that is that hes chasing storms. But as he writes on his own blog, during one chase he missed an opportunity to get what might have been the best storms erupting of the season. He despaired, but then found his trust in himself, and was able to figure out a way literally around his loss to capture some of the best footage he got.

I think thats pretty good advice. We all have our oncoming storms, but what matters is how we pursue the solutions.

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Storm chasing time-lapse video: Pursuit - SYFY WIRE (blog)

Astronomy magazine’s interactive eclipse 2017 widget – Astronomy Magazine

Count down to the 2017 total solar eclipse of the Sun with Astronomy magazine's Eclipse 2017 Widget from the makers of the popular SkySafari app. The widget lets you know exactly when the eclipse will start in your location, how long it will last, and when it will end. Use the interactive eclipse path map to simulate the eclipse from any location and figure out where you need to go to experience totality!

The Great American Eclipse is less than a month away. And the key to observing the eclipse safely and successfully is having the right tools at your fingertips. Youve got your eclipse glasses, and youve likely got your viewing location picked out. (If you dont, now is the time to put that at the top of your to-do list.) But do you know what time the show is going to start? Do you know how long totality will last from where youll be standing on August 21?

The Eclipse 2017 Widget is the tool for this job. Powered by SkySafari 5, this interactive widget is ideal for all eclipse observers, whether youll be in the path of totality or not. The Eclipse 2017 Widget is also available in Eclipse Safari, a free app for iOS and Android.

Simply choose a location you can click the map or enter an address or landmark in the search bar, then choose your ideal spot as the map zooms in and youll immediately find out whether youll see a partial or total eclipse from that location. The widget also provides the percentage of solar coverage or the duration of totality, depending on the type of eclipse visible from the location youve chosen.

Most importantly, youll immediately learn the start and end times of the partial and total phases in local time, allowing you to plan your eclipse day schedule accordingly. For a simulated image of the sky, simply click view on the right next to the phase youd like to see for a sky map showing the Sun, Moon, and even the nearby stars and planets you might glimpse as the sky grows darker. The slider on the bottom allows you to fast-forward or rewind time to watch the eclipse progress just as it will from the spot youve marked on the map.

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Astronomy magazine's interactive eclipse 2017 widget - Astronomy Magazine

Breakthrough Starshot takes its first step toward interstellar travel … – Astronomy Magazine

The first big step to making humans an interstellar species is underway.

Breakthrough Starshot wants to accelerate small spacecraft to a good fraction of the speed of light to send probes to a nearby star in a human lifetime. Last week, the company announced that the first tests of its spacecraft had taken place when a few single-circuit board Sprite crafts hitched a ride on a satellite launch.

The Sprites seemed to be functioning relatively well for an initial flight. They experienced some communications hiccups, according to Scientific American, meaning the communications equipment may need some work over time.

But this is just a small hiccup the Sprites are just prototypes of the StarChips that will eventually launch several decades from now. The goal is to strap a microweight space probe onto a star sail, then fire a laser at it repeatedly. This will accelerate it to around 20 percent the speed of light. Starshot plans on sending several at a time, increasing the odds that one or more will make it to their final destination in the Alpha Centauri system.

But first, the small chips will need to be packed with a camera, a power source, a transmitter, and more; this process is still under development. Still, the Sprites are an important first step. The prototype has been built. Now, its just time to scale it up so we can head to the stars.

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Breakthrough Starshot takes its first step toward interstellar travel ... - Astronomy Magazine

Episode of iconic astronomy programme The Sky At Night filmed in Devon – Devon Live


This month's episode of The Sky At Night was filmed at a Devon observatory.

The Sky at Night is the longest running science TV programme in the world. It takes a monthly look at developments in space exploration, as well as what can be seen in the night sky.

August's episode, at the Norman Lockyer Observatory near Sidmouth, will focus on meteorites, from the astonishing micrometeorites found all around us, in the dust on our roofs, gutters and cars; through the wonders of shooting stars; to the larger, sometimes devastating, meteorites that can survive their dive through the atmosphere and make it to the Earth's surface.

Read More: Residents on busy road leading to Torbay Hospital fear they will be marooned by weeks of roadworks

This episode will see experts who study these messengers from space speak, but also local amateur radio enthusiasts, Mike Dennis and Iain Grant, who base themselves at the observatory to gather information on meteors in a rather unusual way. They detect meteors using radiowaves and this shows that hundreds fall into the atmosphere every day.

The Norman Lockyer Observatory is home a number of historic and modern telescopes, a planetarium, and a wealth of astronomical knowledge and information. It is run by a very active and inclusive amateur astronomy community who run a range of astronomy groups, talks and courses for all ages and abilities.

The Sky at Night, from the Norman Lockyer Observatory, will be shown on BBC Four at 10pm on Sunday 13 August.

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Episode of iconic astronomy programme The Sky At Night filmed in Devon - Devon Live

Hubble detects exoplanet with glowing water atmosphere – Astronomy Now Online

This is an artists impression of the gas giant exoplanet WASP-121b. The bloated planet is so close to its star that the tidal pull of the star stretches it into an egg shape. The top of the planets atmosphere is heated to a blazing 4,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,500 degrees Celsius), hot enough to boil iron. This is the first planet outside our solar system where astronomers have found the strongest evidence yet for a stratosphere a layer of atmosphere in which temperature increases with higher altitudes. The planet is about 900 light-years away. Credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)

Scientists have discovered the strongest evidence to date for a stratosphere on a planet outside our solar system, or exoplanet. A stratosphere is a layer of atmosphere in which temperature increases with higher altitudes.

This result is exciting because it shows that a common trait of most of the atmospheres in our solar system a warm stratosphere also can be found in exoplanet atmospheres, said Mark Marley, study co-author based at NASAs Ames Research Center in Californias Silicon Valley. We can now compare processes in exoplanet atmospheres with the same processes that happen under different sets of conditions in our own solar system.

Reporting in the journal Nature, scientists used data from NASAs Hubble Space Telescope to study WASP-121b, a type of exoplanet called a hot Jupiter. Its mass is 1.2 times that of Jupiter, and its radius is about 1.9 times Jupiters making it puffier. But while Jupiter revolves around our sun once every 12 years, WASP-121b has an orbital period of just 1.3 days. This exoplanet is so close to its star that if it got any closer, the stars gravity would start ripping it apart. It also means that the top of the planets atmosphere is heated to a blazing 4,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,500 degrees Celsius), hot enough to boil some metals. The WASP-121 system is estimated to be about 900 light-years from Earth a long way, but close by galactic standards.

Previous research found possible signs of a stratosphere on the exoplanet WASP-33b as well as some other hot Jupiters. The new study presents the best evidence yet because of the signature of hot water molecules that researchers observed for the first time.

Theoretical models have suggested stratospheres may define a distinct class of ultra-hot planets, with important implications for their atmospheric physics and chemistry, said Tom Evans, lead author and research fellow at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Our observations support this picture.

To study the stratosphere of WASP-121b, scientists analyzed how different molecules in the atmosphere react to particular wavelengths of light, using Hubbles capabilities for spectroscopy. Water vapor in the planets atmosphere, for example, behaves in predictable ways in response to certain wavelengths of light, depending on the temperature of the water.

Starlight is able to penetrate deep into a planets atmosphere, where it raises the temperature of the gas there. This gas then radiates its heat into space as infrared light. However, if there is cooler water vapor at the top of the atmosphere, the water molecules will prevent certain wavelengths of this light from escaping to space. But if the water molecules at the top of the atmosphere have a higher temperature, they will glow at the same wavelengths.

The emission of light from water means the temperature is increasing with height, said Tiffany Kataria, study co-author based at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. Were excited to explore at what longitudes this behavior persists with upcoming Hubble observations.

The phenomenon is similar to what happens with fireworks, which get their colors from chemicals emitting light. When metallic substances are heated and vaporized, their electrons move into higher energy states. Depending on the material, these electrons will emit light at specific wavelengths as they lose energy: sodium produces orange-yellow and strontium produces red in this process, for example. The water molecules in the atmosphere of WASP-121b similarly give off radiation as they lose energy, but in the form of infrared light, which the human eye is unable to detect.

In Earths stratosphere, ozone gas traps ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which raises the temperature of this layer of atmosphere. Other solar system bodies have stratospheres, too; methane is responsible for heating in the stratospheres of Jupiter and Saturns moon Titan, for example.

In solar system planets, the change in temperature within a stratosphere is typically around 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 56 degrees Celsius). On WASP-121b, the temperature in the stratosphere rises by 1,000 degrees (560 degrees Celsius). Scientists do not yet know what chemicals are causing the temperature increase in WASP-121bs atmosphere. Vanadium oxide and titanium oxide are candidates, as they are commonly seen in brown dwarfs, failed stars that have some commonalities with exoplanets. Such compounds are expected to be present only on the hottest of hot Jupiters, as high temperatures are needed to keep them in a gaseous state.

This super-hot exoplanet is going to be a benchmark for our atmospheric models, and it will be a great observational target moving into the Webb era, said Hannah Wakeford, study co-author who worked on this research while at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C. The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA.

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Hubble detects exoplanet with glowing water atmosphere - Astronomy Now Online

Astronomers find the (maybe) smallest star ever seen. – SYFY WIRE (blog)

As normal stars go, our Sun is roughly in the middle of the size scale. The biggest are about 25 times the Suns diameter, the smallest about a tenth as wide. Still, its big. Its ten times the diameter of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, and over a hundred times wider than the Earth.

That lower end is pretty interesting, though. How small can a star get and still be a star? Well, astronomers recently found what looks to be the smallest actual star ever discovered. How small, you ask?

Roughly the size of Saturn. Yes, Saturn, the planet.

Its right at the lower limit of whats considered to be a true star. And while it may very well be the smallest star ever found, theres just enough uncertainty in its size that we cant be 100% sure. Still, no matter how you slice it, its a very teeny star.

It was found using WASP, the Wide Angle Search for Planets project. This is comprised of two sets of wide-angle camera arrays, one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern, which take images about once per minute every clear night. They monitor a staggering 30 million stars in total, looking for variations in brightness that might indicate the presence of a planet. If the orbit of such an exoplanet is edge-on as seen from Earth, it blocks a tiny fraction of its host stars light as it passes in front of it once per orbit (what wee call a transit), and that dip can be detected.

One star observed by WASP, later to be called EBLM J0555-57, is about 630 light years from Earth. It was seen to exhibit transit-like dips in brightness, and so was flagged for follow-up. More observations taken by other telescopes revealed that it was actually a binary star, two stars orbiting each other.

The two stars have a wide orbit, with a distance between them of roughly 70 billion kilometers (well over ten times the distance from the Sun to Neptune) and so it takes centuries for them to orbit each other once. The brighter of the two, called EBLM J0555-57A (note the A at the end), is much like the Sun if a bit bigger and warmer, and the other, EBLM J0555-57B, is a bit smaller and a touch cooler.

But the plot thickened. The dips in light were coming from only one of the two stars, the brighter of the two (Star A), and whatever it was orbited with a period (a year) of 7.75 days. That means its closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun. Because of that we cant see it directly; the glare of the far brighter star overwhelms it. It revealed itself by blocking the light from its star. But it turns out theres still more to this

Normally, when you have a transiting exoplanet, all you can figure out is its size (by how much light it blocks from the star) and how long its year is. But, if the object is massive enough, as it orbits the star it tugs on the star with its gravity, and the star makes a little circle as well. I like to make the analogy of two kids, one heavier than the other, facing each other, clasping hands, and swinging around each other. The lighter kid makes a big circle, and the heavier kid makes a smaller circle.

This is critical. As the star moves around in a circle, its light is Doppler shifted; the color changes. It shifts toward the red end of the spectrum as it moves away from us in the circle, and toward the blue when it moves toward us. That can be measured with pretty good precision! Knowing the mass of the star from physical models, its then possible to figure out the mass of the smaller object.

And thats when astronomers got a shock. The second object, called EBLM J0555-57Ab, has a mass of 0.081 times the Sun. That would be huge for a planet 85 times the mass of Jupiter! but very low for a star. In fact, its right at the limit for how low mass a star can be.

Stars are objects that are able to sustain the fusion of hydrogen into helium in their core. They need enough mass that the pressure in their core can squeeze the hydrogen atoms together hard enough to fuse them. There are other factors involved as well, including how rapidly the star spins, the abundance of heavier elements inside it like carbon and magnesium, and so on. For an object with the same physical composition as EBLM J0555-57Ab, that limit is about 83 times the mass of Jupiter.

This means that EBLM J0555-57Ab made the cut at 85 Jupiter masses its a true star, if a very, very, very low mass one. In fact, thats why it has the name it does: EBLM stands for eclipsing binary, low mass. That term is reserved for stars, not a star orbited by a planet.

The star isnt just low mass, its tiny, too: By studying the eclipses, astronomers determined its diameter to be 0.084 times that of the Sun. That makes it smaller than Jupiter! Its about 0.84 times the width of Jupiter, making it just about Saturn sized, maybe a hair smaller.

Its important to note that there is some uncertainty in both its mass and size; these observations dont provide exact results. Because of this, we cant be 100% sure its truly the smallest star ever found. Another teeny star, 2MASS J05233822-1403022, was found in 2013, and it also is smaller than Jupiter, about 0.86 times its width. Thats very similar to this new star! And it turns out the uncertainties in the measurements of both stars means we cant really know which one in reality is smaller. Be wary of news articles and such saying this is the smallest star. It might be, but we really dont know.

But since it is a star, that means the system isnt a binary! Its whats called a hierarchical triple, two stars orbiting each other like a binary system, and a third star orbiting just one of those stars. Cool.

And its not just an oddity. Extremely low-mass stars are very important to our understanding of how stars work! Because they are right at the lower limit for what a star can be, they test our models of just how stars can fuse hydrogen into helium. Because these stars are so faint we dont see very many of them, so every one we find is a precious sample.

Im fascinated by objects like these, ones that sit right on the border between two different kinds of things. In many cases the borders are fuzzy, and thats true here as well. Very big planets slide into the brown dwarf range, and very massive brown dwarfs slide into the star range, but its not like you can draw a line distinguish them. When we study these objects, we learn more about not just them, but about both classes of objects they kinda sorta fall in.

Objects in space display a huge diversity, and its by understanding that diversity that we better understand the Universe itself. Im all for that.

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Astronomers find the (maybe) smallest star ever seen. - SYFY WIRE (blog)

Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest attracts out-of-this-world images – Digital Trends

vH.0{Z$GoS4lWZ Ie[k+W8M/"3$h5=giqG99g8NrGt<|hxY}j7Oa/>v>n6tRB50o7`T}dX~'v?aZFlvK%!`N<7<%/uK9l^N&I=?C%c?pg$mw0"+ybql6/lv} 8_[kl A?XAx3c_.{ w,)5xPH;F#A@5%F5155 &7}$w51B3Ck}GVWo>KA}[|g>C$}k:[31+>ch`Ob@~Obw]x}l'ZiU =2&NX)o0)}@/(R$Z.aoTpFe{`W9[4lOD9h n}0)^H|v[uM%ou|f>s|ZCcfnCdL y.;{Rw7m ^xNGLYt+ozc!7m20~<4p5D9xvKM|1 adr' xupn%Xv617R4_m_6oOl5b`v^?]8LR];-x/_}#?s/YY,aJ/IT&T( k yVl8PWkB)L,wFJA.BNdZe]-^7sDe$_LY2tKlYk:0{f3o"`ksN}c=gd &7&V`=lA4z%43EAhPmg.Fm?ZZ]2 Fm::cN 5k' [@kS%vd_J*s@6-9m>;YrLbc$_ZF;ho%iD Ic?I6Fo+M2~](EgPI2;BSIg+5%S9aOZyhb[3-S>W PC`}"*"9["d34 ?iwKfd.YL-AX7nLzfk!F4sym<:C>]2nxv>~X%}gPm7d>at->N=~E!wrl vZ[u:si,~X@ZM@cHF.eLof~;/G;|qB`N3lnRZ{Z;[?4~vwA{^'FX]P#_J9y5L7 ~$}R7KO SxVvmnm`lv[A?- CvdB]UxhNwe%mm}X

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Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest attracts out-of-this-world images - Digital Trends

In pictures: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2017 – BBC News – BBC News

BBC News
In pictures: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2017 - BBC News
BBC News
The shortlisted images in this year's Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year have now been selected.
New East photographers shortlisted for Astronomy Photographer of the YearThe Calvert Journal

all 1 news articles »

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In pictures: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2017 - BBC News - BBC News

How to watch the total solar eclipse online – Astronomy Magazine

Its the greatest 2 minutes and 40 seconds in astronomy and August 21st, you have a chance to see it. At 10:15 am Pacific Daylight Time , the Great American Eclipse will begin. The first total solar eclipse in history unique to the United States, it enters the country near Depoe Bay, Oregon, and, at 2:49 pm Eastern Daylight Time, exits outside McClellanville, South Carolina. The best place to watch, of course, is within the totality band. But for those who dont live in or cant get to one of the 12 states the eclipse crosses, theres always the internet.

Thanks to NASA, citizen scientists, and public libraries across the country, youve got options to watch the total solar eclipse online. Heres a quick look at where you can watch:

1) will stream 10 live webcasts, each with a different angle: See the eclipse from the International Space Station. Watch ground footage from the point of greatest eclipse outside Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Catch the view from 11 international spacecraft. Or watch the eclipse from near-space: NASA Space Grant Consortium volunteers are launching 57 high-altitude balloons across the nation, each with its own Raspberry Pi camera.

NASA expects 100-500 million site hits, so as a backup, you can also catch the balloon webcast here:

2) Watch Parties

Go offline and see the eclipse online at the same time. Public libraries across the country are holding watch parties! Locations outside totality will stream NASAs total eclipse broadcast and also host live viewing areas for partiality. You can find the closest eclipse party to you on organizer STAR_Nets website.

No participating library in town? Then go to a NASA Museum Alliance or NASA Night Sky Network party instead.

3) Social Media

200 million Americans live within a days drive of totality, so the Great American Eclipse will be all over Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The official hashtag is #eclipse2017. As soon as the event is over, Eclipse Megamovie will compile everyones smartphone footage into a continuous video showing the solar eclipse from start to finish. Watch their replay here:


See what the eclipse looks like on the ground from Denver, Colorado. Astronomy will have its own 4K webcast right here on this site.

Read the rest here:

How to watch the total solar eclipse online - Astronomy Magazine

Astronomy fan Allan Jones donates eclipse glasses for local students – WDEF News 12

CLEVELAND, Tennessee (WDEF) The Allan Jones Foundation is allowing 43,000 local kids watch the solar eclipse safely.

Jones businesses of Check Into Cash, Buy Here Pay Here USA and U.S. Money Shops have donated the glasses for students at six local school systems.

They are Cleveland, Bradley County, Dalton, Whitfield County, Dayton, and Rhea County schools.

There are people traveling to the United States from all over the world to see the only total eclipse of the sun in the last 26 years its a major event that people will talk about for generations and no one is more excited than kids, said Jones.

The glasses were made by American Paper Optics, which have been certified safe by NASA.

But they will be personalized with the date and a school message for a keepsake.

Jones has always been an astronomy fan.

I took an astronomy class at Cleveland State but I only attended about half the classes, said Jones. My wife, Janie, kept telling me I was going to fail. However, I ended up making a 98!

He got the idea to donate the glasses this summer after remembering a partial eclips back in the 80s that was ignored by schools.

My daughter Courtney was in the fourth grade, so I went and got some welding glasses and used a machine to label them Courtneys welding glasses and I put the date on them, Jones said. When the eclipse came, I took her out of class and we went to the front lawn of the school and watched it and then I took her back to class. It was amazing to me that nobody else in the school was interested.

We want our students to realize that some people are driving or flying thousands of miles just to get themselves into The Path, said Jones. And here it is, coming right to your neighborhood or very close to your neighborhood. Dont miss it, because if you do you will have to wait seven years for another one in 2024!

See more here:

Astronomy fan Allan Jones donates eclipse glasses for local students - WDEF News 12

CSU alum: 1878 eclipse gave birth to high-altitude astronomy – Source

As the nation gears up for the rare sight of a total solar eclipse on Aug. 21, a Colorado State University alumnus has written a book chronicling the hordes of visitors who descended on Colorado for a high-altitude view of a similar totality in 1878.

Steve Ruskin, who graduated from CSU with a degree in history in 1994, is the author of Americas First Great Eclipse: How Scientists, Tourists, and the Rocky Mountain Eclipse of 1878 Changed Astronomy Forever. It chronicles the influx of astronomers and others who flocked to Colorado, Wyoming and Texas 139 years ago to view the eclipse, some from the top of Pikes Peak.

People arrived in Colorado Springs by the trainload in advance of the celestial event on July 29, 1878.

Hotel owners were renting out local barns and having people use pool tables for beds, Ruskin said, adding that areas in the upcoming eclipses path have also seen lodging book up fast. The ones who are late making plans may end up sleeping on the sidewalk under a blanket, just like in 1878.

One astronomer, Samuel Langley (for whom Langley Air Force Base in Virginia is named), managed to transport a huge brass telescope and related instruments to the top of Pikes Peak. The fragile equipment was carried up the 14,000-foot mountain using boxes hanging from poles that were strapped onto donkeys, Ruskin said. The team endured altitude sickness and blizzard-like conditions during the weeklong trip to see the three-minute natural wonder.

He became interested in writing about the historic eclipse more than a decade ago when he was digging through Colorado Springs newspaper archives and came across frenetic accounts about the swarms of people who inundated the city for the occasion.

It made me realize that the 1878 eclipse was really the beginning of high-altitude astronomy, said Ruskin, who wrote an article about it for Colorado Heritage Magazine in 2008. It was the first time so many astronomers congregated in one high place for an event like this. After that, they began pushing for high-altitude observatories.

And, naturally, Ruskin plans to watch the upcoming eclipse from a place where he can see it in its entirety. Hell drive to Wyoming, where hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected to temporarily increase that states population by 50 percent.

Its estimated that about one-third of the nation lives within a days drive of the area in which the phenomenon will be fully visible: a 70-mile-wide band stretching from Oregon to South Carolina. It could become the highest-traffic day in U.S. history.

Ruskin became fascinated with the history of science after transferring to CSU from the Colorado School of Mines, where he realized he preferred history to engineering.

I was interested in the way science developed, so that led me to the study of the past, he said. Ive always loved seeing how we got to where we are. My parents questioned the move at first. They asked, What will you do with that degree?

But his history degree has paid off: The award-winning historian of astronomy has authored a previous book and more than 50 articles, chapters and reviews. Ruskin was awarded a National Science Foundation grant to serve as a visiting researcher at Cambridge University in England, and he is an alumnus of the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop. He is also the moderator of the long-running history of astronomy listserv HASTRO-L, and is on the Board of Advisors for the National Space Science & Technology Institute.

The Colorado Springs native credits several CSU faculty, including Professor Emeritus Thomas Knight, with much of his success.

Tom took me under his wing and provided some independent study to prepare me for graduate school, Ruskin recalls. He and Diane Margolf helped me understand what it took to write a research paper in graduate school. I couldnt have done it without the support of the CSU faculty. The history faculty was world-class I had a great experience at CSU.

Ruskin went on to earn a Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame after his undergraduate education at CSU.

According to Ruskin, the entire eclipse will last about three hours, but it will be in totality when the moon completely blocks the sun for only about two and a half minutes, which is the only time experts say its safe to remove ones eclipse glasses and view it with the naked eye. More information about the eclipse, including a map, can be found at, and Ruskin recommends a NASA site for advice on eclipse viewing safety.

CSUs Little Shop of Physics is also offering safety tips and eclipse-viewing activities.

Learn more about Ruskin and his book on Facebook or The Department of History is part of CSUs College of Liberal Arts.

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CSU alum: 1878 eclipse gave birth to high-altitude astronomy - Source

Heritage protection honour for Jodrell Bank observatory astronomy site – Yorkshire Post

Buildings and structures at Jodrell Bank that played a pioneering role in the early days of radio astronomy have been given heritage protection.

They include the 38-metre (124.6ft) Mark II radio telescope, the smaller of two large steerable dishes on the Cheshire observatory site, which now has Grade I listed status.

It joins its big brother, the 76.2 metre (250 ft) Lovell telescope - originally known as the Mark I - which was awarded the highest listing grade in 1988.

The new listings were announced on the 60th anniversary of the Lovell telescopes first light, when the dish collected its first radio signals from the universe.

Jodrell Bank Observatory dates from the start of radio astronomy soon after the Second World War.

It was pivotal to developing the new science, which involves capturing light at invisible radio wavelengths to see celestial objects that would otherwise be hidden.

The site was bought by the University of Manchester in 1939 and first used for radio astronomy in 1945 by Sir Bernard Lovell and his team. A ramshackle collection of ex-army radar equipment was subsequently replaced with permanent buildings, aerials and sophisticated telescopes.

When construction of the Mark I telescope was completed in 1957 it was the largest steerable dish telescope in the world.

The Mark II telescope was built in 1962-64 to the specifications of a design developed jointly by Sir Bernard and structural engineer Charles Husband.

Having two telescopes that could work together tracking the same object in space improved the accuracy of observations.

Crispin Edwards, listing adviser at Historic England, said: Jodrell Bank is a remarkable place where globally important discoveries were made that transformed radio astronomy and our understanding of the universe.

We are celebrating the history of the site and its impact on the world by increasing its recognition on the National Heritage List for England.

Four buildings and part of a converted ex-army radar antenna known as the Searchlight Aerial have all been listed Grade II.

They include the Park Royal building, the Electrical Workshop, the Link Hut and the Control Building.

All that remains of the Searchlight Aerial, which was used to track meteors, is the army searchlight mount to which it was attached.

Professor Teresa Anderson, director of the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre, said: Jodrell Bank has welcomed millions of visitors, drawn by its landmark scientific structures.

Science is a hugely important part of our cultural heritage and we are very pleased to see that recognised and protected with these new designations.

Read more:

Heritage protection honour for Jodrell Bank observatory astronomy site - Yorkshire Post

Former astronomy professor and Madison Library team up for eclipse seminars – Rexburg Standard Journal

REXBURG The Madison Library and a retired astronomy professor are teaming up to offer all things Great American Eclipse this month at the facility.

Allan Morton and adult services librarian Cathy Stanton plan provide a series of seminars about the eclipse. Morton has an extensive background in astronomy, as he taught it at an Arizona college for nearly three decades. Stanton spent eight years with the National Park Service, where she hosted night sky programs.

The Great American Eclipse will be visible during the morning hours of Monday, Aug. 21, in the Upper Valley. It's considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for residents and visitors.

Thanks to a donation from the Space Science Institute, the library has around 5,000 eclipse glasses that it plans to give away to library card holders who don't have any fines.

We're going all out for the eclipse. We will be giving eclipse glasses to anybody who comes to these meetings, Stanton said. Anybody can have as many as they need for their household. We don't want 4,000 glasses sitting around on Aug. 22.

Morton plans to give a general discussion on eclipses at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14, at the library. Following that he'll teach residents to make a device called a day-star projector.

At the end of the day, they'll have a little eclipse viewer, he said.

Morton said his day-star projectors are based on the principle of the pinhole camera.

It's a little bit more fun to use. You can learn things about optics and mirrors, he said.

Morton came up with the idea for his day-star projectors when some of his college students were unable to attend a full eclipse in Mexico in the 1990s. Morton wanted a way to create a record of an eclipse. The projector is made of 3x5 cards, tape, glue and a small mirror. It costs less than $4 to make. Area craft stores carry the necessary supplies.

Stanton plans to oversee a seminar called Lost in the Stars at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 15. The second seminar is called Just a Phase and is scheduled at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 17, at the library.

On Tuesday we'll be talking about the stars. It will be a basic introduction to the night sky. It will be for those who don't know anything about astronomy and are kind of hesitant to begin, Stanton said.

During the Thursday seminar Morton will discuss phases of the Moon.

We'll be talking about science and folklore and have some demonstrations. We'll talk about origin theories all kinds of stuff, she said.

Morton returns at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18, where he'll review the history of astronomy in the Upper Valley.

Morton noted there was a Rexburg eclipse in 1889. He perused the journal of 19th century Mormon pioneer William F. Rigby in hopes of finding something out about it but had no luck.

He had no journal entry for Jan. 1, but he had an entry on Jan. 5. He was in a stake presidency and said that 'Brothers, we need to support the Bannock Academy,' he said.

Morton said that the academy started on Nov. 12, 1888, and, just six weeks later the eclipse took place.

So here are all these students getting together, and some teachers may have gotten together who were interested in science. Surely they knew about the eclipse, he said.

Morton is hoping to find the diary of a resident's ancestor who might have written about the eclipse shortly after it happened.

There's no known person who wrote about what happened here in Rexburg for that eclipse, he said. If anybody has an old journal from that whole week, and if they can find that great-great uncle Joe went and saw the eclipse, I'd love to know that. I could include that in my talk on Aug. 18.

Morton found some information about the 1889 eclipse thanks to a web search.

We know it was clear. All the weather reports say it was clear in Winnemucca and in Pocatello, Blackfoot, Salmon and in Helena, Montana, he said.

Morton's research also indicated that trainloads of people from Salt Lake City headed toward Rexburg to watch the eclipse. One of the more interesting accounts was from a 4-year-old boy.

It was really cute. He said that 'The sun played a trick on those chickens,' Morton said.

Apparently, as the sun darkened, chickens went back into their chicken coop, and as soon as the sun came back out the chickens also went back outside.

The chickens thought they were roosting for the night, but it wasn't night yet. The eclipse happened in the afternoon, Morton said.

Following his lecture on Friday, the library plans to host its annual star party around 9 p.m.

We'll have some telescopes to look at Saturn and whatever else is visible at that time, he said.

Stanton said Morton knows a lot about astronomy.

He is really passionate about astronomy. That makes for a very fun and interesting evening, she said.

Morton grew up in Rexburg and attended Madison High School, where he served as the president of the Science Club. He graduated from there in 1964. He later went to work for Arizona Central College, where he worked for 29 years.

Always interested in the heavens, Morton says that an eclipse is of great importance.

It's one of the most awesome things you could ever see in the sky, he said.

A Mormon, Morton paraphrased the LDS scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 88 when considering how important an eclipse is.

It's talking about the stars and planets and things up in the sky. It says 'Any man who has seen any of the least of these has seen God moving in His majesty and power,' he said. To LDS it helps define why it's of value.

Regardless of religion, the eclipse is turning out to be a significant event in the area. Stanton says she's received calls and emails from people from Canada to Nebraska to Norway to Taiwan.

The guy from Norway heard about the eclipse glasses being handed out here at the library and wanted to know if we could save him a pair. First of all, if you can fly from Norway, you can afford to buy two pairs of glasses, she said.

Others have wanted to know if the library planned any programs that day and if they could use the bathrooms.

We are closed on Aug. 21. We just want people to get out there and enjoy the eclipse. It's not a day to be inside, Stanton said.

That day may be especially meaningful to Morton, as he's expecting a grandchild during the Great American Eclipse.

On Valentine's Day, my son called and said, 'Guess what, dad? We're having a baby on Aug 21, he said.

For more information on the library's eclipse programs call 208-356-3461. For more information on Morton's day-star projectors write to him at

Here is the original post:

Former astronomy professor and Madison Library team up for eclipse seminars - Rexburg Standard Journal

So the eclipse is coming and you suddenly want to be an astronomer. Here’s what they actually do. – Washington Post

Its being called the Great American Eclipse, because on Aug. 21, for the first time in U.S. history, a total solar eclipse will be seen only in this country and its the first total solar eclipse since 1918 to move from coast to coast. You can learn everything you need to know about the eclipse here, and in this post you can learn about the people who are most eager to study the phenomenon astronomers.

Astronomy is one of those subjects many people find interesting but dont really understand. What do astronomers actually do? And how do they do it? How did they even become astronomers? This is Q&A that explores those and related issues with Amber Porter, a lecturer in astronomy and space science at Clemson University, where the 2017 eclipse will be seen in totality for 2 minutes and 37 seconds on Aug. 21.

[Everything you need to know about the solar eclipse]

Q: Lets start with your story: When did you decide you wanted to be an astronomer and why? And what was your educational route to becoming one?

A:I have been interested in astronomy for a long time, but I dont think I knew that I wanted to be an astronomer until I decided to apply to graduate school. My love of science first became apparent in middle school and blossomed throughout high school. Learning facts in my science classes was never enough and I always wanted to know why nature acted the way it does. I enjoyed my chemistry and math classes in high school, but nothing compared to my earth space science class, so that is what really sent me down the path of pursuing physics and astronomy. After graduating from high school, I received a bachelor of science in physics at Lycoming College in 2009. I wasnt sure what to do next and the decline of the economy meant that there were very few jobs for college graduates at that time in their fields of study. When I received a job offer to work with some of the smallest aspects of nature by colliding subatomic particles together, I realized that I was much more interested in studying the biggest objects nature can offer stars and galaxies. So the next step was receiving a PhD in physics from Clemson University in 2016, where I studied the three-dimensional shape of exploding stars in distant galaxies.

Q: The three-dimensional shape of exploding stars in distant galaxies? Sounds fascinating. Before I ask you why that is important to know, lets talk broadly about astronomy. How many different kinds of astronomers are there, and what do they do?

A: This is an interesting question because scientists love to place objects into groups as a classification method and there are numerous ways that we can subdivide astronomers. An astronomer may identify themselves based on the part of the universe that they study. For example, there are planetary astronomers who want to determine what planets and their atmospheres in our solar system are made of and how they have changed over time. There are also astronomers who prefer to study what stars are made of and the life stages of these giant balls of gas. People who study cosmic rays, supernova explosions or black holes may call themselves galactic or extragalactic astronomers. Astronomers also describe themselves according to what part of the electromagnetic spectrum they tend to use to study an object such as radio astronomer or gamma-ray astronomer. These are people who collect the longest and shortest wavelengths of light, respectively, that are emitted by their object.

The last classification Ill offer is this: You often hear astronomers divide themselves into observational, computational, and theoretical regimes. Observational astronomers are those that use telescopes to collect the light of celestial objects for further analysis. Astronomers often require complex computer codes to build models of the universe in our computers. We can then tweak the parameters of the model like turning a knob to try to fine-tune our models to match the reality of the information we collected from space.

[Travel the path of the solar eclipse]

Q: So in what subjects do all astronomers have to excel? Math? At what level? Which sciences? What other subjects should wannabe astronomers study in school?

A: In high school, wannabe astronomers should study as much math as possible up through calculus. Once in college, a physics or astronomy major will also take a variety of other higher level mathematics courses such as statistics, differential equations or linear algebra.

Taking a breadth of science courses as well is very helpful for astronomers. All of science is connected. We use the laws of gravity from physics to understand planetary orbits, we study how fusing nuclei in the bellies of stars produces a variety of elements on the periodic table, and we try to decipher what planets and their atmospheres are made of to see if they contain the building blocks for life that we study in biology classes.

Gathering data from telescopes is a small piece of being an astronomer. Much of our time is spent on computers analyzing data and writing papers so computer programming and English classes are essential as well. As you can see, astronomers excel at nearly all subjects taught in schools. I think it is important to note that I myself never felt particularly gifted at math so if you are currently struggling in any one subject, dont feel as though you can never become a scientist or astronomer. I think it is much more important that you have the tenacity to work on hard problems and the desire to ask why.

Q: What exactly do astronomers see when they look through telescopes?

A: Contrary to popular belief, astronomers often do not look directly through telescopes anymore. If you are stargazing for pleasure on a clear night, you will still look through the eyepiece of a telescope. However, the large telescopes that professional astronomers use typically have primary mirrors with diameters between 1-10 meters (or approximately 3-33 feet in diameter) and are operated through computers in a control room. Some telescopes are even set up so that they can be controlled remotely over the Internet by observers sitting hundreds of miles away.

When astronomers point a telescope toward a particular celestial object of their interest, they capture its image by exposing a charged-coupled device, or CCD, attached to the telescope. When light strikes the CCD, it dislodges electrons in the CCDs material. At the end of the exposure, the number of dislodged electrons in each pixel is read out to tell us how much light hit each particular pixel of the CCD. This digital signal is then turned into a black and white picture of the object the telescope is pointed toward. In order to get the really beautiful pictures we share with the public of celestial objects, astronomers must take pictures of the same object in a variety of wavelengths or bands that correspond to the colors seen by human eyes. We then carefully combine each of the photographs to produce the high quality images everyone loves to see.

Q: How big of a deal is this upcoming eclipse to astronomers? What do they hope to learn from it?

A: Many astronomers have never seen a total solar eclipse so seeing the corona of the sun during totality will be just as majestic for those who study space for a living as everyone else who stands in the shadow of the moon on Aug. 21.

One question that astronomers will try to answer by studying the solar eclipse is what heats the outer layers of our star. Heat naturally flows from warmer to cooler places. The temperature of our sun decreases from tens of millions of degrees in the interior to about 10,000 degrees on its surface. By the laws of nature, we then expect the temperature to decrease as we move into the suns atmosphere. However, the temperature rises to over 2 million degrees in the corona so there must be some additional heating process within the solar atmosphere that we do not completely understand yet. Astronomers can only see how the behavior of the atmosphere where it meets the surface of the sun during total solar eclipses so there are not many opportunities to do this type of science.

There are a number of amazing citizen science projects that involve atmospheric physics and biological sciences that everyone can participate in on Aug. 21. A rundown of these projects is featured here.

Q: How is the astronomer pipeline? Are there as many students today as interested in entering the field as earlier during the space race and shuttle era?

A: There are slightly more physics degrees conferred today as compared to the space race era and the number is on the rise. Watching men walk on the moon inspired an entire generation of people and I hope that witnessing something as awe-inspiring as a solar eclipse in your own backyard will enlighten the next generation to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers.

As our global need for technology grows every day, we need Americans who are well prepared to lead us into the future. Majoring in science fields like astronomy and physics can lead you down many career paths. Astronomers are taught how think outside of the box, to have healthy levels of skepticism because they become great critical thinkers, and to break big problems into solvable pieces. So not everyone who majors in astronomy may continue to answer questions about space, but they may also crunch numbers as data scientists, write code as computer programmers, or be innovative at tech companies. The small skills learned along the way to understanding our big universe can add up to success in a variety of careers.

Q: And, finally, early in the interview you mentioned the three-dimensional shape of exploding stars in distant galaxies. Why is it important to study that?

A: When supernovae are detected in distant galaxies, the explosions look like bright points of light, like brand new stars, that appeared in the galaxy seemingly overnight. These explosions are so bright that they can sometimes outshine the light of the entire galaxy where the star lived for billions of years. I study explosions that originate within burned out cores of stars called white dwarfs. These white dwarfs all explode at nearly the same mass and therefore are all equally bright explosions. However, by comparing how much a white dwarfs brightness dims to how bright we know it should be, we can determine the distance to that supernova and therefore to its host galaxy. Astronomers have used these white dwarf explosions, called Type Ia supernovae, to measure the distances to galaxies billions of light-years away. The results have shown us that our universe is expanding and the expansion is accelerating with time.

In order to determine the accelerated rate more precisely, we must carefully study the intrinsic brightness of the Type Ia supernovae. Thats where my work on measuring the three-dimensional shape of these explosion comes in. Our precise measurements of these explosions show that they are not perfectly round, and therefore the angle at which you view the explosion can change how bright you measure it to be. As an exaggerated example, imagine the ejecta of an exploded star takes on the shape of an egg rather than a baseball. The explosion will not appear as bright if you view the eggs top as compared to the eggs side. My quest is to measure the three-dimensional shape of Type Ia supernovae so that we can measure the distances to their galaxies more precisely.

[How to get kids ready for, and excited about, the Great American Eclipse]

See the original post here:

So the eclipse is coming and you suddenly want to be an astronomer. Here's what they actually do. - Washington Post

Is There a Giant Planet Lurking Beyond Pluto? – IEEE Spectrum – IEEE Spectrum

Illustration: Simon C. Page

Michael E. Brown is often called the guy who killed Pluto. But he takes the moniker in stride. Sitting in his sunny Pasadena office at the California Institute of Technology, Brown jokes that Pluto, which was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006, had it coming. The year before, Brown had discovered Eris, a frosty dwarf in the outer solar system more massive than Pluto and named, fittingly, for the Greek goddess of strife.

Brown now has good reason to hope that history will remember him not for the Eris-instigated demotion of Pluto but as codiscoverer of an as yet unseen, true ninth planeta Neptune-size world so massive that it may have tipped the entire solar system a few degrees sideways.

I meet Brown in the late afternoon, shortly after his breakfast. The 52-year-old, sporting a week-old beard and Converse sneakers, is shifting his sleep schedule to spend the coming nights remotely babysitting a giant telescope asit scans the heavens from the snowy summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Calculations that Brown published last year with Konstantin Batygin, a former student of Browns who now occupies the faculty office next to his, suggest that Planet Nine is real. Somewhere out there, they are convinced, drifts a frozen world so distant from the sunperhaps 5.5 light-days, or roughly 150 billion kilometersthat high noon on its surface is no brighter than a moonlit night on Earth.

Persuadedor at least intriguedby several converging lines of evidence, teams of astronomers around the world are now trying to answer the obviousnext question: Where is Planet Nine? Although it is thought to be 8to10times as massive as Earth and 2 to 4 times as wide, it seems to be maddeningly hard to spot.

Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at Yale University, says, Our best estimate for its current position and brightness put it about 950 times farther than Earth from the sun. As faint as the tiniest moons of Pluto, Planet Nine would be barely two pixels wide on the Hubble Space Telescopes camera. Searchers could easily miss it among random speckles of sensor noise and the twinkling of distant and variable stars. And because the planet is so far from Earth, near the far end of a highly elliptical path that takes at least 15,000 years to complete, astronomers have to wait a day or more between successive photographs of the right patch of sky to see the planet shift its apparent position relative to the much more distant stars.

Huge telescopes on Earth have been scanning the skies for months now. Brown and Batygin have been observing on Japans Subaru telescope on Mauna Keaas have veteran minor-planet hunters Chad Trujillo of NorthernArizona University and Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Scienceto exploit that observatorys giant mirror (8.2 meters across) andits 3-metric-ton, 870-megapixel camera. Meanwhile other astronomers, both professional and amateur, are digging through archives of images in hopes of finding this needle in a hayfield.

Photo: Patrick T. Fallon/The Washington Post/Getty Images Celestial Scouts: Michael E. Brown [left] and Konstantin Batygin of the California Institute of Technology are using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii to search for a ninthplanet.

Any of them could get lucky. But the smart money is on software, either to deliver the quarry or reveal it to be an illusion. Simulations running on supercomputers and in the cloud are modeling billions of years of celestial mechanics to pin down Planet Nines likeliest path. Engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, have been analyzing telemetry from the Cassini spacecraft for clues to the current position of the putative planet within its enormous orbit. And an ambitious pair of graduate students is preparing to deploy machine-learning software on a petaflop-scale Cray XC40 supercomputer. Their strategy aims to cleverly combine multiple images in which Planet Nine is hidden within the noise to yield one image in which it shines unmistakably.

Although many astronomers share Browns enthusiasm at the prospect of finding a planet bigger than Earth for the first time in 170years, some worry about being fooled by subtle biases or simple coincidences in the data. Myinstinctcompletely unjustifiableis that theres a two-thirds chance itsreally there, Laughlin says.

Galileo could have discovered Uranus, had he kept better records. He did spot Neptune in 1612 but mistook it for a star. It wasnt until 1781 that the amateur stargazer William Herschel stumbled upon what he thought was a comet. He notified other astronomers, who eventually worked out a circular orbit that revealed it to be a planet, which they named Uranus.

Further observations revealed that Uranus sometimes deviated from its calculated orbita clue to yet another undiscovered planet out there, tuggingit off course. In 1846, John Couch Adams and Urbain LeVerrier independently used those deviations to compute the mass of Neptune, thesizeand shape of its orbit, and its current position in the sky. Both got thenumbers quite wrongexcept for the crucial one of where to look, which LeVerrier predicted to within 1 degree. German astronomers pointed their telescope at that spot and found Neptune in less than an hour.

Neptune explained most of the anomalous motion of Uranus, but not all of it. In 1905, Percival Lowell, a rich and ambitious American mathematician, set up a project at his observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., to search for a planet beyond Neptune, but he died before resident astronomer Clyde Tombaugh found Plutoagain, by happy accident. When Voyager 2 flew by Neptune half a century later, astronomers learned that they had overestimated Neptunes mass by 0.5 percent. Correcting that error fully explained the strange movements of Uranus, which is oblivious to tiny Pluto.

This history of clumsy planetary detections hasnt deterred Batygin and Brown. Since 2001, Brown has led in the discovery of three dozen trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) in and beyond the Kuiper Belt, a huge ring of icy planetoids that lies outside the orbit of Neptune. Three of Browns findsEris, Haumea, and Makemakehave officially attained the rank of dwarf planet, alongside Pluto. Others, such as Sedna, Orcus, and Quaoar, are next in line for that honor. (By one definition, a planet demonstrates gravitational dominance, snaring nearby objects or flinging them away as it orbits a star. Adwarf planet, on the other hand, has a gravitational field too weak to affect nearby objects to the same degree.)

Now Brown is hunting the biggest prize of all. His quest began one day in the summer of 2014, when he walked into Batygins office brandishing a copy of Nature. Have you seen how weird this is? he asked. He was pointing to a chart in a recent paper by Trujillo and Sheppard reporting the discovery of 2012 VP113, an odd new TNO, suspected to be a dwarf ice planet.

Like Sedna, an icy dwarf that Brown and Trujillo had discovered a decade earlier, VP113 is an extreme TNO, one that mysteriously detached from the Kuiper Belt and now comes nowhere near Neptune. Also like Sedna, VP113 travels a wildly elongated orbit that is tipped at a curiously steep angle to the invariable plane in which all the planets (except chaotic Mercury) move.

In their chart, Trujillo and Sheppard had shown that all 12 extreme TNOs discovered so far have orbits whose long axes are roughly aligned, rather than spread out randomly as expected. This suggests, they wrote, that a massive outer Solar System perturberperhaps an undetected planetmay exist. They floated several other possible explanations as well.

Unlike Brown, Trujillo, and Sheppard, who all specialize in observation, the 31-year-old Batygin has a reputation as a hotshot at celestial mechanics. Plugging numbers for the six most distant TNOs into quick calculations on the blackboard, Batygin realized that the perturber must be a giant planet, also on a highly elongated and inclined path. The repeated gravitational influence of that planet would keep the orbits of the TNOs from precessing around the sun into widely varying alignments.

For a year, he and Brown examined every other possible mechanism while also running weeks-long supercomputer simulations of the solar system with a ninth large planet added to the mix. Mere coincidence, they calculated, was exceedingly unlikely. If we pick six objects at random from this distance, how often would we get clustering this tight? Batygin recalls asking. The answer is about 0.007 percent.

Those odds are now steeper because the list of relevant oddball planetoids known to haunt the outer reaches of our solar system has lengthened: from 6in early 2016 to 20, Trujillo says. About a dozen of these objects orbit within the same vertically tilted plane as Planet Nine does, but they sweep away from the sun in the opposite direction of the planet; a couple of others are aligned with the planet. Then there are a handful of planetoids circling crazily at almost right angles to everything else in the solar system; a couple of these even travel backward around the sun. They all fit in beautifully, Batygin says. As time has gone on, the evidence has only increased.

Last summer, Elizabeth Bailey, a Caltech graduate student, looked into thecentury-old puzzle of what caused the suns axis to tip by 6 degrees fromperpendicular to the invariable plane. Could it be that the suns axis hasnt shifted at all since the star was born inside its protoplanetary diskthatinstead Planet Nine, orbiting at a high angle, has gradually dragged allthe other planets upward by 6 degrees?

Bailey calculated what masses and orbits of Planet Nine could accomplish that feat. The numbers nicely overlap the ranges that Batygin and Brown prefer. Independently, a group of French and Brazilian astronomers published a similar result in December.

The Search: Digital eyes will scan the skies in coming months in hopes of discovering Planet Nine. The Subaru Telescope, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, uses infrared light to search for distant traces of radiation. Photo: NAOJ

Wide-Eyed: The Subaru telescopes Hyper-Suprime-Cam is ideal for a sweeping search with a field of view three times the width of the moon. Photo: NAOJ

A Snapshot of Space: In the Southern Hemisphere, astronomers will join the hunt with the 570-megapixel Dark Energy Camera, which can capture light traveling from 8 billion light-years away. Photo: Reidar Hahn/Fermilab

Twin Observers: The 6.5-meter Magellan telescopes stand 60 meters apart at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, and enjoy some of the best viewing conditions of any Earth-bound telescope. Photo: Yuri Beletsky

Hidden Clues: Images gathered from 2009 to 2012 on the 1.2-meter telescope at Palomar Observatory might already contain signals from the faint planet that could be sifted from the noise using innovative data mining techniques. Photo: Palomar Observatory/California Institute of Technology

Dual Discovery: Finding a new giant in the solar system could be a dual boon for astronomy if it also proves the value of doing celestial searches on supercomputers, such as Cori at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Photo: NERSC

With the idea of a big but undiscovered planet in our cosmic backyard moving from possible to plausible, Planet Nine hunters now have to face their biggest challenge: deciding where to point their telescopes. We dont actually know where the planet is today in its orbit, Batygin says. To narrow the search, histeam and other astronomers are sifting clues from computer simulations that recapitulate billion-year segments of the solar systems past or predict itsfar future.

Splashed across two 27-inch monitors on Browns desk, seven charts are cluttered with hundreds of red and white streaks. To the uninitiated, theabstract Mondrian print hanging on his office wall is easier to interpret. Butto Brown, each streak represents an asteroid or planet, and each chart captures one of the seven crucial parameters that define Planet Nines mass, orbital shape, and current position.

Im running 12 integrations of the real objects in the outer solar system and how they would behave over the next billion years with Planet Nine, given different values for the seven parameters, he says. The combinations of values are guesses, guided mainly by his intuition. If one ever happens toworkmeaning that the virtual solar system keeps humming along for thenext billion years without the new planet wreaking havocI can jump upand down, he smiles.

It takes his workstation just two days to model the celestial interactions of 200 tracer objects over a billion years, thanks to advances in technology. Moores Law has obviously helped. But the early 1990s also brought a big breakthrough in an algorithm, known as symplectic integration, that reduced computational times by an order of magnitude. Then came multicore and massively parallel computing systems, which are ideally suited for what Brown calls embarrassingly parallel problems like tracing how the orbits ofmany objects evolve over a wide range of starting conditions.

Data sources: Michele Bannister, Konstantin Batygin, Michael E. Brown, Sarah Millholland, Scott Sheppard. Illustration: IEEE Spectrum Unusual Orbits: Nearly all minor planets detected so far that travel well outside the orbit of Neptune follow highly elliptical orbits that cluster to one side of the sun and are tilted at an angle. Two such objects are aligned opposite to the others. A large but very distant major planet could explain this arrangement, which is highly unlikely to have occurred by chance.

Symplectic integration is so complicated that even Brown admitshe doesnt fully understand the math. But the key idea, he explains, is to take advantage of the fact that you already know that any object circling the sun mostly follows a simple orbit, as described by Keplers laws of planetary motionplus some minor perturbations. Because symplectic integrators dont waste time rediscovering Keplers laws over and over, they run orbital simulations hundreds of times as fastas older methods do. One of the most popular symplectic modeling platforms is called Mercury (not to beconfused with the planet), and it has become the tool of choice for several of the planet-hunting teams, including Brown and Batygin.

At Yale, Laughlin and his graduate student Sarah Millholland enhanced Mercury last autumn with a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm to homein more quickly on promising orbits. Using the 1,000-core supercomputing cluster at Yale, theywere able in a month to simulate a total of 1019 years of orbital mechanics, tracking not only 11extreme trans-Neptunian objects but also uncertainties in their observations.

We got orbital parameters that agree well with Browns and Batygins values, Laughlin says. But our simulation gives a more precise place in the sky to look for it. Their paper, published in February, as well as more recent supercomputer simulations presented in April by Trujillo, puts Planet Nine somewhere in the constellation Cetus (the whale) or Eridanus (the river), at about 28 times the current distance to Pluto. Its still a vast search area, Trujillo says.

Meanwhile, at the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado, David Nesvorn has been modifying his far more detailed models of the formation of the Kuiper Belt from the early days of the solar system to see what happens whenhe plugs in a ninth planet. The simulation, built on a symplectic code known as SyMBA, starts with a million virtual TNOs as they might have existed in the nascent solar system. The system computes 4.5 billion years of evolution and then compares the outcome to what astronomers see today. Each run takes more than five weeks to complete on 500 CPU cores of NASAs Pleiades supercomputer.

Initial results seemed encouraging: Extreme TNO orbits lined up just as others had found. It showed that Planet Nine could be responsible for that, Nesvorn says. But things didnt work out as well when he then focused on how Planet Nine would affect a certain class of comets.

My model nicely reproduces all orbital parameters for these cometsuntil I add Planet Nine, he says. In the model, the new planet tilts the so-called scattered disk, where Jupiter-family comets originate, causing the virtual comets to enter the solar system more steeply than the real ones do.

More caveats to Planet Nines theorized existence come from the Cassini probe, which has orbited Saturn since 2004. From minute changes in the spacecrafts speed and other telemetry, the Cassini team calculates the distance from Earth to Saturn to within 3 meters. Those range measurements could reveal even small deviations in Saturns orbit due to the pull from Planet Nine, but only if it is close or large enough. William Folkner, aprincipal engineer at JPL, says he and coworkers examined the data and sawno perceptible distortion of Saturns orbit. So, if Planet Nine exists and is 10times Earths mass, it must be within 25 degrees of the farthest point in its hypothetical orbit, he says. A smaller Planet NineBrown now favors a mass eight times that of Earthwould have 40 degrees of wiggle room to hide in.

The results, positive and negative, aid the handful of observers now hunting for Planet Nine on telescopes. In addition to the groups working on Subaru, Sheppard and Trujillo are leading searches in the high desert of Chile, in case the planet is easier to see from the Southern Hemisphere. There, both the 570-megapixel Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the 4-meter Blanco telescope and the 6.5-meter Magellan telescopes are contributing to the hunt.

Illustration: Mark Montgomery Dark Light: A new search technique developed by a team at the University of California, Berkeley, processes successive telescope images of the same patch of nightsky. In Step 1, software subtracts out known objects and noise, leaving only unknown objects too faint to see in any individual image. In Step 2, software combines the images, shifting each so the planets theorized position is stacked directly on top of its position in previous images. This approach brightens any light reflected from the planet, making it easier to spot.

I actually think we will not discover Planet Nine by scanning the sky, Brown says. We could, but I think somebody will find it first in archival data, from surveys that have already photographed huge swathes of the heavens. After Uranus and Neptune were discovered, astronomers noticed that earlier stargazers had already recorded the two worlds many times but not recognized them for what they were. Now at least four efforts are under way to find a new planet in old photos.

David Gerdes of the University of Michigan has been combing through thearchive of DECams survey observations to find images of the planet. Bycoincidence, Brown notes, our predicted path for the planet goes right through the Dark Energy Surveys field of view.

An army of amateurs has jumped into the game as well. In February, MarcKuchner of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center helped launch a crowdsourced effort to compare successive infrared images made by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer space telescope of the same spot in the sky. By July, the project had recruited 40,000 volunteers, who had thoroughly reviewed over 125,000 chunks of space. A southern-sky version, launched in March with data from the Australian SkyMapper telescope, blew through 106,000 search regions in just three days. Laudable as these citizen-science projects are, their odds of success are low because the small telescopes involved typically cannot gather enough light to see something as dim and distant as Planet Nine is thought to be.

Michael Medford and Danny Goldstein, graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley, think they have a solution to that problem. Drawing on hundreds of thousands of images covering the search area for Planet Nineallshot from 2009 to 2016 using a 1.2-meter telescope in the mountains north of San Diegotheir system will combine multiple images in an ingenious way that should brighten the faint flickers of light from Planet Nine enough to distinguish them from background noise.

Because the planet is moving with respect to the background stars, you cant just add overlapping images together, Medford points out. Instead, their software selects each of the many distinct plausible orbits for Planet Nine, projects the planets movement onto the relevant patch of sky, and then offsets successive images to superimposeand brightenany pixels corresponding to the planet. A pipeline of software written with Peter Nugent, their faculty advisor, performs the overlapping and subtracts known objects such as stars.

The computational task is enormous because the planets orbit is still so uncertain. To do a 98 percent complete search, Medford estimates, they will need to perform 10 billion image comparisons. Fortunately, Nugent has time allocated on the Cori supercomputer, a new Cray XC40 system that recently ranked as the fifth most powerful in the world.

Illustration: Robert Hurt/California Institute of Technology The Prize: An artists rendering of Planet Nine shows the planets far side, as if the viewer were looking back toward the sun.

False positives are unavoidable. Even if we get only one false hit for every million searches, well still get 10,000 fake planets, Goldstein says. So we will be passing all detections through a machine-learning system trained to catch and reject artifacts: satellite trails, hot pixels, cosmic rays, and other spurious sources.

With the data already in hand, the two expect the system, running in parallel on hundreds of Coris CPU nodes and 278 hyperthreads per node, to finish the work in just a few days when they flip the switch in August. Well be sitting on the edge of our seats, Goldstein says. And whether we find P9 or not, this method can be used to detect other TNOs.

Im rooting for them, Brown says. Though his own major finds have all beenmade by classic observation, Ive been doing that since 1998, he says. Its boringIm tired of it.

He harks back to the heady days of technology when his father, a NASA engineer, worked on the Apollo moon-landing missions. Discovering a major planet through clever computational methods would be better, he argues, because it would represent an impressive dual discovery: a new giant added tothe celestial pantheon, plus a powerful new computational technique for uncovering mysterious objects hidden right in our little corner of the cosmos.

This article appears in the August 2017 print issue as Where Is PlanetNine?

W. Wayt Gibbs is a freelance science writer and the editorial director for Intellectual Ventures in Seattle. He has previously written for IEEE Spectrum about how to build a levitating disco ball or make your own Amazon Echo.

Here is the original post:

Is There a Giant Planet Lurking Beyond Pluto? - IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum

Family astronomy event scheduled at Dickson Mounds Museum – Newton Press Mentor

At Dickson Mounds Museum on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017 from 7-10 p.m., visitors are invited to enjoy a new event, Family Night: Astronomy.

At Dickson Mounds Museum on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017 from 7-10 p.m., visitors are invited to enjoy a new event, Family Night: Astronomy.

Participants of all ages may discover the intricacies of the night sky through telescopes, a star lab, and related crafts. A portable planetarium will provide a view of the stars, rain or shine. The program will also include a chance for participants to enjoy viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower throughout the Museums grounds.

Admission is free; however, donations are appreciated. Registration is not required. Participants are encouraged to bring their own blankets or lawn chairs to use for the outdoor portion of the event.

The Illinois State Museum-Dickson Mounds is located between Lewistown and Havana off Illinois Routes 78 and 97. The museum is open free to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. Tours and special programs are available for groups with reservations. For more information call 309-547-3721 or TTY 217-782-9175. Also visit Facebook at Illinois State Museum-Dickson Mounds or online at the Dickson Mounds link on the Illinois State Museum website at

The rest is here:

Family astronomy event scheduled at Dickson Mounds Museum - Newton Press Mentor