‘We put everything into it.’ Modest telescope could have big impact on Turkish science – Science Magazine

A new telescope, under construction on a 3170-meter mountaintop in eastern Turkey, is expected to come online next year.

By Umar FarooqMar. 4, 2020 , 2:05 PM

International megaprojects that cost well over $1 billion generate most of the excitement in observational astronomy today: the 39-meter Extremely Large Telescope under construction in Chile, for example, or the Thirty Meter Telescope, controversial because of its proposed location on Mauna Kea, a mountain sacred to some Native Hawaiians.

But smaller telescopes still do cutting-edge science as well. And Turkish scientists are eagerly awaiting the completion of the new Eastern Anatolia Observatory (DAG), a 4-meter optical and infrared telescope expected to come online next year. Its main structure is scheduled to be shipped to the site, a 3170-meter mountaintop in northeastern Turkey, this month; polishing and grinding of the primary mirror is nearly done.

Despite its modest $34 million price tag, DAG will be one of Asias largest optical telescopes and Turkeys largest science project. Its developers hope DAG will make Turkey a regional astronomy hub and help nurture its astronomy community. We are dreaming of using the instruments on DAG, says Ozgur Basturk, an exoplanet scientist at Ankara University. With a 4-meter telescope, we can do much better and be more competitive in our field.

Turkeys largest telescope today is a 1.5-meter reflector near the city of Antalya on the Mediterranean coast. The new facility will sit well above haze and humidity and far from urban light pollution, and enjoy 288 clear nights per year on average. Its design and construction, financed by the Turkish government, has involved scientists at 40 universities in the region, along with European academic and industrial partners. Its not a 40-meter telescope of course, says Laurent Jolissaint of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland, the projects lead optical engineer, but we put everything into it. The optics system is the same essentially as the very newest systems. DAG will be run by the Astrophysics Research and Application Center at Atatrk University in Erzurum, a city in eastern Turkey.

Turkish scientists have little access to the worlds largest telescopes. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, for instance, prioritizes observing time for projects led by scientists from the 16 nations that have helped pay for the facility and contribute to its 162 million annual budget. In principle, anyone can apply to use these telescopes, but the competition is very high, so the research quality [of your proposals] should be high, says astronomer Sinan Alis of Istanbul University. You have to somehow reach that level to be able to compete. In 2010, Turkish astronomers began to lobby their government to apply for ESO membership, but they gave up a few years ago, their hopes dashed by Turkeys economic crisis. (Another developing country, Brazil, dropped its membership bid last year because it could not afford 270 million in fees over the next decade.)

Unable to make observations themselves, many Turkish astronomers fall back on archival data from large telescopes that have already been picked over by other astronomers, who can take years to release them. Some Turkish astronomers have struck up collaborations with teams from ESO member countries, but even then, getting travel funded is often difficult.

Thats why the new telescope will be such a boon, Basturk saysfor instance, for his exoplanet research. DAG will allow him to use one of the standard strategies for hunting exoplanets: monitoring stars for a wobbling motion that results from the gravitational tug of an orbiting planet. But like other premier telescopes, DAG will also have a coronagraph, an instrument that masks bright stars to remove their glare so that dim planets orbiting them can be imaged directly. New technology will enable the coronagraph to block multiple stars at the same time, needed to hunt for exoplanets in star systems that, unlike our own, have two stars or more.

DAGs large aperture will enable it to capture light from distant, faint objects like high redshift galaxies, allowing astronomers to probe far back into the universes history. Thats important for Alis, who hopes to use DAG to follow up on data from the Spektr-RG space observatory, a Russian-German satellite launched last year to map the x-ray sky. Many objects can produce x-rays, from black holes at the centers of galaxies to smaller black holes or neutron stars consuming mass from a companion star. We need to follow up with optical and infrared to see what they actually are, Alis said.

In an ironic twist, DAG officials say astronomers from several European countries have shown interest in Turkeys new observatory, despite their access to ESOs megatelescopes, drawn by the locationthere are few others in the Northern Hemisphere at that longitudeand affordable observation time. We envision DAG as an international observatory, says the projects director, Cahit Yeilyaprak of Atatrk University. We do not have a preference about the origin of the proposals, as long as the best science cases are proposed and conducted.

But the biggest impact will be in Turkey itself. Designing the telescope has already pushed science in other fields. For instance, dozens of optical, mechanical, and computer engineers helped design the telescopes adaptive optics system, which will sharpen its images, and its derotator, a device that keeps the telescope trained on the same spot as the Earth rotates. These are big deals for a developing country, Yeilyaprak says. And the telescope itself will invigorate Turkish astronomy, Alis says. Once we have the telescope, the expertise will pop up.

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'We put everything into it.' Modest telescope could have big impact on Turkish science - Science Magazine

The Sky This Week from February 28 to March 8 – Astronomy Magazine

Thursday, March 5One of the skys most familiar constellations rules March evenings from dusk until around midnight local time. Orion the Hunter appears at its highest in the south as darkness falls but grows more prominent once twilight fades away. If youve watched Orion over the years, you might notice that it doesnt look quite the same now. Ruddy Betelgeuse, which marks one of the Hunters shoulders, is a mere shadow of its normal self. Fortunately, the red supergiant star has started to rebound from its historic low of magnitude 1.6 during Februarys second week. It already has brightened by 0.1 to 0.2 magnitude, and astronomers expect it to continue this trend until it reaches its normal brightness of around magnitude 0.6

Friday, March 6One of the skys largest asterisms a recognizable pattern of stars separate from a constellations form occupies center stage on March evenings. To trace the so-called Winter Hexagon, start with southern Orions luminary, Rigel. From there, the hexagon makes a clockwise loop. The second stop is brilliant Sirius in Canis Major. Next, pick up Procyon in the faint constellation Canis Minor, then the twins Castor and Pollux in Gemini, followed by Capella in Auriga, Aldebaran in Taurus, and finally back to Rigel.

Saturday, March 7Venus gleams in the western sky after sunset. The brilliant planet stands out just a half-hour after sundown, when it stands nearly 40 above the horizon, and it is still 25 high once darkness fully settles in. Venus remains on display until after 9:30 p.m. local time. Shining at magnitude 4.3, it is by far the brightest point of light in the night sky. A telescope reveals the planets disk, which spans 20" and appears 60 percent lit. And as a bonus, Venus serves as a guide to the solar systems seventh planet, Uranus, tonight and tomorrow night. Because the distant world glows feebly at magnitude 5.9, youll need binoculars or a telescope to spot it. Once the sky grows dark tonight, center Venus in the field of view and then search for Uranus 2.2 to its southeast (to the left when viewed from mid-northern latitudes). Dont confuse the ice giant world with a similarly bright star even closer to Venus. Uranus lies about twice as far from Venus as that star. You can remove any doubt by targeting the objects through a telescope. Only Uranus will show a 3.4"-diameter disk and conspicuous blue-green color.

Sunday, March 8Venus and Uranus appear equally as close this evening as they did yesterday, though their relative positions have changed. Tonight, Uranus lies just a bit east of due south (to the lower left) of Venus. By the way, the actual conjunction between these two planets occurs at 11 a.m. EDT tomorrow, but the two will stand 2.6 apart by the time darkness falls.

For most people in the United States and Canada, daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. local time this morning. Set your clocks ahead one hour.

Neptune is in conjunction with the Sun at 8 a.m. EDT. The distant planet is hopelessly lost in the solar glare but will return to view before dawn in late April.

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The Sky This Week from February 28 to March 8 - Astronomy Magazine

Astronomers Find The Biggest Explosion Ever Seen In The Entire Universe – Forbes

Evidence for the biggest explosion seen in the Universe comes from a combination of X-ray data from... [+] Chandra and XMM-Newton. The eruption is generated by a black hole located in the cluster's central galaxy, which has blasted out jets and carved a large cavity in the surrounding hot gas. Researchers estimate this explosion released five times more energy than the previous record holder and hundreds of thousands of times more than a typical galaxy cluster.

The Universe, everywhere we look, is full of cataclysmic events and transient outbursts.

The Crab Nebula, as shown here with data from five different observatories, shows how material gets... [+] ejected from a supernova. The material shown here spans about 5 light-years in extent, originating from a star that went supernova about 1,000 years ago, teaching us that the typical speed of the ejecta is around 1,500 km/s. The total energy output of an event like this is approximately 10 billion times the present energy output of the Sun.

They come in all sorts of varieties, from supernovae to black holes to merger events and more.

Zw II 96 in the constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin, is an example of a galaxy merger located... [+] some 500 million light-years away. Star formation is triggered by these classes of events, and can use up large amounts of gas within each of the progenitor galaxies, rather than a steady stream of low-level star formation found in isolated galaxies. Note the streams of stars between the interacting galaxies.

Whether in light, particles, or gravitational waves, energy output is the great comparator.

In this artistic rendering, a blazar is accelerating protons that produce pions, which produce... [+] neutrinos and gamma rays. Photons are also produced. Extreme events in energy are generated by processes occurring around the largest supermassive black holes known in the Universe when they're actively feeding.

Supernovae releaseup to 1044 joules (J) of energy: totaling the Sun's entire lifetime output.

For the real black holes that exist or get created in our Universe, we can observe the radiation... [+] emitted by their surrounding matter, and the gravitational waves produced by the inspiral, merger, and ringdown. The most energetic black hole mergers seen by LIGO are thousands of times more energetic than supernovae.

LIGO's black hole mergers were even more energetic: up to ~1047 J.

The second-largest black hole as seen from Earth, the one at the center of the galaxy M87, is shown... [+] in three views here. At the top is optical from Hubble, at the lower-left is radio from NRAO, and at the lower-right is X-ray from Chandra. These differing views have different resolutions dependent on the optical sensitivity, wavelength of light used, and size of the telescope mirrors used to observe them. These are all examples of radiation emitted from the regions around black holes, demonstrating that black holes aren't so black, after all.

But the most extreme, energetic outbursts arise from jets emitted by supermassive black holes.

The galaxy Centaurus A is the closest example of an active galaxy to Earth, with its high-energy... [+] jets caused by electromagnetic acceleration around the central black hole. The extent of its jets are far smaller than the jets that Chandra has observed around Pictor A, which themselves are much smaller than the jets found in massive galaxy clusters.

Accreted matter gets accelerated by these behemoths, ejecting particles all the way into intergalactic space.

The active galaxy IRAS F11119+3257 shows, when viewed up close, outflows that may be consistent with... [+] a major merger. Supermassive black holes may only be visible when they're 'turned on' by an active feeding mechanism, explaining why we can see these ultra-distant black holes at all.

Smashing into the surrounding gas and plasma, they can carve cavities that span millions of light-years.

This infrared light image showcases the large Carina nebula, which houses Eta Carinae at the lower... [+] left. The gas and dust loops visible arise not only from material blown off from Eta Carinae itself, but also from the material of the larger star-forming region that spawned it millions of years ago. This is a miniature version, on the scale of a single star cluster, of what's happening on intergalactic scales in galaxy clusters.

The most extreme one ever was just discovered in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, 390 million light-years away.

The radio data of the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster reveals the presence of supermassive black holes (in... [+] white), but also an extraordinarily large population of gas and ultra-hot plasma, at temperatures in excess of tens of millions of K.

NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope found an enormous source of X-rays there, 15 times our galaxy's diameter.

The X-ray data, shown here in pink and overlaid atop the infrared data, transforms this non-descript... [+] cluster of galaxies into an enormously bright and large source in the sky. The X-ray data, even at a distance of 390 million light-years, takes up about a quarter of a degree on the sky: half the size of the full Moon.

Combined with infrared and radio observations, an enormous cavity emerges.

A combination of data from X-ray, radio, and infrared observatories revealed an enormous cavity... [+] spanning ~1.5 million light-years across, corresponding to the largest single-event release of energy ever discovered.

It was carved by an ancient, explosive, supermassive black hole outburst, requiring 5 1054J of energy.

Lynx, as a next-generation X-ray observatory, will serve as the ultimate complement to optical... [+] 30-meter class telescopes being built on the ground and observatories like James Webb and WFIRST in space. Lynx will have to compete with the ESA's Athena mission, which has a superior field-of-view, but Lynx truly shines in terms of angular resolution and sensitivity. Both observatories could revolutionize and extend our view of the X-ray Universe.

A more distant, energetic event likely awaits discovery via ESA's Athena or NASA's Lynx.

An X-ray and radio composite of OJ 287 during one of its flaring phases. The 'orbital trail' that... [+] you see in both views is a hint of the secondary black hole's motion. This system is a binary supermassive system, where one component is approximately 18 billion solar masses and the other is 150 million solar masses. When they merge, they may emit as much energy, albeit in the form of gravitational waves, as this new record-breaking galaxy cluster.

Only supermassive black hole mergers, hitherto unseen, may surpass them.

See more here:

Astronomers Find The Biggest Explosion Ever Seen In The Entire Universe - Forbes

How It Works: Astronomy – Observing The Mysteries of Space – Kidzworld

Understanding the universe beyond earth is a big task, but its easy to get started thinking beyond earths atmosphere if youre interested in learning more. Kidzworld interviewed Alison Klesman, Senior Associate Editor at Astronomy Magazine for tips on getting started. You can be recognizing constellations, following planetary paths, and even helping professional astronomers by adding your observations by the time you finish reading this article!

Many people look up into the night sky and get inspired by the vastness of space but while youre staring out into the stars looking as though youre searching for a ride back to your home planet, you might be confused about what exactly youre looking at.

When you want to learn more about a topic, ask an expert. Kidzworld contacted Alison Klesman, the Senior Associate Editor at Astronomy Magazine to get her advice about how to begin to make sense of the night sky.

One really good way to get started in astronomy is to go to a local planetarium or science museum, or just visit their websites to check out the activities they offer. These institutions often have talks, observing nights, and extracurricular activities with amateur and professional astronomers who can answer questions and tailor an experience for age and other interests. I personally work a lot with the Adler Planetarium, which has an entire teen program dedicated to teens interested in science.

One of my favorite apps is called Star Walk it uses your devices GPS to recreate the sky in real time as you hold it up and move around. Its a great way to identify constellations, stars, and deeper-sky objects, right when youre looking at them. It also has a list of whats up right now in the sky and information about the visible planets, sun- and moonrise/set, and a lot more. You can also enter an object you want to find, and the display will point you in the right direction as you move it until you get there!

Alternatively, Skymaps.com has free printable (or downloadable) night sky charts that are updated each month to show the sky overhead. And the bookThe Stars: A New Way to See Themby Hans Augusto Rey (the same H.A. Rey who wrote Curious George!)has been recommended to me many times as a great starter guide.

For younger kids, two of my favorite resources are the NASA Kids Cluband ALMA Kids.

You know by now that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But did you also know that, because the earth rotates in a constant direction, the planets 168 and stars in the night sky do as well?

Check out this 5-minute video that explains how to get into the right position to observe the night sky and how to read astronomical chart directions.

Start with this free download of a card deck that helps you identify and memorize the constellations from a Professor Environmental, Geographical, & Geological Sciences at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania

Create your own star wheel, or planisphere, or you can visit their interactive sky chartonline for a view of the night sky personalized to your location.

If you have a smart device, download a free app like Night Sky, Star Chart, and Sky Safari that use your GPS location and phones camera to help you identify exactly what youre seeing when you look up.

You might already know that you can use the position of the sun in the sky to tell the approximate time during the day, but did you know that you can also tell time at night by looking at the stars? As the earth turns, the planets appear to follow the same line at night the ecliptic that the sun travels across the time during the day.If the earth moved in a steady, unchanging line, the stars would stand still, and would be in relatively the same place every night. But because the earth is on an axis and tilts toward or away from the sun depending on the season, that path varies depending on the time of year. Thats where a star clock comes in. A star clock uses the positions of The Big Dipper and Cassiopeia depending on the time of year to help you figure out approximately what time it is! Not only is it a great tool, its also a fun project.

Alison at Astronomy Magazine pointed out that not all discoveries have been made by professionals. Some discoveries have even been made with the naked eye (without a telescope).

One of my very favorite citizen science projects is called Zooniverse. Their website has a whole host of activities. Each project is designed to be easy to understand and easy to use, although some are better for younger audiences and some are better for older kids. No telescope is required at all basically, this site lets users look at real data to help real scientists do things like find extrasolar planets, characterize glitches or noise in their data so they dont think its a real find, and theres even currently a project that lets users look at old constellation maps to determine which constellations the drawings are trying to show.

Many of Zooniverses discoveries have come from amateur astronomers young and old. Specific ones I can think of are the green pea galaxies, Hannys Voorwerp, and a four-planet extrasolar system around a Sun-like star 597 light-years away.

The International Astronomical Union also has some good suggestions for getting involved in astronomy and astronomy research. And, again, checking out a local planetarium or astronomy club is a great way to find out whether there are more local, hands-on projects that need participants.

Additionally, the American Meteor Society allows people to submit reports if they see fireball meteors at any time. Submitted reports help the society to identify where the meteor came from and where any potential material that might have hit the ground is located. Thats pure chance, of course, but anyone who sees a fireball can report it.

The editorial team at Astronomy Magazine publishes weekly reports for astronomy hobbyists called The Sky This Week highlighting one thing to look at in the sky each night for every week of the year.

For kids just starting out, the best way to find out about upcoming NASA launches is to go to the source. Visit NASAs launch scheduleor NASA TV, to observe NASA launches, landing, spacewalks, news, and footage from inside the space station.

Alison also suggests checking out the American Meteor Societys calendar of meteor showers and The Old Farmers Almanacs list of upcoming astronomical events.

Are you a super-star-gazer with thoughts of going "to infinity and beyond" or are your feet planted firmly on the ground? Tell us your stargazing stories in the comments below, and share this article with your star-struck friends and family members!

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How It Works: Astronomy - Observing The Mysteries of Space - Kidzworld

For The First Time, Astronomers Have Detected an Exoplanet Using Radio Waves – ScienceAlert

A boring, unremarkable star 26 light-years away has turned out to be not so boring after all. Astronomers have found that it has a planet - not just any planet, but one with a mass only about five times Earth's mass - using a wild new method inspired by Jupiter's auroras.

Radio wave activity from the star, called GJ 1151, has been linked to an interaction between the star's magnetic field and an orbiting planet - much like Jupiter's magnetic field is known to interact with the planet's moon, Io.

It's a method that could help us find way more of the hard-to-find rocky exoplanets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

"We adapted the knowledge from decades of radio observations of Jupiter to the case of this star," said astronomer Joe Callingham of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON).

"A scaled-up version of Jupiter-Io has long been predicted to exist in star-planet systems, and the emission we observed fits the theory very well."

Currently, there are two main ways exoplanets are detected. There's the transit method, like NASA's TESS spacecraft uses. That's when a planet passes between us and its star as it orbits, causing slight dips in the star's light.

Then there's the radial velocity method. This detects the faint wobble in a star's position as it is tugged on by the planet.

But the interaction between Jupiter and Io is interesting. It produces a signature emission in radio wavelengths that are mostly polarised in a circular fashion, and which, in the lower frequencies, can be more powerful than those wavelengths from the Sun.

The Sun's magnetic field isn't strong enough, and the distances are too great, to produce a similar effect from its interaction with the planets in the Solar System, but red dwarfs are different. These very long-lived, small, dim stars have much more powerful magnetic fields than the Sun's, and planets can get much closer.

It was expected that a red dwarf star's close-orbiting planet might produce a similar but more powerful emission than that produced by Jupiter and Io.

"The motion of the planet through a red dwarf's strong magnetic field acts like an electric engine, much in the same way a bicycle dynamo works," explained astronomer Harish Vedantham of ASTRON. "This generates a huge current that powers aurorae and radio emission on the star."

So Vedantham and an international team of astronomers set out to look for circularly polarised low-frequency radio waves. They used data from a survey conducted using LOFAR, a telescope array in the Netherlands that scans the skies in low radio frequencies, and identified several emissions that fit the bill, lining up with red dwarf stars.

One of them was GJ 1151. It was the perfect candidate for further study.

Many red dwarfs, especially those detectable in radio wavelengths, are extremely turbulent, lashing the space around them with stellar flares, rotating extremely fast, and/or interacting with a binary companion.

GJ 1151 rotates extremely slowly - once every 130 days. It's unusually peaceful for a red dwarf. And binary companions can be hidden, so a separate team conducted careful observations using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher instrument on the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo in Spain.

They detailed their painstaking search and findings in a separate paper,where they rule out other companion stars, brown dwarfs, or giant planets that might also explain the results.

"Interacting binary stars can also emit radio waves," said astronomer Benjamin Pope of New York University.

"Using optical observations to follow up, we searched for evidence of a stellar companion masquerading as an exoplanet in the radio data. We ruled this scenario out very strongly, so we think the most likely possibility is an Earth-sized planet too small to detect with our optical instruments."

That planet's exact mass is still to be determined, but it's likely to be a rocky planet, orbiting the star every one to five days. That's pretty tight, and probably a bit too close to the star to be hospitable.

But it also offers a new way to search for potentially habitable worlds.

In both the transit and radial velocity methods, the effects of the planet's orbits on the star are very, very slight. So the more massive the planet, the more likely we are to detect it. That means most of the exoplanets detected are on the large end of the scale - gas and ice giants, like Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus.

Smaller exoplanets are more elusive. But this amazing new method demonstrates that they can be detected by analysing a star's radio signals. In fact, the team expects "many tens" of such detections will be made based on the remainder of the LOFAR survey data; they're currently working on that research.

In turn, this will help us understand the magnetic field environment of exoplanets, and what that means for the search for alien life.

"The long-term aim is to determine what impact the star's magnetic activity has on an exoplanet's habitability, and radio emissions are a big piece of that puzzle," Vedantham said.

"Our work has shown that this is viable with the new generation of radio telescopes and put us on an exciting path."

The papers have been published in Nature Astronomy and The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Read the rest here:

For The First Time, Astronomers Have Detected an Exoplanet Using Radio Waves - ScienceAlert

Hubble finds hints the Sombrero galaxy had a turbulent past – Astronomy Magazine

New data from the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the popular Sombrero galaxy may have had a more violent past than previously thought. Based on the number of metal-rich stars Hubble spotted in the galaxys extended halo, astronomers think the seemingly serene Sombrero galaxy could have once went through a major merger with another galaxy.

The Sombrero has always been a bit of a weird galaxy, which is what makes it so interesting, Paul Goudfrooij, a scientist for the Space Telescope Science Institute, said in a press release.

The Sombrero galaxy is a go-to target for amateur observers, largely due to the stunningly smooth brim of its disk, which appears to us nearly edge on. This is where the Sombrero gets its name. But, as with most galaxies, the Sombreros stars extend far beyond the galaxys disk. This area of space surrounding the sombrero is called the halo.

Halos are usually packed with old, metal-poor stars. But using Hubble, astronomers resolved tens of thousands of stars in the Sombreros dim halo. They surprisingly found it contains many more younger, metal-rich stars than expected.

Utilizing models and simulations, scientists investigated different ways the metal-rich stars could have ended up in the Sombreros halo. Based on the evidence, astronomers speculate that billions of years ago, the galaxy merged with another galaxy of similar mass.

Oddly, the Sombrero galaxys disk and halo dont show any other signs that such an event happened though. Both have a silky smooth appearance, which doesnt seem to suggest a turbulent past. The team will continue to observe the Sombrero galaxy, especially when the powerful James Webb Space Telescope is launched in 2021.

The findings were published February 12 in the Astrophysical Journal.

See the original post here:

Hubble finds hints the Sombrero galaxy had a turbulent past - Astronomy Magazine

Multi-spectral view of stellar nursery reveals spectacular interplay of stellar winds and supernova shocks – Astronomy Now Online

Combining optical, X-ray and infrared views of a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud provides a spectacular look at the effects of high-speed winds blown away from massive, fast-burning stars that die young in fiery supernova blasts. At the centre of this region, known as LHA 120-N44, the star cluster NGC 1929 shines with the light of massive stars that produce intense radiation and stellar winds. Data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, shown in blue, reveal high-temperature regions where winds and supernova shock waves have created huge cavities. Infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, seen in red, show where dust and cooler gas is present. Visible light from the European Southern Observatorys MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope in Chile reveal the stars themselves and the clouds of gas and dust that surround them. The multi-spectral view led astronomers to a better understanding of why superbubbles like N44 give off powerful X-rays. It appears that X-rays are generated by supernova shock waves hitting the walls of the cavities and by material evaporating from those cavity walls.

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Multi-spectral view of stellar nursery reveals spectacular interplay of stellar winds and supernova shocks - Astronomy Now Online

Las Cruces astronomers to analyze Jupiter’s atmosphere thanks to NASA grant – KRWG

The atmosphere of Jupiter is a colorful swirl of cloud bands in brown, yellow, red and white with an enormous red spot. To unlock some of the atmospheres mysteries on the gas giant planet, New Mexico State University researchers this week received a three-year, $283,800 grant from NASAs New Frontiers Data Analysis Program.

The New Frontiers research program, within NASAs Planetary Science Division, is aimed at enhancing the scientific return from New Frontiers class missions. The mission NMSU astronomers have chosen to investigate is the Juno mission, which is currently in orbit around Jupiter.

We proposed to analyze some infrared images and spectra of Jupiters atmosphere to try to understand the circulation patterns and the waves, and the transition between orderly and chaotic circulations in Jupiters atmosphere, said Nancy Chanover, astronomy professor and principal investigator on the project.

The team of researchers working with Chanover includes co-investigators Jason Jackiewicz, associate professor of astronomy; Wladimir Lyra, assistant professor of astronomy; and Ali Hyder, astronomy Ph.D. student.

The atmosphere of Jupiter is the largest in the solar system. Its called a gas giant because its atmosphere is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium gas, like the Sun. Each of the professors is approaching the data from a different perspective. Chanovers perspective is from the upper cloud deck of Jupiter, Jackiewicz studies the interior of Jupiter and vertical motions within the atmosphere, and Lyra creates numerical simulations of fluids of all astrophysical kinds.

My part is in the modeling of the atmosphere. In this case, we are going to apply my models to the atmosphere of Jupiter to better understand and explain the observations recorded by Juno, Lyra said as he described some of his previous simulations and how they could apply to the Jupiter project.

This a previous model, so you can see as the simulation proceeds, more vortices form, they grow, they merge with other ones, they tease each other. In the end, youre going to have one large vortex. So we are applying the same kind of calculations to the atmosphere of Jupiter.

As part of Jackiewiczs research, the NASA-funded Jovian Interiors from Velocimetry Experiment (JIVE) in New Mexico project, he has been using the Dunn Solar Telescope to measure winds in Jupiter's atmosphere, in particular vertical motions, with a very specific technique he pioneered. The data from Juno are being supplemented with observations from JIVE.

It's exciting that we can obtain data from observations carried out right here in New Mexico that complement the NASA Juno space data, providing us with new constraints about how the atmosphere of Jupiter is dynamically linked to interesting features like vortices, said Jackiewicz.

Little is known about the interior composition and structure of gas giant planets like Jupiter. One of NASAs planetary science goals is to understand how the suns family of planets originated and evolve.

The Juno images provide us sort of with east, west and north south motions of the clouds and Jasons data will provide us with the vertical motions of the clouds, Chanover said. Using that three-dimensional dataset, we will really be able to probe whats driving these vortices in the atmospheric circulation.

Ph.D. student Ali Hyder will be working with the team on all aspects of the research as part of his doctoral thesis.

Jupiters atmosphere is a dynamic and ever-changing system where we can observe fluid dynamic phenomenology on a scale inaccessible on Earth, so it provides a very unique environment in which to study such phenomena, Hyder said. Being part of this project, I will be working on all aspects of numerical modeling, the actual development of the code, modification of the model, analysis of the results from the numerical simulation, and the data reduction of the observations as well.

Results of this research will be published in peer reviewed journals and the new data generated through the mapping of some images or the inclusion of these other datasets will be archived in the Atmospheres Node of NASAs Planetary Data System (PDS), located at NMSU.

Chanover also leads that project, which is responsible for the acquisition, preservation and distribution of all non-imaging atmospheric data from all planetary missions (excluding Earth observations).

Once the data are archived in the PDS, they are accessible by any investigator worldwide, Chanover said. It really provides value to the existing mission data that are in the archive, because now were adding what is known as derived data or a kind of new data generated as a result of those mission data. So were adding another layer on top of the primary mission data.

The blending of different research specialties to make new discoveries about Jupiter is an important part of the project for Chanover.

One of the reasons I'm really excited about this project is because its a true collaboration among three faculty members in our department who come from varied academic research areas.

The collaborative nature is also a benefit for Hyder as a graduate student.

It is a really big deal for me to get exposure to such a varied domain of expertise, which is quite unusual for a single project, Hyder said. So Im getting information regarding the atmosphere, regarding the interior, and regarding numerical astrophysics all together.

Information from NMSU

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Las Cruces astronomers to analyze Jupiter's atmosphere thanks to NASA grant - KRWG

This Is Why There Are So Few Black Physicists And Astronomers (And How To Fix It) – Forbes

The importance of representation cannot be overstated when it comes to fostering a sense of... [+] belonging. Under-representation among black professors, postdocs, graduate students and undergraduate students in Physics and Astronomy is a problem that demands a specific, focused, concerted effort if we wish to change the status quo.

Over the past 20 years, the number of bachelor's degrees awarded in physics has more than doubled: from just under 4,000 per year in the late 1990s to nearly 9,000 per year today, according to the most recent data. By many metrics, racial representation is on the rise as well. Black Americans earned more than twice as many STEM degrees as they did 20 years ago. But in physics, the percentage of Black Americans earning Bachelor's degrees has plummeted over that same interval, even as Hispanic representation has nearly quadrupled.

Today, across all STEM fields, representation of Black Americans is lowest in physics and astronomy: ~3% in physics (down from more than 5% in 1999) and ~2% in astronomy. In a landmark, first-of-its-kind study, the American Institute of Physics developed a national task force to elevate the representation of Black Americans in physics and astronomy: TEAM-UP. Their full report has just been released, and it uncovers not only the causes of this under-representation, but how to fix it.

While the percentage of Black Americans who earn STEM degrees at the Bachelor's level has increased... [+] across all fields over the past few decades, overall gains and overall representation remain lowest in the fields of Physics and Astronomy.

The big question that TEAM-UP sought to answer was simple:

Why are there so few black physicists and astronomers?

By assembling a team of physicists, astronomers, and education researchers, they endeavored to understand the experiences of current undergraduates, to evaluate the overall landscape of the prevailing culture in those fields in particular, and to uncover what impedes or promotes not only success in those fields, but the culture change necessary for enabling those successes. It was the first comprehensive study of Black American physics undergraduates ever undertaken.

Through surveys, interviews, site visits and more, what they concluded was as sobering as it was unsurprising. The reasons Black Americans aren't earning Bachelor's degrees isn't because they're unmotivated, uninterested, unintelligent or incapable. Instead, it's due to elements that are prevalent in society in general and in physicsand astronomy in particular.

Over the past 25 years, the percentage of Bachelor's degrees awarded to Hispanic Americans has... [+] increased tremendously, but the percentage awarded to Black Americans has dropped dramatically over that same interval. This difference cannot be explained by population changes alone.

One of the most informative parts of the TEAM-UP report arose from studying specific physics departments at a number of individual colleges in detail, including colleges where the representation of Black Americans among physics and astronomy majors is exemplary. Every specific field has its own problems and cultural issues that are unique to that particular environment, and by studying just one particular field in detail, they could identify the factors that are most impactful for eithernourishing or neglecting the needs of Black Americans in physics and astronomy.

The big takeaway was that there are only two main factors in determining the level of representation of Black Americans in obtaining physics and astronomy degrees:

Those two factors, environment and economics, are the only ones that mattered.

In 1946, Albert Einstein gave a talk at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania: the United States' first... [+] degree-granting historically black college or university. Fostering a sense of belonging in a supportive environment is an irreplaceable boon to student success if present, and a catastrophic hindrance if absent.

What makes an environment supportive or unsupportive? A few examples some from the TEAM-UP report and some from beyond it can help make that clear. Imagine that you're a physics student, an undergraduate, in a classroom full of people where most of them look like one another, but not like you. Imagine that you're working hard, you're doing well in your classes, you're learning new things, and you're even beginning to do research.

If your department has the ability to be financially supportive, perhaps you'll get the opportunity to attend a conference and present the research that you've been working on. Perhaps you'll get the opportunity to meet others in your field, including peers, potential mentors, and even people whom you may end up working with down the line. But even seemingly small obstacles, particularly if they're common to your experience and appear frequently (what are known as microaggressions), can completely undermine that sense of belonging. Here are three scenarios that illustrate how.

Although physics in particular is a field notorious for students behaving in a discouraging and... [+] derogatory fashion towards other students, black undergraduates were approximately 20% more likely than their white counterparts to report being on the receiving end of this type of interaction.

Scenario 1: You're in class, the most advanced difficult class you'll take this semester. The professor is solving problems on the board, and poses a question to the class. You know the answer, so you raise your hand, and the professor calls on you. You give the answer you believe to be correct, but another (white) student elsewhere in the room derisivelycorrects you, and nobody else in the room comes to your defense.

Scenario 2: You're at a conference, your very first one, where you're about to present your research alongside other scientists of all levels (students, post-docs, professors, etc.) in your specific field. As you arrive, you start looking around for anyone you recognize and come up empty. A minute later, a (white, senior) professor comes up to you with a bewildered look on his face, and asks you, "Are you the help?"

Scenario 3: You're at a large conference, about to present your research to an audience that includes members of the press for the first time. There's a paper and an accompanying press release to go with it, and you get a large number of questions. Over the next few days, a few stories come out in various media outlets. While most of them get the science right, one of them also includes a number of unprofessional statements with racially charged overtones, including remarks on how "articulate" you are.

When a junior member of the community who's also an under-represented minority in that community... [+] attends a conference, the impact of inclusivity and a sense of belonging, or lack thereof, can have an enormous influence on whether that student continues in the field or not.

I want you to think, for a minute, about what a terrible situation this is for the young aspiring physicist or astronomer, and how there's not a way to win. If you express anger or outrage, even over what's clearly unacceptable behavior, other people may become afraid and categorize you as a "dangerous black man" or a "ghetto black woman" in their mind. If you know your answer is correct and you dig into your position, you risk further ridicule and alienation.

If you attempt to gently correct someone who assumes that you're an employee of the venue the conference is at, you risk them becoming defensive and deeming you a problematic person. And in the final scenario, you may even jump through all the hoops of crafting messages to the offending article's author or their editor, only to find even years later that the original offensive messages are still unchanged and uncorrected. As the TEAM-UP researchers noted:

Regular exposure to unsupportive peers and faculty who make discriminatory comments, intentionally or unintentionally, will likely derail a student's success in the field... and this is more likely for minoritized students in STEM compared with other fields.

Decades of compiled data show a lack of gains in the percent of Bachelor's degrees awarded to Black... [+] Americans versus Hispanic/Latinx Americans. In physics and astronomy in particular, the differences are stark and imply some systematic differences in how students of various races experience a degree program in those fields.

Fortunately, there is something positive and low-effort that each of us can do. Rather than view the solution as "closing a gap" between young black scientists and the rest of the field, we can think about the solution as "opening a space" for them. That means making an effort to say to them, in some way, "you have a home here," "you are welcome here," "your presence here is valued," and "you are included."

Imagine how differently the first scenario would have played out if the professor, upon hearing the white student's remarks (which turned out to be wrong, by the way), had scolded that student for their inappropriate behavior? A counter-conversation, even after the fact, can be remarkably affirming for under-represented students. Imagine how the second scenario would have played out differently, if only the default assumption in the mind of the offending professor had been, "you belong here."

If we can actively set up and establish better norms for what positive behaviors are, the field can become more inclusive in a long-term, sustainable manner.

While the number of Bachelor's degrees earned by black students have risen across the board in STEM... [+] fields in recent years, their representation in physics and astronomy lags far behind most other such fields, at ~3% in physics and ~2% in astronomy.

One of the simplest ways to become more inclusive is to assume, as your default, that black physicists and astronomers exist and deserve to be there. Assume that they know what they're doing and are highly capable, but that they need support. Support on those two important fronts of fostering an environment that supports their presence within it and in providing financial support for black students and their supporting institutions can help change things tremendously.

And there's a lot to combat. Compared to their white peers, black students were more likely to feel socially isolated in their physics classes or labs (49% to 34%), to feel discouraged due to interactions with other students (35% to 29%), and less likely to feel like their department created a supportive environment (74% to 85%). Perhaps most troublingly, the same percentage of black and white physics students saw others treated negatively in class because of their race or ethnicity, but black students reported experiencing that negative treatment far more frequently (32% to 11%).

In terms of students who have reported personally experienced negative treatment on the basis of... [+] race, approximately one-third of black students report such an experience, compared to just one-in-nine white students.

The TEAM-UP report, of course, goes much farther in making recommendations for fostering the academic and career success of black students. There are entire sections devoted on how to be a supportive, engaged faculty member or mentor, including simple actions such as reaching out to black students, following up on their progress, and making sure there are multiple people checking up on them, demonstrating their investment in that student's success.

The report also makes specific recommendations across five key areas to support the success of black students:

Of all STEM fields, black students are least well-represented in astronomy, where under 2% of... [+] Bachelor's degrees are awarded to them. Here, black students attend and present their work at the American Astronomical Society's general January meeting.

By 2030, TEAM-UPbelieves the number of Black Americans who get physics or astronomy degrees can be doubled versus today's figures. In addition to the relatively small behavioral and structural recommendations that they make in their report, they stress the need for financial support as well, recommending:

A consortium of physical sciences societies should be formed to raise a $50M endowment from foundations and individuals to support minoritized students with unmet financial need in physics and astronomy and to support the implementation of this report's recommendations by departments.

But even without donating, all of us can play an effective role in combating these structural inequalities simply by making an effort to be inclusive.

The presence of even a single individual who is focused on inclusivity and fostering a sense of... [+] belonging can make a remarkable difference in the success of their students, but this is an unsustainable path to creating a long-term cultural shift in the field.

Make an effort to support black students in the classroom. Reach out to them. Invite them to study sessions. Tell them explicitly about opportunities. When you see them at a conference, introduce them to others that you know. Invite them for drinks and to social events. Send the simple message, wherever you can, that "you are welcome here" and "you belong here."

Many of the black physicists and astronomers today were brought into the field because of positive interactions with professors and students. If we can transform the field to make that the cultural norm and clearly, this applies to more fields than just physics and astronomy we can better advance, serve, and promote the physical sciences for the benefit of humanity. Advancing and supporting under-represented minorities is a critical component of that, and one that we can all contribute to simply by sending that one universal message we all yearn to hear: your presence here is genuinely valued.

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This Is Why There Are So Few Black Physicists And Astronomers (And How To Fix It) - Forbes

Mystery Object Could Be Second ‘Minimoon’ Ever Detected Around Earth, Astronomers Say – Newsweek

Astronomers have spotted a small, mysterious object orbiting the Earth which could be the second "minimoon" detected in orbit around our planet.

The object, which has been designated the provisional name 2020 CD3 by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center, was first observed on February 15 by astronomers Kacper Wierzchos and Teddy Pruyne at the Catalina Sky Surveywhich operates from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson.

Since then, a team at the international Gemini Observatory have managed to capture a fascinating full color image of the object.

At present, it is not clear whether 2020 CD3 is natural in origina small space rock known as a "minimoon," for exampleor man-made technology, such as a satellite or other piece of space debris.

If the former hypothesis is correct, the discovery would be particularly significant given that only one natural satellite other than the moon has previously been detected around the Earth.

This object, dubbed 2006 RH120, is a nearly 10-foot wide asteroid which normally orbits the sun but was temporarily captured by the Earth's gravitational pull in 2006, before being shot out into space again.

"Either way [2020 CD3] is a very compelling object and needs more data to determine what it is," Grigori Fedorets, lead astronomer of the Gemini observations from Queen's University Belfast in the U.K., said in a statement.

"If it will be indeed of natural origin, it would be the second temporary moon discovered in space, establishing a population," Fedorets told Newsweek. "It will provide more knowledge about the composition of the smallest asteroids in the solar systemof which not much is knownlinking in to the overall fundamental question of the formation of the solar system."

The Gemini imagecaptured by the Gemini North telescope located at the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii on February 24shows 2020 CD3 as a tiny spot of light amidst the light trails of several stars. The image was created by combining three different images that were snapped with different color filters.

"The stars are trailing because this object is moving relative to the background stars and the 8-meter Gemini North telescope was tracking on this object," Fedorets said.

Capturing images of fast-moving, small objects like this with large telescopes similar in size to Gemini is a challenge.

"Obtaining the images was a scramble for the Gemini team because the object is quickly becoming fainter as it moves away from Earth. It is expected to be ejected from Earth's orbit altogether in April," John Blakeslee, Head of Science at the international Gemini Observatory, said in a statement.

According to Fedorets, astronomers are now trying to learn more about the object to determine what it is and where it might have come from. For example, determining the the reflectivity of 2020 CD3 can help scientists to decipher whether it is man-made or natural in origin, given that man-made objects, such as space rocket debris, tend to more reflective than pieces of rock for example.

While only one minimoontiny asteroids measuring up to around 80 inches in diameterhas ever been confirmed around the Earth, scientists think there may actually be thousands of these objects in orbit around our planet at any one time, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Astronomy and Space.

These may often go undetected by traditional asteroid surveys because they are so small, faint and fast-moving. Nevertheless, upcoming observatoriessuch as the Vera C. Rubin Observatorymay be able to detect further minimoons

We expect to find a population of these objects once the Rubin Observatory is operational," Fedorets said. "Stay tuned!"

This article was updated to include additional comments from Grigori Fedorets.


Mystery Object Could Be Second 'Minimoon' Ever Detected Around Earth, Astronomers Say - Newsweek

Raytheon and the National Science Foundation radio astronomy facilities to detect dusty asteroids in space – Yahoo Finance

MCKINNEY, Texas, March 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN), the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the Green Bank Observatory entered a cooperative research and development agreement to detect and characterize near-earth asteroids large enough to cause significant damage.

The Raytheon-NRAO/GBO collaboration will integrate a radar transmitter into the Green Bank Telescope and use the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array as a receiver to provide a very detailed radar image. The GBT and the VLBA will each point at the same celestial body, such as the moon, to conduct radar experiments. This approach increases the probability of detection and characterization of objects out to the orbit of Jupiter and possibly farther. To put this in perspective, objects around Mars are hard to detect, and Jupiter is hundreds of millions of miles farther than that.

"Very energetic dusty asteroids we're talking from several hundred feet to miles in size don't reflect sunlight very well, and that makes them incredibly difficult, if not impossible to detect in our solar system," said Art Morrish, vice president, Raytheon Advanced Concepts & Technologies. "We're collaborating with the NRAO to combine radio astronomy and radar techniques to bring new capabilities to the astronomical community to solve problems like this."

"Using the radio astronomy facilities of the National Science Foundation in these new research areas is incredibly exciting," said Tony Beasley, director of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Associated Universities Inc. vice president for Radio Astronomy Operations. "This partnership between Raytheon and NRAO/GBO is one of several promising research and technology collaborations we're exploring that may greatly benefit our next-generation Very Large Array project."

The NRAO and the GBO are facilities of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

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About RaytheonRaytheon Company (NYSE:RTN), with 2019 sales of$29 billionand 70,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions. With a history of innovation spanning 98 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5Iproducts and services, sensing, effects, and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries.Raytheonis headquartered inWaltham, Mass.Follow us onTwitter.

Media ContactDana Carroll310.647.4352


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Raytheon and the National Science Foundation radio astronomy facilities to detect dusty asteroids in space - Yahoo Finance

A bright, sodium-laced fireball over Spain – SYFY WIRE

On 22 February 2020, at 23:22 UTC, a bright, slow fireball dropped out of the Spanish sky. We use the term fireball for exceptionally bright meteors, and this one glowed at magnitude -9 a hundred times brighter than Venus! That must have been quite a sight.

A lot of people did see it, in fact, and it was also caught on cameras as part of the SMART network: Spectroscopy of Meteoroids in the Atmosphere with Robotic Technologies. These are automated cameras in Spain pointed skyward specifically to catch bright meteors and triangulate on their 3D trajectories. The principal investigator of SMART, Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, analyzed the data and was able to find out quite a bit about the rock that burned up.

It entered the atmosphere at 43,000 kilometers per hour (about 12 km/sec, which is pretty slow for a meteoroid) and started to glow when it was about 70 km up, burning up completely over the Mediterranean Sea when it was still 29 km above the ground. Backtracking the path it took into space, he was able to determine the orbit of the object was similar to that of asteroids.

When I saw this on Twitter via the MeteorNews feed, I didn't know much about SMART, but as soon as I saw this video I got excited:

This shows the fireball from a couple of different cameras and locations (including, cleverly, the constellations marked at the end of the video). I laughed when I watched; at first it looks like the meteor is entering from the top center, but that's not it at all! A few seconds later the actual meteor enters the frame. For a moment I thought it was a reflection inside the camera (common for bright objects) but then I realized the SMART network does something even more: It takes real-time spectra of the meteors.

That's where you break up the light of an object into individual colors (wavelengths), sometimes into very fine bins of thousands of colors. Different atoms and molecules glow at characteristic wavelengths, so by examining the spectrum of an object you can tell what's in it.

That's what you first see in that Spain fireball video; not the meteor itself but the spectrum of it! The light is dispersed along a line on either side of the meteor itself, and the different "lines" (the specific colors in the spectrum) can be seen as the meteor brightens.

I was curious about the spectrum, so I contacted Dr. Madiedo, and he told me that the brightest feature, the one you see first, is from sodium. Thats a little surprising; if this is a rocky bit from an asteroid Id expect to see something more like carbon or silicon.

But it turns out that abundance of an element is not the only thing that makes it bright in a spectrum. Meteoroids like this don't have a lot of sodium in them, but sodium glows very vigorously and at lower temperatures than other elements. In fact, with meteors, it's usually the first element seen in spectra, when the solid bit of rock first starts to heat up. Other elements need higher temperatures before they glow, which is why later on you see more lines start to appear. This has been known for a long time, and is called and I love this differential elemental ablation (ablation is when the material on the meteoroid starts to melt and blow off due to the high pressure of ramming through Earths air).

Sometimes, meteors leave material behind them that glows for some time. Called a persistent train, the glow is mostly from sodium as well (though it's also due to it interacting with ozone high in the atmosphere; the entire story is a bit complicated but very cool).

There's also a phenomenon called airglow, seen only in very dark skies, where the sky itself appears to glow. Some of that is from sodium in the upper atmosphere, roughly 70 km up, glowing after sunset. That sodium actually comes from meteors! A hundred tons or so of meteoroids burn up in our atmosphere every day, and a tiny bit of that is sodium, which can stay suspended for quite some time. Energized by sunlight during the day, it releases that energy at night as a soft yellow glow.

Although you might think that irritates astronomers, it's actually useful. Our atmosphere moves around a lot, distorting astronomical images. Astronomers can compensate for that using a technology called adaptive optics. They create artificial stars in the sky using lasers that excite those sodium atoms, creating a bright spot in the sky. As the atmosphere moves that artificial star distorts; sophisticated computers measure that distortion through a telescope and then actuate pistons under a telescopes mirrors to deform it, literally changing the shape of the mirror to compensate for the atmospheric distortion. This can sharpen images considerably, even getting better resolution than Hubble Space Telescope!

So how about that? We can study meteors burning up in our atmosphere by studying their sodium, and then use that sodium to help us observe other objects, too. There's a touch of poetry to that, I think.

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A bright, sodium-laced fireball over Spain - SYFY WIRE

Mea culpa: Betelgeuse and its dusty convective pulsations – SYFY WIRE

Betelgeuse has been in the astronews a bit lately, hasnt it? Normally one of the very brightest stars in the sky, in October it started dimming, and by January had faded to roughly a third of its normal brightness. Astronomers have known for a long time that Betelgeuse periodically fluctuates in brightness, but this was a historic low point for the star.

Because its so bright, has a recognizable name, is easy to spot as one of the anchor points in the easily recognizable constellation of Orion, and also may one day explode as a supernova, this behavior got a lot of press.

Ive written about it several times over the past couple of months: When it was first announced that this dip in brightness was really substantial, again when images revealed that only one half of the star appeared to be dimming, and then just a few days ago when the star started to brighten again.

I talked about why Betelgeuse behaves this way, too. I mentioned that its temperature has dropped, which can make it dimmer, for example. I also wrote about how convection gas rising and falling in the star affects its brightness. Welp, for those of you who know your Latin, the title of this article may give away what I have to say next: I was wrong. While the convection plays a role, thats not whats going on here, at least not in a major way.

Im embarrassed by my error, but thats mitigated a little bit at least by the fact that whats happening inside Betelgeuse is actually pretty dang complicated, and not well understood.

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant, a star born with probably 20 times the mass of the Sun. For a few million years it fused hydrogen into helium in its core, powering the star. When it ran out of hydrogen, it started fusing helium into carbon. This generates a lot more energy, and the outer layers of the star responded by swelling up hugely. The star is currently well over a billion kilometers across, hundreds of times larger than the Sun. Because the surface area is huge the star is extremely bright, but that energy gets spread out so much that the star cools, turning it red.

What happens on the surface depends very much on how energy gets from the core to the surface, and that depends on physical conditions inside the star. The important ones are the density of the gas (which in turn depends on the stars mass and radius), its temperature, and its opacity: how easily light passes through it. That last one is important! If the gas is opaque it can absorb more energy from below, and that affects how the energy moves through the gas. Sometimes it moves via radiation; literally photons of light moving from atom to atom inside the star. Under other conditions the gas will start to convect; hot gas rises to the surface, cools, and falls back down inside the star.

But other things can happen, too. Under some conditions common inside red supergiants the star can literally pulse, with the outer layers expanding and contracting over some time period. Betelgeuse does this on a timescale of about 420430 days. This is a well-known period that Betelgeuse has followed for centuries. When it does this the amount of surface area increases and decreases, changing the stars brightness; its this change that astronomers were expecting in this last cycle.

Ill note again here that in my last article I wrote it was the convection doing this. Thats not correct; its a separate process. But heres where things get odd.

Why did Betelgeuse dim so much? I wrote in previous articles that it may be due to dust and it turns out this is looking very much like the correct reason.

A paper just came out by astronomers Emily Levesque* and Philip Massey describing observations they made of Betelgeuse very recently (on 15 February; this paper was done incredibly quickly!). What they found is very surprising: While the stars temperature has dropped as it dimmed, as expected, it hasnt gone down by very much, probably only about 50 Celsius and at most 100. That will make the star dimmer by eye, but not nearly enough to account for what was actually seen.

So why did the star drop so precipitously in brightness? They postulate that its dust. This is made of tiny grains of material created inside stars like red supergiants, and in copious amounts. Some dust is made out of long molecules of carbon (basically soot), some is more silicaceous (rocky), or some aluminum oxide. It depends again on whats going on inside the star.

Dust made of very small grains tends to absorb blue light better than red but what they found is that the color of Betelgeuse isnt changing by very much at all. What they think is happening is that the dust from Betelgeuse is made up of bigger grains, which are more agnostic about the color they absorb. Astronomers call this gray dust, and if the dust Betelgeuse makes has a grain size of roughly half a micron that would explain things pretty well and other observations of the star show it is surrounded by vast clouds of dust with about this grain size (in fact, stars like this lose a lot of mass this way, and Betelgeuse is likely far less massive now than the original 20 Suns it started out with a few million years ago).

This might explain why in the images one half of Betelgeuse is dimmer than the other. Dust production happens in the upper atmosphere, but it may not be global, that is, made everywhere all over the star. Its certainly possible that parts of the star make more dust than others, and thats why the image isnt symmetric. Dust from half the star was blown out, getting between us and its surface, dimming that part.

That explains a lot but theres still something really weird. If the dimming is due to dust, then why did Betelgeuse start to brighten again right on time in the 420 - 430 day cycle? Thats not clear. Dust production is tied to the pulsations, so they might be related here. Perhaps, with only half the star dimmed by dust, the increase we see is due more to the half of the star not enshrouded. Its getting brighter on schedule, and thats enough to see the star brighten. That could also be aided by the expansion of the cloud of dust, which would get more transparent as it gets bigger and its density drops, removing its ability to absorb light as efficiently.

And convection may still play a role here too. As gas rises and falls it affects the temperature, and the dust production, and the opacity. All of these things are tangled together and very difficult to disentangle. So to be clear what I said in that article was wrong, but maybe not completely wrong. Just mostly.

Ill be honest: I hate making mistakes like that, but when I do I try to correct them as openly as I can. But heres a funny thing: Because of that mistake I contacted Emily and wound up learning a lot more about the star, about how complicated this all is, and that astronomers are still pretty puzzled over whats happening in the upper reaches of red supergiants like Betelgeuse. So some good came of this.

Theres still a lot to understand about it. We dont know for sure why it got so dim; perhaps further observations will support the large-grained dust idea. It seems likely. But then theres another 5-year cycle in its brightness thats not understood, and who knows what else is going on inside this ridiculously enormous beast.

So ponder all that next time you go outside and take a peek at Orion, now high to the south right after sunset. Give a look tonight if you can! You can point right at Betelgeuse, and see for yourself what all the fuss is about. Remember, this isnt just arguing over esoterica; its trying to understand actual things going on in the sky, some of which have made their way into our stories and our lives.

*Full disclosure: Emily an expert in Betelgeuses behavior is also a friend of mine, and generously talked to me for like 40 minutes over the weekend about the star. She also literally wrote the book on this: Astrophysics of Red Supergiants.

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Mea culpa: Betelgeuse and its dusty convective pulsations - SYFY WIRE

American Astronomical Society Announces First Class of AAS Fellows, Including three from the SETI Institute – SETI Institute

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) announced its first class of AAS Fellows, including three from the SETI Institute: Jill Tarter, SETI Institute co-founder and Trustee, Andrew Fraknoi, SETI Institute Trustee and Melissa McGrath, SETI Institute Astronomer.

AASs mission is to enhance and share humanitys scientific understanding of the universe, and its membership includes members of the astronomy community who are actively involved in advancing astronomy or a related branch of science.

Jill Tarter is the co-founder of the SETI Institute, Chair Emeritus for SETI at the SETI Institute and serves on the SETI Institutes Board of Trustees and Science Advisory Board. Tarter is a pioneer, both in advancing SETI science as well as the role of women in science. She has earned wide recognition in the scientific community and beyond for her work. She is deeply involved in the education of future citizens and scientists and may be familiar to people as portrayed by Jodie Foster in the movieContact.

This is a special honor because, in its announcement, the AAS highlighted the contributions of Margaret Burbidge, a member of this inaugural class of Fellows, said Tarter. Prof. Burbidge has long been one of my heroes; with quiet determination, she opened up the mountain top observatories to women astronomers.

Andrew Fraknoi retired in 2017 as the Chair of the Astronomy Department at Foothill College and has served on the SETI Institute's Board of Trustees since its inception in 1984. Fraknoi was named Professor of the Year for the state of California in 2007 and served as Executive Director of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific for 14 years. Fraknoi continues to teach, moderate the popular Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures series and write, both educational and science fiction books.

"I am so honored to be in the inaugural class of AAS Fellows," said Fraknoi. "Especially in the company of renowned scientists like Jill Tarter, 2016 Drake Award winner William Borucki, Nobel Laureates Adam Riess and John Mather, and many other people I have admired over the years.And it's wonderful that the Society recognized work in not just astronomical research, but also education and outreach in selecting the Fellows."

Melissa McGrath began her career at the Space Telescope Science Institute, then moved on to NASA, where she served in various positions at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and NASA Headquarters. Her expertise includes planetary and satellite atmospheres and magnetospheres. In particular, McGrath has been interested in imaging and spectroscopic studies of Jupiter's Galilean satellites. At the SETI Institute, McGrath has worked on an instrument on the ESA JUICE mission to Ganymede and two proposed instruments for NASA's Europa Clipper mission.

"It has been gratifying to work with the AAS throughout my career as a professional astronomer, said McGrath. What an honor to be recognized in the inaugural group of AAS Fellows!

The AAS Board of Trustees designated this initial group of more than 200 Legacy Fellows in recognition of their research, contributions to astronomical techniques or instrumentation, contributions to education and public outreach, and for noteworthy service to astronomy and AAS. In the future, there will be an annual call for nominations of new AAS Fellows. Full details are available fromAAS.

Congratulations to Jill, Andrew and Melissa!

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American Astronomical Society Announces First Class of AAS Fellows, Including three from the SETI Institute - SETI Institute

7 Things in Our Universe That Have Astronomers Scratching Their Heads – Interesting Engineering

Our universe is big, like really big and it is very old. Now, if you were to go back, and we mean all the way back to the big bang that birthed our universe scientists would go on to estimate that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old. How did they come up with this number? The European Space Agency's Planck space mission back in 2013 basically mapped the universe giving researchers the most detailed look at our Universe that we have ever seen. Using this map, the ESA calculated the age by analyzing the cosmic microwave background.

And, as for the size of the universe? After centuries of speculation, and the use of modern technology researchers have been able to estimate the size of the observable universe, which comes out to the massive number of 93 billion light-years in diameter. This simply means that if you were to travel from one edge of the observable universe to another, at the speed of light, it would take you about 93 billion years to reach your destination. However, this is not the end of the story.

Now thinking about the great beyond is already a sublime experience. As stated by Kartik Sheth, a program scientist at NASA, Everything that we've learned about the Universe how big it is, all the amazing objects that are in it we do that simply by collecting these photons of light that have traveled millions and millions of light-years only to come and die on our detectors, our cameras or radio telescopes.

"It's rather humbling. Astronomy has taught us that we're not the center of the Universe, we're not even at the center of our Solar System or the center of our galaxy. However, even these researchers believe this idea of the universe is a little rough. Some have even gone on to say that the overall universe could be 250 times as large as the observable universe or perhaps truly infinite.

In our human words, this means 13.8 billion light-years in all directions, the Universe doesn't repeat. Light has been traveling towards us for 13.8 billion years this way, and 13.8 billion years that way, and 13.8 billion years that way; and that's just when the light left those regions.

The expansion of the Universe has carried them from 47.5 billion light-years away. Based on this, our Universe is 93 billion light-years across. That's an "at least" figure. It could be 100 billion light-years, or it could be a trillion light-years. We don't know. Possibly, we can't know. And it just might be infinite, says Fraser Cain in his Phys.org article.

So you can agree that the universe is both big and old, but what is out there? Well, the first thing that pops into your mind is aliens. However, in scientific terms, there are even stranger things out there in the massive universe that occasionally have scientists scratching their heads. Today that is what we're going to explore, as some of these strange objects may give us more insight into our universe.

Lets start with something that you are probably a little familiar with, dark matter. In short, dark matter is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light. It is believed that dark matter makes up about 80% of the matter in our universe and as much a of its overall density. However, because of its darkness, it cannot be detected by observing electromagnetic radiation, or let alone be seen. However, researchers do know that dark matter exists because of the effect it has on objects that we can observe. Understanding dark matter may give scientists more insight into our complex and vast universe.

We are not saying that Oumuamua had anything to do with aliens, but we are not saying that it did not. First spotted by Dr. Robert Weryk, he noticed an odd object zooming through our universe at incredible speeds while using thePan-STARRS telescope at Haleakal Observatory, Hawaii. Now Oumuamua is weird for a couple of reasons. First, it is extremely elongated, like an oversized cucumber and could be as big a kilometer long.

Even more so, the object was not affected by the gravitational pull of our sun and that is a bit strange. Researchers have gone on to speculate about this object that entered from another solar system, stating it could be everything from a comet, to an asteroid, to even an alien space probe. The reality is that it is probably something much more natural.

You have probably heard the excitement around Tabbys star. First discovered by Tabetha Boyajian of Louisiana State University, KIC 846285 is another oddity that we are not too sure about. KIC 846285 does this weird thing that causes the start to dip in brightness occasionally for odd lengths of time and sometimes as much as 22 percent. Now, there are many theories on why this might happen that ranges from a massive and abnormal cloud of dust to an alien megastructure, known as Dysons Sphere.

If the physics behind black holes kept you up at night, then mini-black holes might do the same. If the new braneworld theory of gravity is accurate, these little guys are scattered across the universe. The mini-black holes are tiny, about the size of an atomic nucleus. Even more so, the black holes have a tiny lifetime which is about one octillionth of a nanosecond, meaning as soon as they are formed they are destroyed. These mini-black holes affect space-time much more differently than their big brothers and might have some effect on the fifth dimension.

Source:NRAO Outreach/T. Jarrett (IPAC/Caltech); B. Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF

Fast radio bursts, also known as FRBs have scientists scratching their heads. Researchers have been picking up these sudden chirps of radio waves since 2007, and astronomers are still trying to figure out why. Even more so, they are coming from outside the Milky Way or hundreds of millions of light-years away. For these radio waves to even reach out to our planet, they would need to release as much energy in a fraction of a second as the Sun does in 80 years. Who or what could be sending these radio waves?

Source:ESA/Hubble and NASA

We have seen Nebulas in all shapes and sizes but never really in a rectangular shape.The Red Rectangle Nebula is almost perfectly geometric situated in the constellation of Monoceros or about 2,300 light-years away. Researchers are not completely sure what caused its odd shape but they do have some ideas. The shape itself could be due to the fact that two stars sit at the heart of the nebula.

As stated before, dark matter plays a vital role in our understanding of our universe, thats why our next entry is so odd. The galaxy called NGC1052DF spotted in March 2018, seems to contain almost no dark energy at all. However, after another study that aimed to disprove dark matter researchers were able to prove that the galaxy does, in fact, have dark matter, but are still not entirely sure.

What odd things do you know about our universe?

The rest is here:

7 Things in Our Universe That Have Astronomers Scratching Their Heads - Interesting Engineering

March 2020 will be a sky-watcher’s delight: An astronomer on where to catch the celestial events in Canada – CBC.ca

The popularity of astrotourism has skyrocketed in recent years, and Canada is a particularly great place from which to gaze toward the cosmos.

Our country is home to the world's largest dark-sky preserve, Wood Buffalo National Park a stretch of land larger than some countries, running from northern Alberta into the Northwest Territories. Large swaths of Canada also sit beneath the northern auroral oval, a halo of light circling the geomagnetic North Pole (yes, there ismore than one North Pole), where the Northern Lights are most visible.

"We're pretty lucky in that most Canadians can get out of the big city into a very dark area pretty easily, so we're in a really good area for naked-eye stargazing," says astronomer Michael Reid, an associate professor in the University of Toronto's department of astronomy and astrophysics. "We also have a hugely active amateur astronomy community relative to a lot of places in the world. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada operates chapters all over the country. That means there's a lot of programming available for people who are interested in having someone guide them in how to view the sky."

March 2020 will be an especially exciting month for stargazers, he says, with elusive planets shifting into view and aurora borealis activity potentially ramping up around the vernal equinox.

While celestial observation may traditionally be associated with the summer months, Reid explains that cooler temperatures can actually make for improved viewing conditions. "You can have this cold, dry air that just sits there, and so it gives you very clear skies," he says. "You get these really crisp, clear nights that allow you to see everything."

The following heavenly March events, recommended by Reid, are worth bundling up for. Here are the best places to view them, plus places to stay if you'd like to plan a well-rounded stargazing vacation.

The Northern Lights throughout March

"Canada is well known for being a great place to see the Northern Lights," says Reid. "The idea is that particles from the sun flow toward the Earth, and they get trapped in the Earth's magnetic field, funnelled toward the poles and smash into atmosphere and light it up." He explains that the odds of seeing Northern Lights are higher around the vernal or spring equinox, which will fall on March 19 or 20 for countries in the northern hemisphere, when aurora activity ramps up as the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth align.

For a great view head to: Northern British Columbia. The Northern Lights are such a big deal in this part of the world that there's an entire festival dedicated to celebrating them, which runs from March 12 to 21 in the community of Fort Nelson. Muncho Lake Provincial Park, situated at the northern tip of the Rocky Mountains, is a particularly special place to enjoy the aurora borealis. Just off the Alaska Highway, the secluded shores of this park's namesake lake beautifully showcase the Northern Lights dancing between limestone peaks.

Set your stargazing alarm for: The three hours before and after midnight. Reid recommends monitoring spaceweather.com, which offers live aurora updates.

Settle in at: Northern Rockies Lodge. This lovely family-owned property on the edge of Muncho Lake is the perfect place for an adventurous stargazing retreat. Enjoy some serious comfort food at the on-site restaurant, pop into the property's wood-fired sauna, then take an invigorating snow bath to prime yourself for a night of aurora-spotting.

The evolution of Betelgeuse throughout March

"There's this kind of neat thing going on with the star Betelgeuse," says Reid. "Orion is a constellation a lot of people know; it's got this famous belt, and I think it's probably the one most people know after the Big Dipper. [Orion has] got this great, big, bright red star in it that has been bright red for as long as anyone can remember, but not anymore." Reid explains that what was once one of the brightest stars in the sky rapidly started dimming in December 2019. This occurrence had many astronomers speculating that it might be on the verge of going supernova. However, instead of blowing up, Betelgeuse strangely started perking up at the end of February.

For a great view head to: Central Ontario. While Betelgeuse is visible from nearly everywhere on Earth, Torrance Barrens Dark-Sky Preserve made up of around 1,900 light pollutionfree hectares of Crown land is a particularly great place to study this fascinating star's transformation. Its Gravenhurst location also makes it easily accessible for Toronto-area sky-watchers.

Set your stargazing alarm for: Anytime after sundown.

Settle in at: JW Marriott The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa. This cottage-country resort, located roughly 40 kilometres from Torrance Barrens, offers luxurious accommodations and stargazing excursions with local naturalist Robin Tapley. Tapley runs tours from the resort to both the dark-sky preserve and the Echo Valley Observatory in nearby Huntsville.

Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the moon together March 18

"Around March 18, roughly, the moon will be crescent, and Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will all be smack-dab together in the sky in the southeast when there are three of them together in the sky [they're] much more obvious. They're bright much brighter than most stars and they're a little bit more colourful," says Reid. "Mars is noticeably red, and Saturn and Jupiter are kind of more white-ish but sufficiently bright that you definitely notice that they are brighter than everything else around them."

For a great view head to: Southern Quebec. "Mont-Mgantic National Park in Quebec [contains] probably the nation's best public-outreach telescope facility," says Reid. "It's [in] a beautiful location and it's got a ton of programming." The Mont-Mgantic International Dark Sky Reserve is the first international dark-sky reserve to be certified by the International Dark-Sky Association and has been called one of the best places on Earth to observe the night sky.

Set your stargazing alarm for: Just before dawn (roughly 6 a.m.).

Settle in at: Auberge et Chalets sur le Lac. Located between 40 and 50 kilometres from Mont-Mgantic National Park, depending on which route you take, this charming lakeside property offers an Earth to the Stars package that includes a one-night stay and a ticket for an evening experience at the park's popular ASTROLab.

Mercury's greatest elongation March 24

"[It's] greatest elongation is when the angle between the planet and the sun is biggest," Reid explains. "It's usually quite difficult to see Mercury because it's so close to the sun But if it's at its farthest extent away from the sun, then just after the sun dips below the horizon, Mercury will still be up and you can spot it before it also goes below the horizon, or the reverse in the morning it will come up a little before the sun comes up."

For a great view head to: Coastal Nova Scotia. Reid recommends facing the sunrise and picking a spot with an unobstructed view. "Nice clear views to the east make it easier to see," he says.

Set your stargazing alarm for: Just before sunrise.

Settle in at: White Point Beach Resort. With beachfront cottages looking straight out into the Atlantic, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better vantage point for viewing the sky at sunrise. In addition to offering seaside bonfires and winter surf lessons, this year-round resort also has March Break programming, which includes an outdoor journey to explore the night skies hosted by a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

Venus's greatest elongation March 24

Compared to Mercury, Reid says Venus is quite easy to spot. "It's the sort of thing that makes people phone in UFO sightings a lot because it's so crazy bright. If you've never paid attention to it, you look at it and think, 'What on earth is that?' So it's completely unmistakable."

For a great view head to: Western Alberta. Venus will appear on the western horizon, and Jasper National Park's Dark-Sky Preserve the second-largest dark-sky preserve in the world, measuring more than 11,000 square kilometres is perfectly situated for observation of the shimmering refracted light of Earth's beautiful sister planet.

Set your stargazing alarm for: Sunset.

Settle in at: Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge. With an on-site planetarium, dark skyfriendly lighting and regular astronomical programming, this luxury mountain resort is among Canada's premier stargazing destinations. Resort guests and planetarium visitors will have access to guided virtual tours of the galaxy by an astronomy expert.

"If you go to these parks, you'll get spectacular sights," says Reid. "One thing that's essentially impossible to see in the city is our galaxy. Most people have never seen the Milky Way, and it's glorious and wonderful. It's a huge band of light across the sky."

But Reid is quick to point out that all of the sights above, minus the Northern Lights, can be seen from just about anywhere in the country if your view is unobstructed, you're in a sufficiently dark location and your timing is right so staycation-ing stargazers need not be discouraged. For optimum viewing, he recommends packing binoculars on your trek, putting smartphones away, and giving your eyes at least 10 minutes to adjust to the darkness.

Jen O'Brien is an award-winning editor and freelance writer based in Toronto. Follow her @thejenobrien

Here is the original post:

March 2020 will be a sky-watcher's delight: An astronomer on where to catch the celestial events in Canada - CBC.ca

2019 Activity Report of the SETI Institute – SETI Institute

Download the SETI Institutes 2019 Activity Report here.

This is the SETI Institutes fourth annual activity report. It details the achievements of our 100+ scientists, along with our educators and outreach professionals throughout the year. More importantly, it chronicles the progress we made last year in advancing our mission to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence. The numbers are impressive: 242 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 356 abstracts and conference proceedings, hundreds of articles and broadcast stories about the work we do, public appearances throughout the world and so much more.

But what's most interesting are the stories behind the numbers. On January 1, 2019, we were there when New Horizons successfully executed its flyby of Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU 60, now known as 486958 Arrokoth. Thanks to SETI Institute scientists:

The SETI Institute also embarked upon an ambitious 3-year initiative to revitalize the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) to increase the sensitivity of its receivers and permit the development of a new digital processing system.

Frontier Develop Lab (FDL) teams used machine learning and AI to tackle significant challenges in the areas of heliophysics, disaster prevention, astronaut health and lunar resources. Three more Girl Scout space science badges were released and the SETI Institute was on hand when the first badges were earned at the Girls Scouts Astronomy Destination Camp. Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) teachers received professional development training and flew on NASAs SOFIA, bringing curriculum on infrared astronomy back to their classrooms. Our scientists mentor future researchers and science educators through summer internships with Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and STEM Teacher as Researcher (STAR) programs.

SETI Institute scientists conducted fieldwork in such far-reaching places as Antarctica, Chile, Alaska and the High Arctic. They also observed the universe through telescopes at the Arecibo Observatory, the Green Bank Telescope, SOFIA, the Hubble Space Telescope and more. And they received honors and recognition for their accomplishments from organizations including NASA, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Canadian Astronomical Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

At the SETI Institute, we strive every day to answer the question, Are we alone? Our scientists are unlocking the secrets of the universe while at the same time our Center for Education is fostering future leaders to further our work and our Center for Outreach inspires millions.

Learn more about what we did in 2019 here. And stay tuned for what well be doing in the coming year.

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2019 Activity Report of the SETI Institute - SETI Institute

The Sky This Week from February 21 to March 1 – Astronomy Magazine

Monday, February 24A pair of fine binocular objects shows up nicely on evenings this week. The open star clusters M46 and M47 reside about a degree apart in the northwestern corner of the constellation Puppis the Stern. The two lie about 12 east-northeast of magnitude 1.5 Sirius, the night skys brightest star. The western cluster, M47, glows at 4th magnitude and appears as a fuzzy patch sprinkled with several pinpoint stars. Sixth-magnitude M46 shows up as a hazy collection of faint stars that is hard to resolve under most conditions. Although it contains nearly twice as many stars as M47, M46 appears fainter and fuzzier because it lies some three times farther from Earth.

Tuesday, February 25With an age of 4.5 billion years, young might not seem an appropriate word to describe our Moon. But tonight, you have an exceptional opportunity to see what astronomers call a young Moon a slender crescent visible in the early evening sky. With New Moon having occurred two days ago, only 5 percent of our satellites disk appears illuminated after sunset tonight. (Tomorrow evening, a 10-percent-lit lunar crescent hangs noticeably higher in the sky.) You should notice an ashen light faintly illuminating the Moons dark side. This is earthshine, sunlight reflected by Earth that reaches the Moon and then reflects back to our waiting eyes.

Mercury reaches inferior conjunction at 9 p.m. EST. This means the innermost planet lies between the Sun and Earth and remains hidden in our stars glare.

Wednesday, February 26Venus gleams in the western sky after sunset. The brilliant planet stands out just a half-hour after sundown, when it appears 35 above the horizon, and it is still 25 high once darkness settles in. Venus remains on display until 9:30 p.m. local time. Shining at magnitude 4.3, it is by far the brightest point of light in the night sky. A telescope reveals the planets disk, which spans 18" and appears about two-thirds lit. The waxing crescent Moon lies just 10 (about the width of your closed fist when held at arms length) below Venus tonight. Photographers should think about capturing the pair with a pretty foreground and in twilight to add a dash of color to the scene.

The Moon reaches apogee, the farthest point in its orbit around Earth, at 6:34 a.m. EST. It then lies 252,450 miles (406,278 kilometers) from Earths center.

Thursday, February 27The waxing crescent Moon gains about 10 of altitude each evening at this time of year, and that movement carries it to a position 7 to Venus left tonight. The two form a spectacular and photogenic pair from shortly after sunset until around 9:30 p.m. local time.

Friday, February 28Although Saturn passed on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth in mid-January, it already appears low in the southeast before dawn. Look for the magnitude 0.7 ringed planet 9 above the horizon and the same distance to the lower left of Jupiter. Saturns low altitude means it wont look like much through a telescope, though that will change dramatically in the coming months.

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The Sky This Week from February 21 to March 1 - Astronomy Magazine

Astronomers Have Detected Molecular Oxygen in Another Galaxy For The First Time – ScienceAlert

In a wild galaxy over half a billion light-years away, astronomers have detected molecular oxygen. It's only the third such detection ever outside the Solar System - and the first outside the Milky Way.

Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the Universe, behind hydrogen (naturally) and helium. So its chemistry and abundance in interstellar clouds are important for understanding the role of molecular gas in galaxies.

Astronomers have searched for oxygen again and again, using millimetre astronomy, which detects the radio wavelengths emitted by molecules; and spectroscopy, which analyses the spectrum to look for wavelengths absorbed or emitted by specific molecules.

But these searches have turned up a puzzling lack of oxygen molecules. Which means "a comprehensive picture of oxygen chemistry in different interstellar environments is still missing," wrote a team of astronomers led by Junzhi Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a new paper.

One place molecular oxygen has been detected is the Orion nebula; it's been hypothesisedthat out in space, oxygen is bound up with hydrogen in the form of water ice that is clinging to dust grains.

But the Orion nebula is a stellar nursery, and it's possible that the intense radiation from very hot young stars shocks the water ice into sublimation and splits the molecules, releasing the oxygen.

Which brings us to a galaxy called Markarian 231.

Markarian 231 is special. It's 561 million light-years away, and powered by a quasar. That's an extremely luminous galactic nucleus with an active supermassive black hole in the centre. They're the brightest objects in the Universe, and Markarian 231 contains the closest quasar to Earth.

In fact, astronomers think Markarian 231 might have two active supermassive black holes in its centre, whirling around each other at a furious rate.

An active galactic nucleus drives molecular outflows, producing continuous shocks of the kind that might release oxygen from water in molecular clouds. The molecular outflows in Markarian 231 are particularly high velocity, so Wang and colleagues went looking for oxygen.

Using the IRAM 30-metre radio telescope in Spain, they took observations of the galaxy for four days across a number of wavelengths. In those data, they found the spectral signature of oxygen, in line with the shock hypothesis.

"With deep observations toward Markarian 231 using the IRAM 30 meter telescope and NOEMA, we detected [molecular oxygen] emission in [an] external galaxy for the first time," the researchers wrote in their paper.

"The detected O2 emission is located in regions about 10 kpc (32,615 light-years) away from the center of Markarian 231 and may be caused by the interaction between the active galactic nucleus-driven molecular outflow and the outer disc molecular clouds."

The team's measurements revealed that the abundance of oxygen compared to hydrogen was around 100 times higher than that found in the Orion nebula, so the galaxy could be undergoing a more intense version of the same molecule-splitting process.

As Markarian is a starburst galaxy, undergoing furious star formation, this could be possible. Just one region in the galaxy is forming new stars at a rate of over 100 solar masses a year. The Milky Way, by contrast, is pretty quiet, with a star formation rate of around 1 to two solar masses.

On the other hand,these findings could also mean that more observations need to be taken to confirm that the astronomers are correct in interpreting their results as oxygen.

If the results hold, the phenomenon could be used to understand more about both molecular oxygen in galaxies, and the molecular outflow from an active galactic nucleus, the researchers said.

"This first detection of extragalactic molecular oxygen provides an ideal tool to study active galactic nucleus-driven molecular outflows on dynamic timescales of tens of megayears," they wrote.

"O2 may be a significant coolant for molecular gas in such regions affected by active galactic nucleus-driven outflows."

The research has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

See the original post here:

Astronomers Have Detected Molecular Oxygen in Another Galaxy For The First Time - ScienceAlert

Could alien life hitchhike to Earth on space rocks from other stars? – Astronomy Magazine

Life on comets

But how could life find its way onto a comet? According to Loeb, Earth and other worlds may not even need to be hit by space rocks to send microbes out into the cosmos.

In a January 2019 study published in the International Journal ofAstrobiology, Loeb and a Harvard undergraduate student, Amir Siraj, suggest that Earth-grazing comets and interstellar objects could have snagged microbes from high in our atmosphere and then carried them out into the Milky Way. Their estimates predict this could have already happened many times, depending on how high up life exists on our planet.

"We found that there could be thousands, if not tens of thousands, that could pass through the Earth's atmosphere, collect microbes, and then get kicked to another solar system," Loeb says.

Loeb and Siraj even think they may have identified the first known interstellar meteor by mining existing databases and studying known object's trajectories. However, they won't be sure until they can get someone with a U.S. government security clearance to provide them with the classified raw data. The object was likely picked up by a missile alert system, but Loeb says he's struggled to get the information they need to finish their study.

In our own system, Jupiter and the Sun also could act as a "fishing net" that permanently captures interstellar objects, instead of letting them sail through like 'Oumuamua did. Binary star systems including Proxima Centauri, our nearest neighboring star would have an easier time catching interstellar objects, according to Loeb.

But one of the biggest unknowns is still how long a lifeform could survive on an interstellar object. "The lifetime is really critical because it determines how long it can travel from the system it left," he says. "We don't have good experimental data."

Some fraction of microorganisms would likely make it below the object's icy surface, Loeb says, where they'd be sheltered from radiation. But if they can only survive there for 100,000 years, it would severely restrict panspermia's prospects. If they could instead survive tens of millions of years, then life would have a decent shot at traveling between stars.

Loeb points out that tardigrades an eight-legged micro-animal found all over the planet have endured the vacuum of space, returned to Earth, and still managed to reproduce.

"Even tiny animals are known to be very good astronauts without even a suit," he says. "Viruses and bacteria may be able to survive much longer."

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Could alien life hitchhike to Earth on space rocks from other stars? - Astronomy Magazine