Astronomers discover an exposed exoplanet core 730 light-years from Earth – The Next Web

Did TOI 849 b lose its outer layers?

One possible explanation of the missing outer layers of TOI 849 b is that it was somehow stripped violently from the planet.

There are several possibilities explaining how TOI 849 b became this exposed core which can be split into two categories, Mordasini explains. The planet had once a much more massive envelope of H/He, but it somehow lost it. Or The planet never had a lot of H/He.

The stripping of the outer layers of TOI 849 b transforming it from a gas giant to an exposed planetary core can be further divided down into two distinct sub-scenarios. Firstly, perhaps during the formation phase, the orbit of the planet could have been very eccentric. When it got circularised via a tidal interaction with the host stat, the energy was injected into the planet, leading to the ejection of some or all of the gaseous envelope, says Mordasini. Alternatively, the gaseous envelope could have been ejected because of a giant impact or collision with another protoplanet also originally present in the system of TOI 849 b.

It was this latter scenario that Mordasini investigated for theNaturepaper building upon a model of planetary evolution synonymous with the University of Bern. The researcher and his collaborator and co-author, Alexandre Emsenhuber, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Arizona, scoured a large data set of possible planet formation and evolution models to see if any simulated planets possessed properties similar to those of TOI 849 b.

We were surprised to see, that indeed, yes, the simulations did contain planets similar to TOI-849b, but only in a very low frequency, Mordasini explains. We checked how these planets came into existence. We found that these planets had first accreted a large amount of H/He, as we would expect it normally, but then they collided with another protoplanet.

This collision releases kinetic energy into the gaseous envelope of the unfortunate target planet, causing it to heat and expand and resulting in it ultimately becoming unbound from the planets core.

We knew that such a mechanism is possible in the models, but to see it realized in reality, at least potentially, was fascinating, Mordasini adds. A crucial aspect is here that the impact need to happen after the gaseous disc has dissipated. Otherwise, the core would re-start accreting gas from the disc, leading to a normal giant planet. So timing is critical.

But what about that alternative family of explanations; those that posit that TOI 49 b never had an outer layer of hydrogen or helium to begin with?

Of course, just because this is the model that Mordasini worked on for the study, doesnt mean that he has closed his mind to other possible explanations.

A possible explanation could be that the planet carved a gap around its orbit into the gaseous disk, suppressing gas accretion, the researcher says. This is a bit counterintuitive, but the gravitational interaction of the protoplanet and the surrounding disc can under certain circumstances lead to a depletion of gas in the vicinity of the planet as opposed to gravitational attraction leading to a pile-up of gas in the vicinity of the planet, as one may expect. The factor changing this is that the planet is in a close orbit around its host star.

Even with the increasing power of telescopes and advances such as the James Webb space telescope, set to launch in 2021, and the ESOs Extremely Large Space Telescope being built in the Chilean desert, opportunities to study an object like TOI 849 b will likely remain few and far between.

We already know that such objects are very rare, as otherwise, we would have detected many more of them, Mordasini continues. TOI-849b lies in terms of orbital distance, mass and radius in the so-called Neptunian desert. This is a part of space which is almost devoid of planets very close planets with periods of less than a few days are either lower-mass super-Earth planets, or massive giant planets, but not something intermediate like TOI-849b.

This means that to obtain the kind of information that direct study of a planets core offers, TOI-849b may remain astronomers only viable option. Mordasini explains that the next steps for his team are to study observationally the atmospheric composition of the planet, to find what materials the core is made of. They will then further investigate the different proposed pathways more closely, to if certain scenarios of the outer layer loss can be discounted.

It is a very strange planet, the Unviersity of Bern researcher concludes. Usually, the cores of giant planets are not accessible to direct observations, but with TOI-849b we can look into a planet, at its core, so to say!

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Astronomers discover an exposed exoplanet core 730 light-years from Earth - The Next Web

Astronomers found a giant intergalactic wall of galaxies hiding in plain sight – MIT Technology Review

Astronomers have found one of the largest structures in the known universean intergalactic wall of galaxies thats at least 1.4 billion light-years long. And given how close it is to us, its remarkable that we havent seen it before now.

What happened: An international team of scientists reported the discovery of the South Pole Wall in a paper published Thursday in the Astrophysical Journal. The structure is basically a curtain that stretches across the southern border of the universe (from the perspective of Earth) and consists of thousands of galaxies, along with huge amounts of gas and dust.

What do you mean by wall? Galaxies arent just strewn randomly throughout the universe. Along huge strands of hydrogen, galaxies collect into larger groupings of massive filaments, separated by giant voids of nearly empty space. Each filament is basically a wall of galaxies, stretching for hundreds of millions of light-years. Theyre the biggest structures in the known universe. Other identified walls include the Great Wall, the Sloan Great Wall, the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, and the Bootes Void.

Put together, these walls make up what astronomers call the cosmic web. Piecing together the cosmic web is one of the major pursuits of cosmologyit would not only tell us about the structure of the universe and its interior but could also help us better understand how the universe was formed and how its evolved over time.

Why is this one special? Its so close! The South Pole Wall is just half a billion light-years away. In fact, this is part of the reason it was so hard to find until nowit is situated right behind the Milky Way galaxy, in a place called the Zone of Galactic Obscuration, where the galaxys brightness effectively kept the wall shrouded in plain sight.

So how was it found? Cosmological surveys are often done by measuring objects redshift: the speed at which those objects seem to be moving away from Earth thanks to the expansion of the universe. The faster an object is receding, the farther away it is.

The team behind the South Pole Wall discovery did redshift observations as part of their survey of the sky, but they also added measurements of the velocity of certain galaxies, which illustrates how they gravitationally interact with one another. This technique can alert astronomers to unseen masseswhile its normally used to investigate dark matter, it can also just highlight masses obscured by bright light. Using this data, the researchers were able to map out the South Pole Wall for the first time.

See the rest here:

Astronomers found a giant intergalactic wall of galaxies hiding in plain sight - MIT Technology Review

Beyond the twilight zone: Living on a two-faced world – Astronomy Magazine

But you dont need a twilight zone to support life if you have the right atmosphere, says Abbot.

An atmosphere transports heat around the planet, making conditions that could support liquid water and perhaps life more widespread. It wouldn't just be at the terminator, Abbot says, it would be all over the place.

Theres a balancing act: The atmosphere needs to be dense enough to transport heat, but not so dense as to become smothering. Conversely, if the nightside becomes too cold, it could freeze the gases out, stealing an atmosphere entirely.

A 2016 simulation developed by Abbot and Koll indicates that the right balance is achievable: Some tidally locked exoplanets could host just right atmospheres that move heat around efficiently enough to keep even the night side warm.

It would be strange because it would be permanently night but you might still have conditions where life similar to ours could exist, says Koll. Consider the poles on Earth, where life persists, even though sunlight is scarce. It doesnt get too deadly cold, in great part because wind or motions of the ocean actually redistribute heat.

On Earth, oceans are key players in the global circulation of heat; water holds more heat energy than air and is far more efficient at moving that heat around. So, along with an atmosphere, oceans could play an important role in keeping the day and night sides of a tidally locked exoplanet temperate.

Oceans also lead to evaporation, spurring the formation of clouds that can also play an important role in regulating conditions on a planet, says Feng Ding, a researcher at Harvard studying exoplanet atmospheres. Clouds that form as water collects in the atmosphere can serve as a kind of reflective blanket, bouncing incoming stellar radiation back out and helping to cool a planet.

Some computer simulations suggest that clouds could keep temperatures low enough for oceans to form even on exoplanets that might otherwise be boiling hot. And those clouds would create rain. On the planets day side, strong updrafts created where sunlight is most intense would move warm, wet air upwards, creating torrential rainstorms, says Pierrehumbert.

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Beyond the twilight zone: Living on a two-faced world - Astronomy Magazine

Look Up! Astronomer Says July Skies Are Brimming With Planets, Constellations – Here And Now

Searching for something to do this summer? Making plans can be as easy as looking up.

The summer skies are filled with planets, stars and constellations, many visible without a telescope, astronomer Dean Regas says.

Regas, author of "100 Things to See in the Night Sky, Expanded Edition," says he stargazes as an escape from coronavirus lockdown.

If you want to start mapping the skies, nows a good time to begin. The two biggest planets in our solar system Jupiter and Saturn are inching closer and closer as July progresses, he says.

You might have already caught a glimpse of their rise in the southeastern sky, he says.

To identify constellations, Regas suggests getting familiar with directions and heights. You can utilize technology such as compass apps or measure angles using your hands, he says.

When looking for angles, use your pinky to mark one degree of sky, use three fingers for five degrees and make a fist for 10 degrees.

He says to look for pointer stars this time of year, such as the three-starred asterism known as the Summer Triangle.

They'll be great guides to tell you which way the east is. And they'll be up all summer long, he says.

The Big Dipper is another constellation to keep your eyes peeled for. The two stars at the end of the Big Dipper will point you to the North Star and the giant red star called Arcturus which is among the brightest stars that can be seen from Earth.

Another summer celestial body to look for is Antares, a reddish star that is full of color and twinkles a lot, Regas says.

Antares is the star that marks the heart of the Scorpius, my favorite summertime constellation, and you can get to see that every night in July, he says.

Because of light pollution, residing in a city makes it harder to see the stars above. But Regas says because of the coronavirus shutdowns across the country, the skies have been a bit clearer.

If you can plan to get out of the city, the annual Perseid meteor shower in August is a chance to witness something spectacular. Although meteor showers are fickle beasts that are tough to predict, Perseid is looking to be the best shower of the year, he says.

They peak on August 12 and 13, he says. That's a time where the moon won't get in the way and wash out a lot of the meteors.

Regas says even though were looking up into infinity, stargazing can ground us. For him, it brings a sense of comfort.

It takes you out of the earthly realm, he says. And I know we're all doing social distancing, but this is about as social distanced as you can get.

Karyn Miller-Medzonproduced and edited this interview for broadcast withTodd Mundt.Serena McMahonadapted it for the web.

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Look Up! Astronomer Says July Skies Are Brimming With Planets, Constellations - Here And Now

NYU Astronomer Searches for Life, and Meaning, on Other Planets – NYU News

Searching for evidence of life on other planets starts with evaluating a few key factors. We study exoplanet habitability as a first step towards finding life, says Pope. First, are planets with pleasant atmospheres and temperatures common? What are they like? And one day we'll be able to find outdo they harbor life?

Given the distance between the Earth and other planetary systems, finding exoplanets in the first place requires high-tech code and high-grade equipment. Astronomers typically use telescopes to detect visible or infrared light from the star. But Pope and a team of researchers recently developed a new method for looking at radio emissions instead, which researchers had been trying to do for decades.

"Working with the Dutch national observatory ASTRON and New Yorks Flatiron Institute, we were able to detect radio waves emitted by a nearby star magnetically connected to its planet and ruled out alternative explanations with optical telescope follow-up," Pope explains. "Planets in orbits like this receive similar amount of light from their stars as the Earth does from the Sun, so you might think they could be green and pleasant. The radio evidence, however, indicates that magnetic connection could be blasting the planets surface with hostile radiationbad news if we were hoping to find life there."

The findings give Pope the feeling that hes one step closer to addressing the deeper questions that first attracted him to astronomy. And the team plans to continue searching for radio signals from exoplanets to understand their usually harsh, irradiated environments.

At a broader level, this is probably our first window into using radio processes to understand exoplanets, Pope says. People have been trying this for decades and weve found the first objects. Its not that weve got a new way of detecting planets, its that we have a new way of understanding them.

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NYU Astronomer Searches for Life, and Meaning, on Other Planets - NYU News

‘Clyde’s Spot,’ a new storm on Jupiter, discovered by amateur astronomer (photos) –

NASA's Jupiter-orbiting Juno probe has captured gorgeous imagery of a storm that recently cropped up on the giant planet and was spotted by an amateur astronomer.

Juno snapped a series of photos of the feature, dubbed "Clyde's Spot" named after its discoverer Clyde Foster of South Africa on the morning of June 2, 2020. At the time, the probe was flying between 28,000 miles and 59,000 miles (45,000 to 95,000 kilometers) above Jupiter's cloud tops, at latitudes ranging from 48 degrees south to 67 degrees south, NASA officials said.

Clyde's Spot swirls not too far from Jupiter's huge Great Red Spot. But unlike that famous latter storm, which has been raging for centuries, Clyde's Spot popped up not long ago.

Related: In photos: Juno's amazing views of Jupiter

The new storm was first spotted on May 31 by amateur astronomer Clyde Foster of Centurion, South Africa (hence the name). The timing worked out well for Juno, which was scheduled to make its 27th close flyby of Jupiter just a few days later. (Juno loops around Jupiter on a highly elliptical orbit, gathering most of its science data during close passes that occur every 53.5 Earth days.)

The June 2 flyby also happened to take Juno relatively close to Clyde's Spot close enough to image it with its onboard JunoCam instrument, anyway.

"The feature is a plume of cloud material erupting above the upper cloud layers of the Jovian atmosphere," NASA officials wrote in a description of the new imagery. "These powerful convective 'outbreaks' occasionally erupt in this latitude band, known as the South Temperate Belt (JunoCam observed another outbreak at this latitude back on Feb. 7, 2018)."

NASA makes JunoCam data available to the public, for both perusal and processing. Citizen scientist Kevin Gill processed five JunoCam images of Clyde's Spot into the striking view you see above. (Gill is a prolific and talented image processor with many such beauty shots under his belt.)

The $1.1 billion Juno mission launched in August 2011 and arrived at Jupiter on July 4, 2016. The probe's observations are helping scientists better understand the gas giant's composition, structure, formation and evolution, mission team members have said. Juno will continue studying Jupiter through at least July 2021, provided the probe remains healthy.

Mike Wall is the author of "Out There" (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook.

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'Clyde's Spot,' a new storm on Jupiter, discovered by amateur astronomer (photos) -

Astronomers Finally Have Important Details on What The Centre of Our Galaxy Looks Like – ScienceAlert

The center of our very own galaxy might be one of the Universe's most mysterious places. Astronomers have to probe through thick dust to see what's going on there.

All that dust makes life difficult for astronomers who are trying to understand all the radiation in the center of the Milky Way, and what exactly its source is.

A new study based on 20 years of data and a hydrogen bubble where there shouldn't be one is helping astronomers understand all that energy.

It's an astronomical peculiarity that in some ways we know more about other galaxies than we do about our own. Scientists have examined the energy coming from the center of thousands of other spiral galaxies in visible light. But for our own Milky Way, that knowledge is blocked by thick clouds of gas and dust.

A team of researchers examined decades of data from the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper telescope (WHAM) for clues about the Milky Way's energy. Their results are in a paper titled "Discovery of diffuse optical emission lines from the inner Galaxy: Evidence for LI(N)ER-like gas."

The lead author is Dhanesh Krishnarao from the University of Wisconsin. The paper's published in the journal Science Advances.

There's an enormous amount of hydrogen near the center of the Milky Way. That hydrogen is ionized by the energy from the galactic center. As an ionized gas, it's had its electrons stripped away.

The WHAM telescope is designed to see the ionized hydrogen, which appears red when viewed with the 'scope.

It's not just that the hydrogen is ionized. After a gas is ionized, the ions usually recombine to neutrality in a short period of time. The fact that all of this hydrogen is continually ionized by a source of energy is the link between the WHAM data and the energy at the center of the Milky Way.

Astronomers have thought that the source of energy for this ionization is star formation, but that's not conclusive.

WHAM is tailor-made to study ionized gas. The Milky Way contains a thick layer of it, called the Warm Ionized Medium (WIM), which is a distinct and major component of the galactic interstellar medium. The WIM is WHAM's primary target.

"Without an ongoing source of energy, free electrons usually find each other and recombine to return to a neutral state in a relatively short amount of time," explained co-author L. Matthew Haffner of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, in apress release.

"Being able to see ionized gas in new ways should help us discover the kinds of sources that could be responsible for keeping all that gas energized."

It all started when co-author Bob Benjamin, UWWhitewater Professor of Astronomy, was reviewing WHAM data a couple years ago.

The data came from observations of ionized hydrogen across the Milky Way. Benjamin found what he called a "red flag." Protruding from the Milky Way's dusty center was a bubble of ionized hydrogen with an odd shape.

Astronomers call this feature the "Tilted Disk." Its odd shape can't be explained by physical causes like the rotation of the galaxy. Something else is behind it.

The researchers realized that this was a rare opportunity: the disk was protruding out from its usual cover of thick dust. They could now study it in optical light, thanks to WHAM.

Normally, the Tilted Disk is only visible in infrared or radio, because of the dusty veil. That allowed the researchers to compare the center of the Milky Way with visible light observations of other spiral galaxies.

"Being able to make these measurements in optical light allowed us to compare the nucleus of the Milky Way to other galaxies much more easily," Haffner said.

"Many past studies have measured the quantity and quality of ionized gas from the centers of thousands of spiral galaxies throughout the Universe. For the first time, we were able to directly compare measurements from our galaxy to that large population."

There are existing scientificmodels of the ionized gasthat makes up the WIM. In this new research, lead author Dhanesh Krishnarao used one to predict how much ionized gas should be in the red flag region spotted by Benjamin.

He refined those predictions with WHAM's raw data, and came up with an accurate three-dimensional image of the bubble structure. Using spectroscopy, the researchers identified how much nitrogen and oxygen were present, giving them more clues to the structure's overall composition.

The results show that 48 percent of the gas in the Tilted Disk feature is ionized by an energy source that's unknown. As lead author Krishnarao says, "The Milky Way can now be used to better understand its nature."

Prior to this work, scientists only knew about neutral, or non-ionized gas in the central region. Now, they have a better understanding of the ionized gas, and they also know it changes as it moves away from the galactic center. This is a critical finding, because it shows for the first time that the Milky Way is similar to other spiral galaxies called LINERs.

"Close to the nucleus of the Milky Way," Krishnarao explained, "gas is ionized by newly forming stars, but as you move further away from the center, things get more extreme, and the gas becomes similar to a class of galaxies called LINERs, orlow ionization (nuclear) emission regions."

LINERs are galactic cores identified by their spectral line emissions, which show the presence of weakly ionized or neutral atoms like O,O+,N+, andS+. About one-third of nearby galaxies are LINERs. They're more radiative than galaxies whose only source of energy is star formation, but less radiative than galaxies that have an actively-feeding supermassive black hole.

Now that we know that our very own Milky Way galaxy is a LINER, it means astronomers can now study a LINER up close and personal.

"Before this discovery by WHAM, the Andromeda Galaxy was the closest LINER spiral to us," said Haffner.

"But it's still millions of light-years away. With the nucleus of the Milky Way only tens of thousands of light-years away, we can now study a LINER region in more detail. Studying this extended ionized gas should help us learn more about the current and past environment in the center of our Galaxy."

There are still many questions of course. Even though we now know that the Milky Way is a LINER, and that the bubble structure Benjamin spotted that started all this only appears to be moving towards us because of its elliptical orbit, the key question remains unanswered: what is the source of energy that's driving all this ionization?

That question may need to wait for WHAM's successor, planned but unnamed as of yet.

"In the next few years, we hope to build WHAM's successor, which would give us a sharper view of the gas we study," Haffner said.

"Right now our map `pixels' are twice the size of the full moon. WHAM has been a great tool for producing the first all-sky survey of this gas, but we're hungry for more details now."

This article was originally published by Universe Today. Read the original article.

See the article here:

Astronomers Finally Have Important Details on What The Centre of Our Galaxy Looks Like - ScienceAlert

A backyard astronomy book and other literary events for the week of July 12 – Press

GRETCHEN ANTHONY: Minnesotan discusses her new novel The Kids are Gonna Ask, about teenage twins who set out to find their birth father through their podcast, opening themselves to media coverage and celebrity they arent sure how to handle. 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, livestreamed on Magers & Quinn Facebook page.

DAVID DICKINSON: Presents The Backyard Astronomers Field Guide: How to Find the Best Objects the Night Sky has to Offer. 4 p.m. Monday, July 13, livestreamed on Magers & Quinn Facebook page.

HEALING WORDS: The Power of Stories to Heal is the theme of a reading and discussion with Wendy Brown-Baez, Michael Kiesow Moore and Pamela Fletcher Bush. 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 15, presented by SubText Books. Free, but registration required. Go to

ANNETTE RUGOLO:Practitioner of Maria Diamonds Diamond Methods of Enlightenment and owner of the company Conscious Life Resources signs copies in person of her book Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls. 10-11:30 a.m. Friday, July 17; Lake Country Booksellers, 4766 Washington Square, White Bear Lake.

ROBIN WASSERMAN: Discusses her new novel Mother Daughter Widow Wife, with bestselling young adult author Maureen Johnson. 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 15, livestreamed on Magers & Quinn Facebook page.

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A backyard astronomy book and other literary events for the week of July 12 - Press

The fastest spinning star in the galaxy – SYFY WIRE

An astronomer has found the fastest spinning star known in our galaxy and it's a doozy. It's rotating at the dizzying speed of at least 540 kilometers per second. In fact, if it were spinning much faster, it would tear itself apart!

The star is called LAMOST J040643.69+542347.8, but let's call it J0406 for short. It's located about 30,000 light years from us, toward the outer edge of the galaxy. LAMOST is a sky survey being done in China that looks at wide areas of the sky and takes low-resolution spectra of astronomical objects. That means it breaks the light up into thousands of individual slices of color, which in turn can tell us a lot about the object's properties: How fast it's moving toward or away from us, how hot it is, what it's made of, and crucially in this case how rapidly it spins.

In this case, the astronomer was looking for a special kind of star when they noticed one star had an odd spectrum, with unusual features in it associated with rapid spin. Careful measurement indicated that the star has the phenomenal rotation speed of 540 kilometers per second.

That's fast. The Sun's rotation at its equator is 2 kilometers per second, so this star is spinning at a speed 270 times faster than the Sun!

I should note that a couple of stars in a nearby galaxy have been found to rotate at more than 600 kilometers per second, but J0406 is the fastest spinner known in the Milky Way, our galaxy. [Note (added 16:00 UTC 08 July 2020): My colleague Scott Manley points out that neutron stars spin faster as well. I wasn't counting them because I was thinking of "normal" stars, ones like the Sun that are still fusing elements in their cores; neutron starsare the cores of massive stars that have exploded. They can spin close to the speed of light at their equators! SoI should be clear: J0406 is the fastest spinning star like the Sun in the galaxy.]

J0406 is what we call an O star, one of the most massive and hot stars there is. Its mass and size aren't known but a decent (though very rough) estimate is that it's 20 times the Sun's mass and 10 times the size. Given that, at that speed it would take just under a day to spin once. The Sun takes nearly a month! So this star is whizzing around.

In fact, it's spinning so rapidly that the centrifugal force at the equator is very strong. Playing with the numbers (and again acknowledging I'm guessing at the size and mass), the force outward due to spin is a substantial fraction of the force inward due to gravity. That means the star must be significantly flattened, much narrower through the poles than across its equator; what we call oblate. Our Sun is nearly a perfect sphere, but this star must look like a beach ball someone has sat on.

There's subtle evidence of this in the spectrum too, indicating that the gravity at the poles is higher than at the equator. This also causes an effect called gravitational darkening: The higher gravity at the poles compresses the gas there, heating it up and making it shine more brightly. If you were close to this star, what a sight it would be! Egg-shaped, and darker around the middle than at the poles. Weird.

Incidentally, this star probably can't spin much faster than this. If it did, the force outward at the equator would be stronger than gravity, and material there would fly off. It would quite literally spin itself apart.

The question is, how did this star get to spin so rapidly? The most likely answer is that it has or had a binary companion, another star orbiting it very closely. In that case tides might spin up the two stars, as the orbital energy of the companion is transferred to the star. If the stars are very close, matter from one can get transferred to the other, and as it spirals in it would speed up the star's rotation as well.

However, despite looking, no evidence for a companion star was found. This part is cool though: More massive stars age more rapidly than less massive ones. The more massive star in a close binary would expand into a red supergiant and dump a lot of matter on the second star, then explode as a supernova. When that happens the second star would've been flung away like a rock from a sling, sending it moving through space at high speed. As it happens, the spectrum of J0406 reveals it is indeed moving very rapidly through the galaxy, just as you'd expect if it once had a massive companion that blew up.

So all the pieces fit. It's funny: By eye it's just another star lost among thousands of others in a picture of the sky. But by spectrum, well, it's a very different story. That's true for every star; they all have their story to tell. In this case, though, it's a story of long-dead exploded companion, a cannonball screaming through the galaxy, and a spin so strong the star is hugely flattened and weirdly darkened at the equator.

The Universe is such a strange place. That's one reason it's so much fun to explore.

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The fastest spinning star in the galaxy - SYFY WIRE

The Way of the Shogun | Travel – Smithsonian Magazine

The forest trail I was hiking into the Kiso Mountains of Japan had the dreamlike beauty of an anime fantasy. Curtains of gentle rain, the tail-end of a typhoon in the South China Sea, were drifting across worn cobblestones that had been laid four centuries ago, swelling the river rushing below and waterfalls that burbled in dense bamboo groves. And yet, every hundred yards or so, a brass bell was hung with an alarming sign: Ring Hard Against Bears. Only a few hours earlier, I had been in Tokyo among futuristic skyscrapers bathed in pulsing neon. Now I had to worry about encounters with carnivorous beasts? It seemed wildly unlikely, but, then again, travelers have for centuries stayed on their toes in this fairytale landscape. A Japanese guidebook I was carrying, written in 1810, included dire warnings about supernatural threats: Solitary wayfarers met on remote trails might really be ghosts, or magical animals in human form. Beautiful women walking alone were particularly dangerous, it was thought, as they could be white foxes who would lure the unwary into disaster.

Modern Japan seemed even more distant when I emerged from the woods into the hamlet of Otsumago. Not a soul could be seen in the only laneway. The carved wooden balconies of antique houses leaned protectively above, each one garlanded with chrysanthemums, persimmons and mandarin trees, and adorned with glowing lanterns. I identified my lodgings, the Maruya Inn, from a lacquered sign. It had first opened its doors in 1789, the year Europe was plunging into the French Revolution, harbinger of decades of chaos in the West. At the same time here in rural Japanfeudal, hermetic, entirely uniquean era of peace and prosperity was underway in a society as intricate as a mechanical clock, and this remote mountain hostelry was welcoming a daily parade of traveling samurai, scholars, poets and sightseers.

There was no answer when I called in the door, so, taking off my shoes, I followed a corridor of lacquered wood to an open hearth, where a blackened iron kettle hung. At the top of creaking stairs were three simple guest rooms, each with springy woven mats underfoot, sliding paper-screen doors and futons. My 1810 guidebook offered travelers advice on settling in to lodging: After checking in, the author suggests, locate the bathroom, secure your bedroom door, then identify the exits in case of fire.

The only sign of the 21st century was the vending machine by the front doorway, its soft electric glow silhouetting cans of iced coffee, luridly colored fruit sodas and origami kits. And the antique aura was hardly broken when the owners, a young couple with a toddler and a puppy, emerged with a pot of green tea. Their elderly parents were the inns cooks, and soon we all gathered for a traditional country dinner of lake fish and wild mushrooms over soba (buckwheat noodles). Looking out through the shutters later that night, I saw the clouds part briefly to reveal a cascade of brilliant stars. It was the same timeless view seen by one of Japans many travel-loving poets, Kobayashi Issa (1763-1828), who had also hiked this route, known as the Nakasendo Road, and was inspired to compose a haiku:

From 1600 to 1868, a secretive period under the Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns, or military overlords, Japan would largely cut itself off from the rest of the world. Foreign traders were isolated like plague-bearers; by law, a few uncouth, louse-ridden Dutch barbarians and Jesuits were permitted in the port of Nagasaki, but none was allowed beyond the town walls. Any Japanese who tried to leave was executed. A rich aura of mystery has hung over the era, with distorted visions filtering to the outside world that have endured until recently. There used to be an image of Japan as an entirely rigid country, with the people locked in poverty under an oppressive military system, says Andrew Gordon of Harvard University, author of A Modern History of Japan: from Tokugawa Times to the Present. But the 270-year-long time capsule is now regarded as more fluid and rich, he says. A lot of the harshest feudal laws were not enforced. It was very lively socially and culturally, with a great deal of freedom and movement within the system.

It was the Eastern version of the Pax Romana. The new era had begun dramatically in 1600, when centuries of civil wars between Japans 250-odd warlords came to an end with a cataclysmic battle on the mist-shrouded plains of Sekigahara. The visionary, icily cool general Tokugawa Ieyasua man described in James Clavells fictionalized account Shogun as being as clever as a Machiavelli and as ruthless as Attila the Hunformally became shogun in 1603 and moved the seat of government from Kyoto, where the emperor resided as a figurehead, to Edo (now Toyko), thus giving the era its most common name, the Edo period. (Tokugawa is about to receive a renewed burst of fame next year on FX with a new adaptation of Clavells novel.) He immediately set about wiping out all bandits from the countryside and building a new communication system for his domain. From a bridge in front of his palace in Edo, the five highways (called the Tokaido, Nakasendo, Nikko Kaido, Oshu Kaido and Koshu Kaido) spread in a web across crescent-shaped Honshu, largest of Japans four main islands.

Expanding in many areas on ancient foot trails, the arteries were first constructed to secure Tokugawas power, allowing easy transit for officials and a way to monitor the populace. Although beautifully engineered and referred to as highways, the tree-lined paths, which were mostly of stone, were all designed for foot traffic, since wheeled transport was banned and only top-ranking samurai, the elite warrior class, were legally permitted to travel on horseback. An elaborate infrastructure was created along the routes, with carved road markers placed every ri, 2.44 miles, and 248 post stations constructed every five or six miles, each with a luxurious inn and a relay center for fresh porters. Travelers were forbidden to stray from the set routes and were issued wooden passports that would be examined at regular security checkpoints, kneeling in the sand before local magistrates while their luggage was searched for firearms.

Among the first beneficiaries of the highway system were the daimyo, feudal lords, who were required by the shogun to spend every second year with their entourages in Edo, creating regular spasms of traffic around the provinces. But the side effect was to usher in one of historys golden ages of tourism. The shoguns were not trying to promote leisure travel, says Laura Nenzi, professor of history at the University of Tennessee and author of Excursions in Identity: Travel and the Intersection of Place, Gender, and Status in Edo Japan. But as a means of social control, the highway system backfired. It was so efficient that everyone could take advantage of it. By the late 1700s, Japan had a whole travel industry in place. Japan was by then teeming with 30 million people, many of them highly culturedthe era also consolidated such quintessential arts as kabuki theater, jujutsu, haiku poetry and bonsai treesand taking advantage of the economic good times, it became fashionable to hit the road. Now is the time to visit all the celebrated places in the country, the author Jippensha Ikku declared in 1802, and fill our heads with what we have seen, so that when we become old and bald we will have something to talk about over the teacups. Like the sophisticated British aristocrats on grand tours of Europe, these Japanese sightseers traveled first as a form of education, seeking out renowned historical sites, beloved shrines and scenery. They visited volcanic hot baths for their health. And they went on culinary tours, savoring specialties like yuba, tofu skin prepared by monks a dozen different ways in Nikko. Every strata of society was on the road, explains the scholar William Scott Wilson, who translated much of the poetry from the period now available in English. Samurai, priests, prostitutes, kids out for a lark, and people who just wanted to get the hell out of town.

The coastal highway from Kyoto to Edo, known as the Tokaido, could be comfortably traveled in 15 days and saw a constant stream of traffic. And on all five highways, the infrastructure expanded to cater to the travel craze, with the post stations attracting armies of souvenir vendors, fast-food cooks and professional guides, and sprouting inns that catered to every budget. While most were decent, some of the one-star lodgings were noisy and squalid, as described by one haiku:

Fleas and lice,the horse pissingnext to my pillow.

Japans thriving publishing industry catered to the trend with the likes of my 1810 volume, Ryoko Yojinshu, roughly, Travel Tips (and published in a translation by Wilson as Afoot in Japan). Written by a little-known figure named Yasumi Roan, the guide offers 61 pieces of advice, plus Instructional Poems for beginners on the Japanese road, covering everything from etiquette to how to treat sore feet.

There were best-selling collections of haikus by celebrated poets who caught the travel bug, pioneered by Matsuo Basho (1644-94), who was wont to disappear for months at a time roughing it, begging and scribbling as he went. His shoestring classics include Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones and The Knapsack Notebook, both titles that Jack Kerouac might have chosen. Even famous artists hit the road, capturing postcard-like scenes of daily life at every stoptravelers enjoying hot baths, or being ferried across rivers by near-naked oarsmenthen binding them into souvenir volumes of polychrome woodblock prints with tourist-friendly titles like The Sixty Nine Stations of the Kisokaido Road or One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. Many later filtered to Europe and the United States. The works of the master Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) were so highly regarded that they were copied by the young Vincent van Gogh and collected by Frank Lloyd Wright. For travelers, following the remains of the shogun age provides a tantalizing doorway into a world rarely seen by outsiders. The five ancient highways still exist. Like the pagan roads of Europe, most have been paved over, but a few isolated sections have survived, weaving through remote rural landscapes that have remained unchanged for centuries. They promise an immersion into a distant era that remains laden with romanceand a surprising key to understanding modern Japan.

* * *

My journey began as it did centuries ago, in Tokyo, a famously overwhelming megalopolis of 24-hour light and surging crowds. I felt as disoriented as a shipwrecked 18th-century European sailor as I rode speeding subways through the alien cityscape. Japan is still very isolated from the rest of the world, noted Pico Iyer, a resident for over 30 years and the author, most recently, of A Beginners Guide to Japan: Observations and Provocations, adding that it ranks 29th out of 30 countries in Asia for proficiency in English, below North Korea, Indonesia and Cambodia. To me, it still seems more like another planet. It was some comfort to recall that travelers have often felt lost in Edo, which by the 18th century was the worlds largest city, packed with theaters, markets and teeming red-light districts.

Luckily, the Japanese have a passion for history, with their television full of splendid period dramas and anime depictions of ancient stories, complete with passionate love affairs, betrayals, murder plots and seppuku, ritual suicides. To facilitate my own transition to the past, I checked into the Hoshinoya Hotel, a 17-story skyscraper sheathed in leaf-shaped latticework, creating a contemporary update of a traditional inn in the heart of the city. The automatic entrance doors were crafted from raw, knotted wood, and opened onto a lobby of polished cedar. Staff swapped my street shoes for cool slippers and secured them in bamboo lockers, then suggested I change into a kimono. The rooms were decorated with the classic mat floors, futons and paper screens to diffuse the citys neon glow, and there was even a communal, open-air bathhouse on the skyscrapers rooftop that uses thermal waters pumped from deep under Tokyo.

Stepping outside the doors, I navigated the ancient capital with an app called Oedo Konjaku Monogatari, Tales From Edo Times Past. It takes the street map of wherever the user is standing in Tokyo and shows how it looked in the 1800s, 1700s, then 1600s. Clutching my iPhone, I wove past the moat-lined Imperial Palace to the official starting point of the five Tokugawa-era highways, the Nihonbashi, Japan Bridge. First built in 1603, it was a favorite subject for artists, who loved the colorful throngs of travelers, merchants and fishmongers. The elegant wooden span was replaced in 1911 by a stolid granite bridge, and is now overshadowed by a very unpicturesque concrete expressway, although its zero milestone plaque is still used for all road measurements in Japan. To reimagine the original travel experience, I dashed to the cavernous Edo-Tokyo Museum, where the northern half of the original bridge has been recreated in 1:1 scale. Standing on the polished wooden crest, jostled by Japanese schoolkids, I recalled my guidebooks 210-year-old advice: On the first day of a journey, step out firmly but calmly, making sure that your footwear has adapted itself to your feet. Straw sandals were the norm, so podiatry was a serious matter: The book includes a diagram on how to alleviate foot pain, and suggests a folk remedy, a mash of earthworms and mud, be applied to aching arches.

* * *

Of the five highways, the Nikko Kaidoroad to Nikkohad special historical status. The serene mountain aerie 90 miles north of Edo was renowned for its scenery and ornate Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. One of the shrines, Toshogu, is traditionally held to house the remains of the all-conquering shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, who founded the dynasty. This balance of nature, history and art was so idyllic that a Japanese saying went, Never say the word beautiful until you have seen Nikko. Later shoguns would travel there to venerate their ancestors in processions that dwarfed the Elizabethan progresses of Tudor England. Their samurai entourages could number in the thosands, the front of their heads shaven and carrying two swords on their left hip, one long, one short. These parades were a powerful martial spectacle, a river of colorful banners and uniforms, glittering spears and halberds, their numbers clogging up mountain passes for days and providing an economic bonanza for farmers along the route. They were led by heralds who would shout, Down! Down!, a warning for commoners to prostrate themselves and avert their eyes, lest samurai test the sharpness of their swords on their necks.

Today, travelers generally reach Nikko on the Tobu train, although it still has its storybook charm. At the station before boarding, I picked up a bento box lunch called golden treasure, inspired by an ancient legend of gold buried by a samurai family near the route. It included a tiny shovel to dig up bullionflecks of boiled egg yolk hidden beneath layers of rice and vegetables. In Nikko itself, the shoguns enomous temple complex still had military echoes: It had been taken over by a kendo tournament, where dozens of black-robed combatants were dueling with bamboo sticks while emitting blood-curdling shrieks. Their gladiatorial cries followed me around Japans most lavish shrine, now part of a Unesco World Heritage site, whose every inch has been carved and decorated. The most famous panel, located beneath eaves dripping with gilt, depicts the Three Wise Monkeys, the original of the maxim See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.

As for the ancient highway, there were tantalizing glimpses. A 23-mile stretch to the west of Nikko is lined by 12,000 towering cryptomeria trees, or sugi, that were planted after the death of the first Tokugawa shogun, each nearly 400-year-old elder lovingly numbered and maintained by townsfolk. Its the longest avenue of trees in the world, but only a short, serene stretch is kept free of cars. Another miraculous survivor is the restored post station of Ouchi-Juku, north of Nikko. Its unpaved main street is lined with whitewashed, thatch-roof strutures, some of which now contain teahouses where soba noodles are eaten with hook-shaped pieces of leek instead of spoons. Its most evocative structure is a honjin (now a museum), one of the luxurious ancient inns built for VIPs: Behind its ornate ceremonial entrance, travelers could luxuriate with private baths, soft bedding and skilled chefs preparing delicacies like steamed eel and fermented octopus in vinegar.

These were vivid connections to the past, but the shogun-era highway itself, I discovered, was gone. To follow one on foot, I would have to travel to more remote locales.

* * *

During the height of the travel boom, from the 1780s to the 1850s, discerning sightseers followed the advice of Confucius: The man of humanity takes pleasure in the mountains. And so did I, heading into the spine of Japan to find the last traces of the Nakasendo highway (central mountain route). Winding 340 miles from Edo to Kyoto, the trail was long and often rugged, with 69 post stations. Travelers had to brave high passes along trails that would coil in hairpin bends nicknamed dako, snake crawl, and cross rickety suspension bridges made of planks tied together by vines. But it was worth every effort for the magical scenery of its core stretch, the Kiso Valley, where 11 post stations were nestled among succulent forests, gorges and soaring peaksall immortalized by the eras intrepid poets, who identified, for example, the most sublime spots to watch the rising moon.

Today, travelers can be thankful for the alpine terrain: Bypassed by train lines, two stretches of the Nakasendo Trail were left to quietly decay until the 1960s, when they were salvaged and restored to look much as they did in shogun days. They are hardly a secret but remain relatively little visited, due to the eccentric logistics. And so I set out to hike both sections over three days, hoping to engage with rural Japan in a manner that the haiku master Basho himself once advised: Do not simply follow in the footsteps of the ancients, he wrote to his fellow history-lovers; seek what they sought.

It took two trains and a bus to get from Tokyo to the former post station of Magome, the southern gateway to the Kiso Valley. Edo-era travelers found it a seedy stopover: Sounding like cranky TripAdvisor reviewers today, one dismissed it as miserable, another as provincial and loutish, filled with cheap flophouses where the serving girls doubled as prostitutes. In modern Magome, framed by verdant peaks, sleepy streets have a few teahouses and souvenir stores that have been selling the same items for generations: lacquerware boxes, dried fish, mountain herbs and sake from local distilleries. My guidebook advised: Do not drink too much. / Yet just a little from time to time / is good medicine. Still, I ordered the ancient energy food for hikers, gohei, rice balls on skewers grilled in sweet chestnut sauce, and then I set off into a forest that was dripping from a summer downpour.

Once again, I had heeded the Ryoko Yojinshus advice for beginners: Pack light. (You may think that you need to bring a lot of things, but in fact, they will only become troublesome.) In Edo Japan, this did not mean stinting on art: The authors list of essentials includes ink and brush for drawing and a journal for poems. For the refined sightseers, one of travels great pleasures was to compose their own haikus, inspired by the glimpse of a deer or the sight of falling autumn leaves, often in homage to long-dead poets they admired. Over the generations, the layers of literature became a tangible part of the landscape as locals engraved the most beloved verse on trailside rocks.

Some remain today, such as a haiku by Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902):

A modern sign I passed was almost as poetic: When it sees trash, the mountain cries. Wooden plaques identified sites with enigmatic names like The Male Waterfall and The Female Waterfall, or advised that I had reached a lucky point in numerology, 777 meters above sea levela powerful spot of the happiness. Another identified a baby bearing tree: A newborn was once found there, and women travelers still boil the bark as a fertility tea.

But their impact paled beside the urgent yellow placards warning about bear attacks, accompanied by the brass bells that were placed every hundred yards or so. Far-fetched as it seemed, locals took the threat seriously: A store in Magome had displayed a map covered with red crosses to mark recent bear sightings, and every Japanese hiker I met wore a tinkling bear bell on their pack strap. It was some consolation to recall that wild animals were far more of a concern for hikers in the Edo period. My caution-filled guidebook warned that travelers should be on the lookout for wolves, wild pigs and poisonous snakes called mamushi, pit vipers. The author recommends striking the path with a bamboo staff to scare them off, or smearing the soles of your sandals with cow manure.

A half-hour later, a bamboo grove began to part near the trail ahead. I froze, half-expecting to be mauled by angry bears. Instead, a clan of snow monkeys appeared, swinging back and forth on the flexible stalks like trapeze artists. In fact, I soon found, the Japanese wilderness was close to Edenic. The only bugs I encountered were dragonflies and tiny spiders in webs garlanded with dew. The only vipers had been drowned by villagers in glass jars to make snake wine, a type of sake considered a delicacy. More often, the landscape seemed as elegantly arranged as a temple garden, allowing me to channel the nature-loving Edo poets, whose hearts soared at every step. The Japanese still have the pantheistic belief that nature is filled with gods, Iyer had told me. Deities inhabit every stream and tree and blade of grass.

As the trail zigzagged above the rushing Kiso River, I could finally imagine the ancient road culture in all its high theater. A traveler would pass teams of porters clad only in loincloths and groups of pilgrims wearing broad-rimmed straw hats adorned with symbols, sometimes lugging portable shrines on their backs. There were wealthy travelers being carried in palanquins, wooden boxes with pillows, decorations and fine silk curtains. (My guidebook suggests ginger tea for passengers who suffer from motion sickness.) One could meet slow processions of zattou, blind masseurs, and goze, women troubadours who played the samisen, a three-stringed lute, and trilled classical songs. There were monks who banged drums and tossed amulets to bemused passersby; shaven-headed nuns; country doctors in black jackets, lugging medicine boxes filled with potions. Near the post station of Tsumago, travelers would also encounter vendors selling fresh bear liver, a medicinal treat devoured to gain the animals strength.

Today, Tsumago is the crown jewel of post stations. During its restoration, electricity lines were buried, TV antennas removed and vending machines hidden. Cars cannot enter its narrow laneways during daylight hours, and its trees have been manicured. Even the mailman wears period dress.

* * *

The shogunates time capsule began to crack in 1853 with the arrival of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry, who cruised into Edo Bay in a battleship and threatened bombardments if Japan did not open its doors to the West. In 1867, progressive samurai forced the last shogun to cede his powers, in theory, to the 122nd emperor, then only 16 years old, beginning a period that would become known as the Meiji Restoration (after enlightened rule). Paradoxically, many of the same men who had purportedly restored the ancient imperial institution of the Chrysanthemum Throne became the force behind modernizing Japan. The Westernization program that followed was a cataclysmic shift that would change Asian history.

The old highway systems had one last cameo in this operatic drama. In 1868, the newly coronated teen emperor traveled with 3,300 retainers from Kyoto to Edo along the coastal Tokaido road. He became the first emperor in recorded history to see the Pacific Ocean and Mount Fuji, and ordered his courtiers to compose a poem in their honor. But once he arrived, the young ruler made Edo his capital, with a new name he had recently chosen, Tokyo, and threw the country into the industrialization program that sealed the fate of the old road system. Not long after Japans first train line opened, in 1872, woodblock art began to have an elegiac air, depicting locomotives as they trundled past peasants in the rice fields. And yet the highways retained a ghostly grip on the country, shaping the routes of railways and freeways for generations to come. When the countrys first bullet train opened in 1964, it followed the route of the Tokaido. And in the latest sci-fi twist, the new maglev (magnetic levitation) superfast train will start operations from Tokyo to Osaka in 2045 largely passing underground, through the central mountains, following a route shadowing the ancient Nakasendo highway.

As for me on the trail, jumping between centuries began to feel only natural. Hidden among the 18th-century facades of Tsumago, I discovered a tiny clothing store run by a puckish villager named Jun Obara, who proudly explained that he only worked with a colorful material inspired by sashiko, once used for the uniforms of Edo-era firefighters. (He explained that their coats were reversibledull on the outside and luridly colored on the inside, so they could go straight from a fire to a festival.) I spent one night at an onsen, an inn attached to natural hot springs, just as foot-sore Edo-travelers did; men and women today bathe separately, although still unashamedly naked, in square cedar tubs, watching the stars through waves of steam. And every meal was a message from the past, including one 15-course dinner that featured centuries-old specialties like otaguriboiled horses intestine mixed with miso sauce.

But perhaps the most haunting connection occurred after I took a local train to Yabuhara to reach the second stretch of the trail and climbed to the 3,600-foot-high Torii Pass. At the summit stood a stone Shinto gate framed by chestnut trees. I climbed the worn stone steps to find an overgrown shrine filled with moss-coated sculpturesimages of Buddhist deities and elderly sages in flowing robes who had once tended to the site, one wearing a red bib, considered a protection from demons. The shrine exuded ancient mystery. And yet, through a gap in the trees, was a timeless view of Mount Ontake, a sacred peak that Basho had once admired on the same spot:

Soaring abovethe skylark:the mountain peak!

By the time I returned to Tokyo, the layers of tradition and modernity no longer felt at odds; in fact, the most striking thing was the sense of continuity with the ancient world. Japan changes on the surface so as not to change on a deeper level, Pico Iyer explained. When I first moved to the country 30 years ago, I was surprised by how Western everything looked. But now I am more shocked at how ancient it is, how rooted its culture and beliefs still are in the eighth century. This time, back at the Hoshinoya Hotel, I took the elevator straight to the rooftop baths to watch the night sky, which was framed by sleek walls as paper lanterns swayed in the summer breeze. Even though Tokyos electric glow engulfed the stars, the great wanderers of the Edo era might still manage to feel at home in modern Japan, I realized. As Basho wrote in the poetry collection Narrow Road to the Interior, The moon and sun are eternal travelers. Even the years wander on...Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.


The Way of the Shogun | Travel - Smithsonian Magazine

4 mysterious objects spotted in deep space are unlike anything ever seen –

There's something unusual lurking out in the depths of space: Astronomers have discovered four faint objects that at radio wavelengths are highly circular and brighter along their edges. And they're unlike any class of astronomical object ever seen before.

The objects, which look like distant ring-shaped islands, have been dubbed odd radio circles, or ORCs, for their shape and overall peculiarity. Astronomers don't yet know exactly how far away these ORCs are, but they could be linked to distant galaxies. All objects were found away from the Milky Way's galactic plane and are around 1 arcminute across (for comparison, the moon's diameter is 31 arcminutes).

In a new paper detailing the discovery, the astronomers offer several possible explanations, but none quite fits the bill for all four new ORCs. After ruling out objects like supernovas, star-forming galaxies, planetary nebulas and gravitational lensing a magnifying effect due to the bending of space-time by nearby massive objects among other things, the astronomers speculate that the objects could be shockwaves leftover from some extragalactic event or possibly activity from a radio galaxy.

Related: The 12 strangest objects in the universe

"[The objects] may well point to a new phenomenon that we haven't really probed yet," said Kristine Spekkens, astronomer at the Royal Military College of Canada and Queen's University, who was not involved with the new study. "It may also be that these are an extension of a previously known class of objects that we haven't been able to explore."

Spekkens added that the objects could also be caused by different phenomena. All four ORCs are bright at radio wavelengths but invisible in visible, infrared and X-ray light. But two of the ORCs have galaxies at their center that can be seen at visible wavelengths, which suggests that these objects might have been formed by those galaxies . Two ORCs also appear to be very close together, meaning their origins could be linked.

Astronomers spotted three of the objects while mapping the night sky in radio frequencies, part of a pilot survey for a new project called the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU). The EMU pilot used the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder, or ASKAP, from July to November in 2019. This radio telescope array uses 36 dish antennas, which work together to observe a wide-angle view of the night sky. They found the fourth ORC in archival data collected by the Giant MetreWave Radio Telescope in India. This helped the astronomers to confirm the objects as real, rather than some anomaly caused by issues with the ASKAP telescope or the way in which the data was analyzed.

With only four of these peculiar objects discovered so far, the astronomers can't yet tease out the true nature of these structures. But the EMU survey is just beginning, and astronomers expect it to reveal more unusual objects.

By combining an ability to see faint radio objects with a wide gaze, the survey is uniquely positioned to find new objects. EMU scientists have predicted the project will find about 70 million new radio objects expanding the current catalog of some 2.5 million.

"This is a really nice indication of the shape of things to come in radio astronomy in the next couple of years," Spekkens told Live Science. "History shows us that when we open up a new [avenue of looking at] space to explore we always find new and exciting things."

The paper, which is available on the preprint site arXiv, has been submitted for publication to the journal Nature Astronomy, where it is still under review.

Originally published on Live Science.

Here is the original post:

4 mysterious objects spotted in deep space are unlike anything ever seen -

3 takes on dealing with uncertainty Harvard Gazette – Harvard Gazette

In this time of profound uncertainty, society can be sure of one thing: more uncertainty. The seemingly opaque path forward for us, individually and collectively, was the Gazettes topic with three Harvard professors who shared insights into how uncertainty is viewed in their fields, and the surprising ways in which its not necessarily a bad thing.

The word uncertainty derives from the [Latin] verb cernere, which means to distinguish, to mark out, to separate one thing from the rest, to discern, said John Hamilton, William R. Kenan Professor of German and Comparative Literature. When faced with a vast onslaught of data or with an overwhelming flood of disparate information, cernere denotes the capacity to make distinctions, to discover identities and understand the links between them. It is the first step toward knowledge, to single out one phenomenon from the field of manifold experience.

Uncertainty is an ability to draw the lines that define one thing in distinction from something else, [and] combats the urge to be so certain about things and people that you feel you never need to think about them further.

For a literary example, Hamilton pointed to Franz Kafkas short story The Burrow (Der Bau). A mole-like creature constructs a shelter for himself and spends his life trying to build a home that will protect him from all kinds of unforeseeable dangers. The shelter is very secure except for the hole that serves as an entranceway. The creature could cover it, but that would mean sealing off his only exit. Referring to this hole, he says, There I am mortal. The hole threatens his life, but it also keeps him vigilant and ready.

If the burrow were perfectly secure, he would waste away in idleness and complacency, and therefore put himself at an even greater risk. It is the possibility of being killed and the uncertainty of the threat that keep him alert. His mortality, so to speak, saves his life, said Hamilton.

Our vulnerability and our uncertainty are painful but can also have a beneficial effect insofar as we remain open and ready for what is ultimately unknowable and uncertain, namely, the future. Keeping things open, rather than making all-too-quick judgments and discernments, helps to remind us that certainty is useful as long as it remains provisional and open to reform or even complete reversal.

For many people, measuring uncertainty seems impossible. For astronomer Alyssa A. Goodman, the variable is integral to the study of the universe.

In astronomy estimating uncertainty is just about as important as making the measurement itself. Were talking calculations where a part in a million makes a completely gigantic difference in the story of the universe, so we have to be very careful about the answers, said the Robert Wheeler Willson Professor of Applied Astronomy, co-director for science at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and research associate at the Smithsonian Institution.

Being comfortable with uncertainty is essential to astronomers who often cant conduct experiments in controlled environments like other scientists, Goodman said. She even thinks astronomers can teach the rest of us how to understand and accept uncertainty as a necessary and useful part of life.

Astronomers have to deal with uncertainty every day in our work. [We] cant move a star or get a different angle we have to be very serious about clever ways to estimate uncertainty in the absence of more information, she said. In the case of COVID-19, right now what we suffer from is a tremendous lack of reliable data, and to make predictions in the absence of reliable data is extraordinarily difficult. [But] its not impossible, and I think its important that people appreciate that.

According to Pershing Square Professor of Human Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology Elizabeth A. Phelps, resolving uncertainty is a major challenge of the brain, whether it is determining what we are seeing or hearing from visual or auditory signals, or deciding the accuracy of a memory. When making decisions, said Phelps, economists have examined how different types of uncertainty influence our choices. Theyve found that although people tend to dislike risk, such as a 50/50 coin toss, we are particularly averse to ambiguity, when the risk is unknown. In ambiguous risky decisions, uncertainty can be seen in the region of the temporal lobe that helps process emotions.

When you see a lot of ambiguity in [a] situation, you see more activity in the amygdala, [which] is thought to be the brains threat detector, Phelps said. This is a region that we know is important in telling you that theres something in the environment you should pay attention to because it could potentially be threatening.

Ambiguity is one type of uncertainty [that] is more aversive to people than just knowing that there are some risks [in a situation]. When theres a lot of ambiguity, meaning we dont actually know what the probabilities are, [well] make decisions that will pull us away from ambiguity. So we might be more likely to do nothing than have to deal with the ambiguity thats out there in the world, she said.

Phelps has found through research that uncertainty can, therefore, change our learning about the world, our ability to deal with negative emotions, our decisions, and even our memories. People vary in how easily they can tolerate uncertainty, and those who are more intolerant are generally more likely to be depressed or anxious.

With the pandemic, people also vary in their reactions to not knowing when they can return to workplaces, or see elderly family, and in how much uncertainty they can deal with emotionally.

Were going to see and we already know that there have been a lot of mental health consequences, Phelps said.

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3 takes on dealing with uncertainty Harvard Gazette - Harvard Gazette

First planetary core discovered, astronomers announce – USA TODAY

A number of astounding astrological phenomena will be visible in 2020. Here's some of what you can look forward to. Accuweather

Scientists have now seen "inside" a planet, a new study said.

This is the first time that weve discovered an intact exposed core of a gas giant (planet) around a star, study lead author David Armstrong, a physicist at the University of Warwick in the U.K., said in a statement.

The discovery offers the unique opportunity to peer inside the interior of a planet and learn about its composition, according to the university.

The star and the planetary core, known as TOI-849b, are some 730 light-years away from Earth. The star is similar to our sun and the core is about the same size as Neptune.

TOI-849b is an extremely unusual exoplanet in the so-called "Neptune Desert" a term used by astronomers for a region close to stars where we rarely see planets of Neptunes mass or larger. An exoplanet is a planet that orbits stars other than our sun.

Otherworldly: 'Nearby' star may have three Super-Earths

So what happened to the gaseous atmosphere that surrounded this planetary core? One theory is that the gas was somehow stripped away, perhaps during a tidal disruption, where the planet is ripped apart from orbiting too close to its star, or even a collision with another planet.

Artist's impression: The surviving core of a gas giant has been discovered orbiting a distant star. It is extremely rare to find an object of this size and density so close to its star.(Photo: University of Warwick/Mark Garlick)

Another theory is that it never had a gaseous atmosphereat all, which would make it a "failed gas giant." This means that once the core of the gas giant formed, then something could have gone wrong and it never formed an atmosphere.

The discovery is just the beginning of the research, scientists said:

Its a first, telling us that planets like this exist and can be found," Armstrong said. "We have the opportunity to look at the core of a planet in a way that we cant do in our own solar system."

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"There are still big open questions about the nature of Jupiters core, for example, so strange and unusual exoplanets like this give us a window into planet formation that we have no other way to explore," he said.

The study was published Wednesday in the peer-reviewed British journal Nature.


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First planetary core discovered, astronomers announce - USA TODAY

Astronomers Have Located The Centre of The Solar System to Within 100 Metres – ScienceAlert

When you picture the Solar System in your head, most people would think of the Sun, stolid and stationary in the centre, with everything else whizzing about around it. But every body in the Solar System also exerts its own gravitational tug on the star, causing it to move around just a tiny bit.

Therefore, the precise gravitational centre (or barycentre) of the Solar System is not smack-bang in the middle of the Sun, but somewhere closer to its surface, just outside it. But it hasn't been easy for us to figure out exactly where this barycentre is, due to the myriad gravitational influences at play.

Now, using specially designed software, an international team of astronomers has narrowed down the location of our Solar System's barycentre to within 100 metres (328 feet) - and it could vastly improve our measurements of gravitational waves.

It all has to do with pulsars. These dead stars can rotate extremely fast, on millisecond timescales, shooting beams of electromagnetic radiation from their poles. If they're oriented just right, these beams flash past Earth like a very fast cosmic lighthouse, creating a pulsed signal that's extremely regular.

This regular pulse is useful for all sorts of things, from probing the interstellar medium to apotential navigation system.

In recent years, observatories including the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) have started using them to look for low-frequency gravitational waves, since gravitational waves should causevery subtle disturbancesin the timing of a whole array of pulsars across the sky.

"Using the pulsars we observe across the Milky Way galaxy, we are trying to be like a spider sitting in stillness in the middle of her web," explained astronomer and physicist Stephen Taylor of Vanderbilt University and the NANOGrav Collaboration.

"How well we understand the Solar System barycenter is critical as we attempt to sense even the smallest tingle to the web."

That's because errors in the calculation of Earth's position in relation to the Solar System barycentre can affect our measurements of pulsar timing, which in turn can affect our searches for low-frequency gravitational waves.

Part of the problem is Jupiter. By a very large margin, it has the strongest gravitational effect on the Sun - the tugs of the other planets are minute in comparison. We know how long Jupiter takes to orbit the Sun - about 12 Earth years - but our understanding of this orbit is incomplete.

Previously, estimations of the location of the barycentre have relied on Doppler tracking - how the light from objects changes as we (or our instruments) move towards or away from them - to calculate the orbits and masses of the planets. But any errors in these masses and orbits can introduce errors that might look a lot like gravitational waves.

And when the team used these existing datasets to analyse NANOGrav data, they kept getting inconsistent results.

"We weren't detecting anything significant in our gravitational wave searches between solar system models, but we were getting large systematic differences in our calculations," said astronomer Michele Vallisneri of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

"Typically, more data delivers a more precise result, but there was always an offset in our calculations."

This is where the team's software enters the picture. It's called BayesEphem, and it's designed to model and correct for those uncertainties in Solar System orbits most relevant to gravitational wave searches using pulsars - Jupiter in particular.

When the team applied BayesEphem to the NANOGrav data, they were able to place a new upper limit on the gravitational wave background and detection statistics. And they were able to calculate a new, more precise location for the Solar System barycentre that, going forward, could enable much more accurate low-frequency gravitational wave detections.

"Our precise observation of pulsars scattered across the galaxy has localised ourselves in the cosmos better than we ever could before," Taylor said.

"By finding gravitational waves this way, in addition to other experiments, we gain a more holistic overview of all different kinds of black holes in the Universe."

The research has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

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Astronomers Have Located The Centre of The Solar System to Within 100 Metres - ScienceAlert

Astronomers Might Have Seen a Star Just Disappear. Turning Straight to a Black Hole Without a Supernova – Universe Today

Large stars have violent deaths. As they run out of hydrogen to fuse, the stars weight squeezes its core to make it increasingly hot and dense. The star fuses heavier elements in a last-ditch effort to keep from collapsing. Carbon to Silicon to Iron, each step generating heat and pressure. But soon its not enough. The fusion even heavier elements dont give the star more energy, and the core quickly collapses. The protons and neutrons of nuclei collide so violently that the resulting shock wave rips the star about. The outer layers of the star are thrown outward, becoming a brilliant supernova. For a brief time, the star shines brighter than its entire galaxy, and its core collapses into a neutron star or black hole. It was thought that all large stars end with a supernova, but new research finds that might not be the case.

The evidence comes from a galaxy 75 million light-years away known as the Kinman Dwarf Galaxy. Between 2001 and 2011, several groups of astronomers were studying the spectra of this galaxy because it has a particularly low metallicity. Because the galaxy is small and far away, astronomers cant see all the individual stars, but the galactic spectra allow them to identify some of the bright stars by particular emission lines. One of these was a luminous blue variable star.

Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) are very large stars in their elder days. They have active and quiet periods and can shine 2.5 million times brighter than the Sun. The bright emission lines of LBVs are unusual for a blue giant star, so they are easy to identify. Since astronomers saw these lines in the spectra of the Kinman Dwarf Galaxy, they knew the galaxy contained such a star.

But when new spectra measurements of the Kinman Dwarf Galaxy were taken in 2019, the spectral lines of the LBV were gone. They had simply vanished as if the star wasnt there. It seemed the star had disappeared. But giant blue stars dont just disappear. They should explode as a supernova before fading away. This particular star didnt become a supernova, so something strange is going on.

Since astronomers havent observed the star directly, its possible that the star did become a supernova and we happened to miss it. But that is highly unlikely. The Kinman Dwarf Galaxy is regularly observed, and a supernova would be difficult to miss. Its more likely that the star did fade from view, and the authors of this latest research have a couple of ideas why.

One idea is that the star has entered a particularly quiet stage at the same time it happens to be obscured by dust in the galaxy. But a second idea is more interesting. Perhaps the star underwent an unusual core collapse, forming a black hole without undergoing a supernova. There has been some debate over whether this is possible, and this new work could be evidence to support the idea.

But this is only one star and not even one that was directly imaged. It will take much more work to determine what really happened.

Reference: Allan, Andrew P., et al. The possible disappearance of a massive star in the low-metallicity galaxy PHL 293B. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496.2 (2020): 1902-1908.

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Astronomers Might Have Seen a Star Just Disappear. Turning Straight to a Black Hole Without a Supernova - Universe Today

Exoplanet the Size of Neptune Discovered by Astronomers About 32 Light-Years From Earth – SciTechDaily

Planet AU Mic b is about the size of Neptune. Credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA)

An exoplanet the size of Neptune has been discovered around the young star AU Microscopii, thanks in part to the work of Jonathan Gagn, a former iREx Banting postdoctoral researcher who is now a scientific advisor at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium.

Astrophysicists have been searching for exoplanets in this system, a unique laboratory for studying planetary formation, for more than a decade. The breakthrough, announced today in Nature, was made possible in part by NASAs TESS and Spitzer space telescopes.

Located about 32 lightyears from Earth, AU Microscopii, or AU Mic, is a young star between 20 and 30 million years old, which is about 180 times younger than our own Sun. In the 2000s, it was found to still be surrounded by a large disc of debris, a remnant of its formation. Since then, astrophysicists have been actively searching for planets around AU Mic, since it is within such discs of dust and gas that they form.

AU Mic is a small star, with only about 50 percent of the Suns mass, said Gagn, who participated in the observations and data processing. These stars generally have very strong magnetic fields, which make them very active. That explains in part why it took nearly 15 years to detect the exoplanet, called AU Mic b. The numerous spots and eruptions on the surface of AU Mic hampered its detection, which was already complicated by the presence of the disc.

Illustration of AU Mic b orbiting its parent star, AU Mic. Credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA)

Jonathan Gagn at the summit of Mauna Kea, where astrophysicists have been searching for a planet around AU Mic since 2010. Credit : Jonathan Gagn. In 2010, a team led by Peter Plavchan, now an assistant professor at George Mason University, began observing AU Mic from the ground using NASAs Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).

The telescope operates in the infrared, where the team hoped to see the signal of the planet better, since the stars activity is less intense in this type of light.

For his part, Gagn made numerous observational trips to the IRFT during his doctoral studies. That is when he became involved in the project. A few years after I joined the team, we noticed a possible periodic variation in the radial velocity of AU Mic, he recalled.

We were thus made aware of the plausible presence of a planet around it. As a planet orbits, its gravity tugs on its host star, which moves slightly in response. Sensitive spectrographs such as the one on the IRTF can detect the stars radial velocity, its motion to-and-fro along our line of sight.

Au Mic is a red dwarf, the most numerous type of star in the galaxy. Credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA)

The accuracy of the data obtained on the ground was unfortunately not sufficient to confirm without a doubt that the signal was due to an exoplanet. Its thanks to the transit method, a different detection technique, that the team was finally able to confirm the presence of AU Mic b.

A transit occurs when a planet passes directly between its host star and the viewer, periodically hiding a small fraction of its light. Astronomers observed two transits of AU Mic b during NASAs Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) first mission, in the summer of 2018. They then observed two more with NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope in 2019.

Since the amount of light blocked depends on the size of the exoplanet and its distance from its star, these observations allowed scientists to determine that AU Mic b is about the size of Neptune, and that it passes in front of its star every 8.5 days.

Thanks to previous ground-based observations, the team also has a partial constraint on the mass of AU Mic b. Combining IRTFs observations with data obtained at the European Southern Observatory in Chile and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, they concluded that its mass is less than about 3.4 times the mass of Neptune (or 58 times that of Earth).

AU Mic provides a unique laboratory to determine how exoplanets and their atmospheres form, and how they interact with the disc of debris and gas from which they are born.

Scientists are excited about their latest discovery, as very few systems like AU Mic are known. Not only is the detection of exoplanets difficult in these systems, but they are also very rare because a systems period of planetary formation is relatively short compared to the life of a star.

The AU Mic system is close to Earth and therefore appears brighter, allowing astrophysicists to observe it with a range of instruments. such as the SPIRou spectrograph.

This instrument, with its polarimetric capabilities, will allow us to better distinguish the effects of stellar activity, which are often confused with the signal from the planets, said Etienne Artigau, a project scientist at Universit de Montral. This will allow us to determine the mass of AU Mic b accurately and to know if this exoplanet is more like a large Earth or a Neptune twin.

Other iREx astronomers are enthusiastic about trying to detect the planets atmosphere, and see the effect of the active star on it. These observations can also be accomplished with SPIRou.

AU Mic is part of an association of young stars that formed at about the same time in the same place. Beta Pictoris, the star that gives its name to this association, also has a disc and two known planets.

Both the star and the planets are however considerably more massive (1.75 times the mass of the Sun, and 11 and nine times the mass of Jupiter, respectively). They do not appear to have evolved in the same way as AU Mic and its planet. Studying these two systems, which have many characteristics in common, scientists can compare two very different scenarios of planetary formation.

Many surprises undoubtedly still hide within AU Mics system, the iREX researchers believe. Will further observations of the system with TESS confirm the existence of other planets? Is the atmosphere of the planet outgassing because of the strong stellar activity? How does this system compare to others of the same age? Those are all questions for future study.


Reference: A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii by Peter Plavchan, Thomas Barclay, Jonathan Gagn, Peter Gao, Bryson Cale, William Matzko, Diana Dragomir, Sam Quinn, Dax Feliz, Keivan Stassun, Ian J. M. Crossfield, David A. Berardo, David W. Latham, Ben Tieu, Guillem Anglada-Escud, George Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, Jon M. Jenkins, Stephen Rinehart, Akshata Krishnamurthy, Scott Dynes, John Doty, Fred Adams, Dennis A. Afanasev, Chas Beichman, Mike Bottom, Brendan P. Bowler, Carolyn Brinkworth, Carolyn J. Brown, Andrew Cancino, David R. Ciardi, Mark Clampin, Jake T. Clark, Karen Collins, Cassy Davison, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, Elise Furlan, Eric J. Gaidos, Claire Geneser, Frank Giddens, Emily Gilbert, Ryan Hall, Coel Hellier, Todd Henry, Jonathan Horner, Andrew W. Howard, Chelsea Huang, Joseph Huber, Stephen R. Kane, Matthew Kenworthy, John Kielkopf, David Kipping, Chris Klenke, Ethan Kruse, Natasha Latouf, Patrick Lowrance, Bertrand Mennesson, Matthew Mengel, Sean M. Mills, Tim Morton, Norio Narita, Elisabeth Newton, America Nishimoto, Jack Okumura, Enric Palle, Joshua Pepper, Elisa V. Quintana, Aki Roberge, Veronica Roccatagliata, Joshua E. Schlieder, Angelle Tanner, Johanna Teske, C. G. Tinney, Andrew Vanderburg, Kaspar von Braun, Bernie Walp, Jason Wang, Sharon Xuesong Wang, Denise Weigand, Russel White, Robert A. Wittenmyer, Duncan J. Wright, Allison Youngblood, Hui Zhang and Perri Zilberman, 24 June 2020, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2400-z

About the study

A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii was published on June 25, 2020 in Nature. In addition to Jonathan Gagn (iREx, Universit de Montral, Space for Life), the research team includes first author Peter Plavchan from George Mason University; second author Thomas Barclay, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and an associate project scientist for TESS at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; and 82 other co-authors, including former iREx member David Berardo, now a PhD student at MIT.

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Exoplanet the Size of Neptune Discovered by Astronomers About 32 Light-Years From Earth - SciTechDaily

Up close and personal: 10 years in the life of the Sun – Astronomy Magazine

If you're feeling like you could use something new and different to watch to take your mind off the state of the world, consider the Sun.

NASA has released a video, embedded below, that shows it in a way you probably have never seen, and maybe never even imagined.

The video shows an entire decade of activity on the Sun in the span of a single episode of, well, name your favorite television series. If you're anything like me (a proud science visualization geek), and probably even if you're not, you might find it mesmerizing. (The music helps!)

The video is a time-lapse consisting of one high-resolution photo taken every hour of every day by the Solar Dynamics Observatory between June 2, 2010 and June 1 of this year. It condenses those 10 years into just 61 minutes.

A number of particularly noteworthy solar events that are part of the Suns 11-year solar cycle are captured in the video, including eruptions, flares, explosions, prominences, etc. These features tend to go by quickly and are easy to miss. So I've also included visualizatons that capture some of these spectacular events in great detail, along with short explanations.

Go here to see the original:

Up close and personal: 10 years in the life of the Sun - Astronomy Magazine

Social Divisions Drive Astronomical COVID-19 Rate In Chile : Goats and Soda – NPR

A nurse protests Chile's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The country now has the highest per capita infection rate of any major country 13,000 cases for every 1 million people. Marcelo Hernandez/Getty Images hide caption

A nurse protests Chile's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The country now has the highest per capita infection rate of any major country 13,000 cases for every 1 million people.

Chile looked as if it were well prepared to deal with the new coronavirus.

It's a rich country classified as high income by the World Bank. Life expectancy is roughly 80 years better than the United States'. It has a solid, modern health care system, and when the outbreak began spreading, officials made sure they had plenty of ventilators and intensive care beds at the ready.

But the virus exploited the cracks in Chilean society. The country now has the highest per capita infection rate of any major country 13,000 cases for every 1 million people. That's more than 10 times the rate in neighboring Argentina and twice the rate in Brazil.

Like many well-to-do countries, Chile saw its first cases of COVID-19 among its elite people who'd recently traveled to Europe and the United States. That was in April. The government quickly rolled out a plan to provide testing and treatment. Health officials quarantined hard-hit neighborhoods. Residents had to apply for a pass online before they could go out of their homes even to buy groceries. In late April, things were going so well that Chile was starting to talk about reopening.

"And then May started bringing more cases and more cases. Currently we have, in my opinion, more cases than we are able to handle," says Thomas Leisewitz, a physician in Santiago. Leisewitz is a professor at Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile and heads up strategic development at Red de Salud UC Christus, a nonprofit Catholic health care network.

Since May, the number of cases has been rising steadily, with the country recording at one time 5,000 to 6,000 new cases a day in June. The virus spread out of the affluent parts of Santiago to low-income neighborhoods where many residents don't have the luxury of being able to work from home.

And the high numbers are not just a reflection of an efficient testing infrastructure. Chile's per capita testing rate is lower than most European nations' and almost half the rate in the United States.

So how did this particular virus come to spread incredibly rapidly in wealthy, well-prepared Chile?

Andrea Insunza, a journalist in Santiago, says the reason is something unrelated to the virus itself. That something is social inequity.

"In Chile, there are two countries," says Insunza, who runs the center for investigative journalism at Universidad Diego Portales. "There's a country for people like me. I have a good education. I have a good salary, and all my social security is privatized."

By this she means she has access to high-quality private hospitals and clinics.

But there's another Chile.

"And that Chile is poor and you depend on the public health [system]," says Insunza.

Last October, violent street protests erupted in Santiago over a fare hike on the subway of 30 pesos, or less than 5 U.S. cents.

The protests became about far more than the price of a subway ride. Chile is one of the most unequal countries in Latin America, according to the World Bank. The elite, the top 10%, controls more than half the country's wealth. And while extreme poverty has been driven down significantly over the last decade, the social unrest in October centered on the frustrations of lower- and middle-class Chileans who view their economic opportunities as unfairly limited.

Insunza says part of the frustration is driven by the elite often not even seeming to recognize their privileged lifestyles.

"Santiago, it's a very segregated place," Insunza says. "You can actually live your whole life and don't see poverty. Never."

Chile's initial plan to deal with the coronavirus outbreak which at first affected mainly the elite in Santiago failed to recognize that the affluent have maids, gardeners and cooks who might also get infected.

The country's response went well in those early weeks. Case numbers were holding steady. The fatality rate was low.

Then the virus started spreading in lower-income neighborhoods and quickly got out of control.

"One thing that's interesting about Chile is that it probably has more state capacity in a technical way than any place in Latin America," says James Robinson, a professor at the University of Chicago and co-author of Why Nations Fail. He has written extensively about Latin America and, in particular, Chile.

"It's good at raising taxes and building roads and infrastructure," he says. "And there's not much corruption and things like that, but it's also a very polarized place."

Robinson says large segments of the public don't trust the state. They are wary of cooperating with government, which may be part of what has hindered Chile's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

In June, the health minister stepped down over his handling of the crisis and discrepancies over the case numbers he reported domestically, which were lower than the counts given to the World Health Organization.

President Sebastin Piera caused an uproar last week when he attended the funeral of his uncle along with more than 30 other people, while the government's coronavirus rules allow only 20 people at funerals.

Despite the government offering cash support and food to people who've lost work because of the lockdowns, Robinson says many Chileans feel that the system is stacked against them. And that's impeding the country's ability to tackle this virus.

"There's a real problem with the social contract in Chile," he says. "And the way they tried to manage this thing just seems to have sort of exacerbated a lot of those problems."

Chile has now extended lockdowns to more areas and put in tougher limits on movement to try to rein in the surging outbreak. In Santiago, residents who are not deemed essential workers are only being allowed to leave their houses twice a week, including trips for grocery shopping.

The regional office of the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, predicts that cases will continue to rise in Chile at least into the middle of July.

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Social Divisions Drive Astronomical COVID-19 Rate In Chile : Goats and Soda - NPR

How stargazing could save your life | 1843 – The Economist 1843

Galileo Galilei was the first person to point a telescope at the night sky. Having gazed heretically upon very large and distant celestial bodies, he realised he could use the same technology to magnify smaller terrestrial ones closer to home. Lenses with a shorter focal length enabled Galileo to squint at insects as well as planets. He called the new device his occhiolino, or little eye. We call it the microscope.

Today scientists apply technology across similarly vast differences of scale. By observing how the light of distant stars passes through interstellar gas and dust, astronomers have been able to interpret what exists in the outer reaches of space. Now, researchers from Exeter University in Britain are using the same technique to detect breast cancer.

The team, which comprises medical physicists and astronomers, is using the same code that has been applied to starlight to model how the light of a laser penetrates breast tissue. They are searching for small shifts in the wavelength of light that may signify the tell-tale presence of calcium deposits created by breast cancer. This method of cancer detection has the potential to be more accurate than a standard mammogram, and could eventually be used to find different types of cancer as well as other diseases.

Astronomers are looking at the way light moves from a distant star and goes through interstellar gas and hits our eye, says Charlie Jeynes, who is part of the team at Exeter. Were using that exact same process to look at the way light comes out of a laser, goes through breast tissue and hits a detector.

Other scientists are looking to the stars for inspiration to fight heart disease. A team from the University of Hertfordshire in Britain has been investigating how machine-learning techniques developed in astronomy could be turned towards medical imaging.

In distant galaxies, one of the things we look at is the very centre; an environment called the circumnuclear region, explains Jim Geach, a professor of astrophysics at Hertfordshire. By identifying patterns in the way light is emitted and absorbed in this region, astronomers can learn about a galaxys composition. Working with Richard Underwood, a professor of cardiac imaging at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, Geach found that a remarkably similar approach could also help to identify patterns of dying or diseased tissue in the human heart: We got talking and realised the data he was looking at, these 3d scans of the heart, closely resembled some of the data we look at in astrophysics.

Galileo would surely have approved. To solve the hardest problems, sometimes all thats required is a change of perspective.

Original post:

How stargazing could save your life | 1843 - The Economist 1843

The Sky This Week from June 19 to 26 – Astronomy Magazine

Saturday, June 20Even in you werent able to view yesterdays occultation of Venus by the Moon, you can still spot the bright planet this morning. About an hour before sunrise, Venus is 2.5 high in the east-northeast and climbing as the sky brightens. It glows at magnitude 4.6; through a telescope, youll see its a crescent just 9 percent lit. The entire disk spans 51".

Above Venus in the sky this morning is the Pleiades star cluster (M45), also called the Seven Sisters although how many of those seven you can make out depends on factors such as your own eyesight and the brightness of the sky (or your viewing site). Without optical aid, most people can easily count six stars in the small, dipper-shaped cluster. Can you see all seven?

The Pleiades is also an excellent object for your binoculars or small scope. Spanning about 110', the cluster actually contains more than 1,000 members, although most are invisible even with optical aid.

The summer solstice occurs today at 5:44 P.M. EDT, marking the first day of Northern Hemisphere summer.

Sunday, June 21New Moon occurs at 2:41 A.M. EDT.

An annular solar eclipse can be seen by observers in parts of Africa and southern Asia today. Greatest eclipse will occur near the India-China border, with a 38-second duration and 99 percent coverage. Annular eclipses take place when the Moon completely covers the Sun (as with a total solar eclipse); but sometimes, either the Moon is too close to Earth or Earth is too close to the Sun for the Sun and Moons apparent sizes to match up. When that happens, a thin ring of sunlight remains visible even at greatest eclipse.

Slooh will be broadcasting the event live online on YouTube:

Monday, June 22Look west after sunset to see Leo the Lions stately figure headed down toward the horizon as the night progresses. Regulus, Leos magnitude 1.4 alpha star, is envisioned as the Lions heart. Lying very near the ecliptic plane, this star is often occulted by the Moon. Regulus also marks the base of the handle of the constellations Sickle asterism, whose hook is made up of several other bright stars to Regulus northwest. At the other end of the constellation, Denebola (Beta [] Leonis) marks Leos tail. This star shines at magnitude 2.1 and is a little over 1.5 times the Suns radius.

Within Leo are numerous bright galaxies, including the famous Leo Triplet of NGC 3628, M65, and M66 Each of these three spirals is tilted differently with respect to our line of sight, making each look quite distinct from its companions. Youll find the group a little over 7 west-southwest of Denebola, and less than 3 south-southeast of magnitude 3.3 Chertan (Theta [] Leonis).

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The Sky This Week from June 19 to 26 - Astronomy Magazine