The zCOSMOS survey: the role of the environment in the evolution of the luminosity function of different galaxy types

Authors: E. Zucca, S. Bardelli, M. Bolzonella, G. Zamorani, O. Ilbert, L. Pozzetti, M. Mignoli, K. Kova?, S. Lilly, L. Tresse, L. Tasca, P. Cassata, C. Halliday, D. Vergani, K. Caputi, C. M. Carollo, T. Contini, J.-P. Kneib, O.Le Fèvre, V. Mainieri, A. Renzini, M. Scodeggio, A. Bongiorno, G. Coppa, O. Cucciati, S. de la Torre, L. de Ravel, P. Franzetti, B. Garilli, A. Iovino, P. Kampczyk, C. Knobel, F. Lamareille, J.-F.Le Borgne, V. Le Brun, C. Maier, R. Pellò, Y. Peng, E. Perez-Montero, E. Ricciardelli, J. D. Silverman, M. Tanaka, U. Abbas, D. Bottini, A. Cappi, A. Cimatti, L. Guzzo, A. M. Koekemoer, A. Leauthaud, D. Maccagni, C. Marinoni, H. J. McCracken, P. Memeo, B. Meneux, M. Moresco, P. Oesch, C. Porciani, R.Scaramella, S. Arnouts, H. Aussel, P. Capak, J. Kartaltepe, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, Y. Taniguchi and D. Thompson
A&A 508, 1217 (2009) Received 9 June 2009 / Accepted 17 September 2009
Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, galaxies: statistics, Surveys

Photometric redshifts and cluster tomography in the ESO Distant Cluster Survey

Authors: R. Pelló, G. Rudnick, G. De Lucia, L. Simard, D. I. Clowe, P. Jablonka, B. Milvang-Jensen, R. P. Saglia, S. D. M. White, A. Aragón-Salamanca, C. Halliday, B. Poggianti, P. Best, J. Dalcanton, M. Dantel-Fort, B. Fort, A. von der Linden, Y. Mellier, H. Rottgering and D. Zaritsky
A&A 508, 1173 (2009) Received 21 July 2008 / Accepted 16 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: clusters: general, galaxies: distances and redshifts, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: evolution

Evidence of early disk-locking among low-mass members of the Orion Nebula Cluster

Authors: K. Biazzo, C. H. F. Melo, L. Pasquini, S. Randich, J. Bouvier and X. Delfosse
A&A 508, 1301 (2009) Received 16 August 2009 / Accepted 24 September 2009
Keywords: open clusters and associations: individual: Orion Nebula Cluster, stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs, stars: pre-main sequence, stars: late-type, accretion, accretion disks, techniques: spectroscopic

Evolution of the early-type galaxy fraction in clusters since z = 0.8

Authors: L. Simard, D. Clowe, V. Desai, J. J. Dalcanton, A. von der Linden, B. M. Poggianti, S. D. M. White, A. Aragón-Salamanca, G. De Lucia, C. Halliday, P. Jablonka, B. Milvang-Jensen, R. P. Saglia, R. Pelló, G. H. Rudnick and D. Zaritsky
A&A 508, 1141 (2009) Received 18 October 2007 / Accepted 6 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: fundamental parameters, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: clusters: general