Authors: L. Barragán, J. Wilms, K. Pottschmidt, M. A. Nowak, I. Kreykenbohm, R. Walter and J. A. Tomsick
A&A 508, 1275 (2009) Received 15 August 2008 / Accepted 19 October 2009
Keywords: stars: individual IGR J16318–4848, binaries: general, X-rays: binaries
Category Archives: Astro Physics
Radiative transition rates and collision strengths for Si II
Authors: M. A. Bautista, P. Quinet, P. Palmeri, N. R. Badnell, J. Dunn and N. Arav
A&A 508, 1527 (2009) Received 25 August 2009 / Accepted 20 October 2009
Keywords: atomic data, atomic processes, line: formation, quasars: absorption lines, Sun: abundances, ISM: atoms
The zCOSMOS survey: the role of the environment in the evolution of the luminosity function of different galaxy types
Authors: E. Zucca, S. Bardelli, M. Bolzonella, G. Zamorani, O. Ilbert, L. Pozzetti, M. Mignoli, K. Kova?, S. Lilly, L. Tresse, L. Tasca, P. Cassata, C. Halliday, D. Vergani, K. Caputi, C. M. Carollo, T. Contini, J.-P. Kneib, O.Le Fèvre, V. Mainieri, A. Renzini, M. Scodeggio, A. Bongiorno, G. Coppa, O. Cucciati, S. de la Torre, L. de Ravel, P. Franzetti, B. Garilli, A. Iovino, P. Kampczyk, C. Knobel, F. Lamareille, J.-F.Le Borgne, V. Le Brun, C. Maier, R. Pellò, Y. Peng, E. Perez-Montero, E. Ricciardelli, J. D. Silverman, M. Tanaka, U. Abbas, D. Bottini, A. Cappi, A. Cimatti, L. Guzzo, A. M. Koekemoer, A. Leauthaud, D. Maccagni, C. Marinoni, H. J. McCracken, P. Memeo, B. Meneux, M. Moresco, P. Oesch, C. Porciani, R.Scaramella, S. Arnouts, H. Aussel, P. Capak, J. Kartaltepe, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, Y. Taniguchi and D. Thompson
A&A 508, 1217 (2009) Received 9 June 2009 / Accepted 17 September 2009
Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, galaxies: statistics, Surveys
Photometric redshifts and cluster tomography in the ESO Distant Cluster Survey
Authors: R. Pelló, G. Rudnick, G. De Lucia, L. Simard, D. I. Clowe, P. Jablonka, B. Milvang-Jensen, R. P. Saglia, S. D. M. White, A. Aragón-Salamanca, C. Halliday, B. Poggianti, P. Best, J. Dalcanton, M. Dantel-Fort, B. Fort, A. von der Linden, Y. Mellier, H. Rottgering and D. Zaritsky
A&A 508, 1173 (2009) Received 21 July 2008 / Accepted 16 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: clusters: general, galaxies: distances and redshifts, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: evolution
3D simulations of M star atmosphere velocities and their influence on molecular FeH lines
Authors: S. Wende, A. Reiners and H.-G. Ludwig
A&A 508, 1429 (2009) Received 19 August 2009 / Accepted 13 October 2009
Keywords: hydrodynamics: stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs, line: profiles, turbulence, stars: late-type
Low-temperature gas opacity – ÆSOPUS: a versatile and quick computational tool
Authors: P. Marigo and B. Aringer
A&A 508, 1539 (2009) Received 29 May 2009 / Accepted 27 October 2009
Keywords: equation of state, atomic processes, molecular processes, stars: abundances, stars: atmospheres, stars: AGB and post-AGB
Positron transport in the interstellar medium
Authors: P. Jean, W. Gillard, A. Marcowith and K. Ferrière
A&A 508, 1099 (2009) Received 22 March 2008 / Accepted 22 September 2009
Keywords: gamma rays: theory, diffusion, plasmas
Evidence of early disk-locking among low-mass members of the Orion Nebula Cluster
Authors: K. Biazzo, C. H. F. Melo, L. Pasquini, S. Randich, J. Bouvier and X. Delfosse
A&A 508, 1301 (2009) Received 16 August 2009 / Accepted 24 September 2009
Keywords: open clusters and associations: individual: Orion Nebula Cluster, stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs, stars: pre-main sequence, stars: late-type, accretion, accretion disks, techniques: spectroscopic
An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31 – III. A spectroscopic metallicity scale for the Revised Bologna Catalog
Authors: S. Galleti, M. Bellazzini, A. Buzzoni, L. Federici and F. Fusi Pecci
A&A 508, 1285 (2009) Received 27 May 2009 / Accepted 17 September 2009
Keywords: galaxies: individual: M 31, galaxies: star clusters, catalogs, Local Group
Evolution of the early-type galaxy fraction in clusters since z = 0.8
Authors: L. Simard, D. Clowe, V. Desai, J. J. Dalcanton, A. von der Linden, B. M. Poggianti, S. D. M. White, A. Aragón-Salamanca, G. De Lucia, C. Halliday, P. Jablonka, B. Milvang-Jensen, R. P. Saglia, R. Pelló, G. H. Rudnick and D. Zaritsky
A&A 508, 1141 (2009) Received 18 October 2007 / Accepted 6 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: fundamental parameters, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: clusters: general
The velocity field of sunspot penumbrae – I. A global view
Authors: M. Franz and R. Schlichenmaier
A&A 508, 1453 (2009) Received 6 August 2009 / Accepted 24 September 2009
Keywords: sunspots, Sun: photosphere
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL analysis of the Ophiuchus cluster of galaxies
Authors: J. Nevalainen, D. Eckert, J. Kaastra, M. Bonamente and K. Kettula
A&A 508, 1161 (2009) Received 20 May 2009 / Accepted 7 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: clusters: individual: Ophiuchus, X-rays: galaxies: clusters, techniques: spectroscopic
The core fundamental plane of B2 radio galaxies
Authors: D. Bettoni, R. Falomo, P. Parma, H. de Ruiter and R. Fanti
A&A 508, 1253 (2009) Received 3 August 2009 / Accepted 3 October 2009
Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics
Formation of Ellerman bombs due to 3D flux emergence
Authors: V. Archontis and A. W. Hood
A&A 508, 1469 (2009) Received 8 May 2009 / Accepted 21 October 2009
Keywords: Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: corona, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), methods: numerical, Sun: activity
Chemical depletion in the Large Magellanic Cloud: RV Tauri stars and the photospheric feedback from their dusty discs
Authors: C. Gielen, H. Van Winckel, M. Reyniers, A. Zijlstra, T. Lloyd Evans, K. D. Gordon, F. Kemper, R. Indebetouw, M. Marengo, M. Matsuura, M. Meixner, G. C. Sloan, A. G. G. M. Tielens and P. M. Woods
A&A 508, 1391 (2009) Received 24 July 2009 / Accepted 28 October 2009
Keywords: stars: abundances, stars: AGB and post-AGB, circumstellar matter, binaries: general, Magellanic Clouds
CO {J}={1}{-}0 observations of gas near the galactic supernova remnants G5.4-1.2, G5.55+0.32 and G5.71-0.08
Author: H. S. Liszt
A&A 508, 1331 (2009) Received 4 May 2009 / Accepted 13 October 2009
Keywords: ISM: clouds, ISM: molecules, HII regions
51 Pegasi – a planet-bearing Maunder minimum candidate
Authors: K. Poppenhäger, J. Robrade, J. H. M. M. Schmitt and J. C. Hall
A&A 508, 1417 (2009) Received 21 July 2009 / Accepted 7 October 2009
Keywords: stars: coronae, stars: activity, stars: individual: 51 Peg, X-rays: stars, X-rays: individuals: 51 Peg
Transit detections of extrasolar planets around main-sequence stars – I. Sky maps for hot Jupiters
Authors: R. Heller, D. Mislis and J. Antoniadis
A&A 508, 1509 (2009) Received 23 April 2009 / Accepted 3 October 2009
Keywords: planetary systems, occultations, solar neighborhood, Galaxy: abundances, instrumentation: miscellaneous, methods: observational
The discovery of diffuse steep spectrum sources in Abell 2256
Authors: R. J. van Weeren, H. T. Intema, J. B. R. Oonk, H. J. A. Röttgering and T. E. Clarke
A&A 508, 1269 (2009) Received 20 July 2009 / Accepted 16 October 2009
Keywords: radio continuum: general, galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 2256, large-scale structure of Universe
Counterpart candidates to the unidentified Fermi source 0FGL J1848.6-0138
Authors: P. L. Luque-Escamilla, J. Martí, A. J. Muñoz-Arjonilla, J. R. Sánchez-Sutil, J. A. Combi and E. Sánchez-Ayaso
A&A 508, 1095 (2009) Received 17 April 2009 / Accepted 8 September 2009
Keywords: globular clusters: general, globular clusters: individual: 47 Tuc, gamma rays: observations, stars: winds, outflows, globular clusters: individual: GLIMPSE-C01