CO observations of symbiotic stellar systems*

Authors: V. Bujarrabal, J. Miko?ajewska, J. Alcolea and G. Quintana-Lacaci.<br />Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 516 , page A19<br />Published online: 18/06/2010<br />
radio lines: stars ; circumstellar matter ; stars:
mass-loss ; binaries: symbiotic ; stars:
individual: R Aqr ; stars: individual: CH Cyg .

X-raying the AU Microscopii debris disk

Authors: P. C. Schneider and J. H. M. M. Schmitt.<br />Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 516 , page A8<br />Published online: 16/06/2010<br />
circumstellar matter ; stars: individual: AU Microscopii ; stars: coronae ; X-rays: stars ; protoplanetary disks.

The Hamburg/ESO R-process enhanced star survey (HERES)

Authors: L. Mashonkina, N. Christlieb, P. S. Barklem, V. Hill, T. C. Beers and A. Velichko.<br />Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 516 , page A46<br />Published online: 24/06/2010<br />
stars: abundances ; stars: atmospheres ; stars: fundamental parameters ; nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances.

Radially extended kinematics and stellar populations of the massive ellipticals NGC?1600, NGC?4125, and NGC?7619*

Authors: S. B. Pu, R. P. Saglia, M. H. Fabricius, J. Thomas, R. Bender and Z. Han.<br />Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 516 , page A4<br />Published online: 16/06/2010<br />
galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD ; Galaxy: abundances ; galaxies: kinematics and dynamics ; galaxies: individual: NGC?4125 ; galaxies: individual: NGC?7619 ; galaxies: individual: NGC?1600 .