Authors: T. Coenen, J. van Leeuwen and I. H. Stairs.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A125<br />Published online: 28/06/2011<br />
stars: neutron ; pulsars: general ; subdwarfs.
Category Archives: Astro Physics
Network velocity gradients in the photosphere
Authors: G. Molodij, V. Bommier and J. Rayrole.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A139<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
Sun: photosphere ; line: profiles ; magnetic fields ; instrumentation: polarimeters.
A new study of the supernova remnant G344.7-0.1 located in the vicinity of the unidentified TeV source HESS J1702-420
Authors: E. Giacani, M. J. S. Smith, G. Dubner and N. Loiseau.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A138<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
ISM: supernova remnants ; ISM: individual objects: G344.7 ? 0.1 ; gamma rays: ISM ; X-rays: individuals: HESS J1702-420.
VLT observations of the candidate counterpart to PSR?J0108?1431?
Authors: R. P. Mignani, G. G. Pavlov and O. Kargaltsev.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A105<br />Published online: 22/06/2011<br />
stars: neutron ; pulsars: individual: PSR J0108 ? 1431.
Azimuthal variations of magnetic field strength and inclination on penumbral boundaries
Authors: J. Jur?ák.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A118<br />Published online: 24/06/2011<br />
sunspots ; Sun: photosphere ; Sun: magnetic topology ; techniques: polarimetric.
IRAS?12556–7731: a “chamaeleonic” lithium-rich M-giant???
Authors: J. M. Alcalá, K. Biazzo, E. Covino, A. Frasca and L. R. Bedin.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L12<br />Published online: 28/06/2011<br />
stars: low-mass ; stars: fundamental parameters ; stars: individual: IRAS 12556 ; 7731 ; stars: abundances ; stars: late-type.
Visibilities and bolometric corrections for stellar oscillation modes observed by Kepler?
Authors: J. Ballot, C. Barban and C. Van’t Veer-Menneret.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A124<br />Published online: 28/06/2011<br />
asteroseismology ; stars: atmospheres ; stars: solar-type.
EUV jets, type III radio bursts and sunspot waves investigated using SDO/AIA observations?
Authors: D. E. Innes, R. H. Cameron and S. K. Solanki.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L13<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
Sun: activity ; sunspots ; Sun: oscillations ; Sun: radio radiation ; Sun: UV radiation ; magnetic reconnection.
Secular spin-down of the AMP XTE J1751-305
Authors: A. Riggio, L. Burderi, T. Di Salvo, A. Papitto, A. D’Aì, R. Iaria and M. T. Menna.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A140<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
stars: neutron ; stars: magnetic field ; pulsars: general ; pulsars: individual:XTE J1751-305 ; X-rays: binaries.
Physical parameters of pre-main sequence stars in open clusters?
Authors: A. J. Delgado, E. J. Alfaro and J. L. Yun.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A141<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
stars: formation ; stars: pre-main sequence ; open clusters and associations: general.
More on the circumbinary disk of SS 433
Authors: M. G. Bowler.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A107<br />Published online: 22/06/2011<br />
stars: individual: SS 433 ; binaries: close ; stars: fundamental parameters ; circumstellar matter.
Advection and dispersal of small magnetic elements in the very quiet Sun
Authors: R. Manso Sainz, M. J. Martínez González and A. Asensio Ramos.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L9<br />Published online: 23/06/2011<br />
Sun: atmosphere ; Sun: granulation ; convection ; Sun: surface magnetism.
Detection of Jovian seismic waves: a new probe of its interior structure
Authors: P. Gaulme, F.-X. Schmider, J. Gay, T. Guillot and C. Jacob.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A104<br />Published online: 21/06/2011<br />
planets and satellites: individual: Jupiter ; planets and satellites: interiors ; waves ; techniques: radial velocities ; methods: data analysis ; asteroseismology.
The extent of dust in NGC 891 from Herschel/SPIRE images?
Authors: S. Bianchi and E. M. Xilouris.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L11<br />Published online: 24/06/2011<br />
galaxies: individual: NGC 891 ; galaxies: spiral ; dust, extinction ; submillimeter: galaxies ; radiative transfer.
XMM-Newton observations of IGR?J18410-0535: the ingestion of a clump by a supergiant fast X-ray transient
Authors: E. Bozzo, A. Giunta, G. Cusumano, C. Ferrigno, R. Walter, S. Campana, M. Falanga, G. Israel and L. Stella.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A130<br />Published online: 28/06/2011<br />
X-rays: binaries ; stars: individual: IGR J18410-0535 ; stars: neutron ; X-rays: stars.
On the spectral resolution of the MILES stellar library
Authors: A. Beifiori, C. Maraston, D. Thomas and J. Johansson.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A109<br />Published online: 22/06/2011<br />
techniques: spectroscopic ; stars: kinematics and dynamics ; galaxies: kinematics and dynamics.
The ionization equilibrium and flare line spectra for the electron distribution with a power-law tail
Authors: E. Dzif?áková, M. Homola and J. Dudík.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A111<br />Published online: 22/06/2011<br />
atomic processes ; radiation mechanisms: non-thermal ; Sun: flares ; Sun: X-rays, gamma rays.
Periodicity search as a tool for disentangling the contaminated colour light curve of CoRoT 102781750?
Authors: M. Paparó, M. Chadid, E. Chapellier, J. M. Benk?, R. Szabó, K. Kolenberg, E. Guggenberger, Zs. Regály, M. Auvergne, A. Baglin and W. W. Weiss.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page A135<br />Published online: 01/07/2011<br />
stars: variables: RR Lyrae ; stars: individual: CoRoT 102781750 ; stars: oscillations ; stars: activity ; circumstellar matter ; space vehicles.
Into the central 10 pc of the most distant known radio quasar
Authors: S. Frey, Z. Paragi, L. I. Gurvits, K. É. Gabányi and D. Cseh.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L5<br />Published online: 16/06/2011<br />
techniques: interferometric ; radio continuum: galaxies ; galaxies: active ; quasars: individual: J1429+5447.
On the sdOB primary of the post common-envelope binary AA?Doradus (LB?3459)???
Authors: S. Klepp and T. Rauch.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 531 , page L7<br />Published online: 20/06/2011<br />
stars: abundances ; stars: atmospheres ; binaries: eclipsing ; stars: early-type ; stars: individual: AA Dor (LB 3459) ; stars: fundamental parameters.