Where Did We Come from or Does God Exist?; Astrophysics for people in a Hurry. – UKZAMBIANS


Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D

Professor of Sociology

Neil deGrasse Tyson,, Astrophysics for people in a Hurry, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2017, 222 pp, Hardcover, K174.35 ($18.95).


When I was a child living at Chipewa Village in the late 1950s in Lundazi District in Eastern Zambia in Southern Africa, we were loudly playing childrens games including hide and seek. I was jumping and running around in the evening after supper with other children in the open village square. Adults congregated in front of houses and chatted around with household family members getting ready to go to bed. Suddenly from nowhere a massive very bright light descended directly on top of the village momentarily making everything look as bright as day light. Suddenly the light went off and it was dark again. We all screamed running in different directions to our various homes. Out of breath my cousins and I asked my grandparents what that scary bright light was. My grandmother calmly replied that it was the wretched work of witches in the night.

Early Morning glow of beautiful sunrise before landing at Kenneth Kaunda international Airport in Lusaka. Who created the Universe, the sun and indirectly the plane?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysics for people in a Hurry, reminded me of this incident that I never witnessed again in my life. But I might have seen again and again but more on this later. In the village I attended Sub A or Grade One at Boyole Primary School. The very first religious knowledge class taught me about God, the origin of humans and the crucial role of Adam and Eve in the fate of all humanity. Ten years later in Form 4 in 1970 at Chizongwe Secondary School in Chipata, I was to learn about Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravity (1642-1726) in physics in my Physical Science classes practicing the formula. Although in 1915 Albert Einsteins discovered the very influential Theory of Relativity, I dont remember it being in our physics textbook yet in 1970. How is all this related to Tysons just published new book Astrophysics for people in a Hurry? How is this related to whether God exists?

The Big Bang

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson in the very first sentence of his book reminiscent of the Bible says: In the beginning, nearly fourteen billion years ago, all space and all the matter and all the energy of the known universe was contained in a volume less than one-trillionth the size of the period (full stop) that ends this sentence. (p.17) What!!?? was my reaction after I read the first sentence. Then there was the Big Bang. I could not stop reading until I finished the 208 pages because I wanted my curiosity satisfied and so many of my own questions answered.

The moon in the night sky when I am in the village.

Tyson goes on to describe the origin of the known Universe, distant galaxies, the famous Milky Way, stars, our solar system, matter, energy, and how the Earth may have become the only known habitable planet in the solar system. Tyson describes photons, atoms, molecules, constants, conservation laws, speed of light, the mystery of dark matter, cosmic distances; all without using any of the sophisticated mathematical formulas in physics. Thats why the book is for the lay person because even a non-Astrophysicist like me with some physics knowledge from secondary school was able to read and understand it.

Does God Exist?

What invokes questions in the book about whether God exists is the sheer unimaginable monumental events that have happened over 13 billion years and will continue to happen going into the future. All of them are said to be still happening now as you read this or have happened by chance since 13 billion years ago. For example, the orbit along which our mother earth rotates around the massive hot sun happens to be just further enough from the sun that we do not burn but instead have incredible forms of life from tiny bacteria, insects, and trees to humans, elephants and to one time humongous dinosaurs. The suns energy through photosynthesis creates

Enjoying the warm of fire in the village. What is fire and how is it related to the speed of light?

oxygen through plants. We humans and many other of the earths creatures need oxygen to live. No other planets, at least in our solar system, have these qualities that support so much life. Had our Earth been nudged just a little further away from the sun in our orbit several billion years after the Big Bag, the earth would be too cold to support our life.

Think of Your Origins

If you are a Zambian living in the village, Lusaka, Kabompo, Gwembe Valley, and Livingstone and where ever you are perhaps in the diaspora, once you have eaten nshima with good relish, you are not necessarily rich, but you are comfortable, life seems good, shouldnt you take a moment to think: What was there before the Big Bang? Where did I come from? Why? What is Earth? How big is the Universe? What about the moon, heaven and all those thousands and millions of stars at night? Where did they come from? What is my role in the Universe? What is light or fire? This book will give you some answers. But it will not give you the answer to the question: Does God exist? You will have to make up your mind after you read the book if you have not made up your mind already. About that huge bright light in the village? I now believe it might have been a shooting star or meteorite that was headed toward our village but combusted or burned up and evaporated into gas in the atmosphere perhaps 10 Kms high above our village. I have seen thousands of shooting stars especially even today the many times I visit the village and look at the dark sky, bright moon and mesmerizing twinkling stars in the beautiful Milky Way.

Excerpt from:

Where Did We Come from or Does God Exist?; Astrophysics for people in a Hurry. - UKZAMBIANS

OpenACC Shows Growing Strength at ISC – HPCwire (blog)

OpenACC is strutting its stuff at ISC this year touting expanding membership, a jump in downloads, favorable benchmarks across several architectures, new staff members, and new support by key HPC applications providers, ANSYS, for example. It is also holding its third user group meeting at the conference and a number of other activities including a BoF. That seems like significant progress in its rivalry with OpenMP.

Parallel programing models, of course, have become de rigueur to get the most from HPC systems, especially with the rise of manycore, GPU, and other heterogeneous architectures. OpenACC formed in 2011 to support parallel programing on accelerated systems. In its own words, OpenACC is a directives-based programming approach to parallel computing designed for performance and portability on CPUs and GPUs for HPC.

There are now roughly 20 core members Cray, AMD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Indiana University, to name a few. OpenACC reports downloads jumped 86 percent jumped in the last six months, driven in part by a new free community release that also supports Microsoft Windows. Interestingly, support for Windows which is a rarity in core HPC was very important to ANSYS according Michael Wolfe, OpenACC technical lead and a PGI staff member. The current OpenACC version is 2.5 with 2.6 expected to be available for public comment in the next couple of months.

As shown in the slide below, OpenACC has steadily expanded the number of platforms supported. Its an impressive list although notably absent from this list is ARM. Before it ceased operations PathScale supported ARM and currently the GCC group (GNU Compiler Group) is working on OpenACC support for ARM. Leading compiler provider PGI, owned by NVIDIA, also has plans. Its no secret that our plan is to eventually support ARM and well be using the same mechanism we used to support Power and so the compiler part is relatively straight forward. Its getting the numerical libraries in place [thats challenging], says Wolfe.

Significantly, OpenACC is reporting rough parity with OpenMP for application acceleration on a pair of Intel systems and an IBM Minsky when compared with a single core Haswell system. (Reported systems specs: Intel dual Haswell 216 core server, four K80s; dual Intel Broadwell 220 core server, eight P100s; IBM dual Minsky Power8+ NVLINK, four P100s; host systems for GPUs not listed. The application was AWE Hydrodynamics CloverLeaf mini-app.)

You get almost no performance decrement on a multicore on the various systems, notes Wolfe. OpenACC hasnt yet benchmarked against Intels forthcoming Skylake. Were waiting on it. Obviously we need to re-optimize our code generator.

Perhaps most telling, say OpenACC proponents, is the uptick in support from HPC application community. In its ISC new release, OpenACC reported it now accelerates ANSYS Fluent (CFD) and Gaussian (Quantum Chemistry) and VASP (Material Science), which are among the top 10 HPC applications, as well as selected ORNL Center for Accelerated Application Readiness (CAAR) codes to be run on the future CORAL Supercomputer: GTC (Physics), XGC (Physics), LSDalton (Quantum Chemistry), ACME(CWO), and FLASH (Astrophysics).

Early indications are that we can nearly match the performance of CUDA using OpenACC on GPUs.This will enable our domain scientists to work on a uniform GPU accelerated Fortran source code base, says Martijn Marsman, Computational Materials Physics at the University of Vienna in the official press release.

Weve effectively used OpenACC for heterogeneous computing in ANSYS Fluent with impressive performance. Were now applying this work to more of our models and new platforms, says Sunil Sathe, lead software developer, ANSYS.

OpenACC also reports the recently upgraded CSCS Piz Daint supercomputer will be running five codes implemented with OpenACC in the near term: COSMO (CWO), ELEPHANT (Astrophysics), RAMSES (Astrophysics), ICON (CWO), ORB5 (Plasma Physics).

Two new OpenACC officers have been appointed:

Guido Juckeland is the new secretary for OpenACC. He founded the Computational Science Group at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany. His research focuses on better usability and programmability for hardware accelerators and application performance monitoring as well as optimization. He is also vice-chair of the SPEC High Performance Group (HPG) and an active member of the OpenACC technical.

Sunita Chandrasekaran is the new director of user adoption. Her mission is to grow the OpenACC organization and user community. She is currently an assistant professor at the University of Delaware. Her research interest spans HPC, parallel algorithms, programming models, compiler and runtime methodologies and reconfigurable computing. She was one of the recipients of the 2016 IEEE TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in HPC.

Wolfe says the forthcoming 2.6 release is mostly a matter of tweaks. One change in the works which is substantive is Deep Copy capability.

Many of these programs have very complex data structures. If you think about supercomputing you think about arrays, vectors, and matrices. [But] thats so 1970s. Now these applications will have an array of structures and each structure element has a subarray which is a different. On todays devices, in order to get most performance on the GPU, you need to move the data onto the GPU memory which is higher bandwidth, closer to the device, says Wolfe.

Deep copy doesnt just copy the array but copies that and all the subarrays and all the subarrays. There is a mechanism to support this today but it is clunky [and] requires a lot of code. We are trying to automate that but we are afraid we are going to get it wrong. So what we are doing now in the PGI compiler, we are working on a prototype application before we standardize something in the classification, says Wolfe.

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OpenACC Shows Growing Strength at ISC - HPCwire (blog)

Review: "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" | Mo Books … – The Missourian (blog)

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, by astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, is exactly what it says it is a short tour of our understanding of the cosmos that is charming, conversational, witty and perfect to read in short bursts. Its a great introduction to astrophysics. If you lack time to read a longer book but remain curious about why a subject like astrophysics matters, pick this one up.

Tyson is director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, hosts his own television show, hosted an updated version of Carl Sagans classic television series Cosmos, and frequently appears on talk shows. His enthusiasm for astrophysics, contagious on television, translates to print. I could hear his voice as I read the words.

Tyson breaks his book down into 12 easily-read chapters. He starts with the beginning of the universe and then continues through subjects such as dark matter, dark energy, the space between galaxies, alien intelligence and the prevalence of round objects, until he ends with an argument on why the cosmological perspective is essential for humanity.

Its fascinating, succinctly written limited jargon. That doesnt mean its an easy read. The books shortness means you can stop reading on occasion to make sense of all the big ideas and still finish the book. (Remember, this is written for curious people in a hurry.)

Along with the mind-blowing science, Tyson is funny, full of interesting opinions, and folksy proclamations. Yes, Einstein was a badass, writes Tyson. And then, later, Without a doubt, Einsteins greatest blunder was having declared that Lambda was his greatest blunder.

Towards the end, after explaining what we know about the universe, Tyson attempts to put it all in perspective. Why does astrophysics matter to us, in our daily lives? Understanding the rules of the universe helps us understand ourselves and equips us for the future, he argues. Figuring out the rules of the universe is how people moved from caves to agriculture. This is the continuation of that movement.

How does it help us understand ourselves? Simply put, we are made of the stuff of stars.

We do not simply live in this universe; the universe lives in us.

Furthermore, if we ever discover alien intelligence, it too will be made of the stuff of stars. It behooves us in the meantime to study the stars and understand how the universe works. After reading this, youll see that there are a lot of strange, unanswered questions lurking in space.

This short, excellent read should find a happy home in every librarys science section. After reading this, readers who want more can move on to books with additional detail.

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Review: "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" | Mo Books ... - The Missourian (blog)

Legendary UC Santa Cruz astronomer and astrophysicist dies – The Mercury News

SANTA CRUZ Jerry Nelson, a pioneering astronomer known for his innovative designs for advanced telescopes, died Saturday at his home in Santa Cruz. He was 73.

A professor emeritus of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, Nelson was project scientist for the Thirty Meter Telescope, or TMT, and had served as project scientist for the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii from 1985 through 2012.

Nelson conceived the revolutionary segmented mirror design of the Keck Observatorys twin 10-meter telescopes, and he developed new techniques to fabricate and control the mirror segments.

Nelson also played an important role in the development of adaptive optics technology, which sharpens the images from ground-based telescopes by correcting for the blurring effect of Earths atmosphere. As founding director of the Center for Adaptive Optics, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center based at UC Santa Cruz, Nelson helped pioneer the use of adaptive optics in astronomy.

Nelson earned his B.S. in physics at the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in physics at UC Berkeley. From 1970 to 1981, he worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and he was a professor of astronomy at UC Berkeley from 1981 until 1994, when he moved to UCSC.

Much of Nelsons early research was in the area of high-energy physics and astrophysics. He analyzed the results of particle accelerator experiments and studied high-energy astrophysical phenomena such as pulsars using innovative astronomical instruments of his own design.

Nelson presented the concepts that led to segmented-mirror telescopes in a series of papers and technical reports starting in 1977, often working with UC colleagues Terry Mast and Gary Chanan. The largest telescopes at that time had been fashioned by polishing a single glass blank to the requisite precision of a small fraction of the wavelength of visible light. In order to maintain that surface, the polished mirrors had to be very thick and were therefore heavy, which was a problem for larger mirrors. Nelsons idea was to create a single, high-precision optical surface by supporting individual hexagonal mirrors in a close-packed honeycomb configuration. Making this concept a reality required a series of innovative ideas for fabrication, measurement, and control of the mirror segments.

Nearly twice the diameter and four times the light-gathering capacity of the previous largest ground-based telescopes, the twin Keck Telescopes had an enormous impact on astronomy and astrophysics research.

The segmented-mirror design will be seen as one of the major turning points in telescope technology and one that opened the path to much larger telescopes on the ground and in space in the coming decades, said Michael Bolte, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz. Bolte, who serves on the TMT Board of Directors, said the TMTs 30-meter primary mirror design is essentially a scaled up version of the Keck primary mirrors.

After suffering a stroke in 2011, Nelson coped with significant physical limitations but remained deeply engaged in TMT design work. He was a wonderful colleague. His endless curiosity always pushed the scientists around him to think more deeply, and his persistence and continued excellence after his stroke were inspirational to everyone, Bolte said.

A symposium to honor Nelson was already planned for July 13 and 14 in Santa Cruz, featuring talks by many of the eminent astronomers who worked with him over the years. The gathering will now serve as a memorial celebration of his life, Bolte said.

A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Nelson received many awards and honors for his achievements, including the 2010 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering, the Andr#xe9; Lallemande Prize of the French Academy of Sciences, and the Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics of the American Astronomical Society.

Nelson is survived by his wife, Jocelyn Nelson; his sister Jeanne Moat; two children from his first marriage, Leif and Alexandra; and three grandchildren. His first wife Victoria died in 1992.

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Legendary UC Santa Cruz astronomer and astrophysicist dies - The Mercury News

OU offers 10-day Certificate Course in Astronomy & Astrophysics – NYOOOZ

Summary: The Department of Astronomy of Osmania University is organizing a 10-Day certificate course Foundation course in Astronomy and Astrophysics from 12th to 22nd July. 3,000 to be paid through DD in favor of Co-Ordinator, Foundation course in A & Ap, OU, Hyd. The payment can be done through online transfer also to Ac/No: 36925752331, informed Department of Astronomy Head Dr. D. Shanti Priya on Monday. The candidates who are pursuing/completed graduation, with Maths, Physics and computers at intermediate (10+2) level are eligible to enroll in the course. The course is aimed to popularize Astronomy in young minds which will help them develop strong foundations in the subject and motivate them to choose it as a career option.

The Department of Astronomy of Osmania University is organizing a 10-Day certificate course Foundation course in Astronomy and Astrophysics from 12th to 22nd July. The course is aimed to popularize Astronomy in young minds which will help them develop strong foundations in the subject and motivate them to choose it as a career option. The candidates who are pursuing/completed graduation, with Maths, Physics and computers at intermediate (10+2) level are eligible to enroll in the course. Those who are interested to enroll can register on or before 5th July by sending their details through mail to coordinator,[email protected].

The registration fee is Rs. 3,000 to be paid through DD in favor of Co-Ordinator, Foundation course in A & Ap, OU, Hyd. The payment can be done through online transfer also to Ac/No: 36925752331, informed Department of Astronomy Head Dr.

Source: http://www.siasat.com/news/ou-offers-10-day-certificate-course-astronomy-astrophysics-1198885/


OU offers 10-day Certificate Course in Astronomy & Astrophysics - NYOOOZ

Studying astrophysics: Written in the stars – The Hindu

The Hindu
Studying astrophysics: Written in the stars
The Hindu
Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University, also happens to be a Nobel prize-winning astrophysicist and cosmologist. He was jointly awarded the prize for physics in 2011 for his discovery that the universe is expanding, at an ...

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Studying astrophysics: Written in the stars - The Hindu

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, by Neil deGrasse Tyson – Times Higher Education (THE)

Plato had it right when he said that astronomy compels the soul to look upwards. The universe makes for beautiful images and stories littered with superlatives. Astronomers draw on most of modern physics, from gravitation to quantum mechanics, and drive new discoveries in regimes that we could never reach in the laboratory. We develop cutting-edge instrumentation for telescopes on Earth and in space. And our field has a history spanning thousands of years, ever since those first souls looked up and marvelled at the view.

Neil deGrasse Tysons aim is, on the face of it, daunting to convey something of all of this to a level of foundational fluency in only 200 pages. But the presenter of the radio programme StarTalk and the television documentary series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, one of the most experienced science communicators around, is up to the challenge.

The book is adapted from a series of essays originally written in 1998-2007, and this shows in the format: theres some repetition, and the flow between chapters feels rather random. The upside is that each chapter stands alone, perfect for the busy reader who wants to dip in and out. The breadth of topics is excellent, and includes the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, the formation of the elements and the search for life elsewhere in the universe. There is no stinting on physics, and astronomers get some stick for the century-long gap between the discovery of radiation beyond the visible and the development of telescopes in these wavebands. The style is vintage Tyson engaging, chatty and littered with historical and linguistic anecdotes (including a lovely reference to petunias, in a nod to the late, great Douglas Adams).

There are some surprising omissions. There is relatively little on the birth, life and death of stars. The stars dominate our night sky, and Im still amazed by the fact that we understand the processes that differentiate our Sun from the red supergiant Betelgeuse and the white dwarf Sirius B. Supermassive black holes, such as the monster in the centre of our galaxy, get barely a mention, and the chapter on telescopes does not do justice to the full range of new technology at our disposal. However, this is understandable in a slim volume.

Although many scientists are namechecked, I was disappointed that only three women made the cut: Vera Rubin (dark matter pioneer), Jocelyn Bell (discoverer of pulsars) and Carolyn Shoemaker (of comet fame). Stellar physics without Annie Jump Cannon or Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, the cosmic distance scale without Henrietta Swan Leavitt, radio astronomy without Ruby Payne-Scott? This is a book that aims to inspire the next generation of scientists, and women have played, and continue to play, a major role in our field.

Tyson opens the book by discussing the allure of astronomy in popular culture. He takes a more sombre view at the end, with a sober assessment of our place in the cosmos and a plea to embrace this cosmic perspective. In an era where it feels that we have to defend science, it is the right way to finish: marvel at the universe, enjoy puzzling it out, and do your utmost to protect our neighbourhood even if youre busy.

Anna Watts is associate professor of astrophysics, University of Amsterdam. She works on neutron stars and the next generation of X-ray space telescopes.

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry By Neil deGrasse Tyson W. W. Norton, 224pp, 14.99 ISBN 9780393609394 Published 2 June 2017

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Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Times Higher Education (THE)

STT Astrophysics Conference To Look At Black Hole Collisions – St, Thomas Source

Black holes merging (Illustration by Aurore Simonnet at Sonoma State University, via http://www.apod.com)

The University of the Virgin Islands is hosting a conference on astrophysics this week, looking at the newly-confirmed existence of gravitational waves sent across the universe when two black holes- bodies of such immense mass and density that no light can escape collide.

Taking place June 5-9, the conference: Generation-GW: Diving into Gravitational Waves, is one of two astronomy conferences this summer sponsored by UVIs College of Science and Mathematics and the Telemann Observatory. The second conference, Unveiling the Physics Behind Extreme AGN Variability will take place from July 11-14. Both conferences are on crucial astronomy breakthroughs

over the last few years.

We are establishing a legacy, and these events will improve the recruitment of Virgin Islands students to study physics and astronomy at UVI, Antonino Cucchiara, assistant professor of physics said in a statement from UVI.

The conferences will also demonstrate how research and activities undertaken at UVI can benefit the community, he added.

Groups of astrophysicists from around the world are coming to talk at the June conference on gravitational waves, which are widely considered to be the greatest discovery so far of 21st century astronomy. This phenomenon describes ripples in the curvature of space-time that propagate outward from their source at the speed of light- the fastest speed anything can go. Light goes about 186,0000 miles per second. Their discovery confirms a 100 year old theory of Albert Einsteins.

The other discovery to be discussed by more than 50 astronomers at the July conference is Fast Variable Active Galactic Nuclei. The center of every galaxy has a super massive black holewith the mass of millions of suns.When a star has more than about 10 times the mass of our sun, when its fuel runs out and fusion is no longer stoking the stars fires, the gravity of all that mass will crush all the atoms down to a point were it all collapses into a point- a singularity. The gravity is so intense around it that at some point not even light can get out, if it gets too close. As matter falls into it, it speeds up, and is crushed. As the matter falls, it spins faster and faster, forming a disk that heats up to unimaginable temperatures, producing energy that is observable in optical, X-ray, gamma-ray radiation.

Most or all galaxies have really big black holes at their center. Our galaxy; the Milky Way galaxy, has one named Sagittarius A* that is about four million times the mass of the sun. How these supermassive black holes came to be is still being debated.

Some galaxies have little activity- nothing is falling in for long stretches of time- they are inactive. Some have constant activity- a regular disk that constantly radiates intense energy. And some are variable. The July conference will focus on Fast Variable AGNs, which radiation changes quickly in time and are therefore difficult to observe in detail.

Both conferences are only open to paid registrant due to space limitations. There will, however, be a specific talk designed for public-access to be held at UVIs ACC (Administration and Conference Center) on Thursday June 8th at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to everyone.

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STT Astrophysics Conference To Look At Black Hole Collisions - St, Thomas Source

Company Seven | Astro-Physics 13cm f8 EDT Telescope

The 130mm f8 StarFire EDT is a very portable, lightweight refractor with a Super ED triplet objective that is highly corrected for false color (chromatic aberration). The color error is lese than 0.01% from 706nm to 450 nm, compared to a two element Fluorite apochromat with 0.05%, or a Doublet Achromat with 0.45% color error over the same spectral range. In an age when Fluorite is being marketed as the best lens material for fast refractors, it is significant that Astro-Physics has developed a non-Fluorite objective with 5 times better chromatic aberration at a fraction of the cost of Fluorite. Super ED glass (ED stands for extra low dispersion, Vd> 90) is a real glass, not a crystal like Fluorite. ED is a harder, less fragile material with a much lower expansion coefficient than Fluorite. Unlike Fluorite, ED glass is not affected by atmospheric contaminants and acids. It is for these reasons that all the world's major camera manufacturers are incorporating ED glass into their best lenses.

The extremely high color correction of the Super EDT design allows the construction of a relatively short-focus objective that is superior to long-focus achromats in contrast and definition of subtle planetary detail. The EDT lens is also perfectly matched to the characteristics of the fine grained Technical Pan emulsions which have their peak sensitivity at 45nm. With our matching accessories, you can create impressive astrophotos with CCD cameras, or on 35mm and 6 x 7cm film formats.

The optical design of the 130mm EDT objective consists of a positive element of ED glass surrounded by two matching hard crown meniscus lenses. The two outer elements are chosen so that the combination is free of coma, spherical aberration and other higher-order aberrations. All surfaces are spherical, which results in a very smooth overall figure. Under steady viewing conditions, you will see a hard white Airy disc at focus surrounded by the first diffraction ring. Inside and outside of focus, you will see an evenly illuminated, expanded disc with concentric Fresnel rings, the outermost ring brighter and wider than the rest. The two air-glass surfaces have multi-layer anti-reflection coatings that result in overall light transmission greater than 97% in peak visual wavelengths.

Our superb Astro-Physics focuser is a very finely crafted unit with several unique features. The components are machined on Astro-Physics' CNC to extremely high tolerances, assuring that there is no wiggle between the drawtube and housing. More than a dozen knife-edge baffles are machined into the wall of the drawtube and painted flat black in order to maximize contrast by essentially eliminating any internal reflections. We inside diameter (I.D.) of the drawtube is 2.7" which allows the avid astrophotographer to use a medium format camera to capture images in a 6 x 7cm format with minimal vignetting. You can use standard accessories with the 2" and 1.25" adapters. Recessed brass locking rings are installed at each thumbscrew location. As you tighten each thumbscrew, the brass locking ring damps onto the part that has been inserted. Consequently, your focuser drawtube and 2" and 1.25" accessories are held securely in place. This is particularly important considering the heavy and expensive accessories that you may use. As an added advantage, the brass will not mar the surface of your accessories.

The 130EDT optical design is ideal for astrophotography with small- and medium-format cameras. The widefield coverage in the 6x7 photographic format will record gorgeous images of a wide variety of objects such as the Andromeda Galaxy and the Lagoon and Trifid Nebulas. The negatives contain so much finely resolved detail that you can enlarge a small portion to feature one particular aspect of the object, i.e. the Gulf of Mexico portion of the North American Nebula. One of the finest solar eclipse photographs of the corona was taken with the 130 EDT StarFire refractor in July 1991. This photo and other deep sky photos that were taken with our 5" f8 StarFire have appeared on the cover of numerous astronomical publications around the world.

Diagonals and Binocular Viewers: Prism diagonals have aberrations which degrade image quality. Since this is especially noticeable in telescopes with fast focal ratios, we recommend the 2" Precision Mirror Diagonal. If you use a binocular viewer (which has prisms), then place a Barlow between the focuser and binocular viewer.

Eyepieces: Plossls, Orthoscopics, and Widefield eyepieces show sharp images only in the center of the field. These are fine as long as you realize this limitation. If you object to astigmatic images at the edge of the field, we recommend the TeleVue Nagler and Panoptic eyepieces. These oculars have the best flat field images and will bring out the most in your 130 StarFire EDT. Use our 2x (2") Barlow to double your magnification.

Right: Company Seven ATA Case custom fitted for a Astro-Physics 13cm EDT Apochromat Telescope with 2.7 inch Focuser (65,974 bytes). Click on image to see enlarged view (215,942 bytes).

Features include:

Left: Astro-Physics Model 900 Mount in optional Company Seven ATA case. Case 1 of 2 shown here, with Declination housing (left side shown) with GTO Keypad Controller and Counterweight Shaft (94,326 bytes).

Please refer to the brochure for descriptions of these items and additional accessories.

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Company Seven | Astro-Physics 13cm f8 EDT Telescope

Book Review: ‘Astrophysics for People in a Hurry’ – Dan’s Papers

Scientists are confidently predicting that the two stars of binary system KIC 9832227, about 1,800 light years away in the northern wing of the Cygnus constellation, will collide with each other sometime between 2021 and 2023, creating a spectacular astronomical eventa red nova, the brightest star in the night sky, visible on earth even without a telescope. Theres no denying itits science. The good thing about science, says astrophysicist, Director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York, StarTalk podcaster and East Hampton resident Neil DeGrasse Tyson, is that its true whether or not you believe it. Ameerr, right on!

Dr. Tysons new book, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry (Norton, $18.95),gives us as many reasons to believe as there are stars in the sky, which is to say, a near infinite number. Tysons grasp on this tricky subject is masterly; his ability to communicate his subject matter, second to none; his delivery and style, disarmingly simple and accessible; hes also funny in that dad-humor kind of way, as in Einstein was a badass. Sure, there will be instances of head scratching as you try to untangle the difference between a quark and photon, or to decipher just how small a trillionth of a second is. But we cant all be astrophysicists.

At times, through no fault of his own, Tyson makes us consider our insignificance in the 14,000,000,000-year history of our cosmos. Consider this doozy: Without the billion-and-one to a billion imbalance between matter and antimatter, all mass in the universe would have selfannihilated, leaving a cosmos full of photons and nothing else. Essentially, if conditions were only slightly different in the very first second after the big bang, there would be absolutely nothinga universe without galaxies, stars, earth, or even Dans Papers. Can you imagine!? As Tyson admits later, the utter scale of the universe and the topics he discusses in Astrophysics is a depressing thought to some, but a liberating thought to me. If youre susceptible to the former feeling, perhaps, after finishing Astrophysics, youll be feeling more like Dr. Tysonabuzz with all the possibilities of the universe.

Not to worry though. Were just as often made to celebrate the idea that despite all the odds against it, lifeyou, me, usnot only exists, but has thrived and evolved until the point that we can look up at the night sky and at least try to understand it. And as any science documentary watcher already knows, Tyson has a unique and infectious way of simplifying such mind numbingly complex issues and ideas in such fluid, easy-to-comprehend ways that youll be explaining the origins of the universe and dark energy to friends and family in no time. Astrophysics is no different.

So who might this slim volume be perfect for? Just about anyone. Curious to start understanding how the universe works? Go buy this book. Are you a science teacher looking for ways to better explain the most complex astrophysical phenomena to students or casual inquisitors? Go buy this book. Are you a budding young scientist whose curiosity is as boundless as the cosmos? Go buy this book. Does a loved one, despite your best efforts to convince them otherwise and scientific proof to the contrary, still believe humans and dinosaurs cohabited earth? Go buy them this book.

It may not be the perfect sunny-day beach read, though maybe it iswe dont know your life. At the very least, a good reader could make a serious dent in this relatively short book on a Jitney or LIRR ride to or from Manhattan. Better yet, get yourself a book light, head down to the nearest beach after sunset and dive in to Astrophysics.

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry is available at local bookstores.

Go here to see the original:

Book Review: 'Astrophysics for People in a Hurry' - Dan's Papers

LIGO’s Latest Black-Hole Merger Confirms Einstein, Challenges Astrophysics – Scientific American

Some three billion years ago, when Earth was a sprightly ocean world dotted with protocontinents and inhabited solely by single-celled organisms, a pair of black holes spiraled together and collided in a far-off region of the universe, leaving behind a single black hole some 50 times heavier than our sun. Emitting no light, the entire affair should have remained forever lost to the void.

Instead, the invisible violence of the pairs final moments and ultimate merging was so great that it shook the fabric of reality itself, sending gravitational wavesripples in spacetimepropagating outward at the speed of light. In the early morning hours of January 4, 2017, those waves washed over our modern Earth and into the most precise scientific instrument ever built, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). There the waves shifted the positions of vacuum-insulated, laser-bathed mirrors by less than the radius of a single subatomic particle. Traveling at light-speed, the waves first perturbed LIGO mirrors set up in Hanford, Wash., before passing through a second set of mirrors in Livingston, La., some three milliseconds later. Synced together from each stations moving mirrors and converted to audible frequencies, the cosmos-quaking gravitational waves sounded like a single, soft chirp. Analyzing it, researchers are teasing out remarkable and otherwise-inaccessible details about the hidden lives of black holes. Announced Thursday by members of the LIGO team, the findings are described in Physical Review Letters.

As inconceivable as it may seem, tuning in to such chirps is now becoming routine. First predicted by Einstein more than a century ago as a consequence of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves were long thought to be beyond observational reachif not entirely nonexistent. But the chirp from January 4, dubbed GW170104, is actually LIGOs third and farthest-reaching detection of gravitational waves, coming from somewhere about 3 billion light-years away. It follows earlier chirps from two other events detected separately in late 2015 that each occurred closer by, yet still more than a billion light-years distant.

Other cosmic phenomena such as supernovae in the Milky Way and colliding neutron stars in our galactic neighborhood should also produce detectable gravitational waves, each with their own accompanying revolutionary insights, but so far all three of LIGOs detections have been death-rattles from merging pairs of black holes in remote stretches of the universe.

For the time being, thousands of scientists around the world are making the most of LIGOs limited view and the projects three confirmed detections. Whereas the loudness of each chirp has clearly conveyed each events distance from us, LIGOs twin stations can at present only vaguely constrain their celestial sources, which may lie anywhere within huge swaths of the heavens containing thousands upon thousands of large galaxies. So thirsty are theorists for new insights into black holes and relativistic processes that, with each LIGO detection, observational astronomers have leapt into action to target those enormous patches of sky, hoping to see some afterglow or other emission of electromagnetic radiationeven though by definition the resulting larger black hole should emit no light.

Fortunately, even without light the mergers gravitational waves reveal much. LIGO team members have already used the billionlight-year intergalactic traverses of the first two chirps to look for signs of dispersion in the propagation of gravitational wavesa phenomenon analogous to how rays of light traveling through a prism disperse based on their wavelength to form rainbows. According to Einsteins theory of general relativity, gravitational waves should experience no dispersion at alland any deviation from that prediction would suggest Einsteins relativistic reckoning of the universe is somehow incorrect, potentially pointing the way to new breakthroughs in physics. Signs of any dispersion should have been obvious in LIGOs third event, GW170104, because its gravitational waves traveled across three billion light-years, rather than the one billion of LIGOs previous two events. But when researchers looked, they saw no gravitational rainbows. We made very careful measurement of that effect, said LIGO team member Bangalore Sathyaprakashof The Pennsylvania State University and Cardiff University. But we did not discover any dispersion, once again failing to prove that Einstein was wrong.

Using that same measurement, researchers also honed in on the mass of the graviton, the hypothetical particle that mediates the force of gravity. Basically we are testing general relativity in a new regime, says Laura Cadonati, a physicist at Georgia Institute of Technology and LIGOs deputy spokesperson. The fact that this event is twice as far as the previous two gives us a longer baseline to test the dispersion relation, and as a result we now have a limit on the mass of the graviton that is 30 percent tighter than the one we previously set. One could say we are putting general relativity to a tighter and tighter testit is still holding, but with more signals we may find something that does not quite agree.

Although LIGOs latest event may be a brick in the towering edifice of Einsteins general relativity, it is also restructuring the foundations of our understanding of black holes. Before LIGOs detections, astronomers only had definitive observations of two varieties of black holes: ones that form from stars that were thought to top out around 20 solar masses; and, at the cores of large galaxies, supermassive black holes of still-uncertain provenance containing millions or billions of times the mass of the sun. Both are thought to be important for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies, and thus to some degree important for the formation and evolution of everything galaxies containincluding stars, planets and people. Most of the black holes in LIGOs mergers have been middleweights, being heavier than that 20solar mass limit but much lighter than the supermassive variety, raising questions about their origins and relationship to the two well-studied populations of black holes.

The prevailing explanation for LIGOs bulky black holes is that they form from very massive stars that are also quite pristine, composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium with scarcely any heavier elements at all. Most stars of such immensity would have more heavy elements, causing them to lose much of their mass via high-speed winds whereas low metallicity stars would have weaker winds and keep more of their star stuff, ultimately ending their lives by collapsing to become overlarge stellar black holes.

Making LIGOs merging black hole pairs, one conventional theory goes, would then require the binary evolution of two massive, low-metallicity stars that form as a pair. If, for instance, the two stars are very close, over the courses of their lives they can swap gas from their atmospheres back and forth in a cyclic process that pulls their orbits even closer and eventually produces two tightly orbiting, supersize black holes. At the end of this process, the spins and orbits of both black holes would have become inextricably linked, so each black holes equator would be aligned with the plane of their shared orbit.

Think of black holes as being like tornadoes that drag stars and matter around them, Cadonati explains. Now think of two going around each other, and each one spinning clockwise or counterclockwise, aligned with the orbital motion. Two black holes with such an alignment would possess more rotational energy than an unaligned pair, and thus require ever-so-slightly more time to coalesce together in the final moments of their merger. The deepest mystery of GW170104, LIGOs latest discovery, is that the merger happened too quickly for both of its progenitor black holes to be so aligned; in terms of Cadonatis analogy, at least one of the orbiting tornadoes must have been paradoxically tilted near or on its side.

The most common explanation for black hole pairs with such spin misalignment is that they did not form from the binary evolution of isolated twin stars. Instead, each black hole must have formed independently, and somehow found its partner after millions or billions of years of wandering through the universe. Any eventual union through this dynamical formation channel would most likely take place in thick swarms of stars called globular clusters, says Fred Rasio, a physicist at Northwestern University who is not a member of the LIGO collaboration. Imagine throwing a thousand black holes into a mosh pit where they kick each other around like crazy, Rasio says. Their spins will be randomized. The dynamics dont care which way the holes are spinning, so when they are bound into a pair that merges, their spins have no correlation with how they orbit.

According to some theorists, the best explanation for GW170104s curious misalignment is that its black holes did not start out as stars at all. Even in dense globular clusters, these black holes would not form in sufficient density to find each other in the age of the universe, says Juan Garca-Bellido, a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid who is not a member of the LIGO collaboration. Garca-Bellido is a leading proponent of the unorthodox idea that LIGOs abnormally heavy, oddly misaligned merging black holes are actually part of a putative population of primordial black holes. Rather than arising from stars, such exotic objects could have emerged in the first moments after the big bang, coalescing from particularly dense regions of the fiery plasmatic fog that then suffused the universe. If grouped in clusters, primordial black holes could also form merging pairs with misaligned spins.

There is, however, an additional wrinkle to ascribing primordial origins to some or all of LIGOs observed black holessomething that could be seen as either the theorys most alluring feature, or a nasty bug. Clusters of primordial black holes dense enough to produce LIGOs newfound population of merging ones, Garca-Bellido and others say, could also be a natural solution to the mystery of dark matterthe elusive and invisible 80 percent of the universes matter that astronomers see solely through its gravitational effects on glowing stars and gas in galaxies.

The idea would be that [the primordial black holes] would be concentrated in halos around the matter we can see, said Michael Landry, the head of LIGOs Hanford Observatory, summarizing the speculative concept in response to a question at a recent press conference. Its not impossible that what were seeing are primordial black holes that form the dark matter. On the other hand, Landry added, some teams of astronomers occasionally looking for halos of primordial black holes around the Milky Way have yet to find evidence they exist in sufficient numbers to account for the effects of dark matter. Whether black holes from the big bang explain dark matternot to mention LIGOs resultsis an open question, Landry said.

Whether born from binary evolution, dynamical pairing, the big bang or something else entirely, the true origins of LIGOs mysterious black hole mergers could soon be revealed. The collaborations current best guess is that somewhere between 12 and 213 such mergers occur each year in a cubic volume of space a bit over three billion light-years on a side. This suggests LIGOwhich is in the midst of upgrades to boost its sensitivity and planning for a new station in Indiacould eventually be detecting the chirps from black hole mergers at a rate of anywhere between once per day to once per week. Upgrades are also in progress for Virgo, a companion gravitational-wave observatory approaching LIGOs sensitivity. As early as this summer both projects will simultaneously monitor the sky to better localize the origins of any new celestial gravitational grumbles. Beyond LIGO and Virgo, additional observatories are likely to debut in coming years around the world, creating a globe-girdling network for finer-grained gravitational-wave searches. By the 2020s, the chirps will come so fast and furious, from so many merging pairs of black holes, their sounds could form a symphony.

Its not a single one or two black hole binaries by which we can distinguish between different models, Sathyaprakash said. Its only from a population of detections, which will give us distributions for spins and for masses. Thats where the differences between formation mechanisms will become clear. Very heavy, misaligned black hole pairs could prove to be very rare, strengthening the case that most mergers come from isolated systems of binary starsor they could prove common, suggesting denser, more dynamical origins. And if, Garca-Bellido says, any black hole in a LIGO merger proves to weigh less than our sun, this would be a smoking gun for primordial black holes, as such relatively minuscule black holes are thought impossible to form from stars.

Before our discovery, we didnt even know for sure that these [middleweight] black holes existed, Cadonati said at the press conference announcing GW170104. What we do know now is, first of all, they do exist, they may have played an important role in the early universe and were now starting to get a glimpse into how they behaved. This has really opened a new window on the universe, and were learning more about where were coming from. Thats the big excitement.

More here:

LIGO's Latest Black-Hole Merger Confirms Einstein, Challenges Astrophysics - Scientific American

Mystery of Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics –"How Two Black Holes Can Come Together and Merge" – The Daily Galaxy (blog)

Astrophysicists at the University of Birmingham have made progress in understanding a key mystery of gravitational-wave astrophysics: how two black holes can come together and merge. Senior author Ilya Mandel added: "This work makes it possible to pursue a kind of 'palaeontology' for gravitational waves. A palaeontologist, who has never seen a living dinosaur, can figure out how the dinosaur looked and lived from its skeletal remains. In a similar way, we can analyse the mergers of black holes, and use these observations to figure out how those stars interacted during their brief but intense lives."

The first confirmed detection of gravitational waves occurred on September 14 2015 at 5.51am Eastern Daylight Time by both of the twin LIGO detectors, located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington, USA. It confirmed a major prediction of Albert Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity and opened an unprecedented new window onto the cosmos. However, we still do not know how such pairs of merging black holes form.

A new paper, published in Nature Communications, describes the results of an investigation into the formation of gravitational-wave sources with a newly developed toolkit named COMPAS (Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics).

In order for the black holes to merge within the age of the Universe by emitting gravitational waves, they must start out very close together by astronomical standards, no more than about a fifth of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. However, massive stars, which are the progenitors of the black holes that LIGO has observed, expand to be much larger than this in the course of their evolution.

The key challenge, then, is how to fit such large stars within a very small orbit. Several possible scenarios have been proposed to address this.

The Birmingham astrophysicists, joined by collaborator Professor Selma de Mink from the University of Amsterdam, have shown that all three observed events can be formed via the same formation channel: isolated binary evolution via a common-envelope phase.

In this channel, two massive progenitor stars start out at quite wide separations. The stars interact as they expand, engaging in several episodes of mass transfer. The latest of these is typically a common envelope - a very rapid, dynamically unstable mass transfer that envelops both stellar cores in a dense cloud of hydrogen gas. Ejecting this gas from the system takes energy away from the orbit. This brings the two stars sufficiently close together for gravitational-wave emission to be efficient, right at the time when they are small enough that such closeness will no longer put them into contact.

The whole process takes a few million years to form two black holes, with a possible subsequent delay of billions of years before the black holes merge and form a single black hole.

The simulations have also helped the team to understand the typical properties of the stars that can go on to form such pairs of merging black holes and the environments where this can happen. For example, the team concluded that a merger of two black holes with significantly unequal masses would be a strong indication that the stars formed almost entirely from hydrogen and helium, with other elements contributing fewer than 0.1% of stellar matter (for comparison, this fraction is about 2% in the Sun).

First author Simon Stevenson, a PhD student at the University of Birmingham, explained: "The beauty of COMPAS is that it allows us to combine all of our observations and start piecing together the puzzle of how these black holes merge, sending these ripples in spacetime that we were able to observe at LIGO."

The Daily Galaxy via University of Birmingham

Read the original post:

Mystery of Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics --"How Two Black Holes Can Come Together and Merge" - The Daily Galaxy (blog)

The tortoise: Blue Origins sees small steps as key to space business – Christian Science Monitor

March 8, 2017 A week after SpaceX founder Elon Musk stole headlines with his proposal to send two paying customers on a flight around the moon next year, another private space company came out with more modest news.

Blue Origin, founded by Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos, has contracted with French telecom firm Eutelsat to send a communications satellite into orbit on its New Glenn rocket, scheduled for completion in 2020.

Since its founding in 2009, SpaceX has already carved out a niche in the satellite-launch market and resupplied the International Space Station. Meanwhile, Mr. Bezoss 16-year-old firm has only flown its New Shepard capsule and booster rocket to the edge of space.

But Blue Origin sports a tortoise on its coat of arms, and Mr. Bezos appears content to play that role to Mr. Musks hare. He says he's confident that small, incremental progress will help Blue Origin prosper in the long run.

I like to do things incrementally, Bezos remarked during Tuesdays Satellite 2017 Conference in Washington, The New York Times reports. His companys motto, gradatim ferociter, means Step by step, ferociously.

Eutelsat rewarded this approach in its decision to grant Blue Origin the contract. While the company has launched satellites with SpaceX in the past, Eutelsat's chief executive, Rodolphe Belmer, suggested that Blue Origin's slow and steady approach better aligns with that of his company.

Blue Origin has been forthcoming with Eutelsat on its strategy and convinced us they have the right mindset to compete in the launch service industry," Mr. Belmer said in a press release. "Their solid engineering approach ... corresponds to what we expect from our industrial partners.

While some have praised SpaceX's ambition, concerns are growing that, under Musks accelerated timelines, people working for the company might be run ragged by the demands, leading to human errors, as The Christian Science Monitor reported last week.

SpaceXhas repeatedly pushed back its target date for flying a crewed mission, raising eyebrows about its ability to make good on its promise to carry customers around the moon by next year.

"SpaceX has a great record of doing exactly what they say they're going to do but always several years later than they said they were going to do it, astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell told the Monitor last week.

Dr. McDowell, who teaches at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, made clear that he had full confidence that SpaceX would succeed in sending space tourists around the moon, but suggested 2020 might be a more likely deadline.

That would give Blue Origin more time to hone its technology and broaden its activities. In addition to satellite launches, the company plans to send deep-pocketed tourists into space aboard New Shepard, an activity that Bezos says will help the company further refine its technology and create a profitable business model for more ambitious space ventures.

"The tourism mission is very important, he said on Tuesday, CNBC reports. There are many historical cases where entertainment drives technologies that then become very practical for other things."

And while low-Earth orbit may not seem as exciting as the moon, Bezoss goals are no less ambitious than Musks.

The long-term vision is millions of people living and working in space, he said Tuesday, according to The New York Times.

See more here:

The tortoise: Blue Origins sees small steps as key to space business - Christian Science Monitor

"Fast Radio Bursts Could Be Powering Alien Probes" –Harvard … – The Daily Galaxy (blog)

"Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence," said theorist Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking."

As the name implies, fast radio bursts are millisecond-long flashes of radio emission. First discovered in 2007, fewer than two dozen have been detected by gigantic radio telescopes like the Parkes Observatory in Australia or the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. They are inferred to originate from distant galaxies, billions of light-years away.

Loeb and his co-author Manasvi Lingam (Harvard University) examined the feasibility of creating a radio transmitter strong enough for it to be detectable across such immense distances. They found that, if the transmitter were solar powered, the sunlight falling on an area of a planet twice the size of the Earth would be enough to generate the needed energy. Such a vast construction project is well beyond our technology, but within the realm of possibility according to the laws of physics.

Lingam and Loeb also considered whether such a transmitter would be viable from an engineering perspective, or whether the tremendous energies involved would melt any underlying structure. Again, they found that a water-cooled device twice the size of Earth could withstand the heat.

They then asked, why build such an instrument in the first place? They argue that the most plausible use of such power is driving interstellar light sails. The amount of power involved would be sufficient to push a payload of a million tons, or about 20 times the largest cruise ships on Earth.

"That's big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances," added Lingam.

An artist's illustration of a light-sail powered by a radio beam (red) generated on the surface of a planet. The leakage from such beams as they sweep across the sky would appear as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), similar to the new population of sources that was discovered recently at cosmological distances.(M. Weiss/CfA)

To power a light sail, the transmitter would need to focus a beam on it continuously. Observers on Earth would see a brief flashbecause the sail and its host planet, star and galaxy are all moving relative to us. As a result, the beam sweeps across the sky and only points in our direction for a moment. Repeated appearances of the beam, which were observed but cannot be explained by cataclysmic astrophysical events, might provide important clues about its artificial origin.

Loeb admits that this work is speculative. When asked whether he really believes that any fast radio bursts are due to aliens, he replied, "Science isn't a matter of belief, it's a matter of evidence. Deciding what's likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It's worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge."

The paper reporting this work has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and is available online.

The Dily Galaxy via CfA

Image credit top of page, with thanks to Shutterstock/Jurik Peter

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"Fast Radio Bursts Could Be Powering Alien Probes" --Harvard ... - The Daily Galaxy (blog)

The tortoise: Blue Origin sees small steps as key to space business – Christian Science Monitor

March 8, 2017 A week after SpaceX founder Elon Musk stole headlines with his proposal to send two paying customers on a flight around the moon next year, another private space company came out with more modest news.

Blue Origin, founded by Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos, has contracted with French telecom firm Eutelsat to send a communications satellite into orbit on its New Glenn rocket, scheduled for completion in 2020.

Since its founding in 2009, SpaceX has already carved out a niche in the satellite-launch market and resupplied the International Space Station. Meanwhile, Mr. Bezoss 16-year-old firm has only flown its New Shepard capsule and booster rocket to the edge of space.

But Blue Origin sports a tortoise on its coat of arms, and Mr. Bezos appears content to play that role to Mr. Musks hare. He says he's confident that small, incremental progress will help Blue Origin prosper in the long run.

I like to do things incrementally, Bezos remarked during Tuesdays Satellite 2017 Conference in Washington, The New York Times reports. His companys motto, gradatim ferociter, means Step by step, ferociously.

Eutelsat rewarded this approach in its decision to grant Blue Origin the contract. While the company has launched satellites with SpaceX in the past, Eutelsat's chief executive, Rodolphe Belmer, suggested that Blue Origin's slow and steady approach better aligns with that of his company.

Blue Origin has been forthcoming with Eutelsat on its strategy and convinced us they have the right mindset to compete in the launch service industry," Mr. Belmer said in a press release. "Their solid engineering approach ... corresponds to what we expect from our industrial partners.

While some have praised SpaceX's ambition, concerns are growing that, under Musks accelerated timelines, people working for the company might be run ragged by the demands, leading to human errors, as The Christian Science Monitor reported last week.

SpaceXhas repeatedly pushed back its target date for flying a crewed mission, raising eyebrows about its ability to make good on its promise to carry customers around the moon by next year.

"SpaceX has a great record of doing exactly what they say they're going to do but always several years later than they said they were going to do it, astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell told the Monitor last week.

Dr. McDowell, who teaches at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, made clear that he had full confidence that SpaceX would succeed in sending space tourists around the moon, but suggested 2020 might be a more likely deadline.

That would give Blue Origin more time to hone its technology and broaden its activities. In addition to satellite launches, the company plans to send deep-pocketed tourists into space aboard New Shepard, an activity that Bezos says will help the company further refine its technology and create a profitable business model for more ambitious space ventures.

"The tourism mission is very important, he said on Tuesday, CNBC reports. There are many historical cases where entertainment drives technologies that then become very practical for other things."

And while low-Earth orbit may not seem as exciting as the moon, Bezoss goals are no less ambitious than Musks.

The long-term vision is millions of people living and working in space, he said Tuesday, according to The New York Times.

Read more from the original source:

The tortoise: Blue Origin sees small steps as key to space business - Christian Science Monitor

New survey finds ‘Peter Pan’ radio galaxies that may never grow up … – Science Daily

Science Daily
New survey finds 'Peter Pan' radio galaxies that may never grow up ...
Science Daily
A team of astronomers has doubled the number of known young, compact radio galaxies -- galaxies powered by newly energized black holes. The improved ...
Scientists Find 'Peter Pan' Radio Galaxies That Never Grow Up ...Science Times

all 3 news articles »

Go here to see the original:

New survey finds 'Peter Pan' radio galaxies that may never grow up ... - Science Daily

Women in science: celebrating the leading females in physics, chemistry and beyond – Wired.co.uk


On International Women's Day, we celebrate the outstanding women in the WIRED world. In the first of our round-ups, we highlighted the females blazing a trail in business and culture. Now, we celebrate the women of science. Each of these inspirational females is speaking at this year's Starmus IV festival in Trondheim, Norway in June. On International Women's Day, WIRED highlights the females changing the world

Read more about the discoveries and contributions to neuroscience, physics, astrophysics, astronomy and biology made by female scientists across the world.

As Norwegian professor of neuroscience and founding director of the Center for Neural Computation, May is interested in how spatial location and spatial memory are computed in the brain. Her work includes the discovery of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex, which provides clues to a neural mechanism for the metric of spatial mapping. Moser was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014, together with long-term collaborator Edvard Moser and John OKeefe for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain. Moser is also co-director of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

Bailey is a British psychiatrist and academic who specialises in children's mental health. Since 2004 she has been professor of child mental health at the University of Central Lancashire. In 1993, Bailey appeared as an expert witness in the James Bulger murder trial. She established that one of Bulger's killers, Jon Venables, knew the difference between right and wrong: information that led to them being convicted of murder. In the 2002 Queen's Birthday Honours, Bailey was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) "for services to Youth Justice" and in the 2014 she was promoted to Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) "for services to psychiatry and for voluntary service to people with mental health conditions".

Professor Sara Seager is a planetary scientist and astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has been a pioneer in the world of exoplanets and her groundbreaking research ranges from the detection of exoplanet atmospheres to innovative theories about life on other worlds and the development of novel space mission concepts. She is known for inventing the method used to study exoplanet atmospheres today. Dubbed an "astronomical Indiana Jones", Seager is on a quest for the discovery of a true Earth twin.

Hayhoe's work has resulted in more than 120 peer-reviewed publications that evaluate global climate model performance, develop and compare downscaling approaches, and quantify the impacts of climate change on cities, states, ecosystems, and sectors over the coming century. She has been named one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People and the Foreign Policy's 100 Leading Global Thinkers, as well as one of Politico's 50 thinkers, doers, and visionaries transforming American politics.

Born and raised in India, Natarajan received undergraduate degrees in Physics and Mathematics at MIT. Now a theoretical astrophysicist at Yale, Natarajan is recognised for her seminal contributions to the study of dark matter and the formation and growth of black holes.

Best known for her role in deciphering the molecular mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9, Charpentier's lab discovered that Cas9 could be used to make cuts in any DNA sequence desired. Charpentier has been awarded several international prizes, awards, and acknowledgments including the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, the Gruber Foundation International Prize in Genetics and the Leibniz Prize.

The director of the SETI Institute Carl Sagan Centre since August 2015, Cabrol is currently developing a new, multidisciplinary, roadmap to bridge astrobiology and the SETI search. She counts more than 470 peer-reviewed publications and proceedings of professional conferences.

Selected to the Nasa astronaut corps in 1996, Dr Magnus flew in space on the STS-112 shuttle mission in 2002, and on the final shuttle flight, STS-135, in 2011. In addition, she flew to the International Space Station on STS-126 in November 2008, served as flight engineer and science officer on Expedition 18, andreturned home on STS-119 after four and a half months on board. Following her assignment on Station, she served at NASA Headquarters in the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. Her last duty at NASA, after STS-135, was as the deputy chief of the Astronaut Office.

Dr Magnus has received numerous awards, including the Nasa Space Flight Medal, the Nasa Distinguished Service Medal, the Nasa Exceptional Service Medal, and the 40 at 40 Award (given to former collegiate women athletes to recognize the impact of Title IX).

Starmus IV, hosted by NTNU, runs from June 18 to June 23 in Trondheim, Norway, tickets available from http://www.starmus.com.

Excerpt from:

Women in science: celebrating the leading females in physics, chemistry and beyond - Wired.co.uk

Indian women astronomers may be few, but they make us proud – DailyO

Birla planetariums are an attraction for children in many Indian cities. They literally open up the universe to young minds. This is what happened to a ten-year old girl from Daund in Maharashtra a few years ago on a visit to the Birla Planetarium in Kolkata. Today she is a budding astrophysicist engaged in cutting edge of astronomy hunting for exoplanets.

I was in Kolkata for marriage of a relative and thats when I saw a sky show for the first time. It was that moment I decided I wanted to be an astronomer, says Priyanka Chaturvedi, who just finished her PhD from theAhmedabad-based Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) run by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). She studied radial velocities of stars orbiting around exoplanets. Priyanka is now set to join the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

Most people who have travelled by train in Maharashtra know Daund as an important railway junction. Priyankas father is a railway employee. Since the town had few facilities for quality education, she moved to Pune to pursue BSc and then MSc at Fergusson College. We used to have long power cuts during summer in Daund, so we children used to watch stars. That interest has turned my profession now, she recalls. A visit to the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics while she was in 12th standard also greatly influenced her to pursue astronomy.

Priyanka is among the small number of women engaged in astronomy and astrophysics research in India. A survey of women in astronomy in India done a couple of years ago showed that only a miniscule number of women are in faculty positions in research institutes engaged in astrophysics research. This is also a global trend with the exception of Italy which has a good number of women astronomers.

Still, women scientists have reached high positions in astrophysics institutes and contributed to astounding discoveries in recent times. GC Anupama is dean of Faculty of Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. This institute runs Indias largest telescope Himalayan Chandra Telescope at Hanle in Ladakh. Data from this telescope was used in the recent discovery of "another world" or the new planetary system by NASA. She is also involved in other international mega science projects including the Thirty Meter Telescope.

Annapurni Subramaniam, also from IIA, is a senior scientist engaged in astronomical data collection from Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope currently working onboard Indias first astronomical satellite, Astrosat, launched in September 2015. Her research group recently reported how 6 billion old "vampire" stars prey on celestial bodies. Another leading astronomer is S Seetha, who heads the Space Science Programme Office at ISRO.

Yet astronomy is considered a tough option for women because observational astronomy involves working in nights at observatories which are usually located at far off locations. People are also not used to seeing women working in observatories. Visitors at Hanle used to be surprised finding a woman leading the observation team, recalled Anupama about her early experience.

Priyanka had to spend ten nights every month for observations at the Infrared Observatory of ISRO located at Mount Abu. I did not have much difficulty convincing my parents about this though they were little hesitant in the beginning, says Priyanka.

While the small number of women in astronomy is an issue, the Astronomical Society of India (ASI) is worried about overall shortage of professional astronomers in India which just 500 to of 700 of them. We need at least ten time this number given the fact that we are in the midst so many exciting mega science projects in which India is participating, says Sheo Kumar Pandey, president of ASI, which is holding its annual meeting in Jaipur currently. Hopefully more women will take up this stream of science and make many more exciting discoveries in future.

Meanwhile, Priyanaka says she plans to visit the Birla Planetarium in Jaipur taking time off from scientific deliberations at the ASI conference.

Also read -Why the world has always been a hard place for women scientists

Read the original post:

Indian women astronomers may be few, but they make us proud - DailyO

Iowa Newspaper Calls for Resignation of ‘Sizzler U’ Lawmaker – NBCNews.com

Iowa State Sen. Mark Chelgren, R-Ottumwa, at the Statehouse in Des Moines, Iowa on Feb. 8, 2017. Charlie Neibergall / AP, file

The Republican lawmaker, who supporters have dubbed "the Donald Trump of Iowa," got into hot water last week after

Ottumwa Courier publisher Wanda Moeller told NBC News this was the last straw for many in the rural town of 25,000 that Chelgren has represented since 2010.

"A lot of the public officials we spoke to over the weekend are just really upset by him," she said. "He's given the town a black eye. The first time he got elected it was just by 10 votes. The second time he won by 400. It's going to be an uphill battle for him if he tries to run again."

Chelgren, who did not immediately return a call for comment Monday, has denied inflating his resume and told NBC News he was not aware of the error on the GOP web site until a reporter asked him about it.

NBC began looking into Chelgren's education background after he proposed controversial

Chelgren claimed his own experiences with "liberal professors" prompted him to put forward a plan to impose a hiring freeze until the number of registered Republicans and Democrats on university faculties were within 10 percent of each other.

Confronted with the discrepancy, the GOP removed the Forbco reference from Chelgren's biography on the

At a rally on Saturday attended by about 60 people where he was introduced as "our own version of Donald Trump," Chelgren

Chelgren makes no mention of any associates degree on the amended GOP web site, which now just states he attended the University of California at Riverside "majoring in astro-physics, geo-physics and mathematics."

But Chelgren, who runs a wheelchair parts manufacturing firm called

A UCR spokesman has confirmed that Chelgren did attend the university, but just for one year and that he majored in physics and did not earned a degree.

"He did not complete his studies here," spokesman John Warren told NBC News last week, adding that he was enrolled for just one year from 1992 to 1993.

On the Frog Legs site, Chelgren also claimed to have worked as manager and auditor for Forbco Management in Anaheim, an apparent reference to the Sizzler operation.

Sanchez, Rebecca (206453029)

Sizzler spokeswoman Janet Ritter told NBC she can confirm Chelgren was employed by Sizzler back in the early 90s.

"Sizzler does do internal training and development," she said. "The certificate the Iowa senator claims to have would have qualified him to manage a Sizzler."

Chelgren also declares on his company website that he worked as a "Geo-Physist for GeoSoils in Temecula," which is a city in Riverside County, California.

The Iowa pol did not state on his company site when he worked for GeoSoils and the word "geophysicist" is misspelled.

Responding to a request from NBC News, Debbie Beach of GEO Soils Inc. said she would try to confirm that Chelgren had indeed employed by them. She also said they don't have an office in Temecula.

"It's in Murrieta, which is the town next door," said Beach.

See the rest here:

Iowa Newspaper Calls for Resignation of 'Sizzler U' Lawmaker - NBCNews.com

Astronomer Ruth Murray-Clay appointed to chair in theoretical astrophysics – UC Santa Cruz (press release)

Astrophysicist Ruth Murray-Clay gave a brief overview of her research on planetary systems at the investiture ceremony. (Photos by Steve Kurtz)

James Gunderson described how he and his wife Valerie Boom were inspired to establish the E. K. Gunderson Family Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics.

Ruth Murray-Clay, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, was honored as the inaugural holder of the E. K. Gunderson Family Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics at an investiture ceremony on Wednesday, March 1, at the University Center.

The chair was established in 2016 with a $160,000 gift from James L. Gunderson and Valerie J. Boom to support recruitment of a faculty member in astronomy and astrophysics. The chair honors the work of Gunderson's father, a psychologist whose work on human adaptation to confined and extreme conditions was used by NASA in understanding the implications of space travel.

Murray-Clay studies the formation and evolution of the solar system and of planetary systems around other stars. She explores a broad range of physical processes that contribute to the ultimate structure of planetary systems, including the evolution of the protoplanetary disk, planet formation, gravitational dynamics, and the evolution of atmospheres. She also studies objects in the outer reaches of our solar system for clues to its dynamical evolution.

"I am excited and honored to be here and to be the recipient of this chair," said Murray-Clay, who joined the UCSC astronomy faculty in 2016. She received her bachelor's degree in physics and astronomy at Harvard University and her master's and Ph.D. degrees in astrophysics at UC Berkeley. In 2015, Murray-Clay won the Helen B. Warner Prize for Astronomy, which recognizes the exceptional contributions of astronomers under the age of 36.

Increasing support for faculty chairs is a priority of the Campaign for UC Santa Cruz, which has raised $311 million for the campus.The Gunderson Family Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics is a four-year term chair (not an endowed chair) specially designed to augment the startup funding the campus provides for new faculty. Paul Koch, dean of physical and biological sciences, said such chairs provide important support for a new faculty member's research and graduate students. "The support from these chairs allows us to be competitive and attract the best faculty," he said.

The Campaign for UC Santa Cruz supports excellence across the university through increased private investment in the people and ideas shaping the future. It is bringing critical new resources to the student experience, excellence in research, and the campus commitment to environmental and social justice.

See more here:

Astronomer Ruth Murray-Clay appointed to chair in theoretical astrophysics - UC Santa Cruz (press release)