Astronomers identify ‘Saraswati’ galactic supercluster – The Space Reporter

A team of astronomers has found one of the largest superstructures in the universe about four billion light-years from Earth.

According to UPI, the enormous galaxy cluster called Saraswati measures over 600 million light-years across and has a mass of about 20 million billion suns.

The research was conducted by a team of astronomers from Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), both in Pune, India, along with two other Indian universities.

We were very surprised to spot this giant wall-like supercluster of galaxies, visible in a large spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies, known as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, study authors Joydeep Bagchi from IUCAA and Shishir Sankhyayan from IISER said in a statement. This supercluster is clearly embedded in a large network of cosmic filaments traced by clusters and large voids.

The vast collection of galaxies is located in the direction of the constellation Pisces. Astronomers estimate that the supercluster formed when the universe was about ten billion years old.

The age and size of Sarawati suggest that forces beyond the gravitational effects of visible matter were at play when the superstructure formed. The influence of dark energy could explain how the cluster formed and held together.

Our work will help to shed light on the perplexing question; how such extreme large scale, prominent matter-density enhancements had formed billions of years in the past when the mysterious Dark Energy had just started to dominate structure formation, Bagchi and Sankhyayan said.

The study was published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Kathy Fey is a freelance writer with a creative writing degree from Mount Holyoke College. She is an active blogger and erstwhile facilitator of science and engineering programs for children.

Go here to read the rest:

Astronomers identify 'Saraswati' galactic supercluster - The Space Reporter

These animals will live on Earth until the Sun dies – The Verge

We already know tardigrades those tiny eight-legged water creatures are as tough as they are ugly. They can survive for 30 years in a freezer and live in space and other extreme temperatures. But a new study paints things in bleaker terms: these creatures will outlive all of us. They will be around for 10 billion years. They will survive until the Sun dies.

For the study, published in Scientific Reports, astrophysicists at Oxford and Harvard University calculated the probability of objects in space colliding into the Earth, boiling the oceans dry, and killing everything.

The key finding, write the scientists, is that no space phenomena are strong enough to dry up the oceans completely, and so the tardigrades can make do with whats left. There are a few known asteroids that could end everything, but none of these are expected to hit Earth. A supernova could get the job done, but its probably not going to explode near us. Its also unlikely that gamma ray bursts which are even stronger than supernovas are going to wipe us all out.

Therein lies the irony: humans are delicate creatures and climate change has a high risk of taking us out or at least making our lives nearly unbearable but tardigrades will only go down when the Sun does, too.

See the article here:

These animals will live on Earth until the Sun dies - The Verge

This is the Tiniest Star Scientists Have Ever Seen –


Jul.14.2017 / 2:24 PM ET

Scientists have discovered the smallest star known to science; in fact, it is so tiny that it barely qualifies as a star. Called EBLM J055557Ab, it is only slightly larger than Saturn. The star is part of a binary system, orbiting a much bigger star approximately 600 light-years from Earth.

"Our discovery reveals how small stars can be," astronomer Alexander Boetticher from the University of Cambridge said in a press release. "Had this star formed with only a slightly lower mass, the fusion reaction of hydrogen in its core could not be sustained, and the star would instead have transformed into a brown dwarf."

The issues that make this star a bit of a "borderline" case are the same that cause brown dwarves to be called "failed stars." EBLM J055557Ab is just massive enough to enable hydrogen fusion to occur in its core, forming helium, as the researcher describes in their study published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. However, it remains very faint and difficult to see; it is approximately 2,000 to 3,000 times fainter than our Sun.

This, along with its proximity to parent star EBLM J055557A, made finding the tiny star a real challenge. Initially, EBLM J055557Ab was suspected of being an exoplanet as it orbited in front of its parent star. Only closer examination of the measurements revealed its true nature.

Dim, smaller stars like this one are prime candidates for hosting worlds that could support life because they provide the milder environments in which liquid water on planetary surfaces is more likely to survive. However, these minuscule stars are mysterious to us, not just because we rarely spot them. Hopefully, scientists will have more clues for finding them moving forward, having learned from this first discovery.

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This article was originally published on Futurism.


This is the Tiniest Star Scientists Have Ever Seen -

Faith and the cosmos: An astrophysicist fields the big questions … – Salt Lake Tribune

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How often do people ask you religious questions?

I get these kinds of questions all the time. Some are antagonistic. But most people are genuinely curious.

I have my own personal rule, which is I never, ever tell people what to believe. And I never, ever tell people they're wrong. I share with them what I know and how I know it. If someone says, "Well, I think the Earth is a lot younger," I say, "OK, fair enough. But give me the chance to explain why I think the universe is 13.8 billion years old."

There's a century of very difficult work that went into giving that answer and I think that how we got there is far more interesting than the actual number itself. I love the chance to explain that process.

What do you say when someone wants to know how science dovetails with their faith?

These kinds of questions are a lot harder than those coming from people whose faith conflicts with science. Of course I have my own personal beliefs. But when I'm in front of the public I'm not Paul Sutter the human being with complex beliefs. I'm Paul Sutter the astrophysicist. So I'm only going to share what I know from science.

If someone says, "Help me understand the nature of divinity or this section from the Bible," I honestly can't help them. They might want to talk to a theologian or a philosopher. I'm in the astronomy department.

But when you tell people you can't help them with their faith questions because you're a scientist, aren't you sending a message that there's an incompatibility between faith and science?

I personally believe that there is only a conflict between science and religion if you want there to be one. People ask if scientists are religious. I tell them that I personally know many scientists who are atheists, and many scientists who are very devout Catholics, and Muslims and Jews and Hindus and they all seem to sleep at night and they all are able to get work done and they all are able to pray, if they're the praying kind. And we all get along.

I bet you often get asked about your own religious beliefs or perhaps lack of beliefs.

Read more from the original source:

Faith and the cosmos: An astrophysicist fields the big questions ... - Salt Lake Tribune

Odds of Complex Life On TRAPPIST-1 Planets in Habitable Zone–"It … – The Daily Galaxy (blog)

The concept of a habitable zone is based on planets being in orbits where liquid water could exist, said Manasvi Lingam, a Harvard researcher with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. This is only one factor, however, in determining whether a planet is hospitable for life.

The TRAPPIST-1 star, a red dwarf, is much fainter and less massive than the Sun. It is rapidly spinning and generates energetic flares of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Two separate teams of scientists from theHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have identified major challenges for the development of life in TRAPPIST-1. The TRAPPIST-1 system, depicted here in an artists conception, contains seven roughly Earth-sized planets orbiting a red dwarf, which is a faint, low-mass star. This star spins rapidly and generates energetic flares of ultraviolet radiation and a strong wind of particles. The research teams say the behavior of this red dwarf makes it much less likely than generally thought that the three planets orbiting well within the habitable zone could support life. (Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt)

The first team, a pair of CfA theorists, considered many factors that could affect conditions on the surfaces of planets orbiting red dwarfs. For the TRAPPIST-1 system they looked at how temperature could have an impact on ecology and evolution, plus whether ultraviolet radiation from the central star might erode atmospheres around the seven planets surrounding it. These planets are all much closer to the star than the Earth is to the Sun, and three of them are located well within the habitable zone.

Lingam and his co-author, Harvard professor Avi Loeb, found that planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system would be barraged by UV radiation with an intensity far greater than experienced by Earth.

Because of the onslaught by the stars radiation, our results suggest the atmosphere on planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system would largely be destroyed, said Loeb. This would hurt the chances of life forming or persisting.

Lingam and Loeb estimate that the chance of complex life existing on any of the three TRAPPIST-1 planets in the habitable zone is less than 1% of that for life existing on Earth.

In a separate study, another research team from the CfA and the University of Massachusetts in Lowell found that the star in TRAPPIST-1 poses another threat to life on planets surrounding it. Like the Sun, the red dwarf in TRAPPIST-1 is sending a stream of particles outwards into space. However, the pressure applied by the wind from TRAPPIST-1s star on its planets is 1,000 to 100,000 times greater than what the solar wind exerts on the Earth.

The authors argue that the stars magnetic field will connect to the magnetic fields of any planets in orbit around it, allowing particles from the stars wind to directly flow onto the planets atmosphere. If this flow of particles is strong enough, it could strip the planets atmosphere and perhaps evaporate it entirely.

The Earths magnetic field acts like a shield against the potentially damaging effects of the solar wind, said Cecilia Garraffo of the CfA, who led the new study. If Earth were much closer to the Sun and subjected to the onslaught of particles like the TRAPPIST-1 star delivers, our planetary shield would fail pretty quickly.

While these two studies suggest that the likelihood of life may be lower than previously thought, it does not mean the TRAPPIST-1 system or others with red dwarf stars are devoid of life.

Were definitely not saying people should give up searching for life around red dwarf stars, said Garraffos co-author Jeremy Drake, also from CfA. But our work and the work of our colleagues shows we should also target as many stars as possible that are more like the Sun.

The Daily Glaxy via Harvard-Smithonian CfA

See the article here:

Odds of Complex Life On TRAPPIST-1 Planets in Habitable Zone--"It ... - The Daily Galaxy (blog)

Understanding the universe: Astrophysicist Dunkley shines through her research – Princeton University

Jo Dunkley, a professor of physics and astrophysical sciences at Princeton, asks big questions about the universe and the fundamental laws that describe nature. Dunkley joined thefaculty in 2016, deepening research collaborations she already had developed with Princeton colleagues. Dunkley also is a mentor to women in science.Dunkley, who as of this spring has two young children,said she feels it is part of her job to "figure out how to have a family life, be a mother, and be a professor."

Photo by Richard W. Soden

Astrophysics inspires Princeton professor Jo Dunkley to ask questions about the universe and the fundamental laws that describe nature.

"I love that we can answer big questions about something so vast as the whole universe and actually use our scientific tools to answer them," she said.

A professor of physics and astrophysical sciences, Dunkley has always been fond of mathematics. She was first drawn to physics when she was an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge in England. Although she conducted some astrophysics research her final year, she came out of her university experience thinking that she did not want to be a scientist. She considered working for a nongovernmental organization or the civil service.

"I had a thought that being a scientist meant sitting on your own in a room, doing something that might not be so fascinating," she said. "I got that wrong."

A year away from science made her realize how much she missed it. Not only did she want to use math again, she had gained a newfound appreciation for research as a means to serve the community. She decided to return to research and earned her doctorate in physics from the University of Oxford in 2005.

"What we're trying to do is to find these deep answers to questions we've been asking for millennia," she said. "It's no good finding these things out unless we can explain to everyone else what it is we've learned. I see it as enriching people's lives to know more about the world we live in."

Dunkley joined Princeton's faculty in fall 2016, after serving on the faculty at Oxford. Before coming to Princeton, she already had collaborated with Princeton researchers on multiple projects. From 2006 to 2008, she worked with professors David Spergel and Lyman Page while a postdoctoral fellow on the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, a NASA mission to make cosmology measurements and study the properties of the universe.

Spergel, the Charles A. Young Professor of Astronomy on the Class of 1897 Foundation and professor of astrophysical sciences, first encountered Dunkley when she was a promising graduate student at Oxford. He recruited her to Princeton, and was pleased to see her grow from a postdoctoral fellow to play a major leadership role in the WMAP project.

"At that stage, she was very quickly given significant responsibilities in the analysis and interpretation of the data, and made major contributions to the analysis that led to the development of what we now think of as the standard model of cosmology," Spergel said.

Soon after, Dunkley was asked to be part of the analysis team for the Planck satellite at the European Space Agency. "It was really a tribute to both Jo's scientific talents and ability to work in a big complex team that she was able to make contributions to both the leading NASA mission and then the leading European Space Agency mission," Spergel said.

At Princeton, Dunkley realized that she loved to work as part of a team, performing theoretical and data analysis work connected to experiments, and collaborating with people possessing a huge range of skills.

"As scientists, we can't just work by ourselves," she said.

On campus, Dunkley works on the theoretical interpretation of new observations, primarily using the Atacama Cosmology Telescope situated at 16,000 feet above sea level in a desert mountain range in Chile. Using sophisticated computer programs, Dunkley's group develops theories to describe the universe or particular properties of the universe.

"We have these telescopes that scan the sky, and we turn the data into maps of the sky and extract statistics about them that we can then compare to our theories," she explained.

The process of comparing the theories to what we really see has a lot of steps to it, she noted, from filtering for the correct signal to thinking of ways to tackle statistical data analysis problems. To match the theoretical model of the universe with experimental data, Dunkley must search through billions of models until she finds one that best fits the data by fine-tuning variables like how old the universe is, how much it weighs and how fast it is growing.

Dunkley looks as far back almost to when the universe was born and studies light that has been traveling since the beginning of time. This light is called the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), a signal that was produced soon after the Big Bang that has been traveling to us since the universe was just a few hundred thousand years old.

"As we look out into space, we look back in time," she said.

As space expands, the wavelength of light also grows on its journey to us, she explained. By measuring this effect, scientists can see the universe evolving and changing.

"We get to pull out all sorts of information like what the universe is made of, and we see the beginnings of all the things that we now find around us in space that are more familiar, like stars and galaxies. We're seeing their birth, or their initial formation, right at this earliest time," Dunkley said.

Another area Dunkley investigates is dark matter, an invisible substance that clumps together due to gravity and does not emit light. Although there is at least five times more of this dark matter than normal matter, dark matter still remains one of the big mysteries in cosmology research, Dunkley said.

A technique to analyze dark matter is called gravitational lensing, a phenomena of light bending around a mass when shone from behind.

"We're now starting to reveal where the dark matter is by using these backlights," Dunkley said.

Although exactly what makes up dark matter is not yet known, most researchers think it includes some type of particle that has not yet been discovered. Whatever dark matter is, it has definitely influenced what the universe looks like today, she said.

"If you took it away, we would have ended up with a universe that looks quite different from the one we've got," she said. "There is probably dark matter going through us all the time. It's here," she said.

Dunkley is also interested in neutrinos, which are small, invisible particles. She would like to find out how much of dark matter is made of these neutrinos.

The mass of neutrinos has not yet been measured, but by looking at how distant light bends around dark matter, it will be possible to figure out their mass, and what fraction of this invisible dark matter is made up of these particles, Dunkley said. Answering these questions is part of a 10-year goal in a new project called the Simons Observatory, supported by the Simons Foundation, for which Dunkley is leading the science committee.

The new Simons Observatory telescopes will be located near the existing Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile. "It's beautiful. It's desert-like and it feels a bit like you're on Mars or something. It just doesn't look like anything else," Dunkley said. The telescopes will be used to look at the Cosmic Microwave Background in order to understand how the universe began, what it is made of and how it has evolved.

Dunkley is one of two tenured female professors in the Department of Physics, along with Suzanne Staggs, the Henry DeWolf Smyth Professor of Physics, who leads the Atacama Cosmology Telescope project.

"It is sometimes disheartening that there are so few of us [women] in this field, but I have always felt very positively supported in all the places I've worked," Dunkley said. Although most of her mentors and advisers throughout her career have been men, they were very encouraging, she said.

Nevertheless, Dunkley insists that more female role models are needed. "I think we're missing out on this huge number of great women who could be doing great physics who are just being lost out of the system," she said. "I think they are being put off quite early and are not continuing with science, and physics in particular. I think a lot of that is cultural, but I think that's something we can change."

One way to increase visibility is through the media, she said. "If someone invites you to go on TV or radio to talk about your work even for two minutes, you should do it. You get out there, you talk about your work, and you let people see you're real and that you're a real scientist."

Dunkley is writing an astronomy and cosmology book for the general public called "Our Universe," due out early next year. She hopes that young women will get excited about physics and space, and will be inspired.

"Jo is a real leader as a scientist," Spergel said. "She already mentors a number of outstanding young women, and I think she will play a big role in increasing the number of women in science," he said.

This past semester, Dunkley taught "General Physics II," a course geared toward engineering students. "It's fun for me to be teaching a big class of students who want to learn physics, but it's not the only thing they're doing and it's certainly not their only interest," she said.

In addition to her research and teaching responsibilities, Dunkley has two young children. "I feel like it's part of my job, to figure out how to have a family life, be a mother, and be a professor," she said.

"She's a fabulous scientist and a wonderful person, and were very lucky to have her at Princeton," said Page, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in Physics. "Its not common when you have regardless of male or female an absolutely top-flight scientist who's also just so fun to work with. [She] adds a spark, a positivity to the department, and to our group here."

Excerpt from:

Understanding the universe: Astrophysicist Dunkley shines through her research - Princeton University

Indian scientists discover ‘Saraswati’, a supercluster of galaxies – Hindustan Times

Indian scientists have discovered Saraswati, a large supercluster of galaxies located in the direction of the constellation Pisces, and at a distance of 4,000 million (400 crore) light years away from Earth.

A team of astronomers from the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, and members of two other Indian universities, have discovered this supercluster of galaxies.

Supercluster is a chain ofgalaxies and galaxy clusters, bound by gravity, often stretching to several hundred times the size ofclusters of galaxies, consisting of tens of thousands of galaxies. This newly-discovered Saraswatisupercluster, extends over a scale of 600 million light years and may contain the mass equivalent of over 20 million billion suns.

The discovery will be published in the latest issue of The Astrophysical Journal, the premier research journal of the American Astronomical Society.

Joydeep Bagchi from IUCAA, the main author of the paper and co-author Shishir Sankhyayan (PhD scholar at IISER, Pune) said, We were very surprised to spot this giant wall-like supercluster of galaxies, visible in a large spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies, known as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This supercluster is clearly embedded in a large network of cosmic filaments traced by clusters and large voids.

They stated that previously only a few comparatively large superclusters have been reported,for example the Shapley Concentration or the Sloan Great Wall in the nearby universe, while the Saraswati supercluster is far more distant one.

Our work will help to shed light on the perplexing question of how such extreme large-scale, prominent matter-density enhancements had formed billions of years in the past when the mysterious Dark Energy had just started to dominate structure formation, they added.

Officials also stated that to understand galaxy formation and evolution, one needs to identify these superclusters and closely study the effect of their environment on the galaxies. This is a new research area and the discovery will enhance this field of research.

They added that when astronomers look far away, they see the universe from long ago, since light takes a while to reach us. The Saraswati supercluster is observed as it was when the Universe was 10 billion years old.

Officials from IUCAA said the paper was special because it is a direct product of IUCAAs associateship programme. While two of the authors are faculty members of IUCAA namely Prof. Joydeep Bagchi and Prof. Somak Raychaudhury, Director IUCAA), the other authors are Shishir Sankhyayan - PhD student at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and regular visiting student at IUCAA, Pratik Dabhade - Research Fellow at IUCAA, Joe Jacob - Department of Physics, Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala (IUCAA Associate) and Prakash Sarkar - Dept. of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (ex-IUCAA Postdoctoral Fellow).

Read this article:

Indian scientists discover 'Saraswati', a supercluster of galaxies - Hindustan Times

More ways to classify planets – The Economist

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Continued here:

More ways to classify planets - The Economist

Activities, science experiments light up the first night of AstroFest – The Daily Collegian Online

As fireflies illuminated Pollock Road, a different type of light attracted a crowd of onlookers.

Hot flames shot out of a long tube, as songs played on a loudspeaker. Children splashed around in a tiny plastic pool of cornstarch and water.

This is all part of AstroFest, a festival dedicated to everything related to astronomy and science.

The main purpose is to get members of the public more interested in astronomy and to share our enthusiasm about it with them, said Jane Charlton, a professor teaching Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Volunteers from the Astronomy department, students and faculty all gathered to run various booths and games for children, students and residents of State College to enjoy.

Some activities outside Davey Laboratory included the Rubens Tube Dancing, launching of bottle rockets and astronomy-themed tie dye sessions.

A table located at the entrance was covered in AstroFest t-shirts and posters that volunteers were selling, with all of the proceeds going toward the Undergraduate Astronomy Club.

Other booths contained various experiments and activities.

Henry Gebhardt, a volunteer at one of the booths, explained that a Rubens Tube with holes poked in it, would be ignited with flames when propane flowed through it.

The flames will get larger if the pressure of the propane was higher, Gebhardt (graduateastro and astrophysics) said.

To further demonstrate, he asked curious onlookers to request songs that the flames would then mimic as the song progressed.

If you hit the right frequencies then you will get a resonance, Gebhardt said. The sound waves will travel through the tube and reflect it on the other side.

To motivate children to continue learning about astronomy at each booth, volunteers passed out pamphlets that booth leaders could stamp as each kid traveled through.

A prize table located in the front of the lobby had an assortment of scattered, colorful prizes that children could choose from if they collected enough stamps.

Kids under six years-old would need to collect five stamps, and kids over the age of six would need to collect eight stamps and watch a 30 minute presentation.

Charlton said there have been multiple students who attended AstroFest as children, and are now majoring in astronomy at Penn State.

Thats kind of exciting, she said. Anything that we can do to get [kids] interested now, is going to help getting them into these fields that are so important for our Country and the world.

Go here to see the original:

Activities, science experiments light up the first night of AstroFest - The Daily Collegian Online

3D tech to unlock secrets of universe – Innovators Magazine


A new multi-million dollar research centre has been launched in Australia that will use 3D technology to explore the universe.

TheAustralian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) is located atthe Australian National University. It will receive$30.3 million over seven years through anARC Centres of Excellencescheme.

This new centre, to be led by 2015 ARC Australian Laureate Fellow, Professor Lisa Kewley,will use new 3-D technology to help unlock the secrets of the early universe and the development of elements that make up the periodic table, said Professor Sue Thomas,ARC Chief Executive Officer.

ASTRO 3D will answer fundamental questions in astrophysics, to help build a picture of the evolution of matter, the periodic table of elements, and energy in the universe from shortly after the Big Bang until the present day.

The Centre will propel Australia to the forefront of astronomical research, to develop and use high-tech instruments that will be crucial for the next generation of giant optical and radio telescopes, such as the Giant Magellan Telescope and Square Kilometre Array.

ASTRO 3D will involve researchers at institutions across Australia and overseas, including astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers and computer scientists. The Centre will also nurture young scientific leaders and encourage high-school students interested in STEM sciences through education and outreach programs.

The centre will collaborate with other Australian universities, as well as international stakeholders, including theCalifornia Institute of Technology, theNetherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, theUniversity of Oxford and theChinese Academy of Sciences.

3D technologyAustralian National UniversityAustralian Research Council


3D tech to unlock secrets of universe - Innovators Magazine

Case Study: More Efficient Numerical Simulation in Astrophysics – insideBIGDATA

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Novosibirsk State University is one of the major research and educational centers in Russia and one of the largest universities in Siberia. When researchers at the University were looking to develop and optimize a software tool for numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) problems with hydrogen ionization part of an astrophysical objects simulation (AstroPhi) projectthey needed to optimize the tools performance on Intel Xeon Phi processor-based hardware. The team turned to Intel Advisor and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector. This resulted in a performance speed-up of 3X, cutting the standard time for calculating one problem from one week to just two days.

Mathematical modeling plays a key role in modern astrophysics. It is the universal tool for research of non-linear evolutionary processes in the universe. Modeling the complex astrophysical processes in high resolution takes the most powerful supercomputers. The Universitys AstroPhi project develops astrophysical code for massively parallel supercomputers with Intel Xeon Phi processors. This valuable project helps students learn to create numerical simulation code for massively parallel supercomputers. The students also learn about modern HPC hardware architecturespreparing them to develop tomorrows exascale supercomputers.

The use of Intel Advanced Vector Extensions for Intel Xeon Phi processors gave us the maximum code performance compared with other architectures available on the market, said Igor Kulikov, Assistant Professor, Novosibirsk State University.

Numerical Method

The team designed the project using a numerical method shown in the figure below. The benefits of this high-order method included:

The first three benefits are the key factors for realistic modeling of all the significant physical effects in astrophysical problems. The simplicity of the method, plus the small number of MPI send/receive operations, provides efficient parallelizationand potentially infinite scalability in terms of weak scalability.

Massively Parallel Architecture

The team co-designed the new solver for massively parallel architecture based on Intel Xeon Phi processors. Designed to help eliminate node bottlenecks and simplify code modernization, the bootable processors provided the power efficiency the team needed to handle the most demanding high-performance computing applications.

The team based the solver on Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel AVX-512) instructions, which deliver 512-bit SIMD support and enable programs to pack eight double-precision or 16 single-precision floating-point numbers, or eight 64-bit integers, or 16 32-bit integers within the 512-bit vectors. This enables processing of 2X the number of data elements that AVX/AVX2 can process with a single instruction, and 4X that of SSE.

The use of Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 512 for Intel Xeon Phi processors gave us the maximum code performance compared with other architectures available on the market, said Igor Kulikov, assistant professor at NSU.

Optimizing the Code

A key aspect of the AstroPhi project was optimizing the code for maximum performance on the Intel Xeon Phi processors. Before optimization, the team had some problems with vector dependencies and vector sizes. The goals for optimizing the code were to remove vector dependencies and optimize memory load operations, efficiently adapting vector and array sizes for the Intel Xeon Phi architecture. The team used Intel Advisor and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, two tools that are part of Intel Parallel Studio XE, for the optimization.

Intel Parallel Studio XE is a comprehensive software development suite that helps developers maximize application performance on todays and future processors by taking advantage of the ever-increasing processor core count and vector register width.

Intel Advisor is a software tool based on the fact that for modern processors, it is crucial to both vectorize (use AVX* or SIMD* instructions) and thread software to realize the full performance potential of the processor. Using this tool, the team was able to perform a roofline analysis highlighting poor-performing loops and showing performance headroom for each loop, identifying which can be improved and which are worth improving.

Intel Advisor made it easier to find the cause of bottlenecks and decide on next optimization steps, explained Igor Chernykh, assistant professor at NSU. It provided data to help us forecast the performance gain before we invested significant effort in implementation.

Intel Advisor sorted loops by potential gain, making compiler reports easier to read by showing messages on the source, and giving the project team tips for effective vectorization. It also provided key data like trip counts, data dependencies, and memory access patterns make vectorization safe and efficient.

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector was another help in optimizing the code. This graphical tool helped the team understand MPI application behavior, quickly find bottlenecks, improve correctnessand, ultimately, maximize the tools performance on Intel architecture. It includes MPI communications profiling and analysis features that helped to improve weak and strong scaling.


After all the improvements and optimizations, the team achieved 190 GFLOPS performance and 0.3 FLOP/byte arithmetic intensity, with 100 percent mask utilization and 573 GB/s memory bandwidth.

Using Intel Advisor and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, we were able to remove vector dependencies, optimize load operations, and adapt vector and array size for the Intel Xeon Phi architecture, explained Kulikov. This optimization gave the opportunity to run 3X more variants of astrophysical tests.

Download your free 30-day trial of Intel Parallel Studio XE

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Case Study: More Efficient Numerical Simulation in Astrophysics - insideBIGDATA

Quantum mechanics inside Earth’s core – Phys.Org

July 12, 2017 The different spatial layout of the atoms in the iron lattice and in the nickel lattice is responsible for their different physical behaviour under extreme conditions. The coloured graphic shows the electronic dispersion of nickel in the region which is responsible for this behaviour. Credit: Michael Karolak

Without a magnetic field life on Earth would be rather uncomfortable: Cosmic particles would pass through our atmosphere in large quantities and damage the cells of all living beings. Technical systems would malfunction frequently and electronic components could be destroyed completely in some cases.

Despite its huge significance for life on our planet, it is still not fully known what creates the Earth's magnetic field. There are various theories regarding its origin, but a lot of experts consider them to be insufficient or flawed. A discovery made by scientists from Wrzburg might provide a new explanatory angle. Their findings were published in the current issue of the journal Nature Communications. Accordingly, the key to the effect could be hidden in the special structure of the element nickel.

Contradiction between theory and reality

"The standard models for Earth's magnetic field use values for the electric and thermal conductivity of the metals inside our planet's core that cannot square with reality," Giorgio Sangiovanni says; he is a professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Wrzburg. Together with PhD student Andreas Hausoel and postdoc Michael Karolak, he is in charge of the international collaboration that was published recently. Among the participants are Alessandro Toschi and Karsten Held of TU Wien, who are long-term cooperation partners of Giorgio Sangiovanni, and scientists from Hamburg, Halle (Saale) and Yekaterinburg in Russia.

At Earth's centre at a depth of about 6,400 km, there is a temperature of 6,300 degrees Celsius and a pressure of about 3.5 million bars. The predominant elements, iron and nickel, form a solid metal ball under these conditions which makes up the inner core of the Earth. This inner core is surrounded by the outer core, a fluid layer composed mostly of iron and nickel. Flowing of liquid metal in the outer core can intensify electric currents and create Earth's magnetic field at least according to the common geodynamo theory. "But the theory is somewhat contradictory," Giorgio Sangiovanni says.

Band-structure induced correlation effects

"This is because at room temperature iron differs significantly from common metals such as copper or gold due to its strong effective electron-electron interaction. It is strongly correlated," he declares. But the effects of electron correlation are attenuated considerably at the extreme temperatures prevailing in Earth's core so that conventional theories are applicable. These theories then predict a much too high thermal conductivity for iron which is at odds with the geodynamo theory.

With nickel things are different. "We found nickel to exhibit a distinct anomaly at very high temperatures," the physicist explains. "Nickel is also a strongly correlated metal. Unlike iron, this is not due to the electron-electron interaction alone, but is mainly caused by the special band structure of nickel. We baptised the effect 'band-structure induced correlation'." The band structure of a solid is only determined by the geometric layout of the atoms in the lattice and by the atom type.

Iron and nickel in Earth's core

"At room temperature, iron atoms will arrange in a way that the corresponding atoms are located at the corners of an imaginary cube with one central atom at the centre of the cube, forming a so-called bcc lattice structure," Andreas Hausoel adds. But as temperature and pressure increase, this structure changes: The atoms move together more closely and form a hexagonal lattice, which physicists refer to as an hcp lattice. As a result, iron looses most of its correlated properties.

But not so with nickel: "In this metal, the atoms are as densely packed as possible in the cube structure already in the normal state. They keep this layout even when temperature and pressure become very large," Hausoel explains. The unusual physical behaviour of nickel under extreme conditions can only be explained by the interaction of this geometric stability and the electron correlations originating from this geometry. Despite the fact that scientists have neglected nickel so far, it seems to play a major role in Earth's magnetic field.

Decisive hint from geophysics

The goings-on inside Earth's core are not the actual focus of research at the Departments of Theoretical Solid-state Physics of the University of Wrzburg. Rather Sangiovanni, Hausoel and their colleagues concentrate on the properties of strongly correlated electrons at low temperatures. They study quantum effects and so-called multi-particle effects which are interesting for the next generation of data processing and energy storage devices. Superconductors and quantum computers are the keywords in this context.

Data from experiments are not used in this kind of research. "We take the known properties of atoms as input, include the insights from quantum mechanics and try to calculate the behaviour of large clusters of atoms with this," Hausoel says. Because such calculations are highly complex, the scientists have to rely on external support such as the SUPERMUC supercomputer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching.

And what's the Earth's core got to do with this? "We wanted to see how stable the novel magnetic properties of nickel are and found them to survive even very high temperatures," Hausoel says. Discussions with geophysicists and further studies of iron-nickel alloys have shown that these discoveries could be relevant for what is happening inside Earth's core.

Explore further: Splitting water for the cost of a nickel

More information: A. Hausoel et al. Local magnetic moments in iron and nickel at ambient and Earth's core conditions, Nature Communications (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16062

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Quantum mechanics inside Earth's core - Phys.Org

How Einstein’s theory of gravitation experienced a Renaissance after World War II – Phys.Org

July 12, 2017

Einstein's 1915 theory of gravitation, also known as General Relativity, is now considered one of the pillars of modern physics. It contributes to our understanding of cosmology and of fundamental interactions between particles. But that was not always the case. Between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, General Relativity underwent a period of stagnation, during which the theory was mostly considered as a stepping-stone for a superior theory. In a special issue of The European Physical Journal H just published, historians of science and physicists actively working on General Relativity and closely related fields share their views on the process, during the post-World War II era, in particular, which saw the "Renaissance" of General Relativity, following progressive transformation of the theory into a bona fidae physics theory.

In this special issue, new insights into the historical process leading to this renaissance point to the extension of the foundation of the original theory, ultimately leading to a global transformation in its character. Contributions from several experts reveals that the theory of 1915 was insufficient to reach firm conclusions without being complemented by intuitions drawn from the resources of pre-relativistic physics. Or, in the case of cosmology, the theory needed to be complemented by philosophical considerations that were hardly generalizable to help solve more mundane problems.

As physicist Pascual Jordan puts it, there was a "mismatch between the simplicity of the physical and epistemological foundations and the annoying complexity of the corresponding thicket of formulae."

A number of contributions in this special issue also explain how the theory underwent a period of successive controversies, leading by the 1960s, to the renaissance of the theory. Subsequently, it became in the 1970s, an important, empirically well-tested branch of theoretical physics related to the new, successful sub-discipline of relativistic astrophysics.

Explore further: The Genesis of Relativity

More information: Alexander Blum et al, Editorial introduction to the special issue "The Renaissance of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation", The European Physical Journal H (2017). DOI: 10.1140/epjh/e2017-80023-3

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How Einstein's theory of gravitation experienced a Renaissance after World War II - Phys.Org

Stargazing, Astronomy Activities Highlight AstroFest – State College News

Nighttime view of telescopes on the roof of Davey Lab at Penn State's University Park campus. Photo: Penn State

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Penn State's annual AstroFest will offer four nights of free astronomy activities and stargazing coinciding with the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.

From 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, visitors of all ages are welcomed at the event on the fifth floor of Davey Lab off Pollock Road on the University Park campus.

Rooftop observing will occur as weather permits. On clear nights telescopes on the roof of the building will be open to view the stars and planets.

"The rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter are so vivid, people often ask if we have painted them on the end of the telescope," said Jane Charlton, a professor in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the founding organizer ofAstroFest, in a release. "It is so rewarding to see the looks on people's faces when they first see their favorite planets in such amazing detail."

In front of the lab, attendees can launch bottle rockets, watch sound waves converted to fire and electricity and experience walking across a simulated alien planet surface. In the lobby of Davey Lab, kids can pick up an AstroFest activity passport and after receiving stamps on the passports for the activities they attend can collect science-themed prizes.

On the fifth floor activity stations such as "make your own comet," a quiz to win astronomy posters, and "astrogami" postcard designing. The Finding Planets lab offers an exploration of how astronomers look for planets beyond our solar system, and five-minute tours of a scale model of the solar system and the evolution of the universe will be available.

Presentations will be held each night as well, with topics such as detection of gravitational waves, dark energy and the upcoming solar eclipse.

"Solar eclipses have captured the imagination of humans for millennia. All of us here are thrilled to be havingAstroFestthis year right before an eclipse of our own," said Chris Palma, senior lecturer in astronomy and astrophysics and co-coordinator ofAstroFest.

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Stargazing, Astronomy Activities Highlight AstroFest - State College News

Talking against the textbook has become a crime: Harish Chandra Verma – Economic Times

By Vanita Srivastava

Last week, when Harish Chandra Verma announced that he was hanging up his boots, there was a flood of emotional reactions. Finally locked my IIT-K lab and submitted the keys to office . End of 38 years of formal teaching and research, tweeted Professor Verma, whose two-volume book Concepts of Physics is considered the holy book for IIT aspirants. The book celebrates its silver jubilee this year and has sold millions of copies. Verma is now focused on bringing out the Hindi version of the book, Bhautiki Ki Samajh. In an interview with Vanita Srivastava, Verma talks about the importance of teaching physics using natural ingredients and what ails Indian science. Edited excerpts:

On making physics a lifelong companion My actual romance with physics started during my BSc in 1970. Till high school, there was simply a desire to become a teacher in either science or mathematics. It was while studying in Class 12 at Patna Science College that a desire crystalised to take either physics or mathematics for future studies. I scored a distinction in physics and about 95% in maths and was planning to take up maths honours. But my professor Rajendra Sharma counselled and convinced me, saying that there was a lot of maths in physics but very little physics in maths. To savour both the worlds together, I chose physics. Since then, I have walked hand in hand with physics.

On the making of Concepts of Physics I finished my MSc and PhD from IITKanpur and decided to join Patna Science College as a physics lecturer. I had seen the book Fundamentals of Physics by Robert Resnick and David Halliday when I was doing my MSc and recommended this as the main textbook in my Plus-2 course. But soon I felt that students were not grasping the content. They were not able to solve problems and the overall outcome was not satisfactory.

Initially, I thought it was my fault, and I had to improve my teaching skills. Then I realised that the problem was somewhere else. Though the book was excellent, its cultural platform did not match the lifestyle of my students. Physics has a strong bonding with nature and must be delivered through this platform. At that time, there was no physics textbook which was as authentic as Fundamentals of Physics. There was also no book built around an average Indian lifestyle. This is how Concepts of Physics germinated.

On bringing out the Hindi version of Concepts of Physics For a long time, I had been getting requests from students of the Hindi belt to write a similar book in Hindi. Their demand was genuine and well meaning. So I decided to write the Hindi version. The book will be called Bhautiki ki Samajh and, though the problems will be more or less same, the text will be updated and reorganised. I hope to bring out the first volume by the end of this year.

On holding physics workshops for teachers in Jammu & Kashmir I did this project in 2016-17 under the banner of the Anveshika chapter of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers, for high school science teachers under the J&K government. Altogether my team organised 10 workshops in Jammu, 10 in Srinagar and 1 in Leh. During one of the workshops, there was a strike and we were somehow taken to the venue. After waiting for two hours, I was sure that no one would come. But all the participants came after walking around 6 km. I was so moved to see their enthusiasm. Also, while conducting one of the workshops, there was a terror strike at a CRPF camp close by. But we continued with our task of demystifying physics. The teachers were thrilled to see how physics could be taught using simple items like drinking straws, rubber bands and bottles. However, it is apparent that teachers of this region are not getting exposure to new teaching aids and methodologies despite so many government plans.

On what plagues Indian science The race to get good jobs. It is an irony that science is being studied with so much of stress. This does not empower our students in scientific thinking and skills. This leads to a drifting away from science and those who finally land up doing science are not experiencing the excitement of scientific innovations.

On ways to demystify physics All of nature is the laboratory of physics. Introduce physics with simple experiments and familiar materials. My slogan is Pehle Dikhao, Phir Sikhao (first show, then teach). Once you generate interest and curiosity, nothing is difficult.

On why many talented physicists are leaving India The research facilities are limited in India, especially for experimental physics. There are good success stories like our nuclear energy and space physics programmes. Our astrophysics programme, string theory research and many more are making an impact internationally, but much more has to be done. Most importantly, from the very beginning, children should be given the platform for innovation, thinking beyond the prescribed textbooks. In the present scenario, talking against the textbook is like committing a crime. Research is a culture and that has to be respected and inculcated.

On a career anecdote close to his heart When I was appointed as lecturer in Patna Science College, the head of my department asked me to teach the Special Theory of Relativity to BSc students after the vacation. I spent my summer at IITKanpur, where I was doing some research, preparing for my lectures. I used to make my friends sit for me and give them mock classes. I put in all my efforts to make my lectures interesting, lucid and simple. After the vacation, the HOD asked me if I had prepared well for the lectures on quantum mechanics. I was shocked and pleaded with him that he had assigned me relativity and not quantum mechanics. It did not work. But the moment I put chalk to the board, my tension subsided. In fact, my maiden lecture went extremely well.

On his plans post retirement I have been deeply involved in motivating physics teachers from schools and colleges. Content development and improvement of teaching skills have been going on for the past 15 years. We have about 700 short experiments that teachers can use. These range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and dont cost much. I am also writing textbooks for BSc level. A book on electrodynamics is under preparation. I am also coming up with a special book Physics Through Stories. In this, famous Indian stories are used as a platform to learn physics. I will also work on more online courses.

On what he will miss after retirement The peacocks on the IIT-Kanpur campus. It is so beautiful to see dancing peacocks almost every other day.

The writer is a freelancer

Originally posted here:

Talking against the textbook has become a crime: Harish Chandra Verma - Economic Times

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry – Philippine Star

Astrophysics has always fascinated me because it is the branch of science that deals with subjects that straddle scientific reality and science fiction. What is the origin of the universe? Is time travel possible? What are wormholes and black holes? What are dark matter and dark energy? Does the earth exist in a universe or is there something bigger like a multiverse?

But every time I read a scientific book on astrophysics, I have to spend most of my time consulting a dictionary and googling all those scientific terms I could never understand. Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy that uses a heavy dosage of chemistry and physics. For someone like me with whose educational background was focused on business and the social sciences, topics like quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and nuclear physics are as alien as ancient languages. Finally, I discovered the first book on astrophysics that I was able to read from cover to cover.

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry By Neil Grasse Tysonis the best guide ever written for exploring these mind-expanding questions. In the books blurb the publishers wrote: While you wait for your morning coffee to brew, for the bus, the train, or a plane to arrive [the book] will reveal just what you need to be fluent and ready for the next cosmic headlines: from the Big Bang to black holes, from quarks to quantum mechanics, and from the search for planets to the search for life in the universe.

Neil Tyson, is an astrophysicist with the American Museum of Natural History , director of its world famous Hayden Planetarium, host of the hit radio and TV showStarTalk, and an award-winning author. In his preface, the author writes: If youre too busy to absorb the cosmos via classes, textbooks, or documentaries, and you nonetheless seek a brief but meaningful introduction to the field I offer you...In this slim volume you will earn a foundational fluency in all the major ideas and discoveries that drive our modern understanding of the universe. If Ive succeeded, youll be culturally conversant in my field of expertise and you just may be hungry for more.

The book is divided into 12 short chapters with intriguing titles. The first chapter is on the origin of the universe: TheGreatest Story Ever Told. After explaining the big bang as the beginning of the universe, Tyson asks: What happened before all this? What happened before the beginning?

The second chapter is on the universality of physical laws: On Earth as in the Heavens. One example is that no one can build a time machine ...that will enable you to go back to kill your mother before you were born it violates causality law. Chapter 3: Let There be Light is about the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the speed of light.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

How empty is the countryside between cities?How void is the void in space? Chapter 4 Between the Galaxies is about hard-to-detect things that exist between the galaxies. Gravity is caused by something called dark matter. In Chapter 5 Tyson notes: At odds in the universe were two competing effects gravity wants to make stuff coagulate but the expansion wants to dilute it. Gravity from ordinary matter would not be enough for a perfect balance between the two forces. It needed the help of dark matter without which we would be living actually not living-in a universe with no structures, no clusters, no galaxies, no stars, no planets no people.

Chapter 6 is onDark Energy; and, Chapter 7 is called: The Cosmos on the Table which is about chemical elements in the universe. Apart from crystals and broken rocks, not much else in the cosmos naturally comes with sharp angles. In Chapter 8: On Being Round, Tyson notes that; While many objects have peculiar shapes, the list of round things is practically endless and ranges from simple soap bubbles to the entire observable universe...spheres are favoured by the action of simple physical laws.

Chapter 9: Invisible Light is about a form of light invisible to the human eye which led to the invention of Ultraviolet, gamma ray and X-ray telescopes empowering us to explore the universe for what it is rather than for what it seems to be. Chapter 10: Between the Planets examines all manner of chunky rocks, pebbles, ice balls, dust, streams of charged particles and far flung probes that exist in the space between the planets. Think of asteroids.

Chapter 11: Exoplanet Earth is about planets in the universe that circle the sun like the earth. Our galaxy the Milky Way contains a hundred billion stars and the known universe harbours some hundred billion galaxies. Like a scene from Star Trek, Tyson writes: Our search for life in the universe drives the search for exoplanets, some of which resembles Earth...Latest estimates extrapolating from the current catalogues, suggest as many as forty billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone. Those are planets our descendants might want to visit someday day, by choice, if not by necessity.

In his final chapter 12: Reflections on the Cosmic Perspective, Tyson becomes more philosophical than scientific. He enumerates the eleven attributes of the cosmic perspective including one statement: The cosmic perspective is spiritual even redemptive but not religious.

Neil Tyson says that the universe is under no obligation to make sense to anybody. But for all those who are too busy to read fat books; yet, nonetheless seek a conduit to the cosmos,Astrophysics for People in a Hurryis a must read.

Young Writers Hangout for Kids & TeensonJuly 22, August 5 and August 19 (1:30-3pm/independent sessions).All sessions are at Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street. For registration and fee details text 0917-6240196 or

* * *


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Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Philippine Star

Who will be the 25th VC of Mysore Varsity? – Star of Mysore

Mysuru: Who will be the 25th Vice Chancellor of the century-old University of Mysore is a question that every academic and Mysurean is looking forward to. The wait is getting shorter, as the Search Committee headed by former VTU Vice Chancellor Prof H.P. Khincha and three other members, former Vice Chancellor of Gulbarga University Prof. V.B. Coutinho, UGC member Dr V.S. Chauhan and Central University Vice-Chancellor Prof H.M. Maheshwariah, met in Bengaluru on Thursday (July 6) to propose three names to the post of Vice Chancellor of University of Mysore.

According to sources, it is reliably learnt that the names of Bangalore University Physics Professor Sharath Ananthamurthy son of litterateur and Jnanpith awardee the late Dr. U.R. Ananthamurthy, Prof N.S. Ashok Kumar of Mass Communication and Journalism, Bangalore University and Prof R.K. Somashekar of Department of Environmental Science, Bangalore University have been proposed and sent to the Higher Education Department.

Prof. Sharat Ananthamurthy has a M.Sc in Physics from IIT Kanpur and a Ph.D in Atomic and Molecular Physics from University of Iowa. He has post-doctoral from Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute Astrophysics and is the Visiting Professor, Imperial College, London. Prof Ashok Kumar is a Fulbright scholar who has his MA from the Department of Journalism, University of Mysore and was the Registrar (Evaluation) of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. Prof. Somashekar was the former Registrar (Evaluation) of Bangalore University. Incidentally, all the three are from University of Mysore and now serving in Bangalore University.

However, the name of Prof C.P. Siddashrama from the Kuvempu Institute of Kannada Studies who was the acting Vice-Chancellor of University of Mysore is also doing the rounds. But as the Search Committee can only recommend three names, who is the person that is left out is not clearly known.

READ ALSO UoM to take back Maharaja's College Ground from KSCA?

Higher Education Minister Basavaraja Rayareddy is abroad and he will return on Monday. Only after he comes the file will be forwarded to the Chief Minister and to Reddy. The Governors assent is required and it remains to be seen if he has a candidate of his choice among the three or he will go with the recommendation made by the government.

We are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new Vice-Chancellor and whoever comes, should straight away get into the system and start working in the interest of the University without any personal agendas, said a Professor who wished to remain anonymous and added, It will always be good for the University if a person with a clean image is appointed.

The Vice-Chancellors post has been lying vacant since Prof K.S. Rangappa completed his term on January 10, this year. Prof Yashwant Dongre was in-charge for six weeks and from February 20, Prof Dayanand Mane is officiating as the in-charge VC.

Originally posted here:

Who will be the 25th VC of Mysore Varsity? - Star of Mysore

New "Dark Universe" Telescope Detects Optical Signals of … – The Daily Galaxy (blog)

A state-of-the-art telescope for detecting optical signatures of gravitational waves - built and operated by an international research collaboration, led by the University of Warwick - has been officially launched.

GOTO is an autonomous, intelligent telescope, which will search for unusual activity in the sky, following alerts from gravitational wave detectors - such as the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Adv-LIGO), which recently secured the first direct detections of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time, created when massive bodies particularly black holes and neutron stars orbit each other and merge at very high speeds.

These waves radiate through the Universe at the speed of light, and analysing them heralds a new era in astrophysics, giving astronomers vital clues about the bodies from which they originated as well as long-awaited insight into the nature of gravity itself.

First predicted over a century ago by Albert Einstein, they have only been directly detected in the last two years, and astronomers' next challenge is to associate the signals from these waves with signatures in the electromagnetic spectrum, such as optical light.

This is GOTO's precise aim: to locate optical signatures associated with the gravitational waves as quickly as possible, so that astronomers can study these sources with a variety of telescopes and satellites before they fade away.

GOTO is a significant project for the Monash-Warwick Alliance, through which the construction of the telescope was partially funded. The Alliance combines the exceptional research and teaching capabilities of two world-class universities to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Dr Danny Steeghs, from Warwick's Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, is leading the project. He comments: "After all the hard work put in by everyone, I am delighted to see the GOTO telescopes in operational mode at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. We are all excited about the scientific opportunities it will provide." Dr. Duncan Galloway, from the School of Physics & Astronomy at Monash University, comments:

"GOTO is very significant for the Monash Centre for Astrophysics. We've invested strongly in gravitational wave astronomy over the last few years, leading up to the first detection announced last year, and the telescope project represents a fundamentally new observational opportunity.

"It's really satisfying seeing a research collaboration that we've build over many years coming to fruition in such an exciting way, and we couldn't have got here without the support of the Alliance and the participating universities."

GOTO is the latest addition to the University of Warwick's astronomical facility at La Palma, which includes the SuperWASP Exoplanet discovery camera - the most successful ground based exoplanet discovery project in existence.

The Daily Galaxy via University of Warwick

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New "Dark Universe" Telescope Detects Optical Signals of ... - The Daily Galaxy (blog)

Scientists Discover ‘Doubly-Charmed’ Subatomic Particle – Seeker

European scientists said Thursday they have discovered a new subatomic particle containing a never-before-seen combination of quarks the most basic building blocks of matter.

The particle, a baryon dubbed Xicc++, contains two heavy "charm" quarks and one "up" quark, and has about four times the mass of a more familiar baryon the proton.

The particle is predicted in the Standard Model of particle physics, and its discovery was "not a shock," said Matthew Charles of the LPNHE physics lab in Paris.

He is one of about 800 scientists to attach their names to the discovery by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

The collider is most famous for discovering the Higgs boson, which confers mass on matter.

The new particle is the first seen with two such heavy quarks, said the team.

There are six types of quark, with exotic names such as "charm," "strange," and "beauty."

The "charm," "top," and "bottom" quarks are the heaviest types.

Quarks make up baryons such as protons and neutrons that comprise most of the mass in the known universe.

Baryons gather together in atoms, which form the molecules that constitute matter.

"This type of particle, these doubly-charmed baryons... they've been quite elusive," Charles told AFP.

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From their short-lived existence in the early Universe, none are left today. And to produce them in the lab requires an extreme concentration of energy, such as can be generated by the new, upgraded LHC.

The Xicc++ is an unstable baryon, said Charles. It lives for "a very small fraction of a second" before decaying into other, lighter particles.

Its discovery will allow scientists to continue testing the Standard Model of physics the mainstream theory of the fundamental particles that make up matter, and the forces that govern them.

It does not, however, explain dark matter, or why there is more matter than anti-matter in the universe.

Critically, the model is incompatible with Einstein's theory of general relativity the force of gravity as we know it does not seem to work at the subatomic quantum scale.

"A big part of our work as a field is trying to put our finger on the place where the Standard Model breaks down," to eventually find alternative explanations, said Charles.

"We're testing things in as many different places as we can," he said. "One of the things we... will be able to do with particles like this is to use them... for making further tests."

Go here to read the rest:

Scientists Discover 'Doubly-Charmed' Subatomic Particle - Seeker

Telescope for detecting optical signals from gravitational waves launched – University of Sheffield News

5 July 2017

Scientists at the University of Sheffield are part of an international research team which has built a state-of-the-art telescope for detecting optical signatures of gravitational waves.

The Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) was inaugurated at the astronomical observing facility in La Palma, Canary Islands, this week (3 July 2017). The event was attended by the University of Sheffields Professor Dave Petley, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Professor Vik Dhillon, from the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

GOTO is an autonomous, intelligent telescope, which will search for unusual activity in the sky, following alerts from gravitational wave detectors - such as the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Adv-LIGO), which recently secured the first direct detections of gravitational waves.

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time, created when massive bodies particularly black holes and neutron stars orbit each other and merge at very high speeds.

These waves radiate through the Universe at the speed of light, and analysing them heralds a new era in astrophysics, giving astronomers vital clues about the bodies from which they originated as well as long-awaited insight into the nature of gravity itself.

First predicted over a century ago by Albert Einstein, they have only been directly detected in the last two years, and astronomers next challenge is to associate the signals from these waves with signatures in the electromagnetic spectrum, such as optical light.

GOTOs precise aim is to locate optical signatures associated with the gravitational waves as quickly as possible, so that astronomers can study these sources with a variety of telescopes and satellites before they fade away. Professor Vik Dhillon, said: This new telescope is a major breakthrough in helping us to continue our important research into detecting optical signatures of gravitational waves.

Dr Danny Steeghs, from Warwicks Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, is leading the project. He said: After all the hard work put in by everyone, I am delighted to see the GOTO telescopes in operational mode at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. We are all excited about the scientific opportunities it will provide.

GOTO is operated on behalf of a consortium of institutions including the University of Warwick, Monash University, the Armagh Observatory, Leicester and Sheffield Universities, and the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT).

La Palma is one of the worlds premier astronomical observing sites, owing to the fact that it has an altitude of approximately 2400m and has very little pollution giving researchers clear views of the sky.

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Telescope for detecting optical signals from gravitational waves launched - University of Sheffield News