A Mysterious Burst of Gravitational Waves Came From a Region Near Betelgeuse. But There’s Probably No Connection – Universe Today

Gravitational waves are caused by calamitous events in the Universe. Neutron stars that finally merge after circling each other for a long time can create them, and so can two black holes that collide with each other. But sometimes theres a burst of gravitational waves that doesnt have a clear cause.

One such burst was detected by LIGO/VIRGO on January 14th, and it came from the same region of sky that hosts the star Betelgeuse. Yeah, Betelgeuse, aka Alpha Orionis. The star that has been exhibiting some dimming behaviour recently, and is expected to go supernova at some point in the future. Might the two be connected?

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation Orion. It left the main sequence about one million years ago and has been a red supergiant for about 40,000 years. Eventually, Betelgeuse will have burned enough of its hydrogen that its core will collapse, and it will explode as a supernova.

Recently, Betelgeuse dimmed. That set off all kinds of speculation that it might be getting ready to go supernova. Astrophysicists quickly poured water on that idea. Theres no exact number, but its estimated that Betelgeuse wont go supernova for another 100,000 years. But when a star dims, theres clearly something going on.

Is this new burst of gravitational waves connected to Betelgeuses recent dimming? To its future supernova explosion?

Astronomers understand that Betelgeuse is a variable star, and its brightness can fluctuate. Stars like Betelgeuse arent just static entities. Its a semi-regular variable star that shows both periodic and non-periodic changes in its brightness.

The kind of gravitational waves that LIGO detected are called burst waves. Its possible that a supernova could produce them, but Betelgeuse hasnt gone supernova and wont for a long time.

Some think that the detection of gravitational waves in Betelgeuses direction is unrelated to the star itself. In fact, the detection of the burst waves may not have even been real.

Christopher Berry is an astrophysicist studying gravitational waves at Northwestern Universitys Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics. On Twitter he spoke up about the gravitational burst waves.

Andy Howell from Las Cumbres Observatory studies supernova and dark energy. He had something to say on Twitter too, and appeared to be having fun with the whole thing. He even walked outside to check up on Betelgeuse after the detection of the burst gravitational waves.

So there you have it. No supernova for now, anyway. The burst gravitational waves may just be a glitch, and Betelgeuses dimming is well-understood and not a threat.

One day Betelgeuse will explode, and our night sky will change forever. But for us here on Earth, that supernova poses no problem.

An exploding star is an awesome event. And it produces a cataclysm of deadly radiation. X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and even stellar material are ejected with great force. The deadliest radiation is gamma rays, and Betelgeuse likely wont even produce any of those when it blows.

But in any case, were about 700 light years away from Betelgeuse, and thats way too much distance for us to worry.

The biggest fallout is that the Orion constellation will change forever. And therell be a new object to study in the sky: a supernova remnant.

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A Mysterious Burst of Gravitational Waves Came From a Region Near Betelgeuse. But There's Probably No Connection - Universe Today

The Week of January 13, 2020 – FYI: Science Policy News

Brookhaven National Lab Picked as Electron-Ion Collider Site

The Department of Energy announced on Jan. 9 that it has selected Brookhaven National Laboratory as the site for the Electron-Ion Collider, a proposed nuclear science facility that the department estimates will cost between $1.6 billion and $2.6 billion. Brookhavens proposal for the collider calls for it to be built as a modification of the labs existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. DOE granted the project initial approval on Dec. 19 and plans will be further developed over a period of years before the final go-ahead is ultimately given to begin construction. Provided Congress appropriates the needed funding, the department estimates the collider will take about a decade to design and build. The project was originally recommended in the 2015 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science, and a 2018 National Academies report endorsed its scientific value. The only other contender to host the collider was the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia, which would have built it as an extension of its Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. According to DOE, Jefferson Lab will still be a major partner as the project moves forward.

On Jan. 10, the Department of Energy released its solicitation of proposals for the Quantum Information Science Research Centers called for in the National Quantum Initiative Act. The department states it expects to award up to five centers, which together will receive up to $625 million in funding over a period of five years. Final proposals are due April 10 and are to describe multi-institutional collaborations that employ multi-disciplinary teams and blend together basic research, engineering, and technology development. The National Science Foundation has already initiated its process for awarding a counterpart set of QIS centers.

The Department of Energy announced on Jan. 8 that it is launching an Energy Storage Grand Challenge initiative that aims to accelerate the development, commercialization, and utilization of next-generation energy storage technologies. The effort will comprise R&D funding opportunities, prizes, and partnerships, among other components, with the objective of sustaining American leadership in the field and securing a manufacturing supply chain that is independent of foreign sources of critical materials by 2030. DOE will manage the challenge through the Research and Technology Investment Committee it established early last year and plans to release a request for information to obtain stakeholder feedback on what specific issues the challenge should address.

Last week, the National Academies Space Studies Board released the statement of task for the upcoming planetary science and astrobiology decadal survey, which will set the fields priorities for the years 2023 through 2032. While the survey will follow its predecessors in focusing on robotic missions to other planetary bodies, its additional focus on astrobiology is new and will encompass not only the search for life in the Solar System but also aspects of exoplanet research and the search for technosignatures of extraterrestrial intelligence. In addition, the survey will cover planetary defense, including both the scientific study of near-Earth objects and, for the first time, the hazards they present to Earth. Another new feature of the survey will be its consideration of planetary science opportunities involving crewed space missions, which has become a more important issue in light of NASAs expedited plans to return astronauts to the Moon. The state of the planetary science profession will also be on the agenda, following in the footsteps of the astronomy and astrophysics decadal survey due for release about a year from now. According to the planetary science surveys notional schedule, it will start accepting white papers from the research community next month and its leadership will be announced at the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March.

Update (1/14/2020): The National Academies has temporarily removed the statement of task from its website pending potential revisions.

The House Science Committee announced on Jan. 9 that Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX) has taken over as Energy Subcommittee chair from Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA). Lamb, who remains on the subcommittee, stepped aside after joining the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee late last year. In turn, Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) is taking over Fletchers previous role as chair of the Environment Subcommittee and giving up her job as Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee chair. That spot will be filled by committee member Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL), who was a physicist at Fermilab before joining Congress in 2008.

The House Science Committee approved the Promoting Research and Observations of Space Weather to Improve the Forecasting of Tomorrow (PROSWIFT) Act by voice vote on Jan. 9. The bill, which is sponsored by Reps. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) and Mo Brooks (R-AL), is similar to the Senates Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act, which the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee advanced last April. However, before the committee approved the bill, it adopted an amendment introduced by Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK), which would require the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a pilot program for obtaining space weather data from the commercial sector. Noting the program would expire after four years, Lucas said his amendment balances the need to help ensure there is a market for a commercial space weather data with the existing roles of the federal government and the academic community. A similar provision appeared in a previous version of the legislation that the committee advanced in 2018.

On Jan. 8, Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee released adraft framework for climate legislation that sets an overarching goal of achieving a 100 percent clean economy by 2050, defined as reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Titled the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nations (CLEAN) Future Act, the draft bill will include provisions covering the power, building, transportation, and industrial sectors as well as a focus on clean energy workforce development. Beyond setting various renewable power and emissions standards, the bill will feature several R&D-oriented provisions. These include creating an Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Industry at DOE who would coordinate the agencys industrial efficiency initiatives, establishing a technology commercialization program for carbon capture and utilization, and creating a prize competition for direct air capture. The draft framework notes the committee plans to add provisions covering climate resilience, community transition, agriculture, financial issues, and international cooperation, among other areas. The committee expectsto release the text of the draft legislation by the end of the month.

Last week, the White House released a draft memorandum with guidance for federal agencies on how to approach the regulation and oversight of technologies that use artificial intelligence. The memorandum is a component of the Trump administrations AI initiative, which has been one of the Office of Science and Technology Policys foremost priorities. It instructs agencies to avoid adopting unnecessarily precautionary approaches and enumerates 10 principles they should consider when weighing the costs and benefits of potential regulations. U.S. Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios stated in an op-ed that the principles represent a light-touch approach to regulating AI that also aims to protect privacy and promote civil rights, civil liberties, and American values. The memorandum also provides examples of ways agencies can reduce barriers to the deployment and use of AI, such as increasing public access to federal data and models. Areas that are defined as falling outside the memorandums scope include the governments own use of AI technologies and the regulation of far-afield AI technologies that could approximate human intelligence.

Read the original here:

The Week of January 13, 2020 - FYI: Science Policy News

Scientific Discovery About the Source of a Key Element of Life Shows Why Sun Worship Is the Most Rational Religion – TheStranger.com

A gas and dust cloud in space... NASA

From Kathrin Altwegg, a member of the research team:

Upon reading about this finding, I recalled many things, one of which was the recent experience of listening to white Christian pop in a New York City bar.

The bar in question is called Forlini's. It's said to be very old and all that. It's comfortable enough. The tuna salad sandwich offered on its menu isn't half bad. But for a reason I could not determine, the bartender (or the owner of the business) chained the bar's radio to a station that played white Christian pop. As I ate and drank white wine, I listened to singer after singer go on and on about a Jesus who can only be described as totalitarian. He made us. He wants all of us.

One singer tried to escape His love but the poor fellow couldn't, and he was eternally thankful that he could not. Another singer claimed that she knew no one else in the whole wide world who was better, more perfect, more amazing than Him. And she was forever grateful for finding and becoming at one with the GOAT. In the throat of another, every atom was used to tell all who could hear that their life had no meaning whatsoever until they totally submitted to His infinite power. There was not a single song on the radio about Jesus's profoundly social message: helping those in need, not judging sinners, loving strangers as you love your family. None of that kind of thing. These singers had one story to tell: He/she was nothing until he/she submitted to the total power of the universe, the son of God.

But if we are to ignore Jesus' social message (a message I totally agree with), and only want to praise an elemental power, a force that is inescapable and fundamental to life itself, it seems to make no sense to sing about the supremacy of Jesus, a political figure (he was crucified not with thieves, but with men who were like him, rebels of the Roman state). These white Christian pop singers should instead be sun worshippers. Their songs are really about the stars, which, as one physicist put it, died (supernova) so that we could be born. Theirs is not the passion of Matthew but Atenism, the religion of ancient Egypt.

From Wikipedia:

The rays of the sun, its brilliant power, its connection with other stars, some of which generated phosphorus during their formation, and others ejected the stuff (the forces) of life across space during an explosion triggered by the final stage of nuclear fusion, iron. The praise songs on the Christian radio station were not about the complexities of social organization, or the struggles of the poor, but the elemental forces of life. That's not what Jesus is about, sorry. That wasn't his racket during his brief "time pan ert." He also, to his credit, didn't care much for miracles. If the primal is what you really want to worship, then turn to the sun and all of those "dishevelled wandering stars."

Read more from the original source:

Scientific Discovery About the Source of a Key Element of Life Shows Why Sun Worship Is the Most Rational Religion - TheStranger.com

What’s the temperature of dark matter? – Futurity: Research News

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Physicists are taking the temperature of dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up about a quarter of our universe.

We have very little idea of what dark matter is, and physicists have yet to detect a dark matter particle. But we do know that the gravity of clumps of dark matter can distort light from distant objects.

Chris Fassnacht, a physics professor at the University of California, Davis, and colleagues are using this distortion, called gravitational lensing, to learn more about the properties of dark matter.

The standard model for dark matter is that it is cold, meaning that the particles move slowly compared to the speed of light, Fassnacht says. This is also tied to the mass of dark matter particles. The lower the mass of the particle, the warmer it is and the faster it will move.

The model of cold (more massive) dark matter holds at very large scales, Fassnacht says, but doesnt work so well on the scale of individual galaxies. Thats led to other models including warm dark matter with lighter, faster-moving particles. Observations have ruled out hot dark matter with particles moving close to the speed of light.

The researchers used gravitational lensing to put a limit on the warmth and therefore the mass of dark matter. They measured the brightness of seven distant gravitationally lensed quasars to look for changes caused by additional intervening blobs of dark matter. Then the team used these results to measure the size of these dark matter lenses.

If dark matter particles are lighter, warmer, and more rapidly moving, then they will not form structures below a certain size, Fassnacht says.

Below a certain size, they would just get smeared out, he says.

The results put a lower limit on the mass of a potential dark matter particle while not ruling out cold dark matter, he says. The teams results represent a major improvement over a previous analysis from 2002 and are comparable to recent results from a team at UCLA.

Fassnacht hopes to continue adding lensed objects to the survey to improve the statistical accuracy.

We need to look at about 50 objects to get a good constraint on how warm dark matter can be, he says.

A paper on the work appears in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Additional coauthors are from UC Davis; the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany; the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK; the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.

The National Science Foundation, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences supported the work.

Source: UC Davis

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What's the temperature of dark matter? - Futurity: Research News

Researchers Have Identified 100 Mysteriously Disappeared Stars in The Night Sky – ScienceAlert

Across the Milky Way there are vacant spaces where a star once brightly shone. Some left clues in a dramatic death, or faded into retirement. Others simply moved into a new neighbourhood.

Not all vacancies have such convenient explanations, though. Some were there one moment and gone the next, inviting speculation over rare types of star death, extreme astrophysics, and, of course advanced alien technology.

By comparing star catalogues dating back to the 1950s with more recent datasets, researchers with the Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations project have identified around 100 bright dots that seem to have vanished without a trace.

The search is an ongoing one for lead researcher Beatriz Villarroel and her colleagues, one that started several years ago as part of a hunt for potential signs of alien intelligence.

"Finding an actually vanishing star or a star that appears out of nowhere! would be a precious discovery and certainly would include new astrophysics beyond the one we know of today,"says Villarroel, a theoretical physicist from Stockholm University.

In an earlier study Villarroel and her team compared the positions of some 10 million objects recorded in the US Naval Observatory Catalogue (USNO) with their counterparts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).

They were left with about 290,000 missing objects, most of which could easily be accounted for on closer inspection. Eventually they found a single star that genuinely seemed to have disappeared, and even that discovery came with lingering doubts.

It was an intriguing find, but hardly constituted compelling evidence of new kinds of astrophysics.

In this latest study they compared 600 million objects in the USNO catalogue with a collection put together by the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARR system.

The naval catalogue spans around 50 years of sky surveys, capturing details of the entire sky in five colours down to a visual magnitude of about 21.The cosmic objects in the Pan-STARR data release include slightly dimmer objects, down to a magnitude of roughly 23 as compared to the SDSS's 22.

Having more stars to compare means potentially more 'missing' stars, while capturing objects of a lower magnitude means making extra sure there's nothing sitting in the star's place.

The comparison revealed 151,193 candidates for missing stars. This number was whittled down to 23,667 possibilities by widening the search field, cutting away stars that seemed to have moved farther than expected.

That short list was visually inspected, excluding around 18,000 images that were messed up by flaws or artefacts. Lastly, the team removed images where the missing star was towards the edge of the field, just to reduce risk of any false positives.

One final sweep using yet another method for comparisons removed other possible flaws in data collection, or unclear results. That left 100 dark shadows where a star once shone.

When a star dies, it usually goes out with a bright shout as a super nova, or quietly fades into a softly glowing ember like a white dwarf. They don't tend to just stop shining.

There could be some clues in the fact that the pool of candidates were in general a little redder in colour than the typical USNO catalogue object, and were generally faster moving. Working it out will take further research.

"We are very excited about following up on the 100 red transients we have found," says Villarroel.

There are plenty of explanations that need exploring before we can be confident this represents anything exotic, something the team hopes to accomplish with citizen science projects.

One possibility is that the object occasionally flares enough to be seen before dimming again a few magnitudes. Another explanation although very unlikely is they're all just scratches after all, and never existed to begin with. It could also be a dull star we assumed was farther away and has just moved too far to be noticed.

A more exciting thought is that a few might be super-rare failed supernovas, forming black holes without the fireworks display. As cool as that would be, it's a stretch to think this would explain all of the observations.

If the disappeared stars turn out to be none of these things, we may need to entertain new physics.

"We believe that they are natural, if somewhat extreme, astrophysical sources," says Martin Lpez Corredoira from the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias in the Canary Islands.

There is that other explanation. The one we'd all like to be true, but can't take seriously until we have a lot more evidence:Aliens could be covering these stars up to absorb their light, converting it into useful energy before shedding it as low grade radiation. Or the initial flares might be short lived, intense signals from alien technology.

In moments like this, we can all let our imaginations run a little wild, even if the researchers are hesitant.

"But we are clear that none of these events have shown any direct signs of being ETI [extra terrestrial intelligence]," says Corredoira.

Which might just be what the aliens want us to think.

This research was published in the Astronomical Journal.

Continued here:

Researchers Have Identified 100 Mysteriously Disappeared Stars in The Night Sky - ScienceAlert

Mysteriously Disappearing Stars Lead to Theories of New Astrophysics and Alien Technologies – Interesting Engineering

Astrophysicists deal with unknown phenomena all the time. One such phenomenon is the case of mysteriously disappearing stars.


Researchers with the "Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations" (VASCO) projecthave identified 100 such stars that once existed and then magically stopped. They did so by comparing catalogs from the 1950s to today's data sets.

"Finding an actually vanishing star - or a star that appears out of nowhere! - would be a precious discovery and certainly would include new astrophysics beyond the one we know of today", said project leader Beatriz Villarroel, Stockholm University and Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias, Spain.

When stars die they either become white dwarfs or supernovas. Stars that don't fit in either of these categories are considered "impossible phenomenon" that could be attributed either to new astrophysics or to alien activity.

Out of 15% of the 150,000 candidate objects in the available data, the researchers have spotted approximately a hundred red transients. "We are very excited about following up on the 100 red transients we have found", said Beatriz Villarroel.

Before you get too excited that these 100 objects may be due to alien activity it should be noted that the researchers discounted that possibility.

"But we are clear that none of these events have shown any direct signs of being ETI. We believe that they are natural, if somewhat extreme, astrophysical sources", said Martin Lpez Corredoira, co-author of the paper, Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias, Spain.

Now, the researchers are seeking help to examine all150,000 candidate objects. Through acitizen science project, they hope to find more information on these anomalies. And who knows with a bit of luck they may actually detect some alien activity.

"We hope to get help from the community to look through the images as a part of a citizen science project," said Lars Mattsson, Stockholm University.

The rest is here:

Mysteriously Disappearing Stars Lead to Theories of New Astrophysics and Alien Technologies - Interesting Engineering

This drone will fly on one of Saturns moons. Heres the woman leading the mission – PBS NewsHour

A billion miles sounds impossibly far, but in planetary terms, You can get there, said Elizabeth Turtle.

In Turtles lifetime, shes seen human technology reach Uranus and Neptune, quick flybys that completely transformed our understanding of the solar system.

Thats why she is leading the hunt for rocks on Titan one of Saturns moons that, surprisingly, could tell us a lot about Earths early days.

Turtle who goes by the nickname Zibi is the principal investigator for NASAs Dragonfly mission, a drone-like vehicle the space agency plans to launch toward Titan in 2026.

The Dragonfly rotorcraft will finally arrive on Titan in 2034, after an eight-year-long voyage from Earth. During its 2.7 year-long baseline mission, it will take advantage of Titans dense atmosphere to travel more than 100 miles almost double the distance traveled by all of the land-based Mars rovers combined. By flying to multiple locations, the mission hopes to collect organic samples from a variety of environments.

Zibi Turtle. Photo by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Titan is one of the many satellites in the outer solar system with an interior water ocean, making it an ideal place to search for elements necessary for the origin of life. Its much colder than our planet, but is chemically similar to early Earth, Turtle said.

Humans have probed Titan in the past. In 2005, the European Space Agency landed on the moon during the Cassini mission, parachuting a camera toward the terrain that took photos during its two-and-a-half-hour descent. With Dragonfly, scientists hope to measure the chemical composition of the moons surface. Theyll look at how Titans atmosphere could affect those chemical compounds to get a better picture of which might be biologically relevant to the development of life.

In an interview with the PBS NewsHour, Turtle, who is also a planetary scientist, discussed the mission and what scientists are hoping to find. (Spoiler alert, it may not be aliens.)

The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Ive always been really interested in astronomy. My dad majored in astronomy. I kind of grew up going out to look at comets and meteor showers and aurora and things like that. Id always had an interest in college. I took a bunch of astrophysics courses and then I started taking planetary science courses. The planets are a little more closer and tangible, you can get there.

At the time, Voyager was making its way out to the Neptune and just the idea of exploration and the sense of how much we were learning in such a short period of time with these Uranus and Neptune flybys, was very quick. The New Horizons flyby took a very short period of time, and yet it completely transforms the understanding of the system.

Zibi Turtle is seen here in front of Yasur Volcano during a 2014 trip to observe and study volcanoes in Vanuatu, an archipelago about 1,000 miles east of Australia. Photo by Zibi Turtle

Its a very exciting field, theres just so much we dont know, and so many things that we have opportunities to learn.

I ended up going to grad school in planetary science and worked with the Galileo mission, studying Io and Europa, both moons of Jupiter. Then I worked with the Cassini mission, studying Titan primarily and some of the other icy satellites in the Saturnian system.

Titan is unique in that its the only moon in the solar system to have a dense atmosphere. This atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, like Earths atmosphere, and then it has methane as its next major constituent. Its so much colder in the outer solar system that the compositions are different, so you get very complex organic molecules. This complex organic matter has had the availability of liquid water in the past. You have all the ingredients we know to be necessary for life on the surface of Titan.

We want to study the pre-biotic chemistry the chemical steps that occurred that may have supported the development of life.

Dragonfly will take samples of Titans surface materials for chemical analysis. Image by NASA

Titan in many ways chemically is similar to early Earth, and so by studying Titan we can get an understanding of what processes may have happened here.

Instead of driving across the surface the way we often do on Mars, we fly from place to place with a rotorcraft. This gives us the ability to get to places over 100 kilometers apart and measure compositions in different environments with different histories.

In the past on Titan, liquid water would have been in contact with this organic material, meaning theres great opportunity for all of this pre-biotic organic synthesis to occur. We really want to understand the results of these chemistry experiments that Titan has been doing for millions of years. Then we want to put that in the context of Titan as a system.

Titan has a much thicker ice crust, but it has this organic material and thats really where the connection to the early Earth comes in.

Titan has a much thicker ice crust, but it has this organic material and thats really where the connection to the early Earth comes in. Its about the only place in the solar system that has this level of chemical complexity in terms of just the size of the carbon molecules on Titan, so its really the only the only parallel to Earth in terms of the chemistry available.

The other thing thats similar to the Earth is that because theres an atmosphere interacting with the surface, the geology is very similar. Not only do you have these similar molecules, but they have processes, like wind and rain, transporting them across the surface and mixing them the same way we have here on earth. There are lakes and seas on Titan of liquid methane instead of water here on earth, Titan being made of water ice instead of silicate rock here on Earth.


We dont have reason to believe life would have developed on Titan. We cant say that it didnt, but its certainly not necessarily something wed expect. The surface temperature on Titan is 94 Kelvin, -290 Fahrenheit. Thats certainly not conducive to life as we know it. Everything is frozen solid at the surface.

We have the capability to make the measurements to detect chemical bio signatures, things like the chiral preferences for the structure of molecules. We do know that water and organic material have been in contact for long periods, but we dont know how long it took life to develop on Earth. We dont even know how long you need.

At this point, given the conditions there, we would be remiss if we didnt if we didnt look.

Hundreds of people are working on all of these projects and coming up with ways to solve challenges, to make things work better. Its a lot of fun. But its more fun when it works. Those are some of the less fun moments of mission or instrument design when you hit challenges that there isnt a way to surmount. Thats where things can be on the more frustrating side.

The exploration is incredibly fun. I remember as a grad student and postdoctoral researcher coming in to work at night when the new images from Galileo of Io were coming back, theres something different every time you look at it. It was spectacular to rush in and pull up the images and see what had happened, what volcanoes had started erupting since the previous flyby.

Zibi Turtle (bottom row, center) poses with the rest of the team from the Dragonfly mission. Image by NASA

That had this human desire to explore, to see whats behind beyond the horizon. This is just looking at all the ways of learning whats beyond the horizon further out in the solar system. Part of the excitement is really learning whats new and seeing what what we havent seen before on other planets and then trying to figure out how it works.

We went from barely knowing what the surface of Titan was like to understanding the geography of Titan, geological processes and how they fit together and how Titan works as a system. Its a huge privilege to be able to participate in that journey. And well be doing the same with the Europa Clipper and with Dragonfly.

Here is the original post:

This drone will fly on one of Saturns moons. Heres the woman leading the mission - PBS NewsHour

Planetary Confusion Why Astronomers Keep Changing What It Means to Be A Planet – Space.com

This article was originally published atThe Conversation.The publication contributed the article to Space.com'sExpert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Christopher Palma, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Students and Teaching Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University

As an astronomer, the question I hear the most is why isn't Pluto a planet anymore? More than 10 years ago, astronomers famously voted to change Pluto's classification. But the question still comes up.

When I am asked directly if I think Pluto is a planet, I tell everyone my answer is no. It all goes back to the origin of the word "planet." It comes from the Greek phrase for "wandering stars." Back in ancient times before the telescope was invented, the mathematician and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy called stars "fixed stars" to distinguish them from the seven wanderers that move across the sky in a very specific way. These seven objects are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

When people started using the word "planet," they were referring to those seven objects. Even Earth was not originally called a planet but the Sun and Moon were.

Since people use the word "planet" today to refer to many objects beyond the original seven, it's no surprise we argue about some of them.

Although I am trained as an astronomer and I studied more distant objects like stars and galaxies, I have an interest in the objects in our Solar System because I teach several classes on planetary science.

The word "planet" is used to describe Uranus and Neptune, which were discovered in 1781 and 1846 respectively, because they move in the same way that the other "wandering stars" move. Like Saturn and Jupiter, if you look at them through a telescope, they appear bigger than stars, so they were recognized to be more like planets than stars.

Not long after the discovery of Uranus, astronomers discovered additional wandering objects these were named Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. At the time they were considered planets, too. Through a telescope they look like pinpoints of light and not disks. With a small telescope, even distant Neptune appears fuzzier than a star. Even though these other, new objects were called planets at first, astronomers thought they needed a different name since they appear more star-like than planet-like.

William Herschel (who discovered Uranus) is often said to have named them "asteroids" which means "star-like," but recently, Clifford Cunningham claimed that the person who coined that name was Charles Burney Jr., a preeminent Greek scholar.

Today, just like the word "planet," we use the word "asteroid" differently. Now it refers to objects that are rocky in composition, mostly found between Mars and Jupiter, mostly irregularly shaped, smaller than planets, but bigger than meteoroids. Most people assume there is a strict definition for what makes an object an asteroid. But there isn't, just like there never was for the word "planet."

In the 1800s the large asteroids were called planets. Students at the time likely learned that the planets were Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, eventually, Neptune. Most books today write that asteroids are different than planets, but there is a debate among astronomers about whether the term "asteroid" was originally used to mean a small type of planet, rather than a different type of object altogether.

These days, scientists consider properties of these celestial objects to figure out whether an object is a planet or not. For example, you might say that shape is important; planets should be mostly spherical, while asteroids can be lumpy. As astronomers try to fix these definitions to make them more precise, we then create new problems. If we use roundness as an important distinction for objects, what should we call moons? Should moons be considered planets if they are round and asteroids if they are not round? Or are they somehow different from planets and asteroids altogether?

I would argue we should again look to how the word "moon" came to refer to objects that orbit planets.

When astronomers talk about the Moon of Earth, we capitalize the word "Moon" to indicate that it's a proper name. That is, the Earth's moon has the name, Moon. For much of human history, it was the only Moon known, so there was no need to have a word that referred to one celestial body orbiting another. This changed when Galileo discovered four large objects orbiting Jupiter. These are now called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, the moons of Jupiter.

This makes people think the technical definition of moon is a satellite of another object, and so we call lots of objects that orbit Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Ida and a large number of other asteroids moons. When you start to look at the variety of moons, some, like Ganymede and Titan, are larger than Mercury. Some are similar in size to the object they orbit. Some are small and irregularly shaped, and some have odd orbits.

So they are not all just like Earth's Moon. If we try to fix the definition for what is a moon and how that differs from a planet and asteroid, we are likely going to have to reconsider the classification of some of these objects, too. You can argue that Titan has more properties in common with the planets than Pluto does, for example. You can also argue that every single particle in Saturn's rings is an individual moon, which would mean that Saturn has billions upon billions of moons.

The most recent naming challenge astronomers face arose when they discovering planets far from our Solar System orbiting around distant stars. These objects have been called extrasolar planets, exosolar planets or exoplanets.

Astronomers are currently searching for exomoons orbiting exoplanets. Exoplanets are being discovered that have properties unlike the planets in our Solar System, so astronomers have started putting them in categories like "hot Jupiter," "warm Jupiter," "super-Earth" and "mini-Neptune."

Ideas for how planets form also suggest that there are planetary objects that have been flung out of orbit from their parent star. This means there are free-floating planets not orbiting any star. Should planetary objects that are flung out of a solar system also get ejected from the elite club of planets?

When I teach, I end this discussion with a recommendation. Rather than arguing over planet, moon, asteroid and exoplanet, I think we need to do what Herschel and Burney did and coin a new word. For now, I use "world" in my class, but I do not offer a rigorous definition of what makes something a world and what does not. Instead, I tell my students that all of these objects are of interest to study.

A lot of people seem to feel that scientists wronged Pluto by changing its classification. I look at it that Pluto was only originally called a planet because of an accident; scientists were looking for planets beyond Neptune, and when they found Pluto they called it a planet, even though its observable properties should have led them to call it an asteroid.

As our understanding of this object has grown, I feel like the evidence now leads me to call Pluto something besides planet. There are other scientists who disagree, feeling Pluto still should be classified as a planet.

But remember: The Greeks started out calling the Sun a planet given how it moved on the sky. We now know that the properties of the Sun show it to belong in a very different category from the planets; it's a star, not a planet. If we can stop calling the Sun a planet, why can't we do the same to Pluto?

This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. Read theoriginal article.

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Planetary Confusion Why Astronomers Keep Changing What It Means to Be A Planet - Space.com

Year in Review: Milestones for Women in Space Through 2019 – News18

On April 10, 2019, a tweet went viral showing computer scientist Katie Bouman and her look of delightful surprise. Bouman was at the helm of the team that developed an algorithm that stitched together images to give the world a very first look at a black hole. The rest is history, still in the making.

Bouman, a graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT-CSAIL), is an assistant professor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Boumans work with the Event Horizon Telescope team and her own CHIRP algorithm, which stands for Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors, was pivotal in the breakthrough that helped create the image of a black hole intergalactic dying stars that many scientists before her deemed impossible to photograph by virtue of their properties. Bouman and her team, had other ideas.

It is this that underlines the grand narrative of women and their roles in space research and astrophysics. The achievement solidified Bouman as a role model in a field that has been typically male dominated for long. Her work and achievements also pay homage to women in space, and their myriad contributions that have helped mankind understand science beyond the times.

NASA astronaut Christina Koch.

Boumans work came right on the back of NASA astronaut Christina Kochs arrival at the International Space Station (ISS). Soon after her arrival, NASA made a milestone announcement by extending Kochs stay aboard the ISS until February 2020. This scheduled her to officially become the longest woman resident in space, wherein she is set to clock 328 days in microgravity. Her stay will come mighty close to the 340 days that fellow NASA astronaut Scott Kelly spent at ISS, and her contribution will be instrumental in our understanding of the effects of long term spaceflight in near-zero gravity conditions.

In India, on July 22, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)s historic Chandrayaan-2 mission took off for the moon. While the mission did not complete its objective due to a part-mission failure with the Vikram lander, ISROs Chandrayaan-2 still played a crucial role in progressing Indias position in global space mission. At its helm were the Rocket Women of India, ISROs project director Muthayya Vanitha, and mission director, Ritu Karidhal. Their tumultuous contributions were a part of Mangalyaan Indias Mars mission, Chandrayaan, and Mission Shakti, Indias own anti-satellite missile test. Karidhal and Vanitha became the face of ISROs achievements while Karidhals 22-year stint at ISRO became widely recognised, Vanitha was named as one of the top five scientists to watch by Nature journal.

ISRO mission director Ritu Karidhal.

Back at NASA, Koch set more records later in 2019 when she, along with new ISS resident Jessica Meir, held the first ever all-female spacewalk on October 18. In her post-spacewalk broadcast back to Earth, Koch stated, We're in sort of a new chapter now where we've crossed that line and two women have done it. Now, hopefully, it will become commonplace and it won't even necessarily be something that's a big deal down the road.

Koch and Meirs contribution to our space research was the first of its kind, but aims to make it regular and natural for more women astronauts to follow. It is this that makes the contributions of Bouman, Koch, Meir and all other women in space research right now so important the ultimate goal, after all, is to not have any notion of gender bias around.

The women that made 2019 the year of women in space also pay homage to astrophysicists, engineers and researchers, dating all the way back to the first Apollo mission in 1969. While progress in this field has not been the fastest, it speaks volumes when one considers that during the iconic Apollo 11 mission, the only woman in the entire team was JoAnn H. Morgan, the only woman in the Apollo mission control room, and the first ever female engineer at NASAs Kennedy Space Center. For India, the image of women researchers celebrating post Chandrayaan-2s successful launch will inspire generations to come.

The trail blazed forth by these women have seen their impact already, in the form of NASA renaming the street in front of their Washington, DC headquarters to Hidden Figures Way in honour of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, women who were pivotal to achievements made in the first Space Race era. NASA further announced the Artemis moon mission for 2024, when the first ever woman is slated to set foot on the moon.

Going forward, 2019 will be remembered as the year when women led mankinds charge towards the unexplored frontiers, bringing mankind closer to reaching for the stars.

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Year in Review: Milestones for Women in Space Through 2019 - News18

The billion-year belch – MIT News

Billions of years ago, in the center of a galaxy cluster far, far away (15 billion light-years, to be exact), a black hole spewed out jets of plasma. As the plasma rushed out of the black hole, it pushed away material, creating two large cavities 180 degrees from each other. In the same way you can calculate the energy of an asteroid impact by the size of its crater, Michael Calzadilla, a graduate student at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI), used the size of these cavities to figure out the power of the black holes outburst.

In a recent paper in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Calzadilla and his coauthors describe the outburst in galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300, or SPT-0528 for short. Combining the volume and pressure of the displaced gas with the age of the two cavities, they were able to calculate the total energy of the outburst. At greater than 1054 joules of energy, a force equivalent to about 1038 nuclear bombs, this is the most powerful outburst reported in a distant galaxy cluster. Coauthors of the paper include MKI research scientist Matthew Bayliss and assistant professor of physics Michael McDonald.

The universe is dotted with galaxy clusters, collections of hundreds and even thousands of galaxies that are permeated with hot gas and dark matter. At the center of each cluster is a black hole, which goes through periods of feeding, where it gobbles up plasma from the cluster, followed by periods of explosive outburst, where it shoots out jets of plasma once it has reached its fill. This is an extreme case of the outburst phase, says Calzadilla of their observation of SPT-0528. Even though the outburst happened billions of years ago, before our solar system had even formed, it took around 6.7 billion years for light from the galaxy cluster to travel all the way to Chandra, NASAs X-ray emissions observatory that orbits Earth.

Because galaxy clusters are full of gas, early theories about them predicted that as the gas cooled, the clusters would see high rates of star formation, which need cool gas to form. However, these clusters are not as cool as predicted and, as such, werent producing new stars at the expected rate. Something was preventing the gas from fully cooling. The culprits were supermassive black holes, whose outbursts of plasma keep the gas in galaxy clusters too warm for rapid star formation.

The recorded outburst in SPT-0528 has another peculiarity that sets it apart from other black hole outbursts. Its unnecessarily large. Astronomers think of the process of gas cooling and hot gas release from black holes as an equilibrium that keeps the temperature in the galaxy cluster which hovers around 18 million degrees Fahrenheit stable. Its like a thermostat, says McDonald. The outburst in SPT-0528, however, is not at equilibrium.

According to Calzadilla, if you look at how much power is released as gas cools onto the black hole versus how much power is contained in the outburst, the outburst is vastly overdoing it. In McDonalds analogy, the outburst in SPT-0528 is a faulty thermostat. Its as if you cooled the air by 2 degrees, and thermostats response was to heat the room by 100 degrees, McDonald explains.

Earlier in 2019, McDonald and colleagues released a paper looking at a different galaxy cluster, one that displays a completely opposite behavior to that of SPT-0528. Instead of an unnecessarily violent outburst, the black hole in this cluster, dubbed Phoenix, isnt able to keep the gas from cooling. Unlike all the other known galaxy clusters, Phoenix is full of young star nurseries, which sets it apart from the majority of galaxy clusters.

With these two galaxy clusters, were really looking at the boundaries of what is possible at the two extremes, McDonald says of SPT-0528 and Phoenix. He and Calzadilla will also characterize the more normal galaxy clusters, in order to understand the evolution of galaxy clusters over cosmic time. To explore this, Calzadilla is characterizing 100 galaxy clusters.

The reason for characterizing such a large collection of galaxy clusters is because each telescope image is capturing the clusters at a specific moment in time, whereas their behaviors are happening over cosmic time. These clusters cover a range of distances and ages, allowing Calzadilla to investigate how the properties of clusters change over cosmic time. These are timescales that are much bigger than a human timescale or what we can observe, explains Calzadilla.

The research is similar to that of a paleontologist trying to reconstruct the evolution of an animal from a sparse fossil record. But, instead of bones, Calzadilla is studying galaxy clusters, ranging from SPT-0528 with its violent plasma outburst on one end to Phoenix with its rapid cooling on the other. Youre looking at different snapshots in time, says Calzadilla. If you build big enough samples of each of those snapshots, you can get a sense how a galaxy cluster evolves.

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Astronomers discover a new exoplanet 66.5 light-years away, making it one of the nearest known to date – MEAWW

Every new planet found orbiting a distant star opens a world of possibilities for astronomers. And a team of scientists has now discovered a rocky exoplanet -- a little bigger than Earth -- which is among the smallest, nearest exoplanets known to date.

The exoplanet -- implying a planet outside our Solar System -- has been dubbed as GJ 1252 b. It is only 66.5 light-years away, orbiting a red dwarf star GJ 1252, according to researchers from the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, among others.

Here we present the discovery of GJ 1252 b, a small planet orbiting an M dwarf. The planet was initially discovered as a transiting planet candidate using TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) data. Based on the TESS data and additional follow-up data, we are able to reject all false positive scenarios, showing it is a real planet. In addition, we were able to obtain a marginal mass measurement, say the researchers in a pre-print version on arXiv, which is operated by Cornell University. The research has also been submitted to the American Astronomical Society.

The Solar System has either small, rocky planets like Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, or much larger planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune that are dominated by gases rather than land, say scientists. The discovery of exoplanets such as GJ 1252 b will enable scientists to better understand the worlds orbiting other stars, as well as study the missing link between rocky Earth-like planets and gas-dominant mini-Neptunes.

The diameter of our galaxy is 100,000 light-years, and our galaxy is just one of the millions of galaxies. So, 66.5 light-years imply that it is one of our neighboring stars, say experts. GJ 1252 was observed by camera 2 of the TESS spacecraft during Sector 13, from June 19, 2019, to July 17, 2019.

NASA describes TESS as the next step in the search for planets outside of our solar system, including those that could support life. TESS -- launched on April 18, 2018, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket -- will survey 200,000 of the brightest stars near the sun to search for transiting exoplanets.

According to the scientists, GJ 1252 b joins a small but growing group of small planets orbiting nearby M dwarf stars. It also joins the group of small planets orbiting at very short periods, commonly called ultra-short periods, or USPs. Experts say that USPs orbital period ranges from about one day down to less than 10 hours, and even as short as about 4 hours, especially around M dwarfs. Planets in this group are believed to have undergone photo-evaporation which removed their atmosphere.

GJ 1252 b joins the short but growing list of small planets orbiting bright and nearby stars discovered by TESS that are amenable to detailed characterization. GJ 1252 is one of the closest planet host stars to the Sun to host a planet with a measured radius. GJ 1252s brightness and the short orbital period (0.518 day, or 12.4 hours) make it a potential target for transmission and emission spectroscopy, which can reveal whether or not the planet has an atmosphere, says the team.

The field of exoplanets has come a long way since the first discoveries at the end of the 20th century. One of the current frontiers in the study of exoplanets is that of small planets, smaller than Neptune and Uranus. However, the number of small planets with a well-measured mass is still small, say experts.

The study of small planets is hampered by the lack of small planets orbiting stars that are bright enough for detailed follow-up investigations. The TESS mission is designed to overcome this problem by detecting transiting planet candidates orbiting bright stars positioned across almost the entire sky. So far, 4,104 exoplanets have been confirmed in our galaxy.

Among those, planet candidates orbiting nearby M dwarf stars present a special opportunity, as their typical high proper motion and small size make it easier to rule out false-positive scenarios. This quickly clears the way for follow-up studies, including mass measurement and atmospheric characterization, says the study.

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Astronomers discover a new exoplanet 66.5 light-years away, making it one of the nearest known to date - MEAWW

Black Holes Were Already Feasting Just 1.5 Billion Years After the Big Bang – Universe Today

Thanks to the vastly improved capabilities of todays telescopes, astronomers have been probing deeper into the cosmos and further back in time. In so doing, they have been able to address some long-standing mysteries about how the Universe evolved since the Big Bang. One of these mysteries is how supermassive black holes (SMBHs), which play a crucial role in the evolution of galaxies, formed during the early Universe.

Using the ESOs Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, an international team of astronomers observed galaxies as they appeared about 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang (ca. 12.5 billion years ago). Surprisingly, they observed large reservoirs of cool hydrogen gas that could have provided a sufficient food source for SMBHs. These results could explain how SMBHs grew so fast during the period known as the Cosmic Dawn.

The team was led by Dr. Emanuele Paolo Farina of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) and the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA). He was joined by researchers from both the MPIA and MPA, the European Southern Observatory (ESO), UC Santa Barbara, the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, the Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory of Bologna, and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPEP).

For decades, astronomers have been studying SMBHs, which exist at the core of most galaxies and are identified by their Active Galatic Nuclei (AGN). These nuclei, which are also known as quasars, can emit more energy and light than the rest of the stars in the galaxy combined. To date, the most distant one observed is ULAS J1342+0928, which is located 13.1 billion light-years away.

Given that the first stars are estimated to have formed just 100,000 years after the Big Bang (ca. 13.8 billion years ago), this means that SMBHs had to have formed quickly from the first stars to die. Until now, though, astronomers had not found dust and gas in high enough quantities during the early Universe to explain this rapid growth.

In addition, previous observations conducted with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) revealed that early galaxies contained a lot of dust and gas, which fueled rapid star formation. These findings indicated that there would not have been much material left over to feed black holes, which only deepened the mystery of how they too grew so rapidly.

To address this, Farina and his colleagues relied on data gathered by the VLTs Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument to survey 31 quasars at a distance of around 12.5 billion light-years (thus observing what they looked like 12.5 billion years ago). This makes their survey one of the largest samples of quasars from this early period of the Universe. What they found were 12 extended and surprisingly dense hydrogen clouds.

These hydrogen clouds were identified by their characteristic glow in UV light. Given the distance and the effect of redshift (where the wavelength of light is stretched due to cosmic expansion), earthbound telescopes perceive the glow as red light. As Farina explained in an MPIA press release:

The most likely explanation for the shining gas is the mechanism of fluorescence. The hydrogen converts the energy-rich radiation of the quasar into light with a specific wavelength, which is noticeable by a glimmer.

The clouds of cool, dense hydrogen which were several billion times the mass of the Sun formed halos around the early galaxies that extended for 100,000 light-years from the central black holes. Ordinarily, detecting such clouds around quasars (which are intensely bright) is rather difficult. But thanks to the sensitivity of the MUSE instrument which Farina described as a game changer the team found them rather quickly.

As Alyssa Drake, a researcher with the MPIA who also contributed to the study, said:

With the current studies, we are only just beginning to investigate how the first supermassive black holes were able to develop so rapidly. But new instruments like MUSE and the future James Webb Space Telescope are helping us to solve these exciting puzzles.

The team found that these gas halos were tightly bound to the galaxies, providing the perfect food source to sustain both rapid star formation and the growth of supermassive black holes. These observations effectively resolve the mystery of how supermassive black holes could exist so early in the history of the Universe. As Farina summarizes it:

We are now able to demonstrate, for the first time, that primordial galaxies do have enough food in their environments to sustain both the growth of supermassive black holes and vigorous star formation. This adds a fundamental piece to the puzzle that astronomers are building to picture how cosmic structures formed more than 12 billion years ago.

In the future, astronomers will have even more sophisticated instruments with which to study galaxies and SMBHs in the early Universe, which should reveal even more details about ancient gas clouds. This includes the ESOs Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), as well as space-based telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

The study that describes the teams findings appeared in the December 20th issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

Further Reading: ESO, MPIA, The Astrophysical Journal

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Black Holes Were Already Feasting Just 1.5 Billion Years After the Big Bang - Universe Today

Astronomers Discovered a New Kind of Explosion That the Sun Can Do – Universe Today

In the course of conducting solar astronomy, scientists have noticed that periodically, the Suns tangled magnetic field lines will snap and then realign. This process is known as magnetic reconnection, where the magnetic topology of a body is rearranged and magnetic energy is converted into kinetic energy, thermal energy, and particle acceleration.

However, while observing the Sun, a team of Indian astronomers recently witnessed something unprecedented a magnetic reconnection that was triggered by a nearby eruption. This observation has confirmed a decade-old theory about magnetic reconnections and external drivers, and could also lead to a revolution in our understanding of space weather and controlled fusion and plasma experiments.

The team responsible for the discovery was led by Abhishek Srivastava, a solar scientist from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), and included astronomers from the University of South Bohemia, the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University, Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, and the Armagh Observatory.

Using data from NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory, Srivastava and his colleagues observed a magnetic explosion unlike any other. It began in the upper reaches of the Suns atmosphere (the corona), where a large loop of material (aka. a prominence) was launched by an eruption from the Suns surface. This loop then began descending back to the surface, but then ran into a mass of entangled field lines, triggering a magnetic explosion.

As Abhishek Srivastava, a solar scientist from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), explained:

This was the first observation of an external driver of magnetic reconnection. This could be very useful for understanding other systems. For example, Earths and planetary magnetospheres, other magnetized plasma sources, including experiments at laboratory scales where plasma is highly diffusive and very hard to control.

In previous cases, magnetic reconnections that were observed on both the Sun and around Earth had been spontaneous in nature. These occur only when conditions are just right in a particular region of the Sun, which includes a thin sheet of ionized gas (aka. plasma) that only conducts electric current but only weakly.

While the possibility of forced reconnections driven by explosions was first theorized 15 years ago, none had ever been seen directly. This type of reconnection can happen in a wider range of places where plasma sheets have even lower resistance to conducting electric current. However, it also requires an eruption to trigger it, which will squeeze the plasma and magnetic fields and cause them to reconnect.

Using the SDO, the team was able to study this plasma by examining the Sun at a wavelength that showed particles heated to between 1 2 million C (1.8 3.6 million F). This allowed them to observe and take images of a forced reconnection event in the solar corona for the first time in history. It began with the prominence in the corona falling back into the photosphere, where it ran into a mess of field lines and reconnected in a distinctive X-shape.

Magnetic reconnections offer a possible explanation for why the Suns corona is actually millions of degrees hotter than the lower atmosphere which has been an enduring mystery for astronomers. To address this, solar scientists have spent decades looking for a possible mechanism that could be responsible for driving this heat.

With this in mind, Srivastava and his team observed the plasma in multiple ultraviolet wavelengths to calculate its temperature after the reconnection event. The data showed that the prominence, which was cooler than the surrounding corona, became hotter after the reconnection event. This suggests that forced reconnection could be responsible for heating the corona locally.

While spontaneous reconnection could still be a contributing factor, forced reconnections appear to be a bigger one, capable of raising plasma temperatures faster, higher, and in a more controlled fashion. In the meantime, Srivastava and his colleagues will continue to look for more forced reconnection events in the hopes of better understanding the mechanics behind them and how often they might happen.

These results could also lead to additional solar research to see if eruption events like flares and coronal mass ejections could also cause forced reconnection. Since these eruptions are the driving force behind space weather, which can wreak havoc on satellites and electronic infrastructure here on Earth, further research into forced reconnection could help lead to better predictive models

These, in turn, would allow for early warnings and preemptive measures to be taken in the event of a flare or ejection. Understanding how magnetic reconnection can be forced by an external driver could also lead to breakthroughs in the lab. This is particularly true of fusion experiments, where scientists are working to figure out how to control streams of super-heated plasma.

Credit: NASA, The Astrophysical Journal

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Astronomers Discovered a New Kind of Explosion That the Sun Can Do - Universe Today

Giant Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy May Have a Friend – Livescience.com

Do supermassive black holes have friends? The nature of galaxy formation suggests that the answer is yes, and in fact, pairs of supermassive black holes should be common in the universe.

I am an astrophysicist and am interested in a wide range of theoretical problems in astrophysics, from the formation of the very first galaxies to the gravitational interactions of black holes, stars and even planets. Black holes are intriguing systems, and supermassive black holes and the dense stellar environments that surround them represent one of the most extreme places in our universe.

The supermassive black hole that lurks at the center of our galaxy, called Sgr A*, has a mass of about 4 million times that of our Sun. A black hole is a place in space where gravity is so strong that neither particles or light can escape from it. Surrounding Sgr A* is a dense cluster of stars. Precise measurements of the orbits of these stars allowed astronomers to confirm the existence of this supermassive black hole and to measure its mass. For more than 20 years, scientists have been monitoring the orbits of these stars around the supermassive black hole. Based on what we've seen, my colleagues and I show that if there is a friend there, it might be a second black hole nearby that is at least 100,000 times the mass of the Sun.

Almost every galaxy, including our Milky Way, has a supermassive black hole at its heart, with masses of millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun. Astronomers are still studying why the heart of galaxies often hosts a supermassive black hole. One popular idea connects to the possibility that supermassive holes have friends.

To understand this idea, we need to go back to when the universe was about 100 million years old, to the era of the very first galaxies. They were much smaller than today's galaxies, about 10,000 or more times less massive than the Milky Way. Within these early galaxies the very first stars that died created black holes, of about tens to thousand the mass of the Sun. These black holes sank to the center of gravity, the heart of their host galaxy. Since galaxies evolve by merging and colliding with one another, collisions between galaxies will result in supermassive black hole pairs the key part of this story. The black holes then collide and grow in size as well. A black hole that is more than a million times the mass of our son is considered supermassive.

If indeed the supermassive black hole has a friend revolving around it in close orbit, the center of the galaxy is locked in a complex dance. The partners' gravitational tugs will also exert its own pull on the nearby stars disturbing their orbits. The two supermassive black holes are orbiting each other, and at the same time, each is exerting its own pull on the stars around it.

The gravitational forces from the black holes pull on these stars and make them change their orbit; in other words, after one revolution around the supermassive black hole pair, a star will not go exactly back to the point at which it began.

Using our understanding of the gravitational interaction between the possible supermassive black hole pair and the surrounding stars, astronomers can predict what will happen to stars. Astrophysicists like my colleagues and me can compare our predictions to observations, and then can determine the possible orbits of stars and figure out whether the supermassive black hole has a companion that is exerting gravitational influence.

Using a well-studied star, called S0-2, which orbits the supermassive black hole that lies at the center of the galaxy every 16 years, we can already rule out the idea that there is a second supermassive black hole with mass above 100,000 times the mass of the Sun and farther than about 200 times the distance between the Sun and the Earth. If there was such a companion, then I and my colleagues would have detected its effects on the orbit of SO-2.

But that doesn't mean that a smaller companion black hole cannot still hide there. Such an object may not alter the orbit of SO-2 in a way we can easily measure.

Supermassive black holes have gotten a lot of attention lately. In particular, the recent image of such a giant at the center of the galaxy M87 opened a new window to understanding the physics behind black holes.

The proximity of the Milky Way's galactic center a mere 24,000 light-years away provides a unique laboratory for addressing issues in the fundamental physics of supermassive black holes. For example, astrophysicists like myself would like to understand their impact on the central regions of galaxies and their role in galaxy formation and evolution. The detection of a pair of supermassive black holes in the galactic center would indicate that the Milky Way merged with another, possibly small, galaxy at some time in the past.

That's not all that monitoring the surrounding stars can tell us. Measurements of the star S0-2 allowed scientists to carry out a unique test of Einstein's general theory of relativity. In May 2018, S0-2 zoomed past the supermassive black hole at a distance of only about 130 times the Earth's distance from the Sun. According to Einstein's theory, the wavelength of light emitted by the star should stretch as it climbs from the deep gravitational well of the supermassive black hole.

The stretching wavelength that Einstein predicted which makes the star appear redder was detected and proves that the theory of general relativity accurately describes the physics in this extreme gravitational zone. I am eagerly awaiting the second closest approach of S0-2, which will occur in about 16 years, because astrophysicists like myself will be able to test more of Einstein's predictions about general relativity, including the change of the orientation of the stars' elongated orbit. But if the supermassive black hole has a partner, this could alter the expected result.

Finally, if there are two massive black holes orbiting each other at the galactic center, as my team suggests is possible, they will emit gravitational waves. Since 2015, the LIGO-Virgo observatories have been detecting gravitational wave radiation from merging stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars. These groundbreaking detections have opened a new way for scientists to sense the universe.

Any waves emitted by our hypothetical black hole pair will be at low frequencies, too low for the LIGO-Virgo detectors to sense. But a planned space-based detector known as LISA may be able to detect these waves which will help astrophysicists figure out whether our galactic center black hole is alone or has a partner.

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This article was originally published atThe Conversation.The publication contributed the article to Live Science'sExpert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

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Giant Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy May Have a Friend - Livescience.com

Astronomers Map the Surface of a Pulsar – Universe Today

When stars exhaust their supply of fuel, they collapse under their own weight and explode, blowing off their outer layers in an event known as a supernova. In some cases, these events leave behind neutron stars, the smallest and densest of stellar objects (with the exception of certain theoretical stars) that sometimes spin rapidly. Pulsars, a class of neutron star, can spin up to several hundred times per second.

One such object, designated J0030+0451 (J0030), is located about 1,100 light-years from Earth in the Pisces constellation. Recently, scientists using NASAs Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) were able to measure the pulsars size and mass. In the process, they also managed to locate the various hot spots on its surface, effectively creating the first map of a neutron star.

Since 2017, NICER has been conducting observations from the International Space Station (ISS) for the purpose of creating of learning what goes on inside a neutron star. In addition to providing high-precision measurements of neutron stars and other super-dense objects, the data it collects will also be used to create an X-ray map of the cosmos and to test pulsars as a possible navigation beacon.

As Paul Hertz, the director of NASAs astrophysics division, said in a recent NASA press release:

From its perch on the space station, NICER is revolutionizing our understanding of pulsars. Pulsars were discovered more than 50 years ago as beacons of stars that have collapsed into dense cores, behaving unlike anything we see on Earth. With NICER we can probe the nature of these dense remnants in ways that seemed impossible until now.

For decades, scientists have been studying pulsars in the hopes of getting a better understanding of their inner workings. According to the simplest model, pulsars have incredibly powerful magnetic fields shaped like a dipole magnet. Combined with the pulsars rotation, this causes particles from its surface to be focused into tight beams emitted from the poles. This creates a strong strobing effect that resembles a lighthouse to observers.

This effect leads to variations in the pulsars brightness (in the X-ray wavelength), which astronomers have observed in the past. At the same time, astronomers have also observed hotspots on the surface of pulsars, which are the result of their magnetic fields ripping particles from the surface and accreting them around the poles. While the entire surface glows brightly in X-rays, these hot spots glow brighter.

However, the new NICER studies of J0030 (a millisecond pulsar that revolves 205 times per second) showed that pulsars arent that simple. Using NICER data obtained from July 2017 to December 2018, two groups of scientists mapped out the hotspots on J0030 and came to similar conclusions about its mass and size.

The first team was led by Thomas Riley and his supervisor Anna Watts, a doctoral student in computational astrophysics and a professor of astrophysics (respectively) at the University of Amsterdam. To recreate the X-ray signals they observed, Riley and his colleagues conducted simulations of overlapping circles of different sizes and temperatures using the Dutch national supercomputer Cartesius.

In addition to determining that J0030 is around 1.3 Solar masses and 25.4 km (15.8 mi) wide, they identified two hot spots one small and circular, the other long and crescent-shaped. The second team, led by astronomy professor Cole Miller of the University of Maryland, conducted similar simulations using UMDs Deepthought2 supercomputer.

They found that J0030 is 1.4 Solar masses, measures 26 km (16.2 mi) wide, and came up with two solutions for hotspots. In the first, they identified two possible hotspots, one of which has two ovals that closely matches the results of Rileys team. In the second, they found a possible third hotspot located around the pulsars southern rotational pole.

As Riley explained, these results revealed a great deal about J0030 and other pulsars:

When we first started working on J0030, our understanding of how to simulate pulsars was incomplete, and it still is. But thanks to NICERs detailed data, open-source tools, high-performance computers and great teamwork, we now have a framework for developing more realistic models of these objects.

As predicted by Einsteins General Theory of Relativity, a pulsar is so dense that its gravity warps the very fabric of space-time around it. The effect is so pronounced that light coming from the side facing away from the observer is bent and redirected towards them. This makes the star look bigger than it really is and means that hot spots dont disappear entirely when they rotate away from the observer.

Thanks to NICERs precision, which is about 20 times that of previous instruments, astronomers are able to measure the arrival of each X-ray from a pulsar to better than a hundred nanoseconds. From Earth, the two teams had a clear view of J0030s northern hemisphere and expected to find one hotspot there. Instead, they identified up to three, all of which were located in the southern hemisphere.

As Miller explained, these observations would not have been possible without NICERs precision:

NICERs unparalleled X-ray measurements allowed us to make the most precise and reliable calculations of a pulsars size to date, with an uncertainty of less than 10%. The whole NICER team has made an important contribution to fundamental physics that is impossible to probe in terrestrial laboratories.

This constitutes the first case of astronomers mapping out the surface of a pulsar, and the results indicate that their magnetic fields are more complicated than the traditional dipole model would suggest. While scientists have yet to determine why J0030s spots are arranged and shaped the way they are, these findings indicate that these answers could be within reach.

Even more impressive is the fact that two teams arrived at similar findings independently of one another. As Zaven Arzoumanian, the NICER science lead at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center, expressed:

Its remarkable, and also very reassuring, that the two teams achieved such similar sizes, masses and hot spot patterns for J0030 using different modeling approaches. It tells us NICER is on the right path to help us answer an enduring question in astrophysics: What form does matter take in the ultra-dense cores of neutron stars?

As part of the Astrophysics Mission of Opportunity element of NASAs Explorers program, NICERs main scientific objective is to precisely measure the size and mass of several pulsars. This information will yield valuable clues as to what transpires within their interiors, where matter is compressed to densities that are impossible to simulate in laboratories here on Earth.

This information will also help advance astronomers understanding of black holes and other super-dense objects. The analysis of the NICER observations of J0030 has already led to a series of papers that are featured in a focus issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Be sure to check out this video that explains the researchers findings as well, courtesy of the NASA Goddard:

Further Reading: NASA

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See the rest here:

Astronomers Map the Surface of a Pulsar - Universe Today

Black Holes’ Breakfast at the Cosmic Dawn Revealed by VLT [Video] – SciTechDaily

This illustration depicts a gas halo surrounding a quasar in the early Universe. The quasar, in orange, has two powerful jets and a supermassive black hole at its center, which is surrounded by a dusty disc. The gas halo of glowing hydrogen gas is represented in blue.A team of astronomers surveyed 31 distant quasars, seeing them as they were more than 12.5 billion years ago, at a time when the Universe was still an infant, only about 870 million years old. They found that 12 quasars were surrounded by enormous gas reservoirs: halos of cool, dense hydrogen gas extending 100 000 light-years from the central black holes and with billions of times the mass of the Sun. These gas stashes provide the perfect food source to sustain the growth of supermassive black holes in the early Universe.Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser

Astronomers using ESOs Very Large Telescope have observed reservoirs of cool gas around some of the earliest galaxies in the Universe. These gas halos are the perfect food for supermassive black holes at the center of these galaxies, which are now seen as they were over 12.5 billion years ago. This food storage might explain how these cosmic monsters grew so fast during a period in the Universes history known as the Cosmic Dawn.

We are now able to demonstrate, for the first time, that primordial galaxies do have enough food in their environments to sustain both the growth of supermassive black holes and vigorous star formation, says Emanuele Paolo Farina, of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, who led the research published today in The Astrophysical Journal. This adds a fundamental piece to the puzzle that astronomers are building to picture how cosmic structures formed more than 12 billion years ago.

Astronomers have wondered how supermassive black holes were able to grow so large so early on in the history of the Universe. The presence of these early monsters, with masses several billion times the mass of our Sun, is a big mystery, says Farina, who is also affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching bei Mnchen. It means that the first black holes, which might have formed from the collapse of the first stars, must have grown very fast. But, until now, astronomers had not spotted black hole food gas and dust in large enough quantities to explain this rapid growth.

To complicate matters further, previous observations with ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, revealed a lot of dust and gas in these early galaxies that fuelled rapid star formation. These ALMA observations suggested that there could be little left over to feed a black hole.

To solve this mystery, Farina and his colleagues used the MUSE instrument on ESOs Very Large Telescope (VLT) in the Chilean Atacama Desert to study quasars extremely bright objects powered by supermassive black holes which lie at the center of massive galaxies. The study surveyed 31 quasars that are seen as they were more than 12.5 billion years ago, at a time when the Universe was still an infant, only about 870 million years old. This is one of the largest samples of quasars from this early on in the history of the Universe to be surveyed.

This image shows one of the gas halos newly observed with the MUSE instrument on ESOs Very Large Telescope superimposed to an older image of a galaxy merger obtained with ALMA. The large-scale halo of hydrogen gas is shown in blue, while the ALMA data is shown in orange.The halo is bound to the galaxy, which contains a quasar at its center. The faint, glowing hydrogen gas in the halo provides the perfect food source for the supermassive black hole at the center of the quasar.The objects in this image are located at redshift 6.2, meaning they are being seen as they were 12.8 billion years ago. While quasars are bright, the gas reservoirs around them are much harder to observe. But MUSE could detect the faint glow of the hydrogen gas in the halos, allowing astronomers to finally reveal the food stashes that power supermassive black holes in the early Universe.Credit: ESO/Farina et al.; ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Decarli et al.

The astronomers found that 12 quasars were surrounded by enormous gas reservoirs: halos of cool, dense hydrogen gas extending 100,000 light years from the central black holes and with billions of times the mass of the Sun. The team, from Germany, the US, Italy and Chile, also found that these gas halos were tightly bound to the galaxies, providing the perfect food source to sustain both the growth of supermassive black holes and vigorous star formation.

The research was possible thanks to the superb sensitivity of MUSE, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer, on ESOs VLT, which Farina says was a game changer in the study of quasars. In a matter of a few hours per target, we were able to delve into the surroundings of the most massive and voracious black holes present in the young Universe, he adds. While quasars are bright, the gas reservoirs around them are much harder to observe. But MUSE could detect the faint glow of the hydrogen gas in the halos, allowing astronomers to finally reveal the food stashes that power supermassive black holes in the early Universe.

In the future, ESOs Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) will help scientists reveal even more details about galaxies and supermassive black holes in the first couple of billion years after the Big Bang. With the power of the ELT, we will be able to delve even deeper into the early Universe to find many more such gas nebulae, Farina concludes.This research is presented in a paper to appear in The Astrophysical Journal.

The team is composed of Emanuele Paolo Farina (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy [MPIA], Heidelberg, Germany and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics [MPA], Garching bei Mnchen, Germany), Fabrizio Arrigoni-Battaia (MPA), Tiago Costa (MPA), Fabian Walter (MPIA), Joseph F. Hennawi (MPIA and Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, US [UCSB Physics]), Anna-Christina Eilers (MPIA), Alyssa B. Drake (MPIA), Roberto Decarli (Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory of Bologna, Italian National Institute for Astrophysics [INAF], Bologna, Italy), Thales A. Gutcke (MPA), Chiara Mazzucchelli (European Southern Observatory, Vitacura, Chile), Marcel Neeleman (MPIA), Iskren Georgiev (MPIA), Eduardo Baados (MPIA), Frederick B. Davies (UCSB Physics), Xiaohui Fan (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, US [Steward]), Masafusa Onoue (MPIA), Jan-Torge Schindler (MPIA), Bram P. Venemans (MPIA), Feige Wang (UCSB Physics), Jinyi Yang (Steward), Sebastian Rabien (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching bei Mnchen, Germany), and Lorenzo Busoni (INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy).

Here is the original post:

Black Holes' Breakfast at the Cosmic Dawn Revealed by VLT [Video] - SciTechDaily

Scientists Spot Ancient Star Burst in Milky Way’s Heart in Stunning New Image – Space.com

Astronomers gazing into the heart of the Milky Way have discovered new clues about our galaxy's dramatic past.

Using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) array in Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers created a high-resolution image of our galaxy's center. The new observations revealed a burst of new star formation in the Milky Way's early years that was so intense, it led to more than 100,000 supernovas, or exploding stars.

"Our unprecedented survey of a large part of the Galactic centre has given us detailed insights into the formation process of stars in this region of the Milky Way," Rainer Schdel, a researcher with the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA) in Granada, Spain, who led the observations, said in a statement.

Video: See the Milky Way's Central Region in Incredible VLT ViewRelated: Our Milky Way Galaxy's Core Revealed (Photos)

An image of the central region of the Milky Way galaxy as seen by the HAWK-I instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope.

An annotated version of the image highlights different features in the central region of the Milky Way.

"Contrary to what had been accepted up to now, we found that the formation of stars has not been continuous," Francisco Nogueras-Lara, who led two new studies based on these observations of the Milky Way central region at IAA, said in the same statement.

One of the studies, which was published today (Dec. 16) in the journal Nature Astronomy, found that about 80% of the stars in the core of the Milky Way formed between 8 billion and 13.5 billion years ago. For comparison, scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy is about 13.6 billion years old.

"This initial period of star formation was followed by about six billion years during which very few stars were born," ESO officials said in the statement. "This was brought to an end by an intense burst of star formation around one billion years ago when, over a period of less than 100 million years, stars with a combined mass possibly as high as a few tens of million suns formed in this central region."

Video: Milky Way Galaxy's Central Region - Very Large Telescope Zoom-In

"The conditions in the studied region during this burst of activity must have resembled those in 'starburst' galaxies, which form stars at rates of more than 100 solar masses per year," said Nogueras-Lara, who is now based at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.

Researchers captured these images using an instrument on VLT called HAWK-I, a wide-field imager that observes the sky in near-infrared wavelengths, which allows it to "see" through dense clouds of interstellar dust and gas. The HAWK-I instrument allowed researchers to capture this stunning new view of the Milky Way, which was first published in October in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Email Hanneke Weitering at hweitering@space.com or follow her @hannekescience. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

Original post:

Scientists Spot Ancient Star Burst in Milky Way's Heart in Stunning New Image - Space.com

A Life Unfinished: Stephen Hawkings Estate Just Revealed The Genius Astrophysicist Died With Only 91% Completion For The Witcher 3 – The Onion

When Stephen Hawking passed away almost three years ago, he left behind a legacy of revolutionary thinking in astrophysics and a life story that would inspire pretty much anyone. But according to a recent statement from the Stephen Hawking Foundation, theres one way the geniuss legacy was also sadly incomplete: He passed away with a mere 91% completion rating for CD Projekt Reds The Witcher 3.

For Stephen Hawkings admirers, knowing the inspirational figure came up short in the 2013 RPG classic seeking out some Places of Power and rare Gwent cards goes to show that even great geniuses struggle to finish everything before their time is up.

Now, none of this is to understate the scope of what Hawking did in his lifetime: Its an incredible accomplishment just to get this far in The Witcher 3 when most novice gamers simply push through the games main story arcs while brushing aside the majority of Witcher contracts and side missions. In fact, whats most tragic about all of this is realizing that the author of Brief History Of Time finished both the Of Swords and Dumpling and Master Armourers side quests without ever uncovering most of the games Bear Armor diagrams.

Its heartbreaking to imagine how unfulfilled Hawking must have felt as he took his final breath knowing full well that there was a small corner of the Skellige Islands mountainside that he hadnt yet explored. It was probably a small solace to know that he had overcome debilitating ALS to inspire millions worldwide while transforming astrophysics with his prediction that black holes emit radiation, especially given that his place in history would forever be haunted by that 9% of The Witcher 3s rich world that he had failed to fully explore.

In a press statement, Hawkings estate stressed that the famous physicist had been committed to maxing out Geralt during his life, spending hours every night in his Cambridge study and often prioritizing game sessions over family responsibilities and research into black-body radiation. In fact, in the months leading up to his death, Hawking apparently became obsessed with finding a way to retry the failed Cave of Dreams quest, unwilling to accept that this one misstep on his Death March difficulty playthrough would forever cost him completion perfection.

Its sad to say, but many gamers will no doubt question what they ever found inspiring about Hawkings life story now that they know he came up short in parts of the Novigrad fistfight circuit.

Thankfully, the late science icons foundation appears to be taking these concerns seriously and has already announced plans to spend $3.5 million setting up a charitable foundation to help kids around the world attain a 100% rating in CD Projekt Reds upcoming Cyberpunk 2077. Heres hoping that means no one will ever have to experience the searing disappointment Stephen Hawking must have felt at the end of his life.

Read more from the original source:

A Life Unfinished: Stephen Hawkings Estate Just Revealed The Genius Astrophysicist Died With Only 91% Completion For The Witcher 3 - The Onion

Is the decade really over at the end of 2019? – WPIX 11 New York

With 2020 fast approaching, and as happens with any year that ends in "0," people around the world are planning to celebrate the New Year with extra gusto.

News outlets are publishing end of decade retrospectives. Magazines and podcasts are compiling the best songs, movies, and TV shows of the decade. Dads across the country are preparing a joke they've waited 10 years to use.

But is it all premature?

In recent weeks, a vocal minority of people on social media have argued that the new decade doesn't start in 2020 but in 2021. And according to the New York Times, they might be right.

The Times reports that in 1999, Geoff Chester, an astronomer and a public affairs officer at the Naval Observatory, stated that the new millennium began in 2001. Chester explained that the Observatory uses a modified Julian date to tell time, and the calendar states that new decades begin on years ending in "1."

That stems from the work of a monk named Dionysius Exiguus, who in 525 devised the A.D. system to record the number of years since Jesus was born. Because Exiguus began his calendar with the birth of Jesus at year 1, it followed that all new decades began with years ending in "1."

The Naval Observatory's master clock keeps precise time for the Department of Defense. It also governors the times for satellites and all Apple products, including iPhones. So obviously, the Observatory's ruling has plenty of clout.

But it's not quite that simple. Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, a curator in the department of astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History, told the Times that it's simply a consensus to recognize decades from years that end in "0" to years that end in "9." In fact, citing popular opinion, Merriam-Webster dictionary says the new decade does, in fact, begin in 2020.

So, go ahead and celebrate the end of the new decade on Dec. 31. Just don't expect to win any online arguments.

Alex Hider is a writer for the E.W. Scripps National Desk. Follow him on Twitter @alexhider.

Read more here:

Is the decade really over at the end of 2019? - WPIX 11 New York

A spotters guide to the Milky Ways most badly behaved stars – New Scientist

There are around a hundred billion stars in the Milky Way, and most are rather humdrum but the oddballs are so strange that they challenge our understanding of physics

By Stuart Clark

WITH hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone, you would expect a few oddballs and you would be right. Stars do follow a more or less set life path, determined by their mass. But we are increasingly finding that the details of those lives can diverge more than we ever imagined. In some cases, we are discovering stellar characteristics and habits so outlandish that they challenge our understanding of physics.

From a cannibalistic star to one that makes impossible elements and another that refuses to die, here is our introduction to some of the strangest stars in the universe.

Our galaxy is leaking stars. That is the only conclusion astronomers have been able to draw from the discovery of a few dozen stars travelling so fast that not even the gravity of the Milky Way can hold on to them. The record holder is S5-HVS1, which clocks in at 1700 kilometres per second so fast that it has already broken out into the lonely reaches of intergalactic space. But how has an enormous ball of gas accelerated to such a speed?


When Warren Brown at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics identified the first hypervelocity star in 2005, it appeared to have come from the centre of the galaxy. That pointed the finger at the supermassive black hole there. Browns calculations showed that if a pair of stars passed close enough, the black hole would snatch hold of one of them and shoot the other off into space.

The plot thickened

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A spotters guide to the Milky Ways most badly behaved stars - New Scientist