A New Experiment in the Search for Theorized Neutrinoless Process – ScienceBlog.com

Nuclear physicists affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energys Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) played a leading role in analyzing data for a demonstration experiment that has achieved record precision for a specialized detector material.

TheCUPID-Moexperiment is among a field of experiments that are using a variety of approaches to detect a theorized particle process, called neutrinoless double-beta decay, that could revise our understanding of ghostly particles called neutrinos, and of their role in the formation of the universe.

Thepreliminary resultsfrom the CUPID-Mo experiment, based on the Berkeley Lab-led analysis of data collected from March 2019 to April 2020, set a new world-leading limit for the neutrinoless double-beta decay process in an isotope of molybdenum known as Mo-100. Isotopes are forms of an element that carry a different number of uncharged particles called neutrons in their atomic nuclei.

The new result sets the limit on the neutrinoless double-beta decay half-life in Mo-100 at 1.4 times a trillion-trillion years (thats 14 followed by 23 zeros), which is a 30% improvement in sensitivity over theNeutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory 3 (NEMO 3), a previous experiment that operated at the same site from 2003-2011 and also used Mo-100. A half-life is the time it takes for a radioactive isotope to shed half of its radioactivity.

The neutrinoless double-beta decay process is theorized to be very slow and rare, and not a single event was detected in CUPID-Mo after one year of data-taking.

While both experiments used Mo-100 in their detector arrays, NEMO 3 used a foil form of the isotope while CUPID-Mo used a crystal form that produces flashes of light in certain particle interactions.

Larger experiments that use different detector materials and that operate for longer periods of time have achieved greater sensitivity, though the reported early success of CUPID-Mo sets the stage for a planned successor experiment called CUPID with a detector array that will be 100 times larger.

Berkeley Labs contributions to CUPID-Mo

No experiment has yet confirmed whether the neutrinoless process exists. Existence of this process would confirm that neutrinos serve as their own antiparticles, and such proof would also help explain why matter won out over antimatter in our universe.

All of the data from the CUPID-Mo experiment the CUPID acronym stands for CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification, and Mo is for the molybdenum contained in the detector crystal is transmitted from Modane Underground Laboratory (Laboratoire souterrain de Modane) in France to theCorisupercomputer at Berkeley LabsNational Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.

Benjamin Schmidt, a postdoctoral researcher in Berkeley Labs Nuclear Science Division,led the overall data analysis effortfor the CUPID-Mo result, and was supported by a team of Berkeley Lab-affiliated researchers and other members of the international collaboration.

Berkeley Lab also contributed 40 sensors that enabled readout of signals picked up by CUPID-Mos 20-crystal detector array. The array was supercooled to about 0.02 kelvin, or minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit, to maintain its sensitivity. Its cylindrical crystals contain lithium, oxygen, and the isotope Mo-100, and produce tiny flashes of light in particle interactions.

The international effort to produce the CUPID-Mo result is remarkable, Schmidt said, given the context of the global pandemic that had cast uncertainty over the continuing operation of the experiment.

For a while it looked like we would have to shut down the CUPID-Mo experiment prematurely due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe at the beginning of March and the associated difficulties in supplying the experiment with required cryogenic liquids, he said.

He added, Despite this uncertainty and the changes associated with the closure of office spaces and schools, as well as restricted access to the underground laboratory, our collaborators made every effort to keep the experiment running through the pandemic.

Schmidt credited the efforts of the data-analysis group that he led for finding a way to work from home and produce the results from the experiment in time to present them atNeutrino 2020, a virtual International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Members of the CUPID-Mo collaboration are planning to submit the results for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal.

Tuning up ultrasensitive detectors

A particular challenge in the data analysis, Schmidt said, was in ensuring that the detectors were properly calibrated to record the extremely elusive set of events that are predicted to be associated with a signal of neutrinoless double-beta decay.

The neutrinoless decay process is expected to generate a very-high-energy signal in the CUPID-Mo detector and a flash of light. The signal, because it is at such a high energy, is expected to be free from interference by natural sources of radioactivity.

To test CUPID-Mos response to high-energy signals, researchers had placed other sources of high-energy signals, including Tl-208, a radioactive isotope of thallium, near the detector array. The signals generated by the decay of this isotope are at a high energy, but not as high as the energy predicted to be associated with the neutrinoless decay process in Mo-100, if it exists.

Hence, a big challenge was to convince ourselves that we can calibrate our detectors with common sources, in particular Tl-208, Schmidt said, and then extrapolate the detector response to our signal region and properly account for the uncertainties in this extrapolation.

To further improve the calibration with high-energy signals, nuclear physicists used Berkeley Labs 88-Inch Cyclotron to produce a wire containing Co-56, an isotope of cobalt that has a low level of radioactivity, as soon as the cyclotron reopened last month following a temporary shutdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The wire has been shipped to France for testing with the CUPID-Mo detector array.

Preparing for next-gen experiment in Italy

While CUPID-Mo may now lag behind the sensitivity in measurements achieved by some other experiments that are larger, use different detector techniques and materials, and have had more time to gather data, Schmidt noted: With the full CUPID experiment, which will use about 100 times more Mo-100, and with 10 years of operation, we have excellent prospects for the search and potential discovery of neutrinoless double-beta decay.

CUPID-Mo was installed at the site of theEdelweiss IIIdark matter search experiment in a tunnel more than a mile deep in France, near the Italian border, and uses some Edelweiss III components. CUPID, meanwhile, is proposed to replace theCUOREneutrinoless double-beta decay search experiment at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy. While CUPID-Mo contains just 20 detector crystals, CUPID would contain more than 1,500.

After CUORE finishes data-taking in two or three years, the CUPID detector could take four or five years to build, said Yury Kolomensky, U.S. spokesperson for the CUORE collaboration and senior faculty scientist at Berkeley Lab, which is leading CUOREs U.S. collaboration. CUPID would be a relatively modest upgrade in terms of cost and technical challenges, but it will be a significant improvement in terms of sensitivity.

Physics data-taking for CUPID-Mo wrapped up June 22, and new data that werent considered in the latest result represent about a 20% to 30% growth in overall data. CUPID-Mo is supported by a group of French laboratories, and by laboratories in the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, Italy, China, and Germany.

NERSC is a DOE Office of Science user facility.

TheCUPID-Mo collaborationbrings together researchers from 27 institutions, including the French laboratories Irfu/CEA and IJCLab in Orsay; IP2I in Lyon; and Institut Nel and SIMaP in Grenoble, as well as institutions in the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, Italy, China, and Germany.

The experiment is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Sciences Office of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley Research Computing program, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, IDEATE International Associated Laboratory (LIA), Russian Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Science Foundation, the France-Berkeley Fund, the MISTI-France fund, and the Office for Science & Technology of the Embassy of France in the U.S.


A new world-leading limit for neutrinoless double-beta decay set by the CUPID-Mo experiment to determine the nature of the neutrino, Frances CEA, June 28, 2020.

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A New Experiment in the Search for Theorized Neutrinoless Process - ScienceBlog.com

From the Moon to Mars: China’s march across space – Livemint

China is among a trio of nations, with the United Arab Emirates and the United States, sending a mission to the Red Planet this month, as Mars is closest to Earth during this period.

Beijing's space programme has made huge strides in recent years as it scrambles to compete with the US.

Here are five things to know about the programme:

'Questions to Heaven'

China's Mars probe will lift off between July 20 and 25 from the southern island of Hainan.

The mission has been dubbed Tianwen-1 (Questions to Heaven) in a nod to a classical Chinese poem that has verses about the cosmos.

The probe aims to go into Martian orbit, land on the planet and release a small, remote-controlled robot to conduct research.

The craft will travel at least 55 million kilometres (34 million miles) to reach its destination. It will arrive seven months after launch, in February, according to an official.

Without Russia this time

It's not China's first attempt to go to Mars. A previous mission with Russia in 2011 failed because the Russian launcher was unable to get into a transfer orbit to slingshot towards the Red Planet.

The hardware partially disintegrated as it crashed back to Earth.

Following that failure, Beijing decided to try again on its own.

"Its purposes are not different from those of other countries: develop the capability, explore the universe, invest on future resource, and finally, create political influence and national prestige," Chen Lan, an independent analyst at GoTaikonauts.com, which specialises in news about China's space programme, told AFP.

Remote-controlled robot

China's space programme is controlled by the military, which releases little information about its missions.

But Chinese space bloggers with inside information say the robot will have six wheels and four solar panels, with a total weight of 200 kilograms (about 90 pounds).

The rover will roam Mars for three months, according to Sun Zezhou, chief engineer of the probe.

The machine is supposed to analyse the planet's soil and atmosphere, take photos, chart maps and look for signs of past life.

Jade Rabbit

China has already sent two rovers to the Moon, Jade Rabbit One and Two (Yutu in Chinese), in 2013 and 2019.

The second rover made a historic landing on the far side of the Moon, making China the first country to do so.

"The lunar Yutu rovers are good practice in many ways for a Martian rover. The terrain is broadly similar," Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told AFP.

But the distance from Earth means that communication will be slower, McDowell said, adding that the risk of problems increases with such a long trip.

- Space race -

China has poured billions of dollars into its space programme to catch up with the US, Russia and Europe.

China became the third nation after the US and Russia to send a human into space in 2003.

It has sent a slew of satellites into orbit, completing a constellation of them in June to set up its own navigation system, Beidou, which will rival the US GPS system.

The Asian powerhouse plans to assemble a space station by 2022, giving it a permanent foothold in orbit.

And China is aiming even higher, hoping to become only the second nation to send humans to the Moon a decade from now.

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From the Moon to Mars: China's march across space - Livemint

Global Optical Telescope Market Insights And Extensive Research (2020-2025) : Celestron, Meade, Vixen Optics, TAKAHASHI, ASTRO-PHYSICS, Bushnell,…

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This report presents a detailed study of the global market for Optical Telescope by evaluating the growth drivers, restraining factors, and opportunities at length. The examination of the prominent trends, driving forces, and the challenges assist the market participants and stakeholders to understand the issues they will have to face while operating in the worldwide market for Optical Telescope in the long run.

The study offers the major key aspects related to industry driving factors, opportunities, challenges, market threats, restraints, new product launch, geographical analysis and competitive tactics developed by key players in the competitive market. Crucial players are analyzed Celestron, Meade, Vixen Optics, TAKAHASHI, ASTRO-PHYSICS, Bushnell, Bresser and more along with their product portfolio, market share, and other details.

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Global Optical Telescope Market Insights And Extensive Research (2020-2025) : Celestron, Meade, Vixen Optics, TAKAHASHI, ASTRO-PHYSICS, Bushnell,...

Astrophysicists May Have Discovered the Hidden Source of Mysterious Cosmic Neutrinos Seen on Earth – SciTechDaily

NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of Galaxy NGC 1068 with its active black hole shown as an illustration in the zoomed-in inset. A new model suggests that the corona around such supermassive black holes could be the source of high-energy cosmic neutrinos observed by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Excess neutrinos and missing gamma rays? Coronae of supermassive black holes may be the hidden sources of mysterious cosmic neutrinos seen on Earth.

The origin of high-energy cosmic neutrinos observed by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, whose detector is buried deep in the Antarctic ice, is an enigma that has perplexed physicists and astronomers. A new model could help explain the unexpectedly large flux of some of these neutrinos inferred by recent neutrino and gamma-ray data. A paper by Penn State researchers describing the model, which points to the supermassive black holes found at the cores of active galaxies as the sources of these mysterious neutrinos, appears June 30, 2020 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Neutrinos are subatomic particles so tiny that their mass is nearly zero and they rarely interact with other matter, said Kohta Murase, assistant professor of physics and of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State and a member of Center for Multimessenger Astrophysics in the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos (IGC), who led the research. High-energy cosmic neutrinos are created by energetic cosmic-ray accelerators in the universe, which may be extreme astrophysical objects such as black holes and neutron stars. They must be accompanied by gamma rays or electromagnetic waves at lower energies, and even sometimes gravitational waves. So, we expect the levels of these various cosmic messengers that we observe to be related. Interestingly, the IceCube data have indicated an excess emission of neutrinos with energies below 100 teraelectron volt (TeV), compared to the level of corresponding high-energy gamma rays seen by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.

Scientists combine information from all of these cosmic messengers to learn about events in the universe and to reconstruct its evolution in the burgeoning field of multimessenger astrophysics. For extreme cosmic events, like massive stellar explosions and jets from supermassive black holes, that create neutrinos, this approach has helped astronomers pinpoint the distant sources and each additional messenger provides additional clues about the details of the phenomena.

For cosmic neutrinos above 100 TeV, previous research by the Penn State group showed that it is possible to have concordance with high-energy gamma rays and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays which fits with a multimessenger picture. However, there is growing evidence for an excess of neutrinos below 100 TeV, which cannot simply be explained. Very recently, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory reported another excess of high-energy neutrinos in the direction of one of the brightest active galaxies, known as NGC 1068, in the northern sky.

Reference: Hidden Cores of Active Galactic Nuclei as the Origin of Medium-Energy Neutrinos: Critical Tests with the MeV Gamma-Ray Connection by Kohta Murase, Shigeo S. Kimura and Peter Mszros, 30 June 2020, Physical Review Letters.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.011101

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Astrophysicists May Have Discovered the Hidden Source of Mysterious Cosmic Neutrinos Seen on Earth - SciTechDaily

New map of the universe unveils a stunning X-ray view of the cosmos – Space.com

Wish you had X-ray vision? An extraordinary new map showcases the universe in striking, X-ray radiation.

Scientists created this stunning X-ray map of the universe using eROSITA (Extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array), an instrument on the German-Russian satellite mission Spectrum-Rntgen-Gamma, or Spektr-RG.

The scientists completed a full sweep of the sky over the course of about six months, looking for sources of X-ray radiation a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. These X-ray sources include black holes, galaxy clusters and leftover remnants from supernova explosions.

In scouring the skies, eROSITA spotted over a million sources of X-ray radiation from all across the cosmos, with most of the sources being active galactic nuclei, or the luminous, compact region at the center of galaxies. This number of sources roughly doubles the number of known X-ray sources that have been discovered over the 60-year history of X-ray astronomy, according to a statement from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching, Germany. By studying clusters of galaxies with this new, detailed map, researchers hope to track how these cosmic structures grow.

"This all-sky image completely changes the way we look at the energetic universe," Peter Predehl, the Principal Investigator of eROSITA at MPE, said in the same statement. "We see such a wealth of detail the beauty of the images is really stunning."

Because it is not only stunning but incredibly detailed, this new X-ray map could "revolutionize" the way that we look at the cosmos, Kirpal Nandra, head of the high-energy astrophysics group at MPE, said in the same statement.

"With a million sources in just six months, eROSITA has already revolutionized X-ray astronomy, but this is just a taste of what's to come," Nandra said. "This combination of sky area and depth is transformational. We are already sampling a cosmological volume of the hot Universe much larger than has been possible before. Over the next few years, we'll be able to probe even further, out to where the first giant cosmic structures and supermassive black holes were forming."

Email Chelsea Gohd at cgohd@space.com or follow her on Twitter @chelsea_gohd. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

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New map of the universe unveils a stunning X-ray view of the cosmos - Space.com

AstroDancing With The Stars | astrobites – Astrobites

Title: AstroDance: Engaging Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Astrophysics via Multimedia Performances

Authors: J. Nordhaus, M. Campanelli, J. Bochner, T. Warfield, H.-P. Bischof, J. Noel-Storr

First authors institution: Rochester Institute of Technology

Journal: Open Access here

Deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students commonly come into and out of the classroom knowing less content than their hearing classmates (Marschark et al. 2008). As a direct consequence, DHH students earn STEM bachelor degrees at lower rates than their hearing classmates (15% DHH vs. 25% hearing); this in turn causes the DHH community to be underrepresented in STEM fields as a whole. It is important that we, as a scientific community, make science accessible and scientific careers attainable to all. One such method of making astronomy more inclusive to the DHH community is AstroDance!

What is AstroDance?

Created by a team of astrophysicists, science educators, dancers, computer programmers, and choreographers, AstroDance is a multi-media performance that incorporates both signed and visual components. Based largely around gravitational wave astronomy, each scientific section of this program starts with a short story narrated in English and American Sign Language (ASL) and is then followed by an interpretive dance with music and scientifically accurate images projected on the back of the stage. These images were largely taken from scientific work done by members of the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation at the Rochester Institute of Technology. See the video below from the authors of this paper summarizing their work and showing clips from a performance. AstroDance first premiered at the Little Theater in Rochester, NY as part of the Fringe Festival in 2012. Following this premiere was a year-long, 20-stop tour around the Northeastern states of the US.

What did audiences take away?

After each show, attendees were asked to complete a brief anonymous survey about their experience. In addition to demographic information {age, (binary) gender, race/ethnicity, & hearing status}, the survey asked participants to rate their enjoyment of the program, how much science they learned, and how much they participated in other science activities. Finally, survey participants were asked to describe the performance, share what they learned, and whether they had any comments.

Of the ~20 performances of AstroDance, 971 survey responses were collected. Though only binary gender options were presented, of the 971 responses, there were roughly equal numbers of boys/men and girls/women. 89% (866) participants offered ethnicity data (see Fig. 1 for a pie chart); all non-white ethnicity percentages are above the national average! Shown in Figure 2 is the distribution of hearing status of audience members by age. There were roughly equal numbers of DHH members as there were hearing.

When analyzing results from the scaled questions, the authors of todays paper enlisted an age cutoff of 22 years, as they expect a large majority of those responses are from students. The results from these three (3) questions are shown in Figure 3. Both the hearing and DHH groups equally enjoyed the performances, but the DHH group significantly learned more science from the performances and participated in more science related activities (p-values of 0.001 and 0.00001, respectively).

When analyzing the responses to the free-response questions, the authors chose to present a few representative responses for each in the paper. When asked how they might describe the performance to a friend or colleague, many of the responses said that this performance was a positive and complementary blend of art and science. A shared response was:

Different from regular performances I normally attend. There was narration, sign language interpretative audience interaction/participation, glow in the dark props. Yes, I learned that scientists and artists can work together to collaborate ideas/views.

Continuing on with the other free-response questions, when asked to explain something they had learned from the performance, many talked about the astrophysical objects taught in the show such as black holes and gravitational waves. The last free-response question allowed survey takers to leave any comments. The authors of the paper provided two given responses: This is great, creative, beautiful and didactic > do something please about cell biology and Artistic expression is a great way to teach an understanding of complex. scientific concepts. Beautiful costume design & props. Love the body movements forms!

What did AstroDance show?

Although dance is not usually someones idea of what science communication can be, this program has shown that it not only can be, but perhaps should be! The agreement between DHH and hearing students that they enjoyed the performances and learned a lot of science shows that AstroDance is an inclusive and effective science communication tool! The fact that DHH students learned more science than their hearing schoolmates highlights the importance of a program like AstroDance even more, as it shows that it was especially effective at engaging DHH audience members. Its important that we, as a scientific community, take every approach to make science accessible to all, especially by trying unconventional methods. AstroDance has offered us one way to make science, especially astronomy, more inclusive to the DHH community. I am excited to what AstroDance inspires us all to become!

About Huei SearsHuei Sears (she/her/hers) is a second-year graduate student at Ohio University studying astrophysics! Her research is focused on Gamma-Ray Burst host galaxies & how they fit into the mass-metallicity relationship. Previously she was at Michigan State University searching for the elusive period of B[e] supergiant, S18. In addition to research, she cares a lot about science communication, and is always looking for ways to make science more accessible. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym, baking a new recipe, listening to Taylor Swift, watching the X-Files, and spending time with her little sister.

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AstroDancing With The Stars | astrobites - Astrobites

Nyx: Stellar Stream of Stars Discovered in Milky Way That Originated in Another Galaxy – SciTechDaily

Still from a simulation of individual galaxies forming, starting at a time when the Universe was just a few million years old. Credit: Hopkins Research Group, Caltech

Caltech researchers use deep learning and supercomputing to identify Nyx, a product of a long-ago galaxy merger.

Astronomers can go their whole career without finding a new object in the sky. But for Lina Necib, a postdoctoral scholar in theoretical physics at Caltech, the discovery of a cluster of stars in the Milky Way, but not born of the Milky Way, came early with a little help from supercomputers, the Gaia space observatory, and new deep learning methods.

Writing in Nature Astronomy this week, Necib and her collaborators describe Nyx, a vast new stellar stream in the vicinity of the Sun, that may provide the first indication that a dwarf galaxy had merged with the Milky Way disk. These stellar streams are thought to be globular clusters or dwarf galaxies that have been stretched out along its orbit by tidal forces before being completely disrupted.

The discovery of Nyx took a circuitous route, but one that reflects the multifaceted way astronomy and astrophysics are studied today.

Necib studies the kinematics or motions of stars and dark matter in the Milky Way. If there are any clumps of stars that are moving together in a particular fashion, that usually tells us that there is a reason that theyre moving together.

Since 2014, researchers from Caltech, Northwestern University, UC San Diego and UC Berkeley, among other institutions, have been developing highly-detailed simulations of realistic galaxies as part of a project called FIRE (Feedback In Realistic Environments). These simulations include everything scientists know about how galaxies form and evolve. Starting from the virtual equivalent of the beginning of time, the simulations produce galaxies that look and act much like our own.

Concurrent to the FIRE project, the Gaia space observatory was launched in 2013 by the European Space Agency. Its goal is to create an extraordinarily precise three-dimensional map of about one billion stars throughout the Milky Way galaxy and beyond.

The FIRE and FIRE-2 simulations follow the region that will become a single galaxy by the present time, tracing the evolution of dark matter and gas, which eventually turns into stars. Credit: Hopkins Research Group, Caltech

Its the largest kinematic study to date. The observatory provides the motions of one billion stars, she explained. A subset of it, seven million stars, have 3D velocities, which means that we can know exactly where a star is and its motion. Weve gone from very small datasets to doing massive analyses that we couldnt do before to understand the structure of the Milky Way.

The discovery of Nyx involved combining these two major astrophysics projects and analyzing them using deep learning methods.

Among the questions that both the simulations and the sky survey address is: How did the Milky Way become what it is today?

Galaxies form by swallowing other galaxies, Necib said. Weve assumed that the Milky Way had a quiet merger history, and for a while it was concerning how quiet it was because our simulations show a lot of mergers. Now, with access to a lot of smaller structures, we understand it wasnt as quiet as it seemed. Its very powerful to have all these tools, data and simulations. All of them have to be used at once to disentangle this problem. Were at the beginning stages of being able to really understand the formation of the Milky way.

A map of a billion stars is a mixed blessing: so much information, but nearly impossible to parse by human perception.

Before, astronomers had to do a lot of looking and plotting, and maybe use some clustering algorithms. But thats not really possible anymore, Necib said. We cant stare at seven million stars and figure out what theyre doing. What we did in this series of projects was use the Gaia mock catalogues.

The Gaia mock catalogue, developed by Robyn Sanderson (University of Pennsylvania), essentially asked: If the FIRE simulations were real and observed with Gaia, what would we see?

Necibs collaborator, Bryan Ostdiek (formerly at University of Oregon, and now at Harvard University), who had previously been involved in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, had experience dealing with huge datasets using machine and deep learning. Porting those methods over to astrophysics opened the door to a new way to explore the cosmos.

At the LHC, we have incredible simulations, but we worry that machines trained on them may learn the simulation and not real physics, Ostdiek said. In a similar way, the FIRE galaxies provide a wonderful environment to train our models, but they are not the Milky Way. We had to learn not only what could help us identify the interesting stars in simulation, but also how to get this to generalize to our real galaxy.

The team developed a method of tracking the movements of each star in the virtual galaxies and labelling the stars as either born in the host galaxy or accreted as the products of galaxy mergers. The two types of stars have different signatures, though the differences are often subtle. These labels were used to train the deep learning model, which was then tested on other FIRE simulations.

After they built the catalogue, they applied it to the Gaia data. We asked the neural network, Based on what youve learned, can you label if the stars were accreted or not?' Necib said.

The model ranked how confident it was that a star was born outside the Milky Way on a range from 0 to 1. The team created a cutoff with a tolerance for error and began exploring the results.

This approach of applying a model trained on one dataset and applying it to a different but related one is called transfer learning and can be fraught with challenges. We needed to make sure that were not learning artificial things about the simulation, but really whats going on in the data, Necib said. For that, we had to give it a little bit of help and tell it to reweigh certain known elements to give it a bit of an anchor.

They first checked to see if it could identify known features of the galaxy. These include the Gaia sausage the remains of a dwarf galaxy that merged with the Milky Way about six to ten billion years ago and that has a distinctive sausage-like orbital shape.

It has a very specific signature, she explained. If the neural network worked the way its supposed to, we should see this huge structure that we already know is there.

The Gaia sausage was there, as was the stellar halo background stars that give the Milky Way its tell-tale shape and the Helmi stream, another known dwarf galaxy that merged with the Milky Way in the distant past and was discovered in 1999.

The model identified another structure in the analysis: a cluster of 250 stars, rotating with the Milky Ways disk, but also going toward the center of the galaxy.

Your first instinct is that you have a bug, Necib recounted. And youre like, Oh no! So, I didnt tell any of my collaborators for three weeks. Then I started realizing its not a bug, its actually real and its new.

But what if it had already been discovered? You start going through the literature, making sure that nobody has seen it and luckily for me, nobody had. So I got to name it, which is the most exciting thing in astrophysics. I called it Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night. This particular structure is very interesting because it would have been very difficult to see without machine learning.

The project required advanced computing at many different stages. The FIRE and updated FIRE-2 simulations are among the largest computer models of galaxies ever attempted. Each of the nine main simulations three separate galaxy formations, each with slightly different starting point for the sun took months to compute on the largest, fastest supercomputers in the world. These included Blue Waters at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), NASAs High-End Computing facilities, and most recently Stampede2 at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).

The researchers used clusters at the University of Oregon to train the deep learning model and to apply it to the massive Gaia dataset. They are currently using Frontera, the fastest system at any university in the world, to continue the work.

Everything about this project is computationally very intensive and would not be able to happen without large-scale computing, Necib said.

Necib and her team plan to explore Nyx further using ground-based telescopes. This will provide information about the chemical makeup of the stream, and other details that will help them date Nyxs arrival into the Milky Way, and possibly provide clues on where it came from.

The next data release of Gaia in 2021 will contain additional information about 100 million stars in the catalogue, making more discoveries of accreted clusters likely.

When the Gaia mission started, astronomers knew it was one of the largest datasets that they were going to get, with lots to be excited about, Necib said. But we needed to evolve our techniques to adapt to the dataset. If we didnt change or update our methods, wed be missing out on physics that are in our dataset.

The successes of the Caltech teams approach may have an even bigger impact. Were developing computational tools that will be available for many areas of research and for non-research related things, too, she said. This is how we push the technological frontier in general.

Reference: Evidence for a vast prograde stellar stream in the solar vicinity by Lina Necib, Bryan Ostdiek, Mariangela Lisanti, Timothy Cohen, Marat Freytsis, Shea Garrison-Kimmel, Philip F. Hopkins, Andrew Wetzel and Robyn Sanderson, 6 July 2020, Nature Astronomy.DOI: 10.1038/s41550-020-1131-2

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Nyx: Stellar Stream of Stars Discovered in Milky Way That Originated in Another Galaxy - SciTechDaily

Astronomers spot mysterious objects in deep space, say unable to explain what it is – DNA India

A team of researchers headed by kectes Ray Norris, Professor of Applied Data Science in Astrophysics for Western Sydney discovered four mysterious circular objects made of radio waves in deep space.

The discovery was made while the astronomers were mapping the night sky as part of Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) project. As these objects were brighter alon the edges, the astronomers named them odd radio circles or ORCs.

The astronomers stated that the four ORCs are only visible in radio wavelengths. They are invisible in X-ray, optical, or infrared wavelengths.

"We have found an unexpected class of astronomical objects which have not previously been reported, in the Evolutionary Map of the Universe Pilot survey, using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. The objects appear in radio images as circular edge-brightened discs about one arcmin diameter and do not seem to correspond to any known type of object." the astronomers cited in their paper.

"Circular features are well-known in radio astronomical images, and usually represent a spherical object such as a supernova remnant, a planetary nebula, a circumstellar shell, or a face-on disc such as a protoplanetary disc or a star-forming galaxy," it further added.

"They may also arise from imaging artefacts around bright sources caused by calibration errors or inadequate deconvolution. Here we report the discovery of a class of circular feature in radio images that do not seem to correspond to any of these known types of object or artefact, but rather appear to be a new class of astronomical object," the statement further read.

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Astronomers spot mysterious objects in deep space, say unable to explain what it is - DNA India

Barron inducted into Spring Valley Elementary’s Foundation Hall of Fame – Bureau County Republican

SPRING VALLEY - Spring Valley Elementary School is proud of the districts rich history.

Charles Palia played a major role in establishing the school district and he became the Spring Valley Elementary Foundation's first inductee into the Spring Valley C.C.S.D. Foundation Honors Hall of Fame in 2019.

The Foundation announced Darcy Barron as the the 2020 inductee in the virtual awards program that was held Thursday, July 9.

Barron grew up in Spring Valley and began her education at Lincoln Elementary School. She was always a straight A student, but her top scores on the fifth grade Illinois State Achievement Tests encouraged her teacher, Mrs. Hillstrom, to allow her to advance her studies at her own pace.

In sixth grade at JFK, Barron followed the same accelerated program. By the time she entered seventh grade, it was apparent to the teachers and staff that she should be allowed to skip seventh grade. She took the leap and continued with her extracurricularactivities as a seventh-grade cheerleader, and participated in girls basketball, volleyball, track, band and swing choir.

She shared valedictorian honors at eighth grade graduation.

At Hall High School, Barron continued her straight A streak. She also continued with sports, becoming track captain her senior year and setting a school record in the triple jump. She worked summers as a lifeguard at Spring Valley pool and helped with her familys business - Graphic Electronics - part-time during the school year.

She took the ACT twice to prepare for college applications, scoring 34.5 in her first attempt, and a perfect 36 on the second attempt. Only 134 students out of over a million who took the test that year achieved perfect scores. At graduation she shared valedictorian honors, graduating in 2004.

Barron attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, joining her two older sisters. She chose to major in Engineering Physics, following a passion for physics and cosmology first discovered while reading science magazines from the library as a child.

She became involved in research soon after arriving at U of I, beginning as a research assistant in professor Les Allen's materials science research group. Her undergraduate years at U of I also included two summers working for LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) at Caltech and participation in the Intel Scholars undergraduate research program during the academic year. She graduated with honors in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics, with a minor in Astronomy.

Barron continued her physics education, entering the PhD program at the University of California, San Diego in 2008. She joined a class of 27 students from all over the U.S. and around the world, but she was only one of two women. The other woman in the class grew up in Poland, but had a similar strong interest in cosmology. They remain close friends today.

Barron joined professor Brian Keatings experimental cosmology group as a graduate research assistant in 2009. The group builds telescopes and analyzes their data to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with the goal of discovering new properties of our universe.

In 2011, she helped commission a new CMB experiment, known as POLARBEAR, and continued to help design the next series of telescopes necessary to expand and improve the experiment. The group worked towards adding two more telescopes known as the Simons Array, named for funding through the Simons Foundation and its founder, mathematician and hedge fund manager Jim Simons.

When she first arrived at the experiment's new location in Chile, the observatory was just shipping containers and a bare telescope structure. By the time Barron graduated in 2015, the group had completed the initial CMB observations and published exciting new results, detecting the signal they had set out to measure, the B-mode gravitational lensing signal.

In 2015, after finishing her Ph.D. at UC San Diego, Barron moved to UC Berkeley to continue working on the POLARBEAR/Simons Array project under an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics postdoctoral fellowship. The fellowship supported her continued research as well as expanded involvement in education and outreach. Through the Multiverse group at UC Berkeleys Space Sciences Lab, she led an NSF-funded summer research experience program for undergraduates, aimed at first-generation college students and community college students.

The program brought a group of students to the lab over the summer to complete a research project in support of one of the NASA missions or other projects at the lab.

Barron received an offer to become an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, N.M. in 2018. In addition to teaching physics courses, she is building up her research program.

She has designed and built a custom lab space, which features a new refrigeration system for cooling detectors within 0.01 degrees of absolute zero. She also continues her work with the POLARBEAR/Simons Array project, traveling to Chile three times in the past two years.

An additional project was funded in 2019 through the UNM Women in STEM awards, with the title Improving Physics Retention Rates through Early Undergraduate Research Experiences at UNM. Through this program, Barron aims to give students better context for their physics course work in the form of independent research projects.

New Mexico was a natural fit for Barron because she enjoys spending time in the mountains: backpacking, hiking and stargazing. In addition to spending significant time in the mountains of Chile, she has traveled frequently to Japan to work with collaborators building instruments for POLARBEAR/Simons Array. She has also had the opportunity to travel in Europe and Australia for cosmology conferences.

A favorite part of traveling for her is trying new foods, whether its exotic dishes at restaurants or exploring new snacks at a local grocery store. A memorable snack was fried pasta chips from a 7-Eleven in Japan. One of her absolute favorite treats is still Spring Valley Bakery cookies.

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Barron inducted into Spring Valley Elementary's Foundation Hall of Fame - Bureau County Republican

Virtual Women in STEM event on tap at science center – The Daily Times

PITTSBURGH Carnegie Science Center announces the Women in STEM Speaker Series, a weekly virtual event featuring interactive conversations with inspiring role models who have established themselves as experts in a variety of STEM fields. The series will be hosted by the science center through Facebook Live at 11 a.m. every Wednesday through Sept. 30.

Recordings of the conversations will be available on YouTube following the livestream.

The series is supported by an IF/THEN Gender Equity Grant from the Association of Science and Technology Centers and IF/THEN, an initiative of Lyda Hill Philanthropies. This program awarded funding to 26 science and technology centers to launch projects aimed at increasing the representation of women and gender minorities.

Our hope for this series is not only to celebrate the achievements of women and gender minorities in STEM, but to inspire young people who often dont see themselves represented in these fields, said Jason Brown, director of the science Center.

Feature conversations:

Wednesday: Wendy Bohon, geologist and science communication specialist at Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology;

July 22: Liz Engler-Chiurazzi, research assistant professor at West Virginia University Department of Neuroscience;

July 29: Dr. Rachel Levine, secretary of health for Pennsylvania;

Aug. 5: Roselin Rosario-Melendez, associate principal chemist and project leader at LOreal;

Aug. 12: Rika Wright Carlsen, associate professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering at Robert Morris University;

Aug. 19: Ellen Bachman, inside sales engineer at Eaton;

Aug. 26: Kay Savage, senior data scientist at Spotify;

Sept. 2: Chavonda Jacobs-Young, administrator of the U.S. Department of Agricultures Agricultural Research Service;

Sept. 9: Sandhya Rao, professor of astrophysics at the University of Pittsburgh;

Sept. 16: Angela Cupelli, pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant nurse;

Sept. 23: Mercy Shitemi, senior systems analyst at Zimmer Biomet; and

Sept. 30: Dr. Natasha Tilston-Lunel, postdoctoral associate at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Vaccine Research.

Viewers will be able to submit questions during the livestream or in advance by e-mailing Kaitlyn Zurcher at ZurcherK@CarnegieScienceCenter.org.

A sign language interpreter will be present for each.

The grant also will support Girls Rock Science, an event hosted at the science center in September that will celebrate women in STEM and encourage girls to pursue STEM careers. Details will be announced later this summer.

For information on the speaker series, go to carnegiesciencecenter.org/programs/women-in-stem-speaker-series/.

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Virtual Women in STEM event on tap at science center - The Daily Times

A Giant Galaxy Seen Lighting Up the Universe Shortly After the Big Bang – Universe Today

About 370,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe experienced a period that cosmologists refer to as the Cosmic Dark Ages. During this period, the Universe was obscured by pervasive neutral gas that obscured all visible light, making it invisible to astronomers. As the first stars and galaxies formed over the next few hundred millions of years, the radiation they emitted ionized this plasma, making the Universe transparent.

One of the biggest cosmological mysteries right now is when cosmic reionization began. To find out, astronomers have been looking deeper into the cosmos (and farther back in time) to spot the first visible galaxies. Thanks to new research by a team of astronomers from University College London (UCL), a luminous galaxy has been observed that was reionizing the intergalactic medium 13 billion years ago.

The research was presented last week (July 2nd) during the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) because of the pandemic, this years meeting was virtual. During the course of their presentation, RomainMeyer (a PhD student at UCL and the lead author on the study) and his colleagues shared their findings, which is the first solid evidence of a galaxy reionizing a bubble of gas on its own 13 billion years ago.

The team responsible for this discovery was led by Romain Meyer, a Ph.D. student with the UCL Astrophysics Group. He was joined by UCL researchers Dr. Nicolas Laporte, and Prof. Richard S Ellis, as well as Prof. Anne Verhamme and Dr. Thibault Garel of the University of Geneva. Their findings are also the subject of a paper that was recently submitted to The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Studying galaxies that existed during this early period in the Universe is essential to understanding the origins of the cosmos as well as its subsequent evolution. According to our current cosmological models, the first galaxies formed from coalescing stellar clusters, which were in turn formed when the first stars in the Universe came together.

Over time, these galaxies blasted out the radiation that stripped the neutral gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM) of its electrons (aka. the ionization process). Astronomers know this because we have clear evidence for it, in the form of the Cosmic Dark Ages and the way the Universe is transparent today. But the key questions of how and when this all occurred remain unknown. As Dr. Meyer told Universe Today via email:

By looking at distant galaxies, we look into the early Universe, as the light has traveled for billions of years before reaching us. This is fantastic as we can look at what galaxies were like billions of years ago, but it comes with several drawbacks.

For starters, Meyer explained, distant objects are very faint and can only be observed using the most powerful ground-based and space-based telescopes. At this distance, theres also the tricky issue of redshift, where the expansion of the cosmos causes light from distant galaxies to have its wavelength stretched towards the red end of the spectrum.

In the case of galaxies that several billion years old, the light has been shifted to the point that it is only visible infrared (particularly the UV light Meyer and his colleagues were looking for). In order to get a good look at A370p_z1, a luminous galaxy 13 billion light-years away, the team consulted Using data from the Hubble Frontier Fields program which astronomers are still analyzing.

The Hubble data suggested that this galaxy was very redshifted, indicating that it was particularly ancient. They then made follow-up observations with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to get a better sense of this galaxys spectra. In particular, they looked for the bright line thats emitted by ionized hydrogen, known as the Lyman-alpha line. Said Meyer:

The big surprise was to find that this line, detected at 9480 Angstroms, was a double line. This is extremely rare to find in early galaxies, and this is only the fourth galaxy that we know of to have a double Lyman-alpha line in the first billion years. The nice thing with double Lyman-alpha lines is that you can use them to infer a very important quantity of early galaxies: what fraction of energetic photons they leak into the intergalactic medium.

Another big surprise was the fact that A370p_z1 appeared to be letting 60% to 100% of its ionized photons into intergalactic space, and was probably responsible for ionizing the bubble IGM around it. Galaxies that are closer to the Milky Way typically have escape fractions of about 5% (50% in some rare cases), but observations of the IGM indicate that early galaxies must have had a 10 to 20% escape fraction on average.

This discovery was extremely important because it could help resolve an ongoing debate in cosmological circles. Until now, the questions of when and how reionization occurred has produced two possible scenarios. In one, it was a population of numerous faint galaxies leaking about 10% of their energetic photons. In the other, it was an oligarchy of luminous galaxies with a much larger percentage (50% or more) of escaping photons.

In either case, the evidence has so far suggested that the first galaxies were very different from those today. Discovering a galaxy with nearly 100% escape was really nice because it confirms what astrophysicists suspected: early galaxies were very different from nowadays objects, and leaking energetic photons much more efficiently, said Meyer.

Studying reionization-era galaxies for Lyman-alpha lines has always difficult because of the way they are surrounded by neutral gas that absorbs that signature hydrogen emission. However, we now have strong evidence that reionization was complete 800 million years after the Big Bang, and that it was likely that a few luminous galaxies were responsible.

If what Meyer and his colleagues observed is typical of reionization-era galaxies, then we can assume that reionization was caused by a small group of galaxies that created large bubbles of ionized gas around them that grew and overlapped. As Meyer explained, this discovery could point the way towards the creation of a new cosmological model that accurately predicts how and when major changes in the early Universe took place:

This discovery confirms that early galaxies could be extremely efficient at leaking ionizing photons, which is an important hypothesis of our understanding of cosmic reionization the epoch when the intergalactic medium, 13 billion years ago, transitioned from neutral to ionized (e.g. electrons were ripped off hydrogen atoms by these energetic photons).

According to Meyer, more objects like A370p_z1 need to be found so astronomers can establish the average escape fractions of early galaxies. In the meantime, the next step will be to determine why these early galaxies were so efficient at leaking energetic photons. Several scenarios have been suggested, and getting a better look at the early Universe will allow astronomers to test them.

As Meyer was sure to note, a lot of that will depend upon next-generation telescopes that will be taking to space very soon. The most notable of these is the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which (after multiple delays) is still scheduled to launch sometime next year. Herein lies another significance for studies like these, which is how they will help the James Webb team decide what cosmological mysteries to investigate.

With the James Webb Space Telescope, we will follow-up this target deeper in the infrared to get access to what was emitted originally in the optical light, said Meyer. That will give us more insight into the physical mechanisms at play in early galaxies. JWSTs mission is limited in time, and thats why discovering these extreme objects now is so important: by knowing which objects are peculiar or extreme in the first billion years of our Universe, we will know what to look at when JWST is finally launched!

Exciting times lie ahead for astronomers, astrophysicists, exoplanet-hunters, SETI researchers, and cosmologists. Its hard to know who should be most excited, but something tells me that would be like asking a parent which of their children they love most. Inevitably, the answer is always, all of them!

Further Reading: EAS

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See the article here:

A Giant Galaxy Seen Lighting Up the Universe Shortly After the Big Bang - Universe Today

Research Fellow, Data Analytics job with QUEENS UNIVERSITY BELFAST | 212927 – Times Higher Education (THE)

Application closing date:03/08/2020Salary:33,797 to 35,845 per annumJob category/type:Research

Job description

As part of a new Data Analytics Research & Exploitation (DARE) initiative between QUB and the Northern Ireland Strategic Investment Board (SIB), this post will contribute to the delivery of research and data analytics-led solutions addressing a wide range of applications across the Northern Ireland public sector and economy. The work will typicallyinvolve problem definition, data sourcing, research and development of innovative analytical solutions and deployment of new applications to meet end-user needs.

The post is fully funded by the Northern Ireland Strategic Investment Board (SIB) for a two-year period.

The successful candidate must have:

For full job details and criteria please see the Candidate Information link on our website by clicking apply.You must clearly demonstrate how you meet the criteria when you submit your application. For further information please contact Resourcing Team, Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN.Telephone (028) 9097 3044 or emailresourcing@qub.ac.uk

Queens University Belfast is a driver of innovation based on our talented, multinational workforce. Throughout the University, our academics are collaborating across disciplines to develop new discoveries and insights, working with outside agencies and institutions on projects of international significance. We are connected and networked with strategic partnerships across the world, helping us to expand our impact on wider society locally, nationally and globally. The University is committed to attracting, retaining and developing the best global talent within an environment that enables them to realise their full potential.

The School has a commitment of becoming an academic home to researchers with a highly diverse cultural and professional background. It takes pride in its equal opportunity provision and in its work towards gender equality. This is demonstrated by the fact that Mathematics at Queen's was the first in the discipline to be granted a silver Athena SWAN award. We very much look forward to continuing to expand our reputation of an internationally leading academic discipline in a dynamic and vibrant research environment.We are ranked 1st in the UK for knowledge transfer partnerships, (Innovate UK) 9th in the UK for University facilities (Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2018) and 14th in the UK for research quality (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019).

Based in Belfast, a modern capital city, our beautiful campus is surrounded by abundant acres of parkland and is renowned as one of the safest and affordable cities in the UK. The choice of local Schools from pre-nursery upwards are some of the best available, and lovers of the outdoors can enjoy any number of activities from rowing and kayaking to top class golf among many others. We are immensely proud of what our city and our University will offer you.

Focussed research is pursued in the following fields: Mathematics, represented by the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre; Theoretical Physics, which includes the Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP) and the Atomistic Simulation Centre (ASC); Experimental Physics, which includes the Centre for Nano-structured Media (CNM) and the Centre for Plasma Physics (CPP); Astrophysics, represented by the Astrophysics Research Centre (ARC). Research in Mathematics is represented by the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre (MSRC) grouped around the following main themes: Algebra, Analysis, Data Science, Optimization and Operational Research, Statistics, Topology and Geometry.

The School has over 900 registered students. We deliver a wide range of innovative undergraduate programmes, including the MSc Data Analytics, and a very popular BSc and MSci in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity and to selection on merit.We welcome applications from all sections of society and particularly from people with a disability.

Fixed term contract posts are available for the stated period in the first instance but, in particular circumstances, may be renewed or made permanent, subject to availability of funding.

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Research Fellow, Data Analytics job with QUEENS UNIVERSITY BELFAST | 212927 - Times Higher Education (THE)

How to see Comet NEOWISE in the night sky this month – Space.com

The early reviews are in: Comet NEOWISE is a hit!

Those who have gotten up before sunrise to gaze into the twilight skies have been greeted by the best comet performance for Northern Hemisphere observers since the 1997 appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp. Indeed, NEOWISE (catalogued C/2020 F3), emphatically ended the nearly quarter-century lack of spectacular comets.

Early fears of another fizzler like comets ATLAS and SWAN quickly eased during June when NEOWISE proved to be an intrinsically bright comet with a highly condensed core. It brightened 100-fold from June 9, when as a seventh-magnitude object it disappeared into the glare of the sun, to June 27, when it appeared in the field of view of the LASCO-3 camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory shining at second-magnitude.

Even before Comet NEOWISE arrived at perihelion its closest point to the sun observers could glimpse it very low to the northeast horizon, immersed deep in bright twilight, just before sunrise on July 1.

Related: The 9 most brilliant comets ever seen

The comet arrived at perihelion on July 3, sweeping to within 27.7 million miles (44.5 million km) of the sun and is now heading back out to the outer reaches of space. Nonetheless, the comet continues to evolve and its tail continues to grow.

Until now, the comet has been accessible only to those waking up at the break of dawn and scanning the sky near the northeast horizon. The comet has appeared to rise tail-first, followed by its bright head or coma, shining as bright as a first-magnitude star. So far, the comet has had to compete with low altitude, bright twilight and the light of a nearly-full moon. Some have been stymied from getting a good look at NEOWISE because of these factors, or perhaps because of poor weather. But things are going to be getting better for skywatchers in the days ahead.

As veteran comet observer Terry Lovejoy commented to Space.com: "The best is yet to come!"

Although the comet is moving away from the sun and beginning to fade, that dimming initially will likely be slow, because it is now approaching the Earth. It will be closest to our planet on the evening of July 22 ("perigee"), when it will be 64.3 million miles (103.5 million km) away. Thereafter, fading will be more rapid as the comet will then be receding from both the Earth and the sun.

The brightness of a sky object is based on magnitude. Bright stars are ranked "first magnitude." The star Deneb in the Summer Triangle falls into this ranking. The fairly bright stars are of second magnitude. Polaris, the North Star, is a second-magnitude star. A star of third magnitude is considered of medium brightness. Megrez, the star that joins the handle and bowl of the Big Dipper falls into this category.

Based on a special power-law brightness formula, astronomer Daniel Green at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has forecast how bright NEOWISE should appear in the coming days ahead. His forecast places the comet at first magnitude from now through July 11; second magnitude from July 12 through July 17 and third magnitude from July 18 through July 22.

As a morning object, the comet's best views will come during a three-day stretch on the mornings of July 11, 12 and 13, when it will stand 10 degrees above the northeast horizon, 80 minutes before sunrise the beginning of nautical twilight. Your clenched fist held at arm's length measures approximately 10 degrees in width. So, on these three mornings, the head of Comet NEOWISE will appear about "one fist" up from the northeast horizon.

The sky should appear reasonably dark at that time with only the light of the last quarter moon providing any interference. As the minutes tick off, the comet will be getting higher, but the dawn sky will be getting increasingly brighter as well.

After July 13, NEOWISE will drop rapidly lower and swing more toward the north-northeast. By July 18, it will appear only 5 degrees above the horizon at the start of nautical twilight. And only a few mornings later its altitude will have become too low to see it at all in pre-sunrise sky.

But as its morning visibility diminishes, there is good news: Comet NEOWISE will become prominent in the evening sky after sunset. That will also mean a much larger audience will be able to see it during "prime-time" viewing hours instead of having to awaken during the wee hours of the early morning.

The first good opportunity for evening viewing begins on July 12, when the head of the comet will stand 5 degrees above the north-northwest horizon, 80 minutes after sunset (the end of nautical twilight). By July 14 its altitude will have already doubled to 10 degrees, and by July 19 it will have doubled yet again to 20 degrees up by the end of nautical twilight. By then it will have moved to above the northwest horizon.

So, we at Space.com feel that the best time to view the comet during the evening will come during the July 14-19 time frame.

We also strongly recommend that observers should seek the most favorable conditions possible. Even a bright comet, like this one, can be obliterated by thin horizon clouds, haze, humid air, smoke, twilight glow and especially city lights. We especially emphasize that last factor: the farther away you get from a metropolitan area, the darker your sky and the better your view of NEOWISE. Binoculars will enhance your view.

And more good news: No moonlight will brighten the sky, as the moon will be a waning crescent and visible only in the morning sky through July 20. On successive July evenings the comet will grow fainter, but it will be farther from the sun, setting later and visible in a darker sky. As we move into August, the comet will be very well placed for observers with small telescopes.

Related: Dazzling Comet NEOWISE spotted by NASA sun-studying probe

As for the comet's tail, so far it has displayed a beautiful, gently curved tail of dust which many observers using binoculars and small telescopes have remarked has shown a noticeable yellowish tinge. A much fainter ion (gas) tail accompanies the dust tail. So far the dust tail measures about 4 or 5 degrees in length, but it continues to slowly lengthen and should get more easily seen as viewed against a darker sky and as the comet draws closer to the Earth.

In a comet-watching forum, Minnesota amateur astronomer Bob King wrote: "Comet NEOWISE was astonishingly beautiful this morning (July 7) with a strongly bifurcated (split) tail. Forgive my ignorance, but what causes the bifurcation?"Comet expert John Bortle of Stormville, NY provides us with the answer:

"The dark vacancy that appears to originate just behind the comet's head and extendsup the middle of the dust tail is a fairly rare cometary featuregenerallyreferred to by 19thcentury astronomers as, 'the shadow of the nucleus.' Of course, it is not truly a shadowat all, but rather a vacancy in the center of the dust tail, a regionlargely devoid of cometary dust," Bortle told Space.com in an email.

"In a sense, one can imagine the tail is like a thick-walled hollowtubewithitswalls impregnated with reflective dust that is being illuminated by sunlight. Would-be observersof the cometshould try to spot this rare feature soon, as it is unlikely to be visible once the comet starts fading significantly," Bortle added.

What more can we say? It isn't often we get a sight like this. "COMET get it!"

Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York'sHayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy forNatural History magazine, theFarmers' Almanacand other publications. Follow uson Twitter@Spacedotcomand onFacebook.

See more here:

How to see Comet NEOWISE in the night sky this month - Space.com

Bengaluru scientists find out where the Lithium in your smartphone came from – Deccan Herald

How did lithium a metal integral to modern life, thanks to long-duration batteries come to the Earth?

This has been a long-held scientific puzzle that has now been cracked by astrophysicists from Bengaluru in collaboration with their international partners.

Analysing data from a galactic survey of 100,000 stars, researchers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics have discovered that all low-mass Sun-like stars produce lithium from an internal process known as helium flash when the gas was cooked at high temperature inside the stellar ovens.

Such lithium generating stars would have a mass of up to two Solar masses or twice the weight of the Sun.

The discovery published in the Nature Astronomy on Monday sets aside a four-decades-old theory according to which only 1% of the stars produce lithium though little was known about the process.

Our discovery shows that any low mass stars where helium flash takes place will produce lithium. This challenges the long held idea that stars only destroy lithium during their lifetime. Our work also implies that the Sun itself will manufacture lithium in the future, which is not predicted by any models, indicating that there is some physical process missing in stellar theory. B Eswar Reddy, IIA professor and one of the authors of the paper told DH.

The origin of lithium - the only metal created from the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago was a mystery because stars with a temperature of 2.5 million degrees Kelvin annihilate it, leaving the scientists to wonder where it comes from.

Over the course of time, the lithium content in the physical Universe has increased by about a factor of four which is meagre compared to the rest of the elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, nickel and so on which grew about a million times over the lifetime of the Universe.

Stars are primary contributors to this significant enhancement of these heavier elements through mass ejections and stellar explosions. Lithium, however, is understood to be an exemption! As per the current understanding, based on todays best models, lithium in stars like the Sun only gets destroyed over their lifetime.

"This was a great puzzle that existed for four decades because as soon as lithium was produced, it was destroyed, Reddy said.

Partnering with the researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Monash University, Australia and Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, the Bengaluru astrophysicists have not only demonstrated the genesis of lithium in the cosmic cauldrons, but also proposed an explanation for the underlying process.

"The result is potentially very important for the cosmos since the observations question the existing wisdom that limits the amount of lithium that could be expected to be formed and retained in stars (stellar nucleosysnthesis). It points to possible lack of understanding how light nuclei like lithium are cooked in the stellar furnaces," commented astrophysicist Tarun Sourdeep, a professor at the Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Pune, who is not associated with the study.

Reddy said the work is far from over as the team would now seek to find an answer to another mystery how did the lithium survive in such stars with superlative temperature.

Read the original here:

Bengaluru scientists find out where the Lithium in your smartphone came from - Deccan Herald

International Astrophysics Collaboration Discovers Quasar Jets Are Particle Accelerators Thousands of Light-Years Long – SciTechDaily

Composite image of Centaurus A, showing the jets emerging from the galaxys central black hole, together with the associated gamma radiation. Credit: ESO/WFI (Optical); MPIfR/ESO/APEX/A.Weiss et al. (Submillimetre); NASA/CXC/CfA/R.Kraft et al. (X-ray), H.E.S.S. collaboration (Gamma)

An international collaboration bringing together over 200 scientists from 13 countries has shown that the very high-energy gamma-ray emission from quasars, galaxies with a highly energetic nucleus, is not concentrated in the region close to their central black hole but in fact extends over several thousand light-years along jets of plasma. This discovery shakes up current scenarios for the behavior of such plasma jets. The work, published in the journal Nature on June 18th, 2020, was carried out as part of the H.E.S.S collaboration, involving in particular the CNRS and CEA in France, and the Max Planck society and a group of research institutions and universities in Germany.

Over the past few years, scientists have observed the Universe using gamma rays, which are very high-energy photons. Gamma rays, which form part of the cosmic rays that constantly bombard the Earth, originate from regions of the Universe where particles are accelerated to huge energies unattainable in human-built accelerators. Gamma rays are emitted by a wide range of cosmic objects, such as quasars, which are active galaxies with a highly energetic nucleus. The intensity of the radiation emitted from these systems can vary over very short timescales of up to one minute. Scientists therefore believed that the source of this radiation was very small and located in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole, which can have a mass several billion times that of the Suns. The black hole is thought to gobble up the matter spiraling down into it and eject a small part of it in the form of large jets of plasma, at relativistic speeds, close to the speed of light, thus contributing to the redistribution of matter throughout the Universe.

Using the H.E.S.S.[1] observatory in Namibia, an international astrophysics collaboration observed a radio galaxy (a galaxy that is highly luminous when observed at radio wavelengths) for over 200 hours at unparalleled resolution. As the nearest radio galaxy to Earth, Centaurus A is favorable to scientists for such a study, enabling them to identify the region emitting the very high-energy radiation while studying the trajectory of the plasma jets. They were able to show that the gamma-ray source extends over a distance of several thousand light-years. This extended emission indicates that particle acceleration does not take place solely in the vicinity of the black hole but also along the entire length of the plasma jets. Based on these new results, it is now believed that the particles are reaccelerated by stochastic processes along the jet. The discovery suggests that many radio galaxies with extended jets accelerate electrons to extreme energies and might emit gamma-rays, possibly explaining the origins of a substantial fraction of the diffuse extragalactic gamma background radiation.

These findings provide important new insights into cosmic gamma-ray emitters, and in particular about the role of radio galaxies as highly efficient relativistic electron accelerators. Due to their large number, it would appear that radio galaxies collectively make a highly significant contribution to the redistribution of energy in the intergalactic medium. The results of this study required extensive observations and optimized analysis techniques with H.E.S.S., the most sensitive gamma-ray observatory to date. Next-generation telescopes (Cherenkov Telescope Array, or CTA) will no doubt make it possible to observe this phenomenon in even greater detail.


Reference: Resolving acceleration to very high energies along the jet of Centaurus A by The H.E.S.S. Collaboration, 17 June 2020, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2354-1

[1] H.E.S.S.: High Energy Stereoscopic System, a network of atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescopes located in Namibia and specializing in the study of cosmic gamma rays.

The H.E.S.S. International Observatory, consisting of five telescopes located in Namibia, involves laboratories from thirteen countries (mainly France and Germany, but also Namibia, South Africa, Ireland, Armenia, Poland, Australia, Austria, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Japan).

In France, the CNRS and the CEA are the research organisations most involved, mainly through nine laboratories:

France is also already committed to the CTA project for the development of next-generation telescopes. CTA is listed among the very large-scale research facilities (TGIR) on the roadmap of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Here is the original post:

International Astrophysics Collaboration Discovers Quasar Jets Are Particle Accelerators Thousands of Light-Years Long - SciTechDaily

‘Moving from astrophysics to supercomputing was a natural transition for me’ – Siliconrepublic.com

Computational scientist Elise Jennings talks about her career journey from astrophysics to supercomputing and how the STEM industry has changed in recent years.

The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) recently appointed Elise Jennings as senior computational scientist. Jennings previously worked at the leadership computing facility at Argonne National Laboratory and as an associate fellow at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago. She has a research masters degree in theoretical physics and completed a PhD at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University.

Unsurprisingly, her passion for STEM subjects started young. When I was studying for the Leaving Cert, I loved biology, mathematics and applied maths. Solving science problems and finding out how things worked was a lot of fun for me, she said.

I especially loved those rare moments where I felt I had understood something at a deep level or when a simple event in everyday life can lead to some interesting mathematics. For me, the fact that we could describe these events precisely and make predictions was amazing and certainly got me hooked on science.

The adoption of machine learning and deep learning methods for science has been phenomenal and has enormous potential to accelerate scientific discovery ELISE JENNINGS

Although she started her research work with a focus on astrophysics, Jennings said moving to supercomputing was a very natural transition because her PhD was focused on modified gravity and testing those theories using large N-body simulations of structure formation in the universe.

These simulations ran on a dedicated cluster at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University and this gave me a great opportunity to understand how these codes run at scale and what it means to profile code for performance, she said.

Overall, many scientific applications from different domains require HPC [high-performance computing] systems to handle the data velocity or size, or to solve the complex scientific questions using advanced methods and simulations. My work has now expanded from astrophysics to include many of these areas and work with researchers looking to scale up and optimise their codes.

In her new role with the ICHEC, Jennings will be responsible for the creation of an exascaling team as part of the European High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Competence Centre for Ireland. This centre will operate a programme of mentoring and upskilling the most ambitious and scientifically accomplished academic groups in Ireland.

Jennings said this will enable Irish researchers to migrate from the national Tier-1 system to EuroHPC Tier-0 supercomputers, in preparation for European exascale systems and beyond.

It is exciting work engaging Irish research groups and industries as they develop competitive proposals for EuroHPC resources. I will also be developing HPC training programmes for simulations and emerging scientific machine learning and deep learning methods.

Jennings said one of the challenges she has encountered in her career is academic job uncertainty, noting that the first hurdle after a PhD is securing a postdoc, which can be very competitive.

After a couple of postdocs, the pressure is on to find a permanent research position or lectureship if you want to stay in academia, she said. After dedicating so many years to studying astrophysics, it was difficult to face the prospect of leaving and this fear would arise every couple of years when I had to reapply again. Tied in with this was the pressure to publish, which can drive research on but also adds stress if a line of research is not productive.

However, she also spoke about how incredibly lucky she feels to have worked in some of the top institutions in the world, witnessing cutting-edge research in real time.

From taking part in large astrophysics collaborations at Durham, [University of] Chicago and Fermilab, to working towards the first exascale machine in the world, the Aurora A21 machine at Argonne, she said.

A recent highlight that stands out for me was taking part in a small research team running benchmarks on a dedicated AI testbed at Argonne. I was one of the first people to run a deep learning benchmark on the Cerebras wafer-scale AI chip. It was very exciting to take part in cutting-edge development and innovation like that.

Jennings added that she has noticed several changes in the STEM industry since she began her PhD, including the increased need for HPC systems to process data or run simulations within scientific applications.

The adoption of machine learning and deep learning methods for science has been phenomenal and has enormous potential to accelerate scientific discovery. Many of these methods are built on advanced statistical techniques such as regression, which have a long history, she said.

Deep learning is a new methodology that allows us to process and understand very diverse datasets. Deep learning also poses some new challenges for HPC, particularly in terms of creating AI-driven infrastructure and code, handling massive datasets and coupling with traditional simulation and modelling techniques.

From a broader angle, Jennings also said the increase in diversity at all levels of STEM is another welcome change, which is slowly changing the perception of what it means to be a scientist.

At every stage of my career, I was very aware of diversity in my research groups and how it impacted the culture and productivity. It is encouraging to see more and more conversations about this and hopefully it will continue to bring about positive changes at all levels.

Jennings added that she would advise women who are pursuing a career in computer science to seek out companies and institutions that have a good reputation for a diverse workforce and a healthy work culture.

Most companies now recognise how crucial work-life balance is for the happiness and success of its employees but some academic institutions have been slow to learn these lessons, she said.

I would also recommend to any woman interested in pursuing a career in computer science to connect with the Women in STEM groups or outreach events which take place at their institution. It is invaluable to make contacts with leaders in the field at these events and hear their perspectives.

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'Moving from astrophysics to supercomputing was a natural transition for me' - Siliconrepublic.com

Telescope captures breathtaking new X-ray map of the sky – CBS News

A Russian and German telescope has completed its first full sweep of the sky and it's provided some breathtaking images to mark the occasion. A new map, roughly four times the depth of its predecessor, captures what the universe looks like through X-ray vision.

The eROSITA X-ray telescope, mounted on the space observatory Spektr-RG, launched last July, and finally reached its final position more than 900 million miles from Earth in December, according to anews release. It then spent 182 days slowly rotating, capturing the universe's mysterious dark energy with seven cameras.

A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany said the resulting composite images show the deepest X-ray view of the sky we've ever seen.

"This all-sky image completely changes the way we look at the energetic universe," Peter Predehl, the Principal Investigator of eROSITA, said in the release. "We see such a wealth of detail the beauty of the images is really stunning."

The new map of the hot, energetic universe holds more than one million objects that emit X-rays also known as X-ray sources about 10 times more than what was found by the last all-sky sweep 30 years ago, the release said. The map roughly doubles the number of known X-ray sources, yielding about as many as have been discovered by all past X-ray telescopes in the field's 60-year history.

Scientists said putting together the image was a "mammoth" task that required sorting through 165 GB of data.

They generated the image using the so-called Aitoff projection, projecting the entire sky onto an ellipse with the Milky Way running horizontally through the middle and color-coding photons according to their energy, according to the release. Clusters of galaxies, "stellar cemeteries" made up of supernova remnants, and gas so hot it appears to glow can all be seen in the image.

Nearly 80% of the image is made up of active galactic nuclei supermassive black holes actively gobbling up material at the center of galaxies, the researchers said. In total, about one million X-ray sources were detected, "a treasure trove that will keep the teams busy for the coming years."

While scientists attempt to deepen their understanding of the development of the universe, the telescope is now sweeping the sky for the second time.

The project, which will run for four years, aims to map the positions of millions of galaxies and gain insight into how the universe is structured, according to the release. The project may also help to unravel the mystery of dark energy and how it counteracts gravity, pushing matter apart to accelerate the expansion of the universe.

"Overall, during the next 3.5 years, we plan to get seven maps similar to the one seen in this beautiful image," said Rashid Sunyaev, lead scientist of the Russian SRG team. "Their combined sensitivity will be a factor of five better and will be used by astrophysicists and cosmologists for decades."

"With a million sources in just six months, eROSITA has already revolutionized X-ray astronomy, but this is just a taste of what's to come," added Kirpal Nandra, head of the high-energy astrophysics group at MPE. "Over the next few years, we'll be able to probe even further, out to where the first giant cosmic structures and supermassive black holes were forming."

Here is the original post:

Telescope captures breathtaking new X-ray map of the sky - CBS News

Help measure who has the darkest skies in Australia – The Canberra Times

news, national,

Scientists are asking all Australians to step outside on the longest night of the year to help measure light pollution across the country. Australasian Dark Sky Alliance CEO and founder Marnie Ogg said they were expected thousands of people on Sunday, June 21, help researchers create a map of Australia's darkest skies. They'd "also learn about light pollution and its effect on people, animals, and astronomy", Ms Ogg said. "Together, our observations will map how light pollution varies across Australia's cities and regions, and make a Guinness World Records attempt for 'most users to take an online environmental sustainability lesson in 24 hours'." ARC Centre of Excellence in All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) director, astronomer Professor Lisa Kewley, said the Australian night sky was amazing. "Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is painted across the sky. It's a view that encourages us to wonder what's out there, amongst the billions of stars," Professor Kewley said. "It's a view that encourages kids to take up science and physics. But most Australians can't see it, their view of the sky is blinded by light pollution." But the downside was that light pollution didn't just disrupt the view of The Milky Way, Ms Ogg said. "It disturbs wildlife, disrupt people's sleep, and represents wasted electricity," she said. "The information will help councils plan for darker skies and create opportunities for tourism. Dark sky parks and tours are already popping up around the country." The University of Melbourne wildlife ecologist Dr Jen Martin said further understanding of light pollution helped scientists understand its impact on wildlife. "For example, light pollution from cities distracts bogong moths as they migrate from Queensland to Victoria's alpine regions. If they don't arrive on time, the endangered mountain pygmy possums that depend on them for food will starve." The Guinness World Records attempt starts from 1pm AEST on Sunday June 21, 2020 and follows night fall around the world. All the submissions will be added to the international database of Globe at Night and participants from across the planet are welcome to take part. The project is supported by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, which has produced The National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife. Other supporters include ASTRO 3D, AstroNZ, Bintel, ICRAR, Globe at Night, Unihedron, ANU, the International Dark Sky Alliance, Laing Simmons & Young, Waiheke Island Dark Sky Park and Dark Sky Traveller. For more information and to register, visit https://worldrecordlight.thinkific.com/.



Scientists are asking all Australians to step outside on the longest night of the year to help measure light pollution across the country.

Australasian Dark Sky Alliance CEO and founder Marnie Ogg said they were expected thousands of people on Sunday, June 21, help researchers create a map of Australia's darkest skies.

They'd "also learn about light pollution and its effect on people, animals, and astronomy", Ms Ogg said.

"Together, our observations will map how light pollution varies across Australia's cities and regions, and make a Guinness World Records attempt for 'most users to take an online environmental sustainability lesson in 24 hours'."

ARC Centre of Excellence in All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) director, astronomer Professor Lisa Kewley, said the Australian night sky was amazing.

"Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is painted across the sky. It's a view that encourages us to wonder what's out there, amongst the billions of stars," Professor Kewley said.

"It's a view that encourages kids to take up science and physics. But most Australians can't see it, their view of the sky is blinded by light pollution."

But the downside was that light pollution didn't just disrupt the view of The Milky Way, Ms Ogg said.

"It disturbs wildlife, disrupt people's sleep, and represents wasted electricity," she said.

"The information will help councils plan for darker skies and create opportunities for tourism. Dark sky parks and tours are already popping up around the country."

The University of Melbourne wildlife ecologist Dr Jen Martin said further understanding of light pollution helped scientists understand its impact on wildlife.

"For example, light pollution from cities distracts bogong moths as they migrate from Queensland to Victoria's alpine regions. If they don't arrive on time, the endangered mountain pygmy possums that depend on them for food will starve."

The Guinness World Records attempt starts from 1pm AEST on Sunday June 21, 2020 and follows night fall around the world.

All the submissions will be added to the international database of Globe at Night and participants from across the planet are welcome to take part.

The project is supported by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, which has produced The National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife.

Other supporters include ASTRO 3D, AstroNZ, Bintel, ICRAR, Globe at Night, Unihedron, ANU, the International Dark Sky Alliance, Laing Simmons & Young, Waiheke Island Dark Sky Park and Dark Sky Traveller.

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Help measure who has the darkest skies in Australia - The Canberra Times

Scientists are searching the universe for signs of alien civilizations: ‘Now we know where to look’ – USA TODAY

A planet comparable to Earth's size and orbit has been discovered. Video Elephant

For the first time in more than three decades, research scientists have received grant money from NASA to search for intelligent life in outer space.

Specifically, the grant will provide funding for a project to search for signs of life via "technosignatures."

"Technosignatures relate to 'signatures' of advanced alien technologies similar to, or perhaps more sophisticated than, what we possess," said Avi Loeb, a professor of science at Harvard and one of the grant recipients.

"Such signatures might include industrial pollution of atmospheres, city lights, photovoltaic cells (solar panels), megastructures or swarms of satellites."

Researchers believe that although life appears in many forms, the scientific principles remain the same, and the technosignatures on Earth will also be identifiable in some fashion outside the solar system, according to a statement from one of the grant recipients, the Center for Astrophysics, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory.

The surge of results in exoplanetary research including planets in habitable zones and the presence of atmospheric water vapor over the past five years has revitalized the search for intelligent life.

Exoplanets are planets beyond our own solar system. Overall, in the past 25 years, researchers have discovered more than 4,000 exoplanets, including some Earth-like planets that may have the potential to harbor life.

"The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has always faced the challenge of figuring out where to look,"said Adam Frank, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester, and the primary recipient of the grant."Which stars do you point your telescope at and look for signals?

"Now we know where to look. We have thousands of exoplanets including planets in the habitable zone where life can form. The game has changed."

We are not alone, study says: There could be 'dozens' of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy

A civilization, by nature, will need to find a way to produce energy, and, Frank said, there are only so many forms of energy in the universe. Aliens are not magic.

The researchers will begin the project by looking at two possible technosignatures that might indicate technological activity on another planet: solar panels and pollutants, according to a statement from the University of Rochester.

Our job is to say, this wavelength band is where you might see certain types of pollutants, this wavelength band is where you would see sunlight reflected off solar panels, Frank said. This way astronomers observing a distant exoplanet will know where and what to look for if theyre searching for technosignatures.

The grant totals nearly$287,000 and will last two years, with the option of being extended to a third year.

This announcementcomes on the heels of a study released this month that said there could be more than 30 intelligent civilizations throughout our Milky Way galaxy alone.

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Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/06/20/nasa-funds-research-alien-technological-civilizations/3224063001/

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Scientists are searching the universe for signs of alien civilizations: 'Now we know where to look' - USA TODAY

Space news: Study says there could be 36 intelligent civilisations in galaxy – 7NEWS.com.au

Earth has proven unique in its ability to host life in the universe so far, leading us to question if were truly alone.

Maybe were not.

Scientists have calculated that there could be a minimum of 36 active, communicating intelligent civilisations in our Milky Way galaxy, according to a new study published in the The Astrophysical Journal.

In the video below: Is there intelligent life beyond Earth?

However, due to time and distance, we may never actually know if they exist or ever existed.

Previous calculations along these lines have been based on the Drake equation, which was written by astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake in 1961.

Drake developed an equation which in principle can be used to calculate how many Communicating Extra-Terrestrial Intelligent (CETI) civilizations there may be in the Galaxy, the authors wrote in their study.

However, many of its terms are unknowable and other methods must be used to calculate the likely number of communicating civilizations.

So scientists at the University of Nottingham developed their own approach.

The key difference between our calculation and previous ones based on the Drake equation is that we make very simple assumptions about how life developed, said study coauthor Christopher Conselice, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Nottingham, in an email to CNN.

One of them is that life forms in a scientific way that is if the right conditions are met then life will form. This avoids impossible to answer questions such as what fraction of planets in a habitable zone of a star will form life? and what fraction of life will evolve into intelligent life? as these are not answerable until we actually detect life, which we have not yet done.

They developed what they call the Astrobiological Copernican Principle to establish weak and strong limits on life in the galaxy.

These equations include the history of star formation in our galaxy and the ages of stars, the metal content of the stars and the likelihood of stars hosting Earth-like planets in their habitable zones where life could form.

The habitable zone is the right distance from a star, not too hot or too cold, where liquid water and life as we know it may be possible on the surface of a planet.

Of these factors, habitable zones are critical, but orbiting a quiet, stable star for billions of years may be the most critical, Conselice said.

The Astrobiological Copernican Strong limit is that life must form between 4.5 to 5.5 billion years, as on Earth, while the weak limit is that a planet takes at least 4 billion years to form life, but it can form anytime after that, the researchers said.

Based on their calculations using the Astrobiological Copernican Strong limit, they determined that there are likely 36 active and communicating intelligent civilisations across our galaxy.

This assumes that life forms the way it does on Earth which is our only understanding of it at the moment. It also assumes that the metal content of the stars hosting these planets are equal to that of our sun, which is rich in metals, Westby said.

The researchers believed the strong limit is the most likely because it still allows intelligent life to form within a billion years after it did on Earth, which seems like plenty of time, Conselice said.

Another assumption of these potential civilisations is that theyre making their presence known in some way via signals.

Currently, weve only been producing signals like radio transmissions from satellites and televisions for a short time. Our technological civilisation is about a hundred years old. So imagine about 36 others doing the same thing across the galaxy.

The researchers were surprised that the number was so small but not zero. That is fairly remarkable, Conselice said.

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Space news: Study says there could be 36 intelligent civilisations in galaxy - 7NEWS.com.au