Braeden Lichti: The Business of Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Biotechnology – Press Release – Digital Journal

Jul. 30, 2020 / PRZen / VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Scientists today now have a better understanding into the aging process, giving us a better explanation of the cellular changes that lead our body and brain to decline as we age. Many believe that inflammation, stress, diet, exercise, and genetics greatly contribute to our aging process.

New studies are pointing to promising treatments that could slow, stop, or even reverse the signs of aging. This isn't just about turning back the clock in order to have a longer life span, it's about extending our healthy years.

In one study, mice were given pills that mimicked the positive benefits of exercise. If it works in mice would it be effective in humans? And what does this portend for the future, if our lifespan increases and we all live decades longer?

The business of anti-aging and rejuvenation is gaining steam and should be on the radar of investors the Bank of America has forecasted that the market will balloon from $110 billion today, to nearly to $610 billion by 2025.

Researchers have jumped on this trend too. In 2012, only 73 trials were conducted to reverse aging and that number doubled by the end of 2017 to 145. In 2018, this industry accounted for the most significant amount of investment, as market participants attracted an amount close to $800M (for comparison, back in 2014, it was only about $100M). The number of investment deals is also growing, with the highest number of the past six years recorded in 2017 (25 according to CB Insights, up from 13 a year earlier).

Companies like Juvenescence have raised over $100M to advance multiple anti-aging programs. Juvenescence believes that recent scientific and medical advances will enable the development of therapeutics that meaningfully improve human health and extends our lifespan.

Here are additional industry developments we're excited about:

Juvenescence's portfolio currently includes Insilico Medicine, a next-generation artificial intelligence company specializing in the application of deep learning to drug discovery and aging research. Juvenescence AI, a joint venture with Insilico Medicine focused on the clinical development of AI-generated compounds.

UNITY Biotechnology, a company developing therapeutics to extend healthspan with an initial focus on cellular senescence..

AgeX Therapeutics, a company applying intellectual property related to cell immortality and pluripotency.

Finding the latest developments

Investors can follow the latest advancements in anti-aging and rejuvenation by reading magazines such as Nature and The New Scientist. Both publications recently featured interesting articles that highlighted recent developments. We also recommend following websites like fiercebiotech, scientificamerican (, and tracking IPOs ( to find other companies developing innovative technologies

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Braeden Lichti: The Business of Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Biotechnology - Press Release - Digital Journal

Skin Irritation Caused by Protective Face Coverings –

"I am getting many complaints from my patients for many reasons," said Dr. Michelle Henry, board certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon. When we are wearing a mask it's the friction of the mask rubbing on our face. There is also the humidity inside the mask and the combination of the two will cause many problems."

"The first of which is irritation and that chronic irritation combine with that humidity, the vapors from your mouth and salvia can cause something called irritant dermatitis and this is a rash from the irritation. Further there are different materials and their processed in different ways and sometimes those chemicals can actually cause an allergy, allergic or contact dermatitis. And what we are hearing a lot about is maskne, acne caused by the mask. That's from the combination of the friction and the oils of the skin. And last probably the most concerning of the side effects of wearing the mask a little bit of skin breakdown. That happens from the pressure, friction and the moisture."

"In the summer time sometimes wearing a mask can even become more difficult because again you are dealing with friction, moisture and the oil. Having a really good skin regimen is really critical. I recommend a simple skincare regimen. The three steps; first, cleanse your skin. Use a gentle cleanser morning and night. You want to cleanser that is not going to strip the moisture from your skin. You want something that is going to be gentle. If you're having a little bit of acne may be use low concentrations of active acne fighting ingredients. Step two is to moisturize and this is really critical because having an intact robust skin barrier is critical to avoid all those side effects I mentioned. I really love cream that hydrates my skin. One of my favorites is Olay Micro -Sculpting Cream Moisturizer Fragrance-Free Cream. This is really great it has some vitamin B3 in it which helps to hydrate, soothe and protect the skin. It has hyaluronic acid which is a rally potent hydrator and the combination of those two helps strengthen the skin barrier so it protects it from the friction and also protects from the moisture."

"You want to make sure you're cleaning it daily which is also in alignment with the CDC guidelines. Use a gentle soap something like Tide Free and Gentle is going to be great. Make sure that you are drying it thoroughly in the dryer to make sure it's nice and dry."

For product information visit

For more information on face coverings and more visit

About Dr. Michelle Henry

Dr. Michelle Henry is a, board certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon. She trained at Harvard and Mount Sinai medical schools. She is currently a Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. She practices Mohs micrographic surgery, laser surgery, and cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Henry attended medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and completed her residency in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, where she served as Chief Resident. Following residency, she completed a fellowship in cutaneous oncology, Mohs micrographic, and reconstructive surgery at Harvard Medical School. She specializes in high risk skin cancer treatments, cosmetic surgery, skin of color, and anti-aging treatments. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on skin cancer treatment and surgery, including publications in Dermatologic Surgery on complex reconstruction techniques after Mohs surgery, new surgical techniques for basal cell carcinoma, and innovative uses for photodynamic therapy. She has lectured at the Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the National Medical Association on the proper techniques for injecting dermal fillers, hair transplantation, body contouring, and Mohs reconstruction.

Dr. Henry has been featured in many magazine and newspaper publications, including Instyle, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Day, Essence, Better Homes and Gardens, Health, Black Enterprise, Beauty in the Bag, Plastic Surgery Practice and Newsday. She has been a featured expert on HLN, Dr. Oz, The Rachael Ray show, ABC and Fox. She has been a guest speaker on SirusXM Satellite Radio. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, American Society for Laser Medicine, and American College of Mohs Surgery.

Interview Courtesy: Olay

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Skin Irritation Caused by Protective Face Coverings -

Where in Novosibirsk it is possible to learn how to manage their health – The Global Domains News

How to Wake up every morning full of energy? How to get rid of malaise, apathy, irritability and look younger than your age?

such queries are usually not treated in the clinic because lack of energy is not a disease, and we used to ask for help only when something hurts.

Today, ask these questions to the doctors of the family medicine centers Toast. There appeared a new direction PRO medicine, whose main goal is to teach everyone to manage their health.

the Difference of direction a comprehensive, individual, in-depth approach to each patient.

Doctors often PRO unravel the tangles of diseases that have unknown causes and effects.

All the doctors directions PRO have been trained at the International Institute for integrated preventive and anti-aging medicine PreventAge that allows them to look at the patient, not only within my speciality, but to diagnose the organism as a whole.

the Doctors in this direction in developing the recommendations take account of factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, heredity, conditions of work load, emotional state, etc.

the directions PRO a more gentle, natural, drug-free treatment and recovery. Doctors PRO does not just find the true causes of disease and help restore lost health, they also motivate to a healthy lifestyle.

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Where in Novosibirsk it is possible to learn how to manage their health - The Global Domains News

Anti-Aging Medicine – Anti Aging Centers of New Jersey

Prevent and Slow Down Age-Related Disease and Dysfunction.

Anti-Aging medicine employs the latest scientific research, advances in biotechnology, and clinical preventive medicine toslow down conditions associated with aging. Through preventive screenings, early disease detection, prompt intervention, and optimal nutrition, anti-aging physicians help fight and slow down age-related disease and dysfunction.

Your biological age is not the same as your chronological age. In unhealthy people, the biological age is often measured to be much higher than their real age. On the other hand, healthy people are often seen as much younger than they actually are. Anti-aging medicine focuses on slowing down the biological aging process bytreating and preventing age-related disease on the molecular and cellular level.

In traditional medicine, physicians attempt to address the processes of illness and control its symptoms. A traditional doctor will prescribe medicine to help mask individual disease symptoms. Because prescription drugs have undesired side effects, they tend to cause further problems in the patients body. These secondary symptoms are not the result of the underlying disease, but rather the effect of medication used to alleviate the original symptoms. The patient receives more drugs and the downward spiral of masking disease with prescription drugs continues. The physicians role is often reduced to managing drugs and not patients health.

Anti-aging medicine deals with the actual physiological and biochemical causes of diseases and age-related disorders. Anti-aging doctors focus on treating the body at the microscopic, cellular, and biochemical levels. Anti-aging physicians find and treat the cause of disease, and not simply prescribe medication to mask disease symptoms. Instead of maintaining disease in its current state, anti-aging medicine emphasizes the need toimprove health, optimize performance, and increase the quality of lifefor the patient.

Patients often complain offatigue, memory problems, headaches, and emotionaland relationship issues. Although these complaints are frequently treated with prescription drugs to mask the symptoms, the true underlying causes are not adequately addressed.

The absence or imbalance of certain hormones has been found to be often the primary cause of such common patient complaints. With age, your body becomes less efficient in producing proper levels of natural hormones that are critical to the functioning of all major organs and vital body systems. Unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, stress, and toxins cause molecular stress inside your body and lead to serious hormonal imbalances.

Both men and women can have unique hormonal problems. Women frequently suffer from premature perimenopausal symptoms. Men experience andropause, often associated with low testosterone levels.

With minimal intervention, an anti-aging physician can help patients with hormonal deficiencies regain their health and vitality. Treating the underlying hormonal imbalance has a much better effect than prescribing separate medications for the individual symptoms. Perimenopausal women report tremendous improvement in their well-being, reduced depression, better sleep, no anxiety, and no more weight gain.

In both men and women, disorders improve, thinking improves, and personal relationships get better. Patients report dramatic results, regained health, and renewed vitality. The umph for life is back.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy uses hormones that are identical on the molecular level to the hormones in your body. Hormone levels are tested throughout the process to determine the proper balance. Anti-aging medicine emphasizes restoring hormones to normal, acceptable, healthy levels and returning your body to good health.

Along with proper hormone balance, metabolic balance is crucial to your health, well-being, and optimal performance. Anti-aging physicians understand that the body must obtain and absorb the right nutrients to function properly and remain disease-free. Nutritional deficiencies and gut inflammation are often the underlying causes of serious and debilitating symptoms.

Even asymptomatic patients can suffer from low levels of amino acids, vitamins, or minerals. These nutritional deficiencies frequently lead to the development of more serious, often life-threating, conditions. For example, research shows that the majority of people are deficient in vitamin D which plays an important role in improving glucose metabolism, maintaining bone health, strengthening immunity, and preventing cancer.

Using the latest nutritional testing, an experienced board-certified anti-aging physician can help you determine your nutritional deficiencies and design a customized supplementation plan. Simple adjustments in your diet and supplements can make a huge difference in the improvement of your health and vitality.

A personalized approach to healthcare is one of the most important cornerstones of anti-aging medicine. Anti-aging physicians understand and emphasize that every patient is different biochemically, physiologically, and psychologically. A successful treatment plan must take into account the unique biochemistry of each individual patient.

Anti-aging medicine focuses on designing custom treatment programs based on specialized tests, individual risk assessments, and unique health histories. Customized therapies allow anti-aging medicine doctors to help their patients achieve and maintain optimal levels of performance: sexual, physical, and mental.

In anti-aging medicine, prevention of future disease is just as important as treating an existing one. The best way to treat any medical condition is to prevent one in the first place. Active screening, early diagnosis, latest laboratory testing, modern medical imaging technologies, and prompt intervention are fundamental in helping patients avoid serious life-threatening diseases.

If you can prevent future diseases, you dont have to be treated. An anti-aging physician will help you identify important risk factors and design a customized treatment to avoid getting sick. By optimizing health, improving nutrition, and making positive adjustments to your lifestyle, you can minimize the risks of major diseases:

Anti-aging medicine focuses on optimizing health, maintaining wellness, reducing known risk factors, prevention of diseases, pre-emptive testing, and slowing down age-related diseases.

Anti-aging medicine emphasizes an integrative and holistic approach to treating the body and the mind. Anti-aging physicians focus on health optimization and often combine a variety of methods to optimize their patients health:

Anti-Aging Medicine - Anti Aging Centers of New Jersey

Anti-Aging Medicine – Aging Theories

Medicine is largely an exercise in cause and effect. Because senescence has such a diffuse and multi-symptom nature and also is of such a long-term nature, it is probably the most difficult area of medicine in which to establish cause-and-effect relationships. This is one reason that theories of aging that suggest research directions are so critical to the development of treatments for age-related diseases and conditions.

The term anti-aging medicine means different things to different people. Many see anti-aging medicine as essentially a cosmetic or esthetics effort. We can delay the appearance of aging with tummy-tucks, face lifts, and Botox.

Another view is towards healthy aging, or better aging. We can work to extend the healthy and happy portion of our lives and decrease the length of the nursing-home-stage but not necessarily live much longer. Life-style modification including exercise and diet are frequently part of this approach. Lifestyle protocols are not very controversial; most physicians favor less obesity, healthy diet, more exercise, a generally more active life, and avoiding dangerous behaviors like smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse. There is wide respect for a use it or lose it concept in which exercise and activity are beneficial. Even exercising a persons mind is thought to delay age-related mental deficits.

Finally, some are looking toward essentially treating aging, per se, and delaying the age at which manifestations of aging would otherwise appear in a particular individual. Some consider that such manifestations are reversible and that regenerative medicine could reverse or reduce some symptoms of aging including age-related diseases. Average and maximum human lifespan could be extended. Since there is little actual clinical evidence of pharmaceutically extending maximum human lifespan and this idea is unpopular in the general public and the medical community, most practitioners are careful not to make extravagant claims in this area. Treating aging, per se, might be expected to have more obvious effects on older people.

In a twist to this idea, it is widely agreed that senescence is largely an inherited characteristic and varies between individuals. The old saw goes: If you want to live a long life, choose long-lived parents. An anti-aging practitioner might say Your hormone levels are not typical for a person your age and need to be adjusted. Of course, if that is a valid approach, the patient might say: I would like to have my hormone levels adjusted to those of a typical 110-year-old or whatever levels the 110-year-old had when they were my age! See more on hormones below.

The thousands of prescription drugs are tested and certified for use in treating a particular disease or condition. However, a physician can prescribe most prescription drugs off book for other uses. In addition there are thousands of over-the-counter non-prescription drugs thought to be beneficial in treating some disease or condition as well as thousands of foods and substances sold by vitamin and health food stores also thought to have beneficial effects. Hard evidence of effectiveness such as double-blind clinical trials is usually much less available on the non-prescription substances.

Programmed aging theories suggest that aging is substantially the result of a biological mechanism and therefore that agents can be found that affect this mechanism just as they can be found for treating the disease and condition-specific mechanisms. As programmed aging theories become more popular we can expect to see many substances suspected of having anti-aging properties. Because it is progressively harder to establish cause and effect for anti-aging agents in longer-lived organisms such as humans a lot of the evidence will be coming from experiments with shorter-lived organisms such a mice (~2.5 years), some short-lived fish species (8 weeks), even worms and flies that may or may not be directly applicable to humans. Agents can also be evaluated by measuring their effect on senescence indicators such as telomere length, hormone levels, etc.

Non-programmed theories suggest that anti-damage agents such as anti-oxidants or anti-inflammatory agents might be effective.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Aging (NIA) is operating a search for anti-aging agents that they call the Interventions Testing Program. Oral agents are tested in mice and evaluated for effects on lifespan. This program can only evaluate a few agents per year and does not deal with injected agents or experiments that require special handling such as exercise regimens.

Human testing in elderly subjects might provide relatively rapid results depending on the nature of the aging mechanism. For example if aging is reversible, such testing may provide measurable results in a short period.

Suspected anti-aging agents include: rapamycin, metformin, resveratrol, vitamin D3, Cycloastragenol, and deprenyl.

Because some suspected anti-aging agents apparently have few side-effects large scale human trials are possible.

Programmed aging theories suggest that aging is the result of a biological program that purposely causes or allows manifestations of aging to appear on a species-specific schedule. If this program is similar to other biological programs such as the ones involved in reproduction, or glucose metabolism, or circadian rhythms, or stress responses, then it is likely that some part of our body determines when to apply the aging function and sends signals to other parts to implement the function. These signals can be nervous or chemical (hormonal) in nature and hormone signals are typically distributed in blood plasma. Therefore, if aging is programmed we could logically expect to see age or dont age signals (or both) in blood plasma. Indeed, many human hormones are observed to either decrease or increase with age.

Experiments have been performed in which tissue from older animals is exposed to plasma from young animals. Senescence markers were observed to change in response.

Heterochronic plasma exchange (HPE), or infusion of young plasma into old patients (or infusion of old plasma into young animals) is being explored as a way to study anti-aging effects of blood factors. The advantage of this approach is that is not necessary to understand which hormones are involved or exactly how they work in order to demonstrate an anti-aging effect. HPE trials could also result in near-term anti-aging treatments. See Young Blood Institute and Ambrosia Company.

Therapeutic plasma infusion is a recognized technique used in treatment of various diseases. However, the trials and prospects for treatments are highly controversial, at least partly because of attitudes described in companion articles.

Any signaling scheme must have means for both asserting and removing the signal. Hormone concentrations naturally decay. Some hormones are cancelled by other associated hormones and endocrinology is a complex subject. It is therefore somewhat unclear if plasma therapy would have beneficial effects for long enough to be practical. The importance of this issue depends on which hormones are actually important in aging.

At least in the U.S. anti-aging medicine is an established medical specialty. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is a medical specialty association like the American Podiatric Medical Association, or those supporting any other branch of medicine. From A4M literature:

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is dedicated to the advancement of tools, technology, and transformations in healthcare that can detect, treat, and prevent diseases associated with aging. A4M further promotes the research of practices and protocols that have the potential to optimize the human aging process.

The organization is also dedicated to educating healthcare professionals and practitioners, scientists, and members of the public on biomedical sciences, breakthrough technologies, and medical protocols through our advanced education entity: Metabolic Medical Institute (MMI).

A4M is a U.S. federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of over 26,000 members across the globe, including physicians (85%), scientists and researchers (12%) , and governmental officials, media, and general public (3%), all of whom collectively represent over 120 nations.

A4M is focused on spreading awareness about innovative, cutting-edge science and research, in addition to treatment modalities designed to prolong the human life span.

The core of the NEW medicine is based on scientific principles of comprehensive medical care, which encompass many other specialties within healthcare.

A4M Provides continuing medical education (CME) and training to over 65,000 physicians and health practitioners at multiple live conferences worldwide, as well as online CME education in the functional, metabolic, and regenerative medical sciences. A4M supports advanced education, conferences, certifications, fellowships, online courses, and graduate programs.

A4M practitioners include those supporting all of the treatment viewpoints described earlier. Many practitioners have expanded existing physician practices in some other specialty to include anti-aging medicine. With regard to pharmaceutically delaying aging there are currently (2018) two major initiatives in the A4M community:

Telomerase Activators

Telomeres are the end caps on chromosome molecules that tend to shorten with age. Since the 1960s age-related telomere shortening has been suspected as part of an aging mechanism. Telomerase is a naturally occurring enzyme that repairs (lengthens) telomeres. Telomerase activators that stimulate production of telomerase and therefore increase telomere length are in use by some anti-aging practitioners. Clinical trials show that these oral medications do increase telomere length but actual lifespan extension is much harder to demonstrate.

From Wikipedia: The NASDAQ listed company Geron has developed a telomerase activator TAT0002, which is the saponin cycloastragenol in Chinese herb Astragalus propinquus. Geron has granted a license to Telomerase Activation Sciences to sell TA-65, the telomerase activator agent also derived from astragalus. In October 2010 Intertek/AAC Labs, an ISO 17025 internationally recognized lab, found the largest component of TA-65 to be Cycloastragenol.

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Age-related changes in hormones are specifically suggested by programmed theories as parts of a programmed aging mechanism. Since many human hormones decrease with age and some increase with age enhancing concentrations of the former and interfering with the latter are obvious possibilities for an anti-aging treatment. However, hormone replacement (estrogen, testosterone, steroids) has been historically associated with significant adverse side-effects. BHRT practitioners suggest that this problem has been reduced or eliminated by using a different bio-identical form of the hormone(s) and using reduced dosage relative to the earlier treatments.

Conclusion: It is possible that therapies and agents that already exist have some effect in treating aging, per se, and therefore produce lifespan extension. However the extreme difficulty in establishing definitive cause and effect evidence and current unpopularity of this idea (see companion articles index) suggest that no definite medical conclusions can be expected in the near future. Plausibility of such result depends heavily on which of the many aging theories one accepts. Trials of therapies and agents that have a reasonable demonstration of safety in relatively elderly patients appear to have the best prospects for demonstrating effectiveness in this area.

Aging Theories Articles Index

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Anti-Aging Medicine - Aging Theories

Global Beta-Carotene Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period 2020-20 –

A new research report published by Fior Markets with the titleBeta-Carotene Market by Source (Algae, Synthetic, Fruits & Vegetables, others), Application (Dietary Supplements, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Animal Feed, Cosmetics) Product Type (Fat Soluble Beta-Carotene, Water-Soluble Beta-Carotene), Region, Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2020 to 2027.

Theglobal beta-carotene marketis expected to grow from USD 473 million in 2019 to USD 640 million by 2027, at a CAGR of 3.8 % during the forecast period 2020-2027. Europe has the leading consumer and a large number of producers with latest technology in this market. And Asia-Pacific has the fastest growth forecasted in this market, due to rise in cosmetics, food & beverages, animal feed and other end-user industry in the developing countries like India and China.


Major players of Beta-carotene Market are Laycored, BioExtract, DSM N.V., Foodchem International Corporation, BASF SE, Nutralliance, Zhejiang Medicine Co., Parry Nutraceuticals, Flavorchem Corporation, Kemin Industries, Phytone, Pharmline, Algatechnologies, Valensa International, Mera Pharmaceuticals, Cyanotech Corporation. All the companies are trying to achieve product differentiation and to develop new technologies.

BASF, which is the dominant company of this market, took over Cogniz, a algae-derived producer.

Vitatene was acquired by another dominant company DSM. Vitatene was a major fermentation-derived beta carotene producer.

This helped in the market position of the companies.

The Source segment includes Algae, Synthetic, Fruits & Vegetables, Others. The others segment includes fungus, fermentation of microorganisms and palm oil. Algae includes Dunaliella salina. Fruits & vegetable includes carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato. The Application segment includes, Pharmaceutical, Food & beverage, Cosmetics, Animal Feed and Dietary Supplements. Dietary Supplements demand is increasing from adults, which increases the market demand for carotenoids. Food & beverage and personal care & cosmetics dominate this industry. As beta-carotene is widely used as an antioxidant in cosmetics and personal care.

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The Product Type segment includes, Fat soluble Beta-carotene and Water-soluble Beta-carotene. Fat soluble Beta-carotene is better than Water-Soluble beta-carotene.

Growing awareness in consumers about anti-aging, anti-cancer and other health benefits of this product have increased the demand of personal care product, food and feed. Also, increase in lifestyle with chronic diseases helps to boost demand of health supplements that contains beta carotenes.

Other drives of this market ca be, increase in ailments like nutrient deficiency or change in preferences for natural dietary supplements.

The intra-industry threat or the substitutes in future is the major threat for this market, but advantages of this market lowers the threat.


About the report:The globalbeta-carotene market is analyzed on the basis of value (USD Billion), volume (K Units), export (K Units), and import (K Units). All the segments have been analyzed on global, regional and country basis. The study includes an analysis of more than 30 countries for each segment. The report offers in-depth analysis of driving factors, opportunities, restraints, and challenges for gaining the key insight of the market. The study includes porters five forces model, attractiveness analysis, raw material analysis, and competitor position grid analysis.

Customization of the Report:The report can be customized as per client requirements. For further queries, you can contact us onsales@fiormarkets.comor +1-201-465-4211. Our executives will be pleased to understand your requirements and offer you the best-suited reports.

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Global Beta-Carotene Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period 2020-20 -

Dr. Kamii, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC wins Top Aesthetic Injector East in the Aesthetic Everything 2020 Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine Awards – PRNewswire

Dr. Kamii, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

Dr. Kamii is the founder of THE MED SPA located in Southwest Florida. Graduating with Honors Summa Cum Laude, she is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a Doctorate Degree specializing in Aesthetic, Anti-Aging and Concierge Medicine. Voted Top 100 Best Aesthetic Injectors in America, she is an Internationally Trained Cosmetic Injector with a keen artistic eye. She continues to train regularly and as often as she can with a passion for Aesthetics and Health/Wellness.

As both an artist and a practitioner, Kamii helps make her patients look and feel their best with non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Patients travel from all over to experience her expertise.Kamii has a natural approach to facial rejuvenation and wants to help every person accentuate their best features. Let her help take care of your aesthetic, anti-aging and medical needs. "I'm here to provide the highest quality of exceptional care with humility at an advanced level."

SPECIALTIESToxin/Dermal FillersKYBELLAPDO ThreadsMicroneedling/MicroinfusionPRP, PRF and Stem Cell TherapyHair Restoration TherapyLaser TreatmentsSclerotherapySkin CareMedical Grade FacialsMedical Grade Chemical PeelsIV Therapy/Wellness/Vitamin TherapyHormone Replacement Therapy/Anti-AgingWeight Loss


Dr. Kamii, DNP, APRN, FNP-BCThe Med Spa6631 Orion DriveSuite 110Fort Myers, FL 33912239-249-8285[emailprotected]

About Aesthetic Everything:

Aesthetic Everythingis the largest network of aesthetic professionals in the world. It is the #1 promotion source for all information in the aesthetics industry. Aesthetic Everything hosts the glamorous Beauty Expo Trade Show & Celebrity/Media Red Carpet Awards. Aesthetic Everything 2021 Beauty Expoand the accompanying awards ceremony will be June 12th, 2021 with 100's of Celebrity and Media.Aesthetic Everything also publishes Beauty Wire Magazine.

Media Contact:

Vanessa Julia, CEO[emailprotected]View All Info Here:

SOURCE Aesthetic Everything


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Dr. Kamii, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC wins Top Aesthetic Injector East in the Aesthetic Everything 2020 Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine Awards - PRNewswire

Facial Masks That Help Prevent And Soothe Maskne Breakouts – Forbes

A combination of photographs shows textile designer Corinne McManus, co-founder of the sewing ... [+] collective "Masks for Extraordinary People", posing for portraits wearing masks in their design studio in south London on May 28, 2020 where they are making colourful face masks for key workers during the novel coronavirus pandemic. - With the help of around 60 volunteers the collective have made more than 4,000 masks in 6 weeks, using all types of donated fabric such as bed sheets, towels, and shirts, and given them to key workers who continue to work during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP) (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

During the peak of quarantine, many filled the hours with self care routines that helped to fortify overall health and wellbeing. Extra steps in skin or body care that our pre pandemic lives could not accommodate, had suddenly become crucial to staying sane while staying in. Mandated wearing of face masks when in public places have alternately changed our beauty routines. As cities all over the world began to open up, we began reading and hearing about a new skin concern called maskne. Acne caused by wearing a face mask for prolonged hours may oftentimes cause pimples, blackheads, white heads around the mouth, chin and nose. This happens when dirt, grime, sweat oil, bacteria and sweat are trapped by your face mask, especially in warm climates.

A deep cleaning of skin before putting on your face mask is essential in preventing maskne. Gentle cleansers are highly recommended, although for advanced cases of , a de-clogging formula with salicyclic Acid may be a good idea. Experts also suggest using a face scrub to rid skin of deep seated sebum and dirt. Your post cleanse routine will also play a key role in addressing or preventing maskne. While we all want squeaky clean skin, hydrating, soothing and nourishing helps to fortify our skin barrier so that it is less prone to pesky zits.

Close-up of young mixed-race woman applying white face cream face, face mask, eyes closed, ... [+] smiling,with turquoise background

Facial masks have been around for some time now, but not everyone is in the habit of incorporating them into their daily skincare routines. There are various benefits from adding facial masks to your weekly self-care regimen, including deep hydration, detoxification, tightening of skin as well as overall sense of relaxation. Beauty masks come in various formulations from sheets, muds to a combination of both scrub and mask. Where addressing maskne is concerned, the good old facial mask merits props for helping to ease skin irritation, redness, inflammation. They also do wonders in bringing back skin radiance and anti aging.

MUDMASKY is an Amsterdam-based skincare company that creates freshly made mud mask formulations using only natural ingredients. Theyve very recently introduced a beautiful range of seasonal face masks to help nourish and care for skin all 365 days of the year. The company has also created a mask especially for detoxifying in the mornings, which is perhaps your best skincare investment for 2020. FACIAL DETOX PURIFYING RECOVERY MASK is a multitasking deep cleanse product that: refines pores, deeply hydrates, smoothens, brightens and keeps skin looking young. Use one to two times weekly, leaving on face for up to 10 minutes. Montmorillonite Clay works as the key ingredient for ridding skin of toxins and impurities. It is also responsible for stimulating blood flow which helps to bring back skin radiance.

Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask by MUDMASKY

Leave Me On Autumn Mask by MUDMASKY

With the cooler months now upon us, the LEAVE-ME-ON AUTUMN MASK is a will help skin transition into winter season. This gel-based calming formula rebalances skin and rehydrates while simultaneously reducing the appearance of sun spots. Freshly squeezed aloe vera leaf juice helps to calm and cool irritated skin and even nasty maskne.

5YINA uses traditional Chinese Medicine tradition for the creation of revitalizing skincare products. Im currently obsessed with its healing hand balm, but thats another story all together. The DIVINE BIOCELLULOSE SHEET MASK is a another wonderful skin treat to come home to after a full day of wearing your protective face mask. Made of holistic herbs and adaptogens, it helps to plump skin and bring back its glow. Botanical infusion of peony root, calendula and ginseng does wonders for soothing skin irritation. Leave the sheet mask on for up to two hours for a full spa experience at home. You may also want to massage face with the PINK MOON ROSE QUARTZ GUA SHA FACIAL TOOL while your sheet is on. This self care ritual will not only help with lymphatic drainage, it will also ease mind, body and soul especially during these times.

Biocellulose Sheet Mask by 5YINA

Rose Quartz Gua Sha Tool by PINK MOON

UMA is a luxury wellness company anchored on 5,000-year-old wisdom of Ayurveda. The brand works only with rare, potent botanicals sourced from India to deliver clean, holistic healing for skin, body, mind and spirit. Ayurvedic-based products have become stars of my skincare shelf in 2020 as it unifies body and mind to address both physical and emotional ailments. I also love how it harnesses Mother Natures healing powers to ease the senses and soul.

Deeply Clarifying Face Mask by UMA

Take of instance UMAS DEEP CLARIFYING FACE MASK. It uses ingredients like turmeric, clove and neem as anti-bacterial agents. Honey and lemon are also utilized for regulating skins natural oil production. This gentle yet potent formula works at the surface and sub dermal layers of skin to minimize the appearance of blemishes and help eliminate impurities.. And because it is natural, it works beautifully with all skin types.

WHAL MYUNGs history goes back 120 years during the time of the Joseon dynasty in South Korea. Its founder is a fourth generation successor of the countrys first pharmaceutical company and medicine. Extensive background in traditional herbal healing would later lead to the founding of a modern wellness brand that utilizes five herbal ingredients to boost skin vitality: dried tangerine peel (anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti bacterial, spot reducing), dried ginger (anti oxidant, anti-aging, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory), cinnamon (soothing, exfoliating and anti bacterial), corydalis tuber (anti inflammatory, anti oxidant), myristica fragrans (calming and hydrating).

Skin Elixir Mask by WHAL MYUNG

The SKIN ELIXIR MASK utilizes all these key ingredients in a mask sheetand more. The nutrient-packed elixir harnesses the regenerative benefits of lecithin, which binds moisture to skin for improved moisture retention. Skin is visibly softer, revitalized, with that glow-from-within radiance. This formulation is also recommended for those suffering from rough, uneven, dull skin.

ALOISIA BEAUTY combines Korean beauty fundamentals with science to reimagine the daily skincare ritual. In a commitment to stay clean, the label works exclusively with pure, high quality ingredients that nourish, repair and protect skin. Its signature 7-DAY SKIN CARE SYSTEM is testament to the brands commitment for beauty innovation. The set includes seven different masks, each formulated to overhaul skin within a one-week period.

7-Day Skincare System by ALOISIA BEAUTY

The SOOTHING PROTECTION MASK uses aloe leaf extracts as well as marine and botanical extracts to calm, protect and hydrate skin. The skincare system also includes a DEEP HEALING MASK, a blend of turmeric, vitamin leaf water and botanicals that help skin regain elasticity and fight aging. All facial mask sheets use a Luxe Cupra fabric, which allows for even absorption and deep skin penetration. Compared to most sheets, this also stays on more securely and comfortably.

FEMMUE is a fabulous floral feast on skin. Taking inspiration from the energy of flowers, the luxury skincare label continuously innovates botanical cosmetics to bring therapy to skin. Formulations are intended to harness healing and protection for while addressing a wide range of concerns from texture to deep hydration and even detoxification.

Gentle Green Relief Mask by FEMMUE

Gypsy Rose Calming Mask by FEMMUE

GENTLE GREEN RELIEF MASK is a floral powered formula that purifies skin by removing dead skin cells and excess sebum. Kaolin Clay and Sea Mud aid in deeply cleansing and oil absorption. Infusion of Green Tea Leaves work to stimulate collagen production. To use, simply apply on skin and leave on for up to 15 minutes before rinsing. For oily skin types, GYPSY ROSE CALMING MASK is an effective regulator or sebum and oil without drying out skin. French Rose Petal extracts as well as Rose water, leave a soft and smooth finish on skin.

M-61 POWERFUL SKINCARE always delivers on a promise. The brand, founded by Marla Beck (the same innovator behind BLUEMERCURY) is committed to formulating skincare solutions that are effective, gluten-free, vegan and free of the usual toxics. Advanced actives and high performance naturals are at the core of all M-61 products, including a current cult favorite: POWERSPOT MASK.

PowerSpot Mask by M61

Ideal for acne or maskne-prone skin, this non drying clay formula is made of camphor, kaolin clay, bentonite and salicylic acid to detoxify pores and absorb excess oil. It is also made so that redness, rashes and itching are calmed. For best results, do a double cleanse. After a gentle wash, dry and apply over face. Leave on for up to five minutes before a thorough rinse. Top with a gentle, lightweight moisturizer.

ALPYN BEAUTY is a clean, sustainable beauty brand that highlights the power of wild-crafted botanicals. Sourcing from the mountains of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, its products are created with the intention of bringing the same potency and resilience of plants in the wild to you skincare experience. The team best explains this in saying: The plants we some of the hardest-working and most resilient botanicals that are conditioned to survive in an unforgiving climate (high altitude, low humidity, limited oxygen, harsh sun, snowfall and wind). When applied to skin, these plants perform just like they do in the wildpreserving, protecting and strengthening your skin.

Calming Midnight Mask with Melatonin & Wild Dandelion by ALYPN BEAUTY

The CALMING MIDNIGHT MASK WITH MELATONIN AND WILD DANDELION is a packed with anti-oxidants. This calming leave-on is infused with melatonin, wild dandelion leaf and bakuchiol. When combined, this formula resets, recharges and repair while at rest. Hyaluronic acid and retinol seal in moisture, resulting in skin thats recharged.

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Facial Masks That Help Prevent And Soothe Maskne Breakouts - Forbes

Botulinum Toxin Market to Witness Comprehensive Growth by 2025 – Scientect

Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Snapshot

Botulinum toxin, known to the mankind as one of the most poisonous biological substances, is a neurotoxin produced by theClostridium botulinum bacteria.Clostridium botulinum, the gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria commonly found in water, soil, on plants, and the intestinal tracts of animals can be elaborated into eight exotoxins, all interfering with the process of neural transmission and causing muscle paralysis.

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From the earliest recorded uses of the toxin for the management ofstrabismus in humans to being approved for the treatment of a number of spasticity-related conditions, it has now started witnessing demand across nearly all important sub-specialties of the medicine sector. It was approved by the FDA in 2002 for the cosmetic application of decreasing glabeller forehead frown lines temporarily.

Ever since, botulinum toxins continue to play a key role in the management of a wide range of medical conditions, especially hemifacial spasm, focal dystonias and strabismus, several spastic movement disorders, hyperhidrosis, hypersalivation, headaches, and certain chronic diseases that only partially respond to medical treatments. The set of potential new indications treatable by botulinum toxins is expanding at a rapid pace.

Cosmetological applications, one of the most popular and profitable applications of botulinum toxins, include correction of creases, fine lines, and wrinkles over the face, neck, chin, and chest.Dermatological applicationsof the toxin, including hyperhidrosis, are also gaining increased popularity, chiefly as botulinum toxin injections are often well tolerated and lead to few side effects.

Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Overview

The international botulinum toxin (BNT) market is gigantically advantaged by the soaring number of applications for different purposes. A recent study has revealed that BNT can be used for benefitting patients with shoulder disorders such as those who undergo rotator cuff surgery. BNT in the form of onabotulinum toxin A (OnabotA) is licensed in several countries such as Korea to help with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) induced urinary incontinence attributable to multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury.

The world BNT market could be segregated as per two key classifications, i.e. product type and end use. Maintaining a promising share in the global market, botulinum toxin type A (BNTA) is envisioned to be a faster growing product with applications in both aesthetic and therapeutic fronts.

The report on the global BNT market has been compiled after taking comprehensive efforts to gather vital insights for procuring future growth prospects, opportunities to rise against the odds, and data related to the current and future competitive scenario.

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Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Trends and Opportunities

The aesthetic classification by type of end use is prognosticated to make a positive difference in the overall BNT market with a record share registered in 2015. BNT finds application in the treatment of glabellar lines, crows feet, and frown lines. As a result, it has received a significant demand in terms of primary cosmetic application for controlling aging signs and enhancing facial appearance.

Since BNT is a neurotoxin, the lackluster in the adoption of neurotoxins could raise questions on the demand in the global BNT market. The market growth could be further hindered with substandard reimbursement coverage on few products and extortionate treatment procedures. Moreover, shortness of breath and allergic reactions are some of the side effects witnessed on the part of neurotoxins.

However, a substantial number of BNT applications is expected to birth in the near future on account of large investments in research and development projects. The demand for BNT is anticipated to augment even more with the increase in demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments. Vendors can also keep their hopes alive during any turmoil in the market with the escalation of geriatric population.

The therapeutic use of BNT is predicted to see a constant rise owing to the growing application of botulinum toxin B (BNTB) in the treatment of cervical dystonia and Xeomin and Dysport products for hyperhidrosis and blepharospasm.

Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Regional Outlook

Asia Pacific is analyzed to possess the potential to rise as a reliable geographical segment to bet the bottom dollar on. The demand in the Asia Pacific BNT market is envisaged to aggravate as players ride on the growing aged population and their need for anti-aging products. Besides augmenting disposable income, vendors in the Asia Pacific region could heavily benefit from the hot social awareness about commercial anti-aging products in countries such as Japan, China, and India.

Having won the crown of dominant growth in 2015, North America is expected to raise the growth bar once again on the back of the elevating BNT demand for improving external appearances and other aesthetic reasons.

Global Botulinum Toxin Market: Companies Mentioned

Considering their influence in the world BNT market on the basis of commercial availability and brand identity, companies such as Merz Pharma GmbH and Co. KgaA, Ipsen Group, Allergan, Inc., US Worldmeds, LLC, and Medytox, Inc. are predicted to top the list of best global players. These players are foreseen to take advantage of the colossal adoption of BNT on account of tangible benefits such as speedy healing of wounds, shorter stay in the hospital, and small incision.

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to busi-ness entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experi-enced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.

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Botulinum Toxin Market to Witness Comprehensive Growth by 2025 - Scientect

Surge in the Adoption of Anti-Aging Medicine to Fuel the Growth of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market Through the Assessment Period 2018 2026 – Jewish…

The Global Anti-Aging Medicine market gives detailed Evaluation about all the Important aspects related to the marketplace. The analysis on global Anti-Aging Medicine economy, offers profound insights regarding the Anti-Aging Medicine market covering all of the crucial aspects of the market. Moreover, the report offers historical information with future prediction over the forecast period. Various important factors such as market trends, earnings growth patterns market shares and demand and supply are contained in almost all the market research report for every industry. A number of the vital facets analysed in the report contains market share, production, key regions, earnings rate in addition to key players.

The study of various segments of the global market are also Covered in the study report. In addition to that, for the prediction periods determination of variables such as market size and the competitive landscape of this sector is analysed in the report. On account of the rising globalization and digitization, there are new tendencies coming to the marketplace daily. The study report provides the in-depth analysis of all these tendencies.

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In addition, the Anti-Aging Medicine market report also provides the Latest trends in the Global Anti-Aging Medicine marketplace with the help of primary as well as secondary research methods. Additionally, the research report on Anti-Aging Medicine market provides a wide analysis of the market including market overview, production, producers, dimensions, price, value, growth rate, earnings, prices, export, consumption, and sales revenue of this Global Anti-Aging Medicine market. On the flip side, the Anti-Aging Medicine market report also studies the industry status for the prediction period. However, this can help to grow the advertising opportunities throughout the world in addition to major market suppliers.

key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

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The Anti-Aging Medicine market report provides useful insights for Every established and advanced players across the world. Furthermore the Anti-Aging Medicine market report provides accurate analysis for the shifting competitive dynamics. This study report comprises a complete analysis of future expansion concerning the evaluation of the mentioned prediction interval. The Anti-Aging Medicine market report provides a thorough study of the technological growth outlook over time to be aware of the market growth rates. The Anti-Aging Medicine marketplace report also has innovative analysis of the huge number of unique factors that are boosting or functioning as well as regulating the Anti-Aging Medicine marketplace growth.

A systematized methodology can be utilized to make a Report on the Global Anti-Aging Medicine market. For the research of market on the terms of research Approaches, these techniques are useful. All of the Information Regarding the Products, manufacturers, vendors, clients and much more is covered in research reports. Various important factors like market trends, revenue Growth patterns market stocks and supply and demand are included in virtually all The market study report for every business. Adaptation of fresh ideas and Accepting the latest tendencies are a few the reasons for any markets growth. The Global Anti-Aging Medicine market research report gives the deep understanding concerning the Regions where the market is impactful.

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Surge in the Adoption of Anti-Aging Medicine to Fuel the Growth of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market Through the Assessment Period 2018 2026 - Jewish...

Reduce "Inflammaging" and Improve Your Health – KATU

An emerging concept in medicine is increasingly focused on a rarely recognized yet widely prevalent condition that contributes to an array of diseases called "inflammaging". Greg Eckel, ND, from Nature Cures Clinic, joined us to share how this chronic inflammation, although it may progress slowly, is the root cause of many diseases and poses a significant threat to public health and longevity.

The condition, which often results from an accumulation of health risk factors such as environmental causes, dietary habits, UV exposure, and sleep patterns, is linked to a number of age-related diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

To delay and support healthy aging while protecting the body from illness, medical experts continue to investigate the prominent role of chronic inflammation and its implications on the development of anti-aging therapies.

What can you do to curb "inflammaging"? Eat a Mediterranean-style diet with a plant-based diet focused on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and cold-water fish and plants like soybeans and flax seeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Limit or eliminate consumption of foods known to have a pro-inflammatory effect. These include all refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice and pastries; sugar-sweetened beverages; deep-fried foods; and red meat and processed meats. They are the very same foods with well-established links to obesity (itself a risk factor for inflammation), heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Drink coffee and tea which contain protective polyphenols, among other anti-inflammatory compounds.

Reduce chronic stress. You can do this by getting regular exercise: 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise and 10 to 25 minutes of weight or resistance training at least four to five times a week. Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Practice meditation and yoga.

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Reduce "Inflammaging" and Improve Your Health - KATU

Face Yoga: What It Is and How to Do It – Parade

If you think face yoga sounds like a fantasy, its time to face reality: Exercising specific muscles of the face on a regular basis is not only a smart part of a healthy and mindful lifestyle, it can tone your skin and even keep annoying wrinkles at bay, some proponents say. They also believe youll feel and look more refreshed and confident, no surgery required.

Its relatively easy to learn how to do yoga exercises for the face and neck. Along with eating well and getting enough sleep, these steps can make a big difference in ones appearance. Still not convinced? Even Meghan Markle has revealed shes a big fan of face yoga and swears it works, as silly as you may feel while doing it, as she said a few years ago in an interview.

But who cares about silly if you look and feel better afterward? I knew that exercise could positively change the facial appearance because the muscles of the face work like the muscles of the body, and respond to resistance and contraction, says Annelise Hagen, founder and CEO of The Yoga Face.

Not only can exercise help the skin look healthier and more toned, Hagen says that the vast majority of us, no matter how old we are, can benefit from facial and neck revitalization stretches and movements. Muscles respond to exercise at any age, she notes.

And with many of us on our devices for the bulk of each day, we need to know how to stretch and maintain good posture that begins, literally, at the top of our bodies. Hagen calls face yoga a a skill set for life. And just thinkit might mean you wont need injections or fillers as you age.

Face yoga is a series of specific exercises for the face that are done on a regular basis. Many women report looking years younger than their biological age after incorporating the stretches and movements into their days. Its the practice of toning the muscles of our faceand we have more than 40 of them!to create a desired look, says Fumiko Takatsu, an internationally known anti-aging expert who created The Face Yoga Method.

Takatsus holistic approach uses carefully developed facial exercises that are designed to replace cosmetic procedures 100 percent naturally, she says. By toning the muscles beneath our skin surface, we can effectively reduce wrinkles, eye bags, asymmetry issues, double chin, turkey neck, and so much more.

Related: What Is Gua Sha?

But is face yoga backed by science? Actually, yes, there is some evidence it can work. A study from the Northwestern University School of Medicine in 2018, for example, found that 30 minutes of daily facial exercise improved the appearance of middle-aged women across 20 weeks, giving them noticeably fuller upper and lower cheeks.

There is some evidence that facial exercises may improve facial appearance and reduce some visible signs of aging, said lead author Dr. Murad Alam, vice chair and professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine when the study came out. Assuming the findings are confirmed in a larger study, individuals have a low-cost, non-toxic way for looking younger or to augment other cosmetic or anti-aging treatments they may be seeking.

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Hagen adds that we now have a body of work behind us about face yoga. We have proof, we have documentation, and we have medical studies.

The popularity of face yoga might be due, in part, to a backlash that is going on against a fake look that injections, fillers, and other artificial fixes can create, she adds, especially if such measures are overused. Women want to look younger and naturally healthy without pricey upkeep or procedures.

As we age, the skin and muscles on our face and neck naturally loosen due to our habits, loss of collagen, nutrition factors, and other aging issues, adds Takatsu. Face yoga works by toning the muscles in our face and neck and improving blood flow and circulation. This results in healthier, glowing skin, and can help us look years younger.

She says that many women also see results beyond the physical. Practicing face yoga encourages women to regain their confidence and embrace the aging process.

If youre not already practicing face yoga techniques, you can start doing so immediately. For best results, set aside some regular time a few times a week to practice facial rejuvenation exercises, the experts advise. Specific exercises are designed solely for the forehead, the brow and eye area, the nose area, the mouth, the cheekbones, the chin area, the neck, and more. In many cases, you hold each facial pose for several seconds or longer, as you would in body yoga.

Most face yoga experts have an array of favorite exercises and routines. Whichever exercises you choose to do, itw best to begin with fresh, clean skin, with little or no makeup on (but do apply some good moisturizer). Tie your hair back, have a mirror handy to ensure consistency in your exercises, and find a quiet place to practice.

If you do not have much time and just want the basics, Hagen offers a video primer that takes you through the essence of a face yoga workout. You can do a quickie sessionlike the one shown in the video belowfor 10 minutes daily and see great results, says Hagen. You can also do longer ones of about an hour a session for more thoroughness.

And yes, be warnedsome of the poses do indeed look silly!

Ideally, Hagen says, a face yoga session should last about 20 minutes.

For anyone who might be dubious, Hagen suggests, Try it and see what happens! I guarantee you that if you do this for a week, you will be a believer. And document your progress. Take pictures daily of your face, in the same light and at the same time of day. I will be shocked if you dont look better.

After nearly two decades of teaching her method, Takatsu recommends that for optimal results, people practice face yoga exercises in sets of three, a few times a day, for a total of 20 minutes.

Even doing face yoga just a few times a week will yield results, since we are working with very small muscles, she adds.

Related: Yoga for Sleep: Five Relaxing Postures

As with any exercise, consistency is key, she adds. Many dedicated practitioners may see results even after a few days.

All exercises arent perfect for everyone, of course, so all those interested in face yoga should proceed responsibly. And the beautiful truth is there are many exercises to choose fromand tons of videos to watch for guidance and inspiration.

Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to yourinbox.

Check out this video from Fumiko Takatsu featuring five great face poses:

Next, read up on how to deal with dry, itchy skin this winter.

Face Yoga: What It Is and How to Do It - Parade

Pulmonary, Cardiac Function in BPD Rat Model Improved by Added Klotho – Pulmonary Hypertension News

Preterm babies with the lung condition bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) a risk factor for the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) have lower levels of the anti-aging-associated protein Klotho, a study shows.

The results support the potential for Klotho as a biomarker for BPD. Moreover, early Klotho protein supplementation in a rat model of neonatal BPD reduced pulmonary vascular remodeling the key structural alteration in PH and improved both pulmonary and cardiac function.

The study, Soluble Klotho, a biomarker and therapeutic strategy to reduce bronchopulmonary dysplasia and pulmonary hypertension in preterm infants, was published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.

BPDaffects premature babies and is characterized by damage to the airway passages, or bronchi. Preterm infants with BPD often have delayed growth and, in the most severe cases, develop PH and heart problems.

The lung condition is known to increase the risk of infant mortality, and BPD survivors often experience cardiovascular complications in adulthood. Estimates from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, for the years between 2003 and 2007, indicate that BPD incidence was 42% in infants with less than 29 weeks gestational age.

Theklothogene was identified as an anti-aging gene. It codes for the klotho protein that exists in several forms, including as a protein membrane and as a soluble form in the blood.

Mice engineered to lack the klotho gene show signs of premature aging, accompanied by spontaneous pulmonary fibrosis or scarring, emphysema a lung disease that causes shortness of breath and vascular impairment. In turn, above-normal levels of klotho protected animals from cardio-pulmonary injuries andextended their life span.

The role of Klotho in neonatal disease is poorly understood. Previous studies suggested that environmental factors like intra-amniotic infection and smoking during pregnancy are associated with reduced maternal levels of the protein. Pre-eclampsia and having babies who are small for their gestational age also are complications linked to lower levels of Klotho in the blood.

Now, researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine investigated whether lower Klotho levels in preterm infants are associated with an increased risk for BPDPH. The team also tested whether early protein supplementation could halt lung damage.

First, the levels of Klotho protein were measured in the cord blood of 40 infants. Among these babies, 11 had BPD and 14 had BPD-PH. The remaining 15 infants (controls) had neither BPD nor BPDPH.

Compared with the control group, the infants with BPD or BPD-PH had significantly lower Klotho levels a mean 1,306 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL) in the BPD group and a mean 1,529 pg/mL in those with BPD-PH compared with a mean 2,726 pg/ml in the control group.

The team also measured Klotho levels in a rodent BPD-PH model. In this model, neonatal rat pups were exposed to high levels of oxygen (85%) for different time periods three, five, 14 and 21 days. The animals developed similar symptoms to human newborns with BPD-PH.

A prolonged exposure to high levels of oxygen (14 to 21 days) led to a significant reduction in Klotho, both at the gene and protein levels. Blood sampling at day 14 and 21 confirmed the lower levels in the BPD-PH model rats compared with rats exposed to normal oxygen.

Next, the researchers tested whether early supplementation with Klotho had an impact on rat lung development. Rat pups either exposed to normal room air or to 85% oxygen were randomly assigned to receive injections of lab-made Klotho or a placebo. The injections were given every other day.

The results showed that these injections improved vascular development in the lungs of rats exposed to high oxygen levels.

The scientists next sought to demonstrate that this improvement was due to a direct effect of the protein on pulmonary vasculature. They treated with Klotho human pulmonary artery endothelial cells exposed to high oxygen. Endothelial cells compose the lining of blood vessels and are affected by BPD.

Treatment with Klotho increased the cells viability and the number of capillaries these cells formed, in contrast with non-treated cells exposed to high oxygen.

Using the rodent model, the researchers also found that Klotho supplementation lessened the effects of PH. It also reduced the hearts right ventricular enlargement, which is a characteristic of PH.

Vascular remodeling defined by an increased percentage of muscle cells in vessels and greater wall thickness also was reduced with early administration of Klotho. Tests of cardiac function revealed that the protein supplement improved the hearts left ventricle function, namely its ejection fraction, or how much blood the hearts left ventricle pumps out with each contraction.

Moreover, Klotho had a positive effect on lung development, especially in the alveoli, which are the air sacs found at the end of the respiratory tree of the lungs. Compared with high-oxygen-exposed rats given a placebo, the Klotho group showed improved alveolar structure.

At the molecular level, Klotho supplementation was found to decrease oxidative stress in newborn rats exposed to high oxygen. Oxidative stress caused by an imbalance between the bodys production of potentially harmful reactive oxygen species and its ability to contain them is associated with increased cellular damage and death.

The researchers also observed that rats exposed to high oxygen and treated with the protein had a slight better survival (69%) compared with the placebo group (44%).

Overall, the results show that early administration of soluble Klotho improves lung vascular development, attenuates PH, and reduces myocardial dysfunction, the team wrote.

Our findings suggest that Klotho deficiency is a potential mediator and biomarker for BPD and PH risk and early interventions, which augment Klotho levels, may be an effective strategy to improve cardiopulmonary outcomes in preterm infants, the team added.

Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of Klotho on other developing organ systems, the investigators said.

This will be crucial to translate the findings of our studies to the bedside, they wrote.

Patricia holds her Ph.D. in Cell Biology from University Nova de Lisboa, and has served as an author on several research projects and fellowships, as well as major grant applications for European Agencies. She also served as a PhD student research assistant in the Laboratory of Doctor David A. Fidock, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York.

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Patrcia holds her PhD in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases from the Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, The Netherlands. She has studied Applied Biology at Universidade do Minho and was a postdoctoral research fellow at Instituto de Medicina Molecular in Lisbon, Portugal. Her work has been focused on molecular genetic traits of infectious agents such as viruses and parasites.

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Pulmonary, Cardiac Function in BPD Rat Model Improved by Added Klotho - Pulmonary Hypertension News

Bacillus Coagulans Market to Attain a Market Value of ~US$ Mn/Bn Towards the End of 2018 to 2028 – Owned

Fact.MR, in its recently published market research report, provides an in-depth analysis of the Bacillus Coagulans market included the anticipated growth pattern of the market over the forecast period (2019-2029). A detailed assessment of the various micro and macro-economic factors that are likely to shape the course of the Bacillus Coagulans market over the next decade is enclosed in the report. The study suggests that the Bacillus Coagulans market is expected to register a CAGR growth of XX% over the forecast period primarily driven by factors including factor 1, factor 2, factor 3, and factor 4.

Further, the methodical and systematic approach adopted by the analysts while curating the report ensures that the data in the report is insightful, relevant, and a valuable tool for our clients to gain a competitive advantage in the current and future market landscape.

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Competitive assessment

The competitive assessment included in the report throws light on the business strategies incorporated by leading market players operating in the Bacillus Coagulans market. The comprehensive study provides a birds eye view of the business operations of top-tier market players along with relevant graphs, figures, and tables.

Regional analysis

The regional analysis section touches upon the market scenario in the various geographies worldwide and the factors that are projected to influence the market dynamics in each region. The impact of the economic and political policies of different countries in each region is discussed in the report in detail.

End Use study

The report bifurcates the Bacillus Coagulans market on the basis of end-use and tracks the Y-o-Y growth of each end use segment.

competitive landscape,get in touch with our experts.

Increasing Burden of Chronic Digestive Diseases Worldwide

Changing lifestyle and diet is leading to a rise in chronic digestive diseases across the globe. New clinical studies and research have found that bacillus coagulans help to promote digestive health and encourage a healthy immune system. Nearly 20% of people who take antibiotics suffer from antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, and bacillus coagulans have found to be an effective remedy.

Positive effects of bacillus coagulans in serious digestive disorders is resulting in increased consumption of fortified foods and beverages. Several foods and beverages companies are adding bacillus coagulans to their products, targeting a large number of people suffering from digestive disorders.

According to the United European Gastroenterology (UEG), there has been a rise in chronic digestive diseases including functional gastrointestinal disorder, alcohol-related digestive disorders, digestive cancers, and pediatric digestive diseases. Digestive cancers account for around 28% of cancer related deaths in Europe.

Bacillus coagulans have emerged as a trending probiotic that helps to maintain gastrointestinal health. Use of bacillus coagulans is rapidly increasing in weight management as it has scientifically shown to burn fat and boost metabolism.

Cosmetics Industry Rapidly Adopting Bacillus Coagulans

Recent studies have shown positive effects of probiotics such as bacillus coagulans, with a significant reduction in inflammation and acne-causing bacteria. Bacillus coagulans is witnessing growing demand in the cosmetic industry, owing to the immense benefits offered in managing skin problems and acne.

New formulations including Bacillus coagulans is being launched by cosmetics providers for anti-aging effects. These products include creams, lotions, face masks, scrubs, cleansers, and gels. Cosmetics product manufacturers are also focusing on developing cosmeceutical ingredients including bacillus coagulans to be used in various cosmetic products including powders, gels, face scrub, lotions, and creams.

Bacillus coagulans are also gaining popularity in managing and treating symptoms of eczema and atopic dermatitis. Its incorporation in cosmetic products including moisturizing cream and anti-acne face wash is also on a rise. Owing to is biological activity and protection of skin, bacillus coagulans is widely used in personal care products.

Promising Application in Non-Dairy Food Products

Health and wellness continues to be at the forefront of new product development strategies with new dairy-free probiotic foods hitting the market each year. There has been an increased demand for non-dairy probiotics owing to the rise in vegan and vegetarian population, desire for low milk cholesterol, a rise in milk protein allergies, and increased lactose intolerance.

Bacillus coagulans is emerging as the main ingredient in the majority of the dairy-free food products. Reported safe by the FDA and EFSA, bacillus coagulans is largely being added in functional food products and dairy-free probiotic supplements.

High stability of bacillus coagulans through processing and heating is leading to growing demand in heat-treated food products. Most of the products used in food industry that can be produced by Bacillus coagulans is gaining popularity due to the low cost and alternative to other harmful chemical sources.

Limited Research and Potential Risk to Challenge Bacillus Coagulans Market Growth

Side-effects of Bacillus coagulans is very mild but carelessness in dosage can result in intestinal gas and bloating. There is an ongoing debate on potential risk and side-effects of bacillus coagulans because it is not naturally present in the digestive system. Various strains of bacillus coagulans have been identified that may not be safe to use as probiotics.

While bacillus coagulans may offer several benefits as compared to other probiotics, the research done on this probiotics is still limited. There is also a concern that spores produced by bacillus coagulans can move out of digestive tract and reach other parts. Hence, it is not recommended for people with immunocompromised conditions, or the person using a catheter as it may lead to bacterial infection.

In a clinical study published in Archives of Internal Medicine, bacillus coagulans infection was identified among patients with leukaemia, lymphoma, and breast cancer. Moreover, bacillus coagulans also interacts with certain drugs that may increase the risk of side-effects and affect immune function.

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Bacillus coagulans is a type of good bacteria used in a similar way as other probiotics. Bacillus coagulans helps to aid digestive disorders and general digestion problems. It also helps in preventing respiratory infections and boost immune system. Bacillus coagulans produces lactic acid, however, unlike lactic acid bacteria, bacillus coagulans form a reproductive structure known as spores. These spores are essential factor in bacillus coagulans and differentiate it from other lactic acid bacteria.

About the Report

The report illustrates key insights and identifies important factors impacting bacillus coagulans market. The report also offers an in-depth analysis of the market along with the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Market dynamics including opportunities, drivers, trends, and challenges in the bacillus coagulans market are also provided in the report.

The study also includes region-wise and segment-wise analysis of the bacillus coagulans market. Competitive landscape and detailed profiles of the leading players in bacillus coagulans is also offered in the report.

Market Structure

The report includes a segment-wise analysis of bacillus coagulans market. The bacillus coagulans market is divided into product type, application, and form. These segments are further divided into sub-segments.

Based on the product type, the bacillus coagulans market is segmented into animal based and plant based. On the basis of form, the market segment includes pellets and capsules.

In terms of the application, the bacillus coagulans market is segmented into food & beverages, cosmetics & personal care, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceutical.

Additional Questions Answered

The report offers in-depth analysis of the bacillus coagulans market. The report provides answers to some important questions on the market.

Research Methodology

The report offers valuable insights on the bacillus coagulans market using exclusive methodology. The report provides details on the trends, market drivers, and growth opportunities in the bacillus coagulans market. The primary and secondary research is also done to offer exclusive information on the market. Data and information on the market was collected using valid data sources and by conducting interviews with industry experts.

The report also highlights the latest challenges and changes in the bacillus coagulans market. The report provides details on the latest developments in the market to help players plan future business strategies.

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Bacillus Coagulans Market to Attain a Market Value of ~US$ Mn/Bn Towards the End of 2018 to 2028 - Owned

Physician Dispensed Cosmeceuticals Market is Expected to Expand at a CAGR of 10.3% from 2018 to 2026 – Science Examiner

Transparency Market Research (TMR) has published a new report titled, Physician Dispensed Cosmeceuticals Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 20182026. According to the report, the global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market was valued at US$ 14,311.52 Mn in 2018. It is projected to expand at a CAGR of 10.3% during forecast period. The global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market is anticipated to be driven by factors such as emphasis on beauty and appearance, rising awareness about anti-aging, and assurance about safety and efficacy of physician-dispensed cosmeceuticals. The physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market in Asia Pacific is expected to expand at a high CAGR of 12.0% due to changes in lifestyle and cultural attitudes, increasing pollution levels, and potential high consumer base. The region has witnessed increase in purchasing power and better exposure to international brands.

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Increasing demand for cosmeceuticals

Physician dispensed cosmeceuticals include medicated esthetic products that are referred by dermatologists, trichologists, cosmetic surgeons, and allied medical professionals. These products are dispensed at skin and hair clinics, beauty and wellness centers, and are available as OTC products through selected retail outlets. Increasing levels of stress, pollution, and climate change can cause damage to the skin, hair, and eyes. This has created a demand for cosmetic products to treat a wide range of dermatological conditions. Cosmeceutical companies, therefore, are developing newer and advanced cosmeceuticals to target these medical conditions. Consistent demand for advancements in skin care and beauty products is leading to exciting new entries of various products in the physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market.

Entry of new players in the market

Various locally based cosmetic professional startups specializing in the manufacture and marketing of cosmeceuticals owned by dermatologists have recently entered the physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market in order to cater to the demand for cosmeceuticals among the local population. New entrants in the cosmeceuticals industry from developing countries include ZO Skin Health, Inc. (Japan), CU SKIN Co., Ltd. (Korea), Dr. Batras Skin & Hair Clinic, VLCC, and Kaya Skin Clinic (India). Hence, newer and advanced products are anticipated to enter the physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market in the next few years. Emergence of new concept of herbal medicine is paving the way for the demand for organic physician dispensed cosmeceuticals. These factors drive the global physician dispensed cosmeceutical market.

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The global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market has been segmented based on product type and region. Furthermore, in terms of product type, the market has been divided into skin care products, hair care products, eye care products, injectable Botox, and others. The skin care products segment accounted for a major share of the global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market in 2017, as the nature of cosmeceuticals demanded by consumers is largely to treat dermatological conditions. Increasing awareness about personal appearance among the geriatric population and changing attitudes of middle-aged and geriatric populations in developing countries have fueled the demand for cosmeceuticals in order to eliminate the outward signs of aging. The anti-aging segment is expected to maintain its dominance of the market during the forecast period. Similarly, dermal fillers and injectable Botox segments are expected to expand from 2018 to 2026.

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Huge consumer base in Asia Pacific to create opportunities in market

In terms of region, the global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is mature and technically developed, as compared to the other regions. Hence, the region accounted for a prominent share of the market, in terms of revenue, in 2017. Europe is anticipated to account for a significant share of the global market between 2018 and 2026. Surge in awareness among consumers about cosmeceuticals is expected to fuel the market in the region during the forecast period.

The market in Asia Pacific is likely to expand considerably during the forecast period. Increasing preference to retain beauty and youthful appearance drives the demand for effective cosmeceuticals. These factors are expected to propel the demand for cosmeceuticals in this region. Moreover, increasing focus of key players on expansion in Asia Pacific, huge consumer base in the region, and rising awareness drive the physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market in Asia Pacific.

Key players profiled in this report are Allergan plc, Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, LOreal S.A., Procter & Gamble Co., Bausch Health Companies Inc., Unilever plc, and ZO Skin Health Inc. Companies operating in the global physician dispensed cosmeceuticals market focus on development and launch of new cosmeceutical products in emerging markets such as Asia Pacific and Latin America.

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Physician Dispensed Cosmeceuticals Market is Expected to Expand at a CAGR of 10.3% from 2018 to 2026 - Science Examiner

Vitamin E Market Report Extensive Analysis 2020 | Specified by Production, Technology, Competition, and Revenue Forecast till 2024 – Owned

The Vitamin E Market report includes a comprehensive analysis of the current market status, major key players, latest challenges, and opportunities in the market. Vitamin E market report delivering key insights and providing a competitive benefit to clients through a detailed report. Vitamin E industry report provides data about company profile, price, and business strategy. All information presented in the report is collected from primary and secondary research methods. It also includes historic data, present and future Vitamin E market trends, environment, and technological innovation of the industry.

Vitamin E Market Report Highlights:

Scope of the Report:

Global vitamin E market is segmented by product type into natural and synthetic. By Application the global vitamin E market is segmented into, functional food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements, infant nutrition, pet food & animal feed, and cosmetics.

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Key Market Trends:

Increasing Demand for Vitamin E From Cosmetic Industry

The increasing number of skin care products currently available in the market are relying on natural ingredients including, various vitamins and minerals thus, maintain healthy and glowing skin. This has created an immense demand for vitamin E in cosmetic applications. This includes skin product such as sun protection SPF forms incorporating vitamin E and providing UVA as well as UVB protection. For example, In Turkey, Avon launched a facial care range relying on SPF and vitamin E thus, providing sun protection and anti-aging benefits. The range also includes several other minerals and vitamins in order to provide healthy skin.

Asia Pacific is the Fastest Growing Market

Vitamin market across Asia Pacific countries is witnessing a rapid change, where consumers are now more aware with regards to the health benefits of several vitamin types. China is the largest producer of vitamin E across the Asia Pacific market and the country has also expanded its domestic market during recent years mainly attributable to growing pharmaceutical and dietary supplement market across the country.

Furthermore, in countries such as India, despite an increase in awareness of the importance of several vitamins, only 9% of Indian consumers are aware of the health benefits of Vitamin E. While most individuals resort to Vitamin E for common ailments, the true potential vitamin E still witnesses a lack of awareness on a large scale. In this regards, in 2018, Merck Consumer Health India in partnership with leading doctors and Springer publications launched a handbook on Vitamin E, thus educating consumers regarding the importance of incorporating vitamin E into their diets.

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Detailed TOC of Vitamin E Market Report 2019-2024:

1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Study Deliverables1.2 Study Assumptions1.3 Scope of the Study


3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3.1 Market Overview

4 MARKET DYNAMICS4.1 Market Drivers4.2 Market Restraints4.3 Porters Five Forces Analysis4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION5.1 By Product Type5.1.1 Natural5.1.2 Synthetic5.2 By Application5.2.1 Functional Food and Beverages5.2.2 Pharmaceuticals and Dietary Supplements5.2.3 Infant Nutrition5.2.4 Pet Food & Animal Feed5.2.5 Cosmetics5.3 Geography5.3.1 North America5.3.1.1 United States5.3.1.2 Canada5.3.1.3 Mexico5.3.1.4 Rest of North America5.3.2 Europe5.3.2.1 Germany5.3.2.2 United Kingdom5.3.2.3 France5.3.2.4 Russia5.3.2.5 Spain5.3.2.6 Italy5.3.2.7 Rest of Europe5.3.3 Asia Pacific5.3.3.1 India5.3.3.2 China5.3.3.3 Japan5.3.3.4 Australia5.3.3.5 Rest of Asia Pacific5.3.4 South America5.3.4.1 Brazil5.3.4.2 Argentina5.3.4.3 Rest of South America5.3.5 Middle East and Africa5.3.5.1 South Africa5.3.5.2 Saudi Arabia5.3.5.3 Rest of Middle East and Africa

6 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE6.1 Market Share Analysis6.2 Most Active Companies6.3 Most Adopted Strategy6.4 Company Profiles6.4.1 BASF SE6.4.2 Koninklijke DSM N.V.6.4.3 Zhejiang NHU Co. Ltd.6.4.4 Zhejiang Medicine Co., Ltd.6.4.5 Prinova Group LLC6.4.6 Archer Daniels Midland Company6.4.7 Jilin Beisha Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd6.4.8 Aryan International


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Vitamin E Market Report Extensive Analysis 2020 | Specified by Production, Technology, Competition, and Revenue Forecast till 2024 - Owned

Easy Ways To Help Improve Your Health – Anti Aging News

This is the season that invites us to eat a little bit lighter and become more active outdoors with its brighter, longer, and warmer days trying their best to invoke sun shiny happiness inspiration in us all.

For those looking to engage in a more healthful lifestyle that is perhaps in a reaction to a few pounds or less desirable habits that have been gained over the past few difficult months, please be kind to yourself. We may have indulged a bit more but this is due to the stresses that are associated with being stuck at home and all of the uncertainty. It is important not to judge yourself or others for the ways chosen to cope during such a trying and uncertain time.

Being kind and compassionate to others and ourselves is important to mental health, and this can also affect our future behaviors. Forget what you did before, consider each day from now on to be a new opportunity to improve your health and wellness by making a few very simple adjustments to your daily routines to support your overall health, longevity, and anti-aging efforts.

Along with the possibility of beautiful weather we also have the opportune time to take advantage of a variety of fresh produce that can be incorporated into healthy meals while we enjoy a variety of outdoor locations that can be utilized for fun fitness activities.

During the hotter weather it is especially important to stay hydrated because we may lose more fluids through sweat, drinking water will help to keep us healthy. The amount of water one needs can vary from person to person, but the Institute of Medicine recommends women should intake 2.7 liter of fluids per day and men should intake about 3.7 liter per day.

Drinking 12 ounces of water with each meal can help you meet your fluid needs, this can also help you to avoid overeating. For those that are not interested in plain water try adding fruit to the water to infuse some flavor or even some mint or rosemary. Seltzer can also be refreshing and more satisfying than plain water on a really hot day. Broth based soup can also help you to meet your fluid needs, as can water rich foods like watermelon, cucumbers, celery, oranges, and grapes among others.

Try to take advantage of the glorious weather and get outside and have some fitness fun. Regular physical activity can help to strengthen your bones and muscles while lowering your risks for disease and helping you to maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise does not have to be boring and tedious, take advantage of these longer days to enjoy activities like treasure hunting, walking, hiking, dancing, jogging, riding a bike, roller skating, swimming, tennis, badminton, outdoor yoga, golf, frisbee, bocce ball, volleyball, snorkeling, horseshoes, baseball, soccer, lawn bowling, golf, paddle boarding, kayaking, flying a kite, and water skiing. This season has numerous ways to have fun which will help to keep you fit and increase your energy expenditure including chores like mowing the lawn, gardening, yard work and washing the car which also get you moving more while accomplishing the necessary chores.

If you consume a lot of carbs you can also consider replacing some of the more starchy ones like white rice and regular pasta with lower carb alternatives as a compromise that can give your meals a nutritional upgrade by boosting the fiber and nutrients while reducing some calories. You can try switching out mashed potatoes for cauliflower sometimes, or substitutes chickpeas and lentil pasta in the place of regular pasta. Chickpea rice makes a nice alternative to white rice as does quinoa, and for another touch of variety spaghetti squash makes a nice change from regular spaghetti noodles.

Adding protein to a meal can help to make us feel fuller for longer, and it also helps us to intake fewer calories than a meal that consists of only fats and carbohydrates. Protein can also help to preserve muscle mass which in turn helps to keep our metabolism running which is important as we lose muscle mass with age. Protein rich food such as shellfish, poultry, beans, lentils, eggs, Greek yogurt, and fish are good choices, but dont forget to add some veggies to that meal to increase satiety to complete that meal.

Sometimes I find it hard to eat protein when it is hot out, during these times I turn to quinoa which can be consumed hot or cold, and it is also a good source of plant based protein for those who wish to avoid animal products. Cooked quinoa consists of 222 calories 71.6% water, 21.3% carbs, 4.4% protein, and 1.92% fat in just one cup. Additionally it is gluten free and higher in nutrients than most grains, while being very flexible in its uses which is why it is my preferred go to for a variety of yummy hot/cold recipes.

For anyone looking for that magic bullet, fiber may be as close as it gets as this undigested plant substance can help you to feel full, lose weight, ease digestion, lower cholesterol levels, and help you to lower the risks of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer. However, most people (9 out of 10) are not getting enough fiber according to research.

To get more fiber into your diet isnt that hard, barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, legumes, seeds, fruits and veggies are all great sources. Typically the more whole, natural and unprocessed the food the higher in fiber it will be, but keep in mind that there is no fiber in meat, dairy, or sugar. One of the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables is boosting your immune system to go along with increasing your fiber intake. It is recommended that at mealtimes you fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies, which come in a range of colors carrying a variety of important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help to prevent disease. Think Eat The Rainbow at meal times.

In addition to keeping an eye on how much you are eating, it may also wise to pick a time that you will stop eating at for the day as well, which should be ideally at least 4 before going to bed to result in at least 12 hours between meals. This habit offers you a way to enjoy some of the benefits of intermittent fasting that works with our natural circadian rhythms. Eating late at night may increase the likelihood of weight gain, while taking in calories during the day has beneficial effects on weight management as well as other health indicators. If you find yourself getting hungry, reach for a glass of water which should help to fill that hole.

You dont have to eliminate all indulgences, just pick one for the day. It can be that glass of wine with dinner, that cup of low fat ice cream, or even a small handful of dark chocolate chips. The point is that in moderation intentional portion controlled indulgences, even on a daily basis, can be part of a healthy plan. It is not realistic to deprive yourself of all of your favorite treats, and it may be setting yourself up to backfire and binge on those forbidden foods when you least expect it which will sabotage all your efforts.

Along the way in your journey you may experience slips and setbacks. Be kind to yourself, no one is perfect. The important part is that you are trying. This is not a failure, it is just a minor speed bump. Take it as an opportunity to learn and grow from. Pick yourself up and start over again. Do not give up, you can do this, and you are well worth it. You deserve the benefits that each day of lifestyle improvement will bring to you.

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Easy Ways To Help Improve Your Health - Anti Aging News

Growing Demand for Anti Aging Medicine Market to Significantly Increase Revenues Through 2026 – 3rd Watch News

Longer life-expectancy is a cumulative effect of a healthy lifestyle and favorable environmental conditions. A trend of continuously increasing life expectancy has been a witness since a decade, primarily because of advances in medical sciences and treatment of chronic life-threatening diseases, availability of clean water and environment and other factors. This trend is projected to further show even more exponential growth graph owing to the anti-aging medicines, stem cell therapeutics, genetic screening and interventions, and high-tech biomedicines.

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine claimed that anti-aging medicines can add up to 10-20 years to the life expectancy of a human. Today, a combination of calorie-restricted diet, regular exercise, and anti-aging medicines are claimed to slow the process of senescence and aging. Various medicines used against the treatment of acute or chronic diseases can be considered as anti-aging medicines, however, to define anti-aging medicine market we have considered only the drugs that are directly prescribed and used for delaying the effects of aging.

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The constantly growing demand to look young in old individuals and to remain young and youthful in young people drive the anti-aging market. The influence of aesthetics from the fashion and television industry propel the demand to retain the features and energy of younger age in old people. Additionally, the increasing number of anti-aging medicine manufacturers in the decade contribute to higher availability of the anti-aging medicine resulting in expansion of the global anti-aging medicine market. However, skeptical approach to anti-aging medicine as being an external stimulator of cell-cycles is a restraint to the expansion of anti-aging medicine market.

The global Anti-aging medicine market is segmented on basis of product type, age group, distribution channel, and region:

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The rising demand for beauty consciousness amongst people and the desire to stay young is the primary factor fueling the growth of anti-aging medicines in the market. The acclaimed benefits of the products and affordability along with regional presence compel the demand for anti-aging medicine in the global market. Hormonal replacement therapy segment in product type is expected to account maximum market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market. However, antioxidant therapy segment in product type is expected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years owing to the rising awareness about the plethora of benefits of antioxidants in anti-aging among the public. On the basis of the route of administration, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as oral, injectable and topical, out of which oral segment is expected to generate maximum revenue share over the forecast period. As per the distribution channel, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, e-commerce, and drug stores. The e-commerce segment in the distribution channel is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast time.

Regionally, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America anti-aging medicine market is projected to account for the largest market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market owing to the higher healthcare expenditure and presence of numerous manufacturers. Europe is expected to hold the second largest share in the global anti-aging medicine market during the forecast period because of the growing geriatric population and higher spending on healthcare products and supplements. MEA anti-aging medicine market is expected to witness sluggish growth over the forecast time owing to the limited presence of manufacturers and lower healthcare expenditure. Asia Pacific is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years in the global anti-aging medicine market due to higher demand from end users and regional penetration of the key players in the region.

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Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are

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Growing Demand for Anti Aging Medicine Market to Significantly Increase Revenues Through 2026 - 3rd Watch News

The benefits of gua sha – woman&home

The benefits of gua sha have been much touted in recent years. Ostensibly loved by celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle McPherson for its anti-aging qualities, and used by Justin Bieber to ease neck pain, gua sha tools are applied to the face or body for an effective anti-ageing facial, to potentially reduce acne, ease pain and muscle tension, and even lessen the appearance of cellulite.

But is gua sha legit? I asked three experts Francesca Canzano-Franklin, a Chinese Medicine practitioner and founder of Philosophia Botanica; Charlotte Conwy, an acupuncturist and practitioner in Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine at acu:east; and Cecily J Braden, founder of CJBand a recognised trainer in the wellness industry about the benefits of gua sha.

Long before gua sha became a fashionable tool, it wasan integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, explains Francesca. Gua sha is an ancient practice for energy flow and blood circulation; gua means to scrape, and sha means sand.The term means the act of scraping the skin to remove an energy blockage using a stone made of bian, jade or rose quartz [youll also find tools made from other materials such as obsidian, amethyst and copper]. While scraping the skin may not sound particularly relaxing, gua sha is a gentle process that works as a natural face lift, to reduce pain and get rid of toxins, says Francesca.

Gua sha is a form of massage, whereby you use oil and a smooth-edged tool on the face or body to rub the skin, stroking along the meridian lines, says Charlotte. It boosts circulation studies show by up to 400% and creates micro trauma, boosting collagen and stimulating the lymphatic and immune system. While many of us only know about gua sha facials, its uses extend further. Many of my clients ask for gua sha as its the perfect antidote to tightness in the neck and shoulders, or tension in the jaw or face, says Charlotte.

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From a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) perspective, gua sha can help to increase the flow of blood, qi and fluids, opening the pathways that feed the skin, to return vitality to the skin and support a healthy ageing process, says Cecily. But how does that make gua sha anti-ageing on delicate facial skin? Varying pressures and angles of the stones work different layers of the skin with techniques that are specific to lymphatic drainage (surface), fine lines and deep wrinkles (middle layer) and tension in the muscles (deeper layers), explains Cecily. The combination of different techniques and not all movements today are strictly gua sha but a mix of different facial massage techniques ignites a chain reaction within the skin to promote the healthy exchange of nutrients and waste.

Regular face gua sha also helps drain puffiness anddecreases any swelling that has occurred during the night, or as a result of eating salty foods or consuming alcohol, adds Francesca good news if youre trying to counteract the effects of the snacks and glasses of ros youve been enjoying.

Consistency is key and practicing gua sha on a regular basis will prove most beneficial, advises Francesca. Im an advocate of self-care and strongly suggest adding gua sha into your home beauty rituals.Butdont over do it, as the skin on the face is so delicate.

Gua sha can be done daily, says Cecily. However, if youre experiencing any redness, or tenderness, its best to wait until its subsided. Its important to work in a gentle way that allows the skin to respond to the movements and use its natural power to rejuvenate.

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The touch and pressure should be very gentle, and you should always sweep the gua sha board across your face in specific motions, advises Francesca. The lighter the touch, the more youre supporting the lymph fluid, while with more pressure you will be lifting, toning and sculpting the facial muscles.

Alwaysstart at the neck areafor optimal lymphatic drainage and move upwards, says Cecily. The gua sha board should be heldat a 15-degree angle (almost flat against the skin). Then gently glide along the skin using sweeping, upward strokes. Each motion should be repeated five times.

Before you start, make sure your skin is clean. Then use a hydrating spray or apply a few drops of facial oil or face serum. See our gallery below for recommended products.

Watch this video tutorial for advice on how to do an at-home gua sha facial.

The skin is an amazing organ and it has the ability to heal, nourish and protect itself naturally, says Cecily. Gua sha is effective because we are able to use a stone to ignite its natural healing ability. This is done by manipulating the tissue and muscles of the skin to function at a more optimal level.

Cecily says a gua sha face massage:

More: This anti-ageing product sells every 27 seconds

Gua sha is effective on other parts of the body, too. The pressure of the tool on the skin feels like a lovely massage, says Charlotte. It relaxes muscles, releases tension and reduces inflammation. When used on the body, studies show that it helps reduce pain, speeds up muscle recovery and improves movement.

There have been various studies on the effectiveness of gua sha to treat pain. In one German study, neck pain severity after one week improved significantly better in the gua sha group compared with the control group. In another study cited in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine,gua sha was found to be an effective treatment for patients with chronic neck and low back pain. Other studies indicate that it may be helpful as a treatment for migraines and mastitis.

More: facial rollers how to use and why theyre good for you

Rose quartz opens the heart chakra and bian produces the most ultrasonic pulses, but jade has a long history of use. Its the ultimate gemstone of ancient Chinese beauty treatments, says Francesca. However, my personaladvice would be to choosea stone that you feel drawn to. Theres no one model that works best.

Its not just the material you need to consider, but the shape of it, too. You should select a stone based on your expert level; the simpler the tool, the more beginner-friendly it will be. Whereas more advanced stones will have a few sides and textures so you can try different techniques, advises Francesca. Cecily agrees, Its less about the material and more about the unique combination of the stones pressure, angle and edge.Charlotte suggests you dont even need to use stone. In China they would use a variety of tools, including coins and spoons. One modern gua sha expert even swears by jam jar lids!

Check out our gallery of recommended products. Its worth spending a little extra on gua sha tools many cheaper versions may not be real gemstones and can break easily.

See original here:
The benefits of gua sha - woman&home

Calm and chill: What are the benefits of CBD Oil? –

In 2018, the global CBD industry reached a market value of 4.6 billion dollars. This number is expected to grow by 22%by 2025. Hence the question, what are the benefits of CBD Oil? With all the benefits CBD may have, the hype comes as no surprise.

If youve ever experienced anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, or skin issues, youve likely heard of CBD as a form of alternative medicine. However, you may be asking yourself, What are the benefits of CBD oil?

Weve narrowed down the top CBD oil benefits and all you need to know about this popular natural remedy.

What Is CBD Oil?

Before we dive into the wonderful benefits of CBD oil, its important for new users to know exactly what it is.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of many compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Often confused with marijuana, CBD has no psychoactive effects.

Extracted from the leafy, lush cannabis plant, CBD oil is diluted with a carrier oil like hemp seed oil or grapeseed oil. These carrier oils make it easier for your body to absorb CBD.

With the legalization of cannabis in many states, the CBD industry has gained major popularity. CBD has become a popular form of alternative medicine for many. Here are the top medical benefits of CBD oil.

What Are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

1. Anxiety & Depression Relief

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America,depression and anxiety disorders are both in the top 10 leading causes of disability worldwide. Many who suffer from these mental disorders turn to CBD oil for natural relief.

While pharmaceutical drugs may be expensive and can come with severe side effects, this makes the appeal of CBD oil that much greater. One of CBDs main abilities is to enhance serotonin levels in the brain. This can help increase mood and sociability.

One study also found that CBD oil can have a more rapid and long-lasting antidepressant effect than other pharmaceuticals.

2. Pain Relief

One of the most common uses for CBD oil is pain relief. For those that sufferfrom chronic pain or arthritis, CBD oil as a topical solution can be a life-changer.

CBD oil works toreact with receptors in both your brain and the immune system. CBD is said to attach itself to your bodys receptors to help your cells respond to pain. Many use CBD oil for common arthritis and chronic pains in the muscles and joints.

3. Inflammation Relief

For those with acne and other skin conditions, CBD oil is a popular natural inflammatory.

Some studies found that CBD oil can provide relief for acne, eczema, itchiness, and even skin cancer. CBD oil is also very hydrating, which can help with anti-aging. Because of its moisturizing properties, CBD oil is a common ingredient found in many skin care products.

Benefits of Smoking & Vaping CBD Oil

While there are many ways to ingest CBD oil, smoking and vaping are two of the most popular.

One of the greatest benefits of smokingCBD is that it gets delivered to your lungs at a rapid pace. This allows for near-immediate heightened benefits.

For those who use a vape pen, one of the best benefits of vaping CBD is that its simple and convenient on the go. If youre looking for an easy way to try CBD oil, consider smoking or vaping.

Try CBD Oil Today

While CBD is by no means a cure-all, those looking fornatural relief may find it with CBD oil. Now that youve answered the question, what are the benefits of CBD oil?,are you ready to try it for yourself?

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Calm and chill: What are the benefits of CBD Oil? -