3 Practical Anti-Aging Tips For Men – The Good Men Project

Traditional doctors approach aging as something that is imminent, unavoidable, and uncontrollable. Their goal is to merely treat your age-related symptoms as they pop up, like a medical version of whack-a-mole.

But I view aging VERY differently.

Science has shown us that theres a lot we can do to slow and actually reverse the course of your aging process. Thats because healthy aging is NOT about hitting the genetic jackpot. Instead, its about adopting preventative strategies that slow the cellular processes associated with aging, improve your immune system, prevent disease, and ultimately boost your sense of youth and vitality.

Theres one factor that dramatically speeds up the process of aging inflammation. In fact, chronic inflammation underlies nearly every disease associated with aging, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, dementia, arthritis, cancer, and diabetes just to name a few. [1]

Chronic inflammation may not directly cause aging per se. Rather, it acts like gasoline, turning the normally smoldering embers of cellular degeneration into a raging fire that causes destruction throughout the body and brain. Inflammation wreaks havoc on your immune system, your gut health, your brain health, and your mental wellbeing.

Unfortunately, our modern routines are riddled with factors that increase inflammation from highly processed diets to a sedentary lifestyle to environmental toxins. But it doesnt have to be that way. With a few tweaks to your daily regimen, you can smother the flames of inflammation and be on your way to living a long, energetic, disease-free life.

Eat for Life

If you are like most people, your major source of inflammation comes served on your dinner plate. Eating a typical American diet high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (think canola oil, safflower oil, etc.), highly-processed oils (think partially hydrogenated anything), and refined sugars all directly promote inflammation and increases your risk of disease. Conversely, eating a healthy diet reduces inflammation, boosts your immune system, and protects you against both infectious and chronic diseases.

Lets break down the three key pillars that form the basis of a healthy, anti-aging diet.

Simple carbs are found in anything made with sugar, but they are also found in things we dont consider sweet, like white bread, potatoes, pasta, white rice, pizza dough, and pasta. What makes simple (or refined) carbohydrates unique is that theyve been stripped of all their fiber, bran, and nutrients. As a result, your body is able to quickly break them down into sugars, which sounds like a good thing but it isnt. Eating simple carbs floods your system with sugar, resulting in body-wide inflammation

This sugar spike also triggers your pancreas to create a surge in insulin in order to clear the sugar from your bloodstream. But all that insulin makes you feel hungry again, which is why we tend to crave simple carbs rather than vegetables.

Over time, this dramatic rise and fall in blood sugar causes you to overeat, gain weight (especially dangerous belly fat), and develop insulin resistance (i.e., type-2 diabetes). It also causes unhealthy fluctuations in your mood and energy levels. And if that isnt bad enough, a diet high in simple carbs puts you at greater risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, depression, and bipolar disorder. [2, 3]

Simple carbs are also dangerous because they produce a particularly nasty substance called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). AGEs are toxic molecules that form when protein or fat combines with the sugar in our bloodstream. [4]

When AGEs accumulate, they form a sticky, inflexible substance that clogs our blood vessels and coats our major organs, sometimes resulting in organ failure. AGEs promote oxidative stress, which is a fancy way of saying they make our cells old before their time. Scientists are just starting to discover the ways in which AGEs drive age-related illnesses, but what is clear is that consuming a healthy diet is the main way to keep these toxic molecule levels low. [5]

Now trying to quit anything cold turkey is hard, so instead of just cutting out sugars and simple carbs, think about replacing them with complex carbs.

With a few creative tweaks to your diet, you are less likely to feel deprived and more likely to stick with your new eating habits.

In the 1980s, fat got a bad rap. Doctors argued that eating a diet high in fat skyrocketed cholesterol and caused heart disease. But experts now recognize this assumption was wrong. In truth, there are good fats and bad fats and a key to anti-aging is knowing the difference.

Generally, fats fall into these broad categories:

Trans fats: Trans fats are the worst kind of fats because they raise your LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides and lower your HDL (good cholesterol). For this reason, the FDA started banning trans fats in 2018, but they can still be found in some food sources, including vegetable shortening, fried fast foods, and some brands of microwave popcorn.

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats: These are the fats found in oils such as safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and most other oils that are used for cooking.

Unfortunately, when you eat out at a restaurant, almost ALL of the foods are cooked using these oils. These fats stimulate your fat cells to produce cytokines, which are proteins that cause low-level, chronic inflammation. They have been linked to a number of age-related, inflammatory-based illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats: These are considered to be heart-healthy fats because they raise your HDL and lower your LDL, thereby protecting you against vascular diseases. These fats are found in fish, vegetables such as avocados, and healthy nuts.

Monounsaturated fats: These are also considered to be the most heart-healthy fats. They reduce inflammation, promote cellular efficiency, and protect you from vascular disease. These fats are found mostly in olive oil and healthy nuts such as almonds and macadamia nuts.

Saturated fats: A diet high in saturated fats can increase your risk for developing heart disease and vascular disease, which is why most nutritionists recommend limiting saturated fats to no more than 10% of your daily fat intake. [6]

Saturated fats are found in animal-based foods such as red meat, cheese, and dairy, as well as plant-based oils like coconut and palm oil. These oils are also commonly used in commercially produced baked goods like boxed cookies and crackers.

Both are types of polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6) are considered essential fats which means the body requires them for normal functioning. Our body doesnt naturally produce these fats, which means the only way to get them is through our diet. But an important distinction is that omega-6s are pro-inflammatory, and omega-3s are anti-inflammatory.

Omega-6 fats, like soybean oil, are far cheaper which means they are more likely to appear in processed foods. And since processed foods make up a significant proportion of the American diet, we as a nation are consuming too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s.

The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in 4:1, but the Western diet ratio is more like 10:1 or even 50:1! [8] This imbalance increases body-wide inflammation and negatively alters cell-membrane health.

To correct this imbalance, try to reduce the amount of omega-6s in your diet and boost the omega-3s. An excellent way to do this is to follow the World Health Organizations recommendation to consume two servings of oily fish per week.

In fact, research shows people who eat seafood 1-4 times per week are less likely to die of heart disease or strokes. [9] You can also stock up on flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, avocados, and grass-fed beef, which are all high in omega-3s.

Excessive saturated fats also promote inflammation, weight gain, and ultimately aging. Depending on your genetics (remember how important epigenetics is?), some people can tolerate more saturated fats than others. But for some, consuming more than 10% of your fat intake as saturated fat can dramatically increase your risk for early Alzheimers Disease and cardiovascular disease.

But here is the good news the negative impact of these fats can easily and quickly be reversed. One study found that after just two weeks of swapping out saturated fats with monounsaturated fats, cytokines were reduced and as a result, brain functioning was significantly improved. [7] So by making just a few simple swaps to your diet, you can quickly reduce inflammation, prevent disease, and enable your body and brain to age healthier.

Focus on incorporating dark greens (broccoli, watercress, kale) and brightly colored vegetables and fruits (red bell peppers, carrots, blueberries).

Supplements can also help you incorporate important nutrients into your diet. Research supports the use of several anti-aging supplements, including CoQ10 and Vitamin C.

Keep Moving

What you put into your body is only half of the anti-aging equation; just as important is what you do with your body. Exercise isnt just a solution for weight loss. It actually equips your body with the tools it needs to successfully navigate the aging process.

With the rise of wearable tech, there has been an emphasis on counting the number of daily steps to improve health, but there is no scientific evidence to support the well-known 10,000 steps a day rule. Instead, what you should be focusing on are the minutes you spend each day in your target heart rate.

Heart Rate Matters

Your target heart rate varies depending on your age. First, you need to calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR), which is 220 minus your age. So a 40-year old man would have an MHR of 180.

The key to heart-benefiting exercise is to work out at the proper intensity and duration. In terms of intensity, you want to exercise hard enough to raise your heart rate, but not so much that it reaches all the way up to your MHR.

Moderate aerobic activity is generally defined as 50-70 percent of your MHR. So in the case of our 40-year old man, that would be a heart rate range of 90-126.

Vigorous aerobic activity is defined as 70-85 percent of your MHR, which for a 40-year old man would be 126-153. Either way, you should always avoid going over the 85 percent upper limit since it offers no health benefits and can actually strain your heart.

In terms of duration, the Mayo Clinic recommends you strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity brisk walking, swimming, yard work, and household chores per week, but you could go all the way up to 300 minutes for maximum benefit. [10] If instead, you prefer vigorous aerobic activity running, aerobic dancingstrive for at least 75 minutes per week.

Keep in mind that exercise doesnt just keep your heart young, it keeps your brain young, too. One study published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease found that a lack of exercise in older adults raised their risk of developing dementia to a level that was equivalent to people who were genetically predisposed to the disease. [11]

Studies like this prove that despite what your genes say, you have a great amount of control over your aging process. This is just one reason why Im so passionate about epigenetics the idea that your external environment affects the way our genes behave. And to clarify, your environment is not just chemicals or toxins in your environment, but also what you eat, how you move, how you breathe, how you sleep, etc..

In addition to aerobic exercise, the other essential component of an anti-aging workout is strength training. As we age, muscles lose their flexibility and shrink.

In fact, after the age of 30, you lose 3-5 percent of your muscle mass every decade, and men on average lose 30 percent of their muscle mass over their lifetime. [12] On top of that, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues dehydrate and degrade as we age, further reducing our mobility and increase risk of injury.

But as exercise physiologist Dr. Thomas Storer makes clear, Older men can indeed increase muscle mass lost as a consequence of aging. It takes work, dedication, and a plan, but it is never too late to rebuild muscle and maintain it. [12]

To kick start muscle gain, focus on high rep workouts rather than heavyweights. A typical program might include 8-10 different exercises that target all major muscle groups, with 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps, performed 2-3 times per week. Once this program is established, you can increase the weights, drop the number of reps down to 10, then eventually work your way up to 15 and repeat the process.

And dont forget that muscle building requires protein. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, men engaging in strength training should consume 0.5-0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. [13] That means a 165-pound man generally needs around 80-135 grams per day, although remember that your genetics direct specifically how much protein your body needs (epigenetics!!).

Lastly, consider supplementing with things known to prevent muscle loss, including fish oil, vitamin D, and hormone replacement therapy. And dont forget to fortify your bones too, with calcium and vitamin D (take these together for maximum absorption), as well as vitamin C, B12, and magnesium. [14]

Build a Better Brain

Our body isnt the only thing that degrades as we age. The older we get, the longer our brains have been exposed to inflammatory triggers like toxins, chronic stress, and unhealthy foods. Only now are scientists discovering that conditions we assumed were inevitable as we age, like dementia and Alzheimers disease, are actually caused by brain-wide inflammation. [15]

The good news is that most of the things weve discussed that prevent the body from age-based decline benefit the brain as well. Exercising, avoiding sugar, keeping your cholesterol in check, and maintaining a healthy diet are all excellent ways to protect your brain against aging. Additional strategies include getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night, limiting alcohol, quitting smoking, and reducing stress.

Certain supplements have also been shown to preserve cognitive functioning and prevent neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimers and Parkisons disease. [16] For example, vitamin D and B12 play vital roles in memory formation and cognitive functioning, which is why a deficiency in these vitamins has been linked to cognitive impairments, depression, and Alzheimers disease in older adults.

Fat is another important factor when it comes to brain health. Omega-3s account for 40 percent of the fatty acids found in our brains cells, and they are especially concentrated at the synaptic connections where all communication between brain cells occurs. [17] Research shows a higher intake of omega-3s is associated with larger brain volume and a decreased risk of developing Alzheimers disease, so consider adding a fish oil supplement to your daily routine.

Aging isnt something you have to take lying down. With just a few tweaks to your routine and the addition of a few foods and supplements, you can actively slow down or even reverse the effects of aging.

To see the power of lifestyle changes in action, look no further than a study published in The Lancet Oncology. [18] In this study, researchers had a group of men start a plant-focused diet, exercise for 30 minutes six days a week, and practice yoga or meditation for three months. After the three months, the researchers examined the mens telomeres.

Telomeres are a lot like those plastic endcaps on shoelaces that stop the laces from fraying and falling apart. In each of our cells, we have telomeres that cap off the ends of our chromosomes and keep the DNA strands intact.

Cells replenish by copying themselves and each time they do, these telomeres get shorter and shorter. Eventually, they become too short to do their job, the DNA becomes damaged and the cell stops working.

For this reason, the length of our telomeres is considered an indicator of our biological (rather than chronically) age. The shorter our telomeres, the older our cells are, and the more likely we are to succumb to age-related illnesses.

This article originally appeared on GapinInstitue.com

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3 Practical Anti-Aging Tips For Men - The Good Men Project

Global Medical Wellness Market 2020 Industry Production Analysis Massage Envy, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Steiner Leisure Limited, Fitness World -…

Global Medical Wellness Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2020-2025 encompasses the industrial and commercial aspects of the market that encircles several crucial chapters that give the report an extra edge. The market has been studied by a set of researchers and experts for a defined forecast period of 2020 to 2025. The report includes an in-depth analysis of various aspects of the market such as include an overview section, market segmentation, regional analysis, and competitive outlook of the global Medical Wellness industry. Additional factors covered in this report includes company profile, industry analysis, competitive dashboard, comparative analysis of the key players, regional analysis with further analysis country wise. The study has mentioned the definition, classification, and primary applications of the product/service to provide a larger context to the clients.

The report highlights actual real-time insights but also gives country-wise analysis. Also covers predictive trends and prescriptive trends. The report also emphasizes the market opportunities, porters five forces, and analysis of the different types of products and applications of the global Medical Wellness market. Different market segments on the basis of different applications, types, geographical bifurcation, and key participants operating in the market. Company profiles comprise information on company overview, history, key developments, and plans.

NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.

DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT: https://www.marketandresearch.biz/sample-request/154868

Market Dynamics:

This section of this global Medical Wellness market report includes discussion on various market dynamics that provide major insight into the relationship and the effect of change these dynamics hold on the market functioning. The key dynamics comprise the factors that are providing a boost to the market over the forthcoming years for growth and expansion. Moreover, it also includes factors that are poised to challenge the market growth over the forecast period. Certain hidden trends are further revealed that aid in a better understanding of the market over the forecast period.

The profiled list of companies in the report is: Massage Envy, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Steiner Leisure Limited, Fitness World, Universal Companies, World Gym, Nanjing Zhaohui, Beauty Farm, Edge Systems LLC, VLCC Wellness Center, Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa, WTS International, Enrich Hair & Skin, Golds Gym International, The Body Holiday, Kaya Skin Clinic, Guardian Lifecare, Kayco Vivid, Bon Vital, Biologique Recherche, Healthkart,

Segment by product type, this report focuses on consumption, market share, and growth rate of the market in each product type and can be divided into: Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Beauty Care and Anti-Aging, Preventative & Personalized Medicine and Public Health, Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Rejuvenation, Other

Segment by application, this report focuses on consumption, market share, and growth rate of the market in each application and can be divided into: Franchise, Company Owned Outlets,

Key regions covered in the report are: Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia), Middle East & Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries)

ACCESS FULL REPORT: https://www.marketandresearch.biz/report/154868/global-medical-wellness-market-growth-status-and-outlook-2020-2025

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It explains the market status, plans, expected growth based on regions, type, and application in detail for a projection period of 2020-2025

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Global Medical Wellness Market 2020 Industry Production Analysis Massage Envy, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Steiner Leisure Limited, Fitness World -...

CollPlant Biotechnologies Presents on the Use of Novel, Plant-Derived, Recombinant Human Collagen for Anti-Aging Therapies at the Science of Aging…

REHOVOT, Israel, Sept. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --CollPlant (NASDAQ: CLGN) a regenerative and aesthetic medicine company, today announced that Dr. Nadav Orr, Vice President of R&D, presented a corporate overview on the dynamics of cellular aging during Session 3 of the Science of Aging Virtual Symposium 2020. The presentation was titled, "Use of Novel, Plant-Derived, Recombinant Human Collagen for Anti-Aging Therapies."

"We are proud to showcase our plant-derived, recombinant human collagen or rhCollagen platform technology at the exclusive Science of Aging Virtual Symposium 2020 alongside other innovative companies in the aesthetic medicine space," says Dr. Nadav Orr, Vice President of R&D, CollPlant. "Additionally, September is Healthy Aging Month, which presents the ultimate opportunity for us as a company to illuminate our revolutionary Skin Rejuvenation and Breast Implant product pipeline inclusive of our photocurable dermal fillers."

Data presented at the symposium demonstrated smooth injectability and a statistically significant enhancement in proliferation of normal human dermal fibroblasts (nHDF) for cells treated with a combination of hyaluronic acid and rhCollagen relative to HA only following an 8-day treatment period.

About CollPlant

CollPlant is a regenerative and aesthetic medicine company focused on 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs, and medical aesthetics. Our products are based on our rhCollagen (recombinant human collagen) that is produced with CollPlant's proprietary plant based genetic engineering technology.

Our products address indications for the diverse fields of tissue repair, aesthetics and organ manufacturing, and, we believe, are ushering in a new era in regenerative and aesthetic medicine.

Our flagship rhCollagen BioInk product line is ideal for 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs. In October 2018, we entered into a licensing agreement with United Therapeutics, whereby United Therapeutics is using CollPlant's BioInks in the manufacture of 3D bioprinted lungs for transplant in humans.

In January 2020, we also entered into a Joint Development Agreement with 3D Systems Corporation, or 3D Systems, pursuant to which we and 3D Systems jointly develop tissue and scaffold bioprinting processes for third party collaborators. Our industry collaboration also includes the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, or ARMI.

For more information about CollPlant, visithttp://www.collplant.com.

Safe Harbor Statements

This press release may include forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements relating to CollPlant's objectives plans and strategies, as well as statements, other than historical facts, that address activities, events or developments that CollPlant intends, expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future. These statements are often characterized by terminology such as "believes," "hopes," "may," "anticipates," "should," "intends," "plans," "will," "expects," "estimates," "projects," "positioned," "strategy" and similar expressions and are based on assumptions and assessments made in light of management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors believed to be appropriate. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.Many factors could cause CollPlant's actual activities or results to differ materially from the activities and results anticipated in forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's history of significant losses, its ability to continue as a going concern, and its need to raise additional capital and its inability to obtain additional capital on acceptable terms, or at all; the outbreak of coronavirus; the Company's expectations regarding the timing and cost of commencing clinical trials with respect to tissues and organs which are based on its rhCollagen based BioInk and products for medical aesthetics; the Company's ability to obtain favorable pre-clinical and clinical trial results; regulatory action with respect to rhCollagen based BioInk and medical aesthetics products including but not limited to acceptance of an application for marketing authorization review and approval of such application, and, if approved, the scope of the approved indication and labeling; commercial success and market acceptance of the Company's rhCollagen based products in 3D Bioprinting and medical aesthetics; the Company's ability to establish sales and marketing capabilities or enter into agreements with third parties and its reliance on third party distributors and resellers; the Company's ability to establish and maintain strategic partnerships and other corporate collaborations; the Company's reliance on third parties to conduct some or all aspects of its product manufacturing; the scope of protection the Company is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights and the Company's ability to operate its business without infringing the intellectual property rights of others; the overall global economic environment; the impact of competition and new technologies; general market, political, and economic conditions in the countries in which the Company operates; projected capital expenditures and liquidity; changes in the Company's strategy; and litigation and regulatory proceedings. More detailed information about the risks and uncertainties affecting CollPlant is contained under the heading "Risk Factors" included in CollPlant's most recent annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC, and in other filings that CollPlant has made and may make with the SEC in the future. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release and reflect CollPlant's current views with respect to future events, and CollPlant does not undertake and specifically disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Contact atCollPlant:

Eran Rotem Deputy CEO & CFO Tel: +972-73-2325600 Email: [emailprotected]

Sophia Ononye-Onyia, PhD MPH MBA Founder & CEO, The Sophia Consulting Firm Tel: +1-347-851-8641 Email: [emailprotected]

SOURCE CollPlant


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CollPlant Biotechnologies Presents on the Use of Novel, Plant-Derived, Recombinant Human Collagen for Anti-Aging Therapies at the Science of Aging...

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars By the Doctor to the Stars – America Daily Post

With many experiencing an uptick in breakouts whilst in isolation, the anxiety involving blemishes, and the scars they leave standing behind, has become of growing concern. If youre questioning how to control acne scarring, have faith thatwhile they can be frustratingly pig-headed to treatwith time, dedication, and the proper arsenal of merchandise and remedies in your stable, you can successfully minimize their appearance.

An indispensable phase of treating acne scars is first comprehending what they are: small depressions or indentations in the pores and skin that come from ordinary to extraordinary acne. Secondly, its necessary to notice that there is a wide variety of different types, which include, but arent limited to ice pick, rolling, and boxcar scars based on their size, shape, and contour. Acne breakouts, depending on the severity, can affect more than just solely the top layer of the pores and skin however additionally the deeper layers as well, explains Southern Californias upmost respected beauty dermatologist Simon Ourian. As the irritation subsides and the pores and skin tries to heal, scar tissue can ensue. Severely inflammatory acne, exterior elements such as picking, and delayed onset of therapy can all lead to scarring.

Never fear, help is here! Bring your issues to Dr. Simon Ourian, a professional expert when it comes to all forms of acne and scarring. Throughout his career, Dr. Simon Ourian has spent years educating himself in the fields of aesthetics and beauty dermatology with the pioneers in the discipline of plastic surgery, dermatology, and anti-aging medicine. Moreover, having opened his plastic surgery business in Beverly Hills, whilst working in the most modern locales in the world of aesthetic expertise: the vitality and marvel of such locations as Miami, London, Paris, and Dubai, have multiplied his knowledge, sharpened his skills, and perfected his eager eye for excellent detail. We take a deeper look with Dr. Ourian about his Coolaser facial, to analyze added information about this game-changing treatment.

For the most high-quality treatment of acne and scars for both teens and adults, Dr. Simon Ourian has developed Coolaser, solely on hand at Epione. This special approach for pores and skin resurfacing has demonstrated to be a very practical alternative of therapy for many sufferers who have experienced pimples and scarring. Laser Skin Resurfacing before & after outcomes are overwhelmingly positive. The advantages of the therapy for the facial region are obvious. It additionally treats wrinkles, evens out pores and skin tone, and eliminates most superficial blemishes. One excellent trait of the Coolaser method is that it can be used on the neck and different components of the body.

An exceptional reason for why the laser pores and skin resurfacing before & after outcomes can be dramatic is the restoration time is tons faster than with traditional surgery. During the procedure, the remedy place is first cooled with a unique device. Then, a sequence of mild pulses are flashed on the surface of the pores and skin to stimulate cellular repair and collagen growth. Dr. Ourian claims that his manner is safer and extra advantageous than different lasers on scarred skin, which in the past couldnt safely bear laser treatment.

Coolaser decreases the stage of relief sufferers experience by means of the capability of cooling the pores and skin during the duration of the treatment. Light pulses are projected onto the affected pores and skin surface, and when the pores and skin absorbs that light energy, the blemishes vaporize, one microscopic layer at a time. This strategy permits the medical doctor to hold unique control over treatment. The cooling makes the manner a lot more blissful than different kinds of laser treatment and microdermabrasion, and there is commonly no lengthy restoration period required.

Dr. Ourian and the Epione laser and aesthetic scientific center specialize in minimally invasive procedures. To acquire more information about Epione Beverly Hills and its signature merchandise and treatments, go to http://www.epione.com. Sign up for Epiones e-newsletter and get hold of a $100 gift card instantly.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars By the Doctor to the Stars - America Daily Post

Donkey Milk: Benefits, Uses, and Downsides – Healthline

Donkey milk may sound like a trendy newcomer to the milk market, but in reality, it has been around for thousands of years.

It has become popular again recently, especially in parts of Europe, appealing both to adventurous foodies who want to try new foods and beverages, as well as those who aim to eat natural foods with health benefits.

This article looks into the benefits, uses, and downsides of donkey milk.

Donkeys belong to the Equidae family, which also includes horses and zebras. Various breeds of domesticated donkeys live all over the world, and like many other mammals, female donkeys, known as jennies, have been raised for thousands of years for their milk (1).

Donkey milk has a long history of medicinal and cosmetic uses. Hippocrates reportedly used it as a treatment for arthritis, coughs, and wounds. Cleopatra is said to have maintained her soft, smooth skin with donkey milk baths (2).

It has antimicrobial properties and is used as a folk medicine treatment for infections, including whooping cough, as well as viruses in parts of Africa and India (2).

Compared with milk from other dairy animals like cows, goats, sheep, buffalo, and camels, donkey milk most closely resembles human breast milk. In fact, it was first used in the 19th century to feed orphaned infants (3).

Donkey farming is becoming more popular. However, most farms are small with 530 milking jennies. Each produces only about 4 cups (1 liter) of milk per day. Thus, the milk is somewhat hard to find and considered a specialty item (1, 4, 5).

Raw donkey milk is usually sold at farms where donkeys are raised. In the United States, federal law prohibits the transportation of raw milk across state lines. Some larger farms may sell pasteurized donkey milk (5, 6).

Its more widely available as freeze-dried powdered milk and an ingredient in some European-imported chocolate bars. In Italy, where its especially popular, donkey milk is used in some infant formulas and as a medical food (4, 7).

Although it might seem like a new trend, people have been drinking donkey milk for thousands of years. Its somewhat hard to find unless you live near a donkey farm, but you can purchase powdered donkey milk from some manufacturers.

Nutritionally, donkey milk is very similar to human breast and cows milk. It provides vitamins and minerals along with protein (2, 8).

Its lower in fat, and thus calories, and has more vitamin D than other milks. Most of the calories in donkey milk come from carbs, which are in the form of lactose (2, 8).

This chart lists the nutrition information for 3 ounces (100 mL) of donkey, human breast, and whole, vitamin-D-fortified cows milk (8, 9, 10, 11):

Most of the protein in dairy milk comes from casein and whey. Casein is the protein most people with an allergy to cows milk react to. Donkey milk is similar to human breast milk in that its low in casein and higher in whey (12).

The whey protein in donkey milk is notable for its antimicrobial properties. It contains compounds that can prevent the growth of viruses and bacteria (1, 3, 12).

In lab studies, it prevents the spread of bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus (1, 3, 12).

Donkey milk is low in fat and rich in carbs. The protein in donkey milk is largely whey, which has compounds that can help prevent the growth of some bacteria and viruses.

Fans of donkey milk often drink it for its health benefits, which go beyond its nutritional content. In particular, it has gained a lot of attention as an allergen-friendly and immune-boosting food.

Compared with the protein in cows milk, which has about five times more casein than whey, the protein in donkey milk has roughly equal parts casein and whey (12).

Given its significantly lower casein content, many people with a cows milk protein allergy can tolerate donkey milk, as they find that donkey milk doesnt cause an allergic response (12).

That can be a plus for anyone whos allergic to cows milk but may benefit from the protein and other nutrients that dairy milk provides.

An Italian study in 81 children with an allergy to cows milk found that all were able to drink donkey milk with no negative reaction. Swapping donkey milk allowed for regular weight and height gains (13).

Still, if you have a known allergy, check with your healthcare provider before trying donkey milk. While donkey milk contains less casein than cows milk, even a trace amount of casein can cause anaphylaxis in some people.

Another important component of donkey milk is lactose. It helps your body absorb calcium, which is important for strong bones (12, 14).

Other compounds in the milk may support a healthier immune system. A lab study showed that donkey milk has the ability to promote the release of cytokines, which are proteins that stimulate the immune system (14).

That same study found that donkey milk also causes cells to produce nitric oxide, a compound that helps dilate blood vessels. Nitric oxide can improve blood flow to your blood vessels, which in turn reduces your blood pressure (14).

Donkey milk may be a suitable dairy substitute for people with a cows milk protein allergy, although it still contains casein and lactose. In addition, it might offer other benefits, including supporting a healthier immune system and reducing blood pressure.

The biggest downside of donkey milk is its price and availability. Because both the number and size of donkey dairy farms are limited, its expensive to produce and sell and thus hard to come by.

Europe has some larger manufacturers who sell the milk in powdered form, but it can be expensive to ship overseas.

The price of donkey milk, along with its low casein content, also make it very expensive and difficult to use for cheesemaking.

Another potential downside is that most small farms only sell raw donkey milk, and drinking unpasteurized milk carries a risk of foodborne illness.

Although donkey milk has antimicrobial properties, and tests usually find it to be free of harmful pathogens, theres always a risk that raw milk contains bacteria or other harmful toxins (7).

That can be dangerous if fed to infants, older adults, or anyone with a compromised immune system.

If you want to try donkey milk in liquid or powder form, look for one that has been pasteurized. Alternatively, heat the raw milk to at least 161F (72C) for 15 seconds before drinking it to kill any pathogens (15).

Finally, if you have lactose intolerance and experience symptoms like gas, bloating, and diarrhea after drinking milk, donkey milk will likely cause these same symptoms due to its lactose content.

Thus, people with lactose intolerance should avoid or limit donkey milk. Alternatively, you can use a lactase enzyme to break down the lactose before drinking it.

Donkey milk is in limited supply and can be expensive. You should also be aware that if you drink raw donkey milk, theres a risk of foodborne illness, which is especially a concern for infants or anyone with a compromised immune system.

Donkey milk is more than a food item. Its just as well known for its use as an ingredient in cosmetics. In fact, youll probably have much better luck finding donkey milk skin moisturizers and soaps than donkey milk beverages.

The proteins in donkey milk have the ability to attract and hold water, which makes it an excellent moisturizer (4).

Some of the proteins in donkey milk also function as antioxidants. They help protect cells from oxidative damage, including that caused by sun exposure, thus providing anti-aging benefits (4).

Cosmetic products that may have donkey milk as a major ingredient include skin creams, face masks, soaps, and shampoos.

One of the most common uses for donkey milk is as an ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics. It has moisturizing and antioxidant properties to protect your skin, face, and hair.

Donkey milk may sound like a new fad, but it has been used since ancient Greek and Roman times as a health-promoting beverage and skin-moisturizing cosmetic treatment.

Its especially appealing to those with a cows milk protein allergy who can tolerate its low casein content.

However, note that it still contains a fair amount of lactose and may be unsuitable for people with lactose intolerance.

The milk also contains compounds that may strengthen your immune system and inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other infections.

Donkey milk is expensive and may be hard to find as a beverage, but you can still take advantage of its cosmetic benefits. Its easy to find moisturizing creams, soaps, and shampoos made with donkey milk.

Read the original post:
Donkey Milk: Benefits, Uses, and Downsides - Healthline

Re-Stem-Funded Study Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Aging and Age-Related Diseases Published in Science Advances Journal – Press Release -…

Aug. 9, 2020 / PRZen / SUZHOU, China -- Re-Stem Biotech (Re-Stem or the Company), a biotechnology firm engaged in the research and development of cell therapies targeting osteoarthritis, spinal cord injury and various cancers recently funded in part a study titled "Solid-phase inclusion as a mechanism for regulating unfolded proteins in the mitochondrial matrix". Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, led by Rong Li, Ph.D., published their findings in the journal "Science Advances" (view full article here: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/32/eabc7288) The study may provide mechanistic insights for mitochondrial dysfunction observed in aging and age-related diseases.

About Mitochondrial DysfunctionMitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. During aging, damaged/unfolded proteins in mitochondria that are failed to be degraded gradually accumulate. In addition, recent evidence suggests that non-mitochondrial proteins constituting pathological aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases also accumulate in mitochondria and cause mitochondrial dysfunction. However, it remains unclear how excessive damaged proteins are managed within mitochondria when known quality control mechanisms become inadequate, and how they contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction during the aging process.

About the StudyThe researchers discovered that excessive unfolded proteins in the mitochondrial matrix are consolidated into novel structures, which they named Deposits of Unfolded Mitochondrial Proteins (DUMP). DUMP formation is an age-dependent process, while accelerated DUMP formation causes mitochondrial dysfunction and premature aging. They found that DUMP formation was not random, but specific in mitochondria near endoplasmic reticulum (ER), another organelle in cells. The contact sites between mitochondria and ER regulate DUMP formation via transferring lipids between two organelles. Via a series of genetic and live-cell imaging studies, researchers identified key enzymes of mitochondrial lipid metabolism that control DUMP formation. Manipulation of these enzymes modulates DUMP formation, therefore, potentially they could be targets for anti-aging or treating age-related diseases.

About Re-Stem BiotechRe-Stem Biotech (Re-Stem) is a biotechnology firm engaged in the research and development of cell-based therapies and products. Backed by state of the art GMP facilities and an international team of world-leading scientists, doctors and management team, Re-Stem currently has a robust technology platform including four profitable therapies on the market and eight other therapies and products in the pipeline. Incorporated and headquartered in 2012 in Suzhou, China, Re-Stem is focused on the large and aging population of China. It also operates clinics and research and development laboratories in Shenzhen, Beijing, Kunming and Ganzhou. For more information visit Re-Stem Biotech website: https://www.restembio.com/

Forward-Looking StatementsStatements in this press release relating to plans, strategies, trends, specific activities or investments, and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts and may be forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors, which include those regarding our ability to implement objective, plans and strategies for future operations. Forward-looking information may be identified by terms such as "will," "may," "expects," "plans," "intends," "estimates," "potential," or "continue," or similar terms or the negative of these terms. Although Re-Stem believes the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that future results, performance or achievements will be obtained. Re-Stem does not have any obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law.

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Re-Stem-Funded Study Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Aging and Age-Related Diseases Published in Science Advances Journal - Press Release -...

Global Anti-Aging Medicine Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2018 2026 – Lake Shore Gazette

An astrovirus (HAstV) is a form of RNA virus which is mainly responsible for affecting the intestinal system. Astrovirus infection is quite more prevalent in children aged between 1 and 10 years and rarely affect adults. Astrovirus has a single-strand RNA genome and can survive for prolonged periods of time. The virus is common during the cold winter months as they exist at a temperature of less than 20 degree Celsius. Astrovirus infection can cause a severe situation of stomach flu, which is also commonly known as gastroenteritis. Moreover, astrovirus infection can also cause the severe condition of diarrhea and vomiting. Astrovirus infection is one of the most common causes of childhood acute diarrhea. The infectious astrovirus can cause more serious illness in children with cancer and compromised immune systems. Astrovirus infection is considered as an important cause of viral gastroenteritis. An astrovirus is a communicable infection that is transmitted from person-to-person by the fecal-oral route. Presently, there is no specific treatment or vaccines available for astrovirus infection. But a number of therapies are adopted to treat astrovirus infection.

Growing adoption of technologically advanced molecular techniques and rising incidence of acute diarrhea among children is expected to increase demand for astrovirus infection treatment market. Increasing government funding in the healthcare sector and growing trend of pharmaceutical companies to manufacture novel drugs are some more factors fueling the market growth of the global astrovirus infection treatment market. However, the absence of absolute treatment and limited efficacy of the drugs available in the market is expected to hamper the revenue growth of the global astrovirus infection treatment market during the forecast period. Moreover, lack of awareness about novel diagnostic tests is restraining the growth of astrovirus infection treatment market.

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The global market for astrovirus infection treatment is segmented on basis of astrovirus (HAstV) type treatment therapy, application, end user and geography:

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On the basis of geography, global astrovirus infection treatment market is segmented into six key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific excluding China, China and Middle East & Africa. North America and Europe are expected to be the leading markets in the global astrovirus infection treatment market. Growing number of patients suffering from abdominal pains and astrovirus infections are expected to boost demand for astrovirus infection treatment therapies in these regions. APEC and China are expected to follow next in terms of demand for the treatment of astrovirus infection. Latin America and MEA astrovirus infection treatment markets are also expected to witness above average growth during the forecast period. Absence of population based studies in developing countries is a major challenge in assessment of astrovirus infection treatment in these countries.

Some of the key players present in global astrovirus infection treatment market are Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Pfizer Inc., AstraZeneca plc., Novartis AG, Eli Lilly and Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and others.

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Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics andmarket research methodologyto help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.

Contact us:

Naved BegPersistence Market ResearchAddress 305 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007 United StatesU.S. Ph. +1-646-568-7751USA-Canada Toll-free +1 800-961-0353Salessales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsitehttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.com

Here is the original post:
Global Anti-Aging Medicine Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2018 2026 - Lake Shore Gazette

How Millenials Are Changing Age-Long Traditions Of Luxury With Digital Technology – Forbes

HONG KONG, CHINA - 2020/08/28: French multinational Chanel clothing and beauty products brand store ... [+] seen in Hong Kong. (Photo by Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Millennials have taken the bull by the horn they are redefining norms and challenging the status quo. Traditions that looked like bus-stops, have now been challenged and transformed by the innovative ideas from millennials.

They unarguably represent the future of the world in many ways and are the new decision-makers, affecting the way companies produce and innovate. Though born between the 1980s and 1990s, the influence of millennials or Generation Y as they are called in some quarters, transcends their age grade. Millennials are determining fashion trends and affecting the way their predecessors do things and approach life.

Millennials grew up right in the face of the internet and mobile technologies. Backed by this, their understanding and definition of luxury differ in many ways to age-long traditions. Companies must now repackage and refocus her processes and models to meet the realities of the present age as influenced by millennials.

Today, the luxury fashion industry is undergoing large-scale changes. The reason being is because consumer behavior has been forced to adapt to the rise of the global leader; technology. In fact, the impact of modified technology has affected most business especially in these uncertain times.

As we roll into the second half of a very challenging year, we notice that old buying patterns have made significant changes to a simpler yet, complex environment. Many luxury vendors who I report on have been trying to stay focused and willing to update their digital technology methods.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 07: Tom Ford Model attends the Tom Ford AW/20 Fashion Show at ... [+] Milk Studios on February 07, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by David Crotty/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Challenging the Status-quo

Not only are millennials influencing the activities of luxury brands, but their preferences in terms of buying is also affecting the sales strategy and focus of brands. According to a report by McKinsey&Company, Online sales of personal luxury goods apparel, footwear, accessories, jewellery and watches, leather goods, and beauty and perfume account for 8 percent of the 254 billion global luxury market, or about 20 billion.

The report indicates the companys expectation that online luxury sales would triple by 2025 - meaning that nearly one-fifth of personal luxury sales will take place online. The footprint of millennials is written all over this new trend if they are not ordering an item(s) for themselves, they are ordering for someone else or influencing someone to do so. Indeed, millennials are redefining buying behaviour for luxury items.

Age-long traditions for luxury items like fashion wears, smartphones, design furniture, cars and the likes, were characterized by luxuriously decorated showrooms and stores, but the millennial lives on the internet. As a result of this, brands are investing more energies into product photography and in building their online appeal.

Setting the pace through digital technology

Millennials are not determining the trends and pace of innovation through digital technology alone, they are also leading the way by creating digital technology-powered solutions. These solutions are shattering the norms and setting the pace in various aspects of luxury.

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 18: A model walks the runway during the Hermes Menswear Fall/Winter ... [+] 2020-2021 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 18, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)

Millennials are not determining the trends and pace of innovation through digital technology alone, they are also leading the way by creating digital technology-powered solutions. These solutions are shattering the norms and setting the pace in various aspects of luxury.

Millennials and financing

According to a Forbes report, the global luxury market is predicted to top 1.3 trillion ($1.5 trillion) by 2025, with experiential luxury growing about 5%, far faster than personal luxury at 3%, with accessories and cosmetics expected to gain the most from 2018-2025. The report holds that millennials represent only about 32% of spending in the personal luxury market, but expects this number to increase to 50% by 2025.

For this to happen, millennials would need to have greater financial access. Over the past decade, the world has seen millennials rise to become millionaires and billionaires through legitimate means. Much of this rise is on the heels of digital technology-powered solutions.

There are unarguably more innovative ideas, some of which are yet to see the light of day. Business reality shows targeted at bringing new ideas to the limelight are filled with entries from millennials. Most of these millennials lack the financial resources to birth their ideas.

To tackle this financing problem, Cash-U finance was set up to provide quick, easy and low-interest loans to people. Cash-Us procedure simplifies the online receipt of money and takes only a few minutes to process.

According to Evgeny Yezhov, founder of MFO Cash-U Finance, In every application that we process, our automated scoring system Cash-U Finance runs through up to 10,000 parameters within 20 seconds, all within regulatory compliance. It takes into account not only credit data and the income level of the applicant but also the movement of funds in their accounts, the nature of expenses and settlements with organizations Access to finance has never been this easy and it is all part of the giant strides by millennials in breaking age-long traditions.

Isabel Alysa on set with Cardi B, making sure she glows

Millennials and medicals

With digital technology, everything is easier. Through the help of digital technology, there is little need for physical meetings. If you needed to see a doctor, you can book for an appointment and have the consulting session using your mobile devices.

Even the way that people stay healthy, fit and achieve flawless aging has changed. The infusion of digital technology into the practice of medicine has led to life-changing innovations that are making medicare both affordable and effective. Once again, millennials are at the forefront of this, leading to medical practices that are created to match their preferences.

Isabel Alysa

Millennials are also not leaving the responsibility for what they want to coincidence, they are stepping forward to lead the change they want to see. One of such millennials is Celebrity Tan Artist Isabel Alysa, who owns Dolce Glow and is the private tanning professional to people like Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Cardi B and J Lo. Her brand offers luxury treatments for millennials with product offerings that include spray tanning courses, private tanning service, and a proprietary spray tan solution. Alysa explains, Its not just about going digital and customizing our products to match a new and different approach to luxury, its about connecting with people on a personal basis. Reinforcing peoples confidence, individuality and learning is what really resonates these days. So combine the three and you have a modern and approachable brand that is bound to captivate. Isabel has utilized zoom to digitally train people worldwide on her spray tanning techniques, touching people all the way in Kuwait, France, and Guatemala.

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 16: Models pose at Ralph Lauren Purple Label Presentation as part of Milan ... [+] Men's Fashion Week FW16 on January 16, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)

Sandra Bledsoe is another example. Together with her brand, Revenge MD, Sandra Bledsoe hopes to inspire women and men alike to transform and improve their confidence. Sandra believes that successfully looking your best is the ultimate revenge. To help people achieve this, Revenge MD offers services that are centred around anti-aging and medical wellness from licensed trained professionals. These services include weight loss, hormone balance solutions, botox, fillers and PDO thread lifts.

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 21: a general view at the men's grooming event for the opening of the ... [+] first TOM FORD global beauty store in Covent Garden on November 21, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Tom Ford )

However, despite the massive opportunities that digital technology presents, millennials still encounter challenges with job hunting and product management interviews. Product Gym exists to help people solve this problem and transition into software product manager jobs. Though many millennials possess relevant tech skills, the reality is that the job market is filled with tons of unemployed millennials. Whether it is a career in software or product management, product gyms are redefining the future of product management and empowering people to land the jobs of their dreams.

Millennials are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to make the world a better, safer and easier place to live in. Enabled by digital technology and the many possibilities it presents, age-long traditions of luxury are being challenged for good. These changes would no doubt set the tone for Generation Z.

Go here to see the original:
How Millenials Are Changing Age-Long Traditions Of Luxury With Digital Technology - Forbes

HWCOM In the News September 2020 – FIU News

September 22, 2020The intersection of climate and health: Stanford group works for changeStanford ScopeAlumna physician writes book about COVID-19FIU News

September 21, 2020Ready for In-Person School? 12 Safety Tips for ParentsBaptist HealthGASTRO HEALTH FIRST IN U.S. TO UTILIZE NEW ENDOSCOPIC GASTROSCOPESouth Florida Hospital News and Health Care ReportMiami schools could start opening Sept. 30, but 18 hours of public comments delay vote Miami Herald

September 20, 2020Past scams complicate Miami-Dade Countys contact tracing effortsAlbany Herald

September 18, 2020Medical experts ask questions about school reopening before School Board meets MondayMiami Herald

September 17, 2020Redefining Medicine with special guest Dr. Teresa IribarrenAmerican Academy of Anti-Aging MedicineHealth officials advise public to get flu shots ahead of flu season amid pandemicWSVN MiamiMiami-Dade Public Schools Officials Discuss Reopening Safety NBC6 MiamiSearch for Protection: South Floridians take part in Modernas COVID-19 vaccine trialWSVN Miami

September 16, 2020Podcast: Lo ltimo sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19El Nuevo HeraldSeptember 15, 2020As Miami-Dade Weighs Reopening Schools, Contact Tracing Remains an IssueNBC6 MiamiHeres Why Your COVID-19 Test Result Could Be Negative, Even If Coronavirus Is PresentWLRN

September 14, 2020Penumbra Augments Vascular Franchise With Latest Indigo System LaunchMedical Product OutsourcingEl pagnier Hudson to lead FIUs diversity, equity and inclusion effortsFIU News

September 11, 2020Measures To Reduce The Virus Spread Will Help As More Businesses, Schools ReopenWMFEFlorida Man gets a Covid do-overPolitico

September 10, 2020Dont Hold Your Breath for Miami Bars and Nightclubs to ReopenMiami New TimesBack to School with Pediatric Life-Threatening AllergiesHPR-Health Professional RadioNew Beginnings in a Time of COVID-19University of Michigan/Anesthesiology

September 9, 2020Infectious Disease Specialist on vaccine & getting the flu shotWGN Radio, ChicagoSe vio con familia y amigos en el feriado? Miami-Dade urge a hacerse la prueba de COVID-19El Nuevo HeraldMiami-Dade relaja toque de queda, pero mantiene otras restriccionesDiario Las Americas

September 8, 2020Labor day diferente! Acudieron grupos pequeos a las playas del sur de FloridaMiamiDiario.com

September 7, 2020Dr. Aileen Marty: In 2 Weeks Well Know If Labor Day Gatherings Result In Surge Of COVID CasesCBS4 MiamiENCUENTRO VIRTUAL: COVID-19, RETOS DE LA NUEVA NORMALIDADTelemundo Facebook LiveSmaller crowds on South Florida beaches this Labor DayWPLG Miami

September 6, 2020This Week in South Florida: Dr. Aileen MartyWPLG Miami

September 2, 2020Covid trends and the futureiHeart Radio

September 3, 2020Coleman and Slomovitz Continue the Discussion on Maintenance PARP Inhibition in Ovarian CancerOncLive

September 1, 2020FIU scientist is finalist for an American Heart Association Early Career Investigator AwardFIU NewsDr. Eugenio Rothe named an FIU Top ScholarHWCOM News

Original post:
HWCOM In the News September 2020 - FIU News

Increasing Adoption of yy product to Drive the Anti-Aging Medicine Market – Lake Shore Gazette

Longer life-expectancy is a cumulative effect of a healthy lifestyle and favorable environmental conditions. A trend of continuously increasing life expectancy has been a witness since a decade, primarily because of advances in medical sciences and treatment of chronic life-threatening diseases, availability of clean water and environment and other factors. This trend is projected to further show even more exponential growth graph owing to the anti-aging medicines, stem cell therapeutics, genetic screening and interventions, and high-tech biomedicines. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine claimed that anti-aging medicines can add up to 10-20 years to the life expectancy of a human. Today, a combination of calorie-restricted diet, regular exercise, and anti-aging medicines are claimed to slow the process of senescence and aging. Various medicines used against the treatment of acute or chronic diseases can be considered as anti-aging medicines, however, to define anti-aging medicine market we have considered only the drugs that are directly prescribed and used for delaying the effects of aging.

The constantly growing demand to look young in old individuals and to remain young and youthful in young people drive the anti-aging market. The influence of aesthetics from the fashion and television industry propel the demand to retain the features and energy of younger age in old people. Additionally, the increasing number of anti-aging medicine manufacturers in the decade contribute to higher availability of the anti-aging medicine resulting in expansion of the global anti-aging medicine market. However, skeptical approach to anti-aging medicine as being an external stimulator of cell-cycles is a restraint to the expansion of anti-aging medicine market.

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The global Anti-aging medicine market is segmented on basis of product type, age group, distribution channel, and region:

The rising demand for beauty consciousness amongst people and the desire to stay young is the primary factor fueling the growth of anti-aging medicines in the market. The acclaimed benefits of the products and affordability along with regional presence compel the demand for anti-aging medicine in the global market. Hormonal replacement therapy segment in product type is expected to account maximum market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market. However, antioxidant therapy segment in product type is expected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years owing to the rising awareness about the plethora of benefits of antioxidants in anti-aging among the public. On the basis of the route of administration, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as oral, injectable and topical, out of which oral segment is expected to generate maximum revenue share over the forecast period. As per the distribution channel, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, e-commerce, and drug stores. The e-commerce segment in the distribution channel is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast time.

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Regionally, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America anti-aging medicine market is projected to account for the largest market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market owing to the higher healthcare expenditure and presence of numerous manufacturers. Europe is expected to hold the second largest share in the global anti-aging medicine market during the forecast period because of the growing geriatric population and higher spending on healthcare products and supplements. MEA anti-aging medicine market is expected to witness sluggish growth over the forecast time owing to the limited presence of manufacturers and lower healthcare expenditure. Asia Pacific is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years in the global anti-aging medicine market due to higher demand from end users and regional penetration of the key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

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Life Sciences & Transformational HealthLandscape

About us:

Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics andmarket research methodologyto help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.

Contact us:

Naved BegPersistence Market ResearchAddress 305 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007 United StatesU.S. Ph. +1-646-568-7751USA-Canada Toll-free +1 800-961-0353Salessales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsitehttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.com

Read the original post:
Increasing Adoption of yy product to Drive the Anti-Aging Medicine Market - Lake Shore Gazette

The Anti-Aging Medicine market to project Exorbitant Growth between 2018 and 2026 – The Daily Chronicle

Longer life-expectancy is a cumulative effect of a healthy lifestyle and favorable environmental conditions. A trend of continuously increasing life expectancy has been a witness since a decade, primarily because of advances in medical sciences and treatment of chronic life-threatening diseases, availability of clean water and environment and other factors. This trend is projected to further show even more exponential growth graph owing to the anti-aging medicines, stem cell therapeutics, genetic screening and interventions, and high-tech biomedicines. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine claimed that anti-aging medicines can add up to 10-20 years to the life expectancy of a human. Today, a combination of calorie-restricted diet, regular exercise, and anti-aging medicines are claimed to slow the process of senescence and aging. Various medicines used against the treatment of acute or chronic diseases can be considered as anti-aging medicines, however, to define anti-aging medicine market we have considered only the drugs that are directly prescribed and used for delaying the effects of aging.

The constantly growing demand to look young in old individuals and to remain young and youthful in young people drive the anti-aging market. The influence of aesthetics from the fashion and television industry propel the demand to retain the features and energy of younger age in old people. Additionally, the increasing number of anti-aging medicine manufacturers in the decade contribute to higher availability of the anti-aging medicine resulting in expansion of the global anti-aging medicine market. However, skeptical approach to anti-aging medicine as being an external stimulator of cell-cycles is a restraint to the expansion of anti-aging medicine market.

To remain ahead of your competitors, request for a sample [emailprotected]


The global Anti-aging medicine market is segmented on basis of product type, age group, distribution channel, and region:

The rising demand for beauty consciousness amongst people and the desire to stay young is the primary factor fueling the growth of anti-aging medicines in the market. The acclaimed benefits of the products and affordability along with regional presence compel the demand for anti-aging medicine in the global market. Hormonal replacement therapy segment in product type is expected to account maximum market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market. However, antioxidant therapy segment in product type is expected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years owing to the rising awareness about the plethora of benefits of antioxidants in anti-aging among the public. On the basis of the route of administration, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as oral, injectable and topical, out of which oral segment is expected to generate maximum revenue share over the forecast period. As per the distribution channel, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented as hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, e-commerce, and drug stores. The e-commerce segment in the distribution channel is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast time.

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Regionally, the global anti-aging medicine market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America anti-aging medicine market is projected to account for the largest market share in the terms of revenue in the global anti-aging medicine market owing to the higher healthcare expenditure and presence of numerous manufacturers. Europe is expected to hold the second largest share in the global anti-aging medicine market during the forecast period because of the growing geriatric population and higher spending on healthcare products and supplements. MEA anti-aging medicine market is expected to witness sluggish growth over the forecast time owing to the limited presence of manufacturers and lower healthcare expenditure. Asia Pacific is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast years in the global anti-aging medicine market due to higher demand from end users and regional penetration of the key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

You Can Request for TOC Here @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/26233

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Life Sciences & Transformational HealthLandscape

About us:

Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics andmarket research methodologyto help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.

Contact us:

Naved BegPersistence Market ResearchAddress 305 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007 United StatesU.S. Ph. +1-646-568-7751USA-Canada Toll-free +1 800-961-0353Sales[emailprotected]Websitehttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.com

Read more here:
The Anti-Aging Medicine market to project Exorbitant Growth between 2018 and 2026 - The Daily Chronicle

Renowned Functional Nutritionist Expert Penny Foskaris Partners with the Exclusive Haute Beauty Network – Yahoo Finance

Penny Foskaris, a well-respected and prominent functional nutritionist in Los Angeles, California, has joined the prestigious Haute Beauty network.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --Penny Foskaris is a Functional Nutritionist, American Association of Diabetes Educators Paraprofessional Level 1 and a Certified Health Coach. She is also on the Community Leadership Board with the American Diabetes Association and is a member of The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Penny has been seen on NBC, CBS and Fox cooking healthy delicious recipes while teaching the importance of healthy eating. She has helped hundreds of people find the importance of following a balanced diet by eating whole foods through the years.

She has spoken in front of hundreds of people teaching the importance of proper nutrition and eating a balanced diet. She created The Fast Foods Diet Cookbook to make it easy to make meals that are healthy and equally delicious.

Visit Penny Foskaris's Haute Beauty Profile at: https://hauteliving.com/hautebeauty/member/penny-foskaris/

Visit Penny Foskaris's website at: https://www.foskariswellness.com/


Haute Beauty offers readers access to an invite-only, prominent collective of leading doctors and industry-leading aesthetic surgeons located in their area. Haute Beauty is affiliated with the luxury lifestyle publication Haute Living. As a section of Haute Living magazine, Haute Beauty covers the latest advancements in beauty and wellness, providing readers with expert advice on aesthetic and reconstructive treatments through its network of acclaimed surgeons.

To learn more about Haute Beauty, visit https://hauteliving.com/hautebeauty/

SOURCE Haute Beauty

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Renowned Functional Nutritionist Expert Penny Foskaris Partners with the Exclusive Haute Beauty Network - Yahoo Finance

The 12 Beauty Products Not To Miss From The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale – Forbes

If youve been holding off on restocking your medicine cabinet shelves or your makeup bag, now is the moment. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale ends this Saturday, August 30 and while some of the star products sold out during the early access phase, there are still plenty of worthy steals to be found.

While Sephora, Ulta, Dermstore and others all run annual sales, none of them can hold a candle to the deep discounts on top beauty products found during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. The department stores annual sale is one of the only beauty sales to mark down a slew of best-sellers as well as brand-new products, meaning its the perfect time to snag latest-technology beauty devices as well as stock up on products you use frequently.

There are plenty of haircare and make-up products to add to your shopping cart (see highlights from Oribe, Briogeo, Becca and Charlotte Tilbury below), and the skincare selection should not be missed. Look for minis from ultra-luxe brands like La Mer and Doctor Barbara Sturm, or round out your skincare regimen with best-sellers from Kate Somerville, and Kiehls.


While some scrubs can strip the skins protective barrier, this formula from Kate Somerville combines lactic acid with honey and vitamin E to polish without drying. Its gentle enough for most skin types and is formulated without sulfates or phthalates. You only need a pea size amount each time, so this 5 oz bottle will last you well through the fall and winter.

British makeup darling Charlotte Tilbury's best selling gilded eyeshadows are now available in a three piece set: two cream-to-sheen eyeshadows and one volume-enhancing mascara come together to make the perfect soft golden eye. The darker shade, called Star Gold, has a rich coppery hue which looks great as all-over color or smudged into the crease of your lid, while the lighter Golden Eclipse adds a lovely wash of light shimmer.

Bouncy curls and loose waves at home have never been easier than with this technologically advanced curling iron, which recognizes each section of your hair in order to use the correct amount of heat. (In the market for a straightener instead? This GHD styler is designed with a similar technology and is also on sale.)

This gentle liquid cleanser is a great one-size-fits all option: it whisks away makeup and grime without upsetting the pH balance of your skin. Sensitive and dry types will love the soothing addition of apricot kernel oil, vitamin E, and avocado oil, too. Plus, its a concentrated formula, so this jumbo size will last for months.

Briogeos quenching clean hair care line is a favorite amongst folks with curly, kinky, or frizzy locks or anyone with color-treated hair that could use some extra TLC. This kit includes a full size 8 fl oz tub of the popular Don't Despair, Repair! Conditioning Mask, as well as a full size Farewell Frizz Rosarco Milk Leave-In Conditioning Spray. It also includes a travel size Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-Exfoliating Scalp Scrub Shampoo, which is a weekly treatment that combats product build up or itchy, flaky scalp build up.

Lash serums are having a moment: with former extension fanatics taking a break during Covid and the idea of applying mascara (and taking it off) day in and out seeming a little tedious, the allure of plumped up natural lashes has never been stronger. This serum from NeuLash relies on hydrating sodium hyaluronate, amino acids, and peptides to lengthen and strengthen.

As much as La Mer has a reputation for excellence, it can be hard to not balk at the steep price tags. This set of soothing and moisturizing minis gives you both the opportunity to find your cant live without product from the storied French brand and provides a pretty discount. The gold standard Crme de La Mer is included of course, alongside a fast-absorbing treatment lotion, which relies on the brands proprietary Miracle Broth to hydrate and tone. Also included is the regenerative Renewal Oil and a highlighter, called the Hydrating Illuminator, which gives skin a lit-from-within glow.

This translucent setting powder extends the life of your makeup without any dryness or powdery texture, thanks to its lush, mist-like feeling on skin (the formula is made up of 50% water and glycerin to add moisture). While its nearly translucent, it does come in two flattering shades the original, a pale peachy tone, and the golden bronze, a deep caramel color.


This is the perfect set for those days when youre trying to stretch your shampoo but you still need to hop on Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting. The Gold Lust Dry Shampoo absorbs oil without adding grit or residue, while the Dry Texturizing Spray adds shape.

British makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury is known for her soft, sultry, vaseline-lensed beauty looks so its no surprise that her best selling Pillow Talk lipstick would end up being the enhanced nude for thousands of women (including Gwenyth Paltrow and Kate Moss.) The light, pinkish mauve lipstick has a creamy consistency that plumps and moisturizes, with a buildable hue. This kit comes with the original lipstick as well as a liner and gloss in the same shade, for creating every possible rendition of pillowy, pink lips.

Living Proofs Perfect Day hair care line is a cult favorite for a reason it delivers manageable and moisturized hair without phthalates, silicone, or oils. This three piece set is a great option for anyone with low maintenance hair who just wants an effective straightforward routine and big enough bottles that they wont have to refill anytime soon. For $99, you get a 24 oz set of shampoo and conditioner, plus a dry shampoo to stretch styles.

If youve wondered about Dr. Barbara Sturms beloved skincare line but had sticker shock each time, this starter trio is the way to go. At $215, its still pricey but each of the anti-aging serums are meant to be applied just a few drops at a time (and, they work best in unison.) Start with the Super Anti-Aging Serum, a calming, regenerative mix of anti-inflammatory purslane and antioxidant rich skullcap. Then, dab on the Hyaluronic Serum to quench skin. And finally, pat on the Night Serum, which also relies on hyaluronic acid, this time mixed with plankton extract to reduce fine lines and senna alata to repair skin.

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The 12 Beauty Products Not To Miss From The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - Forbes

Medicated Skin Care Products Market 2020 Global Industry Share, Size, Revenue, Latest Trends, Business Boosting Strategies, CAGR Status, Growth…

Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market 2020 report consists of important factors such as the latest trends, performance drivers, key players, revenue, growth rate and volume sales, and consumer insights. The report Medicated Skin Care Products Market gives detailed information on enterprises on a global and regional level through an all-inclusive analysis and insights into developments affecting businesses. It accommodates an entire overview of the market, including the market size, share, and the projection of this global market, within a specific interval of time. Then, it covers the major players functioning in Medicated Skin Care Products market.

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The Global Medicated Skin Care Products market 2020 research provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Global Medicated Skin Care Products market report is provided for the international markets as well as development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are also analysed. This report additionally states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins.

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The research covers the current Medicated Skin Care Products market size of the market and its growth rates based on 6-year records with company outline of Key players/manufacturers:

About Medicated Skin Care Products Market:

Medicated skin care products help in overcoming various skin related problems by wounding skin healings with the help of its anti-inflammatory and other useful medical properties. Medicated skin care products are also used to treat various skin related issues such as psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, and dermatitis. They come in various forms including cleansers, face and body moisturizers, hand & foot creams, scrubs, lip care, and hand sanitizers, among others. Medicated skin care products calm the irritated and inflamed skin while restoring weakened skin with essential natural and artificial ingredients. Medicated skin care products are infused with various ingredients, which are vital for the process of skin healing. For instance, Madecassoside is an active skin care ingredient derived from the plant Centella asiatica. Centella asiatica is a medicinal plant that has been used in Ayurveda medicine in India for several years. Madecassoside has various anti-aging as well as skin healing properties.Market Analysis and Insights: Global Medicated Skin Care Products MarketThe global Medicated Skin Care Products market size is projected to reach USD million by 2026, from USD million in 2020, at a CAGR of during 2021-2026.Global Medicated Skin Care Products Scope and Market SizeMedicated Skin Care Products market is segmented by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Medicated Skin Care Products market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2015-2026.

This report focuses on the Medicated Skin Care Products in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.

Get a Sample Copy of the Medicated Skin Care Products Market Report 2020

Report further studies the market development status and future Medicated Skin Care Products Market trend across the world. Also, it splits Medicated Skin Care Products Market Segmentation by Type and by Applications to fully and deeply research and reveal market profile and prospects.

Major Classifications are as follows:

Major Applications are as follows:

Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Medicated Skin Care Products in these regions, from 2015 to 2026, covering

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Major Points from Table of Contents:

1 Study Coverage1.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Product Introduction1.2 Market Segments1.3 Key Medicated Skin Care Products Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue1.4 Market by Type1.4.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Growth Rate by Type1.4.2 Natural1.4.3 Synthetic1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Growth Rate by Application1.5.2 Male1.5.3 Female1.5.4 Kids1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts2.1.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue 2015-20262.1.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales 2015-20262.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products, Market Size by Producing Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20202.2.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-2020

3 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Competitor Landscape by Players3.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Manufacturers3.1.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.1.2 Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2 Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Manufacturers3.2.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.2 Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.3 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2015-2020)3.2.4 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue in 20193.2.5 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Medicated Skin Care Products Price by Manufacturers3.4 Medicated Skin Care Products Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types3.4.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters3.4.2 Manufacturers Medicated Skin Care Products Product Type3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Medicated Skin Care Products Market3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

4 Market Size by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.1.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Type (2015-2020)4.1.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Type (2015-2020)4.1.3 Medicated Skin Care Products Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026)4.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.3 Medicated Skin Care Products Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.3 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End

5 Market Size by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.1.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Application (2015-2020)5.1.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Application (2015-2020)5.1.3 Medicated Skin Care Products Price by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.3 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Price Forecast by Application (2021-2026)

6 North America6.1 North America Medicated Skin Care Products by Country6.1.1 North America Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Country6.1.2 North America Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Country6.1.3 U.S.6.1.4 Canada6.2 North America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Type6.3 North America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Application

7 Europe7.1 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products by Country7.1.1 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Country7.1.2 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Country7.1.3 Germany7.1.4 France7.1.5 U.K.7.1.6 Italy7.1.7 Russia7.2 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Type7.3 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Application

8 Asia Pacific8.1 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products by Region8.1.1 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Region8.1.2 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Region8.1.3 China8.1.4 Japan8.1.5 South Korea8.1.6 India8.1.7 Australia8.1.8 Taiwan8.1.9 Indonesia8.1.10 Thailand8.1.11 Malaysia8.1.12 Philippines8.1.13 Vietnam8.2 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Type8.3 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Application

9 Latin America9.1 Latin America Medicated Skin Care Products by Country9.1.1 Latin America Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Country9.1.2 Latin America Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Country9.1.3 Mexico9.1.4 Brazil9.1.5 Argentina9.2 Central & South America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Type9.3 Central & South America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Application

10 Middle East and Africa10.1 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products by Country10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products Sales by Country10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue by Country10.1.3 Turkey10.1.4 Saudi Arabia10.1.5 U.A.E10.2 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Type10.3 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products Market Facts & Figures by Application

11 Company Profiles11.1 Bayer11.1.1 Bayer Corporation Information11.1.2 Bayer Description and Business Overview11.1.3 Bayer Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 Bayer Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.1.5 Bayer Related Developments11.2 Beiersdorf11.2.1 Beiersdorf Corporation Information11.2.2 Beiersdorf Description and Business Overview11.2.3 Beiersdorf Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.2.4 Beiersdorf Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.2.5 Beiersdorf Related Developments11.3 Pfizer11.3.1 Pfizer Corporation Information11.3.2 Pfizer Description and Business Overview11.3.3 Pfizer Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.3.4 Pfizer Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.3.5 Pfizer Related Developments11.4 Johnson & Johnson11.4.1 Johnson & Johnson Corporation Information11.4.2 Johnson & Johnson Description and Business Overview11.4.3 Johnson & Johnson Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.4.4 Johnson & Johnson Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.4.5 Johnson & Johnson Related Developments11.5 Kao Corporation11.5.1 Kao Corporation Corporation Information11.5.2 Kao Corporation Description and Business Overview11.5.3 Kao Corporation Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.5.4 Kao Corporation Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.5.5 Kao Corporation Related Developments11.6 Baxter Laboratories11.6.1 Baxter Laboratories Corporation Information11.6.2 Baxter Laboratories Description and Business Overview11.6.3 Baxter Laboratories Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.6.4 Baxter Laboratories Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.6.5 Baxter Laboratories Related Developments11.7 Advanced Dermatology11.7.1 Advanced Dermatology Corporation Information11.7.2 Advanced Dermatology Description and Business Overview11.7.3 Advanced Dermatology Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.7.4 Advanced Dermatology Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.7.5 Advanced Dermatology Related Developments11.8 Anacor Pharmaceuticals11.8.1 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Corporation Information11.8.2 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Description and Business Overview11.8.3 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.8.4 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.8.5 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Related Developments11.9 SkinMedica11.9.1 SkinMedica Corporation Information11.9.2 SkinMedica Description and Business Overview11.9.3 SkinMedica Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.9.4 SkinMedica Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.9.5 SkinMedica Related Developments11.10 Unilever11.10.1 Unilever Corporation Information11.10.2 Unilever Description and Business Overview11.10.3 Unilever Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.10.4 Unilever Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.10.5 Unilever Related Developments11.1 Bayer11.1.1 Bayer Corporation Information11.1.2 Bayer Description and Business Overview11.1.3 Bayer Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 Bayer Medicated Skin Care Products Products Offered11.1.5 Bayer Related Developments11.12 Otsuka Pharmaceutical11.12.1 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Corporation Information11.12.2 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Description and Business Overview11.12.3 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.12.4 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Products Offered11.12.5 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Related Developments11.13 Merz North America11.13.1 Merz North America Corporation Information11.13.2 Merz North America Description and Business Overview11.13.3 Merz North America Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.13.4 Merz North America Products Offered11.13.5 Merz North America Related Developments

12 Future Forecast by Regions (Countries) (2021-2026)12.1 Medicated Skin Care Products Market Estimates and Projections by Region12.1.1 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.1.2 Global Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.2 North America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.1 North America: Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.2 North America: Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.3 North America: Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.3 Europe Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.1 Europe: Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.2 Europe: Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.3 Europe: Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.4 Asia Pacific Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.1 Asia Pacific: Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.2 Asia Pacific: Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.3 Asia Pacific: Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)12.5 Latin America Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.1 Latin America: Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.2 Latin America: Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.3 Latin America: Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.6 Middle East and Africa Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.1 Middle East and Africa: Medicated Skin Care Products Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.2 Middle East and Africa: Medicated Skin Care Products Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.3 Middle East and Africa: Medicated Skin Care Products Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)

13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis13.1 Market Opportunities and Drivers13.2 Market Challenges13.3 Market Risks/Restraints13.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis13.5 Primary Interviews with Key Medicated Skin Care Products Players (Opinion Leaders)

14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis14.1 Value Chain Analysis14.2 Medicated Skin Care Products Customers14.3 Sales Channels Analysis14.3.1 Sales Channels14.3.2 Distributors

15 Research Findings and Conclusion

16 Appendix16.1 Research Methodology16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach16.1.2 Data Source16.2 Author Details16.3 Disclaimer

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Medicated Skin Care Products Market 2020 Global Industry Share, Size, Revenue, Latest Trends, Business Boosting Strategies, CAGR Status, Growth...

The Bold and the Beautiful News: Denise Richards Raves About Her Husband – Soap Hub

Shaunas union with Ridge may be tentative on The Bold and the Beautiful, but Denise Richards, Shaunas portrayer, is rock solid with her real-life mate Aaron Phypers. Recently, the actress/reality TV star took to social media to laud praise upon her mate.

Im always in awe of my husband & never get tired of hearing him talk about the incredible things he does, Richards says. He is the most compassionate & hardest working man I know. Even on his days off, hes anyways helping people selflessly. I love all of his modalities & learning about new technology to help different things. It fascinates me & I love learning too.

Many may not understand, Richards adds, but I have seen so many people come & being grateful that he changed their life. And he changed mine & my daughters. Love him so much. One follower asked Richards what her husband does for a living. She responded that he works in Frequency Medicine. Richards and Phypers, in fact, first encountered each other at his center in Malibu when she began seeing him professionally, and later, it developed into a personal relationship.

So, I met him at his center doing DNA repair, anti-aging, and that sort of thing, Richards explained in an episode of her reality series The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Just what is Frequency Medicine? Its hard for me to explain, but its light and sound therapy, Richards says. How he described what is going on is Ella Fitzgerald sings and breaks glass, right? The frequency breaks that. So frequency can also break down different things going on. Its not cuckoo weird [expletive]; its like been around for hundreds of years, holistic medicine, all over the world. Its different for every person. The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check local listings for air time.

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The Bold and the Beautiful News: Denise Richards Raves About Her Husband - Soap Hub

‘Celebrity Call Center’: With net worth of $100M, Terry and Heather Dubrow reign as television’s power couple – MEAWW

Heather and Terry Dubrow recently appeared in NBC's reality show 'Celebrity Call Center'. The show allows fans and followers to receive advice from their favorite silver screen stars. The first episode aired on July 13 and it featured two celebrity couples 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' star Heather with husband Terry Dubrow and Akbar Gbaja-Biamila with Olympic gymnast Laurie Hernandez. The celebrity guests donned their headsets and answered many questions related to family, relationships, friends and work. Right from parenting to cheating boyfriends, the celebrities tapped their own experiences and funny anecdotes to help callers through their situations.

Terry and Heather Dubrow met through a friend on a blind date in the 1990s and got married in 1999. The couple has four children: twins Nicholas and Mixmillia, as well as daughters Katarina and Collette. Even after being together for years, they never shy away from showering each other with love. The 'power couple' has been married for 21 years now. But do you know how much the celebrity couple is actually worth?

As reported by Celebrity Net Worth, Dr Dubrow first started making waves when he was a resident at UCLA School of Medicine, becoming the chief resident of general and plastic surgery. After that, he started his own practice. He is a renowned surgeon working extensively out of his office in Newport Beach in California.

In 2004, Terry starred in FOX's popular reality show 'The Swan'. And then, in 2014, Terry signed the hit E! reality show 'Botched' which focused on correcting plastic surgeries that went wrong. The show has surely made Terry busier and wealthier in the following years.

After appearing in 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' with wife Heather, he got more notoriety and fame which paved the way for the popular TV show 'Botched' in 2014. In an interview with Reality Tea, Dr Dubrow said that Botched has helped him and Dr Nassif become better surgeons. "We, surprisingly even to ourselves, have been able to take patients that even we thought were unfixable... We've figured out ways to fix them, and we now have a different level, a different standard than we're comparing our results to so sometimes," he explained.

Terry is the third richest plastic surgeon in the world. In an interview with Female First, when asked about his "camera surrounded" life, he said, "Yeah I dont even think about it. I was thinking about this yesterday I have actually done eight reality shows now, dating back to 2003 when we did The Swan. I am so used to having cameras in the house, in the office and in the operating room that I dont even register that they are there anymore,"

Dubrow has also co-authored three books titled 'Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig Present the Only Guide You'll Ever Need to the Best Anti-Aging Treatments', 'The Dubrow Diet: Interval Eating to Lose Weight and Feel Ageless', The Dubrow Keto Fusion Diet' with his wife Heather, and 'The Acne Cure' with Brenda Adderly.

Dubrow also owns a skincare line called Consult Beaute. In an interview with Market Wired, the Botched star said, "While plastic surgery isn't for everyone, every woman deserves to feel beautiful. I'm an advocate for minimal treatment that helps produce natural-looking results. I believe Consult Beaute's innovative approach to anti-aging will help enhance the natural beauty and look of vitality customers are in search of without surgery."

In 2013, Dubrows sold their Orange County mansion for a reported $16.4M and purchased land in a new community to build their dream home. Celebrity Net Worth puts Dr Dubrow's current net worth at $50 million.

Heather has appeared in CBS drama 'That's Life'. She was also seen in episodes of 'Malibu Country', 'Hot in Cleveland', 'Young & Hungry' and 'Hawaii Five-0'. She has appeared in films like 'The First $20 Million is Always the Hardest' (2002) and 'Now You Know' (2002). In 2012, she starred in the seventh season of 'The Real Housewives of Orange County'. Heather also has her own podcast 'Heather Dubrow's World', which focuses on travel, parenting, wellness, beauty and health.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, the majority of her wealth is derived from her husband, plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow. The couple has co-authored books together and have a skincare line Consult Beaute that they are running together for more than 15 years now. Heather's net worth is $50M.

Combined with husband Terry's net worth of $50M, their total household net worth is $100M, making them one of the richest couples in the TV industry.

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'Celebrity Call Center': With net worth of $100M, Terry and Heather Dubrow reign as television's power couple - MEAWW

Beyonc’s Clever Anti-Aging Trick Uses 1 Product in a Whole New Way – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Who runs the world?! Whether youre a fan, theres no denying thatBeyonc seems like she can do it all. She sings, dances, and has occasionally acted. She does all this while also having a family, and manages to stay fit and looking young. How does Queen Bey stay soflawless? Beyoncs longtime makeup artist, John Barnett, once told his secrets in an interview.Marie Clairehas listed them in three easy steps.

Beyonc Knowles-Carter was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She started competing in singing and dancing at a young age. In the 1990s, she gained her fame by being in the girl group, Destinys Child. Beyonc is now a 38-year old solo artist who still dances and occasionally acts. She has most recently voiced the lion, Nala, in the computer-animated remake of theLion King.She also starred inDreamgirls,Pink Panther, andAustin Powers in Goldmember, to name a few. She has also released her documentary-like films called live albums. The first film is Homecoming, and the second Black is King, which will be released on July 31st. In addition to all the work she accomplishes, Beyonc also has three young children with long time husband, rapper Jay-Z.

Related: Beyonc Once Donated $2 Million She Earned From Performing at Private Concert to Charity

Beyonc does not joke around when it comes to getting ready for a performance or tour, and her diet and fitness plan is hardcore. Leading up to her Coachella performance in 2018, she went on a very restrictive diet. It was a 22-day customizable meal plan devised by her trainer and nutritionist, Marco Borges, and is plant-based. Beyonc limited her meat and dairy intake as well as most carbs and alcohol. However, she allowed herself to have her favorite meal only on Sundays, which is pizza with extra tomato sauce and jalapeos.

When it comes to working out, Beyonc loves to turn to dance, and when she needs to push through a workout or needs more motivation, she turns to music. In an interview withSelf, she said, Ill put ona song I really likeand do [bicep curls with] five-pound weights the whole song. In addition to dancing, Queen Bey does a lot of core work, like standing side crunches and full-body sit-ups using a medicine ball. On busy days, which are probably most days when youre Beyonc, she fits in mini workouts that consist of squats, lunges, and planks. In the past, Beyonc has also gone running and boxing as a way to get into shape. She is also sure to stretch at the end of every workout to stay flexible and help her body recover. If you would like to try Beyoncs workout,Marie Claireasked fitness trainer and master sports nutritionist, Natalie Jill, to break it down to easy-to-follow steps.

Celebrity makeup artist, John Barnett, says his main anti-aging secret is to use eye cream all over the face. In one interview, he said, it has smaller particles as its meant to deliver ingredients to an area thats more delicate, so it really absorbs. However, this technique should be used with caution since eye creams have intensive moisturizing ingredients that could clog pores. Another alternative that people often do is to apply eye cream to lips in addition to the eyes since the skin is similar and delicate. Barnetts second secret to looking younger and flawless is to use face cream all over your body. Lastly, Barnett recommends drinking a lot of kale. He said, Kale is very high in vitamin K, and it increases circulation and helps cell turnover.

If you want to try Beyonc and John Barnetts eye cream beauty tip, but dont know where to start,Into The Glosscan help. This article categorizes the best eye creams for any concern you may have.

Original post:
Beyonc's Clever Anti-Aging Trick Uses 1 Product in a Whole New Way - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

The 9 Benefits of Adding Chia Seeds to a Vegan Diet – LIVEKINDLY

Chia seeds might be tiny, but they contain a wealth of important nutrients.

These little seeds come from the flowering Salvia hispanica plant, part of the mint family. Chia seeds are native to central and southern Mexico and widely thought to be a staple ingredient for Mesoamerican cultures. There is evidence that the small grey-brown seeds were cultivated by pre-Columbian Aztecs.

Are chia seeds good for you? In recent years, chia seeds have been popularised as superfooda marketing term for ingredients and food with notable nutritional density. Common superfoods include dark leafy greens, certain berries, turmeric, and cacao.

Chia seeds are commonly ground, stirred into, and sprinkled onto health-foods such as oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, and puddings. The gel produced from ground chia seeds can even be used as an egg replacer in baking and pancakes.

They are both versatile and nutritions; but what are the health benefits of eating chia seeds?

Despite being high in nutrients, chia seeds are extremely low in calories. Two tablespoons of the seedsapproximately 28gcontain 18 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium. This size serving of chia seeds contains a total of just 137 calories.

It also contains 30 percent of the RDI of both manganese and magnesium, and 27 percent of the RDI of phosphorous. Chia seeds are rich in zinc, potassium, and B vitamin. Overall, and calorie for calorie, chia seeds are an extremely efficient source of nutrients.

In addition to various nutrients, a 28g portion of chia seeds also contains approximately 11g of fiber. The RDI of fiber is 30g, and many people do not reach this recommended daily amount. High fiber diets can lower cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. They can also regulate blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

According to Minh Nguyen, a registered dietician with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), dietary fiber drastically reduces the risk of certain health conditions, including cancer.

You can lower the risk of colorectal cancer with fiber, he said. Whole grains, as well. About three servings of whole grains daily can significantly reduce colorectal cancer risk.

Additionally, most fiber does not end up as usable calories in the body. So subtracting the high fiber content of chia seeds, 28g contains just 101 calories.

Antioxidants may prevent or delay certain types of cell damage. The exact effects of antioxidants on the body are unconfirmed. But substantial research indicates that ingesting them as part of a whole, plant-based diet may have various health benefits.

According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, chia seeds are a potential source of antioxidants due to the presence of chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol. These substances are widely believed to protect the heart and liverand have anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic characteristics.

Chia seeds are approximately 14 percent protein, which is relatively high for plant foods. They also contain all essential amino acids for human nutrition, including isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, histidine, and valine. These amino acids help build proteins, grow muscle, and transport nutrients.

Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body. It is particularly important to build and maintain body tissue. But, according to PCRM, quality is preferable to quantity. Plant-protein is often lower in fat and cholesterol than animal-based protein. Many key sources of plant protein, such as legumes, pulses, and chia seeds, are also high in fiber.

Chia seeds are extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids. They even contain more, gram for gram, than salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids have various anti-inflammatory properties and may also support better heart and brain health.

Dr. Brooke Scheller, DCN, CNS, and Director of Nutrition at meal delivery service Freshly, told LIVEKINDLY that chia seeds are a great way to incorporate healthy fats into a vegan diet.

Healthy fats are critical in leveling blood sugar which impacts our stress levels, she said. In fact, our brain is made up of fat, much of which is in the form of our omega 3 fatty acids. You may have heard of these healthy fats touted for their benefit on heart health or to reduce inflammation. However, omega 3 fats help to support the brain and improve our stress response.

Humans are unable to synthesize the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA) and must incorporate it into their diet. Chia seeds can increase blood levels of ALA for conversion into EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids for use in the body. Chia seeds make a valuable source of ALA for vegetarians and vegans, but best compounded with additional supplements.

Because chia seeds contain high quantities of calcium, magnesium, and protein, they also help support healthy bones. Calcium is essential for healthy bones, and several studies indicate potential benefits from the long-term intake of chia seeds. A 25g portion of chia contains 157mg of calcium, which is greater than the calcium content of 100ml of dairy milk.

Several studies indicate that the regular consumption of chia seeds could significantly reduce blood pressure for those with hypertension. The high omega-3 fatty acid content can work as a blood thinner, reducing overall blood pressure.

While chia seeds are safe to eat, intake should be moderated by those already taking blood pressureor blood sugarmedications. Eating very large quantities of chia seeds could potentially interact with typical medications taken to treat these conditions.

Blood pressure reduction can also support improved overall heart health, and some proponents suggest they may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In general, evidence indicates that a whole foods plant-based diet supports improved cardiovascular health. And high fiber, high protein foods such as chia seeds can be extremely beneficial.

Diets that are high in nutrient-dense plant foods such as chia seeds are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

Due to the combination of fat, protein, and fiber in chia seeds, the body digests them slowly. This provides slow-release energy and can help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. The high amount of fiber in chia seeds can slow the absorption of sugar into the blood and decrease blood sugar levels overall.

Due to this high concentration of soluble fiber, Chia seeds expand in the stomach. This can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce snacking. Some health experts indicate that chia seeds can support healthy weight loss as part of a well-rounded diet and combined with exercise.

Read this article:
The 9 Benefits of Adding Chia Seeds to a Vegan Diet - LIVEKINDLY

The Best Retinol Products and How to Use Them – Highsnobiety

If youre new to the world of retinol products, one way to think about them is investing in the long-term. Typically, Retinol, part of the Vitamin A family, is used in skincare products to speed up cellular turnover (which slows as we get older) and to fight the signs of aging: fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven tone.

Some of the best retinol products today offer much more than anti-aging benefits: they moisturize the skin, they brighten the skin, and even address dark spots and acne scars (thanks, technology). So if you think retinol products are just for old(er) folks, youre wrong. You dont need to see, say, wrinkles on your face before you start incorporating retinol into your skincare routine. The sooner the better is wise, as a preventative measure.

Some retinol products can be used morning or night, but if you have sensitive skin, opt for nightly use. This is because the powerful ingredient can leave your skin dry, flaky, and extra sensitive to the sun be sure to use an SPF in the morning (which you should be doing anyway even if youre working from home). When you first start using retinol, give your skin time to build a tolerance to it. You can start by using it twice per week, and then increase usage if needed. Of course, like with any skincare product, read the instructions and consult with your dermatologist for individual concerns.

To point you in the right direction, we scoured the market for the best retinol products from the ones beauty insiders use to medicine cabinet flexes, clean beauty options, and more.

Famed beauty blogger Jackie Aina has blessed us with many things: a thorough skincare routine, telling it like it is on her YouTube channel, and introducing us to Guidance to Glow. Created by Fenya Abramian, Ainas esthetician, Guidance to Glow offers a range of medical-grade skincare products that are vegan safe and chemical-, cruelty-, and paraben-free, including her powerful retinol serum. Retinol Radiance combines retinol and alpha hydroxy acid to improve skin texture and promote cellular turnover.

Shani Darden boasts Chrissy Teigen and Jessica Alba as some of her clients. Shes one of the most recommended estheticians in Tinseltown, and her Retinol Reform serum is what started it all. Its formula is gentler than the average retinol product, which means youll experience less drying and irritation while fighting fine lines, blemishes, and even acne scars. The serum also contains lactic acid, which helps with brightening skin, a benefit youll see sooner than later.

You know those skincare brands youve only vaguely heard of because youve seen them at your dermatologists office? skinbetter science is one of them. Youll be required to enroll to make a purchase, which involves selecting your dermatologist (if theyre an authorized partner). The AlphaRet Overnight Cream uses alpha hydroxy acid and a retinoid, as well as moisture, which creates a gentle yet effective product that also prevents the dryness associated with a retinoid. Start by using it twice per week at night, and build up use if needed.

Natura Biss is a great choice if you want to target more than just fighting wrinkles and unevenness. With collagen, proteins, retinol, and elastin to name just a few ingredients the Essential Shock Intense Retinol Fluid effectively hydrates and protects skin from premature aging.

Formulated with ingredients including Japanese pearl and golden silk essence, this product does more than broadcast luxury it works. It contains a potent and highly stabilized (read: very safe) retinol that targets deep wrinkles. The Wrinkle Smoothing Serum Supreme can be layered with other serums and used in the morning (dont forget to apply SPF), but if you have sensitive skin, opt for nightly use.

If clean beauty is a priority for you, there are natural alternatives to retinol. One of them is wild cherry oil, which targets fine lines and unevenness in the skin. Anju Rupal, the creator of Abhati Suisse, draws upon her Indian origins and uses ingredients that are sourced from tribal farmers in India, of which many are harvested exclusively for the brand. Her Lalitya Whipped Face Cream is a lightweight moisturizer a nice alternative to a serum that hydrates and provides the benefits of a retinol using various plants and oils, including wild cherry oil.

Sachin Bhola is a New York City-based editor and writer.

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See original here:
The Best Retinol Products and How to Use Them - Highsnobiety

Braeden Lichti: The Business of Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Biotechnology – Press Release – Digital Journal

Jul. 30, 2020 / PRZen / VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Scientists today now have a better understanding into the aging process, giving us a better explanation of the cellular changes that lead our body and brain to decline as we age. Many believe that inflammation, stress, diet, exercise, and genetics greatly contribute to our aging process.

New studies are pointing to promising treatments that could slow, stop, or even reverse the signs of aging. This isn't just about turning back the clock in order to have a longer life span, it's about extending our healthy years.

In one study, mice were given pills that mimicked the positive benefits of exercise. If it works in mice would it be effective in humans? And what does this portend for the future, if our lifespan increases and we all live decades longer?

The business of anti-aging and rejuvenation is gaining steam and should be on the radar of investors the Bank of America has forecasted that the market will balloon from $110 billion today, to nearly to $610 billion by 2025.

Researchers have jumped on this trend too. In 2012, only 73 trials were conducted to reverse aging and that number doubled by the end of 2017 to 145. In 2018, this industry accounted for the most significant amount of investment, as market participants attracted an amount close to $800M (for comparison, back in 2014, it was only about $100M). The number of investment deals is also growing, with the highest number of the past six years recorded in 2017 (25 according to CB Insights, up from 13 a year earlier).

Companies like Juvenescence have raised over $100M to advance multiple anti-aging programs. Juvenescence believes that recent scientific and medical advances will enable the development of therapeutics that meaningfully improve human health and extends our lifespan.

Here are additional industry developments we're excited about:

Juvenescence's portfolio currently includes Insilico Medicine, a next-generation artificial intelligence company specializing in the application of deep learning to drug discovery and aging research. Juvenescence AI, a joint venture with Insilico Medicine focused on the clinical development of AI-generated compounds.

UNITY Biotechnology, a company developing therapeutics to extend healthspan with an initial focus on cellular senescence..

AgeX Therapeutics, a company applying intellectual property related to cell immortality and pluripotency.

Finding the latest developments

Investors can follow the latest advancements in anti-aging and rejuvenation by reading magazines such as Nature and The New Scientist. Both publications recently featured interesting articles that highlighted recent developments. We also recommend following websites like fiercebiotech, scientificamerican (https://www.scientificamerican.com/), and tracking IPOs (https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/ipos) to find other companies developing innovative technologies

Follow the full story here: https://przen.com/pr/33353360

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Braeden Lichti: The Business of Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Biotechnology - Press Release - Digital Journal