Anti Aging Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Primary Care …

The Nevada Center is a unique, state of the art, full service medical clinic, offering individualized treatment programs for patients of all ages, and with all medical conditions. The emphasis is on treating the cause of disease, not merely the symptoms. We also specialize in measuring and treating the aging process with individualized programs targeted to increasing the length and quality of life, preventing disease, and maintaining the same level of physical, mental, and emotional well being that characterizes true health. We leave nothing out!

This website also offers Dr. Shallenberger's Super Immune QuickStart, the only "one-stop" nutritional product available which provides all the supplementary nutrition, detoxification, and immune support that most people will ever need, in an easy and affordable daily "smoothie."

Dr. Shallenberger has developed a revolutionary new approach to health, aging, and disease prevention which is described in his groundbreaking two books, Bursting With Energy and The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough. Click here to find out how to order your copies and learn how to be bursting with energy for the rest of your life.

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Anti Aging Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Primary Care ...

World Health Summit, Regional Meeting â?? Asia, Singapore 2013 (Apr. 08-10, 2013, Singapore, Singapore, Asia)

Cliquez pour écouter ce texte Health is intrinsically linked to the well-being ofsocieties, and maintaining a healthy Asia will be beneficialto all in the region and the world. Yet, todayâ??s Asia faceschallenges such as rapidly aging populations, climatechange, increasing incidence of chronic non-communicablediseases and the recurring threat of global pandemics.Asiaâ??s need for affordable and accessible health care alsoencompasses many challenges that coalesce around thequestion of financing. Against this backdrop, an Asianmeeting of the WHS in 2013 will be an excellent opportunityfor reaching out to Health Ministers and senior governmentofficials from the region as well as many global health careleaders who will be attending this landmark meeting, therebyallowing us to develop innovative solutions to Asiaâ??scurrent and future health care problems.Source:

ICAD 2013 (Jan. 24-26, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, Asia)

Cliquez pour écouter ce texte The ICAD 2013 intends to become the congress wherephysicians will be introduced to the latest techniques andknowledge in Anti-Aging and Aesthetic medicine, and attendhigh standard courses in the respective fields of thesespecialties. We have prepared a scientific program thatproposes the diversity of various disciplines with thescientific approach combining hot topics with timely reviewspresented by outstanding plenary speakers and offering thepoint of view from different continents. Moreover, thescientific program has been carefully designed to be highlyPRACTICAL and interactive. Most of presentations willeffectively correspond to an application in daily practice.A series of workshops on the latest developments in theirrespective fields will be waiting for your participation.This Congress is therefore not one to be missed. Come andbenefit from the wisdom and experience of internationallyreputed speakers.It will be an investment well spent and a once-in-a-lifetimelearning experience. So please do avail yourselves of thisstimulating and enjoyable opportunity.Source:

Charlize Theron Wore This Controversial Shoe on the Red Carpet – Yahoo Lifestyle

After what seemed like a marathon of awards shows, red carpets, luncheons, and after-parties, Charlize Theron probably wanted to put her feet up, not slip into another pair of sky-high heels for an event. And while she didn't skip out on a Los Angeles event celebrating the launch of Birkenstock's 1774 collection, she did choose to slide into a pair of the brand's comfortable, decidedly down-to-earth designs. Does this mean that the crunchy sandals are officially red carpet-worthy? If Theron thinks so, it's only a matter of time.

Stewart Cook/WWD/Shutterstock

RELATED: Charlize Theron's "Worst Date" Story Is So Awkward That It Sounds Fictional

It went down at an event celebrating Argentinian artist Amalia Ulman at Frieze Los Angeles, where Theron wore a pair of white Birks with thick, crisscross straps. According to British Vogue, it's the new Siena style, which features "elevated" materials and tone-on-tone hardware. It may seem surprising to see Theron, who marched through awards season wearing couture Givenchy, Christian Dior, and Celine heels, in something so seemingly normal, but the event, which Birkenstock hosted in collaboration with, most likely called for some support (which Birkenstocks are known for).

Theron also chose to skip out on the couture, pairing her sandals with wide-leg white pants and a Dior "Revolution" sweater, so while it was decidedly casual, it didn't eschew her penchant for donning Dior at events, whether they're big or small.

And even though they're not ceramicists or professors at liberal arts colleges, celebrities love Birks. Reese Witherspoon has evangelized her shearling-lined pair and everyone from Miranda Kerr to the Olsen twins have been spotted wearing them during their off-duty hours. While they're still a rarity on the red carpet, Theron's proving that they're certainly not just for farmers' market runs.

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Charlize Theron Wore This Controversial Shoe on the Red Carpet - Yahoo Lifestyle

Cryotherapy: Is it the coolest thing in sports medicine? – San Francisco Chronicle

I am standing inside an upright tank, my head sticking out the top. Im wearing skivvies, booties and glovies. A dry-ice-like fog of liquid nitrogen wafts, swirling under my chin. The temperature is quickly dropping, on its way to a brisk 190 degrees below zero.

Questions arise in my mind. Will I survive the full three minutes, or will I tap out? The tank has an escape door, but what if it freezes shut? Was there a fur-lined cup they forgot to have me put on? Im trying to keep a stiff (but not frozen) upper lip, I dont want to become known as the guy who put the cry in cryotherapy.

Here we go, says Amanda, the cryo tank operator, cheerfully. Gleefully? Three minutes!

I wonder if thats what they said to Ted Williams, whose head is cryogenically frozen in a tank in Arizona. What if my family learned I have a terminal disease, but they dont want to tell me, and this is their way of tricking me into being frozen until a cure is found?

They say the Kentucky Derby is the most exciting two minutes in sports. Cryotherapy, at least the first time, is the most exciting three minutes.

Am I overdramatizing? Probably.

Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) is increasingly popular and, as far as my research shows, without serious risk. Athletes love the treatments. Warriors Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston get tanked. Several As are users, and Jalen Richard, the Raiders second-year running back and kick returner, told me that roughly one-third of the Raiders use WBC. The Raiders as a team have open accounts at several Bay Area cryo studios.

WBC is not new. It was developed more than 30 years ago by a Japanese fellow seeking an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. In recent years it has become a full-blown fad in sports, for elite athletes and weekend warriors.

In theory, WBC works like an ice bath, but (some say) better. Three minutes in the cryo tank knocks down inflammation and speeds healing of sore muscles and assorted injuries.

Commercial cryo spas, along with touting the anti-inflammation aspect, claim user benefits such as weight loss, skin and hair rejuvenation, anti-aging, sleep enhancement, metabolism boost and a natural buzz.

These spas claim that rather than freezing your assets off, you will freeze your liabilities off.

Photo: Carlos Avila Gonzalez, The Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Scott Ostler tries the latest in sports health therapy at a Bay Area cryotherapy treatment center.

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Scott Ostler tries the latest in sports health therapy at a Bay Area cryotherapy treatment center.

Cryotherapy: Is it the coolest thing in sports medicine?

Maybe, maybe not. The website Skeptoid said in 2014, P.T. Barnum would be proud of cryosauna and cryotherapy. Save your money.

The same website did allow that WBC, in treating sore muscles and inflammation, is at least as effective as ice baths and cold-water swims, albeit more expensive. Are the skeptics too skeptical? The jury is out. The FDA does not endorse or monitor WBC.

But what many athletes believe they find in cryotherapy is a safe, fast and effective treatment for pain and inflammation. If ice bags strapped to knees are effective post-workout treatment, why not a super-duper-cold dry-ice-down quickie for the whole body?

When I go in now and Im real sore, theres definitely a soothing feeling, said Richard, who gets his cryo on several times a week. Its more soothing and relaxing to me than it is freezing cold, like ice baths are.

Richard can recite the alleged scientific theory behind cryo. Basically, the intense cold tricks your brain into survival mode. Heavier blood flow is directed to the bodys core, sending extra oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other organs. Once you escape uh, emerge from the cryo tank, the blood immediately starts returning to the skin and extremities, accelerating (allegedly) cell renewal in the skin.

The process also (allegedly) releases endorphins, boosting your mood.

When I get out of there, Richard said, within a couple of minutes I start feeling great, like Im brand new all over again.

For the sake of journalism, I decided to give it a whirl. My wife had been gifted a three-week course by a co-worker, and she passed it along to me. I went nearly every day. Im probably not a good guinea pig, since Im not a stressed and battered athlete. I do have rheumatoid arthritis, but its controlled by meds, so if cryo did help knock down my RA, I wouldnt really feel it.

Still, lets see what its all about. By coincidence, for a week before the first treatment, I suffered a bout of sciatica, a nerve condition that made it painful to sit in a car or at a desk.

There is a fear factor call it trepidation as I approach my first treatment. Later, Richard told me he was nervous the first time, too. I dont want to chicken out. When you soak a sore foot or ankle in ice water, the cold can be intense and painful. What if its like that over my whole body, and I wimp out?

Inside the storefront studio in Walnut Creek I am instructed to step into a dressing room, strip down to undershorts, put on gloves and rubber booties, and a robe. Then I step into the cryo chamber, hand Amanda my robe, and she cranks up her high-tech ice-cream churn.

It is cold almost instantly. But at no point is there a painful, whimper-inducing shock, like a plunge into a cold ocean. Its minus-190 or so, but hey, its a dry cold.

Amanda engages me in small talk, which definitely helps. Then, Halfway there, doing OK?

Diversion is the key. I try to come up with a Cryotherapy All-Star team. I get George Iceman Gervin, Red The Wheaton Iceman Grange, the old Pirates infielder Gene Freese, Vida Blue, Larry Burright, Stone Cold Steve Austin, J.T. Snow, Cool Papa Bell and Chili Davis.

Every 20 seconds or so Amanda instructs me to take a quarter turn. To get a nice, even blue skin tone, I guess.

The last minute is the coldest, but my overcoming-childish-fear endorphins are kicking in and I know Ill make it.

All done, Amanda says, hitting the kill switch. The robe goes back on, I step out, Amanda shoots a laser at my leg to register skin temp.

Am I now desperate to sprint to the nearest hot tub, sauna or hot-chocolate dispenser? No, once out of the tank, I feel fine. No lingering cold.

What about the cryo-buzz from that endorphin stampede? Again, Im probably the wrong guy. I dont get endorphin rushes from exercise. But now I do feel energetic and wide awake.

Driving home, I notice that I am sitting with little discomfort. About a week later the sciatica symptoms are gone. Coincidence? I dont know.

Within a few days I work up to Level 3, Ted Williams neighborhood. Richard told me that he not only does Level 3 but that he also jacks the temp even lower by having the attendant pre-cool the chamber. I did that once, and it got my attention. The last 30 seconds, I went to my Lamaze breathing.

Does cryotherapy work? Is it a miracle cure? Other than the sciatica relief, I seemed to feel a little less creaky in the joints, and a bit energized after the sessions. If not miraculously healed, I felt way cooler.

Scott Ostler is a San Francisco Chronicle columnist. Email: Twitter: @scottostler

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Cryotherapy: Is it the coolest thing in sports medicine? - San Francisco Chronicle

A Yogurt a Day May Keep Disorders at Bay – Anti Aging News

Posted on May 17, 2017, 6 a.m. in Functional Foods GI-Digestive Inflammation

Researchers investigating the gut microbiome recommend that just as you should eat fiber every day, you should also follow suit with fermented foods.

Just about everyone loves yogurt. It tastes amazing, has a lovely texture and provides a number of health benefits. Yogurt is one of the many fermented foods that is fantastic for gut health. Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are studying the nuances of the gut microbiome. The hope is that an improved understanding of the gut microbiome will help reduce the prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory disorders.

About Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are considered to be the original version of processed food. Fermentation allows for preservation to keep foods nutritious and tasty. Fermented foods have soared in popularity over the recent years as the general public became more interested in health food. Scientists continue to learn more about the important functions of microorganisms for digestion and overall health.

Aside from yogurt, examples of fermented foods and drinks include wine, beer, cheese, salami, fermented pickles, coffee, bread, and chocolate. These items are altered by helpful bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. These foods aresafe to consume for extended periods of time after the alteration. In many instances, fermentation makes the food that much more healthy and flavorful to boot.

About the Research

The research effort is being spearheaded by Robert Hutkins, an accomplished food science researcher. Maria Marco of the University of California is also leading the study. They are working in tandem with an international crew of scientists to determine if eating certain fermented foods like yogurt increases the number ofhelpful microorganisms.

Prior studies have proved that foods like yogurt, miso, and sauerkraut are tied to a reduced rate of diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders and other health problems. Hutkins and a dozen other researchers are reviewing this data. He states that the data showsnumerous health benefits to consuming fermented foods like yogurt. He recommends that fermented foods should be included in all diets.

Hutkins' Background

Hutkins is affiliated with the Nebraska Food for Health Center. This group was established last year to study how gut microbes ward off disease and boost human health. It's food, animal and plant scientists work closely with medical experts to identify and develop foods that boost the human microbiome as well as the micro-organisms that reside in the gut. These scientists arefocused on developing foods that boost the body's immune system and metabolic processes.

About Microorganisms

Microorganisms within the gut are fed by the foods one consumes. Therefore it should come as no surprise that diet is an important factor that determines the functionality of the gut microbiome. This is an excellent opportunity to marry agriculture and medicine to alter how we think about warding off disease and treating disease. The hope is that improved knowledge of the main properties of fermentation methods will provide insights in terms of health benefits. However, at the current moment, only yogurt has been identified as a provider ofspecific health benefits. European health authorities made this recognition.

Hutkins' Findings

Hutkins and fellow researchers from the Netherlands, Canada, the United States, Ireland and France have encouraging findings following a thorough review of the latest research into fermented foods. Thegroup determined the increased interest in the impact of microbiomes on health justifies additional research along with clinical trials to study the functions of micro-organisms that reach the gastrointestinal tract via beverages and food.

Some of the studies within Hutkins' group show that yogurt consumption is tied to a decreased rates of diabetes. Additional research determined that beneficial relationships exist between yogurt and digestion, blood pressure, osteoporosis, and cholesterol. One particular study determined those who consume yogurt on a daily basis were less irritable.

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A Yogurt a Day May Keep Disorders at Bay - Anti Aging News

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For caucasians, it's wrinkles and age spots

Juta/Shutterstock"My caucasian patients tend to commonly present in their early 30s with wrinklesparticularly around the eyes or glabella (between the eyebrows)," says board certified dermatologist Manjula Jegasothy, MD, founder of Miami Skin Institute, who has been treating ethnically diverse patients for 20 years. "This is easily treated with Botox in the 30s and early 40s." She also suggests adding light radiofrequency treatments in the mid to late 40s to help with thin skin laxity in the upper face. Sun damageresulting in brown spots and blotchinessis another common complaint. She suggests getting a jump start in the early 20s and 30s with pyruvic, salicylic, and glycolic acid peels. Try: Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel and BeautyRx by Dr. Schultz Advanced 10% Exfoliating Pads. Patients in their late 30s and olderand those with more severe damageshould consider in-office IPL photofacials. This is how your skin ages through every decade of your life.

Click-Images/ShutterstockThe majority of Dr. Jegasothy's patients are Latina, and the culture is very focused on body image. "I find that these patients are much more focused on non-surgical treatment of scars," Dr. Jegasothy says. For best results, scars should be treated as soon as possiblewithin the first two years; ideally as early as three weeks after the incision has healedwith a combination of Vbeam and Fraxel laser. Since Miami is a city with warm temperatures year round, her Latin American patients tend to be more concerned with skin laxity issues and celluliteparticularly on the thighs and buttocks, the areas that show in shorts. For both of these issues, Dr. Jegasothy recommends radiofrequency treatments with the Viora laser. Ever wondered why is cellulite so dang hard to get rid of?

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Dragon-Images/Shutterstock"My AsianChinese, Japanese, and Koreanpatients are interesting because they are very concerned with trying to become an idealized version of a caucasian with features common in the Asian press," says Dr. Jegasothy. As such, the most common Botox procedure she performs on her Asian patients is softening the jawline muscle to create a more oval or round appearance. Another common beauty request of her Asian patients is for their facial skin to be as fair as possible. To this end, she does skin lightening chemical peels and topical herbal agents, such as SkinMedica Lytera 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum as often as possible."

Prostock-studio/Shutterstock"I have been treating Indian patients for over 20 years, and by far the most common complaint is excessive hair on the face and body," notes Dr. Jegasothy. She stresses the importance of using the correct lasers and settings for the various skin tones, since those that are too strong can cause hyperpigmentation that can persist for up to a year. Her preference is the Candela GentleYag Laser. (Don't miss the 14 things you need to know before you get laser hair removal.) The second most common issue is dark under-eye circles. When patients are young, this can be successfully treated with mild cortisone creams and peptide eye creams, such as Neocutis Micro-Eyes. "As patients age, if they have hollowing along the orbital bone (which is the lower eyelid rim), and filler can make the under-eye circle seem less prominent." More often however, she finds that light Fraxel treatments (repeated every four to 12 months, depending on severity, genetics and age), can improve this situation enormously. These are the secrets to aging gracefully.

sruilk/ShutterstockAccording to Dr. Jegasothy, Middle Eastern patients primarily have the same issues as Indian patients: excess hair at an early age and dark under eye circles, which are treated in the same fashion. "In addition, Middle Eastern mores dictate that patients have a certain eyebrow type, which is quite plucked at an early age. As the trend today is toward fuller brows, I'm seeing more Middle Eastern patients in early to middle age who are looking for more eyebrow hair." For this, she recommends Latisse, a topical hair-growth serum available by prescription. Find out the best brows for your face shape.

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This Company With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump’s New FDA – Forbes

This Company With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump's New FDA
Rather, their goal is to protect us from the medical and financial effects of aging. They want to extend the healthy portion of our lives (our health spans) for as long as possible. This is known as morbidity compression. A few decades ago, this goal ...

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This Company With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump's New FDA - Forbes

The recent findings on Turmeric’s anti-aging effects – eMaxHealth

Curcumin safety

A review of the literature on the effects of Curcumin in the body, published by the journal of alternative medicine, found that a high dose of Curcumin is not toxic for humans. In one of the studies 25 subjects used up to 8000 mg of curcumin per day for 3 months, and five other subjects used 1125-2500 mg of curcumin, which was also found to be safe.

The ageing stressor factors and the three ways Turmeric is anti-geing

There are three main aspects of ageing: oxidative stress, inflammation and sun damage.

Experts at the Deparment of Neuroscience and Neurology in Finland, explain that during aging, adaptive immunity significantly declines, while innate immunity seems to be activated which induces a characteristic pro-inflammatory profile.

The first way in which Turmeric works is by inhibiting the number of different molecules that play a role in inflammation. In 2010 an article published at Current Design, has measured the molecular targets of curcumin in the body. The researchers found that that curcumin directly affects a few major targets, such the NF-B signaling pathways, which can in turn suppresses the pro-inflammatory state involved in the etiology of ageing and age-related diseases. Therefore, Curcumins anti- ageing results are compelling.

The second way Turmeric is anti-ageing is by fighting oxidative stress, because in the same study, Curcumins molecules were observed to take another important anti-ageing effect in the body, as its molecules are able to trigger the Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway, which plays a key role in activating antioxidative enzymes, phase 2 enzymes and so - called vitagenes, which have a pivotal role in oxidative stress-induced diseases. It is well known by scientists that anti- oxidants are important in order to fight free radicals, which are cells that have been damaged overtime.

Finally, Curcumin has been proven to be photoprotective (prevents sun damage), by blocking UV rays, which are known to provoke oxidative stress, a mediator of apoptosis (cell death). In an experiment conducted by Department of Bioscience Technology and Center for Nanotechnology, it was proven that Curcumin is able to inhibit UV irradiation-induced cell death. Scientists exposed A431 cells (a model human cell line used for research) to various doses of curcumin. Some were exposed to UV light irradiation, other samples were exposed to UV light irradiation after pre-incubation with Curcumin, and cell viability was determined. Approximately 50% of cells died after 200 J/m2 UV irradiation, and this cell death was reduced by Curcumin in a dose-dependent manner.

Considering all the above facts, it can be concluded that the Curcumin has a lot of potential as a more natural approach to heal and prevent certain diseases that are age related and is a powerful natural anti- ageing spice.

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The recent findings on Turmeric's anti-aging effects - eMaxHealth

Hgh Plus – Human Growth Hormone to Anti Aging Medicine …

Over the nearly three decades in the field of Natural Medicine, I have treated several thousand of struggling patients men and women, 8 to 88 years of age, from all over the globe. People wanting the best alternative medicine care including nutritional help, herbal therapy, help with slowing the aging process, alternative medicine or simply in-depth consultations did and continue to contact me.

Why? I am easy to get along with, work in an informal manner and find unique, creative and powerful solutions to your health issues. I blend rarely heard of information from Oriental Medicine, standard care, herbal therapy, safe all-natural growth hormone releaser and even draw from my counseling background to help others feel their best. I live the Active Health Lifestyle that I teach.

From being a marathon runner to a martial arts instructor to the teacher in Dr. Ormans Online School, I apply these same methods and use the same powerful supplement to get results I am looking for. I KNOW what works and am honored to pass this information along to you. In short, I love helping others. It is my mission in life and when you combine it with this passion, the results are bound to be outstanding. This is what you can expect. Over the time I have worked in Natural medicine, the same issues started to show up low energy, weight issues, sleep problems. Since I could not treat everyone individually, I created the solution: Doc Wellness HGH releasing Supplement.

One of the reasons for my success in treating people is that I take thetime to know each person, their needs, what works and what is so powerful that it HAD to be included in this formula. Start with this:

Go ahead and start with this quiz:

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Hgh Plus - Human Growth Hormone to Anti Aging Medicine ...

The World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine

Since 1995, The World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine (WAAAM) is a member-based society dedicated to the protection and preservation of the health of the public, and the advancement of education and research in the clinical specialties of anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

Anti-aging and regenerative medicine are among the fastest-growing specialty throughout the world and is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases.

It is a healthcare model promoting innovative science and research to prolong the healthy life span in humans. As such, anti-aging and regenerative medicine are based on principles of sound and responsible medical care that are consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialties. The goal of anti-aging and regenerative medicine are not to merely prolong the total years of an individual's life, but to ensure that those years are enjoyed in a productive and vital fashion.

The World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine (WAAAM) was founded in 1995 and trademarked in August 2001. It is the first global entity specifically established to unify and coordinate cooperation among organizations on the national level that are involved in the advancement of progressive preventive medicine. WAAAM is the sole and official worldwide educational affiliate to the European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM).

Incorporated in England as a non-profit organization, WAAAM is registered with the United Kingdom Charity Commission.

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The World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine

Anti Aging Arts Medical Center | Welcome

What is Anti-Aging Medicine? Go beyond healthy; imagine stopping the clock or even reversing it. Anti-Aging Arts helps you through education and consultation by combining nutrient dense physically nourishing real food, and alternative medicine in applying the principles of Dr. Weston A Price and the Trivium Method to assist you in discovering your optimal health. Add to a traditional diet, appropriate exercise, and addressing stress reduction with an applied method of critical thinking, you can achieve satisfaction in optimal health easily and consistently. Another appeal of Anti-Aging Arts involves self-improvement. As anti-aging medicine evolves, you'll see more innovations, inventions and breakthroughs every year that directly benefit you. About Us Our mission is to help you achieve Optimal Wellness with "one-stop convenience" services to save you time and help you looking and feeling healthy! Optimal Health is possible with our TLC educational approach as well as a commitment to education so you consistently integrate positive changes to your whole self with the application of these principles. We strive to keep a professional medical practice, and we want you to feel at home, comfortable and at ease. We know how excited about these new products and procedures and methods you will be and invite you to call us now. We appreciate your business and encourage you to let us know how were doing and how we can better serve your needs now and in the future.

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Anti Aging Arts Medical Center | Welcome

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine – Wikipedia, the …

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is a United States registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes the field of anti-aging medicine and trains and certifies physicians in this specialty. As of 2011, approximately 26,000 practitioners had been given certificates.[1] However, the field of anti-aging medicine is not recognized by established medical organizations, such as the American Board of Medical Specialties and the American Medical Association (AMA). In addition to certifying practitioners, the Academy's activities include lobbying, education of the public, and public relations. The A4M was founded in 1993 by Dr. Robert Goldman[disambiguation needed] and Dr. Ronald Klatz, osteopathic physicians,[2] and now has grown to 26,000 members from 110 countries. The organization sponsors several conferences, such as the Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine.[3]

Several of the anti-aging methods recommended by the Academy have wide support among experts in the field, such as exercise and a healthy diet, but others, such as hormone treatments, do not have support from a consensus of the wider medical community. Many scientists studying aging dissociate themselves from the claims of A4M,[4][5] and critics have accused the group of using misleading marketing to sell expensive and ineffective products.[6] In contrast, the Academy sees itself as acting within science, stating that it bases its ideas on mainstream scientific research, and arguing that its ideas challenge current medical practice.[7] The A4M's founders and merchants who promote products through the organization have been involved in several legal and professional disputes.

The activities of the A4M are controversial: in 2003 a commentary on the response of the scientific community to the promotion of anti-aging medicine noted that the activities of the A4M were seen as a threat to the credibility of serious scientific research on aging.[8] According to MSNBC, anti-aging advocates have responded to such criticism by describing it as censorship perpetrated by a conspiracy of the US government, notably the Food and Drug Administration, the AMA, and the mainstream media,[9] motivated by competing commercial interests.[8]Thomas Perls of the Boston University School of Medicine, a prominent critic of the organization, has stated that claims of censorship and suppression are a common theme in what he calls "anti-aging quackery".[10]

The Academy's website states that the goal of the A4M is the "advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat aging related disease and to promote research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process."[3] The website also argues that the "disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases are ameliorable to medical treatment" and states that such treatments could extend the normal human lifespan.[3] More simply, according to The New York Times, their co-founder and president Ronald Klatz stated that "We're not about growing old gracefully. We're about never growing old."[11] With Klatz being quoted in 2004 as stating that: [12]

We the leaders of the Anti-Aging movement will help to usher in a new modern age for humanity: The Ageless Society. There is a remedy for this apocalypse of aging, and this remedy comes just in time to save America. This remedy is the new science of Anti-Aging Medicine represented by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

The A4M believe that an "anti-aging transformation" can be produced by a combination of interventions, which include hormones, antioxidants, lifestyle modifications and exercise.[13] A 2002 presentation produced by Klatz highlights many widely recommended interventions to maintain health in old age, such as staying slim, avoiding smoking, regular exercise, maintaining an active social and sex life, continued mental stimulation, avoiding stress, a healthy diet, and moderate alcohol consumption. The presentation also recommends consuming antioxidant supplements, and avoiding tap water, which it describes as "dangerous" due to it being contaminated with toxic chemicals.[14] The A4M argues that the application of this set of interventions can produce "practical immortality", which are human lifespans in excess of 150 years, and predict future lifespans ranging up to 200 years old before the year 3000.[15] Writing in 2006, Klatz predicted that such dramatic increases in lifespan will be produced by emerging technologies such as nanotechnology or stem cell therapy, which he states "shows ubiquitous promise for everything from stroke to spinal cord injury."[16] With the discovery of such future technologies, Klatz believes that "Humankind will evolve toward an Ageless Society, in which we all experience boundless physical and mental vitality."[17]

Writing in the 2001 issue of the journal Generations, historian Carole Haber of the University of Delaware, states that Klatz' aspirations and the rhetoric of the A4M "reflect well-worn ideas and the often-enunciated hopes of the past", drawing parallels with the ideas of the 19th century physiologists Charles-douard Brown-Squard, Serge Voronoff and Eugen Steinach. Haber states that the current resurgence of these ideas may be due to their appeal to the aging Baby Boom Generation, in a culture that is focused on the ideal of youth.[18] Haber has also discussed the strong continuities within the philosophy of the anti-aging movement, writing that "For Steinach and Voronoff, as for the members of the A4M, old age was a "grotesque" disease that could be scientifically eradicated through the correct combination of hormones, diet, and surgery."[19]

The chairman of the A4M is Robert Goldman and the president is Ronald Klatz. The senior vice president is Joseph Maroon of the University of Pittsburgh and Nicholas DiNubile of the University of Pennsylvania is the vice president.[20] The Academy states that it has over 26,000 members from 110 countries, and that this membership is made up of physicians, scientists, researchers, health practitioners and members of the public.[21] In 2007, the organization reported just over seven million dollars in assets.[22] However, a 2006 review of anti-aging medicine notes that of the researchers who are interested in this topic, the "vast majority dissociate themselves from the A4M."[4] The Los Angeles Times states that "Many physicians, researchers and scientists, delving into the physiological aspects of human aging, view the Academy's activities with disdain, saying that the organization is an inappropriate blend of scientific and commercial interests."[5]

The main activity of the A4M is outreach, education, and advocacy for anti-aging medicine. It does this through publications, on-line activity and sponsoring conferences: such as the "World Anti-Aging Congress and Exposition" and the "Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine".[3][5] According to a 2008 A4M press release, "The World Congress is undisputed global gathering of international industry leaders" and quotes Klatz as stating, "our Annual Congress Sessions are regarded as the gold standard for physician education in advanced preventive medicine."[23] Some of these conferences are in conjunction with an organization called the "World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine", which is an umbrella group for several national anti-aging organizations that is also headed by Goldman.[24] The LA Times, reporting from the 2004 annual conference of the A4A at Las Vegas, stated that this conference presented a mix of "scientific and technical presentations" and exhibitors selling "wrinkle creams, hair-growing potions, sexual enhancement pills and hormone treatments".[5] In a 2008 press release about the Annual World Congress, the A4M stated that:[23]

The physicians of A4M, along with the advocacy of aging intervention and biomedical research, have brought millions of new consumers to the realization that aging is not inevitable. Thanks in large part to these combined efforts, anti-aging medicine and regenerative biomedical technology is a $96.89 billion global industry. The Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging bundles this rapid momentum into a global marketplace of ideas, suppliers and solutions, enabling professionals to: connect with their peers on the latest hot-button issues; source cutting edge products; learn about the latest advancements and technologies; and get ahead of their competition.

Original post:
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine - Wikipedia, the ...

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Mbe at the AMWC 2015 13 Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress - Video

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Dr. Kerscher prsentiert ihre Studie beim Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress - Monaco
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Dr. Kerscher prsentiert ihre Studie beim Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress - Monaco - Video