Saitama clinic ordered to halt unauthorized stem cell ‘anti-aging’ therapy using umbilical cord blood – The Japan Times

SAITAMA The health ministry on Monday ordered a Saitama clinic to stop injecting stem cells of human umbilical cord blood into patients as an anti-aging treatment.

Saitama Medical Clinic in Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture, was found to have been engaged in such therapy without getting permission from the ministry. The regenerative medicine safety law mandates that all hospitals and clinics submit plans for stem cell therapy and get permission from the ministry beforehand.

The ministry conducted an on-site inspection of the clinic on Friday, based on tips from an outsider, and confirmed the clinic offered the unauthorized therapy, boasting that umbilical cord cell shots would boost health and help with anti-aging.

Several men and women are believed to have undergone treatment there. The ministry has asked the clinic to report the number of cases, any health damage and the kind of stem cells used and how they were obtained.

For clinics to receive approval for medical procedures using cells of others, they need to submit a detailed plan and have it screened by a panel of experts under the health ministry. The clinic had not submitted such a plan.

Saitama clinic ordered to halt unauthorized stem cell 'anti-aging' therapy using umbilical cord blood - The Japan Times

Stem cells collected from fat may have use in anti-aging treatments – Science Daily
Stem cells collected from fat may have use in anti-aging treatments
Science Daily
Adult stem cells collected directly from human fat are more stable than other cells -- such as fibroblasts from the skin -- and have the potential for use in anti-aging treatments, according to researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the ...
Stem cells from fat could be used in anti-aging treatments -

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Stem cells collected from fat may have use in anti-aging treatments - Science Daily

Stem Cell therapy is future of anti-ageing – Bangalore Mirror

Chronological aging shows the natural life cycle of the cells as opposed to cells that have been unnaturally replicated multiple times or otherwise manipulated in a lab.

In order to preserve the cells in their natural state, Penn researchers developed a system to collect and store them without manipulating them, making them available for this study. They found stem cells collected directly from human fat -- called adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) -- can make more proteins than originally thought. This gives them the ability to replicate and maintain their stability, a finding that held true in cells collected from patients of all ages.

Our study shows these cells are very robust, even when they are collected from older patients, said Ivona Percec, MD, director of Basic Science Research in the Center for Human Appearance and the studys lead author. It also shows these cells can be potentially used safely in the future, because they require minimal manipulation and maintenance.

Stem cells are currently used in a variety of anti-aging treatments and are commonly collected from a variety of tissues. But Percecs team specifically found ASCs to be more stable than other cells, a finding that can potentially open the door to new therapies for the prevention and treatment of aging-related diseases.

Unlike other adult human stem cells, the rate at which these ASCs multiply stays consistent with age, Percec said.

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Stem Cell therapy is future of anti-ageing - Bangalore Mirror

The Hunger Gains: Extreme Calorie-Restriction Diet Shows Anti-Aging Results – Scientific American

The idea that organisms can live longer, healthier lives by sharply reducing their calorie intake is not exactly new. Laboratory research has repeatedly demonstrated the anti-aging value of calorie restriction, often called CR, in animals from nematodes to ratswith the implication that the same might be true for humans.

In practice though, permanently reducing calorie intake by 25 to 50 percent or more sounds to many like a way to extend life by making it not worth living. Researchers have also warned that what works for nematodes or rats may not workand could even prove dangerousin humans, by causing muscle or bone density loss, for example.

But now two new studies appear to move calorie restriction from the realm of wishful thinking to the brink of practical, and perhaps even tolerable, reality. Writing in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of WisconsinMadison and the National Institute on Aging reported last month chronic calorie restriction produces significant health benefits in rhesus monkeysa primate with humanlike aging patternsindicating that CR mechanisms are likely translatable to human health. The researchers describe one monkey they started on a 30 percent calorie restriction diet when he was 16 years old, late middle age for this type of animal. He is now 43, a longevity record for the species, according to the study, and the equivalent of a human living to 130.

In the second study, published this week in Science Translational Medicine, a research team led by gerontologist Valter Longo at the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) suggests it is possible to gain anti-aging benefits without signing up for a lifetime of hunger. Instead, a fasting-mimicking diet, practiced just five days a month for three monthsand repeated at intervals as neededis safe, feasible and effective in reducing risk factors for aging and age-related diseases.

Some researchers, however, still find the calorie-restriction argument unpersuasive. Leslie Robert, a biochemist and physician at the University of Paris who was not involved in the two new studies, says pharmaceutical approaches offer greater anti-aging potential than inefficient and apparently harmful diets. The important thing, adds Luigi Fontana, a longevity researcher at the Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis who also was not involved in the new work, is if youre doing a healthy diet, exercising, everything good, without doing anything extreme, without making life miserable by counting every single calorie.

Rozalyn Anderson, a researcher in the Wisconsin study, does not necessarily disagree. Life is difficult enough without engaging in some bonkers diet, she says. We really study this as a paradigm to understand aging. Were not recommending people do it. The combined results in the Nature Communications paper show aging is malleable in primates, she explains, and that aging itself presents a reasonable target for intervention. Whereas conventional medicine views aging as a fight against cancer, cardiovascular issues, neural degeneration and other diseases, she adds, calorie restriction delays the aging and vulnerability. Instead of going after diseases one at a time, you go after the underlying vulnerability and tackle them all at once.

Despite her reservations about recommending CR, Anderson praised the work of the research team in the Science Translational Medicine study for pushing this forward for possible application in clinics. In that study, test subjects followed a carefully designed 50 percent calorie restricted diet (totaling about 1,100 calories on the first day and 70 percent (about 700 calories) on the next four days, then ate whatever they wanted for the rest of the month.

Longo, the gerontologist at U.S.C., says the underlying theory of the on-again/off-again approach is that the regenerative effects of the regimen occur not so much from the fasting itself as from the recovery afterward. By contrast, long-term, uninterrupted calorie restriction can lead to the sort of negative effects seen in extreme conditions like anorexia.

The calorie-restricted diet in Longos study was 100 percent plant-based and featured vegetable soups, energy bars, energy drinks and a chip snack as well as mineral and vitamin supplements. It included nutrients designed to manipulate the expression of genes involved in aging-related processes, Longo explains. (Longo and U.S.C. are both owners of L-Nutra, the company that manufactures the diet. But he says he takes no salary or consulting fees from the company and has assigned his shares to a nonprofit organization established to support further research.)

Even the five-day-a-month calorie restriction regimen was apparently a struggle for some test subjects, resulting in a 25 percent dropout rate. But health benefits in the form of decreased body mass and better levels of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, along with other factors, showed up after the third month and persisted for at least three monthseven after subjects had returned full-time to a normal diet. Notably, given concerns about other forms of calorie restriction, lean muscle mass remained unchanged.

The benefits were greater for people who were obese or otherwise unhealthy, Longo says. But those individuals might also need to repeat the five-day regimen as often as once a month to the point of recovery, he adds, whereas individuals who are already healthy and athletic might repeat it just twice a year.

Neither of the two new studies argues the benefits of CR necessarily add up to a longer life. Longevity in humans is still an unpredictable by-product of our myriad variations in individual biology, behavior and circumstance. The objective, according to researchers, is merely to make the healthy portion of our lives last longer.

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The Hunger Gains: Extreme Calorie-Restriction Diet Shows Anti-Aging Results - Scientific American

Dermatologist-Approved Anti-Aging Tips to Try for Better Skin – Allure Magazine

Even the most well-informed and highly skeptical skin-care users (i.e. dermatologists) are buying into these buzzy treatments. Here, we've rounded up the best dermatologist-approved anti-aging tips and tricks to try for your best-looking skin yet.

Sometimes buzz, hype, and a Instagram blitz happens for a reasonbecause said treatments are efficacious, effective, and safe. These are three the pros stand by.

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Double-cleansing. Washing your face twicewith an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based oneis a trend. But for Whitney Bowe, a dermatologist in New York City, its just part of her anti-aging regimen. Double-cleansing can preserve collagen, she says. Sure, that sounds like a tall order, but Bowe uses a DIY oil cleanser to dissolve makeup easily without the rubbing that can age your skin. She even takes off her mascara with the oil so she doesnt have to tug on her lashestheyve gotten thinner with age, so they fall out more easily. Her recipe: two tablespoons of olive oil stirred into eight ounces of aloe vera water. She follows that with Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser to finish the job.

Vampire facials. OK, doctors actually call them platelet-rich plasma injections, but youre probably more familiar with the Kardashian-popularized term. (In case you missed that episode: The treatment involves injecting extracts from a patients own blood back into her skin using tiny needles.) It seems bonkers/creepy, but injecting plasma-rich platelets, which are full of stem cells, could help build new collagen, says Marie Jhin, a dermatologist in San Francisco. And replacing collagen in your skin as you age is a continuous battle. She does the treatments on herself twice a year; Bowe does the same.

CoolSculpting. This device destroys fat cells with extreme coldin about an hour. The technique is called cryolipolysis, and it works best on small areas of fat, says Karyn Grossman, a dermatologist in Los Angeles. I was happy with my overall weight, but fat had accumulated around my upper back and one hip. Two cycles of CoolSculpting completely changed the way my dress fit for my sons bar mitzvah, she says.

If you remember only one thing from this story, remember this: Sunscreen is nonnegotiable. It helps prevent skin cancer, and people who wear it have 24 percent fewer signs of aging than those who dont, according to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine . Dermatologists apply it every day, more than once, rain or shine. And they have a few things to say on the matter.

For sheer coverage: Too many sunscreens look obvious on skin of color. They dont blend in, or they make my skin look gray or purple, says Jeanine Downie, a dermatologistand an African-American womanin Montclair, New Jersey. Her solution: SkinMedica Total Defense + Repair Broad Spectrum SPF 34 Sunscreen . I wear it on my face, my neck, my ears, and the back of my hands every day, she says. Its very sheer, and I reapply it. For medium skin tones, Mona Gohara, a dermatologist in Danbury, Connecticut, who is Egyptian, says La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF 30 soaks in very quickly and doesnt leave a chalky cast.

For lasting protection: Bowe and Gohara carry around the Colorescience Loose Mineral Foundation SPF 20 Powder Brush for touch-ups over makeup. It contains iron oxides, and a recent study showed that sunscreens with iron oxides prevent melasma better than formulas without them, says Gohara. Its really (really) important to know, however, that powders are supplements to, not replacements for, traditional sunscreen lotions and creams. Ellen Marmur, a dermatologist in New York City and a premelanoma survivor, applies a tinted formula with SPF, like Chanel Vitalumire Moisture-Rich Radiance Sunscreen Fluid Makeup Broad Spectrum SPF 15 , each morningand then reapplies it over her makeup before going outside throughout the day. I do a lot of skin-cancer surgeries on the tops of the eyebrows, between the eyes, and around the nostrils, so Im careful to cover those spots, she says.

For the whole package: Every single dermatologist we talked to layers sunscreen over an antioxidant serum or cream. Thats key for neutralizing the free radicals from sunlight, pollution, and even heat that can slip through sunscreen, damage collagen, and set off pigment production in skin, says Bowe, who likes Olay Total Effects 7 in One Anti-Aging Moisturizer with vitamin E and green tea extract for her sensitive skin. I wear it at night, tooif you sleep in moisturizer, you wake up with more hydrated and plump skin. And that means fine lines are less noticeable the next day.


Snoop around a docs bathroom (nosy) and youll find three unlikely standbys.

Hydroquinone. This skin lightener is banned in Europe, and studies have shown it is carcinogenic in rats when ingested. But most American dermatologists are confident about its safety when its used topicallyso confident that they rely on it to fade their own dark spots. It can brighten even the most intractable pigmentation and works faster than anything else (in as little as two months). Jhin applies a prescription Obagi Nu-Derm product twice a day; Alicia Barba, a dermatologist in Miami, uses Melamix Skin Lightener & Blending Crme Hydroquinone USP 4% at night for two to four weeks three times a year to treat her melasma.

Compression socks. Theyre not exactly sexy, but Gohara gets four or five pairs at the drugstore at the beginning of pants season and wears them daily to prevent the varicose veins caused by standing all day.

More dermatologist-approved anti-aging tips:

Even dermatologists skin acts upthe difference is they know how to get it back in shape, pronto. For mild eczema flare-ups, Jessica Wu, a dermatologist in Los Angeles, heads to the health aisle for an Australian bee-pollen extract called propolis. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and has been shown to help skin heal itself, she says. If thats not enough, then Ill use prescription cortisone.

Then there are the smart choices dermatologists make that have nothing to do with creams or lotions or unattractive hosiery.

They don't rub their eyes. The skin there will darken if youre a chronic rubber, says Nada Elbuluk, a dermatologist in New York City, who recommends putting a cool compress on the eyes whenever you feel the urge to rub. Grossman goes as far as sleeping in bendy glasses, called Swissflex glasses. Uncomfortable? Maybe. But they keep her sleeping on her back, which prevents her skin from creasing against her pillow (and eventually wrinkling).

They go to bed. Ive become neurotic about prioritizing sleep over an extra hour of iPad, says Gohara. When you dont sleep, your cortisol levels shoot up, which causes inflammation in the body. That can make skin conditions like acne and rosacea worse and, over time, lead to wrinkles.

They get physical. What I do with my body affects my skin almost as much as what I put on it, says Gohara. To that end, she does 20 to 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training every morning to enhance her circulation, reduce stress, and decrease the inflammation that causes aging.

Now, find out when it's time to call a dermatologist:

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Dermatologist-Approved Anti-Aging Tips to Try for Better Skin - Allure Magazine

This miracle face oil actually helped my foundation match my skin tone better – Yahoo Lifestyle

Like an unwelcome ex brazenly sliding into your DMs, my skin is perpetuallythirsty. Dry skin patches stake claim on my forehead and nose, planting their flag, and staying put no matter what season. As winter rolls along, the desertification of my face expands, exacerbated by the arid heaters of New York City buildings, and the bitter wind that whips any prayer of moisture away. For most of my adult life, Ive watched on as the growing flakiness eventually made my face look dull, attempting every remedy that I knew of. For awhile, I was the queen of sheet masks. There was a time when youd pop open my medicine cabinet, and find a slew of products, luxury, and drugstore, alllatent with hyaluronic acid. Ive tried oils, serums, and overnight remedies. I even began to drink more water, but alas, dry patches would disappear in the morning only to firmly plant themselves on my face later that afternoon.

As a newb to their products, I decided to try the Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Antioxidant Face Oil. Initially, I was drawn to the fact that the oil had a lot of ingredients I hadnt used previously, specifically antioxidants found in vitamin E, and Marula seed oila lightweight oil easily absorbed by skin, known for its moisturizing and brightening properties. I also very much liked the idea of mixing a few drops of the oil with a moisturizer I already had. While the price tag for this product was high at $72, I was curious to see if I could use the product as a way to improve other products that were almost therebut werent hydrating enough. To find out how truly moisturizing and versatile this product could be, I put it to the test in a few key ways.

To start, I decided to see what the face oil felt like on its own. Fresh out of the shower, with absolutely no makeup or other products on my face, I applied a drop to my forehead, a drop to each cheek, and one on my nose. I also put a drop in my hand to rub into my neck. The first thing I noticed was that the product didnt smell like anything, and it absorbed quickly.My skin already looked a bit brighter, including my dark under-eye circles, and the oil sat slightly on top of my skin, keeping it refreshed without making me look too oily. The picture below shows what my face looked like before and after I put the face oil on. I felt smooth and hydrated for the first time in a while, but I wasnt fully convinced yet.

Full disclosure: The oil didnt feel like it would be enough to wear on its own for a day of pure moisturized bliss, but that wasnt my intent anyway. I wanted to see how it worked mixed with other moisturizers. First, I tried about three drops of face oil on the back of my hand on top of one pump of the Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Moisturizer.This moisturizer came highly recommended to me as the best conduit for my face oil, and holy hydration bomb, Batman, I instantly fell in love.

With most moisturizers Ive tried, the initial feeling of hydrated skin lasts all of five seconds while you rub the product in. Then, as the day goes on, its like you never applied it in the first place. The Protini+ Marula Oilcombo felt like I just splashed water on my skin, but then that water made my skin its home and decided to never leave. My poor face had spent days in the desert, and I just gave her a glass of water. And she looked like it.

Then, the true miracle happened. I went to apply my foundationa shade I was all but ready to chuck, because its orangey hue didnt match my pink undertones, and was starting to make me look like I had a bad spray tan. But, for whatever reason, when I dabbed the product onto my face with my blending sponge, it matched.In case you do not believe me, I swatched the foundation on my hand, which didnt have any oil or moisturizer on it. Not only did my foundation look more like my skin, but it also glided on and made my face look dewy.

The rest of my makeup also went on very smoothly. My usually dry eyelids didnt look more powdery with the addition of eyeshadow, and they held onto that shadow for most of the day. My blush also looked brighter than it normally does when I applied it. Looking in the mirror later in the day, I saw my dry patches starting to form on my forehead, but they were significantly smaller than before. As the week progressed and I continued to use that product combo, the dry patches disappeared completely. Even after washing my face, my skin still felt great.

My final test involved mixing the face oil with a moisturizer I already had. I often use theCeraVe Moisturizing AM Lotion, mostly because I like that it has both SPF and hyaluronic acid. However, I wasnt in love with itit felt great when applied in the morning, but by midday, I was dried out. To switch things up, I added three drops of the Virgin Marula Oilto the Protini Moisturizer, mixed them on the back of my hand, and smooshed it all over my face. Full disclosure, my skin needed a bit extra love this morning after happy hour the night before. But similar to my Protini+ Marula Oilcocktail, my skin looked a lot more glowy than it usually does. Trust, my face was actually a lot puffier before I moisturized.

My face did feel more hydrated than it typically does when I use the moisturizer on its own. Similar to my first results using the face oil, I found that my previously orange foundation blended seamlessly with my skin tone. By this point, I was pretty convinced it was the Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Face Oil that was doing the heavy lifting in terms of moisturizing my skin. I had been using the CeraVe AM Lotion for a few months now, and when applied with that moisturizer, my foundation made my face look a completely different color than my neck. Now, I was able to use the foundation without feeling like a two-tone nightmare.

After using this product for over a week in every capacity I could think of, I must say that Im sold. Not only did it work to hydrate my skin for thewhole day, but I also noticed that as the week went on my dry patches began to vanish. Waking up in the morning, before I even applied the product, my skin already felt more moisturized and bouncier. When I took all my makeup off at the end of the day, my skin maintained the same glowiness and it still felt like the product was working its magic. Having said that, I will add that the moisture factor was definitely upped when I combined the face oil with the Protini Moisturizer. I would give this product my blessing when used in conjunction with any moisturizer. Simply put, if your face feels like the Sahara at any given time, Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Antioxidant Face Oil is worth a try.

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This miracle face oil actually helped my foundation match my skin tone better - Yahoo Lifestyle

Telomeres nature’s anti-ageing scheme – Varsity Online

Zi Ran looks into the exciting biology surrounding telomeres and their potential impact

The thread of never-ending life has always been a part of the canvas of myths and religion subsequently morphed seamlessly into everyday culture. Every religion and culture has their own telling of the tale. The Abrahamic religions have heaven, the Norse gods ate Iunns apples, the Greek gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar, the Taoists sought the elixir of life, and the medieval alchemists sought the philosophers stone. Though these ancient symbols may have been metaphoric, with current technology eternal youth feels to be almost within our grasp. With organisations like Google Calico, A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine), Human Longevity Inc and sponsors like Peter Thiel and Mark Zuckerberg, it seems as though humanity may finally taste that fountain of life.

To find immortality, one must understand mortality. Cells seemingly repair and divide without end, but they exhibit signs of ageing as well. The crux of the issue lies in the inherent structure of our genetic material, DNA. Human DNA is linear, so there must be two ends to the double helix. Every time DNA is replicated, information on the ends of the strands are lost. With increasing divisions, more and more information is lost to the point where the cell is no longer able to function cells senescence. Cells with this kind of DNA structure must have an extra layer of molecular protection which ensure many healthy divisions before their eventual death. These protective elements are called telomeres. Telomere research has been a hot topic within the anti-ageing community, as its length is directly correlated to longevity. These DNA aglets are extra pieces of DNA which cap on to the ends of the double helix strand and tightly wraps itself together to protect the genetic material both from chemical and mechanical damage. However, this method is not fool-proof. Telomeres also run out, and with time all cells eventually die.

The miracle of the fountain of life, if it exists at all, can only be found in the moment of conception. In embryos, the DNA is refreshed, and old used telomeres are extended. Embryonic cells are a rare type of cells which express telomerase, the only protein capable of extending the length of telomeres. These little molecular machines use RNA as a template to extend the depleted telomeres, elongating the lifespan of the cell. Telomerases are also expressed in some stem cells, which supply the body with red blood cells and repair large damages. As attractive as telomerases sound as a solution to age, their over-expression can also become a problem. Many tumours and cancer types use telomerase as a tool to extend their lifespan indefinitely, outliving their healthy counterparts and taking over the body. To fine-tune the activity of this protein such that humans achieve eternal life while escaping the potential over-proliferation of cells is something that has yet to be achieved.

The most important breakthrough of 2016?

Telomeres, all in all, may only be one piece of the longevity biochemical puzzle. Many other biological processes are affected by age, although the precise mechanisms remain shrouded in mystery. Mitochondria become less efficient, transport to and from the nucleus becomes much less regulated, proteins are misshapen more often, and the DNA racks up too many mutations to efficiently repair them. It looks as though humanity still has so much to learn in terms of mortality that the seemingly tiny gap to eternal life may actually be a journey of a thousand miles.

Once we understand the essentials of life, will eternity still be attractive? The underlying basis of all living things is maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium, meaning that balance is maintained through constant life and death. The confusion of age for life has been recorded since the time of the ancient Greeks. When Eos mistakenly asked on Tithonus behalf for immortality and not eternal youth, what she really obtained from Zeus was eternal torture. The ancient Homeric hymns only remember Tithonus as a withered old man with no strength to even sit up, certainly an anecdote to keep us grounded in our search

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Telomeres nature's anti-ageing scheme - Varsity Online

To Turbocharge Anti-Aging Treatment, Just Add… a Protein Found in Fruit Flies? – Singularity Hub

The hunt for the elixir of life is such a universal mythological trope that to talk about it in the context of science seems almost ridiculous. But breakthroughs in the last decade have made the impossible seem possible, and researchers are quickly converging on the consensus that aging may well be a disease that we can treat just as easily as any other.

Impressive results in animals that have had their lifespans boosted by up to 40 percenthave started making their way into humans. Some trials are more questionable than others, but most promisingly there seem to be multiple potential avenues, from cocktails of common drugs to gene therapies and stem cell treatments.

Stem cells are particularly promising, because they can be coaxed into becoming any kind of cell before being transplanted to treat damaged tissue. These therapies often fail to work well in older tissue, though, limiting their future use in older patients who could need them most. This appears to be because these tissues have significantly higher levels of inflammation that prevent stem cells from properly integrating.

Now Portuguese researcher Joana Neves has won the 2019 Sartorius & Science Prize for Regenerating Medicine & Cell Therapy for her discovery of a way to sidestep this roadblock and significantly increase the success of stem cell treatments.

Because of the central importance of tissue repair to all organisms, Neves assumed that many of the mechanisms behind it would be shared among all animals. So she started looking at proteins produced by immune cells in the well-known animal model of the fruit fly.

She discovered that a poorly-understood protein known as MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor) plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation in fruit flies. More importantly, she found that mice and humans also produce it, and its prevalence reduces in all the species as they age, suggesting it plays a key role in limiting age-related inflammation.

That prompted her to see if introducing MANF would boost the effectiveness of stem cell treatments in older animals. She used the protein in combination with a procedure that uses stem cells to replace degenerating photoreceptors in the retina of older mice and found it greatly improved the restoration of vision.

Going further, her research team then investigated whether MANFs anti-inflammatory effects could have more general age-defying benefits. Previous research had already demonstrated that infusing old mice with blood from younger ones could reduce various signs of aging, and by carrying out similar experiments the team showed that MANF is one of the factors responsible for that outcome. They even showed that directly injecting mice with MANF could have similar effects.

Translating these ideas to treat other diseases and for use in humans will take some time, but the research chimes with work on an emerging class of drugs known as senolytics. These are drugs that kill senescent cells, which are zombie cells that become more prevalent as we age and spew out harmful chemicals that result in chronic inflammation.

Senolytics are generally seen as a broad-spectrum treatment that could help stave off multiple conditions at once, but they could also be used to create a more hospitable environment for stem cell treatments just like MANF.

There are still plenty of barriers to bringing any of these treatments to the clinic, from the difficulty of producing stem cells to the challenges of regulating treatments for aging (a condition we still dont formally class as a disease), or fighting back against the huge number of bogus treatments that threaten to undermine trust in the field. But given the huge potential for near-term impact, theres growing momentum.

Weve moved from being able to extend health and lifespan of simple organisms like yeast and worms and flies to being able to do this quite easily in animals, in mice and monkeys, David Sinclair, director of the Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, told the Harvard Gazette.

He added that instead of trying to treat one disease at a time, he believes we can develop medicines that will treat aging at its source, therefore having a much greater impact on health and lifespan than drugs that target single diseases.

The wheels are in motion for us to find out.

Image Credit: Monika Robak from Pixabay

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To Turbocharge Anti-Aging Treatment, Just Add... a Protein Found in Fruit Flies? - Singularity Hub

Can Men Live Longer By Taking Testosterone Therapy? – Anti Aging News

Article courtesy of: T. Hertoghe, MD, author of Testosterone, the Therapy for Real Gentlemen

The potent effects of testosterone therapy and its abuse by sports players has put use of this therapy under controversy for decades. In 2020, the discussion on whether or not to treat men who have testosterone-deficiency symptoms and levels with testosterone is possibly over, belonging to the past. The scientific data gathered and published in support of testosterone-deficient men, generally older than 30 years, using testosterone therapy are abundant and relevant. There is also ample information on how to monitor testosterone treatment and problems that may potentially ensue.

Testosterone therapy can safely and efficiently help prevent and reduce the severity of many age-related disorders

Medical research has now shown that it is safe to treat with testosterone therapy all types of testosterone-deficient patients, even those with active (untreated) prostate cancer, a topic we will talk about in another article. Testosterone therapy has also been found to make the mind stronger, reducing the incidence and impacts of anxiety and depressive disorders. It also helps mental functioning, boosting memory and even serving as one of the tools to slow down and oppose the development of Alzheimers disease. More than 80% of the studies published on the topic in peer-reviewed medical journals have shown that testosterone therapy improves heart conditions. Moreover, testosterone therapy has been reported to help prevent, oppose, and even reverse the development of obesity, type II diabetes, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, stroke, cachexia, etc. By preventing and alleviating age-related disorders testosterone therapy may make men also live longer.

Recent evidence that testosterone deficiency may shorten life and supplementation of it may extend life

Paucity of studies on the effects of testosterone deficiency and therapy on longevity two decades ago

Two decades ago, there were almost no studies showing that testosterone deficiency could increase the risk of premature death and that testosterone therapy could potentially extend the life span. Now, we have the studies. In medicine, researchers seldom write down in a publication that the therapy they used could improve longevity in their patients. It sounds too positive, not serious enough to publish in medical journals. Most investigators prefer using the less positive terminology of reducing mortality, which produces a more scientific impression. However, increasing longevity and reducing mortality are basically the same.

I found 35 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals that show that higher blood levels of testosterone (within the reference range) are associated with a significantly increased longevity. Low testosterone levels that may increase mortality are usually low-normal within the reference range (in the lower two-thirds, lower half, lower third, lower quartile, or lower quintile of the reference range), and below the lower reference limit for testosterone is below the lower reference limit for testosterone in a laboratory test or a. The association of increasingly greater longevity at progressively higher testosterone levels suggests that the lack of testosterone causes or contributes to premature death. Furthermore, 9 studies have shown that testosterone therapy significantly increases longevity (or, if you prefer lowers mortality). In other words, older men who take testosterone may live longer.

There are a few studies showing no effects of testosterone therapy, and almost no study showing the opposite. The balance is visibly in favor of providing testosterone therapy to men with mild to severe testosterone deficiencies to keep them alive longer.

To access the relevant data on testosterone deficiency, testosterone therapy, and their association with longevity visit the International Hormone Society website, in the Evidence-based hormone therapies section.

To get more references and practical information on testosterone therapy, read my 600-page book for physicians, Testosterone, the Therapy for Real Gentlemen.

To get practical and in-depth training in testosterone therapy, attend the hormone therapy workshop in Orlando, May 15-16, 2020. Check out the Evidence-based hormone therapy workshop here,which will be available at the A4M 28th Annual Spring Congress being held in Orlando, Florida on May 14-16, 2020.

See original here:
Can Men Live Longer By Taking Testosterone Therapy? - Anti Aging News

Stem Cell Therapy Selectively Targets and Kills Cancerous Tissue – Anti Aging News

Researchers have created a method to kill cancerous tissue without causing the harmful side effects of chemotherapy.

Medical researchers at the University of California, Irvine have created a stem cell-based method to zero in on cancerous tissue. This method kills the cancerous tissue without causing the nasty side effects of chemotherapy. Such side effects are avoided by treating the disease in a more localized manner. The advancement was spearheaded by associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences Weian Zhao. The details of the stem cell therapy were recently published in Science Translational Medicine.

About the new Stem Cell Therapy

Zhao's team programmed stem cells derived from human bone marrow to pinpoint the specific properties of cancerous tissue. They implemented a portion of code to these engineered cells to identify stiff cancerous tissue, lock onto it and implement therapeutics. The researchers safely used this new stem cell therapy in mice to kill metastatic breast cancer that had moved to the lungs. They transplanted these engineered stem cells in order for the teamto pinpoint and settle in the site of the tumor.

Once the stem cells reached the tumor, they released enzymes referred to as cytosine deaminase. The mice were then provided with an inactive chemotherapy known as prodrug 5-flurocytosine. The tumor enzymes stimulated the chemotherapy into action. Zhao stated his team zeroed in on metastatic cancer that occurs when the disease moves to additional parts of the body. Metastatic tumors are especially dangerous. They are responsible for90 percent of all cancer deaths.

Why the new Stem Cell Therapy is Important

Zhao is adamant his stem cell therapy represents an important newparadigm in the context of cancer therapy. Indeed, Zhao has blazed a trail in a new direction that others will likely follow in the years to come. It is possible his new stem cell therapy serves as an alternative and more effective means of treating cancer. This stem cell therapy will serve as an alternative to numerous forms of chemotherapy that typically have nasty side effects. Chemotherapy certainly kills plenty of growing cancer cells yet it can also harm healthy cells. The new type of treatment keys in on metastatic tissue that allows for the avoidance of the undesirable side effects produced by chemotherapy.

Though the published piece describing this stem cell therapy is centered on breast cancer metastases within thelungs, the method will soon be applicable to additional metastases. This is due to the fact that numerous solid tumors are stiffer than regular tissue. The new system does not force scientists to invest time and effort to pinpoint and create a brand new protein or genetic marker for each kind of cancer.

The Next Step

At this point in time, Zhao's team has performed pre-clinical animal studies to show the treatment is effective and safe. They plan to segue to human studies in the coming months and years. Zhao's team is currently expanding to additional types of cells such as cancer tissue-sensing and engineered immune system CAR-T (T cells) to treat metastasizing colon and breast cancers. Their goal is totransform this technology for the treatment of additional diseases ranging from diabetes to fibrosis and beyond.

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Stem Cell Therapy Selectively Targets and Kills Cancerous Tissue - Anti Aging News

Carotid Artery Gives Away Human Biological Age – Bioscience Technology

Russian researchers have provided a new method of determining human biological age. The group hails from the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Clinical Research Center for Gerontology, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and other prestigious research centers. The survey was carried out at the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, as well as the Center for Gerontology. The article was published in the journal Aging. The researchers emphasize determining biological age will play a major role in the development of anti-aging medicine.

Biological age is a concept used to describe the state of a human organism. An average healthy individual has their biological age no different from their chronological age, i.e., the age on their ID. However, with age, these two indicators are likely to become mismatched due to different reasons: environmental factors, bad habits, manifestations of hereditary diseases, etc. So far, there is no established method of predicting biological age. Both medical and scientific researchers are looking for a marker that could accurately and consistently reflect if not the general state of the body then at least that of its systems.

The study is based on a combination of carotid ultrasound and tonometry data. Using machine learning, a model was developed capable of determining the biological age of healthy men and women with a mean absolute error of 6.9 and 5.9 years, respectively. The test set also included subjects with hypertension and Type 2 diabetes, whose biological age turned out to be, on average, three years greater than their actual age.

"Researchers have been trying to find a means to estimate human biological age for decades. The most accurate of the existing techniques are based on DNA analysis (the so-called "epigenetic clock") and can predict human age with the median error of three years. However, they require expensive equipment and skilled laboratory personnel, which is the reason why they are still not widely used in medical practice. Our method relies on a type of patient-related data any modern health care facility can obtain," says Alexey Moskalev, who heads the Laboratory of the Genetics of Aging and Longevity at MIPT's Center for Living Systems.

In their study, the authors relied on information about the cardiovascular system, namely, a set of predictors, all of which reflect its functioning: minimum middle layer thickness of the carotid artery tissue, pulse wave velocity, carotid artery diameter (the degree of stenosis), and augmentation index (the difference between the second and first pressure peaks in a pulse wave). Individually, all of them are established markers used for diagnosing atherosclerosis, hypertension, calcinosis, diabetes, and other conditions. The choice was made after performing a correlation analysis, which is a technique used to measure the association between variables.

The main result of the study is that a model (a formula) has been developed in which biological age is derived from the four clinical parameters stated above. Coefficients for each of the parameters were calculated using machine learning, namely robust regression. For this study, a total of 303 subjects (199 women and 104 men) were selected, their age varied from 23 to 91. All of them had visited the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine in Moscow, Russia, back in 2012. Robust regression analysis provides an alternative to the least squares method, which we remember well from school. It is essentially an attempt to approximate the observed dependence using a formula. In other words, the method seeks to pick the variables in a formula so as to make sure the resulting curve fits experimental data. There are, however, certain fundamental differences between the two alternatives which make robust regression preferable. Machine learning methods have long been used to evaluate biological age. Recent years have seen a rise in popularity of deep neural networks, which enable researchers to build high-accuracy models. And yet their application is not always justifiable as they, among other things, require a large number of tests and parameters, which is not always feasible in clinical practice.

Alexander Fedintsev, a bioinformatics specialist from the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of RAS, the first author of the article, clarifies: "We used nonlinear robust regression, since it does not rely on a priori assumptions of the distribution of the dependent variable and therefore is robust to outliers. Since the number of factors is limited, the model can be taught using a relatively small amount of data. In addition to being fairly accurate, it also provides an easy interpretation of the results: We can tell for sure how the predicted age will change if the measured parameters are varied. It is worth noting, though, that qualitative data was at the heart of this research. Thanks to a large database with a variety of biomarkers, we managed to select the most important factors, which helped us maintain a low error rate while predicting age despite the fact that we were using a rather simple and compact model."

To test the validity of the new method, the researchers compared their biological age estimates with the data obtained through other techniques for evaluating the state of an organism. Correlation of predicted biological age with Framingham CVD Prediction Scores -- an algorithm which estimates a patient's risk of developing cardiovascular disease and is not based on carotid ultrasound imaging -- exceeded that with chronological age. Also, the method was compared with other data processing techniques: The findings were contrasted with those obtained using the Klemera-Doubal statistical method. Again, correlation with biological age exceeded that with chronological age.

Olga Tkacheva, director of Russian Clinical Research Center for Gerontology, who co-authored the article, comments: "Since we used cardiovascular system as our only source of information, additional research that would consider other factors is necessary to refine biological age estimates. However, recent research has shown that the relationship between the state of blood vessels and biological age appears to be even stronger than between the state of blood vessels and chemical composition of blood."

Considering that according to WHO statistics heart disease is the leading age-related cause of death, it seems only natural to claim that the technique developed by the researchers is an effective means of determining biological age. The possibility of doing it rapidly and accurately is indeed crucial to the success of the battle against aging.

Carotid Artery Gives Away Human Biological Age - Bioscience Technology

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Introduces New Podcast: Redefining Medicine – Marketwired (press release)

BOCA RATON, FL--(Marketwired - May 16, 2017) - The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine will be launching its new podcast, Redefining Medicine, today. Tune in Tuesdays will host weekly sessions with key players in the field of functional and integrative medicine. The podcast will capture and spotlight the personal lives of healthcare professionals and practitioners, allowing listeners to view and hear the more intimate aspects of practicing medicine.

The first three episodes feature Dr. Andrew Heyman, Dr. Pamela W. Smith, and David Asprey, all of whom showcase the benefits of preventive medicine, and discuss the trajectories that led them to their current practices. Later episodes feature physicians who initially worked in the army, emergency medicine, and an array of other disciplines; yet the consistent theme lies in the ultimate decision to seek out and practice integrative healthcare.

These discussions reveal the varied backgrounds and histories of medical professionals, while displaying a more personal and intimate perspective.

The podcast episodes are also available on iTunes, free of charge.

About the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is the world's largest non-profit society of physicians and scientists committed to research that helps optimize the human aging process, along with the advancement of techniques and technologies that detect, prevent, and treat aging-related diseases.

A4M offers exclusive membership to all medical professionals, with the potential to access over two-decades of established medical expertise. We are dedicated to educating physicians, scientists, and all healthcare professionals, and are proud to be in our 24th year of providing first-class continuing education conferences on anti-aging, regenerative, and functional medicine.

To learn more, register for any event, enroll in any training program, or exhibit at an A4M Conference, please contact the office of the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine at:

Toll-Free - US Only: (888) 997-0112

International: (561) 997-0112


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The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Introduces New Podcast: Redefining Medicine - Marketwired (press release)

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) hosts its 25th Annual Spring Congress, welcoming clinicians … – Yahoo Finance

BOCA RATON, FL--(Marketwired - March 14, 2017) - The 25th Annual Spring Congress will take place on April 7-8, with pre-conference symposiums on April 5-6. The Congress will provide the latest research in preventive and functional medicine through educational sessions, interactive lectures, and an exhibit hall hosting 250 exhibitors with products ranging from aesthetic devices and equipment to high-tech medical products. The event also offers opportunities for continuing education, board and diplomate certifications through oral and written exams.

The Congress will feature 38 lectures, 40 speakers, 8 learning tracks, 5 sponsored workshops, and several product presentations. This year's keynotes include renowned doctors and lecturers from across the globe, all of whom will be speaking about the most recently developed practices and protocols in modern integrative medicine. Dr. Heather Tick will discuss holistic pain health, and the ways in which to manage pain through nutrition and an anti-inflammatory diet. Dr. Robynne Chutkan, an integrative gastroenterologist, will focus on the interface between genetics and the microbiome. Dr. Alessio Fasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist who runs the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, will examine celiac disease and the impact of nutrition on the microbiome and intestinal permeability.

Further topics to be addressed are epigenetics, traumatic brain injuries, hormones, stem cell therapy, and aesthetics. In addition to keynote lectures and afternoon sessions, there will be three specialty pre-conference workshops, designed to provide additional clinical education. The Chronic Infections symposium concentrates on inflammation, biotoxins, and the emergence and treatment of chronic infections. The Pain Management & Sleep Disorders symposium will provide education surrounding functional medicine approaches to treating chronic pain and sleep disorders. A Peptides workshop will discuss both the functionality and purposes of peptides and other compounds. An additional two-day Practice Enhancement Training workshop is also being introduced, engineered to assist practitioners in the business and marketing of a functional medicine clinic.

The Spring Congress is the optimal platform for healthcare practitioners to establish new professional contacts, receive comprehensive and thorough education, and network with other medical professionals from an array of disciplines and fields. Attendees will emerge armed with increased education, insight, and an arsenal of necessary tools to advance and progress in the ever-changing field of healthcare.

About the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine:

Established in 1992, A4M is the leading nonprofit medical society dedicated to the detection, prevention, and treatment of diseases associated with aging. The organization is comprised of over 26,000 members from 120 nations across the globe, and is dedicated to educating medical and public health professionals and practitioners on the most progressive and innovative research, in addition to cutting-edge scientific technologies.

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The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) hosts its 25th Annual Spring Congress, welcoming clinicians ... - Yahoo Finance

Area doctor to launch book on women’s health during menopause – Southgate News Herald

For decades, doctors have assumed that symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating and reduced sex drive, are caused by a reduction in the amount of estrogen that the body is producing. Dr. Charles Mok, a former emergency room physician who is board certified in Anti-Aging Medicine and the founder of Allure Medical Spa and Allure Vein Center of Southgate, has evidence that doctors have focused too much on estrogen for menopause and science has found low testosterone levels are also responsible for many symptoms. In his new book Testosterone: Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman (Forbes Hardcover $25.99, ISBN 978-0998365503), Dr. Mok provides peer-reviewed studies which support this view, translating scientific literature into an easy to understand manual for hormone replacement therapy. The book launch is scheduled for March 2 at a Macomb County Allure Medical Spa location.

The evidence for testosterone therapy is overwhelming, and we want to get the message to doctors and, importantly, to their patients, says Dr. Mok. Clinical research shows that testosterone reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50 to 75 percent, which has enormous health implications, and natural estrogen cuts the risk of heart attacks by over 70 percent if used long term. For women suffering from debilitating symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, hot flashes and reduced libido, the treatment can really improve overall quality of life.

Dr. Moks book takes readers on a journey that chronicles the start of hormone replacement therapy in the 1940s through to the flawed 2002 Womens Health Initiative which suggested women taking a combination of synthetic estrogen drugs and synthetic progesterone had an increased risk of heart disease and breast cancer, which ultimately dissuaded millions of women from seeking hormonal help. It is important to note that further research into the Womens Health Initiative data showed that when women took even the synthetic hormones around the time of menopause and stayed on them, there was a 40 percent reduction in their risk heart attacks and premature mortality.

Dr. Moks book provides compelling evidence about the important role of testosterone in shaping womens health. The hormone is 10-20 times more abundant than estrogen in young women, but then falls as women age. Dr. Mok provides myriad long term studies showing that modern testosterone therapy (normally delivered in the form of a tiny pellet, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted underneath the skin) keeps women healthier, with no adverse side-effects.

Benefits can include weight loss, better sex life, improved mood, fewer sleep problems, reduced hot flashes and night sweats, thicker hair, lower risk of breast cancer and lower risk of heart disease.

Dr. Mok became interested in preventive medicine while working as an emergency room doctor, recognizing that many of his patients conditions could have been avoided. His medical career has now taken him on a path to help patients live their best lives, and for many this approach has been life-changing.

Dr. Mok will launch his book with a lecture, followed by a party, at 6 p.m. March 2 at Allure Medical Spa, 8180 26 Mile Road, Shelby Township.

The event is free to the public and all attendees will receive a copy of the book. RSVP by calling 586-992-8300 or emailing

Source: CKC Agency

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Area doctor to launch book on women's health during menopause - Southgate News Herald

Mount Tam With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump’s New FDA – ValueWalk

Mount Tam With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump's New FDA
In spite of this, medicine is still based on the old disease model. Doctors wait for a disease to appear and then treat it. Regulators approve drugs to help treat full-blown diseases. This needs to change. But the move from a disease cure to a disease ...

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Mount Tam With Anti-Aging Drug Is Secretly Preparing For Trump's New FDA - ValueWalk

Leading Integrative Medicine Institute Reveals the Single Unifying Cause of All Disease – Yahoo Finance

CHICAGO, Feb. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- In physics the search goes on to find the one unified theory of how all forces in the universe originate from a single field, a single unifying force. Einstein sought after the "theory of everything" until his death but never found it. What if there is a grand unified theory of how all disease begins? Dr. Keith Nemec, the director of Total Health Institute, an alternative and integrative medical facility in Chicago and a graduate of University of South Florida's Morsani College of Medicine, believes that this unifying cause of all disease is inflammation at the cellular level.

Dr. Nemec has begun his preparatory Ph.D. research in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine focusing on the underlying cause of health and disease. According to Dr. Nemec, "All disease starts with cellular inflammation. Whether you have cancer, heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, autoimmune disease or Alzheimer's, it all starts with inflammation at the cellular level which leads to either early cell death translating into specific organ or gland disease or into cancer stem cell stimulation which fuels cancer cell growth and metastasis."

Dr. Nemec explains that disease cannot be resolved by looking at the disease and trying to cure it, but by looking at the environment that allows all disease to form and changing that instead. According to Dr. Nemec, "If you put garbage on your driveway it will attract flies. If you want to get rid of the flies how many cans of insecticide will you need? The answer is infinite because no matter how many flies you kill more will come because you have an environment (the garbage) that enables them to grow. When you change the environment (get rid of the garbage) the flies will be gone and so will the disease, all disease."

Dr. Nemec states, "All cells need four basic elements to live and thrive. Oxygen in, water in, food in and waste products out. If these are done on a timely basis the cells will live very long. The human body was designed by God to live well over a hundred years in health but this can only be achieved when these four elements are efficiently maintained. If there is a breakdown of any of these four at the cellular level, this is when inflammation, the precursor to all disease, begins."

Dr. Nemec's vision is catching on as people are traveling from around the globe to Total Health Institute to change their cellular environment with the Institute's treatment and teaching programs.

Dr. Nemec is an author, and lecturer in the field of diet and nutritional medicine. Dr. Nemec is a board-certified diplomate of American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners. This is a certification program of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Keith Nemec also holds his fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy through American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Dr. Nemec can be contacted through the Total Health Institute's website

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Leading Integrative Medicine Institute Reveals the Single Unifying Cause of All Disease - Yahoo Finance

Life Extension Science Live Forever and Don’t Pay Taxes – Nanalyze

They say there are only two things in life you cant avoid taxes and death. For our U.S. readers, you can actually avoid taxes by staying out of the country for 335 days or more. Its called a Foreign Earned Income Exclusionand it gives you about100K in tax-free income every single year. Youre welcome. As for death, we cant tell you how to avoid that yet but were going to let you know when that nut gets cracked becauselife extension science is the hip thing for billionaires to invest in at the moment.

In an article last year, we touched on the topic of aging which is an easier theme to discuss than death, but we didnt quite get into the bigger picture of extending life. There is actually a field on extending life called life extension science in which anti-aging is one of just many broad themes. Life extension sciencecomes in many names such as anti-aging medicine, experimental gerontology, biomedical gerontology, and indefinite life extension. Heres the textbook definition:

Life extension science is the study of reversing or slowing down the processes of aging to extend the average or maximum lifespan.

According to Zion Market Research, the global demand for the anti-aging marketwas valued at $140.3 billion in 2015, and is expected to reach $216.52 billion by 2021. Medical experts, however, declared that the use of these products has not proven to have any effect on the aging process, a reason medical practitioners do not want to equate life extension science to the anti-aging industry identified closely with cosmetics and dermatology.

There seem to be two major schools of thoughts on dealing with prolonging life expectancy: life prior to death and life after clinical death. Life prior to death seem to have the most investment support, probably because its easier to invest in andwrite a check yourself while youre still alive. There are many ways to approach life extension including the following:

Curing age-related diseases or attacking the root cause of aging seem to hold the most promise because of the recent advances in genetics. Curing cancer is still in the detection and diagnostic era with a real cure still years to go. There will likely never be a single cure for cancer, but many different advancements such as earlier detection which reduces the mortality rate by up to 90% for some cancers. In the future, your smart toilet will read your urine in the morning and detect the cancer while your smart smoothie maker will automatically mixin aproper prescription so that by the time you get to work fire up your virtual reality simulator, youll be cured.

Digging deeper into nanotechnology, cloning, genetic modification, and SENS, you will realize, it is all about attacking the challenge of aging at the molecular or cellular level. (The exception is cyborg technology where you replace partly or wholly the human body with robotic technology). Were going to just dive right into 7 companies that are attacking the root cause of aging.

We last wrote about Human Longevity (HLI)in April of last year when they officially became a unicorn after taking in a $220 million Series B round bringing their total funding to $300 million. Last month they hired Cynthia Collins as their new Chief Executive Officer replacing Craig Venter, Ph.D., Co-founder and former CEO, who will remain at HLI as Executive Chairman and will continue to guide scientific vision and strategy. HLI unveiled their genome search engine last October 2016, in which they were exploringindividual human genomes in great detail. At that time, they had already sequenced 10,545 human genomesand went on to state:

The 10,545 human genomes are part of the HLIs database, which currently contains more than 30,000 high-quality genomic and phenotypic integrated health records. HLIs goal is to have one million integrated health records in the database by 2020.

With $300 million, theyre well on their way to building the worlds largest and most comprehensive database of whole genome, phenotype and clinical data.

Just last month, Google Alphabet took in a whopping $800 million investment into their life sciences branch Verily which makes us feel better about the fact that we havent heard squat lately from Calico. We first discussed theCalifornia Life Company (Calico) back in 2014 and since then this stealth mode startup has murmured very little about what they are doing with the staggering $1.5 billion in funding they have on hand. Since Larry Page of Google, its main advocate, is more driven by the technical challenge of solving the mysteries of ROI rather than aging, informing the public of Calicos progress isnt really on the top of his agenda.

One interesting anti-aginglife extension science company we covered before wasElysium Health. Unfortunately,the only news this startup is turning out lately isbad news. The only supplier of the two key ingredients (pterostilbene and nicotinamide riboside) in Elysiums anti-aging pill, Basis, just filed a lawsuit against Elysium this January 2017, for failing to make payments and for breach of royalties and trademark agreements. Added to this is a growing public criticism of Elysiums general marketing campaign which consumers believe ismisleading. Apparently, Basis which seem to be the only unique value proposition for Elysium is not the only company marketing pills containing the key ingredients pterostilbene and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). ChromaDex, Elysiums only supplier of these ingredients, is also a supplier (probably the only supplier) of these same ingredients to dozens of other anti-aging brands under the trademark NIAGEN. Since they have 30 of the worlds top scientists on staff they should be able to think of a wayto clean this mess up.

Unity Biotechnology, Inc., a startup incorporated in 2009, is in the business of preventing, reversing, and halting the various diseases attributed to aging by working on senescent cells. Heres how they describe it:

Cellular senescence is a biological emergency brake cells use to stop dividing. Its an important anti-tumor mechanism, because it prevents cells from multiplying out of control. But after this brake has been pulled, senescent cells remain in the body, accumulating with age. And unlike normal cells, these cells secrete inflammatory molecules that harm neighboring cellsand tissues

And heres their pipeline:

The Company completed a Series B funding of $116 millionin October 2016 so they have plenty of funds to execute. Not surprisingly,Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPalis an investor alongside some big names like Fidelity, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Paul Allen of Microsoft.

SENS Research Foundation or Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation is not actually a business startup but a 501(c)(3) public charity founded in 2009 by Aubrey de Grey. Peter Thielputs in $600,000 a year, while its founder and chief science officer, Aubrey de Grey, provides $5 million annually for this research foundation. SENS Foundations research emphasizes the use of regenerative medicine to age-related disease, with the intention of repairing damage to our bodys tissues, cells, and molecular processes.

Speaking of Peter Thiel, we all know whathes been up to and it makes some people question just how groundedthe man really is. Hes all over the news because of something thats downright uncomfortable for us to think about. Thats right, Peter Thiel is said to be thinking about getting blood transfusions from young men to help stop the effects of aging. Its a life extension science called parabiosis which is currently being investigated by at least two startups.

Mr. Thiel presently sits on the board of a startup called Alkahest which is studying the effects of parabiosis. $4.5 billion Spanish plasma company Grifols (NASDAQ:GRFS) owns 45% of the Company so theres a way for retail investors to get a bit of exposure. Theyre operating in stealth mode so not a lotof information available except for recent news that they appointed a Chief Medical Officer.

Alkahest isnt the only startupexploring parabiosis. According to an article by Vice Magazine, a Silicon Valley company called Ambrosia is working on human clinical trials. They charge $8,000 for the privilege of participating in the study and apparently at least 600 people signed up.Sounds like those young bloodshave something to offer us after all.

So there weve given you 7solid companies looking to extend your life span. Maybe you should slap some dollars in a robo-advisor like Betterment just in case you live to be 130 because soon thats going to happen. Of course this opens up a whole can of worms about sustainability of our planet. For those of you who are going to be nice and just die so the rest of us can live longer with more resources, we will still hook you up.

There are those who believe the possibility of life after you are clinically dead. These are advocates who put up companies that build facilities for cryonics and for uploading your mind into some machine. Mind uploading is an exciting space to explore because of the possible merging of current technologies such as brain activity mapping, AI, BCI, and machine learning. Still, there are companies catering to those who simply believe in being remembered and having a purpose even after death such as Bios for its environmentally friendly burial urns and Capsula Mundi for its burial pods. That whole mind uploading thing sounds amazing so we may have to cover that in a future article. Stay tuned and enjoy all those tax-free $$$.

Looking to buy shares in companies before they IPO?A company called Motif Investing lets you buy pre-IPO shares in companies that are led by JP Morgan. You can open an account with Motif with no deposit required so that you are ready to buy pre-IPO shares when they are offered.

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Life Extension Science Live Forever and Don't Pay Taxes - Nanalyze

Stem Cells Extracted from Human Fat Could be Used in Future Anti-Aging Treatments – Longevity LIVE

A research team from thePerelman School of Medicine, Universityof Pennsylvania could be onto the next potential anti-aging breakthrough.A study they did, provedthat stem cells extracted from human fat cells could be effective in future anti-aging treatments.

In time, our bodys cells start to lose their regenerative capacity. This largely contributes to our natural ageing process. Stem cells have the potential to slow down or reverse this process, as they have the ability to regenerate and repair our cells. Currently, scientists are already using stem cells in a variety of anti-aging treatments.

FAST FACT: After years of research. Scientists now know that this is due to the shorteningof your DNAs telomeres, which are yourvitality blueprint, and they key to good health and beauty.Ifyou interested in learning more about your telomeres and how you age, follow this link.

The stem cells currently used in anti-aging treatments are usually collected from different tissues found in the adult body. However, this recently published study provesthat adult stem cells collected directly from human fat, called adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), could be more effective

ASCs producemore proteins than they were originally thought to. This is important because it gives them the ability to hold their integrity when they replicate. Unlike most of your other cells.

Ivona Percec, MD, is the director of Basic Science Research in the Center for Human Appearance as well as this studys lead author. She shares the following, Our study shows these cells are very robust, even when they are collected from older patients.

Unlike other adult human stem cells, ASCs continue to replicate at the same pace throughout your entire life. Not only does it benefit possible future anti-aging treatments. But also to help scientists better understand and study natural aging.

As ASCs help regenerate your body from a cellularlevel. They can also open the door to possible help with the prevention or treatment of age-related diseases. This includes conditions such as Alzheimers, arthritis, type II diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Currently, scientists still need to do a lot more research and tests in order to prove the efficacy of ASCs. In order for FDA approval. We look forward to seeing what progress they make throughout theyear.

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Stem Cells Extracted from Human Fat Could be Used in Future Anti-Aging Treatments - Longevity LIVE

Metro MediSpa’s Testosterone Therapy Benefits Men’s Hearts – Satellite PR News (press release)

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WILMINGTON, NC, February 15, 2017 Testosterone therapy has now been shown to be beneficial for older men knocking down the long-held assertion that it was detrimental to their hearts. Men can now regain their youthful vitality and ease the symptoms that accompany low testosterone levels.

What is Testosterone Therapy?

Hypogonadism is a disease in which the body is unable to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or with the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. The symptoms of low testosterone include: loss of bone density and muscle mass, increased body fat, osteoporosis, diminished sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, anemia, frailty, depression, and coronary disease. Testosterone therapy is a way for men to improve the signs and symptoms of this disease. By opting for testosterone therapy, men can increase the amount of testosterone in their body up to sufficient levels.

Is it harmful to heart patients?

In the past, it was assumed that testosterone therapy posed potential health risks to men, like heart attacks and strokes. However, this is not true according to the latest research. The researchers at Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute have presented a new study which deduces that testosterone therapy can help heart patients a great deal. The study shows that heart patients given testosterone therapy showed much better results than the patients not receiving the treatment.

The study further claims that the notion that testosterone therapy increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes is not correct. It discovered that heart patients who did not receive any testosterone therapy were 80% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than the ones who received the therapy.

How was the study conducted?

The study involved 755 male patients suffering from heart disease ranging in age from 58 to 78, and tested the patients in groups of three. Each group was given testosterone therapy in the form of a gel or by injections, and their heart conditions were monitored for possible effects.

The results of this study are a significant leap in medical history. It concludes that contrary to the popular belief that testosterone therapy harms a mans heart, the use of this therapy can be improved or prevent heart disease. This study will help define further medical strategies related to heart conditions and problems. Now older men with low testosterone levels can be treated without fear of causing heart problems and allow them to continue active lifestyles.

Overall, our study suggests that what is best for mens health is to keep testosterone levels balanced and within a normal range, said Dr. Connie Odom.

ABOUT METRO MEDISPA Owned and operated by Connie Odom, M.D., Board Certified Anesthesiologist and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Certified Physician. Metro MediSpa has changed the way cosmetic procedures are performed by introducing the first medically directed mobile spa in the Southeast.

Through anti-aging medicine along with advanced cosmetic treatments, our experienced team of medical professionals is committed to bring the beauty of an improved appearance and an inner age defying wellness to all.

Motivated by the belief that health and wellness affects all areas of ones life and having the knowledge in safe and effective cosmetic treatments, the staff at Metro Medispa can help people correct imperfections that had become uncomfortably noticeable.

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A new study shows that testosterone therapy reduces heart attacks in older men with heart disease.

WILMINGTON, NC, February 15, 2017 Testosterone therapy has now been shown to be beneficial for older men knocking down the long-held assertion that it was detrimental to their hearts. Men can now regain their youthful vitality and ease the symptoms that accompany low testosterone levels.

What is Testosterone Therapy?

Hypogonadism is a disease in which the body is unable to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or with the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. The symptoms of low testosterone include: loss of bone density and muscle mass, increased body fat, osteoporosis, diminished sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, anemia, frailty, depression, and coronary disease. Testosterone therapy is a way for men to improve the signs and symptoms of this disease. By opting for testosterone therapy, men can increase the amount of testosterone in their body up to sufficient levels.

Is it harmful to heart patients?

In the past, it was assumed that testosterone therapy posed potential health risks to men, like heart attacks and strokes. However, this is not true according to the latest research. The researchers at Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute have presented a new study which deduces that testosterone therapy can help heart patients a great deal. The study shows that heart patients given testosterone therapy showed much better results than the patients not receiving the treatment.

The study further claims that the notion that testosterone therapy increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes is not correct. It discovered that heart patients who did not receive any testosterone therapy were 80% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than the ones who received the therapy.

How was the study conducted?

The study involved 755 male patients suffering from heart disease ranging in age from 58 to 78, and tested the patients in groups of three. Each group was given testosterone therapy in the form of a gel or by injections, and their heart conditions were monitored for possible effects.

The results of this study are a significant leap in medical history. It concludes that contrary to the popular belief that testosterone therapy harms a mans heart, the use of this therapy can be improved or prevent heart disease. This study will help define further medical strategies related to heart conditions and problems. Now older men with low testosterone levels can be treated without fear of causing heart problems and allow them to continue active lifestyles.

Overall, our study suggests that what is best for mens health is to keep testosterone levels balanced and within a normal range, said Dr. Connie Odom.

ABOUT METRO MEDISPA Owned and operated by Connie Odom, M.D., Board Certified Anesthesiologist and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Certified Physician. Metro MediSpa has changed the way cosmetic procedures are performed by introducing the first medically directed mobile spa in the Southeast.

Through anti-aging medicine along with advanced cosmetic treatments, our experienced team of medical professionals is committed to bring the beauty of an improved appearance and an inner age defying wellness to all.

Motivated by the belief that health and wellness affects all areas of ones life and having the knowledge in safe and effective cosmetic treatments, the staff at Metro Medispa can help people correct imperfections that had become uncomfortably noticeable.

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Original post:
Metro MediSpa's Testosterone Therapy Benefits Men's Hearts - Satellite PR News (press release)

Consider this great new filler – Palm Beach Post

Question: What is the latest filler option?

Answer: The newest filler on the market is called Juvaderm Voluma XC, and it restores volume that is lost in the mid-face area. The mid-face loses volume with age, making the face appear droopy and accentuating the nasolabial lines and jowls.

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Daniela Dadurian, M.D., specializes in anti-aging medicine and is an expert in non-surgical body-contouring techniques. She received her medical degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine and has traveled the world researching the safest and latest technologies on the market.


MD Beauty Labs Medical Spa and Wellness Center

320 S. Quadrille Blvd. West Palm Beach

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Original post:
Consider this great new filler - Palm Beach Post