Spring’s Anti-Aging Foods – AARP News


Sworn beet haters take notice. This ruby gem boasts so many healthy benefits, it absolutely has to find a way into your shopping cart, whether or not you like its earthy flavor. A fiber-rich food, beets contain an animo acid called betaine that can help lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of inflammation, and help prevent and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. Win-win-win. When it comes to aging, beets contain powerful antioxidants that help keep skin supple and youthful and carotenoids that can ward off the macular degeneration that occurs as you grow older.


Asparagus not only boosts heart health, thanks to its vitamin K (which prevents blood clots), but this succulent vegetable also contains a special antioxidant called glutathione thats believed to help slow down the aging process. Whats more, the veggies other key vitamins, B9 and B12, may help ward off cognitive decline. Indeed, a study from Tufts University found that older adults with higher levels of folate and B12 which is harder to absorb as you age performed better on cognitive tests than those with lower levels. If that werent enough, asparagus is also rich in lycopene, which has been found to protect the prostate and help lower the risk of prostate cancer.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which actually gets its name from the classic vegetable. The body converts this beta-carotene into vitamin A, which in carrots is called retinol, an ingredient found in many antiaging creams. Along with being good for your skin and hair, vitamin A helps support your immune system, preserves good vision and may help fight cancer.

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Spring's Anti-Aging Foods - AARP News

Hormone Therapy Clinic | Human Growth Hormone …

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones are a key part of the way your body functions.They are the chemical messengers secreted by the many glands of the endocrine system. Some of the most important hormones are: testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, human growth hormone, estrogen, and the thyroid hormones. The production and secretion of these crucial hormones all decrease over time, leading to the difficulties and conditions we normally relate to ageing. Hormone Replacement Therapies are all about renewing vitality by giving you back what age takes away. Read More

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men. Many of the conditions that you think are just normal signs of aging slower metabolism, gaining weight, feeling tired, feeling moody, and memory issues may actually be due to low testosterone. In addition, while many factors other than age from diet to stress, to sleep can all affect your sex drive or libido, the drop in testosterone that occurs as men age, is often the cause of sexual wellness issues. Read More

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Hormone Therapy Clinic | Human Growth Hormone ...

R-Japan Leads Japan’s Regenerative Medicine Technology with Korean Autologous Fat Stem Cell Culture Technology – Yahoo Finance


R-Japan, an affiliated company of Nature Cell (007390.KQ), announced its business performance for 2016.

In 2016 R-Japan cultured and supplied a total of 1,055.9 billion stem cells for 5 affiliated hospitals including Nishihara Clinic. The company conducted regenerative medical treatment more than 3,500 times and achieved sales of KRW10.4 billion as well as the ordinary profit of KRW1.6 billion.

The patients who received the regenerative medical treatment with stem cells supplied by R-Japan did not have any side effects. This performance of the medical treatment for the past 1 year has been officially reported to Japans Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Moreover, the medical treatments effects regarding degenerative arthritis, critical limb ischemia, autoimmune disease and skin care have been gradually acknowledged. R-Japan reported the number of medical treatments for degenerative arthritis exceeded 650 and the satisfaction regarding its therapeutic effect was very high.

R-Japan is promoting the expansion of affiliated medical institutions in 27 regions including Hokkaido, Kansai, Kyushu, etc., expecting the earnest activation of the stem cell regenerative medical treatment in 2017. Moreover, the company is planning to expand the area of medical treatment to anti-aging and Alzheimers disease. The company expects to perform regenerative medical treatment more than 5,000 times and supply cells which will be worth more than 1.5 trillion won for this year.

From this March, production processes will be allocated to Nature Cell and the affiliated company R Bio, which received permission for manufacturing from Japans Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Japan BioStar Stemcell Research Institute (Director:Jeong-chan Ra) will be established in the KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster.


R-JAPAN Co., Ltd. is the advanced biotechnology company specialized in manufacturing mesenchymal stem cells regenerative therapy with stem cell technology of Biostar Stem cell Research Institute in Korea. R-Japans proprietary technology is to isolate, multiply, and store adult mesenchymal stem cells with ensuring genetic integrity. R-Japan currently cultures approximately 1,000 cases per month and has been evaluated by many medical institutions. As a result, R-Japan has been cultured 5,860 billion cells for 24,293 patients since stem cell processing facility was operated.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170303005202/en/

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R-Japan Leads Japan's Regenerative Medicine Technology with Korean Autologous Fat Stem Cell Culture Technology - Yahoo Finance

Testosterone gel shows no benefit for older men’s memories – The Ledger

By Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press

CHICAGO Testosterone treatment did not improve older men's memory or mental function in the latest results from landmark government research that challenges the anti-aging claims of popular supplements.

While testosterone use for one year appeared to strengthen bones and reduce anemia, it also showed signs of worsening artery disease and questions remain about other potential risks. The researchers said more studies are needed to determine long-term effects the kind of research the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already asked supplement makers to conduct.

"I don't think anybody would interpret these results as saying, 'Wow, this is a fountain of youth, this is a magical anti-aging potion,'" said study co-author Susan Ellenberg, a University of Pennsylvania researcher.

The results are from the final four studies in a seven-part project mostly funded by the National Institute on Aging, involving nearly 800 U.S. men aged 65 and older with low testosterone levels. The goal was to see if rubbing testosterone gel on the skin daily for a year could treat problems linked with low levels of the male hormone, which declines with age. Half the men in each group used the real thing and half used fake gel.

Results published a year ago from the same research linked testosterone with mostly modest improvement in sexual performance, walking strength and mood.

The key new findings:

Testosterone had no effect on memory or mental function, based on tests given before, halfway and at the end of treatment to nearly 500 men with age-related memory decline.

Among almost 140 men who underwent heart artery imaging tests to see if the hormone slowed progression of plaque, those who used testosterone had more plaque buildup and narrower arteries after a year than the fake gel group. Those changes could signal increased chances for heart attacks although none occurred in the study. Men in this sub-study were already more vulnerable for heart problems because of conditions including artery disease, obesity and high blood pressure.

Among about 200 men given bone imaging tests before and at the end of treatment, those on testosterone showed increases in bone density and strength, especially in the spine, while minimal changes were found in the group that used fake gel. The improvement was similar to bone changes seen with treatment for osteoporosis, although most men studied did not have that bone-thinning condition, which can lead to fractures.

Among 126 men with anemia, a fatigue-linked condition involving inadequate red blood cells, those on testosterone showed substantial improvement. By the study's end, anemia had vanished in almost 60 percent of men on testosterone compared with 22 percent of the fake gel group. The hormone group also reported having more energy. "The overall health benefits, however, remain to be determined," the researchers said.

The studies were published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association and JAMA Internal Medicine. AbbVie Pharmaceuticals provided its gel for the study and helped pay for the research but had no other role in the study.

The research was not designed to look at risks and does not apply to younger men or those with normal levels of testosterone, said study leader Dr. Peter Snyder, a University of Pennsylvania hormone specialist. It's also not known if other forms of testosterone supplements would have similar effects in older men with low levels.

Prescription testosterone products including gel are approved only for men with low levels of the hormones caused by various medical conditions. Benefits and risks are unknown in men whose levels are low due only to aging, the FDA says. The agency requires testosterone labels to include possible risks for heart attacks and strokes, based on some previous studies.

A separate study published Tuesday in JAMA Internal Medicine found that men using prescription testosterone gel, patches or injections had fewer heart attacks and strokes during about three years of follow-up than non-users. But this was only observational data in men aged 40 and up, not rigorous research testing the hormone against a placebo.

Clarifying testosterone's effects on heart problems, fractures and age-related disability will require larger, longer studies, said Dr. Evan Hadley of the National Institute on Aging. He said decisions about whether to use testosterone should take into account men's individual risks for conditions the hormone could affect.



National Institute on Aging: http://www.nia.nih.gov

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Testosterone gel shows no benefit for older men's memories - The Ledger

Testosterone gel shows no benefit for older men’s memories – WCBI

CHICAGO (AP) Testosterone treatment did not improve older mens memory or mental function in the latest results from landmark government research that challenges the anti-aging claims of popular supplements.

While testosterone use for one year appeared to strengthen bones and reduce anemia, it also showed signs of worsening artery disease and questions remain about other potential risks. The researchers said more studies are needed to determine long-term effects the kind of research the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already asked supplement makers to conduct.

I dont think anybody would interpret these results as saying, Wow, this is a fountain of youth, this is a magical anti-aging potion,' said study co-author Susan Ellenberg, a University of Pennsylvania researcher.

The results are from the final four studies in a seven-part project mostly funded by the National Institute on Aging, involving nearly 800 U.S. men aged 65 and older with low testosterone levels. The goal was to see if rubbing testosterone gel on the skin daily for a year could treat problems linked with low levels of the male hormone, which declines with age. Half the men in each group used the real thing and half used fake gel.

Results published a year ago from the same research linked testosterone with mostly modest improvement in sexual performance, walking strength and mood.

The key new findings:

Testosterone had no effect on memory or mental function, based on tests given before, halfway and at the end of treatment to nearly 500 men with age-related memory decline.

Among almost 140 men who underwent heart artery imaging tests to see if the hormone slowed progression of plaque, those who used testosterone had more plaque buildup and narrower arteries after a year than the fake gel group. Those changes could signal increased chances for heart attacks although none occurred in the study. Men in this sub-study were already more vulnerable for heart problems because of conditions including artery disease, obesity and high blood pressure.

Among about 200 men given bone imaging tests before and at the end of treatment, those on testosterone showed increases in bone density and strength, especially in the spine, while minimal changes were found in the group that used fake gel. The improvement was similar to bone changes seen with treatment for osteoporosis, although most men studied did not have that bone-thinning condition, which can lead to fractures.

Among 126 men with anemia, a fatigue-linked condition involving inadequate red blood cells, those on testosterone showed substantial improvement. By the studys end, anemia had vanished in almost 60 percent of men on testosterone compared with 22 percent of the fake gel group. The hormone group also reported having more energy. The overall health benefits, however, remain to be determined, the researchers said.

The studies were published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association and JAMA Internal Medicine. AbbVie Pharmaceuticals provided its gel for the study and helped pay for the research but had no other role in the study.

The research was not designed to look at risks and does not apply to younger men or those with normal levels of testosterone, said study leader Dr. Peter Snyder, a University of Pennsylvania hormone specialist. Its also not known if other forms of testosterone supplements would have similar effects in older men with low levels.

Prescription testosterone products including gel are approved only for men with low levels of the hormones caused by various medical conditions. Benefits and risks are unknown in men whose levels are low due only to aging, the FDA says. The agency requires testosterone labels to include possible risks for heart attacks and strokes, based on some previous studies.

A separate study published Tuesday in JAMA Internal Medicine found that men using prescription testosterone gel, patches or injections had fewer heart attacks and strokes during about three years of follow-up than non-users. But this was only observational data in men aged 40 and up, not rigorous research testing the hormone against a placebo.

Clarifying testosterones effects on heart problems, fractures and age-related disability will require larger, longer studies, said Dr. Evan Hadley of the National Institute on Aging. He said decisions about whether to use testosterone should take into account mens individual risks for conditions the hormone could affect.



National Institute on Aging: http://www.nia.nih.gov


Follow AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner at http://www.twitter.com/LindseyTanner. Her work can be found at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/lindsey-tanner

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Testosterone gel shows no benefit for older men's memories - WCBI

Alzheimer’s Disease May be Triggered by Calcium Imbalance – Anti Aging News

Scientific research shows that an imbalance of calcium within brain cells has the potential to cause Alzheimer's disease. It appears as though this imbalance catalyzes the neurodegenerative process. Of particular importance are the mitochondria within brain cells. Mitochondria, often called the "powerhouse of the cell" are tiny structures that turn energy derived from food into fuel for cells. The mitochondria of brain cells have calcium ions that control the amount of energy produced for brain functionality.

About the Research

Pooja Jadiya led the research. He is a postdoctoral fellow that Temple University. The study was performed by Jadiya and a team of researchers at Temple's Center for Translational Medicine. Their findings were publicized in New Orleans, Louisiana at the 61st Meeting of the Biophysical Society.

How the Research was Performed

Jadiya and his team analyzed brain samples taken from Alzheimer's patients as well as a mouse model that was genetically altered to simulate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. A mutant cell line with Alzheimer's was also included in the study. Jadiya's team studied mitochondrial changes in the context of calcium processing along with the generation of reactive oxygen species, cell death, membrane potential and the metabolism of an active amyloid protein.

Healthy brains have calcium ions that depart neuron mitochondria to avoid an excessive buildup. The protein transporter known as the mitochondrial sodium-calcium exchanger makes this process possible. Jadiya's research team found that sodium-calcium exchanger levels were egregiously low in tissue affected by Alzheimer's disease. The protein was so low that it proved quite challenging to pinpoint. Jadiya hypothesized this phenomenon would spur an abundance of reactive oxygen species, which would result in a hastening of neurodegeneration. Also known as ROS, reactive oxygen species are molecules that can harm proteins, DNA and lipids when present in high levels. The result is oxidative stress.

Alzheimer's Progression Partially Hinges on the Sodium-Calcium Protein Exchanger

Jadiya's research team found a correlation between heightened neuronal death and minimized sodium-calcium exchanger activity. Mouse model data shows that the gene responsible for encoding the exchanger was much less active ahead of the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Reduced activity in this gene's expression is additional evidence that the protein exchanger plays a vital role in the disease's advancement.

The team of scientists studied this mechanism in a cell culture model affected by Alzheimer's disease by forcing heightened exchanger levels. As predicted, the affected cells recovered to the extent that they were almost indistinguishable from healthy cells. It is also worth noting that as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels heightened, ROS levels fell and fewer neurons died. Biologists view ATP as the energy currency for life, as the body requires it for every single activity it performs.

Why the Research Matters

Previous studies showed that an abundance of calcium spurs the death of neurons. This means there is a link between an imbalance of calcium and the neurodegenerative process that occurs when Alzheimer's disease sets in. The study outlined above is the first evidence of an exact mechanism linking mitochondrial calcium imbalance to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. This research was the first to use the array of model systems described above.

The research might set the stage for additional treatment options. The research team is now working to reverse the neurodegeneration of Alzheimer's disease by working on mouse models. They are stimulating the gene expression responsible for encoding the sodium-calcium exhanger. Such a stimulation could be accomplished with gene therapy or new drugs. The hope is that an alteration in the exchanger's activity or expression level will serve as an effective therapy that prevents the onset of Alzheimer's.

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Alzheimer's Disease May be Triggered by Calcium Imbalance - Anti Aging News

New Powerbeats wireless headphones appear to be on the way – Yahoo Lifestyle

It's been years since Apple and Beats introduced the Powerbeats3, a $200 set of wireless headphones with ear hooks and a cable connecting the two earpieces together. Since then, Beats released the excellent, totally wireless Powerbeats Pro, but it looks like the company is readying a successor to the older model. A recent FCC filing for Apple shows off a paid of headphones that bears a striking resemblance to the Powerbeats 3, complete with a similar ear hook design and connecting cable.

Given that 9to5Mac discovered references to a "Powerbeats4" model in iOS 13 code back in December, it sounds like these new headphones will indeed be the successor to the Powerbeats3, which came out more than three years ago now. As for what might be new here, the Powerbeats 4 will probably include Apple's latest H1 chip and "Hey Siri" support, just like the Powerbeats Pro and the two current models of AirPods.

If history is any indication, these headphones will be priced at $200, $50 less than the Powerbeats Pro. But the Pro can often be found on sale for less than its $250 price point, so unless you prefer having a cable connecting your headphones, the Powerbeats Pro still might be the best option for most people. Of course, we'll have to wait until we hear them and find out more details, like battery life, before rendering final judgement. Given the FCC posting, we shouldn't have to wait too long to get the full details. We've reached out to apple to see if the company has any comment and will update this post if we hear anything.

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New Powerbeats wireless headphones appear to be on the way - Yahoo Lifestyle

Anti-aging medicine is so hot even this controversial idea …

What if aging didnt have to suck?

Thats the slogan of a new Harvard University spinout that plans to put millions behind a hotly disputed rejuvenation discovery.

Harvard Stem Cell Institute

The startup, Elevian, which is based in San Francisco, says it intends to explore whether daily injections of a protein called GDF11 can promote the bodys ability to restore itself and eventually treat conditions including coronary artery disease, Alzheimers, and the muscle-loss condition sarcopenia.

The company builds on research findings several years ago that if the bloodstreams of young and old mice are connected together, it seems to rejuvenate the older ones.

A cofounder of Elevian, Harvard biologist Amy Wagers, later concluded that a protein, GDF11, was the key rejuvenating factor in young animals blood that produced the effect.

Whats more, she and other Harvard researchers said levels of the protein declined in older people, suggesting that boosting it could counter some effects of aging.

Wagerss discoveries drew wide interest, but when large drug companies tried to replicate the research, they couldnt. In a 2015 study, for example, scientists at Novartis found that GDF11 levels do not fall with age and that the protein actually inhibits rather than promotes muscle regeneration.

"At this stage, there is general agreement that based on published literature, theres not a compelling case for GDF11 to be a rejuvenating factor for injured or aging skeletal muscle, says Nathan LeBrasseur, an associate professor and director of a program on healthy aging and independent living at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Sebastiaan ter Burg | Flickr

The company says it will soon present new data that back up the drug idea and will put doubters to rest. In addition to Wagers, the scientific founders of Elevian include Harvard biologists Lee Rubin and Rich Lee.

We have overcome that concern to our satisfaction and the satisfaction of our investors, says Mark Allen, a health-care software entrepreneur who is the CEO of Elevian. We hope to convince the broader scientific world.

Elevian said today it has raised $5.5 million in seed funding. The round was led by Bold Capital, the investment firm of Peter Diamandis, a futurist whose resume includes creating the X Prize Foundation and Singularity University.

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Anti-aging medicine is so hot even this controversial idea ...

White Lotus Products Available on CompleteBeautyStore.com – Benzinga

White Lotus, a company known for its products that adhere to the principles of ancient Chinese medicine to provide anti-aging solutions, announced its products are now ready to be ordered from CompleteBeautyStore.com.

Boca Raton (PRWEB) August 29, 2017

White Lotus, a company known for its products that adhere to the principles of ancient Chinese medicine to provide anti-aging solutions, announced its products are now ready to be ordered from CompleteBeautyStore.com.

The company focuses on producing and distributing holistic anti-aging products. Founded in 2007, White Lotus is different from mainstream beauty companies in that its products are all based on principles of ancient Eastern medicine. Anthony and Kamila Kingston started the Australia-based company after traveling around the world to learn about Chinese medicine. The company's products are now on specialty beauty sites as well as major retail platforms like Amazon.com and Jet.com.

"We're excited to announce White Lotus products will be available from CompleteBeautyStore.com," said Anthony Kingston. "As we focus on expanding our reach in the US market, we want to make our products available to all consumers. White Lotus offers a unique approach in the crowded beauty and cosmetics sector by offering holistic anti-aging solutions that have stood the test of time."

White Lotus is filling a demand in the market for Chinese medicine and acupuncture products. These are designed to enhance skin health, resolve chronic pain problems, prevent hair loss, and eliminate signs of aging such as scars, marks, and wrinkles. The company has developed a reputation for holding impeccable standards of research and testing of its products. Therefore, it can deliver on its promise to provide users with healthier, smoother skin.

White Lotus has a popular line of anti-aging serums. These products are designed to remove aging signs such as cellulite and stretch marks. The jade product line is also popular and gaining traction in the US market. For instance, the jade roller improves lymphatic drainage, skin smoothness and microcirculation, offering users the kind of luxury and relaxation typically reserved for people who come to one of Australia's White Lotus clinics.

"It's our goal to introduce more customers to tried-and-true Eastern principles of skin care," said Kingston. "This new partnership with CompleteBeautyStore.com will help us reach a broader audience."

For more information about White Lotus and its products, visit http://www.whitelotusantiaging.com.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2017/08/prweb14635833.htm

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White Lotus Products Available on CompleteBeautyStore.com - Benzinga

David Steenblock Offers Beauty, Anti-Aging and Wellness in One Therapy – GlobeNewswire (press release)

August 09, 2017 07:37 ET | Source: David Steenblock, D.O. Inc.

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., Aug. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David Steenblock, an osteopathic physician based in San Clemente, CA, uses a 30-minute therapy that enhances a bodys detoxification from pathogens, metals and chemicals. More significantly, hes able to offer beauty, anti-aging and wellness all in one therapy.

The therapy is called HOCATT, and its all part of premier technology offered at his San Clemente based Personalized Rejuvenative Medicine Clinic. HOCATT amazingly provides health, wellness and beauty all in one treatment, through a multi-modality health device that provides up to 10 effective therapies without stepping out of the unit.

It looks and almost feels like a steam bath.

HOCATT enhances beauty, by helping to eliminate cellulite in legs, and making skin feel much younger, firmer, and beautiful. And, its been shown that men and women of all ages feel increased energy, physical and sexual stamina, and enhanced mental clarity and stress reduction.

HOCATT is available at Personalized Rejuvenative Medicine at the offices at Dr. David Steenblock. Dr. David is a leading-edge physician in many fields of medicine, from stroke care, to acute brain trauma, to generative and cell-based medicine in the treatment of ALS, Cerebral Palsy and other chronic and degenerative diseases.

For more information about Dr. David Steenblocks work in anti aging and stem cell therapies, visit http://www.stemcellmd.org.

David Steenblock, D.O. Inc.

San Clemente, California, UNITED STATES

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David Steenblock Offers Beauty, Anti-Aging and Wellness in One Therapy - GlobeNewswire (press release)

Food Preservatives May Disrupt Hormones and Promote Obesity – Anti Aging News

Researchers have created an innovative stem cell testing system to gauge the health effects of everyday chemicals on human beings.

Scientists have found evidence that preservatives in food and other popular products disrupt human hormones and promote obesity. The findings originally stemmed from animal experiments. A recent study highlighted by Nature Communications confirms the findings in human beings.

The Widespread Use of Chemicals

Over 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the United States in commonly used items like household cleaners, foods, lawn-care products andpersonal care products. Though few chemicals are believed to pose a major risk to human health, the National Toxicology Program's website states the organization is unsure of the effects of the chemicals on human health. Many of the chemicals aren't thoroughly tested due to barriers like cost, health risks of exposure and ethical matters.

Study Details

Investigators from Cedars-Sinai created a unique protocol and platform to test the effects of chemicalson human beings. Tributyltin (TBT) is a compound commonly found in paint that seeps into water and accumulates in seafood. Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is an antioxidant regularly added to cereals and other foods. Its purpose is to safeguard nutrients and prevent fats from spoiling. Perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) is a polymer used in certain types of carpeting, cookware, and other commonly used products.

The investigators used tissues that produce hormones grown from actual human stem cells. Their aim was to demonstrate how regular exposure to such chemicals can interfere with signals transmitted from the digestive system to the brain to let individuals know when their stomach is full while eating. If this signaling system malfunctions, people tend to overeat and gain weight.

The investigators took blood samples from adults. They applied reprogramming genes to convert the cells to induced pluripotent stem cells. The team used these stem cells to grow human epithelium tissue that lines the gut. The brain's neuronal tissues were also used. They are located in the hypothalamus region of the brain that regulates metabolism and appetite. The investigators subjected the tissues to TBT, PFOA, and BHT separately and in combination. They observed what happened within the cells.

The Findings

The investigators determined each chemical damages hormones that interact with the gut and the brain. When the three chemicals were tested together, the cumulative stress was quite powerful. BHT generated some of the most robust detrimental effects out of the three chemicals.

The investigators determined chemicals disturbed networks that prepare signaling hormones to keep their structure intact and be moved out of cells. This made them ineffective. The investigators also found the chemicals damaged mitochondria. These are cell structures that convert oxygen and food to energy to catalyze the body's metabolism. The chemical damage occurred in young cells at early stages of development so the findings show a defective hormone system might impact pregnant women and their offspring. Scientists have determined effects of endocrine disruptors can be transmitted to future generations in animals yet this has not been proved to be the case in humans.

Why the Study Matters

The study's new testing system might provide a safe, low-cost and much-needed method that can be used to assess the health ramifications of other chemicals. Other scientists have proven the compounds in question can disturb hormone systems in lab animals. Yet the study outlined above is the first to make use of human pluripotent stem tissues and cells to show how such compounds can disturb hormones that help signal between the brain and gut and prevent obesity. It is a landmark study as it dramatically boosts the understanding of how endocrine disruptors might damage the human body's hormonal systems. The finding also helps explain the rise of the obesity epidemic in the United States.

"This is a landmark study that substantially improves our understanding of how endocrine disruptors may damage human hormonal systems and contribute to the obesity epidemic in the U.S.," said Clive Svendsen, PhD, director of the institute and the Kerry and Simone Vickar Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Regenerative Medicine. More than one-third of U.S. adults are considered to be obese, according to federal statistics.

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Food Preservatives May Disrupt Hormones and Promote Obesity - Anti Aging News

Exercise Has Anti-aging Benefits and Makes You Years Younger on a Cellular Level – Newsweek

Updated | Its not quite eternal youth but scientists have discovered how humans can slow down the aging process and shave almost a decade off their biological agevigorous exercise. In a study of more than 5,000 adults in the U.S., a researcher found those who exercise regularly are younger on a cellular level than those who lead sedentary or moderately active lifestyles.

Research published in the journal Preventative Medicine in April considered data on 5,823 people who had participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 1999 and 2002. The participants were asked demographic and lifestyle questions, including how often they exercised.

They also looked at telomere length. Telomeres are protective caps found at the ends of chromosomes that help keep them stablenot unlike how the plastic sheath at the end of shoelaces stops them from fraying. Every time a cell divides, telomeres get shorter. Eventually they become too small to protect the chromosomes and cells get old and dieresulting in aging.

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English women athletes training in Battersea Park, London, 21st September 1937. Regular, vigorous exercise makes people up to nine years younger. Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Shorter telomeres are related to many age-related diseases, including cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

In the study, exercise science professor Larry Tucker from Brigham Young Universitycompared telomere length with levels of physical activity. His findings showed significant differences between those who did regular, vigorous exercise and those who did not.

Just because youre 40, doesnt mean youre 40 years old biologically, he said in a statement. We all know people that seem younger than their actual age. The more physically active we are, the less biological aging takes place in our bodies.

He discovered adults with a high level of physical activity had a biological aging advantage of nine years compared to sedentary adults. When compared with those who did a moderate amount of exercise, the difference for highly active adults was seven years.

A high level of physical activity was constituted as running between 30 and 40 minutes per day, at least five days per week.

Overall, physical activity was significantly and meaningfully associated with telomere length in U.S. men and women, he wrote. Evidently, adults who participate in high levels of physical activity tend to have longer telomeres, accounting for years of reduced cellular aging compared to their more sedentary counterparts.

He said exactly why exercise appears to preserve telomere length is not known, but added it could be linked with inflammation and oxidative stressexercise is known to suppress inflammation and stress over time.

If you want to see a real difference in slowing your biological aging, it appears that a little exercise wont cut it. You have to work out regularly at high levels, he said. We know that regular physical activity helps to reduce mortality and prolong life, and now we know part of that advantage may be due to the preservation of telomeres.

This article has been updated with the name of the university where Larry Tucker works.

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Exercise Has Anti-aging Benefits and Makes You Years Younger on a Cellular Level - Newsweek

Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom – Anti Aging News

Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom

The Chinese have used Lions Mane Mushroom as a medicine for centuries. Many communities in Asia have used it as food. The Chinese and Japanese call it hou tou gu and yamabushitake respectively. It derives its name from a distinctive appearance that makes it resemble the mane of a shaggy lion. Apart from its appearance, origins, use as food and local names, the Lions Mane Mushroom has several health benefits too.

Boosts Digestive Health

The plant proved highly useful in promoting digestive health. It enables the stomach and liver to function properly. It also protects the liver. It is effective at treating chronic gastric inflammation, duodenal ulcers, and peptic ulcers. Many patients have used it in alleviating mental apathy (also known as neurasthenia). Its usage as a restorative health tonic has also borne good fruits.

Useful as a Dietary Supplement

Today, the mushroom continues to prove its efficiency in clinical use. Physicians recommend it as a dietary supplement. The reason for this is the positive effect that it has on mood, brain health, and memory. Scientific studies have proved that the mushroom is capable of increasing neurotrophic activities. It stimulates the growth of nerve or brain cells, thus boosting neurotrophic activities. This effect enhances its reputation as a brain strengthener and antidepressant. Facilitates the Production of Nerve Growth Factor

The mushroom has bioactives, which are called hericenones (or aromatic molecules). These bioactives, including erinacines (or diterpene compounds), collaborate to boost the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in nerve cells. By doing this, the mushroom maintains forebrain function and cholinergic system. So, the mushroom plays a role in the proper maintenance of the central nervous system. Remember, the forebrain is important because of the following:

Reduces Bad Cholesterol and Increases Good Cholesterol

Other than medicinal uses, Lions Mane Mushroom is also renowned as a cholesterol reducer. A unique, submerged culture of the mushroom reduces cholesterol by around 32%. The same culture reduces LDL cholesterol by around 45.4%. It also reduces triglycerides by as much as 34.3 percent. More importantly, it increases HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol, by around 31%. So, it eradicates the bad while boosting the good cholesterol.

Provides Perfect Immune Support

Additionally, it offers immune support. It increases the ability of the host (whether animals or humans) to resist infection. The mushroom enhances the uptake of bacteria by white blood cells. The immune booster increases the ability of macrophage cells to engulf the harmful bacteria before destroying them. Treating cell culture with an extract of Lions Mane Mushroom allows the cells to display greater movement against the bacteria rather than controlling them. The other health benefits of Lions Mane Mushroom include:

Theres little doubt about the effectiveness of the mushroom extract. Its health benefits make it one of the most exciting nutraceuticals. It has been tested on humans and found effective at enhancing memory and improving moods. However, most of its health benefits have so far been displayed in animals and test tube results. The mushroom needs to undergo further testing on humans its precise efficacy levels and the recommended dosages.

Read more from the original source:
Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom - Anti Aging News

Highly Respected Anti-Aging Specialist, Garry Fredric Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H), will be Spotlighted in The Leading … – PR NewsChannel (press release)

The International Association of HealthCare Professionals is pleased to welcome Garry Fredric Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H), Anti Aging Specialist to their prestigious organization with his upcoming publication in The Leading Physicians of the World. Dr. Garry Fredric Gordon is a highly trained and qualified physician with an extensive expertise in all facets of his work, especially naturopathic medicine. Dr. Gordon has been in practice for more than five decades and is currently working within his own private practice, the Gordon Research Institute in Payson, Arizona.

Dr. Garry Fredric Gordon graduated with his Medical Degree in 1958 from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Downers Grove, Illinois. He later gained an additional Medical Degree from the University of California at Irvine, and completed a residency at the UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion.

Dr. Gordon is a world renowned expert on detoxification and on chelation therapy. He serves as an advisor to the American Board of Chelation Therapy, and is President of the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association. To keep up to date with the latest advances in his field, Dr. Gordon maintains a professional membership with the American College for Advancement in Medicine. He attributes his success to his love for the field, and when he is not working, Dr. Gordon enjoys bike riding.

Learn more about Dr. Gordon here: http://gordonresearch.com/ and be sure to read his upcoming publication in The Leading Physicians of the World.

About FindaTopDoc.com

FindaTopDoc.com is a hub for all things medicine, featuring detailed descriptions of medical professionals across all areas of expertise, and information on thousands of healthcare topics. Each month, millions of patients use FindaTopDoc to find a doctor nearby and instantly book an appointment online or create a review. FindaTopDoc.com features each doctors full professional biography highlighting their achievements, experience, patient reviews and areas of expertise. A leading provider of valuable health information that helps empower patient and doctor alike, FindaTopDoc enables readers to live a happier and healthier life. For more information about FindaTopDoc, visit http://www.findatopdoc.com

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Highly Respected Anti-Aging Specialist, Garry Fredric Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H), will be Spotlighted in The Leading ... - PR NewsChannel (press release)

President Trump, Please Make American Medicine Great Again and … – PR Web (press release)

Nonprofit Trusted Source of Non-Commercial Health Information

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) March 09, 2017

The time has come for a major overhaul of the American healthcare system. "While Obamacare had some noble intentions, Obamacare and politicians have driven medicine into a constant state of disarray. Its time for medical leaders such as the A4M to voice their opinion," asserts Dr. Ronald Klatz.

Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O., physician-founder of the American Academy for Antiaging Medicine and patentholder of over 30 medical innovations stated, Physicians must resume control of patient care. Today the insurance company rep has more influence than a doctor. Thats a sad statement. It is necessary to have a plan that restores authority to highly experienced, regulated and educated medical professionals. We should focus on effective, preventative healthcare to extend quality of life and increase longevity, and simply bring back common sense to medicine.

The following 10 point, low cost, high tech healthcare, wellness, and Anti-aging plan could save American Tax Payers over One Trillion Dollars over the next 7 years:

Point One: Point of Care (POC) Laboratory Testing. Defined as testing at/near the site of patient care. The goal of POCT is to allow more rapid and effective diagnosis and triage, leading to improved patient outcomes, reduced morbidity and mortality, and slashed costs.

Point Two: Biomarkers of Aging and Health Measurement. Billions of healthcare dollars are wasted on diseases that can be detected and treated early or prior to occurrence: heart disease and stroke, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes.

Point Three: Free Biannual Comprehensive Metabolic Testing. These tests may slash Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome costs by 20%. This is significant given that Metabolic Syndrome is a primary cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Point Four: 24/7 Telemedicine Consultation Access. The improvements generated from the use of telemedicine are vast. Telemedicine provides access to medical professionals for residents of remote areas and people with limited mobility, unclogs emergency rooms from non-emergency patients, and creates jobs for people who are only able to work via telecommuting.

Point Five: Aging Intervention Drugs. Six major diseases are having an enormous impact on the 65+ population: chronic lung disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, pneumonia, and gastrointestinal illness.

Point Six: Stem Cells and Nanotechnology Access. These biomedical technologies offer exciting potential for significant improvement and/or cures for previously incurable conditions, such as stroke, cancers, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, ALS, paraplegia, and other crippling neuromuscular disorders.

Point Seven: Personalized Genetic Testing and Nutrigenomics. Making these resources widely accessible allows for prospective identification of major disease processes including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, etc., such that appropriate interventions may be deployed at the earliest stage possible, providing the best chance for recovery and less invasive and more cost effective treatment options.

Point Eight: Free/Subsidized Access to Gym, Spa, Metabolic Detoxification, and Physical Rehabilitation Facilities. Without question, obesity is costing the United States billions upon billions of dollars to combat all of its resulting diseases and conditions.

Point Nine: Online Electronic Database on Aging Intervention & Free Medical Education Resources. By promoting practitioner and patient education, an improved paradigm is created in which physicians keep current on new technologies and patients questions and form a collaborative relationship with their medical caretakers. This increased education on both sides of the healthcare relationship will provide more accountability and communication.

Point Ten: World Center for Anti-Aging Medicine. A center of excellence to extend quality of life into the later years of the average lifespan is necessary for reducing costs and improving living. One centralized research facility dedicated to this specific mission is necessary to focus adequate attention on this vital scientific arena.

While prior administrations have failed to properly consider the value of shifting from a disease based healthcare model to an advanced preventative based, cost-saving platform, the new administration has an opportunity to change course. Elected leadership should implement this comprehensive plan immediately to reduce skyrocketing costs and improve the quality of all our lives. The new Health and Human Services (HHS) administration must help Americans get true, proven preventative care and encourage healthier lifestyles. This is the time for real solutions.

As Dr. Klatz states, "We already have the technology to live a quality, healthy, productive, youthful 100 years- plus. Now lets do it!

The American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, the A4M, is headquartered in Chicago, IL. Established in 1991, the A4M now represents over 26,000 physician members in 120 countries. The A4M provides continuing education to physicians, as well as specialized training programs, and a board certification. More information at http://www.WorldHealth.net.

Vince Liguori is a dedicated journalist and financial professional specializing in healthcare issues.

Vince can be reached at eloanpro1(at)gmail.com

President Trump, Please Make American Medicine Great Again and ... - PR Web (press release)

Gut Microbiota Therapy: the next big thing in Medical Treatments – Inquirer.net

CHECK AND BALANCE. European double-board certified in Nutritional Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicine Dr. Ted Achacoso of BioBalance with microbiota expert Dr. Peter Konturek at the recent 4th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota in Paris, France.

Recent years have seen fecal transplant, or formally Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), becoming an emerging procedure in the medical field, which basically involves transferring a healthy individuals gut bacteria into a sick persons colon. This may sound surprising to some, but more and more studies reveal the role of gut microbesincluding those in human wastein treating various health conditions, from gastrointestinal problems (ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.) to non-gastrointestinal diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, allergies, obesity, and autoimmune diseases, among many others. Simply put, a healthy gut is revealed to play a role in both the cure and prevention of such diseases, making the demand for the FMT and other advanced gut health diagnostics and treatment surge across the world in the past two years.

The emerging science of gut health

Addressing gut health for disease prevention and optimization makes sense with the understanding that the gut makes up 70 percent of our immune system. Its thousands of diverse bacterial species are responsible for deciding which substances we consume or gets into our body will be absorbed or secretedprotecting us from infection and regulating our metabolism. A leaky gut would have fewer strains of good bacteria to do such a job, thus the current popularity of FMTs. Today, we can already look into a persons overall gut health and clearly see if there are bad bacteria in your gut or if you lack good bacteria in it that causes you to get sick, become obese, and more, says Dr. Ted Achacoso, a prodigy doctor who isEuropean double-board certified in Nutritional Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicineand heads BioBalance Wellness Institute in the Philippines.The state of your gut says so many things about your entire body.

How the gut influences mood, immunity, aging

Approximately, up to 100 trillion microorganisms per human body colonize the intestinal tract making an additional acquired organ that provides many vital functions to the host. A healthy gut microbiome can be defined by the presence of the various classes of microbes that enhance metabolism, resistance to infection and inflammation, prevention against cancer and autoimmunity, and that positively influence so called brain-gut axis, states a study in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2015 co-authored by Dr. Peter Konturek, considered the worlds most prominent microbiota expert. The study further discusses the correlation of gut health to peoples behaviors, moods, and aging, among others, only putting more emphasis on the importance of a healthy gut.

Bringing to Manila the worlds expert on gut health

Dr. Peter Konturek, the worlds expert on gut health and FMT, has been thriving as a Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany and the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Thuringia Clinic Saalfeld. BioBalance Wellness Institute, a major proponent of health optimization and gut health in the Philippines, is bringing Dr. Konturek to Manila this month for a medical lecture. The lecture intends to impart knowledge on scientific advances on the gut microbiotas influence on health and disease in the hope of expanding the knowledge and influence enthusiasm among medical practitioners and patients. BioBalance has been offering its clients intensive and advance gastro-intestinal and nutritional diagnostics since its inception, making the institute the perfect partner for Dr. Konturek in the Philippines.

Part of Dr. Kontureks lectures in Manila on March 14 will include scientific advances and perspectives on the gut microbiotas influence on peoples brain, mood, immunity, aging, and diseases; a special session on FMT, and practical gut health protocols. Having published over 250 original peer-reviewed publications and more than 15 book chapters, Dr. Kontureks researches are focused on the impact of H.pylori infection in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and the role of microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract and interaction with the brain-gut-axis, among others.

Dr. Peter Kontureks medical lecture titled The Investigational New Drug in Your Gut: Advances in Gut Microbiota Science and Fecal Microbiota Transplant Therapy will be held on March 14, 2017 (Tuesday), from 6 to 9 p.m., at JY Halls A & B, Bayanihan Center, Unilab. For more information and seat reservation, please contact BioBalance Institute at (02) 650-4858 or (0917) 521-4860, or e-mailinfo@biobalanceinstitute.com. Limited seats are available.


Read the rest here:
Gut Microbiota Therapy: the next big thing in Medical Treatments - Inquirer.net

Should You Try Face Cupping, the Anti-Aging Treatment Celebs … – Health.com

Cupping made headlines during the 2016 Rio Olympics, when MichaelPhelps attributed the round, purplebruises on his back to the alternative medicine practiceusedto treat everything from muscle soreness toarthritis and blood diseases. Now, celebrities are getting the skin-suctioning therapy on a newpart of their bodies: their faces.

Kim Kardashianrecently posted a photo onSnapchatof a collection of serum bottles and glass jars with balloons on top. "Face cupping facial at Nurse Jamie," she wrote on the pic. We wanted to know: doescuppingreally help rejuvenate skin? And what about the bruising?! (The reality star did not share apost-treatment selfie.)

RELATED: The 27 Best Anti-Aging Tips of All Time

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Nurse Jamie (aka Jamie Sherrill), facialist to the stars,said thatcupping uses mild suction to drain lymph nodes, getting "rid of any sign of a jowl and fight[ing] inflammation for a perfect profile or over-the-shoulder photo moment."She uses the technique at Beauty Park Medical Spa, a destination forA-listersseekingnon-surgical skin treatments.Kate Beckinsdale's aesthetician, Kat Rudu, also uses facial cupping on her celebclients, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

To get a doctor's take on whether cupping really can lead to a younger-looking complexion, we spoke withNew York City-based dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD: "Facial cupping promotes circulation of blood to the face. For some people, its extremely relaxing," she says.And unlike body cupping, it doesn't leave marks.

The procedure works like this: Glass cups with balloons attached are placed on the skin and used to gently lift facial tissue for a massage-like effect. The sucking motion can drain lymph nodes and increase thesupply of oxygen and nutrients toyour skin, says Dr. Jaliman. Immediately after the procedure, clients often report that their muscles feel relaxed,and that they see a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, she says.

There is a caveat however: The anti-agingeffects are fleeting. "The results last hours or days," says Dr. Jaliman, pointing out that unlike the average Jane, celebs can afford to splurge on fun treatments like cupping. (A75-minute session with Nurse Jamie costs $325.)

If you want youthful skin without paying top dollar for a face-sucking session, Dr. Jaliman recommends investing in quality anti-aging products, such as avitamin C serumandretinol cream. The results of a proper skincare regimen last much, much longer, she says.

Continued here:
Should You Try Face Cupping, the Anti-Aging Treatment Celebs ... - Health.com

How this Baltimore company is using AI to make supplements smarter – Technical.ly Brooklyn

Artificial intelligence is already gaining steam as one of the most-talked-about tech trends of 2017.

Its one of those umbrella terms thats easy to throw around. But away from the big conferences and debates about techs role in society, the hard work to develop the predictive technology is happening.

One of those spots is theEastern Campus of the Emerging Technology Centers, where Insilico Medicine is working to develop algorithms that can help select and develop the right drugs. The company sees artificial intelligence as apath to reduce the use of animal testing in developing pharmaceuticals, and is even working on a virtual human to simulate how drugs affect the body.

The latest news from the company shows how itswork could help other companies pick out what works and what doesnt. Insilicos research on aging (one study was published in the journal Aging) showed how artificial intelligence could help show the specific molecules that influence the aging process.

This was interesting to 37-year-old Life Extension, a company that makes anti-aging supplements. The natural supplement, or nutraceuticals, market is big, but its a place where other research studies have questioned whether the supplements actually prevent disease.

Life Extensions Ageless Cell. (Courtesy photo)

InSilcos algorithms were used at the early stage of development of a new product to screen for the right compounds to help slow or reverse aging, said Insilico Medicine COOQingsong Zhu.

Some of the compounds they identified were used inAgeless Cell, a new product in Life ExtensionsGeroprotect line that was released this week.

Our collaboration with Insilico Medicine fostered a novel approach to formulating anti-aging supplements utilizing artificial intelligence and sophisticated biologically-inspired algorithms and resulted in the very first AI formulated supplement,Andrew G. Swick, Life Extensions senior vice president of scientific affairs, discovery research and product development, said in a statement.

Talk of AI and extending human life seem to go hand-in-hand around tech circles. Both are in play for Insilico Medicine.

Stephen Babcock is the lead reporter for Technical.ly Baltimore. A graduate of Northeastern University, he moved to Baltimore following a stint in New Orleans, where he served as managing editor of online news and culture publication NOLA Defender. While there, he also wrote for NOLA.com/The Times-Picayune. He was previously a reporter for the Rio Grande Sun of Northern New Mexico.

Original post:
How this Baltimore company is using AI to make supplements smarter - Technical.ly Brooklyn

Anti Aging / Age Management Medicine – California Age …

Anti Aging Age Management Medicine. We have been the first full service anti-aging center since 1996.

Why Anti Aging Age Management Medicine? Variably termed holistic, preventive, longevity, regenerative, integrative, complimentary, functional, and/or nutritional medicine.Because you want to look, feel and act like you did 10- 15 years ago. Because you want to be actively engaged in your 60s, 70s and 80s.Because you want to remain competitive in your work or business. And because you owe it to yourself, your family and your work to maintain your optimal health and well being.

We offer long-term solutions, searching for root causes, imbalances and dysfunction not quick fixes.

We promise you Individualized and unsurpassed attention in resolving your challenges and problems. To regain lost energy, youth and vitality.

Our Age Management approach is not drive through medicine. It is not a 15 minute encounter. It is a total look at your entire health blueprint. That is holsistic the total you.

Anti-Aging Age Management Medicine is the new paradigm for the 21st century. It is based on restoring vital function and balance not simply treating symtpoms. Thus, the term functional medicine. We search for root causes and correct these imbalances. It is goal based. Are we achieving your set of goals that you determine?

We have helped thousands over the past 20 years. Now its your time and your turn.

Call us at408-358-8855 or email [emailprotected]

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Anti Aging / Age Management Medicine - California Age ...

Potential of Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Anti-Aging Treatments – Technology Networks (press release) (registration) (blog)

Adult stem cells collected directly from human fat are more stable than other cells such as fibroblasts from the skin and have the potential for use in anti-aging treatments, according to researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. They made the discovery after developing a new model to study chronological aging of these cells.

Chronological aging shows the natural life cycle of the cells as opposed to cells that have been unnaturally replicated multiple times or otherwise manipulated in a lab. In order to preserve the cells in their natural state, Penn researchers developed a system to collect and store them without manipulating them, making them available for this study. They found stem cells collected directly from human fat called adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) can make more proteins than originally thought. This gives them the ability to replicate and maintain their stability, a finding that held true in cells collected from patients of all ages.

Our study shows these cells are very robust, even when they are collected from older patients, said Ivona Percec, MD, director of Basic Science Research in the Center for Human Appearance and the studys lead author. It also shows these cells can be potentially used safely in the future, because they require minimal manipulation and maintenance.

Stem cells are currently used in a variety of anti-aging treatments and are commonly collected from a variety of tissues. But Percecs team specifically found ASCs to be more stable than other cells, a finding that can potentially open the door to new therapies for the prevention and treatment of aging-related diseases.

Unlike other adult human stem cells, the rate at which these ASCs multiply stays consistent with age, Percec said. That means these cells could be far more stable and helpful as we continue to study natural aging.

ASCs are not currently approved for direct use by the Food and Drug Administration, so more research is needed. Percec said the next step for her team is to study how chromatin is regulated in ASCs. Essentially, they want to know how tightly the DNA is wound around proteins inside these cells and how this affects aging. The more open the chromatin is, the more the traits affected by the genes inside will be expressed. Percec said she hopes to find out how ASCs can maintain an open profile with aging.


Shan, X., Roberts, C., Kim, E. J., Brenner, A., Grant, G., & Percec, I. (2017). Transcriptional and Cell Cycle Alterations Mark Aging of Primary Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cells. doi:10.1002/stem.2592

This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided by Penn Medicine. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

See the article here:
Potential of Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Anti-Aging Treatments - Technology Networks (press release) (registration) (blog)