Anti-Aging Benefits of Yoga – Medical News Bulletin

Researchers in India report that yoga postures, breathing disciplines and meditation may be the key to prolonging that proverbial fountain of youth. Biomarkers found in human blood samples drawn during a clinical trial showed the anti-aging benefits of practicing these ancient holistic practices.

In the Yoga and Meditation Based Lifestyle Intervention (YMLI) clinical trial, scientists enrolled a homogenous, seemingly healthy group of 96 men and women aged 30-65 years old, who had not experienced any significant lifestyle or physical challenges over the preceding three months between August 2015 and May 2016. Once enrolled, participants had 5 milliliters of fasting venous blood drawn to establish baseline markers for a range of primary and secondary aging characteristics. They next practiced yoga and meditation in the 12-week program to measure the disciplines anti-aging benefits.

During the trials initial 14 days, the group received instructions from registered, specialized yoga instructors for five days each week at the AIIMS health clinic in New Delhi, India. The YMLI instructions incorporated Hatha and Raja yoga techniques including physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation into their 90-minute classes. Following yoga, a 30-minute lecture focused on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet in warding off conditions like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, among others.

The participants then were required to continue their practices at home for the subsequent 10 weeks and were responsible for self-monitoring their progress in a diary or by regular telephone conversation. At the trials conclusion, another 5 milliliters venous blood was drawn to compare the pre- and post-YMLI levels of various markers.

The scientists analyzed the changes in primary and secondary aging characteristic found in participants blood before and after the 12-week program. Primary measures included DNA damage that leads to metabolic instability, oxidative stress levels, total antioxidant levels, among others. As secondary factors, they examined cortisol levels a reading of stress responsiveness inflammation and cellular plasticity, among others.

The researchers hypothesis was confirmed when they examined the trial participants blood at the end of the 12-week trial. In every instance, YMLI was associated with changes for the better, indicating a slow-down of the cellular aging process. The authors hailed their clinical trial as the first to investigate the effects of YMLI on age-related biomarkers. Almost no gender-based biomarker differences appeared in the trial. This trial serves as a springboard bringing the practice of yoga and meditation further into mainstream science surrounding aging and disease prevention.

The study is limited by its small size, homogenous population and lack of a similarly sized control group.

The trials findings were published online on Jan. 16, 2017, by Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.

So, you may want to bend and twist into a yogic position, breathe deeply and meditate in your individual quest to recapture that elusive fountain of youth.

Written By:Susan Mercer Hinrichs, MA, MBA, CPhT

Anti-Aging Benefits of Yoga - Medical News Bulletin

Google is super secretive about its anti-aging research. No one knows why. – Vox

In 2013, Time magazine ran a cover story titled Google vs. Death about Calico, a then-new Google-run health venture focused on understanding aging and how to beat it. We should shoot for the things that are really, really important, so 10 or 20 years from now we have those things done, Google CEO Larry Page told Time.

But how exactly would Calico help humans live longer, healthier lives? How would it invest its vast $1.5 billion pool of money? Beyond sharing the companys ambitious mission to better understand the biology of aging and treat aging as a disease Page was vague.

I recently started poking around in Silicon Valley and talking to researchers who study aging and mortality, and discovered that four years after its launch, we still dont know what Calico is doing.

I asked everyone I could about Calico and quickly learned that its an impenetrable fortress. Among the little more than a dozen press releases Calico has put out, there were only broad descriptions of collaborations with outside labs and pharmaceutical companies most of them focused on that overwhelmingly vague mission of researching aging and associated diseases. The media contacts there didnt so much as respond to multiple requests for interviews.

People who work at Calico, Calicos outside collaborators, and even folks who were no longer with the company, stonewalled me.

We should pause for a moment to note how strange this is. One of the biggest and most profitable companies in the world has taken an interest in aging research, with about as much funding as NIHs entire budget for aging research, yet its remarkably opaque.

Google also prides itself for being a leader on transparency and for its open culture. And were living in a time when the norms in science, particularly biomedical science, are centered around openness and data sharing. But these values have somehow eluded Calico.

For now, I think its safe to say Google has not solved aging. Or if it did, they havent told anybody.

Its not unusual for new startups to be stealthy for a period while they get going, but theres usually some public statement with specific details about the technology or science being developed, strategies and targets. That Calico wont say what its doing bothers leading aging researchers. They expressed confusion or frustration about Calicos stealthiness, and said the secrecy is not productive for science.

Eric Topol is a cardiologist who studies aging and the director of Scripps Translational Science Institute. Topol knows some of the scientists at Calico from their pre-Calico days. Theyre hyper secretive, he said. Since they moved to Google, he cant seem to reach them. I have invited them to speak at our program we have on genomic medicine. They say no, they cant talk about what theyre doing. I am not sure why thats the case.

There were no clinical trials or patents filed publicly under the Calico brand that I could find, and out of the 22 papers published by the company and its affiliates, only about half related to aging and many were review articles (not original research).

Nir Barzilai, a geneticist and one of the leading researchers in aging based at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, said the publications didnt give him any special insights into what Calico is up to. Our field is interested in delaying aging and by that, delaying disease. [It seems] they are not doing that, he said. Its weird they dont come to us, look at our patents We have resources, we are eager to do partnerships and form bio-techs. And nobody from Calico talks to us.

Other top researchers on aging told me much the same. I dont interact with them, Felipe Sierra, director of the division of aging biology at NIHs National Institute on Aging, said. They dont want to interact with me. I ignore them as much as they ignore me. He also invited Calico scientists to present at NIH. They come to the meeting but they dont talk about what they are doing [They] wouldnt even talk about general directions [of their research].

There are a few potential explanations for Calicos secrecy. Among them: that Calico is just waiting for a big reveal. A December article in the MIT Technology Review, which was also scant on details about Calicos anti-aging science, hinted that might be the case:

[David] Botstein [the Calico Chief Scientific Officer] says a best case scenario is that Calico will have something profound to offer the world in 10 years. That time line explains why the company declines media interviews. There will be nothing to say for a very long time, except for some incremental scientific things. That is the problem.

But avoiding media hype does not require secrecy among scientific colleagues. If Calicos scientists were truly interested in pushing the boundaries of science, they might think about using some of the best practices that have been developed to that end: transparency, data sharing, and coordinating with other researchers so they dont go down redundant and wasteful paths.

As Topol said, Secretive research is pass. The world has moved on to fully demonstrate the value of openness, transparency, and avoidance of insular thinking.

There are other possible explanations for the stealthiness. A recent news release from Calico announced a partnership with C4 Therapeutics to work on coming up with drugs for "diseases of aging," such as cancer one of a number of drug company partnerships Calico has formed. If Calicos now focused on drug development, then a degree of secrecy might make sense. (Drug companies typically develop their products quietly to stay ahead of the competition.)

But researchers dont buy that explanation, either. The researchers [Calico] hired are using models such as yeasts, nematodes, and naked mole rats, said Barzilai. These are not the models that are relevant for drug development. Developing cures also doesnt fall in line with the companys original mission to treat aging as a genetic disease instead of hunting for treatments for age-related diseases.

Another potential reason for the lack of transparency the one I find most compelling is that its the company culture. Art Levinson, the CEO of Calico, is also chair of the board of Apple Inc. and was close to Steve Jobs, who was renowned for his clandestine approach to research and development and running a business. Its possible that Levinson has made secrecy part of Calicos DNA, the way its part of Apples DNA.

Perhaps Calico will one day justify its secrecy, Topol said. But at this point, he added, I dont understand it. Potentially withholding information about advances in biomedical science or cures for diseases is unacceptable: Lives are ultimately at stake. Anything that slows down progress in biomedical research cant be condoned.

For that reason, Id like to humbly invite Calico or people who have worked with the company to share what they are up to. I promise we wont hype it.

Have information about Calico? You can send me tips over email at or secure PGP. (My key: 0AC1 64FA E095 851B 112A 0670 6D24 B5A4 56ED 285E)

Update Friday April 28, 2:34 p.m.: Thanks to reader tips and additional searches in PubMed, weve located and linked to several Calico papers we werent aware of when we first published this story on Thursday. I flagged the papers with the researchers quoted in this story who said they did not change their assessment of Calico.

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Google is super secretive about its anti-aging research. No one knows why. - Vox

What’s Going On With Eastgate Biotech Corp (OTCMKTS:ETBI) – The Oracle Dispatch

Whats going on in Eastgate Biotech Corp (OTCMKTS:ETBI) sharesis any ones guess, and any time you see a stock move 150% or more you must ask the question. I see (by looking at the technical picture in a chart below) that this is a stock that made a high volume low and turning out of triple sub penny status and are retracing losses from early April.

When a stock trades 65 million shares something is up. It goes back to the volume strategy all sub penny traders must adhere to in terms of the volume growth ramp driving prices higher. The presence of new money in the stock has been a consistent theme with many movers we write about. Be aware that you must pay attention when this volume begins to decline, because when the music stops (and it always does), shares can have unwanted downside volatility.

Eastgate Biotech Corp(OTCMKTS:ETBI) is an emerging pharmaceutical stock that produces and distributes innovative and healthy nutraceuticals based on natural therapies as well as focusing on new pharmaceutical developments. The driver revolves around its recent acquisition, OMNI Surgery and Anti-Aging Centre has appointed a new Medical Director.Dr. Ishaan Sundar has assumed the role of Medical Director effective immediately. Educated by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association, Laser Sheer Training Academy and trained in Injectable Placements, Dr. Sundar brings over 20 years of extensive practice to the OMNI state-of-the-art centre.With a distinguished career in Critical Care Medicine (ICU, CCU), Dr. Sundar will oversee medical and surgical operations at Saskatchewans only combined fee-for-service surgical and anti-aging centre.

OMNI Surgery and Anti-Aging Centre is an upscale facility serving an underserved market in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada with great growth potential. It is poised to participate in the growing anti-aging market.According to Transparency Market Research, the Global Anti-Aging Market Boosted by Baby Boomer Population nearing retirement is to be worth US$191.7 Billion by 2019.

We are thrilled to welcome an experienced physician like Dr. Sundar to our leadership team.His holistic approach of crafting treatment plans unique to each individual mirrors OMNIs mission of making our patients feel comfortable and at ease, while getting the results that they want, states Bill Abajian, Global Business Development and Licensing at EastGate and former owner of OMNI Surgery.

Find outwhen $ETBI stock reaches critical levels. Subscribe to Right Now by entering your Email in the box below.

OMNI is a fee-for-service, Surgery + Anti-Aging Centre offering plastic, orthopaedic, along with general surgical procedures. Alongside the surgical procedures, the Anti-Aging Centre is equipped with State-of-the-Art technology that work to contour, tone, and remove blemishes in order to reverse the aging process. As a Centre of Excellence in Saskatchewan, OMNIs board-certified surgeons work to deliver high quality care mindful of patients needs, while helping them achieve the results they want.

EastGate Biotech Corp. (OTCMKTS:ETBI) produces and distributes innovative and healthy nutraceuticals that are based on natural therapies and absorbed naturally by the body. But the real question here is about how shares will trade over the coming weeks and any retest of the lows on higher volume would be bad, on the upside you need to retrace the decline and test .03 cents which is another big leg higher for ETBIstock.

This would be easy to track by observing the volume alone, the short term players are here, now you need to sort out the meaning of these volume clues they translate to price so often it emerges as the most important metric to watch on any trading day.For more news on $ETBIand other fast-moving penny stocks, please subscribe to below.

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What's Going On With Eastgate Biotech Corp (OTCMKTS:ETBI) - The Oracle Dispatch

Life Extension and Insilico Medicine Use AI to Develop Ageless Cell – WholeFoods Magazine

Fort Lauderdale, FL Life Extension has partnered with Insilico Medicine to introduce Ageless Cell, the first supplement in its GEROPROTECT line to promote healthy aging by inhibiting cellular senescence.

Cellular senescence is a natural part of the aging process where cells no longer function optimally, affecting organ function, cellular metabolism, and inflammatory response. The accumulation of these senescent cells contributes to the process of aging. The Ageless Cell supplements inhibit the effects of cellular senescence by acting as geroprotectors, or interventions aimed to increase longevity and impede the onset of age-related diseases by targeting and inhibiting senescence-inducing pathways and inhibiting the development of senescent cells.

The partnership with Insilico Medicine allowed researchers to use deep learning algorithms to comb through hundreds of studies and thousands of data points a process that could have taken decades to identify four key anti-aging nutrients: N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), myricetin, gamma-tocotrienol, and EGCG. These compounds target pathways that are known to contribute to or protect against the development of senescent cells.

Specifically, NAC upregulates signaling pathways that protect cells against oxidative stress, which promotes cellular senescence. It also reduces pathways that promote inflammation. Myricetin regulates a family of stress-responsive signaling molecules known to regulate aging in many tissues. It also promotes cell differentiation and self-repair. Gamma tocotrienol modulates the mevalonate pathway that controls cholesterol production, cancer promotion, and bone formation. And EGCG regulates the Wnt pathway that determines the fate of developing cells and also prevents sugar-induced damage to tissues, helping to suppress their pro-aging effects.

Clinical aging studies are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to perform at this time. Our collaboration with Insilico Medicine has allowed us to develop geroprotective formulations by using artificial intelligence to study very large data sets, said Andrew G. Swick, Ph.D., senior vice president of product development and scientific affairs for Life Extension.

Scientists found these four nutrients have various complementary and reinforcing properties to influence key anti-aging pathways and combat aging factors by modulating specific biological pathways. By rejuvenating near-senescent cells and encouraging the bodys healthy process for dealing with senescent cells, Ageless Cell turns back the clock at the cellular level, said Michael A. Smith, M.D., senior health scientist for Life Extension. Alex Zhavoronkov, Ph.D., CEO of Insilico Medicine said, Together, these four natural compounds represent the beginning of the future anti-aging cocktails identified using artificial intelligence under expert human supervision.

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Life Extension and Insilico Medicine Use AI to Develop Ageless Cell - WholeFoods Magazine

The 4 skin-sabotaging triggers you should avoid, according to the OG of inflammation research – Well+Good

Photo: Stocksy/Lauren Naefe


Among yourwellness-savvy friends, you may have noticed that the wordinflammationcomes upa lot. Its linked to everything from acne to allergies to Alzheimersand now anti-inflammatory products areeverywhere, from the grocery store to the beauty counter. But, if you can believe it, there was a time when you got seriousblowback (and even ridicule) for linking the phenomenonwith disease and agingjust askNicholas Perricone, MD.

Nearly two decades beforehealthy tastemakersstarted using the term as frequently as they Google turmeric face masks, heput the topic on the (medical) map with his 2000 bookThe Wrinkle Cure.

During medical school and my three-year residency in dermatology, I made important connections between inflammation and disease, says Dr. Perricone (who you may recognizefrom his his eponymous skin-care line, which recently expanded its line of supplementsmany of which are anti-inflammatory, natch). To learn about hundreds of skin diseases we studied in books, we also needed to recognize them in clinical examination and under a microscope.

Inflammation has an unmistakable appearancehe describes them as dark blue dots, like confetti, although the presence of inflammation is nothing to celebrate. Quite the opposite. And that led to his discovery ofgroundbreaking intel thats still beingdissectedtoday.


Dr. Perricone quickly saw that inflammation wasnt only presentin skin diseasesthe same thing was showing up when he looked at aging skin, toowhich led him to question whether inflammation itself was causing these changes.

I began to consider wrinkles as a disease, since inflammation was present when damage to skin tissue resulted in wrinkles, he says. My professors insisted the inflammation was just part of the picture; a byproduct and not the cause.

Every disease I studied had a common theme: Whether it was cancer or aging, inflammation was present.

He kept looking further into these not-so-good particles, and found it to be tied to everything from arthritis to heart disease. Every disease I studied had a common theme: Whether it was cancer or aging, inflammation was present.

Dr. Perricone remained adamant that inflammation wasnt merely a secondary response, as everyone else was telling him. I believed inflammation to be the key to the whole process of disease of every type, he says.It may sound absurd now, but histheory was mostly dismissed. Since he published his book, however, other researchers have fallen in line, and today he notes that there have been tremendous strides in the field of anti-aging medicine. Now its accepted by mainstream science, which recognizes its validity and its serious threat to beauty, health, and longevity, he says.


As the wellnessworldnow knows, the conditionrears its proverbial head in a number of ways (all of which are pretty much unwelcome).

And to bust an all-too-common myth about the i-word: Just because you cant see it doesntmean its not there doing itsdamage, according to Dr. Perricone. Inflammation exists in a broad spectrum that ranges from low to high, he explains. On the low side, it occurs on a cellular and even a molecular level, invisible to the naked eye and possibly eveninvisible under the microscope. This inflammation is highly damaging to all organs including the skin. On the high side, the inflammation is visibly evident as redness and swelling such as seen in a wound or sunburn.

Just because you cant see inflammationdoesntmean its not there doing itsdamage.

So what in your everyday life could be causing this?

Sugar and starchy foods. Dr. Perricone notes that theytend to lead to skin damage. Foods and beverages that are rapidly converted to sugar are also pro-inflammatory, he says. That means soda, all kinds of sugar, pasta, bread, anything friedthe list goes on.

Processed foods and anything with trans fats.Not a surprise hereand there are lots of reasons to avoid the chips-and-dips aisle.Also be sure to avoid processed foods and foods containing unhealthy trans fats.

Stress. This is a big one,along with environmental stressors (and the hidden allergies they could be triggering), a weakened immune system, too much exposure to ultraviolet light, and hormonal changes.

Glycemic spikes.The single biggest thing you can do control inflammation, according to Dr. Perricone?Watch your blood sugar and insulin levels by followingan anti-inflammatory diet, hesays. To do so, youmust avoid foods that provoke a glycemic response in the body, which is a rapid rise in blood sugar, he says. This is the key to health, longevity, mental clarity, well-being, and beautiful, youthful skin.

In other words: It might betime to finally cut sugar after all.

To help out with your eating plan, this is what the ultimate anti-inflammatory meal looks like. For a delicious recipe, this turmeric fried rice is a major upgrade from takeout.

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The 4 skin-sabotaging triggers you should avoid, according to the OG of inflammation research - Well+Good

Protein isolated from human cord blood has antiaging effects on memory in mice – Science Magazine

A protein in umbilical cord blood boosted memory in old mice.


By Jocelyn KaiserApr. 19, 2017 , 1:00 PM

Researchers have found a protein in the blood of human umbilical cords that improves memory and learning in old mice. The provocative finding joins a flurry of other recent, sometimes controversial work attempting to find factors that explain the apparent antiaging properties of young blood.

These are exciting results, says Sally Temple, scientific director of the Neural Stem Cell Institute in Rensselaer, New York, who was not involved with the work. She and others say the new finding suggests that this and other factors in young blood may have different, complementary effects on the aging brain.

Decades ago in somewhat grisly experiments, researchers found that sewing together the circulatory systems of an old and young mouse so that they shared the same blood supply rejuvenated the old animals. In 2014, as part of renewed interest in this unusual procedure, known as parabiosis, neuroscientist Tony Wyss-Corays lab at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, reported that it could mimic some of the brain-boosting effects of parabiosis withinjections of young mouse plasma, the cell-free part of blood.

Identifying the responsible factors in such blood is a challenge, however. Because mice are so tiny, its hard to collect enough mouse plasma to do biochemical and other analyses. As an alternative, Wyss-Corays lab recently tested the youngest human blood availableumbilical cord blood, which is traditionally thrown away after a birth but has become increasingly prized as physicians explore its therapeutic uses.

In the new work, Wyss-Corays group gave human cord blood plasma to mice of varying ages that had defective immune systems and so did not reject the foreign human tissue. Like young mouse plasma, human cord plasma injected every 4 days for 2 weeks into the circulation activated neurons in old mices hippocampi, where memories are made and stored. (This activation did not happen in the hippocampi of young mice treated with cord blood.) After the injections, the aging animals also navigated a maze more quickly and performed better on other tests of learning and memory, Wyss-Corays teamreports today inNature.

The team then looked for blood proteins that are abundant in human cords but decline in the general circulation with age. They ultimately homed in one called TIMP2, which was previously known to control the production of enzymes that chop up the matrix around cells and play a role in wound healing as well as the spread of cancer. (Its full name is tissue metallopeptidase inhibitor 2.) Old mice injected with mouse TIMP2 scored almost as well on memory tests as those given cord plasma, although they still didnt match the cognitive skills of young mice, Wyss-Coray says. To help clinch its case for TIMP2, the Stanford group also showed that cord blood depleted of TIMP2 did nothing for old mice, and blocking TIMP2 in young mice impaired their memory.

The researchers search for antiaging factors did not point to another protein,GDF11, which some scientists have reported stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and neural stem cells in the brain. (Another claimthat GDF11 rejuvenates musclehas been hotly contested by several labs, partly becausetheir studies suggest GDF11 levels rise with age.)

But Wyss-Coray says the new study does not rule on a role for GDF11 in the brain. Harvard University neuroscientist Lee Rubin, who co-led the GDF11 brain study, says the new findings suggest it isnt just one thing. A lot of individual factors in blood can improve function. Indeed, one might want to combine GDF11 and TIMP2 treatments to both generate new neurons and get the most out of the cells that are there, Temple suggests.

Some experts are less impressed by the study. Parabiosis researcher Irina Conboy of the University of California, Berkeley, notes that the paper doesnt put the modest memory and learning improvements from TIMP2 in context by comparing them to, say, putting an old mouse on an exercise wheel, which can also improve cognitive function. Her own work suggests that the apparent antiaging effects of young blood may reflect the fact thatit contains less of certain factors in old blood that her lab and others have reported contribute to aging.

Stanford has filed for patents on using TIMP2 to treat aging-associated conditions, and Alkahest, a company in San Carlos, California, that Wyss-Coray co-founded, plans to develop it. An Alkahest-sponsored trial at Stanford testing young human plasma as a treatment in 18 Alzheimers disease patients ended in January; results will be presented at a meeting in November, says Alkahest CEO Karoly Nikolich. (Rubin serves on Alkahests advisory board.) Meanwhile, some clinics are already offering young blood injectionsto reverse aging in people. But Wyss-Coray and others say such treatments are premature.

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Original post:
Protein isolated from human cord blood has antiaging effects on memory in mice - Science Magazine

David Beckham Calls Prince Harry an "Amazing" Father – Yahoo Lifestyle

From Harper's BAZAAR

David Beckham has Prince Harry's back.

The soccer star spoke to Entertainment Tonight about how he's "proud" of the decisions his longtime friend has made recently regarding his changing status as a royal and praised the duke's adjusting to life as a new father.

"I think he's enjoying being a young father for the first time and that's what we always spoke about," Beckham told ET. "When you are a parent, it changes everything for you."

Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

Beckham went on to clarify that he hasn't discussed details of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan's transition into post-royal life, but that he hopes the duke continues to prioritize his personal happiness.

"I haven't spoken to Harry about him moving. We speak as friends and that's the most important thing for me," Beckham told the outlet. "He always needs to be happy. [] We love him and he's an amazing personand that's the most important thingbut I'm proud to see him growing up as an individual and being that person that every father wants to be."

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See original here:
David Beckham Calls Prince Harry an "Amazing" Father - Yahoo Lifestyle

From Baby Yoda to Slimy Surprises, These Are the Toys Your Kids Will Be Begging for in 2020 – Yahoo Lifestyle

Click here to read the full article.

You know that special feeling of emotional exhaustion you get after an hour at the toy store with an indecisive child? (Yes, Im a sucker.) Imagine that but for 15 hours, and you will know the simultaneous overwhelming and wonderful nature of New York Toy Fair. I spent a day and a half watching grown men and women play with the newest (and also oldest) toys out this year, and now I kind of want all of them.

Since I know that toy choice overwhelm is a thing for grownups too, I will spare you and save much of the fun intel I gathered to roll out throughout the year. But to get you prepared for what your kids might be begging for soon, heres a quick overview of the trends that toymakers are betting on for 2020.

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Sorry, The Child, as I was kindly corrected multiple times over the past few days. Thanks to the Mandalorians secrecy, we still wont be able to own these toys for a bit longer, but they were adorable to behold, however briefly. In August, LEGO will release a BrickHeadz versions of the little guy, and in September theres an impressive kit for the Mandalorians ship, the Razor Crest, which does also include the Child and his foster dad.

Hasbros animatronic version of The Child doesnt come out until December, but hes already sold out. (It doesnt seem like the right pronoun for this, sorry!) I am ready to search out the black market. He is CUTE.

Well have a much shorter wait for Mattels plush version, which (who?) comes out in May. Pre-order him here.

Every time I have bought my kid one of his beloved L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls I have wanted to weep about the amount of wasteful packaging involved in creating that all-important unboxing experience. But now the surprise is for me, because MGA Entertainment, which makes L.O.L., announced last week that its taking steps toward being more sustainable. First, the company partnered with TerraCycle, so that now you can mail the packaging to be recycled for free. By this summer, the company said all L.O.L. accessory bags will be made of paper and degradable resin, and by next year all of the dolls packaging will be degradable.

MGAs Little Tikes brand is one of several looking for a more sustainable plastic option for little kids toys. Little Tikes new GoGreen line is all made of recycled plastic. Some of Mattels Mega Bloks are made of plant-based material now, with the goal of making the entire Bloks brand plant-based, recyclable, or made of 100 percent recycled material in the next 10 years. Thats already the case with Green Toys, the toddler brand made entirely of recycled plastic.

Toymakers are listening to all of that parental anxiety over our kids being too addicted to their screens but not so much that theyre tossing their digital content entirely. Instead, in nearly every booth I visited, there were toys that integrated an app, online game, or electronic gadget to go with the real-world product. There are Hot Wheels cars with chips to measure their speed, virtual reality goggles to help kids conduct science experiments and learn magic tricks (see: Professor Maxwells VR Science Lab), and an app for future engineers to make meticulous plans for their GraviTrax marble run.

I know blind boxes (those toys hidden in clever packaging until you buy them) are meant to encourage kids to collect all the toys, but they might serve another purpose too. Skip all the hemming and hawing at the store and buy one of these, sight unseen. My favorite surprises of the moment are the Blume Dolls, colorfully coiffed, spritely girls that pop out of a flower pot when you water them. In 2020, theyll be getting Blume Baby Pops and Petal Pets. Theres also Mattels deadly cute entry into the category, Cloudees, which invites kids to add water and create cloud fluff before they unveil their new tiny pets. My Little Pony is also in on the reveal magic.

For the kids who prefer slime and war to birth and flowers, this fall, Skyrocket toys will release Mutaters, alien-created bio-mechanical warrior figures housed in a containment unit that requires a decoder to unlock before you can play with the monstrous mutants inside.

Parental nostalgia will go on, too

How many kids do you know who are really excited about Scooby-Do, Back to the Future, or Ghostbusters? Not a lot. But their parents might want to share their childhood fandoms, which is the logic many toymakers are banking on.

I mean, I was very excited about the Playmobil Delorean and Mattels Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, anyway. And after all, were the ones paying for these guys, right?

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From Baby Yoda to Slimy Surprises, These Are the Toys Your Kids Will Be Begging for in 2020 - Yahoo Lifestyle

GOP Sends Black Congresswoman a "For Sale" Sign with Her Name On It – Yahoo Lifestyle

At Tuesday night's Democratic debate, billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg got a little too honest. Referring to the wave of newly elected congressional Democrats who flipped control of the House of Representatives in 2018, Bloomberg said, "Twenty-one of those were people that I spent $100 million to help elect. All of the new Democrats who came in, who put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this presidency. I boughtI, I got them."

That one slip, "I bought," is probably not the message that Bloomberg wanted to convey. But it got a lot of people's attention, with both Justice Democrats, the progressive political action committee, and Donald Trump Jr. seizing on the comment.

One of those 21 Democrats whose campaign benefited from Bloomberg is Lucy McBath of Georgia's 6th district. McBath's 17-year-old son was murdered in 2012, after a white man started shooting at him and his friends because he thought their music was too loud. A group funded by Bloomberg, Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, spent $1.25 million to help elect McBath in 2018, according to the Washington Post, helping her flip a historically Republican seat. McBath endorsed Bloomberg in the Democratic presidential primary.

Since the election, conservative groups have had their sights on McBath. In an interview in May of last year, National Rifle Association president Carolyn Meadows said that her stance on gun control "didnt have anything to do with [McBath's election]. It had to do with being a minority female." Meadows, who also led a group that opposed the construction of a Martin Luther King Jr. monument, later apologized.

And on Wednesday, Camille Gallo, the regional press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, which works to elect Republicans to the House of Representatives, tweeted out that the NRCC was trolling McBath over Bloomberg's comments. To drive home that they believed her seat was bought and paid for, Gallo apparently sent McBath a "For Sale" sign with her name on it.

The optics of labeling a black woman from the south as "for sale" seems lost on Gallo, particularly on the day when the House passed the Emmett Till anti-lynching bill, but that's not surprising since the NRCC doesn't seem to have had much success working with black candidates. As the Pew Research Center reports, the 116th Congress is the most racially diverse in U.S. history, yet there are just two black RepublicansSouth Carolina's Tim Scott in the Senate and Texas's Will Hurd, who last year announced he didn't plan to seek reelection to the House.

McBath took the NRCC's trolling and turned it into a call for donations. On Twitter, she wrote, "These attacks began on day one. They harassed my elderly mother-in-law. The NRA said I only won bc Im a 'minority woman.' Each time, I did what I learned all too well after the death of my sonfight back."

The Bureaucratic Method

Inside the Federal Bureau Of Way Too Many Guns

There's no telling how many guns we have in Americaand when one gets used in a crime, no way for the cops to connect it to its owner. The only place the police can turn for help is a Kafkaesque agency in West Virginia, where, thanks to the gun lobby, computers are illegal and detective work is absurdly antiquated. On purpose. Thing is, the geniuses who work there are quietly inventing ways to do the impossible.

Originally Appeared on GQ

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GOP Sends Black Congresswoman a "For Sale" Sign with Her Name On It - Yahoo Lifestyle

Michael Bloombergs Anti-Trump Superhero Cosplay Will Only Go So FarRight? – Yahoo Lifestyle

From Esquire

Michael Bloomberg's plan was to parachute into the 2020 Democratic primary on Super Tuesday, ignoring Iowa and New Hampshire and the traditional Momentum Model that has dominated American political narratives for decades to focus on delegate-rich states like California and Texas. Like any sensible paratrooper, he hoped the ground would be softened up for him a bit with a $350-million ad blitz before he jumped out of the plane. Except events of the last week have forced him to crash-land into the primary conversation early, even as he blankets Instagram with an astroturfed campaign across the biggest meme-aggregation (read: meme-thieving) accounts. All together now, folks: FuckJerry!

You see, people keep posting tape of Bloomberg being racist. There was the clip where he essentially discussed black men between the ages of 16 and 25 as a criminal class. This was not just in defense of his stop-and-frisk policies as New York mayor, but of a more general policing regime where you flood black and brown neighborhoods with cops and lock people up on minor offenses like marijuana possession. A CNN person reacted to this by questioning the motives of the person who dug the clip up, despite the fact it's been on YouTube for years.

Then someone posted tape of Bloomberg suggesting that getting rid of redlininga policy wherein black Americans were denied the opportunity to buy homes in middle-class neighborhoods, a pillar of building wealth and getting a decent education in Americawas somehow responsible for the 2008 housing crisis and the resulting global financial meltdown. That's right: it's not Bloomberg's Wall Street buddies or the firms to which he sold Bloomberg terminals who are to blame, even if they engaged in reckless behavior and created an incentive structure that rewarded risky lending. It's the people who fought against racial discrimination in housing!

This is particularly gross considering the Great Recession decimated black wealth, in part because banks targeted black homeowners with predatory lending practices, to the point that the average white household now has 10 times the wealth of the average black household. That's worse than in 2007.

All this should serve to remind people that Bloomberg is essentially just a wealthy Republican in the mold of, say, Mitt Romney. He's disgusted by Trump's personal conduct, and by his inaction on the climate crisis and gun violence. (Romney, in fairness, doesn't give a shit about climate change. Bloomberg's record on that front is strong.) But Bloomberg basically thinks the system as presently constructed is working, that it is delivering fair and just results for our society, that the powerful people within it are nearly always right and deserve to be where they are, and that the powerless are where they are because of their personal failings. Also, as mayor of New York City, he had something of an authoritarian streak.

Photo credit: Brett Carlsen - Getty Images

Bloomberg would almost certainly be a better president than the current one, if only because he seems to have full access to his cognitive faculties and is not a two-bit grifter with shady financial connections that sprawl across the multinational underworld. (Full disclosure: I once interned in the mayor's office in 2012, while Bloomberg was mayor. I primarily worked on updating spreadsheets keeping track of the fire hydrants on Randall's Island. City government!) He's also receiving all this highly justified scrutiny because he has gained some serious ground in the polls. He's up to 14 percent nationally in the RealClearPolitics polling average, behind only Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. He may take a hit after this week's attention, particularly because he's actually been attracting quite a few black voters from Biden's faltering campaign. Then again, he's also getting plenty of endorsements from black Democratic leaders.

Bloomberg's rise is rooted in his astroturf strategy, a campaign which seems to exist only in the commercial blocs between television programming segments and in the corniest precincts of social media. In the latter case, part of his strategy seems to be to bait Donald Trump into personal back-and-forths, so that America can get what it truly deserves: two alleged New York billionairesonly Bloomberg's status is truly assured in that departmentarguing about their comparative heights, intelligence, and facial complexion in order to determine who should run the country. Thursday brought Exhibit Aor maybe J.

There's reason to believe that this strategy might just pay off for Bloomberg. First of all, people buy astroturf. It's like grass, but you don't have to water it! With Bloomberg, people might feel they won't have to pay attention to politics all the time anymore, which could appeal to professional-class coastal liberals who, like Bloomberg himself, generally like the economic status quo and are tired of being mad. (This impulse is understandable and also a huge part of why American democracy is in severe decay.) There is also reason to believe that a segment of the Democratic base is hungry for an Anti-Trump Superhero to do battle with the president on top of the Empire State Building or whatever. As our tangerine generalissimo has himself shown, the aesthetics of personal combat are powerful in American politics, if only because it feels like someone's doing the fighting for you.

For a while, the anti-Trump Resistance adopted Special Counsel Robert Mueller as their avatar, putting full and unflinching faith in the aging lawman to bring down a lawless scoundrel at high noon. It was approaching a messiah-complex situation, and even featured cartoon caricatures of the 74-year-old that, in the vein of the pro-Trump stuff, depicted him as a buff hyper-patriotic warrior. (You might call this Krassenstein's Monster.) Then Mueller bowed before a Justice Department rule against indicting the president, outlining obstruction-of-justice charges without calling them that, and he then testified before Congress in a performance that failed to produce the TV spectacle required to move the needle on anything in America. Meanwhile, the increasing sprawl of Trump's activities in West Asia, combined with the treachery of Mueller's eventual boss in Attorney General William Barr, raises questions about whether he really got to the bottom of what happened.

Photo credit: Brett Carlsen - Getty Images

Similarly, when Trump swept to power with a fully Republican Congress in 2016, there was no institutional bulwark against his renegade behavior except the free press. Democratic leadership in the House and Senate appeared particularly weak. And so we should have seen it coming when a brash, tough-talking young lawyer came on the scene representing a thorn in the Trumpian sideStephanie Clifford, d.b.a. Stormy Danielsand made himself into a Resistance Hero. Michael Avenatti was "everything Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats were not: aesthetically combative; dismissive of the when-they-go-low-we-go-high mentality of the previous election; and a budding rival to Donald Trump in his sheer ability to garner publicity." Or at least, that's what I wrote when the news broke that Avenatti had been arrested on a string of federal charges, including those related to an alleged attempted shakedown of Nike.

Back in the glorious present day, Bloomberg is positioning himself as the Anti-Trump Candidate now that Biden is really starting to slip. Unlike Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or even fellow billionaire Tom Steyer, he is not running on the basis that much of anything outside the Oval Office is broken in this country. Only Amy Klobuchar has anything resembling his singular focus on Trump, and getting rid of El Jefe is the number-one concern for Democratic voters. It could work, particularly because Bloomberg is unlikely to meet the same fate as either of those onetime Anti-Trump Superheroes. He is not a gutter-brawling grifter in the Avenatti mold, and he seems a little more lively than Mueller did in those congressional hearings in which he so reluctantly participated.

He also has more money than God, and can keep the firehose of ads going regardless of how much negative coverage he gets in the press. This, of course, raises the question of whether Bloomberg merely represents a different kind of threat to American democracy than does Trump, who openly denies any legitimate power outside his own. If American oligarchs exist, Bloomberg is one. Certainly, he's a plutocrat. And he seems decently well-positioned to skip along the gold-brick road all the way to Oz, a state of affairs which would lead the Democratic Party towards Rockefeller Republicanism. Then the choice for the electorate would be between that and the modern Republican Party's reactionary ethno-nationalism. Where's your money on what working-class folks would choose four years later?

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Michael Bloombergs Anti-Trump Superhero Cosplay Will Only Go So FarRight? - Yahoo Lifestyle

Can fasting reverse your ‘biological’ age? It can, according to Goop Lab experts – CNET

Gwyneth Paltrow gets a vampire facial in the fourth episode of Goop Lab.

Netflix's The Goop Lab follows Gwyneth Paltrow and the team that runs her wellness brand, Goop, as they experience various alternative wellness practices, from meeting with a psychic to taking aworkshop about how to orgasm. In The Goop Lab's fourth episode, The Health Span Plan, Paltrow, chief content officer Elise Loehnan and Goop's marketing VP Wendy Lauria explore the societal obsession with antiaging and the often expensive lengths many go to avoid it.

In their quest for eternal youth, members of the Goop staff try several different diets reported to reduce the risk of age-related disease, including fasting, veganism and pescatarianism. Paltrow and her team also set out on a quest to find "more natural" alternatives to plastic surgery and fillers, like facials and acupuncture.

Aging is one of many things that medicine can't stop, so that raises the question: Is there any validity to these diets and treatments? Can you really slow down the aging process with food? That's what The Goop Lab sets out to determine and the results are, surprisingly, somewhat valid.

The Health Span Plan episode explores diets and skincare treatments that claim to have antiaging benefits.

The Goop team chats with Valter Longo, the director of the University of Southern California's Longevity Institute, about the practice of fasting and how it can have positive effects on health. He promotes his fasting mimicking diet in the episode (for which he has a book and a $250 diet kit that Paltrow tries). Notably, the group doesn't talk about other forms of fasting -- such as intermittent fasting or alternate-day fasting -- which can have the same health benefits as Longo's diet.

Paltrow also talks with Morgan Levine, who studies aging at the Yale Department of Pathology. Levine developed a method of calculating a person's "biological age," based on several factors that intend to predict how likely you are to get age-related diseases or be at risk for early death.

Paltrow, Loehnan and Lauria are tested for their biological age before starting a new diet for three weeks. Lauria followed a vegan diet and Loehnan did a pescatarian diet, while Paltrow uses Longo's kit (which includes a nut bar, soup packets and kale crackers -- appetizing, huh?) for a five-day fast.

At the end of the three weeks, all three have their "biological ages" retested. The only person whose age did not "lower" was Lauria.

To round out this antiaging episode, all of the women try three different facial treatments -- acupuncture, facial threading and a vampire facial -- that are supposed to be more natural than using typical dermatological treatments such as skin fillers and Botox injections.

Loehnen tries facial acupuncture, which is reported to boost collagen production. Lauria gets a "facial threading" treatment that involves sewing a plastic thread that dissolves after nine months into her face in an effort to boost collagen and lift the face.

A Goop employee tries facial threading, a less invasive way to get the effect of a face lift.

Finally, Paltrow gets a "vampire facial," which is when a facialist extracts platelet rich plasma from your blood, and then microneedles it into the skin on your face. The PRP is supposed to help the skin resurface and look rejuvenated. Paltrow seems a bit weirded out by the process but notes that there's an "overuse of that stuff," (referring to injections, fillers and plastic surgery), and at least "this is your own blood and not a toxin, it's a more natural way."

Right now, there is a lot of hype surrounding fasting, intermittent fasting and ketosis and how those diets might benefit our overall health. It's not all hype -- there's definitely some sound science here and it's likely to keep expanding.

During the episode, Longo presents his fasting mimicking diet, which involves "tricking" the body into a fasting state while allowing specific amounts of food for at least five days. The idea is to give your body just enough nutrients that it thinks it's fasting, but not so few that you encounter the negative effects of prolonged fasting like a weakened immune system and nutritional deficiencies.

Fasting can help improve your overall health, some studies have shown.

Longo says that his clinical trials on the fasting mimicking diet showed to "reduce risk factors for multiple age-related diseases." That's not totally bunk -- science shows that when you restrict calories for certain periods of time, it does promote longevity. A study on this type of fasting did show that it can be effective in improving health markers that put you at risk for age-related diseases such as BMI, body fat percentage and blood pressure. Fasting can also lower inflammation levels in the body, improve cognitive impairment in miceand can decrease insulin-like growth factor, a hormone linked to cancer. The research is promising.

While Longo's diet might be scientifically sound, I found it hard to wrap my mind around the idea that eating processed, packaged foods for five days could actually be better for you than eating whole, unprocessed foods. Surely you can hit the same macronutrient targets (low carb, low protein and a total of 750-1,000 calories per day) he cites is necessary to "trick your body that it's fasting" with real food?

I'd be interested in seeing studies on groups who do the fasting mimicking diet versus groups that follow a pescatarian diet (as Loehnan did in the show). Also, I'd like to see results in a study of participants who follow the fasting mimicking diet with Longo's food packets and bars versus the same exact macronutrients in whole food form. My guess is that the results could be pretty different.

The facial treatments in the episode are pretty extreme. While they are touted as "more natural" alternatives to plastic surgery or fillers, Goop did not provide much information on why these treatments are "better" for you.

When each practitioner did each treatment, it sounded more like an infomercial about why you should do it, rather than a scientifically backed procedure. The episode lacked real information or science on if these treatments are actually safe, and how they compare to fillers or Botox. No one (at least that we could see) challenged the practitioners about the safety or quality of what was going on.

Facial acupuncture is said to help stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.

The science behind facial acupuncture is promising, but there's still a lot of work to be done. As for the facial threading, aka the noninvasive face lift, a study published in JAMAconcluded that the results of the threading face lift are not effective enough to justify the patient's risk of potential complications from the procedure.

I would describe the facial threading procedure more as a cosmetic procedure and less of a facial treatment. Even though the Goop staff say it's more "natural" than a face lift, it seems pretty invasive to me. You see the doctor literally sew a plastic thread into her face and if that isn't invasive plastic surgery, I don't know what is. Nothing about this treatment says "natural alternative" to me. It just says, "here is another way to get a face lift, and it's temporary."

Goop has long been criticized for presenting highly inaccessible treatments, and that's the same in this episode. The vampire facial costs over $1,000, and the facial threading pricing can start at $1,500 and go up to over $4,000. Facial acupuncture is typically less expensive, but it depends on where you go and how many treatments you get.

There's nothing wrong with showing what these extreme treatments are like, it makes for entertaining television. But if Goop wanted to better serve its audience, perhaps it would have been more helpful to show more accessible options for natural beauty products, regimens or other useful skincare advice.

This episode of The Goop Lab presents a few valid and several questionable antiaging practices for your body and face. While fasting to improve your overall health is backed up by science, there are plenty of other more accessible and doable ways to improve your health through nutrition, exercise and lifestyle alone.

Focusing on the basics like sleep, drinking water, moving more and lowering stress seems more realistic, and then you can experiment with fasting if you think it could help you. Fasting is not a very accessible wellness trend in that it's difficult to do, you should do it under the supervision of a specialist, certain health conditions can prevent you from doing it and it can be really triggering for someone who has a history of eating disorders.

Because of this, fasting is not my favorite wellness topic to explore, and I would have loved to see Goop cover more of the actual science on the benefits other diets such as pescatarianism and veganism, or even better the benefits of eating more plant-based diet versus a restrictive plan like veganism or vegetarianism.

As for the facial treatments, I found it interesting to see the different procedures on the market, but unrelatable for someone who can't afford to drop $1,000 and up on a treatment. It would have been much more interesting to me if Goop had talked to skincare experts, dermatologists and other pros in the space who can teach people about good skincare regimens, habits, ingredients and explain what clean or natural beauty products can help.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Can fasting reverse your 'biological' age? It can, according to Goop Lab experts - CNET

Moving to Windows 10 in Healthcare: Read Our Complete Coverage – HealthTech Magazine

Whats the Difference Between Windows 7 and Windows 10?

Released on July 29, 2015, Windows 10 is now the operating system of choice for more than 61 percent of all Windows-based PCs.

In some ways, the design looks forward and back: Unlike recent iterations, the latest version marks a return to the classic Start Menu for access to applications and it also includes Live Tiles that show relevant, real-time data (a nod to Windows 8 functionality).

In addition, Windows 10 streamlines search and notification functions with a dedicated search bar at the bottom of the desktop and notification center in the bottom-right corner, making it easier for users to search, schedule upgrades or make changes.

Its also notable for incorporating virtual desktops, automatic updates and improved security. A detailed rundown in BizTech explains these and other points to consider.

READ MORE: The Complete Business Guide to Windows 10

A Windows 10 rollout requires advance planning and team cooperation to successfully execute. That outcome is especially critical in healthcare, an industry prone to hacking and whose mobile tools are increasing in use and number.

Among the questions that businesses should be asking:

Making sure all stakeholders are educated and aligned before a kickoff is critical, notes technology consultant and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Russell Smith, who addresses these issues and more below.

READ MORE: 5 Essential Questions to Answer for a Smooth Windows 10 Migration

Enhanced security functions found in Windows 10 are key to helping protect medical data and devices from harm. They include:

Windows 10 includes tools for smarter browsing and collaboration, including the Microsoft Edge browser. Users can annotate web pages using a keyboard or a stylus pen on the touch screen of a Microsoft Surface tablet, and share the notes. The software also works faster than its predecessors, thus boosting productivity.

In addition, Microsoft recently announced new Teams features that include advanced messaging capabilities, such as priority notifications and message delegation. The features also can integrate electronic health records for better care coordination.

READ MORE: How Windows 10 Can Improve Healthcare Collaboration, Communication

A Windows 10 transition doesnt happen overnight, as a HealthTech profile of several hospitals and clinics making the move have found.

Kelsey-Seybold Clinic in Houston spent two years preparing for a migration. The systems IT staff made the shift look easy but the process required infrastructure upgrades, training and painstaking work to ensure applications would be compatible with the new operating system.

Similarly, Michigan Medicine opted to replace 70 percent of its 35,000 aging computers to ensure Windows 10 compliance and usability. To tackle the massive task, the medical system hired a third party to warehouse and unbox new equipment; it also created three internal teams to manage progress across facilities.

Allegro Pediatrics in Washington state also started early, by allowing some doctors to test and familiarize themselves with computers equipped with Windows 10 before a companywide rollout. It was one of the easiest transitions Ive ever been part of, says Brock Morris, Allegros CIO and chief marketing and communications officer.

READ MORE: Healthcare Organizations Face Hurdles as They Move to Windows 10

Windows 7s end of life has massive implications for healthcare organizations, many of which havent updated their supporting infrastructure for medical devices due to longer device and vendor lifecycles.

Also complicating matters: a number of medical device manufacturers continue to ship devices that have computers running Windows 7.

A critical step is isolating and segmenting legacy Windows 7, Server 2008 and older devices so they dont communicate with the rest of the network unless absolutely necessary. Network segmentation also reduces the attack surface and can prevent attackers from probing and pivoting across the network.

Provider organizations should also develop solutions to run applications that cannot be updated to newer versions of Windows remotely. Its possible to run these applications on an isolated environment and use a tool like Microsoft RemoteApp to display them on newer PCs.

READ MORE: Device Security Must Be Top of Mind for Providers During a Windows 10 Migration

Original post:
Moving to Windows 10 in Healthcare: Read Our Complete Coverage - HealthTech Magazine

Shea Butter Market Revenue, Demands and Gross Margin, Forecasts to 2025 – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - Ameliorate Solutions) The report presents an in-depth assessment of the Shea Butter including enabling technologies, key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulatory landscape, deployment models, operator case studies, opportunities, future roadmap, value chain, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents forecasts for Shea Butter investments from 2019 till 2025.

The global shea butter market size was valued at USD 725.7 million in 2018. The global shea butter market is growing, due to its adoption in food, personal care & cosmetics, and medical industry across the world. In addition, shea butter has broad usage as a substitute for edible vegetable oils, fat and cocoa butter in various food applications are factors that can push the market over the next few years.

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Top Companiesin the Global Shea Butter Market: IOI Loders Croklaan, Wilmar Africa Ltd/ Ghana Specialty Fats, Ghana Nuts Ltd, Shebu Industries, Timiniya Tuma Company Ltd, The Pure Company, The Savannah Fruits Company, VINK CHEMICALS GMBH & CO. KG, Akoma Cooperative, StarShea, International Oils & Fats Limited .

Analyst Commentary :

The global shea butter market has shown a remarkable growth in the recent times. Rising chocolate and bakery product consumption is expected to increase the market concentration of shea butter as a cocoa butter equivalent. Shea butter has a better absorption rate, low fat content and better healing properties than cocoa and palm oil. Shea butter is used as shea based organic fertilizers in agriculture sector because it contains plants growth regulators and biological control agents needed for plants growth. The use of shea butter in various sectors like food & beverages, cosmetics, and agriculture is having substantial growth, the market for Shea butter will also bolster in the future.

Shea butter is a fat extracted from shea tree which is used in various skins and hair related products and possess various healing properties. Anti-diarrheal properties, lower cholesterol, and reduced arthritis properties are expected to raise shea butter adoption in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The market is estimated to raise its position due to the newer policies and regulations introduced and implemented by various governments across the world. Increasing demand for skin conditioning and anti-aging products will drive the segment growth over the next few years. These industries keep on developing and anticipates the demand for shea butter in future.

This report segments the global Shea Butter market on the basis ofTypesare :

Raw and Unrefined Shea Butter

Refined Shea Butter

On the basis ofApplication, the Global Shea Butter market is segmented into:

Cosmetics Industry

Medicine Industry

Food Industry

Segment analysis :

The shea butter market has been segmented based on type, application and regional. Based on type, the market has been classified intoraw & unrefined shea butter and refined shea butter.Refined shea butter is leading the shea butter market on the basis of type and is expected to remain largest segment over the forecast period because of its increasing adoption in cosmetics products and commercially, refined shea butter reduces antioxidant content, color, and vitamins from raw materials in order to make it usable.

The shea butter market has been segmented on the basis of application, the market is classified into food, cosmetic, and medical. In food industry shea better has largest application and expected to remain largest due to the usage of shea butter as a substitute for edible vegetables oils & fat and cocoa butter in making bakery products. Cosmetics industry is fastest growing based on application of shea butter because shea butter contains vitamin A, Vitamin C and cinnamic acid which have the property to prevent the skin from ultraviolet rays and also has skin healing, hair healing and lip healing property.

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Influence of the Shea Butter market report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Shea Butter market.

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-Favourable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Shea Butter market.

Regional Analysis :

Based on regional segmentation, the market for shea butter are in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Europe region is having the largest market share in global shea butter market due to government policies where, they got approval to use shea butter in edible products such as chocolates from Europe's EC and U.S.FDA which is expected to bolster the shea butter market in this region.

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What are the market factors that are explained in the report?

-Key Strategic Developments: The study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R & D, new product launch, M & A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.

-Key Market Features: The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.

-Analytical Tools: The Global Shea Butter Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market.

The research includes historic data from 2013 to 2018 and forecasts until 2025 which makes the reports an invaluable resource for industry executives, marketing, sales and product managers, consultants, analysts, and other people looking for key industry data in readily accessible documents with clearly presented tables and graphs.

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Shea Butter Market Revenue, Demands and Gross Margin, Forecasts to 2025 - MENAFN.COM

Anti-aging cream – Wikipedia

Anti-aging creams are predominantly moisturiser-based cosmeceutical skin care products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging. These signs are laxity (sagging), rhytids (wrinkles), and photoaging, which includes erythema (redness), dyspigmentation (brown discolorations), solar elastosis (yellowing), keratoses (abnormal growths), and poor texture.[1]

Despite great demand, many anti-aging products and treatments have not been proven to give lasting or major positive effects. One study found that the best performing creams reduced wrinkles by less than 10% over 12 weeks, which is not noticeable to the human eye.[2] Another study found that cheap moisturisers were as effective as high-priced anti-wrinkle creams.[3][4] A 2009 study at Manchester University, funded by the manufacturer of the cream, showed that a proprietary blend of ingredients had a positive effect after six months of daily application when extrapolated to a twelve month basis of comparison.[5][6] The statistical methods used to show this have been criticized. [7]

Traditionally, anti-aging creams have been marketed towards women, but products specifically targeting men are increasingly common.[8]

Anti-aging creams may include conventional moisturising ingredients. They also usually contain specific anti-aging ingredients, such as:

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Anti-aging cream - Wikipedia

1st Mediterranean Congress of Anti-aging Medicine 13-14 …

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine, the Larnaca Medical Association and the National Gerontology Center, we are excited to invite you to join us for the 1st Mediterranean Congress of Anti-aging Medicine, taking place in Larnaca, between 13th and 14th of April 2019.

This is the first time a conference with such a wide-ranging theme on ageing is held in Cyprus. The health of older people is a crucial subject which involves a multidisciplinary approach in order to offer effective treatments against age-related diseases. The conference is compact, comprehensive and practical, involving both basic science and clinical therapies. Lectures, presentations and seminars will be delivered by world-class academics, and by clinicians of European prestige. It will be attended by scientists working in the biology of ageing both from Cyprus and from Europe/Middle East, as well as clinicians, nurses, carers, health professionals and others with interest in applied, effective interventions which may help reduce the impact of ageing on society. We expect wide media coverage as well as publicity reaching beyond Cyprus in countries such as Russia, Israel, Middle East as well as the mainland Europe.

Dr Marios KyriazisConference Chair

The Congress is under the auspices of the Minister of Health Mr Constandinos Ioannou

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1st Mediterranean Congress of Anti-aging Medicine 13-14 ...

Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine – 30 Photos & 31 Reviews …


Services: Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Restylane, Bellafill Co2 laser, Photofacial, Skin Tightening laser, Gemini laser, Chemical peels, Hydrafacial, Lipodissolve, Coolsculpting, Laser hair removal, Microdermabrasion, Kybella, Microneedling, Skin tightening, Velashape, cellulite reduction.Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Testosterone Replacement, Hcg Weight Loss program, Vitamin IV Therapy,We specialize in Skin care and Hormones for Men and Women.

Established in 1997.

The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa is located in Houston Texas and is the original Antiaging wellness center with a fully integrated Medical Spa. Founded in 1997, Dr. Richard and Dana LeConey developed comprehensive personal Antiaging, Wellness, Hormone and Skin Care programs for men and women which include Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Co2 laser, Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Skin Tightening, Photofacial, Hydrafacial, Chemical Peels, Micr0-Needling with PRP, Laser Hair Removal,Velashape, medical grade skin care products and the all new Body Sculpting by Coolsculpting and much more.

Dr. Richard LeConey is the owner/ operator of the Institute of Antiaging Medicine and Skin Spa... Dr LeConey earned his undergraduate degree cum laude from the University of Texas in Austin and his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston Texas, in 1977. After medical school, he continued on at UTMB as a resident in the Department of General Surgery. He then extended his studies to include Antiaging Medicine over the next 15 years on continuing medical education.

Prior to becoming interested in the problems and treatments of aging, Dr LeConey specialized in Emergency Medicine and is also Board Certified in Emergency Medicine.

Dr. LeConey is a member of the following: American Medical Association, Texas Medical Association, Harris County Medical Society, Endocrine Society, American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American Board of Antiaging Medicine.

Dr LeConey is a certified Allergan Physician and nurs

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Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine - 30 Photos & 31 Reviews ...

Dr. Manjula Raguthu is recognized by Continental Who’s Who – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN Editorial) --> BROWNSVILLE, Texas, May 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Manjula Raguthu is recognized by Continental Who's Who as a Top Doctor of 2017. Dr. Raguthu is a Physician at Medwin Family Medicine & Rehabilitation.

According to their website, Medwin Family Medicine & Rehabilitation, established in 2002, is a healthcare facility that "serves patients of all ages and is aimed at delivering high quality and comprehensive health care services at two locations." The physicians at Medwin Family Medicine & Rehabilitation are dedicated to providing patients with utmost care with convenient locations and flexible office hours.

Recognized as one of the Best Family Physicians in America by the Consumer's Research Council of America for 2009, 2006 and 2004, Dr. Raguthu holds 32nd rank in Family Practice Boards in America. She has received distinctions in the fields of Microbiology and Opthalmology, and an Exemplary Leadership Award in her field in 2001. Additionally, she was awarded the Distinguishedumanitarian Award, and was named the Professional of the Year in 2015 and 2016 by Elite American Physician, as well as many other honors throughout the course of her career.

Heavily educated in her line of work, Dr. Raguthu earned her Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology in addition to a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Guntur Medical College in 1990, and completed her residency at St. Vincent's Medical Center in New York. In 2008, she was Re-Certified in Family Practice and holds an Advanced Trauma Life Support Certification, Medical Office Management Certification and is a Certified Medical Coder and Certified Compliance Officer.

For more information, please visit

SOURCE Continental Who's Who


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Dr. Manjula Raguthu is recognized by Continental Who's Who - MENAFN.COM

Why humans lack an ‘anti-aging switch’ – CNN

The researchers' conclusion that "the maximum lifespan of humans is fixed and subject to natural constraints" is sobering reading for those who dream that human ageing can one day be successfully hacked. But for evolutionary ecologists, it should not come as a surprise.

As well as striking a note of biological realism, this research also highlights how research on human ageing often neglects the insights available from evolutionary theory -- and particularly from a research field called "comparative life-history ecology".

This genre of research explains why mice and humans grow old at such different rates (more on why this is a problem for ageing research later). It aims to bring us closer to understanding the "ultimate" reasons why we age -- which in turn can tell us whether the hundreds of millions of dollars poured into ageing research are actually a good investment.

Strive as we might, an evolutionary perspective tells us that maximum lifespans will not be extended by simply solving one symptom of ageing after another.

Ageing -- or "senescence", to use the biological term -- is defined as a decline in physiological condition with age. You might wonder why natural selection allows this to happen at all. The answer is that senescence happens in a "selection shadow" -- that is, after organisms have already reproduced and passed on their genes. There is no real evolutionary penalty for failing to ward off the ravages of old age, because in animal populations relatively few individuals make it into their geriatric years anyway, thanks to predators, disease, hardship or bad luck.

Natural selection reaches a crescendo at sexual maturity, when most individuals in a population are alive and striving to produce viable offspring. This is the age at which the genetic baton is passed to the next generation. Unfortunately for those of us over 40, it's all downhill from here in terms of the evolutionary pressure to maintain a healthy body.

This knowledge -- that selection pressure changes with age in a way that depends not just on the expected lifespan but also on the timing of reproductive effort -- is fundamental to evolutionary theories of ageing. It is also fundamental to how we design and interpret the research that aims to help us prolong our own maximum lifespans.

Many of the species most frequently studied by biologists -- such as mice, flies and worms -- are chosen precisely because their short lifespans and fast generational turnover make them quicker and easier to work with. But their short lives and adaptable reproductive strategies actually make them unsuitable models for testing drugs or other anti-ageing interventions aimed at slowing human ageing.

In contrast, species with long expected natural lifespans (which have reduced their mortality risk by evolving to a large size, or being able to fly or hibernate, or having a large brain) have already invested strongly, and perhaps maximally, in protecting their cells from ageing. This suggests there is no "anti-ageing switch" available to flick for a species such as ourselves. Whether or not we have children, it seems we're already naturally geared to live as long as we possibly can.

If we take the ratio of a short-lived species like a mouse and apply it to humans, we would predict a maximum lifespan of about 400 years! But despite all of our efforts to push the boundaries through medicine and nutrition, humans (along with elephants and other highly durable animals) don't come close to these biblical lifespans.

If we are to break the evolutionary constraints on maximum lifespan in humans, we need to better take account of life-history ecology. This theory tells us that the causes of ageing are to be found not at the end of our lives, but at the beginning.

How our maximum lifespan is ultimately limited will be understood by research that seeks to answer why the pace of life varies so much among different animals. For me, this is the take-home message from this recent excellent research.

Christopher Turbill is a senior lecturer in animal ecology at Western Sydney University.

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Why humans lack an 'anti-aging switch' - CNN

CURE Pharmaceutical Adds Industry Veteran, Anti-Aging Specialist … – EconoTimes

CURE Pharmaceutical Adds Industry Veteran, Anti-Aging Specialist and Medicinal Cannabis Supporter, Alan Einstein, to Its Board of Directors

OXNARD, Calif., May 03, 2017 -- CURE Pharmaceutical (OTCQB:CURR), (CURE), a leading disruptive drug delivery technology company researching cannabinoid molecules for various healthcare applications, today announces the appointment of Dr. Alan E. Einstein to its board of directors.

Dr. Alan Einstein, grandson to famed physicist Albert Einstein, has been practicing medicine since 1996. Currently working at EMC2Care in Alpharetta, Ga., he is considered a thought leader in metabolic syndrome and its role in weight gain and overall health and longevity. He has also conducted extensive research utilizing umbilical cord blood stem cells, with an interest in Parkinsons disease and assisted Senator David Shafer in writing and passing Georgias only Cord Blood stem cell bill. Furthermore, in July 2006, Dr. Einstein was appointed to the, Commission for Newborn Umbilical Cord Blood Research and Medical Treatment by Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue.

We here at CURE Pharmaceutical are always looking for innovators to be a part of our board of directors, to help us understand the needs in specific treatment areas, said Rob Davidson, CEO of CURE Pharmaceutical. Dr. Einsteins addition to our board allows for increased depth in our medical expertise as we continue to work to expand our technical capabilities across all these specific areas. We look forward to utilizing his specific knowledge and experience as we continue to rapidly grow.

Along with his work and knowledge in the areas of anti-aging and anti-inflammatory medicine, Dr. Einstein is a firm believer in the study of cannabis and cannabinoids for medicinal benefits. CURE is taking a leadership role in optimizing plant based cannabinoids with a strategy to bring new cannabinoid molecules to the market through the FDA regulatory approval process while utilizing the companys proprietary delivery technologies.

I am looking forward to being a part of CURE Pharmaceuticals board of directors. Their drug delivery technologies are innovative technologies that I believe will benefit a growing number of people who require alternate ways to take medications, instead of the standard pill, Dr. Einstein said. Additionally, I am excited to see the upcoming research and partnerships that the company is planning in the medicinal cannabinoid area, as this is a growing market area that needs more research to help prove the benefits of these molecules.

Dr. Einstein earned a bachelors of science degree in Physical Chemistry from The University of Florida. Subsequently, he earned his medical degree from The College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Einstein then went on to complete his Internship and Residency training at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Sinai Hospital program in Internal Medicine, in Baltimore, MD.

About CURE Pharmaceutical Cure Pharmaceutical is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical/bioscience company with disruptive proprietary drug delivery technologies for a broad range of molecules serving the pharmaceutical, biotech, veterinarian, medical foods markets, cannabinoid molecules and new chemical entities (NCEs). Cure has an industry leading full service cGMP manufacturing facility and is a preeminent developer and manufacturer of a patented and proprietary delivery system (CureFilm), the most advanced oral thin film on the market today. Cure has developed an array of products in cutting-edge delivery platforms. Cure is well positioned in thepharmaceutical cannabis sector and is developing a global footprint with partners in the U.S., Canada, Israel and Germany, among other markets. The Companys mission is to create solutions to improve the overall quality of life and deliver proven drugs in a fast and efficient manner.

For more information about CURE Pharmaceutical, please visit its website at

Forward-looking statements This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of fact, including those statements with respect to the Company's business development, are forward-looking statements.Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made and are not guarantees of future performance. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.

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CURE Pharmaceutical Adds Industry Veteran, Anti-Aging Specialist ... - EconoTimes

Expert Anti-Aging Doctor and Bio-Identical Hormone Specialist, Alvin Pettle, MD, FRCS(C), is to be Recognized as a … – PR NewsChannel (press…

Alvin Pettle, MD, FRCS(C), Anti-Aging Doctor and Bio-Identical Hormone Specialist with the support of his beautiful wife, Carol, RN at the Ruth Pettle Wellness Centre, has been named a 2017 Top Doctor in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Top Doctor Awards is dedicated to selecting and honoring those healthcare practitioners who have demonstrated clinical excellence while delivering the highest standards of patient care.

Dr. Alvin Pettle is a vastly experienced physician, having been in practice for more than four decades. His long and successful career in medicine began in 1969, when he graduated from the University of Toronto School of Medicine in Ontario. He later completed fellowships in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Pettle believes in continual learning and education, and he has completed many advanced training courses in subjects including natural medicine, advanced colposcopy, and advanced hysteroscopy.

Dr. Pettle served for many years as Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Torontos Etobicoke General Hospital, but he is now renowned as one of Canadas top anti-aging doctors and bio-identical hormone experts. With the support of his expert team, he uses the latest technology and techniques in hormone replacement therapy to tackle the problems associated with aging and menopause.

Dr. Pettle has earned the coveted title of Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada, and he is also a member of many professional organizations including the American College of Infertility, the Canadian Medical Association, Physicians for Peace, and the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada. He is the author of numerous books and medical papers, and often appears on television to talk about bio-identical hormone therapy. His expertise in this field makes Dr. Alvin Pettle a very worthy winner of a 2017 Top Doctor Award.

About Top Doctor Awards

Top Doctor Awards specializes in recognizing and commemorating the achievements of todays most influential and respected doctors in medicine. Our selection process considers education, research contributions, patient reviews, and other quality measures to identify top doctors.

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Expert Anti-Aging Doctor and Bio-Identical Hormone Specialist, Alvin Pettle, MD, FRCS(C), is to be Recognized as a ... - PR NewsChannel (press...