Green Tea Boosts Memory, Combats Obesity – Anti Aging News

EGCG ,a compound in green tea, could alleviate high-fat and high-fructose -induced insulin resistance and cognitive impairment.

Green tea's top catechin and most biologically active component, EGCG, could alleviate cognitive impairment and insulin resistance caused by the consumption of high-fructose and high-fat. This is the determination of researchers from Northwest A&F University's College of Food Science and Engineering. They reached this conclusion after conducting a study centered on mice. The details of the study were recently published in The FASEB Journal.

Insights From Previous Studies

Prior research indicated EGCG had the potential to treat an array of human diseases. However, EGCG's ability to influence insulin resistance and cognitive impairment resulting from the typical Western diet were unclear. The study outlined above has eliminated some of the uncertainty regarding the effects of EGCG.

The Magic of Green Tea

Green tea is consumed more than any other liquid besides water. The tea leaves used for green tea are grown in more than 30 countries. The centuries-old habit of drinking green tea just might be a better alternative to modern medicine in the fight against insulin resistance, obesity and the impairment of memory.

About the Study

The research team separated young mice into three groups according to diet. The first was a control group that consumed a standard diet. The second group was provided with an HFFD diet. The third group was provided with an HFFD diet along with two grams of EGCG for each liter of drinking water. The research team monitored the mice across 16 weeks.

The Results

It was determined the mice provided with HFFD had a higher body weight than the mice in the control group. The HFFD group also had a higher body weight than the mice in the HFFD+EGCG group.

A Morris water maze test was administered. The HFFD mice took longer to reach the platform compared to those in the control group. The HFFD+EGCG mice had a dramatically lower escape distance and escape latency than those in the HFFD group.

The hidden platform was then removed for a probe trial. The mice inthe HFFD group took less time within the target quadrant compared to those in the control group. They also crossed fewer platform crossings than the mice in the control group. The HFFD+EGCG group showed a meaningful increase in the average amount of time spent in the target quadrant. They also had a greater number of platform crossings. Thismeans EGCG might improve memory impairment caused by HFFD.

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Green Tea Boosts Memory, Combats Obesity - Anti Aging News

Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors’ Strength – Sioux City Journal

THURSDAY, Aug. 3, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Eating protein at all three daily meals, instead of just at dinner, might help seniors preserve physical strength as they age, new research suggests.

The Canadian study found that protein-rich meals evenly spread throughout the day staved off muscle decline, but did not increase mobility, in older people.

Study co-author Stephanie Chevalier said, for seniors, "The important point is to create three meal occasions with sufficient protein to stimulate muscle building and greater strength, instead of just one."

Chevalier is an assistant professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal.

The functional decline associated with aging often leads to falls, mental impairment and loss of independence. Chevalier's team wondered if more evenly distributed protein consumption might be tied to better physical performance and a reduced rate of decline.

To find out, they tracked more than 1,700 relatively healthy Quebec men and women, aged 67 to 84, who were all enrolled in a three-year study.

The participants provided dietary information and underwent yearly hand, arm, and leg strength testing. They were also tested for mobility.

Over the three years, the researchers found that both men and women saw their overall physical performance worsen, with muscle strength fading more significantly than mobility.

But those who consumed protein more evenly throughout the day appeared to retain greater muscle strength -- though not greater mobility -- than those who consumed most of their protein late in the day.

However, Chevalier stressed the researchers only observed an association between protein distribution and muscle strength, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

"In other words, we cannot conclude that older people had greater strength because they were ingesting protein evenly distributed at every meal," she said.

Establishing direct proof would require more research, she said.

Still, the study finding held up regardless of the total amount of protein consumed, she noted.

Prior research has indicated that adults of all ages should consume a minimum of 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (To convert pounds to kilograms, divide your body weight by 2.2.)

For a 155-pound man, that would add up to about three ounces of protein a day, Chevalier said. Spread across breakfast, lunch and dinner, that would mean about one ounce of protein at each meal. A 130-pound woman would require a little less than one ounce per meal.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Dietary Guidelines call for those over age 50 to consume 5 to 7 ounces of protein foods daily.

In general, one ounce of meat, poultry or fish or one egg or one tablespoon of peanut butter, one-quarter cup of cooked beans or one-half ounce of nuts or seeds qualify as an ounce of protein, according to the USDA.

An outside nutrition expert offered one explanation why the new findings might work.

"Muscle protein is constantly being broken down and built back up. We need protein in our diet daily to make this happen," explained Lona Sandon, a dietetic educator.

That's true at any age, but in late life muscle protein tends to break down faster than it builds up, added Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Also, research has shown older adults require a higher amount of protein, she said.

"Eating protein throughout the day seems to be a means to stay in a positive protein balance longer than just eating most of your protein for the day in the evening meal," said Sandon.

Sandon said distributing protein intake evenly throughout the day is likely beneficial to everyone, young and old.

Much of the research in this area stems from sports nutrition studies, she added. "This research has also shown a benefit to spreading protein throughout meals over the day for increased muscle mass and strength benefits in active individuals and adults," she added.

However, she cautioned that eating protein alone is not an anti-aging silver bullet.

"You can't just eat a steak and suddenly have bulging biceps," she said, noting the need for some level of physical activity or resistance training as well.

The study was published in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

See the article here:
Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors' Strength - Sioux City Journal

Human Lifespan Evidence Now Being Challenged – Anti Aging News

457 0 Posted on Jun 30, 2017, 6 a.m.

Numerous medical researchers have publicly criticized a 2016 paper suggesting that people can live to a maximum of 115 years.

It has long been thought that human beings can live to a maximum of about 115 years. However, the limited amount of evidence for such a limit tohuman lifespan is now being contested. Five groups of medical researchers have publicly criticized a 2016 paper in Nature that suggests people can live to a maximum of 115 years.

About the Supposed Maximum Human Lifespan

The above-referenced paper made the headlines as its authors claimed that human longevity is inherently limited. The claimcatalyzed a spirited debate between scientists as plenty of people were not convinced by the paper's alleged evidence for a lifespan maximum of 115 years. It all centers on a2016 study led by Albert Einstein College of Medicine molecular geneticist Jan Vijg.

Vijg's research group delved into worldwide demographic data across the past century. The groupshowed that since the mid-1990s, the peak age leveled off at 115 years. These results prompted Vijg's group to claim human beings have a natural age limit of 115. They calculated the odds of an individual surviving beyond the age of 125 was less than 1 in 10,000.

The Response

Five groups of leading biological researchers responded to the paper published in Nature with a collection of formal rebuttals. These rebuttals were published on June 28 inNature Communications Arising. The rebuttals stateVijg's claim of an inherent limit to human lifespan is flawed. They argue it is an extreme claim that should be deeply scrutinized to verify or prove false. They arguean alternate explanation exists: the maximum age of human beings increases as time progresses. What looks to be an extension of lifespan is really just a finding derived by performing a superficial analysis of statistics that were used in an inappropriate manner.

Nick Brown, a University of Groningen PhD student and co-author of one of the rebuttals, states the primary problem with Vijg's study is that he used a dataset split at 1995 after scanning the data and observing a supposed plateau at that peak age in that year. They then proceeded to test the same data to determine if this was, in fact, the case. Brown argues Vijg's team thought they had identified a pattern and proceeded to create a theory to explain the pattern. The data matched the theory simply because it was generated from that exact data. Brown believes this is a flawedmeans of practicing science. Brown is also adamant that the research team's analysis of lifespan is rife with problems. They included the oldest individual to die in any given year, creating a tiny sample with an abundance of randomness. The data was much too limited.

McGill University biologist Siegfried Hekimi re-analyzed the data in question. Hefound it was consistent with several different trajectories for lifespan including one without a plateau and one with aplateau at an advanced age. The bottom line is the data is consistent with plenty of other trends meaning that there is no limit to lifespan at this point in time. Additional rebuttals echoed these sentiments.

The Expectation of aBackpedal

The scientific community expected Vijg to take back his claim of a limit to human lifespan. However, the rebuttals provided by fellow scientists did not prove convincing to him. Vijgstands by his research team's results, arguing that the scientific community must let the data speak. He claims hisgroup tested two independent databases. Several outside experts agree with Vijg. The mere fact that Vijg's claims are criticized does not invalidate his claim, yet it does open the door to further questioning of it.

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Human Lifespan Evidence Now Being Challenged - Anti Aging News

Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors’ Strength – The Sentinel

THURSDAY, Aug. 3, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Eating protein at all three daily meals, instead of just at dinner, might help seniors preserve physical strength as they age, new research suggests.

The Canadian study found that protein-rich meals evenly spread throughout the day staved off muscle decline, but did not increase mobility, in older people.

Study co-author Stephanie Chevalier said, for seniors, "The important point is to create three meal occasions with sufficient protein to stimulate muscle building and greater strength, instead of just one."

Chevalier is an assistant professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal.

The functional decline associated with aging often leads to falls, mental impairment and loss of independence. Chevalier's team wondered if more evenly distributed protein consumption might be tied to better physical performance and a reduced rate of decline.

To find out, they tracked more than 1,700 relatively healthy Quebec men and women, aged 67 to 84, who were all enrolled in a three-year study.

The participants provided dietary information and underwent yearly hand, arm, and leg strength testing. They were also tested for mobility.

Over the three years, the researchers found that both men and women saw their overall physical performance worsen, with muscle strength fading more significantly than mobility.

But those who consumed protein more evenly throughout the day appeared to retain greater muscle strength -- though not greater mobility -- than those who consumed most of their protein late in the day.

However, Chevalier stressed the researchers only observed an association between protein distribution and muscle strength, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

"In other words, we cannot conclude that older people had greater strength because they were ingesting protein evenly distributed at every meal," she said.

Establishing direct proof would require more research, she said.

Still, the study finding held up regardless of the total amount of protein consumed, she noted.

Prior research has indicated that adults of all ages should consume a minimum of 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (To convert pounds to kilograms, divide your body weight by 2.2.)

For a 155-pound man, that would add up to about three ounces of protein a day, Chevalier said. Spread across breakfast, lunch and dinner, that would mean about one ounce of protein at each meal. A 130-pound woman would require a little less than one ounce per meal.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Dietary Guidelines call for those over age 50 to consume 5 to 7 ounces of protein foods daily.

In general, one ounce of meat, poultry or fish or one egg or one tablespoon of peanut butter, one-quarter cup of cooked beans or one-half ounce of nuts or seeds qualify as an ounce of protein, according to the USDA.

An outside nutrition expert offered one explanation why the new findings might work.

"Muscle protein is constantly being broken down and built back up. We need protein in our diet daily to make this happen," explained Lona Sandon, a dietetic educator.

That's true at any age, but in late life muscle protein tends to break down faster than it builds up, added Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Also, research has shown older adults require a higher amount of protein, she said.

"Eating protein throughout the day seems to be a means to stay in a positive protein balance longer than just eating most of your protein for the day in the evening meal," said Sandon.

Sandon said distributing protein intake evenly throughout the day is likely beneficial to everyone, young and old.

Much of the research in this area stems from sports nutrition studies, she added. "This research has also shown a benefit to spreading protein throughout meals over the day for increased muscle mass and strength benefits in active individuals and adults," she added.

However, she cautioned that eating protein alone is not an anti-aging silver bullet.

"You can't just eat a steak and suddenly have bulging biceps," she said, noting the need for some level of physical activity or resistance training as well.

The study was published in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

See the original post:
Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors' Strength - The Sentinel

Doug Brooks returns to Parkersburg as a physician – Parkersburg News

Photo ProvidedDr. Doug Brooks has joined Camden Clark Medical Center-WVU Medicine.

PARKERSBURG Dr. Doug Brooks has returned to his hometown of Parkersburg to practice family medicine.

Tuesday is Brooks first day as a physician with Camden Clark Medical Center-WVU Medicine at 2012 Garfield Ave., Suite 1 in the Garfield Medical Complex in Parkersburg.

Brooks, a 1989 graduate of Parkersburg High School, obtained a bachelors of arts in biology in 1993 from West Virginia University and a medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine in 1997.

For the past 17 years, Brooks has been a physician in Tampa and Charlotte.

Brooks, 46, said he is looking forward to making an impact in his hometown, something that was lacking at times while working in larger cities.

He found it not as meaningful, not as personalized working in big cities.

Brooks has friends in the Parkersburg area and his father, Dr. Paul Brooks, is a retired family doctor in Parkersburg who graduated from the WVU School of Medicine in 1966.

From 2000-2006, Brooks was a family physician with Morton Plant Mease Primary Care, the largest medical corporation in Tampa, Fla., he said. From 2007-2012, he practiced as a family physician for Carolinas Health Care system, the largest medical corporation in North Carolina.

From 2012 to early 2017, Brooks practiced with several companies in North Carolina, including a mens center, nursing homes, urgent care and occupational medical centers, and a primary care center that focused on anti-aging medicine.

Brooks considers his 17-year journey through multiple disciplines of medicine to have made him a more knowledgeable and experienced physician with expertise in many different areas.

Brooks noted he has expertise in evidence-based medicine, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, premature coronary artery disease, obesity, anxiety and depression, dermatology, and sports medicine.

Brooks said he has taken a special interest in mens health and wellness, hormone therapy, erectile dysfunction, anti-aging, and skin care.

Men, in general, often dont want to see a physician about their medical issues, Brooks said.

Men are more reluctant, embarrassed to bring up problems, Brooks said.

I want to create an environment on a personal level, where patients will feel comfortable and want to seek his medical advice and expertise, Brooks said.

Wanting to see a physician is not a sign of weakness, he said. Instead, being proactive in ones health care is a sign of strength, Brooks said.

Brooks has served as a preceptor for 17 years, teaching medical students, residents, nurse practitioners and physician assistants from the University of South Florida, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Wake Forest School of Medicine, respectively.

Brooks wants to help in the community by possibly becoming a team physician at a high school.

Brooks was a state champion wrestler (at 125 pounds) his junior year at PHS in 1988 and finished second in the state at 130 pounds his senior year in 1989.

Brooks is a WVU football fan. He has season tickets to Mountaineer football games and used to attend games in Morgantown when he lived in the South.

Besides his father, other members of his family are, or have been, involved in the medical field. His mother, Ann Brooks, who lives in Hickory, N.C., was a nurse at Camden Clark Memorial Hospital. His stepmother, Nancy Brooks, is director of organizational development at Camden Clark Medical Center and his brother, Dr. Gregory Brooks, is a physician in Hickory, N.C.

WVU Medicine Camden Clark Medical Center is delighted to welcome Parkersburg native and WVU School of Medicine graduate Dr. Doug Brooks back home! the hospital said in a release.

Brooks plans to attend the Camden Clark Community Health and Wellness Day from 9-3 p.m. Saturday at Grand Central Mall.

He is accepting new patients at 304-865-5140.

Brooks is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and has an unrestricted license with the West Virginia Board of Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the West Virginia Academy of Family Physicians.

Brooks resume notes he is a 5-star physician on and has received the Patients Choice Award, given to only 5 percent of physicians, and the Most Compassionate Doctor Award, given to only 3 percent of physicians.

PARKERSBURG The Wood County Commission will be looking at the possibility of putting up a prefabricated ...

MARIETTA There might be some good news for residents of Newport if developer Max Harris has anything to do with ...

PARKERSBURG Storms forecasted for today have caused two events to move activities inside.The National Weather ...

See original here:
Doug Brooks returns to Parkersburg as a physician - Parkersburg News

Carol Renke, MD Top Doctors 2017 – Palm Springs Life

Dr. Carol Renke and her family practice exudes a familial atmosphere and thats exactly how she likes it. Her husband, Robert Renke, serves as practice manager; much of her staff has been with her for many years; and Renke gets to care for multiple generations of patients, ranging from adolescents to the elderly.

Ive gotten to see patients through different phases of life and I love getting to know them as people, not just their medical histories, she says. I make sure Im spending a little more time with my patients than I think most people are doing these days.

Her two staff physician assistants keep appointments open daily so sick patients can get same-day appointments rather than having to wait. Even with last-minute scheduling, Renke oversees the cases. I review everything. All the blood tests, all the X-rays, she says. And in the style of old-fashioned medicine, Renke insists on following up with a letter or a call after every test. Theres no, Oh if you dont hear from us, everythings fine, she explains. If you do a test, you want the results.

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Carol Renke, MD Top Doctors 2017 - Palm Springs Life

Chinas Struggles with Hospice Care – The New Yorker

Mu Zhixia discovered the lump in her left breast on an unseasonably warm night in March of 2014. At twenty-seven, she was strong and healthy, and hadnt seen a doctor since giving birth to her son, Xuan, two years before. But her mother, Sulin, told her not to take chances and marched her to their local hospital, in Pingding, a small city in the province of Shanxi. A doctor conducted a swift examination and wrote a prescription. Doesnt she need a scan? Sulin asked. No need! the doctor responded. The medication will be enough.

Zhixia dutifully took the pills, but after a few months the lump was still there, so Sulin accompanied her to a hospital in Yangquan, a nearby industrial city of 1.5 million people. The doctors said that she needed immediate surgery. As is typical with dire diagnoses in China, they did not tell Zhixia that she had breast cancer, informing only her mother. Sulin, in turn, assured her daughter that the growth was benign.

After the operation, a biopsy revealed that the cancer had spread. The doctors put Zhixia on a course of chemotherapy, and she was hospitalized for several weeks. A year later, the cancer returned, and the doctor who had prescribed the chemo remarked casually that if they had followed it up with radiation the outcome might have been better. Sulin wanted to know why they hadnt done that, but she felt too intimidated to say anything.

In the next three years, Zhixia had four more long stays in the hospital, emerging frailer each time. The cost of her treatments, a hundred thousand yuan (almost fifteen thousand dollars), plunged the family into financial crisis. The cancer progressed to her lymph nodes, her lungs, her bones. Her body became so ravaged that she was almost unrecognizable. When her son was taken to visit, he had to be prompted to call her Mother.

Shanxi is in the heart of Chinas coal country, and has disproportionately high rates of esophageal and lung cancer. Zhixia was only five months old when her father, a farmer, died of esophageal cancer. (Sulin remarried, but her second husband succumbed to lung cancer.) Still, Zhixia grew up to be a sunny, optimistic woman. Moonfaced, with high cheekbones, she liked to say that she met her father whenever she looked in the mirror. She quit school after seventh grade and worked various jobs to help support the family. When she was twenty-five, she met her husband, a coal miner named Zhang Wei.

Three years into Zhixias illness, in the spring of 2017, Wei felt a pain in his back so severe that he couldnt lift up their son. He didnt go to a doctor: caring for Zhixia left little time, and he figured that hed hurt himself while swimming. Two weeks later, the pain was so bad that he couldnt get out of bed. When he finally went to a doctor, he was informed that he had a blood disorder. The doctor, who suspected late-stage leukemia, told him to check in to the hospital right away. Wei said that he needed to keep working, to pay for his wifes treatment.

Wei died on a brisk fall day, three months later. What pained Zhixia the most was knowing that he had been alone at the end. His mother was too distraught to enter his hospital room, his father had been at work in the coal mines, Zhixia had been receiving another round of chemo, and her own mother was busy caring for Xuan. In the days after, Zhixia told her mother, Please dont let me die. By then, she knew that she had cancer: her father-in-law, who was illiterate, had inadvertently let her see one of her medical reports.

Zhixias doctors told Sulin to begin thinking about funeral arrangements. In desperation, she started asking around about other medical facilities, and a neighbor told her about a man named Li Youquan, who had opened a small private hospital on the outskirts of Yangquan. Its name was Yangquan Youai Hospitalyouai means friendship and loveand it had a unit devoted to hospice care, a concept still unfamiliar in China.

Few cultures relish talking about death, but in China the subject remains taboo. Mentioning it is considered so unlucky that dying people are often reluctant to discuss arrangements with their families or even to make wills. (Last year, The Farewell, an American film about a Chinese family that uses a wedding as an excuse to gather around a terminally ill grandmother without arousing her suspicions, was a breakout hit in the West, but it was largely ignored in China, where such stories are commonplace.) As a result, fewer than a hundred and fifty institutions specialize in end-of-life care, in a country where nearly twenty per cent of the populationa quarter of a billion peopleis sixty or older. The U.S., with some seventy million people over sixty, has more than fifty-five hundred such institutions.

In China, the family has traditionally provided care for the vulnerable: Raise a child against old age; stockpile grain against famine, one proverb counsels. Confucian expectations of filial piety remain strong, but for most Chinese they have become increasingly difficult to fulfill. Dizzying economic expansion has made Chinas population ever more mobile, and the one-child policy, in force from 1979 to 2015, means that many adults have no siblings with whom to share the burden of caring for relatives. Hundreds of millions of workers who have moved to the countrys booming cities cannot do much more for aging parents back in remote villages than wire whatever money they can spare.

Rural areas also lack adequate public-health services. Close to half the population lives in the countryside, but about eighty per cent of Chinas medical facilities are concentrated in cities. Health-care costs have risen sharply in recent years, and Chinese patients must navigate a byzantine system of government coverage. Most people have basic insurance, but anything beyond routine care usually requires steep out-of-pocket payments.

The early stages of the coronavirus pandemic brought to light some of the dysfunctions of Chinas medical system, including underinvestment in primary-care clinics and overreliance on huge, rigidly bureaucratic urban hospitals. But, if the coronavirus exposed the countrys health-care challenges in their most acute form, the quieter crisis in end-of-life care reveals a chronic underlying condition, whose symptoms are at once brutally economic and deeply cultural. Prosperity and medical advances have transformed the way Chinese people live, but they have done little to address the question of how they should die.

Li Youquan named the Friendship and Love Hospital for an earlier iteration, which was founded, like most of Chinas first hospitals, by Western missionaries. American representatives of the Church of the Brethren arrived in the area in 1910, and their hospital trained generations of doctors and nurses. It closed not long before the Communists came to power, in 1949, and expelled foreign missionaries. But, as Li told me when I visited him last summer, almost everything in China runs in cycles: Sooner or later, what was banned will be reborn.

Li is a sturdily built man in his early fifties, with alert eyes set in a frank, expressive face, and he comes from a family of farmers. His route to providing palliative care was a circuitous one. In the late eighties, he attended a vocational school that specialized in traditional Chinese medicine. After graduating, he left traditional medicine behind and did an internship at the largest hospital in Yangquan, where he encountered an ultrasound machine for the first time, and was amazed. In Eastern medicine, there is so much interpretation and guesswork, he said. But with ultrasound you could actually see inside a patients body. After scraping together enough money to buy a machine, he started operating a clinic out of his house, near the village where he was born. Charging a couple of dollars per scan, he found that there was good money to be made detecting tumors and pregnancies.

Go here to read the rest:
Chinas Struggles with Hospice Care - The New Yorker

3 Things A Non-Gendered Kid Wishes Everyone Knew – Yahoo Lifestyle

Boys and girls, listen up! Were going to separate into two sides: boys on this side, girls on the other. No boys allowed! Are you a boy or a girl? You look like a girl. Those are girl clothes. How many boys are in here? All the girls stand up. This is the girls bathroom! One boy and one girl will be chosen. Boys arent allowed to spend the night.

A couple of years ago, my then seven-year-old son calmly told his dad and me that he no longer wanted to be called a boy. Our son had very long hair at the time and wore skirts or pink clothing on occasion, so hed been mistaken for a girl many times, though it never seemed to bother him. Still, we were surprised. Oh. So then do you want to be called a girl? we asked. He thought for a moment. No, he decided. Because Im neither. Its been almost three years, and Noah is still adamant that he* is non-gendered.

About a year before Noah told us he no longer identified as a boy, he was diagnosed with autism. When I first began writing this post, I was planning to write about misconceptions around ASD and how challenging it can be to raise an atypical kid in a typical world. It was Noah who stopped me.

I think you should write about what its like to be non-gendered in a gender-obsessed world, he argued. Being non-gendered is way harder than having autism. That was a shock. For me, as Noahs mom, managing the symptoms that often accompany autism (like depression, anxiety, and OCD to name a few) seemed way harder than referring to oneself as neither a boy nor a girl. But Noah is living with both and still thinks shaking off gender norms is the most difficult challenge he faces every day.

Im still learning, as Noahs parent, what being gender neutral means for him, and how marginalized nonbinary kids feel every day. The paragraph of expressions at the beginning of this post are some that Noah hears and has to have an immediate response ready for on an almost daily basis. So I asked Noah what three things he wished he could tell the world about being a non-gendered kid, and heres what he said.

With teachers separating the class into boys and girls, boy/girl bathrooms, gendered toy and clothing sections at the store, and girls only or boys only mantras ringing out on the playground, being a nonbinary kid can be a lonely experience.

Is there a non-gendered side? Noah once asked a substitute teacher who insisted boys line up on one side of the room and girls line up on another. The teacher was confused by the question. I asked Noah what he did, and he reported that he was already lining up with the boys even as he asked. If there was a non-gendered side, he said, I would be the only one.

The thing is, trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) youths are not alone. Multiple studies show that more and more kids are coming out as transgender or rejecting traditional boy/girl gender identities altogether and identifying as gender fluid. According to Daniel Shumer, a specialist in transgender medicine at the University of Michigan, previous estimates of the size of the TGNC population have been underestimated by orders of magnitude. Sadly, pediatric studies are discovering that TGNC kids often have significantly poorer mental and overall health than kids who are cisgender (meaning those with a gender identity which corresponds with their birth sex). Shumer beseeches schools and doctors to abandon limited views of gender for the sake of these kids health and wellbeing. After all, we all remember what its like to be a kid; its lonely enough without being marginalized by an outdated understanding of gender.

Not claiming a gender can be scary and threatening to a kid. Im nervous to wear skirts to school, because most people still think of me as a boy and I dont want to be laughed at, Noah confessed. But wearing skirts at home makes me feel cheerful because theyre pretty.

Unfortunately, being laughed at is mild compared to some of the problems gender non-conforming kids face. According to the Human Rights Campaign, a terrifyingly high percentage of LGBTQ kids are depressed, have trouble sleeping at night, and experience elevated stress as well as feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Only 26% of gender expansive youth say they feel safe in their school classrooms, and only five percent say their teachers and school staff are supportive of them. Worst of all, studies have shown that when gender non-conforming kids dont feel supported by their parents, they are at high risks for self-harm, homelessness, and even suicide.

Its not easy being a kid who doesnt adhere to gender normativity. Thats why we adults have to work harder to help gender non-conforming kids feel safe, supported, and loved. I do understand why people are afraid, Noah told me. No one wants to be laughed at. But you should just be who you are. It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks.

The number one thing Noah hears from other kids is, Are you a boy or a girl? I know kids are often just trying to figure things out, but its frustrating for Noah to have to define his gender to every stranger on the playground. Moreover, there are some kids who just cannot let it go. Hes told me stories about kids cornering him at school and harassing him to give them a straight answer about his gender, and by that I mean a black and white answer. In most kids minds there are just two possibilities for gender identity: girl or boy. For non-gendered kids, gender is a box we dont fit inside, Noah explained.

Its our job as adults to teach our kids to be accepting of all people, that gender is not black and white, and that not everyone identifies as a boy or a girl and that is okay. Coincidentally, in my limited experience from helping Noah navigate this, Ive found that knowing someone with an ambiguous gender can be just as challenging for adults as it is for kids. I understand. It can feel slightly uncomfortable not knowing someones gender, especially if we arent sure what pronoun to use when referring to that person. But try to imagine how much more uncomfortable it is for someone who is gender fluid to have to define who they are for every confused person who feels entitled to an answer.

I wish people just didnt care, Noah told me. I wish they wouldnt ask. People dont deserve to be harassed if they say they arent gendered. However, he does have his answer ready when other kids want to know whether Noah is a boy or a girl. He simply asks, Does it matter?

It doesnt matter to me what gender my child is, if any. What does matter to me, as his mother, is that he knows he is loved no matter what. When Noah first told us he was not a boy, obviously we were concerned. We didnt want him to be hurting, and kids who experience gender dysphoria are often in a lot of emotional pain. Could this be why he was struggling with anxiety and depression, and why he was being bullied at school? We sought guidance from Noahs ASD psychologist, who gave me the best advice Ive heard to this day.

There is nothing you can or cannot do or say to make Noah transgender, she told us. He either is trans or he isnt. Your only job is to love him and show him that you support him regardless. If he isnt trans, and hes just experimenting right now, fine. Hell remember that you were always steadfast in your love for and support of him. But if he is trans, he needs your support more than ever, and right now is the time youre showing him whether or not he can trust you.

Our job, as parents, is to love and support our children regardless of where they fall on the gender spectrum. Our job as adults is to educate ourselves and increase our own understanding of a very gender diverse population so we can help build a better world for our kids. Daniel Shumer believes that continued work to build understanding of how youthexpress gender is a critical step toward reducing health disparities in [the TGNC youth] population.

To transgender and gender non-conforming kids, Noahs message is simple: Youre okay. Theres nothing wrong with you. It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks.

As the mother of a non-gendered kid, I hope we can all be as kind and as wise.

*After discussing it at length, we still use the masculine pronoun for Noah, with his consent. He is also fine with she/her pronouns. We havent used they/them, although that is the preferred pronoun for many gender fluid people.

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Here is the original post:
3 Things A Non-Gendered Kid Wishes Everyone Knew - Yahoo Lifestyle

Melon: How One Scientist Is Taking Hemp Drugs to the Next Level – Greencamp

Jamil Hantashs journey with cannabis began, like many others, with a sick relative.

In 2015, Hantashs father was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer. He was in so much pain he could barely function.

It is very hard to see your own parents suffering, Hantash said.

Rather than sit and helplessly watch that suffering, Hantash decided to take action by trying a different approach he gave his father some hemp oil.

Within a week his fathers pain went away, Hantash said. His father was able to enjoy walking and spending time with his grandchildren again.

While it didnt cure his cancer, which he eventually succumbed to, Hantash says the hemp oil made a huge difference in his fathers quality of life and gave him two almost pain-free months.

The experience sparked Hantashs interest in creating new types of hemp products.

If [hemp oil] could give my father two months of normal living with manageable pain, then it is worth investigating to see if this is something that can help other people get their quality of life back, he said.

Hantashs company, VJO Biotechnology, began exploring hemp as a medicine as laws toward the plant loosened in the U.S. in 2018.

Hantash is a drug developer by trade, or what he calls a formulator, which means he creates generic formulations for drugs that come out of patent to provide them at a cheaper price.

He saw an opportunity to take his formulation experience and apply it to the hemp industry to create competitively priced hemp products that are pharmaceutical grade.

Hantash looked at what the best selling products were in the industry. The company started to formulate these products to create their own versions.

We ended up with almost a hundred products that could be marketed in the U.S., he said. From shampoo to beauty products to health and wellness but pain management is how the whole thing started.

Now the products are being branded together under one name Melon and Hantash serves as the new companys chief scientific officer.

Melons products include everything from cannabidiol (CBD) tinctures and gummies to a CBD intensive relief rub to help treat sore muscles, to even CBD pet products.

What differentiates Melons products is they are pharmaceutical grade.

Hantash says the problem with hemp products is they often receive just a small fraction of the testing pharmaceutical products receive.Thus, hemp companies dont truly understand how their products interact with the human or animal physiologies.

But we do that [testing], Hantash said. We want these studies so we can back our claims with real scientific data.

By doing their own studies, Melon can gain its own insights into how to improve its hemp drugs and not just follow the pack.

For example, Melon has tracked its drugs absorption in the bloodstream and its journey through the human body to measure efficacy.

With its liquid gel capsule, Hantash noticed that many similar products in the industry have a high sugar content, which can cause blood-glucose levels to spike in diabetics.

By examining how these products interact with the human system, Melon decided to create its capsules with synthetic sugars to ensure they are safe for diabetics to consume.

This attention to detail carries over to the hemp Melon uses for its products, since not all hemp is the same, Hantash explained.

The hemp plant contains more than 113 active cannabinoid chemicals that interact with the human body, such as the popular CBD, and each cannabinoid can target a specific part of the body, he says.

Each hemp plant has different levels of the compounds due to its genetics, though, so to target the desired part of the body (such as the GI tract), you have to use hemp that contains cannabinoids targeting that specific area.

It takes six to nine months of testing to make sure the specific hemp plant targets a certain area of the body.

The oils we use [for joint pain] are not the same ones that we use for beauty products, for anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, Hantash said. You have to test it, theres a lot of process.

Melon is even willing to gain less profit in order to competitively price its science-backed products.

Were not greedy to the point where were going to make so much profit at the expense of the quality and the research, Hantash said.

For now, Melons products are available through their website in the U.S. and other partner websites, such as (note: Greencamp and Wikala are owned by the same parent company). The products are not yet available in Canada as regulations have not been established, Hantash says.

Melon isnt resting on its laurels with its current range of products, however.

The company has its sights on creating prescription (RX) drugs based on hemp the next level, Hantash says but to do so requires a few more production steps than making over-the-counter products.

The biggest hurdle is getting approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Hantash says, which requires full 30-day clinical trials of at least 1,000 patients to measure efficacy of the drug. Since hemp is a natural material, this makes it harder to get FDA approval, he says.

Melon is currently working on two RX hemp drugs that will be submitted to the FDA this year one to treat depression and anxiety, and another to heal diabetic ulcers.

The key is in the cannabinoids that target different areas of the body to treat illness. Hantash says there are certain cannabinoids that target the brain and stabilize its chemistry, which can help with mental illnesses.

The ulcer medication will consist of an ointment containing a cannabinoid that has been found to heal ulcers, according to Hantash. Currently, an ulcer can lead to amputation if it becomes infected.

It takes at least five years to get approval by the FDA or Health Canada (the FDAs Canadian equivalent), so Hantash doesnt expect these two drugs to be on the market until 2025.

By then he expects hemp-based RX drugs to flood the market and alter the pharmaceutical landscape due to their unique advantages, such as being effective without being toxic or immunogenic.

He says hemp drugs currently have a bad rep due to outlandish claims they can be a cure-all. These claims have been floating around since U.S. legislation passed in 2018 which legalized hemp production and caused a rush of products to flood the market.

Hantash says this led to some companies not properly purifying and testing their products.

Im really hoping in 2020 the FDA will really tighten the grip on the requirements for these products [to make them] as tight as any product sold in the U.S., he said.

Right now it is a wait-and-watch game for the FDA to come up with those new regulations.

Hantash thinks FDA approval for RX drugs would give hemp more legitimacy, though, and change peoples perception of the plant to see it more as a real disease fighter.

The sky really is the limit with hemp as more cannabinoids are discovered that could have a myriad of medical uses.

While CBD has been the it cannabinoid that many producers are swarming towards to provide pain relief without the psychoactive effects of THC in cannabis, Hantash says more cannabinoids will come into the limelight.

He points to cannabidivarin (CBDV) as what he thinks will be the next CBD because it is very effective in managing cancer symptoms in certain populations, he said.

Studies have found the compound is also effective in treating seizures. GW Pharmaceuticals, which developed the first FDA-approved CBD drug called Epidiolex, is actively working on a CBDV-based drug to tackle epileptic seizures.

Right now universities are studying the cannabinoid and will release their findings soon, according to Hantash.

Its all a part of modern science finally shining a light on the medical usefulness of hemp after years of prohibition regulated it to obscurity and Hantash is leading the way.

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Melon: How One Scientist Is Taking Hemp Drugs to the Next Level - Greencamp

American Companies in China Say This Is the Date When Coronavirus Business Impact Will Become Detrimental – Yahoo Lifestyle

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American companies in China are bracing for coronavirus impact.

In a survey conducted this month of over 150 member companies, the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) found that nearly half of respondents expect to see revenue declines if the situation does not return to normal by the end of April. Should the outbreak last through the end of August, about 20% of respondents said they believe revenues will drop by 50%.; the majority of AmCham members said it was too soon to forecast the long-term effects of the virus.

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AmCham China members say the most significant coronavirus challenges at present are disrupted travel due to government-imposed travel restrictions and a reduction in staff productivity, both of which have slowed project timelines. One-third of respondents said they have already been hit with increased costs and significantly lower revenues.

So far, there have been over 82,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus globally, with more than 2,800 deaths recorded. The virus, which originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, has mostly been contained to China, where about 78,500 cases and nearly 2,750 deaths have been reported by officials. However, this week there was a significant uptick in cases outside the country, particularly in South Korea and Italy, which fueled a global stock market sell-off. In the U.S., 15 patients have been confirmed with the fifteenth case reported last night at a White House briefing. (Thereare also as many as 42 American citizens who contracted the virus on the Diamond Princess cruise ship coming out of Japan.)

In response to coronavirus, many U.S.-based fashion and footwear firms with operations in China, including Nike, Skechers and Tapestry, have opted to shutter outposts or reduce operating hours in heavily infected areas. Due to decreased sales, several companies have already warned that their fiscal year sales could be negatively impacted by coronavirus.

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American Companies in China Say This Is the Date When Coronavirus Business Impact Will Become Detrimental - Yahoo Lifestyle

AI-formulated medicine to be tested on humans for the first time – Yahoo Lifestyle

A drug designed entirely by artificial intelligence is about to enter clinical human trials for the first time. The drug, which is intended to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, was discovered using AI systems from Oxford-based biotech company Exscientia. While it would usually take around four and a half years to get a drug to this stage of development, Exscientia says that by using the AI tools it's taken less than 12 months.

The drug, known as DSP-1181, was created by using algorithms to sift through potential compounds, checking them against a huge database of parameters, including a patient's genetic factors. Speaking to the BBC, Exscientia chief executive Professor Andrew Hopkins described the trials as a "key milestone in drug discovery" and noted that there are "billions" of decisions needed to find the right molecules for a drug, making their eventual creation a "huge decision." With AI, however, "the beauty of the algorithm is that they are agnostic, so can be applied to any disease."

We've already seen multiple examples of AI being used to diagnose illness and analyze patient data, so using it to engineer drug treatment is an obvious progression of its place in medicine. But the AI-created drugs do pose some pertinent questions. Will patients be comfortable taking medication designed by a machine? How will these drugs differ from those developed by humans alone? Who will make the rules for the use of AI in drug research? Hopkins and his team hope that these and myriad other questions will be explored in the trials, which will begin in March.

See the article here:
AI-formulated medicine to be tested on humans for the first time - Yahoo Lifestyle

Combining art and science in a medical practice – Keremeos Review

Words by Kathy Michaels Photographs by Phil McLachlan

My life has been simple run fast, turn left, Dr. Andrew Dargie said over coffee one day in late fall, offering up one last thought on his work in the Okanagan and the path he took to get here.

It was an endearing understatement from someone who is clearly more comfortable with taking on big tasks than boasting about how he completed them. As a former All-American sprinter who earned a full-ride scholarship at Stanford University, speed is certainly one of the defining points of Andrews life. He competed for Team Canada numerous times, turning left over and over again as he rounded a track with some of the fastest people on the planet.

Simple, however, is where the sports metaphor falls apart.

For all his athletic abilities, academics were a priority for Andrew, who, after Stanford, obtained his medical doctor designation from the University of Calgary. In a newspaper article about him from that time in his life, a third dimension of his personality became clear. He is a compassionate individual. During medical school he found time to take on a meaningful volunteer commitment with the schools aboriginal health program. For this work he was awarded the Canadian Student Athlete Community Service Award.

His next step was entering vascular surgery residency in Manitoba.

Ultimately, he said, I realized that I loved acute care medicine, but I didnt love the operating room. So I transferred residency programs and obtained my CCFP designation and moved to the Okanagan.

Since arriving, hes worked as an emergency room physician at Penticton Regional Hospital as well as South Okanagan General Hospital. At the latter location, he is the department head of Emergency Medicine.

While in the Okanagan, Andrew took on another passion and is bringing to it the same focus and dedication he has for everything else. This passion is medical aesthetics. In addition to his ER work, he now practises advanced medical aesthetics in both Kelowna and Vernon.

I decided I love performing procedures and found something to help balance working in emergency, he said. Its personally satisfying. Im able to offer procedures that are a blend of art and science and people are appreciative and happy.

Its an interesting time in a rapidly expanding industry. Not so long ago, cosmetic surgery was the clear-cut facial rejuvenation strategy.

This can be a definitive solution to reduce the signs of aging, albeit an invasive, sometimes painful experience typically reserved for the socially elite and requiring significant down time for recovery.

Now, more people are seeking anti-aging services that are less invasive, have less down time and are more affordable. Just a few facial rejuvenation techniques that Andrew offers are botox, dysport, fillers and platelet-rich plasma injections. The clinics he works at offer lasers, CoolSculpting, microdermabrasions and chemical peels, amongst numerous other procedures and skin-care treatments.

While minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures are in high demand, the relative newness of the industry has created some issues and it is not as closely regulated as it perhaps should be. This was made plain in recent months as a non-medical civilian in the Vancouver area passed herself off as a doctor and injected dermal fillers into countless unwitting clients at a spa. She used an altered photocopy of a College Certificate of Licensure to convince medical suppliers that she had a medical licence and was certified to practise in British Columbia. In any other field of medicine it would sound ludicrous, but that it happened at all lays bare the fact that checks and balances are lacking.

Thats something Andrew worries about. And this is why he founded Aesthetics Training Canada, which offers the botox course and the filler course.

Ensuring medical professionals are properly trained is of the utmost importance. There are people injecting without any formal training in facial anatomy or rejuvenation. I said, how can I change this and provide a safe and standardized way for medical professionals to expand their scope of practice to include medical aesthetics? That was the impetus for offering these new comprehensive courses.

There are also clear gaps in proper medical care.

We have patients come in who have been getting procedures elsewhere for years, and when I go to take them through the consent process, they say, Wait, there are risks with these procedures? I was told there were zero risks, Andrew said. This shocks me. Thats not proper medicine and it really bothers me. Some people think about patients in terms of syringes or units. Or some prioritize how fast they can get a patient in and out of the door. This type of practice doesnt warn patients that there are, in fact, risks to consider.

To start creating the change he wants to see in the industry, each of Andrews treatment rooms has anatomy cards so he can take patients through what hes doing, what the risks are and how they can be mitigated.

There are all sorts of things we can do to optimize patient care, he said. If Im in emergency, whether its something as simple as cutting out a mole, or something more complicated like a cardioversion, we always take people through the risks and benefits, and it should be no different in medical aesthetics. Patients must consent and they must be educated that these are not completely harmless procedures and should be performed by experienced medical professionals only.

Adverse events can occur and these can be devastating, Andrew said. The results of shoddy, haphazardly conducted work can be disfiguring or worse even blinding and he wants to prevent this.

He also wants to bring back a more natural look.

People that come to see me get full transparency, and a natural look, he said.

The day before the interview, Andrew said he had turned away four patients who had come in seeking lip filler treatment.

Hed told them, I think your lips are already full enough and we want you to look natural.

They may go down the street and get that duck lip. But our patients arent getting that. Theyre going to get an honest and fair assessment and can expect a refreshed, natural look.

Interestingly, the four who were turned away were receptive to feedback and appreciated hearing his honest and clear communication.

Andrew has accomplished a lot in his life and is bound to take on more. What makes him different than others, however, is that he makes things look easy. He has a light and pleasant demeanour that puts people speaking to him at ease. If you didnt know better, it would be possible to believe that he did have a simple life, remarkable only by his ability to go fast and turn left.

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Story courtesy of Boulevard Magazine, a Black Press Media publication

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Combining art and science in a medical practice - Keremeos Review

Antiaging Products and Services Market 2020 Global Demand Analysis || Leading Players Orlane SA, Revlon Inc, Novartis International AG, Unilever PLC,…

Theglobal antiaging products and services marketis expected to reach USD 859.11 billion by 2025, from USD 347.58 billion in 2017 growing at a CAGR of 11.8% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025. The upcoming market report contains data for historic year2016, the base year of calculation is 2017 and the forecast period is 2018 to 2025.

Some of the major players operating in the global antiaging products and services market areChanel SA, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Allergan Inc, Neutrogena Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Elizabeth Arden Inc, Johnson & Johnson, Orlane SA, Revlon Inc, Novartis International AG, Unilever PLC, Avon Products Inc, Woodridge Labs Inc, Beiersdorf, LOral SA, Merck & Company Inc, Christian Dior, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, NeoStrata Company Inc, Bayer Schering Pharma AG, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd among others.

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Global Antiaging Products and Services Market business research report gives most appropriate and specific information to the decision makers in the Healthcare Industry which saves their time and result in excellent output. The report vigilantly analyses the potential of the market with respect to current scenario and the future prospects with respect to several industry aspects. This Antiaging Products and Services Market report explains a number of market factors such as market estimates and forecasts, entry strategies, opportunity analysis, market positioning, competitive landscape, product positioning, market assessment and viability studies. Via this document, the best solution is offered with the systematic study of all these parameters that is performed by the experts.

Market Definition:Global Antiaging Products and Services Market

As the skin ages, it loses its natural elasticity and becomes thinner, more fragile and laxer, taking on a wrinkled appearance. In modern society, there is a great increase in the search for eternal youth and an insatiable appetite for methods which could turn back the clock. This has triggered an explosion in the antiaging industry. In addition, technological advances in medicine for the prevention and treatment of deadly diseases help to increase life expectancy.

The aging process of the skin generally has two kinds of forms: natural aging and light aging. There are various factors which directly affect intrinsic aging such as ethnicity, anatomic variations, hormonal changes, extrinsic aging, drugs, smoking and sunlight exposure. These aging conditions can be treated by the antiaging products such as UV absorbers, anti-wrinkle products, anti-stretch products, others and services and therapies. For anti-aging, the cosmetics are commercially available products that can be used to improve the appearance of the skin. People are constantly demanding for more effective products that can essentially beautify the appearance and has resulted in augmented basic science research and product development in the cosmetics industry.

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Major Market Drivers and Restraints:

Market Segmentation:Global Antiaging Products and Services Market

The global antiaging products and services market is segmented based on product, therapies and services and geographical segments.

Based on product, the market is segmented into UV absorbers, anti-wrinkle products, anti-stretch products and others.

Based on therapies and services, the market is segmented into eye-lid surgery, abdominoplasty, hormone replacement therapy, breast augmentation, liposuction, gene therapy, injectable skin, botox, telomere based therapy, rejuvenation and dermal fillers, sclerotherapy, anti-pigmentation therapy, hair restoration services and chemical peels.

Based on geography, the market report covers data points for 28 countries across multiple geographies namely North America & South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and, Middle East & Africa. Some of the major countries covered in this report are U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and, Brazil among others.

Key Developments in the Market:

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Antiaging Products and Services Market 2020 Global Demand Analysis || Leading Players Orlane SA, Revlon Inc, Novartis International AG, Unilever PLC,...

So, Are The Top Diets From 2019 Actually Healthy? We Investigated –

Each year Google releases lists of things we searched for most in the year, and they even go as far as to break down the diets that captured our imagination (and our screen time) in the year.

The most searched for diets of 2019 included some of our favorites, some (maybe faulty) classics, and some total randomsbut they largely seem to be focused on weight-loss plans.

When faced with all these different plans, we turned to experts to find out more about the trendiest diets of the year.

"I generally recommend avoiding any temporary programs and aiming for a sustainable, workable plan that can be maintained," functional medicine doctor Wendie Trubow, M.D., told mindbodygreen. "As a result, I don't recommend anything overly restrictive and do believe that each person's needs vary, although everyone can benefit from decreasing alcohol, sugar, and processed carbs!"

While even 10 different popular diet plans may seem like a lot, there are so many more that didn't even make this year's list. It just goes to show that while something may work for one person, it won't necessarily work for others.

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So, Are The Top Diets From 2019 Actually Healthy? We Investigated -

Cheap viagra super active – Viagra super active in australia – What is the difference between viagra and viagra super active – Laughlin Entertainer

December 17, 2019 Cover

Let the Laughlin resorts serve your family a special meal this Christmas.

How anyone can confuse The Vogues, a white male singing group from the 1960s, with En Vogue, the R&B girl group of the 1990s makes you wonder what people are thinking or drinking.But that happened to Troy Elich, (son of the late Stan Elich, an early member of the Vogues), who has been a member and manager of the group since the passing of his father.

What if the nostalgia of holiday television specials and films were blended with vintage Vegas Rat Pack-type shows to create a whole new kind of musical magic?A swinging show filled with these elements like classic hits and Christmas favorites might just set the tone for creating a new holiday tradition the whole family can enjoy together.

Dress up in cowboy duds and learn to navigate the Wild West frontier with a trip to Stagecoach Trails Guest Ranch in Yucca, Arizona.Dudes from across the world come to the ranch for a one-of-a-kind experience stepping back to the simpler times to learn the cowboy lifestyle wrangling horses, trail rides at dawn, campfires and three home-cooked meals a day.Stagecoach Trails has been around since 1999, but switched hands in 2014 when JP and Tricia McCormick bought the ranch.

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Cheap viagra super active - Viagra super active in australia - What is the difference between viagra and viagra super active - Laughlin Entertainer

An Anti-Aging Medicine – Could Metformin Help Slow Aging?

I recently had the unique opportunity to serve as an advisor for the development of the next XPRIZE. Many of you may have heard of the XPRIZE for space, and this new prize is, to a degree, similar. The new XPRIZE is being developed to help spur research in the field of longevity. As such, unlike the space prize, in which a finite goal could be easily established, developing a goal that would serve as a surrogate for longevity is more of a challenge. Nonetheless, it is a work in progress.

Over the several days during which we worked on the project, one thing I was struck by was the discovery that a significant number of the scientists had begun taking a specific medication with the hope that it could stymie the aging process. The medication, metformin, is commonly used to control blood sugar in diabetics. Its mechanisms of action include decreasing glucose absorption from the gut, as well as the production of glucose in the liver. In addition, metformin is thought to increase the action of the hormone insulin by increasing cellular insulin sensitivity. As far as why it is being considered for this anti-aging purpose, scientists are looking to how it activates other biochemical pathways, including AMP-kinase.

Ill leave the further technical stuff for your exploration on Google, but suffice to say that all that glitters isnt gold, meaning that we should always consider the potential risks associated with any intervention, no matter how attractive. That said, I was intrigued to review a recent publication in Aging Cell, in which researchers aimed to determine the effect of metformin on both insulin sensitivity as well as cardiorespiratory fitness. The studys sample was a group of older adults who were involved in an aerobic exercise program, and who were taking either metformin or a placebo for 12 weeks.

Aerobic exercise, as you might expect, was associated with a decrease in fat mass, average blood glucose (A1c), and fasting insulin. But there were important differences between the two groups. Compared to the placebo group, the subjects taking metformin had less improvement in insulin sensitivity, as well as less improvement in an important measure of cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 max) following exercise. Most importantly, while normally exercise is associated with an improvement in skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, this was not seen in the group taking metformin.

Older adults generally seem to have gotten the message that exercise is a good idea, and this is especially true for diabetics. But this research reveals that by taking metformin, and subsequently compromising mitochondrial function, what may be the most commonly prescribed medication to treat diabetes actually significantly detracts from the important benefits of exercise. Further, as it relates to the idea of anti-aging, the authors stated:

Our findings suggest that combining two healthspan extending treatments, metformin and exercise, may interfere with the improvement in some parameters of physiological function and do not interact synergistically.

Im all in when it comes to slowing down the aging process. For now, I think theres solid evidence supporting ideas like caloric restriction, intermittent fasting, high-quality sleep, and even some unique nutritional supplements. But the potential downsides of compromising mitochondrial function in a person who chooses to exercise have made me take metformin off the list.

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An Anti-Aging Medicine - Could Metformin Help Slow Aging?

Anti-Aging Medicine for Men & Women | Genlife Regenerative …

What is Anti-Aging Medicine?

Anti-aging medicine is the use of medical treatment to reduce the effects of aging. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) states that through the use of anti-aging medicine

the human life span can be increased, and the quality of ones life improved as one grows chronologically older.

In a world where are time on Earth is a finite resource, it is understandable that many patients are seeking to reduce the effects of aging.

According to A4M, Anti-Aging Medicine is

Scientific. Anti-aging diagnostic and treatment practices are supported by scientific evidence and therefore cannot be branded as anecdotal.

Evidence-based. Anti-aging medicine is based on an orderly process for acquiring data in order to formulate a scientific and objective assessment upon which effective treatment is assigned.

Well-documented by peer-reviewed journals. As of this writing, the National Library of Medicine hosts more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles on the subject of anti-aging medicine.

In addition to third party studies, Dr. Charles Mahl has also seen the results himself here in Miami. He has had many success stories with his patients, who feel and look younger after receiving anti-aging treatment.

GLRM is a unique, state of the art, full service medical wellness clinic, offering individualized treatment programs for patients, with all medical conditions. The emphasis is on treating the cause of disease, not merely the symptoms. We also specialize in measuring and treating the aging process with individualized programs targeted to increasing the length and quality of life, preventing disease, and maintaining the same level of physical, mental, and emotional well being that characterizes true health. Live a healthy lifespan with our guidance and programs.

Anti-Aging Medicine including anti aging medicine in Miami which we offer here onsite employs the latest scientific research, advances in biotechnology, and clinical preventive medicine to stop and reverse conditions associated with aging.

Through preventive screenings, early disease detection, prompt intervention, and optimal nutrition, Dr Mahl and his team help fight and reverse age-related disease and dysfunction.

Your biological age is not the same as your chronological age. In unhealthy people, the biological age is often measured to be much higher than their real age. On the other hand, healthy people are often seen as much younger that they actually are. Anti-aging medicine focuses on stopping and reversing the biological aging process by treating and preventing age-related disease on the molecular and cellular level.

Anti-aging medicine deals with the actual physiological and biochemical causes for diseases and age-related disorders. We focus on treating the body at the microscopic, cellular, and biochemical levels. We find and treat the cause of disease, and not simply prescribe medication to mask disease symptoms. Instead of maintaining disease in its current state, we emphasize the need to improve health, optimize performance, and increase the quality of life for our patients.

Patients often complain of fatigue, memory problems, headaches, emotional, and relationship issues. Although these complaints are frequently treated with prescription drugs to mask the symptoms, the true underlying causes are not adequately addressed.

The absence or imbalance of certain hormones has been found to be often the primary cause of such common patient complaints. With age, your body becomes less efficient in producing proper levels of natural hormones that are critical to the functioning of all major organs and vital body systems. Unhealthy life style, poor nutrition, stress, and toxins cause molecular stress inside your body and lead to serious hormonal imbalances.

Both men and women can have unique hormonal problems. Women frequently suffer from premature perimenopausal symptoms. Men experience andropause, often associated with low testosterone levels.

Personalized approach to healthcare is one of the most important cornerstones of anti-aging medicine. We understand and emphasize that every patient is different biochemically, physiologically, and psychologically. A successful treatment plan must take into account the unique biochemistry of each individual patient.

In anti-aging medicine including the anti aging medicine in Miami which we offer onsite prevention of future disease is just as important as treating an existing one. The best way to treat any medical condition is to prevent one in the first place. Active screening, early diagnosis, latest laboratory testing, modern medical imaging technologies, and prompt intervention are fundamental in helping patients avoid serious life-threatening diseases.

If you can prevent future diseases, you dont have to be treated. At GLRM, we will help you identify important risk factors and design a customized treatment to avoid getting sick. By optimizing health, improving nutrition, and making positive adjustments to your lifestyle, you can minimize the risks of major diseases:

Anti-aging medicine focuses on optimizing health, maintaining wellness, reducing known risk factors, prevention of diseases, pre-emptive testing, stop and reverse age-related diseases.

Anti-aging medicine emphasizes an integrative and holistic approach to treating the body and the mind. At GLRM, we focus on health optimization and often combine a variety of methods to optimize their patients health:

If you would like more information about anti aging medicine in Miami, including all the possible treatment options, please Contact Us.

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Anti-Aging Medicine for Men & Women | Genlife Regenerative ...

Anti-Aging Program: MedWell Spine, OsteoArthritis …


Thyroid Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain Doctor Bergen County 201-848-8000 from MedWell Spine & Neuropathy on Vimeo.

My name is M. T. Shahab, M.D. We are a team of multidisciplinary doctors who will assess you individually and formulate a diagnostic and specific plan of care to help our patients based on our areas of expertise and discipline. Hundreds of our patients have been helped with our comprehensive approach to address chronic conditions. Among multiple drug free ways to address and help your symptoms, we usually recommend and provide nutritional supplementation which are designed to support overall health, your body function and well-being and not to treat or cure any medical illness, disease, or condition.

LOOK YOUNGER FEEL BETTER SLEEP BETTER from MedWell Spine & Neuropathy on Vimeo.

LOOK YOUNGER FEEL BETTER SLEEP BETTER from MedWell Spine & Neuropathy on Vimeo.

Do you wonder why, even though you are on thyroid or other medication, you still suffer with all of the symptoms of your thyroid condition? Or maybe initially you felt better on your thyroid medication until all the symptoms started to come back? Here are eight reasons why you are still suffering

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and not getting the answers you need. Watch our videos or better yet come in for a same day consultation and evaluation and receive answers on how to once and for all get your life back!

We provide medical care as applicable to patients with Chronic Conditions, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Condition, Hashimotos, Diabetes, Migraine Headaches, Headaches, Balance Problems, and Sleeping Problems. If you are suffering from chronic thyroiditis hypothyroid fibromyalgia chronic fatigue or autoimmune thyroid condition you may be helped with natural supplements, neurofeedback and remedies and healing can start immediately specially adrenal gland and cortisol imbalance with natural bio identical hormones for menopause and hot flashes. Andropause and testosterone deficiency may also be tested for assessment and prescription. Our medical physicians and team of doctors in Bergen county northern New Jersey have helped many patients with attention deficit, ADD, memory loss, anxiety, depression, sleep difficulty, low sex drive, low libido and low energy. Medical doctors consultation and evaluation is necessary for assessment prior to proving bio identical natural hormone creams. Brain balance and neurologist recommended exercises are effective in most cases with helping brain balance and activity for adults and children. Insomnia and Restless legs doctors throughout Bergen County, Passaic County and northern New Jersey area are handful. Usually a doctor with functional medicine and functional endocrinologist may be necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Brought to you by your Health and Wellness Center Professionals at Medwell, located in Bergen County New Jersey. We serve all 0f North Jersey: Midland Park, Wyckoff, Waldwick, Ridgewood, Ho-Ho- Kus, Glen Rock, Hawthorne, Allendale, Franklin Lakes, Haledon, Township of Washington, Saddle River, Fair Lawn, Paterson, Ramsey, Paramus, Hillsdale, Woodcliff Lake, Oakland, Totowa, Park Ridge, Mahwah, Emerson, Wayne, Elmwood Park, Montvale, Oradell, Saddle Brook, Rochelle Park, Westwood, River Edge, Pompton Lakes, Maywood, Haworth, New Milford, Clifton, Pearl River, Garfield, Tallman, Wanaque, Harrington Park, Wayne, Dumont, Little Falls, Pequannock, Lodi, Haskell, Pompton Plains, Riverdale, Bergenfield, Hackensack, Monsey, Hillburn, Closter, Passaic, Lincoln Park, Spring Valley, Nanuet, Hasbrouck Heights, Wallington, Teaneck, Suffern, Demarest, Norwood, Bogota, Orangeburg, Bloomingdale, South Hackensack, Teterboro, Tappan, Woodridge, Northvale, Cresskill, Cedar Grove, Montclair, Ringwood, Blauvelt, Tenafly, Sloatsburg, West Nyack, Englewood, Fairfield, Little Ferry, Moonachie, Palisades, Ridgefield Park, Towaco, Rutherford, Alpine, Nutley, Leonia, Sparkill, Carlstadt, Caldwell, Verona, East Rutherford, Butler, Piermont, Englewood Cliffs, Palisades Park, Montville, Bloomfield, Montclair, Nyack, Ridgefield, Glen Ridge, Yonkers, Fort Lee, New City, Pine Brook, West Milford, Essex, Fells, Pomona, Belleville, Bronx, Ardsley-on- Hudson, Lyndhurst, New York, Valley Cottage, Hastings-on- Hudson, Fairview, Dobbs Ferry, North Arlington, Cliffside Park, Roseland, Secaucus, Lake Hiawatha, Edgewater, Irvington, Boonton, West Orange, North Bergen, Kearny, East Orange, Newark, West New York, Hewitt, Orange, Parsippany, Southfields, Union City, Kearny, East Hanover, Weehawken, Newfoundland, Mountain Lakes, Harrison, Livingston, Jersey City, South Orange, Hoboken, Rockaway, Whippany, Maplewood, Mount Tabor, Denville, Millburn, Oak Ridge, Hibernia, Bergen County, Passaic County, Rockland County, and Morris County! Hypothyroid symptoms or autoimmune thyroid conditions does not necessarily require synthetic medication for thyroid recovery hair loss or chronic tiredness. Our individualized and customized blood test, food sensitivity, parasite and virus testing, and complete body scan assessment is geared towards natural treatment of our northern NJ patients. In many cases our doctors provide nutritional supplementation. The recommended natural products are designed to support overall health, your body function and well-being and not to treat or cure any medical illness, disease, or condition.

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Anti-Aging Program: MedWell Spine, OsteoArthritis ...

Preventive Medicine Anti Aging and Chelation Therapy

Health changes are one part of growing older. But for some, losing weight is more difficult and for others energy levels wane, sex drive decreases, and quality of sleep diminishes. What you may not realize is that a lot of these developments can be attributed to hormone deficiencies, which can be corrected. From blood work to saliva testing,

Preventive Medicine examines the causes behind the symptoms and assesses what may be contributing to your health concerns.After your lab results are completed, you meet with a medical doctor or nurse practitioner to discuss your medical history, assess your condition, and create a treatment plan designed to improve your everyday functions.

This anti-aging treatment has reversed worsening conditions for countless patients. Those who have undergone hormone replacement therapy express their renewed energy, mental clarity, increased sex drive, and successful weight loss results.

You do not have to live with weight gain, low energy levels, or poor sleepour anti-aging specialists can help. To find out if our anti-aging program at Preventive Medicine is the right choice for you, contact the location nearest you.

Preventive Medicine Anti Aging and Chelation Therapy

Agenda Announced for 2017 MedTech Impact Expo & Conference … – GlobeNewswire (press release)

June 27, 2017 14:19 ET | Source: MedTech Impact Expo & Conference

New York, June 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MedTech Impact Expo & Conferencehas released the 2017 agenda for its medical technology-focused conference, taking place December 14 15 at the Venetian/Palazzo Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event, co-located alongside the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicines 25th Annual World Congress, features two full days of exhibits, breakout sessions, presentations of case studies, and keynote speakers that will give healthcare professionals actionable insight surrounding emerging technologies in the medical field.

Innovative technologies are changing the way medicine is practiced, spanning the spectrum of enhanced diagnosis, novel treatment modalities and lifestyle change, remarked 2017 Conference Chair Dennis Robbins, Ph.D, M.P.H. Clinicians, healthcare executives, innovators and manufacturers alike need insight and access into these emerging technologies that will allow them to improve patient care and the health of our nation. Were bringing all of this under one roof.

Healthcare practitioners and professionals will be introduced to technologies, products, and services that can track patient progress, assist with diagnoses, prevent and manage disease, improve outcomes, and promote overall public health. The two-day conference will host more than twenty speakers, in addition to an exhibit hall that features over thirty manufacturers, distributors, and service providers in the healthcare field. Conference highlights include thought-provoking keynote sessions by tech industry luminaries, including notorious inventor and hacker Pablos Holman; investor and VP of Invicta Medical and Actavalon Robin Farmanfarmaian; and David Rhew, CMO and head of healthcare and fitness for Samsung Electronics North America.

Sessions and panel discussions include:

MedTech Impact and MedStro, host of the medical industrys leading social networking site and producers of MedTech Boston, have partnered to host and promote a medical technology innovation competition: the Quadruple Impact Innovation Challenge. Open to anyone with an innovative idea regarding ways to leverage and harness technology in order to transform the healthcare industry, applications will be accepted through October 10, when six selected finalists will be invited to for a live presentation to a panel of judges at the expo and conference on Thursday, December 14. The winner of the competition will receive $10,000 cash as the grand prize.

MedTech Impacts exhibit hall, open throughout the conference, will host several networking receptions and happy hours, and feature wearables, sensors and detectors, gadgets, nanotechnology, software and cloud technologies, mobile technology and apps, 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality, services, and more.

Healthcare providers and professionals including physicians, health coaches, and hospital administrators are invited to learn more about the event, and register for an early bird discount, HERE. Manufacturers, investors, consultants, and insurance companies can receive information regarding exhibiting HERE, or contact Paul Steinmetz, Exhibit and Sponsorship Sales Manager, at (561) 893-8633, or

About MedTech Impact:

The goal of MedTech Impact is to help healthcare practitioners and professionals better serve their patients through the use of technology, by utilizing devices and products that help track progress, assist with diagnoses, and ultimately support injury and disease prevention. By connecting attendees with the most recent and innovative scientific research and clinical education, MedTech Impact envisions helping clinics, hospitals, and private practitioners protect and build the infrastructure of their practices through the most recently developed and cutting-edge devices, equipment, and technology. For more information, visit


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Agenda Announced for 2017 MedTech Impact Expo & Conference ... - GlobeNewswire (press release)