This article first appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of NewBeauty. Clickhereto subscribe.
Money cant buy happiness,but it can make younger-looking skin a whole lot easier to achieve. J.Lo and Jennifer Aniston are both rumoredto have their own Ultherapymachines, and Kimora LeeSimmons has claimed touse La Mer eye cream fromhead to toe to keep things taut.What would a typical skin-care regimen look like if yourlast name was Bezos, Gatesor Arnault? These beautyexperts give us a peek at whatthe ultimate future-proofingplaybooks look like.
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TOX TALKSweat seems to be enemy number-one when money is noobject. Franklin, TN dermatologist Jill C. Fichtel, MD saystargeting all sweaty areas every six months is at the top ofthe to-do list, and Nanuet, NY dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, MD has her sights set on Blowtox. I already tox the backof my neck every five monthsthe bottom of my hair curlsand frizzes as sweat travels therebut, ideally, I wouldtreat my entire scalp every three months ($1,500).
BODY ROCKIf thousands of dollars in serums and lotions lined yourmedicine cabinet, why stop at your neck? A full-bodycocktail of wrinkle-plumping SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum($281), Retin-A and La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream($505)would replace any old body lotion for Boston facial plasticsurgeon Caroline A. Banks, MD. New York facial plasticsurgeon Jennifer M. Levine, MD offers up a casual solutionto slack, less-than-camera-ready skin: off-label use of hyperdiluted Sculptra Aesthetic from head to toe.
To eliminate dry, dull skin for the foreseeable future,New York cosmetic dentist Pia Lieb, DDS would drenchherself in Clarins Body Balm($43) each morning and evening;New York dermatologist Rita Linkner, MD would swap herusual hydrator with collagen-boosting Alastin Regenerating Nectar($195), and, before coating every inch of skin withBiologique Recherche Srum Placenta and Creme Masque Vernix, New York City facialist Autumn Henry would endevery long week in the most chic, drool-worthy way: relaxing in a CBD-infused milk bath in an amethyst tub.
NEEDLE WORKGravity doesnt care if youre rich, famous or an MD. Tobeat it, Miami dermatologist Stacy Marie Chimento, MDdaydreams of having Profound RF radio-frequency microneedling treatments done on her face, neck, stomachand thighs every two yearspaired with the dimple-blasting powers of VelaShape, of coursefor lifting, tighteningand cellulite-busting.
Dr. Linkner thinks like us: Id get out my Pro-Nox andUltherapy my entire body. New York dermatologist Sapna Palep, MD agrees, though shed alternate between Ultherapy and Titan. To cut down on trips to and from the office,Dr. Fichtel would buy her own Emsculpt device to leave athome. The ultimate home gym equals Emsculpt, couch,boxed wine and Netflix.
Dr. Levine chimes in with her dream fat-busting regimen: noninvasive SculpSure to those stubborn areas resistant tohours at the gym. "I'd start with abdomen and flanks, then arms, then finally the inner and outer thighs."
FAT FREEZEDr. Waldorf is currently living our fat-freezing dreams. Seea bulge, freeze a bulge has kept me fit and fitting into mywardrobe, she says. When I lecture on CoolSculpting, Ioften do my CoolSculpting macarenamy hand movements mirror all the places and times Ive had it done: lowerbelly, upper belly, waist, flanks, bottom of my butt, upperarmsand repeat! I think Im up to 18 cycles since 2012.
LIGHTEN UPTo undo the photodamage he incurred as a kid, New Yorkdermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD says he would Fraxelthe entirety of his sun-exposed skin. Forget costif socialdowntime wasnt a factor, I would microneedle my facewith PRP every month, says Greenwich, CT dermatologistKim Nichols, MD. And for the most relaxing dose of brightening power, Englewood, NJ plastic surgeon Shwetambara Parakh, MD would top her monthly whole-body HydraFacial sessions with bottles of SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic($166).
1. An LED light-therapybed would be upthere on my wishlist, says cosmeticformulator StephenAlain Ko. Whilethe research isntparticularly convincing, the thought oflaying in a warm,quiet, meditativespacewith propereye protection, ofcoursewhile doingmy skin care reallyappeals to me.
2. Skin-care superstarCaroline Hironsfull-body cocktailincludes La Mer Body Cream($195) andher secret weapon:Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream($150) twice a day,head to boobs.
3. I would buy a timemachine and startusing productsearlier to preservemy youthand getmy NeoGraft hairtransplant 15 yearsearlier, says GrandRapids, MI plasticsurgeon Bradley Bengtson, MD.
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An Inside Look at the Anti-Aging Regimens of the Rich and Famous - NewBeauty Magazine