An Inside Look at the Anti-Aging Regimens of the Rich and Famous – NewBeauty Magazine

This article first appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of NewBeauty. Clickhereto subscribe.

Money cant buy happiness,but it can make younger-looking skin a whole lot easier to achieve. J.Lo and Jennifer Aniston are both rumoredto have their own Ultherapymachines, and Kimora LeeSimmons has claimed touse La Mer eye cream fromhead to toe to keep things taut.What would a typical skin-care regimen look like if yourlast name was Bezos, Gatesor Arnault? These beautyexperts give us a peek at whatthe ultimate future-proofingplaybooks look like.

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TOX TALKSweat seems to be enemy number-one when money is noobject. Franklin, TN dermatologist Jill C. Fichtel, MD saystargeting all sweaty areas every six months is at the top ofthe to-do list, and Nanuet, NY dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, MD has her sights set on Blowtox. I already tox the backof my neck every five monthsthe bottom of my hair curlsand frizzes as sweat travels therebut, ideally, I wouldtreat my entire scalp every three months ($1,500).

BODY ROCKIf thousands of dollars in serums and lotions lined yourmedicine cabinet, why stop at your neck? A full-bodycocktail of wrinkle-plumping SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum($281), Retin-A and La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream($505)would replace any old body lotion for Boston facial plasticsurgeon Caroline A. Banks, MD. New York facial plasticsurgeon Jennifer M. Levine, MD offers up a casual solutionto slack, less-than-camera-ready skin: off-label use of hyperdiluted Sculptra Aesthetic from head to toe.

To eliminate dry, dull skin for the foreseeable future,New York cosmetic dentist Pia Lieb, DDS would drenchherself in Clarins Body Balm($43) each morning and evening;New York dermatologist Rita Linkner, MD would swap herusual hydrator with collagen-boosting Alastin Regenerating Nectar($195), and, before coating every inch of skin withBiologique Recherche Srum Placenta and Creme Masque Vernix, New York City facialist Autumn Henry would endevery long week in the most chic, drool-worthy way: relaxing in a CBD-infused milk bath in an amethyst tub.

NEEDLE WORKGravity doesnt care if youre rich, famous or an MD. Tobeat it, Miami dermatologist Stacy Marie Chimento, MDdaydreams of having Profound RF radio-frequency microneedling treatments done on her face, neck, stomachand thighs every two yearspaired with the dimple-blasting powers of VelaShape, of coursefor lifting, tighteningand cellulite-busting.

Dr. Linkner thinks like us: Id get out my Pro-Nox andUltherapy my entire body. New York dermatologist Sapna Palep, MD agrees, though shed alternate between Ultherapy and Titan. To cut down on trips to and from the office,Dr. Fichtel would buy her own Emsculpt device to leave athome. The ultimate home gym equals Emsculpt, couch,boxed wine and Netflix.

Dr. Levine chimes in with her dream fat-busting regimen: noninvasive SculpSure to those stubborn areas resistant tohours at the gym. "I'd start with abdomen and flanks, then arms, then finally the inner and outer thighs."

FAT FREEZEDr. Waldorf is currently living our fat-freezing dreams. Seea bulge, freeze a bulge has kept me fit and fitting into mywardrobe, she says. When I lecture on CoolSculpting, Ioften do my CoolSculpting macarenamy hand movements mirror all the places and times Ive had it done: lowerbelly, upper belly, waist, flanks, bottom of my butt, upperarmsand repeat! I think Im up to 18 cycles since 2012.

LIGHTEN UPTo undo the photodamage he incurred as a kid, New Yorkdermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD says he would Fraxelthe entirety of his sun-exposed skin. Forget costif socialdowntime wasnt a factor, I would microneedle my facewith PRP every month, says Greenwich, CT dermatologistKim Nichols, MD. And for the most relaxing dose of brightening power, Englewood, NJ plastic surgeon Shwetambara Parakh, MD would top her monthly whole-body HydraFacial sessions with bottles of SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic($166).


1. An LED light-therapybed would be upthere on my wishlist, says cosmeticformulator StephenAlain Ko. Whilethe research isntparticularly convincing, the thought oflaying in a warm,quiet, meditativespacewith propereye protection, ofcoursewhile doingmy skin care reallyappeals to me.

2. Skin-care superstarCaroline Hironsfull-body cocktailincludes La Mer Body Cream($195) andher secret weapon:Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream($150) twice a day,head to boobs.

3. I would buy a timemachine and startusing productsearlier to preservemy youthand getmy NeoGraft hairtransplant 15 yearsearlier, says GrandRapids, MI plasticsurgeon Bradley Bengtson, MD.

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An Inside Look at the Anti-Aging Regimens of the Rich and Famous - NewBeauty Magazine

Fruits of youth: Consider this your guide to an anti-aging diet – Iosco County News Herald

There are several well-known factors that contribute to aging: smoking, stress, sun exposure and genetics, among them. But what you may not realize is what you put on your plate can also cause you to look beyond your year.

Everything that goes into your mouth affects your aging cycle, says Tina Martini, chef and author of "Delicious Medicine: The Healing Power of Food." Among the offenders are alcohol, refined sugar, and over-processed and fried foods.

When you eat fresh foods, as close to nature as you can get, you can slow down the effects of damage to your cells, thus slowing the aging process, she says.

Fried Foods

One of the main damaging factors is acrylamide, an organic compound that is produced during the frying process of some starchy foods. This has led the American Cancer Society to recommend limiting French fries, potato chips, foods made from grains breakfast cereals, cookies, toast because they tend to have higher levels of this chemical.

Acrylamide can affect the skin in the same way that sun damage does, says Martini.

Reduce your exposure by soaking raw potato slices in water for 15 to 30 minutes and draining before frying or roasting. Also, when cooking, choose boiling or steaming to stop acrylamide from forming.

Refined Sugar

Sugar is the main source of energy for our bodies, but it can also contribute to a process called glycation. The excess sugar molecules attach to proteins, creating "advanced glycation end products" or AGEs, which are linked to the loss of collagen. Losing collagen can lead to wrinkles and creepy skin.

Remove processed sugary foods from your diet and eat fresh vegetables and fruits, says Lorraine Kearney, BASc, NDTR, an adjunct lecturer at the City University of New York. To get the maximum nutrients from fruits enjoy them whole instead of dried, blended or pureed.

Snack on organic peaches, cherries, apples and strawberries as they can help to fight the signs of aging.

Enriched and Fortified Foods

You will often find the words enriched and fortified on labels of prepackaged foods. Those words generally mean that all the nutrients were removed during processing, and the manufacturer put back what they deemed important. A diet high in processed foods can lead to oxidative stress, which occurs due to an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body and may lead to cell damage.

Eating a diet rich in colorful foods increases the amount of nutrients the body needs to heal on the cellular level, Kearney says.

Stock up on fresh and antioxidant-rich foods like blackberries, blueberries, beets, bell peppers and radishes as they mitigate the effects of oxidative stress.


While drinking some alcohols in moderation is known to have beneficial health effects, overuse can cause wrinkles, puffiness, inflammation and dehydration.

While you should always remain hydrated, be extra mindful when consuming spirits; and instead of having a full glass of wine, enjoy a spritzer made with seltzer. Staying hydrated not only keeps your skin supple but also flushes toxins from the body.

Skin care is very important in protecting our skin, but its really the moisture in our bodies that keeps us radiant, says Martini.

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Fruits of youth: Consider this your guide to an anti-aging diet - Iosco County News Herald

Best anti-aging foods you should be eating – Bel Marra Health

Home Anti-Aging Best anti-aging foods you should be eating

Although the fountain of youth has yet to be discovered, there are other ways you can slowly turn back the hands of time. Sure, you can spend hundreds of dollars on creams that promise youll look 20 again, but save those extra dollars. Instead of spending on the outside, start focusing on the inside.

What am I referring to exactly? Well, its your diet of course! Yes, thats right, the foods you eat daily can go a long way in either speeding up or slowing down the aging process. So, if you want to look and feel forever young, you should be eating the foods listed below.

But how can food work to turn back the hands of time? Well, studies conducted at Washington University School of Medicine found that eating foods that contain nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)a compound already naturally produced in the bodyhas a positive effect on the aging process. Their research was conducted on animals, but may very well translate to humans too.

NMN can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Although the mice in the study consumed water with high levels of NMNmuch greater than what is found in fruits and vegetableseven regular consumption of NMN-rich foods can go a long way in keeping your insides forever young.

Aside from NMB foods, there are other essential compounds required to promote anti-aging. So, if you want to start the anti-aging process from the inside, youll want to begin incorporating the following foods into your diet.

These are just some of the foods that contain the essential vitamins, antioxidants, and compounds to help you achieve inner anti-aging. Research suggests that following the Mediterranean diet is also a good way of eating for anti-aging. Numerous studies have linked the Mediterranean diet to lower rates of Alzheimers disease.

The Mediterranean diet helps promote anti-aging because it is full of olive oil, fatty fish, and plenty of fruits and vegetables that work to promote overall good health. Essentially, steering clear of fatty foods, saturated fat, processed food, and refined food is a good rule of thumb if anti-aging is a priority for you.

Related: Antioxidant found to slow signs of aging

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Most effective anti-aging foods and exercises

Peptide use shown to reverse signs of aging in rodent studies

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Best anti-aging foods you should be eating - Bel Marra Health

Anti Aging Medicine Therapies | Wash DC, MD, VA

Aging is a natural process. However, the food we eat, our lifestyle, stress, where we live and work, and our relationships all influence our immune system and thus how healthy we are and how rapidly we age.

Although life expectancy has increased dramatically, the quality of life in the aging population has seriously declined. Eighty percent of people over the age of 65 have at least one chronic condition such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or arthritis, and over 50% have more than one chronic condition.

Our Bodies Are Challenged

Our bodies are all challenged by the enormous changes in our environment: pollution, reduced soil quality and food lacking in nutrients, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and preservatives, and farm animal diets, supplemented by antibiotics and hormones and loaded with thousands of chemicals that were unknown on the planet 50 years ago. In addition, we are besieged by indoor chemical pollution (electromagnetic frequencies EMFs from cell phones, wireless devices, routers) and heavy metal poisons such as lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum - all of which can overload our metabolic processes for detoxification, and trigger free radical reactions that damage our organs and our genes.

As we age, toxins can accumulate in our bodies. While our body does rid itself of many toxins naturally, as we age and the toxic burden increases, it gets harder and harder to detoxify naturally and may increase the risk for disease.

Senescence - the process of aging - is accompanied by a "loss of organ reserve capacity" throughout the body. Muscles weaken, glands reduce secretions, digestion is impaired (further reducing one's nutritional state), memory and concentration decline, and sexual functions diminish.

Senescence should be approached at the cellular level, with lab tests including various tests that include assessment of the factors listed. Most tests can be done at NIHA's on-site lab.

A good assessment will allow the physician to do an individualized rejuvenation plan that will address the different areas that need to be addressed.

The exciting news is that there are new techniques that can add years to your life and life to your years. Good nutrition, exercise, detoxification, supplements, antioxidants, stress reduction, chelation therapy, and hormone replacement/enhancement such as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), testosterone, estrogen & progesterone, adrenal, thyroid and human growth hormone (HGH) are major techniques for rebalancing and rejuvenating the aging body. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a complete approach to balancing your hormones:

The treatment-correction-prevention plan will be customized for you, and aims to restore cell youth, including improving mitochondrial health to recharge vitality.

From simple telomere repair to state-of-the-art therapies, starting an anti-aging program can help one look better, feel better, have more energy and be more active for living a full life.



i-Lipo Laser Body Shaping

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Anti Aging Medicine Therapies | Wash DC, MD, VA

Anti-Aging Center Portland – Aesthetic Medicine Specialist …

At Thrive, the natural progression of your transformation is as important to us as are the results. We like to say that everyone will notice, but no one will know. Your personal image is up to you to establish, and we can help you fine-tune the appearance of your face and body so that you feel confident in your own skin.

Our practice serves the areas of Portland, Beaverton, Lake Oswego, Tigard, Milwaukie, Clackamas, Oregon City, and Vancouver, with the latest technology and scientifically proven products for healthy skin and bodies. We have more than ten years of experience in the area of anti-aging, and maximize the potential of many FDA-approved treatments for your benefit.

More than offering an array of anti-aging services, we provide personalized care by getting to know our individual patients. We want to hear your aesthetic concerns, and your ideas on how you would like to traverse the aging process. When we know your issues and desires, we can tailor a treatment plan unique to you, so that you gain the most benefit from any given procedure. Our staff has the extensive training and hands on experience you deserve, and we incorporate the latest, proven treatments for your benefit.

In addition to assembling proven non-surgical treatments, Thrive is also staffed with extensively trained, clinically experienced practitioners, including a board certified plastic surgeon, spanning areas such as weight loss, and integrative anti-aging medicine using advanced anti-aging methods, including lasers, as well as internal naturopathic approaches. The Thrive team is here to help you achieve your goals through personalized treatment tailored appropriately to you. Here, you will benefit from our level of expertise and integrative approach to well-being.

If you live in the Portland area, and want to gain control over your own aging process, we invite you to come by for a complementary consultation.

Thrive. Age Beautifully!

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Anti-Aging Center Portland - Aesthetic Medicine Specialist ...

How to keep skin looking young? We asked the experts – Los Angeles Times

The beauty market is awash with anti-aging products, and the lists of ingredients in serums and creams that promise to slow down or reverse that process can be confounding.

Take a look at the fine print and you might encounter Vitamin C or green tea extract or alpha-hydroxy acids. Can anything make a difference?

We checked in with a handful of experts, including Dr. Gregory Henderson, a dermatologist and clinical instructor in dermatology at UCLA, in our search for answers.

By the way, cosmetics companies test their products extensively. The Food and Drug Administration does not test products, but can take action against a manufacturer if it has concerns over product safety.

Activated charcoal, which can absorb some toxins, has been used to treat alcohol and drug poisoning in emergency rooms for decades. But in the last few years, the beauty industry has embraced it, touting its ability to absorb dirt and oil. Can it be effective?

When used as part of a mask or strip, Henderson says, the charcoal may help remove sebum and keratinous debris from skin pores.

Mud is sometimes used in masks that are used to hydrate the skin and is acknowledged by many in the medical community for its potential to help with skin issues. Mud therapy, says Henderson, is an ancient tradition and historically has been used for inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Clay is one of the most common ingredients found in beauty products, and experts tend to agree that it can serve a useful purpose, if used according to directions. Clay masks, designed to remove oil, dirt and dead skin cells, can be used as a delivery mechanism for ingredients oils and emollients, for example to ease dry skin.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Sodium hyaluronate, which is used in all sorts of wrinkle and skin-repair products, is a cousin of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin which helps hang on to water and helps give the skin a younger appearance, says UCLA dermatologist Dr. Hayley Goldbach.

Dermatologists often inject hyaluronic acid fillers into skin, resulting in more volume and a reduction in fine lines. Sodium hyaluronate, designed to be applied to the skin, has not been shown to have the same anti-aging or collagen-boosting properties as injectable hyaluronic acid. But it continues to be included in various medical studies and papers that are focused on the efficacy of various anti-aging products.

According to Medscape, an online reference source used by medical professionals, AHAs (including glycolic and citric acids) improve skin texture and reduce the signs of aging by promoting cell shedding in the outer layers of the skin. But the mechanism of the action is not completely understood.

Caffeine is used in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals to counter a number of skin conditions, including the appearance of cellulite. It works, in theory, by stimulating lipolysis the breaking down of fat in the skin and by improving the microcirculation, Henderson says.

Caffeine is also found in some eye creams, promoted by cosmetic lines for its ability to shrink blood vessels under the eyes, although its role has not been well studied.

pogrebkov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Cellulite busting product concept. Anti-cellulite cosmetics with caffeine. Jar of cream with a spoon of coffee essential oil surrounded by coffee beans on wooden surface. Top view. Copy space ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD **

Cellulite busting product concept. Anti-cellulite cosmetics with caffeine. Jar of cream with a spoon of coffee essential oil surrounded by coffee beans on wooden surface. Top view. Copy space ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD ** (pogrebkov / Getty Images/iStockphoto)

In the last few years, there's been a surge in the use of green tea extract in beauty products. WebMD reports that the ingredients in tea can reduce sun damage and may protect you from skin cancer when you put it on your skin. Henderson says that a study combining green tree extract, caffeine and resveratrol showed reduced facial redness.

Tia Magallon / Getty Images

Green Tea Powder ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD **

Green Tea Powder ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD ** (Tia Magallon / Getty Images)

Vitamin C is one of the most popular ingredients in anti-aging products, promoted as something that can protect cells from free radicals, which can damage cell DNA, increase signs of aging and lead to cancer.

Some experts say the antioxidants found in vitamin C can assist the body's production of collagen. But Henderson cautions: While limited studies have shown that topical vitamin C may limit photoaging, many current preparations are not formulated to allow the vitamin C to effectively penetrate the skin. Also unless protected from the air, most preparation became inactive without hours of opening.

Karen TapiaAndersen / Los Angeles Times

Tapia, Karen 133988.HE.0213.cold&flu5.KTA 21308 (Los Angeles Times Studio) Vitamin C, used to prevent cold symptoms as well as an immune system booster and an antioxident.

Tapia, Karen 133988.HE.0213.cold&flu5.KTA 21308 (Los Angeles Times Studio) Vitamin C, used to prevent cold symptoms as well as an immune system booster and an antioxident. (Karen TapiaAndersen / Los Angeles Times)

Peptides, formed from amino acids, are cellular messengers of sorts and are commonly used in beauty products. According to Henderson, signal peptides may stimulate collagen production. Carrier peptides may aid in the delivery of copper to the skin and promote smoother skin. (Copper is said to help develop collagen and elastin.)

Ada Summer / Getty Images

beauty studio shot of a young woman with a white gel hyaluronic acid and collagen mask under her eye - beauty trend ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD **

beauty studio shot of a young woman with a white gel hyaluronic acid and collagen mask under her eye - beauty trend ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD ** (Ada Summer / Getty Images)

Many of us associate algae with unpleasant encounters in the water (seaweed, pond scum, etc.), but algae have been used in traditional diets and folk medicine for centuries.

In the beauty world, you might read about ingredients such as blue marine algae or brown algae extract. You won't find universal agreement on their effectiveness in cosmeceuticals, but an article in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology suggests brown seaweed could be used as a potential cosmetic ingredient to make skin firmer and smoother.

YuanruLi / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Laminaria japonica?kelp?Isolated on White Background. ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD **

Laminaria japonica?kelp?Isolated on White Background. ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD ** (YuanruLi / Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Some of the ingredients listed in the fine print on cosmetics and cosmeceuticals may actually help your skin. But what the experts really hope you'll indulge in are rest, exercise, a healthy diet and sunscreen.


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How to keep skin looking young? We asked the experts - Los Angeles Times

Here’s Why Short Story Dispensers Are The New Normal

The short story is the newest trend globally. The need to read and write those short stories is always there. However, the source for those stories is the question. You can find short stories in the books, magazines, e-books, on websites, in libraries or short story dispensers. Short story dispensers are the latest in the market. There are many books on various things such as home improvement contract, short stories or e-book etc. Thus, these you can benefit from these books as well.

Above all, the short story dispensers are the new normal. People have been using these since its invention. This has made it easier for us to read and enjoy short stories to kill our time and for educational purposes. This literary vending machine prints a blend of original, classic and contemporary works of literature at various locations. This has encouraged people to engage with literary art. Here are some of the reasons why short story dispensers are the new normal.


Short story dispensers are one of the best ways to read and experience more creativity. These dispensers can be used by all age groups. These are highly accessible by all age groups. Thus, anyone can use these dispensers to enjoy literature anywhere anytime. Students can have easy access to these if their schools and colleges have those dispensers installed in the campus. However, you can search for locations of short story dispensers online as well. You will surely find one near you.


man in grey crew-neck t-shirt smiling to woman on counter

One of the best things about these dispensers is that these are highly effective and customer-friendly. You can easily use these even if you are using these for the first time. Therefore, it allows you to work efficiently as well. In addition to this, these dispensers are easy to install. It is customer friendly too. The dispensers are operated automatically. You just have to select the type of story and the duration of the reading. Rest of the work is done by the dispenser itself. Thus, it is very effective to use.


Many underdeveloped or developing countries do not have proper libraries. Thus, it is often very difficult for the students to study and enjoy some quality content. Therefore, dispensers can be used in such areas to promote literature. Dispensers are very light on budget and easy to install. Therefore, these can be easily installed anywhere. This will help in bringing the culture to even unexpected areas. Due to this, the short story dispensers are very common these days.


tree trunk

Nothing could be better than an eco-friendly literature vending machine. The short story dispenser uses thermal printing for printing the stories. You do not need to have any ink or cartridge for printing. Moreover, the paper used in the machine is recycled and is of good quality. Thus, it is highly nature friendly that allows you to enjoy your favourite stories without causing any harm to the environment. The short edition story on a qualitative paper encourages people to keep the story instead of throwing it away.


These machines are very light on the pocket. Libraries and colleges can easily install these dispensers. The subscription is for the ones who install it. However, you can use these for free. With the help of 3G internet, you get to choose what type of story you want to hear. Thus, you get to enjoy your favourite stories free of cost. You can also customize messaging at the end of each story. Therefore, this low cost and the highly efficient machine can do wonders to bring back the literature to life.


Short story dispensers are one of the best things that you need to have in 2020. It is best to be used in colleges, coffee shops, restaurants and other public places. These are simple to use by all age groups. Moreover, it allows to build spark creativity in various platforms to showcase the diversity of the arts in the world. Users are able to print a randomized story from the catalogue of short stories. Thus, it brings back the passion for reading as well. You can find these machines almost in every developed country and city. Moreover, it is highly accessible for the students to read and enjoy some creative content apart from using social media. This is the reason why these literature vending machines are so in these days.

NAD IV Therapy: What Is This Trendy New Treatment & Is It Safe? –

First up: Any IV treatment also carries a small risk of bleeding and infection at the site where the needle is placed in the skin or getting too much fluid infused. IV infusions may be a common medical procedure, but they are still a medical procedure.

The second safety concern is where you are getting it, notes functional and integrative medicine practitioner Roxanna Namavar, M.D., board-certified psychiatrist and fellow in the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, who uses it at her own practice."No matter what IV therapy you are getting, you want to make sure your practitioner knows where the ingredient is sourced, and how it is compounded. They should also tailor your infusion treatments to you: It shouldn't feel like you're picking things off a menu. Your practitioner should look at your lab work, symptoms, and goals and create a protocol that is specific to your needs."

This concern comes to light most notably with the large amounts of IV bars that have popped up lately, most without much regulation. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently took action against an IV drip bar for making unsupported health claims about their ability to treat serious illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, or congestive heart failure.

If done under the supervision of a responsible health care practitioner, however, Namavar says there are no significant safety concerns. She notes that some patients may be sensitive to IV NAD+ therapy, specifically, and experience discomfort such as warming of the chest and nausea. Wally Taylor, M.D., a functional medicine physician with Texas Integrative Medicine in Austin, Texas, notes similarly, "One of the things about NAD+ is that you can't infuse it too quickly without it being pretty uncomfortable." He says some of his patients, "say they feel like they're having symptoms of a heart attack, but when we look at their heart monitor, we don't see any evidence of that." He has found that breathing high-concentration oxygen during the infusion can reduce some of these side effects.

"Any time you're giving treatments intravenously, there could be problems of one sort or another," says Taylor. "So it's useful to have the direct oversight of a health care provider who has experience with NAD+." He says complications are more likely to arise in people with a chronic illness, but it's not impossible for healthy people to have a bad reaction.

Cost is another issue. A single IV NAD+ therapy ranges from several hundred dollars to $1,000 or more. You also have to factor in travel time to the clinic and the wait timeinfusions generally take two or more hours, and some people may need infusions several days in a row.

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NAD IV Therapy: What Is This Trendy New Treatment & Is It Safe? -

Tetra Therapeutics and Shionogi Announce Expanded Alliance – BioSpace

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Tetra Therapeutics a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel treatments for patients with cognitive impairment and memory loss, today announced it has entered into an expanded strategic alliance with Shionogi. The two companies will work together to develop and commercialize BPN14770 for the treatment of Alzheimers disease, Fragile X syndrome and other indications marked by cognitive and memory deficits.

Under the terms of the expanded alliance, Shionogi has increased its equity investment in the company to 50% and has the option to complete a structured buyout of the remaining equity if certain closing conditions are met based on the topline results of the companys clinical Phase 2 PICASSO AD trial in patients with early Alzheimers disease expected to read out later this month.

Tetra is developing BPN14770 for the treatment of brain disorders marked by cognitive and memory impairment including Alzheimers disease and Fragile X syndrome. In addition, Tetra has completed enrollment in a Phase 2 study of BPN14770 in adults with Fragile X syndrome, an indication for which BPN14770 has received Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

This expanded alliance with Shionogi further validates our platform and the potential for BPN14770 to provide a new treatment option for patients suffering from Alzheimers disease, said Mark Gurney, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tetra Therapeutics. We are delighted to be expanding our collaboration with Shionogi and thank them for their continued conviction in our mission. We look forward to announcing topline results from our Phase 2 PICASSO AD trial in Alzheimers disease later this month.

We are pleased to strengthen our strategic alliance with Tetra. With the aging of our society, cognitive disorders are becoming a serious social issue. We believe BPN14770 has the potential to become an innovative new treatment to help solve for this issue. This new collaboration with Tetra reinforces our steadfast commitment to advancing cutting-edge science in central nervous system (CNS) disorders including Alzheimers disease, said Dr. Isao Teshirogi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

Cooley LLP, Honigman LLP and Nomura Securities International, Inc., provided advisory services for the transaction.

About BPN14770

BPN14770 is a novel therapeutic agent that selectively inhibits phosphodiesterase-4D (PDE4D) to enhance memory formation in children and older adults. This unique mechanism of action has the potential to improve cognitive and memory function in devastating CNS disorders, including Fragile X syndrome, Alzheimers disease and other dementias, learning/developmental disabilities and schizophrenia. Preclinical animal models show that BPN14770 has the potential to promote the maturation of connections between neurons, which is impaired in patients with Fragile X Syndrome, and to protect connections between neurons which otherwise are lost in patients with Alzheimers disease. Tetra has completed Phase 1 double blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging studies of the safety and pharmacokinetics of BPN14770 in healthy volunteers. Evidence of cognitive benefit was found in elderly subjects. Tetra is conducting the PICASSO AD trial, a Phase 2 study of BPN14770 in patients with Alzheimers disease, and an investigational Phase 2 study of BPN14770 in adults with Fragile X syndrome, an indication for which BPN14770 has received Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA.)

About Tetra Therapeutics

Tetra Therapeutics is a clinical stage biotechnology company developing a portfolio of therapeutic products that will bring clarity of thought to people suffering from Fragile X syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, and other brain disorders. Tetra uses structure-guided drug design to discover mechanistically novel, allosteric inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), an enzyme family that plays key roles in memory formation, learning, neuroinflammation, and traumatic brain injury. Tetra Therapeutics is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. For more information, please visit the company's website at

About Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

Shionogi & Co., Ltd. is a major research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing benefits to patients based on its corporate philosophy of supplying the best possible medicine to protect the health and wellbeing of the patients we serve. Shionogis research and development currently targets two therapeutic areas: infectious diseases, and pain/CNS disorders. For over 50 years, Shionogi has developed and commercialized innovative oral and parenteral anti-infectives. In addition, Shionogi is engaged in new research areas, such as obesity/geriatric metabolic diseases and oncology/immunology. Contributing to the health and QOL of patients around the world through development in these therapeutic areas is Shionogis primary goal. For more details, please visit

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An all-new Slytherin-themed tour is coming to the ‘Harry Potter’ studio experience – Yahoo Lifestyle

Its time to start brushing up on your Parseltongue, Harry Potter fans.

Thats because Slytherin the Hogwarts house most associated with villainy and evil is finally getting its due with an all-new, in-depth tour. The experience, opening at Londons Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour this April, offers a guided trip through an iconic set from the beloved film series.

According to the, the studios tour, which already travels through several sets used throughout the films, is adding the Slytherin common room to its itinerary.

That means fans can explore the often-forbidden chamber where characters like Draco Malfoy and Lord Voldemort once lived. The set is possibly most famous for its appearance in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, during which Harry, Ron and Hermione use the shape-shifting Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Slytherin students.

The new experience is called A Celebration of Slytherin, and will run from April through September. In addition to the new set, the multi-month event will also see other parts of the tour including several parts of the original Hogwarts set decked out in Slytherins green and gold imagery.

There will also be new exhibits dedicated to the rise and fall of Lord Voldemort and the Malfoy family, as shown through original costumes used in the films, according to Insider.

Its been 23 years since author J.K Rowling released the first Harry Potter book, beginning a series that has now spawned 10 movies and a Broadway show. Meanwhile, the books themselves have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide.

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An all-new Slytherin-themed tour is coming to the 'Harry Potter' studio experience - Yahoo Lifestyle

Jenny McCarthy Thinks She Knows Who the Frog Is on The Masked Singer But We Respectfully Disagree – Yahoo Lifestyle

*Warning: Spoilers ahead*

Last week,we had to say goodbye toElephant (who turned out to be Tony Hawk) and this week, wesaid hello to guest judge and comedianGabriel Iglesias.

Tonight, episode five continued to stump the judges as Group B took the stage for playoffs and, of course, there was another shocking reveal.

First up, we started with Banana who gave the audience more clues about his country roots. So, of course, he performed Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus (pretty well we might add). The judges guessed Billy Bob Thorton, Ed Helms and Larry the Cable Guy (wait, what?!). Mouse came out strong and revealed that she spends time working in NYC and loves sitting down with a good romance novel.Next, the Frog gave us the clue CSI and told viewers, Not every frog wants to be a Prince. Did we mention he chose to perform 50 Cents In da Club? Jenny McCarthy is positive itsAlfonso Ribeiro, which honestly isnt a horrible guess.

Taco is back, baby. His clue package indicated he could possibly be dating (or married to) someone from a sci-fi franchise and he wears a hairpiece? All we know about this contestant is that we loved his performance of Bossa Nova Baby. Finally, Kitty hit the stage and sang Mercy by Brett Young, but not before revealing that she loves to draw and sew. And yes, we still believe its not Liz Gillies. Kittys performance this week definitely had the judges confusedwith their best guesses being Millie Bobby Brown and Sarah Hyland.

Unfortunately, the Mouse was sent home and was revealed to be Dionne Warwick. The bright side? Looks like the judges are two for five.

Guys, weve been thinking about it since last week, but after tonight's episode, we definitely believe we know who the Frog is...Bow Wow. According to his first clue package, this dapper amphibian "lept to stardom as fast as a lightning bolt," though he has never had a chance to do things his way. In the short clip, we also sawa bag of leftovers, a poster for the 1996 Olympic games and $106 dollars.

Hear us out here. Bow Wow (formerly Lil' Bow Wow) has been in the music industry for years. He also rose to fame quickly, releasing his first album when he was just 13. Bow Wow's second album was entitled Doggy Bag, which could possibly be related to the leftovers bag. Not to mention, hes from Atlanta, where the 1996 Olympic gamestook place. He alsohosted106 & Park. This week's episode only fueled our theory, with his hints being CSI (Bow Wow was on CSI Cyber) and another basketball reference(thinkLike Mike,people!!).

So, the only issue with our prediction? His voice isnt a spot-on match for the young rapper. However, we totally think hes throwing his voice here. If they mask their face, why not mask their voice, right?

The Masked Singerreturns on Wednesday, March 4, at 8 p.m. PT/ET on Fox.


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Jenny McCarthy Thinks She Knows Who the Frog Is on The Masked Singer But We Respectfully Disagree - Yahoo Lifestyle

What Are Retinoids? An Anti-Aging Compound That Can Harm Skin – The Swaddle

Over the past few years, we have acquired enough feminist conscientiousness to look down upon anti-aging products, as they both fetishize youth and openly devalue older women. When make-up was revealed as a tool of the patriarchy, a new ideal fresh, dewy, glass-skinned women took its place. And since we shot anti-aging in the face, a new, more potent contender quietly stepped in to take its place: retinoids.

While feminism created an aversion for anti-aging mainly due to the cruel, insecurity-inducing ways in which the products were advertised, becoming a feminist did not immediately translate to doing away with beauty standards at once, which is a longer, greyer battle. Therefore, products like retinoid serums seeped through the cracks facilitated by making women feel like they must spend money to feel good (remember self-care?) advertising merely the removal of fine lines and wrinkles, with the occasional premature aging thrown in. In situations like these, it is good to know the good and bad of what one is putting upon their skin. Heres what you need to know about retinoids.

Retinoids, a class of chemical compounds that has a very similar molecular structure as that of Vitamin A, are not new news. The product has existed long before it was a skincare sensation. In fact, Accutane, the last-resort cystic acne medication, infamous for its dangerous side effects like birth defects and breathing problems, is an oral retinoid.

The set of retinoids used for skin are retinol, tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene, alitretinoin, and bexarotene. Similar to Vitamin A, they stimulate the cells that produce collagen, normalize enzyme activity to reduce pigmentation, and normalize oil production in the skin.

However, the problem with retinoids is that, in a way, theyre watered down versions of a potent dermatological medicine that requires a prescription. Theyre not mere serums that one can pat on the face and expect a glow from theyre potent antioxidants that promote the cells on the surface of our skin to die rapidly, making way for new skin cells. Plus, there has never been any large-scale, long-term observation of how frequent retinoid use affects the skin.

Retinoids aid intercellular communication, allowing signaling to nearby cells by binding the nuclear receptors, therefore regulating epithelial cell growth and rate of proliferation, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Translation: retinoids, which are an outside element, bind with certain proteins known as nuclear receptors which control development, homeostasis, and metabolism to quicken cell death turnover and significantly influence cell regeneration and the production of collagen, the protein that provides tightness and strength to the skin.

While some retinoids like retinol can be bought over the counter thus fueling a skincare revolution other retinoids like tretinoin need a prescription due to their strength. Retinoids can be orally ingested or topically applied.

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Retinoids are known to aid in healing:

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Initial use of retinoids could cause the skin to become flaky, red, and uncomfortably tight, as the skin adjusts to the compound. This is a normal part of the process, with full effects of retinoid usage showing up around a few weeks to a month later.

Though retinoids are powerfully effective and quite popular in the skincare industry, some dermatologists still believe they might not be safe at the rate theyre being used. The skincare industry is taking us into a massive experimentation of the population. Theyre just interested in the short-term marketing of the products. We dont know what will happen with prolonged excessive use, cosmetic doctor Mervyn Patterson told Business Insider.

Overusing retinoids could lead to lasting, increased symptoms of irritation, redness, peeling skin, and pain. Retinoid usage is also known to make the skin extremely sensitive to UV rays, which means the compound must be used in tandem with loads of sunscreen. Generally, pregnant women and nursing women should consult a doctor before considering using retinoids.

Skin is no different to the human body it requires a balanced array of essential nutrients all in their correct proportions, said Dr. Patterson, stating that one only needs a tiny amount of retinol. Perhaps its time to heed that and let ones skin age at its own pace.

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What Are Retinoids? An Anti-Aging Compound That Can Harm Skin - The Swaddle

16 best anti-aging products of 2020 – TODAY

Ever wish you could sneak a peek inside the medicine cabinets of a dermatologist? Now you can!

TODAY interviewed 12 professionals about the anti-aging products they actually use to keep their skin looking young. From a $13 over-the-counter retinoid to a skin-brightening vitamin C serum, keep reading to discover the skin care secrets dermatologists swear by.

Dr. Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Entire Dermatology in New York City, can't speak highly enough about Differin Gel.

"It used to be a prescription and then it went over the counter I love Differin gel," she said.

Thanks to powerhouse ingredient retinoid, this gel doesn't just fight acne, it also helps reduce signs of aging. It works by reducing inflammation deep in the skin to clear clogged pores and combat fine lines.

"When I think of anti-aging, I think of protecting, preventing and correcting, so I always like to have an antioxidant in the morning," Dr. Michelle Henry, Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, said.

She recommends La Roche-Posay's vitamin C serum because it helps brighten skin, get rid of dark spots and stimulate collagen. "It makes skin look fresher and gets rid of lines and wrinkles," she added.

Dr. Henry calls hyaluronic acid a "miracle molecule" and this serum is chock-full of it. "It really helps plump up your skin," she explained. "As we get older, we lose hydration in our skin and this ingredient can help restore moisture."

New York City-based dermatologist Dr. Dina Strachan says she and her patients love this product for getting rid of dark spots and fine lines. It was formulated as an alternative to the skin lightening ingredient hydroquinone.

Its safe to use the long term because it doesnt bleach the surrounding skin. Its also packed with powerful anti-aging ingredients like kojic acid and licorice root extract, which fight free radicals that damage collagen," she explained. "It can be applied once or twice a day, just be sure to use a sunscreen with this product."

I love this product because its sensitive enough for first-time retinol users," said Dr. Kim Nichols, a Connecticut-based dermatologist.

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"Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, does a lot. It minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, diminishes hyperpigmentation, blackheads and dark spots and reduces inflammation, pore size and the appearance of blemishes," she said, adding that it's not too harsh on skin. "Two things to remember when using retinol: Always use with a moisturizer and less is more," she noted. "You only need a penny size for your whole face at night.

I started researching natural skin lines a few years ago when I was looking to replace my underperforming hydrating gel. Thats when I discovered this gel and serum combo. I was initially attracted to the hypoallergenic and nontoxic nature of these two products, but after I tested them, I was immediately drawn to their silky texture and smooth application and their results," said Dr. Jessica Weiser, a New York City-based dermatologist.

"I apply the serum every morning its powerful antioxidants brighten my complexion and help prevent UV and environmental damage. Then comes the gel, which contains hyaluronic acid, which gets set over the smaller molecular nutrients and vitamins in the serum. The combination leaves my skin glowing, radiant and perfectly prepped for sunscreen, the final and most important step of my skin care routine.

I swear by retinoids! Every dermatologist learns about this form of vitamin A in residency as part of our training. As an anti-ager, retinoids help soften wrinkles and lines and decrease pigmentation caused by the sun. But they also treat breakouts and stimulate collagen and elastin fibers. Want more? Retinoids can improve pigmentation issues, like brown spots and melasma, thanks to its exfoliating properties and they can shrink the size of your pores and give your skin a glow," said Dr. Gary Goldenberg, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. "Any product that's left on my fingers goes right to the backs of my hands for some anti-aging there.

Dr. Henry is a fan of this cream that took over a decade to develop because it's made with retinol and won't irritate skin. "It also has some Vitamin B3," she noted. "The combination helps to not only get rid of fine lines and wrinkles but also helps lighten dark spots and give the skin hydration It's a really nice drugstore retinol," said Henry.

While there are many expensive skin care treatments on the market, nothing is better at preventing both skin cancer and premature skin aging than sunscreen. Studies have shown time and time again that regular use of sunscreens prevents the development of skin cancers, including melanomas, which can be potentially fatal. In one recent yearlong study, regular sunscreen use was even shown to improve the cosmetic appearance of the skin, likely because protective skin was able to heal itself. The best treatment for aging skin is preventing ultraviolet light damage to begin with. Skipping one day will not result in too much loss, but if you regularly take a pass, your skin will ultimately pay the price," said Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research, Department of Dermatology, The Mount Sinai Hospital.

"I was introduced to this product when I was a resident. I love that it not only protects from UV exposure, but its the one product that really brightens up the skin, thanks to its soy complex and light diffusers.

I love this anti-ager because its dual acting: Its an oil- and fragrance-free moisturizer, plus its a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide but doesnt leave your skin looking pasty and chalky," said Dr. Sonia Badreshia, clinical instructor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco. "It's a must-wear for your face, neck, dcollet and hands. I recommend it to treat and prevent dark marks and its my secret weapon for fighting rough knees and elbows."

This is the best anti-aging product in the drugstore!" said Dr. Diane S. Berson, associate clinical professor of dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

She says the combination of ingredients in the formula address most concerns associated with premature aging like dull skin tone, texture and wrinkles.

"This product has been evaluated in clinical trials in fact, one study published in the British Journal of Dermatology showed that it was as effective as Renova, an FDA-approved prescription product for the treatment of wrinkles," she raved. "Applied at night, its the perfect solution for those who want an effective anti-aging product in one jar.

Dr. Levin recommends this combination moisturizer with SPF 30. "It has three essential ceramides that really hydrate and protect the skin barrier. It also has a hyaluronic acid which is a super hydrating skincare ingredient that I love," she explained.

If you have dry skin during the winter months, Avne Tolerance Extreme Emulsion cream may be the product for you. "I really like Avne during this time of year," Dr. Levin said.

The lightweight moisturizer hydrates skin without leaving a greasy residue, so you can easily layer it under your makeup.

I've been applying hyaluronic acid to my skin for years," said Dr. Rachel Nazarian, assistant clinical professor at The Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Dermatology. "Its a substance naturally found in the skin and works to maintain water for a fuller, more youthful look."

"Its unique, moisture-binding feature allows it to hold many times its own weight in water. I used to apply a high-grade version of hyaluronic acid topically to my face, but the molecules were large, making it difficult for them to absorb into my skin. Today, smaller molecules of high-grade hyaluronic acid with better topical absorption capabilities can be found in over-the-counter products, including this gel-cream that I apply nightly. Bonus: Its hydrating properties curb the irritation caused by retinols," she continued.

"I still use a few tricks to enhance absorption, such as applying it after I shower while my skin is still damp or using it after an exfoliating wash."

Sunscreen is the most important anti-aging product because the sun is responsible for 90% of skin aging," said Dr. Arielle Kauvar, a New York City-based dermatologist and clinical professor of dermatology at Langone NYU Medical Center.

"This is my favorite face sunscreen because it doesnt irritate even the most sensitive skin we even use it on patients after laser procedures. Its water-resistant and adds a light tint to your skin, which is great for when you want to go sans makeup. I apply it after my moisturizer and before my makeup. Just be sure to reapply if youre outdoors all day,

This sheer, tinted sunscreen goes on smooth and acts as a great, lightweight primer before makeup, smoothing out any skin imperfections. It's also a great product to use at the beach when you don't want to wear heavy concealer and foundation, but still want a little coverage, said Dr. Sherry Ingraham, a Texas-based dermatologist.

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16 best anti-aging products of 2020 - TODAY

23 Bestselling Sustainable Beauty Products From Sephora, Because We Only Have One Earth – POPSUGAR

Not all natural, organic, or green beauty items are also sustainable. (Confusing, right?) While even some experts disagree on what clean beauty really means, sustainability is a bit more specific.

Sustainable practices include putting the environment first and working with natural products and resources (and renewable energy) whenever possible. That means beauty (and any other) products that are sustainable were made under conditions that consider and meet the needs of the present environment without compromising future generations.

So, while clean products aim to be free of harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients, companies making sustainable products are concerned with those things . . . but they're also considering the environment and process in which their products are made. To break it down a bit further, companies can create huge amounts of waste and deplete natural resources, so sustainable production includes sourcing ingredients in ways that won't destroy ecosystems and don't use too much of one resource without replenishing it. For example, when Korres uses flowers as an ingredient in a serum, its sustainable operation means the unused parts go back in the soil as organic fertilizer for the next harvest.

From Guerlain partnering with a bee conservatory to sustainably source honey and royal jelly, to L'Occitane and its long-standing, fair-trade partnership with women in Burkina Faso to ethnically process shea butter, all these products have a sustainable story to tell. And you're not the only one showing you care by checking them out these goodies are already bestsellers at Sephora. Check them out ahead.

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23 Bestselling Sustainable Beauty Products From Sephora, Because We Only Have One Earth - POPSUGAR

ARCH-backed biotech emerges with $85M and a bold claim: A new human hormone can reverse a key effect of aging – Endpoints News

The elderly patients muscles didnt look right beneath the microscope.

He wasnt just old. He had diabetic myopathy, a complication where muscles degrade faster than normal. The mitochondria die, fibers weaken, and the tissues become so broken up they resemble crackedDust Bowl earth. Like cottage cheese, offers Russ Cox, a Genentech and Jazz Pharma alumn.

But now they looked healthy. Mitochondria were firing. The fibers perked and stretched.

These muscles were really looking as if they were muscles of a person 20 years younger, Sundeep Dugar, the J&J and Bristol-Myers Squibb vet on the other end of the microscope, told Endpoints News.

The patient and others had been injected with a form of flavanol, the metabolites found in grape skins and wine and dark chocolate that lead nutritionists to sometimes recommend those foods for heart health. Its considered an antioxidant. But the results that Dugar and his collaborator George Schreiner saw, along with earlier animal studies, led them to a bold idea: Flavanoid was actually following biological pathways normally used by a yet undiscovered human hormone, the first of its kind discovered in over 50 years.

Its a big deal, Dugar said. I think its a big deal.

That was in 2012. Dugar, Schreiner and Cox are now forming a company called Epirium around that finding and the subsequent work they did confirming the new hormone. Its a rejig of an older, poorly funded group the trio had worked on called Cardero, but now theyve managed to convince a fleet of topflight investors: Longitude, ARCH, Vertex and Adams Street have joined in an $85 million Series A.

Theres also an investor called Longevity Fund, a group focused on extending human life, and ARCH head Bob Nelsen has made no secret of his desire to live forever. The two hint at an idea the new biotech isnt particularly shy about: That while they will begin with trials in rare neuromuscular disorders, namely a form of muscular dystrophy called Beckers, they have ambitions that are much broader.

They made the investment not just because they think we can do something meaningful in Beckers muscular dystrophy, but primarily because some of these larger diseases could benefit as well, Cox, the CEO, told Endpoints. Theres no question we will evolve.

Epirium isnt yet revealing what their claimed new hormone is. They say the long delay has been in trying to secure the intellectual property and that a scientific paper is coming early next year.

It has to do, though, with mitochondria biogenesis, or the creation of new mitochondria. These organelles are often called the engine of the cells but they break down with age or with certain diseases and bring the muscles down with them. Exercise is one of the only ways to make more.

You and I lose 10% of our mitochondria every decade, so by the time you get to my age, youre underwater as opposed to when youre 18, said Cox, a former track and cross country athlete now approaching 60.

Dugar and Schreiner, who worked at Scios before it was bought by J&J for $2.4 billion in 2003, had been enlisted at UC San Diego to investigate why flavanol had biological effects. To emerge from that research claiming to find a new human hormone is bold, particularly without publishing the work. Researchers have long studied flavanol for its cardiovascular impact without arriving at similar conclusions. The hormone would be the first mitochondrial steroid in 50 years, they said.

But the pair conducted 11 proof-of-concept trials on 110 patients and say they saw profound results that appeared to work along each of the three well known mitochondrial pathways. They didnt follow up on the diabetic myopathy patients long term, but they walked and stood better and that, combined with his muscle slides, was overwhelming.

This told us that while everyone classifies flavanol as an antioxidant, that couldnt be true, said Dugar.

The two set up the parameters for a human equivalent that must operate along the same metabolic path as flavanoid, and soon found it. Cox said that in early meetings, investors were mystified by Epiriums presentation, but eventually came around.

Of course, they all went to google it, and couldnt find a publication on it and said how can that damn be?' he said.

Epirium will start out with a clinical trial on Beckers muscular dystrophy patients, one of the groups they studied in the early proof-of-concepts. Beckers is akin to a less devastating form of Duchenne. When patients muscles fire, they release toxins that kill mitochondria and deplete overall muscle tissue. Cox said their hormone should be able to slow or even reverse that muscle loss.

Beckers may seem an odd starting point given the gene therapies nearing market for muscular dystrophy, but Cox said that their hormone might be used in combination with the flashier approach. For the company as a whole, though, rare diseases are primarily places they already have data and think they might place a foothold for a much larger project, one that includes neurodegeneration and other age-related disorders.

Mitochondria deplete as we age. Epirium says theyve found a way to make them grow, a chemical exercise.

Im not saying I want to call it anti-aging, said Dugar. But the question is, if you can really have a separation between your biological age and your chronological age, then, hey 80 years olds who have healthy mitochondria, will look like they were 60 years old or act like they were 60 years old. Maybe thats what anti-aging is.

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ARCH-backed biotech emerges with $85M and a bold claim: A new human hormone can reverse a key effect of aging - Endpoints News

Anti-Aging Medicine | Anti Aging New Jersey | Lorraine …

Anti-aging medicine is a science based practice that can help you:

Anti-aging medicine is a medical specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders and diseases.

Anti aging medicine is not something in a bottle that can be prescribed that reverses the effects of aging.

Anti-aging medicine is not something you can get in a bottle its a healthcare model and is based on a healthy lifestyle and how your environment, exposures, diet, exercise, stress and attitude age you or anti age you. It aims to prolong healthy lifespans by applying innovative science and research to help you look and feel your best.. Anti-aging medicine is built upon principles of responsible medical care, just like any other preventative health specialty.

Modifications in diet, exercise, nutrition, supplements, hormones and working with or around your unique genetics and metabolism can have significant benefits on healthy functioning of the body as it ages.

After working with me, patients feel like themselves again and regain their health, energy and vitality.

Treatment is fully customized. What you eat drink, think, how much you sleep and exercise, as well as your environment affects how you age. Through working together Ill evaluate the effects of your environment and lifestyle on your overall health and wellness.

The time to get healthy and stay healthy is NOW. Dont suffer any longer. Schedule an anti-aging medicineconsultation. Call 973 218-1199.

You will get a customized program to meet your individual needs.

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Anti-Aging Medicine | Anti Aging New Jersey | Lorraine ...

Aesthetic Medicine & Anti-Aging Clinic | Baton Rouge, Lafayette


You can achieve many of the anti-aging results you seek through non-invasive, relaxing spa treatments in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA, from The Aesthetic Medicine & Anti-Aging Clinics of Louisiana. Facials, peels and microdermabrasion purify the skin and accentuate your natural beauty while waxing and laser hair removal effectively eliminate unsightly hair.

We also sell many beneficial skin care products so you can maintain your vibrant, healthy appearance in the comfort of your home. Call today to learn more about our beautifying spa services, skin care products and anti-aging treatments in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA and schedule your free consultation.

Botox and Vaser liposuction will make you look great, but if you have a hormone imbalance, you likely wont feel as good as you look. If you are suffering from lower energy and libido, increased weight gain and other seemingly unexplainable issues, it may be due to a hormone imbalance. We specialize in hormone replacement therapy, including testosterone replacement. Call today to schedule your free consultation with a hormone replacement therapist and discover if hormone replacement therapy is the solution to the issues that affect your quality of life.

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Aesthetic Medicine & Anti-Aging Clinic | Baton Rouge, Lafayette

These Six Startups From Y Combinator’s Demo Day 1 Are Ready to Transform Our World – Futurism

A Room Full of Ideas

Great ideas,given the proper support, can change the world. Thats one of the reasons seed funding provider Y Combinator helps innovative startups acquire the financial resources they need to put their ideas into action. Since 2005, theyvefunded about 1,500 startups, and two times every year, they present some of those companies to investors via a three-day event known as Demo Day.

For the firstdayof Y Combinators Summer 2017Demo Day event, the startup accelerator presented 50 companies that all have remarkable potential. While you can check them all out on TechCrunch,the following six startups earn our vote as the most futuristic of them all.

Founded by a group of medical doctors and biomedical research scientists, Forever Labs combines two of the most advanced fields in modern medicine: stem cells and anti-aging research.

The startups current staff of 20 doctors wants to take a different approach to fighting age-related diseases by cryogenically freezing stem cells that can be used to combat such diseases when a person is older.

According to the company, stem cell storage couldgrow into a $56 billion market, and the figure doesnt seem outlandish considering the rapid pace at which anti-aging studies and stem cell research have been advancing lately.

Sunuisanother startup with a health-focus, only instead of combatting aging, their goal is to help those who suffer from visual impairments.

The company wants to help blind people navigate streets without having to depend on a cane or a guide dog. To do this, the startup has developed a sonar bracelet or smartwatch that vibrates to alert visually impaired people of nearby objects.

Sunu band combines sonar or echolocation with gentle precise vibrations to inform the user about objects or obstacles within their environment, according to the companys website. After beta-testing the device for six months, Sunu says it managed to reduce the chances that their vision-impaired users got into accidents by 90 percent.

Not all of the startups featured at Demo Day were focused on health and medicine, though this next one combines materials engineering withtextile science.

Kestrel Materialshas designed a fabric thats a step-up from breathable and waterproof types, and their goal is simple enough: reduce the need for bulky layers. To do this, the startup has created an adaptive material that reacts to cold and warmth.

When exposed to cold surroundings, the fabric flexes and creates air pockets that trap heat and keep people warm. During warmer weather, the air pockets collapse and prevent heat from being trapped in the clothing. Since the material uses common fibers, such as nylon and polyester, the applications for such an adaptive fabric are as plentiful as the styles of clothes people wear.

Few things scream future quite likeflying cars, and the next two startups are looking to extend their reach into that space.

First is Skyways, a startup based in Austin, Texas, thats building vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) delivery drones. While they arent exactly the kinds of flying cars you may expect to one day operate yourself, delivery drones like Skyways are positioned to be just as big a part of that flying future.

Skyways drones are capable of hauling loads of up to roughly 20 kilograms (45 pounds), and the company wants to use them to provide the military with a transportation service that doesnt put peoples lives at risk.

Now, this startup takes flying cars to the next level.

Pykawants to make autonomous single-person aircraft a part of our reality, and theyve already built a 181 kilogram (400 pound) one that can fly itself.

While theyre ironing out the tons of regulations requiredfor commercial use of this transportation system, Pykas taken on a side gig in New Zealand as an autonomous crop duster.

Speaking of autonomous tech and farming, thisstartup wants to employ robots as vegetable farmers.

Modular Science, as their name suggests, is into building modular machines for agriculture, and one of their products is a specialized plant-farming robot. The companys goal is to automate 99 percent of the vegetable farming process in the next six months.

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These Six Startups From Y Combinator's Demo Day 1 Are Ready to Transform Our World - Futurism

Anti-aging medicine group says field isn’t ‘controversial’ – FierceHealthcare

A group dedicated to the advancement of treatment for diseases associated with aging disputes what they describe as a mischaracterization that their field of medicine endorses controversial practices.

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) says there is nothing controversial about anti-aging medicine described in an article about Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D., who was recently appointed director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fitzgerald is board-certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine by the organization.

The article noted that some practitioners questioned the choice of Fitzgerald for the high-level government position based on her previous support for anti-aging treatments that they said were unproven and anti-scientific.

It also raised concerns that Fitzgerald partnered with Coca-Cola to run a program against child obesity when she was Georgias public health commissioner. That program focused on physical activity but didnt encourage the need to reduce soda consumption due to its high sugar content.

But Robert Hughes, spokesman for A4M, said in an email to FierceHealthcare that the characterization of anti-aging medicine is false and misleading.

While some may not yet embrace the term anti-aging medicine, there is no controversy over the need for physicians to learn how to stem the rising tide of chronic disease through prevention, lifestyle educationand incorporation of the latest scientific research to help patients live healthier, longer lives, he says. Patients want this. Physicians want this for their patients. A4M provides advanced postgraduate Continuing Medical Education (CME) and training that enables this to occur.

Hughes describes A4M as aU.S. federally registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization comprised of more than 26,000 members across the globe, including physicians, scientists and governmental officials, all of whom collectively represent more than 120 nations.

In its 25-year history, he says, A4M has never been the subject of any adverse legal ruling, nor ever been the target of any regulatory procedure or penalty.

We know through experience that, when practiced by trained physicians, the protocols A4M teaches can result in improved patient health. In addition, these techniques help patients avoid chronic conditions that are major drivers of the relentlessly expanding costs of healthcare, he says.

See the rest here:
Anti-aging medicine group says field isn't 'controversial' - FierceHealthcare

Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors’ Strength – Sioux City Journal

THURSDAY, Aug. 3, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Eating protein at all three daily meals, instead of just at dinner, might help seniors preserve physical strength as they age, new research suggests.

The Canadian study found that protein-rich meals evenly spread throughout the day staved off muscle decline, but did not increase mobility, in older people.

Study co-author Stephanie Chevalier said, for seniors, "The important point is to create three meal occasions with sufficient protein to stimulate muscle building and greater strength, instead of just one."

Chevalier is an assistant professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal.

The functional decline associated with aging often leads to falls, mental impairment and loss of independence. Chevalier's team wondered if more evenly distributed protein consumption might be tied to better physical performance and a reduced rate of decline.

To find out, they tracked more than 1,700 relatively healthy Quebec men and women, aged 67 to 84, who were all enrolled in a three-year study.

The participants provided dietary information and underwent yearly hand, arm, and leg strength testing. They were also tested for mobility.

Over the three years, the researchers found that both men and women saw their overall physical performance worsen, with muscle strength fading more significantly than mobility.

But those who consumed protein more evenly throughout the day appeared to retain greater muscle strength -- though not greater mobility -- than those who consumed most of their protein late in the day.

However, Chevalier stressed the researchers only observed an association between protein distribution and muscle strength, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

"In other words, we cannot conclude that older people had greater strength because they were ingesting protein evenly distributed at every meal," she said.

Establishing direct proof would require more research, she said.

Still, the study finding held up regardless of the total amount of protein consumed, she noted.

Prior research has indicated that adults of all ages should consume a minimum of 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (To convert pounds to kilograms, divide your body weight by 2.2.)

For a 155-pound man, that would add up to about three ounces of protein a day, Chevalier said. Spread across breakfast, lunch and dinner, that would mean about one ounce of protein at each meal. A 130-pound woman would require a little less than one ounce per meal.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Dietary Guidelines call for those over age 50 to consume 5 to 7 ounces of protein foods daily.

In general, one ounce of meat, poultry or fish or one egg or one tablespoon of peanut butter, one-quarter cup of cooked beans or one-half ounce of nuts or seeds qualify as an ounce of protein, according to the USDA.

An outside nutrition expert offered one explanation why the new findings might work.

"Muscle protein is constantly being broken down and built back up. We need protein in our diet daily to make this happen," explained Lona Sandon, a dietetic educator.

That's true at any age, but in late life muscle protein tends to break down faster than it builds up, added Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Also, research has shown older adults require a higher amount of protein, she said.

"Eating protein throughout the day seems to be a means to stay in a positive protein balance longer than just eating most of your protein for the day in the evening meal," said Sandon.

Sandon said distributing protein intake evenly throughout the day is likely beneficial to everyone, young and old.

Much of the research in this area stems from sports nutrition studies, she added. "This research has also shown a benefit to spreading protein throughout meals over the day for increased muscle mass and strength benefits in active individuals and adults," she added.

However, she cautioned that eating protein alone is not an anti-aging silver bullet.

"You can't just eat a steak and suddenly have bulging biceps," she said, noting the need for some level of physical activity or resistance training as well.

The study was published in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

See the article here:
Protein at All 3 Meals May Help Preserve Seniors' Strength - Sioux City Journal