5 Habits That Age You, According to Longevity Experts – Livestrong

Relying on takeout for many of your meals is one habit that can age you.

Image Credit: Westend61/Westend61/GettyImages

As hot as the anti-aging market is right now, we all know that aging is inevitable. And yet, it's entirely possible to do it well.

When it comes to aging, the goal isn't necessarily just to live longer, but to extend your years of healthy life.

"The scientific term is 'healthspan,' which represents the time period of life in which a person is free of debilitating disease," Stephen Anton, PhD, of the Institute on Aging in the Department of Aging & Geriatric Research at University of Florida Health, tells LIVESTRONG.com. This is a mix of health, happiness and good quality of life.

While there is a genetic component to aging, how you live matters, too.

"It's pretty clear that there are certain habits that can shorten our lifespan," Dr. Anton says. We can then presume that avoiding these habits may help you may live longer and better.

Here are six things that age you:

Mistake 1: Sitting Around a Lot

Being sedentary is a risk factor for a host of diseases. But in the past, there was the thought that if you exercised during the day, it didn't matter if you were parked on your duff for the rest of it.

"It's becoming clear that this is not the case. Even if you do exercise, what you do in the remaining 16 hours when awake also has an influence on your health," Dr. Anton says.

Fix it: Breaking up periods of sitting with activity is a good idea, so stand up or walk around for a few minutes each hour, he says.

Conversely then, the most important factor in aging well is exercise, Carolyn Kaloostian, MD, MPH, geriatric medicine specialist with Keck Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, tells LIVESTRONG.com. A regular walking routine is what you need. "This helps maintain resiliency. Resiliency is what keeps us from aging," she says.

Mistake 2: Dining Out Too Much

We Americans generally eat too much sodium (3,400 mg per day, on average, when the recommended limit is 2,300 mg), and about a quarter of it comes from restaurant food, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fix it: "Reducing sodium content in meals is key. This is particularly true for preventing chronic diseases like hypertension and heart disease," Dr. Kaloostian says.

She recommends making more of your meals at home to avoid the hidden sodium that's packed into restaurant and take-out fare.

Mistake 3: Skimping on Vegetables

Veggies might not be the sexiest thing and you've heard it time and time again to eat more but skipping them does a disservice to your health.

"The foundation of your health is the food [you eat]," Kimberly Gomer, RD, LDN, director of nutrition at Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa in Miami, tells LIVESTRONG.com. "I've been at Pritikin for nine years. After changing people's diets, the first thing that happens is that they look like the fountain of youth," she says.

Fix it: Plant-based diets rich in veggies provide ample fiber a heart-healthy, insulin-regulating, anti-cancer nutrient and protective anti-inflammatory vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. And if you're filling up on veggies, you're also not eating the types of processed foods high in sugar, salt and fat that drive disease-causing inflammation.

Mistake 4: Staying Up Late and Eating Late

"Sleep restores the mind and body by allowing cells to repair and rejuvenate," Dr. Anton says. "It is vital for health on par with a healthy diet and physical activity. These are the big three for aging," he says.

Fix it: In truth, everyone needs a different amount of sleep, but the general recommendation is to get at least seven hours of shut-eye each night. The key is that you should wake up feeling rested.

Not everyone has the luxury of choosing the hours they work, but if you have control of your schedule, you'll also want to sleep when it's dark and wake up when it's light, a pattern that's health-promoting, Dr. Anton says. (Yes, this sounds basic, but we all know that a solid sleep routine doesn't always happen in practice.)

Lastly, avoid eating high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar foods or drinking a lot of alcohol too close to bedtime.

"Those behaviors disrupt sleep and impair the body's ability to go through important cellular quality control processes," Dr. Anton says. That process is when cells remove waste in the form of toxins or damaged cells so that they can repair and rejuvenate to function in a healthier manner.

Allow at least a couple hours between eating and going to sleep, he says.

Mistake 5: Drinking a Lot of Alcohol

Overall, the pandemic hasn't been good for our drinking habits, and many people report increasing their alcohol consumption. But it's a good idea to scale back.

"Chronic, excessive alcohol consumption has significant impacts on aging well. It impacts nutrition with deficiencies in thiamine (vitamin B1) and other nutrients for brain and heart health," Dr. Kaloostian says.

What's more, excessive alcohol also bathes your liver and bone marrow in toxins that damage your organs and immune system, she says.

Fix it: While the current recommendation from the CDC is that people assigned male at birth should limit themselves to two drinks per day and people assigned female at birth should stick to no more than one, there's increasing evidence that there are health-protective benefits of consuming just half of that.

See the rest here:
5 Habits That Age You, According to Longevity Experts - Livestrong

Blink! The Link between Aerobic Fitness and Cognition – Anti Aging News

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba find that spontaneous eye blink activity explains the link between physical activity and cognitive function

Although exercise is known to enhance cognitive function and improve mental health, the neurological mechanisms of this link are unknown. Now, researchers from Japan have found evidence of the missing link between aerobic fitness and cognitive function.

In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers from the University of Tsukuba revealed that spontaneous eye blink rate (sEBR), which reflects activity of the dopamine system, could be used to understand the connection between cognitive function and aerobic fitness.

The dopaminergic system is known to be involved in physical activity and exercise, and previous researchers have proposed that exercise-induced changes in cognitive function might be mediated by activity in the dopaminergic system. However, a marker of activity in this system was needed to test this hypothesis, something the researchers at the University of Tsukuba aimed to address.

"The dopaminergic system is associated with both executive function and motivated behavior, including physical activity," says first author of the study Ryuta Kuwamizu. "We used sEBR as a non-invasive measure of dopaminergic system function to test whether it could be the missing link between aerobic fitness and cognitive function."

To do this, the researchers asked healthy participants to undergo a measure of sEBR, a test of cognitive function, and an aerobic fitness test. They also measured brain activity during the cognitive task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy.

"As expected, we found significant correlations between aerobic fitness, cognitive function, and sEBR," explains Professor Hideaki Soya, senior author. "When we examined these relationships further, we found that the connection between higher aerobic fitness and enhanced cognitive function was mediated in part by dopaminergic regulation."

Furthermore, activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (l-DLPFC) during the cognitive task was the same or lower in participants with higher sEBR compared with lower sEBR, even though those with higher sEBR appeared to have greater executive function, and thus higher neural efficiency.

"Although previous studies have indicated that aerobic fitness and cognitive function are correlated, this is the first to provide a neuromodulatory basis for this connection in humans. Our data indicate that dopamine has an essential role in linking aerobic fitness and cognition," says first author Kuwamizu.

Given that neural efficiency in the l-DLPFC is a known characteristic of the dopaminergic system that has been observed in individuals with higher fitness and executive function, it is possible that neural efficiency in this region partially mediates the association between aerobic fitness and executive function. Furthermore, physical inactivity may be related to dopaminergic dysfunction. This information provides new directions for research regarding how fitness affects the brain, which may lead to improved exercise regimens. For instance, exercise that specifically focuses on improving dopaminergic function may particularly boost motivation, mood, and mental function.

We revealed that spontaneous eye blink rate significantly mediated the association between higher aerobic fitness and greater cognitive function. indicates standardized regression coefficient, which represents the degree of association between variables.

Blink! The Link between Aerobic Fitness and Cognition - Anti Aging News

Ponce Therapeutics Inc. Commences First R & D Program in Anti-Aging Products for Skin – BioSpace

MIAMI, Feb. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Ponce Therapeutics, Inc. ("Ponce"), a company leveraging the growing scientific knowledge surrounding the aging process to develop anti-aging technologies, has now become operational with the launching of its first R & D program, targeting aging-associated skin disorders. The Company has secured laboratory space in Houston, TX, and has hired its first scientists for executing their R & D plan targeting the elimination of p16-expressing cells in the skin. The cell proliferation inhibitor, p16, is highly expressed in both senescent cells and in in situ carcinoma (Bowen's Disease), which will be the focus of Ponce's efforts for first product approval.

Rapha Capital Management, LLC (https://www.raphacap.com), an investment management firm located in Miami, Florida, through Rapha Capital Investment XIII, LLC ("RCI XIII") (an entity managed by Rapha Capital), led Ponce's recently closed Convertible Note financing. The $1,500,000 financing will be used to transition Ponce into an operational company and begin execution of Ponce's R & D plan. With the close of the Convertible Note financing, Kevin Slawin, founder and President of Rapha Capital Management, added the title of Executive Chairman, to his CEO role at Ponce.

Rapha Capital is an investment management firm focused on making strategic investments in early stage, non-public biotechnology companies, through special purpose joint venture entities which it manages. Rapha Capital was founded by its President, Kevin Slawin, M.D., a successful and experienced oncologic and robotic surgeon. After leaving practice, Dr. Slawin has been serving as a biotech consultant, investor, and founder, focusing on disruptive technologies in oncology, T cells and immunotherapy, and other breakthrough healthcare technologies. He is the founder of Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.("Bellicum"), a publicly traded company listed on NASDAQ, leading Bellicum to a successful $161 million IPO in December, 2014. He also plays a guiding role in several of the investments managed by Rapha Capital in certain companies, serving as a board member at 3DBio Therapeutics, Inc. (https://3dbiocorp.com/), FIZE Medical, Inc. (www.fizemedical.com), and Demeetra AgBio, Inc. (www.demeetra.com).

Kevin Slawin, MD is the founder of Ponce, and will serve as the Chairman and CEO. David Spencer, PhD. is the founding Chief Technology Officer. Ponce Therapeutics, Inc. reunites the team that founded Bellicum Pharmaceuticals and took it public in 2014 with a $55 million crossover Series C and a $161 million IPO. The team is retooling their original cell control technology with state-of-the-art advances towards their new goal of creating anti-aging products with a solid underlying scientific basis that actually work.

"The science of aging has continued to mature and can now provide a scientific basis for technologies to reverse the aging process in humans. Proof of concept data in animal models demonstrates that removal of senescent cells from organs improves their function and imbues them with a more youthful profile. Targeting p16-expressing cells for apoptotic elimination is one approach to removing senescent cells from the body and is also a valid approach to targeting Bowen's disease of the skin, which also expresses high levels of p16, profile," said Dr. Slawin. "I'm excited to begin work in the anti-aging space, which I believe will quickly rival oncology in both value and interest" he added. "Given our greater than two-decade animal model and clinical experience with regulated cell signaling and cell survival, along with recent advances in non-viral gene delivery platforms, we are now poised to leverage an increasingly detailed, mechanistic understanding of aging to arrest or even reverse it," added Dr. Spencer.

About Rapha Capital Management, LLC Rapha Capital Management, LLC is an investment management firm located in Miami, Florida, focusing on strategic investments in early stage, non-public biotechnology companies. Rapha Capital was founded by its President, Kevin Slawin, MD, a successful and experienced oncologic and robotic surgeon, biotech consultant, investor, and founder focusing on technologies in oncology, T cells and immunotherapy, as well as other breakthrough healthcare technologies. He is the founder of Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLCM). He is co-Inventor of the FDA,-approved "prostate health index (phi)" test licensed and marketed by Beckman Coulter and utilized around the world. He has published extensively in top medical and scientific journals including theJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). He has also been routinely listed in America's Top Doctors for Cancer (Castle Connolly Medical) and The Best Doctors in America (Woodward/White). In 2003, he was awarded the F. Brantley Scott, Jr., Award for Innovation and Creativity in Urology.

About Ponce Therapeutics, Inc.Ponce Therapeutics "Anti-aging Technologies Based on Real Science and Developed by Real Scientists" - Ponce Therapeutics is leveraging the growing scientific knowledge surrounding the process of aging to develop its first state-of-the-art biotechnology platform to restore the youthful balance of aged or "senescent" and young cells in the skin, targeting the p16-expressing senescent cells for elimination. This provides a "reboot" of one's genetic program to turn the clock on one's skin back to its youthful exuberance. Targeting p16 will also potentially allow targeting of Bowen's disease as the regulatory pathway for approval. While initially focused on skin, Ponce is planning to develop a wide-ranging portfolio of anti-aging products based on the best science in the nascent anti-aging field. Ponceis headquartered in Miami, Florida with research facilities located in Houston, TX. For more information, visitwww.poncethera.comor email info@poncethera.com.

For more information about Ponce Therapeutics, Inc., email info@poncethera.com or visit https://www.poncethera.com

For more information about Rapha Capital Management, email info@raphacapital.comor visit https://www.raphacap.com

View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ponce-therapeutics-inc-commences-first-r--d-program-in-anti-aging-products-for-skin-301221629.html

SOURCE Rapha Capital Management, LLC and Ponce Therapeutics, Inc.

See the original post here:
Ponce Therapeutics Inc. Commences First R & D Program in Anti-Aging Products for Skin - BioSpace

Mental Health Took A Hit In 2020 – Anti Aging News

According to a recent survey of 2,000 American adults, 1 in 6 started therapy for the first time during 2020, adding to the 31% of Americans who are already attending therapy or returning to therapy that year.

Respondents reported several reasons for seeking therapy, including 45% confirming that the recent outbreak of COVID-19 was the main driving reason that prompted them to start counseling, with only 15% saying that the current global public health issue did not damage their state of mental health. 15% of respondents began taking medication for mental health issues for the first time in 2020, and another 15% changed or increased their prescription dosages.

88% of respondents report at least one symptom that is indicative of mental health trauma, and 68% reported saying that they feel like they are defeated going into 2021 with 63% saying that that pandemic is to blame.

47% reported that they believed that entering therapy was a sign of weakness, but that is not true, seeking help for overwhelming anxiety, depression, stress or another mental challenge is a sign of strength, and it is a necessity for many during the imposed lockdowns and restrictions.

Americans often place other priorities above their own mental health needs, not just because of stigma but because of time. They often see work, home and social responsibilities as being more important than their personal health and well-being. But just as they tell you on airplanes when the oxygen masks come down, we cant help others if we dont take care ourselves first, said Chris Mosunic, Ph.D., and chief clinical officer at Vida Health.

The bottom line is that there are many ways to improve your mental well being, he added. You just have to choose a path you feel comfortable with and can take ownership of.

59% report being more interested in mindfulness now than they were pre-COVID, and 60% report feeling more aware of and in touch with their emotions than ever before. The most popular forms of therapy were: 40% preferring both virtual and in-person therapy, 38% reporting counseling, 35% talk therapy, 27% cognitive-behavioral therapy, 25% text therapy, 22% psychodynamic therapy, 20% dialectical behavioral therapy, 18% humanistic therapy, and 17% reporting couples therapy.

Results come as no surprise as around the world many people are battling their own personal crisis as a result of the pandemic and the accompanying mandates and restrictions influencing everything from jobs/finances and shopping to interactions with family members and close friends causing physical separation, emotional anxiety, and mental exhaustion.

Winter months can be difficult for many due to seasonal affective disorder, add the restrictions and mandates to this and a sizable portion of the population is struggling with mental health during a winter unlike any other in recent memory. 62% of the respondents report feeling more depressed during the winter, and 32% winter as being the worst season for their mental health.

Symptoms of SAD can include but are not limited to oversleeping, intense cravings for carbs, overeating, gaining weight, trouble concentrating, withdrawing socially, and avoiding engaging in typical daily activities. If any of these seems familiar light therapy may help to give your mood a needed boost, and it can help to increase your vitamin D levels which is helpful in treating SAD as well as giving a boost to your immune system to help ward off infectious diseases during these darker months.

88% of respondents reported having symptoms of mental health trauma including 52% reporting little to no pleasure in doing things, 52% having trouble falling or staying asleep, and 51% feeling down, depressed or hopeless. High levels of depression, anxiety, and PTSD were also reported among young American adults aged 18-30 years old. Another research team is looking into the psychosocial impacts of this outbreak.

Disease itself multiplied by forced quarantine to combat COVID-19 applied by nationwide lockdowns can produce acute panic, anxiety, obsessive behaviors, hoarding, paranoia, and depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the long run.

Most experts can agree that disruptions to traditional grief rituals including the ability to say goodbye and viewing/burial of a loved one are likely to increase symptoms of prolonged grief disorder. To add to this being forced to go through the loss and grieving process in imposed social isolation without the benefits and comfort of long-held bereavement rituals is a recipe for a psychiatric pandemic, according to the research from the Iran University of Medical Sciences.

The researchers from the Iran University of Medical Sciences are among many who are trying to highlight the fact that the prolonged imposed restrictions and mandates are increasing the very real likelihood of PGD making an already difficult life event even harder to process. The profound disruptions can compound mental health challenges and lead to a cycle of unresolved bereavement, depression, and PTSD as humans are being robbed of their ability to participate in compassionate age-old bereavement rituals.

Millions of people around the world have experienced the loss of a loved one due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Given the restrictive lockdown regulations and stay-at-home orders, most of these individuals did not get a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, properly to have a funeral/ceremony for their loss or to bury them.

As a result, millions of individuals have not experienced a regular grief cycle that enables individuals to rapidly adjust to the situation and recover themselves.

Alarmingly 68% of the respondents reported feeling defeated going into 2021, with 63% saying that the outbreak has taken the wind out of their sails, 45% reporting not being able to enjoy pre-COVID activities; and 45% being deflated by the election, 35% by the spread of misinformation, and 30% being deflated by the 24/7 news cycle.

Drastic changes have taken place during the past year, with it many have been neglecting their own personal health, with over half of the respondents saying that they feel too overwhelmed to make their health a priority and 56% reporting that they are struggling to find an effective wellness routine.

Another stress survey from The American Psychological Association revealed similar findings; high levels of stress-related to coronavirus are common for parents, while people of color are more likely than white adults to report the outbreak was causing significant stress in their lives, in particular fears of becoming infected and having access to basic needs and healthcare services.

Some estimates predict that up to 75,000 people may die from drug or alcohol misuse and suicide during this pandemic, according to a report by the Well Being Trust and the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care. These kinds of deaths are called deaths of despair, and they are expected to be exacerbated by three factors at play; the unprecedented economic failure paired with massive unemployment, the mandated social isolation for prolonged months and possible residual isolation for years, and the uncertainty that was caused by the sudden emergence of a novel microbe.

Although it will not be fully clear of the full mental health fallout from this pandemic for years, it has already been discovered that the prevalence of depression symptoms has increased by more than threefold going from 8.5% pre-COVID to 27.8% during the outbreak. Exposure to a greater number of stressors was associated with an increased risk of depression, as well as having a lower income and having less than $5,000 in saving during the pandemic with the latter being associated with a 1.5 fold increase in the risk of depression representing a 50% greater risk of depression symptoms. The prolonged social distancing and isolation are only exacerbating the problem with social isolation increasing the likelihood of mortality by 29% and loneliness increasing it by 26%.

According to a review published in The Lancet investigating the psychological impact of quarantine, Most reviewed studies reported negative psychological effects including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion and anger. out of 2,760 quarantine people, 34& experienced high levels of psychological distress which could include depression. A number of stressors during quarantines were noted including: longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss, and stigma.

During this trying time, it is important not to ignore your mental health and try your best to maintain positive habits. Physical exercise has been shown to act as a natural antidepressant, a quick search online can provide a variety of different free workouts to follow along with online that you can do at home ranging from yoga and tai chi to HIIT and Crossfit to Zumba and dance fitness. Going outside for a walk in nature can also be mentally soothing. Reach out to friends and family if you are feeling isolated. Releasing negative emotions of feelings of stress and anxiety that are directly related to the outbreak is recommended.

Emotional Freedom Techniques have been developed to help those facing PTSD or other serious mental health challenges that can be done anywhere in only a few minutes. For general anxiety, stress, and uneasiness related to trying times it may be worth looking into the mechanics of EFT to learn more about the wide-ranging application for better mental health. Click here to read the study Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health published in PMC concluding that Reviews and meta-analyses of EFT demonstrate that it is an evidence-based practice and that its efficacy for anxiety, depression, phobias, and PTSD is well-established. The research investigating physiological improvements after EFT intervention is limited; however, this study adds to the body of literature and suggests that EFT is associated with multidimensional improvements across a spectrum of physiological systems.

This pandemic and related mandates/restrictions are taking a stressful toll, if you or someone that you know is struggling mentally or emotionally, please seek help from a therapist, daily exercise might help, and you can try to connect with loved ones even if it is via live video, and by utilizing the Emotional Freedom Techniques. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may help, as well as mindfulness techniques and antidepressants to help reduce your risk of depression. You do not have to struggle alone.

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Mental Health Took A Hit In 2020 - Anti Aging News

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market 2020 Disclosing Latest Trends and Advancement Outlook 2026 Along With Covid-19 Impact Analysis KSU | The…

DBMR has added a new report titled Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market with analysis provides the insights which bring marketplace clearly into the focus and thus help organizations make better decisions. This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global market and includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in the market. It intends to supply an entire 360-degree perspective of this market concerning cutting edge technology, key advancement, drivers and restraints and prospective trends with impact analysis. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risk and entry barriers. This Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

This Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market report provides a valuable source of insightful for business strategists and competitive analysis of the global market. It provides industry overview with the growth analysis and futuristic cost. This Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market research report guides you to overcome the upcoming obstacles in the business. Various Analytic tools like SWOT analysis, Porters five force analysis, PESTLE Analysis are utilized to gain the relevant information of the market. In the end, Report provides a comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope and application of the report.

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market, By Product Type (Microwave, Radiofrequency, Hydro-Mechanical, Cryotherapy, Thermal and Ultrasound), Clinical Application (Aesthetic, Surgical and Ophthalmic), End-User (Hospital, Clinics and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia- Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East & Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027

Market Analysis and Insights : Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market

Energy-based therapeutics market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account to grow at a CAGR of 6.00% in the above-mentioned forecast period. Invent of laser based therapies insurgicalprocedures will drive the growth of the market.

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The major players covered in the energy-based therapeutics market report are Johnson and Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc, AngioDynamics, Inc, Alna-Medicalsystem AG and Co.KG, Alcon Management S.A, AtriCure,Inc, Symmetry Surgical, Boston Scientific Corporation, biolitec AG, Cutera, Inc, Cynosure, Dornier MedTech, INSIGHTEC Ltd, EDAP TMS, IRIDEX Corporation, LIGHTMED, Mederi Therapeutics Inc, Medtronic plc, NIDEk CO,LTD, Optos plc.UWF, among other domestic and global players.

Competitive Landscapeand Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Share Analysis

Energy-based therapeutics market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies focus related energy-based therapeutics market.

Energy-based therapeutics are done for the destruction and modification of tissues with the help of technologies such as hydro-mechanical, cryotherapy, ultrasound, microwave and thermal.

In aesthetic medicine have led to an increase in the adoption of anti-aging treatments and energy-based aesthetic surgeries, energy-based therapeutics are affordable and effective and shift of invasive to non-invasive aesthetic procedures on global level due to this reason has driven the growth of the market. Increased number of population for minimal invasive surgeries for the treatment of cancer, tumors, cardiac arrhythmias and other diseases with the benefits associated with these procedures such as creating a positive outlook and reduced complications for the global energy based therapeutic market are factors driving the growth of the market. Rising trend of physician owned ambulatory surgical centres known as ASCs is a key factor for the growth of the market and will create growth opportunities in energy-based therapeutics market the forecast period of 2020-2027.

Varied regulations for medical devices will act as a restrain, and further challenges the growth of energy-based therapeutics market forecast period mentioned above.

This energy-based therapeutics market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on Data Bridge Market Research energy-based therapeutics market contact us for anAnalyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Scope and Market Size

Energy-based therapeutics market is segmented on the basis of clinical application, end-user and product type. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.

Table of Contents-Snapshot

Executive SummaryChapter 1 Industry OverviewChapter 2 Industry Competition by ManufacturersChapter 3 Industry Production Market Share by RegionsChapter 4 Industry Consumption by RegionsChapter 5 Industry Production, Revenue, Price Trend by TypeChapter 6 Industry Analysis by ApplicationsChapter 7 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Industry BusinessChapter 8 Industry Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and CustomersChapter 10 Market DynamicsChapter 11 Industry ForecastChapter 12 Research Findings and ConclusionChapter 13 Methodology and Data Source

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Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Country Level Analysis

Energy-based therapeutics market is analysed and market size insights and trends are provided by country, clinical application, end-user and product type as referenced above.

The countries covered in the energy-based therapeutics market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.

North America is dominating the energy-based therapeutics market due to its well established healthcare infrastructure. As growing preference for minimally invasive surgeries in this region are responsible for the growth of the market in the region.

The country section of the energy-based therapeutics market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.

Healthcare Infrastructure growth Installed base and New Technology Penetration

Energy-based therapeutics market also provides you with detailed market analysis for every country growth in healthcare expenditure for capital equipments, installed base of different kind of products for energy-based therapeutics market, impact of technology using life line curves and changes in healthcare regulatory scenarios and their impact on the energy-based therapeutics market. The data is available for historic period 2010 to 2018.

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Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market 2020 Disclosing Latest Trends and Advancement Outlook 2026 Along With Covid-19 Impact Analysis KSU | The...

In The Know Honors: Shereen Pimentel – Yahoo Canada Shine On

Eat This, Not That!

Sugar is hard to escape in the American diet. It's in everything from condiments to juices to bread. And yes, even in those McDonald's fries. And Americans are eating a lot of it."Today, the average American consumes almost 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day, according to researchers at the University of California San Francisco," says Sue Heikkinen, MS, RD, registered dietitian for MyNetDiary. One in four Americans far exceeds the USDA's recommended daily added sugar cap of 50 grams, instead consuming a staggering 105 grams of added sugar per day. (The American Heart Association guidelines suggest no more than 24 grams of added sugar for women and no more than 35 grams for men.)Most of that sugar comes from drinks. "Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, energy drinks, and sweetened tea are the leading source of added sugarproviding 47% of added sugar in the U.S. diet," says Heikkinen. "There is some encouraging newsthis added sugar intake represents a decrease from earlier reports."Eat a diet high in sugar, and the impact may not be seen until later."Many of the side effects of excess sugar consumption aren't immediate, but instead build up over years," says Elizabeth Spencer, MS, RDN, LDN, registered dietitian at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital. "These include risk of Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, heart disease, and inflammation of the joints."Excessive intake of added sugar can lead to various health issues such as weight gain, inflammation, and diabetes, so you'll want to look out for the signs you're overdoing it before it gets any worse.One of the biggest danger signs that you're eating too much sugar is that you're constantly feeling both anxious and tired.Sugar is our body's main source of energy, so it's somewhat ironic that eating too much of the stuff can cause us to feel tired. "Eating sugary foods can indeed give an energy boost, but it can result in a crash later," says Heikkinen. "This can set up a vicious cycle of turning to sugar again for a quick energy, then feeling fatigued again later. Fatigue can also be a symptom of high blood sugar (caused by eating too much sugar)."Spencer explains that eating too much sugar at one time can cause jiteriness, but the fatigue will come quickly afterwards. "Eating a high sugar food can raise the amount of sugar in our bloodstream very quickly and provide a quick burst of energy, as well as feelings of anxiety and jitteriness," says Spencer. "When we have an excess amount of sugar in our bloodstream, our body rapidly produces the hormone insulin to usher the sugar into our cells. This can then cause a sugar crash from decreased sugar in our bloodstream, resulting in that midafternoon slump and low energy."This crashing sensation won't just drain your energy at certain times of the day, it may even go so far as to disrupt a good night's sleep."Consuming large amounts of sugar is linked to lower quality sleep," says Spencer. "In a clinical trial evaluating sugar's impact on sleep, those who consumed significant amounts of sugar had less time in deep, restorative slow-wave sleep. Those who ate more sugar also took longer to fall asleep."How can you fit sugar into a healthy diet?You don't need to totally forbid yourself from sugar."Although there are health risks of excess sugar, it is by no means a poison," says Heikkinen.In fact, totally cutting out sugar or forbidding yourself from having your favorite sweet treat may make you crave it even more, making it harder to control the portion when you do eat it."If you can limit sneaky sources of added sugar such as cereals, salad dressings, and granola bars, you can leave room in your budget for foods you really enjoy, such as a piece of chocolate," says Heikkinen.Aim for added sugar in moderation combined with mindful eating habits."Having sugary food every once in a while is okay! Moderation is key here. Zoom out to the big picture of your dietary habits, and look at 'how much and how often' are you having a sugar-sweetened food," says Spencer.She recommends a few easy ways to moderate your sugar intake.Read nutrition labels and keep sugar at less than 6 grams of added sugar per one serving of a packaged food item (this excludes fruit and plain dairy products).Pair foods with added sugar with protein, fat, and fiber to slow down digestion and enhance satiety. An example would be pairing a serving of sweetened granola with plain Greek yogurt and fiber-packed berries.And if you are struggling to manage sugar intake or feel out of control with sugar, another recommendation is to connect with a registered dietitian who can help you incorporate sugar in a healthful way. For help, check out these 20 Ways to End Sugar Cravings For Good, According to Nutritionists.For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

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In The Know Honors: Shereen Pimentel - Yahoo Canada Shine On

This Seriously Effective Face Serum Nixes Acne and Wrinkles in Weeks – Yahoo Lifestyle

iS CLINICAL Active Serum


For our 26th annual Best Beauty Buys, the InStyle team worked with leading dermatologists, makeup artists, hairstylists, wellness experts, fragrance connoisseurs, and manicurists to find out which products they can't get enough of. Now, the votes are in and you'll want to get ahold of these 229 beauty game-changers.

Peek through any celebrities medicine cabinet, and a few brands tend to surface time and again. There are famous aesthetician favorites like Skinceuticals, liquid luxuries like Augustinus Bader, clean beauty face oils like True Botanicals and Vintners Daughter, and the big kahuna in a little blue bottle: iS Clinical Active Serum.

It might look unassuming, but the results iS Clinical delivers has made fans out of Jessica Alba, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Chrissy Teigen, January Jones and countless beauty editors whove worked their way through all the skincare one face can handle. No matter what, the anti-aging, acne- and dullness-fighting serum clears up stubborn problems and converts hyperpigmentation, redness, and wrinkles into glowing, red carpet-ready skin.

They clearly used magic to make this, one shopper writes, and another seconds that the stuff is no joke. I mean, wow. I bought this on a whim thinking it would just be another one of those overpriced products that does nothing, but my skin has improved drastically in the past two weeks since I started using it, the latter person continues. I struggled with cystic acne, scarring, texture, dullness, etc. My acne is pretty much gone, my scarring has decreased significantly, and my tone just looks more even all over.

iS Clinical Active Serum


Shop now: $138; dermstore.com

The Active Serum formula is so intensely loved that its won 58 pages of glowing reviews on Dermstore, and board-certified dermatologist Diane Madfes confirms that its worth its weight in gold. This is an all-around fabulous product, great for treating acne and preventing wrinkles, Madfes tells InStyle. The ingredients are key, as iS CLINICALs Active Serum is water-based with glycerin to moisturize. The polyporus umbellatus mushroom is a lightener and an antioxidant, while salicylic acid is an exfoliant.

Story continues

Madfes explains that the formulas efficiency sets it apart, since the serum works quickly to fade post-acne marks and improve your skin texture, and shoppers also see tighter pores and super smooth, dewy skin. This serum is the best exfoliating serum I've used so far, and I've used a lot as I am a licensed aesthetician, another expert says. Really great for clogged pores and acne! Others dub it the best serum on the market and a miracle worker, its firming abilities and scar-erasing transformations enough to earn it a lifetime spot in their skin routines.

Even healthcare workers spending days on end in their masks say its life-changing, and former spa employees say that after seeing it recommended to every client that came in, they tried it and watched their dark spots disappear within a week. With continued use, multiple people say they finally feel un-self conscious enough to go without makeup over their hyperpigmentation and melasma.

Acne is the worst, and I have been fighting it ever since I hit puberty, another reviewer recounts. I have tried thousands of products, saying, Oh, maybe this one will work. Close to giving up, they ordered the iS Clinical Active Serum. I saw results within days. My acne actually started to go away and whats more, it actually prevents breakouts. Im in love with this product and I will be using it for the rest of my life, or until my acne decides to go away.

Its effect on wrinkles is no less impressive: After a few weeks of use, it toned down fine lines so completely that a shopper was shocked when they reappeared after running out of the serum. Repeated themes? The Active Serum is unbeatable, and worth every penny. Try it for yourself, and watch your skin shape up before your eyes.

Original post:
This Seriously Effective Face Serum Nixes Acne and Wrinkles in Weeks - Yahoo Lifestyle

Global Medical Aesthetics Market Insights, Size Estimation, Research Insights, COVID-19 Impact and Future Trends By 2028 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper…

Global Medical Aesthetics Market Report Provides Future Development Possibilities By Key Players, Key Drivers, Competitive Analysis, Scope, And Key Challenges Analysis. The Reports Conjointly Elaborate The Expansion Rate Of The Industry Supported The Highest CAGR And Global Analysis. This Report Providing An In Depth And Top To Bottom Analysis By Market Size, Growth Forecast By Applications, Sales, Size, Types And Competitors For The Creating Segment And The Developing Section Among The Global Medical Aesthetics Market. Market Expansion Worldwide With Top Players Future Business Scope and Investment Analysis Report

Global Medical Aesthetics Market Research Report Will Help To Take Informed Decisions, Understand Opportunities, Plan Effective Business Strategies, Plan New Projects, Analyze Drivers And Restraints And Give Vision On The Forecast. Report Is A Specialist And Broad Research Report On The Major Regional Market Conditions, Concentrating On The United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, And India Regions.

Global Medical Aesthetics Market By Product type (Aesthetic Lasers, Energy Devices, Body Contouring Devices, Facial Aesthetic Devices, Aesthetic Implants, Skin Aesthetic Devices), Application (Anti-Aging and Wrinkles, Facial and Skin Rejuvenation, Breast Enhancement, Body Shaping and Cellulite, Tattoo Removal, Vascular Lesions, Psoriasis and Vitiligo, Others), End User (Cosmetic Centres, Dermatology Clinics, Hospitals, Medical Spas and Beauty Centres), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender, Retail), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026

Global medical aesthetics market is projected to register a healthy CAGR of 12.1% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

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Competitive Analysis: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Some of the major players operating in the global medical aesthetics market are Allergan, Bausch Health Companies Inc., Lumenis, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Cynosure, Syneron Medical Ltd, Aerolase Corp., A.R.C. Laser Gmbh, Asclepion Laser Technologies Gmbh, Btl, Cutera, Eclipse, Lutronic, Mentor Worldwide Llc, Merz Pharma, Quanta System, Sciton Inc., Sharplight Technologies Inc, Syneron Medical Ltd., Venus Concept.

Aesthetics devices are an innovative advancement, providing a solution to patients which deal with the ingenuity of creating beauty. The medical aesthetics devices is a growing market owing to its benefits such as maintaining the youthful appearance, pain free and non-invasive beauty treatments, maintenance free skin that remains smooth and hairless without the need for shaving, waxing or unpleasant hair treatments, improving the cosmetic appearance, and technological advancement in medical aesthetics devices.

The market is showing a substantial growth in the emerging countries as these countries are adapting to the trends of urbanization. Brazil, South Africa, Thailand and many others have improved in the past one decade. People are opting different aesthetics surgeries to maintain themselves, which give them better results without any stressful physical efforts. Medical Aesthetics is one of the most trending concepts of the 21stCentury which will show a substantial increase in the future as there is a great technological advancement and innovation in the field by the companies dealing with these devices making them safer and even less invasive leading to more population opting for these procedures.

Segmentation: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Global medical aesthetics market is segmented into 4 notable segments such as product type, type of care, accessories and end user

Grab Your Report at an Impressive 30% Discount! Please click Here@


Product Launch:


The company was founded in 2013 and headquartered at Dublin, Ireland. The company is focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing branded device, biologic, pharmaceutical, surgical and regenerative medicine products for patients throughout the world. The main business segments are US Specialized Therapeutics, US General Medicine, International. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 16,550.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Asia Pacific, South America, Europe and Middle East & Africa.

Access Full Report athttps://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-medical-aesthetics-market/

Bausch Health Companies Inc.

The company was founded in 1959 and headquartered at Quebec, Canada. The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing a broad range of branded and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter (OTC) products and medical devices. The main business segments are Bausch + Lomb/International, Branded Rx, U.S. Diversified Products. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 8,174.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.


The company was founded in 1991; headquarter in Yokeneam, Israel. The company is engaged in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and expert in developing and commercializing innovative energy-based technologies, including Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio-Frequency (RF). The company has global presence in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Note: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

About Data Bridge Market Research:

Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


Data Bridge Market Research

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UK: +44 208 089 1725

Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475

Email: Corporatesales@databridgemarketresearch.com

See the original post:
Global Medical Aesthetics Market Insights, Size Estimation, Research Insights, COVID-19 Impact and Future Trends By 2028 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper...

Writing is the best medicine – The London Economic

In addition to carving out a distinguished medical career, Dr Cliff Bacchus has built a reputation as a novelist unafraid to tackle challenging social issues, most recently the practice of intermarriage between cousins.

By the time they reach their sixties, most people would be looking forward to retiring and taking things easier. For medical doctor Dr Cliff Bacchus, however, it marked the launch of a second career as a novelist.

Now aged 78, Dr Bacchus has published three critically-acclaimed novels within the last 15 years, with the latest gripping psychological thriller Curses of Cousins just released.

For the Bahamas-based author, who also runs two busy pain management clinics in the country, writing is a much-needed creative escape from the pressures of the day job.

Since 1974, he has served the medical needs of the Bahamian island that has been his adopted home since he left his native Guyana to study medicine in what was then Communist Russia.

During all that time, he has consulted the rich, the famous, and the less fortunate with equal attention, and care for all, initially as a senior medial officer working for the government before going into private practice in the early 2000s.

His standing as a physician also led him to be cast as a doctor in 2007 Bahamas-set Hollywood film Bad Girl Island after he conducted the medical examinations for the director, Stewart Raffill, and crew.

Perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, Dr Bacchus draws heavily upon his training and experiences for his novels also including his literary debut, 2007s A Doctor and a Gentleman and 2011s Do No Harm in the sense that they are all fundamentally driven forward by a thought-provoking consideration of contemporary medical issues or ethics.

In the case of Curses of Cousins, the narrative is wrapped around an exploration of intermarriage between cousins.

It is a practice that goes on not only in certain communities within the Bahamas but around the world, including the UK. While perfectly legal, it is a semi-taboo subject within society, hardly spoken of.

The problem is that this practice also carries with it a serious risk of genetic defects in any resulting offspring. Indeed, it is believed that two children born from such unions die in the UK from resultant genetic abnormalities every single week.

In the novel, the protagonist, teacher Brooklyn Watts, sets out to find out why her family, and many other families on the fictional Bahamian island of Sigatoo, suffer chronic, incurable illnesses.

In her case, it is alopecia and multiple sclerosis (MS), and, as she quickly comes to learn, her and others ill-health, previously attributed to a curse, is in fact a direct result of the traditional island practice of cousin marriage.

Despite the pain she suffers daily from her debilitating condition, she sets out on a quest to educate the population about the risks that such marriages carry to the next generation.

For Dr Bacchus, who was named Physician of the Year by the Government of the Bahamas in 2000, it is a vitally-important health issue to address.

I got the idea for Curses of Cousins as I have had several patients with genetic-based conditions that resulted from intermarriage between cousins, he says.

Im not calling for the practice to be banned outright, but there needs to be an open acknowledgment that children of such marriages run a significant risk of inheriting genetic defects that could impact their quality of life.

With this awareness then, at least, those who still wish to enter into such relationships can understand the importance of carrying out genetic counselling and blood tests to ensure a healthy progeny.

The novel is also notable for another battle that Brooklyn must face while trying to confront ignorance, superstition, and traditionalism within her society: a war between the literal forces of good and evil for control of her mind.

I always include a metaphysical aspect to my novels, explains Dr Bacchus who, in additional to a medical degree and membership of the American Association of Family Physicians and the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, holds a degree in metaphysical science and is the Worshipful Master of his islands Masonic lodge.

I do believe that beyond the physical we are all attuned to a higher, cosmic consciousness.

In Curses of Cousins this war between the personifications of good and evil adds a deeper level to the readers understanding of Brooklyn, and also another perspective on the obstacles she must overcome from certain parts of society in bringing about positive change.

As well as praising his latest novel for its originality and daring to broach the pressing issue of cousin marriage, reviewers have also highlighted Dr Bacchuss realistic depiction of a female lead a rare achievement for a male author.

This, however, is something that he attributes as much to his environment as his writing skills.

He says: All my life Ive been in the company of women. My children were all girls and in all my years of practice I have worked alongside female nurses.

Its given me a better understanding of the female mind than most men, I think, and it is wonderful that readers and reviewers concur.

Brooklyn was a fascinating character to create, being independently-minded, courageous and determined to protect future generations so that they wouldnt suffer in the same way that she does.

Some readers have called her inspirational, and that makes the whole writing process more than worthwhile.

I always intended to highlight the issue of intermarriage through fiction because it stands a much better chance of reaching the widest audience, compared to a dusty old academic paper that will never be read by anyone save other doctors.

But a novel stands or falls on whether the central character engages with readers, so it looks like all those years in almost exclusively female company has paid off.

As to the future, Dr Bacchus is already working on his next novel, which will be focused on another global issue world poverty.

Writing keeps my young, he adds. Its far more relaxing the medicine while also providing the opportunity to communicate with the world.

Curses of Cousins by Cliff Bacchus is out now on Amazon , priced 9.07 in paperback and 3.02 as an eBook.


Dr Cliff Bacchus discusses his new novel, psychological thriller Curses of Cousins, and what motivates him as an author.

Q. What was your motivation for becoming an author?

A. To expand my outreach to people around the world.

Q. Your latest novel deals with a very grave subject: the risk of genetic abnormalities from intermarriage. Why did you feel it better to cover this subject through fiction than nonfiction?

A. Through fiction, I can reach more people, and generate more interest through theme, plot structure, unique characterisation, and suspense.

Q. What do you hope readers get from reading your new novel, Curses of Cousins?

A. I want them to grasp the theme: that cousins marrying cousins may not be the best for the children you give birth to. However, this is not a concrete rule. There are many who intermarry because of custom and religion, but it is time to reflect on the subject. If it works for you, fine! It is my point of view, based on experience as a medical doctor for nearly five decades.

Q. How did you get the idea for your latest novel?

A. From my medical experience over many decades.

Q. Describe a typical day in your life

A. I rise early, write for two hours until clinic time, 8 am to 11 am. Then its clinic again from 3 pm to 5 pm, followed by a walk and watching BBC news, CNN and talk shows, or a spot of painting on canvas. Bedtime is by 12 midnight.

Who are your literary inspirations, and why?

A. Shakespeare, Jane Austin, and Sidney Sheldon. Inspirational!

Q. All your novels include a metaphysical element. Can you explain why you feel it important to weave this into your stories?

A. Metaphysics deals with abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space. My novels are just about that. My novels must have meaning!

Q. If you could offer one piece of advice to somebody wanting to become an author, what would it be?

A. Be prepare to work hard and love it. Be prepared to accept the lonely life and love it. Be prepared to do research and love it.

Q. What satisfaction does writing bring you?

A. Knowing that I can communicate the truth and hope for the acceptance of it.

What can readers expect next from you?

A. Another work of fiction as I hone the craft for better and better.

Writing is the best medicine - The London Economic

Chinese researchers discover new anti-aging gene therapy – The Star Online

BEIJING, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- For the first time, a genome-wide CRISPR-based screening technology has identified a new driver of cellular senescence. It can form part of new strategies to delay aging and prevent aging-associated diseases, Chinese researchers said.

By screening and identifying more than 100 genes responsible for the aging of human cells, the research team demonstrated that knocking out, or disabling, some genes by CRISPR can discourage the aging of human mesenchymal precursor cells (hMPCs). Among the genes that lead to senility, and KAT7 (a histone acetyltransferase), is one of the catalysts for aging.

Knocking out KAT7 has been proven effective in alleviating cellular senescence in the team's experiments, said Zhang Weiqi, a researcher at the Beijing Institute of Genomics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The scientists managed to reduce the proportion of the senescent cells in the livers of aged mice and prolonged the lifespan of physiologically aged mice and those with progeria.

The novel gene therapy, based on disabling a single gene or using KAT7 inhibitors, could extend mammal life. It could also slow down the aging of human liver cells. It suggests a massive potential for its application in translational medicine against human aging.

The study was published on Thursday in Science Translational Medicine online.

Continued here:
Chinese researchers discover new anti-aging gene therapy - The Star Online

Global Medical Aesthetics Market Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors and Leading Players With Detailed Analysis of Industry Structure -…

DBMR has added a new report titled Global Medical Aesthetics Market with analysis provides the insights which bring marketplace clearly into the focus and thus help organizations make better decisions. This Global Medical Aesthetics Market research report understands the current and future of the market in both developed and emerging markets. The report assists in realigning the business strategies by highlighting the business priorities. It throws light on the segment expected to dominate the industry and market. It forecast the regions expected to witness the fastest growth. This report is a collection of pragmatic information, quantitative and qualitative estimation by industry experts, the contribution from industry across the value chain. Furthermore, the report also provides the qualitative results of diverse market factors on its geographies and Segments.

Global medical aesthetics market is projected to register a healthy CAGR of 12.1% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-medical-aesthetics-market

Aesthetics devices are an innovative advancement, providing a solution to patients which deal with the ingenuity of creating beauty. The medical aesthetics devices is a growing market owing to its benefits such as maintaining the youthful appearance, pain free and non-invasive beauty treatments, maintenance free skin that remains smooth and hairless without the need for shaving, waxing or unpleasant hair treatments, improving the cosmetic appearance, and technological advancement in medical aesthetics devices.

The market is showing a substantial growth in the emerging countries as these countries are adapting to the trends of urbanization. Brazil, South Africa, Thailand and many others have improved in the past one decade. People are opting different aesthetics surgeries to maintain themselves, which give them better results without any stressful physical efforts. Medical Aesthetics is one of the most trending concepts of the 21stCentury which will show a substantial increase in the future as there is a great technological advancement and innovation in the field by the companies dealing with these devices making them safer and even less invasive leading to more population opting for these procedures.

Competitive Analysis: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Some of the major players operating in the global medical aesthetics market are Allergan, Bausch Health Companies Inc., Lumenis, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Cynosure, Syneron Medical Ltd, Aerolase Corp., A.R.C. Laser Gmbh, Asclepion Laser Technologies Gmbh, Btl, Cutera, Eclipse, Lutronic, Mentor Worldwide Llc, Merz Pharma, Quanta System, Sciton Inc., Sharplight Technologies Inc, Syneron Medical Ltd., Venus Concept.

Segmentation: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Global medical aesthetics market is segmented into 4 notable segments such as product type, type of care, accessories and end user

Grab Your Report at an Impressive 30% Discount! Please click Here@


Product Launch:


The company was founded in 2013 and headquartered at Dublin, Ireland. The company is focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing branded device, biologic, pharmaceutical, surgical and regenerative medicine products for patients throughout the world. The main business segments are US Specialized Therapeutics, US General Medicine, International. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 16,550.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Asia Pacific, South America, Europe and Middle East & Africa.

Access Full Report athttps://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-medical-aesthetics-market/

Bausch Health Companies Inc.

The company was founded in 1959 and headquartered at Quebec, Canada. The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing a broad range of branded and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter (OTC) products and medical devices. The main business segments are Bausch + Lomb/International, Branded Rx, U.S. Diversified Products. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 8,174.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.


The company was founded in 1991; headquarter in Yokeneam, Israel. The company is engaged in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and expert in developing and commercializing innovative energy-based technologies, including Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio-Frequency (RF). The company has global presence in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Note: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

About Data Bridge Market Research:

Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


Data Bridge Market Research

US: +1 888 387 2818

UK: +44 208 089 1725

Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475

Email: Corporatesales@databridgemarketresearch.com

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Global Medical Aesthetics Market Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors and Leading Players With Detailed Analysis of Industry Structure -...

8 of the Best Inflammation-Fighting Tips We Learned All Year – Well+Good

If youre a regular Well+Good reader, you know inflammation is something we ask medical doctors and experts about a lot. New here? Inflammation is the bodys natural process of fighting against things that harm it, such as infections, illnesses, injuries, and toxins in an attempt to heal itself. Inflammation isnt inherently a bad thingbut when it becomes chronic, it can lead to health conditions as diverse as acne, cancer, and cognitive decline.

Its because chronic inflammation is the root cause of nearly all health woes that we ask experts about it so often. And in the process, weve learned a lot. So were sharing the knowledge with you, dear reader, so you can act on this life-promoting advice. Rounded up here are 10 of the best inflammation-fighting tips we learned this year. Each tip links to full articles, just in case you want to do a deeper dive.

Does your morning cup of coffee protect against inflammation? Doctors tell us that the answer is complicated. Some studies connect caffeine to protecting against chronic health conditions, but how quickly you metabolize caffeine and underlying health conditions also matter. The source matters too. For example, some caffeinated teas, like green or black, are widely accepted by the scientific community to reduce inflammation, but an energy drink cant boast the same.

Read more: Does Caffeine Cause Inflammation? Its Complicated

Theres a popular belief in the wellness world that dairy is a highly inflammatory food group, but the truth is less cut and dry. Experts tell us (and scientific studies show) that dairy only causes inflammation in those with an allergy or intolerance.

Read more: Does Dairy Really Cause Inflammation? Its Complicated

Fighting inflammation extends beyond food. Making a habit of meditating just 10 minutes daily has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. This is because it helps lower cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone), which plays a regulatory role in the immune system. When cortisol levels remain at high levels, it can causeyou guessed it, inflammation.

Read more: The 10-Minute Wellness Habit That Fights Inflammation

Another way to protect the body from inflammation that doesnt have to do with food is by exercising regularly, and it really doesnt take super long workouts to get the benefits. A preventive medicine doctor tells us that just 20 to 30 minutes a few times a week is enough to make an impact.

Read more: Does Exercise Reduce Inflammation? Heres What a Preventive Medicine Doc Says

Theres a lot of herbs in your pantry that are linked to lowering inflammation, but cinnamon is one that tends to be overlooked. Its high antioxidant content is especially good for your heart. Who says you have to choose between something sweet and something anti-inflammatory?

Read more: 5 Cinnamon Drinks That Work As a Delicious Way To Combat Inflammation

When we heard about a nutritional epidemiologist who created an inflammation index of the most popular foods, we had to call her up to learn more. Spoiler: leafy greens, tomatoes, apples and berries, deep yellow or orange vegetables, nuts, legumes, and fish are all linked to lowering the risk for inflammation. Added sugar, on the other hand, has one of the highest inflammation scores.

Read more: This New Inflammation Index Shows Just How Healthy Your Favorite Foods Are

While, yes, turmeric is powerfully linked to lowering inflammation, its certainly not the end all be all. In the video above, a registered dietitian shares other foods worth working into your diet including berries, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms. And if youre looking for another supplement to try, consider the plant compound quercetin, which is anti-inflammatory and linked to potential anti-aging benefits.

Read more: The Underrated Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient That Will Help You Live Longer, According to a Functional Medicine Doctor

Sore muscles are a sign of acute inflammation. In the short-term, this is NBD, but left untreated, its bad news for your body. This is exactly why workout recovery matters. Moderate exercise is great for warding off chronic inflammation, but if you go hard on a regular basis, your body needs a little love too.

Read more: 8 Ways To Use Your Workout and Recovery Routine To Reduce Inflammation

Oh hi! You look like someone who loves free workouts, discounts for cult-fave wellness brands, and exclusive Well+Good content. Sign up for Well+, our online community of wellness insiders, and unlock your rewards instantly.

See more here:
8 of the Best Inflammation-Fighting Tips We Learned All Year - Well+Good

Global Medical Aesthetics Market 2020- Industry Analysis Trends, Market Analysis, CAGR Values and Country Level Demand To Forecast by 2027 – The…

Databridgemarketresearch.com Present Global Medical Aesthetics Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027 new report to its research database. This research report understands the current and future of the market in both developed and emerging markets. The Global Medical Aesthetics Market report assists in realigning the business strategies by highlighting the business priorities. It throws light on the segment expected to dominate the industry and market. It forecast the regions expected to witness the fastest growth. This report is a collection of pragmatic information, quantitative and qualitative estimation by industry experts, the contribution from industry across the value chain. Furthermore, the report also provides the qualitative results of diverse market factors on its geographies and Segments.

This Global Medical Aesthetics Market tracks the major market events including product launches, development trends, mergers, acquisition and the innovative business strategies opted by key market players. The Global Medical Aesthetics Market report also focuses on industry-specific drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges in the market. The global market is bifurcated into sub-segments that can provide classified data regarding the latest trends in the market.

Global Medical Aesthetics Market By Product type (Aesthetic Lasers, Energy Devices, Body Contouring Devices, Facial Aesthetic Devices, Aesthetic Implants, Skin Aesthetic Devices), Application (Anti-Aging and Wrinkles, Facial and Skin Rejuvenation, Breast Enhancement, Body Shaping and Cellulite, Tattoo Removal, Vascular Lesions, Psoriasis and Vitiligo, Others), End User (Cosmetic Centres, Dermatology Clinics, Hospitals, Medical Spas and Beauty Centres), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender, Retail), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026

Global medical aesthetics market is projected to register a healthy CAGR of 12.1% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

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Competitive Analysis: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Some of the major players operating in the global medical aesthetics market are Allergan, Bausch Health Companies Inc., Lumenis, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Cynosure, Syneron Medical Ltd, Aerolase Corp., A.R.C. Laser Gmbh, Asclepion Laser Technologies Gmbh, Btl, Cutera, Eclipse, Lutronic, Mentor Worldwide Llc, Merz Pharma, Quanta System, Sciton Inc., Sharplight Technologies Inc, Syneron Medical Ltd., Venus Concept.

Aesthetics devices are an innovative advancement, providing a solution to patients which deal with the ingenuity of creating beauty. The medical aesthetics devices is a growing market owing to its benefits such as maintaining the youthful appearance, pain free and non-invasive beauty treatments, maintenance free skin that remains smooth and hairless without the need for shaving, waxing or unpleasant hair treatments, improving the cosmetic appearance, and technological advancement in medical aesthetics devices.

The market is showing a substantial growth in the emerging countries as these countries are adapting to the trends of urbanization. Brazil, South Africa, Thailand and many others have improved in the past one decade. People are opting different aesthetics surgeries to maintain themselves, which give them better results without any stressful physical efforts. Medical Aesthetics is one of the most trending concepts of the 21stCentury which will show a substantial increase in the future as there is a great technological advancement and innovation in the field by the companies dealing with these devices making them safer and even less invasive leading to more population opting for these procedures.

Segmentation: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Global medical aesthetics market is segmented into 4 notable segments such as product type, type of care, accessories and end user

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Product Launch:


The company was founded in 2013 and headquartered at Dublin, Ireland. The company is focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing branded device, biologic, pharmaceutical, surgical and regenerative medicine products for patients throughout the world. The main business segments are US Specialized Therapeutics, US General Medicine, International. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 16,550.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Asia Pacific, South America, Europe and Middle East & Africa.

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Bausch Health Companies Inc.

The company was founded in 1959 and headquartered at Quebec, Canada. The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing a broad range of branded and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter (OTC) products and medical devices. The main business segments are Bausch + Lomb/International, Branded Rx, U.S. Diversified Products. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 8,174.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.


The company was founded in 1991; headquarter in Yokeneam, Israel. The company is engaged in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and expert in developing and commercializing innovative energy-based technologies, including Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio-Frequency (RF). The company has global presence in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


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Global Medical Aesthetics Market 2020- Industry Analysis Trends, Market Analysis, CAGR Values and Country Level Demand To Forecast by 2027 - The...

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Exhibits a Lucrative Growth Potential during 2020-2025 | International Players -Alcon Management S.A,…

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market, By Product Type (Microwave, Radiofrequency, Hydro-Mechanical, Cryotherapy, Thermal and Ultrasound), Clinical Application (Aesthetic, Surgical and Ophthalmic), End-User (Hospital, Clinics and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia- Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East & Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027

Market Analysis and Insights : Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market

Energy-based therapeutics market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account to grow at a CAGR of 6.00% in the above-mentioned forecast period. Invent of laser based therapies insurgicalprocedures will drive the growth of the market.

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Competitive Landscapeand Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Share Analysis

Energy-based therapeutics market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies focus related energy-based therapeutics market.

The major players covered in the energy-based therapeutics market report are Johnson and Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc, AngioDynamics, Inc, Alna-Medicalsystem AG and Co.KG, Alcon Management S.A, AtriCure,Inc, Symmetry Surgical, Boston Scientific Corporation, biolitec AG, Cutera, Inc, Cynosure, Dornier MedTech, INSIGHTEC Ltd, EDAP TMS, IRIDEX Corporation, LIGHTMED, Mederi Therapeutics Inc, Medtronic plc, NIDEk CO,LTD, Optos plc.UWF, among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

Energy-based therapeutics are done for the destruction and modification of tissues with the help of technologies such as hydro-mechanical, cryotherapy, ultrasound, microwave and thermal.

In aesthetic medicine have led to an increase in the adoption of anti-aging treatments and energy-based aesthetic surgeries, energy-based therapeutics are affordable and effective and shift of invasive to non-invasive aesthetic procedures on global level due to this reason has driven the growth of the market. Increased number of population for minimal invasive surgeries for the treatment of cancer, tumors, cardiac arrhythmias and other diseases with the benefits associated with these procedures such as creating a positive outlook and reduced complications for the global energy based therapeutic market are factors driving the growth of the market. Rising trend of physician owned ambulatory surgical centres known as ASCs is a key factor for the growth of the market and will create growth opportunities in energy-based therapeutics market the forecast period of 2020-2027.

Varied regulations for medical devices will act as a restrain, and further challenges the growth of energy-based therapeutics market forecast period mentioned above.

This energy-based therapeutics market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on Data Bridge Market Research energy-based therapeutics market contact us for anAnalyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Scope and Market Size

Energy-based therapeutics market is segmented on the basis of clinical application, end-user and product type. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.

Table of Contents-Snapshot

Executive SummaryChapter 1 Industry OverviewChapter 2 Industry Competition by ManufacturersChapter 3 Industry Production Market Share by RegionsChapter 4 Industry Consumption by RegionsChapter 5 Industry Production, Revenue, Price Trend by TypeChapter 6 Industry Analysis by ApplicationsChapter 7 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Industry BusinessChapter 8 Industry Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and CustomersChapter 10 Market DynamicsChapter 11 Industry ForecastChapter 12 Research Findings and ConclusionChapter 13 Methodology and Data Source

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Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Country Level Analysis

Energy-based therapeutics market is analysed and market size insights and trends are provided by country, clinical application, end-user and product type as referenced above.

The countries covered in the energy-based therapeutics market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.

North America is dominating the energy-based therapeutics market due to its well established healthcare infrastructure. As growing preference for minimally invasive surgeries in this region are responsible for the growth of the market in the region.

The country section of the energy-based therapeutics market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.

Healthcare Infrastructure growth Installed base and New Technology Penetration

Energy-based therapeutics market also provides you with detailed market analysis for every country growth in healthcare expenditure for capital equipments, installed base of different kind of products for energy-based therapeutics market, impact of technology using life line curves and changes in healthcare regulatory scenarios and their impact on the energy-based therapeutics market. The data is available for historic period 2010 to 2018.

About Data Bridge Market Research:

An absolute way to forecast what future holds is to comprehend the trend today!Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


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Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Exhibits a Lucrative Growth Potential during 2020-2025 | International Players -Alcon Management S.A,...

Feeling STRESSED? Meditation Apps Might Be The Answer – Longevity LIVE

In an overwhelmingly anxious year, your phone might ironically be your best friend when it comes to relaxation. Meditation apps like Calm and Headspace have gained momentum in the past few years and Covid-19 has lead to a surge in downloads. These apps have been designed to guide users in meditation, helping them deal with anxiety, relieve stress and fall asleep.

According to Sensor Tower, the 10 largest English language meditation apps saw a combined 2 million more downloads during April 2020 compared with January. Globally, the most downloaded app was Calm with 3.9 million downloads in April 2020. Though we are mostly advised to put our phones away well before bed, in this case, we might be granted a reprieve. Although it is obviously betternotto sleep with your iPhone by your side, meditating without guidance when youre not very good at it is ill-advised.

Psychoanalyst Claudia Luiz told Shape magazine that during the night, many people lack sufficient defenses to guard against unbearable thoughts andfeelings. This leads to a chronic, low-grade state of fight or flight. As a result of this, hormones cortisol and adrenaline are excreted and disrupt sleep. Every single year, more than 50 million people in the US are diagnosed with sleep disorders. If apps can help us relax and get a good nights sleep, why not? Luiz also mentions that everyone will need something slightly different to begin their relaxation journey. If sleep stories arent working, try music or a sleep podcast but dont beat yourself up.

Sleep apps use everything from colors and images to hypnotic techniques, guided meditations, and white noise to aid relaxation. The American Sleep Association (ASA) analyzed 35 top sleep apps. All the 35 sleep apps analyzed did allow for users to meet their goals in terms of getting to sleep. They did not however have any substantial impact on severely sleep-deprived individuals. Furthermore, very few of these apps provided users with information about the risks of sleep deprivation. These risks include diabetes, obesity, depression, and high blood pressure.

Additionally, the ASA says that sleep apps can also help retrain your brain and can be useful in cognitive behavioral therapy. Whilst in-person counseling for insomnia is ideal, it is often expensive to visit a therapist. Apps that use sleep hygiene and cognitive behavior therapy to improve sleep behaviors are best.

In a randomized control trial which was published in the journalCurrent Sleep Medicine Reports,a group of people with mild insomnia used a phone app to provide cognitive behavioral therapy for seven weeks. The results indicated that the group which made use of the app had a marked decrease in insomnia. This was still in place three months later during a follow-up evaluation.

Below is a quick overview of the global top three sleep apps. It is vital, before committing to a specific app, that you explore each one thoroughly. You should make sure that youre choosing the correct one for you. Most of these apps come with a free trial. This means you can make sure that they suit you before committing.

Calm describes itself as being on a mission to make the world happier and healthier. Globally, Calm is the number one app for sleep, meditation, and relaxation. It has over 50 million downloads and over 700,000 5-star reviews. Calm also has several other features which include videos on mindful movement and an extensive range of music. Calm also features sleep stories read by celebrities which include the likes of Kate Winslet and Harry Styles.

The app is admittedly rather pricey at **$69.99 for an annual subscription.

Download here: https://www.calm.com

Headspace was started by Andy Puddicombe who became a Buddhist monk in his early twenties. After building his meditation know-how for 10 years and completing his monastic commitment, Andy returned to the UK. He had a single goal in mind teaching meditation and mindfulness to as many people as possible. After first launching as an events company in 2010, Headspace morphed into an online meditation platform. According to the website, the Headspace mission is to improve the health and happiness of the world. Headspace specializes in teaching the basics of meditation. It also equips users with tools that they can make use of in real-world situations.

There is a free basics course. However, a subscription will set you back **$69.99 per year, exactly the same as Calm. There is also special pricing available for students and family plans.

Download here: https://www.headspace.com

Meditopia describes its mission as being to help people all over the world discover happiness within themselves and develop the mental resilience to apply to their daily lives. The app was first developed in 2017. The developers noticed that peoples minds were not in the present moment. Meditopia is described as a sort of utopia where everyone works to stay in the present moment. The meditation app was designed with mindfulness instructors, yoga teachers, and emotional healers. Its aim is to analyze the root causes of emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, compassion, and gratitude.

There is a free premium trial that lasts for a week. Once the trial ends, the cost is either $9.99 per month or **$59.99 for the annual plan.

Download here: https://meditopia.com/en/

*Personally, Headspace and Calm have worked the best for me. That said, I also often make use of sleep playlists on Spotify and Audible books.

**All pricing is accurate as of publication date

American Sleep Association. How to Retrain and Reclaim Your Sleep Using a Sleep App. [Online] Available at: https://www.sleepassociation.org/sleep-treatments/sleep-apps/how-to-retrain-and-reclaim-your-sleep-using-a-sleep-app/.

Calm. 2020. Calm App. [Online] Available at: https://www.calm.com

Calm. 2020. Calm Sleep Stories. [Online] Available at: https://app.www.calm.com/sleep?coupon=freetrial.

Headspace. 2020. Headspace App. [Online] Available at: https://www.headspace.com

Headspace. 2020. Headspace App About Us. [Online] Available at: https://www.headspace.com/about-us

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2018. Consumer Sleep Technology: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Position Statement. [Online] Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5940440/

Meditopia. 2020. Meditopia App. [Online] Available at: https://meditopia.com/en/

Perez, S. 2020. Meditation and mindfulness apps continue their surge amid pandemic. [Online] Available at: https://techcrunch.com/2020/05/28/meditation-and-mindfulness-apps-continue-their-surge-amid-pandemic/.

Sensor Tower. 2020. Downloads of Top English-Language Mental Wellness Apps Surged by 2 Million in April Amid COVID-19 Pandemic. [Online] Available at: https://sensortower.com/blog/top-mental-wellness-apps-april-2020-downloads.

Trice, E. 2020. These Celebrity Meditations and Bedtime Stories Will Lull You to Sleep In No Time. [Online] Available at: https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/celebrity-meditations-bedtime-stories

Feeling STRESSED? Meditation Apps Might Be The Answer - Longevity LIVE

Worldwide Anti-Aging Market to 2030 – Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast – ResearchAndMarkets.com – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Anti-Aging Market Research Report: By Product, Treatment, Demography - Global Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The major driving factors for the anti-aging market are the rising number of awareness-raising seminars and conferences, surging geriatric population, increasing disposable income, technological advancements, expanding medical tourism sector, and escalating cosmetic surgery volume.

These factors will lead to an increase in the industry revenue from $191.5 billion in 2019 to $421.4 billion in 2030, at an 8.1% CAGR during 2020-2030 (forecast period). Products used to diminish the signs of aging are easily available at physical stores and online portals.

A key factor aiding the anti-aging market advance is the rising number of seminars and conferences being organized to make plastic surgeons, students, and the general public about the advanced anti-aging treatments. For instance, the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) hosted by EuroMediCom (Informa Group) in April 2019 in Monte Carlo, Monaco, included five knowledge sharing and discussion sessions on anti-aging and aesthetics. Formerly, the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress 13th Edition was hosted in Thailand in September 2018 by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

Another major reason the demand for anti-aging treatments and products is increasing is the booming geriatric population. The United Nations says that the number of people in the age group of 65 and above will surge from 703 million in 2019 to 1.5 billion by 2050. With age, people experience stem cell and fibrous tissue loss, which leads to dryness, wrinkles, sagging, and pigmentary alteration. Therefore, in order to continue looking young and attractive, the geriatric population regularly uses anti-aging remedies, which tighten and revitalize the skin, in addition to making people look young.

North America is the dominant region in the anti-aging market currently, owing to the rising plastic surgery volume and geriatric population. The UN expects the number of elderly people on the continent to increase to 96.2 million by 2050 from 59.9 million in 2019. This, coupled with the growing volume of plastic surgeries, is expected to result in a massive surge in the demand for various therapies and products that help people look young and aesthetically appealing.

Market Dynamics





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Worldwide Anti-Aging Market to 2030 - Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast - ResearchAndMarkets.com - Business Wire

Gene experts claim they identified human genes that can protect against Covid-19 – CNBC

COVID-19 Coronavirus molecule, March 24, 2020.

CDC | API | Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

A team of CRISPR scientists at the New York Genome Center, New York University and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai say they have identified the genes that can protect human cells against Covid-19, a disease that has infected over 40 million and led to 1 million deaths worldwide. The discovery comes after an eight-month screen of all 20,000 genes in the human genome led by Dr. Neville Sanjana at the New York Genome Center. Leading virologist at Mount Sinai, Dr. Benjamin tenOever, developed a series of human lung cell models for the coronavirus screening to better understand immune responses to the disease and co-authored the study.

Their study, published online last month by Cell, will appear in the scientific peer-reviewed journal's Jan. 7 print issue.

The goal was two-fold: to identify the genes that make human cells more resistant to SARS-CoV-2 virus; and test existing drugs on the market that may help stop the spread of the disease.

The breakthrough comes at a time when drug makers such as Pfizer, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Moderna are fast-forwarding vaccine and therapeutics to treat Covid-19. On Friday, Pfizer and BioNTech requested emergency authorization from the FDA for their Covid vaccine that contains genetic material called messenger RNA, which scientists expect provokes the immune system to fight the virus.

In order to better understand the complex relationships between host and virus genetic dependencies, the team used a broad range of analytical and experimental methods to validate their results. This integrative approach included genome editing, single-cell sequencing, confocal imaging and computational analyses of gene expression and proteomic datasets.

After intensive research the scientists and doctors claim they have found 30 genes that block the virus from infecting human cells including RAB7A, a gene that seems to regulate the ACE-2 receptor that the virus binds to and uses to enter the cell. The spike protein's first contact with a human cell is through ACE-2 receptor.

"Our findings confirmed what scientists believe to be true about ACE-2 receptor's role in infection; it holds the key to unlocking the virus," said Dr. tenOever. "It also revealed the virus needs a toolbox of components to infect human cells. Everything must be in alignment for the virus to enter human cells."

The team discovered that the top-ranked genes those whose loss reduces viral infection substantially clustered into a handful of protein complexes, including vacuolar ATPases, Retromer, Commander, Arp2/3, and PI3K. Many of these protein complexes are involved in trafficking proteins to and from the cell membrane.

"We were very pleased to see multiple genes within the same family as top-ranked hits in our genome-wide screen. This gave us a high degree of confidence that these protein families were crucial to the virus lifecycle, either for getting into human cells or successful viral replication," said Dr. Zharko Daniloski, a postdoctoral fellow in the Sanjana Lab and co-first author of the study.

Using proteomic data, they found that several of the top-ranked host genes directly interact with the virus's own proteins, highlighting their central role in the viral lifecycle. The team also analyzed common host genes required for other viral pathogens, such as Zika or H1N1 pandemic influenza.

The research team also identified drugs that are currently on the market for different diseases that they claim block the entry of Covid-19 into human cells by increasing cellular cholesterol. In particular, they found three drugs currently on the market were more than 100-fold more effective in stopping viral entry in human lung cells:

The other five drugs that were tested called PIK-111, Compound 19, SAR 405, Autophinib, ALLN -- are used in research but are not yet branded and used in clinical trials for existing diseases.

Our findings confirmed what scientists believe to be true about ACE-2 receptor's role in infection; it holds the key to unlocking the virus.

Their findings offer insight into novel therapies that may be effective in treating Covid-19 and reveal the underlying molecular targets of those therapies.

The bioengineers in New York were working on other projects with gene-editing technology from CRISPR but quickly pivoted to studying the coronavirus when it swept through the metropolitan area last March. "Seeing the tragic impact of Covid-19 here in New York and across the world, we felt that we could use the high-throughput CRISPR gene editing tools that we have applied to other diseases to understand what are the key human genes required by the SARS-CoV-2 virus," said Dr. Sanjana.

Dr. Neville Sanjana and his team at the New York Genome Center used CRISPR to identify the genes that can protect human cells against Covid-19.

New York Genome Center

As he explained, "current treatments for SARS-CoV-2 infection currently go after the virus itself, but this study offers a better understanding of how host genes influence viral entry and will enable new avenues for therapeutic discovery."

Previously, Dr. Sanjana has applied genome-wide CRISPR screens to identify the genetic drivers of diverse diseases, including drug resistance in melanoma, immunotherapy failure, lung cancer metastasis, innate immunity, inborn metabolic disorders and muscular dystrophy.

"The hope is that the data from this study which pinpoints required genes for SARS-CoV-2 infection could in the future work be combined with human genome sequencing data to identify individuals that might be either more susceptible or more resistant to COVID-19," Dr. Sanjana said.

The New York team is not the first to use CRISPR gene editing techniques to fight Covid-19. Other bioengineering groups at MIT and Stanford have been using CRISPR to develop ways to fight the SARS-CoV-2 and develop diagnostic tools for Covid-19.

The potential for using CRISPR to eliminate viruses has already generated some enthusiasm in the research community. Last year, for example, Excision BioTherapeuticslicenseda technology from Temple University that uses CRISPR, combined with antiretroviral therapy, to eliminate HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

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Gene experts claim they identified human genes that can protect against Covid-19 - CNBC

Anti-Aging Medicine: Now and the Near Future | antiaginghacks


Anti-Aging medicine has come a long way. From the first A4M conference in Vegas in 1994 to the new phase of regenerative medicine that we are entering, it has been a wild ride.

In the past, most of anti-aging medicine was based on balancing your hormones so that you could feel like youryounger self from 5 or 10 years ago.

Now with the second phase of anti-aging medicine which includes a host of regenerative practices we can actually turn back the body into a much younger version of yourself (15 or 20 years even).

Listen to the lively interview with one of the original anti-aging doctors who has been extensively in this field for 25 years Dr. Philip Lee Miller.

First of all, Dr. Miller shares how we works with his patients tohelp themachieve their goals. He checks and reviews hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Thyroid, Adrenals and may more.

Next we discuss the near future of anti-aging medicine and what developments he sees on the near horizon. Dr. Miller touches on Senolytics for Senescent cells, Telomere extension drugs, winning the war over cancer, and tumor suppressors.

Dr. Miller shares some of his anti-aging hacks, which are overlooked by most of us.

We also discuss his unique anti-aging hacks that we can use to look and feel younger while we live longer and healthier.

Links to Dr. Millers websites:




Flicker account:https://www.flickr.com/photos/philipleemiller

Visit us on instagram at @antiaginghacks and on facebook at facebook.com/antiaginghacks.

If you liked the podcast so far, please leave us a review and/or a rating. It helps the show get discovered by more people who could benefit from this information.

If you have ideas that you would like us to cover in the future, please email us at info@antiaginghacks.net.

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Anti-Aging Medicine: Now and the Near Future | antiaginghacks

Ageing in humans reversed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Israel study – The CEO Magazine

Ageing, which happens over time in humans, has been biologically reversed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy, according to new research published in the journal Aging.

Scientists, led by Yafit Hachmo, from the Research and Development Unit, Shamir Medical Center, Tzrifin, Israel, turned back the human clock for 35 adults aged 64 and older by reversing two key areas of the body thought responsible for the frailty and ill-health that comes with growing older. Protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres, shorten, causing DNA to become damaged and cells to stop replicating as people age. At the same time, senescent cells build up in the body, preventing regeneration.

Increasing telomere length and getting rid of senescent cells is the focus of anti-ageing research, with drugs being developed to target those areas, The Telegraph reported.

The 35 patients were repeatedly given pure oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber, which increased the length of their telomeres by 20%, a feat that has never been achieved before.

Scientists said the growth may mean that the telomeres of trial participants were now as long as they had been 25 years earlier.

The therapy also reduced senescent cells by up to 37%, enabling new healthy cells to regrow. Animal studies have shown that removing senescent cells extends remaining life by more than 33%.

Since telomere shortening is considered the Holy Grail of the biology of ageing, many pharmacological and environmental interventions are being extensively explored in the hopes of enabling telomere elongation, said one of the scientists involved in the research, Professor Shai Efrati, Director of the Sagol Center at Shamir Medical Center.

The significant improvement of telomere length shown during and after these unique protocols provides the scientific community with a new foundation of understanding that ageing can indeed be targeted and reversed at the basic cellular-biological level.

Scientists believe ageing itself is responsible for diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, arthritis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

It is known that obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity, vitamin deficiency and inflammation can speed up the shortening of telomeres, demonstrating that they have a major impact on the length of a life.

The 35 participants did not undergo any lifestyle, diet or medication adjustments. Each patient was placed in a hyperbaric chamber for 90 minutes for five days a week over three months while breathing 100% oxygen through a mask.

The pressurised chamber allows more oxygen to be dissolved into the tissues and mimics a state of hypoxia, or oxygen shortage, which is known to have regenerating effects.

Previous trials have shown that eating a healthy diet can preserve telomere length, while high-intensity training for six months has been proven to lengthen telomeres by up to 5%.

The Israeli team has also previously demonstrated that the pressurised oxygen therapy can improve cognitive decline.

Until now, interventions such as lifestyle modifications and intense exercise were shown to have some inhibition effect on the expected telomere length shortening, said Dr Amir Hadanny, Chief Medical Research Officer of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research.

However, what is remarkable to note in our study is that, in just three months of therapy, we were able to achieve such significant telomere elongation at rates far beyond any of the current available interventions or lifestyle modifications.

With this pioneering study, we have opened a door for further research on the prolonged cellular impact of the therapy to reverse the ageing process. After dedicating our research to exploring its impact on the areas of brain functionality and age-related cognitive decline, we have now uncovered, for the first time in humans, biological effects at the cellular level in healthy ageing adults.

The researchers pointed out that the study has several limitations and strengths to consider. First, the limited sample size has to be taken into account. Second, the lack of a control group.

However, the study suggests impressive results on telomeres and senescent cell clearance, which werent observed in other interventions, said the research paper.

Read the original:
Ageing in humans reversed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Israel study - The CEO Magazine

#hello_monaco weekend: what to do on November 7th and 8th – Hello Monaco!

These days of sanitary restrictions and measures made quite a fews changes in the calendar. However it brought new possibilities too, an outstanding initiative, all of the Principalitys cultural organisations that will be offering performances at a special rate of 5 euros.

Like many other events this year AMWC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress went 100% virtual. Under the scientific supervision of the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSIAM), the conference will feature a highly interactive, stimulating and multidisciplinary program and will provide the ideal forum to stimulate ideas, educate, share expertise, initiate intense discussions and extend networking opportunities.

Many distinguished physicians, medical experts and scientists have joined the faculty and will take part in this congress.

Great Season Series continue with a concert by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestraconducted by Fabien Gabel, with Renaud Capuon, violin on Sunday 8 November 2020, at 6 pm in Auditorium Rainier III.

On the programme:Louis Aubert, Maurice Ravel, Yan Maresz and Albert Roussel.

And sports fans will be delighted to watch Jeep Elite basketball championship: Monaco vs Gravelines-Dunkerqueon Saturday 7 November 2020, at 5 PM, Louis II Stadium.

A new exhibition opened this week in theOceanographic Museum as part of its program of actions to raise awareness and support the protection of coral reefs. For the third time the Monegasque artistMichel Aubry exhibits his works in the Oceanographic Museumfrom November 4, 2020 to February 3, 2021.

And in this year 2020 dedicated to coral, Michel Aubry was inspired by coral reefs and the animals that live there.

Nearly 40 works are exhibited in the conference room of the Oceanographic Museum, including 20 for the first time. All are devoted to the marine world, the artists favorite subject. At the request of the Oceanographic Museum, he agreed to focus on the reef world to create new works in shimmering colors.

There is a new exhibition in Monaco: Profondeurs (Depths), by Olivier Jude and Sylvie Laurentfrom Friday 16 October to Friday 6 November 2020, (Monday to Friday) from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 6.30 pm in Maison de France.

The exposition will allow you to plunge into the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, the waters of Bali and Malaysia, as well as the Principality of Monaco and its environs.

Together with partner Sylvie Laurent, diver and model, Olivier Jude develops a different vision of underwater photography. He also presents a series of photographs about the border of land and sea and the interweaving of human architecture with the natural structure of the Mediterranean. Images of shipwrecks off the coast of the Principality of Monaco are an excellent illustration of their photography technique, designed to demonstrate the necessary protection of the maritime heritage.

The event will be held under the high patronage of His Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Another exhibition on the theme Unstable Artifices: Ceramics Stories is on till Sunday 31 January 2021, Nouveau Muse National de Monaco Villa Sauber.

The exhibitionArtifices instables, Stories of ceramicswill present a journey through inventions and experiments highlighting the diversity of shapes and decorations of ceramics, as well as its production processes. These different stages of production the selection and preparation of clay, the shaping, the finishing, the decoration, the cooking and the enamelling reveal, also, the recipes and the almost alchemic preparations which vary from one creator/inventor to the other.

And if you want to learn more about other events and exhibitions that take place in Monaco these days visit ourCalendar.

So have fun and enjoy your weekend!

Read the rest here:
#hello_monaco weekend: what to do on November 7th and 8th - Hello Monaco!