Retinol and Other Retinoids: What You Need to Know – Healthline

When it comes to skin care products, ingredients you might hear a lot about are retinoids. These compounds have pro-aging and skin rejuvenating properties.

Retinoids are products of vitamin A. Many different types of retinoids exist one type is called retinol.

Knowing more about retinol and retinoids can help you make informed decisions about using these products and which ones might be best for you.

Retinol is a kind of retinoid, made from vitamin A.

It is often used in skin care products because retinol is a precursor to retinoic acid, per 2017 research. Retinoic acid has been shown to have anti-aging effects on aged human skin in a lab.

While other skin products remove dead skin, the molecules in retinol go under the top layer of your skin to reach the middle layer, called the dermis.

Once in the dermis, retinol neutralizes free radicals to boost elastin and collagen. This helps plump up the skin, reducing the way wrinkles and fine lines look. It can also help treat severe acne and scarring.

Retinol is often used topically to help repair skin and keep it looking youthful.

When retinol is used on human skin, it is eventually converted to retinoic acid. However, when retinol is used topically, it has fewer side effects than retinoic acid.

But keep in mind that a higher concentration of retinol is needed to have the same effects as topical retinoic acid.

If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, do not use products containing retinol or retinoids. Using products with vitamin A may harm a fetus.

Retinoids are compounds that come from vitamin A or those that look like and act like vitamin A. They can be both natural forms of vitamin A or synthetic (human-made) forms. They are often used in skin care, cosmetics, and medicine.

Retinoids may help:

Examples of retinoids include:

Prescription retinoids include:

There is also an over-the-counter, less potent version of adapalene.

Retinol is a form of retinoid that can be found in OTC topical creams. These can improve the skin but are not as strong as prescription creams, so they tend to be less irritating as well.

Retinoids can dry out and irritate your skin, so its recommended that you use them every other day and slowly work up to every day. Its also important to wear sunscreen when using retinoids because they may increase your skins sensitivity to the sun.

Talk with your doctor before using retinol or retinoids.

Because of the risk of side effects like skin irritation, redness, and peeling skin, it may be best to ease into using a product by applying OTC retinol every other day or so. This helps your skin get used to the product.

If you arent seeing the results you want with retinols, talk with your dermatologist about switching to retinoids.

If you have dark skin, you may want to talk with your doctor before using these products.

Dark skin may have more risk of damage and irritation. Plus, reactions to ingredients or products can lead to hyperpigmentation, or dark patches.

However, retinols can also help fade and heal dark, irritated spots. Talk with your dermatologist about whether a product with retinoids is right for you and how to introduce it into your routine without irritating your skin.

Pregnant people or those trying to become pregnant should avoid retinol and retinoids in skin care products because they may increase the risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

So, if you are using retinol and thinking about starting a family, talk with your doctor. Some doctors prefer their patients to be on oral contraceptives while using retinol to prevent harm to a developing baby or avoid miscarriage.

Before using retinol or retinoids, tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking, as well as any other products you are using.

Avoid using any other products containing retinoids if you are using a retinoid or retinol cream.

Look at the labels of your pro-aging or acne medications to see if they contain either of these. When you use more than one product with these ingredients, it may increase your risk for side effects.

If you are using retinol or retinoids, talk with a dermatologist about products you might want to avoid. Because these compounds can cause side effects like peeling skin or dryness, you want to avoid any products that will make those side effects worse.

Both retinol and retinoids are effective products to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve the appearance of skin.

While they are generally safe for most people, talk with your doctor before using these topical creams, especially if you plan on becoming pregnant, think you might be pregnant, are currently pregnant, or are breastfeeding or chestfeeding.

While retinol and retinoids are very similar, the two products do have differences and knowing about each one can help you make the decision that is best for your needs.

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Retinol and Other Retinoids: What You Need to Know - Healthline

Early Results of Human Trials For Anti-Aging Drug Are …

David Sinclair of Harvard University has been working toward a molecular fountain of youth. Finding previous success in mice, early human trials have begun in small studies around the globe. Preliminary results of these studies indicate that the treatments are safe and do not induce major adverse side effects, but it is still far too early to tell if the treatments will actually be effective at reversing aging in humans.

A normal part of human aging involves senescence, which is a general wearing out of the body over time. Muscles begin to lose tone and become inflamed over time, and they also can develop insulin resistance. Without being able to use insulin, the cells arent able to uptake the glucose needed for activity. These problems contribute to why many elderly people have trouble getting around and athletes arent able to sustain certain levels of activity as they age.

Last December, Sinclairs group published a paper in Cell revealing that they had been able to drastically reduce the functional age of muscle tissue. Treating the mice with the metabolic co-enzyme NAD+ effectively reversed the aging process within the skeletal muscle by increasing muscle tone and producing effects similar to eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Over time, NAD+ levels decrease, which limits the cells ability to produce ATP in the mitochondria for energy. As the mice grew older and less active, their levels of NAD+ had basically been cut in half. By replenishing this critical compound in the mice, their muscles had been rejuvenated. The natural process that deteriorates skeletal muscle is the same one that affects the heart.

If the relative effects that were seen in the mice could be replicated in humans, it would result in a 60-year-old with the physique of a 20-year-old. The human studies that began this year following a period of financial uncertainty are initially only auditing the treatments safety, by taking stock of all side effects that could occur and identify negative interactions with other medications. The first studies have been fairly small, but will continue to grow.

Results from human studies that explore the treatments efficacy will not appear for a few more years, though Sinclair is optimistic. He told ABC that this treatment has the potential to allow individuals to lead long, healthy lives. He described the potential of his anti-aging therapy to one day be regarded similarly and ubiquitously as antibiotics.

"Some people say it's like playing God, but if you ask somebody 100 years ago, what about antibiotics? They probably would have said the same thing," he told ABCs Sue Lannin. "Some people worry about big advances in technology and medicine, but once it's adapted and it's natural for people to live until they're 90 in a healthy way ... we'll look back at today like we do at the times before antibiotics when people died from an infected splinter."

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Early Results of Human Trials For Anti-Aging Drug Are ...

What is Anti-Aging Medicine? | Medical Advisors

What is Anti-Aging Medicine? | Medical Advisors What is Anti-Aging Medicine? Non-Profit Trusted Source of Non-Commercial Health Information

The Original Voice of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine

Anti-aging medicine is the pinnacle of biotechnology joined with advanced clinical preventive medicine. The specialty is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. It is a healthcare model promoting innovative science and research to prolong the healthy lifespan in humans. As such, anti-aging medicine is based on principles of sound and responsible medical care that are consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialties. The anti-aging medical model aims to both extend lifespan as well as prolong healthspan -- the length of time that we are able to live productively and independently.

Anti-aging medicine is the following:

Hundreds of scientific research studies clearly prove that modest interventions in diet, exercise, nutrition and single-gene modulation in the laboratory setting beneficially and significantly impact healthy function in old-age. Many of these interventions also modify maximum lifespan by 20 to 800% as well. With over the near-daily advancements in biomedical technologies related to research specifically focused on elucidating treatments for aging-related disorders and modulating the metabolic dysfunctions associated with old age, in the imminent near-future, effective interventions will become widely available to modulate the aging process itself in humans.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health have found that the anti-aging lifestyle can add 24.6 more years of productive lifespan. The research team found that the longest-living Americans are Asian-American women residing in Bergen County, New Jersey USA. They live longer than any other ethnic group in the United States to an average lifespan of 91.1 years. In contrast, the Harvard team found that the shortest-living Americans are Native American populations in South Dakota, despite receiving free or low-cost government provided medical care living an average lifespan of 66.5 years. A distinguishing characteristic of the Bergen County womens longevity is that they are availing themselves of the armament of state-of-the-art biomedical technologies in advanced preventive care, including preventive screenings, early disease detection, aggressive intervention, and optimal nutrition all of which are cornerstones of the anti-aging medical model. [Bergen County, NJ is long in longevity, New York Times, September 12, 2006; Asian women in Bergen have nations top life expectancy, Free Republic, September 12, 2006.]

A first-ever study reveals the secrets of exceptional health in old age. Mark Kaplan, from Portland State University (Oregon, USA), and colleagues utilized the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), a multidimensional measure of health status, to examine the maintenance of exceptionally good health among 2,432 elder Canadians enrolled in the Canadian National Population Health Survey, which tracked participants health for a ten-year period, 1994 to 2004. The researchers found that the most important predictors of excellent health over the entire decade were:

The team comments that: Many of these factors can be modified when you are young or middle-aged. While these findings may seem like common sense, now we have evidence of which factors contribute to exceptional health [as we age]. [Kaplan MS, Huguet N, Orpana H, Feeny D, McFarland BH, Ross N. Prevalence and factors associated with thriving in older adulthood: a 10-year population-based study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Oct;63(10):1097-104.]

Around the world, people are seeking medical guidance for ways to stay healthy, active, and vital well into their older years. As a result, the principles of the anti-aging lifestyle are gaining rapid and widespread acceptance as a framework for lifelong habits for healthy living.

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What is Anti-Aging Medicine? | Medical Advisors

Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine and Health …

California Age Management Institute (formerly Los Gatos Longevity Institute) is thefirst full service anti-aging center established in 1996. Serving thousands of men and women just like you for over 22 years.

Why Anti Aging Age Management Medicine? Variably termed holistic, preventive, longevity, regenerative, integrative, complimentary, functional, and/or nutritional medicine. Because you want to look, feel and act like you did 10- 15 years ago. Because you want to be actively engaged in your 60s, 70s and 80s. Because you want to remain competitive in your work or business. And because you owe it to yourself, your family and your work to maintain your optimal health and well being. Its what we term maximal healthspan even more than lifespan.

You want long-term solutions, searching for root causes, imbalances and dysfunction not quick fixes.

You want a promise of Individualized and unsurpassed attention in resolving your challenges and problems. To regain lost energy, youth and vitality. Rejuvenating.

Age Management is not drive through medicine. It is not a 15 minute encounter. It is a total look at your entire health blueprint. That is holistic the total you. Are any of the conditions below challenging you?

Anti-Aging Age Management Medicine is the new paradigm for the 21st century. It is based on restoring vital function and balance not simply treating symptoms. It is functional medicine the new paradigm. Searching and pinpointing root causes and correcting imbalances. It is goal based. That is achieving your set of goals that you determine.

We have helped thousands over the past 24 years. Now its your time and your turn.

Call us at408-358-8855or email [emailprotected]Read more

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Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine and Health ...

Anti-Aging Medical Training – AAOPM

Throughout the aging process, our internal systems and body chemistry change, and we develop certain imbalances and deficiencies, which in the past we would explain away as caused by life changes and genetics. Today we are able to review these various primary and secondary hormones, through testing and systems reviews, and to develop an effective personalized treatment plan that reverses these chronic conditions.

Anti-Aging medicine is an extension of preventive health care. If you are testing your patients cholesterol, or prescribing lipid-lowering drugs, melatonin or DHEA, or suggesting a mammogram, you are already involved in certain aspects of Anti-Aging medicine. It is estimated that more than 90% of all adult illness is due to the generative processes of aging, which may be corrected or improved by the addition of supplements, detoxification and hormonal correction.

Anti-Aging is a relatively new field of medicine, where natural approaches and lifestyle changes are used, in conjunction with traditional medicine, where applicable, to give relief to a variety of conditions.

During the Anti-Aging training course, you will understand how to analyze, test, evaluate and treat numerous chronic conditions you are presented from patients with each day. Attendees will be evaluated based upon specific criteria, and, upon the successful completion of the Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medical Training Workshop, will be awarded A.A.O.P.Ms certification certificate.

See the article here:

Anti-Aging Medical Training - AAOPM

Alternative Medicine | Anti-Aging Medicine | Carson City …

The Nevada Center is a unique, state of the art, full service medical clinic, offering individualized treatment programs for patients of all ages, and with all medical conditions. The emphasis is on treating the cause of disease, not merely the symptoms. We also specialize in measuring and treating the aging process with individualized programs targeted to increasing the length and quality of life, preventing disease, and maintaining the same level of physical, mental, and emotional well being that characterizes true health. We leave nothing out!

This website also offers Dr. Shallenbergers Super Immune QuickStart, the only one-stop nutritional product available which provides all the supplementary nutrition, detoxification, and immune support that most people will ever need, in an easy and affordable daily smoothie.

Dr. Shallenberger has developed a revolutionary new approach to health, aging, and disease prevention which is described in his groundbreaking two books, Bursting With Energy and The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough.

Click here to read An Introduction to Alternative Medicine.

Excerpt from:

Alternative Medicine | Anti-Aging Medicine | Carson City ...

Anti-Aging Market Scope and overview, Growth Study, Future Trends, Demands, and Top Players Data by Forecast to 2030 POSTED IN : PRESS-RELEASE Ripon…

New York, United States

The global anti-aging market was valued at USD 149362.8 million in 2017 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2018 to 2024, by value, reaching around USD 274290.1 million by the end of the forecast period. According to the report, North America was the largest contributor in terms of revenue to the global anti-aging market in 2017.

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Increase in the aging population is driving the global anti-aging marketIncreasing life expectancy and fall in birth rate are the major causes of an aging population. The aging population develops wrinkles due to lack of nutrients in the body, exposure to UV light, smoking, dehydration, medications and other genetic factors fueling the global anti-aging market.Globally, aging population plays a major role in the growth of the anti-aging market. Old age is associated with loss of fibrous tissue and reduced vascular and glandular network in the layers of skin. In the elderly population, the appearance and characteristics of the skin gets altered, leading to wrinkles, dryness, pigmentary alteration, and sagging of the skin. In addition, anti-aging products and devices help in reducing skin aging, thus giving younger look to a person by revitalizing and tightening the skin leading to the growth of the market

The key driver for the global anti-aging market is growth in anti-aging awareness campaigns. Major aspect of peoples life is engrossed by social media. This campaigns aims to ensure that all medical professionals are aware of the latest scientific research and the recent medical and surgical advances. For instance, EuroMediCom has organized the 4thAMWC Latin America- Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress from 16th November to 18th November 2017, in Colombia, South America. These conference and seminars, along with social media, are expected to create awareness among students, delegates, and plastic surgeons about advanced anti-aging treatments.

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Global Anti-aging Market: Scope of the Report

The global market for anti-aging is segmented by type of product, by type of device, by treatment, demography, and geography. The type of product is further segmented into Anti-Wrinkle, Hair Color, UV Absorbers, Anti-Stretch Marks and Others. The type of device is further segmented into Radiofrequency, Laser, Anti-Cellulite, and Microdermabrasion. Treatment segment is bifurcated as Hair Restoration, Anti-Pigmentation, Anti-Adult Acne, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Chemical Peel and Others.

Demography is segmented (Generation X, Baby Boomer, and Generation Y)Geographically, the global anti-aging market is bifurcated into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America anti-aging market was the most prominent market because anti-aging industry is one the major revenue contributor within the manufacturing industries. Thus, the demands for anti-aging products, like Anti-Wrinkle, Hair Color, UV Absorbers and Anti-Stretch Marks will generate higher revenue returns over the forecast period.

Global Anti-aging Market: Competitive DynamicsMajor industry players in global anti-aging market are adopting different strategic initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations for strategic expansion in the anti-aging market. For instance, In January 2016, LOreal unveiled My UV Patch, the first-ever stretchable skin sensor designed to monitor UV exposure and help consumers educate themselves about sun protection.

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Market Segmentation: Global Anti-aging MarketType of Product, Anti-Wrinkle, Hair Color, UV Absorbers, Anti-Stretch MarksType of Device, Radiofrequency, Laser, Anti-Cellulite, MicrodermabrasionBy Treatment, Hair Restoration, Anti-Pigmentation, Anti-Adult Acne, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Chemical Peel, OthersBy Demography, Generation X, Baby Boomer, Generation YBy Region, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa

What are the key findings of the report?

This report provides comprehensive information on factors expected to influence the market growth and market share in the future.The report offers the current state of the market and future prospects for various geographical regions.This report provides both qualitative and quantitative information about the competitive landscape of the market.

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Anti-Aging Market Scope and overview, Growth Study, Future Trends, Demands, and Top Players Data by Forecast to 2030 POSTED IN : PRESS-RELEASE Ripon...

Lineage Announces a Fifth Cell Therapy Program: Allogeneic Photoreceptor Transplants for the Treatment of Diseases Which May Lead to Blindness -…

CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (NYSE American and TASE: LCTX), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing allogeneic cell therapies for unmet medical needs, today announced a new cell therapy development program: photoreceptor neural cell (PNC) transplants for the treatment of vision loss due to photoreceptor dysfunction or damage. Similar to the companys recently announced pipeline expansion into auditory neurons for the treatment of hearing loss, Lineage has filed for intellectual property protection covering the composition and methods for generating PNCs. Based on recent in vivo data generated using the companys PNCs, these cells may be capable of forming reconstructed retina with high survivability and neural connectivity to surrounding functional layers. Notably, Lineage has demonstrated feasibility which could support a large-scale method for producing both types of photoreceptors, known as rods and cones.

It is natural that, on the heels of the announcement of our alliance with Roche and Genentech for our RPE cell therapy, a deal worth up to $670 million dollars plus double-digit royalties if certain development, approval, and sales milestones are achieved and other conditions are met, that we also would pursue treatments for vision loss through the other major cell type of the retina, the photoreceptors, stated Brian Culley, Lineages CEO. Our fundamental technology and accumulated know-how give us the opportunity to make many different cell types, and we have demonstrated our ability to create new programs rapidly and efficiently in two distinct areas, expanding our cell therapy pipeline to five separate preclinical and clinical programs, while still maintaining what we believe is an appropriate and responsible rate of investment for a company of our size. This latest program is part of our long-term planning for clinical and commercial success and serves as another example of the capability of our technology platform. We believe our ability to, in just a matter of months, advance from a product concept to generating new intellectual property and manufacturing the desired cell types, is illustrative of the power and efficiency of our platform. We believe the combination of our capital discipline and current balance sheet will support multiple years of further progress, during which we anticipate reaching achievements with each of our clinical and preclinical programs.

Dr. Rami Skaliter, who leads the manufacturing function for Lineage, added, Im exceptionally proud of the teams success at overcoming obstacles related to the limited scale of photoreceptor production. Building upon our experience with other cell lineages, we have developed intellectual property, and filed for patent protections, on a manufacturing process which is compatible with large-scale production of photoreceptors in a closed system, improvements which could enable industrial manufacturing. We believe this accomplishment will provide new opportunities for clinical, and ultimately commercial, production of photoreceptors in areas of large unmet need such as Retinitis Pigmentosa, Stargardts Macular Dystrophy, and retinal detachments, either independently or through strategic alliances.

As part of a scientific collaboration with Professors Benjamin Reubinoff, M.D., Ph.D. and Eyal Banin, M.D., Ph.D., of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, the differentiation of pluripotent cells into photoreceptors with clinically compatible characteristics was established utilizing a novel differentiation protocol which generated positive identity of key markers of both rods and cones photoreceptor populations. The data generated by the company further demonstrated that a single cell suspension of photoreceptor precursor cells has the potential to survive and mature post-transplantation in a rodent model of retinal degeneration.

About Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

Lineage Cell Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel cell therapies for unmet medical needs. Lineages programs are based on its robust proprietary cell-based therapy platform and associated in-house development and manufacturing capabilities. With this platform Lineage develops and manufactures specialized, terminally differentiated human cells from its pluripotent and progenitor cell starting materials. These differentiated cells are developed to either replace or support cells that are dysfunctional or absent due to degenerative disease or traumatic injury or administered as a means of helping the body mount an effective immune response to cancer. Lineages clinical programs are in markets with billion dollar opportunities and include five allogeneic (off-the-shelf) product candidates: (i) OpRegen, a retinal pigment epithelium transplant therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, which is now being developed under a worldwide collaboration with Roche and Genentech, a member of the Roche Group; (ii) OPC1, an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of acute spinal cord injuries; (iii) VAC2, a dendritic cell therapy produced from Lineages VAC technology platform for immuno-oncology and infectious disease, currently in Phase 1 clinical development for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (iv) ANP1, an auditory neuronal progenitor cell therapy for the potential treatment of auditory neuropathy, and (v) PNC1, a photoreceptor neural cell therapy for the treatment of vision loss due to photoreceptor dysfunction or damage. For more information, please visit or follow the company on Twitter @LineageCell.

Forward-Looking Statements

Lineage cautions you that all statements, other than statements of historical facts, contained in this press release, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements, in some cases, can be identified by terms such as believe, aim, may, will, estimate, continue, anticipate, design, intend, expect, could, can, plan, potential, predict, seek, should, would, contemplate, project, target, tend to, or the negative version of these words and similar expressions. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to (i) the potential amount of payments to Lineage under the alliance with Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. (Roche) and Genentech, Inc., (ii) the potential for new opportunities for clinical, and ultimately commercial, production of photoreceptors in areas of large unmet need, (iii) Lineages position to become a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine and anti-aging technology, and (iv) future areas of potential treatment using PNC transplant. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Lineages actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements in this press release, including, but not limited to, the risk that competing alternative therapies may adversely impact the commercial potential of OpRegen, which could materially adversely affect the payments payable to Lineage under the Roche/Genentech collaboration and license agreement, the risk that Roche/Genentech may not be successful in completing further clinical trials for OpRegen and/or obtaining regulatory approval for OpRegen in any particular jurisdiction; the risk that Lineage might not succeed in developing products and technologies that are useful in medicine and demonstrate the requisite safety and efficacy to achieve regulatory approval in accordance with its projected timing, or at all; the risk that Lineages intellectual property may be insufficient to protect its assets; risks and uncertainties inherent in Lineages business and other risks discussed in Lineages filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Lineages forward-looking statements are based upon its current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. Further information regarding these and other risks is included under the heading Risk Factors in Lineages periodic reports with the SEC, including Lineages most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC and its other reports, which are available from the SECs website. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they were made. Lineage undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law.

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Lineage Announces a Fifth Cell Therapy Program: Allogeneic Photoreceptor Transplants for the Treatment of Diseases Which May Lead to Blindness -...

The Truth Behind Trendy IV Vitamin Therapy – AARP

But experts say there is little scientific evidence backing the treatments. They also caution that medically unnecessary IV drips could be risky for some people particularly those who have heart disease or kidney problems.

For these individuals, getting too much fluid too fast could be harmful because their heart or kidney cant tolerate a lot of salts and fluids being introduced into their bodies, says Sam Torbati, M.D., co-chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Medically speaking, thats where there is the most potential for harm.

He recommends checking with your medical provider before visiting a drip clinic.

An IV can be lifesaving for a patient who is severelydehydrated, nutrient deficient or suffering from a massive infection. But many experts say theres no reason to get what is essentially an invasive treatment unless a doctor recommends it.

IV hydration is a great thing for people who really need it, says Robert H. Shmerling, M.D., senior faculty editor of Harvard Health Publishing, who has researched IV therapy. When it comes to these IVs on demand, the short answer is, Buyer beware. They are expensive and not clearly helpful in any scientific, proven way.

While its true that an IV can hydrate you faster than drinking fluids by mouth, Shmerling says, that doesnt necessarily translate into any kind of health benefit.

Onereview studypublished in the journalSports Healthfound no evidence that IV fluid administered to athletes enhanced performance or helped them rehydrate any better than oral fluids.

If youre able to drink fluids and your digestive system is working thats the best way to get them, Shmerling says.

If youre too sick or elderly to keep up with your bodys need for fluids by drinking, then you should be in a medical facility, he adds.

The claims for IV therapy go beyond simple hydration, however. At most clinics, you can choose from a selection of concoctions, depending on your goal. There are different cocktails to cure a hangover,boost the immune system, improve energy, help with workout recovery, treat jet lag, improve skin, remove toxins and reverse the signs of aging.

There is little evidence to back any of those benefits, Shmerling says, and the clinics are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. The marketing has gotten way out ahead of the science.

In fact, most clinics include some variation of this disclaimer on their website and in marketing materials: The services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any designations or references to therapies are for marketing purposes only.

One of the few controlled clinical studies that looked at IV vitamin therapy compared to a placebofound that patients with fibromyalgiareported less tenderness and pain after receiving a specific infusion called a Myers Cocktail, a mix of magnesium, calcium, and vitamins C and B invented by a physician named John Myers.

But heres the catch: Patients in the study who were injected with just saline solution reported the same positive results a sign of a strong placebo effect, the studys authors wrote.

If you decide to try IV therapy, make sure youre getting the treatment in a safe, clean environment. Also ask who will be administering your IV and how much experience they have, Torbati advises.

Because you are getting a needle placed in your arm, there is a chance of pain or bruising or, in rare cases, infection or inflammation of the vein. Older patients tend to have smaller veins, so placing an IV in someone over age 65 is more difficult than in a younger person. The more frail and medically complex you are, the more cautious I would be about trying these things, Torbati says.

Its also important to ask exactly what substances will be going into your body.

Some drips have anti-inflammatory or anti-nausea medications that could cause an allergic reaction orinteract with drugs a patient is currently taking, Torbati says. Other infusions include prescription drugs such as ketorolac and lidocaine that could lead to life-threatening adverse effects in some patients, according to a 2014 study published in theJournal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

In 2018, supermodel Kendall Jenner was hospitalized after a bad reaction to a Myers Cocktail vitamin IV drip, according to news reports.

Although IV drips are low risk for most healthy people, medical experts generally recommend against them mostly because theyre expensive and unnecessary. The cost of a vitamin drip ranges from a $79 first-time special at some clinics to hundreds of dollars for a special cocktail delivered to your home by a mobile provider.

Theres nothing magical about getting vitamins in an IV, Torbati says. If you want extra nutrition,take a vitamin. If you have a headache, take a Motrin. Instead of spending hundreds on an IV, you can spend a nickel on a pill and get the same benefit.

Michelle Crouch is a contributing writer who has covered health and personal finance for some of the nations top consumer publications. Her work has appeared inReaders Digest,Real Simple,Prevention,The Washington PostandThe New York Times.

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The Truth Behind Trendy IV Vitamin Therapy - AARP

UPMC Children’s Hospital Foundation Receives $1 Million Gift from Alba Tull to Benefit Children’s Neuroscience Institute – UPMC


PITTSBURGH UPMC Childrens Hospital Foundation today announced it has received a $1 million gift from Alba Tull to advance pediatric neuroscience research, education and patient care at UPMC Childrens Hospital of Pittsburghs Childrens Neuroscience Institute (CNI).

The gift builds upon Tulls deep commitment to neurological research, specifically in the greater Pittsburgh area. Last year, she worked with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine to create the Alba Tull Center for Neuro Imaging and Therapeutics. The Center is dedicated to designing and expanding imaging technologies for patient care to produce a new, sophisticated understanding of the brain to develop anti-aging therapeutics. Todays gift will now help bring that same commitment of pursuing innovative neuroscience research and treatment to children.

The past few years have truly highlighted that medicine is the backbone of our future, which is why supporting leading research and developments in health care especially for those who are most precious, children is one of my top priorities, said Alba Tull, philanthropist and founder of First Light Capital Group. I continue to be inspired by UPMC Childrens work, especially in neuroscience. I am proud to continue to support and work alongside CNI as they continue to make monumental advancements in their innovative research and new discoveries for pediatric neuroscience.

Tull is a long-time supporter of UPMC Childrens. Her involvement began several years ago with her gift to support research and Creative and Expressive Arts Therapy, and she has long served as a member of UPMC Childrens Foundations Board of Trustees. Her involvement with CNI began last year when she pledged her support for the hospital during its DVE Rocks Childrens Radiothon. After meeting with several neuroscience and research leaders at UPMC Childrens, she decided to designate the donation for CNI.

Todays children are tomorrows future, and we are tremendously grateful for the generous support from Alba Tull, who is advancing our vision to build a premier destination for pediatric neuroscience research, education, and care, said Terence Dermody, M.D., chair of pediatrics at UPMC Childrens. We are thrilled about the research this gift will enable CNI to undertake. Funding for pediatric research, including childrens brain health, is an area of tremendous need. This extraordinary gift will help us fulfill our mission, investing in the science of brain health and disease that will improve the lives of children in Pittsburgh and throughout the world. We are very thankful to Alba Tull for continuing to support the important work of our team and hospital.

The largest donation in CNIs history, the gift will provide flexible research funding to address some of the most pressing priorities of the program, including research infrastructure, pilot grants, and training future leaders, all of which will help generate new breakthroughs in pediatric neuroscience. In particular, it will be used to help progress the understanding of neurological illness, discover and develop personalized therapies for children with neurological diseases or impairments, as well as innovate diagnostic medicine and find ways to translate research directly to patients.

CNI continues to grow and make cutting edge-advancements in the field of neurological disorders. To that end, the research team will continue to prioritize connectivity, neurodevelopment, neonatal and fetal stroke, and lipidomics, a new and quickly growing field of research.

CNI is led by Hlya Bayr, M.D, an award-winning and international leading physician-scientist who has spent decades studying pediatric neurocritical care and traumatic brain injury. With the support from Alba Tull, Bayr will be equipped to bolsters CNIs efforts towards translating innovative research more quickly to patients.

About UPMC Childrens Hospital Foundation

UPMC Childrens Hospital Foundation is the catalyst that unites communities and contributors to create healthier futures for all children through life-changing care and cutting-edge research. As the sole fundraising arm of UPMC Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, we support their vision of being the world leader in pediatric health care, education, and discovery. The Foundation is a public charity under 501(c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. For more information, visit

About Alba Tull

Alba Tull is a leading female philanthropist, accomplished multi-disciplined photographer and film producer, and leading investor. She is the founder and Managing Director of the First Light Capital Group, the technology-informed investment firm and female entrepreneur seeder. She also serves as the chairperson of Tull Investment Group, a privately held investment fund that manages an array of real estate holdings and interest in companies including Genies, Pinterest, Zoox, and Oculus Rift.

Outside of her professional work, Tull is the chair of her familys philanthropic organization, the Tull Family Foundation (TFF), and serves on the board of many leading organizations, including UPMC Childrens Hospital Foundation, the Pittsburghs Carnegie Science Center, The Rett Syndrome Research Trust and The Jackie Robinson Foundation. She is also a member of Carnegie Mellon Universitys Highlands Circle and is a life-long supporter of the United States Navy, where she is currently serving as the sponsor of the next-generation ship, the USS Cooperstown LCS 23.

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UPMC Children's Hospital Foundation Receives $1 Million Gift from Alba Tull to Benefit Children's Neuroscience Institute - UPMC

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine For Face-Care Market To Surpass Valuation Of US$ 1.1 Bn By 2031, Increase in Generic Population to Drive the…

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine for Face-care Market: Introduction

According to the report, thetraditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care marketin Asia Pacific was valued at US$569.29Mn in 2020 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of7.1%from 2021 to 2031. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCHM) is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs are prescribed to restore energy balance to the opposing forces of energy Yin and Yang that run through invisible channels in the body. Rise in entry of pharmaceutical companies and increase in the geriatric population are anticipated to drive the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific.

Request Sample of Report:

China held major share of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific in 2020 due to rise in awareness among people and increase in the geriatric population. The market in India is likely to expand at a high CAGR of 9.1% from 2021 to 2031. Rise in adoption of traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care in India and other countries in Southeast Asia is projected to fuel the growth of the market in Asia Pacific from 2021 to 2031.

Others Segment Dominated Global Market

In terms of benefit, the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific has been classified into anti-aging, brightening (whitening), firming, reducing fine lines, anti-oxidation, hydration, sensitive skin (anti-acne, anti-irritation), and others. The others segment dominated the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific in 2020.

Request for Covid-19 Impact Analysis:

China to Lead Asia Pacific Market; India to Offer Significant Opportunities

In terms of country, the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific has been segmented into China, South Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Rest of Asia Pacific. China is anticipated to account for leading share of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific during the forecast period. The market in India is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the near future.

Growth Strategies of Key Players

Key players operating in the traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific are Eu Yan Sang, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd., Shanghai Jahwa United Co., Ltd, Solstice Medicine Company, Inc., The Mentholatum Company (ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), and Yunnan Baiyao Group Co., Ltd. The traditional Chinese herbal medicine for face-care market in Asia Pacific is fragmented due to the presence of large number of international and local players.

Enquiry Before Buying:

Asia Pacific Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine for Face-care Market: Segmentation

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Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine For Face-Care Market To Surpass Valuation Of US$ 1.1 Bn By 2031, Increase in Generic Population to Drive the...

United States Pain Management Therapeutics Market Forecast Report 2022-2028: Industry Trends, Outlooks, Impact of COVID-19, Company Analysis -…

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "United States Pain Management Therapeutics Market, Forecast 2022-2028, Industry Trends, Outlooks, Impact of COVID-19, Company Analysis" report has been added to's offering.

U.S. Pain Management Therapeutics Market Size was valued at US$ 6.75 Billion in 2021 and will reach US$ 12.55 Billion in 2028

Patients with acute and chronic pain have faced a crisis in the United States for years due to severe problems accessing sufficient care, resulting in considerable physical, emotional, and societal expenses.

To treat pain caused by inflammation in reaction to tissue injury, chemical agents/pathogens (nociceptive pain), or nerve damage, a variety of pain management therapies are employed (neuropathic pain).

Most gadgets and medications work by attaching to protein targets on cell membranes and altering the body's biochemical processes. Nonetheless, prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic opioids have been linked to an alarming increase in overdose mortality during the last two decades.

U.S. Pain Management Therapeutics Industry will grow with 9.3% CAGR from 2021-2028

In recent years, because of the geriatric population in the United States, there has been an increase in pain management therapeutics.

Furthermore, the rising preponderance of diseases such as cancer, diabetic neuropathy, osteoarthritis, and chronic arthritis and an increase in surgical procedures and healthcare spending are key factors driving the market for pain management therapeutics in the United States. Furthermore, rising healthcare awareness propels the global pain management medications market forward.

COVID-19 Outbreak Effect on Pain Management Therapeutics Industry in the United States:

Most industries, including the medical device industry, were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients who rely on exercise programs or physical therapy as a pain management regimen have been affected by nationwide lockdowns.

Furthermore, numerous elective surgeries and in-person patient visits have been halted or postponed, increasing the demand for at-home pain therapy. Lockdown measures adopted by governments in many nations also hampered manufacturing activities. Furthermore, the supply chain was interrupted, resulting in raw material shortages.

By Pain Type, United States Pain Management Therapeutics Market Is Classified into Acute Pain and Chronic Pain:

The United States Pain Management Therapeutics Industry is divided into two categories in our report: Acute Pain and Chronic Pain. Acute pain occurs suddenly, whereas chronic pain lasts for a long time.

Chronic pain is mainly caused by bone and joint aging, nerve damage, and injury. To treat or lessen the symptoms of these types of pain, a specific collection of medications is used. On the other hand, the pain process is complicated, and there is a range of medicines that provide relief by working on a variety of physiological mechanisms.

Pharmaceuticals Holds the Dominant Share In The Market:

Pharmaceuticals and devices are among the numerous forms of pain-relieving medications based on therapies, and each therapeutic operates in a slightly different way.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of a pain-relieving medicine for a particular type of pain and the risk of adverse effects in a specific person determine the medication's selection. Pharmaceuticals, according to our research, have the largest market share. Furthermore, with technological advancements, the gadgets segment is likely to rise.

Device Insights of Pain Management Therapeutics Industry in the United States:

The neurostimulation category controls the significant market. The rising occurrence of neurological illnesses can be blamed for dominance.

Furthermore, neurostimulators are essential in treating chronic pain, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, movement disorders, and depression. In addition, the segment is expected to develop due to factors such as rising product demand, the launch of technologically sophisticated items, and the growing elderly population.

Aside from that, due to its broad applicability in pain management, surgical oncology, gynecology, cardiology & cardiac rhythm management, and cosmetology, radiofrequency ablation is predicted to increase at the quickest rate over the projection period. Radiofrequency ablation is more advantageous than open surgery in treating patients with numerous tumors, which drives up demand.

NSAIDs Segment Reports Foremost Market Share:

NSAIDs have the largest market share in the US pain management therapeutics industry. The substantial market share of NSAIDs is due to their availability as over-the-counter medications and inexpensive costs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are also in high demand due to characteristics such as the convenience of use and fast pain alleviation (NSAIDs).

By Indication, Neuropathic Pain is projected to dominate the Indication Segment:

The somatosensory nerve system is damaged or afflicted, resulting in neuropathic pain. The majority of neuropathic pain is persistent. One instance of neuropathic pain is phantom limb syndrome.

When a leg or an arm is severed due to an injury or sickness, the brain continues to receive pain signals through the nerves used to carry impulses from the missing limb. Pain is caused by nerve misfiring. Because neuropathic pain is chronic, pain-relieving drugs are given frequently, resulting in a significant revenue share.

Key Companies Insights:

Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Novartis International AG, Merck & Co., Inc., Abbott Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson, and Boehringer Ingelheim are among the prominent industry participants covered in the analysis.

To increase their market position in the United States, significant corporations have attempted several strategic efforts, including technology innovation, partnerships, regional expansion, and mergers and acquisitions.

Companies Covered:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers

4.2 Challenges

5. US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

6. Market Share - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

6.1 By Therapeutics

6.2 By Devices

6.3 By Drug Class

6.4 By Indication

6.5 By Pain Type

7. Therapeutics - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

7.1 Pharmaceuticals

7.2 Devices

8. Devices - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

8.1 Electrical Stimulators

8.2 Radiofrequency Ablation

8.3 Analgesic Infusion Pumps

8.4 Neurostimulation

9. Drug Class - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

9.1 Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

9.2 Anesthetics

9.3 Anticonvulsants

9.4 Anti-Migraine Agents

9.5 Antidepressants

9.6 Opioids

9.7 Nonnarcotic Analgesics

10. Indication - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

10.1 Arthritic Pain

10.2 Neuropathic Pain

10.3 Cancer Pain

10.4 Chronic Back Pain

10.5 Post-Operative Pain

10.6 Migraine

10.7 Fibromyalgia

10.8 Bone Fracture

10.9 Muscle Sprain/Strain

10.10 Acute Appendicitis

10.11 Others

11. Pain Type - US Pain Management Therapeutics Market

11.1 Chronic Pain

11.2 Acute Pain

12. Porter's Five Forces Analysis

12.1 Threat of New Entry

12.2 The Bargaining Power of Buyer

12.3 Threat of Substitution

12.4 The Bargaining Power of Supplier

12.5 Competitive Rivalry

13. Company Analysis

13.1 Overview

13.2 Recent Development

13.3 Financial Insights

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United States Pain Management Therapeutics Market Forecast Report 2022-2028: Industry Trends, Outlooks, Impact of COVID-19, Company Analysis -...

Makhana health benefits: From rich in antioxidants to anti-ageing properties, know benefits here – APN Live

A seed that is derived from the Euryale Ferox plant is known as Makhana. It is also referred to as fox nuts or lotus seeds. It is used in various traditional forms of medicine and is widely cultivated throughout Asia. It is also enjoyed as a savory snack and is added to curries, sweet dishes, and desserts. It is an edible product that can be consumed raw.

So, let us know some of the interesting benefits of makhana.

Makhana is rich in antioxidant properties. Its compounds help to neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress also. The name of antioxidants in makhana are gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechin. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial to consume in our daily diet.

Also, research has shown that antioxidants play a vital role in several aspects of health such as it protects against chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Makhana contains high nutritional content. It has a good amount of carbohydrates and is rich in several micronutrients. Not only this, but it also has several micronutrients including calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

If you want to loose your fat, then makhana is a rich and healthy source. The two key nutrients to loose weight are intake of fiber and protein. Makhan contains both of them in a good amount. Protein reduces food cravings and helps to regulate your appetite. On the other hand, fiber moves slowly through your digestive tract to keep you feeling full during the day.

Makhana is rich in anti-ageing properties. It contains various amino acids that are known for their anti-aging properties. It includes glutamine, cystine, arginine, and methionine. Due to all such properties, it gives good skin health and slows down the signs of aging as well.

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Makhana health benefits: From rich in antioxidants to anti-ageing properties, know benefits here - APN Live

The Weekly Covet: Winter Beauty Must-Haves –

Once a week, we ask our editors to share the items they've been loving or lusting afterwhether it's a new skincare product we're dying to try or a travel essential we can't live without. Consider "The Weekly Covet" your editor-approved wish list for beauty, travel, fashion, and everything in between.

1Restorative Floral Bath

"If you're looking for me in the winter, I'm usually in the tub. This is my newest soak obsessiona silky, skin-softening elixir that smells like an island-escape dream of plumeria and jasmine." April Long, Beauty Director

2Daily Dose Hydra-Ceramide Boost + SPF 40 Oil

"I recently added Supergoop's latest potion to my routine and there's no going back. In addition to that signature Supergoop SPF protection, the silky serum is also packed with ceramides, squalane, and hyaluronic acid to moisturize and protect my skin's lipid barrier against dry, flake-inducing winter air." Lauren Hubbard, Contributor

3Aquaphor Healing Ointment

"There was that craze a few years ago of everyone claiming to slather Aquaphor all over their faces for smooth, moisturized skin. I won't go that faryetbut there really is nothing better for chapped lips, minor eczema flare-ups, flaky elbows, cracked heels, and superdry, overwashed hands than my $14 jar of healing ointment." Leena Kim, Associate Editor

4Nourishing Face Oil

"I love a good face oil. I really do, and this one from woman-owned clean beauty company Avoila is my new go-to. It blends 11 different oilsincluding avocado, rosehip, and vitamin Efor one nutrient-packed superhero moisturizer that my finicky skin drinks up. It's pretty hard for skincare products to win my affection, but I think my skin looks healthier, smoother, and more glowing on mornings after I've used this. I especially like how quickly it sinks in, so I'm not left with a blinding sheen or an oil-slick forehead. And it smells like a trip to the spa, which is the cherry on top." Meg Donohue, Contributor

5Advanced Therapy Fragrance-Free Moisturizing Cream

"Sometimes you just need a no frills product to get the job done, which is what Lubriderm's Advanced Therapy Moisturizing Cream does. I have persistent dry skin that no amount of special shower products or drinking more water has seemed to cure. This cream is my holy grail moisturizer that I use from head to toe [but not face] to combat dry, itchy not just all winter but all year. It is non-greasy and a lot goes a long way in helping replenish what the dry winter air steals, plus fragrance-free means it is great for sensitive skin!" Cassandra Hogan, Fashion Assistant

6Ohana Gingergrass Bamboo Scrub

"I love Red Flower's luxurious-feeling (and heavenly smelling!) scrubs. They buff away winter skin and winter blues alike." April Long, Beauty Director

7No. 9 Spring

"In the winter months I get as pale as a ghost. I love this balm from Olio E Osso that adds life and colour back into my face. Its also a 3-in-1 product which I love for the convenience of being on the go. Apply to lips, cheek, and even over the eye lids to give that extra spring glow." Ashleigh Macdonald-Bennett, Deputy Managing Editor

8Immune System Herbal Superblend

"My winter beauty essentials right now? Immunity boosters! I'm currently trying the Breathing Room's Immune System Herbal Superblend with reishi mushrooms and ginseng. Perfect for cold NYC January." - Stellene Volandes, Editor-in-chief

9Doctor Rogers RESTORE Healing Balm

"Got a winter woe you cannot solve? Raggedy cuticles, chapped lips, split ends, elephant elbows? This is your answer." April Long, Beauty Director

10Face Serum

"In less than a decade, Francisco Costa's Costa Brazil has become an OG in beauty's anti-aging oil gold rush. There's a reason for that and it's not just the attractive packaging. The formula is light, enriching, and requires just a few drops, in addition to your regular SPF, to hydrate the face during these cold winter months." Erik Maza, Style Features Director

11Humidifier Starter Set

"The number one most important item in my home from November through March? A humidifier. It makes more difference in the condition of my skin than any moisturizerhonest. And it keeps my plants happy, too. Canopy's quiet, mist-free, easy-to-fill humidifier is by far the best I've tried." April Long, Beauty Director

12My Favorite Night Balm No. 306

"Cold weather, dry apartments, and other wintertime nuisances are no match for this must-have lip balm from C.O. Bigelow. Apply before bed and wake up to a world where chapped lipsand searching through your coat to find a tub of something to soothe themare a distant memory." Adam Rathe, Arts Editor

13A-Gloei Retinol Oil

"When it comes to skincare, I'm something of a Drunk Elephant devotee, and this winter I'm adding retinol into my routine by way of the brand's new A-Gloei Oil. The product formula is only 0.5% retinol, making it a nice introduction to the treatment, plus it contains 95% virgin marula oil, which soothes and hydrates dry skin in these colder months." Caroline Hallemann, Digital Director


"I have gone full millennial with an Agency skincare subscription. You take a quiz and submit photos of your complexion, then a licensed dermatology provider creates your own personalized Future Formula and adjusts it each month. The best part is I can ask as many questions as I want about any skincare product and their experts walk me through how everything is working (or not) together. Its like having a dermatologist on demand." Olivia Hosken, Style & Interiors Writer

15Skin Food Original Ultra-Rich Cream

"Weledas Skin Food is one of my favorite products in the medicine cabinet. It has so many uses (hands, feet, body, face) and I especially love it in winter when my skin tends to get dryer due to the harsh cold outside and dry heaters inside. I swear its a miracle product as it leaves my skin feeling super hydrated and smooths any rough or itchy patches. Its super thick, unlike other runny, watery lotions, but it blends in so well that you dont even notice its on. Except for the luminous glow that it gives your skin, of course." MaryKate Boylan, Senior Fashion Editor

16Face Duo

"I am all about products that pack multiple punches. Costa Brazil's Face Duo gives my winter skin everything it could need: evens skin tone, brightens, calms irritated skin, improves firmness, and most importantly hydrates! Packed with lipids, omegas 3, 6, 9, antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E this oil is a no brainer when it comes to curing the mid-winter skincare blues." Dania Ortiz, Fashion & Accessories Director

17The Body Lotion

"The best lotion I have ever tried. It is so moisturizing, but not greasy or sticky at all. I love that it is fragrance free, so it doesn't compete with my perfume." Breana Crews, Freelance Fashion Assistant

18Cool Gloss

"When the going gets tough, the tough put on lip glossor at least that is what I've been telling myself lately. My routine in the new year has been decidedly low key, but when I'm looking for a little sheen and polish, a slick of Jones Road's clear gloss perks me right up."Roxanne Adamiyatt, Senior Digital Editor

19Moisture-Lock Ultra Hydrator

"Prior to the launch of Pause Well-Aging Moisture-Lock Ultra Hydrator, I was completely unaware of polyglutamic acid and it's super hydration capabilities. I've put this tube of goodness to the test in the frigid and dry temps recently, and in spite of the fact that I'm using retinol, I don't have a lick of patchy dryness. It's a miracle and the essential final step to one's winter skincare routine."Roxanne Adamiyatt, Senior Digital Editor

20Aura Collection

"It would be an understatement to say that lately I've been feeling lethargic. Especially because it's far too cold to spend much time inside. In order to feel like I'm getting my circulation going, I've started using Wildling's Aura Collection, which includes a dry brush and body gua sha to help stimulate my lymphatic system and also work through any tension I'm carrying in my body. People wax on about the aesthetic benefits of this practice, but honestly, it's worth taking up for how wonderful it makes you feel. I'm hooked and will be year round."Senior Digital Editor, Roxanne Adamiyatt

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The Weekly Covet: Winter Beauty Must-Haves -

7 Immunity Foods to Eat If You Get COVID-19 to Help Fight It Off – The Beet

If you are one of the over 1 millionpeople to get Covid in the US today, there are foods you can eat to help your body withstand the virus and even get through it sooner, so long as you also take care of yourself by sleeping and drinking fluids as you would do for the common cold or a sore throat.

Hopefully, you have mild symptoms, that resemble nothing more than a cold, due to the fact that you arevaccinated and boosted. But no matter what your immunization status, there are ways to help your immune system fight off a case of COVID just as it needs to battle the flu or even the common cold since all these viruses trigger the body's immune defense. If you eat immune-boosting foods and take care of yourself, you may even experience fewer severe symptoms and get through your COVID case that much faster.

For what to eat to strengthen your immune system against COVID (either before or after you get it) we spoke with an immunologist and specialist, Dr. Robert Lahita, Professor of Medicine at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicinewho has been affiliated with Weill Cornell and other venerable hospitals.He isthe author ofImmunity Strong, which tells readers how to kick up their immune systems to live longer, healthier lives. Dr. Bob (as he requests to be called) has some very practical and actionable advice for what to do if you get COVID and pretty much every other virus or infection out there.

"Your immune system is like the police department in a big city and that city is your body, and it has to watch out for crimes big and small and do its job to keep everything and everyone safe and sound," Dr. Bob told The Beet.In more scientific terms, the driver of the immune system, the dispatch that signals to the body that everything is quiet, or to sound the alarms, is your gut and the microbiome living within it.

The billions of tiny organisms found in the gut are not bad for you but co-exist in a way that acts as the body's first line of defense, so when you eat a diet rich in probiotics (like fruits and vegetables) and prebiotics (like fermented foods and drinks such as kombucha) it is a greatway to give your microbiome all the energy it needsto create a healthy immune system that can head off any infection.

Here are the best vitamins and minerals to help boost your immunity, but first, Dr. Bob says, he highly recommends that youtake a multivitamin every day to fill in the gaps

"Iwould not have always recommended this, but at the point, we are now at with COVID and our poor diets, I think it's wise," he says. "Withnine out of 10 Americans not eating the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day or not even getting three if they're lucky it may be time tobring back the multivitamin."

Of course, it's better to get your nutrients naturally, from diet, but at this point, thestandard American diet is not providing what the immune system needs to function properly, Dr. Bob warns us. The most important vitamins and minerals we should be eating more of, that we are not getting from the diet, are Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc. "These are immune co-factors that help strengthen your immune system and help fortify it. Zinc, he says, is too often overlooked.

"I strongly recommend everyone take a multivitamin every day. I have a dispenser and I take it every day," says Dr. Bob. "Multis have been 'poo-poo'd' or dismissed. I remember doing a magazine article years ago when this was the case. Everyone thought that only children needed a multi."

But today most Americans don't get all the nutrients they need from their diet. Only 10 percent of Americans get the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. In fact, you're lucky if you get three, says Dr. Bob. "And there are specific immunity drivers that are essential now in the days of Covidd, such as Vitamin C, D, A, and E that you need to supplement. Iron and zinc are especially hard to get enough of if you are plant-based," explains Dr. Bob. "So instead of worrying about it, just supplement."

Raw Organic Ruby Red Grapefruits

Your daily intake should be well over 500 and up to 1000 milligrams a day is healthy, says Dr. Bob. The easiest way to get it is from citrus fruits like oranges. "I eat a clementine in the morning and one at dinner time," he says since they have about 35 mg each. "And I get vitamin C in the multivitamin I take each morning. We know from research thata vitamin C dose of over 500 milligrams a day can help combat the common cold and guess what? The omicron is related to the common cold."

Eat citrus fruits like an orange in the morning m (51 mg of vitamin C), or drink lemon water when you wake up (a lemon has 30 mg of vitamin C on average). Grapefruit is also high in vitamin C (38 mg for half a grapefruit) but Dr. Bob adds: "Make sure your medications are compatible since grapefruit can accelerate drug elimination or it can potentiate blood thinners if you are taking those."

Vitamin D is essential for immunity and most people only get a fraction of what they need, especially in the winter months when we are not exposed to as much sunlight as the rest of the year. Dr. Bob says you can either frontload your D vitamin for the week and take one large dose once a week, or you can take it daily and make sure to take it with calcium so your body absorbs what you need.

"You need 50,000 units a week or 500 a day with calcium," he says. "I advise every patient to get a Vitamin D testfrom their doctor since during the winter our D levels drop. So chances are you are deficient and don't know it. And for women oranyone with autoimmune diseases, who I see a lot in my practice, they are often short on D. So just assume you need to take vitamin D.

But don't overdose with vitamin D. You only need an average of 500 mg a day, and some people who have taken five times that amount or more on a daily basis have had adverse side effects, such as kidney stones.As for taking it once a week, yes, your body can sustain that big amount once a week. Add it to juice, so it gets absorbed without disturbing your digestion."

Buddha bowl with pan roasted tofu, avocado, sweet potato, rice, vegetables and mixed seeds

Zinc is one of the key elements that you should take for general immunity, and studies have shown that it can help reduce the symptoms of COVID-19. How? zinc helps the body build the lymphocytes that your body needs to send out the immune cells into the body to kill off invaders of all kinds, and even shorten a common cold. "Zinc iscrucial for normal development and function of cells mediating nonspecific immunitysuch as neutrophils and natural killer cells," according to one study.

Zinc is also helpful in metabolism function. The Mayo Clinic website states: "Evidence suggests that if zinc lozenges or syrup is taken within 24 hours after cold symptoms start, the supplement can help shorten the length of colds." Women need 8 mg daily and men 11 mg.

The best foods for zincinclude tofu, hem, lentils, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, shiitake mushrooms, black beans, green peas, and cashews.

Dr. Bob says it's easier to take zinc than to get it in diet, so he keeps zinc lozenges on his desk and pops one a day. In fact, they are so popular that as he reached for one his supply was out. "I keep them right here on my desk but the nurses take them. They work! You can get them at the supermarket."

Studies show thatVitamin A is crucial for promoting healthy growth and development of cells and protecting the epithelial tissue that surrounds all your organs and that infections or viruses have to pass through to attack any parts of the body. It is also essential to creating healthy mucus which lines the nose and helps capture invading airborne agents that you might inhale. "Vitamin A is also known as ananti-inflammation vitaminbecause of its critical role in enhancing immune function," studies have found.

"I take vitamin E for my skin and immune support," Dr. Bob adds. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant in the human bodythat also helps the immune system fight infections. One way it does this, studies show, is that Itwidens blood vessels and this helps to keep clots from forming in them.

"It's hard to get all the vitamin E you need fromyour diet, so do take a supplement. I take 200 units of E every day." Vitamin E, which is found in nuts, oil, and other foods, has anti-aging benefitsand can prevent inflammation,lower the risk of heart disease and somecancers, studies have found.

Avocado toast on a plate with ingredients around it on stone counter.

Iron is essential to the immune response in the body, studies have shown. "The role of iron in immunity is necessary forimmune cells proliferation and maturation, particularly lymphocytes, associated with the generation of a specific response to infection," according to one study.

"Most people think iron only comes from animal products but in fact, watercress is high in iron," says Dr. Bob. So are spinach and arugula. Beans are rich sources of iron, as are pumpkin seeds and quinoa. Eat white mushrooms, lentils, potatoes, tofu among other high iron foods. It's actually easy to get enough iron on a plant-based diet.

"Manyvegetables and most legumes contain iron," says Dr. Bob. Men need 8 mg a day while women need over double that amount, or 18 mg a day.

The best way to get all these every day is simply to take a multivitamin, says Dr. Bob.

And Dr. Bob adds: "We need to think about the microbiome, the billions of bacteria that live in the but as well as the lungs, around the hear, in every part of our bodies, which should not be thought of as bad but rather as co-existing with us to help keep the body running smoothly. You need probiotics and prebiotics, in the form of fiber-filled foods or fermented drinks like kombucha, to feed these organisms and let them signal tothe immune system that everything is a-okay."

The easiest way to support your microbiome is by eating high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables and drinkingFermented juices. Kombucha. WheatGrass, and other fermented foods.

How diet plays into the strength of our immune system overall

So what else can you do if your aim is to avoid Covid, or get better once you've tested positive for the virus? Diet only plays one role, but the rest of it is fairly common sense, says Dr. Bob.

Get sleep. It's important to get enough sleep and to manage stress and exercise every day. Even if that is the elliptical or the bicycle or just walking every day.

Exercise daily. Get on the elliptical or the bicycle every day, or swim or take a walk. You need to move every single day to show your immune system that you are healthy and able. This motion not only makes your heart healthier but also every other cell in your body.

Prioritize relationships.Intimacyboosts immunity. So having a strong relationship is also important in boosting the immune system and the endocrine system and works hand in hand with what I call the biological soul and that is the immune system.

Manage stress. The brain is integrated into this as well. That's where de-stressing comes in.

The brain is the central control center and if you are dealing with stress hormones it makes everything else worse. Do yoga, meditate or take whatever joys and nourish that part of your life. If we can strengthen our immune system we can fight off COVID and any other infection.

Know your family history. As we get older our immune system gets senescence.So depending on your genetics, your immunity either gets weaker or stays healthy depending on both your personal DNA and how you take care of your immunity. Of course, staying healthy in other areas is vital since nothing stresses your immunity like co-morbidities.

These are all things your immune system and your body has to protect against, so control the things you can, like diet and lifestyle choices, Dr. Bob advises. Help take care of your immune system and it will help take care of you back.

Animmune specialist says that in order to strengthen your immunity against COVID and other viruses, take a multivitamin. It's the easiest way to make sure you are getting all the nutrients such as Vitamins C, D, A, and E plus zinc and iron, right now.

Read more:
7 Immunity Foods to Eat If You Get COVID-19 to Help Fight It Off - The Beet

Solarea Bio Teams up with Hebrew SeniorLife Investigators on a Newly Awarded U.S. National Academy of Medicine Catalyst Grant – Yahoo Finance

Healthy Longevity Initiative Grant Awarded to Study the Mycobiome as a Novel Class of Probiotics to Target Inflammaging

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Solarea Bio, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, Mass., and leading researchers at Harvard Medical School affiliated Hebrew SeniorLife, New England's largest nonprofit provider of senior health care and living communities, are co-investigators on a competitive research grant from the U.S. National Academy of Medicine's Healthy Longevity Initiative.

(PRNewsfoto/Solarea Bio)

Solarea Bio, along with Douglas P. Kiel, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Musculoskeletal Research Center, Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, and Shivani Sahni, Ph.D., Director, Nutrition Program, Marcus Institute, received the grant.

According to the researchers, "An aging population has led to a significant global increase in age-related diseases including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and others. At the core of this is chronic low-grade inflammation known as inflammaging, and recent evidence describes the gut microbiome as a key regulator of the inflammaging process through direct impact on immune system development and function."

However, while the impact bacteria have on the immune system and human health is well described, fungi, a major component of the gut microbiome, have been largely overlooked due to multiple factors including fungi's large, complex genomes that require deep sequencing and a hybrid assembly, lack of fungal genome databases for functional gene prediction, and underdeveloped bioinformatic tools to identify fungal metabolites important to human health.

The researchers hypothesize that the "mycobiome" (the collection of fungi that are part of the overall microbiome) could offer a large, untapped reservoir of probiotic fungi with the ability to combat inflammaging. Based on this hypothesis, the team will be working to sequence a subset of a large fungal collection and develop bioinformatic tools to identify fungi with probiotic potential. Lead candidate fungi will be tested using in vitro cell culture systems to identify fungi with anti-inflammatory properties that may then be further tested clinically.

Story continues

About the Healthy Longevity InitiativeThe Healthy Longevity Initiative is designed to kick start innovation to support healthy longevity through a series of monetary awards and prizes. In the tradition of international races to fly across the Atlantic or walk on the moon, the initiative will rally the world's greatest minds to achieve what may at first seem an impossible goal.

About the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging ResearchScientists at the Marcus Institute seek to transform the human experience of aging by conducting research that will ensure a life of health, dignity, and productivity into advanced age. The Marcus Institute carries out rigorous studies that discover the mechanisms of age-related disease and disability; lead to the prevention, treatment, and cure of disease; advance the standard of care for older people; and inform public decision-making.

About Hebrew SeniorLifeHebrew SeniorLife, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is a national senior services leader uniquely dedicated to rethinking, researching, and redefining the possibilities of aging. Hebrew SeniorLife cares for more than 3,000 seniors a day across six campuses throughout Greater Boston. Our locations include: Hebrew Rehabilitation Center-Boston and Hebrew Rehabilitation Center-NewBridge in Dedham; NewBridge on the Charles, Dedham; Orchard Cove, Canton; Simon C. Fireman Community, Randolph; Center Communities of Brookline, Brookline; and Jack Satter House, Revere. Founded in 1903, Hebrew SeniorLife also conducts influential research into aging at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, which has a portfolio of more than $63 million, making it the largest gerontological research facility in the U.S. in a clinical setting. It also trains more than 1,000 geriatric care providers each year. For more information about Hebrew SeniorLife, visit or follow us on our blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

About Solarea BioSolarea Bio is a biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Mass. developing new microbiome-based solutions to some of the world's largest health problems. Solarea was founded in 2017 by a group of scientists and entrepreneurs eager to radically alter our understanding of the human microbiome and utilize its power to improve human health. Solarea's breakthrough came from the combined efforts of the company's co-founders who established a link between the discovery of an untapped source of microorganisms with probiotic potential in healthy foods, and their applications in inflammatory processes including the gut-musculoskeletal axis.

Media Contacts:Margaret BonillaHebrew

Rachel Raymond Solarea



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Solarea Bio Teams up with Hebrew SeniorLife Investigators on a Newly Awarded U.S. National Academy of Medicine Catalyst Grant - Yahoo Finance

Global Medical Spa Market to Reach US$25.9 Billion by the Year 2026 – GlobeNewswire

New York, Jan. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Medical Spa Industry" - They are the latest niche in cosmetic surgery and medicine, and undoubtedly the fastest growing segment of the global cosmetic surgery market. The medical end of the MedSpa is taken care of by the presence of a practicing, specialized physician who is always required to be present on the premises. Since medical spas converge spa treatments and medical treatments, they offer the widest range of services possible. As medical spas are emerging, they are gaining rapid popularity among those who are financially well disposed and have an inclination towards beauty and wellness. Their success has been creating a quite a stir encouraging corporate houses, major hospital chains and leading pharmacological companies to invest funds in various MedSpas. Over the years, technological advancements have played a major role in shaping the MedSpa industry, increasing not just the availability of but also making the non-invasive treatments (for instance Botox) more affordable. The digital technology is currently a leading driver of the med spa growth, and is likely to remain so in the years ahead as technology enables people to look younger without undergoing painful procedures.

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Medical Spa estimated at US$12.2 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$25.9 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 13.5% over the analysis period. Facial Treatment, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to grow at a 12.9% CAGR to reach US$13 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After a thorough analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Body Shaping & Contouring segment is readjusted to a revised 15.7% CAGR for the next 7-year period. This segment currently accounts for a 18.8% share of the global Medical Spa market.

The U.S. Market is Estimated at $4.8 Billion in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $3.8 Billion by 2026

The Medical Spa market in the U.S. is estimated at US$4.8 Billion in the year 2021. The country currently accounts for a 37.72% share in the global market. China, the world`s second largest economy, is forecast to reach an estimated market size of US$3.8 Billion in the year 2026 trailing a CAGR of 18.2% through the analysis period. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 10.3% and 12.2% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 11.2% CAGR while Rest of European market (as defined in the study) will reach US$947.3 Million by the end of the analysis period. Both businessand consumer-end response to the medical spa sector has been remarkable in recent years in the US. While new players have entered this space, existing wellness centres, dental clinics and even big retailers (such as department stores) have been expanding their offering to provide specialised services in order to attract more customers. The numbers of such centres are rapidly increasing, and are especially coming up on coasts. The concept of co-tenancy is fast catching on in the US MedSpa space, where department stores and other retailers are seen introducing dedicated flagship stores for offering medical spa services.

Hair Removal Segment to Reach $3.8 Billion by 2026

Growing acceptance of professional hair removal services is benefiting the market for medical spas. Hair removal technologies provide women and men with convenient and effective options to remove hair from specific parts of the body for a natural and hair-free skin. Continuous advances in these technologies have resulted in sophisticated products that work for different skin types and hair color. Hair removal technologies are commonly used to treat various areas including the face, upper lip, legs, pubic area, bikini line, fingers, back, chin, cheeks and feet. While these techniques are also intended to treat eyebrows, majority of customers consider low-tech means such as waxing, threading or plucking. Some of the next-generation hair removal treatments are intended for permanent removal of hair for long-lasting results. In the global Hair Removal segment, USA, Canada, Japan, China and Europe will drive the 14.6% CAGR estimated for this segment. These regional markets accounting for a combined market size of US$1.3 Billion in the year 2020 will reach a projected size of US$3.5 Billion by the close of the analysis period. China will remain among the fastest growing in this cluster of regional markets. Led by countries such as Australia, India, and South Korea, the market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to reach US$343.1 Million by the year 2026, while Latin America will expand at a 17.4% CAGR through the analysis period.

Select Competitors (Total 160 Featured)

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1. MARKET OVERVIEW Medical Spas Mark the Convergence of Beauty & Medicine Robust Outlook for the Beauty Industry Provides the Foundation for Growth in the Medical Spa Market The Never-Ending ?Race? Between the Virus & Vaccines Continues. Amidst this Chaotic Battle, Where is the World Economy Heading Now & Beyond? Omicron Variant Brings Back Memories & Fears of the Worst Part of the 2020 Pandemic EXHIBIT 1: Time is of Essence! What We Know So Far - ?Vaccine Efficiency Against New Strains is Decreasing? With New Strains Emerging at an Alarming Rate, Focus Shifts to Booster Doses & Vaccine Tweaking. But How Practical Is It to Implement Them? EXHIBIT 2: With Vaccinated Population Showing Signs of Declining Clinical Protection, Booster Doses Are Emerging Into a Necessity to Restore Vaccine Effectiveness, but this Strategy is Not Within Reach for Most Countries: Number of Booster Doses Administered Per 100 People by Country as of December 2021 At the Dawn of 2022, We Leave Behind Millions of Deaths Due to New Strains & Once Again Stare at an Impending Catastrophe EXHIBIT 3: How & When Will the World Be Vaccinated? Global Number of Annual COVID-19 Vaccine Doses (In Million) for Years 2020 through 2025 by Geographic Region/Country Split Scenarios Unfold: The Great Vaccine Divide Emerges EXHIBIT 4: Vaccine Imbalances to Stretch the Pandemic Further into 2022: Global Percentage (%) of Population Administered With Vaccines by Region as of November 2021 Amid this Prolonged Pandemic, Why Should Businesses Care About Progress on Vaccinations? With IMF Making an Upward Revision of Global GDP for 2021, Companies Are Bullish About an Economic Comeback Despite a Continuing Pandemic EXHIBIT 5: A Strong Yet Exceedingly Patchy & Uncertain Recovery Shaped by New Variants Comes Into Play: World Economic Growth Projections (Real GDP, Annual % Change) for 2020 through 2022 EXHIBIT 6: Easing Unemployment Levels in 2021 & 2022 Although Moderate Will Infuse Hope for Industries Reliant on Consumer Discretionary Incomes: Global Number of Unemployed People (In Million) for Years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Medical Spa: Overview & Benefits Recent Market Activity World Brands


3. MARKET TRENDS & DRIVERS Growing Popularity of Beauty & Wellness Tourism & Post Pandemic Optimism for a Recovery Bodes Well for Medical Spas Efforts to Push Beauty & Wellness Tourism, a Boon for Medical Spas Beauty & Wellness Tourism to Attain Greater Heights in Post- Pandemic Era Rise of Traditional Holistic Medicine Encourages Medical Spas to Focus on Alternative Health Medical Spas Incorporate Herbs into all Aspects of the Spa Experience Encouraged by the Increasing Consumer Acceptance of Herbal Medicines EXHIBIT 7: Strong Acceptance of Herbal Medicines Leads Medical Spas to Integrate Herbs into the Entire Treatment Experience: Global Opportunity for Herbal Medicines (In US$ Billion) for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027 Rising Prevalence of Skin Diseases Drives Demand for Skin Treatments at Medical Spas Desire to Look Young Among the Rapidly Aging World Population Drives Demand for Anti-Aging Services & Treatments at Medical Spas EXHIBIT 8: Rapidly Aging Population Throws the Spotlight on the Massive Demand Potential for Anti-Aging Treatments: Global Population Statistics for the 65+ Age Group in Million by Geographic Region for the Years 2019, 2025, 2035 and 2050 EXHIBIT 9: Robust Growth in Spending on Anti-Aging Solutions to Support the Rise of Anti-Aging Medical Spas: Global Opportunity for Anti-Aging Products (In US$ Billion) for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027 Rise in Demand for Aesthetic Services Brightens the Outlook for Non-Invasive and Minimally-Invasive Medical Spa Treatments EXHIBIT 10: Expanding Market for Aesthetic Services Provides a Goldmine of Service Opportunities for Medical Spas: Global Market for Aesthetic Services (In US$ Million) for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027 Medical Spas Expand Services to Include Dermal Fillers and Botox Treatment Encouraged by Strong Demand Patterns Botulinum Toxin in the Spotlight EXHIBIT 11: Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin Procedures Performed Worldwide (2021): Percentage Breakdown of Procedure Volume by Age Group EXHIBIT 12: Global Market for Botulinum Toxin in Aesthetics Applications (In US$ Million) for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027 Boom in Demand for Cosmetic Procedures Amid the Pandemic Bodes Well for Market Growth Thalassotherapy Harnesses Curative Properties of Seawater to Provide Holistic Spa Treatments Increasing Acceptance of Male Aesthetics Present Untapped Growth Opportunities Importance of Mental Wellness and Stress Management in the Aftermath of the Pandemic to Trigger Demand for Spa Therapy Hair Removal, A Popular Service Offering in Medical Spas

4. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE Table 1: World Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 2: World Historic Review for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 3: World 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 4: World Current & Future Analysis for Facial Treatment by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 5: World Historic Review for Facial Treatment by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 6: World 10-Year Perspective for Facial Treatment by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 7: World Current & Future Analysis for Body Shaping & Contouring by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 8: World Historic Review for Body Shaping & Contouring by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 9: World 10-Year Perspective for Body Shaping & Contouring by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 10: World Current & Future Analysis for Hair Removal by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 11: World Historic Review for Hair Removal by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 12: World 10-Year Perspective for Hair Removal by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 13: World Current & Future Analysis for Scar Revision by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 14: World Historic Review for Scar Revision by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 15: World 10-Year Perspective for Scar Revision by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 16: World Current & Future Analysis for Tattoo Removal by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 17: World Historic Review for Tattoo Removal by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 18: World 10-Year Perspective for Tattoo Removal by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 19: World Current & Future Analysis for Other Services by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 20: World Historic Review for Other Services by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 21: World 10-Year Perspective for Other Services by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027


UNITED STATES Table 22: USA Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 23: USA Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 24: USA 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

CANADA Table 25: Canada Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 26: Canada Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 27: Canada 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

JAPAN Table 28: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 29: Japan Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 30: Japan 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

CHINA Table 31: China Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 32: China Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 33: China 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

EUROPE Table 34: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 35: Europe Historic Review for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 36: Europe 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 37: Europe Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 38: Europe Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 39: Europe 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

FRANCE Table 40: France Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 41: France Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 42: France 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

GERMANY Table 43: Germany Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 44: Germany Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 45: Germany 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

ITALY Table 46: Italy Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 47: Italy Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 48: Italy 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

UNITED KINGDOM Table 49: UK Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 50: UK Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 51: UK 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

SPAIN Table 52: Spain Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 53: Spain Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 54: Spain 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

RUSSIA Table 55: Russia Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 56: Russia Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 57: Russia 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

REST OF EUROPE Table 58: Rest of Europe Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 59: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 60: Rest of Europe 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

ASIA-PACIFIC Table 61: Asia-Pacific Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 62: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 63: Asia-Pacific 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 64: Asia-Pacific Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 65: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 66: Asia-Pacific 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

AUSTRALIA Table 67: Australia Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 68: Australia Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 69: Australia 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

INDIA Table 70: India Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 71: India Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 72: India 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

SOUTH KOREA Table 73: South Korea Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 74: South Korea Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 75: South Korea 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

REST OF ASIA-PACIFIC Table 76: Rest of Asia-Pacific Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 77: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 78: Rest of Asia-Pacific 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

LATIN AMERICA Table 79: Latin America Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 80: Latin America Historic Review for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 81: Latin America 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets for Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

Table 82: Latin America Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 83: Latin America Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for Years 2017 through 2019 and % CAGR

Table 84: Latin America 10-Year Perspective for Medical Spa by Service - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services for the Years 2017, 2021 & 2027

ARGENTINA Table 85: Argentina Current & Future Analysis for Medical Spa by Service - Facial Treatment, Body Shaping & Contouring, Hair Removal, Scar Revision, Tattoo Removal and Other Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Thousand for the Years 2020 through 2027 and % CAGR

Table 86: Argentina Historic Review for Medical Spa by Service -

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Global Medical Spa Market to Reach US$25.9 Billion by the Year 2026 - GlobeNewswire

Best Supplements That Fight Aging, According to Experts – Eat This, Not That

Whether you've recently noticed a few new wrinkles on your face or are suddenly feeling significantly older than your chronological age, there are countless reasons you might be looking to turn back the clock. However, even if you haven't exactly found the fountain of youth, you can both look and feel younger with just a few small changes to your routine. Read on to discover the anti-aging supplements recommended by registered dietitians. And for more supplements you may want to add to your routine, check out The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone to Take Right Now.

Curcumin, a yellow compound found in turmeric, is a great way to fight free radical damage that leads to aging.

"Aging happens over time as our cells are exposed to free radicals and inflammation. When this happens, the structures involved in cell replication and lifespantelomeresshorten, so anything that can reduce inflammation and free radicals is helpful," says Alicia Galvin, RD, resident dietitian to Sovereign Laboratories.

"Curcumin activates certain proteins, like AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which helps combat cellular damage and promotes longevity."

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Want to lose weight and turn back the clock in one fell swoop? Then you might want to add some EGCG to your diet.

"Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol concentrated in green tea," Galvin explains. "It induces autophagy, the process by which your body removes damaged cellular material."

What's more, in a small study of 73 overweight and obese women published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, EGCG was found to reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol and increase levels of leptin, a hormone associated with satiety.

If you want to look and feel younger, CoQ10 supplementation might just do the trick.

"CoQ10 declines as you age, and CoQ10 supplements help reduce the accumulation of free radicals that accelerate the aging process," Galvin says.

And if you want to protect your health, These Popular Supplements Have Hidden Dangers, Warn Experts.

Adding some resveratrola compound found in a number of red wine, red fruits, and peanuts, among other foodsto your regular routine is a great way to fight aging from the inside out.

"Resveratrol may promote longevity by activating genes called sirtuins," Galvin says. "This doesn't mean you can drink red wine and not age, but as a supplement, resveratrol can be very effective."

If you do like to wind down with wine at the end of the day, check out the One Surprising Side Effect of Drinking Red Wine for Women, Says New Study.

Vitamin D, a vitamin naturally synthesized through the skin by exposure to sunlight, can have profound anti-aging benefits in supplement form.

"Vitamin D allows the body to absorb calcium, which fuels bone health and may reduce the risk for fracture," says Diana Gariglio-Clelland, RD, a dietitian with Next Luxury.

Citing 2015 research published in the Journal of Advanced Research, Gariglio-Clelland notes that vitamin D has also been linked to reduced UV damage.

If you're eager to keep your body and brain healthy as you age, fish oil supplements are an excellent addition to your wellbeing arsenal.

"Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, known to protect our heart health and cognition, both of which are essential as we age," says Michelle Darian, MS, MPH, RD, a nutrition scientist at InsideTracker.

And for more easy ways to boost your brainpower, check out the 30 Best & Worst Foods for Your Brain.

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Best Supplements That Fight Aging, According to Experts - Eat This, Not That

Following a Nic’s Keto Diet may improve cardiovascular health and reduce body weight – SMEbulletin

Recent findings from a scientific study may just have discovered the holy grail of health. As confirmed by TRC Gen+, a recent study from Prof. Nikolaos Tzenios PH.D. has pinpointed the healthy diet plan which brings down bodyweight and boosts cardiovascular health markers. Head of the study, Prof Tzenios, is a respected industry professional and holds positions as Professor of Public Health, Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and Fellow of The Royal Society for Public Health (UK), among other high-level roles.

An open-label clinical study conducted by the well-regarded KGK Science Canada organisation explored the impact of Nics Keto Diet on cardiovascular health. The study looked at healthy women and men who had slightly elevated LDL cholesterol measurements for a 140 day period. On completion of the clinical study, KGK Science found that participants had a 4.41% lowering in the percentage of body fat.

Results also showed that those who had taken part in the study had seen an 8.55kg reduction in body weight overall. In addition, participants also recorded a significant drop in LDL and total cholesterol readings, after following the diet for 5 months. There was also an increase in good HDL cholesterol levels and an impressive drop in blood sugar levels.

In summary, the study from KGK Science indicates that following Nics Keto Diet could help to lower body weight, boost cardiovascular health, lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce blood sugar levels. As a result, its findings are sure to make waves in the health and nutrition sector.

Jenny has been reporting on small business issues since 2001 where she held a number of freelance positions across the leading SME publications in the UK. Specialist subjects included SME financing and tax.

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Following a Nic's Keto Diet may improve cardiovascular health and reduce body weight - SMEbulletin

Eating a Nic’s Keto Healthy Fatty Diet Reduce Body Weight and Improve Cardiovascular Health Markers! – Yahoo Finance


(Bloomberg) -- The cyber-attack that crippled the nations biggest fuel pipeline this week triggered spot shortages of gasoline and a gusher of political rhetoric, with groups from across the political spectrum offering myriad, and contradictory, solutions.The oil industry says the answer is to invest in more fossil-fuel infrastructure, including refineries. Environmental groups think the key is more electric vehicles on the road and solar panels on the grid. A conservative think tank called the outage a wake-up call for pipeline protesters to stop. Even a coal group got involved, noting that its product doesnt need to be piped anywhere.Wind and solar power networks are by their very nature more distributed, more sensibly scaled, and more resilient than fossil fuel systems, Wenonah Hauter, executive director of the environmental group Food and Water Watch, said in a statement.The stark divisions reflect the increasingly vocal energy debate. The oil and gas industry has found itself on the defensive against growing calls to fight climate change by reducing consumption of its products. While many fossil fuel advocates agree that curbing greenhouse gases is critical, they point to the Colonial shutdown as a sign of the potential risks of making the green transition too quickly.Colonial Pipeline Co. began to restart the line Wednesday evening, after a ransomware attack caused the company to shut it down May 7. The pipeline delivers about 45% of the gasoline, jet fuel and diesel used on the East Coast.Whew, crisis averted, that pipeline is back up, tweeted Chris Horner, an attorney and former senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Now, back to our regularly scheduled agenda of shutting down pipelines.Conservatives have drawn links between the Colonial outage that transported refined fuels and President Joe Bidens opposition to the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline that would have ferried tar sands crude from Alberta to Nebraska. Even a fully operational Keystone XL would have had no effect on fuel supplies during the Colonial outage, since it would carry minimally processed crude, not gasoline and other refined fuel.The Colonial Pipeline closure should serve as a wake-up call to pipeline protesters who pretend we dont need the energy transported by these pieces of critical infrastructure, opined the Center of the American Experiment, a Minnesota-based conservative think tank. We are as reliant upon oil and natural gas as we are water, and that reality isnt going to change anytime soon.Refining advocates also used the fuel shortages to highlight the decline in fuel-making capacity in the Northeast. Where the East Coast previously had 12 refineries, closures have dropped that number to four. By some estimates, the Atlantic Basin has lost a total of 1.5 million barrels per day of refining capacity since 2008, making the region more reliant on imports and fuel transported by Colonial.A New Jersey lawmaker pressed administration officials to address the decline during a briefing Wednesday. Each time a refinery closes, were losing the ability to fuel our defense, the unidentified lawmaker said, according to a person on the call.The coal industry, whose chief product is a rock that cant be carried by pipelines, used the incident to highlight the value of its fossil fuel. The National Mining Association, which represents companies such as Consol Energy Inc. and Peabody Energy Corp., promoted coal as a valuable insurance policy in an era of emerging and deceptively dangerous threats.Its becoming clear that pipelines and just-in-time fuel delivery are a particularly vulnerable link in the equation, the Washington-based trade group said in a statement Wednesday. The months of fuel stored on site at coal and nuclear power plants add a layer of security and resilience we have long taken for granted and continue to undervalue.Biden administration officials cited the crisis to highlight the presidents multi-trillion-dollar plans for investing in the nations highways, electric vehicle charging and the grid.This incident also reminds us that infrastructure is a national security issue, and the reality is that investing in world-class, modern and resilient infrastructure has always been central to ensuring our countrys economic security, our national security and, as were seeing right now, that includes cybersecurity, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said at a White House briefing.Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm noted at least one group hasnt been affected by the pipeline outage and the fuel shortages it caused along the East Coast.If you drive an electric car this would not be affecting you, clearly, she said during a White House briefing Tuesday.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.2021 Bloomberg L.P.

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Eating a Nic's Keto Healthy Fatty Diet Reduce Body Weight and Improve Cardiovascular Health Markers! - Yahoo Finance