The inclusive beauty trend comes for menopausal women – Glossy

Call it the anti- anti-aging movement. Beauty brands are carving out niche products and corresponding marketing campaigns for pre- and post-menopausal women.

In March 2019, direct-to-consumer hair-care brand Better Not Younger launched, aimed at selling shampoo, conditioner, scalp serum and ingestibles for women 45 years and older. On October 15, it expanded to Elsewhere, P&Gs corporate venture capital arm partnered with M13, a venture firm, on the creation of a DTC menopausal skin-care and wellness brand, Kindra. Launched in November, it sells products like sleep and energy ingestibles. It plans to launch body and a hand-foot cream in 2020. Greek skin-care brand Korres is also getting in on the action, launching two menopausal products, a moisturizer and wrinkle treatment, in January 2020 through Sephora and

This is a huge, untapped white space for this underserved demographic, said Elena Baltzoglou, a marketing consultant at Korres. We want to bring skincare to a customer who feels neglected.

This year, the beauty industry has seen the development of hyper-niche categories such as skincare for Gen Z and sun care for women of color, and menopausal women represent a particularly large and lucrative category. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, women officially enter menopause one year after their last period, which typically occurs around 51 years old, and this lasts for about four years. During this phase, skin becomes dryer, looser and thinner, and hair becomes thinner. Because of the unique impact of menopause on the skin, beauty brands are approaching the category as more than trying to roll back the signs of aging to preserve youth. Korres plans to launch an ongoing social media campaign for its products in January beginning with education on its products and ingredient profiles, and in April, it will launch a positive aging campaign with real customers speaking out about their menopause experiences.

Better Not Youngers communication strategy also relies on acknowledging women over 45 years old and accurately reflect their lifestyles. The brand began producing video content in July as part of Googles accelerator program, including a 42-second video asking women what life after 45 looks like. The video has garnered over 600,000 views on YouTube. Sonsoles Gonzales, Better Not Younger founder and CEO, said she had only seen brands (like Prestige Brands-owned Summers Eve) attempting to cater to the age group by using old stereotypes like a grandmother, a woman gardening or a woman on a cruise in advertisements. Since launch, Better Not Younger has grown sales by 50% month-over-month, and Gonzalez expects its Sephora sales for November to exceed the monthly estimate by 20%, which equates to about $48,000 in sales.

Women my age are starting businesses, dating again and hiking mountains, she said. Its not just about looking great, but its also about showing them in situations where they can see themselves.

There is a good reason to pay attention to women above 45: They are willing to pay for beauty. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, 50 million women will reach age 51 in 2020. The AARP found in a national survey of 2,000 women that 70% of those ages 40 and older want to see more beauty and personal care products for perimenopausal and menopausal women. Women 50 and older spend $22 billion a year on beauty products, the survey found.

Gonzales said she sees two primary reasons for the carving out of the menopausal beauty category: societal acceptance and the rising cost of advertising toward millennial women. As a result of chasing millennials, older women were being neglected, she said. The inclusivity movement has allowed women to talk candidly about the aging experience.

A brand like mine would have been a complete flop 10 years ago, because [the world] wasnt ready, she said. But with topics like inclusivity and #MeToo, this conversation has become part of pop culture and relevant.

Korres Baltzoglou agreed: [Menopause] is the next thing, she said. [The industry] was talking about race inclusivity and then body inclusivity, and age is the next step.

Because of this growing acceptance, P&G is also stepping in, albeit with some caution. Kindra (previously called Pepper & Wits) is operated through M13, for now unlike P&Gs other brands, like Olay and Secret deodorant, which the company owns outright.

Kindra has invested in Facebook ads and will roll out Pinterest and Google ads to customers 45 years and older in 2020. P&G and Kindra would not disclose the brands marketing spend. If the business meets certain undisclosed profitability and revenue targets, P&G will buy back the brand, according to the two companies.

What we want to do is change the way women [experience] menopause, said HongJoo Sun, Kindra CEO. Menopause has been treated as something to be cured rather than a natural phase of a womans life.

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The inclusive beauty trend comes for menopausal women - Glossy

Lasair Aesthetic Health Sponsors Toys for Tots to Give Free Toys to Children in Need – Benzinga

Dr. Alexis Parker, MD Gives Five Units of Botox to Patients Who Bring in Toys During the Holidays

DENVER (PRWEB) December 06, 2019

Lasair Aesthetic Health Sponsors Toys for Tots to Give Free Toys to Children in Need

Dr. Alexis Parker, MD Gives Five Units of Botox to Patients Who Bring in Toys During the Holidays

Lasair Aesthetic Health is spreading holiday cheer again this year by sponsoring the Toys for Tots program. From now until Christmas, patients who bring in a toy or toys worth more than 25-dollars, will get FIVE units of Botox (a $60 value) for free from Lasair.

Dr. Alexis Parker, MD and her staff at Lasair Aesthetic Health have donated hundreds of toys to the Toys for Tots Program over the past decade. They are thrilled to once again accept donations and take another sleigh full of toys (a.k.a. a mini-van) for the Marine Toys for Tots donation center. "I feel so lucky to have such wonderful patients with caring hearts who donate toys for those who are less fortunate in our community," Dr. Parker said.

The Toys for Tots program has collected and distributed toys to children in need for nearly 70-years to help children throughout the United States to experience the joy of Christmas. The Marine Toys for Tots Program collected and distributed 18-million toys to seven million less fortunate children over this past year.

Dr. Alexis Parker, M.D. is board certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and has been labeled one of Denver's top non-surgical aesthetic physicians. Dr. Parker trained in general surgery and plastic surgery, and subsequently boarded in emergency medicine. She also did a 6 month fellowship in the plastic surgery department at UC Irvine. After 16 years in the Emergency Department, she turned back to her true passion: helping people look and feel their best, non surgically, using the latest in non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures which include laser technology, injecting techniques, and home skin care.

CONTACT: Jesse Luginbuhl (303) 782-5082

6780 E Hampden Avenue Denver, CO 80224

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Lasair Aesthetic Health Sponsors Toys for Tots to Give Free Toys to Children in Need - Benzinga

Anti-Aging Medicine Market is set to reach a value of ~US$ XX Mn/Bn by the end of 2018 – 2026 – The Market Expedition

Assessment of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market

Persistence Market Research recently published a report which provides a deep understanding of the various factors that are likely to influence the prospects of the Anti-Aging Medicine market in the forecast period 2018 2026. The study takes into account the historical and current market trends to predict the course of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market in the upcoming years. Further, the growth opportunities, drivers, and major challenges faced by market players in the Anti-Aging Medicine Market are discussed in detail.

The team of analysts at PMR, track the major developments within the Anti-Aging Medicine sphere in various geographies. The market share, size, and value of each region are discussed in the report along with explanatory graphs, tables, and figures.

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As per the findings of the report, the Anti-Aging Medicine Market is slated to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period and attain a market value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029. The report introspects the various factors that are anticipated to have a significant impact on the growth of the Anti-Aging Medicine market over the assessment period 2018 2026.

This chapter of the report discusses the ongoing developments of leading companies operating in the Anti-Aging Medicine Market. The product portfolio, pricing strategy, the regional and global presence of each company is thoroughly discussed in the report.

Critical Market Information Enclosed in the Report:

Doubts Related to the Anti-Aging Medicine Market Catered to in the Report:

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key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

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Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

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Anti-Aging Medicine Market is set to reach a value of ~US$ XX Mn/Bn by the end of 2018 - 2026 - The Market Expedition

Expert tips to keep your skin in tip-top shape this winter – ChicagoNow

BY SANDRA GUYThe fun of winter holidays, whether its skiing, baking cookies or shopping in a brisk wind, can result in itchy, cracked and burning skin.So how do you keep your skin from getting irritated while youre counting your blessings and tallying up your gift receipts?Dermatologist Dr. Rebecca Tung warns that its a two-fold dilemma: Exposure to winter weather outside and dry heat inside our homes and offices can contribute to dry skin.Similarly, over-cleansing the face and body, too frequent exfoliation, and excessive use of toners can also bring on inflammation in the skin.If the skin becomes dry and cracked, this can lead to more serious conditions like dermatitis (eczema), where the skin develops red scaly patches, and even infection.Exposed areas need special care, Dr. Tung says. Remember to apply a fragrance-free moisturizer after showering and washing your hands. Consider: Could dry skin be caused by more than a change in the weather?If a person has an internal condition like low thyroid (hypothyroidism), diabetes or poor circulation, dry skin is often more of a problem. Dry skin is a hallmark of dermatitis and ichythosis.Many patients who are on cholesterol-lowering agents ( statins) often are troubled by dry skin as well. Dry, itchy skin can also be seen in patients with vitamin deficiencies like low vitamin D.* An easy step-by-step routine for caring for dry skin:* Wash with warm water, not hot* Use a mild fragrance free cleanser* Pat dry the skin with a soft towel* Apply a fragrance free, light non-comedogenic moisturizer (lotion). If its in the morning, make sure the moisturizer contains a broad spectrum sunscreen. For your face, some people prefer a tinted moisturizer so they can skip the foundation and moisturizer. Repeat the process at night. On your face, its important to remove make-up before bedtime to avoid clogging your pores.If its nighttime, some people will opt for a heavier moisturizer (cream or ointment)* Stay hydrated! Drink 6-8 glasses of water to keep your skin happy and glowing* If your home is dry in winter, you can use a warm steam vaporizer in your bedroom at night to normalize the humidity.* Nutrition matters! Eat foods that contain nutrients that feed the skin proteins, healthy fats and essential oils. If you feel your diet may be imperfect (like most of us), you may want to add at least a daily multiple vitamin. And recommended daily doses of vitamin D3 are between 1000-2000 IU per day.When it comes to picking a moisturizer for dry skin, what type of ingredients are recommended?Ingredients to look for:Silicone derivatives- dimethiconeNatural oils - like shea butter or argan oil and essential fatty acidsPetrolatum- locks in moistureCeramidesHyaluronic acidGlycerinOatmeal derivatives

Ingredients to avoid if they irritate your skin:* Fragrance* Certain preservatives like parabens or formaldehyde based ingredients* Lanolin (wool alcohol)* Vitamin E (topical)

*Do serums fit into a routine for dry skin? They can be helpful if they contain moisturizing ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5 and essential oils.Frequency of use depends on skin type. Overdoing oils can lead to pimples in acne-prone skin, so let your skin be your guide.Serum are great for around the eyes.They are a nice addition before bed and also light enough to wear under make-up.*What about face masks? They can be helpful for the beauty enthusiast with dry skin.Clay masks may be good for people with sensitive skin and acne.Dr. Tung doesnt recommend highly fragranced masks or those with high concentrations of exfoliants (hydroxy acids) because they may actually bring out further dryness and inflammation.*What can people do about specific trouble areas or dry patches on their face if a moisturizer isn't working?You can create a tailored regimen using two types of moisturizers apply a super heavy one for dry areas and a lighter one for more oily regions.*If your stubborn dry skin patches are actually eczema (dermatitis), an over-the-counter low potency topical steroid like hydrocortisone 0.5-1.0 percent, used sparingly for a few days, can calm down flaring skin as needed but not continuously.If the itching is unreal, reach for an oral non-drowsy antihistamine like loratidine or fexofenadine to calm down flared eczematous skin. If the itching is worse at night, an antihistamine like diphenhydramine can ease the irritation.If these patches still wont budge, see a dermatologist. She or he will help you refine your skincare regimen and may also prescribe a prescription-strength topical steroid or non-steroid medicine.With all products whether synthetic of natural, if you apply a given product to your skin and it creates a burning, redness or stinging sensation, it may be time to take a break.You could be developing an allergy.See a dermatologist if your skin is not getting better with your routine or becomes cracked or develops yellow crusting (signs of infection).*What about dry lips?Stick to the basics. Most remedies are petrolatum or lipid rich based. Apply them frequently. Some people swear by products that contain menthol or phenol, while others with sensitive skin cannot tolerate using that. Avoid extended wear, very matte or glittery lipstick because they can worsen the situation.*General advice or warnings for people with dry facial skin:Tread lightly with anti-aging products. If you have dry or sensitive skin, some products your friends rave about may be too irritating for you and can actually inflame your skin rather than making it appear more youthful.Dry skin can be managed. Careful selection of a mild skin care regimen is the first step.Keep an eye on how your skin responds to products. You may need to change up your skin products based on the season.

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Expert tips to keep your skin in tip-top shape this winter - ChicagoNow

Anti-Aging Medicine Market to surpass the value of ~US$ XX Mn/Bn by the end of 2018 2026 – Space Market Research

Persistence Market Research recently published a market study that provides analytical insights related to the overall prospects of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market during the forecast period 2018 2026. The report aims to assist business players, stakeholders, and investors to improve their standing in the current market landscape and gain a competitive edge over their competitors. The presented study evaluates the major trends, opportunities, drivers, and challenges that are expected to impact the growth of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market in the upcoming years.

The report reveals that the Anti-Aging Medicine Market is expected to register a CAGR growth of ~XX% during the forecast period and surpass the value of ~US$XX by the end of 2018 2026. Some of the leading factors that are expected to drive the growth of the market include, rising investments for research and development, the advent of cutting-edge technology, and favorable government policies in certain regions.

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Essential Findings of the Report:

The data enclosed in the report such as the Year-on-Year (Y-o-Y) market growth, supply chain analysis, value chain analysis and more will enable readers to assess the quantitative aspects of the Anti-Aging Medicine Market with clarity. The presented study is a vital asset for stakeholders, investors, and market players involved in the Anti-Aging Medicine Market who can leverage the information in the report to develop effective business strategies.

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key players in the region.

Some of the players operating in the global anti-aging medicine market are Pfizer, Evolution GmbH, Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd., Cipla Limited, Mylan Laboratories, Novartis, Merck Group, Vitabiotics, William Ransom & Son Holdings Plc, Uni-Vite Healthcare and Health Made Easy Limited amongst others.

The report covers exhaustive analysis on:

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Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

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305 Broadway, 7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United +1-646-568-7751E-mail id- [emailprotected]Website:

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Anti-Aging Medicine Market to surpass the value of ~US$ XX Mn/Bn by the end of 2018 2026 - Space Market Research

OROGOLD Cosmetics Expanding Worldwide with the Unique Gold Approach to Skincare – Press Release – Digital Journal

OROGOLD Cosmetics has Taken its Skincare Line to New Levels and the Demand is Tremendous!

OROGOLD Cosmetics is a revolutionary type of skin care product that is being touted worldwide as an effective way to fight wrinkles, improve skin texture, and provide other beauty benefits to its users. With an international following spanning the globe, this company has proven that the products they offer are truly in demand and perform well, as users flock to their stores and return over and over again.

OROGOLD COSMETICS follows the premise that gold, since it is a softer metal and more easily absorbed into the skin, is a great way to enhance skin texture, provide preventive skin maintenance, and give a natural golden glow to skin without any harmful chemicals or other unnecessary ingredients. The product line is truly extensive with everything from anti-aging creams, to face masks, and even neck creams. No matter what a consumer seeks in an OROGOLD product, they most likely will find it.

OROGOLD COSMETICS is not only internationally well-known but expanding into a mens line now!

OROGOLD COSMETICS is so popular internationally, with stores in practically each and every country worldwide, with twenty stores already open and plans for more, that the company is now expanding into the production of products for men. This new line will no doubt be as popular as the original womens products as the benefits of the products will remain the same and the same focus on quality will no doubt go into the mens product line.

OROGOLD COSMETICS is geared to cater to every skin type and need of each and every client.

Although each store in each location is individually owned and operated, much training in the products is given to each independent owner, and the staff and owners are trained routinely on clients needs and the types of products that are offered. The overall satisfaction level is high and OROGOLD does ensure that clients can ask any questions they want, and also tell of any concerns they have with any products. Its a consumer-driven customer satisfaction type atmosphere no matter where stores are located.

OROGOLD COSMETICS is receiving accolades in major magazines across the globe.

OROGOLD has appeared in dozens of major magazines globally and is a favourite of not only consumers but celebrities. The great benefits combined with a good price structure and a youthful glow is making OROGOLD more popular globally each month. The growth is nothing short of explosive!

OROGOLD has taken the concept of the gold facial masks used in spas one step further.

OROGOLD took the concept of gold facial masks that are used in spas for years and applied this science to an extensive array of products that is truly remarkable. A client or consumer can walk in for a consultation and for the most part get the type of product they are seeking that uses the gold technology that is so beneficial to skin. Gold facials and the benefits of gold for the skin have been around for literally centuries with Cleopatra using a gold mask each night during sleep. This approach to skin care has its basis in holistic medicine, called Ayurvedic Medicine. It is a centuries old approach.

OROGOLD COSMETICS will no doubt continue to grow with its extensive line of products

A totally dedicated training of both independent owners and the staff within its stores makes it popular internationally and the focus on customer service ensures returning customers and clients of this holistic approach to radiant skin. The vast product line suits thousands as well. Its truly a golden approach to skincare!


OROGOLD COSMETICS is an internationally renowned firm that produces some of the finest anti-aging and skin care products available anywhere. All stores are independently owned and operated and span the entire globe, with over twenty stores internationally. More are opening each year and the company focus is customer and client satisfaction and owner/operator and staff training. A toll-free number and email exist for all clients to ensure easy contact of each store.

Media ContactCompany Name: OROGOLD COSMETICS Contact Person: Media RelationsEmail: Send EmailPhone: 1-877-554-1777City: TorontoState: OntarioCountry: CanadaWebsite:

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OROGOLD Cosmetics Expanding Worldwide with the Unique Gold Approach to Skincare - Press Release - Digital Journal

The Beauty Benefits Of Anti-Aging Facial Oils –

Todays facial oils are cosmetically elegant, light formulations that are excellent for layering and everyday use. They are typically derived from flowers, leaves, roots and other parts of plants. While they are predominantly known for their hydrating properties, oils help anti-aging routines, and provide antibacterial and healing benefits. This column briefly reviews moisturizing and cleansing benefits of anti-aging facial plant-based oils. Plant oils have long been used on the skin for cosmetic purposes. Topical applications of these oils have variety of effects on the skin according to their composition. These oils can be classified as essential oils and fixed oils. This column focuses only on fixed oils, which are not volatile at room temperature.

Key plant oil components include triglycerides, free fatty acids, tocopherols, sterols, phospholipids, waxes, squalene and phenolic compounds. According to leading dermatologists, facial oils may be the missing step in standard beauty routines. Derms also caution that not all facial oils are the same. Some can nourish the skin, while others can be potential irritants, so consumers must choose wisely. Consumers are also drawn to ingredients sourced from nature, which may explain, in part, why in the past few years, facial oils have become staples in beauty cabinets everywhere, although the trend originated in South Korea, according to Teresa Fisher, NPD Group.

With age, skin moisture levels decline, causing skin to become dry and dehydrated, and making fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable. Oils not only hydrate the skin, but because they are rich in antioxidants, they also fight free radical damage to cells, thereby preventing further aging. The global cosmetic oil market size is expected to top $72 billion by 2025, a CAGR of 5.2%, according to Grand View Research Inc. Increasing use of beauty oils by the hair and skin care industries is the key factor driving the growth of the market. In the US, emollients are forecast to achieve the fastest growth during the period of 2018-2023, according to Nikola Matic, director of the chemicals and materials practice at Kline & Company. Oils provide occlusion, which means they help seal-in moisture that is already there, imparting a glowing, plumped and refreshed facial look. They provide skin with essential nutrients like fatty acids, that help maintain moisture and increase its ability to protect itself against the environment. Oils are excellent for spot skin applications delivering desired skin benefits. Oils easily pass through the lipid layers of the skin, preventing water loss and creating an immediate plumping action.

Lipids are produced by cells in the stratum corneum, the protective outer layer of skin that functions as the skins primary protection against water loss. The oils keep skin layers soft, seal in hydration, and protect against allergens and pathogens, by keeping the stratum corneum intact. Hydration is really a function of water balance, so oils help keep water in, and prevents the environment from stripping water out, according to Dermatologist Tyler Hollowig. Oil is critical to maintain the barrier and minimize water loss; both are essential for healthy, hydrated skin, and prevent irritants from entering the skin. Emollient in nature, oils easily fill in the spaces between the cells in the upper layer of the skin. By replacing these essential lipids, face oil products smooth, lubricate and moisturize the skin. Hydration is essential in diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and making skin supple and smooth.

Oils may be skin-friendly, but some are not so kind to the wallet or purse. Big name brands with facial oils include consumer favorite Vintners Daughter, a 22-oil serum that retails for $185; meanwhile, Kjaer Weis and Kypris both sell facial oils for $225. But price doesnt always match performance. Good Housekeeping blind-tested 56 face oils by 1,112 volunteers to narrow the field to 16, which were then lab-tested for moisturization. The winner? Laura Mercier Infusion de Rose Nourishing Oil. It is combination of 10 natural oils including rose hip and sunflower oils. It kept skin hydrated for six hours. Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil provided the best value, according to GH. It contains exotic oils like argan, camellia and coconut. It made skin look plumper and smoother. For sensitive skin, theres Jurlique Purely Age-Defying Firming Face Oil. It contains safflower, macadamia and avocado oils. It diminished red, splotchy areas and made skin balanced, even and clear, according to GH.

For glowing skin, the publication recommended Tatcha Gold Camellia Beauty Oil. This oil is light and quickly absorbs into the skin. The best scent? Lancme Bienfait Multi Vital Daily Replenishing Oil. It is a mixture of evening primrose, rose, and geranium oil, and scored highest in softening the skin. For hydration, Good Housekeeping recommends La Prairie Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Dry Oil. It scored highest for diminishing fine lines including crows feet and improving skin texture. Another top brand with excellent moisturizing properties is Skyn Iceland Arctic Face Oil. It contains 99% camelina oil plus sunflower oil and vitamin E. Finally, Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil, was voted best overall. It moisturizes, boosts elasticity, nourishes, soothes, evens skin tone and reduces the signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles. It absorbs quickly leaving no residue, according to the brand.

Oils should be applied on clean damp skin by gently pressing them on the face. Wet skin will lock-in the moisture. According to Cecelia Wong, a holistic skin care expert, tea tree is the best oil for acne. Studies have found that 5% tea tree oil is as effective as 5% benzoyl peroxide. Dermatologist Leslie Bowmann recommends tea tree oil as a gentle natural acne treatment. For oily skin, grape seed oil helps regulate natural oil production. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Wongs entire anti-aging skin care line is based on argan oil. Rare and expensive, it smooths fine lines and wrinkles while moisturizing skin. Argan oil contains high concentrations of vitamin E and fatty acids, which are more stable in sunlight than other antioxidants, which is ideal for daily wear products. so you can wear all day. Wongs favorite reparative treatment is black currant oil, which is rich in fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is even said to improve eczema. For sensitive skin, chamomile oil calms skin, reduces redness and soothes irritation in a matter of seconds. It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal for rosacea patients. Rose hip seed oil has healing power and improves skin discoloration.

Facial oils are non-comedogenic, non-greasy and are highly effective for removing makeup and are the best sources for cleansing dry, dehydrated, or sensitive skin. Dermatologist Mona Gohara recommends oils as facial cleansers, as they are especially good at removing silicone and synthetic makeup ingredients. Unlike soap, when you rinse an oil cleanser, it wont strip skin. Also, the carrier oils, which are antioxidant-rich, neutralize free radicals that cause signs of aging. Avoid cleansers that contain harsh detergent like ammonium lauryl sulfate, which can dry skin. It is better to use washes enriched with oil such as argan, jojoba or sunflower seed, which clean and moisturize.

Facial oils help regulate the skins natural oil production system by replenishing lipids, triglycerides and essential fatty acids that can be stripped during washing. Arielle Nagler, a dermatologist at NYU Langone Medical Center, notes that facial cleansing oils are best suited for people with dry skin who could use a little more moisture, rather than people who produce a lot of oil. Dr. Debra Jaliman, professor of dermatology, Mount Sinai Hospital, recommends Tatcha Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil because it contains camellia and rice bran oils. These traditional Japanese oils are said to have anti-aging, softening and deep hydrating properties due to a combination of antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamin E.

Bare Mineral Oil Obsessed Total Cleansing Oil cleanses, moisturizes, softens and smooths dehydrated skin for an overall healthier complexion. Simple Hydrating Cleansing Oil is lightweight, thin, and cleans and moisturizes skin. It wipes off dirt without removing natural oils. Neutrogena Ultra Light Facial Cleansing Oil and Makeup Remover is a non-comedogenic cleanser. Josie Moran Argan Cleansing Oil effectively removes makeup and other impurities.

Oil-based products are one of the best ways to add moisture to the skin, according to Engelman and Bhansali. They are easily absorbed and penetrate deeply. However, they do not recommend coconut oil for the face because it clogs the pores and could cause breakouts, also it ranks very high on the comedogenicity scale. Furthermore, the American Academy of Dermatology warns that acne-prone skin should avoid using products containing coconut oil.

Dry oils is a fairly broad term that applies to any fast-absorbing oil, and it refers specifically to cold-pressed nut or seed oils. The waterless formulas dont evaporate. This is helpful because microbes grow in water, but not in oil, so pure face oils dont need to be formulated with preservatives. The right oils help balance out oily skin according to Shrankhla Holecek, a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine.

Naturopathic Doctor Nicole Egen Berger has classified several oils based on their uses. For example, jojoba is the dry oil suitable for body and face use. Most people find this oil very fast absorbing and similar to natural sebum, which makes it very popular as a face and body moisturizer for most skin types. It is virtually odorless, so it could be ideal for an unscented body oil. It mixes well with essential oils. She recommends rose hip oil for sensitive skin. For acne and eczema, Nicola Weir, a esthetician, recommends kiwi seed oil. Kiwi seed oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids, alpha linoleic acid and vitamin C. It calms inflammation and retains moisture. Cold-pressed borage seed oil is high in gamma linolenic acid, and is a proven anti-inflammatory oil for people suffering from eczema and psoriasis. It really helps reduce redness, too. Camellia seed oil has been shown clinically to increase collagen production and help improve skins ability to stay hydrated.

Among luxury dry oils, Jo Malone absorbs well, has a long-lasting scent and is recommended by Dermatologist Michelle Greene. Although dry oils are light and are absorbed quickly, you might want to consider a spray if you are looking for a less greasy application.

Oil may be king, but no data exists to prove that any of these products provide any therapeutic benefits beyond moisturizing skin. The popularity of facial oils may be due, at least in part, to their natural positioning.

Navin Geria, former Pfizer Research Fellow is a cosmetic and pharmaceutical product development chemist and the chief scientific officer of AyurDerm Technologies LLC, which provides Ayurvedic, natural and cosmeceutical custom formulation development and consulting services to the spa-wellness-dermatology industries. He has launched dozens of cosmeceutical and ayurvedic anti-aging products. Geria has more than 30 years of experience in the personal care industry and was previously with Clairol, Warner-Lambert, Schick-Energizer, Bristol-Myers and Spa Dermaceuticals. He has nearly 20 US patents and has been published extensively. Geria edited the Handbook of Skin-Aging Theories for Cosmetic Formulation Development focus book published in April 2016 by Harrys Cosmeticology. He is a speaker, moderator and chairman at cosmetic industry events. Most recently, he is author of the soon-to-be-released Aging Well: Advances & Treatments published by Chemical Publishing Company.

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The Beauty Benefits Of Anti-Aging Facial Oils -

Rapamycin has anti-aging effect on human skin – Medical News Today

A recent study has reported that rapamycin, a drug that has long served as an immune suppressor, may also slow aging in human skin.

The small clinical trial found that regular application of rapamycin to the backs of the hands appears to reduce wrinkles and sagging and improve skin tone.

After 8 months, most of the hands that had received rapamycin treatment showed an increase in collagen and lower levels of a marker of aging in skin cells compared with a placebo.

In a recent Geroscience paper, the researchers conclude that rapamycin treatment showed a "clear impact" on skin aging at both the molecular and clinical levels.

The team that led the trial comes from Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, where senior study author Christian Sell, Ph.D., is an associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Since discovering rapamycin in the soil of Easter Island half a century ago, scientists have found that the bacterial antifungal compound has many effects in the body.

The drug, which takes its name from Rapa Nui, the native term for the Pacific island, can suppress the immune system and prevent cell replication in mammals.

A major mechanism through which rapamycin interacts with cells is the aptly-named mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR). Studies have linked the disruption of this pathway to cancer, obesity, and diabetes, as well as genetic and neurological conditions.

An earlier study by Sell and colleagues had demonstrated that rapamycin could improve cell function and slow aging in cultured cells.

Other researchers have also shown that by blocking TOR proteins in yeast cells, rapamycin causes the yeast to grow smaller cells that live longer.

"If you ramp the pathway down, you get a smaller phenotype," explains Sell.

Scientists have also discovered that rapamycin can slow aging in flies, worms, and mice.

"When you slow growth, you seem to extend lifespan and help the body repair itself at least in mice," Sell continues, noting, "This is similar to what is seen in calorie restriction."

The new investigation, however, is the first to demonstrate an anti-aging effect in living human tissue.

For the study, which took the form of a clinical trial, the team recruited 13 volunteers who were over 40 years of age.

They asked the participants to apply rapamycin cream to the back of one hand and a placebo cream to the back of the other hand every 1 or 2 days before bedtime.

The participants attended evaluation visits every 2 months for 8 months. During the visits, investigators took photographs to evaluate skin wrinkles and general appearance.

The participants also gave blood samples at the 6-month visit and underwent a skin biopsy of both hands at the 8-month visit.

Tests on the blood samples showed that the rapamycin had not entered the participants' bloodstream.

At the end of 8 months, most of the hands that had received rapamycin treatment showed an increase in collagen and a reduction in p16 protein.

Collagen is a protein that gives skin its structure, and p16 is a measure of cell senescence, or deterioration through aging. Skin that has more senescent cells is more wrinkled.

Skin that has higher levels of p16 carries a greater risk of infection and also tends to tear more easily and heal more slowly. These are all signs of dermal atrophy, a skin condition that is common in older people.

Investigations of p16 have shown that human cells release the protein as part of a stress response that occurs following cell damage. These studies have also demonstrated that p16 can function as a tumor suppressor, a type of protein that stops cell growth and division happening too fast or in an uncontrolled way.

Cancer develops when cells begin to behave abnormally. This can happen as a result of a mutation that causes cell processes to go awry. As a tumor suppressor, p16 slows down the cell cycle, promoting aging instead of cancer.

"When cells age, they become detrimental and create inflammation," comments Sell.

"That's part of aging," he continues, adding, "These cells that have undergone stress are now pumping out inflammatory markers."

The researchers point out that the new findings are just the early stage of their research, and they need to do a lot more before they can say how best to apply rapamycin to delay aging.

They foresee applications that include improving human performance and extending lifespan.

These would require developing a form of the drug that works at much lower doses than those used to prevent organ rejection and treat cancer.

Sell, and another team member are shareholders of a pharmaceutical company that holds the license for the technology, for which there are two patents pending.

"As researchers continue to seek out the elusive 'fountain of youth' and ways to live longer, we're seeing growing potential for the use of this drug."

Christian Sell, Ph.D.

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Rapamycin has anti-aging effect on human skin - Medical News Today

Local Remedies For Coronavirus According To Research | Health – Peace FM Online

The novel coronavirus has been promoted as a dangerous virus with no cure, but other doctors and scientist have a different view. In the discourse of the coronavirus, like other novel diseases, there is divided agreement on basic treatment formulas, especially as there are deep rooted interests in conventional, pharmaceutically produced vaccines and medications which cost millions of dollars and come with their own health problems according to research.

For example, polio vaccines administered for the first time in Africa left thousands of children paralysed I addition to other serious health implications. Similar administrations of vaccines have also been linked with the spread of serious viruses, such as the HIV virus recorded in Africa for the first time after the administration of the polio vaccine.

Similar studies in the united states have underscored the danger of vaccines, as some experts have linked major vaccinations to weakened immunity and contraction of the virus for which one is being vaccinated against.

All these incidents have been documented by independent researchers, but of course debunked by other researchers who are affiliated with big pharmaceutical companies producing these vaccines and more. However, one looks at the discourse, vaccines must be looked at more sceptically than currently been viewed.

Scientists and doctors have raced to recommend the following proven methods which can be used to treat and even get rid of the coronavirus. Since ancient times, herbs have been used as natural treatments for various illnesses, including viral infections. Due to their concentration of potent plant compounds, many herbs help fight viruses and are favoured by practitioners of natural medicine.

This research article presents some effective local remedies which can be used to fight the coronavirus due to their anti-viral and immune boosting properties.


Garlic is a popular natural remedy for a wide array of conditions, including viral infections. In a study in 23 adults with warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), applying garlic extract to affected areas twice daily eliminated the warts in all of them after 12 weeks (16, 17Trusted Source).

Additionally, older test-tube studies note that garlic may have antiviral activity against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. Animal and test-tube studies indicate that garlic enhances immune system response by stimulating protective immune cells, which may safeguard against viral infections (


Ginger products, such as elixirs, teas, and lozenges, are popular natural remedies and for good reason. Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity thanks to its high concentration of potent plant compounds. Test-tube research demonstrates that ginger extract has antiviral effects against avian influenza, RSV, and feline calicivirus (FCV), which is comparable to human norovirus.

Additionally, specific compounds in ginger, such as gingerols and zingerone, have been found to inhibit viral replication and prevent viruses from entering host cells (


Dandelions are widely regarded as weeds but have been studied for multiple medicinal properties, including potential antiviral effects.

Test-tube research indicates that dandelion may combat hepatitis B, HIV, and influenza.

Moreover, one test-tube study noted that dandelion extract inhibited the replication of dengue, a mosquito-borne virus that causes dengue fever. This disease, which can be fatal, triggers symptoms like high fever, vomiting, and muscle pain (


Vitamin C plays an important role in your body and has many health benefits. Along with limes, oranges, grapefruits, leafy greens, and other fruits and vegetables, lemons are a good source of vitamin C. Adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey may reduce phlegm when one is sick. Drinking hot or cold lemonade(lemon juice and water) may also help.

While these drinks may not clear up your cold entirely, they can help you get the vitamin C that your immune system needs. Getting enough vitamin C can relieve upper respiratory tract infections and other illnesses (


Neem is best known for its anti-aging properties. Due to its antioxidant properties, neem protects the skin from harmful UV rays, pollution and other environmental factors. The vitamins and fatty acids in neem improve and maintain the elasticity of the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This make you and your skin look rejuvenated and youthful.

Neem is also beneficial in fighting against fungal infection. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties keep the harmful bacteria and fungi at bay. Thus, it protects the skin and keeps the skin related diseases away.

A new report from BioMed Centrals Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a peer-reviewed research journal, shows a compound in neem leaf could disable the virus from replicating and causing infections. The ideal flu protection targets the flu virus directly by disabling a critical part of the virusa part that does not change over time, and that the virus needs for its survival. And that is what the neem compound hyperoside, contained in neem leaves, has the potential to accomplish.

Also, vaporisation neem tree leaves and inhaling the steam has been proven to help fight upper respiratory infections and disarm viruses due to its anti/viral properties and accompanying heat.


6.Sobolo-Hebiscus leaves (Ghanaian local drink)

Hibiscus contains high levels of vitamin C along with anti-bacterial properties. These elements combine to provide a strong foundation and boost to your immune in order to protect you from catching the flu or a cold. If you already have the flu, hibiscus can help fight your symptoms and provide you with needed relief acting as a natural source of hydration while your body fights off the virus. In one study, hibiscus leaves were reported to have high anti-viral properties which fight flu causing viruses and also prevents flu and flu-like symptoms of which the coronavirus is part. (

In our attempt to control and contain the coronavirus, we must not lose sight of our local remedies used over the years to fight and prevent disseated remedies described above have been scientifically proven and have been used widely as alternative medicine to fight complications.

Recent research and widely documented and peer reviewed journals also support the use of these recommendations. For example, in one research paper, coronavirus patients were successfully treated with Chinese herbal medicines including the use of hibiscus leaves and other roots (Yang et al 2020,

The writer of this article is a journalist and researcher. He is currently a masters degree student at the Ghana Institute of Journalism(Masters in Development studies) and NLA University College, Norway (Global Journalism).

You can follow him on social media at:

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Local Remedies For Coronavirus According To Research | Health - Peace FM Online

Oisn Biotechnologies Included in MIT Technology Review’s TR10 List of Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2020 – Business Wire

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oisn Biotechnologies, a privately held, preclinical biotechnology company focused on mitigating the effects of age-related diseases, today announced that it has been included in MIT Technology Reviews TR10 list of the Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2020. Alongside this honor, Oisn also announced it has closed a $3 million pre-seed SAFE funding round to further the companys research and development efforts.

TR10 is an annual feature published by the editors of MIT Technology Review that highlights ten different fields with the potential to change the world. As detailed in the March/April 2020 issue, the publication recognized Oisn as a key player in the development of anti-aging therapeutics, which MIT Technology Reviews editorial team believe have the potential to impact medicine on a time horizon shorter than five years.

Oisns promising research into mitigating the effects of age-related diseases has really taken hold in recent years for Matthew Scholz, the companys chief executive officer and co-founder. The growth and interest we have seen in developing therapeutics that can slow or halt damage caused by the aging process has dramatically increased in the past few years, said Scholz. While the world has always been interested in the proverbial fountain of youth, Oisn is pursuing a scientifically sound, targeted approach that may have the potential to address the biological underpinnings of some of societys most devastating age-related diseases.

Oisn believes that the solution to mitigating the effects of age-related diseases is to address the damage created by the aging process itself. When cells detect that they have been irreversibly damaged, they can become senescent, permanently entering a non-dividing state known as cell-cycle arrest. Ideally, these cells should die by a process known as apoptosis or be cleared by the immune system, but as humans age, this process is increasingly disrupted. Oisn is developing a highly precise, DNA-based intervention to clear these cells. In preclinical studies, the companys investigational therapeutics have significantly reduced senescent cell burden in naturally aged mice and extended median lifespan by more than 20% even when the treatment was started in old age. Oisns technology platform also extends beyond explicitly age-related disease: in 2017, Oisn spun out OncoSenX to focus on advancing the companys technology for oncology applications.

Oisns investors to date include MFund, Methuselah Foundation, SENS Research Foundation, Kizoo Technology Ventures, and Advani Family Office, as well as notable high net worth individuals. Funds from the companys SAFE round will be used to further Oisns research and develop its proprietary technology, SENSOlytics. Oisn is continuing its preclinical efficacy studies working towards a regulatory filing to begin its first clinical trial.

Biologists are making great progress in identifying some of the processes involved in aging, such as senescence, said David Rotman, Editor at Large, MIT Technology Review. Targeting these processes is a promising new way to treat the many diseases associated with aging, and now we're starting to see encouraging results using these approaches.

About Oisn Therapeutics

Oisn is a late preclinical-stage biotechnology company developing therapeutics to identify and kill senescent cells to reduce the effects of the aging process. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, the companys therapies target cells using their proprietary technology platform, SENSOlytics. For more information, visit

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Oisn Biotechnologies Included in MIT Technology Review's TR10 List of Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2020 - Business Wire

Medical Aesthetics Market 2019 Emerging Technology, Opportunities, Analysis and Future Threats with Key Players like Allergan, Bausch Health Companies…

Global Medical Aesthetics Market By Product type (Aesthetic Lasers, Energy Devices, Body Contouring Devices, Facial Aesthetic Devices, Aesthetic Implants, Skin Aesthetic Devices), Application (Anti-Aging and Wrinkles, Facial and Skin Rejuvenation, Breast Enhancement, Body Shaping and Cellulite, Tattoo Removal, Vascular Lesions, Psoriasis and Vitiligo, Others), End User (Cosmetic Centres, Dermatology Clinics, Hospitals, Medical Spas and Beauty Centres), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender, Retail), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026

Global medical aesthetics marketis projected to register a healthy CAGR of 12.1% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

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Aesthetics devices are an innovative advancement, providing a solution to patients which deal with the ingenuity of creating beauty. The medical aesthetics devices is a growing market owing to its benefits such as maintaining the youthful appearance, pain free and non-invasive beauty treatments, maintenance free skin that remains smooth and hairless without the need for shaving, waxing or unpleasant hair treatments, improving the cosmetic appearance, and technological advancement in medical aesthetics devices.

The market is showing a substantial growth in the emerging countries as these countries are adapting to the trends of urbanization. Brazil, South Africa, Thailand and many others have improved in the past one decade. People are opting different aesthetics surgeries to maintain themselves, which give them better results without any stressful physical efforts. Medical Aesthetics is one of the most trending concepts of the 21stCentury which will show a substantial increase in the future as there is a great technological advancement and innovation in the field by the companies dealing with these devices making them safer and even less invasive leading to more population opting for these procedures.

Competitive Analysis: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Some of the major players operating in the global medical aesthetics market are Allergan, Bausch Health Companies Inc., Lumenis, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Cynosure, Syneron Medical Ltd, Aerolase Corp., A.R.C. Laser Gmbh, Asclepion Laser Technologies Gmbh, Btl, Cutera, Eclipse, Lutronic, Mentor Worldwide Llc, Merz Pharma, Quanta System, Sciton Inc., Sharplight Technologies Inc, Syneron Medical Ltd., Venus Concept.

Segmentation: Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Global medical aesthetics market is segmented into 4 notable segments such as product type, type of care, accessories and end user

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The company was founded in 2013 and headquartered at Dublin, Ireland. The company is focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing branded device, biologic, pharmaceutical, surgical and regenerative medicine products for patients throughout the world. The main business segments are US Specialized Therapeutics, US General Medicine, International. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 16,550.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Asia Pacific, South America, Europe and Middle East & Africa.

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Bausch Health Companies Inc.

The company was founded in 1959 and headquartered at Quebec, Canada. The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing a broad range of branded and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter (OTC) products and medical devices. The main business segments are Bausch + Lomb/International, Branded Rx, U.S. Diversified Products. The revenue of the company in healthcare sector 2018 was USD 8,174.8 Million. The company has global presence in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.


The company was founded in 1991; headquarter in Yokeneam, Israel. The company is engaged in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and expert in developing and commercializing innovative energy-based technologies, including Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio-Frequency (RF). The company has global presence in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

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MIT Technology Review predicts the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2020 – Digital Trends

New technologies emerge faster than ever now, but the editors and writers at the MIT Technology Review think they know which ones will be making the biggest impacts this year. The renowned tech magazine published its annual list of the 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2020 Wednesday morning; editor David Rotman spoke with Digital Trends about why everyone will be talking about tiny A.I., satellite mega-constellations, and anti-aging drugs this year.

What we do to put the list together is really just ask each of our writers and editors, What are really the most important advances that youve been writing about, thinking about over the last year? Rotman told Digital Trends. While it doesnt have to be the most-covered tech, the breakthroughs that make the list often have multiple companies or organizations working towards making it happen. Were looking for big trends that are getting a lot of people excited, he said.

Heres the list:

1. Satellite mega constellations will result as companies like SpaceX, Amazon, and OneWeb launch thousands of satellites, providing high-speed internet but clogging Earths orbit.

2. Tiny A.I. can run algorithms on our phones, instead of the cloud, giving us more power and security in our pockets.

3. Researches are turning to A.I. to discover molecules, lowering the cost and time of developing drugs.

4. With climate change attribution, institutions like World Weather Attribution are trying to determine how humans contributed to catastrophes like the Australian bushfires.

5. Delft University of Technology and others are working on a quantum internet thats unhackable. It should be ready later this year.

6. To help patients with rare, incurable diseases, researchers are turning to personalized medicine.

7. For problems too big for even supercomputers to handle, theres quantum supremacy.

8. There are lots of players looking to slow aging and avoid diseases like cancer and dementia, including the Mayo Clinic and Unity Biotechnology.

9. Is this the year digital moneygoes mainstream? Facebook and other are trying to make it happen.

10. The U.S. Census made waves when it announced the data it releases will be protected with differential privacy, a technique to help keep information secure. Some researchers worry that it may impact how theyre able to use the data, though.

With quantum supremacy, its a topic the editors have been following for years, but an October 2019 announcement from Google meant it had to make this years list. The companys 53-bit quantum Sycamore processor computed a task in 200 seconds that would even the fastest supercomputer 10,000 years. For the first time a quantum computer can do something in this case, it is not that interesting but it can do something that is not possible with a classical conventional computer, said Rotman. An important part of MITs list is tempering expectations. Practical applications for quantum supremacy are still five to 10 years off.

Thats especially important with something like A.I.-discovered molecules. This process was recently in the news because researchers at MIT used machine learning to identify a new antibiotic. While institutions like the University of Toronto and Atomwise are working on developing other compounds, a usable drug is still several years off. One thing we try to do with the list is have both things that are having an immediate impact, that are already available, and also things that will that will take a while, said Rotman. The fact the list coincides with the big announcement of the antibiotic feels prescient. I think its just confirmation that were that we have a hot topic, he said.

Many of the technologies that made the list seem to overlap and even amplify each other, like advances in personalized and anti-aging medicine. Its also no coincidence that A.I. is involved in many of these spaces, as its allowed for many breakthroughs something that will continue as it runs on more devices, like your phone.

While the editors and writers all chose technologies that are solving big problems, Rotman pointed out that there are often downsides and risks. The satellite mega-constellations might hinder astronomers and contribute to space junk, for example. Still, this year, I think each of the items have at least some benefits that you can point to, he said.

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MIT Technology Review predicts the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2020 - Digital Trends

Medical Technology in 2020: the latest on Tech, Biotech and Beauty Tech in the Medical Space – CloutNews

Healthcare is evolving at an exponential pace. Healthcare is an industry that is currently being transformed using the latest technology; so it can meet the challenges it is facing in the 21st century. Technology can help healthcare organizations meet growing demand and efficiently operate to deliver better patient care. We had the chance to chat with Dr. Konstantin Rubinov, an NYC Dental Surgeon specializing in longevity and anti-aging with a focus on regenerative and cosmetic medicine.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn with the help of intricate, pre-programmed algorithms. It is also a field of study which tries to make computers smart. As machines become increasingly capable, mental facilities once thought to require solely human intelligence are removed from the definition. AI in healthcare aims to improve patient outcomes by assisting doctors and physicians in using the medical knowledge; which has been analyzed, downloaded and memorized by these systems, and provides superb clinical and medical solutions to modern medical problems that patients face.

AI systems have the potential to provide physicians and researchers with relevant, live, high quality data; from electronic health records (EHRs) to serve immediate needs. The first uses of AI are likely to be in the field of guided surgery and patient triage reports Dr. Rubinov. We are currently seeing increased surgical precision even over 3D printed surgical guides with companies like ClaroNav and XGuide, which are combining various types of 3D imaging technology to deliver real time robotic enabled surgical implant guidance.

A liquid Biopsy has the potential to monitor tumors in a way that is not invasive. The process separates cancer cells from blood samples and can completely transmogrify treatment for cancer through monitoring of the actual cancer cells by non-invasive means. To illustrate the difference, using todays available technologies, repeated biopsies are needed to study; the evolving tumor and present a big issue for the patient. It can be anticipated that in a few years, liquid biopsy will even become a supplementary procedure; to tissue biopsy procedures, says Rubinov. This technology has proven to be much more effective and detects when a disease worsens even before a CT scan can. Considering that oral and pharyngeal cancer is on the rise in the US; this advanced diagnostic technology has immediate daily application in our practice, states Dr. Rubinov

Anti-Aging Medicine, Plastic Surgery and the field of Facial Aesthetics is booming thanks to all the latest available bio-technologies in Cosmetic Medicine. As a veteran cosmetic dentist with 10 years of facial esthetics experience, Dr. Rubinov shares some of the latest Beauty Tech trends in Aesthetic medicine in 2020. Dr. Rubinov believes the biggest advances are in biological material science. The bio-active potential of new injectable Hyaluronic acid fillers and bio-stimulating materials like Sculptra, Radiesse and PRP are showing that we can reverse time when it comes to anti-aging and rejuvenation procedures by stimulating collagen and soft tissues even as we get older, says Rubinov.

One of Dr. Rubinovs favorite bio technologies is the use of blood plasma (PRP) and (PRF) in regenerative aesthetic medicine. While he uses Blood plasma routinely during surgical procedures to help regenerate both hard and soft tissues in the mouth; Using PRP in conjunction with the Derma Pen 4 yields the most beautiful results in facial rejuvenation. With microneedling PRP or The Vampire Facial as the procedure is called, we are able to flood the skin with growth factors and progenitor cells and watch the skin repair itself from years of sun and environmental damage. You become a believer the second you see 20 year old acne scars disappear, says Dr. Rubinov.

In terms of Beauty Tech, European brands are much ahead of their American counterparts. At the 17th Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte-Carlo 2019; SkinTech Pharma Group and the cosmetic pharmaceutical giant Allergan devoted huge sections of the show with, live demonstrations of their latest medical bio technologies. Many companies brought tech to the show, with the goal of making skincare and beauty more personal for their customers and providers. 3D Facial analyzers helped with virtual simulations letting clients see exactly what their before and after results will look like. Modface and LOreal both showcased a diagnostic tool to enable customers to virtually try on makeup. And Coty, a pheromone driven fragrance company has an Artificial Intelligence tool which allows one to find the perfect scent match.

Not only are these large brands investing in this futuristic spin on the beauty industry but so are smaller companies such as indie brands and startups like RegenLab PRP. Investments in this way are being made from everywhere because the barrier to entry is much lower; technology is not as expensive as it used to be and the analytics for these purposes are also more readily available, says Rubinov.

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Medical Technology in 2020: the latest on Tech, Biotech and Beauty Tech in the Medical Space - CloutNews

Empire Medical Training Launches New Center of Excellence and Innovation ‘Comprehensive Botox and Dermal Filler Premium Combination Course’ for…

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Empire Medical Training, Inc., the premier full-time physician-led nationwide provider of accredited continuing medical education and training workshops for physicians and healthcare professionals, today announced the launch of a new Center of Excellence and Innovation 1-Day Premium Comprehensive Botox and Dermal Filler Combination AMA accredited course for medical and dental practitioners committed to advancing their aesthetic facial treatment expertise.

Empire Medical Training offers its members access to Centers of Excellence and Innovation for a variety of aesthetic topics and at locations throughout the country to make this level of training accessible to a greater number of practitioners seeking intensive hands-on training from highly successful physician instructors plastic surgeons and aesthetic medicine specialists.

This comprehensive course is designed specifically for physicians, nurses, and dentists seeking level 1 Botox and Dermal Filler hands-on training. It is AMA accredited, taught by physician aesthetic specialists at one of several distinguished nationally located office-based Centers of Excellence and Innovation, and earns participants an exclusive Center of Excellence and Innovation course completion certificate.

Empires President and Medical Director Stephen Cosentino, DO, explains, Empires new Center of Excellence and Innovation 1-Day Premium Comprehensive Botox and Dermal Filler Combination course offers the added convenience for local practitioners to receive enhanced training from the most progressive and successful top leaders in their field, renowned plastic surgeons dedicated to sharing their expertise, skills and wisdom with our Empire students.

For more than 22 years in the aesthetic training industry, Empire has maintained its top position as the #1 source for accredited CME education and training for aesthetic medicine in the nation. More practitioners attend these courses compared to any other procedural training programs in the US.

To meet the increasing demand for their training, Empire has increased the number of workshops it offers, now providing more than 700 workshops each year, with more than 45 different topics, training more than 14,000 Medical and Dental Professionals each year.

For information on the Center of Excellence and Innovation 1-Day Premium Comprehensive Botox and Dermal Filler Combination AMA accredited course, call 1.866.333.6747, or visit

About Empire Medical Training, Inc.

Since 1995, more than 125,000 physicians and health care professionals have successfully graduated from Empire and have implemented their Empire-based procedural training to gain significant advances over their potential competitors. More practitioners attend these courses compared to any other procedural training programs in the US. Empire Medical Training provides ongoing medical education in Aesthetics, Anti-aging, Weight Management Medicine, Pain Management, and Surgery. Empire offers more than 700 workshops each year, covering more than 45 different topics, training more than 14,000 Medical and Dental Professionals each year.

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Empire Medical Training Launches New Center of Excellence and Innovation 'Comprehensive Botox and Dermal Filler Premium Combination Course' for...

Marvie Hotel, For a Healthy and Happy Holiday in Split – Total Croatia News

February 10, 2020 - Recover, reshape, and recharge at Marvie Hotel & Health in Split.

Wellness is the active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.

The World Health Organisation considers it a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, while it is "a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential by The National Wellness Institute.

With more stressors surrounding us today than ever before, wellness has become the focal point that aids us through the day-to-day. Whether we turn to meditation, yoga, skincare or eating better, wellness shows its face in many ways and comes in a selection of shapes and sizes.

Travelers today are increasingly turning away from the busier tourist cities and instead opting for wellness breaks, healing retreats, or spa getaways to help improve their physical or mental health. With that idea in mind, wellness tourism has taken off.

Thus, in the heart of Split, youll find a hub for health and wellness - Marvie Hotel.

After opening its doors in 2017, Marvie became Dalmatias first hotel focusing on medical tourism, targeting quality self-care in all of its segments.

Located in Split's quiet residential area of Zenta, just a five-minute drive from the bustling city center, Marvie is spacious and modern, boasting an underground garage on three floors, 74 rooms and two suites, and modular halls that can accommodate up to 65 people.

However, what truly makes Marvie the heart of medical tourism in Split is its health and wellness offer.

The Renevie wellness zone is where guests can recover, reshape, and recharge. With relaxation at its core, the Renevie wellness zone offers an indoor hot tub and pool, as well as an outdoor rooftop infinity pool that boasts breathtaking views of the city. In the summer, the rooftop becomes an oasis for guests looking to enjoy the easygoing Mediterranean lifestyle, where sunbeds are offered for you to kick back with a cold drink and light snacks, while summer yoga sessions and exercise programs are held to encourage the more active vacationers.

The Renevie wellness zone offers two private saunas that provide a variety of ways to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. The Finnish sauna is for those looking to detox or enhance their skin elasticity, while the Turkish sauna benefits the immune system and helps with hydration. A fully equipped gym is also available for guests looking to push their fitness limits.

AquaMed Medical Wellness, which is a modern clinic for physical medicine and rehabilitation, is a fundamental part of Marvies wellness offer. With a focus on physical therapy, manual therapy using the Maitland concept, hydrotherapy pool exercises, massages (medical, sport, AquaMed, aroma, anti-cellulite), beauty treatments, acupuncture and nutritional counseling, AquaMed aims to prevent and eliminate health and aesthetic challenges, while preserving your power and beauty.

Whether you require a physician, acupuncturist, nutritionist, masseuse, beautician, or pedicurist, Marvies specialists provide a full range of physical therapy and aesthetic services for guests to enjoy.

Because Mediterranean cuisine is a vital organ to the region, Marvie fuses fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients with a scientific approach to ensure your dietary needs are fulfilled. Whether you have a specific medical condition or are looking to detox and adopt healthier eating habits, Marvies nutritional experts will craft plans tailored to your wishes.

The DaMar restaurant at the hotel adds a modern touch to Mediterranean-inspired dishes, which are adjusted to service the gluten-free guests. Everything at the hotel, from light bites to dessert, is prepared fresh and in house daily.

Finally, what completes Marvie is its partners.

The Mediderm clinic at Marvie, which is led by dr. med. Sanda Peric-Susak, boasts twenty years of experience and specializes in dermatovenerology and anti-aging treatments. Their team of experts focuses on aesthetic and vascular surgery, immunology, endocrinology, allergology, orthopedics, and sports traumatology. Whether youre looking to reduce the signs of aging or want a clearer picture of your overall health, the Mediderm clinic is at your service to ensure your body is taken care of.

Therapists Vanja and Kristijan Kasalo are on hand to look after your mental health. After years of experience from Split to Norway and back, their private practice of integrative psychotherapy will give you professional insight and offer techniques to help you maintain a healthy mindset.

IDC Ruzevic, on the other hand, is the most modern facility for dental medicine and implantology in Dalmatia. Led by Niki Ruzevic, M.D., who boasts 35 years of experience as a dentist and more than 15 years of experience in implantology, its modern facilities include four dental offices, a surgical room, a sterilization room and an X-ray area. Offering a range of treatments for your oral health, IDC Ruzevic uses sophisticated methods, premium materials, and modern devices to care for each patient individually.

With a full range of quality services on offer for its guests, there is no better way to optimize your well-being than at Marvie Hotel.

You can find out more about Marvie Hotel here.

To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCNs dedicated page.

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Marvie Hotel, For a Healthy and Happy Holiday in Split - Total Croatia News

Whats pot and whats not? – Greenville News

Chris Worthy Published 12:26 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2020

CBD products can come in many forms. Franny's Farmacy in Greenville offers hemp oil, hemp flower, salves, lotions and more. (Photo: Nathan Gray/Staff, TALK Greenville)

CBD is cannabidiol oil, an extract of hemp that does not include THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, according to Henry Bynum, a family medicine physician with Keystone Family Medicine and Prisma Health.

Bynum says people are most commonly using CBD oil for chronic pain, anxiety, depression or insomnia.

Whats helped it explode in popularity is the farm bill passed a year ago, Bynum says.

If the CBD comes from a hemp that has less than a specified threshold of THC, then the hemp can be grown legally (with certain requirements), as opposed to marijuana with much higher THC.

There are some potentially problematic issues with CBD oil, including knowing whether or not the product you are buying is what it claims to be. Bynum says using a site such as can help buyers know if the product contains what it reports.

Do some homework to at least get what you are paying for, he says.

Beyond that, there is still much to learn.

What exactly CBD does and its long-term implications, we just dont know, Bynum says.

A lot of the stories about what CBD oil does are anecdotal and still lacking in human studies.

Hemp oil is a popular CDB product. Franny's Farmacy in Greenville has several hemp oil options with different concentrations of CBD and different flavors. (Photo: Nathan Gray/Staff, TALK Greenville)

The research is very much in its infancy, Bynum says. In the scientific community, were saying, lets pump the brakes and get more data.

Because of how the substance is processed by the liver, CBD oil can potentially interact with certain drugs, including blood thinners, anti-anxiety and antidepressants drugs, HIV medications and even common medications like ibuprofen. Patients should definitely discuss these potentially dangerous combinations with their healthcare provider. Though it may indeed be effective for some problems and even safer than other substances, Bynum says some people should definitely avoid CBD oil, including those who are or could become pregnant.

We dont know what this does to the adult brain, let alone the developing brain, he says.

Bynum says data, such as the indication that CBD oil may have anti-inflammatory properties, is being extrapolated to include other things, such as those who say the substance must therefore be anti-cancer or anti-aging. For now, more research is needed.

For his patients who want to try it, Bynum says they have to balance what is known with what is yet to be discovered, as well as practical aspects like cost.

Its very hard to argue theres not some placebo effect, but what is actually happening on the cellular level? Bynum says.

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Whats pot and whats not? - Greenville News

Dr. Fulton – Providing a High-Quality of Care for His Patients for Over 20 Years -Simpatra.Health –

Dr. Fulton is dedicated to providing all of his patients with a superb level of care.

Dr. Fulton is dedicated to providing all of his patients with a superb level of care. He emphasizes using the most effective health techniques to ensure that his patients are in the best position to resolve their health issues. Dr. Fulton is also very accomplished in several medical fields. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American Board of Phlebology and board-certified in Emergency Medicine.

Speaking upon his work, Dr. Fulton stated, I have a passion for exploring new ways to help people feel better. Thats what originally drew me to becoming a doctor and continues to drive me. He also stated that My mission is to deliver the best care using the most advanced technology and techniques to give every client the best possible outcome.

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Dr. Fulton - Providing a High-Quality of Care for His Patients for Over 20 Years -Simpatra.Health -

The Grooming Products Men Should Be Using, According to Women – InsideHook

There are a lot of things you can put on your face. Add that to the number of things you can put in your hair and on the rest of your body, and its no wonder men have developed a reputation for just reaching for the first bottle of 3-in-1 combination shampoo + conditioner + body wash and calling it a day.

But while I cant blame anyone not born into the same gendered societal strictures that demand women spend countless amounts of time, money and energy on maintaining their physical wellbeing for taking advantage of those lower cultural beauty standards, the fact of the matter remains that a razor and a bar of soap does not a proper grooming routine make. While men may be able to get away with a minimalist approach to matters of cosmetic wellbeing for longer than their female counterparts, neglecting hair and skincare will catch up with you eventually, if it hasnt already.

To help you navigate the vast and intimidating world of mens grooming, we tapped those who know it best: women. Below, four high-profile female experts pull a few of the products they swear by that youll love, too. Consider it an expert-guided tour of your girlfriends medicine cabinet, only you can take as much as you want.

Celebrity hairstylist Netty Jordan recommends this super light and hydrating moisturizer for poreless looking skin, great clean and light scent. While this oil-free anti-aging cream is a bestseller among women, Jordan says its light, barely-there effect makes it perfect for men too. When working with men I always like to keep it clean and light, you always want them to feel like they are wearing nothing on their skin, she tells InsideHook.

Jordan recommends this product for in-control curls. Weighs the hair down for a livened and natural woke up like this hair.

Men and women alike wake up some days feeling tired and puffy. A little bit of nourishing eye cream goes a long way to depuff and even out the delicate skin under the eyes, says celebrity makeup artist and male groomer Amy Zdunowski-Roeder. Brickell Mens Restoring Eye Cream is superb. Its all natural, reduces puffiness quickly and makes you look alive and awake!

For the over-40 set, Zdunowski-Roeder recommends checking out this eye cream instead. Its great for men who are in their 40s and older, she tells InsideHook. Works fast and nourishes. Great stuff!

Gentlemen, please wash your face with an actual facial cleanser. So many men I know use a bar of soap to wash their face, says Zdunowski-Roeder. Bad idea! Bar soap is way too drying and harsh, she says, explaining that this rudimentary approach to cleansing literally strips away natural oils from the skin while also leaving micro-residue on the skins surface. Gentle facial washes, however, like this Khiels one, are designed to clean the face while leaving the balance of the skin intact, she says.

The Tangle Teezer has gained a following over the years as the original detangling brush, but you dont have to have a ton of hair to reap the benefits of this styling tool. L.A.-based celebrity hairstylist Holly Mills recommends men use one to loosen dead skin before a shower and to stimulate blood flow for a healthy scalp, which can help prevent hair loss.

If youre a beginner feeling totally adrift in the wide world of grooming, New York City-based cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green, M.D. recommends this all-in-one Bevel Bundle to start you off on the right foot. Complete with a cleanser, moisturizer and toner that Green says will prevent any ingrown hairs, exfoliate the skin and accelerate cell turnover, the Bevel Bundle is an easy way to build some semblance of a skincare routine. Youre welcome.

I am not a grooming expert of any kind, but this is one mens grooming product that I, a humble, non-expert woman, swear by. You can read me wax poetic about it here, or you can just buy it.

Nota bene: If you buy through the links in this article, InsideHook may earn a small share of the profits.

See the article here:
The Grooming Products Men Should Be Using, According to Women - InsideHook

Aspen Princess: J Lo’s 50 looks a little different than Aspen 50 and we like it like that – Aspen Times

Youre turning 50 this year, too, right? I asked my friend Denise when I ran into her at the ARC the other day. She was herding her two boys around to their various after-school activities and looking slightly overwhelmed.

Ive known Denise since I first moved here in 2002 and weve been on the same trajectory ever since. We both ditched our professional career trajectories to become snowboard instructors; we were both riddled by disastrous relationships throughout our 30s; we met our husbands around the same time, got married around the same time, and had kids in our forties. We both left our hard-partying, bad-judgment days behind us and managed to forge a happy life that balances family, career and still leaves a little room for resort-living fun.

She nodded. Yep, Im turning 50. Now I just need a crotch-less bodysuit like J Lo.

Theres no doubt that 50 has been redefined thanks to J Lo and the unforgettable Super Bowl halftime show that quickly eclipsed images of Kobe Bryant and instead clogged your social media feed with golden curves, lots of glitter and a mane of honey-colored hair. Some were offended by its sexually provocative tone (A little too many crotch shots for this Mimi, my mother-in-law commented), and some were inspired by it. Some loved the message of diversity and the political overtones celebrating diversity, immigrants and the Latino culture that has become an integral part of America.

Many women complained that J Lo had simply had made them feel bad about themselves, especially at an age when youre supposed to be let off the hook for trying to reach an ideal look. The best-selling Chick Lit author Jennifer Weiner, (who is my age and from the same small town in Connecticut as me) wrote an op-ed in The New York Times with the headline, I Feel Personally Judged by J Los Body and bemoaned the fact that this incredible performance by this talented performer had left her feeling bad about herself.

I recently interviewed a 46-year-old entrepreneur who told me, I am anti-anti-aging. She explained she has decided to embrace the natural aging process and as such will not interfere with cosmetic medicine or even go so far as coloring her graying hair.

Good for her.

I would pour battery acid over my head if I thought it was going to make me look younger. In fact, I do slather my face every night with everything from salicylic acid and retinol to pumpkin enzymes to fight the signs of aging. Ill inject anything into my face as long as it makes me look younger and has less than a 1% chance of permanently maiming or killing me. I will die with blonde hair, thank you very much. I havent seen a glimpse of my real hair color since I discovered the peroxide treatment Sun In in 1983 and have no reason to go back now.

I dont need J Lo to make me hard on myself. Ive been doing that for more than half my life already.

Still, I understand shes a performer, she won the genetic lottery, and can hire a glam squad to provide the endless treatments available to combat aging. If I could afford a $1,000 laser facial once a month, I would do it, too. If you have the money, you can look amazing whether you have genetics on your side or not. Theres literally nothing cosmetic medicine cant fix just look at Khloe Kardashian.

J Lo isnt the first one to maintain a youthful, flawless appearance longer than seems fair. Jane Fonda, Cher and Christie Brinkley have been doing it for decades. Hell, Katherine Hepburn was around long before Botox was invented, but she managed to stay young by swimming in the ice-cold Atlantic ocean in front of her house in Fenwick, Connecticut, every single day, even in winter.

Aspen, like Hollywood, is a land of beautiful people who can afford this stuff. We also have the luxury of an active lifestyle and an outdoor paradise that makes it easy to stay healthy and take good care of ourselves. Weve already set the bar pretty high we dont need J Lo for that.

I have to admit, when I look in the mirror on the eve of my fifth decade and what is invariably past the midway point of my life, I see signs of aging I dont like. I ponder how far Im willing to go and for how long Im willing to fight a battle I cant win. Maybe that woman I interviewed who is anti-anti-aging already won. Or maybe shes still too young to make that claim.

Maybe I am hard on myself when my body isnt as toned as I would like, despite the hours I put in working out or the foods I dont allow myself to eat. Maybe I do wish I could afford those laser treatments or even a little nip-and-tuck (though after my recent eye surgery I did realize that cosmetic surgery is where I have to draw the line of how far Im willing to go and the risks Im willing to take).

Then I realized what makes me feel young isnt what I see in the mirror. Its standing on top of Highland Bowl or ripping through the playful terrain in Hanging Valley Glades at Snowmass. Its standing on my hands in yoga and still being able to still do splits and backbends. Its hurtling myself into the ball pit in the Game Room at The Collective at Snowmass Base Village after skiing the tree trails with my young son. Its stealing a romantic kiss with my husband of almost a decade on the gondola, when we have to turn our heads to an awkward angle to touch lips with our goggles on.

Those are the moments when I think to myself, Pretty good for 50.

The Princess has only 24 days left in her 40s. Email your love to

Go here to read the rest:
Aspen Princess: J Lo's 50 looks a little different than Aspen 50 and we like it like that - Aspen Times

Learn How to Enhance Your Beauty and Wellness Inside and Out with Cosmetologist Helga Rekanaty’s Lively and Educational New Skincare Guide – PR Web

"Beauty Has Its Own Rules" by Helga Rekanaty.

ISRAEL (PRWEB) January 06, 2020

The skincare industry is currently experiencing a significant spike in popularity as consumers and influencers begin to embrace bare faces, natural looks and organic products. Helga Rekanaty, cosmetologist, author and owner of Helga Rekanati Aesthetics Center in Israel, wants to help people navigate and learn how to better take care of themselves throughout life with her new book Beauty Has Its Own Rules: Everything There Is to Know on the New World of Beauty Treatments.

In this vibrant and detailed guide to cosmetic health and self-care, Rekanaty draws from her 30 years of experience and research in cosmetology, Chinese medicine and nutrition to educate readers on ways to care for themselves inside and out by changing nutrition habits and taking advantage of traditional and new beauty and anti-aging treatments on the market.

Rekanaty covers a wide range of topics including the different types of skin and function of the skin, superfoods to fight aging, how to correct skin problems such as cellulite and acne, how to identify and treat skin damage, common skin-related surgeries and benefits of aesthetic treatments. She also takes a whole-body approach to cosmetic wellness by discussing care of the feet, nails, body and hands.

Rekanaty was inspired to pursue cosmetology after she overcame an illness that nearly took her life. When I was diagnosed with Castleman disease, I felt like Id lost control of my health, she said. After enduring four surgeries to remove tumors, I decided if I could overcome my disease and live, I would make a drastic change and devote myself to learning all about medicine and wellness. Now that I am well, I feel honored to help men and women learn about and embrace the best treatments for them.

Beauty Has Its Own Rules: Everything There Is to Know on the New World of Beauty TreatmentsBy Helga Rekanaty ISBN: 9781543751147 (softcover); 9781543751161 (hardcover); 9781543751154 (electronic) Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the authorHelga Rekanaty is a Chinese medicine expert, shiatzu master, cosmetologist and owner of Helga Rekanati Aesthetics Center, based in Israel. There, she has helped transform lives through traditional and advanced cosmetic and anti-aging treatments delivered by doctors and plastic surgeons for over 30 years. She is the founder of Helgas 3-Step Methodology, a graduate of chemistry indoctrination and advanced peelings and holds a bachelors degree in Jewish philosophy. To learn more about Rekanaty and the book, visit To learn more about the services Rekanaty offers at the Center, visit her at

For Review Copies and Interview Requests:LAVIDGE PhoenixKalin Thomas480-648-7540kthomas(at)lavidge(dot)com

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Learn How to Enhance Your Beauty and Wellness Inside and Out with Cosmetologist Helga Rekanaty's Lively and Educational New Skincare Guide - PR Web