The Best (and Worst) Nutrition Advice of 2019 – Outside Magazine

This was a weird yearforfood. Scientists grew (surprisingly good) plant-based meat products in labs, some people decided to eat nothing butmeat, other peoplebarely ate anything at all. Seltzer had a comeback,researchers developed wearable tech that could tell you when you needed to hydrate, and an Outside editor experimented with drinking an entire gallon of water a day. Amid the madness, a few ideas drifted to the top, ones that were evidence based and reasonable and could actually help you live a littlemore healthfully. Read on to learn whichtrends you should forget about in the new yearand the few that you should carry with you.

In May, wellness guruAnthony William published a book claiming that daily celery juice could detoxyour body and provide all kinds of dubious health benefits, like flushing toxins from your brain and curing asthma, addiction, and Lyme disease. It caught on in certain circles, but none of his claims were backed byscientific evidence.

The idea that any food can detoxyour body is garbage. As Robin Foroutan, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,previously told Outside, The body detoxifies on its own, or we would be dead in days. And while drinking celery juice wont do any harm, it likely wont do any goodeither. The closest thing to an endorsement of the stuffis a 2013 trial during which 30 adults with high blood pressure took celery-extract supplements (pills, not juice) for six weeksand reported slightly lower blood pressure at the end of the trial. Caveats? The extract was far more concentrated than juice, there was no control group, and the lead researchers worked for the company that made the celery extract.

The gut microbiome is a relatively new area of study, but theres promising evidence that the unique makeup of healthy bacteria that exists in each of our bodies is a key factor in overall health. A 2019 reviewfound that ingesting both probiotics (bacteria) and prebiotics(a type of dietary fiber that feeds bacteria) can support a healthy microbiome.

Butgetting probiotics and prebiotics in supplement form probably isnt your best bet. Currently, theres no evidence that long-term, continued consumption of supplemental probioticsmaintains wellness, saidJack Gilbert, a researcher at the University of Chicago, in a previous interview.Instead, its best to get probiotics through fermented foods. Prebiotics, on the other hand, can be found in fruits, vegetables, beans, and other high-fiber foods.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a time-restricted diet during which you only eatfor a set period of time each day. Its more of an umbrella term than a rigid protocol: one popular approach is to eat during an eight-hour window each day;another is to eat normally except for one or two days ofextremely low-calorie intake perweek. But this year, the more extreme one-meal-a-day (OMAD) approach gained some traction. Experts warn against OMAD for a variety of reasons. One small 2007 randomized control trial of 21 adults over eight weeks found that eating one meal a day resulted in lower body-fat percentagebuthigher hunger levels,blood pressure, and cholesterol levels compared to subjects who ate three meals a day. And that doesnt take into account the emotional and social toll ofsuch an extreme diet.

The benefits of any kind of IF are still up in the air, but if youre curious about it, stick to a gentler approach. Eating within a 12-hour windowfrom 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., for examplewill likely deliver many of the same potential benefits, nutrition scientist Stacy Sims previously told Outside.

Intuitive eating has been around since 1995, whenregistered dietitians Elyse Reich and Evelyn Tribole published a popular book on the topic. But it gained mainstream traction this year:we wrote about it in May, The New York Times published an op-edin June presenting it as an antidote to toxic wellness culture, and dozens of nutritionists encouraged their clients (online and off) to start eating a little more freely.

Thisrelaxed approach to foodis guided by ten principles,like honor your health, respect your body, and challenge the food police, and its all about tuning in toyour own preferences and needsand tuning out messages about what you should or shouldnt eat.While more research is needed, theres evidence that intuitive eating is good for both mental andphysical health, and it might even be associated with a more nutritious diet overall.

Going ketomeans getting 75 to 80 percent of your calories from fat, 15 to 20 percent from protein, and less than 5percent from carbs. Its also one of the most popular extreme diets out there at the moment. There is significant evidence that ketosisa metabolic state wherein the body starts using fat as a primary fuel source due to a lack of carbshelps reduce seizures in people with epilepsy. But there arent many evidence-backed benefits beyond that.

Amy Gorin, a registered dietitian in the New York City area, explainedthat while short-term weight loss often happens on the keto diet, it generally isnt sustainable. Maintaining ketosis is difficult, since going over your carb allotment just once can trigger your body to start using glucose (carbs) as fuel againinstead of fat. And many people gain back any weight they lost once they begin to eat regularly, Gorin said. Low-carb diets arent an inherently betterchoice than any other calorie-restricted diet, but if you think they might be rightfor you, Gorin suggests a more moderate approach thanketo.

Plant-based burgers blew up this year. You can now get an Impossible Whopper at Burger Kingor an Impossible Slider from White Castle, both engineered to look, cook, and taste like meat. If that isnt proof enough that plant-based foods are here to stay, consider the fact that, according to one report, the global plant-based meat market was valued at $10 billion in 2018 and is forecasted to hit $31 billion by 2026.

These new plant-based meats arent intended to be a healthier version of beefthe nutritional profile is actually quite similar; instead, theyre meantto be a more environmentally friendly way to eat what tastes likemeat, explainedJonathan Valdez, a registered dietitian in New York.

The research on the health benefits of limiting your consumption ofanimal products is still evolving, but itspromising. A 2019 review of several randomized control trials found that vegan and vegetarian diets are linked to improved metabolic health. You dont have to go full-on vegetarian, according toShivam Joshi, an internal-medicine physician at the New York University School of Medicine. Even swapping out a handful of animal-based meals every week will benefit you.

Using plants for healing purposes is an ancient practice, but Western wellness culturereally dug its teeth into the idea this year. Adaptogens, defined by scientists as plant-based substances thought to enhance the bodys resistance to variouskinds of physical and mental stress, are showing up all over: keep an eye out for ashwagandha on your popcornormaca in your smoothie bowl.

Any wellness claims that brands make about these ingredients are hopeful guesses at best. Ashwagandhas many purported benefits (pain relief, diabetes management, and anti-aging, among others)have yet to be consistently proven by research. Andalthough some people believe that maca can improve reproductive health and fight cancer, these claims also have no real evidence behind them.That said, adaptogens are unlikely to hurt you, so if you dont mind the taste (or the cost), keep on eating them. Butdont claimthat theyre magic.

Sushi has been popular for years, and crispy seaweed snacks are available everywhere from Whole Foods to Trader Joes. Still, most of us dont yet think of seaweed as a comparable alternative to green vegetables like kale and spinach. An April New York Times articleexplained that seaweed is a much lower-impact crop, sinceit doesnt use any land, fresh water, or fertilizers. In fact, it can evenhelp the environment: kelp has been shown to drastically improve water quality. Like other green vegetables, seaweed is packed with micronutrients, but its not your typical green. The richumami flavor can add depth to many dishes.

Read more from the original source:

The Best (and Worst) Nutrition Advice of 2019 - Outside Magazine

Skin-Lightening Cream Gave Her Mercury Poisoning, What You Should Watch Out For – Forbes

Pedestrians walk past an advertisement for a skin-whitening cream on a street in Abidjan. Many ... [+] African countries including Ivory Coast have banned the use of skin-lightening products because of health concerns. (Photo: ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP via Getty Images)

Heres something that you should not take lightly: skin-lightening creams. Such creams can contain mercury, and the results of smearing mercury on your skin may not be very pretty. In fact, a case report recently published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) showed how they can be devastating.

The case report chronicled what happened to a 47-year-old Mexican-American woman after regularly applying a skin-lightening cream to her face twice-a-day for seven years. In July 2019, she sought medical care after experiencing funny sensations and weakness in her arms. Things quickly got worse as her symptoms progressed to slurred speech, blurred vision, and difficulty walking, which soon landed her in the hospital where she eventually became delirious.

Testing found high levels of mercury in both her blood and urine. Testing also revealed that her skin-lightening cream that she had obtained from Mexico contained 12,000 ppm of mercury. Chelation therapy did not reverse her symptoms, as she was left unable to talk or take of herself to the point that shes relied on a feeding tube to get nourishment.

This is a tragic reminder that you dont want mercury rising in your body. You certainly dont want that much mercury in your skin care products. It can mess up your skin, causing rashes, discoloration and scarring, as well as making your skin more susceptible to infections, basically the opposite of skin care. More like skin beware.

Thats not all, folks. Mercury can really get under your skin, literally, into your blood stream and other parts of your body. Over time, such mercury exposure can damage different parts of your body, including your kidneys and parts of your nervous system, such as your brain. Furthermore, during pregnancy, mercury in your body can lead to birth defects.

Here is a U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) video on mercury and mercury poisoning:

Therefore, if you see the word mercury on the label of anything that you are using, unless it is a Queen album or safely inside something like a thermometer, stop using it immediately. Make sure that you thoroughly wash your hands and any body part that touched the product, seal the product in a leak-proof container, and contact your doctor as soon as possible. As the World Health Organization (WHO) warns, other words that may mean mercury include Hg, mercuric iodide, mercurous chloride, ammoniated mercury, amide chloride of mercury, quicksilver, cinnabaris (mercury sulfide), hydrargyri oxydum rubrum (mercury oxide), mercury iodide and poison. Yeah, its a good idea to beware of anything that says poison on it.

Certainly, the WHO list of mercury synonyms is not exhaustive. In fact, labels of products that arent regulated by the FDA or other such government bodies may not even accurately represent everything thats in the products. Be especially suspicious if a product doesnt have a list of ingredients. That would be the equivalent of a random person handing something to you and saying, here put this stuff on your face. You dont want to hydrargyri oxydum rubrum on your skin anything that may be toxic.

So if mercury can be so toxic, what the heck is it doing in skin-lightening creams? Well, melanocytes are the reason why most people are not actually completely white. These little cells in your skin can produce melanin, a pigment that makes your skin darker. Mercury salts can stop this formation of melanin. So, yes, if you are dead set on lightening your skin, so to speak, mercury can help do so.

Mercury has been found in other cosmetics such as mascara and eye liners. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

This lighter side of mercury has led to its use in a number of anti-aging or skin lightening products, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned in 2016. The warning did say that such products usually are manufactured abroad and sold illegally in the United States, often in shops catering to the Latino, Asian, African, or Middle Eastern communities. They are promoted online on social media sites and sold through mobile apps. Theyre sold illegally because many major regulatory bodies dont allow them. The European Union and many African nations have banned the use of mercury in cosmetics that arent eye area products. The U.S. and Philippines FDAs only allow levels less than 1 mg/kg, and Health Canada has, eh, a slightly higher limit of 3 mg/kg. Imagine that, not everything sold over the Internet or marketed on social media is legitimate or even legal.

Nonetheless, theres still quite a market for those who want to whiten their skin color. According to the WHO, 25% of women in Mali, 77% in Nigeria, 27% in Senegal, 35% in South Africa and 59% in Togo regularly use skin-lightening products. Then there are the 40% of women in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea, based on a 2004 survey. Skin-lightening products constitute 61% of the dermatological market in India. Of course, not everything marketed as a skin-lightening product contains mercury. But many still do.

Mercury isnt just a problem for those smearing mercury-containing products on their skin. If you share towels or something like Batman or Batgirl masks with someone doing the lightening, you could also be sharing some mercury. Mercury-containing products can also generate mercury-containing vapors that can then be inhaled by anyone who happens to be around. You may think, that stinks, but often it doesnt. Mercury-vapor can be odorless so you may not even know what you are inhaling.

Then, there is that big thing that so many people are treating like a gigantic toilet bowl slash garbage disposal: the environment. Or, rather, our environment. Washing your hands or taking a shower after applying a mercury-containing product doesnt mean that the mercury goes poof into the Phantom Zone. No, that mercury that goes down the drain can then eventually end up in the food that you eat, such as fish which includes, gasp, sushi. So, when some people are using mercury-containing skin lightening products, in some ways, we may all be doing so.

See the rest here:

Skin-Lightening Cream Gave Her Mercury Poisoning, What You Should Watch Out For - Forbes

Top Florida Medical Spa, Amnion of Florida, Partners With Merakris Therapeutics to Advance Their Non-Surgical Treatment Options – Business Wire

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Amnion of Florida, a leading provider of alternative medicine utilizing cryopreserved placental cell allograft and advanced bioactive facial rejuvenation, is pleased to announce their vendor choice to round out regenerative anti-aging therapies.

Amnion announces a partnership with Merakris Therapeutics, LLC to advance the development of Merakris topical bioactive anti-aging hydrogel technology. Christopher Broderick, President, and Founder of Merakris Therapeutics stated, dedication to science-based outcomes is our primary focus, thus were delighted to be selected based upon our scientific approach to youth maintenance and rejuvenation technologies.

Amnion is focused on attracting women and men seeking affordable non-surgical options for youth maintenance via cell activated procedures, hair restoration, joint repair, dermal rejuvenation, and anti-aging treatments.

Our team of experienced medical professionals and aestheticians at Amnion are excited to utilize the Merakris Therapeutics product suite, including medical-grade, sterile filtered amniotic fluid serums and hydrogels at our newest Spa in Sanford, FL, said Eusebio Coterillo, President of Amnion.

In a constantly changing field, Amnion of Florida, under the guidance of the on-site medical staff, provides the highest level of quality products and procedures in cosmetic medicine. They offer cutting edge treatments that are proven by research, the use FDA cleared or registered products, and are widely published and peer endorsed.

More about Amnion of Florida

Amnion of Florida, based in Central Florida, is a leading provider of alternative medicine using cryopreserved placental cell transplants or allografts, processed from donated cellular birth tissue, which are natural alternatives to autologous regenerative medicine products. The primary function of our allogeneic regenerative treatments is to promote soft tissue joint/skin repair and regeneration mediated by growth factors and cells naturally found in placental tissue. These treatments have shown safety and efficacy in treating a variety of ailments including osteoarthritis, chronic ulcerative wounds, joint pain, skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, urinary incontinence, and ED. Learn more

More about Merakris Therapeutics, LLC

Merakris Therapeutics, based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, is focused on researching, developing, and marketing regenerative healthcare products. Merakris is pioneering commercially scalable biotherapeutic technologies derived from stem cells that have various clinical applications. Our vision is to improve global patient care and outcomes through the pioneering and innovation of acellular regenerative biotechnologies. Learn more at

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Top Florida Medical Spa, Amnion of Florida, Partners With Merakris Therapeutics to Advance Their Non-Surgical Treatment Options - Business Wire

Protein Waves In Blood Linked To Aging Process : Shots – Health News – NPR

Researchers have identified waves of proteins in blood that peak at three distinct stages of life. What do the findings mean for aging? ER Productions Limited/Getty Images hide caption

Researchers have identified waves of proteins in blood that peak at three distinct stages of life. What do the findings mean for aging?

Scientists know that if they transfuse blood from a young mouse to an old one, then they can stave off or even reverse some signs of aging. But they don't know what in the blood is responsible for this remarkable effect.

Researchers now report that they've identified hundreds of proteins in human blood that wax and wane in surprising ways as we age. The findings could provide important clues about which substances in the blood can slow aging.

The scientists studied nearly 3,000 proteins in blood plasma that was drawn from more than 4,000 people with a span of ages from 18 to 95. The project focused on proteins that change in both men and women.

"When we went into this, we assumed you aged gradually, so we would see these changes taking place relatively steadily as individuals get older," said Tony Wyss-Coray, a professor of neurology at Stanford University.

Instead, Wyss-Coray and his colleagues report in Nature Medicine on Thursday that these proteins change in three distinct waves, the first of which happens "very surprisingly" during our 30s, peaking around age 34.

"Then we found a second wave around 60, and then we found a third one, the most prominent one, really around 80 years of age," Wyss-Coray said. (An earlier version of their paper is freely available on the bioRxiv preprint server.)

This observation raises a host of questions about the biology of aging. What age-related transition is occurring in our 30s? And what do the changes in the blood actually mean?

"Most of the proteins in the blood are actually from other tissue sources," he said. "So we can start to ask where ... these proteins come from and if they change with age," he said. For example, in proteins traced back to the liver, "that would tell us that the liver is aging."

Eventually, Wyss-Coray said, he would like to compare a patient's blood protein pattern with the pattern that's normally seen, to produce a personalized aging clock "where I can tell you, based on the composition of your blood, your kidney seems to be aging faster than it should."

Thinking back to those age-reversing experiments in mice, it might also be possible to isolate proteins in the blood that contribute to that effect.

Transfusing blood plasma carries some risks in fact, this year the Food and Drug Administration slapped down companies for trying to sell plasma from young people as an anti-aging elixir. It would be better to isolate components in the blood that are responsible for beneficial effects.

Research groups are already studying proteins one by one to find those that might actually influence health. For example, Irina Conboy's lab at the University of California, Berkeley has been studying a protein called TGF-beta, which contributes to aging. Her mouse experiments suggest that aging effects can be slowed when this protein is blocked.

Wyss-Coray founded a company, Alkahest, that's running research in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, based on the concept of infusing blood plasma to stave off disease.

With this flood of new data about blood proteins, it's a daunting task to figure out whether each one causes aging, slows it down or is merely a result of the aging process. Sorting out that question about causality is important. After all, graying hair is a biomarker of aging, but hair dye won't reverse the underlying biology.

This research "is really the first step in categorizing and cataloging the age-related biomarkers," says Toshiko Tanaka, a research scientist at the National Institute on Aging. She was the lead author on a study last year that used similar techniques and also identified many proteins related to aging. She did not look for the surprising age-related wave pattern that Wyss-Coray is now describing.

Tanaka says new technology that allows scientists to identify many proteins simultaneously is accelerating this research dramatically.

"One of the great things about these advancements in technology is it's becoming a lot cheaper to measure a lot of these molecules," she says, "so bigger studies and more studies can assess the same proteins."

That means discoveries in one lab can be validated elsewhere. But it's also the case that there is a vast sea of blood proteins and other constituents yet to explore, any of which may be involved in health and disease.

"For a long time we have focused, in the field of healthy aging, on genetics," says Paola Sebastiani, a biostatistics professor at Boston University who has also researched the link between aging and proteins in the blood.

But your genes are set from birth, and they can't be modified to improve your health. What's intriguing about blood proteins and similar molecules is that you can block them or find other ways to modify them with drugs, at least in theory, "until eventually you're going to help people age healthily," she says.

Tanaka isn't expecting quick answers from this line of research, but "I hope by the time my kids are old, this is something that can help improve their health's trajectory."

You can contact NPR science correspondent Richard Harris at

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Protein Waves In Blood Linked To Aging Process : Shots - Health News - NPR

Readers Can Learn to Improve Their Health by Changing Their Lifestyle – Benzinga

PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --Maria Sulindro-Ma, M.D.'s book The No Coat Medicine: A Guide for Living a Long and Healthy Life ($24.99, paperback, 9781545676394; $42.99, dust-jacket, 9781545660317; $2.99, e-book, 9781545661284), is available for purchase.

The No Coat Medicine: A Guide for Living a Long and Healthy Life gives readers simplified tipes to stay healthy and feel young. With these Six Pillars, readers will learn to watch what they should not have to help detox, avoid what causes inflammation, keep moving, be happy, and balance their hormones.

As a pioneer in Anti-Aging Medicine, Maria Sulindro-Ma, M.D. is often asked if she does facial rejuvenation and she always answers carefully that she does the whole-body internal rejuvenation without surgery or drugs. They are interested in modern medicine where we do not just depend on surgery, drugs, or food, but we depend on preventive measure by changing our lifestyle and the way we anticipate health stage over the sickness.

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Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. The No Coat Medicine: A Guide for Living a Long and Healthy Life is available online through,, and


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Readers Can Learn to Improve Their Health by Changing Their Lifestyle - Benzinga

Gene therapy: What personalized medicine means for you – Stock Daily Dish

Thuy Truong thought her aching back was just a pulled muscle from working out. But then came a high fever that wouldnt go away during a visit to Vietnam. When a friend insisted Truong, 30, go to an emergency room, doctors told her the last thing she expected to hear: She had lung cancer. Back in Los Angeles, Truong learned the cancer was at stage 4 and she had about eight months to live.

My whole world was flipped upside down, says Truong, who had been splitting her time between the San Francisco Bay Area and Asia for a new project after selling her startup. Ive been a successful entrepreneur, but Im not married. I dont have kids yet. [The diagnosis] was devastating.

Doctors at the University of Southern California took a blood sample for genetic testing. The liquid biopsy was able to detect tumor cells in her blood, sparing her the risky procedure of collecting cells in her lungs.

Genetic sequencing allowed the lab to isolate the mutation that caused her cancer to produce too much of the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) protein, triggering cancer cells to grow and proliferate. Fortunately, her type of mutation responds to EGFR-targeting drugs, such as Tarceva or Iressa, slowing tumor growth.

Unlike chemotherapy, which blasts all fast-growing cells in its wake,go after specific molecules. That makes them more effective at fighting particular types of cancers, including breast, colorectal and lung cancers. Now the approach is being expanded to fight an even broader range of cancers. Its all part of a new wave in health care called .

This is the future of medicine, says Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli, associate director for translational research and precision medicine at Northwestern University. There is no turning back. The technology is available and there are already so many targeted therapies.

Most medical treatments have been designed for the average patient, leading to a one-size-fits-all approach. But with vast amounts of data at their disposal, researchers now can analyze, our family histories and other health conditions to better understand which types of treatments work best for which segments of the population.

This is a big deal. But it requires the know-how of geneticists, biologists, experts inand computer scientists who understand big-data analytics. Several startups have already begun this work.

, founded by researchers at the University of Toronto, uses AI to predict how genetic mutations will change our cells and the impact those changes will have on the human body., co-founded by scientists and physicians from Stanford University, is building a map of what turns our genes on and off, giving physicians a guide they could use to craft personalized therapies. And, a small San Francisco startup, provides personalized advice on nutrition and wellness based on your DNA.

Just like Facebook learns to automatically recognize Aunt Martha in your family photos, Deep Genomics finds and categorizes patterns in genetic data. Once its found those patterns, the companys deep learning system can infer if and how changes to your DNA affect your body.

Thats a big step forward compared with current genetic tests. Most can only give a probability of, say, getting breast cancer based on data from an entire population. Other tests cant even tell you if the genetic changes theyve detected mean anything.

The work is personal for Brendan Frey, CEO and co-founder of Deep Genomics and a professor at the University of Toronto. Fourteen years ago, he and his wife discovered their unborn baby had a genetic condition.

We knew there was a genetic problem, but our counselor couldnt tell us if it was serious or if it was going to turn out to be nothing, Frey says. We were plunged into this very difficult, emotional situation.

The experience made Frey want to bridge the divide between identifying and understanding what they mean.

Deep learning or machine learning when computers teach themselves as they see more data can also help doctors know which drugs will most effectively treat a patients illness and whether that person is more likely to experience side effects.

It can also help predict how cancer cells will mutate. And that can help drug companies come up with new treatments as tumor cells change and patients no longer respond to the drugs that worked.

That could help turn a disease like cancer into a manageable chronic ailment, says Cristofanilli.

Where Deep Genomics analyzes patterns in genetic data to predict when mutations will make you sick, Epinomics looks at epigenomics, or the study of what turns our genes on and off.

The company describes it like this: If your genome, which shows what genes we have, is the hardware of our bodies, then the epigenome is its software programming. Epinomics aims to decode that programming.

Every cell in the body carries the same genetic code. But cells in the heart, brain, bone and skin function differently based on this programming. It happens because chemical markers attach to DNA to activate or silence genes. These markers, known as the epigenome, vary from one cell type to another and are affected by both nature (inheritance) and nurture, which can include the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Researchers think a disruption to the epigenome can cause illnesses such as,or. Understanding it could give physicians a guide to the best options for each patient, like having a GPS for treatments at the molecular level.

We are focusing on what is happening at the programming level of each cell, says Epinomics co-founder Fergus Chan. Once we understand how genes are being turned on and off, well be able to better predict which treatments will work or whether changes to lifestyle will have an impact on health.

When Vitagene co-founder and CEO Mehdi Maghsoodnia asked a doctor what vitamins he should be taking, he was handed a bottle of pills and told to hope for the best.

That was the beginning of Vitagene, which uses genetic data and other health information culled from a detailed questionnaire to deliver a personalized nutritional supplement plan that lists which vitamins you need and in what doses, as well as what to avoid.

Maghsoodnia offers an alternative to the one-size-fits-all $27 billion US dietary supplement industry. Customers pay $99 to have their DNA tested and blood analyzed. And for $69 a month, Vitagene will package and ship supplements in dosages tailored to your individual needs.

The Food and Drug Administration estimates there are more than 85,000 dietary supplements on the US market, most of which are unregulated. Nearly all are promising everything from anti-aging to weight loss, and no science behind it to tell you what works for you, says Maghsoodnia. We help filter through the noise.

Vitagenes algorithm has been tested on patients whove had bariatric surgery for weight loss, which often leaves them deprived of key nutrients. Vitagene helped develop a supplement regimen to get these patients the nutrition they need after surgery.

Precision medicine is in its early days.

This is especially true for psychiatry and its exploration of how the brain responds to the environment, stress and genetic disorders. Now several companies are selling tests to help psychiatrists select drug treatments by looking at patients DNA mutations and their metabolizing rate.

But critics caution that these genetic tests may be overselling their capabilities.

Precision medicine has been very promising in oncology, says Jose de Leon, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Kentucky who specializes in psychopharmacology. But we know a lot more about cancer and how it works. In psychiatry, its much harder because we dont know enough about how the brain works.

Yes, precision medicine holds enormous promise.

Even so, Northwesterns Cristofanilli cautions clinicians to stay grounded in reality. It can be difficult to understand where reality becomes imagination, he says. We want to make sure we are protecting patients from claims that we may not deliver.

For her part, Truong is grateful to benefit from the work thats already been done. Im an engineer, she says.

I dont believe in miracles. I believe in science.

This story appears in the spring 2017 edition of CNET Magazine. For other magazine stories, click.

: The CNET team reminds us why tech stuff is cool.

: In Europe, millions of refugees are still searching for a safe place to settle. Tech should be part of the solution. But is it? CNET investigates.

This articleoriginallyappeared on.

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Gene therapy: What personalized medicine means for you - Stock Daily Dish

Hydrangea leaf extract may boost skin health from within: RCT –

Data published in Nutrients indicated that consumption of 300 mg per day and 600 mg per day of the Hydrangea extract for 12 weeks led to significant improvements in skin wrinkles, skin hydration, and skin texture, compared to placebo.

In addition, the statistically significant improvements in skin elasticity compared to placebo at the end of the three-month intervention period were only seen for the higher dose.

Our randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study demonstrated that oral WHS [hot water extract of Hydrangea serrataleaves] supplements produced significant anti-aging effects. Therefore, WHS has potential as a dietary supplement to protect against skin aging in the health functional food, targeting systemic factors regulating skin appearance, wrote the researchers.

According to the researchers, Hydrangea serrata leaves have been consumed as a tea and as medicine in the cultures of Korea, China and Japan. Products formulated with Hydrangea root are already commercially available in the US, mostly positioned to support urinary healthy.

The new study adds to earlier research from the same group, which investigated the potential skin health benefits of the Hydrangea serrata leaves extract in human cells and hairless mice (Han et al. Nutrients 2019, 11(3), 533).

Researchers from the Department of New Material Development at South Korea-basedCOSMAXBIO, which develops and provides ingredients to cosmetics brands around the world, continued to be involved in the research, which was led by scientists from Kyung Hee University in Seoul.

The South Korean researchers recruited 151 people and randomly assigned them to one of three groups: The WHS at 300 mg per day, WHS at 600 mg per day, or placebo for 12 weeks. Skin measures were taken after weeks four, eight, and 12 weeks.

The data showed that facial wrinkles showed that both Hydrangea groups experienced significant reductions in crows feet around the eyes after eight and 12 weeks, compared to placebo.

[T]he improvement in skin wrinkles following WHS intake is consistent with the previous study, in which the expression of MMPs (MMP-1 and MMP-3) is downregulated by oral WHS administration in UVB-irradiated mice, thereby increasing the collagen content in the skin and reducing wrinkle formation, wrote the researchers.

Moreover, both Hydrangea groups experienced statistically significant improvements in skin hydration after 12 weeks, compared to placebo.

Only the 600 mg per day dose led to significant improvement in overall elasticity, net elasticity, and ratio of elastic recovery to total deformation, compared to placebo.

Although the underlying mechanisms by which WHS improves skin wrinkles, hydration, elasticity, texture, and roughness were not investigated in this clinical trial, we suggest that the WHS supplement may have a positive effect on collagen decomposition based on the previous in vitro and in vivo studies, wrote the researchers.

Additionally, these preventive skin aging effects of WHS may be mediated through the anti-oxidative activities of hydrangenol, an active-constituent of H. serrata.

Importantly, the researchers added that the Hydrangea extract was found to be safe for human consumption at the dosage studied, noting that data from acute toxicology studies with rats have showed that oral consumption of this hot water extract of H. serrata leaves did not produce toxicity or mortality up to 5,000 mg/kg.

Source: Nutrients 2020, 12(6), 1588; doi: 10.3390/nu12061588Oral Intake of Hydrangea serrata(Thunb.) Ser. Leaves Extract Improves Wrinkles, Hydration, Elasticity, Texture, and Roughness in Human Skin: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled StudyAuthors: Da-Bin Myung et al.

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Hydrangea leaf extract may boost skin health from within: RCT -

New Book Release: The Resolution Zone by Dr. Barry Sears – PRNewswire

Pro-Resolution Nutrition is:

The science behind The Resolution Zone is complex, yet Dr. Sears explains it in simple to understand terms for the layperson as well as provides new insights to medical researchers. Furthermore, he puts forth a comprehensive dietary system that can be followed for a lifetime to optimize the body's natural ability to heal or what he refers to as the Resolution Response. If you want to understand how chronic disease actually develops and what you can do to control it, The Resolution Zone will be your guidebook to a longer and healthier life.

The Resolution Zone is now available for purchase on the Zone Diet website and on Amazon.

Praise for The Resolution Zone

"The Resolution Zone explains how unresolved inflammation is responsible for most of the chronic diseases we currently struggle with as well as aging itself. This book is highly recommended not only for all those seeking optimal health but also for all physicians desirous of learning why and how these dietary measures work." Joseph C. Maroon, MD., Professor and vice chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery, Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, and team neurosurgeon, Pittsburgh Steeler.

"In The Resolution Zone, we see the culmination of decades of his research and experience which begin with Dr. Sears' first book in 1995, The Zone. He convincingly shows us how our diet can be effectively used as our most effective drug." Julian E. Bailes, MD., Bennett Tarkington Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery NorthShore University HealthSystem, Co-Director, NorthShore Neurological Institute, and Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

About Dr. Barry Sears

Dr. Barry Sears has dedicated the last 35 years of his research career to studying the links between diet, hormones, and health and is dedicated to restoring a state of health that can be controlled by reducing inflammation in your body. In his research, he studies dietary control of hormonal response and develops innovative approaches to help treat and reverse silent inflammation, the leading cause of cardiovascular disease and Type-2 diabetes. His research has led to his best-selling books Enter the Zone, Mastering the Zone, Zone Perfect Meals in Minutes, and had additionally penned The Soy Zone, Anti-Aging Zone, Omega Zone, Toxic Fat, A Week in the Zone, Zone Meals in Seconds, Top 100 Zone Foods, The Mediterranean Zone, and his latest release, The Resolution Zone.

Media Contact: Kristin Sears, 646-715-8622,

SOURCE Zone Labs

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New Book Release: The Resolution Zone by Dr. Barry Sears - PRNewswire

The Secrets To Healthy Aging – Anti Aging News

News Health Online Magazine recently interviewed Dr. Joseph Maroon on his tips for healthy aging. In the article entitled, The Secrets to Healthy Aging, Dr. Maroon relates many examples that he has practiced himself over the last 40 years to reduce and counter unhealthy aging. The following is an excerpt of that interview:

Our health system is broken!

That is the opinion of noted neurosurgeon and anti-aging expert Dr. Joseph Maroon, a sports medicine expert who served as the team neurosurgeon for the National Football Leagues Pittsburgh Steelers for over 20 yrs. Dr. Maroon says that Americans spend billions on gastric bypass surgeries each year, but essentially pennies on how to teach people to eat better and have a healthier relationship with food to avoid obesity.

Dr. Maroon is the senior vice president for the American Academy of Anti-Aging and says the key to living a healthier and longer life is to avoid disease before it starts.

Even my closest friends are often surprised when they ask me my age, he says. Despite my youthful appearance, I can tell you that the birth date posted on my drivers license is correct. Although having a youthful appearance is not the only goal of adopting an anti-aging lifestyle, it is a great side benefit. Our skin, without makeup or other cosmetic enhances, provides a fairly accurate window into our overall health.

Dr. Maroon explains that one of the reasons the skin provides so much information is that the skin, like other organs of the body, is affected by inflammation.

Aging and inflammation go hand in hand, says Dr. Maroon.

Here are some ways you can reduce inflammation and promote healthy aging to remain younger on the inside and out:

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively!

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The Secrets To Healthy Aging - Anti Aging News

11 Best Under-Eye Patches and Masks, According to Dermatologists –

Nothings worse than applying concealer to dark under-eyes, only to reveal their two best friends: exaggerated patches of dry skin and oh, hi puffiness! Youre definitely not alone in this struggle: The skin under the eyes is the thinnest on the body, meaning its easily irritated and susceptible to damage.

But all dark circles are not created equally, says Tyler Hollmig, M.D., director of dermatologic surgery at The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School. While lack of sleep is certainly a factor when it comes to dark, dry, or puffy under-eyesits not necessarily the main culprit.

For example, lots of smallish sun spots can appear as general hyperpigmentation, Dr. Hollmig says. But because the skin there tends to crepe together, they can be difficult to detect. Whats more, aging can cause the skin around your eyes to become thinner (emphasizing discoloration), allergies can set off puffiness, while simply rubbing your eyes or over-washing your face can crank up the dryness.

Unfortunately, makeup clings to these problem areas like glue, which is why, before banishing your circles with color correction, your skin should be properly prepped. A good eye cream can help, but when you need serious reinforcements, turn to under-eye patches. Think of eye masks just as you would your face mask, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. They complement the creams you are using on a regular basis. They can give you a boost of brightness, hydration, de-puffing, or whatever specific job they are designed to do.

Watch for irritation: Because the under-eyes are hypersensitive, using an eye mask with strong anti-aging ingredients, like acids and retinol, may cause excess irritation. They can definitely be beneficial, but proceed with caution, says Dr. Hollmig. I typically recommend nice bland ingredients, like hyaluronic acid or ceramides, he says. If patients have sun damage, it might be worthwhile to incorporate a lightener like vitamin C if their skin can tolerate it.

Give it time: Your wear time will depend on the patchs ingredients. If the mask contains a strong active like retinol, pay attention to your skins reaction (stinging or burning is a red flag) and follow the packages instructions. If youre simply opting for a moisturizer-heavy mask, give your skin time to drink it up. Getting ready for a special event? Pop them on when you wake up, wear them during breakfast, and remove them before getting ready. Use them whenever your under-eyes need a boost, like during a long flight or after a night of heavy drinking.

Refrigerate! Plenty of under-eye patches are formulated to be cooling because it helps drain fluid and de-puff. Storing yours in the fridge overnight before use can amplify that effect. Pair them with a good cup of coffee and youll actually want to get up in the morning.

Got all of that? Good. Class dismissed! Now, for a few expert-approved under-eye patches to make your decision-making easy breezy:


All good stuff here. Icelandic glacial waters, fruit oils, and nourishing ceramides will send your under-eyes swimming in delight. I carry them on planes and use before photos and events, says Heidi Waldorf, M.D.,founder ofWaldorf Dermatology Aestheticsand associate clinical professor at the Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai University.


Botanical collagen and peptides help firm and lift tired under-eyes. This product gives you a ton of bang for your buck with 30 pairs in one container, and comes with a handy spatula for retrieving them.

3Baggage Claim Eye Masks (6 pairs)


These super shiny patches have three layers to enhance their efficacy, Dr. Zeichner says. The outer layer is made of foil to retain heat and prevent evaporation, the middle elastic layer keeps the mask in place, and the inner biocellulose layer protects the skin and delivers hyaluronic acid, peptides, and more. Talk about a triple threat.

4Cooling Water Eye Patches (6 pairs)


The star ingredient here is caffeine, which Dr. Waldorf says is great for temporarily tightening the under-eye skin. It also packs seawater and lavender to soothe the skin, while aloe vera extract hydrates and tames any redness for an instantly brighter look.

5Eye Therapy Patches (6 pairs)


A favorite of Drew Barrymores, this musk rose, safflower, avocado, and wheat germ-infused product alleviates puffiness and darkness, and added ceramides act like a tall glass of water, giving skin the refreshing drink it needs.

6Patchology FlashPatch Eye Gels (30 pairs)

Caffeine, castor seed oil, peppermint and lavenderextracts, collagen, and hyaluronic acid join forces to de-puff, hydrate, and brighten the under-eyes for a difference you can actually see and feel.

724K Gold Lift & Firm Hydra-Gel Eye Patches (30 pairs)


Is there anything fancier than embellishing your face in gold? These patches contain colloidalgold and caffeineto lift and firm, niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3)to reduce discoloration,and hyaluronic acid to hydrate.

8Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Pure Retinol Express Smoothing Eye Mask (12 pairs)


These little patches pack a punch of retinol, which is why they promise dramatic, 15-minute results when it comes to decreased lines and wrinkles. If you do grab these, remember Dr. Hollmigs adviceproceed with caution and dont overuse if your under-eye skin tends to be sensitive.

9Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Concentrated Recovery Eye Mask (4 pairs)

Give these patches just 10 minutes, and we promise your under-yes will look renewed, thanks to a winning combo of soothing chamomile, de-puffing caffeine, moisturizing squalane,and skin-plumping hyaluronic acid.

10Inn Beauty Electrify Eye Mask (4 pairs)


Recommended by Dr. Zeichner, vitamin C-rich star fruit brightens and hyaluronic acid moisturizes in these very Instagrammable, lightning bolt-shaped beauties.

11Exquisite Brightening Anti-Puff Eye Mask (5 pairs)


The unique design of this mask is unlike any other on the market, as it connects from one side of your face over your nose to the other side, Dr. Zeichner says. Its biocellulose base protects the skin while peptides and botanical extracts brighten and help de-puff the under-eye skin.

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11 Best Under-Eye Patches and Masks, According to Dermatologists -

RR Aesthetics Announces the Addition of Lamelabo by Faith Anti-Aging Skincare Products to Offerings – PR Web

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (PRWEB) February 15, 2020

RR Aesthetics, a premier medical spa in Beverly Hills, has announced it will begin offering the exclusive Lamelabo product line by the Faith Group of Osaka, Japan.

Faith Group, a technology-focused skincare company headquartered in Osaka, Japan, has a 32-year history of creating breakthrough products that improve skin from the inside out. As a research-based company, they invented the worlds most powerful collagen delivery system that relies on nano-capsules to penetrate the surface of the skin.

Faith Groups newest product line is Lamelabo, which they have developed exclusively for medical professionals.

The Lamelabo series integrates Faiths patented nano-capsule fresh collagen delivery system with MC2X, its innovative double-capsule ingredient mechanism. Together, these two technologies work to create stronger, healthier, and more radiant skin.

Collagen, a structural protein that acts as the scaffolding of skin, is abundant in younger people, but weakens as we age. However, it is possible to add fresh collagen to repair and strengthen the stratum corneum layer of skin. The Lamelabo products provide new collagen as a strong foundation to optimize the MC2X delivery of ingredients that moisturize, tone, and firm the skin.

This two-capsule technology enables hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, glycoside, and disodium adenosine to improve the skin on a superficial level, as well as to penetrate below the surface to continue providing structural benefits. The larger capsule bursts on the surface of the skin, which allows the smaller capsule to deliver ingredients below the surface to better moisturize, tone, and firm the skin.

At RR Aesthetics, we believe in offering our clients the most effective anti-aging solutions, said Rand Rusher, RN, CANS, founder of RR Aesthetics. The Lamelabo products have undergone rigorous testing to ensure their efficacy, and thats why we feel they meet our high standards for products we recommend to people who want to look younger without resorting to surgery.

The Lamelabo product line includes the following innovative products:

Clay Wash Gel Cleanse Essence Serum Moisture Gel Enrich Moisture Lotion Moisture Gel Light

To purchase these products, visit RR Aesthetics in Beverly Hills at 9735 Wilshire Blvd. Penthouse.

About Faith GroupFor 31 years, Faith Group has been committed to developing clean, safe, and effective skincare and cosmetics in Japan. Their products are always free of parabens, surfactants, mineral oils, dyes, ethanol, phenoxyethanol, and fragrances.

About RR AestheticsRand Rusher, RN, CANS, is a registered nurse with more than two decades of experience in all specialties relating to surgical and dermatologic medicine. At RR Aesthetics, he leads a team of sought-after and highly experienced skincare professionals who are devoted to the art and science of cosmetic medicine. They use their skills and extensive training in skincare and injectable products to ensure all their clients look natural and feel self-confident.

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RR Aesthetics Announces the Addition of Lamelabo by Faith Anti-Aging Skincare Products to Offerings - PR Web

Medical Wellness Market Global Outlook and Insights 2019 to 2025 – Galus Australis

This Medical Wellness Market Report on the worldwide matured consideration market gives far reaching appraisal of all elements on which the fate of the market depends, and assesses its repercussions. It portions the market to comprehend the valuation of littler angles, considers the capability of various areas, and profiles various current key players so as to speak to the focused scene. This report has been created by a gathering of expert statistical surveying investigators, trying to fill in as a tenable business archive for the investors of the matured consideration advertise.

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In 2018, the global Medical Wellness market size was 4549200 million US$ and it is expected to reach 6487100 million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of 5.2% during 2019-2025.

Top Companies Covered in the Global Medical Wellness Market:

Massage Envy, Steiner Leisure Limited, World Gym, Fitness World, Universal Companies, Beauty Farm, VLCC Wellness Center, Nanjing Zhaohui, Edge Systems LLC, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Golds Gym International, Bon Vital, Kaya Skin Clinic, The Body Holiday, Kayco Vivid, Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa, Enrich Hair & Skin, WTS International, Biologique Recherche, Guardian Lifecare, Healthkart, and Other

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoComplementary and Alternative MedicineBeauty Care and Anti-AgingPreventative & Personalized Medicine and Public HealthHealthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight LossRejuvenationOther

Market segment by Application, split intoFranchiseCompany Owned Outlets


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Market Overview

North America market is expected to dominate in terms of revenue share, owing to the high availability of advanced products and services, wellness tourism, expenditures growth, , increasing penetration of leading companies in the region along with increase in patient population. Significant economic development has led to an increase in healthcare availability in Asia Pacific region, growing number of multi-specialty care centers, rejuvenation and fitness centers and penetration of global players in Asia is expected to fuel the medical wellness market.

The classification of Medical Wellness includes Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Beauty Care and Anti-Aging, Preventative & Personalized Medicine and Public Health, Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Rejuvenation and Other, and the proportion of Beauty Care and Anti-Aging in 2017 is about 24.4%.

Medical Wellness is widely sales through Franchise, Company Owned Outlets The most proportion of Medical Wellness is sales through Franchise, and the proportion in 2017 is 65.9%.

North America is the largest consumption place, with a consumption market share nearly 35.3% in 2017. Following North America, Europe is the second largest consumption place with the consumption market share of 32.4%.

This Medical Wellness Market report is a finished investigation of momentum slants in the market, business development drivers, and limitations. It gives showcase projections to the coming years. It incorporates examination of ongoing improvements in innovation, Porters five power model investigation and point by point profiles of top industry players. The report additionally incorporates an audit of smaller scale and full scale factors basic for the current market players and new participants alongside with detailed value chain analysis.

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Irfan Tamboli (Head Of Sales) Market Insights ReportsPhone: + 1704 266 3234 | +91-750-707-8687[emailprotected]

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Medical Wellness Market Global Outlook and Insights 2019 to 2025 - Galus Australis

We would trust these skin care, hair, and makeup pros with our lives – Yahoo Lifestyle

Every year, HelloGiggles publishes the Beauty Crush Awardsa list of the best skincare, makeup, nail, and hair products on the market. With so many creams and hairsprays and eyeshadows out there, how do we determine whats really the best? Well, for starters, we tap the minds of some of the most highly respected experts out there to make sure our product picks are top-notch.

For this years Beauty Crush Awards, we interviewed dermatologists, makeup artists, celebrity hairstylists, HelloGiggles columnists, and several beauty editors from some of our sister brands. Heres whos who.

Dendy Engelman, M.D., is a board-certified dermatologist and nationally acclaimed surgeon and dermatologist. She is widely celebrated for her expertise in neurotoxins, injectable fillers, and chemical peels, and she provides a wide range of treatments including fat removal, mole excision, Ohs surgery, and skin cancer treatment. Dr. Engelmans educational background includes a double major in psychology and French from Wofford College in South Carolina, and as a student at the Medical University of South Carolina, she earned the Presidential Scholar award and the Humanism in Medicine Scholarship for her efforts in establishing and running free medical care clinics in Charleston and Haiti.

Kavita Mariwalla, M.D., is a nationally recognized leader in dermatology and dermatologic surgery, whose expertise is in the areas of anti-aging procedures and skin cancer treatment. Prior to starting her own private practice, Dr. Mariwalla was the Director of Cutaneous Oncology at St. LukesRoosevelt and Beth Israel Medical Centers in New York. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Womens Dermatologic Society and American Society for Dermatologic Surgery in the past and is a three-time recipient of the ASDS Presidents Award for outstanding contributions to the field of dermatologic surgery. Dr. Mariwalla earned her degree in medicine at the Yale School of Medicine where she also completed her dermatology residency and fellowship training.

Tiffany J. Libby, M.D., FAAD FACMS is a board-certified dermatologist and dual fellowship-trained Mohs micrographic surgeon and cosmetic dermatologic surgeon at Brown University. Dr. Libby specializes in skin cancer, Mohs micrographic surgery, and cosmetic dermatology. She completed an accelerated 7-year combined B.S./M.D. program with Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (formerly UMDNJ) and graduated with top academic honors. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), and American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS).

Deanne Mraz Robinson, M.D., FAAD is a board-certified dermatologist with award-winning experience in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. Along with her extensive experience in dermatology, Dr. Robinson is active in academia and clinical researchshe was an investigator in research trials for Latisse and Kybella. She received her BAS and M.D. from The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and went on to complete her dermatology residency at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Most recently Dr. Mraz Robinson served as Director of the Body Sculpting Center at Connecticut Dermatology Group.

With nearly 15 years of beauty know-how under his belt, Kendall Dorseys background in hair instruction sets him apart in all aspects of his artistry. His hair-cutting techniques, color application, and wig care have struck a chord with the public and beauty world, making him one of the most sought after hairdressers in his field. With clients such as Solange, Lizzo, Usher, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj and nearly every It girl on the scene, Dorsey has captivated the industry.

Patrick Kyle began his career in hair at an early age when his mom asked him to french braid her hair. After receiving a Bachelor in Fine Arts from The University of Oklahoma, he began focusing on his career in hair in NYC. His pursuits led him to his first salon job with Serge Normant at John Frieda and assisting celebrity stylist Mark Townsend. Currently, he styles at his studio and regularly works with celebrities such as Rachel Brosnahan, Chloe Bennet, Margaret Qualley, Zara Larsson, and Kim Petras.

Mika Robinson is an NYC-based writer and HelloGiggles columnist who has a passion for sharing hard-hitting stories, sometimes with a bit of comedic relief. Her monthly column, Shades of Melanin, unpacks some of the many issues that women of color experience in the beauty community, such as why many retailers dont sell dark foundation shades in-store.

Jessica L. Yarbrough is a beauty writer based in Savannah, GA and a monthly columnist for HelloGiggles. Her column, Clean, Green, and In Between explores green beauty, eco-friendly beauty, clean beauty, and natural beauty.Her work focuses on natural, holistic, and sustainable skincare and has appeared in Vogue, BAZAAR, New York Magazines The Cut,, and more.

Blake Newby is the author behind HelloGiggles monthly column The Curl Corner. In it, she celebrates the versatility of textured tresses and covers everything from how to properly style your coils to how to protect them, and includes tons of expert input on curl patterns of all types. Her work also appears in The Zoe Report and The Revelist.

Tanya Tee Chavez is a NYC-based makeup artist who comes from a long lineage of performers and artist. She spent lots of time backstage as a kid in the 1980s, where she was enamored by all the glamour and bright colors. Her experience in color, make up, and aesthetics run the gamut from the studio to the runway with such luxury brands as Chanel, Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown, and Tom Ford.

Meredith Barafs approach to makeup derives from her simple belief that beauty precedes innovation. As an artist, she is a favorite among celebrities, models, fashion houses and photographers, not only for her gentle and generous nature, but for her inspired ability to reveal each of her subjects unique beauty while expressing mood and meaning in their eyes.

Kayla Greaves is an award-winning journalist who currently holds the position of Senior Beauty Editor at She was previously the Fashion & Beauty Features editor at Bustle and a Lifestyle Editor at The Huffington Post. Her work has appeared in BuzzFeed, Teen Vogue, ELLE, and more. She received a Bachelor of Arts in communications from McMaster University and graduated with honors.

Lisa DeSantis is the Deputy Beauty Director of Real Simple and Health magazines. She has also held positions at FITNESS and Allure, and has over six years of experience in the beauty industry. DeSantisreceived a Bachelor of Science in design and merchandising from Drexel University.

With over 22 years of experience under her belt, Ursula Carranza has made a name for herself in the Latinx community as a beauty expert. She is currently theFashion and Beauty Director of People en Espaol magazine and makes regular television appearances on the brands People VIP segment. Carranza received a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Boston University and her Master of Science in journalism from Columbia University and Universitat de Barcelona.

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We would trust these skin care, hair, and makeup pros with our lives - Yahoo Lifestyle

16 best and healthiest things to buy at Costco, according to dietitians – NBC News

If you love a bargain and you love healthy eating (or you need some inspiration), this list is for you! Registered dietitians who happen to be regular Costco shoppers weighed in with their favorite Costco finds. Along with rotisserie chicken (a weeknight staple for many), value-priced nuts, affordable fresh produce and milk, here are 16 nutritionist-approved picks our experts swear by. Youre going to want to add these finds to your next Costco haul.

Wild blueberries are filled with polyphenols and antioxidants, but setting aside the health properties, they also taste sweet, juicy and delicious, so its no surprise dietitians stock up. I like to keep a big bag in the freezer so Ill always have them on hand for oatmeal, smoothies and pancakes, even in the middle of winter, says Karen Ansel, RD, author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-Aging.

Can you see a theme here? Frozen fruits (and veggies) are just as nutritious as fresh, says Chelsey Amer, RD, New York City-based nutritionist and author of "Thrive in 5". Integrative and culinary dietitian, Marisa Moore goes for a big bag of these dark cherries at a cant-beat price. Though its an obvious winter pick (when cherries are out of season), she buys them in the summer, too, because, the cherries are pitted and ready to use!

If youre on the fence about cauliflower rice, this might just get you across the line. Microwavable cauliflower rice takes the prep work and mess out of the meal time equation, explains Jamie Lee McIntyre, RD. Cauliflower rice increases the volume of food on your plate for fewer calories and carbs, she says, which helps you increase your serving size and boost your veggie intake for a fraction of the calories. To try this strategy, McIntyre suggests adding cauliflower rice to a bowl of mashed potatoes or cup of rice.

Kelsey Stricklen, RD, at Root Functional Medicine in Grand Rapids, MI, is a fan of the frozen veggies at Costco, but her top pick is the broccoli. Im convinced Costco has THE best frozen broccoli, she says. Liz Shaw, Nutrition Expert and Author at Shaw Simple Swaps, is another raving fan! Convenience is king in my house and these frozen broccoli florets constantly deliver a delicious, high-quality product without sacrificing any nutrition. What makes this bag of broccoli a top pick is that its mostly florets, not stalks.

Stricklen says that keeping a stash of frozen veggies means that no matter what else is going on, you can always ensure you have a balanced plate. At my house, these staples come in handy, not only when Im throwing together dinner, but when we order takeout or delivery, which is often light in produce. Because frozen veggies are already prepped, our veggies are ready to eat before we set the table.

Amy Gorin, RDN, a plant-forward registered dietitian nutritionist in the New York City area keeps this salad stocked in her fridge for easy meals. Plus, its tasty and colorful enough to use when entertaining. A friend actually asked me for the recipe once, and she was so shocked that it's a bagged salad! I love crunch in my salads, so the combo of cruciferous veggies like broccoli and Brussels sprouts is the perfect compliment to the roasted pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries. You get a lot of filling fiber in this salad! If Im eating it for a meal, Ill often add in a couple of hardboiled eggs and pair with a piece of whole-grain toast or a small handful of whole-grain crackers for an easy lunch or dinner.

Whether serving guests or keeping weekdays simple, Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, founder of and author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club recommends this Costco find. This whole turkey breast is delicious and costs less than half the price of supermarket deli turkey. It stays moist because you only slice it as you need it and you can choose to cut thicker or thinner pieces depending on how you wish to use it.

This product is a super easy way to get 100 percent pure egg whites without having to waste any yolks, says Harris-Pincus. Though its considered unsafe to eat raw egg whites, this carton is pasteurized so you can incorporate them safely into smoothies, raw cookie dough or any other uncooked recipe, she explains.

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Harris-Pincus describes this staple as a blank canvas to take almost any dish from savory to sweet. Need some ideas? She suggests using the yogurt to replace fat when baking, adding it to smoothies to boost protein, or to replace sour cream in entrees.

Hardly any of us eat the two weekly servings of fish that are recommended for heart health, says Ansel, who offers this solution: Canned salmon is such an easy way to squeeze in a serving, plus its packed with good-for-you omega-3 fats so its a great alternative to tuna.

The frozen salmon burgers are a lifesaver around my house! says Rochelle Davies, RD, of Love Nurture Nourish. They go from the freezer to skillet (or grill pan) to plate in about 10 minutes flat. The short cook time helps us on sports nights when were short on time or nights when ravenous kids are quickly headed to the hangry stage, she says.

This lunchbox-sized pick is an ideal choice because, not only do they taste great, but the individually-portioned packs are perfectly portable. Plus, Melissa Nieves, RD, founder of Fad Free Nutrition Blog adds that because theyre individually sealed, they don't spoil as easily as a bigger tub of guacamole. Amer likes that they're full of healthy fats and make delicious and nutritious snacking easy.

If you dont envision your family getting through these minis before the expiration date, you can always stash them in the freezer. Theyll thaw beautifully in a lunch box or under warm, running water.

I adore almond butter but it's so expensive! says, Nieves. This one from Costco is 27 oz and costs around $9, which is what a smaller tub costs at a regular supermarket. Sports dietitian and creator of the Fit Fueling course for active women, Kelly Jones, RD, also recommends this pick. I find this one to be creamy from the top to the bottom of the jar, while also being more economical.

Heres a meal prep short cut you can feel really good about. Each cup has 8 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber, which is a significant bump from plain rice, says Jones, who explains that the nutrients in this whole grain dish can help improve feelings of fullness.

Taylor Sutton, RD, stocks up on these healthy loaves at Costco. We try to change up our weekly sandwich routine so freezing it in half loaves is a great option when you buy this bread in bulk, she says. Freezing bread is like pushing the pause button so it wont get moldy or stale.

Bargain hunters will appreciate the excellent value when buying these crackers at Costco (only $8.99 for a huge box with 2 bags inside), according to Stricklen. I love these crackers because they are made with nutrient dense ingredients, are lower in carbohydrates than many other crackers, and are great for people with gluten-sensitivity since they are gluten-free. You can dip them in nut butter, hummus or guacamole for a snack or add some healthy carbs with your lunch by dipping them in tuna salad, she says.

Everyone loves a deal, and everyone loves maple syrup, so this topped the list for many RDs. Its true that sugar is sugar, whether its maple syrup or cane sugar, but I find a little bit goes a long way with pure maple syrup (so I end up using less sweetener), explains Stricklen.

Want more tips like these? NBC News BETTER is obsessed with finding easier, healthier and smarter ways to live. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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16 best and healthiest things to buy at Costco, according to dietitians - NBC News

LDUNA Aesthetics and Wellness Center Grand Opening Celebration, Jan. 22 – Nevada Business Magazine

What: LDUNA Aesthetics and Wellness Center, designed to explore and introduce the future of advance treatments for the purposes of anti-aging, wellness, and aesthetics, is hosting a grand opening celebration on Jan. 22. Recognized astheCenter of Excellence for Merakris Therapeutics, a biotechnology company that focuses on cellular regeneration, Ldunasprocess will help to empower a healthier, happier, and improved quality of life.The event will feature jazz entertainment byNieve Malandra, delicious bites by Chef Anthony Vidal, 30-40% off treatments booked that evening, and raffle prizes.

Our centers approach to non-surgical procedures and regenerative treatments to enhance and restore youthfulness will not only change the way others see you, but the way you see yourself. says Byron Brooks,Director of Operations at Lduna Aesthetics and Wellness Center. We are grateful to the Henderson community for welcoming us and look forward to working with Henderson Leadership and community members to sponsor and support community activities and initiatives.

The med spas aesthetics category provides the most innovative, non-surgical methods of skin tightening for both the face and body. These services include Botox, Kybella, Juvederm, and other known fillers, Plasma Pen, as well as, fat cell reduction body contouring, laserskin improvement treatments, micro-needling with exosomes, and other technological skin related services. The anti-aging services offered are genetic testing and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, to ensure peak biological performance, while Ldunasregenerative medicine category includes the following treatments: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), exosome therapy, and joint mobility injections.

Additionally, LDUNAs line of featured luxury products include: Cosmedix, Lucrece, Valmont, GM Collin, NeoCutis, and Jan Marini.

When: Wednesday, January 22

Time: 5:30pm

Address: 10521 Jeffreys Street, Henderson, Suite 220, 89052

Who: Byron Brooks, Director of Operations

Dr. Bonnie Fraser, and Dr. Abraham Fakhouri, Medical Directors

Debra Newell,Celebrity Interior Designer, Featured on Netflix and Bravo

Nieve Malandra, Entertainment/Singer

Chef Anthony Vidal

Zach Zoufaly,Chippendales Performer

For more information, please visit: development) or like and share on Facebook atLduna Aesthetics and Wellness Center.

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LDUNA Aesthetics and Wellness Center Grand Opening Celebration, Jan. 22 - Nevada Business Magazine

Combining art and science in a medical practice – Coast Mountain News

Words by Kathy Michaels Photographs by Phil McLachlan

My life has been simple run fast, turn left, Dr. Andrew Dargie said over coffee one day in late fall, offering up one last thought on his work in the Okanagan and the path he took to get here.

It was an endearing understatement from someone who is clearly more comfortable with taking on big tasks than boasting about how he completed them. As a former All-American sprinter who earned a full-ride scholarship at Stanford University, speed is certainly one of the defining points of Andrews life. He competed for Team Canada numerous times, turning left over and over again as he rounded a track with some of the fastest people on the planet.

Simple, however, is where the sports metaphor falls apart.

For all his athletic abilities, academics were a priority for Andrew, who, after Stanford, obtained his medical doctor designation from the University of Calgary. In a newspaper article about him from that time in his life, a third dimension of his personality became clear. He is a compassionate individual. During medical school he found time to take on a meaningful volunteer commitment with the schools aboriginal health program. For this work he was awarded the Canadian Student Athlete Community Service Award.

His next step was entering vascular surgery residency in Manitoba.

Ultimately, he said, I realized that I loved acute care medicine, but I didnt love the operating room. So I transferred residency programs and obtained my CCFP designation and moved to the Okanagan.

Since arriving, hes worked as an emergency room physician at Penticton Regional Hospital as well as South Okanagan General Hospital. At the latter location, he is the department head of Emergency Medicine.

While in the Okanagan, Andrew took on another passion and is bringing to it the same focus and dedication he has for everything else. This passion is medical aesthetics. In addition to his ER work, he now practises advanced medical aesthetics in both Kelowna and Vernon.

I decided I love performing procedures and found something to help balance working in emergency, he said. Its personally satisfying. Im able to offer procedures that are a blend of art and science and people are appreciative and happy.

Its an interesting time in a rapidly expanding industry. Not so long ago, cosmetic surgery was the clear-cut facial rejuvenation strategy.

This can be a definitive solution to reduce the signs of aging, albeit an invasive, sometimes painful experience typically reserved for the socially elite and requiring significant down time for recovery.

Now, more people are seeking anti-aging services that are less invasive, have less down time and are more affordable. Just a few facial rejuvenation techniques that Andrew offers are botox, dysport, fillers and platelet-rich plasma injections. The clinics he works at offer lasers, CoolSculpting, microdermabrasions and chemical peels, amongst numerous other procedures and skin-care treatments.

While minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures are in high demand, the relative newness of the industry has created some issues and it is not as closely regulated as it perhaps should be. This was made plain in recent months as a non-medical civilian in the Vancouver area passed herself off as a doctor and injected dermal fillers into countless unwitting clients at a spa. She used an altered photocopy of a College Certificate of Licensure to convince medical suppliers that she had a medical licence and was certified to practise in British Columbia. In any other field of medicine it would sound ludicrous, but that it happened at all lays bare the fact that checks and balances are lacking.

Thats something Andrew worries about. And this is why he founded Aesthetics Training Canada, which offers the botox course and the filler course.

Ensuring medical professionals are properly trained is of the utmost importance. There are people injecting without any formal training in facial anatomy or rejuvenation. I said, how can I change this and provide a safe and standardized way for medical professionals to expand their scope of practice to include medical aesthetics? That was the impetus for offering these new comprehensive courses.

There are also clear gaps in proper medical care.

We have patients come in who have been getting procedures elsewhere for years, and when I go to take them through the consent process, they say, Wait, there are risks with these procedures? I was told there were zero risks, Andrew said. This shocks me. Thats not proper medicine and it really bothers me. Some people think about patients in terms of syringes or units. Or some prioritize how fast they can get a patient in and out of the door. This type of practice doesnt warn patients that there are, in fact, risks to consider.

To start creating the change he wants to see in the industry, each of Andrews treatment rooms has anatomy cards so he can take patients through what hes doing, what the risks are and how they can be mitigated.

There are all sorts of things we can do to optimize patient care, he said. If Im in emergency, whether its something as simple as cutting out a mole, or something more complicated like a cardioversion, we always take people through the risks and benefits, and it should be no different in medical aesthetics. Patients must consent and they must be educated that these are not completely harmless procedures and should be performed by experienced medical professionals only.

Adverse events can occur and these can be devastating, Andrew said. The results of shoddy, haphazardly conducted work can be disfiguring or worse even blinding and he wants to prevent this.

He also wants to bring back a more natural look.

People that come to see me get full transparency, and a natural look, he said.

The day before the interview, Andrew said he had turned away four patients who had come in seeking lip filler treatment.

Hed told them, I think your lips are already full enough and we want you to look natural.

They may go down the street and get that duck lip. But our patients arent getting that. Theyre going to get an honest and fair assessment and can expect a refreshed, natural look.

Interestingly, the four who were turned away were receptive to feedback and appreciated hearing his honest and clear communication.

Andrew has accomplished a lot in his life and is bound to take on more. What makes him different than others, however, is that he makes things look easy. He has a light and pleasant demeanour that puts people speaking to him at ease. If you didnt know better, it would be possible to believe that he did have a simple life, remarkable only by his ability to go fast and turn left.

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Story courtesy of Boulevard Magazine, a Black Press Media publication

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Combining art and science in a medical practice - Coast Mountain News

What can hold back the hands of time? Scientists have looked at these five treatments – Ottawa Citizen

Scientists have been researching ways to increase a humans healthspan and possible lifespan for decades. Here are things they have considered, and what they have learned.

The intervention:Rapamycin

What is it? First identified in the 1970s in a soil sample from Easter Island, this FDA-approved drug is used to suppress the immune system in transplant patients. Counterintuitively, it also appears to boost immune function in healthy animals. Rapamycin may reduce inflammation, which increases with age. One study found that rapamycin rejuvenated the hearts of old mice. After treatment, there were significant improvements to cardiac function. Research with mice has also found that even when they where administered rapamycin late in life, the mice still had improvements to lifespan and their healthspan.

The verdict: Geroscientist Matt Kaeberlein said rapamycin shows the most promise of any drug that targets aging, in his opinion, although he doesnt necessarily think rapamycin will increase lifespan by 20 to 30 years on average in people. Although it might at the right dose. I do think theres reason to believe that rapamycin could improve several age-related health problems, including boosting immune function and protecting against dementia, cancers, and heart disease.

But critics say it is unclear what the downstream effects could be. If you take a compound like that for a few decades, there may be downstream effect a small epidemic of lymphoma, perhaps, said geriatrician Dr. Peter Boling. While it is approved to prevent rejection in organ transplant patients, it is not approved to treat aging.

There are also questions about side effects, which may include susceptibility to infection and the possibility of developing lymphoma.

We still dont know about all of the hidden dangers. As hopeful as we might be, we have to be aware of the limitations, said Boling.

The intervention: Metformin

What is it? This drug has been prescribed to millions of people to treat diabetes. Among other effects, it decreases insulin levels. It also appears to target biological mechanisms related to aging. Its anti-aging effects may be linked to its influences on metabolic and cellular processes associated with inflammation. It has been linked to lifespan extension and protection against age-related diseases in animal models.

The verdict: The speculation in scientific circles has been that many of the drugs used to treat early-stage chronic disease may be effective, at least in part, because they target aging itself.

Metformin is an interesting case, said Kaeberlein. It clearly increases survival in people with diabetes and likely would do the same for pre-diabetics and others with significant metabolic disease, which represents a growing percentage of adults, he said. However, its less clear whether metformin will be beneficial in people who are metabolically healthy and exercise regularly.

The studies in mice suggest that metformin is different from rapamycin, in the sense that metformin only increases lifespan by a very small amount and in some cases has been reported to have no effect or even shortens lifespan in mice.

The FDA has accepted a clinical trial, Targeting Aging with Metformin, known as TAME, which will test whether metformin can delay the onset of age-related diseases and conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimers disease. The goal of the trial, which is estimated to cost $55 million, is not to help people live to be 120 years old but to add health to our years, said the American Federation for Aging Research.

Like metformin, several promising drugs show great potential and await trials. If successful, the TAME trial would give the pharmaceutical industry impetus to advance these drugs and transform aging from a period of sickness to a time of extended vitality.

The intervention: Caloric restriction

What is it? A dietary regimen that reduces calories while maintaining nutrients. Research in lab animals, which started almost a century ago, has shown that it is possible to delay age-related diseases in mice and rats through dietary and caloric restriction, but results have varied.

A parallel study of two groups of rhesus monkeys, one at the University of Wisconsin and the other at the U.S. National Institute on Aging, looked at the life-prolonging and health effects of a calorie-restricted diet. The researchers found that the Wisconsin monkeys on a diet with 30 per cent fewer calories than the control group survived to about 28 years for males and about 30 years for females a couple of years above average for monkeys in captivity. Calorie-restricted monkeys in both groups showed fewer age-related health conditions compared to the control monkeys.

Some biohackers people who use biological interventions to optimize health have embarked on caloric restriction diets, with the goal of living longer. Entrepreneur Dave Asprey, author of Bulletproof Diet, has said he plans to live to be 180 and is hacking his own biology with a number of interventions, including supplements and a strict diet.

The verdict so far: The rhesus monkey study also produced some contradictory findings. The National Institute on Agings study found that while the dieting monkeys showed improved health, they didnt necessarily live longer than the control monkeys. Its not clear why there was a difference between the two groups of monkeys, although they were fed different diets and had different feeding times and access to food. The ages at which they dieted may also have come into play.

There is no compelling evidence caloric restriction will work with people, said Doug Gray, a molecular biologist with an interest in the role of protein homeostasis in aging and diseases of aging at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

If this sounds like a depressing route to extreme longevity, even scientists agree. Noted one researcher: Life might seem longer, but it wouldnt necessarily be longer.

The intervention: Gene editing

What is it? Genome editing, or gene editing, is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced.

Last February, for example, the journal Nature Medicine reported on a therapy using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology aimed at suppressing rapid aging in mice with the rare genetic disorder progeria, which causes accelerated aging. According to the report, two months after the therapy, the progeria mice were stronger and more active and had better heart health. Their lifespan also increased by about 25 per cent.

The verdict so far: Not ready for prime time, said Boling. Even though we have successfully mapped the human genome, and its technically possible to remove a gene sequence and replace it, we have yet to successfully edit genes in a complex organism. Many people dont want to eat food containing genetically-modified organisms, let alone become one, he said.

I dont think we have a clear handle on a special gene sequence that would essentially change the aging process. I would want to see if we could do it in a limited and focused way without undue downstream consequences.

In 2017, researchers at Stanford University medical school reported that injections of blood plasma from donors between the ages of 18 and 30 showed promise for helping human Alzheimers patients with mild to moderate symptoms regain some ability to perform basic daily tasks.Colleen De Neve Colleen De Neve / Calgary Herald

The intervention: Young blood

What is it? There have been a number of studies that looked at whether giving old mice blood from young mice could reverse some signs of aging. Even the researchers admitted it sounded creepy, but the results were intriguing. One study at the University of California, Berkeley, published in 2018, found that old mice showed benefits, including better muscle repair, from receiving blood from young mice. But young mice who received old blood had negative effects, including performing poorly on a strength test.

In 2017, researchers at Stanford University medical school reported that injections of blood plasma from donors between the ages of 18 and 30 showed promise for helping human Alzheimers patients with mild to moderate symptoms regain some ability to perform basic daily tasks, such as remembering to take their medications or preparing meals. The results were based on reports from the patients and their caregivers. The researchers cautioned that more research is needed, since the trial involved only nine patients who had received plasma infusions and nine who had received a placebo saline infusion.

The verdict so far: Dont try it. In a statement last February, the FDA said it had significant public health concerns about establishments that offer infusions of plasma from young donors to treat conditions ranging from normal aging and memory loss to Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers disease, and PTSD.

Simply put, were concerned that some patients are being preyed upon by unscrupulous actors touting treatments of plasma from young donors as cures and remedies. Such treatments have no proven clinical benefits for the uses for which these clinics are advertising them and are potentially harmful, warned the FDA. There are reports of bad actors charging thousands of dollars for infusions that are unproven and not guided by evidence from adequate and well-controlled trials.

What can hold back the hands of time? Scientists have looked at these five treatments - Ottawa Citizen

Advancells Group & IFC Concluded their 3-Day Workshop on Regenerative Medicine – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - ForPressRelease) 11

New Delhi 23rd January 2020 On Saturday, January 18th, 2020, the Advancells Group & the International Fertility Center together ended their first workshop Sub-Specialty Training in Application of Regenerative Medicine (S.T.A.R. 2020). The three-day workshop had specialized doctors, medical practitioners, learned scientists of Advancells, the leaders in cell manufacturing & processes and IFC, one of India's most prestigious Fertility institute who were joined by candidates with MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BPharma & Master's degree in Life Sciences.

The key-note speaker of the workshop was Dr. Rita Bakshi, founder and chairperson of International Fertility Centre, the oldest fertility clinic and one of the most renowned IVF clinics in India, one of the organizers of the event. Participants also had a privilege to listen to Dr. Sachin Kadam, CTO, Advancells and gain hands-on experience in the preparation of PRP; Liposuction method; and Bone Marrow aspiration. All these techniques were talked about at length and demonstrated in the form of manual & kit-based models to help the candidates gain exposure.

Dr. Punit Prabha, Head of Clinical Research and Dr. Shradha Singh Gautam, Head of Lab Operations at Advancells successfully set the base of stem cell biology for the participants who were experts in gynecology field, stem cell research and pain specialist. With the help of detailed analysis of 'Application of PRP for Skin rejuvenation'; 'Preparation of Micro-fragmented Adipose Tissue and Nano Fat & SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) from Adipose Tissue'; and 'Cell Culturing and Expansion in a Laboratory', applicants understood the application of stem cells in aesthetics, cosmetology, and anti-aging.

Vipul Jain, Founder & CEO of Advancells Group said, 'Educating young scientists about stem cells is important for us. With this workshop we wanted to discuss and share the challenges and lessons we have learned in our journey of curing our customers. We wanted to establish more concrete knowledge base in the presence of subject matter experts and help our attendees in more possible ways. We are hopeful to have successfully achieved what we claimed with this workshop'.

Given the resounding success of the Sub-Specialty Training in Application of Regenerative Medicine (S.T.A.R. 2020), it's hoped that the future events shall offer even greater wisdom to the participants by helping them improve and the lead the community into the age of greater awareness.

Advancells Group Advancells is leading the field of stem cell therapies in India and abroad, with representative offices in Bangladesh and Australia. The company provides arrangements for stem cell banking and protocols for partner doctors and hospitals which they can use for treating the patients using regenerative medicine. With a GMP compliant research and processing center that works on different cell lines from various sources such as Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, Dental Pulp, Blood, Cord Tissue etc. Advancells also intends to file a patent for this processing technology soon.

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Advancells Group & IFC Concluded their 3-Day Workshop on Regenerative Medicine - MENAFN.COM

Optimum Regenerative Offers Alternative to Traditional Care | Health & Fitness –

BETHEL Optimum Regenerative Care, 2 Stony Hill Rd., offers an alternative to traditional medical options. Clinical Director Steve Geoffrion told Voices, Regenerative medicine is taking off because people are looking for more natural options when it comes to chronic joint pain or chronic diseases. He regularly holds seminars to describe the treatments at the facility, which include injections of stem cells.

Interest is high. There are usually 30 to 50 people in the room who dont like the idea of a total knee or hip replacement or the side effects of medicine.

He continued, Regenerative medicine is exactly what it says it is. Our body has an innate ability to heal itself. If you remember when you were younger, you might sprain an ankle or twist a knee and you got better. As we age, the body has a harder time doing that because our stem cells age with us and are lost over time.

According to Mr. Geoffrion, there are 200 types of cells in the human body and stem cells are master cells in charge of healing and anti-aging.

There are many misconceptions about stem cells and a lot of misinformation on the Internet. One of those myths is that this approach is new and not yet proven effective.

He claimed that stem cells are used safely in more than 30 countries.

The Food and Drug Administration has administered stem cell use since November 2017 [in the United States]. Its important for people to know that clinics and stem cell banks are highly regulated,

The staff at Optimum Regenerative Care has a combined 20 years of experience and includes Medical Director Gerald Valletti, M.D., Andrew Paulson, APRN, and Rhovia Lambino, D.C.

This is more than pain management or reducing inflammation. I got into this field because I enjoy the pleasure of coming to work and knowing I can change peoples lives.

He shared the story of a man named Rick, who began walking four miles each day after retirement.

Rick wanted to keep in shape but had to stop because he had pain in both knees. He visited doctors who diagnosed a torn meniscus in each knee. They recommended surgery but he didnt want to undergo that treatment. Instead, he received stem cell injections in each knee and, after only four weeks, was back to walking four miles each day.

He went from a pain level of nine to zero, Mr. Geoffrion added. Now, to be fair, those results are not typical. Most patients shift from an eight or nine to a three or four but those same patients would consider their results as life changing.

Many patients arrive at Optimum Regenerative Care with joint pain, but Mr. Geoffrion pointed out that the reason they want treatment is to regain activities they miss in life. The real motivation is because they cant play with their grandchildren or play tennis or golf. This is about quality of life; we get people out of pain and back into life.

Optimum Regenerative Care specializes in using stem cells to treat conditions related to arthritis, degenerative joint disease, peripheral neuropathy, and plantar fasciitis but offers alternative therapies.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is all about increasing the voltage or energy in the cells to strengthen them and promote repair.

The clinic is currently offering complementary pulse wave therapy sessions, which are intended to stimulate the production of new stem cells, to those who would like to learn more by experiencing a treatment.

Other therapies include anti-aging treatments, skin rejuvenation with micro-needling, relief for erectile dysfunction, and hair restoration for both men and women.

Im a big fan of modern medicine but if someone has a health concern, theres not much regenerative medicine cannot address in a safer and more natural way, Mr. Geoffrion said.

The next free seminar describing the stem cell and other natural therapy services available at Optimum Regenerative Care will take place at 11 a.m., 2 and 6 p.m. Saturday, January 22, in the Heritage Hotel and Conference Center, 522 Heritage Rd.

Seminar reservations may be made by calling 203-970-4466.

More information is available by visiting or liking Optimum Regenerative Care on Facebook.

Complimentary consultations are available by calling 203-917-4774.

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Optimum Regenerative Offers Alternative to Traditional Care | Health & Fitness -

Southard Med Spa in Tulsa, OK Is Launching Several New Anti-Aging Treatments – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - GetNews) Southard Med Spa in Tulsa, Oklahoma is pleased to announce the launch of several new anti-aging treatments. Since opening in 2011, Southard Med Spa has been in a local leader in the medical spa industry and a proponent of science-based anti-aging therapies.

Southard Med Spa in Tulsa, OK is pleased to announce the addition of two new anti-aging injectables to their lineup of aesthetic medicine procedures. As more and more people begin to seek out medical spas for anti-aging services, providers have been called to meet their demands with more affordable treatment options.

One of the most popular treatments available at Southard Med Spa has been Botox . However, many people are starting to seek out similar products. This is why Southard Med Spa is now offering Xeomin and Dysport.

Xeomin is a product like Botox that reduces fine lines around expression - mainly around the eyes, forehead, and between the eyes andDysport is one of our personal favorites, Dysport also reduces expression lines around the same areas, but has a wonderful effect on 'crows feet around the eyes. Dysport has a strong customer loyalty program that Southard Med Spa can assist you in using.

Products like Botox relax muscles that cause wrinkles. "Think of a piece of paper that gets folded over and over until a crease forms. If you stop folding the paper eventually the crease becomes less pronounced. The same thing happens to your skin where expression lines cause creases. You will typically notice a significant difference soon after your first treatment, but the effects can be increased over multiple treatments," said Barbara Southard, owner of Southard Med Spa.

Southard Med Spa is owned by Barbara Southard,MSN, ARNP, Certified Nurse Injector. Barbara and her husband, Dr. Wrany Southard have been operating their Tulsa Med Spa since 2011.

Media Contact Company Name: Southard Med Spa Contact Person: Barbara Southard Email: Send Email Phone: (918) 615-2125 Address: 6333 S Memorial Dr G City: Tulsa State: OK Country: United States Website:


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Southard Med Spa in Tulsa, OK Is Launching Several New Anti-Aging Treatments - MENAFN.COM